Thisfall, S&Tkicked offthe yearwith7744 studentsreadytolearnandgrow. Although itcan seemthatlife onthis campus revolvesaroundactions in pursuit of knowledge, the actions in pursuit ofinterpersonal growthare equallyimportant. This year, organizations continuedto buildeventstofosterthis growtharoundcampusand to give studentshealthyoutlets outside ofclass.
TOPTheveryfabricofspaceandtimethreatenstotear as an olderiteration ofJoeMinerinteractswiththe current one atthe Homecomingfootballgame.
Student Life
Once again, the freshmanclasswas welcomed to S&Tvia theannualopeningweekstarting onAugust 11th. During thisweekbefore classes startedup, new studentswere placed ingroups to compete inthe Project Xraces.The racesprovided opportunitiesfor students tomake newfriendswhiledesigning an RC car foranobstaclecourse. Inadditionto theraces; OrientationWeekhelped thenew freshman familiarizethemselveswiththe campuswhilethey knocked outrequiredclassessuch asLab Safety. By theendoftheweek, thenewstudentswereprepared to starttheirnewlivesascollegestudents.
TOP LEFT Teamworkhelpstoguideamarbledownatrack duringanobstacleinProjectX. BOTTOM LEFTAstudent burststhroughthefinishlineattheendoftherace. RIGHTJake Nowack,theopeningweekmentorofthewinningteamJakefrom StateFarm,leadstheteamtothefinishlineoftheProjectXrace.
Studentstook abreakfrom the rush of OpeningWeek programs and
found some funat Extreme Rec NightonAugust 13th. Students got
togetherfor sports, card games, and snacksat the Gale-Bullman
TOP NewandoldfriendsplayagameofUltimateFrisbee.
On August 18th, the Christian Campus Fellowship hostedPUMBA. Theevent allowed for incoming freshmantomakenewfriends andfeelwelcomeattheuniversity. Itwas kickedoffat5:00 AMwith torch ru11 andcontinuedfortherest oftheday. As thedayprogressed, over800peoplestopped byto take part in the fun. Bythetime the daywas over, CCFdishedout over800pounds ofpork. As Rashad Khouryputit, "PUMBAisawesome.The foodis good,butit'sthefellowshipthat has peoplecoming back. I loveit!"
SethMcKinney,CollinWebb, SamuelFish,andKristinaWortmannbanterat theCCFgathering. BOTTOM LEFT Students lineupforthedelicioustreatsprovidedbythe CCF.RIGHTGrantMcAdams,Benjamin Krause,andTylerLambfinishroastingthepork inapitonthefrontlawnofCCF.
A GoldenYear
On October 26th, S&T's Curtis Law Wilsonlibrarycelebrated its 50th anniversary ofexistance. The "goldencelebration for the books" provided pizza, cakeand freet-shirts to thestudents, professors and alumnithatattended. The block party celebrated notonly the library's 50th anniversary, butwhatthe libraryrepresented: aplaceoncampus forinnovation, teamwork, and the search forknowledge.
LEFT InterimChancellorChrisMaplesgivesan openningspeechaboutthelibray'shistory. TOP RIGHT Acakewiththecelebration'semblem reads"AGoldenCelebration". BOTTOM RIGHTShellyMcDavid,theheadofthelibrary, cutsthecakefortheattendees.
Making Connections
RHA hostedtheirAnnual IceCreamsocial onAugust 16th. Freshman gatheredwithnewlymade friends ontheHavenerlawn after a longday ofopeningweekclasses. Attendees formedteams to play volleyballand ultimatefrisbee andconversedwithpeers overcottoncandyoricecream.
LEFT Aheatedgame ofrock paper scissors takes overthe Havener Lawn. MIDDLE TOP Cotton candyconversations abound atthesocial. MIDDLEBOTTOM CourtneyGannstares warily at aparticularilytreacherous game ofJenga. RIGHT Matthew Green mans theballoon dartgame.
Equity &TitleIXandstudentdiversityinitiativeshosteda lantern release to celebrate the InternationalDay ofPeace on September 21st. Students cameto Havener on September 19th and20thto decorate a lantern tothethemeof"therightto peace".
TOPStudentsrelease theirlanterns over Bear Juan Lakeatsunset.
LEFTThebustleofthecareerfairisinfullswingshortlyafterthe doorsopen. TOP RIGHT GretchenEglyspeaksemphaticallywith apotentialemployer. BOTTOMRIGHT ColtonJacobsanand BeatriceMadisonchataboutthecompaniestheyaretryingtowork for.
TOP LEFTMarcusYoungerlearnshowhecan makehisresumestandouttotheemployersat thecareerfair. BOTTOM LEFT Carmeron BrownsitsbackastwoCOERemployeesshow himtheropesofabulletpointresume. RIGHT KelseyBrakensiekenthusiasticallygains knowledgeassheisassisted.
Parade Around the World
Inrecognitionofstudentdiversity, aparadeandfestivalwas held in RollaonSeptember29ththat displayed and celebrated aspects ofcultures fromaroundthe world. Downtown Rolla explodedinaflurryofmotionandcoloraspeople fromallaround the globeproudlyshowcasedtheirculturethroughtraditional dress, foodandsong and dance.
TOP LEFT Crowdsofstudents,professors,andmembersofthecommunitysitin thelawntoenjoythefestivities. MIDDLE MichaelKhayatposeswithJoeMinerand withotherCelebrationofNationsattendeeswhileholdingtheCanadianflag. TOP RIGHT Theparadeflowsthroughtownwiththeparadegoersholdingthenational flagsofthecountriestheyarerepresenting. BOTTOM RJGHTAfearsomedragon snakesthroughthestreetsduringtheparade.
On October 28th, the RollaIndiaAssociationand studentsacross campus celebrated Diwali. Over 100 students workedtogether toorganize the celebration. Manypreformed traditional Indian dances and music to help bring happiness andjoyinto the newyear. A traditional Indianmeal was also servedto attendees whopurchasedtickets for theevent. At the conclusionof the indoor activities, thefestivalmoved outside wherea vibrant displayoffireworksilluminated theendofthe festival oflights.
LEFTStudentsproudlycelebratetheirIndian heritage. TOP RIGHT StudentsfromtheIndia Associationdressedintraditionalattiremake musicattheDiwaliCelebration. BOTTOM RIGHTAdanceisperformedtocelebratethe victoryoflightoverdark.
A breakfast hosted by theStudent Diversity House served studentsa freebreakfastinspiredfromculturesaround the world. Themeal served toeducate studentsona foodaspect ofculturaldiversityand toinspire them to trynewthings.
TOP BenWhitepreparesscrambledeggsforstudentsarrivingatthe DiversityHouseforbreakfast.
TOP LEFTDaryn Bourneand Jacob Hunter, eachnominated by PIKE, are crowned HomecomingQueenand King. BOTTOM LEFTTaylor Smith andTyler Millerreceive theirflowersandsashes. RIGHTTamar MakjarashuiliandKetul Patel cheer asthey hold uptheir plaque.
For the firsttime ever, "Boo-Palooza" washeld in downtownRollaon October 31st. Trick-or-Treaters filledthe streets, and Students were able tovisit booths from both student and civic organizations.
TOP AmandaToyeprowlsthestreetsofdowntownRolla, dressed as avery spooky puppy dog.
Dari, Passages
In October, studentstransformedtheexperimental mineintothehauntedmine. Inside, thosebrave enoughtowanderthroughthedark, dripping tunnelswere hauntedbystudentswearing masks, creaturesjumpingoutaroundcorners, and agiant fireballthatsentshockwavesthroughoutthemine. Thehauntedminewasopentothepublic, and peoplepurchasedticketstowanderthroughthe spookypassages. Thefundsraisedatthehaunted mineweresetasideto be usedtosendstudentsto conferencesandcompetitionsforthe remainderof theschoolyear.
LEFTA manshieldshissonfromawouldbeattackerasaghoul jumpsfromhishidingplaceinthestrobelittunnel. TOP RIGHT Ahauntedminehelpersitsquietly,invitingvisitorsforaterrifying cupoftea. BOTTOM RIGHTAspookyvolunteerliesinwaiton atableunderneathablacklightbeforejumpingoutasminegoers enterhistunnel.
Gobbling& Giving
On November10th, GDIcookedan abundanceofThanksgivingmeals for theirannual"Turkey Wake".The moneyraisedfrom plate salestotaledto $518 dollars.Allproceeds fromtheeventwere given to RusselHouse. Forthefirsttimeever, TurkeyWakewas hostedatthe Locker Roombecause the Grotto hadtemporarilyclosed. 'Tm so gratefulto be a part ofGDIand havethechance to raise money forthewomenat Russell house and make adifference inthecommunity. Thisyear's Turkey Wakewas our mostsuccessfulyet" said Colleen Hatley.
TOP LEFT KaylaYates,theVicePresident, peacesoutthecamerawithstuffingstuffed chipmunkcheeks. BOTTOM LEFT Fromleft toright,KarlFahrenholtz,JasonBoes,and WilliamReardonsitenjoyingtheirmeal.
OnNovember4th,studentsgatheredinLeachTheaterfortheFallconcert.Attendeeswereableto listentotheS&TChamberandSymphonyOrchestra,comprisedofmembersoftheS&TandRolla community,performmultiplemusicalpieces,includingAlexandreTansman's"Tambeau De Chopin,"VincentPersichetti's"IntroitforStrings,"GustavHolst's"BrookGreenSuite,"andLeonard Bernstein's"OverturetoCandide."ThehighlightoftheshowwastheworldpremiereofS&Tstudent JonathanRomanko'snewpiece"GaleintheWind."Theshowwasconcludedwithastanding ovation.
LJ::FTTheorchestra stands toapplauseafter their concert. TOP RIGHT The students maintaina high level offocus throughout the concert. Many can be seen tapping their foot or swaying tothe rhythm. BOTTOM RIGHT The music from theupright basses providesa deep richness to the concert.
The Pep and MarchingBandampeduptheschoolatfootball games,parades, andmuchmoreduringthe2019-2020schoolyear. Studentswithin theprogramdesignedthehalftimeshowthatwas performedatthe homefootballgames. Full of talentedstudents, theS&T Pep and Marching Band brightened uptheyear withtheir musicalskillsand finetunedroutines.
LEFTAlthoughnot traditionaly in marching bands, theguitar addeda greatrock 'n' roll element to theperformance. TOP MIDDLE The bandplays atthe halftime show ofthe home footballgame on October 27th. BOTTOM MIDDLE The drum line focuses to keep in time with the rhythm of the song. RIGHT The bandmarches down PineStreetduringtheHomecomingParade
OnApril12ththeJazz Ensembleperformed at Leach Theatre. The group played "Charts Like Jamie", "Captain Marvel", "Speed Trap", and "In a Hurry". The smooth performance was anaudiencewinner.
TOP Thegroup begins toplay Latin Jazz classic "Captain Marvel" bysaxophonist Stan Getz.
Lions, Tigers andBears
Thisyear, studentsin theballet and dance club puton adance performanceoftheWizard ofOz. Dressed incostume,the dancers putona showtoa musicalstory line. Manystudents, locals, and friends andfamiliesoftheperformerscametowatch. The show was put oninLeachTheater on March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. It was narratedbyPeyton Shaw.
LEFTAmandaToyeportraysMissGulchinhericonictophat. MIDDLE Morgan JanssonplaysDorothyasshestandsinfrontofhernewlymadefriends. TOP RIGHTSarahJohnson,CatiePollman,AlexStewart,andElyseFreemantakethe stageasScarecrow,TinMan,CowardlyLion,andToto.BOTTOMRIGHTThe TinManandtheCowardlyLionfallasleepinthepoppyfield.
Breal< aLeg
On February21st throughthe24th, the S&T Miner LeagueTheatre Players performed "Exit, Pursued bya Bear" byLauren Gunderson. Directed byProfessorJeanne Stanley, the cast performed thedarkcomedytotheaudiences delight. Set inNorthGeorgia, the play focused onNan's planto get revengeonherabusivehusband with thehelpofherfriends, raw meat,honey,andthethreatof abear. Thecastof theperformance wasasfollows: Peyton Shaw as Nan, Marc St. Amouras Kyle, BobbyOberdickas Simon,and Kari Ward as Sweetheart.
LEFTKariWard,PeytonShaw,andBobby Oberdickgrabtheaudience'sattention. RIGHT NanandKyle(PeytonShawandMarcSt.Amour) fightasheistapedtoachairwiththethreatof beingmauledbyabearloomingoverhim.
Culture & Cuisine DINNER
On February 23rdABS hosted Dinner to Jazz at the Hasselmann Alumni House. The event was part ofthe celebrations ofBlack History Month. The theme was Gatsby Noire. Besides dinnerandmusic, theeventalsohad poetry andsinging.
LEFT St.Pat,PeterDoran,andhiscourtjudge thefolliesfromthecomfortoftheircouches. TOP RIGHTTrevorGehlertcatchesaneggduringthe fatalvisioneggtosseventatthefollies.
Each year, St. Pat'scelebrations aremarkedwiththesnake invasion. Studentsgatheratthecenterofcampuswithhand crafted shillegahstobeatoutthehoards ofsnakesstormingthe campus. Thisyear, extremetemperatures (about 10 degrees Fahrenheit) created less thanoptimal snakekillingconditions. However, evenwiththelessthan stellarweather,the snake pits were wellattendedandmany snakeswereexterminated.
LEFT Amir Farag raises his shillelagh in honor ofthe111th annual best ever St. Pat's. TOP MIDDLEAlayna Kaimannand Lauren Schmidt rip the heads offa couple ofsnakes. BOTTOM MIDDLEColin Hayez takes a dive into the mud. RIGHTGabby Murphy and Gabriel Bartels shout loudly to forget the cold
It's Friday!
Each Friday inthe springsemester,upuntilSt. Pat's, the St. Pat's Boardputon Green Friday. Studentscouldgainpoints fortheir organizationsby attending Green Friday ina St. Pat'ssweatshirt, singing songs, and participating intheweekly game.
TOP MembersofZTAsingasongduringaGreenFridaytoaccumulatepoints towardtheirSt.Pat'scompetitiontally.
