Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
2015-2016 annual report Setting our sights on the future
Our Vision An academic institution recognised for creating leaders in spinal health
Our Mission Deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care
CMCC is dedicated to pursuing innovation in education, research and patient care. In this way, the institution effectively prepares its students to become tomorrow’s leaders in spinal health. CMCC’s achievements this year demonstrate the success of this approach in paving the way toward increased collaboration with other health care professions, and helping to define the profession within the changing Canadian health care landscape. Annual Report 2015-2016 1
A message from the Chair of the Board and President
David Gryfe, DC Chair
David Wickes, DC, MA President
Adapting to trends
Welcome to the 2015 – 2016 annual report, a look back
framework will provide for greater efficiency, enhanced
Increasing external clinical placements
Rather than having to compare Google Scholar
on the year’s developments and the results of the hard
opportunities for non-senior administrators and provide
During 2015–16, CMCC increased external clinic
search results against library holdings for full text,
work of staff and faculty across all areas of CMCC.
better representation of the student community within
placements, expanding its clinical program at St.
this “one stop” integration enhances both the ease
executive leadership.
Michael’s Hospital and at Sherbourne Health Centre,
and functionality of the search experience as well as
offering more students an opportunity to experience
heightening awareness and increasing use of CMCC licensed resources.
This year’s highlights include: a new technologyenabled recruitment process that allows a greater
Within the new organizational structure, we have created
complex cases in an interprofessional environment.
number of prospective students and stakeholders to
a new VP, Administration and Finance role, consolidating
This follows a trend to locate various health
engage in the interview process; the completion of
administration and service divisions under one executive.
professions within the same health facility and mirrors
a number of technological solutions and programs
Ms. Brenda Smith fills this new role. Dr. Silvano Mior has
the increase of chiropractors electing to practice within
Providing e-resources
to improve student access to resources, improve
taken on the role of VP, Research and External Relations,
multidisciplinary settings.
In recent years, the trend in library information
administrative processes, and realize financial savings;
consolidating his responsibilities in Government Relations,
delivery has overwhelmingly been in the delivery of
the signing of an important international Memorandum
Strategic Partnerships and Research. Dr. Anthony Tibbles
electronic resources to meet user expectations for
of Understanding with the University of Southern
as Dean of Clinics (formerly Associate Dean) now reports
Improving access to library resources
24/7 access to information in an increasingly mobile
Denmark; and of considerable satisfaction, the
directly to the President and is an integral part of the
Google Scholar, a mainstay research tool used to
environment. Usage statistics consistently show a
re-accreditation of CMCC's Doctor of Chiropractic
Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Mr. Chris McGrath,
search scholarly literature, is a freely accessible web
year over year increase among core information
program, by the Council of Chiropractic Education
previously Registrar and Director of Student Services has
search engine that indexes the full text or metadata
e-resources, but also reflect continued use of required
Canada through which CMCC was reaffirmed for the
become Associate VP, Student Experience and Registrar
of scholarly literature across many disciplines and
and recommended texts in print.
maximum of seven years. The next full accreditation
and is also a member of the ELT.
sources. To match the evolving needs of students, the CMCC
review will occur in 2022. We hope you will enjoy an overview of this year’s
This past year, the CMCC Health Sciences Library
Library acquired the LWW Health Library, a collection of
In preparation for the development of CMCC’s
activities, reflecting the planning and execution of
integrated its subscription e-journals into Google
12 e-books within a platform that supports multimedia
forthcoming multi-year strategic plan, we also unveiled
institution-wide goals that have resulted in smarter
Scholar, allowing students and faculty to directly
integration assets such as iOS compatible videos and an
a new organizational structure and made changes to
business practices, and consideration for the future of
access full text from Google Scholar search
extensive self-assessment question bank for testing or
our executive leadership team. This new organizational
chiropractic, the institution and the larger environment.
2 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 3
Taking care of the future
Year I Director, Dr. Kim Ross, and says
enable CMCC to provide Graduate
specialized program areas of the
that ExamSoft™ has also enabled
Studies transcripts in future.
Diagnostic Imaging curriculum.
environmental footprint and cost
Leveraging Distance technology
Ensuring student success
generated through examinations, as
within Graduate Studies
While 2013-14 saw an unusual dip
CMCC to greatly reduce CMCC’s
Piloting video-based interviews
participation, and allows assessors
The assessment software offers a
thousands of printed pages are no
Distance education technology
in the normally very high Board
In 2015-16, CMCC joined the ranks
more opportunity to reflect and
number of advantages including the
longer necessary.
has enhanced CMCC’s ability to
examination results for CMCC
of institutions such as Yale, in the US
consider applicant competencies.
ability to measure competency-based
collaborate with world experts, both
students as compared to the
and University of Toronto, Queens,
Enrollment for the 2016 academic
standards, course outcomes and CCEB
Aligning with Master’s programs
in teaching and research activities.
general pool of candidates, numbers
and University of British Columbia in
year reflects significant increases
outcomes. Examination results can
In 2015-16 CMCC adopted a credit
Last year, CMCC worked with
provided in 2015 reveal CMCC has
Canada by being the first chiropractic
in students from the provinces of
be viewed in real time. Faculty can
weighting system for its clinical
individuals in France for research and
returned to its traditionally high
college worldwide to implement
Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and
determine immediately if students
sciences and sports sciences
systematic reviews, and facilitated
success rate. CMCC students scored
a video-based platform for the
Prince Edward Island.
are grasping the material and feed
residency programs to enable a
distance classes for a graduate
an average of five percentage
that data back into the curriculum.
direct comparison to university
student fulfilling a World Spine
points higher than the general pool
Bidding farewell to Scantrons
Likewise, students are able to easily
level Master’s programs and
Care placement in the Dominican
of candidates for Part A and eight
The video-based format allows
In 2015, CMCC began piloting the
and quickly determine the areas
provide a clearer understanding
Republic. Additionally, CMCC tapped
percent higher for Part B. CMCC
consistency of representation
use ExamSoft™, a technology
in which they need help. Year II
of the program requirements and
into the expertise of a neuroimaging
students remained at a 95% success
across assessment teams, increases
solution to replace the use of
Director, Dr. Ian Fraser coordinated
curriculum for current and potential
specialist on the other side of the
rate for Part C, a match with the
geographic accessibility for student
Scantrons during examinations.
implementation of the software with
students. Credit weightings will also
world to teach one of the highly
general pool of candidates.
admissions interview.
4 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 5
Smart Business
Sharing Knowledge
Going green
redundancies on the new systems
Praefectus. Developed in-
CMCC has committed to lowering
ensure that standby servers can be
house and deployed during the
its environmental impact both
brought online quickly in the case
summer of 2015, Praefectus is
Signing international agreements
extending their health
through increased energy
of disruption, ensuring seamless
a quality assurance (QA) tool
CMCC signed a Memorandum of
education and gaining
efficiency and greater waste
function and reducing maintenance
that measures 60 attributes
Understanding with the University
a competitive edge in
diversion. Plans were made to
from within the electronic
of Southern Denmark (SDU) in
our knowledge-based
health record.
June, formalizing an alliance that
reorganize and restyle recycling stations. Dialogue with staff and
CMCC also moved its tape back-up
students about environmental
system to a disk to disk solution,
The QA tool identifies
collaboration within research and
stewardship began with plans to
again reducing costs and ensuring
low scoring items for
education, increasing the capacity
Collaborating in
roll out additional education and
data is secure and can be efficiently
improvement and allows
of both institutions, as well as cross
promotion campaigns over the
the measurement of trends
cultural knowledge sharing.
Once again this
will provide opportunities for
year, the UOIT-
over multiple audit periods.
coming year.
Individual reports can also be
“Agreements such as this promote
CMCC Centre for
Automating clinic administration
reviewed. This tool has been
international dialogue and enable
Disability Prevention
Increasing energy efficiency
Technological conversion of many
helpful in managing health
collaboration, reducing barriers to
and Rehabilitation
CMCC was able to reduce energy
clinic administration processes
record quality and identifying
care for patients. We look forward
(CDPR) was successful
use by 502,691 KW during the
has enhanced the experience of
areas of regulatory and
to advancing collaboration within
in increasing the
2015-16 academic year through
users, interns and clinicians. These
accreditation compliance.
research and increasing learning
international impact
the installation of a voltage
improvements include changes
opportunities for students,” said
of the Centre’s
harmonizer and an upgraded
to competency evaluation of both
Dr. Silvano Mior, Vice President
research. Researchers
building automation system (adding
clinician and intern,
Research and External Relations
at CDPR are now
occupancy sensors so that lights go
clinician feedback
who oversees CMCC collaboration
leading projects in France, Norway,
off automatically). These proactive
and the clinical
Chile and Botswana, increasing the
Showcasing the latest findings
cost saving measures will help CMCC
observorship program
Centre’s footprint and broadening
The 2016 Research Symposium
to continue to conserve energy and
in which Year I, II
its knowledge base as international
was filled to capacity as CMCC
will help to build a buffer between
and III students may
Developing a joint program
researchers collaborate on joint
hosted researchers from the
maintenance costs and rising hydro
observe treatment.
with UOIT
University of Zurich and specialists
costs in Ontario.
The changes have
A notice of intent for a joint CMCC-
allowed the data to
UOIT Work Disability Prevention
In 2015-16, the CDPR was awarded
discuss the latest findings and
be reported in an
Diploma (WDP) Program was
$600,000 in grants from the
investigations regarding lumber
Growing server capacity and
efficient, clear and
signed this year. A shared program
Canadian Chiropractic Association
disc protrusion/herniation. A good
increasing security
meaningful manner.
between the two institutions
and Ontario Chiropractic Association
blend of researchers and clinicians
would ultimately serve to enhance
to evaluate a new health care
made it possible for those in
In 2015, CMCC improved the
from Canada and the US to
efficiency of its IT infrastructure by
CMCC clinics have also
enrollment in the program
service for the Canadian Armed
attendance to view the issue from
decommissioning older generation
begun to utilize an
overall and would broaden the
Forces. This brings the total amount
a number of angles and inspired
IT servers and consolidating services
auditing application,
scope of the audience of health
of grants awarded during this
discussion and debate following
onto newer systems that can host
known by internal
professionals interested in
period to $760,124.
the event.
multiple software programs. Built in
stakeholders as
6 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 7
Providing treatment at the Pan
Dr. Scott Howitt was part of the
Les Wiltshire and Pat Tavares to
Am Games
Core Medical Team for Team
the Dominican Republic to treat
Members of the CMCC community
Canada, underscoring the value of
underserved populations in rural
played an integral role on medical
chiropractic within a health care
areas of the country.
teams at the recent Toronto Pan
team. According to Dr. Anthony
Am and Parapan Am Games.
Tibbles, Dr. Howitt’s appointment
The group travelled to eight
Seven clinicians and four graduate
“paves the way for future
locations, treating close to 1,000
students provided treatment and
chiropractors and sports specialists
people, some of whom had
support to athletes throughout the
to continue to work at the highest
minimal access to health care.
Opening the doors
games. According to participant
level of interdisciplinary sports care.”
Many of the conditions treated
As part of a strategy to seek new
Dr. Alex Lee, “working within
were the results of motor vehicle
opportunities to invite the greater
multidisciplinary teams, provided
accidents and complications such
community to campus, CMCC
an opportunity for CMCC faculty
Treating at Outreach Abroad in
as diabetes.”The interns,” says Dr.
successfully applied to participate
and other chiropractors to
the Dominican Republic
Wiltshire, “develop confidence and
in the 17 annual Doors Open
demonstrate (their) skills and level
In April 2016, CMCC sent 13
tend to come away with a broader
Toronto Event this past May. It was
of education.”
interns along with clinicians Drs.
perspective on life.”
Broadening our reach
the first time the institution hosted such a public open house event. With participation of a small group of students and staff members, we enjoyed much success.
Recognized by WHO
Close to 300 engaged visitors were taken on guided tours of campus and saw a special video produced for the occasion.
CMCC interns and faculty were
and a committee
of the building and in so doing,
Treating at the Friends for life
recognized through their work at
dedicated to
to help put CMCC, its educational
Bike Rally
St. Michael’s Hospital’s Academic
addressing the
Inviting MPPs to Campus
and research programs, clinic and
CMCC interns and clinicians
Family Health Team by the World
key determinants
In collaboration with the Ontario
bookstore, on the map. Website
accompanied riders as part of the
Health Organization for ongoing
of health. CMCC
Chiropractic Association (OCA),
viewers can access the virtual tour
Wellness Crew for the third annual
work enhancing primary care
interns joined the
CMCC hosted MPPs to tour CMCC
through a Google search of CMCC,
outreach with the Toronto People
delivery in Toronto’s inner-city
new and innovative
as part of an effort to educate
6100 Leslie Street and choose the
with AIDS foundation’s (PWA)
community, at an event at the
health team in
provincial government members
Google map option, or link to it from
Friends for Life Bike Rally. Clinicians
World Health Assembly, held
2012, (moving
about the profession and the high
the home page of
and crew treated 115 patients
May 27 in Geneva, Switzerland.
from a separate
over six days in this community
level of education provided by
chiropractic clinic
CMCC. The tour was well received
Featured in the virtual tour are
fundraiser that raised over $1 million
CMCC is proud to be a part of
operating in the
by both OCA and MPP audiences.
select laboratories, equipment and
this year for people living with HIV/
the team recognized by the
hospital since 2004)
spaces that illustrate the modern
AIDS. Once again, CMCC was a major
WHO as part of a comprehensive
to function as a
and innovative facilities, and the
sponsor of this community-uniting
program that includes specialists
Putting CMCC on the map
depth of the program, along with
event. Participating CMCC interns
in income support, chiropractic,
team, providing
In March, CMCC invited Google to
the Campus Clinic and the Supply
regard this outreach as a highlight of
psychology and acupuncture
capture some of the interior features
Centre and Bookstore.
their year.
services, a legal literacy program,
patient care.
