CMA/TPF Western Health Care Leadership Academy

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• MAY 13 - 15, 2016


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Welcome The Western Health Care Leadership Academy was created in 1997 to help physicians and other health system stakeholders better understand leading-edge trends and developments in the rapidly changing health care marketplace. Since its inception, the Academy’s focus has expanded to include promotion of effective medical practice management and development of essential health care leadership skills. Recognizing that leadership demands access to and command of current and relevant information, Leadership Academy is designed to arm participants with knowledge and tools to enable development of creative, proactive and collaborative solutions to the challenges of the evolving health care environment. Welcome.

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19th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy INTENDED AUDIENCE This program has been planned for: Physicians in leadership roles including medical group, organized medical staff, and medical/specialty society leaders; physicians in training; and practicing physicians who are affected by health care delivery system changes. Medical students; medical practice managers and administrators; allied health professionals (NPs, PAs, etc.); health law attorneys; and private and public sector health policy analysts, program administrators and consultants. .

LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this program, learners should be able to: • Identify the challenges our current medical culture creates in providing high-quality, compassionate and cost-effective care.

• Describe tips and actions that create a healthy work life balance with a staff that you can depend upon.

• Explain new financial and care models that aim to deliver cost-effective, high quality care while improving patient and provider satisfaction.

• Understand a framework for tackling the problem of opioid overuse, describe the different interventions that can be used by different partners in the delivery system to address this issue, and identify the organizational structure that works best to bring together stakeholders to work on this issue.

• Recognize the causes, signs and symptoms of provider burnout, as well as methods to prevent and reverse burnout.

• Describe how to shift from volume to value-based payments as a part of payment and delivery system transformation.

• Describe challenges and stereotypes women face in leadership positions and how they can be overcome through supportive networks.

• Understand the implications of the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act, including the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and Alternative Payment Model provisions.

• Describe generational differences and develop mentoring, coaching or sponsorship programs to get different age groups more involved.

• Describe the significance of resonant and dissonant communication from a social neuroscience perspective on employee and patient conversational behaviors.

• Describe success factors for physician leaders, understand why physician leadership is essential for health care organizations to succeed and know how to effectively lead change.

• Identify interpersonal communication triggers for challenging conversations, describe hidden issues influencing communication outcomes with employee and patient encounters, and list necessary components in practicing effective communication.

• Describe strategies for dealing with different types of disruptive physicians by using coaching techniques. • Experience the health care system from a patient’s point of view and educate them on making independent decisions. • Identify self-reporting tools and technology that assist with patients and physicians connecting directly with true to life readings, enabling alerts and improved care.

• Understand the future impact to health care practices by the use of stem cell research. • Describe the root causes of dysfunction in care delivery in the U.S. health care system. • Identify new methods of leveraging social media for patient communication.

• Identify patients’ true expectations and describe different engagement techniques. • Clarify standards and accountability for practice managers and staff members.



Keynote Speakers Atul Gawande, M.D. , MPH The 19th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy is honored to welcome keynote speaker Atul Gawande, M.D., MPH, author of Complications, Better, and The Checklist Manifesto, which have all been highly praised inside and outside the medical community. His new book is Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. TIME placed him among the world’s 100 most influential thinkers. Dr. Gawande is broadly known for his influential articles, two of which won him the National Magazine Award. He has written about the shift from lone-ranger physicians to teams of cooperating specialists, and the new values this shift requires. He popularized the checklist as a means of coordinating complex work in hospitals. His ideas about how to rein in health care costs while increasing efficiency and quality have transformed the national discussion of these issues. His writing sets him apart for its depth of thought and research, but also for his willingness to look outside of health care and see how other fields have delivered high-quality service in complex industries.

Bennet Omalu, M.D., MBA, MPH We are excited to announce guest speaker Bennet Omalu, M.D., MBA, MPH, whose story is one of great triumph in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Born in 1968 in Eastern Nigeria during the civil war, his family lived as refugees, his town under constant fire by the Nigerian Air Force. Despite suffering war-related under-nutrition in the first two years of his life, Dr. Omalu would go on to attend medical school at age 15 and become a physician by age 21. In 2002, Dr. Omalu made a career breakthrough when he became the first doctor to discover and identify chronic brain damage as a major factor in the deaths of some professional athletes. He called the disease Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), which he first discovered as the result of an autopsy he performed on Mike Webster – one of the best centers in NFL history. Dr. Omalu was awarded a WebMD Health Heroes 2015 award for his discovery of CTE and raising awareness of the disease. Health Heroes awards are given to those who do great things to help others live healthier, better lives.

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CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION The California Medical Association/Institute for Medical Quality (CMA/IMQ) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The California Medical Association/Institute for Medical Quality designates this live program for 13.5 AMA PRA Category 1 creditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This credit may also be applied to the CMA Certification in Continuing Medical Education. The continuing medical education program activities of the California Medical Association are managed by the Institute for Medical Quality. IMQ’s mission is to be an innovative leader in the evaluation and improvement of the quality of patient care in California and beyond.

PROGRAM PARTNERS The California Medical Association (CMA) is one of the nation’s largest state medical societies with more than 41,000 members. Founded in 1856, CMA advocates for physicians and patients and for improved access to quality care. CMA represents physicians from all specialties, modes of practice and geographic regions of the state. The California Medical Association Foundation (CMAF) was founded in 1963 as the charitable arm of the CMA, disbursing over $1 million in grants and loans to medical students. Since 2000, CMAF has worked to link physicians to their communities and has collaborated with numerous partners on public health initiatives and other projects to improve the health of California’s residents.

The Physicians Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to empower physicians to lead in the delivery of high-quality, cost-efficient health care. As the U.S. health care system continues to evolve, The Physicians Foundation is steadfast in its determination to strengthen the physician-patient relationship, support physicians in sustaining their medical practices and help practicing physicians navigate health care reform. The Texas Medical Association (TMA), the nation’s largest and one of the oldest and most powerful state medical societies, speaks out for more than 48,000 physician and medical student members across the state in their commitment to improve the health of all Texans.



The California Medical Association adheres to the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. The ACCME defines a “commercial interest” as “any entity producing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients, with the exemption of non-profit or government organizations and non-health care related companies.” Any personal conflicts of faculty members are resolved to ensure that this educational activity promotes quality in health care and not a specific proprietary business interest of a defined commercial interest.

California Medical Association; Yvonne Choong, Vice President, Center for Health Policy, California Medical Association; Jodi Black, Vice President, Center for Economic Services, California Medical Association; Spencer Tschida, Program Coordinator, California Medical Association; and Lishaun Francis, Associate Director, Center for Health Policy, California Medical Association. The planners disclose no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests as defined in the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support.

PROGRAM PLANNERS: Dustin Corcoran, Chief Executive Officer, California Medical Association; Lance Lewis, Chief Operating Officer, California Medical Association; Francisco Silva, General Counsel and Senior Vice President, California Medical Association; Mike Steenburgh, Vice President, Centers for Membership, Communications and Component Relations,

FACULTY: Faculty members for the CME-approved portions of the 19th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy also disclose no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests as defined in the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support.



CONFERENCE TRACKS New this year, Leadership Academy has several tracks covering a variety of topics. Choose a track for a specialized conference experience!

