2022-2023 annual report
Our Vision
An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health
Our Mission
Deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care
CMCC is dedicated to pursuing innovation in education, research and patient care. In this way, the institution effectively prepares its students to become tomorrow’s Leaders in Spinal HealthTM. CMCC’s achievements this year demonstrate the success of this approach in paving the way toward increased collaboration with other health care professions, and helping to define the profession within the changing Canadian health care landscape.
Welcome to the 2022-2023 Annual Report The 2022-23 academic year provided a welcome change from the prior years during which the CMCC community was suffering through the COVID-19 pandemic. This year started off with CMCC proudly graduating the Class of 2022 in June at a live ceremony in Toronto’s beautiful Roy Thomson Hall. We also conducted a special ceremony on a different day celebrating the Classes of 2020 and 2021, inviting graduates of those classes to participate in a live event at Roy Thomson Hall to augment the virtual ceremonies that were necessitated by the pandemic. Over the summer, we turned our attention to preparing for the new class of students starting in August. The 200 matriculants continued the pattern of being highly qualified and selected from almost four times as many applicants as we had spaces available.
Greg Woolfrey, DC Chair
David Wickes, DC, MA President
Annual Report 2021-2022 1
RESEARCH Research has remained a defining characteristic of CMCC. Even with the limitations placed on campus activities during the prior year because of the pandemic, our faculty published 79 articles in peer-reviewed, indexed scientific journals, well above our average of 65. During this time, we published the 2020-22 Research Report, a selection of faculty research (https://www. cmcc.ca/research/researchpublications). This 180-page compilation highlights many of the major publications over the past two years and includes a list of selected conference presentations made by faculty over this period. CMCC was invited to present numerous papers and workshops at the educational conferences conducted by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges and the World Federation of Chiropractic.
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EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING CMCC is committed to increasing the amount of experiential learning in our DC degree program curriculum. As we strive to shift learning away from conventional lectures and towards more active learning in small groups, we’ve realized that our current facilities are a limiting factor. A formal space planning process was begun with the hiring of an architectural firm specializing in contemporary higher education facilities. The firm charged with the task of redesigning our campus to allow for more small group learning spaces, a formal learning and assessment centre to house a robust standardized patient program, expansion of fitness facilities, and reimagining how employees are best able to work in a post-COVID environment. We expect to soon begin the multiyear process of remodeling to achieve these goals while minimally disrupting normal operations.
ACCREDITATION CMCC has three major external review bodies that require periodic evaluation of our institution and its educational programs. In late 2021, we had our accreditation by the Council on Chiropractic Education Canada (CCEC) reaffirmed. In early 2022, we were successful in our quest to achieve initial accreditation by the CCEUS. In early 2023, we completed this approval trilogy by receiving renewal of consent by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities to award the DC degree. In all three cases, CMCC received the maximum period of approval. These separate processes and their outcomes attest to the rigour and quality of CMCC.
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CLINIC The clinic system continued its recovery from the shutdowns resulting from the pandemic. One of our partner integrations at the Rexdale Community Health Centre had its original clinic site remain closed; however, an alternative location within the Centre allowed care to continue. Many DCs across Canada accepted our invitation to become preceptors for Year IV students seeking clinical experiences in private offices as part of their internship, and we are grateful for the training these chiropractors provided our students.
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FINANCIAL STATUS As is evident from our financial statements, CMCC maintained its long record of healthy financial status. Our primary reserve ratio, a measure of the ability of an institution to deal with unexpected financial challenges, achieved its target and surpassed that of many small private institutions in Canada. Our independent auditors provided CMCC with a clean, unqualified audit and the new budget for FY2023 included funding for numerous new initiatives and projects to allow CMCC to make continued progress on its strategic plan.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE Student performance on all components of the Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board (CCEB) examinations remained very strong. Including the annual CCEB results released in January 2023, our five-year passing rate for students taking the exams for the first time is greater than the average scores of all non-CMCC students. As you can see, CMCC continues to strive for and achieve excellence in meeting its mission to deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care, and its vision to be an academic institution recognized for creating leaders in spinal health. We wish you all the best over this next year.
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Other Students
Annual Report 2022-2023 5
CMCC Members 2022–2023 Dr. Anser Abbas Dr. David E. Abbott Dr. Melanie S. AbbottCambridge Dr. Salvatore Abbruzzino Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla Dr. Sajad Abolghasem Dr. Norman R. Abrams Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Gary L. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Dr. Jennifer A. Adams-Hessel Dr. Bruce Adamson Dr. Aleisha Adeboyejo Dr. Kimberly D. Adie Dr. Judy Adler Dr. Angad Ahluwalia Dr. Sardar Ahmad Dr. Froher Ahmadi Dr. Henri J. Aime Dr. Marie-Jose Aime Dre Yvette Albert Dr. Blake Alderson Dr. Doug Alderson Dr. Marco L. Aldrovandi Dr. Stephanie Alexopulos Dr. Jessica R. Algar Dr. Zeya Alikhan Dr. Donald R. M. Allen Dr. Hillary Allen Dr. Jeremy Allen Dr. Jeffrey A. Almon Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. Robert O. Anctil* Dr. David K. Anderson Dr. Lloyd J. Anderson Dr. Daelyn Anderton-Cahoon Dr. Maheen Andleeb Dr. John H. Andrews Dr. Maria Nicole Ang Dr. Stephanie E. Anisko Dr. Nicholas T. Antony Dr. Antonio Anziano Dr. Mervin F. Aramenko
Dr. Lavern H. G. Ariss Dr. Corey Armstrong Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Shannon R. Asbury Dr. Rejeanne E. Ashcroft Dr. Adib Ashraf Dr. Marina Askander Dr. Mark E. Asquith Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Stefano F. Augurusa Dr. Jason Auyeung Dr. Johannes Baarbe Dr. Courtney Babut Dr. Claire Bacareza Dr. Tiffany N. Bacon Dr. Madison A. Baile Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Nikhita Bair-Patel Dr. Brian Baizley Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Allison Baker Dr. Dana K. Ball Dr. Jeffrey W. Balon Dr. Charlene A. Banbury Dr. Andrea Banks Dr. Mandeep Banwait Dr. Jeremy Barchman Dr. Berj K. Bardekjian Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Dr. John D. Bare Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Graham E. Barnes Dr. Elizabeth Barr Dr. R. Bruce Barrett Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Dr. Richard G. Barwell Dr. Zoya Bashir Dr. Ronald J. Batte Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Kenneth C. Beatty Dr. Jeremy Beauvais Dr. Robert J. Bebbington
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Dr. Sarah Beimers Dr. Melissa N. Belchos Dr. Krystyna Bellisario Dr. Chantal Belliveau Dr. Rod J. Belyea Dr. Julia Benati Dr. David Berg Dr. Nicholas Bergen Dr. Kenneth G. Bergquist Dr. Rebecca J. Bermel Dr. Cindy A. Berna Dr. Michael A. Berna Dr. Marcel Bernier Dr. Stevan M. Betts Dr. Krupa Bhatt Dr. Samantha Billard Dr. Mary B. Billings Dr. Stephanie J. Birtig Dr. John H. Bjarnason Dr. Elyse A. Black Dr. Stephanie Black Dr. Barbara A. Blacker Dr. Kristy A. Blair Dr. Vanessa M. Blaquiere Dr. Mark J. Blau Dr. Steven G. Blenkarn Dr. Kevin J. Bloom Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Suzanne M. Bober Dr. Christine Bocalan Dr. Mark E. Boden Dr. Mark G. Bodnar Dr. Peter Bodnar Dr. Hans W. Boehnke Dr. Lauren C. Boilard Dr. Tannis A. Boisvert Dr. Katelyn Bojechko Dr. Gregory W. Bolger Dr. Nathan S. Boon-van Mossel Dr. Brittany Boot Dr. Sylvie A. Bordeleau Dr. Irene H. Bork Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Krista C. Borrowman
Dr. Trevor Boudreau Dr. Maryse Boulay Dr. Claude Bourassa* Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Sherilynn Bovay Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. James A. Brad Dr. Crystal A. Bradshaw Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten Dr. Matthew Brander Dr. Doug G. Brandvold Dr. Alan Breen Dr. Douglas E. Brenner Dr. Grayden J. Bridge Dr. Ole Brigsted Dr. Robert Brodie Dr. Blaine L. Broker Dr. Aase L. Bronfort Dr. Gert Bronfort Dr. Michel R. Brosseau Dr. Lee W. Brotherston Dr. Roger Browett Dr. Suzanne L. Brown Dr. Terry F. Brown Dr. Philip T. Browne Dr. Andrew J. Brubacher Dr. Paul Bruno Dr. Veronica Brynaert Dr. Brian S. Budgell Dr. Denilea A. Bueno Dr. Shawn M. Bulger Dr. Ronald J. Bulman Dr. Rene A. Bureau Dr. Edward Burge Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. Stephen Burnie Dr. Oscar Caballero Dr. Tiffany D. Cafaro Dr. J. Michael Cain Dr. Audrey Cameron Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Katherine M. Cameron Dr. Perry Cammisa
