Our Vision
An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health
An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health
Deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care
CMCC is dedicated to pursuing innovation in education, research and patient care. In this way, the institution effectively prepares its students to become tomorrow’s Leaders in Spinal HealthTM
CMCC’s achievements this year demonstrate the success of this approach in paving the way toward increased collaboration with other health care professions, and helping to define the profession within the changing Canadian health care landscape.
The 2021-22 academic year started off with CMCC proudly graduating the Class of 2021 in June at a virtual ceremony, and then preparing for the new class of students starting in August 2021. Despite the pandemic, CMCC achieved some major accomplishments and our message this year will highlight several of those successes, along with some of the challenges we faced, presented in four major themes.
Greg Woolfrey, DC ChairDavid Wickes, DC, MA President
The 2021-22 academic year found us still immersed in the COVID-19 pandemic, but again the dedication and motivation of our students and employees allowed CMCC to continue to succeed and forge ahead.
COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic in March 2020 and within a month Ontario had declared a state of emergency. CMCC was challenged to provide a world-class chiropractic education despite challenges never seen before in higher education. Academic year 2020-21 ended with having endured almost four months of the pandemic, but CMCC was still able to end that academic year on time and to ensure that all fourth-year students had completed the degree requirements and could graduate. The start of the 2021-22 academic year was unfortunately accompanied by continuing pandemic restrictions. In the same way that we finished the previous year, throughout the new year no lectures were held on campus, the Eatery (cafeteria) remained closed, and many employees worked from home. The only structured learning activities delivered on campus were the laboratory components of anatomy, chiropractic technique and clinical diagnosis courses. Once again, the academic year was completed on schedule, despite the ongoing pandemic, and fourth-year students were able to graduate as planned.
Initial plans to restart in-person academic testing were dashed by yet another wave of infection. For part of the year, the ministry reduced the capacity of all learning spaces to no more than 50 persons, so CMCC opted to maintain its small laboratory sizes and eliminate use of the lecture halls and other large gathering spaces. The anatomy museum was renovated to make room for additional dissection workstations, allowing greater distancing between student groups. Strict protective protocols remained in place, succeeding in avoiding any on-campus transmission of infection throughout the year.
Students and employees struggled to cope with the pressure of the pandemic and CMCC markedly increased its mental health support systems.
The summer of 2021 was spent preparing for the new academic year and making contingency plans to deal with the ever-changing pandemic and possible new waves of infection. This turned out to be fortuitous because of the emergence of the Omicron variant in November along with its subsequent sub-lineages.
Events and Meetings Most in-person association AGMs were again cancelled across Canada, so our ability to host alumni events in the provinces was impeded. Between waves of the pandemic, we were able to host our annual Ontario BackSwing alumni golf event, but only in a modified form with fewer participants and no gatherings for lunch or dinner. Despite this, BackSwing generated a respectable level of donations and sponsorships, making it a successful fundraising event. CMCC’s annual Practice OpportUnity event was again held virtually to a resounding success because of the greater ability of participation by vendors and practitioners across Canada. The province issued an advisory
against any international travel, further limiting our ability to attend meetings and conferences.
Homecoming, along with our 75th Anniversary celebration originally scheduled for June 2020, couldn’t be held in-person in June 2021, so a
specialized virtual conference platform was used to provide continuing education programming and social gatherings. By April, provincial restrictions on outdoor activities had lifted sufficiently to allow CMCC to host a live Backs in Motion 5K/10K run/walk fundraiser.
The pandemic taught us that it is possible to make major changes in how we work and learn. Employees who did not have specific laboratory teaching assignments, clinic shifts, or administrative or support duties requiring their physical presence on campus shifted to a “work from home” mode.
Flexibility had to be promoted because the home setting often included overseeing children unable to be in school, juggling Internet access availability between multiple users at home, dealing with interruptions, and the stress of work/life balance.
Much of the academic program continued to be delivered remotely and our faculty and students rose to the occasion. Faculty members pre-recorded most of their lectures using CMCC’s Panopto® digital platform. New ways of delivering tests had to be developed along with refinement in remote proctoring. Standardized patient-based competency exams were delivered in a virtual format.
Interns and supervising clinicians became adept at delivering some aspects of patient care using telehealth. Our clinics across the Greater Toronto Area resumed most operations since the initial total shutdown in 2020, but the allowed capacities for patient scheduling and number of learners remained restricted. Total patient volumes remained lower than pre-pandemic times. Our original Rexdale
clinic site remained closed; however, we were able to move into a new space in the Rexdale Community Health Centre Hub. The clinic system expanded its externship program significantly, with many helpful and greatly appreciated field practitioners across Canada accommodating some Year IV students in their practices to get clinical learning experiences. Plans now are to continue this successful program long past the end of the pandemic.
The Council on Chiropractic Education Canada (CCEC) conducted a virtual accreditation site visit following a two-year self-study process undertaken by CMCC. In November, the CCEC officially reaffirmed the accreditation of CMCC’s Doctor of Chiropractic degree program through 2030, the maximum allowed time. There will be a routine interim review by the CCEC in 2026. Also in this year, CCE-US conducted a virtual site visit, CMCC’s first accreditation evaluation by that organization. In January 2022, the CCE-US notified CMCC that its Doctor of Chiropractic degree program had been awarded initial accreditation for a period of four years, the maximum allowed for first-time applicants. This marks the first time that a DC program anywhere in the world has been simultaneously accredited by two separate CCE agencies.
During this year, CMCC submitted to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities its application for renewal of consent for degree granting authority. An observer for the ministry had previously participated in the CCEC accreditation site visit. CMCC anticipates receiving a final decision from the ministry during the 2022-23 year.
Year IV students completed their competency assessments and were able to graduate without delay, however they had to travel to Montreal to take the CCEB Component C licensing exams because of pandemic restrictions in Ontario. Degrees were conferred on the Class of 2021 in a virtual convocation ceremony in June 2021 with Dr. Ian Coulter, former CMCC president, providing the convocation address.
Our new academic year was launched on August 23, 2021, welcoming almost 200 new students into the Class of 2025. This was the second class to begin its studies during the pandemic, and Orientation week, normally filled with live social events, had to again be held virtually. Despite the pandemic, the number of applicants to CMCC remained high, with 3-4 applicants for every available seat and average undergraduate university grade point averages being higher than 3.4 on a 4.0 scale.
The new fiscal year (FY2022) began with CMCC in a healthy financial position, having closed out FY2021 with a positive balance, despite the ups and downs of the investment market and high costs related to the pandemic, and received a clean, unqualified audit. The new budget for FY2023 approved by the Board of Governors in April 2022 included funding for numerous new initiatives and projects to allow CMCC to make continued progress on its strategic plan. CMCC ended FY2022 in a very strong financial position.
Although many research activities, including some studies involving human subjects, had to be curtailed during the pandemic, research productivity has remained high. In the 2021-22 period, faculty published 77 articles in the scientific, peer-reviewed literature, exceeding the five-year average of 55 articles. Faculty also participated in virtual conferences, presenting many papers.
A new Force Sensing Table Technology (FSTT®) laboratory was designed and built, doubling the number of workstations for this chiropractic skills lab. A new state-of-the-art X-ray positioning manikin was acquired through the support of the Governors’ Club. The Simulation Lab also acquired a new computerized high-fidelity simulation manikin. The campus building received an upgrade to the stonework and the accessibility ramp at the main entrance. Extensive repairs were also made to the drainage system serving Lecture Hall 1. Unlike many institutions, CMCC does not have significant deferred maintenance and the facilities remain highly functional and spotless.
A new phase of strategic planning was initiated, building upon the 2017-21 plan and incorporating ideas generated during the recent self-study process and accreditation visits. The CMCC Board of Governors reviewed the draft 2022-25 strategic
plan and approved the framework, subject to final approval at the Board Retreat in June 2022. The major strategic goals incorporated in the new plan include space optimization and facilities enhancement to incorporate expanded fitness facilities and a new learning and assessment centre allowing for more experiential learning in the curriculum, expansion of our continuing education operations, greater opportunities for outof-Ontario clinical experiences, development of a master of science degree program to be offered by CMCC, transformation of CMCC Membership into a contemporary model better suited to supporting our alumni and building long-term relationships, and continued digital transformation of our technology systems to better enable integration of our many software platforms and enable real-time information access for decision making. CMCC also launched staff training and a new software platform to support the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) management framework for goal setting and outcomes tracking.
Despite the pandemic, students still aspire to become chiropractors and CMCC’s enrolment is at the maximum permitted by the Board of Governors. Our employees and students continue to excel and demonstrate resilience and determination, of which we can all be proud. CMCC achieved major accomplishments over this year and the chiropractic program continues to have excellent outcomes.
We wish you all the best over this next year and hope that we will continue to overcome the obstacles placed in our path by the pandemic and to forge ahead with our efforts to achieve further excellence for CMCC.
