MArach 29, 2010

Page 1

Make-a-Wish raises $380 for child Friday, 5A

defense Partnership to help training for military jobs, 7A

His house hosts holy homage, 3A

baseball | Team faces Valpo, 1B

Central Michigan Life

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mount Pleasant, Mich.


f a c i l iti e s m a n a g e m e n t

Mixed grades for building conditions Ongoing repairs kept within budget constraints By Darnell Gardner Staff Reporter

photos by matthew stephens/senior photographer

The CMU gymnastics team celebrates after capturing its first Mid-American Conference Championship since 2004 and 11th since 1990. It posted a 195.6, beating rival Kent State and five other teams.

take fouR!

Gymnastics nabs CMU’s fourth MAC Championship of 2009-10


OWLING GREEN, Ohio — Central Michigan University found itself hoisting another Mid-American Conference championship trophy Saturday. The gymnastics team took advantage of rival Kent State’s falls on the balance beam to secure its 11th MAC title in 21 years. It joins the football, wrestling and women’s soccer teams in winning the conference in the 2009-10 academic year, the most of any MAC school. Coach Jerry Reighard, in his 26th year, also was named MAC Coach of the Year for the second consecutive season.

Senior Jessica Suder hugs assistant coach Christine MacDonald following CMU’s MAC Championship win Saturday.

will return as one next year. Wuerfel has known Skonieczny for two years and said he is a great mentor, boss and allaround guy. “We’re all sad and shocked that he’s leaving,” Wuerfel said. “Cobb is Mike Skonieczny.” Skonieczny, who has a threeyear-old daughter and another baby on the way, said while he will miss the great relationships he has made with his staff, students and peers, it is time to move on and focus on his family. One thing he will not miss, Skonieczny said, is the latenight activity. “I’m looking forward to sitting down with my wife and kids in our own house for dinner — traditional family stuff,” Skoniec-

zny said. “It will be nice to have quiet evenings at home.” Skonieczny also advises the Residence Hall Assembly and co-advises the Alternative Break Program. He will step down from both positions. He said he played no role in the decision to not name a new Cobb RHD, but he believes it will not take away from the community. Wuerfel disagrees. “When we found out, there was a lot of hesitation and fear that Cobb would lose a little of itself,” Wuerfel said. “We’re just taking it one day at a time and will see where the future takes us.”

Presidential candidate Evan Agnello and vice presidential candidate Jessica Richard will join us at 8 p.m. Wednesday on!

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6K Run/Walk for Charity April 24, 2010

Brittany Mouzourakis


Losing a little of itself Fenton sophomore Samantha Wuerfel is a Cobb RA and

Campus sidewalk repairs: $200,000 Primary electrical distribution repairs: $150,000 Domestic water replacement in Smith, Pearce and Ronan: $800,000 Roof replacement: $990,000 Elevator maintenance: $170,000 Renovation of space in Rowe for the College of Medicine: $237,600

Join us at 8 p.m. and submit some of your own questions!

Residence Life concerned with keeping staffed

“Saving the best for last.” The short saying — packed with a powerful message — is written across the backs of all of Cobb Hall’s residence assistants’ shirts. The front of the shirts read: “I heart Mike,” referring to Mike Skonieczny, Cobb Hall’s residence hall director. After five years, Skonieczny will not return next year, and Residence Life has made the de-

w w w w w w

Student Government Association presidential candidate Brittany Mouzourakis and vice presidential candidate Dave Breed will join us on live stream as we discuss their platform and ideas for campus.

What’s on

By Heather Hillman Staff Reporter

Other summer projects, pending approval of additional funds by the Board of Trustees:

8 p.m.,

No replacement for Cobb Hall RHD cision not to replace him. “We’ve been planning this based on the numbers,” said Shaun Holtgreive, associate director of Residence Life. “Staffing is based on occupancy.” Holtgreive said the decision has nothing to do with budget cuts; they have been trying to reduce staffing because those residence halls are not full. He said Residence Life is more concerned with keeping the RAs and multicultural advisors fully staffed. Neither of those areas are being cut. Troutman RHD Bill O’Dell will serve as the RHD for both halls.

Masonry repair: $100,000 Asphalt crack sealing: $20,000 Wood floor maintenance at SAC, Rose Arena, Music Building: $24,000 Condensate System repairs: $150,000 Classroom upgrades: $390,000 Parking lot restoration: $300,000


a win to remember w First gymnastics title since 2004, 1B more photos w From Saturday, 2B

w w w w w w

A building grades | 2A

[more coverage inside]

a TEST OF WILL w CMU endures long day, 2B

More than half of the 36 buildings on campus maintained through general funds scored a C or lower in an assessment of their condition conducted by Facilities Management. Assessments are being updated to reflect changes in fire and electrical systems and updates to keep buildings in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The last assessment was completed in 2003. Steve Lawrence, associate vice president of Facilities Management, said low ratings do not necessarily mean buildings are in bad condition. “Even if you have a very high or, in this case, a very low score in a building, you still have the structural integrity of the building,” he said. “The floors, the walls, the

Projects being worked on this summer

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2A || Monday, March 29, 2010 || Central Michigan Life


EVENTS CALENDAR Monday w A CMU faculty and staff quilt exhibit is on display from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Wednesday in the Bovee University Center’s Multicultural Education Center Room 125. w A presentation called “Addicted to Plastic: The Use and Demise of the Modern Miracle” will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. in Anspach Hall 152.

Tuesday w A Resume Workshop, hosted by Career Services, will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Bovee University Center’s Lake Huron Room. w State Rep. Brian Calley, R-Portland, will speak about his campaign for the 33rd state Senate seat at the College Republicans meeting from 9 to 10 p.m. in Anspach Hall 169. w A Word Hammer SLAM Poetry meeting will take place from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. in Moore Hall 206.

Student loan process simpler under new law By David Lightman McClatchy Newspapers (MCT)

WASHINGTON — Students and their families should find the student loan process simpler, and lower-income students should find more financial help, under the sweeping changes tucked into the health care legislation that Congress passed this week. The measure, aimed at taking banks and other private lenders out of the lucrative federal subsidized student loan market, also would lessen the burden for some graduates as they pay back their loans. Currently, certain students with low incomes and large loan balances don’t have to pay more than 15 percent of their incomes each month on the loans. The new law will lower that to 10 percent. The changes, which are projected to save the government $61 billion over 10 years, also will forgive the loans after 20 years of repayment, down from 25 currently. Until now, there have been two federal loan programs. Under one, the government makes loans directly to students, a program that now will be expanded. The other is the Federal Family

Education Loan Program. Under it, banks and lenders make loans that the federal government guarantees or insures. It will end July 1. The new law still will permit private lending institutions to make private loans, but the federal government won’t subsidize them. “This is a big deal. We’ve known for decades that subsidies are unnecessary and expensive, and special interest lobbying has kept these provisions on the books,” said Pedro de la Torre, advocacy senior associate at the Center for American Progress, a liberal research group. Richard Hunt, the president of the Consumer Bankers Association, said in a letter to Congress, however, that the bill would have “major negative consequences for American higher education.” Sallie Mae, a major student loan provider, warned it would be forced to reduce its national work force, now about 8,600 people, by 2,500. “The student loan provisions buried in the health care legislation intentionally eliminate private sector jobs and student services at a time when our country can least afford to lose them,” Sallie Mae spokeswoman Mar-

jake may/staff photographer

Brighton sophomore Mark Lauzon watches the ball as he starts his swing during a home run derby-style game of wiffle ball at WestPoint Village on Saturday afternoon with three of his friends. “Three home runs, no big deal,” he said with confidence. “But that’s not all it is about. It’s about hanging out with friends and bringing some character to the game.”

tha Holler said. “Reform did not have to be an either-or proposition; Congress could have achieved its reform and savings goals in a way that helped both students and workers, but instead chose not to.” Budget rules adopted last year allowed the loan provisions to be included in the health care package, and Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, defended the changes.

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© Central Michigan Life 2010 Volume 91, Number 71

building grades | continued from 1A

foundation and the roof are all still there, so there’s a lot of value in that building at that stage.” Despite many structures being in average and below average condition, buildings received A’s more than any other grade in the assessment. Ten buildings netted grades of A or better of the 36. The list includes buildings maintained through the general fund — not any residence halls. A building’s condition is determined by comparing how much it would cost to bring it up to perfect condition with the estimated cost of replacing the building altogether. Ongoing maintenance Linda Slater, director of plant engineering and planning, and Lawrence determine which buildings receive the most attention primarily based upon the Life Safety Code — a set of standards

developed to prevent fires — building integrity and input from staff. Their selections are approved by the Board of Trustees. Lawrence said regularly maintained buildings do not require extensive repair, which is not feasible because of budget constraints. Slater said Facilities Management uses other methods to keep buildings in good condition. “We have ongoing preventative maintenance based on our budget to extend and protect the life of the building,” she said. “That is an ongoing part of our routine maintenance.” Lawrence said he expects some grades to change after buildings are reassessed. “By August, the grade for Brooks Hall should go up because we’ll have finished our mechanical, electrical and plumbing renovations,” Lawrence said. Brooks currently has an E, one grade above failing, according to the assessment.

