Omega Post | Winter 2022-23

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WINTER 2022-23


Greetings Brothers, Family, and Friends of the Third District,

I remain steadfast and honored to serve as the Third District Representative where it all started (The Birthplace of Omega) by our founders, The Honorable Brothers Dr. Ernest E. Just, Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, Bishop Edgar A. Love, and Professor Frank Coleman. The Supreme Basileus gave them the vision for the fraternity to be built and rooted: “Friendship.” The vision continues to be validated by the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc’s motto, “Friendship Is Essential To The Soul.” The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., the “FIRST” International Black Greek Letter Fraternity to be incorporated at a Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Chapters throughout the District held their annual Achievement Week events and presented various awards to the Brothers, Citizens, and Essay contest winners. We are truly blessed. I want to extend my congratulations to all the awardees and sincerely thank you for your service to the communities. With your hard work, commitment, and leadership, a significant amount of activities were possible and allowed us to be a blessing to tens of thousands of residents throughout Washington, D.C. and Virginia.

We were able to have an in-person celebration and rededication ceremony on the campus of Howard University, where it all began 111 years ago on November 17, 1911. It was great for us to fellowship together, as Brothers came from near and far. Brother Grand Basileus brought an inspiring message to the hundreds of brothers who filled the room. Brother Former Grand Basileus Ray facilitated the rededication, as Brothers were enthusiastically engaged in every word spoken and the true Omega spirit that filled the room.

Our Fatherhood Initiatives and Mentoring Continue to do phenomenal work, as demonstrated by the $20,000 donation to the Third District to support our programs to uplift, lead, and motivate our youth to achieve their aspirations and goals.

During the season of giving (Thanksgiving and Christmas), chapters across the District worked together and collaborated with other community-based organizations to feed and provide toys and gifts to tens of thousands of residents and families in need. Because of this generous donation of time, money, and resources, families were blessed by not worrying about Thanksgiving and Christmas meals or toys for their youth.

Let’s not forget our Voting Registration, Education, and Mobilization (VREM) efforts. We did an outstanding job getting to the polls and participating in the voting program. Please note we must remain vigilant in our duties relating to the VREM program, reminding the community residents and continuously remembering that every vote counts!

May God continue to bless you, your families, the Third District, and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Our prayer is for all to be comforted and remain safe and healthy. Friendship Is Essential


CONRADO 30th District SHAWN R. LACEY 1st Vice District Representative DEONDRE DAVIS 2nd Vice District Representative CRAIG M. SPRAGGINS District Keeper Of Records & Seal
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JAY ALLEN District Keeper Of Finance


B. MORGAN Representative REV. COURTENAY L. MILLER District Chaplain CALVIN C. BEIDLEMAN, III Director Of Public Relations J.KEVIN MCINTYRE, ESQ District Counselor
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KEVIN BROWN Immediate Past District Representative



1934 Edward R. Archer -Presdent

Lambda Omega

1935 Theodore L. Taylor

Vice President

Lambda Omega

1947 – 1949 Thomas H. Shields

Lambda Omega

1949 – 1950 Walter H. “Crow” Riddick (Served as Grand K.R.S)

Lambda Omega

1983 – 1986 Vernon E. Johnson (Served as 2nd Vice Grand Basileus)

Lambda Omega

1986 – 1987 Robert W. Howard, Sr.

Alpha Omega

1935 – 1936

A.B. Green - President

Lambda Omega

1936 – 1937 Oliver W. Hill - President

1936 – 1937

1937 – 1938

1938 – 1940

1940 – 1942

Gamma Alpha

C.W. Seay

4th District Representative

Delta Omega

A.M. Banks - President

Delta Omega

A.G. Macklin - President

Gamma Alpha

E.F. Corbett

4th District Representative

Lambda Omega

1940 – 1942 Harry T. Penn

1940 – 1942

Gamma Alpha

J. B. Blayton – President

Alpha Alpha

1942 – 1946 R.J. Kenny, Jr. – Basileus

Phi Phi

1942 – 1946 Harry T. Penn

District Representative

Gamma Alpha

1946 – 1947 Harry T. Penn – Basileus

Gamma Alpha

1950 – 1954 James D. Gill

Lambda Omega

1954 – 1956 James B. Williams

Phi Phi

1956 – 1958 Hiliary Jones

Lambda Omega

1958 – 1961 Charles D. Paige

Delta Omega

1961 – 1965 Hiram F. Jones

Alpha Omega

1965 – 1967 Frederick D. Nance

Lambda Omega

1967 -1970 Sylvester Blue

Delta Omega

1970 -1974 Melvin J. Washington

Alpha Omega

1974 – 1976 B. Thomas Garnette

Lambda Omega

1976 – 1978 Charles D. Chambliss, Jr.

Delta Omega

1978 – 1981 Kenneth A. Brown

Alpha Omega

1981 – 1983 James R. Clark, Sr.

Delta Omega

1987 – 1990 Robert W. Fairchild

Alpha Omega

1990 – 1993 Marion L. Barnwell

Psi Alpha Alpha

1993 – 1995 Joseph C. McKinney

Delta Omega

1995 – 1997 Gary C. Clark

Alpha Omega

1997 – 1999 James “Pete” Peterson

Lambda Omega

1999 – 2002 Rayford Harris Jr.

Phi Phi

2002 – 2004 Curtis Baylor

Psi Alpha Alpha

2004 – 2006 Robert H. Lewis

Psi Alpha Alpha

2006 – 2009 Mark E. Jackson, Sr.

Alpha Omega

2009 – 2012 Anthony Knight

Lambda Omega

2012 – 2015 Robert C. Warren, Jr., ESQ

Alpha Omega

2015 – 2017 Ezekiel “Zeke” Dennison Jr

Delta Omega

2017 – 2020 Kevin “KB” Brown

Kappa Iota Iota

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$50,000 GOAL


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The Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.hosted its annual Undergraduate Summit on February 11, 2023. The meeting was called to order by Brother Deondre Davis - Second Vice District Representative, with remarks from Brother Morgan - Third District Representative, and greetings from Brother John FaisonUndergraduate Representative to the Supreme Council. The event was well attended by undergraduate and graduate Brothers. Several topics were discuss and information shared with the Brothers. Some of the topics included membership selection program, transitioning from undergraduate to graduate chapter, leadership, and use of social media and image. The meeting was very engaging as Brothers participated and provided input to edify and uplift each other. Some of the Brothers providing inspiration and guidance were Brothers Amos Townsend, Robert Warren, Conrado Morgan. Ezekiel Dennison, Craig Branch, and Kevin McIntyre.

TheThird District of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. held a special Omega 1911 Sunday Worship Service featuring an exceptional Christmas Celebration Service on December 11, 2022. The Christmas Celebration service program was curated and led by the Third District Talent Hunt Chair and Professional musician, Brother Owen Nixon. The service included a greeting from the Third District 30th District Representative, Brother Conrado B. Morgan, bringing Christmas greetings on behalf of the Men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The musical performers included soloist, Garyn Moody, daughter of Brother Gary C. and Dr. Gracie Clark, and two Christmas music selections by Brother Owen Nixon. The celebration continued with instrumental performances by two inspirational piano solos by Brother Terry Butler and a rousing rendition of This Christmas by the Booker T. Washington High School Band, led by Brother Vincent Johnson. The celebration also featured Omega families describing the true meaning of Christmas for them and their families. It concluded with Brother Owen Nixon offering thanks to all participants and attendees with best wishes for a joyful holiday season.

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On Saturday morning, February 18, 2023, the Third District held its Winter Council meeting at the Omni Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. The meeting was attended by Brother Mark Jackson - 1st Vice Grand Basileus, Third District Executive Council, Former District Representatives, several chapters, and approximately 150-200 Brothers. The meeting was called to order by Brother Morgan - District Representative (DR). The business of Omega was conducted according to protocol. Brother DR Morgan provided his report informing the Brothers of the District’s current state. The

Third District Executive Officers and committee chairmen provided their respective reports.

Notable from the meeting is Brother Kevin Brown (29th Third District Representative) moved to have the name of the Third District Talent Hunt changed in honor of Brother William “BB” Prentiss, Jr., and without further ado, the move was properly seconded, and with an enthusiastic unanimous vote of yes, the Talent Hunt name (effective immediately) was changed to The William “BB” Pretiss, Jr. Talent Hunt.

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On November 17, 2022, the Brothers of the Washington, DC chapters (Alpha, Omicron Gamma, Delta Theta, Kappa Psi, and Alpha Omega) and Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. celebrated the 111th anniversary of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. This celebration was the first Third District in-person Founders Day event since 2019. The chairman of this illustrious event was Brother Larry A. Brown. Numerous Omega Brothers participate in the committee planning and execution. It was held in the Birthplace of Omega –on the campus of Howard University at the Cramton Auditorium – 2455 6th St NW, Washington, DC 20059. Brother Conrado B. Morgan – Third District Representative, and the Brothers of the Third District were joined by Brothers from across the world. Some

Theta Chapter), and Eric E. Harley (Alpha Chapter) all received the esteemed honor of standing in to commemorate the Four Founders of the Fraternity. The Master of Ceremony was Brother Kenneth A. Brown. Greetings were brought forth by Brother John Howard (Executive Director). Brother Ricky Lewis (42nd Grand Basileus), greeted and encouraged the Brothers and as the keynote speaker, he left the Brothers with four points from his message.

Brothers in attendance were Brothers Ricky Lewis –42nd Grand Basileus and Mark Jackson – First Vice Grand Basileus; Executive Director – Brother John Howard, Assistant Executive Director Kenneth Foster, District Representatives, and Former Grand Basileus Brother Dr. Andrew A. Ray.

The Third District Executive Council, numerous chapter Basilei, and hundreds of Brothers from the Second, Third, and other districts of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. participated in the celebration. Enthusiasm filled the room as Brothers greeted each other and enjoyed the fellowship. Brothers Xavier Manning (Alpha Chapter), Javan White (Omicron Gamma Chapter), Jayden Bourne (Delta

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1. Save our sons – Challenged fathers to continue to teach and encourage our youth

2. Brothers continue to connect with each other – “Brother, you are on my Mind.”

3. Save our HBCUs by starting and participating in endowments

4. Brothers invest in Omega by becoming and remaining financial

Brother Dr. Andrew A. Ray (39th Grand Basileus) greeted and encouraged the Brothers. The room was silent as all the Brothers (newly initiated to those with 70-plus years of service) attentively listened to the great words shared (an experience the Brothers will never forget) by Brother Dr. Andrew A. Ray. Afterward, the Brothers continued the fellowship and celebrated the founding of the GREATEST Fraternity known to man – Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Brothers gathered around the Monument to continue to bring honor to the Four Founders. Brother Grand Basileus Ricky Lewis also participated and fellowshipped with the Brothers.

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The Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha (PsiAA), Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in November 2022, held a successful series of 2022 Achievement Week celebratory activities and events due to the hard work and effort of the committee and the chapter collectively.

The chapter’s first event was on 31 October as the chapter’s MANUP mentoring program took a group of students to Elizabeth City State University to visit the Department of Aviation Science. On 3 November, approximately PsiAA 30 Brothers participated in a QFL fellowship event at Caspi Lounge. On Election Day, 08 November, the chapter supported the Fraternity’s Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization (VREM) call to action at multiple polling sites across Fairfax County. On 9 November, the chapter assisted the community at Walt Whitman Family Market. On 11 November, the Brothers hosted several chapters from Northern Area II with a Joint Happy Hour.