Dr. Robert D. Campana Dr. Donald R. Campbell Dr. Carolina Cancelliere Dr. Gregory W. Canning Dr. Robert J. Cannon Dr. Evan S. Canzi Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Matthew Carinci Dr. Emily Carr Dr. Colin R. Carrie, M.P. Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Brent A. Carson Dr. Robert C. Carson Dr. James Carter Dr. John David Cassidy Dr. Alicia V. Castelhano Dr. William Castor Dr. Michael Caterer Dr. William K. Cato Dr. Peter Cauwenbergs Dr. Jacob A. Ceccanese Dr. Elaine Chagnon Dr. Dennis W. Chambers Dr. Bonnie Chan Dr. Dwight R. Chapin Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Dr. Mardi C. Charlton Dr. Nicholas Cheng Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Brittney L. M. Chisholm Dr. Kwong Chiu Dr. Grand Choi Dr. Ha Young (Jessica) Choi Dr. Denis G. Chouinard Dr. Ngai W. Chow Dr. Nicholas Chow Dr. Karen L. Chrobak Dr. Raymond Chu Dr. Andrew C. Chung Dr. Chadwick Chung Dr. Kyle Chung Dr. Courtney T. Chupa Dr. Sam A. Cirone Dr. Simon M. F. Clark Dr. Robert F. Clarke Dr. Tanya Clarke-Young Dr. Victoria Clay Dr. Todd Clayton Dr. Mackenzie A. Clemens Dr. Charles Clement Dr. Susan D. Clements Dr. Robert J. Clifford Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. Aaron Cocklin
Dr. George R. Coder Dr. Dean P. S. Collins Dr. Deborah Collins Dr. Constance A. Columbus Dr. William Columbus Dr. Chad Conaway Dr. John G. Condor Dr. R. Wayne Connell Dr. Jenny Connolly Dr. Graym W. Cook Dr. James A. Cooper Dr. Walter T. Cooper Dr. Manny A. Coroneos Dr. John R. Corrigan Dr. Rhonda J. Corrigan Dr. Laura S. Cory Dr. Ivano Costa Dr. Pierre Côté Dr. Alfonso J. Cotoia Dr. Brian Cotter Dr. Emma K. Coughler Dr. Jeremy Thomas J. P. Coughler Dr. Robert J. Coulombe Dr. Ian Coulter Dr. Brogan B. R. Courtney Dr. Geron P. Cowherd Dr. Laurel J. Cowie Dr. Jocelyn A. Cox Dr. Kalynn Crane Dr. Sarah Creasor Dr. Andrew C. Cregg Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Gerald N. Crooks Dr. Philip Croutch Dr. Edward R. Crowther Dr. Brian D. Cruise Dr. Michael B. Cruise Dr. Benjamin R. Csiernik Dr. Kristina Cukic Dr. Ian D. Culbert Dr. Corrado Cultrera Dr. Ramon Cumings Dr. Marisa Cuoco Dr. Jensen Currie Dr. Tait J. T. Cuthill Dr. Clinton J. Cybulski Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy Dr. Trevor A. D'Souza Dr. Sophia A. da Silva-Oolup Dr. Djordje Dabic Dr. Theodore Dahinden Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dr. Barbara L. Dance Dr. Florence Darbellay
Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Sefrah Daviduck Dr. Myron T. Dawydiak Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. Robert S. Deachman Dr. James C. Dean Dr. John R. Dean Dr. William J. Dean Dr. Adam DeBruyne Dr. Ryan Debusschere Dr. Philip Decina Dr. John P. DeFinney Dr. Christopher deGraauw Dr. Lara C. deGraauw Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Yvette Dehandschutter Dr. Gerard Delugt Dr. Elaine Dembe Dr. Kayli E. Demirli Dr. Phoebe Deng Dr. Kevin R. Deoraj Dr. Guillaume Desjardins Dr. Sebastien DeSouza Dr. Indervir Dhami Dr. Matthew Di Nardo Dr. Agostino R. Di Paolo Dr. Tony Diab Dr. Kenneth W. Dick Dr. Matthew Dick Dr. Micaela R. Dickhof Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Dominique Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. June Dies-Keys Dr. Richard N. Dietrich Dr. Grace E. M. Diezel Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Dr. Abigail Dixon Dr. Joshua J. Dlugokecki Dr. Fred T. Dobson Dr. Henry Dobson Dr. Stephen J. Doholis Dr. Michael Domanko Dr. Sarah J. Donaldson Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Thomas M. Dormon Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. Edward Dowhaniuk Dr. Victor C. Dowling Dr. Larry Down Dr. Jaime M. Downey Dr. Nicholas Downey Dr. Myles D. Drakes
Dr. Crystal A. E. Draper Dr. Jenna A. Dreyer Dr. Robert J. Dronyk Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Dr. Richard Dubler Dr. Bogdan Dubrovskiy Dr. Garrett Duff Dr. Alan P. Dumencu Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. Samantha M. Duncan Dr. Daryl K. Dunford Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. Brittany Dunlop Dr. J. Kevin Dunlop Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. David A. Dunnett Dr. Paul R. Duperrouzel Dr. Evan C. Durnin Dr. Brennan T. Dynes Dr. Lauren T. Ead Dr. Robert G. Earle Dr. Amelia Edmonds Dr. Arwed B. Egli Dr. Robert B. Eidt Dr. Ian C. Eix Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Allen G. Elley Dr. Evan P. Elliott Dr. K. Bruce Elliott Dr. Mitchel Elliott Dr. Laura Ellison Dr. Robert B. Emary Dr. Barry E. Embree Dr. Shawn Engell Dr. Ruth E. Erhardt Dr. Thomas J. Erskine Dr. W. Mark Erwin Dr. Trevor J. Esau Dr. Carl A. Eustace Dr. Caitlyn C. Evans Dr. Douglas W. Evans Dr. Lois A. Eveleigh Dr. David Ewert Dr. Ronald Ewing Dr. Jane A. Fancy Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth* Dr. Zoe C. Fasoulakis Dr. Dawson Fawcett Dr. Leonard J. Faye Dr. Shelby N. Fedusiak Dr. William (Bill) H. Ferguson Dr. Frank J. Fica Dr. Kevin M. Finn Dr. Shauney R. Fischer
Annual Report 2022-2023 7
CMCC Members 2022–2023
Dr. Bryan L. Fitz Dr. Don E. Fitz-Ritson Dr. Ryan N. Fitzgerald Dr. J. Neil Fletcher Dr. Robert J. Fletcher Dr. Louis Fleury-Frenette Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Marylena Florio Dr. Joanne Foley Dr. Angeline Foote Dr. Diane E. Forbes Dr. Peter A. Ford Dr. Timothy J. Ford Dr. Judy A. Forrester Dr. Nicole Q. Fowlie Dr. Jason T. Fox Dr. Edward Frame Dr. Robert S. Frankl Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Kenneth Freer Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Lauryn Friesen Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Axel Fritz Dr. Bernard Fruitman Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe Dr. Phyllis Gabel Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Colin D. Gage Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels Dr. Theodore M. Gall Dr. Larry Galvin Dr. Umang S. Gandhi Dr. Mark T. Garbutt Dr. Amber N. Gardiner-Pretto Dr. James Gardner Dr. Darryl Garner Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Dr. Corrine E. Gasser Dr. Arv D. Gatten Dr. Jon C. Gatten Dr. Marc-Henri Gauchat Dr. Michael M. Gawronski Dr. Allan J. Gdanski Dr. Henry C. Gdanski Dr. Victor L. Gdanski Dr. Richard J. Gehrke Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Alexis Genge Dr. Annie M. Gervais Dr. Diana Giannoulias
Dr. Megan Gibson Dr. Scott D. Gignac Dr. Lynton G. F. Giles Dr. Sahib Gill Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Dr. Mackenzie A. Gingerich Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Robert Glavan Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Arlene Gleadhill Dr. Dana M. Gleeson Dr. Diane B. Glover Dr. Kieran F. Glynn Dr. Peter A. Glynn Dr. Berit Godager Moltzau Dr. Heather L. Godkin Dr. Jennifer Goergen Dr. David W. Gohn Dr. Paul M. Gold Dr. Jarrod G. Goldin Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy Mr. Leonard Goodman Dr. Stanley Gorchynski Dr. Christopher J. Gordon Dr. Linda Gordon Dr. Susanne K. Gorka Dr. Jamie D. Gorlick Dr. Allan Gotlib Dr. Dalton Graham Dr. Donald T. Graham Dr. Nicholas Graham Dr. Patrick T. Graham Dr. Ray G. Graham Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Vilko F. Green Dr. Stephen Greenberg Dr. Mary Therese Greencorn Dr. Gary A. Greenman Dr. Martial Grégoire Dr. Ian R. Gregory Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Kyle A. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. Diane Grondin Dr. Gillian Growse Dr. Julia Grundy Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Jason N. Guben
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Dr. Luc Guenette Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Glenn Guilderson Dr. Brett P. Guist Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Dr. Frank Q. Guthrie Dr. Janis J. Guthy Dr. Johan R. Gysen Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Norman J. Haigh Dr. Kevin P. Haines Dr. François Hains Dr. Scott Haldeman Dr. Bryan J. Hale Dr. Alexandria M. Hall Dr. John W. Hall Dr. Allan P. Halowski Dr. Melissa J. Hamilton Dr. Tracey L. Hamin Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Dr. Sarah E. Hampton Dr. Su San Han Dr. David C. Hann Dr. A. E. Thomas Hanna Dr. Brittany Hannan Dr. Kaitlyn V. Hanson Dr. Lucrecia A. Hardowar Dr. John A. Hardy Dr. Randall J. Hardy Dr. David W. Harper Dr. Glen M. Harris Dr. Megan Harris Dr. Margaret J. Harrison Dr. Mitchell Harvey Dr. N. James Harvey Dr. Dawn Harwijne Dr. Aimee Hatcher Dr. E. Allan Hawkins Dr. Glen Hawkins Dr. Peter G. Hawley Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. Ronald J. Hay Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. Michael J. Hayes Dr. Bruce A. Hayhoe Dr. Glen W. Heaps* Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Ramin Heidari Dr. Emma Heimbecker Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. Paul M. Hemingway Dr. Peter D. Hemingway Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
Dr. C. Jay Hennigar Dr. Alysha M. Hergott Dr. Derrill Herman Dr. Brett W. Hessel Dr. Alan D. Hetherington Dr. Julia Heupel Dr. Patrick F. Hewitt Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Milcah Hiemstra Dr. Dan R. Higgins Dr. Dan S. Higginson Dr. Catharine A. Hildebrand Dr. James J. Hill Dr. Kennedy R. C. Hindley Dr. Paul M. Hinton Dr. Judith A. Hinwood Dr. Madeline Hiscock Dr. David Ho Dr. Paul K. Ho Dr. John Hobson Dr. Robert D. Holden Dr. Keith B. Holdway Dr. Roger Hollingsworth Dr. Warren S. Hollis Dr. Lauren M. Holmes Dr. G. Paul Holtom Dr. Ian J. Horseman Dr. Tanya L. Horvath Dr. Saima N. Hossain Dr. Kelly Hotta Dr. Emily Howell Dr. Scott Howitt Dr. James D. Howlett Dr. Leroy O. Hoyte Dr. Jessie I. Hsieh Dr. Timothy Hsu Dr. William S. Hsu Dr. Stephanie Hua-Nguyen Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Nigel C. J. Hudson Dr. Steacy E. Huff Dr. Dennis Hui Dr. John Hui Dr. Rachel Hum Dr. Peter G. Humphrey Dr. Verna Hunt Dr. Reginald G. Hunte Dr. Richard D. Hunter Dr. Christy Inglis Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. David Irwin Dr. Joshua Isen Dr. Donald G. Ivey Dr. Kaitlyn Jacklin Dr. Craig Jacobs
