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Chichester Royal West Sussex NHS Trust St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 6SE Tel 01243 788122 – Fax 01243 531269 Directions to Hospital.

From Southampton/Portsmouth • Join the M27 Eastbound and continue onto the A27 beyond the exit for the A3(M) for ten miles to arrive at the roundabout with the A259. • Turn left for Chichester and continue to the third roundabout and turn left. • Proceed over a further roundabout and at the next (large) roundabout, take the third exit into Oaklands Way. • Turn left at the next roundabout onto Spitalfield Lane. • Hospital Entrances 1 and 2 are on the left and signposted. From Brighton/Worthing • Join the A27 Westbound. • Continue on A27 beyond Arundel for eight miles to arrive at the roundabout with the A285. • Take the second exit here, to join the A285 towards Chichester. • At the next roundabout, take the first exit to remain on the A285, Westhampnett Road and over a mini roundabout. • At the next mini roundabout, take the second exit to Spitalfield Lane. • Hospital Entrances 1 and 2 are on the right and signposted.

Directions to Treatment Area. Endoscopy/ Treatment Room 1 Enter hospital through Entrance no 2. Follow road around to Back of Hospital following Signs to Chichester Treatment Centre. (CTC).Treatment Centre is a new Glass fronted building. Drive around roundabout, (either way if quiet) reverse on to large paved area, normally reverse between two metal posts, over zebra crossing. If installing late need to call security, ask them to open doors of Chichester Treatment Centre , and tell them installing Litho etc, they will open main doors from inside and will either wait, until you bring everything through, or will go and you keep doors open by putting black box/US unit in doorway. Doors can be open anytime from inside (press panel at side of door), but if closed when you are outside you are locked out again. When everything is in the Foyer, Turn left, Go past lift and through double doors – Into waiting room with nurse desk on left. Into Treatment Room 1 (First door on right). When equipment is in the room, lock door behind you as the litho is to be positioned in front of this door. Patients come in from other door. Quite small room, equipment may have to be moved, some things can be pushed into office next door (has adjoining door).

Hotels. Chichester PARK HOTEL Madgwick Lane Westhampnett Chichester West Sussex PO19 7QL * Tel: 01243 817400 Fax: 01243 782371 * Please use PO18 0PR for Sat Nav

Out of hospital turn left, follow road down to junction (roundabout) turn left follow road 1 mile at roundabout signs for hotel, near Sainsbury’s.

Treatment details

10 patients normally all stones. 1st one in 8.00am, 8.30 start. Patients come from office next door. PACS system in office, Folder present with all previous treatment sheets. 100mg Voltarol PR, sometimes pethidine on request. After treatment take patients to toilet to get changed in recovery area. Notes back to Nurses in office. Tea/coffee from recovery area.

Consultants: Mr Britton. Mr Carter, not normally present/ Nursing staff: Sister Clare Hornby.

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