Taunton Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton Somerset TA1 5DA TEL: 01823 333444
Surgical Investigation Unit (Ext 2111.)
DIRECTIONS TO HOSPITAL: M5, junt 25. Follow signs for Taunton centre, A38, then signs for Hospital. Take 2nd signed Ent to hospital from the A38, just past cemetery. Drive along hospital road, take 1st right before Wooden fence, signposted “The Beacon Centre”. Drive 300 yards down road until you see Ambulance loading bays. Reverse van up to Canopy and unload here.
Directions to treatment Area: Through double doors signposted “Old Building Entrance B”. Turn left, down corridor to crossroads. Turn right – SIU door entrance is first door on left. (If for any reason office door cannot be opened, keys for double doors available from the office in ward 3 opposite unit). Car/van can be parked in Old Building Car Park, to get to SIU through Old main Building Entrance, and follows signs, or follow Cark Park around to right, and through door next to Roller door.
Hotel Taunton East Travel Inn. 81 Bridgwater Road Taunton Somerset TA1 2DU
T: 08701 977 249 F: 01823 322054
Directions From the M5 (J25) follow the sign to Taunton (A358). Over the 1st roundabout and flow left at Creech Castle traffic lights. The hotel is 200 yards on the right.
Treating Patients. 1st Patient in at 8.00am 8.15 start if 1st patient Peyronies. 10 patients normally stones, 100mg diclofenac PR, sometimes100mg pethidine.IM. Notes and PACs system in treatment room. Patients come from small recovery area behind waiting room. Consultants. Mr Speakman, MacDonagh, Miss Cannon. Ann and Hannah in charge of list, Sarah in office in charge of dates etc.