Dr. Crystal A. Jakym Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Lanny Jamieson Dr. Pushpinder (Sunny) Jangwal Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Brianna Jarvin Dr. Allan Jeffels Dr. Ryan S. Jenken Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Jens J. Jensen Dr. Hyeong Jo Jeong Dr. Eun Been Jeoun Dr. Rahim Jessa Dr. J. Roger Jessop Dr. Gita K. Jethalal Dr. Melissa C. Johannes Dr. Gregory A. Johnston Dr. Liam A. Johnston Dr. Michael D. Johnston Dr. Robert J. Johnston Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. W. Bruce Johnston Dr. Robert J. Johnstone Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Christopher F. Jones Dr. Jennifer Jones Dr. Mark E. Jones Dr. Roger G. Jones Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Chantal Joseph Dr. Blair A. Jurgens Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Carmen Jweda Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis Dr. Megan Kamphuis Dr. Arshmin Kang Dr. Karishma Kapoor Dr. John S. Kapus Dr. Nicholas J. Karavanas Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Zafeer A. S. Karim Dr. Arif Karmali Dr. John M. Kaster Dr. David Kato Dr. Emily Kawaguchi Dr. Joseph E. Kawun Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Dirk W. Keenan Dr. Terence M. Kehler Dr. Brad A. Kehoe Dr. Brandon M. Kehoe Dr. Erica T. Kehoe
Dr. Cal Keil Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Erin D. Kempt-Sutherland Dr. A.O. Hart Kennedy Dr. A. Paul Kent* Dr. William M.S. Ketcheson Dr. Ronny H. Keung Dr. Bonnie Keys Dr. Jasjit Khaira Dr. Saba Khorrami Dr. Khashayar Khoshmashrab Dr. Sean T. Kilgannon Dr. Gideon J. Kilian Dr. Grant A. Kilpatrick Dr. Isaac Kim Dr. Jessica Kim Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Daniel Kimber Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin Dr. Laurie King Dr. Ronald S. King Dr. Barry Kinsey Dr. F. Stuart Kinsinger Dr. Jaclyn Kissel Dr. Peter Kissel Dr. Kandice Kissoondath Dr. Robert G. Kitchen Dr. Alvin G. Klassen Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Robert J. Kniess Dr. John A. Knight* Dr. Terrence N. Knight Dr. Elizabeth A. Koehle Dr. P. Angelika Koeth Dr. Peter L. Kogon Dr. Gary Kolbec Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Vincent Kong Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Paul A. Korbelas Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. John J. Kos Dr. Nicole M. Kosta Dr. Gerald L. Koster Dr. Jagdish C. Kothary Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Dr. Gerald F. Kremer Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Sandra Krsmanovic Dr. Jane Krueger Dr. Vance N. Kruszewski Dr. Graham Kucan Dr. Brittany Kucharski
Annual Report 2022-2023 9
CMCC Members 2022–2023
Dr. Chad Kulak Dr. Mohameddeq Kulane Hashi Dr. Katrina M. Kulhay Dr. Varsha Kumar Dr. Timothy Kunkel Dr. Gregory Kuruliak Dr. Natalie Labelle Dr. Sydney B. Labelle Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Melanie Lachapelle Dr. Leo Lachowich Dr. Andre C. Lacroix Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Scot A. Ladell Dr. Jean-Guy Laflamme Dr. Dominic V. LaForte Dr. Lawrence LaFrance Dr. David A. Lajeunesse Dre Christine Laliberte Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde Dr. Thomas Lalonde Dr. Alexander K. Lam Dr. Mazy C. M. Lam Dr. Renée P. Landry Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Serge Lanoue Dr. Paige A. Lanteigne Dr. Garth W. LaPlante Dr. Scott R. Laporte Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Jacques Larochelle Dr. Jean-François R. Larochelle Dr. Rajiv Laroiya Dr. Stephen A. Lassner Dr. David G. Latta Dr. Emily Jane J. Laudi Dr. Valerie A. Lavigne Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Douglas M. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. Stephen D. Lawson Dr. Christine T. Le Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. Alexander D. Lee Dr. David Lee Dr. David W. Lee Dr. Jene Lee Dr. Joyce G. Lee Dr. Marissa Lee Dr. Rick Lee
Dr. Andrew M. Lee Chan Dr. James R. Leeson Dr. Allison M. Legg Dr. Luke R. Leggo Dr. Sydney V. H. Leguard Dr. Carrie Lehman Dr. Francis R. Lekness Dr. James J. Lemak Dr. Caterina Lerede Dr. Jim R. Leskun Dr. Steven Lester Dr. Calvin Leung Dr. Howard Levita Dr. Chin Yuan (Jack) Li Dr. Catherina K. M. Liem Dr. Brian R. S. Lim Dr. Tiffany A. Lim Dr. Clare Lindon Dr. Rod W. R. Lindsay Dr. Thomas W. Lindsay Dr. Chen Ling Dr. Hayden Ling Dr. Mateo Lino Dr. Ronald T. Linzner Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Natalia Lishchyna Dr. James O. Litt Dr. Robert A. Little Dr. Dennis Liu Dr. Man Wai (Erica) Liu Dr. Michael K. Livingstone Dr. Poul Loewe-Madsen Dr. J. Bradley Lohrenz Dr. Ervin J. Loikrec Dr. Marisa Lojko Dr. Crystal L. Longo Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Brian V. Lonsdale* Dr. Chelsea J. Lorimer Dr. Dianne Lott Dr. Johan Louwerse Dr. Daria P. Love Dr. David Lovsin Dr. David E. Lowe Dr. Edward J. Lu Dr. Jessica Luc Dr. Joshua N. F. Luk Dr. Nino Lawrence Lumba Dr. Jeffrey R. Lustig Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Richard E. Lutz Dr. Derick Luu Dr. John C. Lynch Dr. Bryan Ma
10 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. Seamus R. Macdonald Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Dr. David A. MacIntosh Dr. Ainsley MacKinnon Dr. Donald W. H. Mackintosh Dr. Douglas J. MacLachlan Dr. Liam MacLeod Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. Clive S. Macmillan Dr. Shannon M. MacNeill Dr. Vanessa MacPhail Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Meghan E. MacTavish Dr. Gabor M. Madarasz Dr. Robert A. Madill Dr. Richard M. Magder Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Winnie W. Magega Dr. Lynnelle P. Mahe Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Dr. Michael A. Majaess Dr. Ashkan Malekdanesh Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Wayne L. Malott Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Gary A. Malstrom Dr. Nicole P. Mancini Dr. Jasmin Manga Dr. Gary A. Mangiacotte Dr. Oscar Manias Dr. Brent D. Manson Ms. Deb Manz Dr. Kaileigh Mapson Dr. Cole Maranger Dr. Lorna March-Greenbau Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. Henri L. Marcoux Dr. Bruno F. Marini Dr. Donald F. Marshall Dr. Linda D. Marshall Dr. Allan G. Martin Dr. Andre Martin Dr. J. Scott Martin Dr. N. Daniel Martin Dr. Dane N. Martin-Falla Dr. Karen E. Martindale-Sliz Dr. Yvan J. Martineau Dr. David E. Martinuk Dr. Karen E. Martinuk Dr. Reginald J. Martsinkiw Dr. Chantelle L. Maryuen Dr. Stephen A. Maskall Dre Natalie Masse Dr. Paul M. Mastragostino
Dr. Pavan Matharu Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Claude Matte Dr. Karin L. Mattern Dr. Michael J. Mattinen Dr. Jasmin Maxymowich Dr. Donald C. Maybin Dr. Patrick Maziarz Dr. Eva Mazur Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. D. Court McAuley Dr. Laura McCall Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Michael J. McCann Dr. Gordon W. McConnell Dr. Gregory C. McConnell Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Phyllis A. McCord Dr. Michael R. McCoul Dr. Scott J. McCrae Dr. Scott McCrimmon Dr. Frank G. McDiarmid Dr. Gordon A. McDiarmid Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Bradley D. McGarr Dr. Christina McGlashan Dr. Kelsey R. McGonigal Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Jeremy A. McGuire Dr. Kevin McIntyre Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie Dr. Joanne McKinley-Molodynia Dr. Laura A. McLaren Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. Heather McLeod Dr. Arden McMahon Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. J. Wayne McNabb Dr. Jennifer McNeill Dr. Chelsea McQuade Dr. Barry C. McQuire Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid Dr. Laurel M. McQuoid Dr. Christina J. McTavish Dr. Kelley M. McVarish Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Shahroze Merali Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Rob J. Merrick Dr. Martin Merz Dr. James Meschino Dr. Ivan Mezei Dr. Thomas Michael Dr. Karolina Michalowski
Dr. Sarah Middlemiss Dr. Dale R. Mierau Dr. Donald B. Millar Dr. Milton C. Miller Dr. Murray G. Miller Dr. Robert B. Miller Dr. John Millett Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. John G. Mindiuk Dr. Andrew Miners Dr. Alan E. Minty Dr. Miriam E. Minty Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Braedon Mitchell Dr. John C. Mitchell Dr. Melinda E. Mitchell Dr. Dennis H. Mizel Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer Dr. Douglas B. Mollon Dr. Emily Montag Dr. A. Donald Moore Dr. George C. Moore Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Melissa Morcos Dr. Michael F. Moreira Dr. Stephanie S. C. Morfidis Dr. Alexander Morihovitis Dr. Guy Morin Dr. Mathieu Morin Dr. Gregory J. E. Morris Dr. Jeremiah D. Morris Dr. Henry B. Morrison Dr. Tyler Morrow Dr. Danielle Moscall-Varey Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. Jennifer A. Mous Dr. Rick Mozell Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Brad Muir Dr. Mary A. Mulligan Dr. D. Kenneth Mullins Dr. Christie C. Munro Dr. Bernadette Murphy Dr. Blair P. Murphy Dr. James Murray Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Steven W. Murray Dr. Constantinos Myrtos Dr. Scott J. Nabata Dr. Mubashir Naeem Dr. Joseph Naiman Dr. Luigi Nalli
Dr. Caner Nar Dr. Rami Nashi Dr. Mona Nasr Dr. Tom Naylor Dr. John A. Neal Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Armaan Neemuchwala Dr. Reza Neisari Tabrizi Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. David Nguyen Dr. Frank Nhan Dr. Alana Nicholls Dr. W. Reginald Nicholson Dr. Deanna M. Nickle Dr. Mikayla Nickle Dr. Cory D. Niedjalski Dr. Robert G. Nielsen Dr. Nona Nikzad Dr. Dharani Nimal Dr. Lynette M. Nissen Dr. David A. Noad Dr. W. John Noble Dr. Carsten Noddeskou Dr. Paul S. Nolet Dr. Kalena Noordegraaf Dr. Bobbi Norris Dr. J. Todd Norton Dr. Janis E. Noseworthy Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Dr. Matthew P. O'Brien Dr. David P. O'Connor Dre Joan O'Malley Dr. Holly O'Neill Dr. Ted J. Ogilvie Dr. David Y. Oh Dr. Kirsten E. Olesen Dr. Chad W. B. Oliver Dr. Mia Oliver Dr. Irene Oliviero Dr. Morgyn E. Olmstead Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Allan G. Oolo Austin Dr. Jonathan K. Oosterhof Dr. David J. Orchard Dr. David E. Osiowy Dr. Taylor Ostrander Dr. Christopher A. Oswald Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Dr. Geoffrey Outerbridge Dr. Linda Outschoorn Dr. Conner E. Overstrom Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. Bruce A. Owers
