Anti-corruption training courses
Where can I get additional training on tackling corruption at the Masters level? Is there other training available to develop this specialism?
I am currently working in Jamaica and some of our project work is specifically on anti-corruption. Tackling corruption is fundamental to ensure development, and I would like to work on this full time.
This answer compiles a list of selected anti-corruption courses and programmes provided by various universities and organisations.
Content 1. 2. 3. 4.
Academic anti-corruption courses Other training courses Further reading References
1 Academic anti-corruption courses Most corruption training courses provided by universities are integrated into academic programmes on political science, public administration, criminal justice, or international law.
Corruption, development and democracy Department: International Service University: American University Curriculum: This course discusses the causes of corruption and evaluates various strategies for eliminating the abuse of public authority for personal ends. It begins with questions of definition and measurement: How can corruption in its various forms be identified, and how can levels and the prevalence of corruption be
Author(s): Marie ChĂŞne, Transparency International, mchene@transparency.org Reviewed by: Robin Hodess Ph.D., Transparency International, rhodess@transparency.org Date: 6 October 2009 Number: 218 U4 Expert Answers provide targeted and timely anti-corruption expert advice to U4 partner agency staff www.U4.no
Anti-corruption training courses
measured? Second, it considers how corruption impacts government performance generally and perverts distribution by directing public resources for political favouritism or personal gain. This includes a blunt assessment of opportunism by the private sector and other actors. Third, it explores the roots of corruption in culture, weak governance, or structural distortions. The course examines theories that point to regime type and other institutional varieties of accountability. We conclude by considering the role of courts, legislatures, and the international community in confronting corruption.
Political corruption Department: Political Science University: Colgate University Curriculum: This course examines the limits of privately interested political action in a variety of societies and considers possible explanations for corruption, examines case studies drawn from American politics and from other nations, and identifies the consequences of corruption, both for whole societies and for important groups within them. Reforms are a concern as well. Finally, the class considers the ways people in a variety of cultures judge right and wrong, and how they respond to the wrongdoing they perceive around them.
Political corruption and governance Department: Political Science University: Columbia University
different political and economic development? How does it occur? In what form? 8.
Consequences of Corruption: How does corruption affect social and economic development? Why has corruption inhibited economic growth and democratization in some countries but not others? Can corruption be "efficient" and "positive"?
Control of Corruption: Can corruption be controlled? If so, how? What are the most effective ways to reduce, contain, and eliminate corruption?
Corruption and anti-corruption Department: Public administration University: Crawford School of Economics and Government Curriculum: The Master of Public Administration (MPA) is an advanced professional program designed to help accelerate or redirect careers in and around government. The program is strongly multi-disciplinary in character, drawing heavily on economics, political science, public sector management, and social philosophy, as well as cognate fields such as law and international relations. The Corruption and Anti-Corruption class is one of the electives offered to complete the Master of Public Administration.
Corruption in developing countries
This course addresses five sets of broad questions that are most common in the discourse on corruption and governance:
Department: Department of Government University: Georgetown University
Definition of Corruption: Is the concept of corruption universal? Is it possible to find a commonly accepted and applicable definition of corruption? Should there be a universal standard of "good governance"?
Causes of Corruption: What are the possible causes of political corruption in general? What are the causes of corruption in different types of regimes? Is there a general theory of corruption?
Patterns of Corruption: What are the various patterns of political corruption in countries of
Curriculum: The Department of Government offers a course on corruption in developing countries for the academic year 2010/2011. No additional information was publicly available about the course. The course is offered by Professor John J Bailey (baileyjo@georgetown.edu).
Anti-corruption training courses
Political economy of corruption and good governance Department: Public affairs University: Lafollette School of Public Affairs Curriculum: What are the prospects for success in anti-corruption reform and prescriptions, if any, for hurrying good governance along? This seminar begins with issues of definition and measurement, it then considers a number of theoretical perspectives on causes and consequences of corruption, mainly from the disciplines of political science and economics. Most of the seminar, however, has a policy orientation: it considers the state of our cumulative knowledge on corruption as a policy issue that demands action both within countries and globally by a wide range of players.
Corruption and corruption control Department: Criminal Law University: New York University Curriculum: This seminar analyses the types of corruption that exist in both the public and private sectors, the means by which a variety of criminal and non-traditional remedies may be used to reduce the frequency and impact of corrupt activities, and the constitutional and statutory problems that are implicated by such approaches.
Corruption: global perspectives Department: Criminal Justice University: Rutgers State University of New Jersey Curriculum: With the World Bank estimating that globally about $1 trillion per year is paid in bribes, and that this illegality leads to poor economic performance and human rights violations, this course examines the phenomenon of corruption, identifies the contexts within which it flourishes, explores means of measuring it, and analyses the opportunity structure for corruption. The course also focuses on corruption control, and cooperative arrangements which aim to prevent and contain corruption.
