an n otated g e n e ral b i b l i o g rap hy
Aarts , Joos . See Van Provo tot Groenevelt. Actie, werkelijkheid en nctie in de kunst van de jaren '60 in Nederland (Ac tion, Reality and Fiction in the Art of the Sixties in the Netherlands) . Rotter dam: Museum Boymans Van Beuningen, 1 9 7 9 . Art exhibition catalog with much information on the artistic milieu of the Sixties , including the Provo Happenings . Alverson, Charles. " The Kabouters Are Coming ! : Good Scenes and Bad in the Amsterdam Summer. " Rolling Stone, Oct. 1 5 , 1 970, pp . 29-3 1 . Anarchy (London) No . 6 6 (Vol. 6 , No . 8 ) (August 1 966). [Special issue on the Provo movement) English critiques of the Prove s , written shortly after the June 1 4th riots . " Day Trip to Amsterdam, " by Charles Radcliffe , pp. 237-242 , is a charming eyewitness account. The issue also includes short texts by Van Duyn and Constant that were translated into English. Aniba, J. W. F. " Provo-Amsterdam ( 1 965-1 9 67 ) " Spiegel Historiael 2 1 : 9 (Sept 1 986) pp. 392-399. Baljeu, Joost. Theo van Doesburg. New York: Macmillan, 1 974. Banning, Johan Petrus Dorothee Van. Het h uwelijk van Hare Koninglijk Hoogheid Prinses Beatrix (The Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Bea trix). Zaltbommel: Europeese Bibliotheek, 1 9 6 6 . Berg, J. Van den. De Anatomie van Nederland . Vol. 1 . Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij , 1 967. A useful introduction to constitutional and political structures in the Netherlands. Boehmer, Konrad. See Regtien. B ogers , Hans , et al. De psychedelische (r)evolutie: Geschiedenis van en re cente on twikkelingen in het Onderzoek naar veranderde bewustzijnstaten . Hans Bogers , Stephen Snelders , Hans Plomp , voorwoord Simon Vinkenoog. Amsterdam: Bres, 1 994. " Bogharen. " Vrij Nederland. Nov. 1 9 , 1966. Bronkhorst, Huub . See G. D . Buikhuizen, Wouter. Achtergrond van Nozemgedrag (Background t o Delin quent Behavior). Assen: Van Gorcum, 1 96 5 . The doctoral dissertation on the provocative behavior of teenage delinquents from which the Proves derived their name . C'est demain la veille: Entretiens avec Mich el Foucault [ etc . ) . Paris : Edi tions du Seuil, 1 97 3 . A collection of interviews , including one with Roel Van Duyn. In French.
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