On 12 November, nearly 200 Brothers of the PsiAA chapter, patrons, families, and friends celebrated the individual and collective accomplishments from Omega Year 2021-2022 at the Mount Vernon Country

Club. The Achievement Week banquet highlighted the excellence of the “Fairfax County Ques.” Brother James W. Cherry II served as the Master of Ceremonies. The Keynote Speaker – Brother Dr. Gregory Washington provided inspiring words on the Achievement Week theme: “Providing Uplift to Local, National, and World Communities.”

The attendees were treated to a dance performance from one of our 2022 Talent Hunt winners, Ms. Daneya Celestin, and a reading from the chapter’s 2022 High School Essay winner, Ms. Kamryn S. Shuler.

This year’s awardees were formally recognized and honored: Omega Man of the Year- Brother James Cherry; the Superior Service AwardeeBrother Myron B. McDaniels; the Founders Lifetime Achievement Awardee - Brother Kenneth Younger, Sr., the Citizen of the year AwardeeMrs. Marcella Fulmore, and the

Brigadier General Charles Young Award – Brother Lieutenant Colonel Scotty Boler.

Basileus, Brother Willie J. Williams Jr., presented four Basileus awards for efforts above and beyond the call of duty to the following Brothers –Kenneth Younger, Kermit “KC” Jones, Maurice Cogdell, Norris Middleton, Marvin Chisolm, Anthony Bell, and Jerome “Duke” Haggins. Additionally, Brothers were celebrated for reaching years of service milestones.

On 17 November, Brothers participated in the Washington, DC, chapters rededication ceremony at Howard University. On 18 November, the Chapter conducted a mentoring session at John Lewis High School, where 30 students received invaluable life lessons. Additionally, Brothers participated in the chapter’s Reading for Success program at Riverside Elementary, reading and providing books and backpacks. On 19 November, PsiAA Brothers participated in Adopt a Highway to beautify the Route One corridor.

In conclusion, on 21 November, Brothers supported the New Hope Housing’s Kennedy Shelter with Thanksgiving meals and presented $300 in gift cards to the Fort Belvoir Chapel to support military families.

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Suffolk, VA – On Sunday, November 20, 2022, at 4pm, the Brothers of Alpha Iota, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., conducted their Annual Achievement Week Program. The program highlighted the Chapter’s award recipients, essay winner, and guest speaker. Sweet James Café of Norfolk, Virginia, catered the event.

The winners of the chapter awards were Brother Fritz Whitfield – Omega Man of the Year, Brother Antonio Smith –Superior Service Award, and Brother John Cotton –Brigadier General Charles Young Award. The Citizen of the Year Award was presented to Pastor Dr. Wayne D. Fasion. The essay winner was Mr. Renoldo M. Windham Jr., a Senior at Great Bridge High School in the Dual Enrollment Program.

Delegate Cliff Hayes was invited to be our keynote speaker. Delegate Hayes spoke on the work that Alpha Iota and the mentoring program have done to support, educate, and encourage the youth of our community. He emphasized the importance of providing support to our communities by working with our youth. The event was a huge success and was encouraged by Brother Delegate Haye’s inspirational words.


Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Prince William County, Virginia – Between November 8 -18, 2022, the Brothers of PLL held their Achievement Celebration Prince William County, VA. During the first week, on the night of November 11th, the Chapter sponsored its Achievement Week Banquet at the Hilton Garden Inn in Woodbridge, VA, with the Keynote Speaker for the celebration being Pi Lambda Lambda’s own Brigadier General Brother Marlon Crook of the 2006 line “15 Souls of Greatness.” The Chapter Award Recipients were Brother Jacque Nixon, Omega Man of the Year; Brother Art Sobers, Founder’s Award; Brother Damon Scott, Superior Service Award; and Mrs. Latonya McDade, Citizen of the Year. The chapter also recognized the

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following students that placed in the 2022 Essay Contest: Niya Nash, 1st Place; Huma Khalid, 2nd Place; and Desmen Boykins, 3rd Place.

The weeklong celebration included Veterans Visitation at the Wash. D.C. VA on November 8, 2022, Church Service at Ebenezer Baptist Church on November 13, 2022, Monday Night Football Reclamation Event on November 14, 2022, Stand on your One (Fatherhood Initiative) “80’s Bruhz vs. Everybody Virtual Event (Interview with the Brothers from the 80’s) November 16, 2022, Social

Action: Feed the Families – Thanksgiving Day Turkeys with St. Francis House November 17, 2022, Rededication Ceremony Howard University November 17, 2022, and Kickin’ it with the Bruhz at the Globe and Laurel Majestic Restaurant (Joint Achievement Week Chair and Reclamation & Retention Event) November 18, 2022.

The schedule of events was excellent, and all had a great time as the Brothers celebrated the Fraternity and their awardees.

Alpha Omega Chapter joined the rest of the Chapters of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in Washington, D.C., to recognize exceptional Brothers, high school students, and the Citizen of the Year during the Annual Achievement Week Awards Luncheon held Nov. 12, 2022, at Shiloh Baptist Church in D.C.

Other chapters of the fraternity in Washington, D.C., include Alpha, Kappa Psi, Omicron Gamma, and Delta Theta. This was the first year since the COVID pandemic began in 2020 the awards program was held in person. Brother Gary C. Clark served as master of ceremony for the program, which kicked off Achievement Week, focusing on this year’s theme, “Omega Psi Phi Fraternity: Providing Uplift to Local, National, and World Communities.”

Brothers recognized during the program included those 50 years or more of service, in addition to those who earned awards. Also recognized were the high school essay contest winner and Citizen of the Year for the Washington, D.C. Chapters.

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Mekhia Ellerbe, a senior at D.C.’s McKinley Technology High School, placed first in the essay contest. Her essay focused on this year’s International Essay Contest theme, “A world crisis has caused a paradigm shift for health disparities and social justice; what are your suggestions for positive change? Rev. Dr. Keith W. Byrd, Sr. earned this year’s Citizen of the Year Award. He is the pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and was recognized for his community outreach efforts, which include several youth mentoring initiatives. “You’re supposed to give back when so much has been given to you,” he said.

higher education, mental health services, diabetes prevention, history, and more. Brother Brown also chairs the chapter’s Automation Committee and sits on other chapter committees.

Brother Larry A. Brown earned the Founders’ Lifetime Achievement Award. Initiated at Alpha Chapter in 1973, Brother Brown served as an Undergraduate/Intermediate Representative to the Supreme Council. He has also served as the Northern Area I Supervisor, Vice Basileus of Alpha Omega Chapter, chair of the Third District Bylaws Committee, member of the Third District Talent Hunt Committee, Third District Rules and Recommendations Committee chair, and member of the International Protocol Committee. Additionally, Brother Brown has chaired the Washington, D.C. Chapters Achievement Week Committee for numerous years and is the executive director of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Life Membership Foundation.

Brother Mark S. Brown earned Alpha Omega Chapter’s Superior Service Award. He was instrumental in implementing and maintaining Alpha Omega Chapter’s automation program, allowing the chapter to continue to meet and host other programs virtually and hybrid during the pandemic. These programs have included numerous online events providing various audiences with information regarding financing for

Brother Norman Senior, International Editor to the Oracle, earned Alpha Omega Chapter’s Omega Man of the Year. Prior to becoming the Editor to the Oracle, Brother Senior served as the Third District Director of Public Relations, Assistant Editor to the Oracle, and acting Editor to the Oracle. He serves on numerous committees for Alpha Omega Chapter, in addition to working on various communications initiatives for the chapter. He also volunteers with the Boys and Cub Scouts of America, goes on field trips with his son’s school, and takes his senior neighbors to election polls to vote. He also volunteers with Project GiveBack and We Feed Our People, both community outreach programs that provide meals, clothes, and other services to those in need.

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The Tau Omicron Chapter (TO), Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. hosted several programs and events in the Martinsville – Henry County (MHCo) community for the 2022 Achievement Week. Since 1911, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. has made tremendous impacts worldwide, standing on a firm foundation consisting of its four Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. The 2022 International Achievement Week theme was ‘Omega Psi Phi Fraternity: Providing Uplift to local, national, and world communities.’ The brothers of Tau Omicron focused on the cardinal principles of scholarship and uplift by collaborating with their QUE School mentoring program in serving students and families throughout the community for the week.

The QUE School Mentoring Program provides young men in Martinsville / Henry County and surrounding communities with positive experiences designed to enhance their growth and development while building self-esteem, creating confidence, and self-pride. The program provides opportunities for interactive learning with positive adult male mentors and parents/guardians who are invested in the success of young males. The QUE School Mentoring program seeks to develop a sense of pride and confidence in young males, which is critical in overcoming societal barriers that challenge our young men.

On Sunday, November 13th, the chapter Brothers began the International Achievement Week with the Tau Omicron Chapter Worship Service at New Light Missionary Baptist Church in Martinsville, Virginia. On Tuesday, the Enrollment Brothers of the Tau Omicron Chapter conducted a College Search Preparation workshop for high school

students and their parents. Several TO Brothers who work in the college admissions profession provided uplift and detailed guidance in navigating the college search landscape. The workshop co-sponsored by the QUE School is another collaboration with the local school systems in promoting a college-going culture in the MHCo community.

On Founders Day, November 17th, the Tau Omicron Brothers participated in several community service activities, including visiting local elementary and middle schools in conjunction with Achievement Week 2022. Brother Richard Harris spoke with QUE School students at Meadow View Elementary School. Brother James Pennix spoke with the Martinsville Middle School student body to include QUE School mentees about the importance of academic excellence in relation to college preparation and career planning. The TO Chapter sponsored an Art Show titled ‘Social Awareness: An Artist Perspective’ featuring Robert Pennix, an African American Artist. The Art Show was held at the TAD Space, a QUE School mentoring partner, in uptown Martinsville and was the capstone program for the Tau Omicron Achievement Week activities.

On Saturday, November 19th, Brothers Jerelle Carter and Eric Hairston conducted a Sensitivity Training workshop and a Health and Wellness workshop for the local National Society of Black Engineers (MSBE) association. On Sunday,

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November 20th, the TO Chapter Brothers finished their Achievement Week 2022 programming by hosting over 30 students from the QUE School Mentoring program for an afternoon pizza party and a viewing of the Wakanda Forever (Black Panther) movie. Sheriff Lane Perry, Tau Omicron Brother Major Eric Hairston, and several deputies of the Henry County Sheriff’s Office joined the Omega Men of the Tau Omicron Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc at Pizza Hut as community partners in fellowship and providing uplift to the QUE School young men and the Martinsville/ Henry County community.


Fredericksburg, VA – The Brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., hosted its annual Achievement Week Awards Ceremony at the Park Lane Tavern, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Basileus Brother Tracy Whitehurst (Pi Gamma, 1980) presided over the program organized by chairman Brother James Lott (Tau Rho, 2020) and the master of ceremonies Brother Curtis Wilson (Sigma Gamma Gamma, 2018). The ceremony began with the Invocation by Brother Curtis Wilson. Brother Dr. Norman Carter Jr. (Tau Rho, 2014) spoke about Chapter Reflections and the introduction of charter members. Brother Tracy Whitehurst spoke about Tau Rho Chapter’s fiscal year 2022 accomplishments and acknowledged National and District officers and visiting brothers, per protocol. Brother Norris Arceneaux (Tau Rho MSP chair) introduced the Tau Rho Fall 2022 line, “The Magnificent 7”, Brothers Devin Best, Jacob Woodard, Brian Joseph, Corey Tate, F. Lee Rodgers, Kevin Roach, and Terrell Lambert.