Dr. Cheryl Pacheco Dr. Jason A. Pajaczkowski Dr. Giulia Palazzo Dr. Stefan J. Pallister Dr. Victor Paltsev Dr. John A. Papa Dr. Kelsey A. Pardy Dr. Cassandra Parker Dr. Kara Parker Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Dr. Jodi L. Parkinson Dr. James Parliament Dr. J. Ladd Parsons Dr. Gordon F. Partridge Dr. Richard N. Pascoe Dr. Kevan Patel Dr. Colleen S. Pattrick Dr. Laurel Pauli Dr. Heather A. Paull Dr. Matthew D. Peacock Dr. Remi F. Pearl Dr. Cosma Pecora Dr. Cora-Lee S. Peddle Dr. Steven Pederson Dr. Helen M. Peel * Dr. John E. Peever Dr. Rosalie Pelissier Dr. Andre Pelletier Dr. Timothy H. Peloso Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Dr. Steven M. Perry Dr. Adriano Persi Dr. Omar Pervez Dr. Alexander F. Pessoa Dr. David E. Peterson Dr. Vanessa M. Petrini Dr. Antonio Petrolo Dr. Sidorela Petrusa Dr. David Phillips Dr. Devon Phillips Dr. Clifton Pho Dr. Gabrielle Picard Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Donato Pietrangelo Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust Dr. Lianne Pinkney Dr. Josh Plener Dr. Percy N. Pletsch Dr. Eugene R. Plewes Dr. Richard Plourde Dr. Alexandra Poelman Dr. Gérard Poirier
Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Raymond Poitras Dr. Ronald Polack Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Bryan J. Porter Dr. Anthony Posa Dr. Michael Poschar Dr. R. Andrew Potter Dr. Pierre Poupart Dr. Meagan Power Dr. Jenna Press Dr. Douglas R. Price Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Dr. Robert Proteau Dr. Ione G. Puchalski Dr. Aaron A. Puhl Dr. Bryon P. Puhl Dr. Andrew Pulinec Dr. Karthigan Puvanendran Dr. Danielle E. Quinn Dr. Elmer E. Raabe Dr. Martin Rabley Dr. Sarah Racicot Dr. Richard Radford Dr. James M. Rae Dr. Avneet S. Rai Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. Theo J. Ramsdale Dr. Justin Reay Dr. David J. Redding Dr. Peter Van Redecopp Dr. George D. Redhead Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. J. Wayne Redstone Dr. Peter Reed Dr. Paul M. Rego Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. James Reilly Dr. Christine J. Reinhart Dr. Monika Reinstein Dr. J. David Rennicks Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds Dr. Lisa A. Richard Dr. Marty V. Richter Dr. W. Roy Riddell Dr. Nigel Ridge Dr. Lisa M. Rino Dr. Caroline A. Rioux Dr. Robert Ripley Dr. Andrew J. Robb Dr. Frederick E. Roberts
Annual Report 2022-2023 11
CMCC Members 2022–2023
Dr. John O. T. Roberts Dr. Valerie Robichaud Dr. Leah Robinson Dr. Paul W. Robinson Dr. G. Lindsay Robson Dr. Anthony Rocha Dr. Joshua Rodley Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Madeleine G. Rogers Dr. Elizabeth Rollo Dr. Andrew P. Romanelli Dr. Peter L. Rome Dr. Robert W. Roper Dr. Harald Rosenfeld Dr. J. Kim Ross Dr. Richard Ruegg Dr. Gregory Ruhr Dr. Rodney L. Runge Dr. Kenneth W. Russell Dr. Daniella P. Russo Dr. Petra Rutz Dr. Donald L. Ryan Dr. Sidra A. Sabagh Dr. Mircea G. Samoil Dr. Amelie Samson Dr. Gary A. Sanders Dr. James T. Sanders Dr. Norma-Jean Sanders Dr. Lauren Kimberly K. Santiago Dr. Adamo Santoro Dr. Vindeep Sara Dr. Michael C. Sartor Dr. Walter J. Savickey Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Albert M. Scales Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci Dr. Ryan R. Scheffler Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Richard G. Schmelzle Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Donna Schoales Dr. Brian Schroeder Dr. Edward H. Schroeder Dr. Aloysius H. Schulte Dr. Christopher Schultz Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. John R. Schwarz Dr. Leslie Scott Dr. R. D. Wayne Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Peter See
Dr. Gerry H. Seier Dr. Isaac Seifarth Dr. Caitlin M. Sellan Dr. Richard Seto Dr. Grace Sevazlian Dr. Eliyahu I. Shach Dr. Richa Sharma Ms. S. Donna Sharp Dr. Kenneth L. Shatilla* Dr. Heather Shearer Dr. Marvin Shedletzky Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard Dr. Scott W. Sheppard Dr. Bryan Sher Dr. Sahar Sheybani-Deloui Dr. Peter Shipka Dr. Puneet Shoker Dr. Barbara Shortreed Dr. Mark B. Shrott Dr. Leann M. Shrum Dr. Stuart J. Siegel Dr. William Siksay Dr. Alessia Sili Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Harald F. Simon Dr. Inger Simonsen Dr. Ann Liz Simpson Dr. Tate Simpson Dr. Emily F. Sinclair Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. Harleen Singh Dr. Prabhjot Singh Dr. Wayne F. Singleton Dr. Anojan Sivalingam Dr. Sneha Skariah Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg Dr. Paul Slaney Dr. Christopher R. Small Dr. Taylor Smeenk Dr. Peter S. Smerdon Dr. Carole M. E. Smith Dr. Danielle N. Smith Dr. Douglas R. Smith Dr. Geoffrey Smith Dr. Larry B. Smith Dr. Lawrence D. Smith Dr. Richard S. Smith Dr. Thomas J. Smith Dr. William M. Smith Dr. John N. Smoczyk Dr. Sydney Soares Dr. Alison M. Sokol Dr. Adam C. Solis Dr. Natalie M. Solis Dr. Samantha Solly
12 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. Stanley G. Soloduka Dr. Michael Sommers Dr. James Son Dr. Jenny Zening Song Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Montana Speed Dr. Diana M. L. Speer-McBean Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. Patricia Spratt Dr. Eric St-Onge Dr. Michael W. Stacey Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Todd D. Starr Dr. Zachary S. Starr Dr. Gavin W. Steciuk Dr. Neall Stedmann Dr. Tesni Stefanato Dr. Josline Stefanick Dr. Alessia Stefenatti Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe Dr. Ashley E. Stenzel Dr. Josh T. Stephenson Dr. Paula J. Stern Dr. Cheryl Stevenson Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Desmond G. Stewart Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Mr. James Stewart Dr. Mallory A. Stewart Dr. Marshall D. Stewart Dr. Murray J. Stewart Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt Dr. Michael A. Stochmal Dr. Baylee A. Stockford Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Beat O. Stoller Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Robert E. Stronge Dr. Karen Stroud Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Rodney W. Stubel Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Nikolaus V. Suich Dr. Andrew Sulatycki Dr. Thomas S. Summers Dr. Minisha Suri Dr. George J. Surko Dr. Sean A. Sutton Dr. Mark D. Swain Dr. Zachary S. Swarts
Dr. Scott J. Swartzentruber Dr. Earle C. Sweet Dr. Bruce M. Sykes Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz Dr. Bob Szczurko Dr. Justin SzymanskiWashington Dr. Negda Tabrizi Dr. Paul Taillefer Dr. Isabelle Talsma Dr. David Tam Dr. Shai Tamir Dr. Errol Tarnow Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. Robert J. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. George E. Tester* Dr. Corinne Theriault Dr. Shawn Thistle Dr. Elder H. Thomas Dr. Joshua B. Thomas Dr. Linda J. Thomas Dr. Marylee A. Thompson Dr. Medville A. Thompson Dr. Nicklaus Thompson Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Rodney A. Thompson Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Daphne To Dr. Rachel Tompa Dr. David Torrance Dr. Christopher J. Tousignant Dr. Cameron J. Tranchell Dr. Ross S. Treasure Dr. Amy R. Tremblay Dr. Alexandria Tremblett Dr. Astrid Trim Dr. Floyd Trotter Dr. Erica L. Truesdell Dr. Taylor R. Tuff Dr. Brian D. Turner Dr. Allen Tyler Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Dr. Gregory Uchacz Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. David A. Urness Dr. Teresa L. Van Bakel Dr. Yasemeen D. Van Doorne Dr. Roland Vander Beek Dr. Eric Vandergugten Dr. John W. Vargo Dr. Kathy Vertesi Dr. Donald H. Viggiani
Dr. Stephen P. Viljakainen Dr. Michael Vilkas Dr. Jordan Villeneuve Dr. Michael J. Vipond Dr. Douglas Vlaskamp Dr. Minh Quang Vo Dr. Henny T. M. Vogelzang Dr. Amanda Volcko Dr. Joseph G. Vomvas Dr. Adam Wade Dr. Dennis J. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Stanley Waliczek Dr. Bruce E. Wand Dr. Simon Wang Dr. Xuanli M. Wang Dr. Randy S. Warchola Dr. Jamie Ward Dr. Jennifer Ward Dr. Myles V. Wardrope Dr. Ronald Warkman Dr. Robert S. Warnock Dr. Nooreen Warring Dr. Terry A. Watkins* Dr. Derick A. Watson Dr. Dionne Watson Dr. Jennifer Webster Dr. Carol Ann Weis Dr. Colin L. Wellum Dr. Alaura Wenmann Dr. G. Mark Wensley Dr. David I. West Dr. Joan West Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. George B. Wheeler Dr. Sarah Wheeler Dr. Eleanor F. White Dr. Ronald Whiting Dr. Lawrence J. Whitman
Dr. David B. Whitty Dr. David Wickes Dr. Paul L. Wiggins Dr. J. Stuart Wight Dr. Janice I. Wiles Driedger Dr. Timothy H. Wilkinson Dr. Matt G. R. Williams Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. W. Langford Williams Dr. William M. Williams Dr. James W. Wilson Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Vincent G. Winder Dr. John C. Wingfield Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Samantha E. Winsor Dr. Gregory I. Wirth Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Dr. Celine Wong Dr. Debbie K. Wong Dr. Edwin Wong Dr. Jessica J. Wong Dr. Maxine Wong Dr. Donald L. Wood Dr. Katherine Wood Dr. Douglas Woods Dr. Colleen M. Woodward Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Dr. Denise M. Wright Dr. Douglas A. Wright Dr. Thomas S. Wright Dr. Peter J. Wysotski Dr. Samer Yaghmour Dr. Glenn Yates Dr. Robert Yates Dr. Lai Kiu Yau
Dr. Dominique Yedon Dr. Francise Yip Dr. Ted Yoshida Dr. Andrew Young Dr. Shereen A. Yousefi Dr. Veronica Yu* Dr. Joseph J. Yung Dr. Maliheh Zakeri Mehr Dr. Farzaneh Zamansoltani Dr. Sylvia M. Zarins Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Michelle Zemari Dr. Michael A. Zimbaro Dr. Rainer Zindler* Dr. Randall R. Zindler Dr. Zoran Zivkovic Dr. Emil Zmenak Dr. Robert Zurbyk Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Annual Report 2022-2023 13