Dr. Anser Abbas
Dr. David E. Abbott
Dr. Melanie S. AbbottCambridge Dr. Salvatore Abbruzzino Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Dr. Sajad Abolghasem Dr. Norman R. Abrams Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Gary L. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Dr. Jennifer A. Adams-Hessel Dr. Bruce Adamson Dr. Aleisha Adeboyejo Dr. Kimberly D. Adie Dr. Judy Adler Dr. Sardar Ahmad Dr. Froher Ahmadi Dr. Henri J. Aime
Dr. Marie-Jose Aime
Dre Yvette Albert Dr. Blake Alderson
Dr. Doug Alderson
Dr. Marco L. Aldrovandi Dr. Stephanie Alexopulos Dr. Jessica R. Algar Dr. Zeya Alikhan
Dr. Donald R. M. Allen Dr. Hillary Allen Dr. Julia Almeida Dr. Jeffrey A. Almon Dr. Gillian Altheim Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. Robert O. Anctil
Dr. Brett Anderson
Dr. David K. Anderson
Dr. Lloyd J. Anderson Dr. Maheen Andleeb
Dr. John H. Andrews
Dr. Stephanie E. Anisko
Dr. Nicholas T. Antony
Dr. Antonio Anziano
Dr. Mervin F. Aramenko
Dr. Lavern H. G. Ariss
Dr. Megan I. Arlidge Dr. Corey Armstrong Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Rachel Armstrong Dr. Matthew Arnott Dr. Shannon R. Asbury Dr. Rejeanne E. Ashcroft Dr. Adib Ashraf Dr. Marina Askander Dr. Mark E. Asquith Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Mitch Atkinson Dr. Monique N. Aucoin Dr. Renee Audet Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Stefano F. Augurusa Dr. Johannes Baarbe Dr. Tiffany N. Bacon Dr. Madison A. Baile Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Brian Baizley Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Dana K. Ball Dr. Jeffrey W. Balon Dr. Charlene A. Banbury Dr. Berj K. Bardekjian Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. John D. Bare Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Graham E. Barnes Dr. R. Bruce Barrett Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Dr. Richard G. Barwell Dr. Zoya Bashir Dr. Ronald J. Batte Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Kenneth C. Beatty Dr. Robert J. Bebbington Dr. Nardine Bekhit Dr. Melissa N. Belchos Dr. Lawrence Bell Dr. Morgan Belleau
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeDr. Rod J. Belyea Dr. Maryanne C. Bendell Dr. David Berg Dr. Kenneth G. Bergquist Dr. Rebecca J. Bermel Dr. Cindy A. Berna Dr. Michael A. Berna Dr. Philip J. Bernath Dr. Sarah Bernhardt Dr. Marcel Bernier Dr. Stevan M. Betts Dr. Krupa Bhatt Dr. Sukhmeet Bhatti Dr. Mary B. Billings Dr. Elise Bilodeau
Dr. John Bird
Dr. Stephanie J. Birtig Dr. Cole R. Bishop Dr. John H. Bjarnason Dr. Elyse A. Black Dr. Barbara A. Blacker Dr. Kristy A. Blair
Dr. Vanessa M. Blaquiere
Dr. Mark J. Blau
Dr. Steven G. Blenkarn Dr. Kevin J. Bloom
Dr. Kelli L. Blunt
Dr. Suzanne M. Bober Dr. Mark E. Boden Dr. Mark G. Bodnar Dr. Peter Bodnar
Dr. Hans W. Boehnke Dr. Glenn M. Boggio
Dr. Lauren C. Boilard
Dr. Gregory W. Bolger
Dr. Stephanie L. Bonneau
Dr. Nathan S. Boon-van Mossel
Dr. Brittany Boot
Dr. Sylvie A. Bordeleau
Dr. Irene H. Bork
Dr. Cameron Borody
Dr. Krista C. Borrowman
Dr. Luc R. Bouchard *
Dr. Trevor Boudreau
Dr. Claude Bourassa
Dr. Annette Bourdon
Dr. Rebecca Bouwhuis
Dr. Sherilynn Bovay
Dr. Murray H. Bowman *
Dr. Thomas H. Boyter
Dr. James A. Brad
Dr. Crystal A. Bradshaw
Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten
Dr. Alex Brandon-Sutherland
Dr. Doug G. Brandvold
Dr. Yasmin Brar
Dr. Alan Breen
Dr. Douglas E. Brenner
Dr. Grayden J. Bridge
Dr. Ole Brigsted
Dr. Courtney Broadhurst
Dr. Robert Brodie
Dr. Blaine L. Broker
Dr. Aase L. Bronfort
Dr. Gert Bronfort
Dr. Justin Brooks
Dr. Michel R. Brosseau
Dr. Lee W. Brotherston
Dr. Roger Browett
Dr. Suzanne L. Brown
Dr. Terry F. Brown
Dr. Philip T. Browne
Dr. Andrew J. Brubacher
Dr. Paul Bruno
Dr. Brian S. Budgell
Dr. Denilea A. Bueno
Dr. David R. Buettner *
Dr. Shawn M. Bulger
Dr. Ronald J. Bulman
Dr. Rene A. Bureau
Dr. Edward Burge
Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis
Dr. Stephen Burnie
Dr. Rebecca Burns
Dr. Brenna Byer
Dr. Tiffany D. Cafaro
Dr. J. Michael Cain
Dr. Audrey Cameron
Dr. J. Blake Cameron
Dr. Katherine M. Cameron
Dr. Perry Cammisa
Dr. Robert D. Campana
Dr. Donald R. Campbell
Dr. Carolina Cancelliere
Dr. Gregory W. Canning Dr. Robert J. Cannon
Dr. Evan S. Canzi
Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey
Dr. Matthew Carinci Dr. Dane R. Carlson
Dr. Telise Carmichael
Dr. Giancarlo Carpino
Dr. Colin R. Carrie, M.P. Dr. Natalie J. Carrington
Dr. Brent A. Carson
Dr. Robert C. Carson
Dr. James Carter
Dr. Laura Caruso
Dr. Adrienne Cascioli
Dr. John David Cassidy Dr. Alicia V. Castelhano
Dr. William Castor Dr. Michael Caterer
Dr. Jacob A. Ceccanese Dr. Elaine Chagnon Dr. Armin Chamanchi Dr. Dennis W. Chambers Dr. Mariam Chan
Dr. Dwight R. Chapin Dr. Kevin Charbonneau
Dr. Mardi C. Charlton
Dr. Caitlyn Charteris
Dr. George Chiaravalloti
Dr. Brittney L. M. Chisholm
Dr. Kwong Chiu
Dr. Dana Chivers
Dr. Grand Choi
Dr. Ha Young (Jessica) Choi
Dr. Chien-An Chou Dr. Denis G. Chouinard
Dr. Ngai W. Chow Dr. Nicholas Chow
Dr. Nathaniel Christopher Dr. Karen L. Chrobak
Dr. Catherine Man Ning Chu Dr. Raymond Chu
Dr. Andrew C. Chung Dr. Chadwick Chung
Dr. Sam A. Cirone
Dr. Samantha Clark
Dr. Simon M. F. Clark
Dr. Robert F. Clarke
Dr. Tanya Clarke-Young Dr. Todd Clayton
Dr. Mackenzie A. Clemens
Dr. Charles Clement
Dr. Leo J. Clement
Dr. Susan D. Clements
Dr. Robert J. Clifford
Dr. Jessica A. M. Coady Dr. Zachary Coates
Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. Aaron Cocklin
Dr. George R. Coder Dr. Dean P. S. Collins Dr. Deborah Collins Dr. Jennafer M. Collins Dr. Constance A. Columbus Dr. William Columbus Dr. Chad Conaway Dr. John G. Condor
Dr. R. Wayne Connell Dr. Genevieve L. Connolly Dr. Graym W. Cook Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Walter T. Cooper Dr. Celia Corbo Dr. Manny A. Coroneos Dr. John R. Corrigan Dr. Rhonda J. Corrigan Dr. Robert J. Corrigan * Dr. Laura S. Cory Dr. Julian Cossio Velez Dr. Ivano Costa Dr. Pierre Côté Dr. Alfonso J. Cotoia Dr. Brian Cotter
Dr. Janna Coty Dr. Emma K. Coughler Dr. Jeremy Thomas J. P. Coughler Dr. Robert J. Coulombe Dr. Ian Coulter Dr. Brogan B. R. Courtney Dr. Terence A. Coutou Dr. Geron P. Cowherd Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. Jocelyn A. Cox Dr. Kalynn Crane Dr. Andrew C. Cregg Dr. Andrew Creppin Dr. Brian B. Croft * Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Gerald N. Crooks
Dr. Philip Croutch
Dr. Edward R. Crowther Dr. Brian D. Cruise
Dr. Michael B. Cruise Dr. Kristina Cukic Dr. Ian D. Culbert
Dr. Ramon Cumings Dr. Marisa Cuoco
Dr. Clinton J. Cybulski Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Dr. Nicole da Silva Dr. Sophia A. da Silva-Oolup Dr. Theodore Dahinden Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Dr. Barbara L. Dance Dr. Charles F. Daniels Dr. Florence Darbellay Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Natalie David Dr. Sefrah Daviduck Dr. Myron T. Dawydiak Dr. Ivone De Marchi
Dr. Robert S. Deachman Dr. James C. Dean Dr. John R. Dean Dr. William J. Dean Dr. Adam DeBruyne Dr. Ryan Debusschere Dr. Philip Decina
Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. Christopher deGraauw Dr. Lara C. deGraauw
Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Yvette Dehandschutter
Dr. John Del Col Dr. Gerard Delugt Dr. Elaine Dembe Dr. Kayli E. Demirli
Dr. Kevin R. Deoraj
Dr. Guillaume Desjardins Dr. Indervir Dhami
Dr. Agostino R. Di Paolo
Dr. Tony Diab
Dr. Kenneth W. Dick Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Dominique Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson
Dr. June Dies-Keys
Dr. Richard N. Dietrich Dr. Grace E. M. Diezel
Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore
Dr. Joshua J. Dlugokecki Dr. Fred T. Dobson Dr. Henry Dobson
Dr. Stephen J. Doholis
Dr. Michael Domanko
Dr. Sarah J. Donaldson
Dr. Brian M. Donbrook
Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook
Dr. Thomas M. Dormon
Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko
Dr. Stephen I. Doucette
Dr. Stephanie Douglas
Dr. Edward Dowhaniuk
Dr. Victor C. Dowling
Dr. Larry Down
Dr. Jaime M. Downey
Dr. Nicholas Downey
Dr. Myles D. Drakes
Dr. Crystal A. E. Draper
Dr. Robert J. Dronyk
Dr. David C. Drum
Dr. Tracy J. Drynan
Dr. Richard Dubler
Dr. Bogdan Dubrovskiy Dr. Garrett Duff
Dr. Alan P. Dumencu
Mr. H. James Duncan
Dr. Samantha M. Duncan
Dr. Daryl K. Dunford Dr. Scott Dunham
Dr. Brittany Dunlop Dr. J. Kevin Dunlop
Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. David A. Dunnett
Dr. Paul R. Duperrouzel
Dr. Brennan T. Dynes
Dr. Robert G. Earle
Dr. Arwed B. Egli
Dr. Robert B. Eidt Dr. Ian C. Eix
Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen
Dr. Lauren Ellens Oliveira Dr. Allen G. Elley
Dr. Evan P. Elliott
Dr. K. Bruce Elliott
Dr. Laura Ellison
Dr. Robert B. Emary
Dr. Barry E. Embree Dr. Shawn Engell
Dr. Rudolf Enns
Dr. Ruth E. Erhardt
Dr. Thomas J. Erskine
Dr. W. Mark Erwin
Dr. Carl A. Eustace
Dr. Douglas W. Evans
Dr. Lois A. Eveleigh
Dr. David Ewert
Dr. Jane A. Fancy
Report 2021-2022
Dr. Gerald R. Farnsworth
Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth
Dr. Lindsay Farquhar
Dr. Zoe C. Fasoulakis
Dr. Leonard J. Faye
Dr. Shelby N. Fedusiak
Dr. William H. Ferguson Dr. Frank J. Fica
Dr. Leann Finley
Dr. Kevin M. Finn
Dr. Shauney R. Fischer Dr. Don E. Fitz-Ritson Dr. Ryan N. Fitzgerald Dr. J. Neil Fletcher
Dr. Robert J. Fletcher Dr. Louis Fleury-Frenette Dr. Bruce Fligg
Dr. Joanne Foley
Dr. Diane E. Forbes
Dr. Peter A. Ford
Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Judy A. Forrester
Dr. Nicole Q. Fowlie
Dr. Jason T. Fox
Dr. Edward Frame
Dr. Robert S. Frankl Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Kenneth Freer Dr. Elsie L. Frickey
Dr. Lauryn Friesen
Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Axel Fritz Dr. Bernard Fruitman
Dr. Joyce Fu
Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe
Dr. Phyllis Gabel Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Colin D. Gage Dr. Robert P. Gagnon
Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels
Dr. Theodore M. Gall Dr. Larry Galvin
Dr. Umang S. Gandhi Dr. Mark T. Garbutt Dr. Melissa Garcia Corredor Dr. Amber N. Gardiner-Pretto
Dr. James Gardner
Dr. Darryl Garner
Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Dr. Corrine E. Gasser
Dr. Arv D. Gatten
Dr. Jon C. Gatten
Dr. Marc-Henri Gauchat
Dr. Michael M. Gawronski
Dr. Allan J. Gdanski
Dr. Henry C. Gdanski Dr. Victor L. Gdanski Dr. Richard J. Gehrke
Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Casey F. Gero Dr. Annie M. Gervais
Dr. Diana Giannoulias
Dr. Megan Gibson Dr. Scott D. Gignac Dr. Lynton G. F. Giles Dr. J. Stephen Gillis
Dr. Pala Gillis
Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Paul C. Gilmore
Dr. Mackenzie A. Gingerich Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Paul Glancey Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Robert Glavan Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Arlene Gleadhill Dr. Brian Gleberzon Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Dr. Diane B. Glover Dr. Kieran F. Glynn Dr. Peter A. Glynn Dr. Berit Godager Moltzau Dr. Heather L. Godkin Dr. Jennifer Goergen Dr. David W. Gohn Dr. Paul M. Gold Dr. Jarrod G. Goldin Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy Dr. Rachel Goldsworthy Mr. Leonard Goodman Dr. Rachel Goodman Dr. Stanley Gorchynski Dr. Christopher J. Gordon Dr. Linda Gordon Dr. Christopher J. GordonTennant Dr. Susanne K. Gorka Dr. Jamie D. Gorlick Dr. Allan Gotlib Dr. Donald T. Graham Dr. Patrick T. Graham Dr. Ray G. Graham Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Stephen Gray Dr. Vilko F. Green
Dr. Stephen Greenberg Dr. Gary A. Greenman
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. Martial Grégoire
Dr. Ian R. Gregory
Dr. Janice M. Gregory
Dr. Adrian S. Grice
Dr. Kyle A. Grice
Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. Diane Grondin Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. Gillian Growse
Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Jason N. Guben Dr. Luc Guenette Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Glenn Guilderson
Dr. Brett P. Guist Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Dr. Frank Q. Guthrie Dr. Janis J. Guthy Dr. Johan R. Gysen Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Norman J. Haigh Dr. Kevin P. Haines Dr. Francois Hains Dr. Scott Haldeman Dr. Bryan J. Hale Dr. Alexandria M. Hall Dr. John W. Hall Dr. Allan P. Halowski Dr. Dana J. Hames
Dr. Melissa J. Hamilton Dr. Tracey L. Hamin Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt
Dr. Sarah E. Hampton Dr. David C. Hann
Dr. A. E. Thomas Hanna
Dr. Brittany Hannan Dr. Kaitlyn V. Hanson Dr. Lucrecia A. Hardowar
Dr. John A. Hardy Dr. Randall J. Hardy Dr. David W. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. Glen M. Harris Dr. Megan Harris Dr. Margaret J. Harrison Dr. N. James Harvey Dr. Dawn Harwijne Dr. Aimee Hatcher Dr. Kara Haus Dr. E. Allan Hawkins
Dr. Glen Hawkins
Dr. Peter G. Hawley
Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne
Dr. Ronald J. Hay
Dr. John R. Hayes
Dr. Michael J. Hayes
Dr. Bruce A. Hayhoe
Dr. Glen W. Heaps
Dr. Jennifer C. Heick
Dr. Ramin Heidari
Dr. Emma Heimbecker Dr. Eric A. Helson
Dr. Paul M. Hemingway
Dr. Peter D. Hemingway
Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
Dr. C. Jay Hennigar
Dr. Alysha M. Hergott
Dr. Derrill Herman
Dr. Brett W. Hessel
Dr. Gregory Hewitt
Dr. Patrick F. Hewitt
Dr. David J. Hewko
Dr. Milcah Hiemstra
Dr. Dan R. Higgins
Dr. Dan S. Higginson
Dr. Candace L. Higney
Dr. Catharine A. Hildebrand
Dr. James J. Hill
Dr. Paul M. Hinton
Dr. Judith A. Hinwood Dr. David Ho Dr. Dustin Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho
Dr. John Hobson
Dr. Corey Hofkirchner
Dr. Robert D. Holden
Dr. Keith B. Holdway
Dr. Roger Hollingsworth
Dr. Warren S. Hollis
Dr. G. Paul Holtom
Dr. Ian J. Horseman
Dr. Tanya L. Horvath
Dr. Saima N. Hossain
Dr. Emily Howell
Dr. Scott Howitt
Dr. James D. Howlett
Dr. Leroy O. Hoyte
Dr. Jessie I. Hsieh
Dr. William S. Hsu
Dr. Stephanie Hua-Nguyen
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel
Dr. Nigel C. J. Hudson
Dr. Steacy E. Huff
Dr. John Hui
Dr. Peter G. Humphrey
Dr. Verna Hunt
Dr. Reginald G. Hunte
Dr. Richard D. Hunter
Dr. Christy Inglis
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. David Irwin
Dr. Donald G. Ivey
Dr. Craig Jacobs
Dr. Crystal A. Jakym
Dr. Orest J. Jakym
Dr. Lanny Jamieson
Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu
Dr. Allan Jeffels
Dr. Ryan S. Jenken
Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson
Dr. Bruce P. Jensen
Dr. Jens J. Jensen
Dr. Hyeong Jo Jeong
Dr. Eun Been Jeoun
Dr. Rahim Jessa Dr. J. Roger Jessop
Dr. Gita K. Jethalal
Dr. Craig D. Johannes
Dr. Melissa C. Johannes
Dr. Gregory A. Johnston
Dr. Michael D. Johnston
Dr. Robert J. Johnston Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. W. Bruce Johnston
Dr. Robert J. Johnstone
Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Christopher F. Jones Dr. Mark E. Jones
Dr. Roger G. Jones
Dr. Ronald W. Jones
Dr. Alaleh Jooya Dr. Chantal Joseph
Dr. Blair A. Jurgens
Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens
Dr. Carmen Jweda
Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis
Dr. Megan Kamphuis
Dr. John S. Kapus
Dr. Nicholas J. Karavanas
Dr. Roy Kariatsumari
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Zafeer A. S. Karim
Dr. John M. Kaster Dr. Orion Katayama Dr. David Kato Dr. Joseph E. Kawun Dr. Mohsen Kazemi
Dr. Dirk W. Keenan
Dr. Alanna S. Keene
Dr. Terence M. Kehler
Dr. Brad A. Kehoe
Dr. Brandon M. Kehoe
Dr. Erica T. Kehoe
Dr. Cal Keil
Dr. Jan J. Kempe
Dr. Erin D. Kempt-Sutherland
Dr. A.O. Hart Kennedy
Dr. A. Paul Kent
Dr. William M.S. Ketcheson Dr. Ronny H. Keung
Dr. Bonnie Keys Dr. Saba Khorrami
Dr. Khashayar Khoshmashrab Dr. Sean T. Kilgannon Dr. Gideon J. Kilian Dr. Grant A. Kilpatrick Dr. Isaac Kim Dr. Jessica Kim Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Dr. Laurie King Dr. Ronald S. King Dr. Barry Kinsey Dr. F. Stuart Kinsinger Dr. Robert E. Kinsman * Dr. Jaclyn Kissel Dr. Peter Kissel Dr. Kandice Kissoondath Dr. Robert G. Kitchen Dr. Alvin G. Klassen Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Robert J. Kniess Dr. John A. Knight * Dr. Terrence N. Knight Dr. Elizabeth A. Koehle Dr. P. Angelika Koeth Dr. Peter L. Kogon Dr. Gary Kolbec Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Vincent Kong Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Paul A. Korbelas Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. John J. Kos Dr. Dylan Kosmachuk Dr. Nicole M. Kosta Dr. Gerald L. Koster Dr. Kyle Kotchie
Dr. Jagdish C. Kothary Dr. Sarah Koughan Dr. Paul W. Kowall
Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Dr. Gerald F. Kremer Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson
Dr. Vance N. Kruszewski
Dr. Graham Kucan
Dr. Brittany Kucharski
Dr. Chad Kulak
Dr. Katrina M. Kulhay
Dr. Varsha Kumar
Dr. Timothy Kunkel
Dr. Kathleen Kurman
Dr. Gregory Kuruliak
Dr. Chandler M. Kutney Dr. Natasha Labana Dr. Natalie Labelle
Dr. Sydney B. Labelle Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Melanie Lachapelle Dr. Leo Lachowich
Dr. Andre C. Lacroix
Dr. Derrill K. Ladell
Dr. Scot A. Ladell
Dr. Rebecca Laffoley
Dr. Jean-Guy Laflamme
Dr. Dominic V. LaForte Dr. Lawrence LaFrance
Dr. Leah Laine
Dr. David A. Lajeunesse
Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Alexander K. Lam Dr. Mazy C. M. Lam Dr. Tony Lam Dr. Renee P. Landry Dr. Marissa Lane Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Serge Lanoue
Dr. Garth W. LaPlante
Dr. Scott R. Laporte Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Jacques Larochelle
Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Stephen A. Lassner Dr. David G. Latta
Dr. Emily Jane J. Laudi Dr. Valerie A. Lavigne Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Douglas M. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. Stephen D. Lawson Dr. Christine T. Le Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc
Dr. Alex D. Lee Dr. David Lee
Dr. David W. Lee Dr. Harriet Lee Dr. Jene Lee
Dr. Joyce G. Lee Dr. Junmo Lee
Dr. Marissa Lee Dr. Mathew K. Lee Dr. Rick Lee Dr. Andrew M. Lee Chan Dr. James R. Leeson Dr. Allison M. Legg Dr. Luke R. Leggo Dr. Sydney V. H. Leguard Dr. Carrie Lehman
Dr. Francis R. Lekness Dr. James J. Lemak Dr. Caterina Lerede Dr. Jim R. Leskun Dr. Andrew Lesoway Dr. Steven Lester Dr. Calvin Leung Dr. Keith Leung Dr. Howard Levita Dr. Chin Yuan (Jack) Li Dr. Joshua Li Dr. Catherina K. M. Liem Dr. Randy Lilja Dr. Sebastian Lilja Dr. Brian R. S. Lim Dr. Tiffany A. Lim Dr. Clare Lindon Dr. Rod W. R. Lindsay Dr. Thomas W. Lindsay Dr. Mateo Lino
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Natalia Lishchyna Dr. James O. Litt
Dr. Robert A. Little Dr. Dennis Liu Dr. Michael K. Livingstone Dr. Poul Loewe-Madsen
Dr. J. Bradley Lohrenz
Dr. Ervin J. Loikrec Dr. Crystal L. Longo Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe
Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Dr. Brian V. Lonsdale Dr. Chelsea J. Lorimer Dr. Dianne Lott Dr. Nicole Loucks Dr. Johan Louwerse Dr. Daria P. Love Dr. David Lovsin
Dr. David E. Lowe Dr. Edward J. Lu Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Joshua N. F. Luk Dr. Jeffrey R. Lustig Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Richard E. Lutz Dr. Derick Luu
Dr. John C. Lynch Dr. Sean MacConnell Dr. Cheryl H. MacDonald Dr. Seamus R. Macdonald Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. Joshua Macedo Dr. David A. MacIntosh Dr. Donald W. H. Mackintosh Dr. Douglas J. MacLachlan Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. Clive S. Macmillan Dr. Stuart W. Macpherson Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Gabor M. Madarasz
Dr. Robert A. Madill Dr. Richard M. Magder Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Winnie W. Magega Dr. Steven Mahaise Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Michael A. Majaess Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Wayne L. Malott Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Gary A. Malstrom Dr. Gary A. Mangiacotte Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. Brent D. Manson Ms. Deb Manz
Dr. Adriana Mar Dr. Lorna March-Greenbau Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Henri L. Marcoux Dr. Bruno F. Marini Dr. Donald F. Marshall Dr. Julia Marshall Dr. Linda D. Marshall Dr. Samantha Marshall Dr. Adrian Marsilio Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. Andre Martin Dr. J. Scott Martin Dr. N. Daniel Martin Dr. Rachel Martin Dr. Dane N. Martin-Falla
Dr. Karen E. Martindale-Sliz Dr. Yvan J. Martineau
Dr. David E. Martinuk
Dr. Karen E. Martinuk
Dr. Reginald J. Martsinkiw
Dr. Chantelle L. Maryuen
Dr. Krisanne Mascarenhas
Dr. Stephen A. Maskall
Dr. Jourdyne Mason
Dre Natalie Masse
Dr. Sydney S. B. Massey
