Missouri S&T Magazine, Winter 2000

Page 36

.Section News

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Miners enJoy the gorgeous scenery and delicious wi ne

Mid-Missouri Section visits Les Bourgeois Winery

Springfield, Mo. Section enjoys the MSPE Ozark Chapter Shrimp Feed Roddy Rogers, roddLrogers@cityutil,com

Bob Sfreddo '58, ubes58@aol,com Sixteen Miners and guests gathered at Les Bourgeois Winery in Rocheport, Mo., on the evening of June 23, 2000. The group sipped wine and snacked on fruit and cheese as they enjoyed good conversation from their vantage point overlooking the Missouri River. Thanks to Kenny Voss and Chris Kump for arranging the activity. Those attending were: PoIIV?3 and Larrv '13 Hendren, Chris Kump '95, Bob Sfreddo '58, Thomas Nield '94, Anika '98 and Jacob '98 Careaga, Jeff Volmert'94, Steve Durham '91, Jen Carter, Jessica Thomas '97, Fred Niemeier '95, and Amanda Mills '99

Salt Lake City alumni explore section possibilities Norbert Neumann, nneumann@inquo,net MSM-UMR alumni interested in developing a section in Salt Lake City met on June 3, 2000, at the home of Norbert '52 and Mary Jeanne Neumann. The group enjoyed a delicious dinner compliments of the Neumanns. Following a brief campus update by Lynn Stich note of the alumn i office, there was lots of reminisc ing and very positive discussions about forming a local section. The Neumann home is on a mountain outside Salt Lake and as night fell, the group adjourned to the deck to enJoy a gorgeous view of the lights of the city spread below them. Those attending included John Buttenob'89, Helen Hilburn, Norman Lian'89, Erhard '56 and Agnes Neumann, Norbert '52 and Marv Jeanne Neumann, Robert '53 and Doris Richter, Leonard Wolff '18 and Lvnn Sitchnote.

ONLINE ALUMNI COMMUNITY Early in 2001, YOll should receive a mailing with instructions on how to register for the MSM-UMR Online Alumni Community. Your main place on the Web, this community will incl ude an online alumni directory, permanent e-mail address capability, alumni bulletin boards, personal web space, and much, much more.



MSM¡UMR ALUM NUS / Wimer 2000




MSM-UMR alumni were well represented at the Ozark MSPEShrimp Feed as roughly 50 Miners were part of a crowd of nea rly 2000 people at the 60th annua l MSPE even t held at Fantastic Caverns near Springfield, Mo. Joe Miner lapel stickers were in great demand and the supply of 40 was quickly depleted. The annual shrimp feed MSPE fundraiser attracts everyone remotely related to engineering and construction in Springfield and surrounding areas. Many come from as far away as St. Louis and Kansas City. A significant number of MSM-UMR alumni in the area (and outside the areal attend, making it a great opportunity for personal reminiscences and professional networking. The "a ll you can eat" shrimp and liquid refreshment added to the fun. This was the first time the shrimp feed has been utilized as an alumni event - but the response was great and there seems to be interest in trying it again. For those who didn't get your Joe Miner lapel sticker - we'll have them at the next event. See you there I

Topeka alumni meet UMR solar car team Heartland Park racetrack in Topeka, Kan, was the site fo r an alumni picnic/student recruitment event on Saturday, May 20, 2000, featuring a tour of the UMR solar car and a picnic with team members. Kudos to the team, which took time out from preparing fo r the race, to give us a tour of the car and a presentation on the team's history and plans for the future. Over 20 attended, includ ing a prospective student and his parents, UMR students, alumni, facu lty and other guests. De licious pizza, a beautifu l day and lots of good conversation made for a fun activity. Special thanks are due to David Freise who provided inva luable ass istance in planning the event. Those attending included: Kenneth Bandelier '97, Daniel Bohachick '99, Dr. Doug Carroll '91, David Freise '17, Lee Grosch '96, Joe '59 and Mary Reichert, Chris Riemann '95 and guest, Lvnn Stichnote, James '67 and Carol Turrentine.

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