The assessment states it would cost about $134 million to bring all general fund buildings up to perfect condition. That is about onethird of the current general fund budget. Lawrence said the money granted to Facilities Management for bringing buildings up to like-new condition decreased to $6.4 million from $6.7 million between 2009 and 2010. In 2011, he expects the amount to decline again. “For fiscal year 2011, we expect to receive $5.5 million,” Lawrence said. “I would say that we’re fortunate. There are many, many schools in Michigan that do not have that significant of a deferred maintenance budget.”


Treating: Back Pain Neck Pain Sports Injuries Auto Accidents

On Campus In Mt. Pleasant

inside life Central Michigan Life


Monday, March 29, 2010

SGA seeks to educate on online learning Today’s session to give insight on its strengths, flaws By Emily Grove Staff Reporter

dent Government Association president and Mount Pleasant senior. “It’s our job to inform students of the issues that will affect them.” SGA will host a panel discussion on online learning at 7 p.m. today in the Education and Human Services Building’s French Auditorium. Merodie Hancock, vice president and executive director of ProfEd, will talk about the history of online courses and provide information about

Jason Nichol said he sees how online classes have grown at Central Michigan University. “Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they are here to stay,” said the Stu-

strengths and weaknesses. Nichol said he has found a lot of help from online classes. “I’m a very busy person and also a music major,” Nichol said. “Between rehearsals and practicing, I don’t have much spare time, but online courses offer flexibility to complete my work at night.” Hancock’s information will include statistics about the national perspective of online learning. After her pre-

ing trend of online classes in higher education. The panel consists of faculty members Mary Senter, professor of sociology, anthropology and social work; Jeff Angera, associate professor of human environmental studies; William Dailey, associate professor of communication and dramatic arts; and David Whale, associate professor of education leadership.

If you go... w w w

What: Online learning panel discussion When: 7 p.m. today Where: French Auditorium, EHS Building

sentation, a panel will answer questions from those in attendance. Each faculty member will offer insight into the grow-

A SGA | 4A

2010 census

Township officials hope for exact count

[Life in brief] SGA debate

Student Government Association presidential candidates Evan Agnello, a Troy junior, and Garden City senior Brittany Mouzourakis will debate at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Charles V. Park Library Auditorium.

Census giveaway

The city of Mount Pleasant will give away three prizes starting Tuesday. Sign-ups for one $500 cash prize and two $250 cash prizes will take place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday in front of the Bovee University Center. Off-campus students must have filled out their census form to be eligible, while on-campus students are eligible despite not receiving their census forms until April.

DISCovering a Cure

From 11 a.m. to midnight today, 20 percent of Bennigan’s sales will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Contact Becky Wade at to receive a flyer.

By Maryellen Tighe Senior Reporter

Pins for Pets

Union Township officials are seeking a more accurate idea of the township’s expected population in the 2010 U.S. Census. The U.S. Census Bureau counts American cities, townships and villages every 10 years to determine how much federal money will go where. But in 2000, the township experienced a few problems because of low student participation in the census. “When they did the last census, they ended up only coming up with 70 percent of the population,” township Treasurer Pam Stovak said. “They didn’t get the response from (students); by the time they were hitting those areas, the students had already gone home.” The township paid for another count on its own in 2006, said township Clerk Peter Gallinat.This resulted in a count of 10,359, up from 2000’s count of 7,615. Other local areas also performed recounts after the 2000 census, including Toledo and Detroit, said Mike Price, media specialist for the U.S. Census Bureau’s Detroit regional office. “It’s the American thing to do — to ask for a recount when the numbers don’t seem to jive like a public official thinks they should,” he said. After the 2006 count, Union Township received a one-year adjustment in its revenue share, but officials had to wait until this year to see a permanent profit adjustment, Stovak said. The township may have a higher population, but revenue sharing profits are going down. “If they were doing revenue sharing at the same level they were in the past, then we would get more,” Stovak said. The township is working with census workers to make sure when they are checking on people who have not returned their census, they go to student housing first, she said. In 2003, the township received $565,000 in revenue sharing. In 2009, that had decreased to $466,000, township manager Brian Smith said. The census this year will help distribute $1,469 per person, according to recent analyses. “Some people think it’s just supposed to be where mom and dad live, but really the federal government would prefer if they fill in their school address, ” Gallinat said. “It is a big difference when the students put down their Union Township address versus their parents’ address.” A census | 4A

Students can bowl for Pins for Pets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. today at Riverwood Bowling Alley for $13, which covers two games of bowling and shoes. Proceeds will benefit the Humane Animal Treatment Society. Prizes will be raffled off throughout the night. To register, contact Trevor Parnell at (586) 596-0782 or

Film screenings

photos by sean proctor/staff photographer

Top: (From left) Rochester Hills junior Lisa Zelenak, alumna Emily Earnest and Hersey junior Sarah Neubecker pray and read the Bible Sunday afternoon during Crave, a weekend-long Bible reading organized by His House Christian Fellowship. Above: Zelenak folds her hands in prayer on Sunday afternoon. The event was held at the Bird House on the corner of Washington and Bellows streets. Readers signed up for 30-minute shifts starting Thursday night with Genesis and continued to read until Sunday evening, ending with Revelation.

a leap of faith Students find reading entire Bible in one sitting a blessing By Mike Nichols Staff Reporter


rica Wylie didn’t get much sleep over the weekend. But the Midland junior felt completely awake and peaceful as one of many students who helped read the entire Bible with His House Christian Fellowship. For 67 hours, they huddled under a large tent at the corner of Bellows and Washington streets. “Coming together to do this as one really makes me feel stronger in my faith,” Wylie said Sunday afternoon. “It’s been worth it.” Members started at 9:14 p.m. Thursday after His House’s evening service and moved into the tent. Hundreds of volunteers took 30-minute reading shifts to move steadily through the book.

By 1:30 p.m. Friday, participants had reached 1 Samuel, and Midland freshman Faith Gantner took her turn in reading the legendary battle of David and Goliath. “It’s the typical underdog story,” Gantner said. “Everyone has a giant to overcome in their life. It’s so encouraging to know when you’ve got God on your side, he will give you the strength you need to face your giant.” The tent was set up with couches and lounge chairs for people to come in and relax while listening to ancient scriptures. Snacks, coffee and hot cocoa filled a back table and Bibles were passed out to observers. A live feed camera was running so those surfing the Web could watch the entire reading online. Although a propane heater sat in the middle of the

nathan kostegian/staff photographer

Nigeria junior Eve Famutimi, 20, wraps alumna Qian Liu, 27, in a gele at the World Expo Sunday in the Bovee University Center. The event brought together students from all over the world to taste food and share each others’ cultures.

Snehitha Vemulapalli slowly squeezed the makings of 12th-century Indian art on Kalamazoo junior Emilee GibsonHowe’s right hand. The olive green swirls drawn on Howe’s hand were created with Mehendi, a paste-like substance. Vemulapalli, an India graduate student, said this paste is used for important events such as weddings.

New Music Symposium

Guest composer Tom Cipullo will perform from 8 to 9:30 p.m. in the Music Building’s Staples Family Concert Hall. Cipullo received an Aaron Copland Award from Copland House and a Phyllis Wattis Prize for song composition from the San Fransisco Song Festival. He has performed in major concert halls on four continents. Admission is $3 for students and $5 for the general public.

Colonel visit

New Baltimore freshman Joanna Kowalski smiles after finishing her shift reading the New Testament books Galatians and Ephesians Sunday afternoon during Crave.

tent, students still snuggled up to each other in blankets and sleeping bags. “It feels like we’re camping,” said alumna Dani Lauer, a His House intern. “The atmosphere has been really snuggly and cozy.” Early morning reading Lauer read at 4 a.m. Sat-

urday and could see her breath when she spoke. She said coffee helped her stay awake. “I didn’t sleep at all,” Lauer said. “But it wasn’t that bad because the Bible is exciting to me.” A humorous moment A bible | 4A

CMU World Expo showcases countries By Sherri Keaton Senior Reporter

The Center for Research on Poverty will present “Homo Toxicus” from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Anspach Hall 152. The film focuses on the impact of consistent low level toxin exposure. “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,” a memoir of Jean-Dominique Bauby who, after a stroke, became paralyzed except for his left eyelid, will be shown from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in Pearce Hall 327. The film will be presented in French with English subtitles.

“All the women put it on for special occasions. It is like an Indian tattoo,” she said. Sunday evening in the Bovee University Center Rotunda, roughly 10 countries represented their cultural customs during Central Michigan University’s “World Expo” event. There were geles (Nigerian female head covering), and sharis, (Indian dresses) among many other cultural exhibits displayed to about 200 attendees. The expo was organized by the International Club.