Dr. Paul M. Mastragostino Dr. Pavan Matharu
Dr. David J. Matheson
Dr. Harold Matheson
Dr. Claude Matte
Dr. Karin L. Mattern
Dr. Michael J. Mattinen
Dr. Donald C. Maybin
Dr. Kevin I. McAllister
Dr. D. Court McAuley
Dr. Laura McCall
Dr. Dorothea McCallum
Dr. Michael J. McCann
Dr. Chris J. McCarthy
Dr. Gordon W. McConnell
Dr. Gregory C. McConnell
Dr. Patricia L. McCord
Dr. Phyllis A. McCord
Dr. Michael R. McCoul
Dr. Scott J. McCrae Dr. Scott McCrimmon
Dr. Frank G. McDiarmid
Dr. Gordon A. McDiarmid Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Chhase McFarlen
Dr. Bradley D. McGarr Dr. Christina McGlashan
Dr. Kelsey R. McGonigal
Dr. Joanna McGowan
Dr. Matthew McGuckin
Dr. Jeremy A. McGuire
Dr. Kevin McIntyre
Dr. Julia McKenna
Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie
Dr. Laura C. McKeown
Dr. Joanne McKinley-Molodynia Dr. Laura A. McLaren
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Dr. Alisha McLellan
Dr. Heather McLeod
Dr. D. Gordon McMorland
Dr. J. Wayne McNabb
Dr. Barry C. McQuire
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeDr. Cecil G. McQuoid
Dr. Laurel M. McQuoid
Dr. Christina J. McTavish
Dr. Kelley M. McVarish
Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy
Dr. Shahroze Merali
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Rob J. Merrick Dr. Martin Merz
Dr. James Meschino Dr. Ivan Mezei
Dr. Thomas Michael Dr. Celia Michaud Dr. Sarah Middlemiss Dr. Dale R. Mierau Dr. Dennis Milenov
Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Milton C. Miller
Dr. Murray G. Miller Dr. Robert B. Miller
Dr. John Millett
Dr. Brent J. Mills * Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy
Dr. John G. Mindiuk
Dr. Andrew Miners Dr. Shejza Mino Dr. Alan E. Minty Dr. Miriam E. Minty Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Umesh Mistry Dr. John C. Mitchell Dr. Melinda E. Mitchell Dr. Dennis H. Mizel
Dr. Riaz Mohammed Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer
Dr. Douglas B. Mollon Dr. Lisa Monaco
Dr. A. Donald Moore
Dr. George C. Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Alyssa Moorji
Dr. Michael F. Moreira
Dr. Stephanie S. C. Morfidis Dr. Cheria Morgan Dr. Ernest A. Morin
Dr. Guy Morin
Dr. Gregory J. E. Morris Dr. Jeremiah D. Morris Dr. Henry B. Morrison Dr. Danielle Moscall-Varey Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Jennifer A. Mous
Dr. Rick Mozell
Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Brad Muir
Dr. Mary A. Mulligan
Dr. D. Kenneth Mullins
Dr. Christie C. Munro Dr. Bernadette Murphy Dr. Blair P. Murphy Dr. James Murray Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Steven W. Murray Dr. Jordan Myers Dr. Constantinos Myrtos Dr. Scott J. Nabata Dr. Erica Naclerio Dr. Joseph Naiman Dr. Luigi Nalli Dr. Rami Nashi Dr. Mona Nasr Dr. Tom Naylor Dr. Trevor Neable Dr. John A. Neal Dr. Laura Neal Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. Stefany Neves Dr. Frank Nhan
Dr. Alana Nicholls Dr. Rhianna Nicholson
Dr. W. Reginald Nicholson Dr. Deanna M. Nickle Dr. Mikayla Nickle Dr. Cory D. Niedjalski Dr. Robert G. Nielsen Dr. Daniel Nighswander Dr. Nona Nikzad Dr. Dharani Nimal Dr. Lynette M. Nissen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. W. John Noble Dr. Carsten Noddeskou Dr. Paul S. Nolet Dr. Isaac Norman Dr. J. Todd Norton Dr. Janis E. Noseworthy Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Dr. Matthew P. O'Brien Dr. David P. O'Connor Dre Joan O'Malley Dr. Ted J. Ogilvie Dr. Erin C. Ogrady Dr. David Y. Oh Dr. Kirsten E. Olesen
Dr. Chad W. B. Oliver Dr. Kaitlin Oliver Dr. Mia Oliver Dr. Irene Oliviero Dr. Morgyn E. Olmstead Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Allan G. Oolo Austin Dr. Jonathan K. Oosterhof Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. Jordan Osborne
Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Taylor Ostrander Dr. Julia Ostrowski Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Dr. Nicholas Ouellette Dr. Geoffrey Outerbridge Dr. Linda Outschoorn Dr. Conner E. Overstrom Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Bruce A. Owers Dr. Cheryl Pacheco Dr. Jason A. Pajaczkowski Dr. Stefan J. Pallister Dr. John A. Papa Dr. Kelsey A. Pardy Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Cassandra Parker Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Dr. Jodi L. Parkinson Dr. Andrew D. Parks Dr. James Parliament Dr. J. Ladd Parsons Dr. Farbod Partow Dezfouli Dr. Gordon F. Partridge Dr. Richard N. Pascoe Dr. Douglas R. Pattison
Dr. Colleen S. Pattrick Dr. Heather A. Paull Dr. Matthew D. Peacock Dr. Remi F. Pearl
Dr. Cosma Pecora
Dr. Cora-Lee S. Peddle
Dr. Donald E. Pedersen *
Dr. Helen M. Peel
Dr. John E. Peever
Dr. Rosalie Pelissier
Dr. Andre Pelletier Dr. Timothy H. Peloso Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Dre Denise Perron Dr. Steven M. Perry
Dr. Adriano Persi
Dr. Alexander F. Pessoa
Dr. Natasha Peters
Dr. David E. Peterson
Dr. Vanessa M. Petrini
Dr. Antonio Petrolo
Dr. Chadell Phillip
Dr. David Phillips
Dr. Devon Phillips
Dr. David A. Piche
Dr. Danielle Pickering
Dr. Donato Pietrangelo
Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust
Dr. Lianne Pinkney
Dr. Josh Plener
Dr. Percy N. Pletsch
Dr. Eugene R. Plewes
Dr. Richard Plourde
Dr. Gerard Poirier
Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Raymond Poitras Dr. Ronald Polack
Dr. Cole Pollard
Dr. Douglas L. Pooley
Dr. Bryan J. Porter
Dr. Anthony Posa
Dr. Michael Poschar
Dr. R. Andrew Potter
Dr. Colleen L. Poulakas
Dr. Pierre Poupart
Dr. Tasneem A. Premji
Dr. Jayla Preston
Dr. Thomas Preston
Dr. Douglas R. Price
Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor
Dr. Robert Proteau
Dr. Ione G. Puchalski
Dr. Aaron A. Puhl
Dr. Bryon P. Puhl
Dr. Andrew Pulinec
Dr. Karthigan Puvanendran
Dr. Gwyneth F. Pyne *
Dr. Danielle E. Quinn
Dr. Elmer E. Raabe
Dr. Martin Rabley
Dr. Sarah Racicot
Dr. Richard Radford
Dr. James M. Rae
Dr. Nozhan Rahmani
Dr. Avneet S. Rai
Dr. Moez H. Rajwani
Dr. Theo J. Ramsdale
Dr. Farhan A. Ratansi
Dr. Bradford Recsky
Dr. David J. Redding
Dr. Peter Van Redecopp
Dr. George D. Redhead
Dr. J. Bryan Redpath
Dr. J. Wayne Redstone
Dr. Peter Reed
Dr. Paul M. Rego Dr. Douglas O. Reid Dr. Samantha Reid
Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl
Dr. James Reilly
Dr. Christine J. Reinhart
Dr. J. David Rennicks
Dr. Marcel Reux
Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds
Dr. Matthew Rhynold
Dr. Lisa A. Richard Dr. Marty V. Richter
Dr. W. Roy Riddell
Dr. Lisa M. Rino
Dr. Caroline A. Rioux
Dr. Robert Ripley
Dr. Andrew J. Robb
Dr. Frederick E. Roberts
Dr. John O. T. Roberts
Dr. Paul W. Robinson Dr. G. Lindsay Robson Dr. Dylan Rodgers Dr. Justine Rodrigues Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin
Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Madeleine G. Rogers Dr. Andrew P. Romanelli
Dr. Peter L. Rome
Dr. Stephanie Romero
Dr. Ye Yin Rong
Dr. Robert W. Roper
Dr. Harald Rosenfeld
Dr. J. Kim Ross
Dr. Richard Ruegg
Dr. Gregory Ruhr
Dr. Rodney L. Runge
Dr. Kenneth W. Russell
Dr. Petra Rutz
Dr. Donald L. Ryan Dr. Sidra A. Sabagh
Dr. David G. Salanki Dr. Mircea G. Samoil
Dr. Gary A. Sanders Dr. James T. Sanders Dr. Norma-Jean Sanders
Dr. Lauren Kimberly K. Santiago
Dr. Michael C. Sartor
Dr. Walter J. Savickey
Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Albert M. Scales
Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci
Dr. Ryan R. Scheffler
Dr. Danielle Schiefer Dr. Antonio Schirru
Dr. Richard G. Schmelzle Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Donna Schoales
Dr. Kelly C. Schoonderwoerd Dr. Brian Schroeder
Dr. Edward H. Schroeder Dr. Aloysius H. Schulte Dr. Christopher Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. John R. Schwarz Dr. Leslie Scott
Dr. R. D. Wayne Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Lisa Scrase Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Peter See Dr. Gerry H. Seier Dr. Lars Seitzinger Dr. Caitlin M. Sellan Dr. Logan Senchuk Dr. Amy Serwetnyk Dr. Richard Seto Dr. Grace Sevazlian Dr. Eliyahu I. Shach Dr. Shima Shahidy Dr. Jessica Shantz Dr. Richa Sharma Ms. S. Donna Sharp Dr. Kenneth L. Shatilla Dr. Heather Shearer Dr. Marvin Shedletzky Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Dr. Scott W. Sheppard Dr. Bryan Sher Dr. Sahar Sheybani-Deloui Dr. Peter Shipka
Dr. Puneet Shoker
Dr. Barbara Shortreed Dr. Mark B. Shrott Dr. Leann M. Shrum Dr. Stuart J. Siegel Dr. William Siksay Dr. Alessia Sili
Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Harald F. Simon
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeDr. Inger Simonsen Dr. Ann Liz Simpson Dr. Samantha Sims Dr. Emily F. Sinclair Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Dr. Harleen Singh Dr. Wayne F. Singleton Dr. Anojan Sivalingam
Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Paul Slaney
Dr. Christopher R. Small Dr. Ryan Small
Dr. Taylor Smeenk Dr. Peter S. Smerdon Dr. Alexandra Smith Dr. Carole M. E. Smith Dr. Danielle N. Smith Dr. Douglas R. Smith Dr. Geoffrey Smith Dr. Larry B. Smith Dr. Lawrence D. Smith Dr. Richard S. Smith Dr. Thomas J. Smith Dr. William M. Smith Dr. John N. Smoczyk Dr. Carrie Snaychuk Dr. Alison M. Sokol
Dr. Adam C. Solis
Dr. Stanley G. Soloduka Dr. Michael Sommers
Dr. Rajesh Sood
Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Diana M. L. Speer-McBean Dr. Taylor Speirs Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. Patricia Spratt Dr. Eric St-Onge
Dr. Michael W. Stacey Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby Dr. David J. Starmer
Dr. Douglas C. Starodub
Dr. Todd D. Starr
Dr. Gavin W. Steciuk
Dr. Neall Stedmann
Dr. Tesni Stefanato
Dr. Josline Stefanick
Dr. Alessia Stefenatti
Dr. Igor Steiman
Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe
Dr. Ashley E. Stenzel
Dr. Josh T. Stephenson Dr. Paula J. Stern Dr. Cheryl Stevenson
Dr. Scott E. Stevenson
Dr. Desmond G. Stewart
Dr. Gregory B. Stewart
Mr. James Stewart
Dr. Mallory A. Stewart
Dr. Marshall D. Stewart
Dr. Murray J. Stewart
Dr. Tyler Stinnissen
Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt
Dr. Michael A. Stochmal
Dr. Baylee A. Stockford
Dr. Ronald G. Stoley
Dr. Beat O. Stoller
Dr. Lorenzo M. Stradiotto
Dr. Catherine M. Straus
Dr. Robert E. Stronge
Dr. Karen Stroud
Dr. Arden P. Strudwick
Dr. Rodney W. Stubel
Dr. Kent J. Stuber
Dr. Karlo Suek
Dr. Nikolaus V. Suich
Dr. Andrew Sulatycki
Dr. Shanna Sullivan
Dr. Thomas S. Summers
Dr. Minisha Suri
Dr. George J. Surko
