Mindful Mamma: Market Research & Promotion

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Project Background

As a student in the Lincoln Business and Law School I was lucky enough to gain access to freelance placement schemes under “Access Innovation”, namely Outstand. I was taken on by “Mindful Mamma” a local company who offer one day

antenatal classes focusing on techniques for normal birth as well as CDs and MP3s for fertility, birth and beyond along. Midwifery training days were also included in the service repertoire. My main projects for the company were to construct a marketing plan, focus group design to investigate brand and service perception across various demographics, and design promotional posters to advertise the focus groups. The project started in November 2009 and ran to summer 2010. After the design of the focus group and promotional material, the role was passed back to Mindful Mamma who carried out all the Market research.

The Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan 2010/ 11 Sophie Fletcher & Mia Scotland

In Association with the University of Lincoln

Mission Statement At Mindful Mamma we offer a one day class aimed at anyone who wants to give their baby a gentle and loving start in life. You can learn how birth is something not to be feared, but something to look forward to. Situational Analysis External Forces: Political/ Legal: 

NHS funding dropped

Legislation is constantly changing the fields of Hypnotherapy, Psychology and Hypno- birthing, monitoring changes has to be constant. ( Voluntary self regulation)

Course leaders would need to make sure they kept up with their qualifications and professionalism in terms of accreditations etc.

NHS wont market independent practitioners

Hypnobirthing term potentially trademarked

Economic: 

We are currently coming out of a credit crunch, and what could be seen as luxury expenditure such as hypnotherapy and birthing classes, may be disregarded.

Due to the fact classes are not available in every city or town; potential clients may see the money needed to travel as an unnecessary expenditure.

Lack of government funding for antenatal services

Venue costs are high

NHS is free- customers perceive every antenatal service should be free

Socio- Cultural: 

Techniques such as Hypno- birthing and behaviour therapy, have a misguided stereotype among the public as mean “Hippy” or “New- age” which may put them off from the start.

Bring Fathers in to encourage better perception and acceptance

Technological: 

Printing/ Administration costs are high

Need technological guidance for monitoring and maintenance- cost of set up and use of equipment etc.

Internal Forces: Strengths: 

All course leaders are fully, if not beyond qualified to carry out the classes/ courses they offer

Classes are planned around the country, meaning people are bound to be within travelling distance of at least one.

Care is taken to not only consider the Mother and Baby, but other people involved in the process such as the Father, Grandparents etc.

Weaknesses: 

Competing businesses are working in the area. ( e. g. Calmer Baby)

Previous marketing has not really been overally intensive

The brand image is not appealing to Males that could potentially be involved such as Fathers and Grandfathers. This is mainly due to branding semiotics

Opportunities: 

There is a big opportunity for brand repositioning, which would increase competitive advantage and potentially market share.

Market research opportunities are vast, to understand consumers on a deeper level therefore target more effectively.

The negative social perception of this kind of service is slowly improving which means a potential of a large increase in target market size.

Threats: 

Hypnobirthing currently expelling people who offer more than one course. This has led to an increase in new micro businesses.

Educated women are on the lookout for home business

The negative social perception of such services is lifting, which means higher competitiveness within the market.

Some competitors will be much more established as a brand, therefore during repositioning we are automatically at a disadvantage.

Hypnobirthing is potentially going to be trademarked

Mindful Mamma Marketing Mix Product: Mindful Mamma offers a one day gentle birth preparation class using antenatal techniques. “The original one day Hypnobirthing class”

Price: Prices range from £4. 99 for Items from the online store to £245 for bespoke courses. Place: Mindful Mama operates in varied places both geographically and in terms of shape and size. This ranges from rented halls to house visits. Promotion: Mindful mama are currently undertaking a market research and rebranding project, in order to improve quality and overall outcome of their marketing strategy. Objectives and Strategy of Marketing Plan Key Objective: “Our objective is to raise our profile amongst different groups of expecting parents, but to also understand why our current marketing strategy does not appear to be working very successfully. Ultimately we wish to build a strong, positive and coherent brand image that is recognised nationally by our target group. ”

Reposition ourselves as a brand leader in order to achieve higher market share and appeal to a new and differentiated consumer base.

Dissolve negative social perceptions of the brand, and services offered, through qualitative market research into various demographic and socio- cultural groups.