The master of ceremonies then presented awards to the Brothers and citizens who were front and center in the achievement of those accomplishments. Brother Madrice Hamn (Upsilon Nu 2018) was honored as the Omega Man of the Year for his extraordinary contributions to service, advancing Tau Rho’s mission, impacting the community, and his leadership as the Tau Rho Chapter, Keeper of Records and Seal. Brother Hamn also received the Brigadier General Charles Young Leadership Award in recognition of his dedicated service to the country. Brother Ed “Boomba” Hayes (Omicron Sigma, 1980) received

the Superior Service Award for his sustained efforts on behalf of chapter programs. The following Tau Rho Brothers were selected for the Basileus Award, Meddie Brown, Madrice Hamn, Purcell Clark Jr, Mike Pullum, Baron Braswell, Vince Smithers, and Robert Evans.

The chapter awarded Brother Tracy Whitehurst the Founders Award for demonstrating Omega’s highest ideals, contributions to the community, and as the Tau Rho’s Chapter Basileus. The chapter honored Ms. Crystal Vessels as the Citizen of the Year for providing programs such as Back2School, cold weather clothing, and gifts for the Holidays, as well as helping individual students and families in the Rappahannock, VA region. The chapter presented an award to Racheal Chung, from Colonial Forge High School, Stafford, Virginia, for being the 2022 Essay Contest winner. The

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On November 12, 2022, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., held their annual Achievement Week Program. Each November, Achievement Week is observed to recognize individuals at the local and international levels who have contributed to community uplift.

Upsilon Nu awarded its highest honors to those who exhibited, to the fullest, the kind of service and selflessness that Omega Psi Phi demands to qualify for these awards. Mayor Levar M. Stoney received the Citizen of the Year Award for his outstanding community service to the community through his leadership to the Richmond community and building bridges to outlining areas. His leadership led to the removal of the Robert E. Lee Statue, which was an issue for decades. He was able to use the times and social discourse to get it done.

Brother Gregory Parham received the Superior Service Award for a year of extended service and support for Upsilon Nu, in addition to his untiring efforts around feeding the unfortunate through Food Drives during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. He also leads the Foundation that

program was completed with a keynote address from Dr. Byron L. Cherry SR, Col. USA Retired, Chief Executive Officer of Succeed to Lead, LLC. This year’s theme of “Providing Uplift to Local, National, and World Communities.” All who attended left inspired by Dr. Cherry’s words and those of our honorees doing the hard work of uplifting and protecting the Fredericksburg, VA, area community. Brother Tracy Whitehurst, Basileus provided closing remarks, and Brother Curtis Wilson gave the Benediction.

assists in providing funds for the Upsilon Nu Scholarship.

Brother Donald Bentley received the Omega Man of the Year award for his outstanding year of achievement. Brother Bentley, through his leadership, kept the Chapter moving forward to fulfill the fraternity mandates and establish stronger relationships within the community.

Upsilon Nu is committed to community uplift and will continue to recognize Brothers and individuals who demonstrate their commitment to service.

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Brother Darl E. Everett Jr was selected as Delta Omega’s 2022 Superior Service Awardee. Brother Everett demonstrated a continuous spirit of service toward the Fraternity and his community throughout the year. Brother Everett was recognized for his sustained concern and contributions to the Fraternity and community at the chapter, district, and international levels. Brother Everett has significantly impacted the community and Delta Omega Chapter through his efforts as the Director of Public Relations/ Editor and ensuring our story is captured and published to the surrounding areas Delta Omega Chapter supports.

Brother Brian K. Rhodes received Delta Omega's outstanding 2022 "Omega Man of the Year" award. He continue to serve the chapter and Omega with excellence. Brother Rhodes currently serves as Delta Omega's Keeper of Records and Seal and has made significant enhancements to the chapter's records management and reporting processes. He also served on the Third District Budget Committee and was appointed as the Deputy District Marshal for Budget and Strategic Planning for the 2023 90th Third District Meeting. Congratulations to Brother Rhodes for his extraordinary professionalism and service to Delta Omega Chapter, the Third District, and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated!!

Brother Calvin D. Farr’s service to Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc spans more than 43 enthusiatics years of loyal and dedicated service! Brother Farr’s most significant service to the community came in 1979, when he implemented The Male Protégé Program, also known as TMPP, and served as the committee chairman until 2016, for 37 years. Brother Farr provided outstanding guidance and mentorship to more than 300 young men during his tenure, exemplifying and teaching them how to be good stewards in their communities.

Ms.Barbretta A. Hill is a strong, dedicated, and stalwart leader within her community and the surrounding community. Ms. Hill’s entire career and post-retirement activities have focused on helping others. Upon completing a 35-year career with the Department of Defense, Ms. Hill joined the Chesterfield County Chapter of the Virginia State UniversityAlumni Association. She assumed the leadership role to setting up a community outreach committee for the chapter. Ms. Hill’s dedication resulted in a partnership known as the Chesterfield County Food Bank Outreach Center. The mission of the Chesterfield County Food Bank is to “Fight Hunger and Empower Lives”, which is a centerpiece for service within a community

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Xavier Chevrier Beta Delta Delta James Madison University

Henry Frazier, III Beta Delta Delta James Madison University

Zion Strickland Delta Theta George Washington University

Isaac Donkor, Jr Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Mark Hargrove Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Quentin Holmes Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Beniah Lee Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Adaku Nwachukwu Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

William Roberts Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Anthony Samniego Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia TECH)

Isaiah Dickens Zeta Virginia Union University

Jahke Hilliard Zeta Virginia Union University

Ahmad Holloway Zeta Virginia Union University

Jason Richardson Zeta Virginia Union University

Omarie Smith Zeta Virginia Union University

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Allen Harris Gamma Xi

Jaivean Mensie Gamma Xi

Kareem Davis Gamma Xi

Randolph Henderson Gamma Xi

Quentin Jackson Kappa Iota Iota

Andrel Nance Omicron Kappa Kappa

Bryan Henderson Omicron Kappa Kappa

Clayton Washington Omicron Kappa Kappa

Jamar Lundy Omicron Kappa Kappa

James Daniels Omicron Kappa Kappa

Jason Backers Omicron Kappa Kappa

Jeremiah Davis Omicron Kappa Kappa

Jonathan Adams Omicron Kappa Kappa

Tres Savage Omicron Kappa Kappa

Zachary Canady Omicron Kappa Kappa

Dalron McAllister Phi Phi

Garry Jones Phi Phi

James Harris Phi Phi

Jonathan Berry Phi Phi

Sean Alston Phi Phi

Theodore Tyler, Jr Phi Phi

Victor Oliver Phi Phi

Corey Peoples Pi Lambda Lambda

Donta Doggett Pi Lambda Lambda

Eric Levenberry, Jr Pi Lambda Lambda

Frederick Wright Pi Lambda Lambda

Gary Smith Pi Lambda Lambda

Lamaris Reed Pi Lambda Lambda

Marcel Dailey Pi Lambda Lambda

Marlon Dubuisson Pi Lambda Lambda


Timothy Durant Pi Lambda Lambda

Dante Marshall Psi Alpha Alpha

Earl Higgins Psi Alpha Alpha

Eric Johnson Psi Alpha Alpha

Farrell Duncombe Psi Alpha Alpha

Keith Alexander Psi Alpha Alpha

Patrick Garland Psi Alpha Alpha

Andre Barnett Psi Nu

Darius Hinton Psi Nu

Gilbert Perkins Psi Nu

Martin Kendrick Psi Nu

Scott Williams Psi Nu

DeCarlos Anderson Sigma Kappa Kappa

Elijah Fidele Sigma Kappa Kappa

Franklin Chatman Sigma Kappa Kappa

Justin Eley Sigma Kappa Kappa

Damian Wainwright Tau Omicron

Derrick Ziglar Tau Omicron

Brian Joseph Tau Rho

Corey Tate Tau Rho

Devin Best Tau Rho

Freddie Rodgers Tau Rho

Jacob Woodard Tau Rho

Kevin Roach Tau Rho

Terrell Lambert Tau Rho

Justin House Upsilon Nu

Cory Williams Zeta Omicron

Lloyd Cleckley Zeta Omicron

Richard Sawyer Zeta Omicron

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Visiting Reservoir High School

In December 2022, the Brothers CJ Johnson and Robinson Davis of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, visited Reservoir High School to share their experience, provide tips, and benefits of college with the Black Student Union. The Brothers also assisted the students on their upcoming black history month extravaganza. There were 15-20 students present for this event. The students were blessed, and all had a great time.


In November 2022, the Brothers of Gamma Epsilon held a Mental Health discussion. Thank you to Dr. Williams and Dr. Mason for educating the Brothers about managing and prioritizing their mental wellness.

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In December 2022, the Brothers of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, participated in the Breakfast with Santa community service event to gift toys to the community for the holiday season. The children were blessed, and all had a great time.

In December 2022, Brother Jordan Wimberly of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, visited Norman S Weir public school to speak about his life experience and advice on college life. Additionally, he was there to donate toys to the students while uplifting his community. About 15 students received toys. The students were blessed, and all had a great time.

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On November 2, 2022, the Brothers of the Nu Psi Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, participated in the annual Virginia State University (VSU) toy drive. Over a hundred-plus toys were collected and scheduled to be donated! All had a great time. The Brothers were excited, knowing their efforts would bless numerous families during the holiday season.

Congratulations Brother Darius Hagans (Nu Psi) competed in the 2023 NFLPA Collegiate Bowl

NuPsi Chapter participated in Gun Violence Panel to help provide needed information the students and attendees to help decrease gun violence.

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During Achievement Week 2022 the Brothers of Zeta Chapter, Third Distict of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. hosted a few worthwhile activities to honor and celebrate the 111th anniversary of the Fraternity. A great time was had by all as the Brothers conducted some community service, a sip and paint event, and a great fellowship with the Brothers.

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On January 17, 2023, Brothers Xavier Manning (Alpha Chapter) and John Beverley (Zeta Chapter), Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., journeyed to the White House for a meeting with the Vice President. They were joined by 20 other divine nine young black men and women that were invited to participate in this unique experience. The youth had the pleasure of engaging in a conversation with the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris. During this notable event, the youth engaged in topics addressing many social and cultural issues, such as prison reform, new policy changes coming forth, changes we would like to see in the Black community, etc. It was a very eye-opening and enthusiasm-building experience because it showed that we are the now and the future.

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Over November and December 2022, the Brothers of Eta Lambda, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., were proud to announce their 4th Annual Eta Lambda Holiday Meal Box Project. In 2022 the Brothers were able to feed 181 local families! This year the Brothers partnered with the Montgomery County Department of Social Services, Radford’s Women Resource Center, and local Community Partners to feed over 100+ families over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. With this being such a significant increase from last year, additional help was needed!

Every family deserves a hot meal during the holidays. The cost was only $20.49 to provide a meal box to a family. The Chapter accepted and appreciated all donations and everyone’s support in the Chapter’s continued uplifting endeavors in the NRV.

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Vietnam Memorial Wall

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2022, Brother Eric O. Johnson, of Alpha Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., helped carry an ornate floral wreath to the front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

There, he handed off the wreath to a stoic sentinel, backed away, and rendered a precision sharp military salute.