Track A: Running Your Practice Geared toward practice and office managers and solo or small group physicians, this track offers important information on how to make your practice successful in an ever-shifting health care climate. This track features the following sessions: • How to Recruit a Top-Tier Candidate in Today’s Health Care Environment • Maximize the Potential of Your Practice Success • Yes, You Can Start a New Practice • What’s Culture Got to Do With It? • Merging Practices – Strategies to Remain Independent • Closing a Medical Practice

Track B: Future Trends and Health Care Innovation What’s on the horizon for the future of health care? What new practices, treatments and innovations should you expect to see tomorrow, next week, next year and even further into the future? This track features the following sessions: • Stem Cells and Their Impact on Health Care • Telehealth: Trends and Recent Developments • Will Physicians Be Seen as Mere Technicians? How Can Patients Remain Engaged as Others Share the Role?

Track D: Improving Quality of Patient Care As physicians, how can you best ensure a quality health care experience? Hear about some of the unique challenges – and opportunities – for improving patients’ health and their experiences with the health care system. This track features the following sessions: • Communication Intelligence with Challenging Employee and Patient Encounters: Essential Keys to Leading Through Effective Communication • How to Avoid Physician Burnout (offered twice) • EHR: Do These Systems Help or Hurt Quality Improvement and Patient Safety? • Palliative Care Challenges in California

Track E: Physician Leadership Physicians are uniquely positioned in the health care system to lead change. Learn important leadership techniques and challenges – and how to bring your best self to the table. This track features the following sessions: • Challenges for Women as Health Care Leaders • Physicians – Your Active Leadership Has Never Been More Valued! • Working Across Generations: Mentoring, Coaching and Sponsoring • Success Factors for Physician Leaders • Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People

• It’s About Life and Death: Systematic Approaches to Advance Care Planning • Key Technology Risks Every Physician Should Know


Track C: Organizational Leadership Principles

Returning to the 2016 Leadership Academy is the “Relaxation Station,” providing stress-relieving massages and a relaxing lounge area to conference goers courtesy of NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company. Look for the Relaxation Station inside the exhibit hall on Friday and near the breakouts on Saturday.

This track will give you the skills you need to be a successful leader in the workplace, whether that is a medical practice, medical association, hospital medical staff or other organized health care group or business. This track features the following sessions: • Speaker’s Bureau and Media Training: Handling the Media • Government Relations and Advocacy for Organizational Leaders • Counting the Money: Essential Business Fundamentals for Organizational Leaders • The Art of Planning and Running a Board Meeting • Developing a Strategic Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan • Organizational Strategic Planning and Visioning







“What do I do if my seriously ill patient asks me to help end her life?” No matter how you or your organization feel about California’s End of Life Option Act, the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California stands ready to help you meet the challenges of aligning medical treatment with individual patient preferences. We’re experts in helping healthcare professionals learn how to have quality conversations with patients about serious illness, advance care planning, life-sustaining treatments, POLST, and the end of life. Special for CMA Members: Call us today to receive a no-cost consult, and find out how the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California can tailor our trainings to align with the philosophy and cultural needs of your organization. COALITIONCCC.ORG | (916) 489-2222

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The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California is a neutral source for information on the End of Life Option Act, 2016 9 and is a registered 501(c)3 organization, federal tax ID #27-0419836.

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Agenda At-A-Glance FRIDAY, MAY 13 7 - 8 am

Registration and Continental Breakfast

Grand Ballroom

7 am - 4 pm

Exhibit Hall Open

Grand Ballroom

8 - 9:30 am


1a. How to Recruit a Top-Tier Candidate in Today’s Health Care Environment 1c. Speaker’s Bureau and Media Training: Handling the Media 1e. Challenges for Women as Health Care Leaders 9:30 - 9:45 am

Break with Refreshments in Exhibit Hall

9:45 - 11:15 am


Franciscan AB Franciscan CD Imperial A Grand Ballroom

2a. Maximize the Potential of Your Practice Success 2b. Stem Cells and Their Impact on Health Care 2c. Government Relations and Advocacy for Organizational Leaders 2d. Communication Intelligence with Challenging Employee and Patient Encounters: Essential Keys to Leading Through Effective Communication

Imperial B Franciscan AB Franciscan CD Imperial A

11 - 11:30 am

Break with Refreshments in Exhibit Hall

Grand Ballroom

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

GENERAL SESSION 1 (KEYNOTE) The State and Future of American Health Care

Grand Ballroom

12:30 - 2 pm

Roaming Lunch Inside Exhibit Hall

Grand Ballroom

2:30 - 3:30 pm

VIP LIMITED SESSION: “Up Close and Personal” with Karl Rove

2:30 - 3:30 pm


Yosemite B

3a. Yes, You Can Start a New Practice 3b. Telehealth: Trends and Recent Developments 3c. Counting the Money: Essential Business Fundamentals for Organizational Leaders 3d. How to Avoid Physician Burnout 3e. Physicians – Your Active Leadership Has Never Been More Valued!

Franciscan CD Franciscan AB Imperial A Plaza A Imperial B

3:30 - 4 pm

Break with Refreshments in Exhibit Hall

Grand Ballroom

4 - 5 pm

GENERAL SESSION 2 Health Care, Remixed

Grand Ballroom

5 - 7 pm

Leadership Academy Welcome Reception in Exhibit Hall

Grand Ballroom

SATURDAY, MAY 14 7:30 - 9:15 am

Registration and Networking Breakfast

9:30 - 11 am


Yosemite Ballroom

4a. What’s Culture Got to Do with it? 4b. Will Physicians Be Seen as Mere Technicians? How Can Patients Remain Engaged as Others Share the Role? 4c. The Art of Planning and Running a Board Meeting 4d. How to Avoid Physician Burnout 4e. Working Across Generations: Mentoring, Coaching and Sponsoring 10:45 - 11:15 am

Break with Refreshments

11:15 am - 12:45 pm


5a. Merging Practices – Strategies to Remain Independent 5b. It’s About Life and Death: Systematic Approaches to Advance Care Planning 5c. Developing a Strategic Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan 5d. EHR: Do These Systems Help or Hurt Quality Improvement and Patient Safety? 5e. Success Factors for Physician Leaders 1 - 2:30 pm

Luncheon Presentation

2:45 - 4:15 pm


6a. Closing a Medical Practice 6b. Key Technology Risks Every Physician Should Know 6c. Organizational Strategic Planning and Visioning 6d. Palliative Care Challenges in California 6e. Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People

Franciscan AB Imperial B Franciscan CD Plaza A Imperial A

Franciscan/Imperial Foyers Franciscan CD Plaza B Imperial B Franciscan AB Imperial A Yosemite Ballroom Franciscan CD Franciscan AB Plaza B Plaza A Imperial A

4 - 4:30 pm

Break with Refreshments

4:30 - 5:30 pm

GENERAL SESSION 3 (KEYNOTE) “Being Mortal” with Dr. Atul Gawande

Grand Ballroom Foyer Grand Ballroom

5:30 - 6:30 pm

VIP LIMITED SESSION: “Up Close and Personal” with Dr. Atul Gawande

Yosemite B

SUNDAY, MAY 15 8 - 9 am

Registration and Networking Breakfast

9 - 10 am

GENERAL SESSION 4 A Morning with Bennet Omalu, M.D.

