Third District Meeting
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Brother Ronald E. McNair, PhD
Undergraduate Luncheon
Brother Shawn R. Lacey, District Representative
Brother Ahmad Holloway, Second Vice District Representative
Brother Eddie A. Stephens, Jr., District Marshal

Opening Remarks

Brother Ahmad Holloway
Second Vice District Representative, Presiding
Introduction of Head Table
Keynote Speaker
Special Presentation
Awards / Recognitions
Closing Remarks
Brother Rev. Courtney Miller District Chaplain
Brother Ahmad Holloway Second Vice District Representative
Brother Ahmad Holloway Second Vice District Representative LUNCH
Brother Robert C. Warren, Jr., ESQ 27th Third District Representative
Brother Shawn R. Lacey District Representative
Brother Ahmad Holloway Second Vice District Representative
Brother Rod Tasco District Scholarship Chairman
Brother Shawn R. Lacey
Brother Ahmad Holloway
Brother Rev. Courtenay L. Miller District Chaplain


Mark Center Garden Salad with Ranch Dressing or Balsamic Vinaigrette
Half Roasted Chicken & Herb Butter, Wild
Rice Pilaf, Roasted Chicken Chablis Jus
Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake with Vanilla Whipped Cream
Iced Tea, Regular and Decaffeinated Coffee
eynote speaker
Brother Robert C. Warren, Jr, ESQ.

Brother Robert C. Warren, Jr. was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. on March 21, 1980, by way of Alpha Chapter at Howard University, as Number 11 on “Boss Gray’s 24 Chics of Boston.” During his time at Alpha Chapter, Brother Warren served as Dean of History, Assistant Keeper of Records and Seal, Keeper of Records and Seal, and Basileus. As life often comes full circle, Brother Warren is now the Graduate Advisor to Alpha Chapter.
Brother Warren graduated from Howard in 1982 with a Bachelor Arts in Political Science, and in 1985 with his Juris Doctor degree from the Howard University School of Law, where he served as President of the Class of 1985.
After serving in Kappa Psi Chapter, which was then an intermediate chapter, during his law school matriculation, Brother Warren joined Alpha Omega in 1985 and has served faithfully for 39 years. During his tenure in Alpha Omega Chapter, Brother Warren has served as chairman of several standing committees, Chapter Counsel, Vice Basileus and Basileus. Brother Warren was named Alpha Omega’s Man of the Year in 1998 and has been a recipientoftheSuperiorServiceandFounders’Award.AtAlphaOmega’s Centennial Celebrationin2022,Brother Warren was honored as one of the chapter’s eight “Living Legends.”
On the Third District and International levels of the Fraternity, Brother Warren has served as a 12-term District Counselor, First Vice District Representative and as the 27th Third District Representative. Brother Warren has served as a member of the Grand Tribunal, Deputy International Inspector General, and Assistant to the Grand Counselor. Presently, he serves as Vice-Chairman of the International Risk Management Committee.
Professionally, Brother Warren recently retired after over 35 years as an attorney with the District of Columbia (“D.C.”) government. During his tenure, Brother. Warren worked as an Assistant General Counsel with the D.C Council, Legislative Staff Director for the Committees on Labor and Government Operations under former D.C. Councilmember Harold Brazil, Managing Attorney for the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency, General Counsel and Director for Compliance and Enforcement for the former D.C. Department of Consumer and RegulatoryAffairs and SeniorAssistant General Counsel for the D.C. Department of Human Services. Presently, Brother Warren is a consultant with the DMP Group, LLC and is aligned with the law firm of Powers, Lewis & King, PLLC handling employment and arbitration matters.
Brother Warren is a native New Yorker, born in Brooklyn, New York as the oldest of two children of Robert, Sr., and Kathryn, who is a 1956 Chi Chapter AKA, Talladega College. As a New Yorker, Brother Warren maintains steadfast loyalty to his Knicks, Giants, Yankees, and old-school Hip-Hop.
He has been married to the former Simone Nelson since November 9, 1996, and is the proud father of two adult daughters, Rhea (a 2013Alpha ChapterAKA) and Paige.

Third District

Second Vice District Representatives
Daniel Dunn
Malcolm Fox
Elisha Howard
Isaiah West
Justin Wimberly
Marshawn Shelton
Esau White
Alfonso Beale
Donnel Jones
Ernest Robinson
Nicholas P. Charles II
Walter Virgil
Jamin Powell
Ricardo Brown
Jameel Daniels
Jimmy R. Prude
Jamin Powell
Richard Parker
Trevor McCraw
Anthony Washington
Russel Drake
John R. Faison
Reggie Samuel
Aaron Price
Morris Redd
James Kory Wilson
Eric Copeland
Morgan Bailey
Mark E. Jackson
Lawrence Johns
Lucius Dalton
Andre’ Darden
Edwin McBeth
Benjie E. Wimberly
Alonzo L. Carter, Jr.
Ronald Woodward
Alan Barnett
Donald K. Brockett
Stan Harris
Richard Taylor
Milton Harrison
Grady B. Hedgespeth
Christopher Dixon
Johnathan Pollard Nelson
Vernon E. Johnson
Ahmad Holloway

Undergraduate Chapters Third District
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Chapter Howard University

Zeta Chapter Virginia Union University
Nu Psi Virginia State University
Gamma Epsilon Hampton University
Epsilon Gamma Inactive
Omicron Gamma University of DC
Pi Gamma Norfolk State University
Delta Theta Southeastern University
Phi Delta Virginia Commonwealth University
Lambda Zeta University of Virginia
Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Tau Lambda Old Dominion University
Alpha Delta Sigma William and Mary University
Beta Delta Delta James Madison University
Eta Delta Delta George Mason University
Brother Ronald E. McNair, PhD Nasa Astronaut (Omega Chapter)
PERSONAL DATA: Born October 21, 1950, in Lake City, South Carolina. Died January 28, 1986. He is survived by his wife Cheryl, and two children. He was a 5th degree black belt Karate instructor and a performing jazz saxophonist. He also enjoyed running, boxing, football, playing cards, and cooking.
EDUCATION: Graduated from Carver High School, Lake City, South Carolina, in 1967; received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from North Carolina A&T State University in 1971 and a Doctor of Philosophy in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976; presented an honorary Doctorate of Laws from North Carolina A&T State University in 1978; an honorary Doctorate of Science from Morris College in 1980; and an honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of South Carolina in 1984.
ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the American Optical Society; the American Physical Society (APS); the APS Committee on Minorities in Physics; the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Board of Trustees; the MIT Corporation Visiting Committee; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; and a visiting lecturer in Physics at Texas Southern University.
AWARDS: Posthumously awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor.
NASA EXPERIENCE: Selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in January 1978, he completed a 1-year training and evaluation period in August 1979, qualifying him for assignment as a mission specialist astronaut on Space Shuttle flight crews.
Dr. McNair was assigned as a mission specialist on STS 51-L. Dr. McNair died on January 28, 1986 when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after launch from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida; also, taking the lives of the spacecraft command- er, Mr. F.R. Scobee; the pilot, Commander M.J. Smith (USN); mission specialists Lieu- tenant Colonel E.S. Onizuka (USAF); and Dr. J.A. Resnik; and two civilian payload specialists, Mr. G.B. Jarvis and Mrs. S.C. McAuliffe.

Brother Ronald E. McNair, PhD