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ILFORD. King George Hospital Barley Lane Goodmayes Essex IG3 8YB Tel. 0845 130 4204 020 8983 8000

KING GEORGE AND GOODMAYES Hospital. Adult Day Care unit/ Urology unit

DIRECTIONS TO HOSPITAL: From M11 - At the south end of the M11, take the left fork exit marked A12/City. Keeping left take the A12 exit. At the roundabout (Redbridge Station) take the second exit for Eastern Avenue (A12 Eastbound). Continue on the A12 to the next roundabout (Gants Hill) and take third exit towards Romford. Continue on to the fourth set of traffic lights then turn right into Barley Lane, the Hospital is approx. a quarter of a mile down on the right. From M25, at Junction 28 take the A12 westwards towards Romford. At the next roundabout (Gallows Corner) take the third exit continuing on the A12 to Ilford. At the fifth set of traffic lights, turn left into Barley Lane, the Hospital is approx. a quarter of a mile down on the right.

3 WAYS TO unload equipment and gain access. All marked on hospital maps. 1. Main Entrance. The normal way in, unload under canopy through foyer past shops etc to main corridor, turn left. Down corridor, stairs/ lift on left. Up 1 floor, turn left, down corridor on left. Can sometimes be busy with ambulances/people. 2. Maternity Entrance (Recommended) Under Canopy through doors, turn right past small shop, through doors on to main corridor. Bit quieter.

3. Back of Hospital, Fire access road. Follow access road around to back of hospital to block 5. Unload on the road, push equipment along path to doors, plate needed. Through doors on to main corridor turn right. Once on main corridor head for the lift up one floor, out of lift turn Lt on corridor, (Or right depending on lift, sometimes some not working) follow corridor to Adult Day Care unit/ Urology unit, (marked on map) through doors, straight down corridor, at end of corridor turn left, 2nd theatre on right just before double doors to ward. If Adult Day Care Unit locked then need to use phone on main corridor (just past lift, near Iris ward), ring switchboard 0, and ask them to bleep ‘Co-ordinator’, when he/she rings back ask them to open unit. When installing possible to lock main doors from the inside and leave through the Iris Ward. Out of theatre turn rt down link corridor, push green button to get through doors, turn left past ward desk and out through double doors, push both buttons on Lt to exit. Treating Patients. 1st Patient in at 8.00am 8.15 start if 1st patient peyronies. 10/12 patients normally 10 stones, 2 peyronies. 100mg voltarol/100mg pethidine. Consultants. MR Barua, Vandel, Bhanot, Kelkar. -


Patients prepared in 4-bedded bay opposite theatres. PACS system there to check films, patients x-rayed the day before. able to walk patients down to theatre. Always two members of hospital staff in dept for lithotripsy. Linen in cupboard near reception, small staff room for tea/coffee near reception. Canteen some distance away, but small shops open near main entrance.

Large car park, no problem parking on a Saturday Hotel: PREMIER TRAVEL INN, ROMFORD CENTRAL (Attached to Liberty Bell Restaurant & Pub) Tel: 0333 321 8452 Postcode: RM1 3EN

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