Antonio Crawford, International Club president and a Muskegon senior, said the event turned out better than he expected. “(This) gives the university community a chance to come in and meet international students of CMU and also see programs that deal with international relations,” he said. “It is important to understand how America and other countries work and relate to each other.”

Heidi Fenton, Managing Editor | | 989.774.4343

A Expo | 7A

Col. Elaine Edwards speaks at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Industrial Engineering and Technology Building 116. Edwards is a 1981 CMU alumnus whose speech, “Marketing Army Officership,” is part of the Col. William B. Nolde lecture series. CMU’s Military Science Department is helping sponsor the event.

Gran Torino

A free screening of the 2009 Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino takes place at 7 p.m. today in the Bovee University Center Auditorium. The event is hosted by Program Board and the Asian Cultural Organization and is part of Asian Pacific Heritage Month. The movie will be followed by a discussion with members of ACO.

One-car accident

A one-vehicle accident occurred at 1:15 a.m. Friday morning in Nottawa Township. Carolyn Jane Freed, 50, of Weidman lost control of her 1998 Dodge Ram and rolled over on W. Weidman Road. She was ejected from the vehicle and taken to Central Michigan Community Hospital for head injuries. Freed was later airlifted to Covenant Hospital in Saginaw. The degree of the injuries is unknown. Police are still investigating if drugs or alcohol were involved.

If you have an interesting item for Life in Brief, let us know by e-mailing

4A || Monday, March 29, 2010 || Central Michigan Life

c o u r t u p d AT E S

Two undergo pretrial processes By Ryan Czachorski Senior Reporter

The pretrial processes are under way for two separate suspects — one charged for a September car accident with intent to murder and another charged with criminal sexual conduct earlier this month. Casey Floyd, 23, of Mount Pleasant was charged with assault with intent to murder and four counts of malicious destruction, among others for a Sept. 10 accident at the corner of Broadway and Adams streets, according to previous reports. Floyd requested in October the court evaluate his competency to stand trial. That evaluation was completed by a forensic center in Ypsilanti, which ruled he was competent. He requested an inde-

pendent agency for a second opinion, but it came to the same ruling. There is a difference between claiming incompetency and pleading insanity, said Isabella County Prosecutor Larry Burdick. “Can they adequately assist their trial lawyer?” he said. “It’s not uncommon to see defendants claim both. In the case of Mr. Floyd, he has not claimed he is not criminally responsible.” Floyd also was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, failure to stop at the scene of an accident, two counts of Operating While Intoxicated, resisting and obstructing a police officer and felonious driving. Sexual assault Robin Lynn Heath, 53, of

census | SGA | continued from 3A

This year, the Census Bureau has a question center open from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and Thursday in the Union Township hall, Gallinet said. The question center is just one of many steps the bureau is taking to increase participation in the census, Price said. One key technique is using influential people to talk about the issue.

bible| continued from 3A

came when Pastor Eric Woods’ 8-year-old son, Nathan, read Jeremiah 25:27, in which God compares his wrath to the pain of a person getting drunk and throwing up. A round of laughter rose up from those in the tent. Woods said he was glad his son got to see some of

continued from 3A

Brittany Mouzourakis, SGA vice president and a Garden City senior, said there are many questions out there about online learning. “Our job as SGA is to look at academic issues and be able to present them for students,” she said. Mouzourakis hopes to hear discussion on topics such as the revenue generated from online classes, if all or only certain classes the more intense sections of scripture. “God is a god of love, but he is also a god of justice,” Woods said. “I’m glad my son got to see that.” The group reached the New Testament in the early hours Sunday. Detroit sophomore Johnny Jones Jr. finished the final chapter of Revelation at 5:35 p.m. to an excited audience gathered around.


Shepherd was charged with sexually assaulting a 13-yearold girl. He faces two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the second degree and one count of intimidating a witness. He could receive a life sentence for his two first-degree CSC charges and up to 15 years for the other charges. Heath had a pretrial hearing March 18, when he was bound over on all five charges, Burdick said. He also waived his arraignment that day. There is a settlement conference scheduled for 8 a.m. Friday in Courtroom 2 of the Isabella County Courthouse. Heath’s final pretrial hearing is at 11:15 a.m. April 27 in Courtroom 2.

should be offered online and if these online classes are maintaining or lowering academic standards at CMU. Nichol said it is necessary to identify target candidates for online courses since they are not right for everyone. Hancock supports online education, along with traditional teaching. “In many ways, it offers what face-to-face does not,” she said. “It’s up to faculty and students to utilize the strengths and weaknesses of each.”

He encouraged the crowd to say “Amen” as he finished the last words, before everyone broke into a cheerful celebration. “I’m surprised it went so fast,” Jones said. “All glory be to God.” - Staff reporter Heather Hillman contributed to this report.

Gubernatorial candidate talking jobs, education at Park Library Bernero speaking to College Democrats By Connor Sheridan Senior Reporter

Students will soon have the opportunity to meet and question a candidate running in Michigan’s 2010 gubernatorial race. Virgil Bernero will speak to the College Democrats at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Charles V. Park Library Auditorium. Bernero is the current mayor of Lansing and one of three Democrats who announced candidacy for governor. Clinton Township junior Brad O’Donnell, president of College Democrats, said he is excited to hear Bernero speak. “It isn’t every day that a candidate for governor comes to

CMU,” O’Donnell said. “We thought that was really cool and very forward-thinking.” O’Donnell said Bernero will speak about education and how it relates to jobs in Michigan. Bernero’s daughter, Virginia Bernero, a Lansing freshman and member of the College Democrats, helped organize the speech. “We saw what a big role young people had in the recent presidential election; they can have just as much impact in a state-wide campaign,” Virginia Bernero said in an e-mailed statement. The top item on Bernero’s platform is jobs and the economy, a subject students who will soon graduate are likely to have an interest in, Virginia said. She said a large portion of the event will be reserved for a question-and-answer session. Lansing sophomore Chris

If you go... w w w w

What: Virgil Bernero speaks to College Democrats When: 7 p.m. Wednesday Where: Charles V. Park Library Auditorium Cost: Free

Baker is not a member of College Democrats, but still plans on attending Bernero’s meeting. He said as a Lansing resident, he has seen, first-hand, Virgil Bernero’s leadership and is pleased with the results. “With how the economy’s been going in Lansing, he’s made the best out of the situation we have right now,” Baker said, noting the emphasis Bernero has placed on keeping manufacturing jobs in Michigan and buying American cars.

No tuition insurance at CMU Firm helps with medical-related withdrawals By Emily Grove Staff Reporter

“School refund policies can be limited,” said Dana Tufts, president of A.W.G. Dewar. “We help to protect investments and ensure families can recover if they are put in a position where they could face financial loss.”

A.W.G. Dewar Inc. has existed since 1930, but is selling something most people never heard of. Dewar, an insurance firm in Massachusetts, sells tuition insurance at almost 200 colleges and universities. Its tuition insurance promises to refund most or all of a semester’s cost not refunded by the institution if the student withdraws for well-documented medical reasons. These insurance policies are only available to students and families of students attending one of the colleges partnering with Dewar. Central Michigan University is not one of the partners.

A good idea for CMU? According to Central Michigan University’s Web site, the semester cost of attendance in the 2009-10 school year for an in-state student was $9,033 and $15,783 for an outof-state student. These figures include room and board, but do not cover books. With that much on the line, some agree the idea of tuition insurance is a positive one. “I think it’s a good idea and I think people would buy it,” said Lauren Gilbert, a Warren freshman. “It would be a good thing to have just in case.” Cadillac freshman Bryanna Godell also was supportive of the insurance reimburse-

ment because of unpredicted medical issues and the justin-case circumstances. She noted a likely cause of withdrawal among young women from college: unexpected pregnancy, which is covered by Dewar. The total cost of tuition insurance depends on variables such as size and method of presentation, while the base cost is 1 percent of the tuition being insured. Dewar is not the only company offering this type of insurance. The company works with many well-known colleges, including Notre Dame, University of Michigan, and Miami University of Ohio. Cindy Rubingh, director of Student Account Services and University Billing, declined comment about the possibility of CMU partnering with a tuition insurance company.


to write love on her arms

Student helps to bring musical artists to campus next month By Lonnie Allen Staff Reporter

photos by paige calamari/staff photographer

Mount Pleasant junior Brittany Williams watches as students learn the shuffle Friday night during the Make-A-Wish charity ball held by the Multicultural Greek Council in the Bovee University Center’s Rotunda. The ball was held to raise money for Spring Lake resident Mitchell, 11, who has cystic fibrosis.