On October 12th, the 2019 sweatshirtdesignwas
revealedon the sideofTheUniversity Bookstore.
Thewinning designwas made by Desirae Lee.
Paintit Green
Eachyear,inpreparation forthe St. Patrick's parade, students inthe St. Pat's board and alumni gatherintheearly morning hours beforetheparade tocontinue an annualtradition. Exhausted, but excitedforSaturday'supcomingevents, this wild grouppainted Pine Street Green. Theydragged 40 gallondrums fullofgreenpaint, and eachperson used amopas apaint bru�h. Early morning shenanigans mayhave been equallyimportant as the paintjob because at the end the boardmembers and alumniwhohelpedpaintthe streetwere atleast as green as thepavement.
LEFT"Canada"MatthewShallowjumpsafterbeingslappedinthe facewithamop. TOP RIGHTAnalumniwearsapaintsoaked mopheadaswig. BOTTOM RIGHT Paintersplungetheirmops intoadrumfullofgreenpaint.
This year, Courtarrival marked the end ofthe St. Pat's Follies, and the beginningoftheweekend celebrations. On March 13th,the courtmarchedthroughdowntownandarrivedatthe bandshell fora fewguestspeakers and tojudge the finalround ofthe follies. Guestspeakers included Chancellor Maples,the Mayor, and arepresentative from Phelps county bank. Eachone hadsome awfuljokes, andtheyencouragedthestudents tostaysafeandsmartduring the celebration. Theeventended withthelastcompetitionsofthe folliesincludingshowshillelaghjudging.
TOP LEFT Thisyear'sSt.Pat,PeterDoran, rideswithhiscourtthroughdowntowntomark thebeginningoftheweekend'scelebrations.
Thisyear, thestudentbody andgreater Rollacommunity continuedthe tradition and celebrated the111thSt. Patrick's celebration in theparade on March 16th. St. Patrick andhiscourt leadtheparade followed byfloats from student organizationsand localbusinessesandorganizations. Thefloatthemewasmiddle earth, andmanyfloatsweredecoratedaccordinglywhilepeople dressedupas their favorite lord of theringscharacters.
LEFTJohnSchweermarchesintheparadeasoneofSt.Pat'sguards. MIDDLESt. Patrickandhiscourtrideinacarttoleadtheparade. TOP RIGHT Walkingwitha chicken,MattJonesexcitesspectatorsduringtheparade. BOTTOM RIGHT KMNRridesonatrailerblastingmusicforalltheparadetohear.
Patric), Parties
Theyearlyfreeconcertwas held in downtown Rollashortlyaftertheparade on March16th. The venuewasfreeto thepublicandverywellattended. Students, locals, andvisitorsgatheredin agreat throngto heartheperformance. Themusicwasso loud, itcouldbeheardalmostamileawayfrom the venue. Theconcertwasopenedby30H!3,who performed manysongs includingtheir hit "Don't TrustMe." The headlinerthatfollowedwas Bowling for Soup. Thebandexcited thecrowdwith theirexpertbeadcatching,jokes, andaveryloudperformance of the PhineasandFerb themesong.
LEFT30H!3excitesthecrowdafterplaying "MyFirstKiss". TOP RIGHTBowlingfor Soupsings1985asmanyS&Tstudentssingalong fromthecrowd.BOTTOM RIGHTThehuge greencrowdraisestheirhandsintheairlikethey justdon'tcare.
Students inanoffcampusorganization named Slackhouse Farms created aoneofa kindparade float to share their school spiritand promote cheap, selfsufficientliving for students. Their backyard chickenswere a highlightofthe parade.
TOP MatthewGordondrivesacarthatheturnedintoaconvertiblefor
ElizabethHoffer,representingKappaAlpha: DuchessofDesire and Ecstasy
Erin Nischwitz, representing OmegaSigma: LadyofHonor and Devotion
1stPlace: Tau KappaEpsilon
2nd Place: Phi KappaTheta
3rdPlace: Kappa Delta
4thPlace: SigmaPi
5thPlace:Phi Sigma Rho
ARoyal Celebration
Starting atthe beginning of ofthe Spring2019 semester, nominated queens and knightsparticipatedin Pat's Boardsocials, abanquet, andan interview. Thisall led uptothe Coronation Ceremony on March 15that LeachTheatre. Theceremony featuredthe S&T choir, childrenfrom the community, the St. Pat's court, andthenominatedqueensandknights ofcourse. Attheend ofthenightSarni Smith wascrownedQueen ofLove and Beauty. TOP LEFT SarniSmith,representingAlphaChiSigma,iscrownedQueenofLove andBeauty. TOP MIDDLEMatthewShallow,representingKMNR,isdraggedto thestagetokisstheBlarneystone. BOTTOM MIDDLEDr.Schramm,theadvisor fortheSt.Pat'sboard,announcesthequeens. RIGHTThepreviousQueenofLove andBeauty,JessicaCaravello,standsnexttoSt.Patonthestage.
Gonzo and Games waskicked offat9 amat Schuman Park on March 14th. The volunteersmetand splitupto docharitable deeds for St. Pat's Day ofService. Afterthe morning ofvolunteering, the funcontinued at Schuman Park withthegames competition. Thegamesportion oftheeventwas 12-6 pmon March 14thand 15th. Teamsfromparticipatingfraternities, sororities, andstudent organizations gatheredto earn pointsthrough winning cornhole, frisbee golf, inflatable race, thecudgeljudging, and more. Althoughthis year mayhave been abitcoldand dreary during Gonzo and Games,students, alumni, andcommunity membersstillenjoyedthegamesandthe beergarden.
TOP LEFT Attendeesplayfrisbeegolfwiththe GonzoandGamescups. BOTTOM LEFT GonzoandGamesparticipantsarecaughtmid tosswhileplayingcornhole. RIGHT Mindy Brand,whowasthefirsteverwomanSt.Pat's boardrepin1982,hugsKatieJones,whowasthe firsteverwomanSte.Patrickin2018.
RappingUp theYear
SUBgave S&T studentsafun way to wrapthe year upneartheendofthe2019 Spring Semester:the annualBlock Party. Thisyear itfeaturedacarnival onApril24thandaconcerton April 27th. Hostedon theHavener Lawn,theconcertheadlinedHoodie Allen and Rob Stone. Studentstookadvantageofthe events tode-stress from studying andtohave funin inflatablesandhypedupcrowds.
the Havener Lawn. The groupsupportsandinforms studentsabout
sustainability oncampusand intheirdailylives.
TOP EcoMinerssetuptheirstandstoinformattendeesaboutachievable sustainability.
Eco Miner's Earth Day Celebration was a greatsuccess. Organizations around campus setup booths ontheHavener lawnto promote campus widesustainability. The activitiesranged from tiedying t-shirtsto recyclingpaper. Studentscouldalsointeract animals likegoats andsnakes atdifferent booths. Afterlearning and having fun, thestudentswho participated got to takea little bitofthe Earth Day Celebrationhome withthem intheform ofa potted plant.
TOP LEFTStephenSimmonsenthusiastically makesatiedyedshirt. BOTTOM LEFT YuchenYang,RongqiHe,andQichaoZhao representtheSocietyofExplorationGeophysics andteachattendeesaboutrocks,minerals,and theirorganization. RIGHTEbbaOldenborg, MargaretAlonso,andSarniSmithholdgoatkids attheTriCountyHumaneSocietytent.
Exercising Upgrades
On April 25th,the expansion of the Student RecreationCenterin the Gale Bullman Building was officially completed. This four million dollarexpansionwasfinishedafterayear ofconstruction. However, theimprovementswereworththewait; thegymwas expanded from 6,400to16,600squarefeetwhichallowedfor muchmoreequipment. Thedecisiontoexpandthefitnesscenter was made bythestudentcouncil in 2016.
LEFTJoeMinergetshiscardioinforthedayononeofthenewtreadmills. MIDDLE StudentCouncilleadersMadisonMooreandKaedenKessingercutthe ribbonforthegym'sgrandopening. TOP RIGHT Studentsadmiretherenovations made. BOTTOMRIGHTAnopeningspeechisgivenabouttheimprovementsthat weremadetothestudents'fitnesscenter.
Sinceits openingin 2011, the StudentDesignandExperientialLearning Centerhasprovideda place forstudentsto construct,test,andexpand theirdesignteams. However, with theincreasing involvementwithdesign teams, the SDELC wasin need ofsomeimprovements. Itwasdecidedthat SDELCwouldbe expandedoverthesummerandinto the Fall 2019 semester. Tocelebratethe groundbreaking of SDELC,the Mars Roverdesignteamwasinvitedto pullthe firstbrick.
LEFTTheMarsRoverisguidedtotakeoutthe firstbrick. TOP RIGHTStudentsandfaculty gathertocelebratethegroundbreakingof SDELC. RIGHTThefirstbrickisputondisplay tosymbolizethebeginningoftheexpansion.
Each year, somewhere betweenfiftyandonehundred
students from S&T seize theopportunitytoto traveltoanew
country fortheirstudies. In addition toallthe cultural
benefits ofstudying abroad, many exchange programs
provide credits atlowertuition costs.
TOP JosephNickellstandswithhisnewfriendsaftera15kmhikingtrip
TOP ZacharyWetzel,GauravKhairnar,DelaneyDurbin,JennaGraff,Danielle Blackard,AnelieseHebenstreit,AllyDoyle,AnnabelleCusumano,andDavid Westenberg(Faculty)poseonagianttreeafterspreadingmulchinthezebra enclosureatAudubonZoo
Thisyear, Miner Challengehad 5 teamsofstudentswhoengaged inmeetingsand fundraisers throughouttheschool year toprepare for theirimmersivevolunteer tripsoverspring break.The teamstraveled toWest Virginia toassist an education and arts program, Arizonatobuild wheelchair rampsfor community members, Colorado to workattherapyhorse ranches, Louisianatohelp the Audubon Nature Institutewith conservation, andArkansastoworkina foodpantry.
TOP LEFT TheteamworkshardinTuba City,ArizonawiththeRedFeatherDevelopment Grouptobuildwheelchairsthatwouldallowlocal communitymemberssafeaccesstotheirhomes. BOTTOM LEFT WilliamReardonshovels concretefortheramp. RIGHTTheteamthat madeithappenpausesforapicture.Willie(local contractor),WilliamReardon,ShelbyStoner, JessicaHaywood(Stafl),KetulPatel,Jasmine Al-Hussain,RachellePowers,Samantha McClenning,GabrielaRamirez,AshleighAbbott, Daisy&Bobby(homeowners),AmberPrevallet, andMelvin(localContractor)arepicturedback tofront,lefttoright.
On May 6th, the Havener Center hostedthe StudentArt Show, presented the Renaissance Student Award, andallowedvoting for Best in Show. The Renaissance StudentAward was given to Alexandra Garland. The students' artwas ondisplay from May 6th toMay 10th.
LEFTAlexandraGarlandstandswithLuceMyers,thelecturerofart. TOP MIDDLE Students'artworkwasavailableforperusing. BOTTOM MIDDLE Students'potteryissafelydisplayedinglasscabinets. RIGHTDeliciousfruitplates wereartfullydisplayedforattendees.
Lights andMusic
On April 13th, KMNR hostedtheMasqueraveatthe Moose Lodge. The eventfeaturedXavi, Poseidon, VapeJuic3, DJ MLKYWY and PeachJuic3. KMNRprovidedtransporttoand fromtheevent.
The Greek Lifeat MissouriS&T isalwaystakingactionstobuild relationships, whether thatberelationships withthecommunityorthe studentsthemselves. Greek Lifecontinuedtodoamazingcharityworkthisyear toimprovethecommunity. When not doingcharity, fraternities andsororitieshostedevents toimprove students lives around campus.
TOP LEFT Pike's "paddywagon"sits atthe chariot showcase.
B.�CK ROW MikeWeidler. Jaren Wright. Zach Kraft. Andrew Marion. Nick Swanson. Alberto Rojo. Josh Day. Jacob Resnik. SamOsborne SECOND ROW Jared Nichols. John Reeves. James Tulotta. Jonathan Thomas. Kyle Barton. Doran Grieshaber. Tyler Schneider. Jeremy Fliell. Christian Matoushek. Justin Carlsen FRO./\·T ROM·1an McLean. Jed Swanton. Philip Rangitsch. Jonathan McKinley. Jamon Peatross. Andrew Thomas. Ethan Hisle
Greek IndependentBoard
GIB est. 2013
NPHC est. 2014
BACK ROW Destiny Battle-Hilacion, Jordyn Long, Kristen Copeland, Katja Doebelin FRONT ROW Beth Borgmeyer, Megan Skyrrne, Heather Reynolds, Katarina Peterson
BACK ROWSamuel Oguonmolawa, Fred Wayne Benson III, Mahal Hajjaj, Sam Huddleson
BACK ROWBrandonClingenpeel,KostasKakadiaris,AustinHasty,JeremyClarkson,JustinYorkTHIRD ROWLarryNeuhaus,RyanLander, NathanEdie-Gordey,WadeHawksSECOND ROWMattDew, LoganThomure, GarrettPangborn FRONT ROWBrianLafser, HanokTekle, MatthewShallow, GriffinSmith
TOP LEFT AEPimembersassembleto remembervictimsoftheholocaustwith"A WalktoRemember".TOP RIGHT AEPi memberBrianLafserhelpssetupthebeer gardenwithAndrewRobins.BOTTOM LEFT TwomembersposewiththeirSt. Pat'sShillelaghsatthesnakepits.
Themen ofAlphaEpsilonPi strived ensurethattheirmemberssucceeded inside ofthe classroom andthrived outside ofit. Thebrothersheld recruitment eventsthroughoutboth semesters,whichincludedbowling andAWalktoRemember. TheNu Deuteronchapteralsohelda successful Shabbatdinnerwhere activesandpledgescametogether for blessings, food, and a freshstartfrom thepreviousweek.
