Stressless Pacing
“Pace yourself.� You may have heard this growing up. It is often spoken by adults to enthusiastic kids or teens. It means that rather than doing something all at once and overwhelming yourself, pacing yourself through incremental stages can really be more effective and leave you less stressed out. In business, a lot is done by doing things a little bit at a time. A lot is accomplished by assigning a team to work on a project, rather than one person. A team can divide the labor and, thus, divide the stress. This breaking down of large projects into small pieces is part of pacing. In fact, that is what pacing is: The studied parceling of large portions into bite size portions. There must be a way to systematically get large, even enormous projects done and this is it. Stressful pacing still involves doing too much within too short of a period of time. It is still too overwhelming. Many employees who are under the influence of drug abuse or alcoholism set unrealistically high or boringly low goals and regularly frustrate themselves with their inability to appropriately accomplish tasks. Being around people like this can be extremely distracting and even can begin to affect your own work performance. It is important to know who is bringing these habits and attitudes in to work and who is leaving them in their personal lives, where they belong. Of course, you will want to pace yourself with drug testing, too. You will want to make sure that your employees are tested on a regular basis, and if you have a large company, then you may find that you need to schedule the employee drug testing over a period of days, at regular intervals throughout the month or year. And do not worry about the scheduling. Your drug test kits and breathalyser devices from CMM Technology will be effective no matter how often your testing schedule is implemented. Drug testing in Western Australia is easy because of our products. In fact, our Medix integrated pro-split cup 6+6 has a built in adulterant test, so that you can really be thorough. This article has been taken from :