Ethics in American politics Department: Political Science University: University of Florida Curriculum: In recent decades, the focus of concern about political ethics has shifted to the problem of "conflicts of interest" between elected officials' private interests and their public duties, and to the regulation of campaign finance. This course will examine theories of political ethics, important episodes of corruption, and the regulation of political ethics through elections and legislation. The main focus will be on the ethics of legislators, but we will also look at presidents, governors, and other public officials. Some of the main questions the course will address include: How do political ethics differ, if at all, from private ethics? What causes corruption? What have been the aims of goodgovernment reformers? What sorts of ethical issues does the American campaign finance system pose? Should unethical behaviour be addressed at the ballot box rather than through new laws? What are the limits of ethics regulation? What constitutes political courage, and what other virtues are important for public officials to have?
Corruption, economic development and democracy Department: International Law University: Yale University Curriculum: This is a seminar on the link between political and bureaucratic institutions, on the one hand, and economic development, on the other. A particular focus will be the impact of corruption on development and the establishment of democratic government.
Preventing corruption in health programmes Department: School of Public Health University: Boston University The Boston University School of Public Health has developed a training module on preventing corruption in health programmes. The course covers six major topics, including an overview of corruption in the health sector, vulnerabilities and prevention strategies, culture and corruption, prevention models and strategies,
Anti-corruption training courses
physician-pharmaceutical company relations and corruption in medicine supply and informal payments. Overview: Corruption and lack of accountability in government are concerns in all countries, but they are especially critical problems in developing and transition countries where public resources are already scarce and corruption can cripple growth and development. In international health work, most public health practitioners will encounter corruption at some point and will need to make ethical and management decisions about how to work within corrupt systems and how to prevent corruption from occurring. This course is designed to introduce students to the problem of corruption and provide them with skills for assessing vulnerabilities to corruption in the health sector. The course also builds confidence, knowledge and skills needed to become an effective advocate for anti-corruption strategies and health system reforms that promote accountability and transparency.
Graduate coursework in corruption and anti-corruption Programme: Master of Arts (Professional and Applied Ethics) University: School of Humanities, Australian National University While many examples of corrupt activity are also examples of illegal activity, it is not always the case that corrupt activities are illegal, or even that illegal activities are corrupt. This course examines the nature, causes and moral implications of corruption, as well as strategies that can be applied to combat corruption. Since the focus of the course is corruption in general, rather than corruption in any specific context, examples and cases will be drawn from a range of roles and professions, in both the public and private spheres. When successfully completed, students will have developed a good theoretical understanding of the ethical issues informing central and current understanding of corruption and anti-corruption, and of some key philosophical issues of importance to applied ethics more generally. This course is available for oncampus and off-campus (correspondence) students.
The economics of corruption – a university training in good governance and reform University: University of Passau The University of Passau conducts an annual training on good governance and reform, targeting practitioners, researchers and students of multiple disciplines and sectors. Tight control of the admission process at the university level has been introduced to guarantee a high level of motivation and engagement, and ensure the quality of participation. Curriculum: This training targets anti-corruption policymakers and practitioners, as well as graduate and post-graduate students and faculty in the social sciences. An analysis of political, economic and organizational incentives allows participants to obtain a profound understanding of the forces that are at play. Survey techniques and statistical analysis confront theory with data. Interactive tools such as games, poster presentations and case studies involve participants and make them acquainted with today's challenges. Participants are introduced into a body of research on models for reform related to such issues as contract penalties, compliance systems, debarment, procurement, leniency and corporate liability. The event consists of five guest trainings from selected experts, case studies, games and poster presentations, and a dinner presentation. The whole event is free of charge but restricted only to successful applicants. The next training will take place on October 10-17, 2009.
Postgraduate certificate in corruption studies Programme: School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) University: Hong Kong University Curriculum: The Postgraduate Certificate in Corruption Studies programme provides a unique blend of academic and professional training in anti-corruption studies that trained professionals will need in combating corruption effectively. In addition, it provides opportunities for the participants to explore their academic potential with a broad-based foundation in the field of anti-corruption
Anti-corruption training courses
and hence prepare them for higher level studies in related disciplines. This Postgraduate Certificate programme has the support of the International Association of Anti Corruption Authorities (IAACA), Tiri (the governanceaccess-learning network) and is part of the Public Integrity Education Network (PIEN), which is a network of more than twenty universities around the world with the common goal of promoting integrity education. This Postgraduate Certificate comprises six modules: • Theories on corruption • Corruption legislation • Comparative Studies of Anti-Corruption Structures and Strategies • Anti-Corruption Enforcement • Corruption Prevention and Community Education • Integrated Group Project The medium of instruction is English. The delivery of the programme comprises the three major components: (1) Pre-course research study; (2) A 3-week intensive full-time residential study in Hong Kong; and (3) Postcourse self-study.
