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1.3. REIR Corporate Values

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(GRI 102-16) (Global Compact – Principles 1, 10) (SDG 16.3) T : Anti-corruption

The REIR (Responsibility, Excellence, Integrity and Respect) values are those that govern the behavior we expect from our associates. These were conceived, at the time, by our founder Juan Bautista Gutiérrez and have been part of CMI’s operational culture since its foundation, although they were incorporated at the corporate level in 2010. The ultimate goal is that all associates live these values in their work and personal lives, being reflected in their attitudes, behaviors, motivations and results.


The Corporate Ethics Code was published in 2017, its introduction states: “Adhere to the experience of our REIR values, gives us the certainty of complying with the code of ethics and be part of better companies, better communities and better countries.”



Is the ability to assume and meet our individual commitment, be responsible for our actions and their consequences.


Is to strive to be the best and reach perfection in what we do, it is to seek continuous improvement, give exceptionally good results and be efficient.


To speak and act in a manner consistent with our values.


Consideration that we give to the rights of others and the legal system that supports these rights.

(GRI 205-2)

Compliance with this Code of Ethics is an effort to make families progress, training entrepreneurs in order to improve the countries in which we operate. By teaching ethics, we encourage interpersonal motivation to stimulate a healthy and pleasant organizational climate. In this sense, each year we implement two workshops that aim to train and inspire all workers without distinction. We also run an annual competition to reward those who put them in practice. We communicate them through internal bulletins and campaigns such as “Zero Tolerance” and “Living our REIR Values”. We also have the program with “Ethics Trainers” who are the workshop’s internal facilitators. The workshops also include anti-corruption issues.

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