Carry out focus groups in various UK cities in order to establish consumer perception of both the brand alone and the kind of service we offer

Incorporate, as a result from the focus groups, a rebranding and repositioning scheme to encourage consumers to invest in such services. Also increase competitive advantage among similar businesses.

Action Program 

Carry out focus group research, beginning March 2010

Analyse findings and incorporate a rebranding strategy

Launch new rebranded marketing material

Carry out follow up focus groups in order to analyse effectiveness of the rebranding project.

Time Plan: January 2010- Initial meeting, set up preliminary objectives January 2010- March 2010- Create draft copies of the marketing plan and focus group design March 2010- Meet to discuss changes to draft and the recruiting process for research groups May 2010- Establish finalised copies of the Marketing plan and Focus Group design May- August 2010- Recruitment and promotion of research groups September 2010- Focus groups carried out and research analysis undertaken. Total time: 9 Months

Funding: Expenses will be covered by the Programme Fund, and additional expenses for activities that are part of the project may be funded by the Programme Fund, subject to approval. Further financial planning and scheduling will take place upon approval, and when prices and locations for focus group are known. Budget will also be set aside for incentives such as food and drink for focus groups and also the offer of free Mindful Mamma products ( CD’s) during the recruitment process.

Focus Group Plan

Focus Group Agenda 2010 ( Brand Perception, Analysis of Services & Competitive Positioning) Sophie Fletcher & Mia Scotland ( Led by Charlie Marples)

Briefing Hello and thank you for taking part in this Focus Group for Mindful Mamma. The purpose of this Focus Group is to find out common assumptions of Mindful Mamma as a brand, and also your perception of the services they offer. The methods we are using today are qualitative questionnaires and discussion. This will mainly consist of the gathering of your ideas, perceptions and experiences surrounding the brand. If you have any queries at all during the activities, do not hesitate to ask. Again, thank you for taking time to attend our research groups. Feel free to help yourself to the food and drink provided.

Sophie, Mia & Charlie

Section 1: Affective Brand Perception Our Logo and Name


1. When you see our logo ( shown above) what words spring to mind, what perceptions does it conjure up of the company, in your opinion? ( Please think of things such as Colour, Font, and Shape)

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. 2. What do the words “Mindful Mamma” mean to you? 

What kind of company springs to mind?

What image does it give you as a potential consumer?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 3. Please have a look at our current marketing material ( available on the table) , do you think they represent Mindful Mamma effectively and match your perceptions of the business?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................ . .............................................

“Strap lines” Observe the strap lines below, with each try and think of words and images they conjure up in your mind, do they match your perception of Mindful Mamma that you have stated?

“Turn the Ow into Wow”


“Helping you towards a calmer birth for Comments:

you and your baby”

“Birthing with your


Baby in mind”

“Committed to


Better birthing”

Online Marketing: Our Webpage Observe the webpage on the screen, in the chart below please flag up both positives and negatives you see when you look at the site. ( Please base your answers at immediate gut reaction) Advantages


Character profiling: Who is our stereotypical consumer? When you think of the type of person who would use Mindful Mamma, what image comes to mind? Please make use of the space below to identify some keywords you would associate with this character, and if you like draw a quick sketch/ drawing of what you think this person would look like, it can be comical or even a professional portrait if you feel inclined. How closely would you associate yourself with this image?

.......................................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................

Section 2: Perception of Services Antenatal: Antental classes are a service provided by Mindful Mamma. 

What does the word “Antenatal” mean to you?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Would you pay for antenatal services, what are you reasons for choice?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. 

What you expect as the outcomes of an antenatal class?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ . .............................................

Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy: Self Hypnosis services are provided by Mindful Mamma. 

How do you think Hypnosis would be used in childbirth?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................ . ............................................. 

Do you think the stereotypes of hypnosis to be valid?

What stereotypes do you think exist in society?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ . ............................................ . ............................................. 

Would you consider such a service, if so would you pay for it?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ . ............................................. 

Are you afraid of using such services?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................ . .............................................

The professional’s role in service provision: 

Knowing the services, who would you feel most comfortable providing you with this service? ( Feel free to circle/ tick several)

a) A Mother who has used the service before b) Doctor c) Hypnotherapist d) Midwife e) NHS f) Psychologist 

What would/ have been you reactions to working with people from the following professions? 