Beta SigmaPsi
ETA CHAPTER est. 1952
BACKROWDanielCaroll,EvanWrice,VincentVitale,NickAsbury.JasonJohnson,NoahAschemann,JoshRovey,RyanDavis,ChrisRake,C�b Bruns,TylerFeldeaerth,JustinPeper,AustinBeers,KurtWilsonSECONDROWCameronZiegler,ElijahCunningham,NeilBrunn,GrantBroa,ater DaltonDishman,EliottGathman,MichaelMaue,JohnOkine,RobertHudson,SeanKyle,EthanHart,CoreySmith,DonaldMorard,KendrickIyne FRONT ROWDylanFalter,PeterSchainker,MattZeuschel,BrandonChristian,EricPrice,TrumanCraig,MichaelWagner,ChristopherSmitiPaul Schambach,CameronMoore,JoshuaRoscow,JonathanMcKinley,JacobLarson,JonathanDizon,HenrySkoody
TOP LEFT BetaSigma'sSt.Pat'sday floatparadesdownthestreetandwinsthe fraternityfirstinthefloatcompetition. TOP RIGHT BrothersvolunteeratCamp David. BOTTOM RIGHTThree brothersshowofTtheirshillelagh.
TOP LEFT SamanthaHartmannserves pancakesatChiHOP,aneventthatsupport theMake-A-WishFoundation. TOP RIGHTSisterssporttheirDisney'sCars themeGreekWeekChariot,chanting, "ReadySet..ChiOmega!" BOTTOM LEFT ChiOmegasisterscarrytheirflag withprideattheGreekWeekOpening Ceremony.
The Eta Kappachapter ofChiOmega grewtheir sisterhoodwith primary andinformalrecruitment seasons. The women hadparticipatedinmany campus events including GreekWeek andSt.Pat's. The Eta Kappa sisters supportedtheirnational philanthropy, Make-A-Wish Foundationthroughthe annual ChiHOPbreakfast andthe annual Spaghetti Dinner.
est. 1987 & 2008
BACK ROWJamesTwillmann, Justin Rogers, NickLuckert,AustinWilliams, Luke Swanton, CliffMartin, Jon Voss, Heath Petre, Mac Cange, �n Meyer, MichaelNacy, Sam Osborne, Adam Brzyski, Chase Neely, DrewJacobs, Bobby McCoy, DanielGacioch, Sam McGraw, Zach Marquart SECOND ROW Connor Pautz, Daniel Simoneit, Danny Drury, Zach Lewis, TJDaniels,ManeeshGona, ShaneBodimer,JedSwanton, Donny B, lamo. Alex Kessel, MatthewGenrty, Ben Sanfilippo, Kiran Steele, Mitch Brady, Mitch Davies FRONTROWTallis Lockos, Tony Luebbert, Michael Jar �s, Caleb Wilson, LiyangGu,Nate Limbaugh, Michael Dvorak, Sam Groves, Alex Zheng, Ravi Shastri, Brice Bridges, Brendan Kleinbach
ThebrothersofDelta Sigma Phi recruitedpotentialnew brothers throughavalues-basedprocess. Many ofthebrothersheldleadershiprolesin campus organizations. TheDelta Epsilonbrothersheldphilanthropy events fortheAmerican Red Cross; they alsoheldeventsfor mentalhealth awarenessweek.
TOP LEFT Keaton DeGraeve holds a puppy during Delta Sig's Dog Days, which promoted Mental Health Awareness Week.
TOP RIGHT DanielSimoneit spots another fraternity member participating in the GreekWeekHercules events.
BOTTOM RIGHT Bobby McCoy and Nate Limbaugh flip burgers forthe Burgers, Shakes, & Friesevent,whichraisedmoney forthe Red Cross.
8ACK ROWAustin Turner, Logan Huddleston, Ethan Hisle, Patrick Cobb, Richard Braun, Matt Smith, Christian Oelke, Garrett McArthur, Will TravousFRONTROWAdam Rice, Lucas Gerke, Jacob Bellomy, Ian McLean, Andy Bateman, Andrew "Texas" Robbins, Cody Pepple, Devinda Senanayake, ErikParagas, Seth McGinnis, KyleHake,Anthony Modica, CesarJaime, DrakeRastorfer
TOP LEFTTwo brothers prepare to spook incomingattendeesofthe Haunted Maze. TOP RIGHT Lucas Gerke participates in the 24th annual Haunted Maze where the profitsgo towardsJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. BOTTOM LEFT Ian Mclean and Jozen Robertson recruit new brothersat a PROday.
BACK ROW Zachery Wren,Ashton England, Christian Matoushek, Jack Wade, Hunter Taylor, Sam Losey,Drew Worley, ·osh HendricksonTHIRD ROW Joseph Raymond, Doran Grieshaber, Tyler Hollis, Zachary Ernst, Connor Schott, Joe Studer," Jhn DeStefano,Kurt Schueddig,Kevin Schulze, Nick Lambert, Landen SmithSECOND ROW Cameron Briggs,Jaxou Voyles, Bogdan Grishchuk,Cody Goins, Cooper St. John, Tyler Gass,Tommy Wagner, Hamilton Trinidad, Thomas Hennessy, Nicholas Reichert, Brett Elbert, Jacob Pappas, Paul Hummel FRONT ROW Cole Phinneym,Jacob Kannady, Thomas Herrmann, Michael Eloy, Blake Barthe/mass, Dylan O'Neal, Allen Ivesson
ThebrothersofKappaAlphaOrder increasedbrotherhood, membership, andcampusprestige.Theyheldnew events such asaSK. Thenew events raisedawarenessandfundsforthe MuscularDystrophyAssociation, whichis KappaAlpha's national philanthropy. TheBetaAlphachapter participated in: GreekWeek, St. Pat's, andOut 'Til Midnight.
TOP LEFT Agroup ofbrotherspull the guitar chariot. The knobs on theguitar control thesound on KA's speakers.TOP RIGHTColePhinney,CodyWitt, and the house chefhelpmake quesadillas, queso, and salsa for the KA and KD Kappadillas eventBOTTOM RIGHT Brother Mason George receivesthe honor ofbeing named Herald.
KappaAlpha Psi
Thursd,!J Aprol 18.201 St.Fat'sC 7,}0p
TOP LEFTTheflyer for their annual yoga event. TOP RIGHTThenupes took a group photoafterde-stressing withyoga.
Kappa Delta inspired itsmembersto reachtheirpotentialthis year by organizingeventsfocusedonfostering sisterhood andimprovingthe community. Shamrock Week wasthe week was filledwith activitiesto boost confidence andpreventchild abuse. Thephilanthropy event, Macand Cheese withthe Kay Dees, helpedraise $2000 forPrevent Child Abuse America and the Children's Advocacy ofEast Central Missouri. KD also held theAll Women's Social, and event advocatingconfidence inwomen.
TOP LEFT Members, Erica Dixon and Alyssa Roller serve hungry guests macaroni andcheese. TOP RIGHT Olivia Basleris making adog toyout ofstripsoffabric with a GirlScoutduring International Girls Day. Thetoys aregoing tothelocalanimal shelter.BOTTOM R/GHTMeenaLahiri celebrates at theAll Women'sSocialby proudly displaying the shamrocks.
Kappa Sigma
BACK ROWWill Annunziata, Cameron Jarvis, Sean Weisenfels, Gehrig Bristow, Joey Galczynski, Austin Dixon, Colten Hoenes, Maxwell Right, Jack TuckwellFOURTH ROWTimothy Cochrann, Joey McEvoy, Matthew York, Troy Siebert, Ian Greenwood, Brandon Whyte, Jeffrey Smith, Wyatt Shay, Brian kissel, Collin Cox, Tyler HoweTHIRD ROWSabri Safi, Nathan Thelen, Cameron Smith, Alex Andrews, Chris Roggenburg, Jackson Pence, Chris Roddenburg, Foster Walrath, Nicholas Baczewslei, Tyler Hesting, Bradley Furfaro, Riley Putnam, Jake Schreeter, Holten ConawaySECOND ROWReed Piezuch, Tyler Schneider, Brad Stetson, Conor Buckley, Luke Le, Timur Guler, Austin Poulsen, Clayton Ohmes, Sam Louvall, Jameson Corrigan, Jack Wrocklage, Ryan Adams, Braden GustitusFRONT ROWD'Tanyon Maxwell, Joey Schultz, Cameron Billings, David Hammel, Joseph George, James Tulotta, (HouseDog - Meeko), Austin Potter, Alex Drake, Colton Walker, Jacob Maxwell, Charlie Dienstbach, Hunter Hughes, Danny Irick(NotPictured; Dan Quasebarth)
TOP LEFTA KappaSigbrothergrills duringthe Oktoberfestevent. The proceeds gotowardsTheMilitaryHeroesCampaign. TOP RIGHT Three brothersshowcase theirchariot, an "exact" 19/24scalemodel of the DeLorean fromBackto theFuture. BOTTOM LEFT Brotherspullwith all theirmight. attemptingto win agameof tug-of-war forthe Greek WeekClosing Games.
The brothers ofBeta Chiparticipated in Greek Week, St. Pat's, andmany other campus activities showing how thefraternityexcelled. The brotherhood ofBeta Chi celebrated their 115th yearon campusduring homecoming. The Kappa Sigma brothers held philanthropyeventsto raisemoney fortheMilitaryHeroes Campaignand Susan G. Kamen fortheCure Breast CancerFoundation.
CHAPTER est. 1917
BACK ROWAustin Robertson, IvanBooth, Maverick Gray, EvanGreen,Tyler Fank, Jack DeRuntz, Justin Palermo, Carter Daniels, ChrisShef Id, BrendanMcGrellis, Jake Manis, MikeWeidler, Patrick NickelsFOURTH ROW Jonathan Perry, RobertWulff,Conner Kolander, David Naumam Sercan Akcay, Mason Hoffman, Nick McCann, Wayne Porowski, Justice Binder, David Newmann, WillCavanagh, George Garner, Dustin Barton
THIRD ROW Dan Josten, JustinBond, Brad Jones-Carlile, RyanRipper, Kyle Barton, Blakely Mayhall, Colin Lunsford SECOND ROWCla) ,n Hayes, Cade Dillard, DarrianStewart, BrandonThomas,TrentonCourtney, Ian Williams, JacobGruszczynski, Nathan Biggers, ShawnFaulkingha: Jr., Josh Robben, GregAndert, Andrew Mikes, Keegan Schnell, DylanNeece.FRONTROW JoshHarmon, Kai Shafe, AustinEbert, BernardCela, E c Linger, Drew Bums, Jake Lambert, Drew Neubauer, Caleb Baker, Zach Bullerdick, Asher Gruenbacher, Drake Matthews, Chase Patterson
TOP LEFT Patrick Nickels, David Naumann,and Nicholas Mccann serve chicken atthe benefit dinner. TOP RIGHT LambdaChi Alpha letters sit out front ofthehouse. BOTTOM RIGHT Brotherspose theirjungle theme Greek Week chariot claiming, "We're the kings of thejungle. No furthercomment."
BACK ROWWrenRalston, Alice Skye, Jordyn Long SECONDROWDestiny Battle-Hilacion, KrisPhillips, Kayla HindleFRONT ROWMegan Skyrme, Shiloh Smith, Emma Huber
TOP LEFT Carsare scatteredacross the carpet for the Aliensvs Robots event's games. TOP RIGHT GRL members sell candyin Havenerto get inthe spirit of Halloween. BOTTOM LEFT Jordyn Long participatesintheAliensvsRobots recruitment event.
FRONT ROWJordanMorrow,SamOgunmolawa,MahalHajjaj,IfeSifTrey
DOING GOOD PhiBetaSigmaisafraternitythat's dedicatedtostrongbondsof brotherhood,livingwithintegrity, servinghumanity,promotingquality educationanddevelopingleaders.The GammaGammaGammachapterheld eventstopromotebrotherhoodand hadcommunityserviceevents.
TOP LEFT The members dance inthe Havener Atrium. TOP RIGHT The dancinginthe atrium improvesthe mood ofthearea.BOTTOM RIGHT Samuel Ogunmolawaand SidneyWebster collects recyclables every Saturday in the month of October.
Phil{appa Theta
BACK ROWJames Oliver, Jacob Borror, James Schueler FOUTH ROW Justin Tunicliff, Corey Schepers, Dave Kurowski, Joey Bollisina, Blake Dechard, Joe Billing, Ben Rule, Blake Henneman, Austin Eisterhold, Peter Holtmann, Cole Fennewald THIRD ROWConner Manley, Kevin Curran, JakeShepard, AaronSchepers, Christian Pyle, Matt Weiss, Dalton Pafford, Will Gallangher, Logan Moritz, Dawson Nettleton, Cody Flichinger, Drew Harm, Kurt Lueders, Nick Lodder SECOND ROWAlex Petersmeyer, ZachFinley, Brad Same, Nick Sipple, Joe Snyder, Duy Ngo, Jacob Bielawski, Carl Layos, Ben Schaefer, Dan Golob, Walker Easley, Evan McCarkle, Matt Nesbush, John Kelly FRONT ROWJoe Huynh, Keaton Allen, Ryan Griffin, Christian Buehler, Jon Mataya, Matt Lewis, Cameron Midyett, Ethan Baber, Joey Harmann, Ryan Fegarty, Kevin Higgins
TOP LEFT ZachFinley shakes the ping pongballs out of histissue box at St. Pat's Follies. TOP RIGHTThebrothers of Phi Kapps plays soccer against Kappa Sigma duringclosinggames of Greek week.