10 - 10:30 am

Break with Refreshments

10:30 - 11:30 am

GENERAL SESSION 5 Finding a Path to Value: Medicare and MACRA

11:30 am

Academy Adjourns

Grand Ballroom Foyer Grand Ballroom Grand Ballroom Foyer Grand Ballroom

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Conference Agenda THURSDAY, MAY 12 5 – 7 PM




8 – 9:30 AM


1a. How to Recruit a Top-Tier Candidate in Today’s Health Care Environment* Kathy Jordan, Founder and President, Jordan Search Consultants, and Regina Levison, Vice President, Client Development, Jordan Search Consultants It’s no secret that as the economy recovers and more executive and health care positions are created or vacated, professionals are on the move. In fact, a recent U.S. labor data study revealed that health care jobs turn over at an annual rate of 28 percent, and the cost for replacing these health care professionals can be more than 20 percent of that person’s annual salary. In addition, a recent report released by the Association of Staff Physician Recruiters disclosed that 45 percent of searches are to replace a departing provider. Health care professionals can afford to be mobile; jobs are plentiful and organizations are competing for top talent. 1c. Speaker’s Bureau and Media Training: Handling the Media Jason Kinney, Principal, California Strategies, LLC Whether you’re prepping for a primetime interview with CNN or presenting some of the current health care issues to your local Rotary club, there are tips and tricks to help ensure you get the right messages across for the audience you’re addressing. This session will guide you through some of the frequently asked questions on health care topics today and best techniques for answering them. General information along with interview role-play make audience participation helpful to round out the training. 1e. Challenges for Women as Health Care Leaders Susan F. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO, The Institute for Medical Leadership® This program will discuss issues faced by women as they become leaders of their medical society, their hospital or their medical group. Strategies will be presented to overcome obstacles and stereotypes that limit women leaders’ effectiveness. 9:30 - 9:45 AM


9:45 - 11:15 AM


2a. Maximize the Potential of Your Practice Success* Susan Childs, FACMPE, Founder, Evolution Healthcare Consulting We must be confident that the most up-to-date care is offered on a continual basis with each patient encounter – most efficiently and with compassion. Your manager is in the vital position of steering your practice every day – and, as a result, is accountable for every level and nuance of patient care. We will approach issues that are challenging and necessary, such as how you can trust and verify your manager’s actions and accountability to the practice, staff members and patients. Presenting a united front, role definition and accountability are the foundation of your success. We will discuss all of these elements and offer tips that add momentum to an incredible approach and in fact heighten your standards of care. We will look at leadership roles and how you may be most effective in promoting staff initiative. This session will also cover time management tips that can help create some predictability within your day. 2b. Stem Cells and Their Impact on Health Care Jan A. Nolta, Ph.D., Director, UC Davis School of Medicine Stem Cell Program, and Maria Millan, M.D., Senior Director of Medical Affairs and Strategic Centers, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine The fields of stem cells, immunotherapy, gene therapy and regenerative medicine are poised to change the face of health care. Immunotherapy is giving terminal cancer patients a second chance at life, gene therapy can cure rare diseases and living stem cells are beginning to be prescribed for certain indications. This changes the field of medicine, nursing and pharmacy, since new generations of students will need to learn how to handle drugs that are not liquids or a powder in a vial, but rather are living biological medicines. 2c. Government Relations and Advocacy for Organizational Leaders* Janus Norman, Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Political Operations, California Medical Association, and Donald Waters, Executive Director, Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association Often described as balancing on a three-legged stool, advocacy efforts should be composed of three essential elements: local grassroots strategies, coordinated government relations activities with the California Medical Association, and local support of statewide CALPAC fundraising and candidate recruitment. This session is designed to provide you a broad overview and introduction to government relations and the significant role it plays in your organization’s growth and effectiveness 2d. Communication Intelligence with Challenging Employee and Patient Encounters: Essential Keys to Leading Through Effective Communication Judith C. Holder, Ph.D., Director, Duke Occupational Mental Health Programs Understanding the finer nuances of communication and what triggers snafus in communication with employees and patients is paramount to increased employee and patient satisfaction and in handling conflicts, miscommunications and suboptimal behaviors.

* Presentation not eligible for CME credit 12


This experiential workshop focuses on providing essential “skill” tips for effectively communicating through understanding your interpersonal style, hidden triggers, affective plasticity and the social neuroscience of communication.

3b. Telehealth: Trends and Recent Developments

11 - 11:30 AM

Join experts in the field of telehealth, information technology (IT), legal and credentialing for a discussion on hot topics in telehealth – and leave with strategies to tackle issues common to many telehealth programs today. This session will address themes such as incorporating telehealth technology with electronic health records, security, privacy practices, leveraging technology for new models of care, licensure, practicing across state lines, credentialing and more. Administrators, clinicians, IT specialists and operation managers are encouraged to attend.


11:30 AM - 12:30 PM GENERAL SESSION 1 (KEYNOTE) The State and Future of American Health Care Karl Rove, Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush, and Donna Brazile, Al Gore campaign manager and Democratic National Committee Vice Chair Karl Rove, an iconic political strategist and one of the most sought-after political pundits of our time, is best known for his provocative and robust knowledge of the major political issues of the day. Veteran Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile is an adjunct professor, author, syndicated columnist, television political commentator, Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and former interim DNC National Chair as well as the former chair of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute. Join them for commentary on the state of health care in today’s United States. 12:30 - 2 PM


2:30 - 3:30 PM


Daniel Kurywchak, Chief Technology Officer, California Telehealth Network, and Jennifer Hone, M.D., FACE, Telemedicine Clinical Consultant, California Telehealth Network

3c. Counting the Money: Essential Business Fundamentals for Organizational Leaders* Lance R. Lewis, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, California Medical Association Every board member of a nonprofit organization is charged by law with minimum responsibilities of financial oversight for that organization. This workshop is designed to provide board members with the ability to understand the basic financial documents that they will encounter – and to know what types of reports and information to request from staff. This workshop will cover fiduciary roles and responsibilities, reading and interpreting financial statements, internal controls, audit reports, and how to analyze your organization’s fiscal health. Several handouts and unique resources will be shared with attendees to provide greater insight and understanding of nonprofit accounting and best practices for board members.


3d. How to Avoid Physician Burnout

Academy VIP Upgrade registrants meet, ask questions and exchange ideas with keynote speaker Karl Rove. Attendance limited to VIP Upgrade badge holders.

Ruth Haskins, M.D., President-Elect, California Medical Association

2:30 - 3:30 PM


3a. Yes, You Can Start a New Practice* Debra Phairas, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC It is possible to start a new practice, either from training or leaving a foundation, hospital, single or multi-specialty group. Learn from an experienced practice management consultant who has assisted physicians in starting over 160 new practices, with an average of 8-10 per year in all specialties. Learn to assess demand for your specialty in your target area. Discover how long it takes for insurance credentialing from HMOs, PPOs and IPAs. Choose a location with the right amount of space for your specialty. Discuss the pros and cons of staff leasing or being the employer. Learn why operational policies and procedures are needed, including the must-knows about key financials and accounts receivable. Should you do your own billing or outsource the work? Hear about ways to set accounting controls to avoid embezzlement, as well as personnel and human resources essentials to running your own practice. Learn about defining your brand, marketing your practice and website creation.

Burnout is a long-term stress reaction characterized by depersonalization, including cynical or negative attitudes toward patients, emotional exhaustion, a feeling of decreased personal achievement and a lack of empathy for patients. By measuring and responding to burnout you will be able to reduce sources of stress, intervene with programs and policies that support professional wellbeing, and prevent burnout. 3e. Physicians – Your Active Leadership Has Never Been More Valued! Susan Childs, FACMPE, Founder, Evolution Healthcare Consulting Between the reduction of provider availability and the massive influx of new patient, it’s true – a good doctor really is hard to find! Ironically, patient satisfaction is increasingly significant as millions of new patients self-select a physician. How does your patient really view the visit? As a physician leader, you will be setting new standards of care. How can we make the most of the potential offered in transposing challenging times into improved standards of health? We will look at how to affirm your voice and position among your peers, and within the community and other organizations in your area. Serving double duty, these same actions can assist you in educating your patients to make their own independent health care decisions.