Dr. Kristen L. Sutherland
Dr. Sean A. Sutton
Dr. Mark D. Swain
Dr. Zachary S. Swarts
Dr. Scott J. Swartzentruber
Dr. Earle C. Sweet
Dr. Jacob B. Swim
Dr. Bruce M. Sykes
Dr. Mark A. Symchych
Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz
Dr. Bob Szczurko
Dr. Negda Tabrizi
Dr. Paul Taillefer
Dr. David Tam Dr. Shai Tamir
Dr. Errol Tarnow
Dr. Patricia A. Tavares
Dr. Keenan Taylor
Dr. Perry D. Taylor
Dr. Robert J. Taylor
Dr. Shane H. Taylor
Dr. Robert Tenhove
Dr. George E. Tester
Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray
Dr. Nirruba Thayalan
Dr. Maathavan Thillai
Dr. Shawn Thistle
Dr. Elder H. Thomas
Dr. Joshua B. Thomas
Dr. Linda J. Thomas
Dr. Marylee A. Thompson
Dr. Medville A. Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson
Dr. Andrew Thomson
Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles
Dr. Katherine Tibor Dr. Tracey Tien Dr. Daphne To Dr. Jennifer Tomayer Dr. Madison Tompkins
Dr. David Torrance Dr. Christopher J. Tousignant Dr. Kaitlyn E. Trainor Dr. Cathy D. Tran Dr. Cameron J. Tranchell Dr. Ross S. Treasure Dr. Amy R. Tremblay Dr. Darry L. Tribe *
Dr. Astrid Trim
Dr. Floyd Trotter Dr. Erica L. Truesdell Dr. Jessica Tsang Dr. Benjamin C. Tucker Dr. Taylor R. Tuff Dr. Brian D. Turner Dr. Jennifer Turpin Dr. Justina Tychanski Dr. Allen Tyler Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Dr. Gregory Uchacz Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. David A. Urness Dr. Sirus Vakilian
Dr. Teresa L. Van Bakel Dr. Yasemeen D. Van Doorne
Dr. Roland Vander Beek Dr. Eric Vandergugten Dr. John VanDerSluis
Dr. Katelyn Vanderwal Dr. Michael A. Vangen * Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Olja Vazic Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Kathy Vertesi Dr. Donald H. Viggiani Dr. Stephen P. Viljakainen Dr. Michael Vilkas Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Douglas Vlaskamp Dr. Henny T. M. Vogelzang Dr. Joseph G. Vomvas Dr. Adam Wade Dr. Dennis J. Wagner Dr. Justin Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Stanley Waliczek Dr. Evan Wall Dr. Karissa Wall Dr. Travis T. Wallace Dr. Bruce E. Wand Dr. Simon Wang Dr. Vivian A. Wang Dr. Xuanli M. Wang Dr. Randy S. Warchola Dr. Sheldon G. Warchola Dr. Jennifer Ward Dr. Myles V. Wardrope Dr. Ronald Warkman Dr. Taylor Warman Dr. Robert S. Warnock Dr. Kylie Watkins Dr. Terry A. Watkins Dr. Brandon Watson Dr. Derick A. Watson
Dr. Dionne Watson
Dr. Kenneth M. Wayte * Dr. Jennifer Webster Dr. Carol Ann Weis Dr. Colin L. Wellum
Dr. G. Mark Wensley Dr. David I. West Dr. Joan West Dr. Nicole Westlake Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. George B. Wheeler Dr. Eleanor F. White Dr. Ronald Whiting Dr. Lawrence J. Whitman Dr. David B. Whitty Dr. David Wickes
Dr. Paul L. Wiggins Dr. J. Stuart Wight
Dr. Janice I. Wiles Driedger Dr. Timothy H. Wilkinson Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. W. Langford Williams Dr. William M. Williams Dr. James W. Wilson Dr. Taylor Wilson Dr. Garrett Wiltse Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Vincent G. Winder Dr. John C. Wingfield Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Samantha E. Winsor Dr. Gregory I. Wirth Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Dr. Celine Wong Dr. Debbie K. Wong Dr. Edwin Wong Dr. Jessica J. Wong
Dr. Maxine Wong
Dr. Donald L. Wood
Dr. Katherine Wood
Dr. Douglas Woods
Dr. Colleen M. Woodward
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey
Dr. Dean J. Wright
Dr. Deborah S. Wright
Dr. Denise M. Wright
Dr. Douglas A. Wright
Dr. Thomas S. Wright Dr. Peter J. Wysotski
Dr. Yifei Xue
Dr. Samer Yaghmour
Dr. Glenn Yates
Dr. Robert Yates
Dr. Lai Kiu Yau
Dr. Dominique Yedon Dr. Megan Yim
Dr. Francise Yip Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Andrew Young Dr. Veronica Yu
Dr. Joseph J. Yung Dr. Sylvia M. Zarins Dr. Craig D. Zavitz
Dr. Amanda E. Zeleschuk Dr. Michelle Zemari Dr. Michael A. Zimbaro Dr. Tyler Zimmer Dr. Rainer Zindler
Dr. Randall R. Zindler Dr. Zoran Zivkovic Dr. Emil Zmenak Dr. Gregory Zoldy Dr. Robert Zurbyk Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Dr. Alan Alton
Dr. Carlo Ammendolia
Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong
Dr. Jacques Auger
Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel
Dr. Neil C. Barber
Dr. Fred N. Barnes
Ms. Mara Bartolucci
Dr. Carolee Bateson-Koch Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Janet R. Belliveau Dr. Michel L. Blanchette Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Ronald Bordessa Dr. Irene H. Bork
Dr. Annette Bourdon
Dr. Thomas H. Boyter
Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus
Dr. Ron Brady
Mrs. Bruna Brown
Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis
Dr. John A. Cadieux
Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Robert C. Carson
Dr. Borys M. Chambul Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Denis M. Chouinard Dr. John G. Cochrane
Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer Dr. Laurel J. Cowie
Dr. John P. Crawford
Dr. Brian B. Croft *
Dr. Richard R. Cronk
Dr. Philip Croutch
Mrs. Gail Cunningham
Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Dr. Lori L. Darroch
Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Dr. Ivone De Marchi
Dr. John R. Dean
Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney
Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Edward L. Demchuk Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson
Dr. James DiGiuseppe
Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Alex J. Dougley
Dr. William M. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. David F. Dunn Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Rudolf Enns Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Brian G. Gainor Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Mary Ann Grape Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero
Dr. Karin F. Hammerich
Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Miss Jennifer C. K. Harper Mr. Jonathan Harper Miss Julia C. S. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. N. James Harvey Mr. Len Haslam Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Ms. Lynne Hodgson Mrs. Joan Hubbel
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Brian Huggins Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Joseph R. Kelly Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Robert E. Kinsman * Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht
Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. Paul W. Kowall
Dr. Larry G. Kozuback
Dr. Mark G. Labrecque
Dr. Derrill K. Ladell
Dr. Yves Laflamme
Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde
Dr. Susanne Langdon
Dr. J. Donald Langford
Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre
Dr. Else H. Larsen
Dr. Luc Lavigueur
Dr. David R. Lawson
Dr. Gordon E. Lawson
Dr. C. Feng Lee
Dr. Henry M. Lee
Dr. Cristina Leonardelli
Dr. Carolyn J. Levere
Dr. Lisa M. Lirette
Dr. Melanie Locke
Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe
Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Dr. David Lovsin
Mrs. Betty Luck
Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Ted Luck
Dr. James D. Lunney
Dr. Ward D. MacDonald
Dr. Norman B. MacLeod
Dr. John E. MacRae
Dr. Peter G. Magee
Dr. Ferzin Mahava
Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney
Dr. Robin D. Mallory
Dr. Sandra J. Malpass
Dr. Oscar Manias
Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand
Dr. Allan G. Martin
Dr. David J. Matheson
Dr. Kevin I. McAllister
Dr. Dorothea McCallum
Dr. Patricia L. McCord
Dr. Jason D. McDonald
Dr. Cameron J. McGinnis
Dr. Joanna McGowan
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeDr. D. Gordon McMorland
Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Brent J. Mills *
Dr. Clark R. Mills
Dr. Patrick D. Milroy
Dr. Silvano A. Mior
Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Brett R. Moore
Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira
Mrs. Geraldine Morgan Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. John P. Mrozek
Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Calvin G. Neely
Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson Dr. Michael M. Nenonen
Dr. David A. Noad
Dr. Janice L. Noji Dr. Douglas Norsworthy
North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society
Mrs. Renate Norton Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Andre P. Paris Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. L. David Peeace Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Dre Denise Perron Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Paul Pritchard
Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor
Dr. Moez H. Rajwani
Dr. J. Bryan Redpath
Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. Marcel Reux
Mrs. Darlene Reynolds
Dr. Frederick H. Reynolds Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds
Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues
Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. Christopher J. Scrase
Dr. Brian Seaman
Dr. Gauri D. Shankar Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. W. Allen Smith
Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick
Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Karlo Suek
Dr. Dean Summers
Dr. Orysia Swyszcz Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Perry D. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray
The Co-operators Group Insurance
Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Brian D. Turner Mrs. Diane Turner Dr. Kevin D. Turner Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Salvatore Viscomi Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Mrs. Debora Wickes Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Deborah S. Wright York-Peel Chiropractic Society
Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Your continued long-term support and commitment builds a stronger CMCC. CMCC recognizes its donors on the Hands on the Future® donor wall, the Atrium donor wall, Governors’ Club plaques, “Your Legacy” plaques, in the Library, at our various fundraising events, etc.
Donations recognized below were made during the period of June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 for: renewed support, Research Chair, Awards and Scholarships, Backs in Motion, Gifts in Kind, In Memoriam and general donations. We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have made gifts to CMCC.
Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors
Dr. Keith G. Harper and Mrs. Barbara J. Harper
Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation
Dr. Elsie L. Frickey
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Susan Uchikata
Dr. L. Kevin Henbid and Family
Massage Addict Inc. Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Stacey Scott
Dr. Edward R. Crowther
M-Line Pharmacy Inc. New Brunswick
Chiropractors' Association
Dr. Paul C. Newton
The Co-operators Group Insurance
Dr. David and Mrs. Debora Wickes
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeMr. Allan Evelyn Global Office Software
Dr. David and Cathie Gryfe
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan and Dr. Julita Teodorczyk-Injeyan
Dr. Ali Jaffery - Divine Spine
Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk
Dr. Chanh Luu
Dr. Robin D. Mallory Ms. Raheela Shaikh
Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse *
Make Way For Wealth Inc
Dr. Raman S. Pamma & Dr. Sanjeet K. Aujla
Dr. Christina Bagnell Dr. Ken Brough
Dr. Suzanne L. Brown
Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit Dr. Sarah M.Dale Dr. Dave Dorion
Dr. Jessalynn Frederick Dr. Christian Gagnon Dr. Geoffrey Gamble
Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Gregory Goodbrand Elite Chiropractic and Sports Medicine
Dr. Aimee L. Hatcher
Dr. Elizabeth Hodgins Dr. Sarah J. Hopkins Dr. Deborah Kudjerski
Dr. Rebecca M. Laginski
Dr. Katelyn Lockwood
Dr. Arthur Lopes
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Dr. Adrienne McRuvie
Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Alessandro Pichini
Dr. George Semerdjian Dr. Roshni Sidhu
Dr. Linda Slaney Strong Gym Inc Dr. Kailee Stock Dr. Sarah Stock Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Drs. Brad & Sarah Wild Dr. Darcy Worthylake
Dr. Oscar E. Alba
Ms. Omina Aleraky Dr. Shalini E. Bhat Dr. Dan Dao Dr. Brittany Dunlop
Dr. Leonard J. Faye Dr. Christopher J. GordonTennant
Dr. Alan Hong Dr. Deborah L. Hutchison Dr. Tyler J. Linn Dr. Sidney W. Lisser Mr. Kurtis Macdonald Dr. Brigitte H. MacPhail Mr. Christopher Pitts Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon RD Psychotherapy
Mrs. Patti Riley Dr. Kristine N. Salmon Dr. Kathryn Sellars Staples Advantage Dr. Kirsten M. Stevens
Dr. Donna Sykes
Dr. Caolan A. Teasdale Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Dr. Kirsten E. Wishloff
Dr. Oscar E. Alba Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors
Ms. Omina Aleraky Ms. Arisa Alexanian Mr. Gill Alkin
Ms. Heather Alley Mr. Richard Allgood
Ampere Limited Mr. Don Anderson Dr. John H. Andrews Dr. Patricia Andrews Apex Physiotherapy & Chiropractic
Dre Marie-Eve Arcand Dr. Adam Armstrong Mr. David Arnold Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Jacques Auger Mrs. Sheila Avery Dr. Ayla Azad Mrs. Cathy Babiak Dr. Tommy Bacher Dr. Christina L. Bagnell Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Evelyn Bak Ms. Brenda Baker Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. John D. Bare Mr. Gerard Baribeau Dr. Fred N. Barnes Mrs. Joan Barrett Mr. John Barrett
Dre Marie-Helene Boivin Mrs. Patsy Bolton Dr. Stacy L. Bolton Mr. Vince Bolton
Mr. John Boothby Dr. Ana K. Boras Dr. Cameron Borody Mrs. Sylvie Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Ward M. Bourgaize Mr. Daniel Bourgault Dr. Jacqueline L. Boyd Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten Jon Brandt
Dr. Richard Brassard Mr. Brian Brewer Lara Brierley Dr. Michel R. Brosseau Dr. Kenneth D. Brough Mrs. Bruna Brown Mr. John J. Brown Dr. Suzanne L. Brown Ms. Sharlene Browne Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit Dr. R. Ian Buchanan Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Beth L. Burchinshaw Ms. Kayla Burke
Mr. John Butcher Mrs. Margaret Butkovic Tanice Byers
Dr. Dwight R. Chapin
Dr. Kevin Charbonneau
Mr. Marc-André Charette
Ms. Elsie Charter
Dr. Michel Chartier
Dr. Johnny Cheong
Chilkoot Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center
Chiropractic Association of Alberta
Chiropractors' Association of Saskatchewan
Dr. Karen L. Chrobak
Mr. John Church
Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola
Mrs. Erica Clark
Dr. Simon M. F. Clark
Ms. Rachelle Clarke
Dr. Todd Clayton
Dr. David Clements
CMCC Running Club
CMCC Students' Council
Dr. Rachelle Coates
Chris Coggins
Ms. Sandra Cole-Granter/ Gardner Ms. Kathie Coleman
Les Coleman
College of Chiropractic
Radiologists Canada Inc
College of Chiropractic Sciences
1026046 Ontario Limited
1244140 B.C. Ltd
Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Jamila Abdulla Ms. Brenda Abrams
Absorb Software Inc. Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Advertek Inc.
Dre Marie-Eve BarrettePlante Ms. Cynthia Barry Ms. Peggy Bartlett Ms. Antonella Bartolucci Mr. Giuliano Bartolucci Ms. Mara Bartolucci Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter Ms. Jeanette Becker Dr. Jennifer R. Beggs Dr. Melanie L. Beingessner Ms. Beverley Beitz Chris & Mary Jean Belford Ms. Maryann Belza Kim Beniston
Mr. Gregg Bereznick Ms. Myrna Berlin Dr. Condren R. Berry Dr. Caroline Berthelot Christine and Brent Bertin Dr. Shalini E. Bhat Ms. Marlene Billings Dr. Kelli L. Blunt
Ms. Elizabeth Callon Dr. Audrey Cameron Dr. Kirby L. Campbell Canadian Association of Journalists
Canadian Chiropractic Association
Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Dr. Carolina Cancelliere
Dr. Robert J. Cannon
Mr. John Caplice
Mr. John Cargill
Dre Vicky Caron
Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Ms. Julie Carswell Ms. Patricia Carty Dr. Keith Cassell
Dr. Kimberly A. Castle Mrs. Rosanna Cavallaro Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan
College of Chiropractors of British Columbia
Ms. Lois Collen
Miss Deanne Collier Dr. Bruce Comstock
Mr. Michael Cooksey
Dr. James A. Cooper
Guillaume Corbin
Core Products International, Inc. Dr. Pierre Côté
Dr. Ian Coulter
Mr. Brad Craig
Mr. Wayne Craig
Ms. Grace Cretain
Ms. Sylvia Crichton Helena Crocker
Ms. Judith Crocker
Dr. Richard R. Cronk
Ms. Diana Crossley
Dr. Philip Croutch
Dr. Edward R. Crowther
Dr. Ian D. Culbert
Ms. Carol Dabbikeh
Dr. Sarah M. Dale Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Annual Report 2021-2022 19
Dr. Tyler G. Damen
Dr. Dan Dao
Dr. Robert David
Mrs. Gayle de Bloeme
Ms. Lucille de la Chevrotiere
Dr. Ivone De Marchi
Jackie Deaves
Dr. Ryan Debusschere
Dr. Philip Decina
Mr. Donald DeFinney Dr. James DeFinney
Ms. Lydia Della Rocca
Mr. Peter Dellaportas Dr. Elaine Dembe
Mrs. Sylvie Des Ruisseaux
Mrs. Sherry Desilets
Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore
Divine Spine
Mr. Anthony Dobranowski
Dr. Brian M. Donbrook
Dr. Dave J. Dorion
Ms. Gloria Doroshenko Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko
Dre Chantal Doucet
Ms. Dianna Douglas Mr. Stephen F. Dow Ms. Debbie Dowe Ms. Debbie Doyle Mr. Trevor Dubiel Dr. Majorie Duguay Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. Brittany Dunlop Mr. Brendan Holt Dunn Ms. Kelly Eagan
Dr. Donald R. Earle Ms. Chelsea Ebbott Dr. Ian C. Eix
Elite Manufacturing
Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen
Ms. Sharon Elliott
Mr. Adolph Eppich Dr. Trevor Erdie
Dr. Carl A. Eustace
Dr. Joel B. Eustace
Mr. Allan Evelyn Mrs. Anita Fackoury
Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth Dr. Jennifer A. Fawcett
Dr. Leonard J. Faye Dr. Brad S. Ferguson Dr. Brittany A. Filipetti
Dr. Randy Follett
Dr. Lesley Foote
Footmaxx of Canada, Inc. Dr. Matthew Forgie Mrs. Katy Fortuna
Mr. Daniel Fox
Dr. Jason T. Fox
Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation
Mr. Peter Franzen
Dr. Ian Fraser
Dr. Kathryn C. Fraser
Ms. Kathy Fraser
Ms. Sylvia Fraser
Dr. Jessalynn Frederick
Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Patrick Freud
Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Mr. Greg Friday Ms. Nancy Friday
Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe Dr. Christian Gagnon Dr. Geoffrey Gamble
Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Ms. Edith Gaudon
Mr. Jean-Sébastien Gélinas Dr. Paul G. Georgopoulos Ms. Judy Gibson Mr. Matthew Gilbert Mr. Dave Giles
Mrs. Yvonne Gilinsky Denise Gillespie Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Mrs. Laura Gilmore Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Ms. Marie Giokas Mr. Gary Giroux Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Arnie Glatter Global Office Software Dr. Gregory R. G. Goodbrand Dr. Linda Gordon Dr. Christopher J. GordonTennant Miss Nina Gouveia Ms. Amanda Gove Ms. Marilyn Goyetche Ms. Charlotte Grad Ms. Brenda Graham Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Robert D. Green Dr. Sasha Green
Mr. Chris Greenshields Ms. Eldina Grinder Mrs. Mary Ann Grittani Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. Anita B. Gross Dr. David A. Gryfe Maxime Guarnaccia Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic CollegeMr. Alan Gurvey
Mrs. Amanda Gurvey Mrs. Brenda Gurvey
Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Mr. Robert Hackett Dr. James A. Hadden Ms. Irene Haines Dr. Scott Haldeman
Ms. Adele Hall Ms. Sandra Hall
Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt
Dr. Lucas D. Hann Ms. Beth Hanna
Dr. Keith G. Harper Ms. Sharon Harris
Dr. Stephanie A. Harris Ms. Tammy Harrison Dr. Joanne M. Hartley Dr. Jillian HartmanGrelowski
Mrs. Marianne HasoldSchilter Dr. Aimee Hatcher
Dr. Sarah L. Hatherly Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Health Upgraded Mr. Carl Heck
Mr. Scott Hedges Dr. Warren A. Hefford Dr. Eric A. Helson Mrs. Leona Hemingway
Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
Ms. Judy Lynn Henuset Ms. Marilyn Herie Ms. Lorrie Hesch
Ms. Leslie A. Hetherington Dr. Timothy Hiebert Ms. Frances Hillier
Jody Hiltz
Dr. Paul K. Ho Kelly Hodel
Dr. Elizabeth Hodgins Dr. Norman Hoffman
Mr. Ed Hogan
Ms. Pauline Holliday
Dr. Warren S. Hollis Julian Holman
Dr. Alan Hong Ms. Deanna Hooper
Dr. Sarah J. Hopkins
Dr. Ian J. Horseman
Ms. Alexandra Horwood
Ms. Jacqueline Howard
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dre Julie Hudon
Ms. Debbie Humeny
Dr. Deborah L. Hutchison
Dr. John N. Huy
Dr. Jonathan Hynes
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan
Dr. Jason S. Izraelski
Mrs. Patricia Jackson
Dr. Ali Jaffery
Jairus Quesnele Chiropractic Professional Corporation
Dr. Wayne P. Jakeman
Mr. Paul James
Mr. Allan Jamieson
Ms. Karen Jenkins
Dr. Robin C. Jiry
Ms. Pam Johnson
Ms. Sandy Johnson
Mr. Duane Johnston
Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston
Dr. William A. Johnstone
Mr. Mark Josephs
Dr. Stephen H. Joyce
Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens
Ms. Leona Kane
Mr. Gary Kapelus
Dr. Alim Kara
Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Darryl D. Kashton
Ms. Ellen Kayes
Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Ardis Kearns
Ms. Sharon Keating Dr. Steven Keating Dr. Terence M. Kehler
Mr. Ken Kelk
Mr. Gary Keller
Ms. Deidre Kelly
Dr. Donald J. Kelm
Ms. Carla Kembel
Ms. Cassie Kendrick
Ms. Margaret Kennedy
Dr. Thomas F. Kerr
Mr. Jay Kilgannon
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim
Dr. Pius Kim
Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin
Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht
Mr. Jerry Knightley
Dr. Randy A. Kobayashi
Dr. John D. Kobelka
Dr. Sasha Kobrossi
Dr. Richard H. Kolanos
Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk
Dr. Paul A. Korbelas
Dr. Paul W. Kowall Mr. Joe Koza
Dr. Shane B. Kraft
Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson
Ms. Brenda Kryschuk
Dr. Deborah Kudjerski
Ms. Rhonda Kurtz
Ms. Bev Kusler
Dr. Mark G. Labrecque
Dr. Melanie Lachapelle
Dr. Marnie-Jo LaFleur
Dr. Rebecca M. Laginski
Dr. Norbert Lake
Dre Christine Laliberte
Ms. Donna Lambert
Mrs. Eileen Lang
Dr. J. Donald Langford
Dr. Garth W. LaPlante
Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre
Mr. Paul Laufert
Mr. Charles Lavallee
Ms. Karine Laverdiere
Dr. Luc Lavigueur
Mrs. Jennifer Lazarevski
Dr. Thanh Le
Dr. Frances L. LeBlanc
Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. David Lee
Lee Chiropractic & Sports Therapy Clinic
Ms. Shawna Legault Mrs. Regina Lehman
Ms. Karen Leonhardt Dr. Georges Lepage Ms. Julie Lepage Dr. Carolyn J. Levere
Dr. Pierre Levesque
Mme Joanne Levis
Ms. Donna Lewis
Dr. Michelle C. Liberty
Mrs. Elizabeth Lightfoot
Mr. Ray Lim
Dr. Tyler J. Linn
Dr. Lisa M. Lirette
Dr. Sidney W. Lisser
Mr. Christopher Little
Mr. Marvin Livetsky
Ms. Cathy Lloyd
Ms. Wendy Lo
Dr. Evelyn W. Lock
Dr. Katelyn C. Lockwood
Ms. Kim Long
Dr. Arthur Lopes
Dr. Gerald Lopez
Dr. Octavian C. Lucaciu
Ms. Jane Lunney
Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Chanh Luu
Dr. Kristine A. Lyons
Mr. Tony Maalouf
Dr. Lee MacAllister
Mr. Kurtis Macdonald
Dr. Ward D. MacDonald
Mr. Randy MacIsaac
Miss Laura Mackay
Mr. Greg MacMullin
Dr. Scott MacNeil
Mr. Bill MacNeill
Dr. Brigitte H. MacPhail
Dr. Altaz Madhavji
Dr. Ranjith Mahendranathan
Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney
Mr. Tony Maiato
Ms. Amanda Maillet
Mr. Wayne Mak
Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Katie Malone
Dr. Sandra J. Malpass
Manning Chiropractic
Manulife Financial Group
Benefit and Retirement Services
Dr. Denis Marcotte Mr. Richard Marcotte Marcoux-Roy Inc.
