WELCOME Welcome to this online community consultation. This consultation has been prepared on behalf of the current land owners to inform and seek feedback from the local community concerning a proposed residential development being proposed at 26, 30 & 32 Lisburn Road, Hillsborough. This magazine has been prepared by Clyde Shanks with assistance from the project architect, Alan Patterson Design, as well as input from a number of environmental consultants. We warmly invite you to take time to absorb the work the applicant and their professional design and technical team have prepared to date to support the preparation of a forthcoming planning application. A statutory part of the pre-application process is to engage meaningfully with the local community to share our vision for the identified site and to invite your feedback. Given the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on the potential to carry out this type of consultation as an in-person event, it is now being carried out as an online event. The feedback received will then be reflected upon and responded to in refining the detailed design as part pf a formal planning application to Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council.
INTRODUCTION In light of the current COVID-19 lockdown and social distancing restrictions, temporary preapplication community consultation regulations were introduced in May which removed the legislative requirement for a public event. Alternative consultation methods, such as online magazines, were encouraged. Therefore, Clyde Shanks are using online tools to assist you to review, consider and provide feedback on these development proposals. Your feedback on the proposals is very much welcomed and all matters raised will be taken into consideration and reflected upon in finalising the proposals that will be contained in the formal application submission. We will prepare a report, known as the PreApplication Community Consultation report (PACC report), summarising all of the feedback and how the design team has responded to this. This PACC report will be submitted to Lisburn & Castlereagh Borough Council as part of the planning application package.
EXISTING SITE AND SURROUNDING CONTEXT THE SITE The Site extends to an area of approximately 4.4ha (10.9 acres), is roughly rectangular in shape and is located entirely within the administrative boundary of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council, within the Hillsborough Ward. The site is located off the eastern side of the Lisburn Road, within and on the northern edge of the village. The site currently has two vehicular accesses on the Lisburn Rd, one towards the southern edge of the site frontage and one at the northern edge. In terms of topography, the site slopes from the southern boundary adjacent to the Kilwarlin housing development to the middle of the site and rises again towards the northern boundary. The site also gently rises from the Lisburn Road towards the eastern boundary. The site is largely undeveloped and covered in grass, with rows of mature trees forming the site boundaries. There is also a row of trees running through the middle of the site from west to east. A small stream also runs through the middle of the site, part is open and part is culverted. In terms of built development, there is a bungalow adjacent to the Lisburn Road in the southern part of the site. In the northern part, there is also a bungalow and a number of outbuildings, some of them are of stone construction arranged around a concrete yard. The historic name for this part of the site in the 19th Century was ‘Cromlyn Lodge’, which is where the name of the proposed development comes from
View from southern site boundary looking north across the site
View from northern access road to outbuildings and dwelling
View towards Kilwarlin from northern part of site
View from garden of bungalow towards southern access CROMLYN LODGE, HILLSBOROUGH |
Map showing existing site features
View along southern access to existing bungalow
Existing mature vegetation within the site
Existing vegetation along watercourse
Kilwarlin housing backing on to application site
GS Motorcycles
Fox Hill, Lisburn Rd Hillsborough - opposite application site
Kensington Gardens - opposite application site
View of site boundary along Lisburn Road
EXISTING SITE AND SURROUNDING CONTEXT THE SURROUNDINGS The surrounding area to the east, west and south is predominantly residential in nature with mostly detached and semi-detached dwellings. To the north the lands are undeveloped, rolling agricultural fields. To the north of the site at the end of the Lisburn Rd is the Hillsborough Roundabout of the A1 dual carriageway. The A1 runs roughly north – south to the west of Hillsborough and connects to the M1 Motorway at Sprucefield. The centre of the village is located approximately 600 metres to the south of the site and includes a number of small shops, restaurants, pubs and community buildings. The Kilwarlin housing development is located on the southern boundary of the site. The Kilwarlin development is accessed from the Lisburn Road and comprises a mix of apartments, terraces, semi-detached and detached dwellings.
LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT AND HISTORY Section 45 (1) of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 requires that all planning applications have regard to the local development plan, so far as material to the application, and all other material considerations. Section 6(4) states that in making any determination where regard is to be had to the local development plan, the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This is known as the Plan-led system.
LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Lisburn Area Plan 2001 (LAP) Whilst beyond its notional end date of 2001, the LAP remains the adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) for Hillsborough. Within the LAP the Site is unzoned ‘whiteland’ within the settlement limit. Policy H1 of the LAP states that “Development will be permitted on such land if constraints can be overcome and it is demonstrated that developments proposed are otherwise acceptable in the context of planning principles, policy and practice”. As such housing is acceptable in principle on the site, subject to complying with all regional planning policy and addressing any site specific environmental constraints.
Draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015 (dBMAP) BMAP was adopted and subsequently quashed by the Courts in 2015. As such no weight can be attached to it, however, the draft BMAP published in 2004 and the associated report into the Public Inquiry by the Planing Appeals Commission are relevant. In draft BMAP the Site is located within the settlement limit of Hillsborough, as illustrated in Map No. 04 001 – Hillsborough. The Site is identified as zoned for housing (designation HH 03/05) along with the lands to the south east. Draft BMAP was the subject of a public inquiry, and the subsequent PAC report in to all of the evidence that was heard reached an advanced stage and maintained the zoning of this site for housing. Draft BMAP identifies a number of requirements for any proposed housing development on the site, and these are known as ‘Key Site Requirements’ (KSRs). The KSRs include: • A Concept Statement to facilitate the comprehensive development of the site shall be submitted to and agreed with the Department; • Housing development shall be a minimum gross density of 15 dwellings per hectare and a maximum gross density of 25 dwellings per hectare; • Access arrangements shall be agreed with Roads Service;
Extract from draft BMAP Hillsborough map
• A Transport Assessment (TA) shall be required to identify any necessary improvements to the road network/public transport/transportation facilities in the area; • All existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows within the site and on the boundaries shall be retained, unless the Department determines that such vegetation is not of a quality to merit retention or is required to be removed to facilitate a safe means of access to the site; • A 5-8-metre-wide landscape buffer of trees and hedges of native species shall be provided entirely within and adjacent to the Settlement limit and outside the curtilage of any dwelling. This is to provide screening for the development and help assimilate and soften its impact on the countryside. Details of establishment, maintenance and long term management shall be formally agreed; • A Flood Risk Assessment of the watercourses within and adjacent to the site shall be carried out in submitted to the Department to inform proposals for the development site; • The watercourses within the and adjacent to the site boundaries shall be retained as open watercourses and incorporated into the proposed development unless Rivers Agency, DARD determine that the retention of the open watercourse is not appropriate.
All of these matters, as they relate to the Site, will be addressed within the proposed planning application submission.
REGIONAL PLANNING POLICY There are a number of Planning Policy Statements and other regional planning policy documents that are relevant to the assessment of the proposed development. These have all been taken into account in developing the proposed scheme and a supporting statement articulating how these have been compiled with will accompany the planning application.
PLANNING HISTORY Planning permission was previously granted on the site for 62 dwellings with access from Lisburn Rd (planning reference S/2006/1117/F). This planning permission was granted on 24th March 2010 and lasted for five years. The approved layout was significantly more dense than what is now proposed, and much less sensitive to the existing natural features of the site, such as the mature trees and the existing watercourse
Planning Permission granted in 2010
Design Concept
Proposed Site Layout
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DESIGN PRINCIPLES The applicant’s vision for the site is to create an attractive, contemporary housing development. At the preliminary design stage this vision was characterised by a number of key design principles. These are as follows: • the density of development, layout and house designs to reflect the context and character of this part of Hillsborough; • the existing mature vegetation and other natural features should be retained where practicable to integrate the new development into the surrounding context; • development should as far as possible avoid the existing stream and small area of floodplain; • a generous area of open space should be provided centrally within the site; • access to be from the Lisburn Road and minimise the impact on existing trees; • the proposal respects neighbouring properties and does not cause unacceptable impacts on their amenity.
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED DESIGN The above principles were the starting point for the development of the initial design, along with the results of site surveys undertaken by the appointed environmental consultants. The proposed design as shown in this consultation has evolved through a number of iterations since the beginning of the design process. The collaborative design approach that has been undertaken with consultants has been essential to ensure the proposed scheme fulfils good design objectives and place making principles. The proposals as presented in this consultation incorporate the following elements: • 47 dwellings broken down as 14 apartments, 31 detached and two semidetached, in a variety of house designs; • Proposed ‘Mansion House’ apartment block on northern boundary in location of existing dwelling; • Existing stone outbuildings retained and converted into apartments and will relate to Mansion House; • Detached dwellings in spacious plots across the rest of the site; • Dwellings backing on to the existing dwellings in the Kilwarlin development.