BOTTOM LEFT Logan Moritz. Ben Rule. Peter Holtmann. Zach Finley. and James Schuelercompeted in a dodgeball tournament toraisemoney for Substance Abuse Awareness
BACK ROWBenjamin Muller, Connor McCallister, Jason Kostelnick, LeonardUrbas, Michael Engelbert, NickNuaman, Jack Henke, James Michels, DanielEvers, MarkEllefsen, Joe Ivanchuk, GabeNeura, Blake Becker, Zachary Morrison, Alexander Siampos, Quentin Zak,Andrew Pappas, Collin Pepper, Sam Bailey, David Poteet, Aidan Murphy, Beau Scruton, JakeAnderson,Casey Kemerer, Seth Kemerer, Lukas Bell, MacklinZinselmeyer, DanielGreise,JaredWestrich, Benton Brightwell, Luke Carey, Benjamin Mattes, JesseGeorge, Julien Denis, AnthonyTruong, Pal Benum, FOURTH ROWMichaelSallen, Sean Perryman,ColeCissel, Gavin Etz,JonTodd, Bradley Grothaus, Rhett Romanik,Jacob Mendez, Jacob Bayless, Harry Medler, Hiram Duran, Matt Klein, THIRD ROW Adam Koncki, John Nelson, ZacharyEyler, NicoDalumpines, Jon Zettwoch, Nolan Herbst,Joshua Bruce,MarshallWoods, SECONDROWAustinHoers1ekamp, ColeLooney, BenHughes, AlexanderBurns FRONTROWAlecMiller, JohnIfjland, AllanGromilic, Mark Daming, Dakota Saylor
TOP LEFT Brett Donner gets ready to launch the ball for PIKE'sStrike Out Diabetes philanthropy event. TOP RIGHT Trevor Kopp plays a part in the )di-Odysseys during Greek Week.
BOTTOM LEFTPi Kappa Alpha hosts their first ever Pike's Pupseventto aid in adoptions for local animal organizations.
TOP LLFT Randy Greeves. Derek Dillinger. and Wesley Parnellride away the miles. taking part in "Distance for Disabilities". TOP RIGHT Pi Kappa Phi winsthe Silver League IM soccer championship 5-1. BOTTO.\I RJGHT Ethan PeregoyandJohn Reevesencourage studentsto participate in the Distance for Disabilities event.
Sigma Chi
BACK ROW Sam Tichy, Ian Piskulic, Eli Rychtarczyk. Michael Shaw. Casey Hines, Zach Seyer, JayHicks. Bryce Greer, Leon Jiang, Brenden Tonnies, JonAndrews MIDDLE ROW Daniel Martin, Nolan Earley, David Bogue. SamHardy, Tyler Jones, Isaiah Morrow, Saige Coin, Cade Cowan, Drew Tonnies, Clay Landoll, Hans Pruter, Alex Jacobs, Zach Wetzel FRONT ROW Brady Nierman, Michael Schrick, Tommy DeHart. Philip Rangitsch, ZachWeinrich, NickQuintana, Jamon Peatross, Travis Gittemeier
TOP LEFT David Bogue and Chris Schult and serve Tom DeHard taters at the annual Brats & Tots fundraiser. TOP RIGHT Brothers get pie in the face for the Derby Days Fundraiser. BOTTO:\/ LEFTFraternity members scrub down a vehicle ata car wash fundraiscr.
TOP LEFT Ross Jones and Jonathan Thomasrecruits new brothersat a PRO day. TOP RIGHT Brothersline upto participatein Knight for a Night. BOTTOM RIGHTNoah Pharis hands out food for Sig Nu's chicken wing lunch and volleyball tournament.
Sigma PhiEpsilon
BACK ROW Adam Widmer, Lucca Burzio-Roca, Jack Buxton, Alex Kallal, Alex Winter SEVENTH ROWLucas Sochinski, Jarod Schmidt, Max McCune,Ryan Zickel, Mike Mikitin, Grady Cooper, Alec Decker SIXTH ROW Andrew Duke, Danny Trask, Andriy Sytyashenko, Jack Willbrand, Alex Myers, Miles Huber, Sam ThompsonFIFTH ROW Tony Allen, Shani! Tailor, Travis Tice, Andrew Webb, Nick Lange, Luke Lohmann FOURTHROW SeanWilliams,Matt Batman, Kieran Watson, Dennis Pkemoi THIRD ROWAdam Thomas, JackLiu, Mikey Stevenson, Adam Kreuger,AustinReiniger, SamOstby, Jeremy FliegSECOND ROW Mason Smith, Derek Steinbach,Almin Pilica, Aaron Chang, Cody Dunnegan, Ean Buffington,RyanWainz, Jacob Kassing, JackStaab FIRST ROW Morgan Schenck
TOP LEFT Derek Steinbachsitson the See SAAW, which promoted Sexual Assault Awareness Week. TOP RIGHT The fraternity and Title IX organized an campus wide event called The Hook Up. BOTTOM LEFT Nik Shengelia spots another fraternity member atthe Greek Week Herculesevent.
Sigma Phi Epsilon participated in GreekWeek, Intramural Sports, and more. TheMissouriGammachapter held theirthirdannualSexualAssault AwarenessWeekthisfall, putting upa See SAAWand co-hostingan informational withcampus Title IX.
BACK ROWAlex McDade,Jacob Brownfield, CharlesFuchs SECOND ROW WyanThompson, Nathan Merher, Alec Belue, Peter Doran, Z :har Goring, DanielHeine, Jacob Kunes, Alexander Martin, Alexander Hollenberg, Connor Chadbourne, Richard Dolan,TristanBlakeFRONT R0 Zakary Hoffman, TJ Garbs, John Lawrie,Joshua Eifert,Austin Ly-Vu,Tarun Pasupuleti, Sourya Mogallapu, Cody Crabtree, Christopher Steinbac
Gave Bacl,
TheAlpha-IotachapterofSigmaPi participated in GreekWeek, Intramural Sports, and St. Pat's. Sigma Pihas twoNational Philanthropic causes, namely, Donate Life, and AmazingDay. TheAltruistic Campus Experience (ACE) is aweeklongproject thatisdedicated togivingbackto campus and Rollacommunity.
TOP LEFT Charles Fuchs throwsthe football tohit oneofthethreetargets duringoneofthe Idi-Odysseygames. TOP RIGHTTy Murphy and Tyler Bartholow recruitnewbrothers at a PROday.
BOTTOM RIGHTPeter Doran brings pride tothe fraternity byearningthe esteemed title ofSaint Patrick.
Sigma Tau Gamma
BACK ROW Alex Dietrich, Nick Ekstrom, Andrej Komarov, Jacob Lenz, Joshua Dierking, Brandon Kane, Peter Jaegers, Daniel Wilson SECOND ROWBrad Stewart, Blake Rash, Scott England, Matt Hogan, Jet Wang, Andy Ney, Ethan House, Zach Chaudour, Joseph Suntrup, Jesse Matthews FRONT ROW Clayton LaVenture, Travis Austinson, Logan Glaze, Dustin Burx, Neal Jackson, Brice Wyatt, Coltin Shields, Jacob Geringer, Nate Raciun
TOP LEFT Brad Stewart, Jacob Geringer, and Joseph Suntrup recruit new brothers at Pro Day. TOP RlGHTJet Wangdefends snakes from campuswith his shillelagh. BOTTOM LEFT Peter Jaeger stands next to Sig Tau's kudgel.
The Alpha Omega ChapterofSigma Tau Gamma participatedin Greek Week, Intramural Sports, and St. Pat's. Sigma Tau Gamma's National Philanthropyisthe Special Olympics. Sig Tauheld severalevents each semestertoraise money specifically forthe SpecialOlympicsofMissouri.
BACK ROWConnorWhite,AlexBeale,DanielBugarin,TylerSeats,JacobStauffer,BrendenBratsch,JohnBlanton,JaredBuese,AlbertoRojo,)avi Scott,JakeBartch,AndyKrawzcykFIFTH ROWTristenNash,JCWalkenhorst,EdwardMueller,ColtonGholson,JoshCash,ZachKraft,Will'.Joe FOURTH ROWSethSpinner,WillBump,EvanSmoot,MatthewWilke,EthanHarris,JacobLove!,NathanMeuser,CalebCreelman,Trevor Stephens,ColeStieger THIRD ROWJamesStrahm,ConnorGrzovic,AustinKatzenberger,NoahWilliams,MichaelTaylor,AnthonyWahby,(ianc Jeffries,GriffinElliott,BrentBauerschmidt SECOND ROWTylerDrabing,ConnorGlisson,NathanWacker,JackDowney,QuentinStokes,Lgan Gallagher,TylerNadler,EricHanson,AlexHuff,GrantJanicki,EthanLowreyFRONT ROWAaronTucker
TOP LEFT MichaelTaylorgives MatthewJeffersonacupofwater."The housethoughtgivingbloodwasthebest waytocontributetothecommunity," Taylorsaid. TOP RIGHT"CoachSteve" participatesintheuglymancompetitionto raisemoneyforCASAforchildren.
BOTTOM RIGHT EthanHarris presentsthefraternity'sshowshillelagh.
Theta Xi
BACK ROW EricVaughn,EvanBohlman,KurtLott,JackWeir,CalebLowell,JacobLovelace,AustinPetty FRONT ROWDainonStephenson, TaishiHiguchi-Roos,DaltonVining,BradyKluesner,JustinWright,TalonClay,VietNguyen,KevinReis
TOP LEFT Thenewhouseshinesinall itsgloryonthecornerofPineand16th.
TOP RIGHTKevinReisvolunteersat thecommunityresalecenterwhich,"gives backtotheRollacommuntiy,topeople whoarelessfortunate." BOTTOM LEFT BradyKluesnerandAlbertPerlmanrecruit newbrothersataPROday.
The Alpha Psi chapter had the construction completedontheir property in time forthe Grand OpeningCeremonyduring homecoming. ThetaXi participatedin Intramural Sports, Homecoming, and St. Pat's. Theyalsovoluneeredatthe Rolla Resale Shop.
BACK ROW GarrickWebster,EvanGoodwin,NicholasShulte,DavidTruong,EricHeidbrink,AidenStone,JasperByrd,TristanShelby,SamuCox. IsaacWesselman,AlexanderBan SECOND ROWDakotaTurlington,RenoGillenwater,OwenMurphy,ZackeryBazan,KyleHuchzermeier,Ran Spillers,TimothyMcafee,WyattPickett FRONT ROWJustinGuingardandSampson
TOP LEFT MemberRenoGillenwater facesacompetitoronaninflatableata recruitmentevent. TOP RIGHT AttendeescompeteatMonopolyinthe 24-HourGame-athontoraisemoneyfor theChildren'sMiracleNetwork.
TOP LEFT Jackson Pence escorts Katie Branonduring Crown Princenominations.
TOP RIGHT Lydia Loethen, Callie Hall, Duyen Do, Nicole Morgenthaler set up a table duringthe October pink volleyball game for breast cancer awareness.
BOTTOM LEFTA group ofZTA ladies pose with cupcakes outside ofHarris Hall during Pink Week.
ZetaTau Alphasupported breast cancerawareness through their annual Pink Weekactivities duringthe monthofOctober. Thewomenofthe EtaTheta chapter hadparticipatedin manycampus events includingGreek Week and St. Pat's.
The actionofsportshelpsto improveMiners' physical and mental wellness and als givessomethingfortheschool torallybehind.Manyteamsthis yearshowedpromisi 1g improvementastheydugdeeper for greatness. Whether it beduringa game or inthe class room, thestudentathletes broughtprideto S&T inthe2018-2019 year.
TOP A member ofthe track teamstands proud before the meettakes place.
TheMinersmadehistorywith oneof thebest seasonstheschoolhaseverhad. Thisyearwas the first timein68 yearsourteam wonapost-season game.Theteamendedtheseasonwithapositive 10-2overallrecord. The 10-winseasonwasthe third inthehistory of the Miner footballprogram. IndividualMiners alsomadehistory thisyear.Brooks wasselectedtothe NCAADivisionIICCA'ssquadas asecond-teammemberandclosed2018 withanS&T single-season record22 tackles fora!assand 11 quarterbacksacks. ChapmanledtheGLVC with23 passes defended, the fourth-most inthenation. BrooksandChapmanwerebothnamedtothe D2Football.comteamashonorablemention selectionsandbecamethefirst duoselectedinthe sameyear since2007.
TOP LEFTBraxtonGraham[3]receivesa17yardtouchdown pass,leapingabovehisdefender. BOTTOM LEFTDeshawn Jones[34]sidestepsatackleforafirstdown. RIGHTRoderick Chapman[7]racesawayfromatackleforatouchdown.
Adrian Davis, Christian Robinson, Calvin Whitfield, Quentin Gra_r. Lincoln Talboti, Devon Hutson, Daniel McMurran, Evan Raterman SIXTHROW ThomasBowers-Shaw, Stefan Camp/in, Derek Bithell, Henry Preckel, Ben Styron, Zach Glaess, Jo,eph Boeucher, BreuCampbell, JalonAllen, McKennan Starkey FIFTH ROW Joe Ghormley, Logan Armontrout. Tim Ghormley, Jonathan Banowetz, Austin Griffin, JakeVersemann. NathanMikuski, JoshThornton, GarrellMiller. Josh Elam,BrandonGonzalezFOURTHROWKyle Spring/i, AlexMauntel. KyleUlrich.Ke'JuanKing, Nino Schmill, BenStraatman• Joshlwaniec, Wyall Schencker, Walker Stillman, JakeLarson THIRD ROW JackHayes. Deshawn Jones, Br_vce Stevenson. Jordan Gomez. AaronMoya, Bo Blomenkamp, DontaY White, AundrayHenle.v. Seth Thompson, Skylar Sappington, PaytonMcAlister SECONDROW Justin Onwugbufor. Tate Nickleberry, LukeHertzler. Ryan Kirkendall, Josh Lowden AustinHolmes, Ebrahem Salem. Tershawn Wharton, JoshBrown. Brennan Simms FRONT ROWChandlerAnderson, Duncan Ashley, VidalDaniels, Shaun Williams. Landon Compton. JustinVaughn. Bo Brooks, Michael Hutchcraft, Roderick Chapman. Tyler Swart. Braxton Graham
BACKROWAshton Smith, RickVernon, Evan Knight, DJBland. Todd Drury, AndyBall, Tyler Fenwick. MichaelBurton. BenBrummer, BenMauhews, WillBaum, Cassid_;·Feeney. Lamar WilkesNINTHROW Cameron Chesick. AlexBaylor, ChaseCole, Jacob Bartee, JoeWilkinson. Max Liz, Tavin Ou, Staton King, RafikaFaci, Briuany BennsEIGHTHROW DavidAdams. CharlesGolliday, Ethan Gatzemeyer, RashadRobinson, ChaseActon. Duncan Stamps, Ryan Lander, Kyle Viverito, Jacob Sanders. Jack Krisanic, RyanHolcomb SEVENTH ROW Jack Roush, HaydenMiller, RyanLangford, Kenneth Richmond,MichaelMuehlberger.