* Presentation not eligible for CME credit 2016 13

Conference Agenda FRIDAY, MAY 13 3:30 - 4 PM


4 - 5 PM


Health Care, Remixed ZDoggMD (Zubin Damania, M.D.) Dr. Damania will delve into the ethical challenges of delivering compassionate health care in our flawed health care system, while proposing collaborative ways to revitalize it. He will examine, through humor and storytelling, the hope that the future of medicine is a bright one – provided that all of us work together for the common goal. 5 - 7 PM




4a. What’s Culture Got to Do with it? Kathy Jordan, Founder and President, Jordan Search Consultants, and Regina Levison, Vice President, Client Development, Jordan Search Consultants Because cultural fit is paramount to both landing and retaining the best candidates, assessing cultural integration and aptitude during the recruitment process is a requirement. However, to do this effectively, you must have a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s culture. After all, to know if a candidate will fit in with the culture that drives your organization, you must first be cognizant of it. Learn 10 ways to better identify and define the culture that exists at your organization.

4c. The Art of Planning and Running a Board Meeting* William C. Parrish, Executive Director/CEO, Monterey County Medical Society and Santa Clara County Medical Association, and Tanya Spirtos, M.D., OB/GYN, Trustee, California Medical Association Understanding the art of how to properly plan and conduct a meeting is a key part of running an effective board. Developing the ability to clearly frame an issue that the board is asked to consider, ensuring that all points of view on an issue are efficiently heard, and fostering the expression of the will of the majority of the group at the end of the deliberations is the true sign of successful planning and execution. A basic understanding of parliamentary procedure will be shared in this session, along with helpful resources. 4d. How to Avoid Physician Burnout Ruth Haskins, M.D., President-Elect, California Medical Association Burnout is a long-term stress reaction characterized by depersonalization, including cynical or negative attitudes toward patients, emotional exhaustion, a feeling of decreased personal achievement and a lack of empathy for patients. By measuring and responding to burnout you will be able to reduce sources of stress, intervene with programs and policies that support professional wellbeing, and prevent burnout. 4e. Working Across Generations: Mentoring, Coaching and Sponsoring Susan F. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO, The Institute for Medical Leadership® Generational differences between Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millenials will be discussed in this session. The session will also present ways to involve all generations in organizational development through mentoring, coaching and sponsorship. 10:45 - 11:15 AM


11:15 AM - 12:45 PM


5a. Merging Practices – Strategies to Remain Independent* 4b. Will Physicians Be Seen as Mere Technicians? How Can Patients Remain Engaged as Others Share the Role? Susan Childs, FACMPE, Founder, Evolution Healthcare Consulting Paradoxically, in the age of endless compliance requirements, many patients still do not expect continuity of care on any level. In comparing instant clinics, self-reporting wearables, virtual interviewers and nurses’ increasing scope of care, how will future patients view the significance of the actual physician? Will they be numbed down to “take a number” health care, or will they ask for more? How do we pair patients who are seeking the most expert care and want to be avidly engaged in their health with the physician who wants to reflect the true worth of the care offered? A provider who used to come to your home can now care for you via a screen. We must continue to reflect the specific and unique worth that only a physician can offer! This session offers real-life examples of how patients can actually affirm the physician’s substance and value, while helping you meet the requirements and criteria of our value-based world.

Debra Phairas, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC In this new era of health care, consolidating practices can result in economies of scale, reduction of overhead, increased power in contracting, increased net income, and the ability to recruit new partners and retire partners. But as in a marriage, good communication and shared values are key to compatibility and long-term success. This workshop covers practical strategies to manage a successful merger. Topics will include defining partner mission, goals, philosophy, impediments and “sacred cows”; income distribution or expense share formulas to reduce potential for conflict; buy-in and buy-out formulas – tangible assets, accounts receivable and “good will” (included or not?); structuring vesting in the event of an external group purchase; decisions on death, disability, slowing down and governance; and staff restructuring, team building, operations changes and economies of scale principles.

* Presentation not eligible for CME credit 14


5b. It’s About Life and Death: Systematic Approaches to Advance Care Planning Karl Steinberg, M.D., CMD, HMDC, Chair, Coalition for Compassionate Care of California, and Lael Duncan, M.D., Medical Director of Consulting Services, Coalition for Compassionate Care of California Advance care planning (ACP) is recommended for all adults over 18, but many people never do it, leaving their families to make decisions in a time of crisis. Medicare now reimburses for ACP discussions, including completion of important documents like Advance Health Care Directives and POLST forms. This session will discuss nuances of ACP, from simple execution of a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care all the way to requests for physician aid-in-dying, which becomes legal in California on June 9, 2016, under the End-of-Life Option Act. Discussion of strategies to incorporate ACP discussions and documentation into your organization will help attendees chart a path to ensure their patients receive the medical treatment they want to receive, and avoid receiving treatments they do not. 5c. Developing a Strategic Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan* James Peterson, CEO/Executive Director, Orange County Medical Association, and Mike Steenburgh, Vice President, Membership, Communications and Component Relations, California Medical Association For an organization that is reliant on member dues revenue for sustainability, a successful membership plan is critical and must have significant support from staff and physician leadership. In this fast-paced session, we will explore a number of successful strategies used by many of our fastest growing component societies over the past few years. Strategies will be shared for recruiting various segments of membership, including solo/ independent physicians, medium and larger groups, and specific ideas for niche membership segments such as ethnic physicians, medical students and residents. Bring your membership staff member or executive director and leave with some fresh ideas on membership recruitment and retention that can be implemented immediately. 5d. EHR: Do These Systems Help or Hurt Quality Improvement and Patient Safety? David Ginsberg, Co-Founder and President, PrivaPlan Associates, Inc. Recent Medicare payment reform legislation also establishes new requirements for quality reporting and use of electronic health records (EHR). After a decade of EHR adoption, there are many lessons for physicians that reiterate the need for “people and processes” – rather than just technology – to support patient engagement and safety. This session reviews the lessons we have learned and frames future systems’ role in patient safety, such as wearable diagnostic devices and monitoring.

5e. Success Factors for Physician Leaders Susan F. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO, The Institute for Medical Leadership® This session provides an overview of the major changes in the health care industry and why there is an increasing need for physician leadership. It gives an outline of the core competencies physician leaders now need and presents key tips for how physicians can become more successful leaders. 1 - 2:30 PM


2:45 - 4:15 PM


6a. Closing a Medical Practice* Debra Phairas, President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC, and Frank Gamma, Founding Partner, Kessenick, Gamma & Free, LLP This session will cover some of the major practical and legal issues that may arise when closing a medical practice, and will assist physicians who are retiring or otherwise leaving their practices. Issues that will be addressed include legal and ethical duties to patients when retiring, requirements for disposal of controlled substances, medical records retention/ownership, notifying patients and more. 6b. Key Technology Risks Every Physician Should Know David Ginsberg, Co-Founder and President, PrivaPlan Associates, Inc. Is your practice vulnerable to cybercrime or ransomware? Would you pass a HIPAA audit? This session reviews key technology risks that affect physician practices and provides a realistic view on HIPAA compliance. New compliance issues such as meaningful use audits will also be reviewed. 6c. Organizational Strategic Planning and Visioning* Gustavo Friederichsen, CEO, Los Angeles County Medical Association Understanding key metrics of your organization is the first step to developing a strategic plan. This session is designed to share with leaders a variety of resources and methods to ascertain the health of the organization by measuring these key metrics. Some of the metrics discussed will include membership growth, composition and trends; financial health; developments in organizational relationships with other organizations; programmatic, committee activities; and membership feedback through surveys, individual correspondence, readership of organization publications or traffic on the website. Several sample strategic plans will be shared as well to provide attendees an overview of what other component societies have done and how they maintain these plans.