Brother Johnson wore a blue blazer that day, and on the breast of his jacket were just a few of the medals he earned during his more than 20 years on active duty. Among those medals was the Purple Heart, a U. S. military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed while serving on or after April 5, 1917, with the U.S. military.

A retired U.S. Army sergeant major, Brother Johnson continues to serve the nation as the Deputy National Adjutant of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), USA, Inc. Prior to that, he was the Senior Vice Commander of the MOPH in California.

The MOPH is a congressionally chartered organization for U.S. war veterans headquartered in Springfield, Virginia. It has a membership of more than 45,000 veterans, all of who have earned the Purple Heart while serving as members of the U.S. military. The MOPH’s mission is to foster goodwill and camaraderie among combat-wounded veterans, promote patriotism, support necessary legislative initiatives, and provide service to all veterans and their families.

Brother Johnson earned the Purple Heart for wounds he received in combat on July 7, 2007, in Iraq while serving alongside his paratroopers as a first sergeant in the 82nd Airborne Division.

On Veterans Day, Brother Johnson was charged to represent the MOPH by placing two wreaths –one before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a second at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Brother Johnson said it was an honor to place the wreaths at two of the nation’s most sacred sites honoring those who have worn and those who continue to wear the uniforms of the U.S. armed forces, and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.

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Following 24 years of active-duty service, Brother Johnson retired after a distinguished military career, continuing in a long, rich tradition of Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., who have served the nation in uniform.

Brother Johnson earned his master’s degree in business administration from the University of Maryland at College Park and is currently an Assistant Keeper of Records and Seal for Alpha Omega Chapter in Washington, D.C. He is the Immediate Past Basileus of Phi Omicron Chapter

in San Diego, California. He also served as the 12th District’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative co-chairman. He was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in 2011 through the Lambda Beta Beta Chapter, Home of the Tropic Lightning Ques.

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Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter | Third District | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Prince William County, Virginia – On November 7, 2022, the Voter Registration, Education and Mobilization (VREM) committee of Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., under the leadership of Brother Charles Hunter (Basileus) and Brother Ron Blanch (Vice Basileus),

conducted a community voter drive and voter education event at Woodbridge High School, Prince William County. During the event, PLL Brothers and members of the VREM committee distributed over 200 flyers. They addressed various questions regarding the registration deadline, changes in Virginia voting laws, and polling locations for the upcoming midterm election on November 8, 2022. The team also provided a Quick Response (QR) code for rapid online registration, voter registration updates, and polling locations. Over eight hundred (800) people attended this event. Overall, this voter community event was a huge success as the PLL Chapter continues to engage and uplift the communities through the power of voter registration, education, and mobilization.


Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter | Third District | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Prince William County, Virginia – VREM Committee members were OUT in full force on Election Day, November 8, 2022, supporting the First Mt. Zion Baptist Church’s polling location in Dumfries, VA during the 2022 Midterm Election. This location houses two precincts, Forest Park and Washington-Reid (Four Seasons), where over 1200 citizens exercised their constitutional voting responsibility. The lines at the polling site, including overall voting operations, went extremely well, primarily due to the “get out the vote” campaigns and success of the early voting, which exceeded all previous midterm election records.

The VREM Brothers supported the voters by facilitating easier access for disabled voters, providing water, refreshments, and parking assistance during busy times. Although the weather was a bit chilly during the morning

hours, the Brothers persevered and showed the true Omega Spirit to the county’s citizens. In attendance during this important event included Brother Conrado Morgan, Third District Representative, Brother Charles Hunter, Basileus, Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter, Brother Rev. Cozy Bailey, President, Prince Williams County (PWC) NAACP Chapter, and Mrs. Andrea Oliva Bailey, Potomac District Supervisor of PWC. Brother Jonathan Thomas, PLL Health Committee Chairman, provided valuable health information to voters on vaccinations, flu shots, and local blood drive registrations.

Once again, the PLL VREM team displayed the positive images of Omega Men serving, engaging, and supporting the citizens of Prince William County. The Brothers also created a lasting impression on the community, election officers, political activists, and staff of First Mount Zion as they assisted in making sure that this polling site was one of the safest and orderly in the county.

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On October 23, 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., participated with more than 60 other marchers in the March to the Polls/ Souls to the Polls early voting event sponsored by the NAACP Loudoun Branch and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Loudoun County Alumnae Chapter. Participants marched one mile from Cool Springs Elementary School in Leesburg, VA to the Leesburg Office of Elections. Upon arrival at Cool Springs Elementary School, marchers were greeted by the Deltas’ Souls to the Polls organizers, U.S. House of Representatives (10th District of VA) re-election candidate Ms. Jennifer Wexton, and Leesburg mayor Ms. Kelly Burk who was also seeking re-election. Before marching, NAACP Loudoun Branch President, Pastor Michelle Thomas, led a prayer, thanked attendees for sacrificing their time to participate, and reminded everyone of the ultimate sacrifice made by many for the right to vote.

By participating in the event, Sigma Mu Mu helped raise community awareness of the 2022 mid-term election early voting opportunities and encouraged residents to vote early. Approximately 20 marchers and other local residents cast their early vote that day. The event was considered a success. Ms. Wexton and Ms. Burk were both re-elected in November, making Sigma Mu Mu’s participation in the event even more meaningful.

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On the 8th of November 2022, the Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in support of the Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization (VREM) program, answered the call of duty to support the community while also supporting one of the fraternities’ mandated programs.

More than 12 Brothers maintained their presents at Walt Whitman Middle School, Alexandria, Virginia, from 10 am to 2 pm to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), snacks, assorted drinks, and coffee to voters and other volunteers. Additionally, the Brothers provided on-site assistance to voters needing curbside help to vote.

The (Mount Vernon District) Supervisor, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, Dan Storck visited, stopped by our volunteer location, provided us with some encouraging words, and thanked us for our continued support. The Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney also stopped by our location and took a moment to thank Psi Alpha Alpha for supporting the community.

Psi Alpha Alpha continues to highlight the importance of voting at all levels, mobilizing the African American and other minority communities to let their voices be heard at every opportunity while supporting the community the chapter serves.

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In February 2023, Tau Omicron (TO) Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc – Martinsville, VA. – Brother Derrick Ziglar Jr. was recognized by the VMI Alumni Office, the Richmond Times, and the local news for his service commitment to the Martinsville Community because of his entrepreneurial spirit and real estate investments in numerous revitalization projects of the Uptown Business District of Martinsville, Va. Derrick Ziglar’s journey to his current successes exemplifies the true nature of an Omega Man and the four cardinal principles. To view the article from Feb 28, 2023: VMI experience at core of young entrepreneur’s efforts to revitalize his hometown - CLICK HERE

Manhood – Derrick Ziglar grew up in the historic Fayette Street district of Martinsville and was the son of a single mother who often worked two jobs to provide for the family. Ziglar learned a strong work ethic early in life as he mowed lawns at age 12 and did odd jobs to help his mom provide for the family. The mother-to-son commitment came full circle after graduation when he purchased his first house. He invited his mother to live with him while she returned to school, finished her college degree, and secured a better financial footing and career.

Click for Video

Scholarship – While growing up in the Southside region of Virginia, Derrick knew a college education wasn’t a given. Still, a college degree could provide him with the best avenue to career preparation and a prosperous future. Derrick decided to attend Virginia Military Institute as a Division I football player and its prestigious ROTC program. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology and his commission into the U.S. Army Reserve.

Perseverance – While remembering his VMI story, Ziglar stated, “I overcame a lot of obstacles to make it there and took everything with my head up, coming out on the other side better than ever. I failed every class except boxing in my Rat (first)year. Still, I graduated with Academic stars due to averaging 3.7 GPA my final two years, all the while

playing D1 Football, prepping for an Army Commission, and being a leader within the corps.” He has taken the VMI can-do spirit and push-past-adversity ethos to see it through on many personal and professional challenges.

Uplift - Brother Ziglar is a genuinely humble and committed inspiration to the MHCo community. Derrick passionately states, “I just want to see Martinsville grow in the right direction.” For the past few years, he has been in Martinsville working diligently on redeveloping several buildings in the Uptown Business District of Martinsville. His current community projects include redeveloping of two buildings that contains 30 business suites, two resturants, two apartments, and an ice cream shop. When asked about his goals and focus, Derrick says, “I want to help Uptown grow and positively impact our community and the youth that looks like me. I don’t expect anything from what I do for the community. I look forward to continuing to build a legacy that will positively impact others.”

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Brother Philip Benjamin was initiated into the Fraternity through Xi Pi Chapter on 14 November 1975 while on active duty in the US Air Force. Brother Benjamin is currently an active Psi Alpha Alpha chapter member, participating in various social action activities supporting the community. Brother Benjamin was selected and received the following two awards because of his commitment and service.

Vice Admiral William A. Brown (Retired), along with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Defense Travel Association (NDTA), Mr. John W. Dietrich, selected Brother Benjamin, former Director of the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO), as a recipient of the 2022 NDTA President’s Award in recognition of his exemplary contributions, service to our nation, and his dedicated support of the goals of NDTA. Brother Benjamin is a Life Member of NDTA and, since 2015, has been vital to the success of the NDTADTMO GovTravels Symposium.

While at DTMO, Brother Benjamin played key roles in establishing and evolving the Defense Travel Management Office as the single Department of Defense (DoD) focal point for commercial travel, managing the department’s $10B travel enterprise. He recognized the importance of building trust and close working relationships between government and industry commercial travel experts and the need to bring the community together to achieve the best results. With that in mind, he worked closely with NDTA to develop the annual GovTravels Symposium.

Also, at the national level, Brother Benjamin was recognized by Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated for his remarkable contribution to the Tuskegee Airmen legacy and Tuskegee Airmen Inc. He was the 7th recipient of the Captain Lemuel Custis Award. The award is presented to an individual who consistently demonstrates the characteristics of perseverance, determination, and motivation. Brother Benjamin made a significant contribution to the goals and objectives of the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., despite the recent challenges of the COVID pandemic, he persevered and maintained the viability of TAI’s East Coast Chapter’s Education Assistance program. If Brother Benjamin had been born at the beginning of the twentieth century, he would probably have been an original

Tuskegee Airman. But since he was not born until the midtwentieth century, he took the next best actions. He is a Life Member of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., a founding member of the Central Coast Chapter and the Alfonza W. Davis Chapter. Brother Benjamin exemplifies perseverance, determination, and motivation in serving the Tuskegee Airmen and young scholars in the greater Washington metropolitan area.

Brother Benjamin’s personal conduct and outstanding implementation of the East Coast Chapter’s Education Assistance Program provides an example for all students to emulate. Some grantees remain in touch with him throughout their college years, reporting on their progress, information which Brother Benjamin shares with the East Coast Chapter. The Education Assistance Program is one of the East Coast Chapter’s foundational youth programs. Program participants are inspired to strive for perfection by the outstanding example set by Brother Benjamin.

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Suffolk, VA— November 24, 2022, The Golden Fold assisted the Brothers of Alpha Iota Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. with serving Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 24, 2022, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, at Chorey Park Community Center, 804 Constance Rd. Suffolk, VA. 23434. The Salvation Army prepared the meals. The Omega men of the Alpha Iota Chapter and their mentees served and delivered the Thanksgiving meals. Those who attended showed up with a hearty appetite and good conversation. Over 150 meals were served.

This year’s menu featured turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and desserts. The seniors were served all they wanted. Also, seniors were able to take servings back to their apartments.