The change in levels and separation distances will ensure no significant impact on their amenity; Subject to Planning Permission and all other associated statutory approvals
• Main access from Lisburn Road towards southern end of roadside boundary, access at northern will be retained but will only access a small number of units; • approximately 20% of the site will be designated for public open space across the middle of the site; • the existing watercourse will be retained within the proposed open space. The watercourse will only be culverted for a short length to provide a single access from the southern to the northern part of the site; • Almost all of the existing trees will be retained along House type mix:the site boundaries and through the middle of the site within the open space; C Conversion H1 det villa @ 1250 sqft H2 det villa @ 1500 sqft H3 det villa @ 2000 sqft H4 det villa @ 1700 sqft H5 split level det villa @ 1850 sqft H6 split level det villa @ 1650 sqft H7 split level det villa @ 2000 sqft H8 semi-det @ 1900 sqft H9 split level det villa @ 1700 sqft H10 split level det villa @ 1800 sqft H11 split level det villa @ 1600 sqft H11a split level det villa @ 1750 sqft H12 det villa @ 2110 sqft H14 det villa @ 1350 sqft H15 det villa @ 2100 sqft H16 det villa @ 1100 sqft H17 Mansion apartments
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
3 1 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 9
• Areas identified as potentially flooding will not be built upon. The developable area of the Site is approximately 4.0ha, giving a density of 12 dwellings per hectare. Although Proposeddensity Car Parking: falls slightly below the proposed the minimum density within the KSR in draft BMAP, it must be noted that a large proportion of the site cannot be built on due to tree protection areas and floodplain. It is considered that the density proposed Ref|3208-050-03-003-013 :: Drawn|AWP/GB is wholly appropriate the1:500 site(A1) given Date|27-08-2020 for :: Scale its location, context and the identified constraints within the site. Dwelling Type 3-bed apartment 3-bed town house 3-bed detached 4-bed semi-detached 4-bed detached
No. Units 9 3 3 2 30
Spaces 15.75 7.5 8.25 5.5 90
H16 C H15 C C H17
H11 H2
H4 H3
H14 H11
H11 H3
H11a H4
H11 H5
H6 H5 H7 H7
H5 H9 H5
H8 H8 0
Darragh House 112 Craigdarragh Road Helen's Bay County Down BT19 1UB
Subject to Planning Permission and all other associated statutory approvals
Typical section through the site showing change in levels. Section reads left (north) to right (south)
Ref|3208-050-03-003-014 :: Drawn|GB Date|30-09-2020 :: Scale As Shown (A1)
Current concepts for house designs. These will be further developed for the submission of the application
91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 0
Scale Bar (metres)
Scale 1:200
Site Section
91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 0
Legend Scale 1:1000
Scale Bar (metres)
Scale 1:200 Darragh House 112 Craigdarragh Road Helen's Bay County Down BT19 1UB
Tel: Fax: email: website:
028 9185 2582 028 9185 3448
Legend Scale 1:1000
Darragh House 112 Craigdarragh Road Helen's Bay County Down BT19 1UB
Tel: Fax: email: website:
028 9185 2582 028 9185 3448
The site is subject to a Tree Preservation Order. An up-to-date tree survey has been undertaken by a professional arboroculturalist and this has informed the layout out of houses and roads in order to minimize the impact on existing, mature trees.
A transport consultant has been appointed to advise on access and traffic matters. The site and the Lisburn Road along the front of the site have been accurately surveyed to assist in the design of the proposed accesses. An initial Transport Assessment Form (TAF) has been completed and confirms that there will be no increased level of parking in the surrounding area due to adequate parking being provided within the development.
A Noise Impact Assessment has been carried out to ensure there is not an excessive noise burden upon the future occupiers. The Noise Impact Assessment confirms that there will be no unacceptable noise impacts on either future residents of the proposed dwellings or existing residents in properties adjacent to the site.
A detailed drainage and flood risk assessment has been carried out for the site. This has focused on the existing watercourse that runs through the centre of the site and the associated modest floodplain. The floodplain has been mapped and this information has been used in the layout of the development. The floodplain will be avoided by development and the watercourse will also be avoided with the exception of a single road crossing to enable access from the southern part of the site to the northern area.
An Archaeological Assessment has been completed for the site. This did not identify any significant archaeological remains above ground within the site and the proposed development is not anticipated to have a significant impact on archaeological features in the local area. Desktop surveys indicated that the site is located in an area of archaeological potential, with the possibility that archaeological or historical remains could exist beneath the ground. It is proposed that the site will be surveyed, including sampling in trenches, prior to the commencement of development.
A comprehensive suite of ecological surveys and assessments have been carried out across the site. These have not identified any significant ecological constraints to the development. However, a number of measures have been recommended and these will be incorporated into the proposals.
Detailed reports setting out the findings of the appointed consultants, their assessment of the proposed development and any proposed mitigation measures will accompany the planning application.
The stone outbuildings are attractive and consideration is being given to retaining and sympathetically converting at least one into apartments.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? We thank-you for taking time to review the content of this consultation and would be delighted if you would take the time to share your thoughts on what you have seen, and prospect of the proposed development proceeding through planning. Following the end of the consultation period (27 November 2020), your feedback will be taken into consideration in finalising the proposed development. A formal planning application will be submitted to Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council thereafter. Once submitted, the opportunity for further public engagement in the decision-making process will take place in the normal manner through the submission of representations to the Council following the applications advertisementin the local press (Ulster Star) and neighbour notification procedures.
On our website, you can leave feedback, raise questions or leave your contact details should you require further assistance. If you wish to discuss the proposal you can also do so by: Telephone - 02890434393 Email - Post – Clyde Shanks Ltd, 2nd Floor, 7 Exchange Place, Belfast, BT1 2NA
If you would like to receive a printed copy of this magazine, we can post this out to you on your request, accompanied with a feedback form.
The opportunity to provide a response via the website will end on 27th November 2020 and all written responses should reach our office no later than 4th December 2020.
2nd Floor 7 Exchange Place Belfast BT1 2NA t | 028 9043 4393