South Jersey Ladies Night
September 28, 2023
Community House of Moorestown, 16 E. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057
❏ Presenting Sponsor (1 available) - $2,000
a. Receives 10 tickets to event
b. Category exclusivity
c. Naming rights: South Jersey Ladies Night, Presented by Sponsor Name/Logo
d. Name/logo on all event promotions (in print, online, social media, email blasts)
e. Name/logo on all event signage
f. Name/logo on all promotional materials handed out at the event
g. Sponsor table in premium location
h. Email addresses of all registered attendees
i. Option to include promotional materials in gift bags
j. Sun Advertising campaign: Two (2) full page, color ads (in publication of advertiser’s choice); two (2) sponsored posts on social media
❏ Photo Booth Sponsor (1 available) - $1,250
a. Name/logo on all event promotions (in print, online, social media, email blasts) b. Name/logo on all event signage

c Name/logo on photo booth strips
d. Sponsor table in premium location (next to photobooth location)
e. Email addresses of all registered attendees
f. Option to include promotional materials in gift bags
g. Sun Advertising campaign: One (1) half page, color ads (in publication of advertiser’s choice); two (2) sponsored posts on social media
❏ Silver Sponsor (2 available) - $750
a Receives 6 tickets to event
b Name/logo on all event signage
c Name/logo on all promotional materials handed out at the event
d Sponsor table in premium location
e Email addresses of all registered attendees
f Option to include promotional materials in gift bags
g. Sun Advertising campaign: One (1) half page, color ads (in publication of advertiser’s choice); one (1) sponsored posts on social media
Booth Only -- Business - $250 - includes booth space ; option to include promotional materials in gift bags ($200 for advertisers participating in Fall 2022 Special Sections or 08108 Publications)
Booth Only -- Independent Consultant - $150 - includes booth space; option to include promotional materials in gift bags