8 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 9
CMCC Members 2015–2016
Dr. Michelle C. Clarke
Dr. Ian D. Culbert
Dr. Richard N. Dietrich
Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen
Dr. Bryanna C. E. Fox
Dr. Robert F. Clarke
Dr. Denis Cyr
Dr. James DiGiuseppe
Dr. Edward H. Elliott
Dr. Jason T. Fox
Dr. Victoria Clarke
Dr. Mark A. Czubak
Dr. Kevin Dinsmore
Dr. K. Bruce Elliott
Dr. Jeffrey Fox
Dr. David E. Abbott
Dr. Richard G. E. Archer
Dr. Jeffrey Belgue
Dr. Edwin J. Braacx
Dr. Audrey Cameron
Dr. Tanya Clarke-Young
Dr. Kevin M. D'Angelo
Dr. Sarah Dion
Dr. Barbara A. Ellis
Mr. Richard Fox
Dr. Keith J. Abbott
Dr. Blanchard Ariko
Dr. Lawrence Bell
Dr. James A. Brad
Dr. Douglas F. Cameron
Dr. Jillian L. Clarkson
Dr. Justin T. D'Anna
Dr. Nataliya Dmytriv
Dr. Chad M. R. Ellis
Dr. Edward Frame
Dr. Melanie S. Abbott-
Dr. Lavern H. G. Ariss
Dr. Stefan Bell
Dr. Crystal A. Bradshaw
Dr. J. Blake Cameron
Dr. Todd Clayton
Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy
Dr. Henry Dobson
Dr. Jack D. Ellis
Dr. Robert S. Frankl
Dr. Adam Armstrong
Dr. Rod J. Belyea
Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Katherine M. Cameron
Dr. Charles Clement
Dr. Sophia A. da Silva-Oolup
Dr. Shannon Dodson
Dr. Laura Ellison
Mr. Allan M. Freedman
Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla
Dr. E. Grant Armstrong *
Dr. Jordan Bennett
Dr. Deborah E. Brake-Patten
Dr. Perry Cammisa
Dr. Leo J. Clement
Dr. Theodore Dahinden
Dr. Michael Domanko
Dr. Nadine Ellul
Dr. Kenneth Freer
Dr. Omar A. Abdulsattar
Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong
Dr. Rachel D. Bentley
Dr. Sara L. Brand
Dr. E. Nino Campana
Dr. Susan D. Clements
Dr. Darrell J. Dailey
Dr. Julianne Donato
Dr. Barry E. Embree
Dr. Elsie L. Frickey
Dr. Bradley A. Abell
Dr. Werner J. Arnet *
Dr. Nathan V. Benvenuto
Dr. Doug G. Brandvold
Dr. Robert D. Campana
Dr. Lise M. Cloutier
Dr. Pierre-Paul Dalcourt
Dr. Brian M. Donbrook
Dr. W. James Emmett
Dr. Paul D. Friesen
Dr. Sajad Abolghasem
Dr. Farahikhte Ashhadi-
Dr. David Berg
Dr. Janelle R. Braun
Dr. C. Dan Campbell
Dr. John G. Cochrane
Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook
Dr. Glenn R. Engel
Dr. Angelo Frisina
Dr. Kenneth G. Bergquist
Dr. Jessica B. Bravo
Dr. Donald R. Campbell
Dr. George R. Coder
Dr. Laura Dalpiaz-Stec
Dr. Ryan B. Donsky
Dr. Shawn Engell
Dr. Axel Fritz
Dr. Norman R. Abrams
Dr. Anthony G. Adams
Dr. Adib Ashraf
Dr. Cindy A. Berna
Dr. Evan T. Braybrook
Dr. Henrique Candelaria
Dr. Michael A. Cohen
Dr. Myles S. Dalton
Dr. Bradley R. Dormiedy
Dr. Amber Enns
Dr. Jennifer L. Frohlich
Dr. Gary L. Adams
Dr. Miriam M. Assayag
Dr. Michael A. Berna
Dr. Sarah Q. Brennan
Dr. Gregory W. Canning
Dr. Victoria D. Coleman
Dr. Barbara L. Dance
Dr. Thomas M. Dormon
Dr. Rudolf Enns
Dr. Bernard Fruitman
Dr. Vincent Adams
Dr. Peter J. Asselbergs
Dr. Duriell S. E. Bernard
Dr. Grayden J. Bridge
Dr. Robert J. Cannon
Dr. Dean P. S. Collins
Dr. Charles F. Daniels
Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko
Dr. Trevor Erdie
Dr. Shayne M. Fryia
Dr. Jennifer A. Adams-Hessel
Dr. Daniella Astorino
Dr. Marie-Josée M. Bernier
Dr. Lydia R. Brodie
Dr. Raynald Cardinal
Dr. Deborah Collins
Dr. Rebecca E. Daniels
Dr. David R. Dos Santos
Dr. Ruth E. Erhardt
Dr. Teresa H. Fujimoto
Dr. Bruce Adamson
Dr. Frank Astri
Dr. Condren R. Berry
Dr. Robert Brodie
Dr. Paul F. Carey
Dr. Jonathan Collins
Dr. Dan Dao
Dr. Alex J. Dougley
Dr. William W. Errico
Dr. Melanie S. Furtado
Dr. Judy Adler
Dr. Alexandre Axenov
Dr. Donald M. Berry
Dr. Blaine L. Broker
Dr. Jaye L. Carlson
Dr. Constance A. Columbus
Dr. Florence Darbellay
Mrs. Anna Dowgialo
Dr. Thomas J. Erskine
Dr. Cole E. Futterer
Dr. Ida Aghigh
Dr. Jayne Lee Ayube
Dr. Stevan M. Betts
Dr. Riley L. Broker
Dr. Vanessa Carnovale
Dr. Michael J. Columbus
Dr. Julie M. Darchuk
Dr. Edward Dowhaniuk
Dr. W. Mark Erwin
Dr. Ryan B. Fyfe
Dr. Mohammed Agyemang
Dr. Ayla Azad
Dr. Bakshish A. Bhayee
Dr. Robert L. Brommer
Dr. Colin R. Carrie, M.P.
Dr. William Columbus
Dr. Lori L. Darroch
Dr. Victor C. Dowling
Dr. Eric J. Ethridge
Dr. Phyllis Gabel
Dr. Sardar Ahmad
Dr. Johannes Baarbe
Dr. Nilav M. Bhowmik
Dr. Aase L. Bronfort
Dr. Michael P. Carriero
Dr. Chesley G. Colwell
Dr. Robert David
Dr. Larry Down
Dr. Kyle M. Etwaroo
Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby
Dr. Bita Ahmad Panah
Dr. Jillian E. Babin
Dr. Peter D. Biamonte
Dr. Mitchell G. Broser
Dr. Natalie J. Carrington
Dr. Chad Conaway
Dr. Caitlin A. Davidson
Dr. Crystal A. E. Draper
Dr. Carl A. Eustace
Dr. Colin D. Gage
Dr. Carmel Bachar
Dr. Anri Bici
Dr. Michael R. Brosseau
Dr. Brent A. Carson
Dr. John G. Condor
Dr. Leslie J. Davidson
Dr. Robert J. Dronyk
Dr. Douglas W. Evans
Dr. Domenic Gagliardi
Dr. Aksa Ahmed
Dr. Mitchell M. Badz
Dr. Gregory J. Bidinosti
Dr. Lee W. Brotherston
Dr. Robert C. Carson
Dr. Michael J. Conly
Dr. Samantha M. Davidson
Dr. William M. Dronyk
Dr. James K. Evans
Dr. Robert P. Gagnon
Dr. Raphael H. Ahn
Dr. Katherine L. Baert
Dr. Robert N. Bilow
Dr. Kenneth D. Brough
Dr. W. Elmor Carson
Dr. R. Wayne Connell
Dr. Jordan J. Davies
Dr. Jillian L. Drouin
Dr. Lesley A. Evans
Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels
Dr. Henri J. Aime
Dr. Christina L. Bagnell
Dr. Ronald W. Bilsky
Dr. Peter Brouwer
Dr. Christopher Carter
Dr. Shayla N. P. Conrad
Dr. Amy Dawson
Dr. David C. Drum
Dr. Lois A. Eveleigh
Dr. Zehra Gajic
Dr. Marie-Jose Aime
Dr. Samantha Bailey
Dr. Daniel T. N. Birch
Dr. Roger Browett
Dr. Elizabeth I. H. Carter
Dr. Graym W. Cook
Dr. Myron T. Dawydiak
Dr. Tracy J. Drynan
Dr. Jaymi S. Evoy
Dr. Robert Galbraith
Dr. Shelby L. Aitcheson
Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel
Dr. Mark Bird
Dr. Douglas M. Brown
Dr. Sharon E. Carter
Dr. Nicole H. Cook
Dr. Paolo D. De Ciantis
Dr. Benn L. Drysdale
Dr. Tiffany R. Eybergen
Dr. James D. Galenzoski
Dr. Arif Alarakhia
Dr. Melvine Baird
Dr. Bruce K. Bitting
Dr. Martin J. Brown
Dr. John David Cassidy
Dr. James A. Cooper
Dr. Garrett C. de Jong
Dr. Richard Dubler
Dr. Helen Fadden
Dr. Theodore M. Gall
Dr. Oscar E. Alba
Dr. William S. Baird
Dr. Scott E. Bitz
Dr. Porter M. Brown
Dr. William Castor
Dr. Samuel J. Cooper
Dr. Ivone De Marchi
Dr. Pascal Dubouilh
Dr. Michael Fahim
Dr. David J. Gallant
Dre Yvette Albert
Dr. Brian Baizley
Dr. John H. Bjarnason
Dr. Suzanne L. Brown
Dr. Michael Caterer
Dr. Walter T. Cooper
Dr. Robert S. Deachman
Dr. Ken R. Duerksen
Dr. Jane A. Fancy
Dr. Larry Galvin
Dr. Blake Alderson
Dr. Cheshta Bajaj
Dr. Marsha L. Black
Dr. Terry F. Brown
Dr. Peter Cauwenbergs
Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer
Dr. James C. Dean
Dr. Michael P. Duffy
Dr. Gerald R. Farnsworth
Dr. Ralph D. Galvin
Dr. Doug Alderson
Dr. Evelyn Bak
Dr. Barbara A. Blacker
Dr. Philip T. Browne
Dr. Gordon D. Chadwick
Dr. Chelsie M. Corbett
Dr. John R. Dean
Dr. John A. Dufton
Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth
Dr. Aditi Ganesh
Dr. Anjelika A. Alechina
Dr. Kenneth I. Baker
Dr. Mark J. Blau
Dr. Andrew J. Brubacher
Dr. Elaine Chagnon
Dr. Michael J. Cordasco
Dr. William J. Dean
Dr. Dhanbir S. Dulay
Dr. Patricia M. Farrell
Dr. Michael J. Gangl
Dr. James K. Alexander
Dr. Frank Baliko
Dr. Steven G. Blenkarn
Dr. Paul Bruno
Dr. Dennis W. Chambers
Dr. Jacques Cornellier
Dr. Elizabeth Deans-Buchan
Dr. Janina L. Duliunas
Dr. Matthew J. Faught
Dr. Mark T. Garbutt
Dr. Erman M. Ali
Dr. Dana K. Ball
Dr. David J. Blitzer
Dr. Nicole E. Brunsek
Dr. Borys M. Chambul
Dr. John R. Corrigan
Dr. Gabriel Debergh
Dr. Alan P. Dumencu
Dr. Mecca Fayad
Dr. James Gardner
Dr. Zeya Alikhan
Dr. Jeffrey W. Balon
Dr. Kevin J. Bloom
Dr. Riley W. P. Brydges
Dr. Alan K. H. Chan
Dr. Rhonda J. Corrigan
Dr. Philip Decina
Mr. H. James Duncan
Dr. Leonard J. Faye
Dr. Shawn A. Gargoum
Dr. Robert M. Allaby
Dr. Charlene A. Banbury
Dr. Kelli L. Blunt
Dr. R. Ian Buchanan
Dr. Cynthia J. Chan
Dr. Robert J. Corrigan
Dr. Jessica Dee
Dr. John G. Dunfield *
Dr. Pauline Fedder
Dr. Darryl Garner
Dr. Donald E. Allen
Dr. Berj K. Bardekjian
Dr. Suzanne M. Bober
Dr. Brian S. Budgell
Dr. Fiona Chan
Dr. Melissa Corso
Dr. John P. DeFinney
Dr. Daryl K. Dunford
Dr. Eric D. Feegel
Dr. Karen E. Garner
Dr. Donald R. M. Allen
Dr. Christopher E. Bardwell
Dr. Mark E. Boden
Dr. David R. Buettner
Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan
Dr. Ivano Costa
Dr. Christopher deGraauw
Dr. Scott Dunham
Dr. Peter A. Fera
Dr. Christine B. Garrity
Dr. Hillary Allen
Dr. John D. Bare
Dr. Mark G. Bodnar
Dr. Shawn M. Bulger
Dr. Rudi S. L. Chan
Dr. Pierre Côté
Dr. Jennifer A. deGraauw
Dr. J. Kevin Dunlop
Dr. Brad S. Ferguson
Dr. Christopher N. Garwah
Dr. Jeffrey A. Almon
Dr. Ashley Barker
Dr. Peter Bodnar
Dr. Ronald J. Bulman
Dr. Dwight R. Chapin
Dr. Alfonso J. Cotoia
Dr. Lara C. deGraauw
Dr. David F. Dunn
Dr. William H. Ferguson
Dr. Nancy L. Garwah
Dr. Tania Aloisio
Dr. Martin Barker
Dr. Hans W. Boehnke
Dre Martine R. Bureau
Dr. Kevin Charbonneau
Dr. Robert J. Coulombe
Dr. W. Mark deGruchy
Dr. Gregory N. Dunn
Dr. Frank J. Fica
Dr. Corrine E. Gasser
Dr. Alan Alton
Dr. Fred N. Barnes
Dr. Glenn M. Boggio
Dr. Rene A. Bureau
Dr. Mardi C. Charlton
Dr. Ian Coulter
Dr. Max Dekterov
Dr. Michael B. Dunn
Dr. Ashley B. Fichter
Dr. Julianna M. Gatis
Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo
Dr. Jasmine N. Baronette
Dr. Stacy L. Bolton
Dr. Edward Burge
Dr. Rosanna Cheng
Dr. Leila Coulter
Dr. Michele G. Del Re
Dr. Nichola Dunne
Dr. Brittany A. Filipetti
Dr. Arv D. Gatten
Dr. Carlo Ammendolia
Dr. R. Bruce Barrett
Dr. Jason F. Bonar
Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis
Dr. Calvin K. Cheung
Dr. Andre L. Courteau
Dr. Gerard Delugt
Dr. David A. Dunnett
Dr. Kevin M. Finn
Dr. Jon C. Gatten
Dr. Robert O. Anctil
Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar
Dr. Paul C. Bondy
Dr. Ronald T. Burman
Dr. Richard S. Cheung
Dr. Alison D. Coutts
Dr. Elaine Dembe
Dr. Paul R. Duperrouzel
Dr. Scott K. M. Fisher
Dr. Maria T. Gatti
Dr. Emily A. Andersen
Dr. Lacina M. Barsalou
Dr. Sylvie A. Bordeleau
Dr. Stephen Burnie
Dr. George Chiaravalloti
Dr. B. Thomas Coutts
Dr. Louis A. Demello
Dr. Sean A. Duquette
Dr. Don E. Fitz-Ritson
Dr. Marc-Henri Gauchat
Dr. David K. Anderson
Dr. Keltie C. M. Bartlett
Dr. Ronald Bordessa
Dr. Jide Busari
Dr. Kwong Chiu
Dr. Geron P. Cowherd
Dr. Mark E. J. Demers
Dr. Carole Durepos-Ouellette
Dr. J. B. Fleming
Dr. Elizabeth E. Gaudry
Dr. Gregg C. Anderson
Dr. Richard G. Barwell
Dr. Gena Boris
Dr. Brianna M. Busch
Dr. Devin Chohan
Dr. Laurel J. Cowie
Dr. Alexandra Dennis
Dr. V. Gary Dyck
