Bury St Edmunds West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust Hardwick Lane Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 2QZ, Switchboard: 01284 713000 Day Surgery – 01284 713050
Theatre B22, Day surgery unit Directions to the Hospital. A14, junction 44. From A14, Turn off ‘Historic Bury St Edmunds’. Hospital is quite well signed. Day Surgery is at the rear of the hospital – follow signs. Access has been organised with Jim Pretty, Portering & security manager. On arrival, call 01284 713000 ask for the portering supervisor (pager 959) and a porter will unlock the unit. Directions to the Treatment Area. Through main DSU entrance, at reception desk turn right through double doors. Continue along corridor, through next set of doors and Theatre B22 is immediately on the right. Set up with equipment diagonally positioned (see diagram)
Foyer/waiting Theatre B22 Staff: Staff Nurse Lesley Mcay (former endoscopy s/n, has Litho experience) 1.Sister Janet Gove – Nursing Manager DSU 2. Jenny Clay DSU Manager
photo: best treatment setup for Th B22, table diagonal
Hotels. Best Western Priory Hotel, Mildenhall Road, IP32 6EH Telephone: 01284 766 181 Car Park. Opposite Main Entrance, Van/Car can be left there during the day. Although not very convenient at the moment, we are in discussions to obtain a parking permit that will reduce the cost and hopefully allow parking nearer to the DSU.
Treating Patients. Monday. Normally 12 patients all stones. 1st patient in 8.00am, Start time 8.30am.
Nurses pre-med patients in room next door to treatment room, we normally collect patients from waiting area, when treatment finished return patients to waiting area but leave notes in pre-med room.
Pacs system in the Theatre, get nursing staff to log on then PACS access user – OPD6 password – OPD6 100mg Voltarol, pethidine given on request, we Consent Patients on their 1st visit. Consent for ‘Lithotripsy to ‘x’ kidney, up to three treatments’ Unless otherwise indicated, max 3 sessions then review. Consultants: Mr Allan, he normally pops in later in the day. His Secretary Barbara Bailey, she is responsible for notes etc.