The young leaders of The Golden Fold were very professional and respectful. They served the residents with joy. For the last 4 years, members of The Golden Fold have spent their Thanksgivings helping the Omega men feed seniors in Suffolk, Virginia. The Alpha Iota Chapter Brothers continue to look forward to volunteering their time with the seniors every year.

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Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., supported Washington, D.C. Councilmember (Ward 8) Trayon White’s turkey and food giveaway on November 22, 2022. Brothers of the chapter helped unload turkeys and produce from the trucks at Union Temple Baptist Church. Then, they distributed food boxes at various locations throughout the ward located in southeast D.C.

Brothers assisted in handing out and distributing approximately 2,000 turkeys and produce to some of the most underserved residents in D.C.’s Ward 8. The giveaway took place at ten distribution locations throughout the ward.

“Alpha Omega Brothers showed up and made a huge difference in the success of Councilman White’s Ward 8 Turkey Giveaway. It was a good thing the Ques showed up in force as I have no idea how they would have managed this event without us.” stated Brother Frank Borris, Basileus of Alpha Omega Chapter.

“We found that most of our residents receiving turkeys are seniors or parents, and we have found that 75 percent of the ward’s residents don’t drive.” said Councilman White. “This is why we decided to put [the distribution] closer to where people live because these turkeys are 25 to 30 pounds.” the councilman added.

In addition to Brother Boris, other Brothers who came out to support the effort included: Kenneth Evans, Greg Boykin, Wade Boykin, Omar Davis, Enoch Perry, Derek Faison, Steve Johnson, Albert Jackson, Lance Pettiford, Tony Patterson, Larry McAdoo, Vernard McBeth, and Bernard Little.


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For the 28th year, the Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., showed up to support Project GiveBack for the community service organization’s Thanksgiving food boxes assembly and distribution held on Nov. 19, 2022.

Brother Ransom Miller III (Alpha Omega Chapter 1993) established Project GiveBack’s food drive nearly three decades ago, first as a lunchroom project and then making food baskets. “That year, we did six food baskets, and this year, we are doing 2,500 boxes,” Miller said. He added this equates to more than 300,000 meals for families in need. He added Project GiveBack provides opportunities to make a difference in the lives of local residents.

To determine the families in need who receive the food boxes, which include turkey, chicken, sausage, beef, stuffing, potatoes, yams, and other food items, Brother Miller works with the D.C. Department of Human Services, community organizations, churches, and other groups, he explained.

The Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter were among the approximately 700 volunteers who showed up to assist in the Project GiveBack community outreach effort impacting families throughout the Washington, D.C. region. The annual event occurs the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Project GiveBack also coordinates a backto-school backpack drive, children’s Easter celebration, children’s books plus toys distribution, and programs supporting the homeless community, including Project Warm Blanket.

Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Omega Chapter, are annually the first to show up for Project GiveBack, showing up the Friday before the Saturday event to help load the trucks with food items. The Ques are the first to arrive at the D.C. Armory at 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning to unload the numerous trucks containing the food items to be included in the boxes for distribution.

Once Brothers unload the trucks, they remain at the site to help other volunteers assemble the food boxes, and then they participate in the distribution of the boxes to families throughout the Washington, D.C. region.

“Without our volunteers and the Brothers, this would not be possible.” said Brother Miller.

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On November 21, 2022, the Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., gathered at the Delta Omega Foundation Center of Excellence in Petersburg, Virginia, to conduct their annual Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive. The annual Thanksgiving food drive is a critical event to serve families in need within the tricity area. The Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter unselfishly offered their time and resources to purchase, prepare and come together to share in the spirit of Thanksgiving by supporting their local community and providing food items to local families during the holiday season. More than twenty (20) food baskets were distributed during this year’s event to the families. Each year, the Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter partnered with various local community organizations to identify underserved families to assist in meeting their needs. This program supports local partners, including the City of Petersburg and the Chesterfield County Food Bank’s overarching mission of reducing hunger, inspiring hope, and serving the community. The Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter will continue to serve the community with various initiatives geared towards improving all citizens’ lives. Many thanks to the Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter, the City of Petersburg, and all partnering organizations for their continued support and commitment to serving the community!

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The Brothers of Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter | Third District | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Prince William County, Virginia - led the charge with NBC News Channel 4 of Washington D.C in handing out 5000 turkeys on November 21 – 22, 2022 in the nation’s capital to help feed thousands in the area. News4 raises funds for their annual Food 4 Families Thanksgiving drive and partners with Shady Farms to support the donation of turkeys. PLL annually coordinates the manpower for unloading and loading numerous boxes of turkeys into the charitable organization’s cargo vehicles for the families in their service areas. Thousands of families are set to receive turkeys and gift cards for sides with the help of all local volunteer organizations focusing their efforts on this labor of humanity.

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For those without a home or family, Thanksgiving can be very lonely. And for many in Fairfax County along the Route 1 corridor, the holiday is a stark reminder of their hunger struggles. Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated is an enduring community partner with New Hope Housing Inc. and is heavily involved in many of its volunteer programs. The Chapter’s heartfelt act of service to New Hope Housing Inc is serving a homemade Thanksgiving meal to its homeless neighbors. The Brothers get super excited about demonstrating compassion in action.

On Monday, November 21, 2022, Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. served over 60 dinners during “Thanksgiving Monday” at the Kennedy Shelter of New Hope Housing Inc. Chapter Brothers played a tremendous role in making “Thanksgiving Monday” special for our homeless neighbors and staff. The meal consisted of ham, roast beef, smoked brisket, fried turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, seasoned corn, green beans, collard greens, candied yams, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, and assorted cakes. Enough food remained to feed more who would come in after serving hours.

Brothers rolled up their sleeves and worked wherever needed, be it setting up tables and chairs in the dining area, washing dishes, emptying trash, or keeping the kitchen clean. Other Brothers gave spectator support to those frying the turkeys.

General feedback from our homeless neighbors and some staff was while the meal was excellent, it was the thoughtfulness and care of volunteers giving their time that made them feel loved.

Brother Antonio Coleman, Thanksgiving Committee Chairman, stated how gracious he was for the Brothers taking their time to serve a meal, offer a compassionate smile, and treat our homeless neighbors with grace and dignity.

After our homeless neighbors departed the dining area, the pots and pans were washed and put away. Thanksgiving Monday was a tremendous success. In the spirit of Manhood, the first of four Beloved Fraternity’s Cardinal of Principals, Psi Alpha Alpha, following the example of Jesus, the Chapter washed the feet of its homeless neighbors by sharing and serving a Thanksgiving meal of love.

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Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the personal and collective blessings of the past year; however, some people have faced challenges and may find it difficult to celebrate. On Saturday, November 19, 2022, The Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., was one of the D9, religious, and community organizations to collaborate with Project GiveBack. Project Giveback, a benevolent entity, coordinates programs to assist those less fortunate the weekend before Thanksgiving to provide food support to families in need during the holiday season. The Fairfax County Ques joined 240 other volunteers to unload supply trucks, sort and package groceries, and distribute food in the Gum Springs community in Alexandria, Virginia. A total of 600 families received meals that would last a week and other community resources. The event exceeded the brothers’ expectations, and they were overwhelmed to have the ability to serve so many families during this season.





On November 18, 2022, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., impacted 1,146 individuals by providing food baskets for the Thanksgiving Season. Each basket was supplied with enough food to feed a family of six individuals.

Baskets were delivered to families, but most of the baskets were picked up at the Richmond Department of Social Services, 4100 Hull Street, Richmond, VA, through a pre-registration process. Brothers of Upsilon Nu assisted with the loading and unloading of the baskets and direct delivery to families.

The families served ranged from prison re-entry program adults, young single parents with children, to elderly grandparents who have taken on the responsibility of raising grandchildren and/or greatgrandchildren. Upsilon Nu is always looking for ways to uplift the community and help those in need. Upsilon Nu will continue its season of giving during the Christmas holidays to feed additional families.

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Former Grand Keeper of Finance, Third District Representative, and Grand Marshal of the Omega Psi Phi Centennial Conclave, Brother Kenneth A. Brown, served as master of ceremonies for the evening. “I’m just overwhelmed by the number of district and national officers who took time out of their busy schedules to be with us tonight,” he said.

Brother Lloyd Jordan, Esq., the 36th Grand Basileus of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., called the Alpha Omega Chapter “one of the most respected” in the fraternity. He said, “that can be attributed to the men who have come through and been part of the chapter and their service to mankind and the community.”

Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., their families, and friends came from near and far to celebrate the 100th anniversary of one of the most prestigious chapters in the Fraternity, Alpha Omega Chapter, on November 4, 2022, in Washington, D.C.

The souvenir journal provided to the patrons of the lavish affair states, “In the spring of 1922, the following eight Alpha Chapter alumni established Alpha Omega Chapter, the first graduate chapter in Washington, D.C.: Cato Wesley Adams (initiated 1916), George Edward Brice (initiated 1914), Walter Spurgeon Burke (initiated 1914), Gordon David Houston (elected/honorary 1915), Campbell Carrington Johnson (initiated 1916), Charles Leonard Johnson (initiated 1915), Charles Herbert Marshall, Sr. (initiated 1920), and Garnet Crummell Wilkinson (elected/honorary 1916).”

The journal added that the Alpha Omega Chapter’s centennial gala provided a retrospect of Alpha Omega, “a visit from the hills from whence cometh our strength. We are re-examining our well-laid foundation as we reach further and higher, imbued with the collective knowledge of those who have come before us and ever knowing and appreciating that Friendship is Essential to the Soul.”

The current 1st Vice Grand Basileus of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Brother Mark Jackson, a member of the Alpha Omega Chapter, said, “This is home for me.” He explained Alpha Omega Chapter and Delta Theta Chapter, where he was initiated, provided a strong foundation for his fraternal life.

Other International and District Officers at the event were Brother Sherman Charles, the current Grand Keeper of Records and Seal; Brother Clement Osimetha, the Grand Counselor; and Brother Conrado Morgan, Third District Representative.

Brother Norman K. Jenkins, the owner of the Marriott Marquis, which served as the host site for the affair, said the evening’s event humbled him. “The fact that my chapter, Alpha Omega Chapter, chose this venue to host this most significant time in history of our chapter is humbling. I say, ‘Thank you.’ This hotel has hosted 20some odd world leaders and three U.S. presidents, but in my mind, this is the most important event.”

Alpha Omega Chapter’s Immediate Past Basileus Brother Lucius Dalton called the event a “celebration of 100 years of brotherhood, friendship, and service to humanity and community.” He acknowledged Alpha Omega Chapter’s 45th Basileus Brother Gregory Boykin, “who under his leadership created the Centennial Committee, envisioning this celebration.”

“For the next 100 years, Alpha Omega Chapter will continue to be committed to positively impacting our community, nation, and world from political, economic, and social justice perspectives. Our work has not ended; it continues,” Brother Dalton stated.

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Brother Mark W. Robinson, chair of the Alpha Omega Centennial Committee, recognized eight Brothers as Alpha Omega Chapters’ Living Legends, including Brother Kenneth A. Brown, Brother Larry A. Brown, Brother Gary C. Clark, Brother Steve G. Johnson, Brother Mark Jackson, Brother Amos Townsend, Brother Robert Fairchild, and Brother Robert Warren Washington D.C. Chapters’ Talent Hunt winner, Jose Andre Montano, provided musical selections for the affair, but the highlights of the evenings were videos highlighting “The Story of Alpha Omega Chapter.” The videos highlighted the chapter and chapter Brothers’ involvement in the fight for civil rights, efforts in advancing health, wellness, and medicine, and social action initiatives. Brothers Rohulamin Quander and Donnie Lucas led the effort in creating the videos and were assisted by Brothers I.G. Cooper, Gregory Boykin, Ransom Miller, and Walter Hill. Other Brothers who contributed included Brothers Michael Long, Perry Anderson, Dewey Stanyard, Norm Senior, Delray Brown, Frank Borris, Donnie Lucas, and Reginald Whitaker.

