and Henk van O s . I have learned much from Jordan Zinovich and my other editors at Autonomedia about the history of anarchism and its developments since the '60s and have hopefully incorporated these valuable lessons in the text of the book. And I benefited from the comments of Hans Plomp and Stephen Snelders , who read the edited manuscript on Autonomedia's behalf. Again, a word of heartfelt thanks is due . Also, thanks to Peter Stansill and David Zane Mairowitz for permission to use materials from their collection BAMN (By Any Means Necessary): O u tlaw Manifestos and Ephem era, 1 965-70. I must add that the opinions and conclusions expressed are my own. In no way do they constitute an endorsement of my views on the part of those mentioned above - I am thinking here particu larly of my Dutch contacts. It seems to be a point of Batavian pride that no two Dutch people will agree on any matter social or politi cal, so I gracefully accept beforehand the possibility that no one in the Netherlands will be completely in accord with that which I have written about three years of their nation's history. -Richard Kempton
publisher's foreword
Provo: Amsterdam's Anarchist Revolt is another title in Autono media's ongoing exploration of Dutch resistance movements: pre viously, The Devil 's Anarchy ( 2005 ) examined early Dutch piracy, and Cracking the Movement ( 1 994 ) chronicled the Dutch squatting movement. While some in our collective cannot imagine modern anar chism without Provo , others only came to understand the move ment's impact through researching and editing this book. Provo is a legendary movement whose creative energy, successes, and fail ures helped shape the anarchism that we practice and love today. And while the effects of legends often drift in and out of our every day lives , they frequently pass unanalyzed. This book brings the history of Provo to the fore so that we can make the connections between the past and present , as well as take note of substantial differences between their historical moment and ours . Our hope for this introductory history of Provo in English audience is that it al·
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