* Presentation not eligible for CME credit 2016 15

Conference Agenda SATURDAY, MAY 14 6d. Palliative Care Challenges in California Robert L. Moore, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Partnership HealthPlan of California With the state struggling to write regulations for the new revenue-neutral palliative care benefit legislated in 2014, the California Healthcare Foundation has tapped Partnership HealthPlan of California to test a model of palliative care services for patients nearing the end of their lives, who are not candidates for hospice. The palliative care benefit is expected to begin in late 2016. The idea was born of studies over the last few years showing that palliative care services – including support of advance care planning, psychosocial support and home support services – in patients not ready to stop treating their underlying disease, improves quality of life as well as cost savings, primarily by reducing inpatient hospitalization. 6e. Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People Susan F. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of The Institute for Medical Leadership® This program begins by defining disruptive behavior and looking at its causes. It then discusses how coaching can be effective in some cases, emphasizing the importance of finding and fixing the trigger of the undesired behavior. The program also presents strategies for dealing with difficult personality types. 4 - 4:30 PM


4:30 - 5:30 PM


“Being Mortal” with Dr. Atul Gawande Atul Gawande, M.D., MPH, surgeon, writer and public health researcher Dr. Gawande is a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship winner, a New Yorker columnist and an author – but, most of all, he is a physician, with a practitioner’s grasp of the everyday challenges of health care delivery. Dr. Gawande explains that medical practice and philosophy have not kept pace with the changes in health care over the last hundred years. We need reform – and he is on a lifelong search to discover what shape that reform should take. What does an effective health care system look like in the 21st century? How can we improve quality, manage risk and measure performance more effectively? Dr. Gawande brings an eloquence and an intellect to these questions that allow him to offer deeply considered and beautifully expressed solutions with implications for health care and beyond.

5:30 - 6:30 pm


“UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL” WITH DR. ATUL GAWANDE* Academy VIP Upgrade registrants meet, ask questions and exchange ideas with keynote speaker Dr. Gawande. Attendance limited to VIP Upgrade badge holders.



A Morning with Bennet Omalu, M.D. Bennet Omalu, M.D., MBA, MPH, physician, forensic pathologist and neuropathologist As the biggest disrupter in the history of sports and medicine, Dr. Omalu and his work have revolutionized the scientific and medical study of sports worldwide. Dr. Omalu will share the challenges he faced taking on the NFL and other top sports and medical organizations on his mission to ensure that the truth about chronic brain damage is known. 10 - 10:30 AM


10:30 - 11:30 AM


Finding a Path to Value: Medicare and MACRA Ashby Wolfe, M.D., MPP, MPH, Region 9 Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Big changes are coming to Medicare in the form of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). This major health system transformation is part of an effort by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to shift from volume to value-based payments – as well as to emphasize continuous quality improvement and patient safety. Learn all about the new physician-focused alternative payment models, as well as the new Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), and find out more about the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) – and how all of these tie into providing quality and safe health care to millions. 11:30 AM



conference app Download the official Western Health Care Leadership Academy app for a more connective experience. Search “WHCLA 2016” in iTunes or Google Play Store then once downloaded, log in with your email and use password “2016WHCLA” Questions? Contact Brooke Byrdwick, Join the Conversation! #WHCLead

* Presentation not eligible for CME credit 16


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2016 17

Western Health Care Leadership (in alphabetical order)



Al Gore Campaign Manager and Democratic National Committee Vice Chair

Medical Director of Consulting Services, Coalition for Compassionate Care of California

Veteran Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile is an adjunct professor, author, syndicated columnist, television political commentator, Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and former interim DNC National Chair as well as the former chair of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute. Since 2000, she has lectured at over 125 colleges and universities across the country on such topics as Inspiring Civility in American Politics, Race Relations in the Age of Obama, Why Diversity Matters and Women in American Politics: Are We There Yet?

SUSAN CHILDS, FACMPE Founder, Evolution Healthcare Consulting

Susan Childs originally established her professional career in hospital and public accounting, then in health care management until founding Evolution Healthcare Consulting. She is a Board Certified Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives, the NC ACMPE Forum Representative and has served as an MGMA ACMPE National Leader. Childs has also contributed to and co-authored several publications for organizations such as Orthopaedics Today, Journal of Medical Practice Management and the American Medical Association.

ZDOGGMD (ZUBIN DAMANIA, M.D.) Internist, Founder of Turntable Health and Entertainer

During a 10-year hospitalist career at Stanford, Zubin Damania, M.D., won clinical teaching awards while simultaneously maintaining a shadow career performing stand-up comedy for medical audiences worldwide. His videos, created under the pseudonym ZDoggMD, have gone epidemically viral, educating patients and providers while mercilessly satirizing our dysfunctional health care system. He is also the founder of Turntable Health, an innovative health care startup that’s part of an ambitious urban revitalization movement spearheaded by CEO Tony Hsieh. 18

Before joining the Coalition in 2014, Lael Duncan, M.D., was co-founder and medical director of Good Medicine Consult and Advocacy Services, PC, a practice in the San Francisco Bay Area focused on assisting patients and families with shared medical decisions and values-based care planning. While at Good Medicine, she pioneered their advance care planning program. Dr. Duncan is a licensed California physician with over 15 years of clinical practice in internal medicine, infectious disease, and long-term acute care for patients with multi-system disease. She has been an active volunteer for the Coalition since 2010.

GUSTAVO FRIEDERICHSEN CEO, Los Angeles County Medical Association

As a child growing up in Tijuana, Mexico, Gustavo Friederichsen never dreamed of someday being press secretary to the Treasurer of the United States; serving for almost nine years as chief marketing, communications and legislative officer at Palomar Health; signing NFL superstar LaDainian Tomlinson to a five-year, multi-faceted partnership; or serving on the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation national board of directors. Friederichsen is leveraging more than 20-plus years of strategic marketing, branding, communications and business development expertise in the health care industry to now serve as CEO of the Los Angeles County Medical Association.

FRANK GAMMA, J.D., MBA Founding Partner, Kessenick, Gamma & Free, LLP

Frank Gamma, J.D., MBA, is a founding partner of Kessenick, Gamma & Free, LLP. He has been practicing law since 1992 and has developed a practice exclusively representing physicians and medical groups. Prior to beginning his law practice, Gamma had over 20 years experience in health care administration, including managing three multispecialty groups. Gamma is a Fellow in the American WESTERN HEALTH CARE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY

Academy Faculty College of Medical Practice Executives and holds an MBA in Health Services Administration.

ATUL GAWANDE, M.D., MPH Surgeon, Writer and Public Health Researcher

Atul Gawande, M.D., MPH, practices general and endocrine surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Samuel O. Thier Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. He is also Executive Director of Ariadne Labs, a joint center for health systems innovation, and Chairman of Lifebox, a nonprofit organization making surgery safer globally. Dr. Gawande has been a staff writer for The New Yorker magazine since 1998 and has written four New York Times bestsellers.

DAVID GINSBERG Co-Founder and President of PrivaPlan Associates, Inc.