Dr. J. Neil Fletcher
Dr. Catherine P. Gavin
Dr. Lloyd J. Anderson
Dr. Bruno Bastien
Dr. Irene H. Bork
Dr. Andre E. Bussieres
Dr. Nicholas Choi
Dr. Jocelyn A. Cox
Dr. Andrea L. DesGroseilliers
Dr. Alexa C. Dykun
Dr. Robert J. Fletcher
Dr. Michael M. Gawronski
Dr. Elizabeth Anderson-
Dr. Josip Batinic
Dr. Cameron Borody
Dr. Edward Butler
Dr. Denis M. Chouinard
Dr. Stephanie J. Crawford
Dr. Guillaume Desjardins
Dr. Brennan T. Dynes
Dr. Bruce Fligg
Dr. John L. Gaylard
Dr. Sarah C. Batley
Dr. Krista C. Borrowman
Dr. Eric S. Butz
Dr. Angela K. Chow
Dr. Andrew C. Cregg
Dr. Ryan R. Desjardins
Dr. Michael R. Dyszuk *
Dr. Joanne Foley
Dr. Kevin J. Gaymes
Dr. John H. Andrews
Dr. Marie S. Battaglia
Dr. Luc R. Bouchard
Dr. James Robert Byers
Dr. Ngai W. Chow
Dr. Brian B. Croft
Dr. Pavneet K. Dhaliwal
Dr. Donald R. Earle
Dr. Wilfred B. Foord
Dr. Allan J. Gdanski
Dr. Anthony Andronyk
Dr. Kirsten E. Baxter
Dr. Luke A. Boudreau
Dr. Leonard Bystrom
Dr. Joanna Christianson
Dr. Richard R. Cronk
Dr. Jagreet Dhillon
Dr. Robert G. Earle
Dr. Lesley Foote
Dr. Henry C. Gdanski
Dr. Stephanie E. Anisko
Dr. Keith C. Beaton
Dr. Trevor Boudreau
Dr. Tiffany D. Cafaro
Dr. Karen L. Chrobak
Dr. Gerald N. Crooks
Dr. Marc J. Di Nardo
Dr. Jeffrey R. Eaton
Dr. Diane E. Forbes
Dr. Victor L. Gdanski
Dr. Robert S. Annis
Dr. Michael L. Beaton
Dr. Claude Bourassa
Dr. Allison D. Cain
Dr. Chadwick Chung
Dr. Philip Croutch
Dr. Agostino R. Di Paolo
Dr. Leslie Eaton
Dr. Peter A. Ford
Dr. Richard J. Gehrke
Dr. Nicholas T. Antony
Dr. Aaron P. Beaudry
Dr. Annette Bourdon
Dr. J. Michael Cain
Dr. Stephanie L. Church
Dr. Beth L. Crozsman
Dr. Kenneth W. Dick
Dr. Arwed B. Egli
Dr. Timothy J. Ford
Dr. Gregory Gellert
Dr. Antonio Anziano
Dr. Janine M. Beaulieu
Dr. Ward M. Bourgaize
Dr. Daniel D. Calow
Dr. Dena G. Churchill
Dr. Michelle L. Cruickshank
Dr. Lisa L. Dickson
Dr. Ian C. Eix
Dr. Judy A. Forrester
Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley
Dr. Majid Arabkhari
Dr. Robert J. Bebbington
Dr. Sherilynn Bovay
Dr. Jordan G. Calwell
Dr. Sam A. Cirone
Dr. Nicole S. Cruickshanks
Dr. Mark D. Dickson
Dr. Donald J. Elder
Dr. Dale C. Forsythe
Dr. Erwin Gemel
Dr. Merv F. Aramenko
Dr. Britanie L. Belanger
Dr. Murray H. Bowman
Dr. Michelle Camastra
Dr. Duane L. Clark
Dr. Brian D. Cruise
Dr. Kevin J. Dieleman
Dr. Richard Elder
Dr. Jaclyn Foster
Dr. Everett G. Gerretsen
Dr. Gerard Arbour
Dr. Mario Belanger
Dr. Thomas H. Boyter
Dr. Edward D. J. Cambridge
Dr. Simon M. F. Clark
Dr. Michael B. Cruise
Dr. June Dies-Keys
Dr. A. Ronald Elford
Dr. Justin Fowler
Dr. Annie M. Gervais
10 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 11
CMCC Members 2015–2016 Dr. Logan P. Gerwing
Dr. Kyle A. Grice
Dr. John R. Hayes
Dr. Tu N. Huynh
Dr. Edward T. Kachuba
Dr. Daniel Komesch
Dr. Larry D. Laughlin
Dr. Natalia Lishchyna
Dr. Peter G. Magee
Dr. Kyle A. McCasey
Dr. Jim Getsos
Dr. Leslie R. Grice
Dr. Kara J. Hayes
Dr. Richard G. Hyma *
Dr. Kostadinos Kakarelis
Dr. Vincent Kong
Dr. Robert Laurie
Dr. Theresa M. Lisk
Dr. Meagan A. Maguire
Dr. Gordon W. McConnell
Dr. Scott D. Gignac
Dr. Alexander R. Grier
Dr. Glen W. Heaps
Dr. Sharon Hynes
Dr. John S. Kapus
Dr. Eyesun Konjkavfard
Dr. Valerie A. Lavigne
Dr. Mackenzie A. Liska
Dr. Edward K. Mah
Dr. Gregory C. McConnell
Dr. Lynton G. F. Giles
Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth
Dr. Darren P. Hector
Dr. Anas Ingar
Dr. Bob Kariatsumari
Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-
Dr. Luc Lavigueur
Dr. Charles Listro
Dr. Jennifer E. Maher
Dr. Patricia L. McCord
Dr. Harnoor S. Gill
Dr. Robert K. Grisdale
Dr. Warren A. Hefford
Dr. Christy Inglis
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Heather B. Lawrence
Dr. James O. Litt
Dr. Jennifer M. Maher
Dr. Phyllis A. McCord
Dr. Anthony J. Gillespie
Dr. Paul J. Grittani
Dr. Jennifer C. Heick
Dr. C. Dwain Ingram
Dr. Arif Karmali
Dr. Paul A. Korbelas
Dr. James P. Laws
Dr. Dennis Liu
Dr. Shaun P. Maher
Dr. Michael R. McCoul
Dr. James Gilliard
Dr. Diane Grondin
Dr. Ramin Heidari
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan
Dr. Newsha H. Kashani
Dr. Anna P. Korpela
Dr. David R. Lawson
Dr. Melanie Locke
Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney
Dr. Scott J. McCrae
Dr. J. Stephen Gillis
Dr. Cory A. Grosman
Dr. Werner M. Heller
Dr. Katharine M. Inwood
Dr. John M. Kaster
Dr. Gregory P. Kos
Dr. Douglas M. Lawson
Dr. Poul Loewe-Madsen
Dr. Elyse M. Mahony
Dr. Scott McCrimmon
Dr. Pala Gillis
Dr. Anita B. Gross
Dr. Eric A. Helson
Dr. David Irwin
Dr. Todd Kauffeldt
Dr. John J. Kos
Dr. Gordon E. Lawson
Dr. Kenneth C. Logan
Dr. Alex C. Mailis
Dr. Frank G. McDiarmid
Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson
Dr. Gillian Growse
Dr. Paul M. Hemingway
Dr. Thomas E. Isaacs
Dr. Gregory N. Kawchuk
Dr. Jagdish C. Kothary
Dr. Stephen D. Lawson
Dr. J. Bradley Lohrenz
Dr. Marie-Josee Maillet
Dr. Gordon A. McDiarmid
Dr. Paul C. Gilmore
Dr. David A. Gryfe
Dr. Peter D. Hemingway
Dr. Tyler W. Iveson
Dr. Scott M. Kay
Dr. Paul W. Kowall
Dr. Carly L. LeBlanc
Dr. Ervin J. Loikrec
Dr. Michael A. Majaess
Dr. Jason D. McDonald
Dr. Dominic Giuliano
Dr. Jason N. Guben
Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
Dr. Donald G. Ivey
Dr. Mohsen Kazemi
Dr. Larry G. Kozuback
Dr. Marc LeBlanc
Dr. Crystal L. Longo
Dr. Michael A. Malatesta
Dr. Tamara K. McDonald
Dr. Debra M. Glaser
Dr. Luc Guenette
Dr. Fred E. Hendricks
Dr. Eric B. Jackson
Dr. Dirk W. Keenan
Dr. Shane B. Kraft
Dr. Michel LeBlanc
Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe
Dr. Christina Mallinos
Dr. Andrew W. McEwan
Dr. Arnie Glatter
Dr. Lauren O. Guerrero
Dr. C. Jay Hennigar
Dr. Craig Jacobs
Dr. Stefanie Kegler
Dr. Peter Kramer
Dr. Nicole M. Lederman
Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe
Dr. Robin D. Mallory
Dr. Richard J. McFadden
Dr. Robert Glavan
Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero
Dr. Brett W. Hessel
Dr. Jenna M. Jacobson
Dr. Terence M. Kehler
Dr. Gerald F. Kremer
Dr. Alex D. Lee
Dr. Arthur Lopes
Dr. Katie Malone
Dr. Jay D. McFarlane
Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie
Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild
Dr. Lindsay Heubner
Dr. Ali Jaffery
Dr. Brad A. Kehoe
Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson
Dr. C. Feng Lee
Dr. David C. Lott
Dr. Wayne L. Malott
Dr. Christina McGlashan
Dr. Arlene Gleadhill
Dr. Brett P. Guist
Dr. Katie Heung
Dr. Aaron T. Jager
Dr. Cal Keil
Dr. Vance N. Kruszewski
Dr. David Lee
Dr. Dianne Lott
Dr. Sandra J. Malpass
Dr. Marion McGregor
Dr. Brian Gleberzon
Dr. Martin B. Gurvey
Dr. Patrick F. Hewitt
Dr. Paul S. Jain
Dr. Shaunessy Keita
Dr. Graham Kucan
Dr. David W. Lee
Dr. Johan Louwerse
Dr. Gary A. Malstrom
Dr. Jeremy A. McGuire
Dr. Dana M. Gleeson
Dr. Brian D. Gushaty
Dr. David J. Hewko
Dr. Natasha M. Jakelski
Dr. Joseph R. Kelly
Dr. Chad Kulak
Dr. Eugene Lee
Dr. Daria P. Love
Dr. Christian A. Manansala
Dr. Kevin McIntyre
Dr. Daniel S. Gleeson
Dr. Frank Q. Guthrie
Dr. Dan R. Higgins
Dr. Crystal A. Jakym
Dr. Donald J. Kelm
Dr. Katrina M. Kulhay
Dr. Henry M. Lee
Dr. Stuart I. Love
Dr. Colin C. Mandin
Dr. Kevin D. McKenzie
Dr. Rodman L. Gleeson
Dr. Janis J. Guthy
Dr. Dan S. Higginson
Dr. Orest J. Jakym
Dr. Wilbour Kelsick
Dr. Varsha Kumar
Dr. Jene Lee
Dr. Joshua S. Loveys
Dr. Gary A. Mangiacotte
Dr. Joanne McKinley-
Dr. Tierney M. Glenn
Dr. Johan R. Gysen
Dr. Catharine A. Hildebrand
Dr. Lanny Jamieson
Dr. Jan J. Kempe
Dr. Timothy Kunkel
Dr. Joyce G. Lee
Dr. David Lovsin
Dr. Frank Mangoni
Dr. Berit Godager Moltzau
Dr. Andrew S. Habib
Dr. James J. Hill
Dr. Jumana Jarrah
Dr. Erin D. Kempt-Sutherland
Dr. Gregory Kuruliak
Dr. Kirsten S. Y. Lee
Dr. Dana Lowe
Dr. Oscar Manias
Dr. Laura A. McLaren
Dr. Stephen J. Godin
Dr. James A. Hadden
Dr. Paul M. Hinton
Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu
Dr. A.O. Hart Kennedy
Dr. Metro Kuruliak
Dr. Marissa Lee
Dr. David E. Lowe
Dr. G. Edwin Mann
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Dr. Jennifer Goergen
Dr. Camille Hadida
Dr. John A. Hinwood
Dr. Allan Jeffels
Dr. Megan V. Kenny
Dr. Dennis Kutsukake
Dr. Raymond Lee
Dr. Jeff J. Lowthian
Dr. Brent D. Manson
Dr. Brian J. McLaughlin
Dr. David W. Gohn
Dr. Robert D. Haig
Dr. Judith A. Hinwood
Dr. Lauren M. Jenkins
Dr. A. Paul Kent
Dr. Natalie Labelle
Dr. Rick Lee
Dr. Edward Lubberdink
Dr. Lorna March-Greenbau
Dr. Campbell A. McLeod
Dr. Paul M. Gold
Dr. Francois Hains
Dr. David Ho
Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson
Dr. William M.S. Ketcheson
Dr. Sydney B. Labelle
Dr. YooJin Lee
Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand
Dr. Heather McLeod
Dr. Paul M. Goldbach
Dr. Scott Haldeman
Dr. Paul K. Ho
Dr. Andrea E. Jensen
Dr. Bonnie Keys
Dr. Mark G. Labrecque
Dr. Yu Min Lee
Dr. Veronica Lui
Dr. Henri L. Marcoux
Dr. Teighen C. McLeod
Dr. Mary Ann Goldhawk
Dr. Bryan J. Hale
Dr. Sara C. M. Ho
Dr. Bruce P. Jensen
Dr. Sean T. Kilgannon
Dr. Melanie Lachapelle
Dr. James R. Leeson
Dr. James D. Lunney
Dr. Daniel J. Marczak
Dr. D. Gordon McMorland
Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie
Dr. Alexandria M. Hall
Dr. John Hobson
Dr. Eun Been Jeoun
Dr. Gideon J. Kilian
Dr. Leo Lachowich
Dr. Nicola Legate
Dr. Jeffrey R. Lustig
Dr. Bruno F. Marini
Dr. Dianne E. McMurray
Dr. Jarrod G. Goldin
Dr. John W. Hall
Dr. Robert D. Holden
Dr. Eun Soo Jeoun
Dr. Grant A. Kilpatrick
Dr. Andre C. Lacroix
Dr. Allison M. Legg
Dr. Bradley D. Luther
Dr. Erin L. Marjerrison
Dr. Patrick J. McNiven-
Dr. Jeffrey D. Goldsworthy
Dr. Elizabeth J. Hallett
Dr. Dana C. Hollenbach
Dr. Ross Jeske
Dr. Grace E. Kim
Dr. Derrill K. Ladell
Dr. Carrie Lehman
Dr. John C. Lynch
Dr. Afshin Markhali-Maskan
Dr. Mark Gonneau
Dr. Sasha Hamid
Dr. Warren S. Hollis
Dr. Rahim Jessa
Dr. Jessica Kim
Dr. Scot A. Ladell
Dr. James J. Lemak
Dr. Aaron G. H. Lynn
Dr. Donald F. Marshall
Dr. Benjamin J. McNutt
Dr. Gregory R. G. Goodbrand
Dr. Karin F. Hammerich
Dr. Rebecca M. Holman
Dr. J. Roger Jessop
Dr. Jiyeon Kim
Dr. Dominic V. LaForte
Dr. Andre M. Lemetayer
Dr. Kristine A. Lyons
Dr. Victoria L. Marshall
Dr. Murray I. McPhail
Mr. Leonard Goodman
Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt
Dr. Byron J. Holt
Dr. Thanushan Jeyapalan
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim
Dr. Michael W. LaFramboise
Dr. Jason Lemieux
Dr. Bryan Ma
Dr. Allan G. Martin
Dr. Barry C. McQuire
Dr. Stanley Gorchynski
Dr. Lisa M. Hammond
Dr. G. Paul Holtom
Dr. Janey Jim
Dr. Teddy Donghyun Kim
Dr. Lawrence LaFrance
Dr. Joe J. Lemire
Dr. Vicko C. Y. Ma