Great Lakes Valley Conference
LEFT EorahemSalem[77]jumpsupintohisteammatesarms,congratulatingthem onthetouchdowntobringtheMinerstoa45-7winoverLincoln. TOP RIGHT RyanHolcomb[55]smashesthefootballinabrilliantkickoff. BOTTOM RIGHT
The cheerleadersgo to gameswith the sametenacity and energyasthosethat theyare cheeringon. S&T'ssquadgives their all each game topushthe Minersto victory. With a whoop & hollerand a kick & punchourcheerleadersralliedthe crowd.
TOP RIGHTTheladieslineuptosupporteachother astheykickandcheer. BOTTOM RIGHT Marylyn PhansmilesandcheersonthecrowdduringtheMiner's Homecominggame. LEFT Thecheerteamexcitesthe crowdduringaclosebasketballgame
The Gold Miners holdnothing back. with precisiondance movesanda smile on theirface, the Minersperform forthe crowd during halftime. Effortlessand poised, they struttheir stuff. Whenthe band plays the fightsong, the goldgirlsare rightthere togetthe crowdroaring.
TOP LEFT TheGoldMinersstrikeapose.
BOTTOM LEFTWhileholdingontoeachother,the GoldMinerslandanexcellenthighkick. RIGHT AmberLawrenceandKellyChristopherperform togetherattheHomecomingfootballgame.
BACK ROW SarahCovey,DuyenDo,TaylorSchwahn,MarylynPhan,HaileyHicks,SarahFerguson FRONT ROW JessicaLeigh, KellyChristopher,AmberLawrence,MariaGugliano,AlyssaBax
Men's Soccer
Themen'ssoccerteam didn't performthe waytheywantedduring the season, posting a 3-6 conference record. Theteam hadatough season with quite afew overtimebattles. They always pushedtheir hardestand foughtuntil theveryenq. sometimesleading tovictory.
TOP RIGHT Joe Mueller [5]shootsa strongpenalty kick infromthe sidelines. BOTTOM RIGHT The team "hangin' loose" during their battlewith Upper Iowa. LEFT UnnarUlfarsson [18] is determinedto push past a defender toward the goal.
Great Lakes Valley Conference
L 0-2 Bellarmine
L 1-5 Quincy
L 0-2 SouthernIndiana
W3-1 Drury
L 2-3 WilliamJewell
W3-2 Rockhurst
L 2-3 Missouri-St. Louis
W 3-2 TrumanState
L 0-2 McKendree
Jesse George. Cade JohnStone. Mike Scharf FROf,;T ROWSam Short. KyleCarberry. Joe Muellu Will McIntyre. Tim Schreffi. Josh Zembas. Alejandro Chavarri. Mitchell Mueller. Brady Harrison. :Wark Poindexter
BACK ROW Hunter Short,Austin Parks, JasonJorgensen, Michael Saliee, Lu ·as Mitchell. Nick Posey, Corey Jolitz. Unnar Ulfarsson. Tyler Sivadon. Andrew Hci Jer. En FerenbachSECOND ROW David Murphy. Trey Haman, Julien Denis. Sean Perryman. Thomas Jorgensen. Pal Benum. Clay Hallman.
TOP RIGHTMinerputtstheballinwi\hease. BOTTOM RIGHT BryanStogsdilldrivesitdownthe alleytothedismayofapanther. LEFTMikeFinnegan staresintothedistanceafterahardday.
Our Lady Miner's were above par this year with some strong performances both as singles and as a team. Lauren Allen made the All-Tournament team and brought the Miner's to 5th place during the Agnes McAmis Memorial Tournament. They will come back next year to take it all.
TOP LEFTLaurenAllenwatchestheballsoartothe hole. BOTTOM LEFTAnnaReisingerslapsthegolf balldownthegreen. RIGHT HeadCoachAmyWest stareswithdetermination,hopingtobringhomeawin withhergirls.
Great Lakes Valley Conference
6th Place Screaming Eagle Classic
5th Place Dan Salisbury Memorial Invitational
1st Place Panther Fall Classic
3rd Place Island Getaway Classic
5th Place Missouri Western Invitational
5th Place Jennies Invitational
5th Place Agnes McAmis Memorial Invitational
10th Place GLVC Championship
FRONTROW Riley McFarlane, TylorWhitley, Katie Hamilton, Lauren Allen, Karson Kimsey, TaylorOrnelas, Anna Reisinger, Head CoachAmy West
TOP RIGHTMax Middendorfshoots his wayacross the pool with a powerful breast stroke. BOTTOM RIGHTAlex Grahamcalmly free styles throughthe cold. LEFT Miners prepare to dive into thewater, ready to beat records
BACK ROWDylanFriesz, Morgan Meyer, Marco Flores, Alec Davis, Jared Dachroeden, Ethan Shih, Chris Betts SECONDROWTim Samuelsen, Josh Um1>Sh. Colten Becker. Alex Graham, Noah Baden, Max Middendorf, Cole Akal FROI\ r ROWAaron Taske, Andy Huffman. Kevin McPherson. Alejandro Chavez
A new coachingstaff, a new logo, and a better mindset translated intoa successful 2018 season for these ladies as the Miners improvedin almost every statistical category. The team set a new school record with a 7-2 openingstart and finished with an overallrecord of 15-15.
TOP LEFTLady Miners throw up their arms for solidarity during a tough game. BOTTOM LEFT Miner slams the volleyball down right past thedefense waiting for her. RIGHTMiner sets theball for a spike by her teammate.
TOP RIGHTArthurChanweaveshiswaythroughhis competitors. BOTTOM RIGHTBristolHargis pushesthroughthedrainingheat. LEFTCerowAligab turnstheafterburnersontoshootpasthiscompetitors
Great Lakes Valley Conference
BACK ROWChris Kuchta, Duncan Clark, Bristol Hargis, Hayes Pateidl,Morg.Jn Cauveren, Justin Johnson, Nick Ernst, Kevin KeckSECOND ROWCoach M;try Duerbeck, Cerow Aligab, Liam Jennings, Ethan Haller, Andrew Lofgren, Mark Krueger. AJ Knowles, Marshall Vaccaro, Coach Shaun MeineckeFRONT ROWStudent Assistant Madison Weiner, Nathan Gillespie, Arthur Chan, Jaxen McNeese, Wil Crutcher, Kyle Mrotek, Adam Krause, Garrett Blanchard, Dillon Ruble
Women's Cross Country PERSEVERANCE
It was a great season under the hot sun for our Lady Miners. The team placed fourth at the GLVC Championships. Freshman Emily Griesenauer came in 11th place in the 6k while Kennedy Duffy finished two spots behind her to earn them both All-Conference honors.
TOP LEFTMinersgroupupforsolidaritybeforea meet. BOTTOM LEFT BrookeSlaytonlookswithin herselfforcourageandconfidencetofinishstrong. RIGHTKristaHilmaspushesherwaythroughagroup ofrunners.
BACK ROW KristaHilmas,AnnieSimpson,KristinGoerger,HannahShearer,Anne Vernon,TarynAdam FRONT ROW NandiniKumar,EmilyGriesenauer,Mikahla Brinkley,ToriBonnot,HaleyHingst,BrookeSlayton
TOP RIGHTNikola Andrichoopsitinpasthis opponentsdefense.BOTTOM RIGHT JuwanMiller stormsthroughtheblockforabeautifuldunk. LEFT DulanScotthitsafreethrow.
Great Lakes Valley
BACK ROWAssistantCoachDakotaFortner,JalenMyers,ErvinSarajlic,Roman Louiserre,KyleBushman,NikolaAndric,MitchFairless,DulanScott,AssistantCoach MarquesBaldwin,VolunteerAssistantCoachTyroneDavidson FRONT ROIJ•Nathan Elmer,YahmirMuhammad,CJHedgepeth,HeadCoachJimGlash,JordanNe"t. BrooksGerrity,JuwanMiller
Women's Basketball
Thisseason wasabattle. The Lady Miners improved fromlast season with a conferencerecordof 5-13 and overall 9-16. Theywererankedas one of the top teams in the leaguein three-pointpercentage (36.2) and assists per game (15.9). Alex Kerr wasnamedAll-GLVC Freshman Team.
TOP LEFTMichaela Davis forces her waypast the defender with brute force. BOTTOM LEFT Ashley Harvey passes the ball withmasterful intent. RIGHT Alex Kerr shoots a free throw withdetermination.
This season our Minersdidexcellentwithan overall record of 30-17 andaconferencerecordof22--11. Reliefpitcher StuartMartin was namedtothe Division II Conference Commissioners Association's All-Midwest region team. Dalton wasalsonamedto the Google Cloud Academic All-District team this seasonandfinishedthe 2019 campaign witha7-5 recordand 74strikeoutsin881/3 innings. Unfortunatelywe couldn't make itthrough the playoffsthis seasonbutour boys will be back again.
BACK ROWStuartMartin,BryceCharipar,ConnerForsythe.ChaseStebbing.DaltonErger,BrendanGarza.BradyWildschuetz.Will Boettcher,MattLamb FOURTHROW JoshParmentier,DylanDunbar,MattGruse,EvanCrawford,JoeWolf,CarterMartens.Bry;,n Nolan,ZachBracken,CameronBurk THIRD ROW TimLira,MikeWard.JackDegarmo.BradenMahurin.DavidDunbar.BrendanKillion. MattKnickerbocker,LandonBell,LukeMarcheschi SECOt-,DROW KalebReid,DouglasWood,JasonVolkmann,AJMarsh.Matt\Iiller. ChasenAnderson,KeeganBaxmeyer.WillHayes.DrewAldanaFRONT ROWPatrickMurphyDirectorofBaseballOperations.Todd DeGrafTenreidHeadCoach,CodyGardnerAsst.Coach
Great Lakes Valley Conference
W 11-0, L 1-4, W 9-4William Jewell
W 11-1, W 5-0, W 7-2Truman State
W 11-1, L 4-14, L 3-4Maryville
W 8-7, W 5-4, W 5-2Lewis
W 9-3, L 1-6, W 5-2 Southern Indiana
W 5-3, L 0-10, L 4-10Drury
L 2-10, L 0-1, L 4-5Quincy
W 17-7, W 10-7, W 7-1 Missouri-St. Louis
W 6-3, W 7-1,W 6-2McKendree
L 3-11, W 15-5, L 5-6Bellarmine
W 12-4, W 9-0, W 13-5 Rockhurst
L 4-5 Southern Indiana GLVC Tourney
L 4-9 Maryville GLVC Tourney
LEFTChasenAndersonstares down his first batter. TOP RIGHT Bryan Nolan throwsthe ballto another player. BOTTOM RIGHTThe catchersees a move at first baseandgoesfor the out.
TOP LEFTCarlyHamanneagerlywatchesthepitcher,readyto stealhorn. BOTTOM LEFT OliviaYoungtrackstheballallthe wayin,smashingitout ofthefield. RIGHTThegirlsmeetupmid gameforunityandsisterhood.
BACK ROW CoachSteveWhite, KaliNelson, GretchenEgly,Olivia Walter,Olivia Young, Anna Burke, AveryEnglish, Coach Cath: Monroe SECOND ROW Jacey Allen,EmilyDavidson, Courtney Jackson, Kamryn Sloan, Hannah Franceschini, AshleyDavis, Kate Baxter. Student Assistant Rachel Aiardo FRONT ROWLauren King, HannahSmith, Carley Hamann, Marcy McCalla, Abby Klein, Keely Morgan
Great Lakes Valley Conference
W 1-0, L 2-8 Drury
L 3-4, L 0-6 WilliamJewell
W 5-0, L 2-4 Rockhurst
L 3-5, L 1-10 Indianapolis
W 9-1, W 7-5Lewis
L 0-6, W 2-0 McKendree
L 3-7, W 8-3 Illinois Springfield
L2-3, W 3-1 Bellarmine
L0-8, L 2-3 Southern Indiana
L 10-14, L 3-4 Truman State
W 8-4, L 3-6 Quincy
L 0-4, L 1-2 Missouri-St.Louis
W 2-1, L 0-5 Maryville
LEFT Catcher meets Avery English on the mound for a quick discussion. TOP
RIGHTMarcy McCalla goes forasneak behind the first baseman. BOTTOM RIGHTVCM girlshug after a tough game with our Miner ladies.
Traci,& Field
The Miners had a challenge thisseason to defend their GLVC title, it was a long shot. Through many battles andvictories, with keyathleteslike Nathan Swadley,the topfreshmanperformerin the championshipthe Miners wontheirsecond title with 3rdplaceintheGLVC Championships. Skyler Ruszkowskiwasselected asa GLVCS.::holarofthe Year. Shewonaconference championshipand qualifiedforboththeNCAA D-II championship meets during theseason. SheearnedAll-America honorsduring the indoorchampionshipsearlierin theyearwhenshetook seventh.
TOP LEFTSkylerRuszkowskileapsandturnstobreakrecords. BOTTOM LEFT DanielMcMurrancontortshisbodyoverthe pole. RIGHTAugustineBindbeutelspreadshiswingsforhislong jump.
TOP AnneSimpsondoesherthing.Anallaroundathleteandscholar,nothingcangetinherway,especiallynotthispole.
Great Lakes Valley Conference
LEFTJessicaRhoads cuddles her ball, seeking it's validation to be hurled as far as she can. TOP RIGHT Miners walk to their events, ready to take on their c competition. R/GHTBailey Crone flliesthrough theairin the longjump competition.
Organizations aroundcampusgive students awayto expressand improve thems !ves whilebuildinglasting friendshipsalongthe way.Theactionsoforganizationsimpr ve the lives ofMissouri S&Tstudentsthroughcareerdevelopment,self-expression,car:pus events, andmuchmore.
TOP LEFTAnaMessmerpracticesherpaddlingfortheConcreteCanoedesignteam.