2 Other anti-corruption courses U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre training courses Online anti-corruption training courses These web based courses target staff of the U4 partner agencies: DFID, Norad/mfa, Sida/mfa, MinBuZa, GTZ/KfW/BMZ/CIM, CIDA/Foreign Affairs, BTC, and AusAID. Partner agency staff and invited participants all over the world can participate in this six-week course. The course is based on self-study, group work and assignments, and takes place in a 'Virtual Classroom'. 'Essentials of Anti-Corruption'online course Dates and more information
'Money in Politics'online course Dates and more information
In-country training workshops The U4 ACRC also conducts in-country training courses at the request of partner agencies. Locations for the 'Essentials of Anti-Corruption' training workshops and the specialised training modules are decided by the AC coordinators at the U4 Partner Agencies' Headquarters. Requests by field offices for U4 in-country training can be forwarded to them.
Corruption prevention in the petroleum sector Organisation: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway Curriculum: This is one of several course modules that will be offered by Petrad and Norad's "Oil for Development" programme for officials from ministries of finance and energy, petroleum institutions, national banks, tax authorities, state auditors and special institutions of supervision and control, parliaments and judiciaries, civil society, media, and other stakeholders in developing/partner countries. This course module on corruption will provide the participants with a basic understanding of the elements of corruption, its causes, forms and consequences, and provide a framework and practical tools to make reforms. It has a special focus on strategic partnerships and on developing countries with petroleum resources.
World Bank Institute courses WBI’s Governance and Anti-Corruption Learning programme provides a wide range of anti-corruption training and learning events world-wide. Please visit the Governance and Anti-Corruption Learning Catalog Calendar of Events page. Examples of upcoming events include: E*Learning_ The Role of Parliaments in Curbing Corruption This course considers parliament as a role model, legislator and representative in reducing corruption in a nation and improving standards for fighting against it. It also considers the impact of corruption on social, economic and environmental norms. This unit attempts to provide an in-depth definition of corruption by explaining how it manifests itself in the public and private domains in both administrative and political situations. This unit also explains what classifies corruption and describes the scope in which it occurs. Finally, this unit looks at the costs of corruption.
Anti-corruption training courses
Procurement Monitoring Forum: A Social Accountability Tool Advancing Citizens' Engagement with Government ANSA EAP’s bi-annual stakeholders’ forum will provide a platform for learning and community-building among practitioners, government, media, donor agencies and advocates of social accountability (SA) that have a strong interest in applying SA approaches to the procurement field.
Global Infrastructure AntiCorruption Centre (GIACC) courses The Global Infrastructure Anti Corruption Centre (GIACC), is an independent not-for-profit organisation which provides resources and services for the purpose of preventing corruption in the infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors. GIACC provides the following anti-corruption resources and services: • on-line anti-corruption training module • anti-corruption training workshops • anti-corruption training manual. 1. GIACC On-line Anti-Corruption Training Module GIACC has published a free on-line anti-corruption training module. For further information on the module, and to commence the module, go to online training. 2. "Preventing Corruption in the Infrastructure Sector" GIACC is providing a three day anti-corruption training workshop which will be held in Amersham, England. The workshop title is "Preventing Corruption in the Infrastructure Sector". This workshop is being provided by GIACC working in alliance with the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and the World Council of Civil Engineers. (Monday 16th/Tuesday 17th/Wednesday 18th November 2009) 3. Government and corporate training workshops GIACC provides anti-corruption training workshops by specific agreement between governments or companies. The workshop programme can be adapted in accordance with the organisation's requirements. Matters discussed at these workshops are treated in
confidence. These workshops need to be arranged by specific agreement with GIACC.
New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption training workshops The ICAC offers a range of training workshops, on a feefor-service basis, geared towards public sector managers and specialist staff. The training workshops offered include: Corruption prevention for managers This practical workshop aims at raising the awareness of corruption, corruption risks and the role of managers in preventing, detecting and responding to these problems. This workshop can be run as either a full-day or half-day workshop. Better management of protected disclosures (in conjunction with the NSW Ombudsman) This workshop provides information about the protection that can be provided to people who report improper, corrupt or unlawful behaviour in the public sector. Fact-finder This is an introductory workshop for managers and others in state government and local councils who may be asked to conduct an inquiry and who have limited experience in the inquiry process.