Granting a wish to fish Charity ball raises $380 for boy with cystic fibrosis By Sherri Keaton Senior Reporter

A young blonde-haired boy’s picture was secured on a posterboard Friday night inside Central Michigan University’s Bovee University Center — his smiling face and bright eyes complimenting a youthful pair of braces. Behind the boyish grin was a story that compelled individuals to think — and compelled them to care. Mitchell, an 11-year-old from Spring Lake, has cystic fibrosis. “He’s gone through a lot of hardships,” said Macomb senior Maressa Casadei. Casadei is a member of the Multicultural Greek Council, which hosted a “Wish Upon a Star: Make-A-Wish Charity Ball” in the boy’s honor. The goal was to earn enough money to send Mitchell on a fishing trip in Florida — his ultimate wish. Organizers sold 82 tickets for just more than $380. The Multicultural Greek Council provides representative leadership for selected Greek sororities and fraternities on Central Michigan University’s campus. Sarah Penoyer, the organization’s vice president, said members wanted to host a charity event and chose to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation because the organization focuses on granting wishes to the youth. Make-A-Wish picked Mitchell as the recipient of gathered funds. “We tried to concentrate on working with charities directed toward the youth,” the Burton senior said. “(They) set us with Mitchell because he was from Michigan, and we thought, if we put a face to it, this would make it feel more personal.” Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that occurs from a defective gene, which

Central Michigan Life || Monday, March 29, 2010 || 5A

Mount Pleasant senior Holli Blassengale-Hill performs during a Michael Jackson-inspired dance-off. Following dinner, those in attendance of Friday night’s charity ball were encouraged to make their way to the dance floor for lessons and a competition. Based on audience reaction, Blassengale-Hill took first place for her moves in the dance-off.

“The money is going solely to (Mitchell). We know it’s going to make such a huge impact on him.” Maressa Casadei, Macomb senior causes the body to produce abnormally thick and sticky mucus. The mucus builds up in the breathing passages of the lungs and in the pancreas. “The money is going solely to (Mitchell),” Casadei said. “We know it’s going to make such a huge impact on him.” During the event, attendees did Michael Jackson im-

pressions and learned how to do the hustle. MGC President Miguel De Jesus said if he could speak to Mitchell, he would tell him MGC cares and is trying to help. “We’re doing all that we can to help you make your time on this earth as pleasurable as possible,” he said.

Ross Czepcinski is using his own connection with To Write Love On Her Arms to bring musical artists Damion Suomi and Andy Zipf to campus April 11. He wants to make a difference in people’s lives with a passion that comes from personal history with the organization. “I hold it really close to my heart and how much (TWLOHA) has helped myself and others I know,” the Rockford junior said. “As a freshman, I was going through some tough times; I found out about TWLOHA from MySpace three years ago. It really saved me.” TWLOHA is a non-profit movement dedicated to finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, selfinjury and suicide, Czepcinski said. After TWLOHA helped him through his struggles, Czepcinski decided to start a group on campus. He said the community, at large, often overlooks people struggling with these issues.

“The topics are never talked about because there is a stigma associated with mental disorders and addictions,” he said. “To be perfectly honest, it freaks people out and, because we don’t talk about it, people get worse.” Oakley junior Miller Dugalech and Czepcinski are part of the executive board of the new CMU chapter of TWLOHA. They are waiting for the final paperwork to go through, which should be any time, Czepcinski said. Dugalech also wants to help people struggling with the issues TWLOHA addresses. “Love is the movement,” Dugalech said. “Depression, addiction and suicide are a growing problem on college campuses and their message of hope has helped me out a great deal in the past year or so.” Dugalech said they had been brainstorming ideas on how to raise money for the April 11 event and the TWLOHA chapter at CMU. Program Board and the registered student organization Active Minds each gave $500 to go toward the event when they heard about

Czepcinski. The money will pay for the hotel room, food, gas and any other expenses the two musicians coming to CMU acquire, Czepcinski said. The event will start at 7 p.m. at Moore Hall’s Townsend Kiva. Andrea Galvez, president of On the Fly Productions, said she was happy to hear Czepcinski is bringing two musicians representing TWLOHA the same week On the Fly productions is hosting TWLOHA founder Jamie Tworkowski at 8 p.m. April 15 at Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. Galvez, a St. Claire Shores senior, and Czepcinski were unaware of each other’s events until planning was complete. “It is a happy coincidence,” Galvez said. “We have been talking about TWLOHA for a couple of years now and, when we found out Jamie was available, we jumped on it.” Since On The Fly is disbanding, she hopes more groups will continue to do what Czepcinski is doing.


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Central Michigan Life

6A Monday, March 29, 2010


Brian Manzullo, Editor


Chief | Will Axford, Voices Editor | Heidi Fenton, Managing Editor | Eric Dresden, University Editor | Jackie Smith, Metro Editor

EDITORIAL | University Communications failed to keep the public informed on Trustee leaving

Silent resignation


entral Michigan University Trustee Jacqueline Garrett resigned from the Board last summer for health reasons. Yet it took until last week, when Gov. Jennifer Granholm named her replacement (Robert F. Wardrop II), for the university to even mention it. University Communications and the governor failed miserably to keep the public informed. Garrett’s resignation should have been made public the moment she made the decision instead of after a new person was found to take her place — more than half a year later. Put into perspective how much has happened since last summer.

George Ross was appointed university president. The 3, 6 and 9 percent budget cut plans were requested and a budget forum was held to initiate talks about what the university can do to save money. The groundbreaking for the College of Medicine took place. Dr. Ernest Yoder was declared its founding dean.


The last few months have undoubtedly been tumultuous, and CMU has progressed in several areas. This is a vital time to make sure its leadership team is in check. The decisions made now will shape CMU’s future for decades to come. But this entire situations reeks. All these major events and decisions were made without a full board. Neither the public nor the media had a clue anyone had stepped down. Why didn’t a single person bother to mention Garrett’s resignation? Where’s the accountability? The way this was handled is unacceptable and irresponsible. One Trustee out of seven can sometimes make all the difference at a Board meeting. Take, for example, Trustee Sam Kottamasu’s proposal to increase financial aid by $700,000 during

the July 2009 meeting. Would that have happened had Kottamasu failed to attend? No fault should be placed on Garrett for stepping down. Personal and health matters are certainly important and must be tended to first, even if it means leaving an important position. We wish Garrett all the best in the future. It also should be understood that it is not her job to make sure the CMU community knows she is leaving. University Communications should have made this information known to students, faculty and the media. We may sound like a broken record, but again: The secrecy at this university is getting old. The public needs to be informed, and CMU is failing to fulfill that.


Dominating the MAC The Mid-American Conference championships keep piling on for Central Michigan University this year. The gymnastics team scored a 195.6 on Saturday, beating rival Kent State’s 195.25 and five other teams to claim its first championship since 2004. The title, which marks the 11th for the CMU gymnasts, is the fourth of the 2009-10 academic year for the school, the most of any MAC team. It had been a few years before any team outside football and wrestling had won one. But the women’s soccer team, in its first full year with coach Tom Anagnost, claimed the championship in the fall to end that streak. The football team followed suit with arguably its greatest season in history. It posted a 12-2 record, beat Michigan State, won the MAC, defeated Troy in the GMAC Bowl and ended the season with a No. 23 ranking. Coach Tom Borrelli led his wrestling squad to its 10th MAC title in 11 years earlier in the semester, getting revenge against Kent State, which ended CMU’s long run of championships last year. Now the gymnastics team is in on the glory once again. Coach Jerry Reighard, who already led the team to 10 championships in a 15-year span (1990-2004), earned another one to go along with his MAC Coach of the Year honors. A lot of credit also goes to the gymnasts. Senior Katie Simon won the all-around and tied for first on the vault and floor exercise events. Senior Jessica Suder won the balance beam, and juniors Andrea de la Garza and Cheryl Conlin tied for first on the floor. Overall, Central Michigan is having quite the year in athletics. Women’s indoor track took second place at MACs last month and the men’s basketball team repeated as MAC West champions, despite losing in the first tournament game. This run of success should motivate the spring sports — baseball, softball and outdoor track and field. Students, faculty and fans should make their way to home games and meets whenever possible, especially if the weather is nice. Give CMU support in its run to add even more championships to 2009-10.

[our readers’ voice]

Comments from on President Obama, America’s Jedi

I don’t see why everything must be so serious all the time. The piece gets people who usually don’t pay attention to politics more interested, which will also makes them more educated on the topics. I think the lack of quality control falls not on the paper, but on the simple minded people that commented.

Alice says:

Comments from on Trey Zeigler and CMU basketball Billy Chapel says:

To me, it is simply an article that cleverly illustrates how president Obama appears to be in a losing struggle, possible offering an explanation that people who are not into politics, but love Star Wars, can understand. To the person that brought up abortion, you seem to be grasping for a platform to express your opinions on the subject and will apparently take anything you can get, because the article did not speak to that at all. A college student has the right to express any opinion, as was done here, as well as the rest of the American people. I’m still unsure at what point in the column it was stated that someone knew more than anyone else. I normally don’t comment but felt compelled to after the classless attacks and accusations to what I felt was simply a colorfully written piece on a much more serious topic.