Associated General Contractors
BACK ROWRaymond Boos, Caroline Goldkamp, Celia Ludvik THIRD ROW AmrElsayegh, RayanAssaad
SECOND ROW Abigail Pemberton, Mark Murray, Devin Schrieber FRONT ROWElizabethKomaromi, CynthiaCarr,Ryan Carr
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
BACK ROWJohnathan Sandberg, Roman Mendoza, Erik Valdez, John Bequette, RyanRadina, Matt Perkins
SECOND ROWKaitlynWatts,Nichole Rehagen, Ian Wolf, SaraRobinsonFRONT ROW MaytikPatel, Mark Butler
American Institute ofAeronauatics and Astronautics
BACK ROWCameronDierks, Syr Charles Lyons, Brady Kuehl THIRD ROWThomas Ziervogel, Robert Foley
SECOND ROWDerekVanDemark, Zachary Fizell, Rory Margherio, LucasMcWhirteryoungFRONT ROW
Laura Elliott, Paige Berg, Austin Foutch, Jennifer Estabrook, DonnitaJohnson
BACK ROWTrevan Lang, Joshua Cash, Ari Sherman, Clay McGinnis SECOND ROWTanner Stephens, ChristopherGu, Henry Wong, Seth Kitchen FRONT ROWSteven Giangreco, Shelby Hayes
American Concrete Institute
BACK ROWScott Grier, Jordan Pugh, Dawson Kirtley
FRONT ROWDr. Lesley Sneed, Victoria Smith, Elizabeth Sayre, Paige Masten, Edward Fleischman, Dr. Dimitri Feys
C.L. Dake Geological Society
FRONTROWAmber Thrasher, Jake Doster, Alex Breakfield, Aaron Wilson, Sarah Sperry, Christina Sehrt, Nazar Safronov, ErnyYoung, Clayton Eversen, Emily Prior, Aryana Mattmann, Miryah Squires
Astronomical Society
BACK ROWMaximilianTelman, Dr. Greg Story, Keith Reece, Derek Vandemark, Lucas Scott, Tevin Niang-Trost, KennethDistefano, Arul Mathi Maran Chandran, Henry Waggoner FRONT ROWKaleb Tuinstra, Justin Connors, Abigail Nitchman, Jessica Mast, Deni Cikota, Benjamin Decker,Jay Mrotek
Steel Bridge
BACK ROWBen Dyhouse, Ryan Haupt, ScottGeisinger, JordanPugh, Shane Buarkdoll, Hollis Long, Brendan Schmidt,Jonathon Kuchem, Ben Parr, Lucas Ochs FRONTROWAlexSchull, Ana Messmer, PaigeOursler, Jordan Sanzottera,KristaDeffenbaugh, ClaireCroley, TylerSanzottera, Ashley Fillback, Brendan Judge
EnJ?ineers Without Borders
BACK ROWCade Leng,Alex Davis, MarekFitch, Sam Bryant, Dane Meyer, Skylar Brucks, Casey Hines, Mark Echele, Scott Grier, Eliott Gathman, DannyMoeller SECOND ROWAnnaReisinger, Mackenzie Sattle, Elizabeth Lemieux, Skye Parker, Matt Sauer, Abigail Cain, JosephNickell, KariDappen, Kirsten Lee, Evan Miller FRONT ROWSierra Shields, BrittanySmith, Jenna Stombaugh,Elizabeth Sayre
Chem E Car
BACK ROWIan McIntosh, Trevor Vogan, Ryan Radina, Brannon Schroeder, DaeYang, Trapezius Millington SECOND ROWMoira Kane, Emma Nicks, JC Halpryn, Emily Murawski, Garrett Jenses, Erik Valedez FRONT ROWDr. Christi Patton Luks, Chloe Bess, Maytik Patel, IanWolf, MarkButler, Sara Robinson,Tyler Hart
••• Miner Plasma
The Nuclear ScienceDesignTeam hasspent the lastyearworking onand Inertial Electrostatic Confinement(!EC) fusiondevice. NSDT hasmademoreprogresstowardsfusion than ever beforeinitspastwith themilestone ofachieving aplasma init's hand-manufacturedvacuum chamber.
Pictured is the createdplasma.
Design Teant
Miner Baja SAE
BACK ROWJames Meier, Keegan Budine, Sidney Coy FIFTH ROWRyan Losensky, Alex Leonard, Adam Mccarthey FOURTH ROWTyler Tschauuen, Colten Brummell, Alex Wahlstadt THIRD ROWEthan Purdy, John Applebaum SECOND ROWAbigail Stoner, Elanor Jackson, WilliamFRONT ROWChloeWiser, RachelThaemert, McKenzie Ruff, Jessi Schoolcraft, Grace Weissert
Solar Car
BACK ROWJames Strahm, Mohak Laad, Joseph Weber,Adam Hinkebein, NickCovert, TristanPonder, Jacob Schoonover SECOND ROWJacob Saxer, Jorge Bretzke, JohnTyler, David Hoffman, Titus Baumgartner, Brendan Kleinbach, Jordan Frady, LethaYoungFRONT ROWAlyssaRoller, Ellie Lunte, Chris Riske, Joseph Westhoff, Nathaniel Blackwell, Joseph Kurosz, Chris Loo
Human Powered Vehicle
BACK ROWLauren Bower, Sarah Morrison, Darrin Snodgrass, Emily Allen, Justin Nack, Camryn Hays SECOND ROWKyle White,Adam Johnson, Seth Rodewald, Nathan Clancy, Alivia Dean, Zac Peterson, Friedrich MayFRONT ROWGreg Wilkins, Kai Triplett, Kyleigh Marsh, Maryann Fortmann, Hope Drennan, Haley Rehagen, Sam Sisk, Josiah Wade
Nuclear Science Desif?n Team
BACK ROWKyle Bean, Galen Selligman, Jacob Davis SIXTH ROWKeaten Matheny, Bradly Faison, Caden DennisFlFTH ROWAndrew Liebman, Zach Lacy, Jack Ellerbee FOURTH ROWRyan Siggins, Sophie Julian, Matthew ReszTHIRD ROWEmily Evans, Jack Fletcher, Andrew Simily SECOND ROWBrittany Boltz, Andrew Hoog, Henry Hepperman FRONT ROW Garret Vieira, William McCauley, Andrew Glass
Lambda Sit?ma Pi
BACK ROWRebecca Mahan, Alisia Hassler, Skye McKinnon, Alex Lore, Marisa CroniserSECOND ROW Sarah Elizabeth Davis, Katie Jones, Oksana Hart, Julia Clark,KatlynMaasFRONT ROWShelby Ek, Monica Sequerra,EbbaOldenborg,Andrea Sapaugh, Emmy Whiteside, JaceeWood
Omef?a Sif?ma
BACK ROWLynPollard,Amber Lawrence, Sara Johnson,MarisaCroniser FOURTH ROWSabrina Cavender,SophiaRodriguez, ErinNischwitz, Gabriel Hulliung THIRD ROWSarahAlbertson,KendallButler, Morgan Freeman, Megan PotthastSECOND ROW EmmaWoods, LydiaPowers, Jessica Maass, Jenna Graff FRONT ROWKatherine Feissle, HannahCannady, Kayla Scherr,RebeccaCampbell
Residence Hall Association
BACK ROWJacobSherry, BethanyStafford,Alex Foutch, SamMitchell, Kasey Boyd,Tanner Powley, Bayli Boston,Joseph Hibbits, Isaac Hodge, JamesPiepenbrink, Jacob Korpecki, Justus Peterson-Rhodes,JoshuaFoster, Justin Baxter,GavinMcCoyTHIRD ROWNick Parker, JackieAkremi, Mackenzie Shields, PaigeMasten, Ryan Kruger, Will Wibberg, Colton Hammond, Shane Lorenzen, Jon Gallo, Kyle Funke,MatthewGreen, Matthew Helbig, Ben Eichstadt, John Perry,Nick Wylie, Justin Horine, ConnorToth SECOND ROWMegan Burns, Kelly-MarieChristensen, Matt Lurkins, SarahThornton, Seth Sims, Gabriel Hulliung, Joey Schmaltz, ElizabethWiggins,Calvin Heend, Nick Theodorou, Jacob Siben, Will Reicher,SabrinaMcCaine,Gunnar Sanders, Arnold Nguyen FRONT ROWAdam Eastwood, Maddy Gutierrez,Caleb Hock, Andrew Siemers, SierraRivas, Kate Hoynacki, EthanO'Dell, KaelynYarbrough, ltai Snir, GriffinMelson, AlexJohnson, DylanThompson. Kumar Bondada
BACK ROW Rebecka Connor, Jade Sterling, Brad Jones-Carlile, Richard Cox, Jonathan Affaltar FRONT
ROW Sarah Schmitt, Heather Reynolds, Maddie Skora, ZachMonroe
Student Council
BACK ROWEd Mueller, Kaeden Kessinger FOURTH ROW Daniel Yoon, Kurt Schueddig, Ife Siffre, Sam Newman THIRD ROW Hope Smalley, Eric Hanson, Julia Morgan SECOND ROWMatthew Sauer, Amanda Akers,Christina Carrig, Carter Daniel FRONT ROW Delaney Simmons, Madison Moore, JuanRivera
Associated Students ofthe University ofMissouri
BACK ROW SuzyYoung,Connor J. Toth, Sam Mitchell, Miles Huber, DanielJohnson, Brenan PoolFRONT ROW Hannah Garrison,ChristinaCarrig, Sean Williams, Adriane Melnyczuk, Amanda Aiken, Chrysalin Martin
By Studentsfor Students
Kaeden Kessinger recruits new members to Student Council.The grouphashelped to voicethe student'sviewsinimportant decisions suchas tuition, the newgym, andthe possibility ofa+/grading system.
Alpha Chi Sif?ma
BACK ROWPeterRyan,MichaelDonley,BenHardy, MatthewSenter,AnnaSchneider,AshishZore,SamRoss, JacobBrownfield SECOND ROWChrisCoronado,Kyle Newport,NathanThyparambil,JoshLanz,ErinWharton, VictoriaKramer,AlexiaDouglas,KinderGuthrie,Erik GullFRONT ROWMasonCarey,MattSnarzyk,Abbie Braden,KellyPachowicz,BrynGuthrie,Samantha Oelklaus,BayleighMitchell,NicoleMoon
Alpha Psi Ome[?a
BACK ROWAbdullahFelemban,DonovanChambers, BrendanBoggs,ChayneStandage,RobertOberdieck,Luke Smith,BrianMiddleton SECOND ROWJamie Schwartz,NicoleWheeler,ChelseaHarris,Hannah Ramsey-Standage,OliviaHoldman,LukeSmith,Brian MiddletonFRONT ROWMeganSkyrme,RachelCraft, AlyssaBennett,LaurenWerkmeister,MadelineLechner, HaleyJenkins,PaulCassell
Society pf Women En[?ineers
FOURTH ROW GraceWeissert,JessiSchoolcraft, ElanorJackson,AshleyPittman THIRD ROW Moira Kane,EmmaLane,DianeMurph,MeredithAsbury, GabrielleBennett,KathrineBarnett SECOND ROW JenniferEstabrook,MayaHanson,DuyenDo,Erika Lettrer,LydiaLoethen,KelseyDecker FRONT ROW PaigeBerg,JamieleeBuenemann,JennySchunk,Maria Joseph,MeganWibbenmeyer,AnisaRipp
BACK ROWGeorge Steagall, Clayton Fritsche, Adam Fields, DylanFalter, Stephen Simmons FRONT ROW Annie Muehlfarth, Ana Messmer, BrandonChristian,Jenna Gruner, Lexi Lee-VanDomelen, Kala Morgan
BACK ROWKyle Moss,ZackBrown,NickCovert EIGHT ROWJackDwiggins,AustinKovis,NickSchmidt,Zachary Wright,LoganDurk,SamSlayton SEVENTH ROWMike Lobsinger,HarmonyeSessoms,RyanAdler SIXTH ROW KaceyBoyd,LukeSchlotzhauer,AliciaLuebbe FIFTHROW HelenTemporal,TannerPowler,AudreyThompsonFOURTH ROWTristanTrapp,JoelBroddon,RachellePowersTHIRD ROWEmmaVinson,AndrewHolloway,ArielClark SECOND ROWZacRawls,LauraMonks FRONT ROWRobert Meinders,RaelynnTwohy,CassieRoberts,AdamHark
Blue Key
BACK ROWKelsey Blink, Sarah Haug, Eli Hernandez, Alyssa Purdy THIRD ROWSarah Holloway, Brook McLaughlin, Kelly FillipsSECOND ROW Emily Stewart, Kambria Rapp, Jenna Gruner, Alissa Reynolds FRONT ROWZachary Hart, Maneesh Gona, Adam Rice
National Society ofBlack Ent?ineers
BACK ROWRavon Lingard,Aryn Randolph, Allegra Kerns,WesleyBell,MinaNguyen SECOND ROW
Elizabeth Popoola, Markeith Turner, Cedric Kashosi, Kamau Barry, Ryan Spillers, IsaiahWilliams, Curtis Collins, JosiahJones, SteveBurton FRONT ROW
Leneisa Parks, Kejuan King,Chidera Kokelu, Jordan Johnson, Ryan Watts, Ashley-Ann Davis, Keelen Jones, Tristen McFeders, Tiara Pulliam
American Association ofDrilling Engineers
BACK ROWBradleyFreed, Brent Bauerschmidt, Kelly Christopher, Alex Pfeifer,AndySmith, Chidera Kokelu, Zexin Miao, TianzeZhang,YaniLin SECOND ROW
Kaitlyn Miller,JacobStauffer, Dalton Buchanan,Anna Ramirez, David Lian, GrantAugustFRONT ROW
Bruce Ofori, Chau McKellips,Johnny Shao, Tyler Starlin, Kevin Schulze, Justin Berry, Mitch Wiggins, Christian Willoughby, AaniketShirodkar
Pi Tau Si[?ma
BACK ROWJosephBabcock,MeganPotthast,Braden McLain,JacksonBarry,EthanStiles,ZacharyPetersen, DuocNguyen,AustinRenwick,ClaraScotte FRONT ROWMeganWibbenmeyer,HaleyRehagen,Kyleigh Marsh,LydiaPowers,MadisonMeier,JoshuaReiter, ThomasWatts,SarahMorrison,MohakLaad
BACK ROWGriffen Taake, Grant Vonderitaan, Jordan Lynn, Kennedy Duffy, GabrielleApperson, Brent Johnston, Dae Yang, Alex Roster, Emrah Eymez, William Guthrie, Matt Snayzyk
THIRD ROW Robert Nancie, Susan Donaldson, Amber Lawrence, Grace Angles, Julia Hickman, Alex Daves, Hunter Short, Avery Hohenstein, Andrew Holloway, Joseph Surtta
