Provos - Amsterdam's Anarchist Revolt

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an n otated g e n e ral b i b l i o g rap hy

Aarts , Joos . See Van Provo tot Groenevelt. Actie, werkelijkheid en nctie in de kunst van de jaren '60 in Nederland (Ac­ tion, Reality and Fiction in the Art of the Sixties in the Netherlands) . Rotter­ dam: Museum Boymans Van Beuningen, 1 9 7 9 . Art exhibition catalog with much information on the artistic milieu of the Sixties , including the Provo Happenings . Alverson, Charles. " The Kabouters Are Coming ! : Good Scenes and Bad in the Amsterdam Summer. " Rolling Stone, Oct. 1 5 , 1 970, pp . 29-3 1 . Anarchy (London) No . 6 6 (Vol. 6 , No . 8 ) (August 1 966). [Special issue on the Provo movement) English critiques of the Prove s , written shortly after the June 1 4th riots . " Day Trip to Amsterdam, " by Charles Radcliffe , pp. 237-242 , is a charming eyewitness account. The issue also includes short texts by Van Duyn and Constant that were translated into English. Aniba, J. W. F. " Provo-Amsterdam ( 1 965-1 9 67 ) " Spiegel Historiael 2 1 : 9 (Sept 1 986) pp. 392-399. Baljeu, Joost. Theo van Doesburg. New York: Macmillan, 1 974. Banning, Johan Petrus Dorothee Van. Het h uwelijk van Hare Koninglijk Hoogheid Prinses Beatrix (The Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Bea­ trix). Zaltbommel: Europeese Bibliotheek, 1 9 6 6 . Berg, J. Van den. De Anatomie van Nederland . Vol. 1 . Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij , 1 967. A useful introduction to constitutional and political structures in the Netherlands. Boehmer, Konrad. See Regtien. B ogers , Hans , et al. De psychedelische (r)evolutie: Geschiedenis van en re­ cente on twikkelingen in het Onderzoek naar veranderde bewustzijnstaten . Hans Bogers , Stephen Snelders , Hans Plomp , voorwoord Simon Vinkenoog. Amsterdam: Bres, 1 994. " Bogharen. " Vrij Nederland. Nov. 1 9 , 1966. Bronkhorst, Huub . See G. D . Buikhuizen, Wouter. Achtergrond van Nozemgedrag (Background t o Delin ­ quent Behavior). Assen: Van Gorcum, 1 96 5 . The doctoral dissertation on the provocative behavior of teenage delinquents from which the Proves derived their name . C'est demain la veille: Entretiens avec Mich el Foucault [ etc . ) . Paris : Edi­ tions du Seuil, 1 97 3 . A collection of interviews , including one with Roel Van Duyn. In French.

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