James O’Bryan says:

I like the analogy, but I don’t get the point of the article. Everyone knows that the President is in way over his head, as would anyone in his position, and that the health care reform is the most important thing on his plate. I just don’t understand why there is an article saying what hasn’t happened with no new ideas to help. chris says:

Well done. That you have generated comment is a testament to some worthwhile writing, whether it stands up to fact or not. As for Jabba the Hutt, there are so many Republicans who fit the description (and many who even look like Jabba) it’s fun to speculate. Fun stuff.

Central isn’t NCAA-bound anytime soon, even with Trey. Look at what Akron and Ohio University are doing in the MAC East. He’d be a huge asset obviously, but there’s nothing around him. I’m sure he’ll have fun at Michigan State though. Nate G says:

“Central isn’t NCAA-bound anytime soon”? Says who? Did you even read this article? Central won the MAC West this year and has the best recruiting class in the MAC coming in next year. If they add Trey, it will only make things better. Coach Zeigler has proven he can coach in the MAC. Once recruiting class can turn a program around, look at Kentucky this year. A couple high recruits can mean a lot to a program. The future for CMU basketball looks promising.

C M Y o u |What do you want the next governor of Michigan to accomplish?

Central Michigan Life Editorial Brian Manzullo, Editor in Chief Heidi Fenton, Managing Editorr Joe Borlik, Student Life Editor Jackie Smith, Metro Editor Eric Dresden, University Editor Andrew Stover, Sports Editor Ashley Miller, Photo Editor Will Axford, Voices Editor David Veselenak, Online Editor Chelsea Kleven, Lead Designer Advertising Lindsey Reed, Katie Sidell Advertising Managers Carly Schafer, Shawn Wright Multi-Media Marketing Coordinators

David Veselenak Online Editor

Doing his job U.S. Rep. Stupak represented his people during legislation

Regardless of your stance on the health care reform law, you have to give it to U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Menominee. Stupak, who captured the national media and held out on the health care legislation by refusing to vote ‘yes’ if the bill contained federal funding for abortions, has since been the target of people’s anger, receiving threats on his voicemail and messages left at his office from those who think he didn’t do enough. If anything, Stupak’s holdout — which ended after President Barack Obama promised to sign an executive order prohibiting federal funding to go toward abortion services — should be applauded. The 1st Congressional District, which encompasses the entire Upper Peninsula and the northeastern part of the Lower Peninsula all the way to Bay County, has elected a Democratic representative for years, but is socially conservative. Stupak’s holdout exhibited just that: liberal policy, conservative social stance. Stupak did what a representative is supposed to do. He represented his constituents and represented them well. But since the vote took place March 21, Stupak has been targeted by several people, including one note calling him “Judas” with the drawing of a hangman’s noose with Stupak’s name printed on the gallows. He has received threatening phone calls, and the state police are beginning to survey Stupak’s home in Menominee in case suspicious activity arises around it, like it has at other representatives’ homes. Since when do people who proclaim themselves as pro-life wish ill on someone’s — well, life?

Executive order The Susan B. Anthony Foundation recently rescinded its Defender of Life award to Stupak, saying he “failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country.” Stupak met with Obama on March 18 to keep federal funding for abortions illegal through an executive order, which many are saying is worthless. Executive orders have been issued as long as the Constitution is in place, the first by George Washington in 1789, calling for a report from the former confederate government. Executive orders have long been a part of the American executive branch, allowing presidents to issue them as long as they do not contradict the Constitution. Several other executive orders regarding abortion have been issued, including ones by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Executive orders are far from worthless. If the executive order system is that bad, then change it. Congress has that right to overrule executive orders. But I don’t expect it will anytime soon.

[letters to the editor]

“Get the Promise back for tuition.”

“More job opportunities.”

Yazeed Alkarazi,

Yi Li,

Saudi Arabia freshman

China graduate assistant

“To bring more jobs to the state.”

Professional staff Rox Ann Petoskey, Production Leader Kathy Simon, Assistant Director of Student Media Neil C. Hopp, Adviser to Central Michigan Life

Justin Rito,

Grosse Ile graduate student

“I hope they keep our teachers in mind and consider education.” Megan Linsley,

Mason senior

libby march/staff photographer Central Michigan Life is the independent voice of Central Michigan University and is edited and published by students of Central Michigan University every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters, and every Wednesday during the summer. The online edition ( contains all of the material published in print. Central Michigan Life is is under the jurisdiction of the independent Student Media Board of Directors. Articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect the position or opinions

of CMU or its employees. Central Michigan Life is a member of the Michigan Press Association, the Michigan Collegiate Press Association, the Associated Collegiate Press and the College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers Association. Central Michigan Life’s operations are totally funded from revenues through advertising sales. Editions are distributed free throughout the community and individuals are entitled

to one copy. Each copy has an implied value of 75 cents. Non-university subscriptions are $1 per mailed edition. Copies of photographs published in Central Michigan Life or its online edition ( are available for purchase at Central Michigan Life’s editorial and business offices are located at 436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, telephone 774-3493.

E-mail | Mail | 436 Moore Hall Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 Fax | 989.774.7805 Central Michigan Life welcomes letters to the editor and commentary submissions. Only correspondence that includes a signature (e-mail excluded), address and phone number will be considered. Do not include attached documents via email. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and commentary should not exceed 500 words. All submissions are subject to editing and may be published in print or on in the order they are received.

Central Michigan Life || Monday, March 29, 2010 || 7A


Looking to form an RSO? Stop by the UC

CMU International Film Festival | Presenting Pirate Radio

Organizations help at student retention rate

If you go... w w w

By Michael L. Hoffman Staff Reporter

Starting a registered student organization can be confusing. But after Tuesday night, students may have a clearer idea of how to navigate the process. “How to Create Your Own RSO” takes place at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Bovee University Center Terrace rooms A, B, C and D. The seminar is hosted by the Student Government Association’s RSO Growth and Development Committee and will outline the process of establishing an RSO. “When you first get out of high school, students tend to look for their high school buddies,” said Tom Idema, assistant director of Student Life. “But joining an RSO can bridge people together who might not know one another otherwise.” The event will feature a speech by Idema and a performance by Saturday Night Improv. Nathan Heath, SGA growth and development committee chairman, said the tutorial is geared toward students who want to start an RSO, but do not know how to go about it. The Harrison senior said students are more likely to start or join one if they have some face-to-face communication, as opposed to reading a Web site. Idema encourages students to attend because of

nathan kostegian/staff photographer

Theater 6 at Celebration Cinema, 4935 E. Pickard Road, filled up for Pirate Radio at 4 p.m. Sunday for the 8th annual Central Michigan International Film Festival. Twenty-one films will be shown throughout the week at Celebration Cinema, Broadway Theatre and CMU’s Park Library.

CMU to help train defense jobs Partnership geared toward new program By Darnell Gardner Staff Reporter

Central Michigan University is adding defense to its curriculum. The university is partnering with the Defense Acquisition University to train students for jobs in major weapons research, production, procurement and distribution. Most of the training will be administered by former Department of Defense employees hired by CMU. Classes will begin in the fall at some of CMU’s satellite schools near military bases. Al Zainea, director of undergraduate programs and academic liaison for off-campus programs, said the partnership was born out of CMU and the Department of Defense’s 35-year-old relationship. “We, in the past, have always provided graduate level degrees for individuals in the military,” Zainea said. “They approached us because of our

expo | continued from 3A

Attendees ate international food, purchased traditional jewelry and heard different artists perform on stage. China freshman Lijia Wang played a traditional song on the piano. “The song comes from a village and it’s a celebration

excellent educational opportunities and degrees for the military student located outside of Mount Pleasant.” Typically, students who complete the program go on to work for the Department of Defense. Carl Hayden, associate dean of academics for the DAU midwestern region, said other federal agencies value the skills as well. “This training is geared toward the Department of Defense, but it has applications for other federal agencies like Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the FBI, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Treasury,” Hayden said. Classes are broken into six technical areas: contracting, logistics, system engineering, production quality and manufacturing, business cost estimating and financial management. Hayden believes the program will give CMU an opportunity to improve Michigan’s economy. “CMU will be supporting and helping Michigan get people back employed at TA-

of success and winning the war; it was exciting to play,” she said. In a corner display, Egypt graduate student Mariam Habib unfolded papyrus scrolls onto her station, setting up her table that showcased golden pyramids and lamps. “It feels really good to know that people come here to learn about different cultures, and you have an opportunity to share,” she said.