Dr. Andre Martin
Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid
Dr. Christopher J. Gordon
Dr. Josline Hampson
Dr. Ashley E. Hook
Dr. Craig D. Johannes
Dr. Kenneth W. Kinakin
Dr. Pierre Lahaye
Dr. Brian D. LeMoel
Dr. Kate MacAdam
Dr. J. Scott Martin
Dr. Laurel M. McQuoid
Dr. Linda Gordon
Dr. A. E. Thomas Hanna
Dr. Ian J. Horseman
Dr. A. Wray Johnson
Dr. Larry T. Kinakin
Dr. Timothy S. Lahn
Dr. Nicholas J. Lendvoy
Dr. Elana C. Macauley
Dr. Jody J. Martin
Dr. Kelley M. McVarish
Dr. Susanne K. Gorka
Dr. Nina T. Hansen
Dr. Tanya L. Horvath
Dr. Kelly L. Johnson
Dr. Laurie King
Dr. Martin Lai
Dr. Raymond Leo
Dr. Cheryl H. MacDonald
Dr. Karen E. Martindale-Sliz
Dr. Christine A. Meckamalil
Dr. Michael B. Gotuaco
Dr. J. Michael Hardie
Dr. Tara Hosie
Dr. Lauren J. Johnson
Dr. Barry Kinsey
Dr. David A. Lajeunesse
Dr. Caterina Lerede
Dr. Christie MacDonald
Dr. Yvan J. Martineau
Dr. Ernest Meindersma
Dr. Laurie Goyeche
Dr. John A. Hardy
Dr. Joseph P. Houlton *
Dr. Thomas R. Johnson
Dr. F. Stuart Kinsinger
Dr. Cassandra-Hannah
Dr. Jessica Leroux
Dr. Ward D. MacDonald
Dr. David E. Martinuk
Dr. Susanne P. Meldrum
Dr. Janice E. Grace
Dr. Randall J. Hardy
Dr. Leah R. Howard
Dr. Colin Johnston
Dr. Robert E. Kinsman
Dr. Jim R. Leskun
Dr. Kenneth W. MacGillivray*
Dr. Karen E. Martinuk
Dr. Elizabeth A. Melendy
Dr. Corey A. Graham
Dr. David W. Harper
Dr. Peggy E. Howard
Dr. Gregory A. Johnston
Dr. Alexander Kipershlak
Dre Christine Laliberte
Dr. Steven Lester
Dr. Heather MacInnis
Dr. Reginald J. Martsinkiw
Dr. Richard Menken
Dr. Donald T. Graham
Dr. Keith G. Harper
Dr. Emily Howell
Dr. Robert J. Johnston
Dr. Ivan Kirov
Dr. Rahim Lalji
Dr. Calvin Leung
Dr. Bethany MacKay
Dr. Stephen A. Maskall
Dr. Roger T. Menta
Dr. Kait Graham
Dr. Glen M. Harris
Dr. Scott Howitt
Dr. Stephanie E. Johnston
Dr. Jaclyn Kissel
Dr. Amanda K. Lalla
Dr. Jacky Leung Chu
Dr. David G. MacKenzie
Dre Natalie Masse
Dr. Shahroze Merali
Dr. Patrick T. Graham
Dr. Dale K. Harrison
Dr. James D. Howlett
Dr. W. Bruce Johnston
Dr. Peter Kissel
Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde
Dr. Carolyn J. Levere
Dr. Rikki M. MacKenzie
Dr. Paul M. Mastragostino
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Ray G. Graham
Dr. Margaret J. Harrison
Dr. Jessie I. Hsieh
Dr. Robert J. Johnstone
Dr. Jessica Kissoon
Dr. Alexander K. Lam
Dr. Pierre Levesque
Dr. Verna MacKey
Dr. David J. Matheson
Dr. Rob J. Merrick
Dr. Christopher L. Grant
Dr. Joanne M. Hartley
Dr. William S. Hsu
Dr. William A. Johnstone
Dr. Robert G. Kitchen
Dr. Mazy C. M. Lam
Dr. Noah Levine
Dr. Amy L. Mackinnon
Dr. Kevin Matheson
Dr. Martin Merz
Dr. Liza Grant
Dr. N. James Harvey
Dr. Gina V. Hua
Dr. Christopher F. Jones
Dr. Alvin G. Klassen
Dr. Marlee N. Lameris
Dr. Howard Levita
Dr. Douglas J. MacLachlan
Dr. Robert J. Mathies
Dr. James Meschino
Dr. Brandy C. Grantham
Dr. Dawn Harwijne
Dr. Gillian Huang
Dr. Brad Jones
Dr. Erik Klein
Dr. Susanne Langdon
Dr. Dan Levy
Dr. Barbara J. Maclean
Dr. Claude Matte
Dr. Ivan Mezei
Dr. Mary Ann Grape
Dr. Robert J. Hasegawa
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel
Dr. Mark E. Jones
Dr. Andrew Kleinknecht
Dr. J. Donald Langford
Dr. Michelle C. Liberty
Dr. Norman B. MacLeod
Dr. Karin L. Mattern
Dr. Thomas Michael
Dr. Alexandra Greco
Dr. Karen J. Hatchard
Dr. Jodey L. Hudson
Dr. Roger G. Jones
Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht
Dr. Serge Lanoue
Dr. Catherina K. M. Liem
Dr. Clive S. Macmillan
Dr. Dino Mavrou
Dr. Wesley Michaud
Dr. Olivia Greco
Dr. Aimee Hatcher
Dr. Nigel C. J. Hudson
Dr. Ronald W. Jones
Dr. Daniel A. Klerer
Dr. Jack B. Lanskail
Dr. Allykhan N. Lila
Dr. Brent MacNeil
Dr. Kayla M. Mayberry
Dr. Clark Michlowski
Dr. Sasha Green
Dr. E. Allan Hawkins
Dr. John Hui
Dr. Stephen Jones
Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem
Dr. Robin Chantelle Lao
Dr. Randy Lilja
Dr. Scott MacNeil
Dr. Anne M. Maylin-Lee
Dr. Dale R. Mierau
Dr. Stephen Greenberg
Dr. Glen Hawkins
Dr. Devin C. Humphrey
Dr. Kevin T. Jorgensen
Dr. Stephanie A. Knauer
Dr. Carlos J. Lapena
Dr. Chelsea A. Lillbeck
Dr. Brenna M. MacPhail
Dr. Anjelica Mazzella
Dr. Christine Mikhael
Dr. Shannon Greenlaw
Dr. Jonathan P. Hawkins
Dr. Peter G. Humphrey
Dr. Anita K. Joseph
Dr. Robert J. Kniess
Dr. Garth W. LaPlante
Dr. Ashley K. Lilly
Dr. Ellen MacPhee
Dr. Kelly C. McAllister
Dr. Dennis Milenov
Dr. Gary A. Greenman
Dr. Ryan T. Hawkins
Dr. Barry R. Hunt
Dr. Jennifer R. Joucas
Dr. Roberta G. Koch
Dr. Scott R. Laporte
Dr. Brian R. S. Lim
Dr. Wanda Lee MacPhee
Dr. Kevin I. McAllister
Dr. David P. Millar
Dr. Martial Gregoire
Dr. Sarah J. Hawkrigg
Dr. Reginald G. Hunte
Dr. Stephen H. Joyce
Dr. Peter B. Koebisch
Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre
Dr. Rod W. R. Lindsay
Dr. John E. MacRae
Dr. D. Court McAuley
Dr. Donald B. Millar
Dr. Ian R. Gregory
Dr. Peter G. Hawley
Dr. Richard D. Hunter
Dr. Aradhna Juneja
Dr. P. Angelika Koeth
Dr. Robert Laquerre
Dr. Thomas W. Lindsay
Dr. Gabor M. Madarasz
Dr. Laura McCall
Dr. Milton C. Miller
Dr. Janice M. Gregory
Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne
Dr. Danjing Huo
Dr. Blair A. Jurgens
Dr. Mallory K. Kohlmeier
Dr. Rajiv Laroiya
Dr. Madolyn E. Linka
Dr. Paul Mademann
Dr. Dorothea McCallum
Dr. Murray G. Miller
Dr. Stephané Gregory
Dr. Thomas Hawthorne
Dr. Oksana Huska
Dr. Curtis A. Jurgens
Dr. Bryan J. Kolisnyk
Dr. Ronald H. Latch
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner
Dr. Robert A. Madill
Dr. Michael J. McCann
Dr. John Millett
Dr. Adrian S. Grice
Dr. Ronald J. Hay
Dr. Jamie Hutchinson
Dr. Juha M. I. Kaari
Dr. Alain Kolt
Dr. David G. Latta
Dr. Lisa M. Lirette
Dr. Richard M. Magder
Dr. Chris J. McCarthy
Dr. Brent R. Milljour
12 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 13
CMCC Members 2015–2016 Dr. Brent J. Mills
Dr. Alisha D. Nachman
Dr. Ronald A. Oswald
Dr. Vanessa M. Petrini
Dr. Carol Rego
Dr. Troy A. Samchuk
Dr. David Sherrington
Dr. Marissa R. Sparrow
Dr. Joseph J. Tanti
Dr. Jeffrey R. Tuling
Dr. Clark R. Mills
Dr. Harold Nachtigall
Dr. Kerry A. Ottenbreit
Dr. Alfredo A. Petrone
Dr. Paul M. Rego
Dr. Gary A. Sanders
Dr. Edward Shin
Dr. Diana M. L. Speer-
Dr. Errol Tarnow
Dr. Mathieu Turgeon
Dr. David J. Mills
Dr. Lisa Naera
Dr. Annie Ouellet
Dr. Tam M. Pham
Dr. Douglas O. Reid
Dr. James T. Sanders
Dr. Peter Shipka
Dr. Robert Tarulli
Dr. Kristina A. Turkewitsch
Dr. Randolph S. Mills
Dr. Farnaz Najmabadi
Dr. Geoffrey Outerbridge
Dr. Clayton G. Phillips
Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl
Dr. Norma-Jean Sanders
Dr. Dan Shlepakov
Dr. Ashton D. Spencer
Dr. Pegah Tavajohi-Fini
Dr. Allen R. Turner
Dr. Russill S. Mills
Dr. Luigi Nalli
Dr. Linda Outschoorn
Dr. David Phillips
Dr. James Reilly
Dr. Marcella Sanderson
Dr. Barbara Shortreed
Dr. Jenna Spencer
Dr. Patricia A. Tavares
Dr. Brian D. Turner
Dr. Silvey M. Mills
Dr. Sonja Nardini-Probst
Dr. Irina O. Ovchinnikova
Dr. Devon Phillips
Dr. Christine J. Reinhart
Dr. Luvraj Sandhar
Dr. Eric F. Shrubb
Dr. Laurie E. Spratt
Dr. John A. M. Taylor
Dr. Jennifer Turpin
Dr. Darrin T. Milne
Dr. Ashley Narula
Dr. Catherine Owens
Dr. David A. Piche
Dr. J. David Rennicks
Dr. Jaspreet Sandhu
Dr. Leann M. Shrum
Dr. Patricia Spratt
Dr. Josephine Taylor
Dr. Allen Tyler
Dr. Patrick D. Milroy
Dr. Mona Nasr
Dr. Bruce A. Owers
Dr. Alessandro Pichini
Dr. Marcel Reux
Dr. Douglas G. Sandwell
Dr. Stephanie O. Shwaluk
Dr. Eric St-Onge
Dr. Perry D. Taylor
Dr. Beverly A. Tyler
Dr. John G. Mindiuk
Dr. Tom Naylor
Dr. Sharja F. Pabon
Dr. Donato Pietrangelo
Dr. Jonathan D. Reyhanian
Dr. Avik Sarkar
Dr. Michael D. Sider
Dr. Ashleigh E. Stableforth
Dr. Robert J. Taylor
Dr. Gregory Uchacz
Dr. Andrew Miners
Dr. John A. Neal
Mr. Al Pace
Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust
Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds
Dr. Mathew Saturnino
Dr. Anmol Sidhu
Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse
Dr. Shane H. Taylor
Dr. Paul D. Uchikata
Dr. Alan E. Minty
Dr. Calvin G. Neely
Dr. Alexander T. Pacis
Dr. Lianne Pinkney
Dr. Vincent Ricciardi
Dr. Mitchell Savic
Dr. Jaspinder Sidhu
Dr. William P. Stackhouse
Dr. Oksana Tcherbak
Dr. Stephen N. C. Unger
Dr. Miriam E. Minty
Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson
Dr. Heather Pady
Dr. Maryse Pion Robin
Dr. Lisa A. Richard
Dr. Walter J. Savickey
Dr. James H. Sie *
Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby
Dr. Jerry S. Tchoryk
Dr. David A. Urness
Dr. Angelo G. Mione
Dr. Eric A. Nelson
Dr. Jason A. Pajaczkowski
Dr. Nagib Pisani
Dr. W. Roy Riddell
Dr. Mikael R. Savoie
Dr. Stuart J. Siegel
Dr. David J. Starmer
Dr. Caolan A. Teasdale
Dr. Richard Uzwenko
Dr. Silvano A. Mior
Dr. Kyla E. Nelson
Dr. Edward J. Palichuk
Dr. Jill Plantz
Dr. Stefan N. Riederer
Dr. Jeffrey G. Sawa
Dr. William Siksay
Dr. Douglas C. Starodub
Dr. Mauro J. Terenzi
Dr. Dwight M. Vallee
Dr. Dario Mirian
Dr. Matthew P. Nelson
Dr. G. Stewart Palmer
Dr. Percy N. Pletsch
Dr. Caroline A. Rioux
Dr. Thomas M. Sawa
Dr. Karlie S. Sikura
Dr. Todd D. Starr
Dr. George E. Tester
Dr. Teresa L. Van Bakel
Dr. James D. Misner
Dr. Michael M. Nenonen
Dr. Babak Panahloo
Dr. Eugene R. Plewes
Dr. Robert Ripley
Dr. Albert M. Scales
Dr. Joseph C. Simmons
Dr. Gavin W. Steciuk
Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray
Dr. Tommie L. van Veghel
Dr. Matthew C. Missiha
Dr. Stacy L. Newbigging
Dr. Lino Panetta
Dr. Clark B. Podaima
Dr. James K. Ritchey
Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci
Dr. Patrick D. Simmons
Dr. Igor Steiman
Dr. Marcellin M. Thibault
Dr. Ian G. Vana
Dr. Kaitlyn L. Mitchell
Dr. Roland M. Newitt
Dr. Michael S. Pankow
Dr. Gerard Poirier
Dr. Kelly Robazza
Dr. Steven A. Scappaticci
Dr. Harald F. Simon
Dr. Kenneth S. Stelsoe
Dr. Joanne G. Thicke
Dr. Roland Vander Beek
Dr. Dennis H. Mizel
Dr. Shenaigh L. J. Newman
Dr. John A. Papa
Dr. Raymond Poitras
Dr. Andrew J. Robb
Dr. Tara N. Schell
Dr. Inger Simonsen
Dr. Paula J. Stern
Dr. Haymo Thiel
Dr. Eric Vandergugten
Dr. Melina Moaven Shahidi
Dr. Benson Ng
Dr. Roman O. Papish
Dr. Ronald Polack
Dr. Frederick E. Roberts
Dr. Antonio Schirru
Dr. Ann Liz Simpson
Dr. Frederick A. Stevenson
Dr. Maathavan Thillai
Dr. John VanDerSluis
Dr. Stephen Mogatas
Dr. Carl Danberg S. Ng
Dr. Andre P. Paris
Dr. Douglas L. Pooley
Dr. John O. T. Roberts
Dr. Peter Schlag
Dr. Joel C. Simpson
Dr. Scott E. Stevenson
Dr. Shawn Thistle
Dr. Laura E. Vandertogt
Dr. Arezou Mohajeri
Dr. Karen Ngo
Dr. Grant E. Parker
Dr. Bryan J. Porter
Dr. Shyla S. Robertson
Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz
Dr. Kevin M. C. Sims
Dr. Gregory B. Stewart
Dr. Elder H. Thomas
Dr. Kathryn H. Vardy
Dr. Michael W. Mollenhauer
Dr. Alexander Nguyen
Dr. Mary-Irene Parker
Dr. Anthony Posa
Dr. Marie-Josee Robichaud
Dr. Richard G. Schmelzle
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Mr. James Stewart
Dr. Jennifer S. Thomas
Dr. John W. Vargo
Dr. Douglas B. Mollon
Dr. W. Reginald Nicholson
Dr. Jodi L. Parkinson
Dr. Michael Poschar
Dr. Paul W. Robinson
Dr. Murray E. Schneider
Dr. Jasleen Singh
Dr. Marshall D. Stewart
Dr. Kirsten M. Thomas
Dr. Marcia Veitch
Dr. Kevin J. Moloney
Dr. Elke S. L. Niddery
Dr. James Parliament
Dr. David M. Potter
Dr. Robert O. Robinson
Dr. Donna Schoales
Dr. Manpreet K. Singh
Dr. Murray J. Stewart
Dr. Linda J. Thomas
Dr. Howard T. Vernon
Dr. Lynda Montgomery
Dr. Robert G. Nielsen
Dr. Gagandip K. Parmar
Dr. R. Andrew Potter
Dr. G. Lindsay Robson
Dr. Kelly C. Schoonderwoerd
Dr. Roger R. Singh
Dr. Danielle R. Stewart-Smith
Dr. John D. Thompson
Dr. Kathy Vertesi
Dr. A. Donald Moore
Dr. Lynette M. Nissen
Dr. Jean-Guy Parr
Dr. Solaleh Pourbagher
Dr. Robert Rodine
Dr. Brian Schroeder
Dr. Wayne F. Singleton
Dr. Kathryn A. Stitt
Dr. Marylee A. Thompson
Dr. Nasim Vesalpour
Dr. Brett R. Moore
Dr. David A. Noad
Dr. J. Ladd Parsons
Dr. Thessa Prashad
Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues
Dr. Ernest Schroeder
Dr. Joseph A. Sinopoli
Dr. Michael A. Stochmal
Dr. Medville A. Thompson
Dr. Donald H. Viggiani
Dr. Daniel Moore
Dr. W. John Noble
Dr. Gordon F. Partridge
Dr. Taylor M. Pratile
Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin
Dr. Liam Schubel
Dr. Todd E. Siwak
Dr. Ronald G. Stoley
Dr. Richard R. Thompson
Dr. Flemming Vilholm
Dr. George C. Moore
Dr. Carsten Noddeskou
Dr. Richard N. Pascoe
Dr. Jennifer L. Pratt
Dr. Benjamin Roffey
Dr. Aloysius H. Schulte
Dr. Riley T. Sjodin
Dr. Beat O. Stoller
Dr. Rodney A. Thompson
Dr. Michael Vilkas
Dr. Steven D. Moore
Dr. Paul S. Nolet
Dr. Daniel Patel
Dr. Thomas Preston
Dr. William S. Rogal
Dr. Christopher Schultz
Dr. Norman L. Skjonsberg
Dr. Nicola D. Stone
Dr. Rodney M. Thompson
Dr. Olivier Vimard
Dr. Tannille Moore
Dr. Vivian Noonan
Dr. Jen Paterson
Dr. Douglas R. Price
Dr. Renae M. Rogers
Dr. Brian D. Schut
Dr. Robert S. Skleryk
Dr. Kevin J. Storozuk
Dr. D. Keith Thomson
Dr. Edward Vinnikov
Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead
Dr. Craig D. Norman
Dr. Douglas R. Pattison
Dr. Tania C. Pringle
Dr. Hans Rohner
Dr. John R. Schwarz
Dr. Paul Slaney
Dr. William Stouse
Dr. D. Verne Thomson
Dr. Michael J. Vipond
Dr. Michael F. Moreira
Dr. Heather J. Norman
Dr. Colleen S. Pattrick
Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor
Dr. Andrew P. Romanelli
Dr. John M. Scott
Dr. Nicholas J. Slowinski
Dr. Catherine M. Straus
Dr. Nichol D. Thomson
Dr. Salvatore Viscomi
Dr. Alexander L. Moretto
Dr. Michael A. Norman
Dr. Shannon E. Paul
Dr. Robert Proteau
Dr. Robert W. Roper
Dr. Leslie Scott
Dr. Christopher R. Small
Dr. Darren Strong
Dr. Sarah K. Thorne
Dr. Doug Vlaskamp
Dr. Dino Moriana
Dr. Graham S. Norton
Dr. Heather A. Paull
Dr. Krista M. Prowse Welch
Dr. David J. Rosebush
Dr. R. D. Wayne Scott
Dr. Barbara J. Smith
Dr. Robert E. Stronge
Dr. John M. Thyret
Dr. Edwin H. Voelker
Dr. Ernest A. Morin
Dr. J. Todd Norton
Dr. Julien Payne
Dr. Ione G. Puchalski
Dr. Leo K. Rosenberg
Dr. Ryan C. Scott
Dr. Carole M. E. Smith
Dr. Karen Stroud
Dr. Anthony Tibbles
Dr. Henny T. M. Vogelzang
Dr. Gregory J. E. Morris
Dr. Janis E. Noseworthy
Dr. Sean E. J. Payne
Dr. Aaron A. Puhl
Dr. Paul S. Rosenberg
Dr. Stacey Scott
Dr. Douglas R. Smith
Dr. Arden P. Strudwick
Dr. Katherine Tibor
Dr. Randy Vollrath
Dr. Jeremiah D. Morris
Dr. Virginia U. Nsitem
Dr. Matthew D. Peacock
Dr. Bryon P. Puhl
Dr. Heather J. Ross
Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge
Dr. Duane C. Smith
Dr. Rodney W. Stubel
Dr. Glynn Till
Dr. Joseph G. Vomvas
Dr. Ciana L. Morrison
Dr. Courtney N. O'Connell
Dr. Cosma Pecora
Dr. Andrew Pulinec
Dr. J. Kim Ross
Dr. Christopher J. Scrase
Dr. Frazer D. C. Smith
Dr. Kent J. Stuber
Dr. Roy Till
Dr. Ernie Von Schilling
Dr. Kevin J. Morrison
Dr. David P. O'Connor
Dr. Cora-Lee S. Peddle
Dr. Jasdip K. Purba
Dr. Jonathon E. D. Ross
Dr. Elaine Screaton
Dr. Geoffrey Smith
Dr. Troy Sturtevant
Dr. Michael J. Titchener
Dr. Darrell J. Wade
Dr. Nicholas V. C. Moser
Dr. Kathleen M. O'Hare
Dr. Donald E. Pedersen
Dr. Brandon E. Purdy
Dr. Cheryl L. Roundy
Dr. Brian Seaman
Dr. Larry B. Smith
Dr. Karlo Suek
Dr. Shawn Toner
Dr. Nevin V. Wadehra
Dr. Madiheh Moslehi
Dr. Lino T. O'Keefe
Dr. L. David Peeace
Dr. Gwyneth F. Pyne
Dr. Robert W. Rowe
Dr. Peter See
Dr. Lawrence D. Smith
Dr. Andrew Sulatycki
Dr. Alexandra R. Topp
Dr. Ron L. Wagner
Dr. Grant O'Neill
Dr. Helen M. Peel
Dr. Jairus J. Quesnele
Dr. Richard Roy
Dr. Gerry H. Seier
Dr. R. Lyle Smith
Dr. Dean Summers
Dr. David Torrance
Dr. Tedd R. Walcott
Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Jennifer L. O'Shea
Dr. John E. Peever
Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon
Dr. Richard Ruegg
Dr. Richard A. Seier
Dr. Richard S. Smith
Dr. Thomas S. Summers
Dr. Christopher J. Tousignant
Dr. Kailin D. Walter
Dr. Jillian E. R. Moulton
Dr. Keenan C. O'Young
Dr. Rosalie Pelissier
Dr. Elmer E. Raabe
Dr. Matthew Z. Ruff
Dr. George M. Seim
Dr. Thomas J. Smith
Dr. Minisha Suri
Dr. Amy Tran
Dr. J. Bruce Walton
Dr. Jennifer A. Mous
Dr. Paul Oakley
Dr. Andre Pelletier
Dr. Richard Radford
Dr. Gregory Ruhr
Dr. George Semerdjian
Dr. W. Allen Smith
Dr. George J. Surko
Dr. George L. Tran
Dr. Simon Wang
Dr. Rick Mozell
Dr. Thomas R. Offen
Dr. Eddy Pellissier
Dr. James M. Rae
Dr. Rodney L. Runge
Dr. Curtis N. Semple
Mr. W. Drew Smith
Dr. Mark D. Swain
Dr. Terry Tran
Dr. Randy S. Warchola
Dr. John P. Mrozek
Dr. Ted J. Ogilvie
Dr. Timothy H. Peloso
Dr. Craig E. Rainsberry
Dr. Alyssa D. Runyon
Dr. Isabelle Senecal
Dr. William J. Smith
Dr. Earle C. Sweet
Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson
Dr. Jennifer Ward
Dr. Brad Muir
Dr. Erin C. Ogrady
Dr. Kelly A. Pennell
Dr. Ali H. Raizman
Dr. Adam D. Russell
Dr. Grace Sevazlian
Dr. William M. Smith
Dr. Orysia Swyszcz
Dr. Ross S. Treasure
Dr. Ronald Warkman
Dr. Danny A. Muller
Dr. Jonathan T. Okrainetz
Dr. John P. Pereverzoff
Dr. Moez H. Rajwani
Dr. Gordon F. Rust
Dr. Chista Shahrokh
Dr. John N. Smoczyk
Dr. Bruce M. Sykes
Dr. Amy R. Tremblay
Dr. Robert S. Warnock
Dr. Mary A. Mulligan
Dr. Kirsten E. Olesen
Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Dr. Rachel Ramsey
Dr. Petra Rutz
Dr. Kenneth L. Shatilla
Dr. Judith Snider
Dr. William M. Sykes *
Dr. John J. Triano
Dr. Jared M. Warren
Dr. D. Kenneth Mullins
Dr. Mia Oliver
Dr. Denise Perron
Dr. Kayla Randhawa
Dr. Brandi L. Ryan
Dr. Alison M. Shaver
Dr. Alison M. Sokol
Dr. Mark A. Symchych
Dr. Astrid Trim
Dr. Jeffrey M. Warren
Dr. Jeanyan C. Munawa
Dr. Susan Jill Oliver
Dr. Steven M. Perry
Dr. Cameron E. Read
Dr. Donald L. Ryan
Dr. Susan Shaw
Dr. Stanley G. Soloduka
Dr. Zoltan T. Szaraz
Dr. Varsha Tripathi
Dr. David Wasylynko
Dr. Gary D. Munro
Dr. Irene Oliviero
Dr. Adriano Persi
Dr. David J. Redding
Dr. Rowena Ryan
Dr. Nadia M. S. Shea
Dr. Jessica R. Sommerfeld
Dr. Bob Szczurko
Dr. Floyd Trotter
Dr. Dawn C. Watkins
Dr. Alexandra D. Muntean
Dr. David H. Olson
Dr. Alexander F. Pessoa
Dr. Peter Van Redecopp
Dr. Summer Rybicki
Dr. Heather Shearer
Dr. Kevin M. Sommerfeldt
Dr. Negda Tabrizi
Dr. Michael Truong
Dr. Terry A. Watkins
Dr. Bernadette Murphy
Dr. Merrill E. Ong
Dr. Donn-Ivan Petelka
Dr. Monika T. Redly
Dr. Steven B. Sabo
Dr. Marvin Shedletzky
Dr. Michael Sommers
Dr. Ester D. Taca-Silbermann
Dr. Pierre C. Tschumi
Dr. Collin G. Watson
Dr. Michael J. Murray
Dr. Allan G. Oolo Austin
Dr. Sharon A. Peterkin
Dr. J. Bryan Redpath
Dr. Christopher D. Saieva
Dr. Alyssa K. Shepherd
Dr. Gianna C. Soncina
Dr. Alex C. Tacconelli
Dr. Kevin S. Tse
Dr. Derick A. Watson
Dr. Rodney Myers
Dr. David J. Orchard
Dr. David E. Peterson
Dr. J. Wayne Redstone
Dr. Marjanossadat Sajadi
Dr. Jeffrey R. Sheppard
Dr. Zackary D. Souckey
Dr. Paul Taillefer
Dr. Katy Tseng
Dr. Dionne Watson
Dr. Megan L. Mykietiuk
Dr. Sean A. Orr
Dr. Elisa Petricca
Dr. Glen Reed
Dr. William Salameh
Dr. Scott W. Sheppard
Dr. Danielle Southerst
Dr. Charles Tallon
Dr. Kelly S. C. Tsui
Dr. Kenneth M. Wayte
Dr. Constantinos Myrtos
Dr. David E. Osiowy
Dr. Giovanna Petricone
Dr. Jessica E. Reed
Dr. David G. Salanki
Dr. Bryan Sher
Dr. Madelyn E. Soye
Dr. Shai Tamir
Dr. O. Hartley Tuck
Dr. Jennifer Webster
Dr. Mir R. Nabavi
Dr. Christopher A. Oswald
Dr. Lori A. Petrilli
Dr. Peter Reed
Dr. Jackie Sam
Dr. Yaadwinder K. Shergill
Dr. Chelsey R. Spano
Dr. Jeffrey A. Tancock
Dr. Taylor R. Tuff
Dr. Carol Ann Weis
14 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 15
CMCC Members 2015–2016 Dr. Joanne Welham
Dr. Janice I. Wiles Driedger
Dr. Jessica J. Wong
Dr. Meital Yerushalmi
Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson
Dr. Robert E. Kinsman
Dr. Cecil G. McQuoid
Dr. Thomas M. Sawa
Dr. Kathy Wickens
Dr. Colin L. Wellum
Dr. Timothy H. Wilkinson
Dr. Keith Hon Wing Wong
Dr. Cheuk Kei (Jacky) Yeung
Dr. Arnie Glatter
Dr. Alvin G. Klassen
Dr. Richard Menken
Dr. Antonio Schirru
Dr. David Wickes
Dr. Colin L. Wellum
Dr. Darin Willar
Dr. Maxine Wong
Dr. Charles Yip
Dr. Lynn A. Glazier-Goldie
Dr. Andrew Kleinknecht
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. I. Lawrence Schledewitz
Dr. A. John Wiens
Dr. Patrick J. Welsh
Dr. Matt G. R. Williams
Dr. Winnie W. Woo
Dr. Ted Yoshida
Dr. J. Kenneth Goldie
Dr. Bruce W. Kleinknecht
Metagenics Canada
Dr. Murray E. Schneider
Dr. Daniel H. Wilson *
Dr. Brian G. Graham
Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem
Dr. Donald B. Millar
Dr. Brian D. Schut
Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire
Dr. Deborah R. Kopansky-
Dr. Brent J. Mills
Dr. Gerard Scott-Herridge
Dr. Robert M. Wingfield
Dr. Clark R. Mills
Dr. Christopher J. Scrase
Dr. Kent Winterstein
Dr. G. Mark Wensley
Dr. Natalie Williams
Dr. Donald L. Wood
Dr. Richard Y. Yoshimura
Dr. Courteney E. Werner
Dr. Sarah C. Williams
Dr. Katherine Wood
Dr. Chantalle J. Youkhana
Dr. Christopher L. Grant
Dr. David I. West
Dr. W. Langford Williams
Dr. Erin M. Woodburn
Dr. James J. Young
Dr. Mary Ann Grape
Dr. James L. West
Dr. William M. Williams
Dr. Douglas Woods
Dr. Veronica Yu
Dr. Adrian S. Grice
Dr. Gregory P. Kos
Dr. Patrick D. Milroy
Dr. Brian Seaman
Dr. Bryan Wolfe
Dr. Kyle A. Grice
Dr. Paul W. Kowall
Dr. Silvano A. Mior
Seroyal International Inc.