Brother Frank Borris, Basileus of Alpha Omega Chapter, concluded, “For the near term, we shall focus our energy on celebrating our honored history, recognizing those who answered Omega’s call, and leveraging this moment to propel Alpha Omega into its next 100 years.”

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Petersburg, VA, On December 12, 2022, the Nu Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated celebrated 95 years of positively impacting the campus of Virginia State University and the community through committed and dedicated service. The illustrious history of the Nu Psi Chapter, chartered on December 12, 1927, began with the vision of the distinguished Brother Luther Porter Jackson of the Delta Omega Chapter.

The 95th Anniversary Celebration Banquet began with the presentation of the Nu Psi Chapter’s 95th Anniversary Luther Porter Jackson “Trailblazer“ Award. The award presentation was followed by a keynote speaker message from Brother Milton D. Harrison (75’ Nu Psi/ 34th 2nd District Representative) and concluded with a Memorial Tribute to Nu Psi Brothers that entered Omega Chapter since the 90th Anniversary. Additional activities included remembering the past, reflecting on the present, focusing on the future, and a pledge goal of $95,000 towards the Nu Psi Endowment Fund at Virginia State University. Nu Psi’s 95th celebration weekend was highlighted with activities recognizing Nu Psi’s influence on the community, a Toy Drive, and Brotherly fellowship. It concluded with a worship service led by Brother Minister Milton Robinson (80’ Nu Psi).

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The Psi Nu Chapter, The Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., hosted a prayer breakfast and awards banquet on November 13, 2022, as a kickoff to Achievement Week. The event was held in celebration of the chapter’s 50th anniversary and showcased the chapter’s commitment to supporting its community and honoring its legacy. The event was held at the Stacy C. Sherwood Community Center in Fairfax, Virginia, and was a resounding success.

The Master of Ceremonies was Brother Garrett James, and the guest speaker was Minister Don Hutchins, who delivered an inspiring speech that touched on the theme of “The Golden Promise –Upholding Our Legacy and Forging the Future TOGETHER.”

A significant event highlight was the presentation of over $10,000 in donations to organizations and nonprofits in Alexandria, Virginia, which were made possible through the Third District Foundation. The Brothers of Psi Nu were honored to host Third District luminaries, including Brother Shawn R. Lacey, First Vice District Representative, Brother Calvin C. Beidleman, III, Director of Public Relations, and Brother Pitman Rock, Ways & Means Chair.

The Psi Nu Achievement Week Awards were presented to several deserving brothers, including:

• Omega Man of the Year - Brother John Gordon

• Superior Service Award - Brother Dennis Craig

• Founders Award - Brother Garrett James and Brother Yao Tyus

• Brig. General Charles Young Military Achievement Award - Brother Corey Griddine

• Chapter Citizen of the Year - Laurese M. Gerald

The music was arranged by Brother Tyrell Dale (DJ Richyrell), and soloist Samika Roy entertained the guests with beautiful performances. Chef Jess of DMV Cooking prepared the delicious menu.

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On December 20, 2022, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., impacted 123 families (528 individuals) by providing food baskets for the Christmas Season. Each basket was supplied with enough food to feed a family of six individuals.

Baskets were available for pick up at the Richmond Department of Social Services, 4100 Hull Street, Richmond, VA, through a preregistration process. The Brothers of Upsilon Nu assisted with loading, unloading, and distributing the baskets to families. The families were truly appreciative of the generosity displayed by the brothers. The joint donation efforts from the chapter, Brothers, and community partners totaling $4,400 allowed this event to be successful. Upsilon Nu is always looking for ways to uplift the community and help those in need.

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On Saturday, December 17, 2022, the brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Fredericksburg, VA, supported the local Salvation Army’s Fredericksburg, VA Corps, at Walmart 11 Village Parkway in celebration of the holiday season. In recent years, the Salvation Army faced unprecedented challenges securing volunteers as bell ringers for this annual fundraiser. Brother Tracy D. Whitehurst, Basileus (Pi Gamma 80), coordinated the event and provided bell ringers to assist the Salvation Army’s mission. This event is the third consecutive year that Tau Rho has supported the Salvation Army. The kettle donations provide Christmas gifts to hundreds of children in the Rappahannock region and aid area families in paying mortgages, rent, utilities, and purchasing food. This year’s event brought in $357.72. Tau Rho received a letter of appreciation from Ms. Laura Stempien, Coordinator for the Salvation army. In addition, as in previous seasons, many people in the Rappahannock community struggle to stay warm. Building strong communities involves taking care of each other. A total of 35 Brothers turned out for the event to ring the bell and raise money for those in need.

Additionally, during this event, in coordination with the Salvation Army Event, Brother Edward Hayes (Omicron Sigma, 1980) organized and coordinated with the Thurman Brisben Center, a local nonprofit organization, to collect and donate new or gently used coats and much-needed warm clothing items to families. Many thanks to the dedication and hard work of the Brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, whose donations exceeded expectations. Over 75 coats, sweaters, and other items were collected, purchased, and donated to the Thurman Brisben Center. These items are allocated for distribution to people in need within the Rappahannock region. The brothers of Tau Rho continue to “Lift as we climb” in support of our six service areas around the greater Fredericksburg Area.

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On December 3, 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Sterling, VA, held a toy drive supporting the U.S. Marine Corp Reserve’s Toys For Tots program, which celebrated its 75th anniversary. The event was held at the Walmart Supercenter in Sterling, VA. This event marked the resumption of the chapter’s partnership with the program and Walmart after a two-year pause due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sigma Mu Mu collected and donated 204 toys and 15 bikes for distribution to local disadvantaged families as part of the Toys for Tots program milestone. The program has evolved and grown exponentially for over seven decades, delivering hope and the magic of Christmas to over 281 million less fortunate children. Now in its 75th year, the Marine

Corps Toys for Tots Program also provides year-round support to families experiencing challenges and exceptional circumstances. Sigma Mu Mu and the USMC are doing their part to help fulfill the hopes and dreams of millions of families and children in need across the country. A well-served “Thank You” to the efforts and generosity of the Sigma Mu Mu Brothers, that selflessly helped many local parents who could not afford to buy toys for their children. It was awesome to see the children experience the joy of Christmas with their families.

Walmart store managers Mr. Ahmed Nabizada, Mr. Tyler Harris, Mr. David Lee, and the Toys for Tots coordinator, Mr. Frank Holtz, were very pleased with the toy drive results. All expressed interest in working with Sigma Mu Mu on future events. On December 13, 2022, the Toys for Tots program demonstrated its gratitude for Sigma Mu Mu’s support and sincerity about working together by donating over 3000 new books to the chapter’s book drive. Again, many thanks to the brothers of Sigma Mu Mu for their concerted efforts in helping families in need during this holiday season!

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On December 17, 2022, the Brothers of Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) Chapter, Third District, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Prince William County, Virginia, hosted the chapter’s annual holiday party. This year, Vice Basileus Ron Blanch and his wife Erica opened their home to host the chapter’s friends and families. The DMV Ques Social Committee event was held to promote the season’s true spirit by bringing everyone together in friendship and love. The event was amazing and involved Santa bringing gifts for the kids and a tasty Caribbean menu that made the adults feel like they received presents from Santa. The evening was made special with the following in attendance: Third District Representative Brother Conrado Morgan, PLL Basileus Brother Charles Hunter, several past PLL Basilei, and several visiting Brothers of Omega seeking a new home chapter to return to working in the fold. During off-time, the Brothers of PLL find a way to put in work! This is the Omega Spirit - 24/7 - No day off. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all.

Fraternal Love, Brothers of Pi Lambda Lambda

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December 2022. An outpouring of support came from the Brothers of Omicron Kappa Kappa, as they displayed their continued love and support for the wives of the Brothers of Omicron Kappa Kappa that have gone on to the distant shores of the Omega Chapter. At the last minute, several brothers collaborated and developed a vision to make Christmas Baskets, and they expeditiously brought the vision to reality by putting the baskets together. Omicron Kappa Kappa shined bright that day, and they put a smile on the faces of Mrs. Nance, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Sledge & Mrs. Patterson. They displayed their love by personally delivering Christmas Baskets to the homes and demonstrated that they will continue to support them and their respective families as their duty as Men of Omega Psi Phi.

The brothers of Omicron Kappa Kappa are spreading love during the holidays!

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The Brothers of Kappa Iota Iota (KII) Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., New Port News, VA, uplifted the spirit of giving to Newport News residents during the 2022 Christmas season. On December 17, 2022, KII conducted a Christmas Basket giveaway as part of the chapter’s annual event. Brother Keenan Williams, Chairman of the KII Christmas Basket Drive, coordinated with the Newport News, Virginia Department of Social Services to identify residents who would benefit from the program. The brothers of KII assembled the baskets the night before the event and delivered them to 26 ecstatic recipients the following morning.

On December 23, 2022, the Brothers of KII continued the spirit of giving by purchasing groceries for Newport News, VA, residents. The chapter received a donation from Ms. Theresa Cummings in the amount of $750 to be used as part of the chapter’s “Holiday giveaway” program. The Brothers of KII chapter added approximately $1,100 through personal donations to purchase a total of $1,800 in groceries for families. This event was the culmination of a month-long event of giving, in which the KII chapter brothers donated more than $2,800 in Christmas Baskets and grocery giveaways. Our gratitude goes out to the residents of Newport News, Brother Keenan Williams, and the brothers of Kappa Iota Iota Chapter, the “Service” chapter at its best!!

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On December 14-16, 2022, the Brothers of Delta Omega, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Toys for Tots Committee, once again, worked diligently to bring joy and happiness to so many children throughout the surrounding community. The committee partnered with the Toys for Tots operation at the Defense Logistics Agency-Richmond location to gather hundreds of toys, including bicycles and other items. All was in preparation to deliver the toys to children throughout the area. Prior to delivering the toys, the Brothers met at the Delta Omega Foundation Center of Excellence facility in Petersburg, Virginia. They worked tirelessly to sort and assemble various toys and bicycles purchased from Walmart by the Delta Omega Toys for Tots Committee. On December 15th, the committee met with administrators at Woodlawn Learning Center in Petersburg, Virginia, and delivered hundreds of toys and bicycles to children aged 3-5 years old. The next day (December 16th), the committee, in coordination with school administration members from Sussex Central Elementary, organized the delivery of more than (500) toys and several bicycles to the school. In addition, the administrators from Sussex Central Elementary allowed the Delta Omega Toys for Tots Committee to designate a Brother to dress up as Santa Claus and surprise the students while they were in class! The Delta Omega Toys for Tots Committee and Santa Clause stayed at Sussex Central Elementary School and helped every student pick one toy from the collection. In addition to the toys and gifts provided to Woodlawn Learning Center and Sussex Central Elementary, the Toys for Tots committee gave toys to an additional five families in the local area that contacted the committee. Each family was allowed to select toys for their children, resulting in more than 120 more toys given away. There were still toys left over. The remaining twenty-five toys were donated to the Christian Center Church. The Delta Omega Toys for Tots Committee donated over (950) toys to various schools, churches, and families in the local communities.


