Swindon Great Western Hospital. HOSPITAL:
Marlborough Road
Swindon SN3 6BB Tel 01793 604020 DSU 01793 604060 TX ROOM Cherwell Day Surgery Unit, Theatre 9. DIRECTIONS TO HOSPITAL:
The hospital is located to the southeast of Swindon town centre, close to Junction 15 of the M4 motorway. . From the M4: Exit at Junction 15 and follow signs to Swindon. At the Commonhead roundabout take the first exit left into Marlborough Road A4259. The entrance to the Hospital is 300 metres on the left. From the North: On approaching Swindon, join the A419 south following signs for the M4. This is the Stratton St Margaret by-pass. Take the fourth exit right at the Commonhead roundabout into Marlborough Road A4259. The entrance to the Hospital is 300 metres on the left. DIRECTIONS TO TX ROOM: On entering hospital grounds drive around to the right side of the hospital to the West Entrance. There are large Ambulance bays, unload here, through the West Entrance doors lift is on Left hand side, up to 1st Floor, out of lift turn Left, DSU is further down the corridor on the right. There are two sets of doors to the unit the 2nd set further down the corridor is nearer to the treatment room, leave all the equipment near them , if they are not open ( needs a swipe card) walk back to the first of doors set to enter the unit. Down corridor, turn right past nurses’ station, right again and down corridor to doors and open them from inside. (walking in a loop around the unit). When through these doors, down corridor turn left, and on left hand side is the theatre, some equipment can be brought through single doors, double doors to theatre around corner on the left. After 9.30 the Western Entrance may be close, entry is through the main doors, through foyer to main corridor, turn right to get to lifts.
HOTEL: Marlborough Road Swindon, SN3 6AQ 0871 942 9079 OR Hilton Swindon, Lydiard Fields, Great Western Way SN5 8UZ . Telephone: 01793 881 777
Past hospital to roundabout, turn around this roundabout back on yourself, slip road on left to hotel. 1st PATS. ARRIVAL TIME: 8.00 – 8.30 START USUAL NO. OF PATS: 12 PTS FULL DAY ANALGESIA: CONSULTANTS: COMMENTS: Sister in charge of unit Dorothy Farthing. PACS in Room , consultant should attend first thing to log on etc, Forms have to be filled in by us to each have own passwords etc, forms are on top of white glass/metal cupboard right hand side.
You pick patients up from waiting area near nurses desk, notes on trolly, drop them off in recovery unit behind nurses reception in comfy chairs. Linen cupboard, out of theatre turn right follow yellow footsteps to while cupboard. Large car park in front of main entrance (turn right when entering hospital ground to get to car park), quite expensive over £7 pay machine outside main entrance tales cards though. , Log in details
system username ; Paul.Maxwell (nb capital P and M and full stop) system password ; litho1 (all lower case. this is the one that needs changing periodically.) medway (pacs) login details medway username ; paulmaxwell (all lower case no spaces) medway password ; hospital (all lower case. doesn’t appear to need to be reset) Mr Beck will attend if any private patients on the list, he usually fits them in the middle of the list.