What is the program? w Some of CMU’s satellite campuses are partnering with the Defense Acquisition University to train students for careers in the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencises. Most students will have an undergraduate degree and 1 to 3 years of administrative experience before applying. COM and the Department of Defense,” he said. The U.S. Army’s TACOM LCMC, a command in Warren specializing in the development and production of weapons, expects to hire about 1,000 new employees in 2011. It hopes to cull much of the staff from DAU training programs. Fred Andriaschko, TACOM’s training administrator, said DAU certification will benefit TACOM and students. “Based on their academic record, they could earn a higher starting salary than the average person who didn’t have that background,” Andriaschko said. “We benefit by

German citizen Miriam Haltmayer received papyrus as a souvenir and learned some facts about Egypt. “I found out there is a town in Egypt that is predominately German,” she said. Haltmayer also enjoyed the food at the expo. “I love the food, it is completely different from what I know,” she said.

getting more experienced and more knowledgeable potential employees.” Depending on the position of interest, a student may need an undergraduate degree and one to three years in administrative experience to be considered. The program allows students to gain administrative experience through internships. “Central Michigan is a vital player in this educational partnership,” Andriaschko said. “Central Michigan obviously is a major school in Michigan, and we’re glad to have them on board as a partner.”

What: "How To Create Your Own RSO" When: 7 p.m. Tuesday Where: Bovee University Center Terrace rooms A, B, C and D

the many benefits RSOs offer. “The average retention rate at CMU is around 70 percent but, if you join a fraternity or sorority, that jumps to 86 percent,” he said.

Implementing an idea Idema and Heath said joining any kind of organization on campus enhances a student’s college experience. St. Claire Shores senior Sarah Kamlay said joining an RSO allows students to network within their field while gaining hands-on experience and building a resume. Idema said there are around 275 RSOs, but the university is always looking for ideas and innovation. “Everyone knows how to get an idea, but not many people know how to implement those ideas. We want to give people a way to do that,” Idema said. Ypsilanti senior A.J. Patton said joining Saturday Night Improv allowed him to do more artistically and connect with a really good group of people. “There are RSOs for almost everyone,” Heath said. “And if there isn’t, that is why we are having this event, to show students how to create an RSO if it doesn’t exist already.”

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club lacrosse | CMU loses to No. 11 Michigan State, 3B



Central Michigan Life

Monday, March 29, 2010



Valparaiso hosts CMU Tuesday Team wins first MAC series over weekend Junior Andrea de la Garza scored a 9.675 on the uneven bars. She later tied for second with teammate Britney Taylor with a 39.1 all-around score.

Senior Katie Simon is congratulated by her teammates as she walks to the podium after claiming the all-around victory with a 39.2.

photos by Matthew stephens/senior photographer

Senior Jessica Suder poses while CMU coach Jerry Reighard celebrates after her 9.875 balance beam routine, the meet’s highest.


Gymnasts win MAC title for first time since 2004 Other mac honors

By Andrew Stover | Sports Editor


OWLING GREEN, Ohio — Jerry Reighard peered across the floor of Anderson Arena, watching Kent State’s balance beam routines during Saturday’s MidAmerican Conference gymnastics championships. With the rest of CMU’s gymnasts in a bye round, the coach watched MAC Gymnast of the Year Christine Abou-Mitri step on the beam with a chance to keep rival KSU on track with one event remaining. The defending champions needed a 9.85 from its star to tie the Chippewas. One thought crossed Reighard’s mind: “Fall.” “I’m just thinking, ‘Open the Inside door. Go ahead, Kent. Open the w CMU endures day-long door for us,’” he said. MAC Championship grind Abou-Mitri had not fallen once (with more photos), 2B all year on the balance beam. But

Named All-MAC selection after tying Katie Simon for first on the vault with a 9.825. Prior to the meet, she was named MAC Freshman of the Year.

Britney Taylor

Tied with five others for first in the floor exercise with a 9.85. She also scored a 9.75 on the balance beam. Cheryl Conlin

on the season’s biggest stage, she lost balance and tumbled off, costing her team 0.5 points. It gave CMU its first MAC Championship since 2004. The No. 24 ranked team in the country finished with a 195.6, ahead of Kent State’s 195.05. Seven teams competed. “I will sleep better until this time next year,” Reighard said. “There is no fiercer, uncontrollable gut ache than walking out of a MAC Championship arena in second place. Because you can’t change it for 365 days. So, for 365 days, I’m going to sleep really well.” Central will compete in the NCAA Regionals on April 10. The team will be assigned its competition and destination based on its Regional Qualifying Score.

Won 11th MAC title, first since 2004. Prior to the Championships, he was named MAC Coach of the Year. Jerry Reighard

Placed fourth on the vault in her first MAC Championship, the only CMU freshman to place in the top six.

A champs | 3b

Darrian Tissenbaum

Elite 8 Scores

N CAA to urnam e nt coverage, 4B

Tennessee’s Bobby Maze loses the ball in first-half action against Michigan State during the men’s NCAA Basketball Tournament on Sunday in St. Louis. Robert Cohen/ St. Louis PostDispatch (MCT)

5. MSU 6. Tennessee


1. Duke 3. Baylor

78 71

5. Butler 63 2. Kansas State 56


2. West Virginia 73 1. Kentucky 66


? e if l m c s d a e r o h w Central Michigan Life OUR READERSHIP GROWS DAILY!


By Aaron McMann Staff Reporter

The CMU baseball team gets back to non-conference play at 3 p.m. Tuesday, when it travels to Indiana to play Valparaiso. Junior Bryce Morrow (9.45 ERA, one save) will get his first start of the season. Morrow has appeared in six games this season, including CMU’s 12-7 win against Bowling Green on Wednesday, where he allowed four runs on seven hits in 2 1/3 innings of relief work. He redshirted last season and has not started a game since the 2008 season. Valparaiso, 5-15 on the season, was swept by Southeast Missouri State in its last series. The Crusaders, however, will go into the game having not played in 10 days, as their three-game series against Wright State was rained out over the weekend. CMU enters the game coming off its first Mid-American Conference series win against Miami (OH) last weekend. CMU (10-9, 2-1 MAC) bounced back in the second game of Saturday’s doubleheader after losing Game 1. It beat Miami 5-1 behind pitching by sophomore left-hander Rick Dodridge, freshman left-hander Dietrich Enns and sophomore left-hander Trent Howard. “We weren’t worried about momentum too much,” Jaksa said. “We just had to put it behind us, bounce back and play well. You have to be mature enough to a certain extent and test yourself a little bit and say, ‘Hey, let’s get this last game and win this series.’” Dodridge, pitching on three days rest, allowed one unearned run on three hits in 4 1/3 innings. He was slated to start Sunday’s game, but rain in the forecast forced both teams to play a doubleheader on Saturday. Rick Dodridge “Our lefties did a great job,” Jaksa said. “Those guys kept (them) at bay, which allowed us offensively to keep a little pressure on them.” CMU added three runs in the ninth inning to extend its lead and secure the win. “We really had a lot of confidence in everyone and each other,” Theunissen said. “Rick came out and pitched a really good game, and we put some runs up for him.”

Game 2 A four-run second inning during the first game of the doubleheader cost CMU a sweep. Junior right-hander Jake Sabol allowed the RedHawks to score four runs on four hits and win the first game of Saturday’s doubleheader in Oxford, Ohio. CMU took two of three, however. Sabol (2-3, 5.35 ERA) settled down and pitched four scoreless innings, but CMU could not get itself any closer than three, losing 6-3. “Jake competes really well,” said coach Steve Jaksa. “He didn’t have a good breaking ball early in the game. The first guy got a ground-ball single to left, the second guy hit a changeup that we thought was a really good pitch and gulfed it out to right field (and) then a guy did hit a ball up the gap.”





436 MOORE HALL • CMU • MT. PLEASANT • (989) 774-3493

2B || Monday, March 29, 2010 || Central Michigan Life


Senior Katie Simon completes her uneven bars routine, scoring a 9.675. She eventually won the all-around with a 39.2, as well as tying for the win in the vault and floor exercise.

photos by matthew stephens/senior photographer

Sophomore Kristin Teubner scored a 9.6 on her balance beam routine.

CMU gymnastics coach Jerry Reighard, left, shares a moment with wife and assistant gymnastics coach Nancy Reighard while CMU collects individual and team accolades following Saturday’s Mid-American Conference Championships at Anderson Arena in Bowling Green, Ohio. CMU claimed first place with a 195.6 score. It is Reighard’s 11th MAC Championship.

Chippewas endure day-long MAC grind Team stays focused through byes, in-meet distractions

MAC Freshman of the Year Britney Taylor, left, shares a solemn moment with assistant coach Chrstine MacDonald prior to her balance beam routine.