A Clinical Psychologist

............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

A Clinical Hypnotherapist

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

A Midwife

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. Natural Birth 

What does the term Natural Birth mean to you?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Is it something you would aspire to?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

Does Natural Birth, Drug- Free Birth and Unmedicated Birth mean the same thing to you, or do you believe them to be three different approaches to birth?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Fear as Motivation 

What are the key fears that conjure up for you when you think of giving birth?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Do you believe fear to be a motivator for using services provided by Mindful Mamma? Would fear motivate you?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Do you feel Mindful Mamma would help reduce/ manage these fears, if so why and/ or how?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Knowledge and Birth. 

Do you think there is a lot a pregnant couple need to know about the childbirth process?

............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................


Do you think education is important?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Do you believe knowledge equates to relaxation and security?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. ............................................ 

What do you believe to be missing from the NHS antenatal services?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Do you believe relaxation and security makes for a good birth?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

How do you perceive the pain factor of childbirth?

How does it affect you fear factor of the pregnancy/ birthing process as a whole?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Birth and the Father 

How important is a Fathers role in the birth?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Based on your experience, how do you think a Father would feel/ has felt during the labour process?

............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

In what way would Fathers hinder the birthing process

In what way would Fathers improve the birthing process?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Do think the services Mindful Mamma provides would benefit Fathers as well as Mother and Baby?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. 

How would you feel if your Wife/ Girlfriend booked you onto a course?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

What would encourage you to book onto a course?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Implications of a good birth 

How important do you think a good birth is and why?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Did you know research shows “Pain is inversely correlated to good birth and control is inversely correlated to comfort”? What are your thoughts on this statement?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. Hypnobirthing 

What does this term mean to you?

............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

Have you ever heard of this term?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 

What do you know about Hypnobirthing?

............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. .............................................

............................................. ............................................. Booking process and contact 

What turns you off booking onto a Mindful Mamma class/ course? a) Fear of leaving your comfort zone b) Lack of product knowledge c) Location/ Venue d) Midwifes comments/ critique e) Irrelevance f) Partner not too keen g) Price h) Other:

( Please state)

( Please put in order or state the ones that apply to you, adding reasons for your choice if you deem appropriate)

Section 3: Scale Mapping ( Competitive Positioning) This section of the process is focused on how you view Mindful Mamma in comparison with alternative methods of help and support during pregnancy and the birthing process. We have provided a key below for the activities involved in this section: 1. Antenatal yoga 2. Birth pool hire



4. Midwife led antenatal classes

5. Mindful Mamma 6. Natal Hypnotherapy 7. NCT

( National Childbirth Trust)


8. NHS Classes 9. Other

( if chosen please specify)

In this section the activity will involve scaling mapping of all the available services in the key above. This will be shown on several scales with varying variables. The task involves writing the corresponding number on the scale, in the position you think it fits best. 1. Good Value vs. Expensive


Value for Money

2. Generic vs. Specialist



3. Broad Appeal vs. Niche Appeal

Broad Appeal

Niche Appeal

4. Small and Friendly Company vs. Large and Anonymous Company

Small, Friendly

Large, Anonymous

5. Off the Wall vs. Main Stream

Off the Wall

Main Stream

6. Vital Need vs. Luxury and Pampering



7. Both Parents Involvement vs. Mother Alone



8. Help have a better birth vs. No effect on birth

No Effect

Helps a lot

Thank you for Taking Part in our Research Sophie, Mia & Charlie

Debriefing Thank you for taking part in our study of branding, competitive positioning and services perception at Mindful Mamma. We are very grateful of your time and contribution. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, be this about the study, the company and if you would like any information on the results of our research. This can be done via the contact details provided below. We hope you got something out of your participation in this research, and enjoyed your time working with us today. A big thank you from Mindful Mamma.


Email: sophie@ mindfulmama. co. uk Phone: 0845 5082539 Website: www. mindfulmamma. co. uk

Mia Email: mia@ mindfulmama. co. uk Phone: 0845 5082539 Website: www. mindfulmamma. co. uk

Charlie Email: Charlie_03@ hotmail. co. uk Phone:

0753 093 7768

Promoting the Focus Groups

Poster A

Poster B

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