Mastership in anti-corruption policy and strategy Organisation: The Diplomatic Academy of Europe and the Atlantic Curriculum: The Diplomatic Academy of Europe and the Atlantic (formerly European-Atlantic Diplomatic Academy) is an independent, membership driven, diplomatic and professional organization based in England. It was founded with the purpose of developing greater knowledge, understanding, analysis, advancement and professional training on international human rights, anticorruption, international security and defence, transnational organized crime and diplomatic affairs related issues. The primary goal of the programme is to develop in graduates the ability to analyze, comprehend,
Anti-corruption training courses
strategise and resolve the complex problems confronting the interregional crime prevention, anticorruption practice and criminal justice system. The course consists of advanced modules by international experts and specialists, the United Nations and in conjunction with the UN Global Programme Against Corruption. The course is designed to provide a thorough understanding of anti-corruption policy and strategy, anti-organized crime and anti-money laundering.
forensic accounting, ethics, asset tracing and recovery, money laundering, and computer-based evidence gathering.
The course is open to applicants with a good knowledge of English, including postgraduates, diplomats, business executives and experienced professionals who are interested in this field.
The Academy will seek official accreditation by negotiating agreements with recognised universities to allow its graduates to apply their course credits toward university degrees in fields such as law and criminal justice. Internet-based e-learning programmes will support students before and after attending the Academy.
Tiri courses Organisation: Tiri is an independent non-governmental organisation that works with governments, business and civil society to find practical solutions to making integrity work. Improvements in integrity offer perhaps the single largest opportunity for sustainable and equitable development worldwide. Tiri has developed considerable expertise in the field of anti-corruption and integrity training through designing and implementing anti-corruption curricula and teaching tools in a numbers of countries. Many teaching materials, including syllabi, curricula, presentations and case studies are accessible online.
Anti-corruption Academy (Interpol/UNODC) courses INTERPOL and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have formed an important partnership in the fight against corruption, with the creation of the world’s first Anti-Corruption Academy. Drawing on the experience of both organisations, the Academy will produce experts in the fight against corruption. Working with other international bodies and universities, it will provide vital research on effective anti-corruption strategies, legislation and preventative measures. The Academy aims at becoming an innovative provider of anti-corruption education, training, operational assistance and research in the world.
Courses will comprise a set of modules on different subjects which can be taken individually or combined, and typical sessions may last from one week to three months. Coursework, both practical and theoretical, will offer real case studies reflecting the laws, cultures and capabilities of different countries.
3 Further reading Examples of anti-corruption training sessions (ChĂŞne, M (2009) U4 Expert Answer 195.) A number of anti-corruption training providers have developed teaching tools such as role playing, case studies, case solving or presentation of experiences, that could be used within the framework of an awareness raising session. A key lesson emerging from the experience of conducting anti-corruption training is that there are no ready-made awareness raising techniques that can be applied everywhere, irrespective of local context. Anti-corruption awareness raising activities need to be tailored to the needs, knowledge and capacities of the target audience as well as to the specific circumstances of each country. http://www.u4.no/helpdesk/helpdesk/query.cfm?id=195 Anti-corruption training and education (Boehm, F. and Nell, M (2007) U4 Brief 2007:13) This U4 brief examines the foundations, objectives and scope of anti-corruption training and defines its target groups. It also looks into the design and methods of proper anti-corruption training. http://www.cmi.no/publications/file/?2762=anticorruption-training-and-education
The anti-corruption curriculum, will include topics such as oversight and investigation of development aid, independent agency creation and management,
Anti-corruption training courses
4 Links http://www.newark.rutgers.edu/rscj/rics/SP09_27_202_65 2_Corruption_Graycar.pdf http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/rosenson/eth08.doc http://www.law.yale.edu/academics/internationallawcourse offerings.asp#spring http://www.bu.edu/actforhealth/actforhealth04/PreventingC orruptioninHealthSyllabus.pdf http://studyat.anu.edu.au/courses/PAAE8004;details.html http://www.icgg.org/downloads/Program_2009.pdf http://www.icgg.org/corruption.lecture_2009.html http://hkuspace.hku.hk/web_course/show_course.php?co de=905&page_code=1304&s http://www.u4.no/training/main.cfm http://www.cmi.no/research/project/?1169=anti%E2%80% 90corruption%E2%80%90course%E2%80%90module http://www.giaccentre.org/anti_corruption_training.php http://www.icac.nsw.gov.au/index.cfm?objectid=6868F40E -D0B7-4CD6-F9F7E8C6FE1967BB http://www.emagister.co.uk/mastership_in_anti_corruption _policy_and_strategy_crime_prevention_and_criminal_jus tice_level_8_courses-cinst-230274.htm http://www.tiri.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=vi ew&id=161&Itemid= http://www.tiri.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=vi ew&id=305&Itemid= http://www.interpol.int/Public/Corruption/Academy/default. asp