PrivaPlan Associates, Inc. is a leading provider of HIPAA privacy, security and breach notification services, consulting and products for the health care and business associate industry. David Ginsberg has more than 30 years of experience in the health care industry, with emphasis in physician practice management and problem resolution, electronic health records, managed care, revenue cycle and more.

RUTH E. HASKINS, M.D. President-Elect, California Medical Association

JUDITH C. HOLDER, PH.D. Director, Duke Occupational Mental Health Programs

Judith C. Holder, Ph.D. is the director of Duke Occupational Mental Health Programs, which comprises two services: the Duke Professional and Personal Development Program and the Duke Employee Assistance Program (EAP). She is also an assistant professor with joint appointments in the departments of Psychiatry/Behavioral Sciences and Community and Family Medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC, since 1995. She uses her clinical skills to coach and collaborate with leaders and managers in the people skills needed to lead effectively, and the psychosocial factors impacting employee suboptimal performance and wellbeing.

JENNIFER HONE, M.D., FACE Telemedicine Clinical Consultant, California Telehealth Network

Jennifer Hone, M.D., FACE, is a board-certified endocrinologist in Santa Barbara. After growing up and attending college in California, she went to medical school at George Washington University, trained in internal medicine at the University of Colorado, and decided to pursue subspecialty training in endocrinology and diabetes. Dr. Hone participated in the fellowship training program at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, where she did research in diabetes and took care of people with endocrine disorders for three years. After completing her training, Dr. Hone practiced endocrinology in Colorado for 15 years before moving back to her hometown.

Obstetrician and gynecologist Ruth E. Haskins, M.D., practices medicine primarily in the Sacramento area, where she runs a thriving practice in Folsom. Over her career, Dr. Haskins has been affiliated with a variety of organizations dealing with women’s health and physician advocacy. She has been a member of the California Medical Association (CMA) and the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society for 22 years, serving as a CMA trustee from 2013 to 2015 and as chair of the CMA Council on Legislation from 2010 to 2013. 2016 19

Western Health Care Leadership (in alphabetical order)

KATHY JORDAN Founder and President, Jordan Search Consultants

Jordan Search Consultants is a search firm providing innovative health care, executive and higher education recruitment solutions to clients throughout the nation. With almost three decades of professional recruiting experience, Kathy Jordan has a thorough understanding of the changing dynamics in the health care and higher education industries and has gained a national reputation for her unique recruitment and retention initiatives. By partnering with hospitals, medical groups, academic institutions and health care organizations to develop recruitment models designed to meet their goals, Jordan has effectively helped clients reduce time-to-hire, increase retention rates and reduce recruitment costs.

JASON KINNEY Principal, California Strategies, LLC

Jason Kinney provides California Strategies’ clients with issues management, crisis communications, messaging and media relations expertise, designing campaigns that have earned him the distinction as one of California’s premier problem-solvers. His clients have included elected leaders, political coalitions, business associations and non-profits such as the California Medical Association, Dignity Health, the Auto Club Speedway, the Think Long Committee of California and AT&T. In his more than two decades of politics, Kinney has developed core expertise in issues management, helping to win more than 30 political and public affairs campaigns. He most recently served as lead strategist for the Gavin Newsom for Lieutenant Governor campaign.

DANIEL KURYWCHAK Chief Technology Officer, California Telehealth Network

CEO of, he has developed hundreds of telemedicine programs worldwide, including in the Brazilian Amazon, China, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, South Africa, South Korea and the United States. He has trained over 800 clinicians and holds two patents in the field of telemedicine.

REGINA LEVISON Vice President, Client Development, Jordan Search Consultants

Regina Levison was the founder and president of Levison Search Associates, a California-based physician and health care executive search firm, for more than three decades; her firm merged with Jordan Search Consultants in 2014. Levison harnesses her in-depth knowledge and experience to develop recruitment solutions that improve revenue, quality and retention for health care organizations nationwide. Frequently interviewed by the media as an established thought leader in physician recruitment, Levison has been asked to speak about health care staffing nationally.

LANCE R. LEWIS, MBA Chief Operating Officer, California Medical Association

Lance R. Lewis, MBA, has direct responsibility for CMA’s administrative and operational support centers. With more than 20 years of experience, Lewis has distinguished himself as a chief executive with expertise in strategy execution and a cultivator of talent, systems, and processes that support a high performance culture. During his tenure as Chief Operating Officer, Lewis has transformed the budgeting process from a traditional method to an activity-based costing model, orchestrated the sale of a subsidiary creating a perpetual endowment for CMA, restructured/eliminated long-term debt, and executed a new interoperable Association Management System.

Daniel Kurywchak joined the California Telehealth Network in 2015, bringing 15 years of valuable global experience in telehealth and technology to meet the needs of California health care providers. Over the past four years, as the founder and



Academy Faculty MARIA MILLAN, M.D.


Senior Director of Medical Affairs and Strategic Centers, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

Director, UC Davis School of Medicine Stem Cell Program

After joining the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) three years ago, Maria Millan, M.D., most recently played a lead role in developing the concept plans for CIRM’s strategic clinical and translational infrastructure programs, the Alpha Clinics Network, the Accelerating Center (stem cell focused clinical research organization), the Translating Center (stem cell focused preclinical research organization) and the ATP3 Public Private Partnership. Prior to joining CIRM, Maria served as Vice President and acting Chief Medical Officer at StemCells, Inc. where she oversaw the launch of the company’s first clinical trial for a rare and fatal pediatric CNS condition and served as the head of the company’s liver program.

ROBERT L. MOORE, M.D., MPH Chief Medical Officer, Partnership HealthPlan of California

Partnership HealthPlan of California is a county organized health system providing Medi-Cal managed care services to over 550,000 members in 14 Northern California counties. Robert L. Moore, M.D., MPH, is a graduate of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, the Columbia University School of Public Health and the family medicine residency at Ventura County Medical Center. He has completed post-graduate training in health center management, health care leadership and quality improvement. His professional interests include delivery system transformation, palliative care, intensive outpatient care management, chronic pain and addressing social determinants of health.

Jan A. Nolta, Ph.D., is the Director of the Stem Cell Program at UC Davis School of Medicine, and directs the Institute for Regenerative Cures. She also serves as the Scientific Director of the large UC Davis Good Manufacturing Practice Facility, and as Scientific Director of the Statewide California Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program. In 2013 she was ranked as one of the “Global Top 50 Most Influential People in the Field of Stem Cells.”

JANUS NORMAN Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Political Operations, California Medical Association

Janus Norman is CMA’s Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Political Operations. Prior to joining CMA, he served as Legislative Advocate for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), where he was responsible for developing the legislative agenda for the organization and supervising day-to-day lobbying operations. He previously has worked for the Judicial Council of California, the Assembly Budget Committee, and the Assembly Appropriations Committee. His career began when he joined the office of then-Assemblymember Darrell Steinberg as a Jesse Unruh Assembly Fellow.

BENNET OMALU, M.D., MBA, MPH Physician, Forensic Pathologist and Neuropathologist

As chronicled in the recent film Concussion, Dr. Bennet Omalu’s story is one of great triumph in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Despite suffering war-related under-nutrition in the first two years of his life, Omalu would go on to attend medical school at age 15 and become a physician by age 21. In 2002, Dr. Omalu made a career breakthrough when he became the first doctor to discover and identify chronic brain damage as a major factor in the deaths of some professional athletes. He called the disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

2016 21

Western Health Care Leadership (in alphabetical order)

WILLIAM C. PARRISH Executive Director/CEO, Monterey County Medical Society and Santa Clara County Medical Association

William C. Parrish is the chief executive officer of the Santa Clara County Medical Association, its affiliate companies and the Monterey County Medical Society. Parrish began his career in organized medicine in 1995. Prior to that, he was the director of medical offices for the Permanente Medical Group in Santa Clara. He holds a masters of public administration degree with a concentration in health care services, from the University of San Francisco.