By Andrew Stover Sports Editor

BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — The winner of the Mid-American Conference gymnastics championship may be the team that can best handle the day-long mental grind. No. 24 CMU proved it was mentally stronger than it was last year, where it struggled on the balance beam coming off a bye. The difference between the MAC Championships and a normal dual or tri-meet lies in the atmosphere, distractions and, of course, the waiting. There are seven gymnastics teams in the MAC — four are on the gym floor at one time. That gives each team a schedule of byes, where it sits dormant for more than 20-30 minutes to get cold and out of sorts. CMU started the day on a bye — one of the perks of finishing high in the regular season standings — and, after scoring a 48.45 on the uneven bars, took a break again. Heading into what CMU coach Jerry Reighard calls the toughest event in the balance beam and following an average performance, the team would either regroup strongly or pity itself and fall apart. Reighard said it was worrisome heading into the bye, trailing by just less than 0.5 points. “The assistant coaches do the talking in the locker room. My job is to maintain and watch what’s going on on the floor so I know exactly where we stand,” he said. “Both assistant coaches came back and said, ‘They’re fine. They’re in good shape and we know we’re a good team on the next event.’ And inside, I’m going, ‘Oh, really? We’re going to the balance beam.’” For senior Katie Simon, she used an optimistic approach after the first rotation. She described the team as upbeat and positive.

Junior Cheryl Conlin completes her uneven bars routine with a score of 9.55 (left). She came back with a 9.75 on the balance beam. She was the first CMU gymnast in each rotation.

“Both assistant coaches came back and said, ‘They’re fine,’ ... And inside, I’m going, ‘Oh really? We’re going to the balance beam.’” Jerry Reighard, gymnastics coach “Bars has always been our lowest event,” she said. “It was only the first event, and anything could happen. We were just ready to pick it up.” Simon said the team did not allow Kent State’s balance beam performances affect its scores later in the meet as well. CMU needed Kent State to count a fall to finally get comfortable. But the team’s other senior, balance beam specialist Jessica Suder, saw a team with a different mindset when Kent State was on the balance beam. “We were all nervous,” she said. “Half of us were OK, not wanting to know anything. I wanted to know. I was really nervous. I know they’re really good. I know they could’ve hit ... I mean, it was nerve racking sitting in there.” Prior failure In 2009, the Chippewas fell victim to the balance beam at the MAC Championships. They did not have a score

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higher than 9.7, and four of the six scores were 9.5 or below. But this year, even with a lackluster uneven bars performance, the team withstood the day-long pressure. This year, CMU matched its season-best score of 49.025 just a week after posting it the first time — in the same venue, Anderson Arena. And unlike last year, Kent State was the team to falter. The Golden Flashes had to count a fall after their second gymnast fell off the beam. After the uneven bars rotation and its bye, the team totaled meet-highs on the balance beam (49.025), floor exercise (49.175) and vault (48.95) with another bye sandwiched in the middle.

Junior Andrea de la Garza, left, embraces freshman Bailey Brumbach after her balance beam routine. de la Garza scored a 9.8.

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Pilling places second in Raleigh; Loehner paces women’s track Non-scoring meet marks start of outdoor season By John Manzo Staff Reporter

libby march/staff photographer

Junior defenseman Josh Huver watches tensely as his CMU club lacrosse teammates compete against No. 11 Michigan State University on Saturday in the Indoor Athletic Complex.

Second quarter hurts club lacrosse CMU loses to MSU, plays better in second after slow start By Matt Herrod Staff Reporter

Six consecutive Michigan State goals in the second quarter were too much for the CMU club lacrosse team to overcome. It lost 16-8 Saturday at the Indoor Athletic Complex in its bid to beat No. 11 MSU for the first time in program history. “We can’t get to the ground balls,” said coach Brad Thomas. “They’re beating us to them and turning them into goals.” MSU scored less than three minutes into the game before its second-quarter scoring. Late in the second, CMU finally got on the board with an extra-man goal scored by

junior attacker Justin Schaufler, assisted by sophomore attacker Jeff Wood. MSU scored with few seconds remaining to make it 9-1 at halftime. Thomas, who cited communication problems, said he was not pleased with his team’s defensive effort after giving up seven goals in the second quarter. Better half But in the second half, CMU, in its final home game of the season, got its offense going, showing it could play with its ranked opponent. “It was an unbelievable second half, completely 180 from the first half,” Thomas said. “We got after the ground balls, we were more physical and hustled all over the field.” With 12:28 remaining in the third quarter, Schaulfer made it 9-2, getting a pass down low from senior midfielder Darren Rivard and scoring.

champs |

MAC Title Recap

continued from 1B

Team totals:

CMU balance beam Two rotations prior, CMU had its own problems to worry about. Coming off a 48.45 score on the uneven bars, the balance beam loomed. The team scored above 49 on the event just twice all season and it averaged less than 48.1. But with Kent State leading by nearly a half a point, CMU needed a top performance. Reighard, usually seen very intent on his gymnasts’ performances, closed his eyes and prayed things would go well. “I asked God to send two angels, one on each side (of the gymnast),” he said. Through four gymnasts, his prayer seemed answered. Junior Cheryl Conlin scored a 9.75, junior Andrea de la Garza a 9.8, freshman Britney Taylor a 9.75 and senior Katie Simon a 9.85. But when sophomore Kristin Teubner scored a 9.6, pressure mounted on senior balance beam specialist and event anchor Jessica Suder. “I went out (of the gym) by myself because the pressure gets to me sometimes ... I was there for two routines and I walked out,” she said. “I mean, I knew we were doing good, but I didn’t know the scores — I didn’t know anything. Pressure? I mean, I was worried.” But Suder, who scored a 9.8 or higher in three meets this year, delivered in the spotlight. Scoring a meetbest 9.875 and matching her

Central Michigan Life || Monday, March 29, 2010 || 3B

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

CMU Kent State EMU NIU Ball State WMU BGSU

195.6 195.05 193.625 193.2 193.1 192.875 191.85

Individual honors: All-around 1. Katie Simon 39.2 T-2. Britney Taylor 39.1 T-2. A. de la Garza 39.1 Vault: T-1. Katie Simon 9.825 T-1. Britney Taylor 9.825 4. D. Tissenbaum 9.8 Balance beam: 1. Jessica Suder 9.875 2. Katie Simon 9.85 Floor exercise: T-1. Katie Simon 9.85 T-1. Cheryl Conlin 9.85 T-1. A. de la Garza 9.85

season high, she saved her team 0.275 points. “The crowd was tremendously loud,” Reighard said. “All the things, the distractions that we coached for, I think, really paid off. Jess was so tunnel vision.” An event that gave the team problems all year seemed to be a rallying point, as it scored a 49.025. “You win MAC Championships and you win big meets on balance beam,” Reighard said. The Chippewas followed

Nearly six minutes later, Wood made it 9-3 with sophomore midfielder Nick Culp getting the assist. CMU rode the momentum into the fourth quarter, when Wood made it 9-4 at 17 seconds in. After MSU scored two goals of its own, junior midfielder Cameron Aubry and Wood combined to score two goals in 10 seconds to cut the lead to 11-6. But with the score 12-7, MSU scored four consecutive to separate itself from CMU. MSU coach Dwayne Hicks said one key aspect was vital to his team’s success. “We were able to control the ball and keep it out of their offensive hands,” he said. Wood led CMU with four goals and two assists. CMU plays No. 1 Michigan Saturday in Ann Arbor.

with meet-high scores on the floor exercise (49.175) and vault (48.95). “We try not to let other performances affect ours, but I think a couple people knew going into vault that Kent had two falls on beam,” Simon said. Legacy Individually, CMU gymnasts cluttered the podium as well. Simon, despite a 9.675 on the uneven bars — her first event — won the all-around for the second consecutive season (39.2). “I know, deep down inside after her bar routine, she’s thinking, ‘I blew the all-around, I blew the allaround,’ ... she put it behind her, she came out, she attacked the beam,” Reighard said. “She’s absolutely one of the most decorated gymnasts in CMU history.” Simon said she thought of it as pressure being alleviated. “I think there was kind of some pressure off me going into the other events,” she said, “because I didn’t have anything to lose on those events, so I just went for it.” de la Garza and Taylor tied Kent State’s Christina Lenny for second with a 39.1. Simon and Taylor also won the vault with a 9.825, and Simon, Conlin and de la Garza tied three other gymnasts for first on the floor exercise with a 9.85. Eastern Michigan placed third overall (193.625), Northern Illinois fourth (193.175), Ball State fifth (193.1), Western Michigan sixth (192.875) and host Bowling Green seventh (191.85).