Governors’ Club Members Dr. Alan Alton Dr. Carlo Ammendolia Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong Dr. Jacques Auger Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Neil C. Barber Dr. Fred N. Barnes Ms. Mara Bartolucci Dr. Carolee Bateson-Koch Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Michel L. Blanchette Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Thomas H. Boyter Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten Mrs. Bruna Brown Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis Dr. John A. Cadieux Dr. J. Blake Cameron Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Dr. Borys M. Chambul Dr. George Chiaravalloti Dr. Denis M. Chouinard Dr. John G. Cochrane Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer Dr. John P. Crawford Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. Philip Croutch Mrs. Gail Cunningham Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity Dr. Lori L. Darroch Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. John R. Dean Dr. W. Mark deGruchy Dr. Edward L. Demchuk Dr. Bradley F. Dickson Dr. Lisa L. Dickson Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Brian M. Donbrook
Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dr. David C. Drum Dr. Tracy J. Drynan Mr. H. James Duncan Dr. David F. Dunn Dr. Gregory N. Dunn Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth* Dr. Bruce Fligg Dr. Wilfred B. Foord Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Robert P. Gagnon Dr. Brian G. Gainor Dr. Christine B. Garrity Dr. Gregory Gellert Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley Dr. Pala Gillis Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Dr. Arnie Glatter Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Adrian S. Grice Dr. Leslie R. Grice Dr. Alexander R. Grier Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth Dr. Paul J. Grittani Dr. David A. Gryfe Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Miss Jennifer C. K. Harper Mr. Jonathan Harper Miss Julia C. S. Harper Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Jennifer C. Heick Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
14 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Dr. David J. Hewko Dr. Dan R. Higgins Mrs. Joan Hubbel Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel Dr. Brian Huggins Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Orest J. Jakym Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu Dr. Bruce P. Jensen Dr. Craig D. Johannes Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Ronald W. Jones Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Jan J. Kempe Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-Giles Dr. Gregory P. Kos Dr. Paul W. Kowall Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Yves Laflamme Dr. Susanne Langdon Dr. J. Donald Langford Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Else H. Larsen Dr. Luc Lavigueur Dr. David R. Lawson Dr. Gordon E. Lawson Dr. C. Feng Lee Dr. Henry M. Lee Dr. Carolyn J. Levere Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe Mrs. Betty Luck Dr. James D. Lunney Dr. Ward D. MacDonald
Dr. Norman B. MacLeod Dr. John E. MacRae Dr. Peter G. Magee Dr. Ferzin Mahava Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Dr. Oscar Manias Ms. Deb Manz Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand Dr. David J. Matheson Dr. Kevin I. McAllister Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Patricia L. McCord Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Cameron J. McGinnis Dr. Joanna McGowan Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. D. Gordon McMorland Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Dr. Richard Mercier Dr. Clark R. Mills Dr. Patrick D. Milroy Dr. Silvano A. Mior Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead Dr. Michael F. Moreira Mrs. Geraldine Morgan Dr. Ernest A. Morin Dr. Jean A. Moss Dr. John P. Mrozek Dr. Michael J. Murray Dr. Calvin G. Neely Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson Dr. Michael M. Nenonen Dr. Janice L. Noji Dr. Douglas Norsworthy North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society Mrs. Renate Norton Dr. David H. Olson Dr. Catherine Owens Dr. André P. Paris Dr. Grant E. Parker Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Dr. Adriano Persi
Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Guildor Poitras Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Dr. Moez H. Rajwani Dr. J. Bryan Redpath Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl Dr. Marcel Reux Mrs. Darlene Reynolds Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin Dr. William S. Rogal Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Dr. Antonio Schirru Dr. Murray E. Schneider
Dr. Brian D. Schut Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Peter Shipka Dr. Joseph C. Simmons Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. W. Allen Smith Dr. Laurie E. Spratt Dr. William P. Stackhouse Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Scott E. Stevenson Dr. Gregory B. Stewart Dr. Ronald G. Stoley Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Kent J. Stuber Dr. Karlo Suek
Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Shane H. Taylor Ms. Katherine Tersigni Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. D. Keith Thomson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson Dr. Brian D. Turner Mrs. Diane Turner Dr. Kevin D. Turner Dr. Paul D. Uchikata Dr. John VanDerSluis Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort Dr. Marcia Veitch Dr. Michael J. Vipond
Dr. Ron L. Wagner Dr. Tedd R. Walcott Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Mrs. Debora Wickes Dr. Sarah C. Williams Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Deborah S. Wright York-Peel Chiropractic Society Dr. Craig D. Zavitz Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Annual Report 2022-2023 15
Thank you to our donors Thank you to all of the generous donors who have helped CMCC to achieve its Mission. Your continued long-term support and commitment builds a stronger CMCC. CMCC recognizes its donors on the Hands on the Future® donor wall, the Atrium donor wall, Governors’ Club plaques, “Your Legacy” plaques, in the Library, at our various fundraising events, etc. Donations recognized below were made during the period of June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023 for: renewed support, Research Chair, Awards and Scholarships, Backs in Motion, Gifts in Kind, In Memoriam and general donations. We extend our sincere appreciation to those who have made gifts to CMCC.
Donor Level Recognition Builders Level Dr. Keith G. Harper and Mrs. Barbara J. Harper Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Benefactor Dr. Annette Bourdon and Mrs. Catherine Bourdon Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Dr. Richard Mercier Patron Dr. Brian Croft * Dr. Richard R. Cronk Dr. L. Kevin Henbid and Family Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Murray E. Schneider
Dr. Stacey Scott Pillar Dr. Christopher Bardwell Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten Dr. Edward R. Crowther Mr. Allan Evelyn Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Mohsen Kazemi, Kazemizer Inc. Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Dennis Yurkiw and Dr. Lynda Montgomery New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Newfoundland and Labrador Chiropractic Association Dr. Michael W. Pernfuss Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Michael D. Sider
16 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. David and Mrs. Debora Wickes Dr. Dennis Yurkiw and Dr. Lynda Montgomery Partner ABC Gestion Sante Inc. Dr. Ayla Azad Ms. Mara Bartolucci Dr. Jason T. Fox Global Office Software Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan and Dr. Julita Teodorczyk-Injeyan Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Ms. Raheela Shaikh Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow, Active Chiropractic and Wellness
Supporter Dr. Emily A. Andersen Dr. Samantha Bauer Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Rebecca Burns Dr. Cassandra J. Champion Dr. Heather Ciasnocha Dr. Geoffrey Gamble Dr. Dominic Giuliano Dr. Gregory Goodbrand Dr. Elizabeth Hodgins Dr. Sarah J. Hopkins Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis Dr. Rebecca Laffoley Dr. Lawrence LaFrance Dr. Katelyn C. Lockwood Dr. Sarah Mattice Dr. Megan J. McDonald Dr. Michael J. Prendergast Dr. Richard Raigoza
Dr. Matthew Ruston Dr. Laura Solway Dr. Nick Tsaggarelis Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Friends Dr. Katherine Angus Dr. Marc Baker Dr. Shayne Baylis Capture Therapeutics Dr. Nicole Ciraolo-Wilson Mrs. Joan Clement Dr. Dan Dao Mr. Mark Gatti Dr. Nicolle C. Hamlyn Dr. Deborah L. Hutchison Dr. Peter J. Kapogianes Dr. Marco Lozej Dr. Lee MacAllister Dr. Lucas Z. Regier Dr. Ryan Robichaud Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Mr. Mitchell Squarey Staples Advantage Dr. Kirsten M. Stevens Dr. Carmine Stillo Dr. Stephen P. Viljakainen Ms. Anmarie J. Webb
Donor List 1000190849 Ontario Inc. 1244140 B.C. Ltd Dr. David E. Abbott ABC Gestion Sante Inc Dr. Anthony G. Adams Dr. Vincent Adams Mr. Bill Addie Advertek Inc. Dr. Oscar E. Alba Ms. Omina Aleraky Ms. Arisa Alexanian Mr. Gill Alkin Cody Allin Dr. Emily A. Andersen Mr. Don Anderson Ms. Judy Anderson Dr. Katherine Angus Dre Marie-Eve Arcand Dr. Adam Armstrong Ms. Faren Asaria Dr. Frank Astri Dr. Katy Aubin Dr. Ayla Azad Dr. Tommy Bacher Dr. Christina L. Bagnell Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel Dr. Brian Baizley