Toys for Tots is a program founded by the U.S. Marine Corps in 1947, and its mission is to provide toys to underprivileged children. The Delta Omega Toys for Tots 2022 campaign was able to support and help fulfill this mission established more than seventy-five years ago to bring joy and happiness and uplift the lives of over seven hundred underprivileged children locally.

950 TOYS
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The Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., assisted in a toy giveaway for residents of Washington, D.C.’s Ward 8 on December 16, 2022. The toy giveaway was held at the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC), a popular recreational campus in Southeast D.C.

Hundreds of area residents came out to participate in this fun-filled event, where toys were provided to children of all ages. Adults and children were so excited, as joy filled the atmosphere. An estimated 1,200 children received toys, based on figures from Councilmember White’s website. See a quick video of the event tvcRRn7DOww

D.C. Councilmember Trayon White Sr., with Amerigroup D.C., helped organize the Ward 8 holiday toy giveaway. The Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter were on hand to make the holiday season brighter for the ward’s residents by handing out cookies and helping to organize people who came to receive toys. The toy giveaway was planned and conducted solely for residents of Ward 8. Families and children enjoyed additional activities, including holiday movies in the theater, photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, cookies, and hot cocoa. Many thanks to the Brothers of Alpha Omega and Councilmember White for helping to bring so much fun and happiness to the residents of Ward 8!

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On Saturday, December 3, 2022, Alpha Iota Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (Suffolk, VA) and The Golden Fold supported the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. During the holiday season, the need for help was more significant this year. With more people hurting and fewer volunteers to support the Red Kettles, Brothers from the Alpha Iota Chapter and the young leaders of The Golden Fold volunteered as bell ringers. Volunteer bell ringers were needed daily at numerous locations throughout Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, and Chesapeake. Omega men of the Alpha Iota chapter and the young leaders of the Golden Fold volunteered in two-hour shifts ringing bells from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm at the Walmart Super Center located at 6259 College Drive, Suffolk,

Virginia. Both Walmart shopping entrances were staffed and raised a total of $799.23. Everyone had an enjoyable time helping to raise funds and supporting “The Red Kettle Campaign.” In the Hampton Roads area, the campaign enables the Salvation Army to provide food, toys, and clothing to thousands of people during the holiday season and year-round. Public contributions to the kettles enable The Salvation Army to bring the spirit of Christmas to those who would otherwise be forgotten, homebound seniors, the ill, the incarcerated, and other families in need.

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Rev. Courtenay L. Miller Third District Chaplain

Congrats To Delta Omega On Hosting The Third District

90th Annual District Meeting

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"# 0"+'*#$ '01 90'0 40*%5 6*+'%*7' 811'*#$ !"#$%&'()&'*"#+ '" ,-)'& Omega Page 76
Re-elect J. Kevin McIntyre, Esq. Third District Counselor



Brothers from Alpha Omega and Kappa Psi Chapters, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., participated in the annual march to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 16, 2023, in Southeast Washington, D.C.

As inspirational music and excerpts from speeches delivered by Dr. King played over loudspeakers, Brothers carrying signs that read, “Thou Shall Not Kill,” formed with other groups at the R.I.S.E. Center for the peace walk and parade. The event also served as a day of reflection for people to examine where society is in relation to Martin L.King’s dream and commit themselves to determining what needs to be done to make his dream even more of a reality.

Pastor George Gilbert Jr. of Holy Trinity United Baptist Church said he joins the peace walk and march each year. Additionally, he said,

“he and others were here to commemorate, honor, and exercise the same spirit as Dr. King’s life and legacy.”

“There are the same issues we saw in the 1960s that we see today,” he said, referring to homelessness, poverty, and racial disparities in resources, citing “food deserts, educational deserts, even voting rights.”

Some Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. brought their children to the march and walked alongside them

during the event. Brother Leon Samuels brought his sons to the march, and some marchers carried signs reading, “Black Fathers Matter, Black Lives Matter.”

Omega men also carried signs reading “Thou Shall Not Kill,” to draw attention to the increase of gun violence in Washington, D.C., and the need for everyone to actively prevent gun violence.

“You’re not just walking with yourself; you’re walking with the people we lost,” said Ti Wallace, a 10th-grader at the Digital Pioneer Academy charter school.

Brother Rohulamin Quander (Howard University - Alpha Chapter-64), of Alpha Omega Chapter, participated in the march. During a recent talk with students at Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., Brother Quander said, “Civic engagement is going to require older people to give and train leadership skills to the next generation [so] they’ll be able to connect the dots from where we came from to where we’re going.”

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In honor of Martin Luther King’s Legacy of service, the brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., family, and friends volunteered at Carpenter’s Shelter in Alexandria, VA. The shelter is for those experiencing homelessness in the region. Additionally, the Carpenter’s Shelter provides safe, temporary housing and comprehensive community support for over 600 families and individuals.

The Brothers worked with the Shelter’s Community Relations Manager, Jamila Smith, to clean, sanitize, and organize the children’s playground, storage, supply area, and other shared spaces at the shelter. Over 40 brothers showed up in support of the event, which Brother Andre Barnett coordinated. The impact of this event is that the Brothers contributed to the shelter’s annual support of 600 residents.

Following the cleaning and organizing, Mrs. Smith spoke about the shelter’s operations and its impact on the Alexandria community. She thanked the brothers and invited them to continue their volunteer efforts at the shelter. This was a great day of service as the Brothers demonstrated their commitment to the community and the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.



Leesburg VA - On January 16, 2023, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., participated in the 32nd annual Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) March and Celebration. Sigma Mu Mu’s participation included helping with the hybrid MLK event planning, logistical support, and marching in the parade. Brothers also donated warm hats and gloves to the Mobile Hope Unit charity organization on-site; these donations will help keep dozens of needy local residents warm and healthy during cold winter days. The march began at the Leesburg Courthouse, where participants were welcomed by Mr. Fernando “Marty” Martinez, former councilman of Leesburg. An


invocation was delivered by Reverend David Milam, Executive Director of Loudoun Interfaith Bridges, after which the procession made its way to the Frederick Douglass Elementary School. Before the march, the Brothers fellowshipped and shared a continental breakfast at the Bank of Clarke County, which served as a rallying point; Omicron Kappa Kappa (OKK) Chapter members joined the fellowship there, making it a festive pre-march tailgate.

This year’s hybrid celebration included live music performances and displays of local school children’s art. The keynote speaker was Ms. Robin Hamilton, a journalist. The theme of her

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presentation was “Uncensored History: Embracing the Past, Educating the Present, Impacting the Future.” Her audience included MLK Committee members, the performers, their families, and Divine Nine members. The program was even live-streamed to the general public, making this uplifting event available to hundreds of viewers! At the end of the celebration, the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc were recognized in print and publicly thanked by the MLK event chairperson, Ms. Tammy Carter. On this MLK day of service, Sigma Mu Mu once again reflected Omega in a very positive light and displayed the Fraternity’s commitment to community service and uplift.


On January 16, 2023, the great Brothers of Omicron Kappa Kappa (OKK), Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. gathered to serve lunch and dinner at the Embry Rucker Community center in Reston, Virginia. The Basileus of the Chapter humbly mentioned that they were merely “doing what the Men of Omega do!” One of the brother’s core values is to serve the community however they can, whenever they can. “The Bothers did this event on the recognized birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King, a pioneer of many movements that still inspire generations, but one of his most passionate ideals was “uplifting” the community.” Brother Basileus conveyed this sentiment as he touched on the ideals instilled in Dr. King by his close mentor Brother Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. Brother Mays was a prominent member of Omega Psi Phi, an American civil rights leader, and a Baptist minister who matriculated at Virginia Union.

The Embry Rucker Community shelter has been one of the dearest thoughts of the Chapter. They have been providing selfless service, support, and numerous charitable donations and events for the shelter over the past several years. The shelter is open 24 hours a day and has the capability to house and service over 70 homeless and transitioning residents while providing health, safety, and warm meals – the Men of OKK gladly stood in the gap and served on the 16th.

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Hosted By Third District Chaplain, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Date: Every Sunday Time: 7:11 PM EST or 1911 Hours Zoom: Meeting ID: 770 6700 5487 Password: 090950 Dial In: (301) 715-8592 FaceBook Live: live/ Page 80



The Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated instituted the weekly Third District Worship & Prayer services on Sunday nights at 1911, starting in April 2020. Initially, the prayer services were designed as a prayer service for COVID-19 pandemic relief. The prayer service mission developed into opportunities for fellowship and celebration across the District and beyond.

Over the past year, the Third District Worship and Prayer service has combined powerful words of uplift, great music, fervent prayers, and fellowship in True Omega fashion. This event is open to Brothers of Omega, family, and friends alike. We have enjoyed special services that celebrated Omega Legacy on Father’s Day, Service Members on Veterans Day, and couples married for more than 50 years on Valentine’s Day, with two of our celebrants sharing 68 year partnerships. We have showcased the future leadership of the Fraternity, and nation, with student led services commemorating HBCU Homecoming, College Graduation, and Mother’s Day. Both local, regional, and national representatives of the National Pan-Hellenic Council have participated along with every member of our Supreme Council.

The Third District Worship & Prayer Service facilitated by Third District Chaplain Rev. Courtenay L. Miller, under the leadership of District Representative Brother Conrado B. Morgan. This service has provided a forum for uplift in an uncertain and unsteady time. while also providing a vehicle for reconnection and connection to participants across the county and indeed around the globe. The Third District acknowledges the contributions of the many worship leaders, musicians, and the automation team for their contribution to this great worship and friendship experience.

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On November 12, 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. held its 12th annual Dr. Charles R. Drew Blood Drive as part of the chapter’s Achievement Week activities. The drive was held at Inova Blood Donor Services in Sterling, VA. More than 20 units of whole blood were collected from 20 donors for use in Loudoun and neighboring counties. The blood donated and facilitated by the brothers of Sigma Mu Mu helped sustain the local blood supply and provided multiple benefits to hospitals and other medical organizations. According to the American Red Cross, whole blood is the most flexible type of donation. Whole blood can be transfused in its original form or used to help multiple people when separated into its specific components of

red cells, plasma, and platelets. Whole blood is frequently given to trauma patients and people undergoing surgery.

The blood drive walk-in donors were thanked and provided information about Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, and its involvement in the community. During the

event, brothers fellowshipped by listening to music, telling jokes, and reflecting on Omega. A great time was had by all, including Mr. Gino Pascual (Inova Blood Drive Co-coordinator), who thanked the brothers for another successful drive.


The Phi Phi Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., was recently recognized by the mayor and city of Richmond, Virginia. A proclamation was presented in the chapter’s honor, recognizing over 95 years of dedicated service in many important community service initiatives, social action projects, and initiatives throughout the greater Richmond Area. A few of these activities include the Feeding 500 Program, Omega Stars youth mentoring program, volunteering and scholarship programs, and additional social awareness and civic initiatives.

The proclamation states, “Now Therefore, Richmond City Council and Mayor Levar M. Stoney do hereby celebrate and Honor the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Phi Phi Chapter and recognize the work week that includes November 17 annually as its Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Phi Phi Chapter Achievement Week, in perpetuity, and thanks its members for their commitment in helping to make Richmond an even better place to live, love, work, learn, play, visit, and enjoy family.”