JAMES PETERSON CEO/Executive Director, Orange County Medical Association

James Peterson currently serves as CEO of the Orange County Medical Association and previously served in the same position with the San Bernardino County Medical Society. Prior to joining organized medicine, he worked for the American Red Cross in management, fundraising and public relations for 25 years, serving in Omaha, NE; Nashville, TN; Burlington, VT; and Whittier, CA. Peterson is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, holds a bachelor of science degree in journalism and marketing, and served in the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve. He is active with several local and national organizations and currently serves on the Blood Systems, Inc. Board of Trustees.

DEBRA PHAIRAS President, Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC

Debra Phairas is president of Practice & Liability Consultants, LLC, a nationally recognized firm specializing in practice management and malpractice prevention. Her background includes medical clinic administration and loss prevention management for NORCAL Mutual, a physician malpractice insurance carrier in Northern California. Her consulting experience includes over 1,800 practices of all sizes and specialties. Typical engagements include: practice start-ups, practice assessments, mergers, financial analysis, revenue enhancement, overhead reduction, personnel management, over 400 practice valuations, expert


witness, partnership issues and recruitment support for hospitals and physician groups.

SUSAN F. REYNOLDS, M.D., PH.D. President and CEO, The Institute for Medical Leadership®

Susan F. Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D., is the president and CEO of The Institute for Medical Leadership®, which for over 14 years has been conducting organizational assessments, physician leadership development programs, executive and physician coaching, and strategic transformation retreats for numerous hospitals and health care systems, academic medical centers, medical groups, and medical associations throughout the United States.

KARL ROVE Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush

Karl Rove, an iconic political strategist and one of the most sought-after political pundits of our time, is best known for his provocative and robust knowledge of the major political issues of the day. He served as Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush from 2000–2007 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2004–2007. At the White House he oversaw the Offices of Strategic Initiatives, Political Affairs, Public Liaison, and Intergovernmental Affairs and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, coordinating the White House policy-making process.

TANYA SPIRTOS, M.D. OB/GYN, Trustee, California Medical Association

Tanya Spirtos, M.D., practices as an OB/GYN, focusing on the evaluation and treatment of infertility, women’s wellness and urinary incontinence. She is active in the Santa Clara County Medical Association (president 2005-2006), chaired the California Medical Association (CMA) District 7 Delegation, and is an active member of both CMA and the American Medical Association. Having served for over 20 years in the CMA House of Delegates, she is very interested in efficient and fair political


Academy Faculty process and promoting the interests of California’s physicians in every advocacy area. She is a current CMA Trustee and will be seeking the position of Vice Speaker of the CMA’s House of Delegates in October 2016.

MIKE STEENBURGH Vice President, Membership, Communications and Component Relations, California Medical Association

Mike Steenburgh is a marketing and administrative executive with diverse work experience in public, private and non-profit sectors. Currently Vice President of CMA’s Centers for Membership, Communications and Component Relations, Steenburgh strives to provide CMA’s 41,000 members with one-on-one services and resources, while educating nonmember California physicians about the value of a CMA membership. Additionally, he works in partnership with the 38 county medical societies to provide support, services and programs to meet physician needs. Previously, Steenburgh served as Executive Director of CMA’s Component Medical Society Services, as well as Executive Director of the San Joaquin Medical Society. He has also been a board member and interim CEO for the CMA Foundation.

KARL STEINBERG, M.D., CMD, HMDC Chair, Coalition for Compassionate Care of California

Karl Steinberg, M.D., CMD, HMDC, is currently chair of the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California and serves on the National Quality Forum’s standing committee on palliative and end-of-life care. Dr. Steinberg is also a long-term care geriatrician and board-certified family physician with a certification in hospice and palliative medicine. He chairs the Public Policy Committee for AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, and serves as the editor-in-chief of its monthly periodical, Caring for the Ages. He also serves on the Board of Directors and the Bioethics Commission for the San Diego County Medical Society.

DONALD WATERS Executive Director, Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association

Donald Waters is the executive director of the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association (ACCMA). He was appointed to that position by the ACCMA Council in June 2009, following 25 years of service as ACCMA assistant executive director, and two years as managing editor of ACCMA publications. Waters assists ACCMA physician leadership in determining how best to assist and advocate for its members; serves as ACCMA’s liaison to elected officials, government agencies, and other health care organizations; and oversees ACCMA’s administrative operations.

ASHBY WOLFE, M.D., MPP, MPH Region 9 Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

In her current position, Ashby Wolfe, M.D., MPP, MPH, focuses on implementation of the many facets of the Affordable Care Act and its role in providing access to high quality care and improved health at a lower cost. In addition, Dr. Wolfe provides clinical expertise to many regional CMS programs and divisions, as well as serving as the medical and scientific lead for quality improvement efforts; as chief clinician for all regional CMS outreach and education efforts; and as a liaison with health care providers in the region. She also continues to see patients regularly as a family physician.


conference app Download the official Western Health Care Leadership Academy app for a more connective experience. Search “WHCLA 2016” in iTunes or Google Play Store then once downloaded, log in with your email and use password “2016WHCLA” Questions? Contact Brooke Byrdwick, Join the Conversation! #WHCLead

2016 23

Exhibitor Information (in alphabetical order)

5mRx – 600

Bank of America, Small Business Banking – 601

5mRx enables efficient in-office dispensing. Dispense for your patients with prefilled unit of use packaging and our Dispensary Software package. Get started with an investment of less than $1,000 and provide additional revenue to your practice while improving your patient satisfaction and patient outcomes in less than five minutes. We handle the inventory management, replenishment, billing and adjudication.

Bank of America is all about providing people, companies and institutional investors the financial products and services they need to help achieve their goals at every stage of their financial lives.

(818) 700-1500

Imran Karim, Small Business Banker (408) 577-7453

19650 Buckeye Drive Volcano, CA 95689

AKT CPAs, Advisors and Consultants – 105 Recognized as a top 100 accounting firm nationwide by Accounting Today, the AKT family of companies offers a broad range of financial services from traditional accounting, audit and tax compliance, to business valuation, management consulting, financial due diligence, and employee benefit and retirement plan services. We work with business owners and individuals to manage their financial, wealth and tax planning strategies. Jenny Smerud, CPA Healthcare Partner and Business Consultant (760) 431-8440 (Office) (760) 500-2517 (Cell) Ron Mitchell, CPA Healthcare Partner and Business Consultant (760) 431-8440 (Office)

American Medical Association – 400 The American Medical Association (AMA) is the premier national organization dedicated to empowering the nation’s physicians to continually provide safer, higher quality, and more efficient care for patients and communities. For more than 165 years, AMA has been unwavering in its commitment to using its unique position and knowledge to shape a healthier future for America. (312) 464-4032 330 N. Wabash Avenue Chicago, IL 60611-5885


Ajayvir Virdi, Small Business Banker (925) 407-7630

Gene Krassovsky, Small Business Banker (415) 986-9422 Charles Vezinaw, Small Business Banker (415) 622-7742 Serving the San Francisco/East Bay Area

