18 | LIFE @ CMU
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
CMU GREEKS collectively outperform undergraduate GPAs
By Office of Student Activities & Involvement
Individually, the highest-ranking chapters were:
Statistics recently released indicate that Central Michigan University fraternity and sorority life chapters outperformed their undergraduate counterparts academically during the spring 2020 semester despite the challenges brought by COVID-19 The Central Michigan University Fraternity and Sorority Life report says the community that accounts for nearly 9 percent of the undergraduate population, at 1,176 members, averaged a 3.34 spring 2020 semester GPA. The all-undergraduate GPA was 3.15 for the spring 2020 semester. The fraternity and sorority community has earned higher grades than the average student for the 7th consecutive semester. A total of 26 of the 27 groups in the list earned a 3.0 GPA or higher. The fraternity and sorority life area is further broken down into its four governing councils. They include Interfraternity Council (8 IFC chapters), Collegiate Panhellenic Council (11 CPC chapters), Multicultural Greek Council (2 MGC chapters) and National Pan-Hellenic Council (7 NPHC chapters). Of that group, CPC chapters had the highest spring semester GPA at 3.43. That was followed by MGC chapters at 3.38, NPHC chapters at 3.07, and IFC chapters at 3.05.
• 3.63 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., NPHC • 3.62 Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., MGC • 3.57 Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, CPC • 3.48 Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority and Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority, CPC • 3.45 Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority, CPC and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., NPHC
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority