Provos - Amsterdam's Anarchist Revolt

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appe n d ix 8 : some c o m m e nts o n a rec e nt critique of the provos

Relatively little new material was published on the Pro­ vos between 1 970 and the 1 992 appearance of Virginie Mamadouh's important study, De stad in eigen hand: Provos, Kabouters en Krakers als stedelijk sociale beweging (Amsterdam: Sua, 1 992 . The title translates approxi­ mately as Popular Control of City Government: Provos, Kabo u ters, and Squatters as Urban Social Movements; or, more literally, The City in One 's Own Hands). The definitive account of the Kabouter movement is Louter Kabou ter: Kroniek van een beweging, 1 969- 1 9 74 (Pure Kabouter: Chronicle of a Movement, 1 969- 1 974) by Coen Tas­ man (Amsterdam:De Geus-Bablylon, 1 99 6 ) . Most recently, in 200 3 , Niek Pas , a n assistant professor a t the Institute o f Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam, published his doctoral dissertation as Imaazje!: De verbeelding van Provo, 1 965- 1 967 (Image!: The Imag­ ing of Provo, 1 965- 1 96 7) (Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek, 200 3 ) . Unfortunately, Pas ' book i s a major study, a hefty tome of 463 pages of which 90 pages are footnotes and an additional 1 8 pages include a bibliography and list of source s . It is maddening that such a thorough work should so consistently belittle Provo and its members on page after page . Given Pas 's negative view of Provo it is essential that this first major study not be taken as the defini­ tive work on the movement. In response to it, Coen Tasman, author of Lou ter Kabou ter, wrote a long critical review that he published in the Dutch periodical B uiten de Orde (Herfst 2003 ) . Pas ' book was written from the point o f view o f Media Stud­ ies , an area that is his present specialty. The word verbeelding in the title does not have an exact English equivalent, it means " imaging " as well as " self-promoting, wishful thinking, allowing one 's imagi­ nation to run away, pipe-dreaming, exaggerating, " suggesting that the current " image " of Provo is a myth. Thus the title strikes a sar­ castic note, echoing the attitude of the author. Throughout his book Pas comes across as an overbearing skeptic, blind to the creativity

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