Dr. Evelyn Bak Dr. Marc Baker Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell Ms. Betty Barker Dr. Fred N. Barnes Dr. Russell A. Baron Dre Marie-Eve BarrettePlante Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar Ms. Antonella Bartolucci Ms. Mara Bartolucci Dr. Samantha Bauer Dr. Shayne Baylis Dr. Keith C. Beaton Dr. Melanie L. Beingessner Chris & Mary Jean Belford Ms. Maryann Belza Ray Bender Dinnetia Bennett Mr. Rod Bennett Ms. Marnie Berridge Dr. Condren R. Berry Dr. Caroline Berthelot Jacob Best Mr. Carl Betteridge Dr. Kelli L. Blunt Dr. Mark E. Boden Dre Marie-Helene Boivin Mrs. Patsy Bolton Ms. Mary Pat Boniface Dr. Cameron Borody Dr. Luke A. Boudreau Mrs. Sylvie Bourassa Dr. Annette Bourdon Dr. Ward M. Bourgaize Mr. Daniel Bourgault Dr. Jacqueline L. Boyd Ms. Ana Bozorgi Dr. Christine Bradaric-Baus Dr. Ron Brady Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten Mr. Jon Brandt Ms. Brenda Bridle Lara Brierley Dr. Michel R. Brosseau Dr. Kenneth D. Brough Mrs. Bruna Brown Mr. John J. Brown Dr. Suzanne L. Brown Ms. Sharlene Browne Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit Mr. John Bueckert Ms. Diann Bulas Dr. Keith L. Burchill Dr. Rebecca Burns Ms. Lolita Butticci Dr. Audrey Cameron Dr. C. Dan Campbell
Canadian Chiropractic Association Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Dr. Carolina Cancelliere Dr. Robert J. Cannon Capture Therapeutics Dr. Raynald Cardinal Dr. Paul F. Carey Mr. John Cargill Dre Vicky Caron Dr. Natalie J. Carrington Mrs. Mary Frances Carter Ms. Patricia Carty Dr. Kimberly A. Castle Ms. Antoniette Catenacci CCPOR Dr. Cassandra J. Champion Dr. Cynthia J. Chan Dr. Dwight R. Chapin Dr. Kevin Charbonneau Aydan Charlton Dr. Michel Chartier Dr. Johnny Cheong Chiropractic Association of Alberta Chiropractors' Association of Saskatchewan Dr. Karen L. Chrobak Dr. Heather Ciasnocha Dr. Riccardo J. Cifola Dr. Nicole Ciraolo-Wilson Jeremy Civiero Ms. Pauline Clarke Dr. Todd Clayton Mrs. Joan Clement Dr. Leo J. Clement * CMCC Students' Council Dr. Rachelle Coates College of Chiropractic Sciences College of Chiropractors of British Columbia Jenn Collinson Dr. Gregory D. Cooper Guillaume Corbin Core Products International, Inc. Dr. Pierre Côté Dr. Ian Coulter Mr. John Craig Ms. Sylvia Crichton Dr. Brian B. Croft * Dr. Richard R. Cronk Ms. Diana Crossley Ms. Sally Croutch Dr. Edward R. Crowther
Dr. Michael B. Cruise Dr. Ian D. Culbert Dr. Pierre-Paul Dalcourt Dr. Sarah M. Dale Dre Renee Dallaire Dr. Dan Dao Dr. Robert David Dr. Leslie J. Davidson Mr. Darrell Davis Ms. Dolores Davis Mr. Terry Davison Mrs. Gayle de Bloeme Ms. Lucille de la Chevrotiere Dr. Ivone De Marchi Dr. Philip Decina Mr. Donald DeFinney Dr. Christopher deGraauw Ms. Lydia Della Rocca Dr. Elaine Dembe Dr. James DiGiuseppe Dr. Kevin Dinsmore Divine Spine Dr. Brian M. Donbrook Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook Dr. Dave J. Dorion Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko Dre Chantal Doucet Ms. Dianna Douglas Mr. Stephen F. Dow Dr. Scott Dunham Mr. Brendan Holt Dunn Dr. Deborah Dyer EBSCO Information Services Dr. Ian C. Eix Elite Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Elite Manufacturing Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen Ms. Sharon Elliott Dr. Trevor Erdie Ms. Esther Etchells Dr. Carl A. Eustace Mr. Allan Evelyn Amber Fehr Dr. Brad S. Ferguson Dr. Brittany A. Filipetti Mr. John Fisher Dr. Joanne Foley Foot Levelers, Inc. Dr. Lesley Foote Footmaxx of Canada, Inc. Jonathan Forde Devon Fordyce Dr. Matthew Forgie Mr. Jeff D. Forsyth Janine Foster-Elmslie Dr. Jason T. Fox Consuelo Francolini Annual Report 2022-2023 17
Frank H. Hori Charitable Foundation Dr. Ian Fraser Dr. Jessalynn Frederick Mr. Allan M. Freedman Dr. Patrick Freud Dr. Elsie L. Frickey Mr. Greg Friday Dr. Paul D. Friesen Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto Full Wedge Golf Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby Dr. Geoffrey Gamble Mr. David Garthus Dr. Christopher N. Garwah Mr. Lane Gates Mr. Mark Gatti Dr. Paul G. Georgopoulos Mr. Matthew Gilbert Mr. Dave Giles Mrs. Yvonne Gilinsky Dr. J. Stephen Gillis Dr. Pala Gillis Mrs. Laura Gilmore Dr. Paul C. Gilmore Dr. Dominic Giuliano Global Office Software Dr. Gregory R. G. Goodbrand Dr. John R. Gordon Dr. Linda Gordon Ms. Brenda Graham Dr. Liza Grant Dr. Robert D. Green Ms. Carol Gregory Dr. Joseph A. Grespan Marlene Greulich Ron & Mary Greulich Ms. Eldina Grinder Mr. Reiley Grose Maxime Guarnaccia Ms. Janelle Guenther Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild Mr. Roy Gunell Mrs. Brenda Gurvey Dr. Martin B. Gurvey Mr. Robert Hackett Dr. James A. Hadden Dr. Scott Haldeman Ms. Sandra Hall Dr. Nicolle C. Hamlyn Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt Dr. Lucas D. Hann Mrs. Beverley Harnick Dr. Keith G. Harper Dr. Joanne M. Hartley Dr. Jillian Hartman Grelowski
Dr. Aimee Hatcher Mrs. Marilyn Hawkrigg Ms. Janet Hayes Dr. John R. Hayes Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman Dr. Eric A. Helson Dr. L. Kevin Henbid Mr. John Hetherington Ms. Leslie A. Hetherington Steven Hetherington Mr. Doug Heuer Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP Dr. Timothy Hiebert Ms. Frances Hillier Dr. Paul K. Ho Dr. Elizabeth Hodgins Dr. Warren S. Hollis Dr. Sarah J. Hopkins Dr. Ian J. Horseman Ms. Alexandra Horwood Dre Julie Hudon Gesine Hugya Ms. Karen Hugya Dr. Deborah L. Hutchison Dr. John N. Huy Mary-Ellen Hynd Dr. Jonathan Hynes illustrate inc. Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan Dr. Ali Jaffery Dr. Wayne P. Jakeman Ms. Kristy Jamieson Ms. Karen Jenkins Jiani Medical and Sport Ltd Mrs. Adrienne M. Johnson Ms. Livia Johnson Ms. Sandy Johnson Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston Dr. William A. Johnstone Dr. Christopher F. Jones Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis Ms. Leona Kane Dr. Peter J. Kapogianes Dr. Roy Kariatsumari Dr. Rahim Karim Dr. Darryl D. Kashton Ms. Ellen Kayes Dr. Mohsen Kazemi Dr. Terence M. Kehler Mr. Ken Kelk Mr. Gary Keller Ms. Arlene Kent Dr. Thomas F. Kerr * Mr. Jay Kilgannon Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin
18 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Mr. Kevin Kinsman Mrs. Margot Kitchen Kleenzone Ltd. Dr. Terrence N. Knight Kory Knoblauch Dr. Randy A. Kobayashi Dr. Sasha Kobrossi Dr. Richard H. Kolanos Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk Dr. Deborah R. KopanskyGiles Dr. Paul A. Korbelas Dr. Larry G. Kozuback Dr. Shane B. Kraft Ingrid Kremer Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson Ms. Brenda Kryschuk Dr. Mark G. Labrecque Dr. Melanie Lachapelle Dr. Derrill K. Ladell Dr. Rebecca Laffoley Dr. Lawrence LaFrance Dr. Rebecca M. Laginski Dre Christine Laliberte Mr. John Lambing Dr. J. Donald Langford Mrs. Doreen M. Lanskail Dr. Garth W. LaPlante Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre Dr. Robert A. Laquerre Dr. Luc Lavigueur Mr. George Lazarevski Dr. Thanh Le Dr. Marc LeBlanc Dr. Michel LeBlanc Dr. David Lee Lee Chiropractic & Sports Therapy Clinic Mrs. Regina Lehman Ms. May Leong Ms. Karen Leonhardt Dr. Georges Lepage Brad Lepp Dr. Carolyn J. Levere Dr. Pierre Levesque Mme Joanne Levis Ms. Donna Lewis Ms. Marli Lichtman Dr. Lisa M. Lirette Ms. Cathy Lloyd Ms. Wendy Lo Dr. Katelyn C. Lockwood Ms. Belinda Long Dr. Arthur Lopes Dr. Gerald Lopez Dr. Marco Lozej Dr. Octavian C. Lucaciu Dr. Ted Luck
Dr. Bradley D. Luther Dr. Chanh Luu Dr. Kristine A. Lyons Dr. Lee MacAllister Jacki MacDonald Dr. Ward D. MacDonald Miss Laura Mackay Mr. Greg MacMullin Dr. Altaz Madhavji Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney Mr. Wayne Mak Dr. Robin D. Mallory Dr. Katie Malone Dr. Sandra J. Malpass Mr. Ryan Mann Ms. Deb Manz Dr. Denis Marcotte Mr. Richard Marcotte Marcoux-Roy Inc. Markdale Chiropractic Centre Dr. Jeffrey C. Marshall Dr. Victoria L. Marshall Ms. Angela Martens Massage Addict Inc. Dre Natalie Masse Dr. Sarah Mattice Mrs. Mari McAndrews Mr. Ken & Barbara McAulay Ms. Margaret McCallen Dr. Dorothea McCallum Dr. Jason D. McDonald Dr. Megan J. McDonald Ms. Valerie McIntosh Dr. Dominic McKenna Ms. Tina McKeown Dr. Michael McLauchlin Dr. Adrienne McRuvie Dr. Kelley M. McVarish Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy Marie-Andrée Mercier Dre Marie-France Mercier Mr. Pascale Mercier Dr. Richard Mercier Mr. Serge Mercier Mr. Albert Mezzabotta Mr. Mike Michasiw Dr. Wesley Michaud Nicole Mickleborough Dr. David P. Millar Curtis Minogue Pamela Minuk Dr. Silvano A. Mior MKT Courier and Cartage Inc Ms. Kathleen Mohr Adam Moir Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer Dr. Lynda Montgomery Pat Moore
William Moore Dr. Jean A. Moss Mr. Keith G. Moss Mr. Kent Murnaghan Patrick Musitano Mr. David Napper Ms. Christina Neudorf Duane Neufeld Neufeld Auctions New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Mrs. Barbara Newbigging Dr. Jill M. Newell Newfoundland & Labrador Chiropractic Association Dr. Paul C. Newton Nielsen Fitness Inc. Dr. Craig D. Norman North Vancouver Island Chiropractic Society North York Rehabilitation Centre Corp. Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem Ignatius & Alison O'Farrell Mr. Steve O'Farrell Dr. Grant O'Neill Mr. Helmut Ohlmann Dr. Irene Oliviero Ontario Chiropractic Association Opis Supplies Inc Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit Pamela Ouellette Dr. Catherine Owens Paper Dimension Inc Dr. Richard Parisien Dr. Mary-Irene Parker Dr. Gordon F. Partridge Dr. Sean E. J. Payne Veda Payne Mrs. Kelly Peacock People Corporation Ms. Marilyn Pepper Dr. Michael W. Pernfuss Dr. Mark C. Perrett Dre Denise Perron Ms. Dorothea Phair Dr. David Phillips Dr. David A. Piche Dr. Indira Pillay-Rego Dr. Richard Plourde Dr. Douglas L. Pooley Dr. Michael J. Prendergast Probus Club of North York Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor Gilles Quenneville Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon Mr. David Raab