SECOND ROWMoiar Kane, Peyton Bradley, Chloe Bess, Jessica Maass, Elizabeth Pomerenke, Ele Hanson, Leah Amos, ElijahConningham FRONT ROWJustinAdler, Joseph Carter, Brianne Grant, Rachel Sciarona, Kaitlyn Branon, Mikayla Tessmer, Liz Lemieux, Dana Bailey
FRONT ROWReagan Laub, Christopher Grellner, Rachel O'Halloran, Jason Kostelnick, David Poteet, Brenden Anich, Nathan Schweiger, Joey Schultz, Caitlin Thomasson, Stella White, Jerry Hwang, Simon Nguyen, Sara Yokeley, AnelieseHebenstreit, James Michels, Alexandra Kerr, Blake Elder, Lawerence Heirlmeier, Evica Alavarez, Gena Meadows, JackGibfried,Arpan Das, RachelMorris, StacyYoungers, Amber Thrasher
THIRD ROWNoah Weyrauch, Adam Barr, John Theriac, Drew Jacobs, Michael Khayat, Amber Meyer, Teresa Schneider, Matt Smith, Tyler Richards SECOND ROW Jay Mrotok, Catherine Colleti, Daniel Markowitz, Miranda Stone, Dr. Jeffery Smith FRONT ROW Mikaela Weiseman, Nicole Nulsen, Alissa Reynolds, Rebekah Blatt, Alyssa Bax, Katie Duncan, Kathryn Buscher, Tessa Smith, Anna Kaczmerek. Olivia Rodell
African Students Association
BACK ROWMike Harris, Niame Keita FOURTH ROWAmr Elsayegh, Feras BenhattasTHIRD ROW George Harris, SirayriaAlapbe, Catherine Monyake, Oroghene Oboreh-snappsSECOND ROWFatima Essadi
BACK ROW Danny Bottorff, Colton Bond, Zach Lewis, PaulFish, Grant McAdams, Joeseph Babcock SECOND ROWHannah Hume, Chandra Hubbs, Ben Glore, Deidra Rodgers, BraydenRoberts, Andrew Floyd FRONTROW Lindsay McNamee, MorganFender, Savanah Swaringam
Campus Crusade for Christ
BACK ROW MichaelFerrara,JordanPugh THIRD ROWLeviVieth,ZachBoeringa,SethWinkleman SECOND ROWCarlyBueltmann,EthanStiles,Brent Hindle,ThomasPriest FRONT ROWIsaacFoster, DeniseMathews,ZerinPriest,KaranMadra
FRONT ROWSeyed M Hajjatzadeh, AliAkbari, Alireza Pourhassan, Javad Galinmoghadam
International Student Club
BACK ROW Dinesh Nagavelly, Mihir Bora, Abdullah Almarhoun, YousefAl-Bazzaz, Becca Davis SECOND ROWKarishma Bhagwakar, Apama Kasinadhuni, Kristin Bender, MahalHajjaj, SohamParikh, Yuan GaoFRONT ROWJosh Cruzada, Ariana Kim, Ketul Patel, Tamar Makharashvili, HussienAl-Bazzaz, Syed Humza
Baptist Student Union
BACK ROWAdamRichner,EvanMoak,IsaacVeltkamp,Mark Wiese THIRD ROW GabeHolst,HenryDul,BrentonHrebec, CameronCopeland,EnzoAnthony,WillZiehm,Jonathan Romanko,KyraGrandstaff,GraceLackeySECOND ROW RyanClabough,NathanGillespie,ZachLacy,SophieJulien, AdamDavis,JacobJohnson,OwenDavis,EvanHite,Kylie Klimczyk,DerekHymer,CamilleWilsonFRONT ROW Adam Nissley,SethListhartke,KoleTaylor,ClaytonResz,Jacob Peveler,KaitlynCook,TyConley,AbigailDavis,AbbyAdrales, ShayneRoss,TaylorDiGiacinto,BruceWade,CaraHartley
India Association
FRONT ROWVishwaksen Reddy Vaka, Naishadh Raval, SaiAkshay Ponduru, Sai Hemanth Kankanala, Rudrasaitej Yepuri, Narasimha Manideep Vangala, Venkat SrinivasRao Porumamilla
Aerial Swing Dance Club
BACK ROWTrevor Stacy, Mostyn Phillips, Daniel Bottorff, Brenton Hrebec, Jeremiah Rittenhouse THIRD ROWDrazen Gonzalez, Donovan Mefford, Ted Lewis, Ryan Lantzer, Matthew Sudekum- Whitaker SECOND ROWLogan Richter, Connor Starks, Karleigh Faust, Gwen Ingram, Jack Jonathan, Bradley Hartman, Savannah Swaringam, Joelle Holland, Jacob Williams FRONT ROWJessie Ditton, Brad Hendricksen, Aaro� Moning, SamWhite,Hannah Hume, Mallory Martin, Emily Brown, KylieOutlaw, Joshua Rittenhouse, Mikahla Brinkley, John Beckwir, LauraWetzel
Miner Disc Go(f
BACK ROWGabrielMiller, Quentin Lee, Jacob Kramer, Carl Eastman, Tyler Fank, Ethan Huddleston, Benjamin KramerSECOND ROWEthan Babor, Ian Nelson, Nathan Schweiger, Blake DeckardFRONT ROWMark Anderson
Ballet & Dance
BACK ROWGretaStiegler, Karly Ambuel, Courtney Owings, Matthew Gibson, Rachel O'Halloran, SyrCharles Lyons SECOND ROW RaelynnTwohy, Alyssa Purdy, Elyse Freeman, Marisol Marquez, Becca Campbella, Holly Coleman, Michaela Veik FRONT ROW Morgan Jannson, Leanne Eissinger, Brooke Boulais, Brent Croxton
BACK ROW ZeHao Zhang, Elizabeth Kiekbusch, Tim Maninger, Logan Richter, William Love, Geongsik Lee, Justin Junge, Noah Baden, Stephen Shellabarger FRONT ROW Alex Kiekbusch, Laurie Gilson, Mesa Ehren, Elizabeth Sayre, Zane Stobie, NickTheodorou, Kurt Lagemann
Cyclinf? Club
FRONT ROW John Rausch, Kate Hoynacki, Chris Pitre, Jacob Hackbarth, Ron Mikulecky
Backpackinf? Club
FRONT ROWEvan Fitzgerald, Matthew Gordon,Josh Zitko, Loki Cortner, ZachOsterwisch, Sara Lubecke, Greg Gamble, Sophia Malpocker, Gin Wells, Levi Madden, Jodie Hermann
BACKROWJacobNowack,Jordan Hespen, Jeffery Phillips,Michael Proemsey, ParkerZelei, Gerardo Lopez, Ben Webb, Alex LaChance, Dominic Prince MIDDLE ROWJustinChern, Jeremiah Rittenhouse, Ray Mauntel, Henry Heppermann, Jason Lee,AndyReyes,Nate Smith, MitchellMeier, ZachBoeringaFRONT ROW ChrisDutton, Dalton Lo
Tae Kwan Do Club
BACK ROWNicholas Roberts,Sean Weisenfels, Skye Parker,AbdullahFelembanSECOND ROWMahir
Kablic,KatjaDoebelin,Alexander Gott,AlyssaMcDowell, SamuelSkinner, Luke StephensFRONT ROW Dalton Dishman, HansPruter,Kyleigh Swindle,Kimberly Henry, Richard Rhein
Trap and Skeet
FRONT ROW Maryanna Allen, Britta Moyer,Andrew Carda, Mike Shaw, MirandaJohnson,Keaton Allen, Matthew Lewis, Makayla Mullins, Sarah Decker, Walker Easley, TravisGittemeir, Brent Davis, Ben Moyer, Chris Schneider,ZachGriffe,Willem Pietsch,TylerTschannen, TaylorJenkins, Eric Bonney,Dayton Bennet,Abigail Stoner, Cameron Lockard,Andrew Littich
■■■ Club Volleyball Nationals
■ Men'sandWomen's Club.Volleyballteamscompetefor
■ thetitle at Nationals inColorado each year."Nationals
■ didnotgoas planned this year, butwiththeguys team
■ losingalmost all of their starters, we played pretty good.
Themen'slast game wasoneto remember aswe
playedthe bestwehadall weekend. Thegirls teamdid betterthan theydidlast year sincethisistheir second
year,"saysJeffrey Phillips, captainofthemen'steam
RIGHT CaileySadlerand Kaitlyn Kappler blockthe opposing team.
Spelunking Club
Cole Kostelac (Custodian), Jeremy Weih, Andrew Miller, Jackson Eberle (Vice President), Ben Esker (President), ElizabethSutherland (Secretary), BrandonSchroeder, Sam Beadle, Rabia Khan, Nathan Durfee (Treasurer)
BACK ROW George Holmes, Chidera Kokelu, Zarina Colon, Kamau Barry, Ibrahim Abdullahi SECOND ROW Darien Hale, Brittany Gradford, Wesley Bell, Ryan Spillers FRONT ROWKhylah Washington, JosiahJones
General Delegation ofIndependants
BACK ROWLogan Emery, Hunter Buckley, Karl Fahrenholtz, Lucas Breckenridge, Steiner, Keenan Braun, John Schweer,THIRD ROWWill Wibbery, Daniel Hesse, JoeySchmartz,Scott Brockman, MattNarish, Mike Schaeffer,GabbyMurphy,RoxanneFelicianoSECOND ROWSam Mitchell, Gunnar Sanders, Brad Hendricksen, Brandon Marolt, FRONTROWSarni Smith, Ben Ross, Gabriel Bartels, ZacharyGrau, KaylaYates, AndrewRobbins
Humans Vs. Zombies
BACK ROWJosephKane,AustinWall,MathewSauer, MichaelMathews SECOND ROWBenjaminHardy, MatthewFernandez,ZachBrake,VicenzoAnthony FRONT ROWRodneyDukes,JoselynPatterson,Noor Shoaib,ZacharyHamel,JoshMarrah
BACK ROWAndrew Woode, EmilyPitz,Jennifer Richardson, Seth Stubblefield, Zach Galloway, Maneesh Gona, Ben Sitzes, IanAubuchon SECOND ROWMunira Durakovic, Emily Beahm, JennaGruner, JacobKunes, Payton Spohn, Daryl Gichui, Sam Beadle, Jessica Mast, KatelynJones FRONT ROWDevin Olds, AlyssaPurdy, Greta Belk, CharlesBarker, Stephen Simmons,Clayton Chaney, Elizabeth Sutherland, Alice Tolstik
Video Game Development
FRONT ROWJoshua Siems, Jackson Guck, Joshua Borup, Adem Malone, Grant Herin, EmilyWindsor, Fiona McFarland, Calvin Heend, Jacob Saxer
Amateur Radio Club
BACK ROWKyleRobertson (KY0LE), Zach Mulholland (K0GG), Aaron Boots (AA0RN), Scott Strathman (N0SSX), Brad Ziegler (KC0CDG), Alexander Lorenz (KGSVHD) FRONT ROWMichael Dierker (KE0QIY), Braden Gustitus (KE0TIR), Samantha Gales (N0SLG), MadisonChildress (KE0SVI), Randy Moss (KC0EYC), Alex Hoeft (KE0LKB), Thomas Francois (KX0STL)
Miner Key
BACK ROWEmanuel Huffman, Michael Nacy, Zachary Palmer, Alex Brewer SECOND ROWGunnar Sanders, DeyonnaGhazaeri, Krista Avants, Christopher Gu, Laura Wetzel, Aaron Tucker FRONT ROWOlivia Dougan, Lauren Werkmeister, Erin O'Neill, MacieBrahm, Luis Ocampo
BACK ROWAditya Kumar, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, Wayne Huebner, Robert Schwartz, Richard Brow, Anthony Convertine FRONT ROWMark Schlesinger,RonaldO'Malley, Jeffery Smith, Haiming Wen, Kelley Wilkerson, Mary Reidmeyer, Caizhi Zhou
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
BACK ROWK. Chandrashekhara, Dave Riggins, Daoru Han, Charles Wojnar, Frank Liou, Ashok Midha, Heng Pan, Jonghyun Park SECOND ROWHank Pernicka, K. Krishnamurthy, Ken Schmid,Mitch Cottrell, Karen Walberg, Debi Willy FRONT ROWAnthonyOkafor, Jillian Ho, Randall Lewis, Lila Kolker, TammyVena, Erica Long, Jill Sertell, Jim Drallmeier
Mining & Explosives Engineering
FRONT ROW Samuel Frimpong, Paul Worsey, Lana Alagha, Gillian Worsey, Kyle Perry, Kwame Awuah-Offei, Greg Galecki, Nassib Aouad.
Nuclear Engineering
FRONT ROWCarlos Castano, Joseph Graham, Shoaib Usman, Hyoung Lee, AyodejiAlajo, Joshua Schlegel, Gary Mueller, John Gall
Arts, Languages, & Philosphy
BACK ROWDavid Cress, Irina lvliyeva, KyleWernke, David Samson, PatrickGamez,TerryRobertson,Taylor Gruenloh, Michael Baird FRONT ROWLauren Perala, Laurie Myers, Lucille Myers, Audra Merfeld-Langston, Jeanne Stanley,Audrey Deterding, Max Tohline, Emilia Barbosa, Tammy Heldenbrand
Biological Sciences
BACK ROWRonaldFrank, David Westenberg, David DuvernellSECOND ROWRobin Verble, DevNiyogi, Katie Shannon, Julie Semon, Yue-Wern Huang FRONT ROW Terry Wilson, Melanie Mormile, Chen Hou, Matthew Thimgan
Business & Information Technology
BACK ROWLisaStory,LangtaoChen,Yu-HsienChiu, Bih-RuLea,RichardHall,NathanTwyman SECOND ROW SteveLiu,ChevyFang,VincentYu,SarahStanley, CraigClaybaugh,MikeHilgersFRONT ROWHongxian Zhang,CassieElrod,TracyZou,KendSiau,CarlaBates, RebeccaCrosthwait,FionaNah
Physicsprofessor Dr. Agnes Vojtatakespart in celebrating National Poetry MonthinApril with a reading fromher firstpublishedbook ofpoemsPorousLand. Herpoemscontain observationsonscience andnature aswell as focus onthe humanconnectionto nature. At theevent Dr. Vojta readseveralof herpoems in frontofan audience andsharedherlove of poetry withthem.