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey
Dr. Joan West
Dr. Adam Williamson
Dr. Colleen M. Woodward
Dr. Alexander Yuan
Dr. Joshua I. West
Dr. Chad Wilson
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey
Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw
Dr. Leslie R. Grice
Dr. Larry G. Kozuback
Dr. Dennis H. Mizel
Dr. Gauri D. Shankar
Mrs. Dorothy C. Worsfold
Dr. Victoria A. West
Dr. Daniel H. Wilson *
Dr. Dean J. Wright
Dr. Tim Zafiris
Mrs. Ruth Grice
Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson
Dr. Lynda Montgomery
Dr. Edward Shin
York-Peel Chiropractic Society
Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup
Dr. James W. Wilson
Dr. Deborah S. Wright
Dr. Gale Zappacosta
Dr. Alexander R. Grier
Dr. Mark G. Labrecque
Dr. Brett R. Moore
Dr. Joseph C. Simmons
Dr. Ted Yoshida
Dr. Robert H. Gringmuth
Dr. Derrill K. Ladell
Dr. Lloyd R. Moorhead
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Dr. Dennis J. Yurkiw
Dr. George B. Wheeler
Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson
Dr. Denise M. Wright
Dr. Craig D. Zavitz
Dr. Eleanor F. White
Dr. Coralee A. Wilson-Mitton
Dr. Douglas A. Wright
Dr. Benson Zhou
Dr. Paul J. Grittani
Dr. Yves Laflamme
Dr. Michael F. Moreira
Dr. Gagandeep R. Singh
Dr. Craig D. Zavitz
Dr. Erin A. White
Dr. Leslie J. Wiltshire
Dr. Kassie C. Wright
Dr. John R. Zielonka
Dr. David A. Gryfe
Dr. Nicole M. Lalonde
Mrs. Geraldine Morgan
Dr. Sharon M. Smith
Dr. Rainer Zindler
Dr. Vaughn White
Dr. Jordan E. Winberg
Dr. Thomas S. Wright
Dr. Paul R. Ziemer
Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero
Dr. Susanne Langdon
Dr. Ernest A. Morin
Dr. W. Allen Smith
Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild
Dr. J. Donald Langford
Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Laurie E. Spratt
Dr. Ronald Whiting
Dr. Jeffrey M. Winchester
Dr. Jordan Wrightly
Dr. Robert J. Zimmerman
Dr. Lawrence J. Whitman
Dr. Vincent G. Winder
Dr. Rebecca C. Wynn
Dr. Rainer Zindler
Dr. Robert D. Haig
Mrs. Lorraine Langford
Dr. John P. Mrozek
Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse
Dr. Rebecca Whitney
Dr. John C. Wingfield
Dr. Shirley Xing
Dr. Randall R. Zindler
Dr. Karin F. Hammerich
Dr. Jacques A. Laquerre
Dr. Darell G. Munro
Dr. William P. Stackhouse
Dr. Jason C. Whittaker
Dr. Robert M. Wingfield
Dr. Jia (Jason) Xue
Dr. Zoran Zivkovic
Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt
Dr. Else H. Larsen
Dr. Kathleen P. Murphy
Dr. Douglas C. Starodub
Dr. David B. Whitty
Dr. Kent Winterstein
Dr. Lori-Anne Yarrow
Dr. Emil Zmenak
Mrs. Barbara J. Harper
Dr. Ronald H. Latch
Dr. Michael J. Murray
Dr. Igor Steiman
Dr. Kathy Wickens
Dr. Gregory I. Wirth
Dr. Glenn Yates
Dr. Gregory Zoldy
Miss Jennifer C. K. Harper
Dr. Luc Lavigueur
Dr. Calvin G. Neely
Dr. Scott E. Stevenson
Dr. David Wickes
Dr. Kirsten E. Wishloff
Dr. Dominique Yedon
Dr. Robert Zurbyk
Mr. Jonathan Harper
Dr. David R. Lawson
Dr. Dwight W.D. Nelson
Dr. Gregory B. Stewart
Dr. Jane E. Widney
Dr. Bryan Wolfe
Dr. Brian H. Yee
Dr. Stephen A. Zylich
Miss Julia C. S. Harper
Dr. Gordon E. Lawson
Dr. Michael M. Nenonen
Dr. Gerald P. Stitt
Dr. Paul L. Wiggins
Mr. Ernest Wolkin
Dr. Jonathan Yee
Dr. Keith G. Harper
Dr. Brian E. Lecker
Dr. David A. Noad
Dr. Ronald G. Stoley
Dr. J. Stuart Wight
Dr. Debbie K. Wong
Dr. Sina Yeganeh
Dr. N. James Harvey
Dr. Henry M. Lee
Dr. Janice L. Noji
Dr. Catherine M. Straus
Dr. Lauren E. Wight
Dr. Jeffrey C. Wong
Dr. Dustin T. Yen
Mr. Len Haslam
Dr. Carolyn J. Levere
Dr. Douglas Norsworthy
Dr. Arden P. Strudwick
Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne
Dr. Pierre Levesque
North Vancouver Island
Dr. Kent J. Stuber
Dr. John R. Hayes
Dr. Lisa M. Lirette
Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman
Dr. Dennis Liu
Dr. David H. Olson
Dr. Dean Summers
Dr. Jennifer C. Heick
Dr. Charlton Locke
Dr. David J. Orchard
Dr. C. Scott Sutherland
Dr. Eric A. Helson
Dr. Melanie Locke
Dr. Catherine Owens
Dr. Orysia Swyszcz
Dr. L. Kevin Henbid
Dr. Pia E. Longstaffe
Dr. Andre P. Paris
Dr. Mark A. Symchych
Dr. Fred E. Hendricks
Dr. Wayne A.G. Longstaffe
Dr. Grant E. Parker
Dr. Bob Szczurko
Dr. David J. Hewko
Dr. David Lovsin
Dr. John E. Peever
Dr. Gary R. Taylor
Dr. Dan R. Higgins
Dr. Edward Lubberdink
Dr. Timothy H. Peloso
Dr. Perry D. Taylor
Dr. Ronald D. Hill
Mrs. Betty Luck
Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Dr. Mark T. Terai
Dr. Robert D. Holden
Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Adriano Persi
Dr. Cecile A. Thackeray
Dr. Warren S. Hollis
Dr. James D. Lunney
Dr. Sharon A. Peterkin
The Co-operators Group
Mrs. Joan Hubbel
Dr. Kate MacAdam
Dr. Lori A. Petrilli
Dr. Morgan J. Hubbel
Dr. Ward D. MacDonald
Dr. Alfredo A. Petrone
Dr. Marylee A. Thompson
Governors’ Club Members
Chiropractic Society
Dr. Karlo Suek
Dr. Brian Huggins
Dr. Norman B. MacLeod
Dr. Barbara C. Pike-Armbrust
Dr. Richard R. Thompson
Dr. Alan Alton
Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Stacey Cooper-Latimer
Dr. James DiGiuseppe
Dr. Roy D. Farnsworth
Dr. John Hui
Dr. Wanda Lee MacPhee
Dr. Guildor Poitras
Dr. Rodney A. Thompson
Dr. Thomas E. Amaolo
Dr. Grayden J. Bridge
Dr. Micheline Cote
Dr. Brian M. Donbrook
Dr. Eric D. Feegel
Dr. Peter G. Humphrey
Dr. John E. MacRae
Dr. Douglas L. Pooley
Dr. D. Keith Thomson
Dr. Carlo Ammendolia
Mrs. Bruna Brown
Dr. Laurel J. Cowie
Dr. Douglas A. Donbrook
Dr. Brian Ferguson
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan
Dr. Peter G. Magee
Dr. Anthony Posa
Dr. Anthony Tibbles
Dr. Emily A. Andersen
Dr. Douglas M. Brown
Dr. John P. Crawford
Dr. Sonia K. Doroshenko
First Financial Group
Dr. Thomas E. Isaacs
Dr. Kevin G. Mahoney
Dr. Paul Pritchard
Dr. Diane Travis-Phillipson
Dr. David K. Anderson
Dr. R. Ian Buchanan
Dr. Brian B. Croft
Dr. Alex J. Dougley
Dr. Wilfred B. Foord
Dr. Orest J. Jakym
Dr. Robin D. Mallory
Dr. Karen E. A. Proctor
Dr. John J. Triano
Dr. E. Grant Armstrong *
Dr. Keith L. Burchill
Dr. Richard R. Cronk
Dr. William M. Dronyk
Dr. Timothy J. Ford
Dr. Richard E. Jarvensivu
Dr. Sandra J. Malpass
Professional Health Products
Dr. Brian D. Turner
Dr. G. Hugh Armstrong
Dr. Kimberly D. Burgis
Dr. Philip Croutch
Dr. David C. Drum
Dr. David J. Forgie
Dr. Dale G. Jenkinson
Dr. Oscar Manias
Dr. Elmer E. Raabe
Mrs. Diane Turner
Dr. Ayla Azad
Dr. John A. Cadieux
Mrs. Gail Cunningham
Dr. Tracy J. Drynan
Dr. Dale C. Forsythe
Dr. Bruce P. Jensen
Dr. Rolonde E. Marchand
Dr. Moez H. Rajwani
Mrs. Kay Turner
Dr. Nikhil N. Bair-Patel
Dr. J. Blake Cameron
Dr. Ted L. D'Amico
Dr. Richard Dubler
Mr. Richard Fox
Dr. Craig D. Johannes
Dr. Allan G. Martin
Dr. J. Bryan Redpath
Dr. Kevin D. Turner
Dr. Neil C. Barber
Dr. Raynald Cardinal
Dr. Carolyn E. Dalgity
Mr. H. James Duncan
Mr. Allan M. Freedman
Dr. William A. Johnstone
Dr. David J. Matheson
Dr. Jeffrey W. Reihl
Dr. Paul D. Uchikata
Dr. Sharon J. Barber
Dr. Paul F. Carey
Dr. Lori L. Darroch
Dr. David F. Dunn
Dr. Ryan R. French
Dr. Ronald W. Jones
Dr. Kevin I. McAllister
Dr. Marcel Reux
Dr. John VanDerSluis
Dr. Fred N. Barnes
Dr. Robert C. Carson
Dr. Leslie J. Davidson
Dr. Gregory N. Dunn
Dr. Elsie L. Frickey
Dr. Blair A. Jurgens
Ms. Margaret McCallen
Mrs. Darlene Reynolds
Dr. Daniel K. Vandervoort
Dr. Carolee Bateson-Koch
Dr. Elaine Chagnon
Dr. Ivone De Marchi
Eastern Ontario Chiropractic
Dr. Thomas A. Gadsby
Dr. Roy Kariatsumari
Dr. Dorothea McCallum
Dr. Frederick H. Reynolds
Dr. Marcia Veitch
Dr. Keith C. Beaton
Dr. Borys M. Chambul
Dr. John R. Dean
Dr. Robert P. Gagnon
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Gordon W. McConnell
Dr. Laurence G. Reynolds
Dr. Michael J. Vipond
Dr. Michel L. Blanchette
Dr. George Chiaravalloti
Dr. Philip Decina
Dr. Elaine Eglin
Dr. Peter J. Gaibisels
Dr. Mohsen Kazemi
Dr. Patricia L. McCord
Dr. Marie-Josee Robichaud
Dr. Salvatore Viscomi
Dr. Kelli L. Blunt
Dr. Denis M. Chouinard
Dr. John P. DeFinney
Dr. Ian C. Eix
Dr. Brian G. Gainor
Dr. Dirk W. Keenan
Dr. Jason D. McDonald
Dr. Manuel J. Rodrigues
Dr. Ernie Von Schilling
Dr. Ronald Bordessa
Dr. Joanna Christianson
Dr. W. Mark deGruchy
Dr. A. Ronald Elford
Dr. Christine B. Garrity
Dr. Brad A. Kehoe
Dr. Andrew W. McEwan
Dr. Barbara A. Rodwin
Dr. Ron L. Wagner
Dr. Irene H. Bork
Dr. John G. Cochrane
Dr. Kenneth W. Dick
Dr. Jans C. Ellefsen
Dr. Gregory Gellert
Dr. Joseph R. Kelly
Dr. Cameron J. McGinnis
Dr. William S. Rogal
Dr. Tedd R. Walcott
Dr. Annette Bourdon
Dr. K. Sheldon Cook
Dr. Bradley F. Dickson
Dr. Glenn R. Engel
Dr. Geoffrey M. Gelley
Dr. Jan J. Kempe
Dr. Michael McLauchlin
Dr. Cheryl L. Roundy
Dr. Jeffrey M. Warren
Dr. Thomas H. Boyter
Dr. James A. Cooper
Dr. Lisa L. Dickson
Dr. Rudolf Enns
Dr. Pala Gillis
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim
Dr. D. Gordon McMorland
Dr. Gordon F. Rust
Dr. Daniel J. Wetherup
16 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 17
Thank you to our donors
Engie Multitech Fairmont Royal York Feldman Daxon
Thank you to all of the generous donors who have helped CMCC to achieve its Mission — deliver world class chiropractic education, research and patient care. Your continued long-term support and commitment builds a stronger CMCC. CMCC recognizes its donors on the Hands on the Future® donor wall, the Membership Wall, Governors’ Club plaques, "Your Legacy" plaques, in the Library, at our various fundraising events, etc.