Dr. Victoria L. Marshall Ms. Angela Martens
Dr. Allan G. Martin
Dre Lisa Martin Mr. John Mason Ms. Linda Mason Massage Addict Inc.
Dre Natalie Masse Mr. Paolo Mastracci Mrs. Kathryn Matheson Mrs. Gale May Mrs. Mari McAndrews Ms. Margaret McCallen Dr. Dorothea McCallum
Dr. Chris J. McCarthy Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Joanna McGowan
Ms. Kathryn McGowan
Ms. Jennifer McIlroy
Ms. Connie McIssac Ms. Lindsay McKeeman
Dr. Dominic McKenna
Mr. Paul McKenna
Ms. Tina McKeown
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Ms. Ruth Anne McNaught
Ms. Kim McQuarrie
Dr. Adrienne McRuvie
Dr. Kelley M. McVarish Medistik Professional
Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy
Dr. Jean-Philippe Mercier Marie-Andrée Mercier
Dre Marie-France Mercier
Mr. Pascale Mercier Dr. Richard Mercier
Mr. Serge Mercier
Dr. James Meschino Dr. Dina Meshki
Mr. Albert Mezzabotta Ms. Lisa Mierins
Dr. David P. Millar
Dr. Robert B. Miller Mrs. Carole Milne Ms. Marcella Minogue Ms. Ronda Minogue
Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. John C. Mitchell
Mr. Leo Mitchell Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer Ms. Kate Molstein
Mrs. Irene Moores
Ms. Monique Morin
Dr. Brittany E. Morris Kairean Morrison
Ms. Dianne Moser Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Jillian E. R. Moulton
Dr. John P. Mrozek Multitech Trades Corp
Municipality of Trent Lakes
Ms. Alena Mykhahjuk
Ms. Paulette Mysko Ms. Anita Nador
Ms. Christina Neudorf New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Mrs. Barbara Newbigging Newcastle Chiropractic & Health Centre
Dr. Jill M. Newell Dr. Kent S. Newton Dr. Paul C. Newton Mr. Poul Nielsen
Dr. David A. Noad Dr. Craig D. Norman Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society
North York Rehabilitation Centre Corp.
Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem
Ms. Donna Nycz
Mr. Steve O'Farrell
Ontario Chiropractic Association
Opis Supplies Inc
Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Dr. Catherine Owens
Ms. Debbie Pape
Paper Dimension Inc
Dr. Laura Park
Dr. Mary-Irene Parker
Ms. Samantha Parsons
Dr. Gordon F. Partridge
Dr. Sean E. J. Payne
Mayda Peacocke
Ms. Carol Pearce-Kube
Dr. Cosma Pecora Penmore Financial Group Inc.
People Corporation
Mr. Ari Perez
Dr. Michael W. Pernfuss
Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Mr. Claude Perron
Dre Denise Perron
Ms. Sheila Perry
Ms. Rita Pfefferle
Ms. Dorothea Phair
Ms. Cynthia Pharis
Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Alessandro Pichini
Dr. Indira Pillay-Rego Ms. Roxanne Piper
Mr. Christopher Pitts Dr. Richard Plourde Dr. Guildor Poitras Ms. Patricia Poitras
Mrs. Judy Poncsak Ms. Lori Ponzi Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Ms. Sheryn Posen Probus Club of South Muskoka
Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Chris Pugh Glenda Pugsley
Ms. Andrea Purchase
Ms. Renee Quiring
Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon
Mr. David Raab
Mr. Simon Raab
Mrs. Heather Rademacher Omar Rambo Mohammad Dr. Shervin Ranjbar
Dr. Mary Rasmi-Wakileh
RBC Wealth Management Inc. RD Psychotherapy Dr. Paul M. Rego
Renmark Financial Communications Inc. Dr. Marcel Reux
Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds Dr. Marty V. Richter
Annual Report 2021-2022 21
Ridgeway Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Clinic
Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers
Mrs. Patti Riley
Mr. Greg Roberts
Ms. Jacqueline Roberts
Mr. Duncan Robertson
Mrs. and Mr. Robertson
Mrs. Jane Rocher
Rock Tape, Inc
Mr. Grant Ross
Dr. Michael R. Rostotski
Mr. Daniel Rouleau
Dr. Samuel James Rouse
Mr. Clarence Routledge
Ms. Cheryl Rowe
Ms. Wendy Rowe Jones
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal College of Chiropractic
Sports Sciences Canada
Ms. Kathy Russett
Dr. Gordon F. Rust *
Ms. Susan Rutherford
Dr. William Salameh
Dr. Kristine N. Salmon
Mr. Ravi Samlal
Landis Sather
Mr. Martin Satller
Dr. Stefanie R. Scaini Catallo
Dr. Antonio Schirru
Ms. Colette Schmidt
Mr. Colin Schmidt Ms. Joan Schmidt
Dr. Murray E. Schneider Ms. Sheila Schneider
Mr. Harv Schulz
Ms. Ursula Schumph Dr. Brian D. Schut
Mr. Ken Schwartz
Mrs. Patti Scott
Dr. Stacey Scott
Dr. Darren J. Scraper
Ms. Melanie Sedge
Dr. Kathryn Sellars
Dr. George Semerdjian
Ms. Raheela Shaikh
Ms. S. Donna Sharp
Ms. Deborah Sharpe
Ms. Jenefer Shaw
Mr. Donald Shea
Ms. Laura Sheppard
Dr. Bryan Sher
Ms. Beth Shipka
Dr. Peter Shipka
Ms. Sarah Shipka Dr. Sanam Shorey
Dr. Michael D. Sider Dr. Ramandip (Roshni) K. Sidhu
Dr. Rudra D. Singh Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Linda Slaney Dr. Paul Slaney Ms. Holly Sloboda
Ms. Louise Smigelsky
Mr. David Smith
Dr. William M. Smith Dr. Keith R. Somerville
Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Ms. Elizabeth Spoenlein
Dr. Alexander M. St. Pierre Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse * Dr. William P. Stackhouse Mr. Arthur Standil Staples Advantage Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Craig Stephenson Dr. Kirsten M. Stevens Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Michael A. Stochmal Dr. Kailee Stock Dr. Sarah Stock Mr. Brian Straus Dr. Catherine M. Straus Terry Straus Gerri Straus Moser Ms. Sandra Stretten
Strive Health & Performance Ms. Paula Strowbridge Dr. Kent J. Stuber
Student Canadian Chiropractic Association
Dr. Troy Sturtevant Dr. Cynthia A. Styles Dr. Thomas S. Summers Mrs. Debbie Sutton Mr. W. Daniel Swift Mr. Glenn Switzer Mrs. Lorna Switzer Dr. Donna Sykes
Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Mr. Hani Tannous Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. Shane H. Taylor
ChiropracticDr. Sue Taylor
Mr. Tom Taylor
Mr. Bob Taylor-Vaisey Dr. Caolan A. Teasdale Ms. Suzanne Teoli
The Board of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors
The Co-operators Group Insurance
The Orthotic Group
The Talent Company Mr. Nathan Theriault Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Raelene N. Thorne
Thumper Massager Inc. Dr. Anthony Tibbles
Dr. Filipe Tiburcio Marciano Tomassini
Dr. Murray G. Townsend Ms. Heather Treffler Dr. Astrid Trim Mr. James Turner Dr. Kevin D. Turner Ms. Vera Turner Dr. Jennifer Turpin Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Dr. Paul D. Uchikata
Mr. G. Douglas Vaisey Dr. Richard L. Valade Mr. Ron Vandenbosch Ms. Brigitte Vander Knaap Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Marcia Veitch Ms. Jenny Viana Dr. Michael Vilkas Dr. Mireille Vincelette Mrs. Natascha Voll Dr. Darrell J. Wade Dr. Gerald K. Wadman Ms. Mary Waite
Ms. Sara Walden
Finley Wall
Ms. Iris Walsh Dr. Kailin D. Walter Mrs. Lynne Walters
Ms. Christina Warren
Ms. Susan Warren Ms. Amy Watt
Mr. George Watters
Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Ms. Marion Webb Wellesley Therapeutics Inc. Dr. Patrick J. Welsh
Ms. Elaine Welter
Mr. David Whalen
Dr. Douglas White
Ms. Linda White
Ms. Margaret White
Ms. Stephanie White Mr. Mike Whitmore
Mrs. Jane Whitney Dr. Kathy Wickens
Dr. David Wickes
Mrs. Debora Wickes
Ms. Brooks Wickett
Dr. Melissa E. Wicks
Ms. Tamara Wiesner
Dr. Sarah E. Wild
Ms. Angela Wilhelm
Dr. Sarah C. Williams
Ms. Wendy Williams
Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson
Ms. Nancy Wilson Mr. Richard Wine
Dr. Robert M. Wingfield
Dr. Kirsten E. Wishloff
Dr. Michael Witherall
Withrow Family
Ms. Lori Wittrock
Dr. Bryan Wolfe
Mr. Ernest Wolkin
Dr. Jessica J. Wong Ms. Lilly Wong Dr. Carolyn J. Wood Ms. Melanie Wood Ms. Nicole Woodman
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey
Ms. Claudette Woolfson
Dr. Darcy P. Worthylake
Dr. Dean J. Wright
Dr. Deborah S. Wright
Ms. Erika Wulff
Blain Yaremko
York-Peel Chiropractic Society
Ms. Lisa Young
Mr. Travis Young Dr. Tim Zafiris
Ms. Collette Zimmerman
DeceasedCMCC appreciates the broader community of donors that supported the repayment of long-term debt required to relocate and expand the current campus at 6100 Leslie Street. With this major milestone behind us, CMCC is looking forward toward institutional priorities that are aligned with its renewed strategic goals, while always striving to provide innovative student experiences that are supported with and through new technological advances in the chiropractic field.
