5 minute read
A Woman of Worth Meet First Woman Chair Of Trustees Ministry Corlette Jordan
Women play a powerful role in God’s story of redemption throughout Scripture. We hear about great women like Esther who becomes a queen that saves her family, Deborah who serves as a judge that wins a war, and Naomi who is so revered that God blesses her with a loyal daughter in law. There are so many others that could be named as well, Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, Eve, Miriam, Sarah and Rachel. The God used woman that we highlight in 2021 is indeed a woman who knows how to handle her business and secure the bag for the kingdom. Very much like the woman we learn about in Matthew 26:7, who was wise and wealthy enough to own an alabaster box of sweet smelling expensive perfume, but spiritually discerning and humble enough to bow at the feet of Jesus, we celebrate Corlette Jordan. She too can be found managing the property and items of high value for the Kingdom. As the unnamed woman in Matthew 26:7 was an essential part of the life of Jesus yet served ... behind the scenes we find that Corlette, the First woman Chair of Trustees of St Mark Missionary Baptist Church is often serving behind the scenes. Unbeknown to many others the woman in Matthew 26:7 was in God’s will. Likewise Corlette has stood on the shoulders of others like Trustee Argie Lamb (the first woman trustee of St Mark Church) and lead with excellence. She is our 2021 Woman of Worth. She has been a major contributor to God’s powerful work in our church, community the world and the advancement of his kingdom. In Honor of Women’s History Month, the world has been taken by storm with new powerful woman voices of influence such as VicePresident Kamala Harris and Senator Stacy Abrams. We are also celebrating our own hometown heroes.
A behind the scenes interview with Corlette Jordan the First Woman Chair of Trustees.
You are the first woman Chair of Trustees, as a young woman in leadership, how did you get your start in your career?
As I advance in leadership in my professional career, my financial and contract management responsibilities increase. My primary function is managing risk and ensuring that the mission of the company is done effectively and efficiently. In the community, I have served or am currently serving as a financial officer in all but one of the organizations where I actively hold membership.The experience of managing and monitoring funds has given me a wealth of experience that easily translates to managing the church funds and financial risk.

As you were growing up and discovering your passions and talents, did you imagine you’d be leading in ministry? Or did this calling catch you by complete surprise?
While i’ve always known and loved God and been active in church, growing up I would have never seen myself leading a ministry. Life and its lessons continue to humble me and as good as God has been to me I constantly ask him to use me as He sees fit. I asked God where He would have me, to best contribute to His kingdom and where my talents could be used best. So I won’t say it was a surprise as much as it was an answer to my question.
What would the Corlette today tell her 20 year old self?
Corlette of today would tell Corlette of 20 years ago to keep pushing when you’re up against trouble, meet it squarely face to face, stay focused and let God guide you. Whatever you do, do not stop dreaming, don’t stop setting goals, and don’t ever stop executing against those dreams and goals. You can fallback, or slow-down whenever you need to, but NEVER stop. It is so much easier to pick up the pace
While I am the first woman chairperson of the Trustee Ministry, I do recognize efforts of those before me specifically Trustee Argie B Lamb who is the first woman elected to the Trustee Ministry.
What has been the most rewarding part of your journey so far?
One of my greatest rewards has been learning “how” an organization works. Once you know how an organization works understand why the organization works the way it does, one can better ascertain the value they can bring to that organization. The greatest joy of my journey besides meeting and working with great people, is the learning and giving back that which God has given me.

when you are ready to than to convince yourself to start a brand-new race.
How do you prioritize family life and self care while leading a ministry like St Mark with so many onsite worshippers and countless virtual attendees? How are you able to not get overwhelmed by your work life?
When it comes to my priorities it is God first. Next is my mom and my fourteen year old son who is absolutely my “WHY”. As for ministry leadership, the pandemic has presented challenges that have required adjustments and flexibility, but the goal of the Trustee Ministry remains the same. That combined with the leadership of a forward- thinking pastor and the tremendous support from the dedicated .............................. Corlette, Connie and Jordan

members of the trustee ministry help to ensure we continue to provide support to the Kingdom. It is a delicate balance, but all of it contributes to who I am.
How do you stay connected to the mission of service to the local church and community and at the same time lead through a Pandemic?
My inner circle keeps me grounded. The organizations I belong to are service oriented organizations, so I am surrounded by others who also work hard for our community and our churches. We support, we lean on, and we learn from each other.