Greg Pilling opened his final outdoor season with similar success he earned last spring. The senior thrower placed second in the discus with a toss of 168 feet in the CMU men’s and women’s track and field teams’ outdoor season opener at Paul Derr Track in Raleigh, N.C. Both teams opened well in the non-scoring Raleigh Relays despite facing some universities which have already competed in the outdoor season. Coach Willie Randolph said he was impressed to see how the team responded in their first meet of the season. “We’re better than just the team coming from up north,” he said. “The biggest surprise was to see how mentally Willie Randolph strong we can be when we want to be.” Junior Raeanne Lohner paced the women with a seventh-place finish in the 5,000-meter run (16 minutes, 50.01 seconds). Sophomore Stephanie Hurley ran the 400 in 56.59 and finished 13th. Hurley was one-hundredth of a second off her personal best. “It feels really good because it took all of last season for me to get where I’m at now,” Hurley said. Hurley said she will do basic fundamental work during practice to improve on her 400 time. “I need to work on my

“The biggest surprise was to see how mentally strong we can be when we want to be.” Willie Randolph, track and field coach turnover speed because I have a lot of strength to get me to run that fast without getting tired,” she said. Men The men were able to keep pace with the women this weekend, and Pilling had something to do with that. Aside from Pilling’s 168foot toss, freshman Alex Rose placed fourth in the discus with a toss of 167-5 to open his outdoor career. Rose said there is a perk to being teammates with Pilling. “It was a great help to watch Greg Pilling because he’s an All-American and he’s on my team and I can watch his technique,” he said. “... I need to improve a lot on my technique to be able to compete with the

other throwers in the conference.” Other notable finishes for the Chippewas included freshmen Kevin Bacon, who placed ninth in the long jump at 23-4 3/4. The women’s relay team of juniors Shanaye Carr, Jordan Dunn, Brittnee Shreve and sophomore Dierra Riley finished fifth in the 4x100meter relay (46.31). That same relay team finished third in the 4x200-meter relay with a time of 1:38.91, something that caught Randolph’s attention. “For them to stay focused and get themselves ready to go, that showed us a lot about the future of the Central Michigan track and tield program,” Randolph said.

4B || Monday, March 29, 2010 || Central Michigan Life

MSU makes Final Four again, beats Tennessee Morgan makes winning free throw in waning seconds Staff Reports

[ncaa tournament]

Who ruined your bracket? The Butler did it Bulldogs go on improbable run toward hometown championship — and it shouldn’t end

John Evans Staff Reporter


t may not be the 1954 Milan High School team that won the Indiana state championship, but the Butler Bulldogs have created a Hoosier-like feeling to add to the drama of March Madness. The Final Four is in Indianapolis, this year, about 15 minutes from the Butler campus. It will take longer for the team to park the bus than it will to drive to Lucas Oil Stadium, where the games are played Saturday. Yes, Michigan State made a dream run last year to the Final Four in Detroit, nearly two hours from its campus. It was fun to see a team have a chance to play for a title in its home state. But this story has a different feeling. The Bulldogs are the first team to play a Final Four game in their hometown since UCLA made it to the Final Four in Los Angeles, in 1972. Butler is staying home. It does not have to stay in any hotels if it doesn’t want to and it will be in the comfort of its own campus. It’s a team with just enough size and stifling defense that seems to find a way to get it done. Junior forward Matt Howard and sophomore forward

and Horizon League Player of the Year Gordon Hayward are 6-foot-8 and 6-foot-9, respectively. Guards Willie Veasley and Ronald Nored play an in-your-face style of defense that has shut down some star players — most recently Jacob Pullen of Kansas Sate and sharpshooting Andy Rautins from Syracuse. The Bulldogs have no superstars and do not have a deep bench, but they are not here by accident. They have wins against Ohio State and Xavier earlier this year and are on a 24-game win streak heading into the Final Four.

No. 5 Michigan State is back in the Final Four for the second consecutive year after defeating No. 6 Tennessee 70-69 in an Elite Eight matchup. Pacing the way for the Spartans was junior Durrell Summers with 21 points. For the tournament, Summers has averaged 20 points per game whereas, on the season, he averaged 10.9. No point was bigger than senior Raymar Morgan’s free throw with 1.8 seconds remaining, which put the Spartans ahead by one. Morgan, the only senior starter, had 13 points and Raymar Morgan 10 rebounds. Senior Wayne Chism led the Volunteers in scoring with 13 points, and right behind him was senior J.P. Prince’s gametying 3-point attempt was well short, sealing the game for MSU. It was Prince who fouled Morgan in the closing seconds that gave MSU the lead. The game went back and forth throughout with the Volunteers up 41-39 at the half. MSU sophomore Draymond Green led the Spartans off the bench with 13 points and shot 3-for-3 from the free- Draymond Green throw line. Tennessee came out and hit four of its first five shots from beyond the 3-point line, but the Spartans kept the game close despite Tennessee’s start. Next up for Michigan State is No. 5 Butler. It is the first time in tournament history that two No. 5 seeds have made the Final Four in the same year. Butler beat Kansas State Saturday to advance to the Final Four. The two teams meet next weekend in Indianapolis, Ind. It is the sixth Final Four appearance for the Spartans in the past 12 years. The winner of the Michigan State-Butler matchup will face the winner of the DukeWest Virginia matchup. Michigan State coach Tom Izzo and Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski are the only two coaches remaining who have won a national championship at the college level. Izzo led the 2000 MSU team to a win against Florida. This is Butler’s first Final Four appearance, and the first for West Virginia since 1959.

Blue Devils outlast Baylor to move on

— Compiled by Staff Reporter John Manzo.

— Compiled by Staff Reporter John Manzo.

Staff Reports

Junior Nolan Smith helped carry No. 1 Duke to a 78-71 win in its Elite Eight matchup against No. 3 Baylor with a season-high 29 points. Juniors LaceDarius Dunn and Ekpe Udoh had 22 and 18 points, respectively, for the Bears in a losing effort. Udoh also added 10 rebounds. At the half, Baylor held a three-point lead. Duke used its 47.8 percent 3-point shooting (11-for23) to help lift it above the Bears. With 3:36 remaining in the game, the two teams were tied at 61, but the Blue Devils turned up the experience and the 3-point arsenal. Smith and Senior Jon Scheyer knocked down crucial back-to-back 3-point field goals to put the Blue Devils up 67-61. Instantly, the game became a free-throw frenzy. Duke knocked down nine of its final 11 free throws to help seal the win. Senior Tweety Carter added 12 points, and sophomore Quincy Acy scored 12 of his own from off the bench for the Bears. Duke junior forward Kyle Singler, who averaged 17.9 points during the season, was off pace with only five on

Writing the script Butler was selected as a No. 5 seed in the West bracket and, when people see No. 5 seeds, they instantly think, ‘Who is going to be the No. 12 seed to upset them?’ Not this year. It faced a pesky UTEP team in the first round, but pulled away in the second half. Sophomore point guard Shelvin Mack scored 25 to get the Bulldogs to the second round. Then came No. 13 Murray State, coming fresh off of an upset against No. 4 Vanderbilt. Has Murray State given Butler their toughest challenge so far? The Bulldogs found themselves down by four at halftime to the Racers who, again, in the final seconds, were looking for an upset. Their magic just wasn’t there as Butler held on for a 54-52 win, advancing one

the evening. Singler went 0-for-10 from the field, five of those from beyond the 3-point line. Next up for Duke is No. 2 West Virginia in a Final Four matchup next weekend. This will be Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski’s 11th Final Four appearance as head coach. The winner of the Duke-West Virginia matchup will play the winner of Michigan State-Butler in the national title next Monday. Duke is the final No. 1 seed remaining in the tournament. Kansas lost in the second round, Syracuse in the Sweet 16 and Kentucky in the Elite Eight. West Virginia, out of the East, beat No. 1 Kentucky 73-66 on Saturday. Point guard Joe Mazzulla was jolted into the starting lineup after starting point guard Darryl Bryant broke his right foot last week in practice. Mazzulla scored a career-high 17 points in his first start of the season. West Virginia coach Bob Huggins is back in the Final Four for the first time since he took the Cincinnati Bearcats there in 1992.

Rich sugg/kansas city star (MCT)

Butler’s Andrew Smith snags a rebound away from Kansas State’s Luis Colon (middle) and Jacob Pullen (0) in the West Regional final of the men’s NCAA Basketball Tournament at EnergySolutions Arena in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday. Butler defeated Kansas State 63-56.

step closer to home. Five days later, they faced one of the best teams in the country — Syracuse. It came out on a defensive mission, leaving Syracuse with a goose egg on the scoreboard until almost four minutes into the game. Getting out to a 10-point lead at halftime was just what the doctor ordered, and it was a lead that would not be overcome as the Bulldogs defeated Syracuse 63-59. They may not win in the prettiest of fashions, but they’re getting it done. An Elite Eight matchup with a hot Kansas State team had all the makings of a dead-end road, but Butler

found a way to prevail. Holding the Wildcats’ top scorer, Jacob Pullen, to zero points in the first half and Hayward’s 22 points and nine rebounds willed Butler to become the first Horizon League team to ever reach the Final Four. The Home Stretch Headlining yesterday’s home pages were, “Butler did it,” but it still has something to accomplish. Beating the best two teams in its bracket shouldn’t be enough. This team has shown enough poise and confidence in its outside shot that it could make a dream become reality. The Bull-

dogs could win this thing. Michigan State is the next opponent in a battle of No. 5 seeds. Can Butler defend MSU guard Durrell Summers, who has stepped up in the absence of injured point guard Kalin Lucas? Controlling the glass will be a tough task, but a solid perimeter performance and opportunistic offense can level the playing field. With the home crowd on their side, a couple of good bounces could be the difference. Don’t be shocked if this year, Cinderella becomes a national champion.

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