5 minute read
Black History Month
20 rustlernews.com February 6, 2020 by Amya Terry , staff writer
My whole life I have lived in places where the majority race was white. Being so young and not understanding why I was different confused me. My parents taught me to be proud to be a black girl and to appreciate my hair, my skin, and my culture. It helped me understand the importance of Black History Month. It is important to recognize the progression of African Americans to know and celebrate our history, and understand our future. There are parts of black history that some want to forget like the unfair treatment of blacks in America, but we must acknowledge, and talk about it. We need to recognize the lasting impact it has on African Americans today so we can continue to improve and truly live in the freedom and equality America so proudly represents.
Leaders like Martain Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X led the fight for equality and mutual respect. They both knew they would not see the results of thier efforts, but continued the movement putting thier lives on the line. They received death threats often and could have given up, but knew the fight was much bigger than the both of them. The noise made by various movements like the Civil Rights Movement, and Sit In Campaigns inspired many other minority groups to fight for thier rights as well, such as Native Americans, Women, and the LGBTQ community. With all that was sacrificed and fought for me to have the freedom and privilegesI have today, I am inspired to be my best and fight for what is right.
Some inspiring African Americans who have demonstrated black excellence are writers, Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. Our first black president, Barack Obama. History making athletes Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, and Kobe Bryant. Oprah Winfrey, need I say more? There are so many others. We too often celebrate success stories, but do not take the time to respect understand how hard it is to achieve such high levels of success and the uniquie challenges that come with being a Black person in America. Not enough black history is covered in our history classes.I love Black HIstory Month becuse it gives an opprotunity for everyone to understand and respect African American culture, history and the progression and achievements which are otherwise, unoticed. When America was first formed, no one could predict the great influence it would have all over the world. What makes America so amazing is the diversity and the union of many different ethnicities represented in, and influencing American culture. Let’s take a moment to reflect something fun and trend setting, black style.
The various styles black women do to their hair get a lot of attention making it controversial. American society has tried to make black hairstyles seem unsophisticated. In the 60-’70s, there was a new movement, The Natural Hair Movement. It was at this time when black men and women felt proud and empowered by thier natural roots and wore thier afros, cornrows and braids with pride challenging and expanding beauty standards. To this day many musicians, models, and influencers have worn these hairstyles making it trendy to rock your natural coils reigniting the Natural Hair Movement.
Black people are trend setters. Fashion for instance is greatly influenced by black culture.
These styles are recognized by the media and influenced by music created in black culture.
Hip hop for example, in the 80’s Run DMC made adidas cool, in the 90’s hip hop made baggy clothes and statement (customized) clothing cool, a few years ago skinny jeans were in for males and females, and thankfully today the clean look is rocked by many popular hip hop artists like Drake, and Kendrick Lamar making it cool to wear clothes that are the proper fit!
While the great impact black culture has on fashion and trends may not be recognized as such, it certainly cannot be denied. February is a month designated to celebrate black history. While many see this as the month of love with Valentine’s Day being so representative of February, it is important to remember the history, the black history, that has greatly influenced America. With all the recent progression it is still shocking to hear so many question why black history is recognized for an entire month. The answer to that is simple if you open up your mind, educate yourself on what black history is, and how it has contributed to making America one of the most admired countries in the world. Black History Month is an American celebration to recognize the accomplishments and growth of African Americans throughout time. It is a time to celebrate the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors to create a country based on equality, liberty, and freedom for all. It recognizes the struggle and sadness of the past and present, and the contributions made by African Americans.
Black History Month gives black people pride, motivation, and the desire to continue the fight for future generations. Let’s be honest. Looking back at the hardshipsof African Americans throughout history is often not the proudest moments of America. However, it is the acknowledgment of those struggles and the determination to be better that will truly make America great.
Black History Month is not acknowledged enough in America. For African Americans to have such a great impact on America and the American culture, why is it that Black History Month rarely gets the attention it deserves by the masses? BLACK GIRL MAGIC TIMELINE BHM BLACK HISTORY MONTH WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Ha ve Y o u Notic ed? ME WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT TO
OF IMPORTANT EVE NTS IN BLACK HISTORY DE SIGN BY NANCY BESTON June 1905: Niagra Movement August 1955: Emmett Till murdered
December 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott September 1957: Central High School Integrated
April 4, 1968: MLK Assassinated January 2008: Barack Obama becomes President Representing black in different shades, backgrounds, and cultures, we have Miss Teen USA, Miss America, and Miss USA showing the world that America is truly the world’s melting pot. Growing up as a girl is difficult, and there are all these expectations of what beauty is. There is an unspoken standard of beauty in America, and that is greatly influenced by European traits.
Little girls grow up with blonde hair, blueeyed Barbie Dolls, tall thin models in the best clothes, and the unbelievably filtered and photoshopped women becoming social media influencers. This leaves girls to question, is this what beauty is supposed to be? Black girls looking at this standard of beauty have a hard time seeing themselves in it. Will the world broaden the standards of beauty?
These pageant beauties breaking history indicates times are changing, and it is exciting to think of the little girls who can look at these winners and see themselves represented on such an amazing platform in American history. 1920: Harlem Renaissance