Provos - Amsterdam's Anarchist Revolt

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5. t h e fi n e st h o u r of t h e d utch re p u bl i c ( m arc h 10, 1966)

While it was impossible to predict what would happen during the March 1 0th wedding protests , both the Pro­ vos and the police had clear ideas of what they wanted to see. On March 9th it s eemed as though the Govern­ ment might have its way and the monolithic combination of press and government would hold an orderly ceremonial event, one greet­ ed joyously by crowds of loyal Dutch citizens . By as early as March 5th, police raids had become a daily occurrence and much of Provo's literature was being confiscated. Many of the Provos were in hiding. Rob Stolk left the city for Zaandam and Grootveld spent his days at home , leaving his apartment only at night. Luud Schimmelpennick, the originator of the White B icycle Plan, and Roel van Duyn hid out at the homes of friends . For the first time in months , the Lieverdje was quiet. On February 2 5th, 1 966, Van Duyn had published an arti­ cle in Provo calling on the Amsterdam PROVOtariat to protest the wedding, saying that the traditional Proletariat could no longer be counted on because of the middle-class outlook ( embourgeoise­ ment " ) exemplified by the Dutch Communist Party. Though the Marxists condemned this denigration of the Proletariat , the Provos had a very clear notion of their constituency. "

WHAT IS THE PROVOTARIAT? What is the PROVOtariat? Proves, beatniks , pleiners, nozem s , teddy-boys , rock­ ers, blousons noirs , hooligans , mangupi, students , artists, misfits , anarchists, ban-the-bombers . . . . Those who don't want a career and who lead irregular lives ; those who come from the asphalt j ungles of london, pari s , amsterdam, new york, moscow, tokyo, berlin, milan, warsaw and who feel ill-adapted to this society. . . . The PROVOtariat is the last element of rebellion in our " developed" countries. The Proletariat is the slave of the politicians. Watching TV. It has joined its old enemy, the bourgeoisie, and now constitutes with the bourgeoisie a huge grey mass . The new class opposition in our countries is the PROVOtariat against this mas s .

••••••• p rovo: amsterdam's a narc hist revo lt •S9

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