CMCC’s financial stability is illustrated through the composite financial index (CFI), a measure used widely throughout higher education. The
CFI utilizes four core ratios measuring various aspects of an organization’s financial well-being: the primary reserve ratio, the viability ratio (only for institutions with long-term debt), the return on net assets ratio and the net operating revenues ratio. These ratios are weighted and combined to determine the overall CFI score on a ten-point scale. In recent years CMCC has maintained a CFI score above two, and most recently 3.71 in 2022. A CFI score of between two and five indicates the institution should direct resources toward transformation, which is well aligned with CMCC’s renewed strategic goals.
CMCC continues focused efforts on creating a financial foundation to maintain its reputation as a leader in chiropractic education, research and patient care.
CMCC’s aforementioned financial stability is further illustrated in the growth in the Unrestricted General Fund and Internally Restricted Contingency Fund to support strategic initiatives (including: research and investments in equipment used for teaching/learning), unanticipated events, as well as Externally Restricted and Endowment Funds as source of revenue to attract and retain top students in the Doctor of Chiropractic program of studies.
CMCC intentionally set out to allocate resources to the Internally Restricted Contingency Fund to position the organization to take advantage of strategic investment opportunities, while mitigating against operational, reputational and business risks associated with unanticipated activities/
events. Since May 31, 2018 the Internally Restricted Contingency Fund has grown from $3.6 million to $7.6 million while establishing an aspirational goal of achieving the equivalent of a six-month operating reserve.
CMCC’s priority to reduce reliance on tuition related sources of revenue continues to be challenged despite an improvement in 2022 vs. 2021. These challenges include pandemic-related restrictions, as well as narrowing profit margins in ancillary business units and increased competition from online e-channels serving practitioner supply needs.
The following chart illustrates the improvement in certain ancillary revenue sources as a % of Total Revenues (2021 vs 2022). Reopening of certain on-campus activities, including the main campus clinic in the summer of 2021 saw some recovery in topline revenues for Clinic and Continuing Education programing. With respect to net operating results for other ancillary services,
consistently strong sales of FSTT® units and yearover-over recovery in campus parking revenues did assist to stabilize unfavourable net operating results in Continuing Education, Supply Centre & Bookstore and performance of CMCC’s investment portfolio, largely due to lingering effects of the pandemic & global impacts of unrest between Russia and the Ukraine.
The financial statements that follow relate to operational activities for the year ended May 31, 2022 and the financial position for CMCC as of May 31, 2022 with comparative data as of May 31, 2021. Certain comparative data has been restated for prior period adjustments related to (a) the reclassification of the Internally Restricted Contingency Fund which was previously reported as part of the Unrestricted General Fund, (b) Capital Campaign contributions recognized as revenue when received were deferred and recorded as revenue over the 40-year useful life of the corresponding building capital asset and (c) Governors’ Club Fund interfund transfers for the purchase of specified capital equipment were deferred and recorded as revenue over the 10year useful life of the corresponding equipment capital asset. The information contained therein is consistent with the Audited Financial Statements reviewed and reported on by BDO Canada LLP in its capacity as CMCC’s external auditor of record.
Fund finished the year ended May 31, 2022 with revenues in excess of expenses in the amount of $1.0 million (2021 restated - $3.7 million), and transferred $2.5 million (2021 restated - $0.2 million) of accumulated reserves to the Internally Restricted Contingency Fund.
The fund balances each reflect increment growth in accumulated ending balances and represent the net asset values reported on the Statement of Financial Position. The reported fund balances represent the accumulated excess of revenues over expenses and interfund transfers since their inception.
Describes the overall financial position or fiscal health of the organization. It itemizes assets and liabilities including deferred contributions and fund balances, and net assets of $33.9 million (2021 restated - $32.8 million).
Describes the movement of cash in support of operational, financing and investing activities for the year ended May 31, 2022. During the 2022 fiscal year, cash of $2.4 million (2021 restated - $6.7 million) was generated from operating activities, while primary uses of cash for the purchase of capital assets (2022 $0.8 million and 2021 restated $0.8 million) and investments (2022 $1.0 million and 2021 restated $2.9 million).
Identifies the sources of revenue and uses of resources in the form of expenses for the General Fund, Internally Restricted Contingency Fund, Externally Restricted Funds and Endowment Fund. This statement confirms the General Operating
Describes restricted fund balances that were received for specific purposes in accordance with the wishes/direction of donor(s). Total restricted funds on hand as of May 31, 2022 were $1.3 million (2021 - $1.1 million). CMCC’s Restricted Funds include the Canadian Chiropractic Historical Association (CCHA); Governors’ Club; Research; and Scholarship, Bursary and Other Trust Funds.
May 31, 2022 with comparative information for 2021 (restated)
Current assets:
Cash $ 5,025,243 $ 4,543,167
Restricted cash 735,185 640,767
Cash in trust 1,720,467 1,266,715
Accounts receivable 418,831 241,868
Inventories 249,927 296,706
Prepaid expenses and other 831,168 715,041 8,980,822 7,704,264
Investments 495,313 483,181
Restricted investments 12,863,589 12,717,095
Capital assets 24,825,878 26,079,733
Total Assets $ 47,165,602 $ 46,984,273
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 3,429,868 $ 3,793,080
Fees paid in advance 459,889 591,160
Current portion of capital lease payable 27,246 105,144 3,917,003 4,489,384
Long term liabilities:
Deferred contributions related to capital assets 9,365,866 9,629,429
Long term portion of capital lease payable 27,246
Total Liabilities 13,282,869 14,146,059
General and invested in capital asset funds::
Unrestricted funds
Invested in capital assets 15,432,766 16,317,914
General fund 4,851,193 5,470,006
Total general and invested in capital asset funds 20,283,589 21,787,920
Restricted funds
Internally restricted contingency fund 7,578,340 5,187,938
Externally restricted funds 1,252,689 1,052,068
Endowment fund 4,767,744 4,810,288
Total restricted funds 13,598,773 11,050,294
Total Fund Balances 33,882,733 32,838,214
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 47,165,602 $ 46,984,273
Dr. Greg Woolfrey, Director Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson, DirectorYear ended May 31, 2022 with comparative information for 2021 (restated)
Excess of revenue over expenses:
General fund $ 1,038,932 $ 3,694,667
Internally restricted contingency fund (122,166) 621,026
Externally restricted funds 200,621 102,955
Endowment fund (72,868) 614,844
Amortization of capital assets 1,734,708 1,738,733
Unrealized losses (gains) on investments 804,388 (1,002,277)
Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets (445,528) (438,461)
Change in non cash operating working capital balances (740,795) 1,333,431 2,397,292 6,664,918
Contributions received for the purchase of capital assets 181,965 177,107
Decrease in capital leases, net of repayments (105,144) (92,734)
Increase in cash in trust (453,752) (277,322) (376,931) (192,949)
Purchase of capital assets (480,853) (809,546)
Purchase of investments, net (963,014) (2,850,172) (1,443,867) (3,659,718)
Increase in cash and restricted cash 576,494 2,812,251
Cash and restricted cash, beginning of year 5,183,934 2,371,683
Cash and restricted cash, end of year $ 5,760,428 $ 5,183,934
Cash and restricted cash are comprised of:
Restricted cash 5,035,243 735,185 4,543,167 640,767 $ 5,760,428 $ 5,183,934
Year ended May 31, 2022 with comparative information for 2021 (restated)
$ 1,100 $ 43,851 $ 138,888 $ 121,462 $ 305,300
Research grants 59,412 59,412
Investment income 66 169 20,138 20,373
Unrealized gains on investments (31,367) (31,367) 1,166 44,020 198,300 110,233 353,719
Graduate and research expense 91,033 91,033
Fundraising 2,048 3,587 5,635
Awards 1,400 15,030 16,430
Transfer to general fund for capital projects 40,000 40,000 2,048 44,987 91,033 15,030 153,098
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses (882) (967) 107,267 95,203 200,621
Fund balances, beginning of year 13,535 6,522 609,710 422,301 1,052,068 Interfund transfers
Fund balances, end of year $ 12,653 $ 5,555 $ 716,977 $ 517,504 $ 1,252,689
$ 1,100 $ 41,150 $ 103,590 $ 39,002 $ 184,842
Research grants 58,800 58,800
Investment income 63 111 11,201 11,375
Unrealized losses on investments 36,584 36,584 1,163 41,261 162,390 86,787 291,601
Graduate and research expense 133,509 133,509
Fundraising 2,295 1,720 4,015 Awards 250 1,100 9,772 11,122
Transfer to general fund for capital projects 40,000 40,000 2,545 42,820 133,509 9,772 188,646
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses (1,382) (1,559) 28,881 77,015 102,955
Fund balances, beginning of year 14,917 8,081 580,829 345,286 949,113 Interfund transfers
Fund balances, end of year $ 13,535 $ 6,522 $ 609,710 $ 422,301 $ 1,052,068
June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2022
Dr. Greg Woolfrey Chair
Dr. Mark Perrett Vice-Chair
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson Secretary-Treasurer
Dr. Richard Mercier Past Chair
Dr. Catherine Straus Executive Member
Dr. Sonia Doroshenko Executive Member
Dr. Peter Shipka Alberta
Dr. Liza Grant British Columbia
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson Saskatchewan
Dr. Mark Perrett Manitoba
Dr. Denise Perron Québec
Dr. Catherine Straus Ontario
Dr. Sarah Williams New Brunswick
Dr. Mary Irene-Parker Nova Scotia
Dr. Debbie Brake-Patten Newfoundland and Labrador
Dr. Sonia Doroshenko Manitoba
Dr. Sunyatta Guild Ontario
Dr. Rahim Karim Ontario
Dr. Richard Mercier Québec
Dr. Greg Woolfrey Newfoundland and Labrador
Dr. Scott Haldeman California
Deb Manz Alberta Ernie Wolkin Ontario Donna Sharp Ontario
Dr. Ron Brady Saskatchewan
Dr. Vincent Sinclair Ontario
Board Liaison Margaret McCallen Board Legal Counsel Allan Freedman
June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2022
David Wickes, DC, MA
Vice President, Academic Christine Bradaric-Baus, BSc, PhD
Vice President, Administration and Finance
Allan Evelyn, MFAc, CPA, CGA
Anthony Tibbles, BSc (Hons), DC, FCCS(C)
Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Communications Mara Bartolucci, BA (Hons)
John Cargill, BA Registrar Patricia Scott, BA(Hons), MSc