Mrs. Serena Raab Goitanich Dr. Richard Raigoza Dr. Shervin Ranjbar RBC Wealth Management Inc. RD Psychotherapy Dr. Lucas Z. Regier Dr. Paul M. Rego Renmark Financial Communications Inc. Dr. Marcel Reux Dr. Laurence (Larry) G. Reynolds Dr. Marty V. Richter Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers Mrs. Patti Riley Mr. Greg Roberts Dr. Ryan Robichaud Mrs. Jane Rocher Mr. Jeremy Rondeau Ms. Judy Ross Dr. Samuel James Rouse Ms. Wendy Rowe Royal Bank of Canada Ms. Rhonda Rozwadowski Dr. Gregory Ruhr Dr. Matthew Ruston Ms. Susan Rutherford Dr. Rowena Ryan Dr. William Salameh Mr. Ravi Samlal Claudio Sanhueza Sonia Sanhueza Laura Sanhueza-Miller Mr. Martin Satller Dr. Thomas M. Sawa Christine Schmidt Mrs. Lynne Schneider Dr. Murray E. Schneider Dr. Brian D. Schut Gayla Schwartz Mrs. Patti Scott Dr. Stacey Scott Dr. Darren J. Scraper Dr. Brian Seaman Dr. Kathryn Sellars Dr. George Semerdjian Ms. Raheela Shaikh Ms. Frances Share Ms. S. Donna Sharp Dr. Bryan Sher Mrs. Betty Shimsha Ms. Shabana Siddiqui Dr. Michael D. Sider Dr. Ramandip (Roshni) K. Sidhu Dr. Lisa Simpson McQuarrie Dr. Vincent Sinclair Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg
Dr. Linda Slaney Dr. Paul Slaney Dr. William M. Smith Karen Snyder Mr. Eric Solomon Dr. Laura Solway Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow Dr. Ashton D. Spencer Ms. Elizabeth Spoenlein Mr. Mitchell Squarey Dr. Alexander M. St. Pierre Dr. William P. Stackhouse Staples Advantage Dr. David J. Starmer Dr. Douglas C. Starodub Dr. Igor Steiman Dr. Kirsten M. Stevens Dr. Carmine Stillo Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt Dr. Kailee Stock Dr. Sarah Stock Brenda Straus Mr. Brian Straus Dr. Catherine M. Straus Dr. Arden P. Strudwick Dr. Kent J. Stuber Student Canadian Chiropractic Association Dr. Thomas S. Summers Mr. W. Daniel Swift Dr. Mark A. Symchych Dr. Patricia A. Tavares Dr. Bryce Taylor Dr. John A. M. Taylor Dr. Shane H. Taylor Dr. Sue Taylor Mr. Bob Taylor-Vaisey Miss Miranda Taylor-Vaisey The Board of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors The Co-operators Group Insurance Dr. Richard R. Thompson Dr. Anthony Tibbles Dr. Filipe Tiburcio Ms. Heather Treffler Dr. Astrid Trim Trulfin Investments (2007) Inc. Dr. Nick Tsaggarelis Cadence Tschetter Dr. Natalia Tukhareli Ms. Vera Turner Dr. Jennifer Turpin Dr. Beverly A. Tyler Mr. G. Douglas Vaisey Dr. Richard L. Valade Joe Vander Ploeg Dr. John W. Vargo
Mr. Todd Vasey Dr. Marcia Veitch Martin Viana Claude Viel Dr. Stephen P. Viljakainen Dr. Michael Vilkas Mrs. Barb Vodicka Mrs. Natascha Voll Dr. Darrell J. Wade Ms. Mary Waite Ms. Susan Warren Ms. Tina Warren Ms. Anmarie J. Webb Ms. Gary Wellbrock Wellesley Therapeutics Inc. Mr. Brett Wellsch Dr. Patrick J. Welsh Ms. Elaine Welter Ms. Isabel Wendell Ms. Charlene Werner Dr. Joshua I. West Mr. David Whalen Dr. Douglas White Mr. Mike Whitmore Dr. Kathy Wickens Dr. David Wickes Mrs. Debora Wickes Ms. Brooks Wickett Dr. Sarah E. Wild Dr. Michael Wiles Matt Wilhelm Dr. Sarah C. Williams Ms. Wendy Williams Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson Windsor Walk-In Chiropractic Clinic Mr. Richard Wine Dr. Robert M. Wingfield Dr. Bryan Wolfe Mr. Ernest Wolkin Ms. Lilly Wong Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey Dr. Darcy P. Worthylake Dr. Dean J. Wright Dr. Deborah S. Wright Dr. Julie Yaworski Yonge-Spruce Chiropractic Clinic York-Peel Chiropractic Society Mr. Travis Young Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw Ms. Collette Zimmerman Ms. Teresa Ziolkowski Mr. Elwood Zolc * Deceased
Annual Report 2022-2023 19
Financial Report CMCC continues to focus its efforts on creating a sustainable financial foundation to maintain its reputation as a leader in chiropractic education, research and patient care. CMCC appreciates the broader community of donors that supported the repayment of long-term debt required to relocate and expand the current campus at 6100 Leslie Street. With this major milestone behind us, CMCC is looking forward toward institutional priorities that are aligned with its renewed strategic goals, while always striving to provide innovative student experiences that are supported with and through new technological advances in the chiropractic field. 20 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
CMCC’s financial stability is illustrated through the composite financial index (CFI), a measure used widely throughout higher education. The CFI utilizes four core ratios measuring various aspects of an organization’s financial well-being: the primary reserve ratio, the viability ratio (only for institutions with long-term debt), the return on net assets ratio and the net operating revenues ratio. These ratios are weighted and combined to determine the overall CFI score on a ten-point
Ratios and Composite Financial Index (CFI) 2018 - 2023 60%
Composite Financial Index "CFI Score"
3.0 24.6%
0% 2018
Primary Reserve Ratio
Net Income Operations Ratio
Return on Net Assets Ratio
CFI Score
scale. In recent years CMCC has maintained a CFI score above two, and at 4.61 in 2023. A CFI score of between two and five indicates the institution should direct resources toward transformation, which is well aligned with CMCC’s renewed strategic goals. CMCC’s financial stability is further illustrated through consistent growth in the Unrestricted General Fund; Internally Restricted Contingency Fund; and Endowment Fund between 2018-2023. The aforementioned funds support CMCC’s strategic initiatives (including: research and investments in equipment used for teaching/learning), unanticipated events and opportunities, as well as a source of funds to attract and retain top students in the Doctor of Chiropractic program of study.
CMCC’s commitment to allocate surplus operating resources to the General and Internally Restricted Contingency Funds enables the organization to take advantage of strategic investment opportunities, while also ensuring operational, reputational, and business risks associated with unanticipated activities/events can be appropriately managed. The Internally Restricted Contingency Fund grew to $8.3 million with a view to achieving the aspirational goal of the equivalent of a six-month operating reserve, while the General Fund reached $6.7 million at May 31, 2023. CMCC’s priority to reduce reliance on tuition-related sources of revenue continues to be challenged despite an improvement in 2022 and 2023 vs. 2021. These challenges include the persistence of Annual Report 2022-2023 21
Fund Balances $8,000 000
$8.3 $7.6
$7,000 000
$6,000 000 $5.5
$5,000 000
$4,000 000
$1.0 $5.2
$3,000 000 $2,000 000 $1,000 000
$0.6 $0.5
General Fund
2019 Internally Restricted Contingency Fund
• External Restricted Funds
• Endowment Fund
Sources of Operating Revenue 2021-2023
Tuition & Student Fees 22 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Non-Tuition Revenue
Target Tuition Revenue (75%)
pandemic-related restrictions, as well as narrowing profit margins in ancillary business units and increased competition from online e-channels serving practitioner supply needs. In light of reduced sources of revenue, all areas of operational expenditures (e.g. cost of goods sold, reductions to profit-sharing arrangements) have and continue to be scrutinized and rationalized where possible.
FSTT® units (2022 was unusually high) resulted in the decrease in Other Revenue. However, an area of marked revenue improvement (+ 12%) was recognized in the category of investment income in response to interest rate hikes imposed by the Bank of Canada as a measure to curb inflationary pressures.
The following chart illustrates continued improvement in certain ancillary revenue sources as a % of Total Revenues (2022 vs 2023). Yearover-year revenues from the Supply Centre and Bookstore were down 8%, and lower sales of
Sources of Non-Tuition Revenue 2021-2023
3.2% 2.0%
1.8% 1.0%
0% Supply Centre and Bookstore 2021
Clinic Fees
Continuing Education
Membership Fees
Investment Income
2023 Annual Report 2022-2023 23
Understanding the Financial Statements The financial statements that follow relate to operational activities for the year ended May 31, 2023 and the financial position for CMCC as of May 31, 2023, with comparative data as of May 31, 2022. The information contained therein is consistent with the Audited Financial Statements reviewed and reported on by BDO Canada LLP in its capacity as CMCC’s external auditor.
Statement of financial position Describes the overall financial position or fiscal health of the organization. This statement itemizes assets and liabilities, including deferred contributions, and fund balances totaling $35.8 million (2022 - $33.9 million).
Statement of operations and changes in fund balances Identifies the sources of revenue and uses of resources in the form of expenses for the General Fund, Internally Restricted Contingency Fund, Externally Restricted Funds and Endowment Fund. This statement confirms the General Operating Fund finished the year ended May 31, 2023 with revenues in excess of expenses in the amount of $1.3 million (2022 - $1.0 million), and transferred $0.5 million (2022 - $2.5 million) of accumulated reserves to the Internally Restricted Contingency Fund. The fund balances each reflect incremental growth in accumulated ending balances and represent
24 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
the net asset values reported on the Statement of Financial Position. The reported fund balances represent the accumulated excess of revenues over expenses and interfund transfers since their inception.
Statement of cash flows Describes the movement of cash in support of CMCC’s operational, financing and investing activities for the year ended May 31, 2023. During the 2023 fiscal year, cash of $3.2 million (2022 - $2.4 million) was generated from operating activities, primary uses of cash were for the purchase of capital assets (2023 $0.2 million and 2022 $0.5 million) and investments (2023 $4.1 million and 2022 $1.0 million).
Schedule of continuity of restricted funds Describes restricted fund balances that were received for specific purposes in accordance with the wishes/direction of donor(s). Total restricted funds on hand as of May 31, 2023 were $1.6 million (2022 - $1.3 million). CMCC’s Restricted Funds include the Canadian Chiropractic Historical Association (CCHA); Governors’ Club; Research; and Scholarship, Bursary and Other Trust Funds.