Partners Inc Foot Levelers, Inc.
Jones DesLauriers Blevins Insurance Group Inc. Dr. Tyson Joseph,
Visionaries Alberta College and
Dr. Scott Dunham Dr. Brad S. Ferguson
Dr. Igor Steiman
Mrs. Margaret Butkovic
Global Upholstery Co. Inc
Remington Medical
Dr. Michael Ciolfi
Dr. Sean Stordy
Mrs. Janice E. Carroll
Dr. Andrew Cole
Dr. Catherine M. Straus
Dr. Claudia Casella
Mrs. Wendy Court
Dr. Kent J. Stuber
Dr. Sarah Chajka
Dr. Brian B. Croft
Dr. D. Keith Thomson
Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti
Hammerberg Lawyers LLP Hockey Hall of Fame
Richmond Country Club
Dr. Richard R. Cronk
Dr. Anthony Tibbles
Ms. Geraldine Chen
HoMedics Group Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Dr. Lori L. Darroch
Dr. David Torrance
Dr. Catherine Chu
Impact Cleaning Services
Royal College of
Mr. Michael Decauni
The Estate of Douglas L.
Dr. Michael Ciolfi
Chiropractic Sports
Dr. Philip Decina
Sciences Canada
Dr. Elaine Dembe
Dr. Paul D. Uchikata
Dr. Lisa Clarke
Royal Ontario Museum
Mr. Richard Fox
Dr. Robert A. Weinper
Ms. Susan Clarkson
Investment Guild
Sharp Electronics Canada
Mr. Allan M. Freedman
Dr. David Wickes
Mrs. Wendy Court
Investors Group Financial
Sheraton Parkway Toronto
Mr. Leonard Goodman &
Mr. Ernest Wolkin
Dr. Amy Crinklaw
Dr. P. Gregory Woolfrey
Dr. Melissa Cutler
Services Inc
Dr. Christine Davidian
Skyline Hotels & Resorts
Dr. Bernard Gryfe
Dr. Ted Yoshida
Dr. Jodie Doran
Chiropraticiens du
Insurance Group Inc
Southern California
Dr. David A. Gryfe
Mr. Harold Yuen
Dr. William M. Dronyk
Joyridge 150 Indoor Bike
- Heart Lake Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Ernest A. Morin and Mrs. Maureen E. Butler Dr. Craig D. Norman
Society Ontario Chiropractic
Association CMCC Students' Council
Dr. William M. Williams
Royal College of
Dr. Tim Zafiris and
Dr. William S. Rogal and
Canadian Chiropractic
Dr. R. Schwager
Dr. Crystal D. Hynes-
Bayview Golf & Country
Family In Memory of
Dr. Michael W. Pernfuss
York-Peel Chiropractic
Chiropractic Sports Sciences Canada Dr. Douglas M. Brown
Mrs. Sandi Rogal
Dr. Eric Crane
Dr. Francois Hains
Brass Vixens
Let It Be. Health Inc.
Steam Whistle Brewery
Dr. Scott Haldeman
British Columbia
Manitoba Chiropractors'
Sunlife Financial
Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman
Ms. Shareen Ewing
Ms. Lynne Hodgson
Chiropractors' Association
Dr. Matthew Forgie
Chiropractic Association Callian Capital Private Wealth Management Inc. Canadian Chiropractic Association
Association Maple Leaf Sports & MarineLand
Teqtronix International Inc
Dr. Craig Jacobs
Mariposa Cruises
Texas Back Institute
Dr. Brian Justice
Marsh Canada
The Co-operators Group
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Cameron Borody
Mrs. Barbara Newbigging
Canadian Tire 428 Sherwood
Medieval Times
Dr. Darrell J. Dailey
Dr. Nancy Riedel Bowers
Canadian Tire, Store 192
Mercedes Benz
Protective Association Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Dr. Gary R. Taylor
Dr. Kim B. Humphreys
Ms. Linda L. Roedl
Dr. Kevin Charbonneau
Dr. Kathryn A. Tessier
Mr. George Keller
Ms. Mary L. Rourke
College of Chiropractic
Dr. Jans Ellefsen
Dr. Cecile Thackeray and
Dr. Joyce G. Lee
Mrs. Brenda Smith
Mrs. Barbara Newbigging
Ms. Elizabeth Spoenlein
Dr. Cindy Peterson
Dr. Brian Ferguson &
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson Dr. Kate MacAdam Dr. Silvano A. Mior and Family Dr. Laurence and Darlene Reynolds Dr. Gordon F. Rust
Dr. Richard Thompson and Dr. Jessica Fitzpatrick Dr. Rodney A. Thompson
Reginos Pizza
Dr. Celina White
Mr. Nicholas Tantalo
Dr. N. Scott C. Wilson
Texas Chiropractic College
Dr. Donald L. Wood
Ms. Anmarie J. Webb
Dr. Doug Trull*
General Donations and Gifts-in-Kind
Awards and Scholarships
Supporter Partner
Dr. Condren R. Berry
Dr. Edward Shin and
Dr. Todd Clayton - Dieppe Chiropractic Centre
Mrs. Marie Aragona-Shin Mrs. Margaret Butkovic
Dr. Katie Hammerschmidt
Canadian Chiropractic
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan and
Examining Board
Dr. Julita Teodorczyk-
Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan
Dr. Janet L. D'Arcy
18 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Customer Relationship Index Inc. Davis Drywall Systems Dembar Financial Services/
Dr. Marion McGregor Winterstein
College of Chiropractors
Deep Relief
Dr. John J. Triano and Dr. Kent and Debbie
Sciences Council of the Nova Scotia
Healthcare Financial Group Douglas Laboratories Canada / Pure Encapsulations Canada
Royal College of
Chiropractic Sports
Able Translations Ltd.
Sciences Canada
Activator Methods
College of Chiropractic Sciences
International Ltd. Active and Innovative Inc.
Footmaxx of Canada, Inc.
National Board of
Chiropractic Examiners
Ampere Limited
Dr. A. Ronald Elford Charitable Foundation Drs. Min and Chong
Dr. Warren S. Hollis Mrs. Eileen Hugli
Mr. David Boldovitch
Canadian Chiropractic
Performance Lab TBG Landscape Inc.
Ms. Margaret McCallen
Ms. Violeta Dukic
Dr. Evelyn Bak
The Co-operators Group
Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero
Dr. Igor Steiman and
Ms. Diane Dugdale
Bird Kingdom
Metagenics Inc.
F. Taylor
Dr. Maruti Gudavalli Dr. Sunyatta F. Guild
Dr. James P. Laws
The Estate of Dr. Alexander
University of Health Springwall Sleep Products
Dr. Sean Y. Abdulla
Mrs. Judy Steiman
Keg Restaurants Ltd.
Dr. Jeff Sheppard
Optimum Wellness Centres
Ms. Elizabeth Clark
Jones DesLauriers Blevins
Dr. Ward MacDonald
Dr. Paul K. K. Ho
Mrs. Alma Goodman
Association des
Mr. H. James Duncan
Dr. Richard T. Hawthorne
Indivica Inc.
Holdun Family Office
Dr. Ryan Scott
The Estate of Gwendolyn
rhn Chartered Professional
Equipment Ltd.
Dr. Arnie Glatter and Family
Patricia Schwager &
Ryan J. Goldie
Dr. Stephen Burnie
Ms. Geraldine Chen
Dr. David Piche
Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Lynn Glazier-Goldie and
Dr. Louis Sportelli
Ms. Tina Wylie
Springwall Sleep Products
Mrs. Catherine Bourdon
Dr. Kenneth Budgell
Dr. Kenny K. S. Chan
Management Inc.
Miss Nina Gouveia
Lynne V. Hodgson
Dr. Roger W. Smith
Skewed Tie
Dr. Brian D. LeMoel
Dr. Annette Bourdon and
Aramark Canada Ltd.
Mr. John Champion
Jarden Consumer Solutions
Council of the Nova
Dr. Douglas M. Brown
RBC Wealth
Art Gallery of Ontario
Dr. Martin B. Gurvey
Printing Inc.
Ms. Marg Smith
Scotia College of
Dr. Rajiv Laroiya
-Chiropractic Sleep
of Saskatchewan
Annex Publishing &
Mr. Thomas Butkovic
Dr. Edward Frame
Mrs. Monica Kliem
Chiropractors' Association
Dr. Darren J. Braun
Pure Care
Dr. Riaz Oozeer and Dr. Wolfgang P. Kliem and
Association of
Dr. Elaine Dembe
Ms. Patricia Berry
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Relaxus Products Ltd.
Communications Inc.
Donor Level Recognition
Dr. Murray E. Schneider
Mrs. Margaret Butkovic
Canada Inc.
Footmaxx of Canada, Inc.
Heel Canada Inc.
The donors recognized below include donations, gifts-in-kind and renewed support made during the period of June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016.
Mr. John J. Brown
Primus Telecommunications
McLeod Law LLP
Dr. Matthew Kim
McQuarrie Hunter LLP
The David Duncan House
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim
The Journal of the Canadian
Dr. Pius Kim
Chiropractic Association The Mentholatum Co. of Canada Ltd.
Dr. Shane B. Kraft
In Memoriams
Ms. Lenore Edmunds Dr. A. Ronald Elford Mr. Jose Emidio
of Saskatchewan Canadian Chiropractic Protective Association Grice Chiropractic Professional Corporation Sellars Chiropractic & Wellness Centre Abundant Health and Wellness Chiropractic
Dr. Karl Kranz
Breathe Chiropractic
Dr. Ian Fraser Mr. Robert Frazier Ms. Kim Gavine Dr. Marissa L. Gelinas Dr. Susan Gillis-Lawson Mrs. Laurie Gilmore Dr. Dominic Giuliano Mr. Leonard Goodman & Mrs. Alma Goodman Dr. Adrian S. Grice &
Dr. Kevyn R. Kristmanson
Physiomed Maple
Mrs. Ruth Grice
Metagenics Inc.
The Orthotic Group
Dr. Mark G. Labrecque
Summerhill Group
Dr. Paul J. Grittani
MIAD Information
The Rock Oasis Inc.
Dr. Noah Levine
Belleville Integrative Health
Mrs. Mary Ann Grittani
The Stick
Ms. Shangzhu Lin
The Vitality Depot
Dr. Lisa M. Lirette
I've Got Your Back
Dr. Rocco C. Guerriero
THOR Photomedicine Ltd
Dr. Richard Mercier
Mr. Jake Hacker
Toronto Argonauts
Dr. Douglas Metz
University of Waterloo -
Mr. Robert Hackett
Welch Allyn Canada Ltd.
Dr. Silvano A. Mior
Office of Development
Wellesley Therapeutics Inc
Dr. Dennis H. Mizel
Burkom, LeBlanc & Wilcox
Westin Prince Toronto Hotel
Dr. Jean A. Moss
Westwood Plateau Golf &
The Estate of Mrs. Mary
Systems Ltd. Mysteriously Yours... Mystery Dinner Theatre Nature's Way of Canada Limited New Brunswick Chiropractors' Association Newfoundland & Labrador Chiropractic Association Niagara Parks Commission
Country Club Xerox Canada Ltd
North York Rehabilitation
Murphy Dr. David Odiorne
Investment Team West & Varsalona
Dr. David A. Gryfe
Dr. Karin F. Hammerich Mr. John & Ms. Linda Harti Dr. Melissa Hartman Dr. E. Kitchener Hayman
Chiropractic Professional
Dr. Peter D. Hemingway
Dr. Ceara Higgins Ms. Lynne Hodgson
Dr. Ronald A. Oswald Individuals
Mr. Al Pace
Dr. Sabrina Hooper
Ontario Blue Cross
Dr. Anthony G. Adams
Dr. Mary-Irene Parker
Dr. Elizabeth Angelevski
Dr. Scott Howitt
Ontario Chiropractic
Dr. Antonio Anziano
Dr. Mark C. Perrett
Dr. Brian Baizley
Mrs. Eileen Hugli
Dr. Jenny M. Bekeschus
Dr. Jeffrey A. Quon
Dr. Laura Barfoot
Mr. Thomas Husebye
Centre Inc.
Optometry Professional
Ontario Science Centre
Mr. David Boldovitch
Dr. Moez H. Rajwani
Dr. Fred N. Barnes
Dr. Stephen H. Injeyan
Physio Med Oakville Inc
Dr. Ronald Bordessa
Dr. Robert Rodine
Dr. Matthew J. Barrigar
Josh & Robyn Jamieson
Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Marshall Ross
Ms. Mara Bartolucci
Pierrette Janzen
Dr. Douglas M. Brown
Dr. Mark J. Scappaticci
Dr. Shaun Batte
Dr. Karen Johnson
Electro-Therapeutic Devices Inc. Elite Manufacturing
Annual Report 2015-2016 19
Mrs. Argentina Juncal
Mr. Greg MacMullin
Dr. Ashley K. Oakey
Ms. Joan Speer
Dr. Steve P. Viljakainen
Dr. Rahim Karim
Mr. Tony Maiato
Dr. Ronald A. Oswald
Ms. Catherine Spence
Mr. Hans Vogler
Mrs. Kimberley Kelly
Dr. Sandra J. Malpass
Dr. Catherine Owens
Dr. W. Lloyd Stackhouse
Dr. Jane E. Weber
Dr. Jordan Kersten
Dr. Allan G. Martin
Ms. Peggy Poole
Dr. Brynne E. Stainsby
Ms. Jacqueline Wellman
Dr. Peter S. Y. Kim
Ms. Margaret McCallen
Mr. Chipman Purdom
Dr. David J. Starmer
Dr. David I. West
Dr. Tricia Kingsley
Dr. Marion McGregor
Mr. Fred (Fariborz) Rajabi
Dr. Igor Steiman
Dr. Kathy Wickens
Dr. Deborah R.