CollegeofArts, Sciences, & Business
BACK ROW Philip Whitefield, Vadym Mochalin, Klaus Woelk, RichardDawes, Garry Grubbs II, Nicholas Leventis, Amitava Choudhury, Pericles Stavropoulos, Paul NamFRONT ROWV. Prakash Reddy, Risheng Wang, NuranErcal, Manashi Nath,Chariklia Sotiriou-Leventis, Rainer Glaser
BACK ROWGrey Gelles, Yishu Zhou SECOND ROW MichaelDavis, Mahelet Fikru FRONT ROWRadu Puslenqhea,Eun Park, Bonnie Bachman
English & Technical Communication
BACK ROWEric Bryan, Matthew Goldberg,Edward Malone,Don Reardon, KateDrowne, Kathryn Dolan. Anne CotterilSECOND ROWElisabeth Roberson, Kristine Swenson FRONT ROWDavid Right, Kelly Tate, Rachel Schnieder, Sarah Hercula. Kathy Morthans, CarleighDavis
History & Political Science
BACK ROWPatrick Huber, Justin Pope, Andrew Behrendt, Tseggai Isaac, Michael Bruening FRONT ROW Kathleen Sheppard, Shannon Fogg, PetraDeWitt,Diana Ahmad, Alanna Krolikowski
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
BACK ROWDouglas Ludlow,MuthannaAl-Dahhan, Jee-Ching Wang,DanielForciniti, DipakBaruaSECOND ROWXinhua Liang, MondayOkoronkwo, Christi Patton Luks, Parthasakha Neogi, SutapaBaruaFRONT ROW Joseph Smith, PeterRyan,Fateme Rezaei, AliRownaghu
Civil, Architectural, & Environmental Engineering
BACK ROWWilliamGillis III, JianminWang SIXTH ROWHongyanMa, Islam El-Adaway, GuneyOlgun FIFTH ROWXiongZhang,MagdyAbdelrahman, Dimitri Feys FOURTH ROWWenDeng, Xianbiao Hu THIRD ROWNicholas Libre,Mark Fitch, Leslie Sneed
SECOND ROWCesarMendoza, JoelBurken,Genda Chen FRONT ROWMohamedEIGawady, Dan Abbott
Computer Science
BACK ROWGeorge Markowsky, BruceMcMillin, Elaina Manson, Daniel Tauritz, Venkata Sriram, Siddhardh Nadendla FRONT ROWRicardo Morales, Mike Gosnell, SanjayMadria, Dawn Davis, ChamanSabharwal
BACK ROWJoe Stanley, SteveWatkins, Jagannathan Sarangapani, Darly Beetner SECOND ROWChang-Soo Kim, Maciej Zawodniok, Chulsoon HwangTHIRD ROW Jiangfan Zhang, JieHuang, Amardeep Kaur, Mehdi Ferdowsi FRONTROWRobert Woodley, Kristen Donnell, Rui Bo, Cheng-Hsiao Wu
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
BACK ROWZeyi Sun, Abhijit Gosavi, Sarah Johnson FOURTH ROWKaren Swope, David Spurlock, Joan Schuman, David EnkeTHIRD ROW Jess Satterfield, StevenCorns, Cihan Dagli, Suzanna Long SECOND ROW Theresa Busch, Sheryl Hodges, Casey Canfield, Benjamin Kwasa FRONT ROWMichelle Emerson, Ruwen Qin, Stephen Raper
Geology, Geological, & Petroleum Engineering
BACK ROWRickHendrix, Abdulmohsin lmqam, Marek Locmelis, John Hogan, David Borrok, Andi Eckert, Norbert Maerz, Dave Rogers FRONT ROWMingzhen Wei, Shari Dunn-Norman, Kelly Liu, David Wronkiewicz, Johathan Obrist, Steve Gao, Phillip Mulligan, Leslie Gertsch, Katherine Grote
Rachel Craftisa graduating seniorinthe Biology Department. Shehasworkedonthreeprojects includingone conductedtomodelageingbasedon sleepparameters. Forherexperiment shetestedto seeifthereisadifference metabolically between longandshort livedflies.Thisdatawasusedto createamodel topredict flylife spans, andshe hopesto eventually beablepredicthuman life spansbasedontheirsleeppatterns.
Cameron Lerch
Cameron Lerchis agraduating seniorinthe Physics Department. His researchfocuseson materialswithpropertiesgoverned by quantum physicsand new statesofmatter that ariseatlow temperatures. He specificallyhasbeen investigatinghexaferrites, andhis researchwas awardedfirst placeatthe 47thAnnualFuller Competition. ThesepropertiesthatCameronhas beenstudying willlikely impact quantumand cryogenic technologiesinthefuture.
Michael Khayat
MichaelKhayat isajunior majoring in Ceramic Engineeringandminoringin Biomedical Engineering. Hiscurrent research revolves around hemostatic biomaterials. Michaelis working onthe animal woundmodels and thehistologyteam for thisprojectand hopes toinnovateabiomaterial thatcan be usedto stem bleeding, preventthe needto replace bandages,anddecreasemortality duetohemorrhages.
StephanieDukes is asophomoreinthe Psychology Department. Her researchison Gritincollege students andtrying toincrease it tohelp improve students' performance. In the summerof 2018 she conducteda study of students byhaving them completetheGrit-S survey. TogetherStephanie, Dr. Murray, and Dr. Weidnerauthoredapaper towill be published inthe ASQjournal.
KaylaBruemmerismajoring in Chemical Engineering. She isconducting researchona lab scaletricklebed reactorto study theliquid maldistribution. HerresearchisunderDr. MuthannaAl-Dahhanand Humayun Shariff, and she wonthirdplaceintheOUREengineering posterpresentation. This researchwillbefurther extendedtoto studyotherparameters to understandthemaldistribution ofthesystem.
Ari Ginspargisa seniormajoring inBiological SciencesandminoringinChemistryand Bioinformatics. Hebeganresearchinfallof2017 underDr. DavidDuverne!!. Currently, Ariis researchingenvironmentalDNA andcoming up witha waytocollect,purify, andsequenceit. Ari hopesto apply this researchonenvironmental DNAtolearnmoreaboutdifferentspeciesinthe environment aroundus.
DavidDoell is a seniorinEngineering Management. HiscurrentresearchunderDr. Qin is withadrivingsimulatorthatisbeingusedtotest new road configurations. David's rolein the research is toprogramthe simulator whichis connectedtoa physicalcarinthelab.The simulationiscreatedtobeas realistic aspossible andtheresultsarereportedtoMODotalong with recommendationsfromtheresearchteam.
SarahSkinneris majoringin Physics. Sheis workingwith Dr. ThomasVojtaandresearching the Fractional Langevinequation with a reflecting barrierwhichdescribesthemotionofaparticle undertheinfluenceofarandom force. Sarah's researchiscomputational andsheusesthethe computing powerofthe Pegasus Clusteratthe Physicsbuilding.
TOP Studentsgatherexcitedlytoreceivetheirhardearneddiplomas.
Finishing With Style
As the Fall2019and Spring2019 semesters came toaclose, theseniors that had completed their courseworkgotready fortheirfinalactionasan undergraduateatS&T: commencement. Students flockedtothelibraryto pickuptheirhard earned caps, robesand tassels. Specialtasselswereawarded tostudents thathadachievedundergraduatehonors. The commencements foreach semesterwereheld in the GaleBullmanbuilding forall students, alumni, facultyand familytoattend.
LEFTAVikingconquersthelastthingonhislistforhistimeat S&T:hisdiploma. MIDDLE TOP Aminingengineerparticipates inthedepartmenttraditionofwearingahardhattograduation.
MIDDLE BOTTOMlntrim ChancellorMaplesshakeshandswith thestudents. TOP RIGHTAseaofmortarboardstakesoverthe gym. BOTTOM RIGHT BipinDoshi,achemicalengineering alumni,givesthecommencementspeechattheSpring2019 ceremony.
The countless hoursofstudying, the manysleepless nights, and thesupportof familyand friends had finallypaid off. TheseS&T graduateshad now conquered what theyhad cametoachieve:a degreethat could carrythem intothe field. Familyand friends rejoiced as theirloved ones received their diplomas that theyhad worked so hard toachieve. Regardlessof the path thenewgraduates wouldtakeafterthechapteroftheirundergraduatecareer came toaclose,thesestudentshad learned how todigdeeperand hadadiploma toproveit.
LEFTDerekSeymour,agraduatingceramic engineer,poseswithhisphylogenetictreethemed mortarboardonthebigday. TOP MIDDLE Graduatesvictoriouslymovetheirtasselstothe leftaftertheyhavereceivedtheirdiplomas.
BrianJacobs Information Scienceand Technology Fall2018
YimingJin Civil Engineering Spring20I9
RebeccaJohnson EnvironmentalEngineering Fall2018
� MoriahJoyce EngineeringManagement Spring2019
BrendanJudge CivilEngineering Spring2019
AtoosaKhiabani MechanicalEngineering Fa1120l8
VictoriaKraemer EngineeringManagement Spring2019
VictoriaKramer ChemicalEngineering Spring2019
DarenLiu PetroleumEngineering Spring2019
CristianLopez ComputerEngineering Fall2018
AlexandriaLore ChemicalEngineering Spring2019
William Lorey Computer Engineering Spring 2019
Luebbert Civil Engineering Fall 2018
Drew Madson MechanicalEngineering Spring 2019
Nhu Mandy Thai InformationScienceand Technology Spring 2019
Gabe Marcantonio MechanicalEngineering Fall 2018
Brady Martin Physics Spring 2019
Denise Mathens Geological Engineering Spring 2019
Victoria McCann Civil Engineering Spring 2019
Celena McElroy Civil Engineering Spring 2019
ElectricalEngineering Fall 2018
ArchitecturalEngineering Spring 2019
Miller Business Spring 2019
Miller Computer Engineering Spring 2019
Mitchell Engineering Management Fall 20I8
Environmental Engineering Spring 20I9
Aerospace Engineering Spring 2019
Myers Business Management Spring 20I9
Electrical Engineering Spring 2019
Annie Muehlfarth
Clayton Newburry
Erin Nischwitz
Biological Science Spring 2019
Biological Science Spring 2019
Ryon Owings
Computer Science Spring 2019
Christian Parsons Computer Science Spring 2019
Natalie Patrick Civil Engineering Fall 2018
Sarah Piburn Environmental Engineering Fall 2018
Alyssa Purdy
Civil Engineering Spring 2019
Timothy Regan Computer Science Fall 2018
Timothy Reilly Chemical Engineering Fall 2018
Kevin Rich Mechanical Engineering Fa112018
Michael Robinson EngineeringManagement Spring2019
Matt Rohlman CivilEngineering Spring2019
Miguel Santos-Tankia ComputerScience Fall2018
Scheiffele Psychology Fall20l8
Matthew Schlettler Computer Engineering Spring2019
Christian Schoemehl Civil Engineering Fall2018
Johanna Schokker-Pruitt Civil Engineering Fall2018
Shelton Environmental Engineering Fall2018
ColtinShields Information Science and Technology Fa112018
Erika Simple Civil Engineering Fall 2018
Samuel Skimer Computer Engineering Spring2019
Sarah Smedley CivilEngineering Fall 2018
Daylan Smith Computer Science Spring 2019
Shayne Spiros Mechanical Engineering Spring20I9
Alex Stansbery Ceramic Engineering Spring 2019
Starlin Petroleum Engineering Fall 2018
Andrea Studer Mechanical Engineering Fall 2018
Joseph Stylzynski
Nuclear Engineering Spring 2019
Architectural Engineering Spring 2019
KellyTemporal Nuclear Engineering Spring 2019
Tolstik Biochemical Engineering Spring 2019
Spring 2019
Mechanical Engineering Spring 2019
Geological Engineering Spring 2019
Civil Engineering Spring 2019
Mechanical Engineering Spring 2019
Hayley YanWinkle
Connor Toth Computer Science
Alexis Yandomelon
Daniel Ulrich
JeremyWeih AerospaceEngineering Spring2019
SamuelWellman MechanicalEngineering Spring2019
LaurenWerkmeister CivilEngineering Fall2018
DavidWestern AerospaceEngineering Spring2019
KyleWhitlatch ComputerScience Spring2019
NicholasWilder MechanicalEngineering Spring2019
ClaireWilmore ChemicalEngineering Fall2018
BrianneWilson CivilEngineering Fall2018
HannahWilson MechanicalEngineering Spring2019
JaceeWood Engineering Management Spring 2019
BrendonZavala Nuclear Engineering Spring 2019
KaelynYarbrough Chemical Engineering Spring .2019
Brandon Yuan Mechanical Engineering Fall 2018
Yearbool, Staff
Katelin Eagan Head Editor
Simeon Frank Greek Life Editor, Photographer
Danielle Hopper Academics Editor
Greg Gamble StudentLife Editor, Photographer
John Rodenberg Sports Editor, Photographer
Connor Crites Photographer
Erica Dixon Greek Life Editor
Jacob Nowack Organizations Editor, Photographer
Benton Brightwell Photographer
Not Pictured:Theresa Lauer (Managing Editor. Photographer), Kamna Pal (Photographer). Edgar Tovar (Photographer), Maxwell Hopkins (Student Life)
Recordingnamesanddatesisanaction thatensuresthememoriesthattakeplace at thiscampuslast.Yearslater,students can lookbackattheindex andfindthepeople thatimpactedthetimetheyspenthere. TOPStudentsgatherattl!ePartyatthePuckduringOrientationWeek.