Statement of CHIROPRACTIC Financial Position CANADIAN MEMORIAL COLLEGE - DRAFT Statement of Financial Position May 31, 2023 with comparative information for 2022 2023
Current assets: Cash Restricted cash (note 9) Guaranteed investment certificates Restricted investments, short term Cash in trust (note 2(a)) Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses and other
Investments (note 3) Restricted investments, long term (note 3 & 9) Capital assets (note 4) Total Assets
4,580,924 842,238 3,000,000 1,077,736 1,071,372 351,397 257,209 785,208 11,966,084 543,382 12,800,256 23,346,956 48,656,678
5,025,243 735,185 843,671 1,720,467 418,831 249,928 831,168 9,824,493 495,313 12,019,918 24,825,878 47,165,602
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 5) Fees paid in advance Current portion of capital lease payable
3,509,504 343,702 2,306 3,855,512
3,429,868 459,889 27,246 3,917,003
Long term liabilities: Deferred contributions related to capital assets (note 7) Total Liabilities
8,960,509 12,816,021
9,365,866 13,282,869
Fund balances: General and invested in capital assets funds Invested in capital assets (note 8) General fund Total general and invested in capital assets funds
14,384,141 6,736,286 21,120,427
15,432,766 4,851,194 20,283,960
Restricted funds Internally restricted contingency fund Externally restricted funds (see schedule A) Endowment fund Total restricted funds (note 9)
8,305,114 1,572,339 4,842,777 14,720,230
7,578,340 1,252,689 4,767,744 13,598,773
Total Fund Balances
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. On behalf of the Board: ________________________________ Dr. Greg Woolfrey, Director Dr. Greg Woolfrey, Director
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson, Director
Annual Report 2022-2023 25
Statement of Cash Flows CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE - DRAFT Statement of Cash Flows Year ended May 31, 2023 with comparative information for 2022 2023 Operating activities: Excess of revenue over expenses: General fund Internally restricted contingency fund Externally restricted funds Endowment fund
Items not involving cash: Amortization of capital assets Unrealized losses (gains) on investments Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets Change in non-cash operating working capital balances
Financing activities: Contributions received for the purchase of capital assets Repayment of capital leases (Decrease) increase in cash in trust
Investing activities: Purchase of capital assets Purchase of investments, net Purchase of guaranteed investment certificates Increase in cash and restricted cash Cash and restricted cash, beginning of year Cash and restricted cash, end of year
1,038,932 (122,166) 200,621 (72,868)
1,663,742 (11,309) (463,921) 69,562 3,215,998
1,734,708 804,388 (445,528) (740,795) 2,397,292
58,564 (24,940) 649,095 682,719
181,965 (105,144) (453,752) (376,931)
(184,820) (1,051,163) (3,000,000) (4,235,983) (337,266)
(480,853) (963,014) (1,443,867) 576,494
5,760,428 5,423,162
4,580,924 842,238 5,423,162
Cash and restricted cash are comprised of: Cash Restricted cash
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements
1,341,588 228,060 323,162 65,114
5,183,934 5,760,428
5,025,243 735,185 5,760,428
Schedule of Continuity of Restricted Funds
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances – Restricted Funds CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE - DRAFT
Year ended May 31, 2023 with comparative information for 2022– Restricted Funds Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances Year ended May 31, 2023 with comparative information for 2022 Schedule A - Externally Restricted Funds Schedule A - Externally Restricted Funds 2023 Donations $ 2023 Research grants Donations Investment income Research grants Unrealized gains on investments Investment income Unrealized gains on investments Graduate and research expense Fundraising Awards Graduate and research expense TransferFundraising to general fund for capital projects Awards Transfer to of general fund forexpenses capital projects Excess (deficiency) revenue over Fund balances, beginning of year Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses Interfund transfers of year Fund balFund ancesbalances, , end of yebeginning ar $ Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year 2022 Donations $ 2022 Research grants Donations Investment income Research Unrealized losses grants on investments Investment income Unrealized losses on investments Graduate and research expense Fundraising Awards Graduate and research expense TransferFundraising to general fund for capital projects Awards Excess (deficiency) revenue over Transfer to of general fund forexpenses capital projects Fund balances, beginning of year Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year $ Fund balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year
CCHA Fund 1,200 $ 415 1,615 2,193 250 2,443
Scholarship Governor’s Research & Other Club Fund Fund Trust FuSncdhsolarship Total CCHA Governor’s Research & Other $und 42,00C0lub $ $und 204,T4r0u4st F$ F Fund 176,133 F unds 423,737 Total 77,900 77,900 1,200 $ 1,100 42,000 $ - 176,133 $ 18,700 204,404 $ 20,215 423,737 - 77,900 5,559 5,559 77,900 415 43,100 1,100 254,033 228,663 18,700 527,411 20,215 - 141,519 - 5,559 141,519 5,559 1,615 3,121 43,100 - 254,033 - 228,663 5,314 527,411 - 17,416 141,519 1,100 - 141,519 16,066 2,193 - 40,000 5,314 40,000 3,121 250 44,221 1,100 141,519 16,066 16,066 204,249 17,416 - 323,162 40,000 (1,121) 40,000 112,514 212,597 2,443 5,555 44,221 716,977 141,519 517,504 16,066 1,252,689 204,249
(828) 12,653 - (828) 11,825 12$,653 $ 11,825 CCHA Fund 1,100 $ 66 1,166 2,048 2,048
- (1,121) (3,512) 112,514 - 212,597 (3,512) 323,162 4,434 5$,555 825,979 716$,977 730,101 517$,504 1,572,3319,252,689 (3,512) (3,512) $ 4,434 $ 825,979Sch$ 7 3 0 , 1 0 1 $ 1 , 5 72,339 olarship
Governor’s Research & Other Club Fund Fund Trust FuSncdhsolarship Total CCHA Governor’s Research & Other $und 43,851 $und 121,462 F Club $ Fund 138,888 F Trust F$ unds 305,300 Total 59,412 59,412 1,100 $ 169 43,851 $ - 138,888 $ 20,138 121,462 $ 20,373 305,300 - (31,367) 59,412 - 59,412 (31,367) 66 169 198,300 44,020 110,233 20,138 353,719 20,373 - 91,033 - (31,367) 91,033 (31,367) 1,166 3,587 44,020 - 198,300 - 110,233 5,635 353,719 - 16,430 91,033 1,400 - 91,033 15,030 2,048 - 40,000 5,635 40,000 3,587 44,987 1,400 91,033 15,030 15,030 153,098 16,430 - 200,621 40,000 (967) 40,000 107,267 95,203 2,048 6,522 44,987 609,710 91,033 422,301 15,030 1,052,068 153,098
(882) 13,535 - (882) 12,653 13,535 $ $ 12,653
5,555 $
(967) - 107,267 $ 716,977 609,710 $ 6,522 5,555 $ 716,977
- 95,203 - 200,621 517,504 422,301 $ 1,252,689 1,052,068 $ 517,504 $ 1,252,689
Annual Report 2022-2023 27
28 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College $
See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses Fund balances, beginning of year Interfund transfers Fund balances, end of year
Expenses: Undergraduate education Administration Graduate and research expense Building services Amortization expense Fundraising Awards Transfer to deferred contributions related to capital assets
Revenue: Tuition fees Other student fees Clinic fees Continuing education Donations Membership fees Supply centre and bookstore Other Research grants Investment income Unrealized gains (losses) on investments
24,520,814 1,038,932 21,787,920 (2,542,892) 20,283,960
25,013,823 1,341,588 20,283,960 (505,121) 21,120,427
20,084,616 402,076 809,693 489,090 109,747 303,447 1,736,471 1,604,173 52,496 (32,063) 25,559,746 9,409,838 7,872,326 2,503,593 2,175,547 1,734,708 744,062 80,740 -
9,460,636 8,521,512 2,338,303 2,183,819 1,663,742 751,763 94,048 -
20,767,717 381,611 908,142 506,871 390,557 278,404 1,597,631 1,219,465 304,526 487 26,355,411
General Fund
Year ended May 31, 2023 with comparative information for 2022
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
228,060 7,578,340 498,714 8,305,114
225,447 2,613 228,060
(122,166) 5,187,938 2,512,568 7,578,340
331,060 (453,226) (122,166)
Internally Restricted Contingency Fund
204,249 323,162 1,252,689 (3,512) 1,572,339
141,519 5, 314 17,416 40,000
423,737 77,900 20,215 5, 559 527,411
153,098 200,621 1,052,068 1,252,689
91,033 5,635 16,430 40,000
305,300 59,412 20,374 (31,367) 353,719
(See Schedule A)
Externally Restricted Funds
100,000 22,914 -
119,210 (72,868) 4,810,288 30,324 4,767,744
100,000 19,210 -
122,921 211,152 (287,731) 46,342
Endowment Fund
45,883 139,495 2, 650 188,028
122,914 65,114 4,767,744 9, 919 4,842,777
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE - DRAFT
Board of Governors June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
Dr. Greg Woolfrey
Scott Haldeman
Dr. Mark Perrett
Deb Manz
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson
Donna Sharp
Dr. Richard Mercier
Past Chair
Ernie Wolkin
Dr. Catherine Straus
Executive Member
Deb Manz
Executive Member
Board Members Emeriti
Pan-Canadian Chiropractors
Dr. Ron Brady
Debbie Brake-Patten
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Sonia Doroshenko Liza Grant Kevyn Kristmanson Richard Mercier Mary-Irene Parker Mark Perrett
Board Liaison Margaret McCallen
Board Legal Counsel Allan Freedman
Denise Perron Peter Shipka Catherine Straus Sarah Williams Greg Woolfrey
Administration June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023
President David Wickes, DC, MA
Vice President, Academic Christine Bradaric-Baus, BSc, PhD
Vice President, Administration and Finance Allan Evelyn, MFAc, CPA, CGA
Dean, Clinics
Associate Vice President, Institutional Advancement and Communications Mara Bartolucci, BA (Hons)
Chief Information Officer John Cargill, BA
Registrar Patricia Scott, BA(Hons), MSc
Anthony Tibbles, BSc (Hons), DC, FCCS(C) Annual Report 2022-2023 29
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
2022–2023 Annual Report
is produced by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Associate Vice President and Executive Editor: Mara Bartolucci Art Director: Dora Kussulas Photography: Chris Vassalos and iStockphoto.com
6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1 Telephone: 416 482 2340
© CMCC 2023 Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office. The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College is committed to ensuring accessible services and communications to individuals with disabilities. To receive any part of this document in an alternate format, please contact Marketing and Communications at communications@cmcc.ca.