Ms. Michelle Mclean
Dr. Kimberly M. Richter
Dr. Paula J. Stern
Financial strength Supporting the delivery of patient focused world class chiropractic education, research and health care CMCC continues to demonstrate solid
has been reduced, so too have the
(Fund Balances), CMCC has been
Dr. David Wickes
financial performance. Since moving
associated carrying costs of this debt,
able to strengthen its financial future
Dr. Robert M. Wingfield &
into its new facility in 2004, CMCC
allowing these funds to be redirected
by building general reserves and
has managed its resources to meet
towards enhancing the student
endowment funds to meet the future
needs of the institution.
Ms. Diana McLennan
Ms. Linda L. Roedl
Dr. Daniel Stevenson
Dr. Paul A. Korbelas
Ms. Crystal McNeil
Ms. Susan Rutherford
Dr. Catherine M. Straus
Dr. Myroslava Kumka
Mr. Mark Mendell
Ms. Caitlin Ryan
Dr. Linsay Sunderland
Mrs. Donna J. Wood
Dr. Naomi D. Kupferstein
Mr. Jon Miedzik
Dr. Amy Samcoe
Mrs. Gail Swyszcz
Mr. Douglas Wood
the needs of an evolving curriculum,
Dr. Melanie Lachapelle
Dr. Jordan A. Millar
Dr. Kelly C. Schoonderwoerd
Nick & Cara Swyszcz
Dr. Thomas S. Wright
introduce new and innovative teaching
Dr. J. Donald Langford
Dr. Mikel R. Miller
Dr. Brian D. Schut
Mr. Carter Swyszcz
Dr. Stefanie Yao
Mrs. Lorraine Langford
Dr. Silvano A. Mior
Dr. George M. Seim
Mr. Jonathan Swyszcz
Dr. Erik Yuill
and learning technologies, sustain
The current ratio, indicative of liquidity
Tuition and student fees continue
Ms. Marie Lawrentiw
Dr. James D. Misner
Dr. Matthew J. Serrick
Mr. Adam Swyszcz
a vibrant and engaged campus
and CMCC’s ability to pay short-term
to be the largest source of revenue
Ms. Lindsay Leo
Dr. Stephen Mogatas
Dr. Inger Simonsen
Dr. Dean Tapak
community of teachers, researchers
obligations, increased in the year
for CMCC, however we continue to
Cecilia & Manuel Lim Jr.
Dr. Michael F. Moreira
Dr. William M. Smith
Mr. Rob Tavenor
Dr. Katie Lingard
Dr. Trevor D. Morrison
Mrs. Brenda Smith
Ms. Rebecca L. Taylor
and learners, at the same time as
ending May 31, 2016 as compared to
prioritize the generation of non-tuition
Dr. Octavian C. Lucaciu
Dr. Jean A. Moss
Dr. Karen A. Smith
Dr. Paul D. Uchikata
actively working to retire the debt
the previous year, reflective of positive
revenue sources to mitigate the rising
Dr. Rich Luck
Dr. Jullin Negahban
Britton Smith
Ms. Denise Valcour
associated with its new campus,
operating results. The debt to equity
costs of recruiting and retaining a
Dr. Jenna Macfarlane
Mrs. Barbara Newbigging
Dr. Laura Solway
Dr. Marcia Veitch
and build general reserves and
ratio continued to decrease as CMCC
qualified workforce, as shown by
endowment funds to meet the future
retires its debt in accordance with its
CMCC’s largest expenditure – Salaries
needs of the institution.
& Benefits – to deliver our program in
Mrs. Anne Wingfield
an innovative fashion, while retaining CMCC will fully retire its facility-related
The capital remaining after paying
the rigour and uncompromising
term debt by 2019. As the debt
off outstanding liabilities is growing
standards for which we are known.
Long Term Debt Repayment Value of loan 25 and mortgage $ Millions 20 15
$10.4 $7.7
$6.1 $4.4
5 2011
$1.9 2016
Period ending May 31
20 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Annual Report 2015-2016 21
Key Financial Indicator Trends
Sources of Operating Revenue 2016 (2015)
1.2 Ratio
4.3% 1.8%
■ Current ratio ■ Debt to equity ratio
0.8 0.6
■ Tuition fees 74.7% (75.2%) ■ Clinic fees 4.3% (4.3%) ■ Continuing education 1.8% (1.2%) ■ Membership fees 2.3% (2.3%) ■ Supply Centre - Bookstore 10.8% (10.6%) ■ Other 5.6% (5.5%)
0.2 2012
Fiscal year ending May 31
Operating Expenses by Category 2016 (2015)
Growth in Funds (Equity) $34,000,000
■ Invested in capital assets ■ Unrestricted general ■ Externally restricted ■ Endowment
$28,000,000 $26,000,000 $24,000,000
15.2% 59.0%
22 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
1.0% 2.6% 0.8%
■ Salaries and benefits 59.0% (58.5%) ■ Cost of goods sold 10.8% (10.5%) ■ Interest and bank charges 1.0% (1.5%) ■ Repairs and maintenance 2.1% (1.6%) ■ Other 15.2% (15.4%) ■ Amortization 5.8% (6.2%) ■ Utilities 1.7% (2.0%) ■ Insurance 1.0% (0.8%) ■ Professional services 2.6% (2.5%) ■ Supplies 0.8% (1.0%)
Annual Report 2015-2016 23
Condensed Statement of Financial Position CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Statement of Financial Position May 31, 2016 with comparative information for 2015 2015
Assets Current assets: Cash Cash in trust Accounts receivable
Inventories Prepaid expenses Investments Capital assets Total Assets:
793,778 1,318,233 338,064
1,636,047 231,929
309,224 670,796 3,430,095
299,818 519,502 2,687,296
6,235,951 30,037,456
6,020,181 30,901,942
3,430,540 692,778 921,144 74,282 5,118,744
93,888 3,561,175 525,272 921,144 471,402 5,572,881
Liabilities and Fund Balances
Understanding the financial statements A set of condensed financial
Chiropractic Historical Association
Financial Position. Fund balances are
statements follows for the period
(CCHA); Governors’ Club; Research;
created by the excess of revenues
of June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Capital Campaign Building; and,
over expenditures and interfund
which provide a reporting of CMCC’s
Scholarship, Bursary, and Other
transfers. The Restricted Funds from
financial results. Following is a brief
Trust funds.
the Capital Campaign were used to reduce the loan and mortgage
description of each statement. Condensed statement of
debt, and the Governors’ Club funds
Condensed statement of financial
operations and changes in fund
were allocated to the purchase of
two force sensing tables, which
Describes the overall financial
States the sources of revenue
utilize the Sim Lab technology,
position or health of the
and expenses for the General,
for students’ practical technique
organization. It itemizes assets
Restricted and Endowment funds.
and liabilities including deferred
This statement identifies that an
contributions and fund balances, and
operating excess of revenues
Condensed statement of cash
a net worth of $32.8 million.
over expenses of $1,008,743 was
generated, stated as the General
Describes sources and uses of cash
throughout the year. During the
Condensed schedule of continuity
2016 fiscal year, the major source of
of restricted funds Describes a summary of the
The fund balances reflect the
cash was generated from operating
increase in funds, investment
accumulated surpluses of the
activities, $3.2 million. Major uses of
income earned, expenses and
General, Restricted and Endowment
cash were the scheduled repayment
interfund transfers of each one
funds. These represent the net
of debt, $1.4 million, capital asset
of the restricted funds. CMCC’s
worth of each fund as reflected
additions, $498,020 and the
restricted funds are the Canadian
in the Condensed Statement of
purchase of investments, $428,600.
Current liabilities: Bank overdraft Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Fees paid in advance Current portion of loan payable Current portion of mortgage payable Loan payable Mortgage payable Deferred contributions related to capital assets Deferred derivative liabilities Total Liabilities: Fund balances: Invested in capital assets General
Restricted (Schedule) Endowment Total restricted Total Fund Balances: Commitments Total Liabilities & Fund Balances
940,848 225,823 635,909 6,921,324
1,861,992 74,282 300,555 726,679 8,536,389
27,866,388 1,716,887 29,583,275
27,259,322 676,756 27,936,078
569,520 2,629,383 3,198,903 32,782,178
818,375 2,318,577 3,136,952 31,073,030
Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office.
Dr. David Gryfe, Director
Dr. Richard Mercier, Director Annual Report 2015-2016 25
7,024 -
(3,399) 7,024
5,173 5,200(1) 50 10,423
CCHA Fund $
(50,000) 5,235 -
(11,325) 55,235
11,306 55,063(1) 191 66,560
Governors’ Club Fund $
(490,105) 281,458 -
(187,074) 771,563
544,423 414,214 958,637
Research Fund $
275,803 -
2,469 138,236 (138,236)
257,473 21,303(1) 9,114 287,890 (12,087) 275,803
Scholarship, Bursary and Other Trust Funds
(4,687) 135,767
140,454(1) 140,454
Capital Campaign Building Fund
(537,636) 707,756 (138,236)
(218,572) 1,245,392
818,375 636,234 9,355 1,463,964
− 5,173
(3,477) 5,173
− 8,599 (1) 51 8,650
(50,000) 11,306
(8,785) 61,306
13,000 56,818(1) 273 70,091
(361,094) 544,423
(70,249) 905,517
771,522 204,244 − 975,766
1,000 257,473 −
4,390 66,083 (66,083)
223,031 26,805(1) 15,885 266,721 (9,248) 256,473
(2,810) 61,693
− 64,503(1) − 64,503
(405,704) 884,458
(94,569) 1,290,162
1,007,553 360,969 16,209 1,384,731
Fund balances, end of year
Interfund transfers
Fund balances, beginning of year
1,618,186 1,419,091 299,377 22,837,884
1,738,920 1,362,507 245,644 23,437,328
21,561 23,425,363
17,470,406 349,376 1,015,832 291,641 65,983 247,034 533,167 961,628 2,468,735
8,119,798 8,309,176 3,072,256
8,548,709 8,380,830 3,160,718
(31,220) 24,446,071
18,000,396 384,680 1,045,245 438,600 43,262 125,216 555,187 1,234,790 2,649,915
Excess of revenue over expenses
Expenses: Undergraduate Education Administration Graduate Education and Research Building Services Amortization Interest Fundraising Awards
Revenue: Tuition fees Student fees Clinic fees Continuing Education Donations Investment income Membership fees Other Research grants Supply Centre and Bookstore Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative and investments
General Fund 2016 2015
Year ended May 31, 2016 with comparative information for 2015
16,860 5,754 209,688
(8,884) 636,705
222,020 9,355 414,214 -
12,520 11,800 94,569
478 377,178
156,247 16,209 204,244 -
Restricted Funds 2016 2015 (Schedule)
7,415 7,415
(81,955) 280,802
278,795 83,962 -
18,995 18,995
5,065 372,804
235,548 132,191 -
Endowment Fund 2016 2015
Condensed Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances
Restricted Funds, end of year $ 5,173 11,306 544,423 − 257,473 818,375 (2) The total increase in funds for these restricted funds of $156,725 less unrealized gains of $478 is $156,247 which is presented as restricted fund donations in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances.
Capital Campaign Building Fund to General Fund
Interfund transfers
Scholarships, awards and other expenses
Restricted Funds, beginning of year Increase in funds Investment income earned
Restricted Funds, end of year $ 7,024 $ 5,235 $ 281,458 $ $ 275,803 $ 569,520 (1) The total increase in funds for these restricted funds of $222,020 is presented as restricted fund donations in the Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balances. Capital Scholarship, Campaign Bursary and Governors’ Research Building Other Trust 2015 CCHA Fund Club Fund Fund Fund Funds Total
Capital Campaign Building Fund to General Fund
Interfund transfers:
Scholarships, awards and other expenses
Restricted Funds, beginning of year Increase in funds Investment income earned
Year ended May 31, 2016 with comparative information for 2015
Schedule of Continuity of Restricted Funds
Condensed Schedule of Continuity of Restricted Funds
– –
26 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Annual Report 2015-2016 27
CANADIAN MEMORIAL CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE Condensed Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Cash Flows
Board of Governors June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016
Year ended May 31, 2016 with comparative information for 2015 2016
Cash provided by (used in): Operating activities: Excess of revenue over expenses: General Fund Restricted Funds Endowment Fund Items not involving cash: Amortization of capital assets Amortization of deferred contributions related to capital assets Unrealized (gains) losses on financial instruments and investments Change in non-cash operating working capital (Increase) decrease in cash in trust
1,008,743 427,017 273,387
122,060 (229,964) 317,814 3,199,272
Financing activities: Contributions received for the purchase of capital assets Repayment of loan payable Repayment of mortgage payable Increase (decrease) in bank overdraft
Investing activities: Capital asset additions Purchase of investments
Increase (decrease) in cash Cash, beginning of year Cash, end of year Supplemental cash flow information: Interest paid
28 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
587,479 282,609 353,809
Dr. Ron Brady
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dr. Doug Brown
Dr. Richard Mercier
Dr. Vincent Sinclair
Dr. Mark Labrecque
Past Chair
Dr. Ron Bordessa
Executive Member
Dr. Greg Woolfrey
Executive Member
Dr. Kevyn Kristmanson
(27,104) 12,948
Dr. Lisa Lirette
New Brunswick
Dr. Richard Mercier
(115,418) 2,430,937
Dr. Mary-Irene Parker
Nova Scotia
Dr. Mark Perrett
Dr. Catherine Straus
Dr. Kent Stuber
Dr. Greg Woolfrey
Newfoundland and
(498,020) (428,600) (926,620)
(1,807,011) (516,757) (2,323,768)
Members at Large
Administration June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016 President David Wickes, DC, MA Vice President, Administration and Finance Brenda Smith, BA, CPA, CA
Dr. David Gryfe
Dr. Sunyatta Guild
Dr. Rahim Karim
Dean, Clinics
Dr. Mark Labrecque
Anthony Tibbles, BSc (Hons), DC, FCCS(C)
Ms. Margaret McCallen
Vice President, Research & External Relations Silvano Mior, DC, FCCS(C), PhD
Dean, Undergraduate Education Public Members
Board Liaison
Provincial Representatives British Columbia
(921,144) (453,764) 93,888 (1,281,020)
Dr. David Gryfe
Dr. Richard Cronk
7,560 (921,144) (471,402) (93,888) (1,478,874)
Board Members Emeriti
Lenore Edmunds, BA, MEd
Dr. Ron Bordessa
British Columbia
Mr. Richard Fox
Associate Vice President, Student Experience
Dr. Scott Haldeman
& Registrar
Dr. Noah Levine
Chris McGrath, BA (Hons), MEd
Mr. Al Pace
Dr. Murray Schneider
Mr. Ernie Wolkin
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
2015–2016 Annual Report is produced by the Division of Marketing and Communications. Director: Mara Bartolucci Executive Editor: Shannon Clark Art Director: Dora Kussulas Photography: Eric Forget, Chris Vassalos and
6100 Leslie Street, Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1 Telephone: 416 482 2340
Š CMCC 2016 Audited financial statements may be requested by members through the President's Office. The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College is committed to ensuring accessible services and communications to individuals with disabilities. To receive any part of this document in an alternate format, please contact Marketing and Communications at 416 482 2340 ext 274 or at