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Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Phi Phi Chapter

Whereas, The Honorable Levar M. Stoney, Mayor of Richmond, and Richmond City Council, the governing legislative institution of Richmond, Virginia, in the United States of America, do and its Phi Phi Chapter; and

Whereas, college, Howard University, located in Washington, District of Columbia in the United States; and

Whereas, Since that time, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., has grown significantly in size and reputation and currently includes thousands of college and alumni members and more than 700 undergraduate college/university chapters and individual graduate chapters worldwide; and

Whereas, In 1927, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. established the Phi Phi Chapter in Richmond, Virginia as a graduate chapter subdivision that extended brotherhood and service opportunities after college and currently assists with the advising of the undergraduate membership of the

Whereas, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Phi Phi Chapter members have a solid tradition of leadership throughout our community and are highly esteemed for their dedication on behalf of community, brotherhood, and scholarship; and

Whereas, Earning great respect over its 95 years of service, the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Phi Phi Chapter engages in many important community service,


On Sunday, November 12, 2022, the Brothers of Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., gathered at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge to host its “Walk for Warmth,” coordinated by Brother Donte Jiggetts. The event was hosted to promote healthy bodies. The event combined a walk across the 3.2mile bridge and a collection of coats, clothes, and footwear. Over six large boxes and five bags were filled with clothes, coats, footwear, and custom-made scarves. Over one hundred (100) clothing items and $55 in cash donations were collected.

A total of fifteen Brothers were in attendance along with multiple organizations and individuals, including members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc., and “The Hike Crew.” All had a great time, as everyone burned a few calories while collecting needed items for those community residents in need.

Mayor of Richmond, and Richmond City Council, the governing legislative institution of Richmond, Virginia, in the United States of America, do hereby and officially recognize:
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA - CITY OF RICHMOND Richmond City Hall 900 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 U.S.A.
social action projects, and initiatives throughout the greater Richmond Area, which include its Feeding 500 Program, Omega Stars youth mentoring program, volunteering and scholarship programs, and additional social awareness and civic initiatives; Now, Therefore, Richmond City Council and Mayor Levar M. Stoney do hereby celebrate and November 17 annually as its Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Phi Phi Chapter Achievement Week, in perpetuity, and thanks its members for their commitment in helping to make Richmond an even better place to live, love, work, learn, play, visit, and enjoy family. The Honorable Levar M. Stoney Mayor The Honorable Ellen F. Robertson Council Vice President, Richmond City Council The Honorable Cynthia I. Newbille Council President, Richmond City Council
PSI NU Page 83


On Tuesday, November 22, 2022, the brothers of Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., participated in the “Firefighters and Friends Friendsgiving” event held at the Charles Houston Recreation Center in Alexandria, VA. The event was coordinated by Brother Melvin Stallings. Six Psi Nu brothers assisted in serving a delicious Thanksgiving dinner to over 50 people.

The Brothers also assisted in preparing Thanksgiving dinner packages filled with turkey, stuffing, mac and cheese, green beans, and more. The brothers helped prepare the bags and delivered them to family vehicles. A total of 30 packages were given away. In addition, the chapter donated money for food items and materials. The brothers, volunteers, and participants had a great time.



On November 16, 2022, the Brothers of Delta Omega Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. participated in a shoe drive campaign initiated by Petersburg City Public Schools and Samaritan’s Feet. The mission of Samaritan’s Feet is to inspire hope in children by providing shoes as the foundation for a spiritual and healthy life. Ultimately, a healthy life allows the kids to be positioned to further their education and work towards living a healthy life. Walmart Incorporated donated more than 400 pairs of shoes to support this event, which is a testament to their dedication and spirit towards helping the children in the Petersburg, Virginia, community. A special “Thank You” to Petersburg City Public Schools, Samaritan’s Feet, and Walmart for allowing the brothers of Delta Omega to be a part of this memorable event.

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On December 3, 2022, The Delta Omega Social Action Committee partnered with Anthem Health-Keepers Plus, The Baptist General Convention of Virginia, Saint Paul’s Baptist Church, and Urban Baby Beginnings to conduct a community-wide “Change for the Better” diaper drive and distribution campaign. The location of this event was Saint Paul’s Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia. The event focused on providing diapers to families in need within Richmond and surrounding cities, including Petersburg, Virginia. Diapers are a necessary part of day-to-day life for young children and their families. However, providing diapers is not always easy. The impacts of inflation and lost wages due to the COVID pandemic have reduced the availability of diapers within the community. The program proved to be a tremendous success, with over 25,000 diapers donated. A sincere “thank you” to the Delta Omega Social Action Committee, all organizations, and individuals who supported this event and helped lift up the families within our local area!


Omega Men for Homeless Men (OMFHM), Alpha Omega Chapter’s Social Action program focused on uplifting men who have fallen on hard times, met for its monthly meeting on December 19, 2022, and focused discussion on the “5 Ways to Take Your Life to the Next Level.”

OMFHM was established and coordinated by Brothers Walt Hill and Oliver Hunter. OMFHM meets every third Monday of the month at the Father McKenna Center in St. Aloysius Church at Gonzaga College High School, Washington, D.C., to provide inspiration, motivation, and lunch to men challenged by life’s events. At the December meeting, the men were provided with new hats and gloves by the Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter.

“It’s but for the grace of GOD that we are not homeless or destitute, so we take part in doing what we can do to help another brother,” stated Brother Hunter. “We typically have about 25 men in attendance,” he added.

Each month the Brothers of Alpha Omega and guest presenters discuss various topics with hopes of creating a better path in life for all involved. Focusing on the December topic of “5 Ways to Take Your Life to the Next Level,” Brother Hunter

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offered the following advice for the men to take action to “level up their life’s energy.”

1. “Success comes from taking the initiative and following up.”

2. “One day, you will wake up, and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now.”

3. “Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change, as the alternative is a disaster.”

4. “Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.”

5. “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”

Brother Hill agreed, adding, “Running from it will not save you,” encouraging the men to embrace change in their lives and meet their challenges head-on. He also urged the men to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for change, stating, “Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.”

Brother Robert Warren encouraged the men to set clear intentions, starting off each day with a list of goals they wish to accomplish for that day and not being discouraged if they do not meet each goal. He encouraged the men to persevere, and he led them in prayer.

“We’ve heard so much about initiative and doing it during this session,” said Brother Rohulamin Quander (2-64-A), the senior Brother in attendance. “We must pursue our dreams. We must bound up our loose threads that we have hanging

by, turn those threads into yarn, turn that yarn into cloth, and clothe ourselves with a new beginning,” Brother Quander added.

“Aim high and expect the best of yourself,” Brother Hunter furthered. “Happiness does come from going to the next level. Give it a try,” he added.

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Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. serving Prince William County, Virginia –On the week of December 12-16, 2022, the Health Incentive and Social Action Committees of PLL joined forces to target high demand needs for the community this season. Brothers volunteered hours at the front door of Walmart in Dumfries, Virginia, to ring the bell for Salvation Army Donations to help many homeless and those struggling to get by. Additionally, the Brothers promoted “GOOD HEALTH WINS” with registration drives for the Blood Donation Event in January and Flu Shot Vaccinations.

This year the event was led by Brother Sean Robinson, the Social Action Committees’ successful drive raised $1,803.89 for Salvation Army. Additionally, the event provided valuable funds for community social services assistance, homeless shelters, disaster relief, children’s programs rehabilitation services, anti-human

trafficking, and more. In addition, the PLL Health Committee supplied urgent information alerting the public of the dire need for blood and flu vaccinations for the area.

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Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) Chapter | Third District | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Prince William County, Virginia – On January 24, 2004, Pi Lambda Lambda Graduate Chapter was officially recognized as a chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. On January 24, 2023, PLL cele-brated its 19th anniversary in the fold. As a young chapter, we hail the achievements as a body that collectively and individually contributed to the betterment of the chapter, the brothers within, the community and district we service, and towards the goals for Omega Psi Phi Frater-nity, Incorporated. Brothers celebrated this great chapter and its evolution on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at Potomac Shores Social Barn in Dumfries, VA.



Portsmouth, VA. On Saturday, January 28, 2023, the brothers of Zeta Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. volunteered with Portsmouth’s Park and Recreation Department in their hosting of the 31st annual Echoes of Joy event. The day was designed to provide winter items and services to homeless community residents or those having difficult times.

Zeta Iota was approached because of their past commitment to the homeless and others in the community. The chapter’s involvement in volunteering to feed and provide clothing, blankets, and toys throughout the year and annually at Christmas has proven to be a tremendous help to the community.

This year the event was held outside with the recipients in a Grab and Go style format. The brothers gave out cleaned blankets, coats, gloves, hats, socks, and general hygiene products. Chapter brothers and community volunteers provided the donated items. The people were delighted and thanked the chapter for their participation.

Summited by: Brother Roosevelt T. Green

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Newport News, Va. - Brothers from Kappa Iota Iota (KII) Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., provided uplift to the chapter’s Fatherhood and Mentoring Group (Young Men of Distinction) by taking them to a maleempowering event in Newport News, Virginia on January 7, 2023.

The RISE Conference is an annual male-empowerment event focused on providing uplift, training, and networking among young men. Some topics included, but not limited to: anti-bullying, social media, academic success, communication skills, and the value of collaboration. The one-day conference included dynamic presentations, a panel discussion, breakout sessions, and more for students. Additionally, there were informative workshops for parents. Eligibility was for young men in grades K-12. Graduating seniors assisted with planning, logistics, and facilitation of programming before and during the conference.

Some of the benefits of attending the RISE Conference are:

• Connect with other youth-serving organizations.

• Share information, resources, and evidence-based strategies.

• Build expertise in the area of youth development.

• Connect with Newport News Public School students in grades K-12.

• Increase youth engagement with available programs and services.

The Brothers of Kappa Iota Iota would like to thank Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and the Third District for their financial and moral support of our program. We would also like to highlight the leadership of Brothers Baron McKeithan, Robert Smith Jr., and Lloyd Boxley for their steadfast leadership in providing uplift for these young men.

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BRO. CULLEN DUBOSE, SR, 11/13/2022













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ALPHA OMEGA Bro. Bernard Little, Sr

KAPPA PSI Bro. Anthony Stevens

DELTA OMEGA Bro. Darl Everett

LAMBDA OMEGA Bro. Shaye Southall


PHI PHI Bro. Loki Mullholland

ALPHA ALPHA Bro. Darryl Smith





GAMMA OMEGA Bro. Clinton Beverly)

ALPHA IOTA Bro. Michael Artis

ZETA IOTA Bro. Roosevelt Green, Jr.

XI IOTA Bro. Michael Gore

RHO IOTA Bro. Brandon Byrd

ZETA OMICRON Bro. Wardell Coward

TAU OMICRON Bro. James Pennix

TAU RHO Bro. Eugene Cox

LAMBDA NU Bro. Travis Griffin

UPSILON NU Bro. Allee Ponton

PSI NU Bro. Don Wright

GAMMA XI Bro. Alvin Swilley

PSI ALPHA ALPHA Bro. Matthew Williams

KAPPA IOTA IOTA Bro. Michael Hawkins



Bro. Cameron Ray




PI LAMBDA LAMDA Bro. Darnell Dennis

SIGMA MU MU Bro. Brian Johnson

ZETA MU MU Bro. Scottie Gilbert

ETA LAMBDA Bro. Yosef Woods

ZETA Bro. Kirk Jones





PSI ALPHA ALPHA Bro. Matthew Williams



DELTA OMEGA Bro. Darl Everett

BETA DELTA DELTA Bro. John Johnson

PSI NU Bro. Donald Wright

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