California Cancer Registry – 501 The California Cancer Registry (CCR) is a program of the California Department of Public Health. CCR, California’s mandated statewide population-based cancer surveillance system, has been collecting cancer incidence and mortality data since 1988 (more than 175,000 cases annually and over 7 million cases total since 1988). CCR collects information about all cancers diagnosed in California (except basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and carcinoma in situ of the cervix). This information furthers our understanding of cancer and is used to develop strategies and policies for its prevention, treatment and control. CCR is recognized as one of the leading cancer registries in the world. Magdalena Burgos, Program Analyst Jeremy Pine, E-Reporting Program Manager Stephen Fuchslin, Chief - Data Management Section (916) 731-2500 1631 Alhambra Blvd, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95816


Novo Nordisk Exhibit Hall FREIGHT ELEVATOR


Emergency Exit

CAPACITY = 20,000 LBS DOOR HEIGHT = 9'6" WIDTH = 10'4" LENGTH = 21'9"

Access Kitchen


Emergency Exit

Access Kitchen

Emergency Exit


Emergency Exit

Emergency Exit

Guest Rooms Catwalk and 5th Floor

Banquet Storage

Access Kitchen






Registration Office


600 601 602 603

105 205



500 501 502 503

104 204 20’


103 203





102 202 15’



101 201

400 401 402 403 20’

300 301 302 303

100 200 20’

Grand A Main Entrances

Grand A Main Entrances

Grand B Main Entrances

Grand B Main Entrance

Emergency Exit

CALPAC – 303


Grand A Main Entrance



Emergency Exit

Emergency Exit

Catwalk Access



CALPAC, the California Medical Association Political Action Committee, supports candidates and legislators who understand and embrace our philosophy and vision of the future of health care. UP


Nick Birtcil, Senior Director Manny Heer, Associate Director (800) CALPAC - 9

CMA Member Services and Benefits – 300 California Medical Association (CMA) members – we are here for YOU. Stop by booth #300 and take a short member survey to be added to a drawing for a free iPad! Visit with the CMA Member Service Center while you’re here. The team is available throughout the year by email or phone. We are ready to connect you to the right department – whether you need reimbursement or legal assistance, want to register for an event, order Resource Library materials, learn about our unique member benefit offerings or more. Kristy Bird, Director of Membership Becky Paplanus, Member Service Coordinator (800) 786-4262

Learn more about the CMA Center for Legal Affairs, the Legal Information Help Line and CMA’s legal resources, including the state’s premier health law publication, the California Physician’s Legal Handbook. Ashneel Kumar, Research Associate (800) 786-4262

COLA Inc. – 203 COLA is the premier clinical laboratory education, consultation and accreditation organization. We are an independent accreditor whose practical, educational standards have a positive and immediate impact. Our services enable clinical laboratories and staff to meet Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and other regulatory requirements, act in accordance with Quality Systems, and provide the best possible patient care. Phil Osagie, Marketing Coordinator (800) 981-9883, ext. 3735 9881 Broken Land Parkway, Suite 200 Columbia, MD 21046

2016 25

Exhibitor Information Continued Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. – 102

Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) – 302

The Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. provides California’s finest physicians with superior medical professional liability protection at remarkably low rates, as well as an incredible variety of resources to help them run a safe and successful medical practice.

The Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ), a nonprofit, physician-led subsidiary of the California Medical Association, uses education and evaluation to improve health care quality. IMQ accredits ambulatory surgery centers and offices, detention and corrections facilities, and continuing medical education (CME) programs. It provides educational programs and online education, medical staff consultations, peer review, judicial review panels, and ethics training for a range of providers and institutions, as well as an efficient CME tracking service for physicians.

Elizabeth Gomez, New Member Coordinator (213) 473-8729 333 S. Hope Street, 8th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071

Echo, A HealthStream Company – 500 EchoOneApp is a dynamic software application that simplifies the payer credentialing and provider enrollment process by centralizing provider data management, eliminating manual processes, embedding primary source verification and expiration notifications to accelerate credentialing, and delivering the most robust data submission tools to auto-populate PDF forms and online forms. (615) 370-0500 101 Westpark Drive, Suite 140 Brentwood, TN 37027

EnviroMerica, Inc. – 205 Enviromerica, Inc. provides regulatory compliance and complete medical waste management, including pick-up, delivery and proper disposal, for medical facilities. CMA members receive up to 30 percent off their services. (650) 655-2045 23785 Cabot Blvd., Suite 315-316 Hayward, CA 94545

Ideal Protein – 602 Ideal Protein is a supervised, four-phase VLCD weight loss method utilizing foods of highly bio-available amino acids combined with lowered carbohydrate and fat intake. This is not a high-protein diet. Rather, it is a medically sound, balanced diet wherein the dieter receives the ideal amount of protein as recommended by the FDA as well as vegetables, carbohydrates and other vitamins. Catalina Panzera, Business Development Operations Specialist (866) 314-4447 60 Rue Jean-Proulx Gatineau, QC J8Z1W1


Jill K. Silverman, CEO (415) 882-5151 180 Howard, Suite 210 San Francisco, CA 94105

Jordan Search Consultants – 402 Jordan Search Consultants provides executive, physician and advanced practitioner search services to medical groups/ practices, hospitals/integrated delivery systems, academic institutions, IPAs, ACOs, and not-for-profit organizations nationwide. With more than three decades of experience, they provide innovative recruitment solutions to meet your organization’s staffing goals and budget – from full-service search to partial service candidate sourcing. Visit www. to view blogs and publications regarding health care recruitment. Kathy Jordan, President (866) 750-7231 Regina Levison, Vice President, Client Development (530) 409-0263 133 Church Street O’Fallon, MO 63366

Kareo – 502 Kareo is the only cloud-based medical office software and services platform built for small practices. We offer an integrated solution that helps over 30,000 physicians get paid faster, run their businesses smarter, and provide better care via our practice management software, billing services, free electronic health records and practice marketing. Suzanne DeBow (949) 247-5502 3353 Michelson, #400 Irvine, CA 92612


Kessenick Gamma & Free, LLP – 200

Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC – 101

Our law firm’s expertise covers all aspects of health and business law issues for physicians and medical groups.

Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC serves as the insurance broker and administrator for CMA and county medical association/society-sponsored insurance programs. From individual and small group health insurance and level term life to workers’ compensation and much more – we have a wide variety of programs available to protect yourself, your family and your employees.

Frank Gamma, Founding Partner (415) 362-6412 Doug Free, Partner (415) 362-6414 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 3880 San Francisco, CA 94104

MAYACO Marketing & Internet – 104 Save up to $1,000 with our special CMA member physician package! MAYACO provides mobile-friendly websites, social media, redesign, video, blogs, online marketing, and real-time electronic health record and appointment services. As a CMA partner, we are honored to offer you this special discount. Call for more information on this limited-time offer. Remember to ask about our proven results special email packages. Steve Morales, President (209) 957-8629 6333 Pacific Avenue, #521 Stockton, CA 95207

Medical Insurance Exchange of California (MIEC) – 401 Medical liability insurance company (800) 227-4527 6250 Claremont Avenue Oakland, CA 94618

MedPro Group – 204 With over $800 million in annual premiums, MedPro is a national leader in health care malpractice insurance coverage for physicians, dentists, hospitals and health care systems, as well as health care facilities and health care professionals. MedPro, a Berkshire Hathaway business, is 110+ years old and is rated A++ (Superior) by A.M. Best. Jim Courtenay, Agency Sales Manager (800) 463-3776 5814 Reed Road Fort Wayne, IN 46835

Through the Preferred Employers Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation program, for example, CMA members qualify for an additional 5 percent discount* on their Workers’ Compensation Rates. Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services, the program administrator, and Preferred implement best practices in risk management and help to meet your coverage needs. The program features safety, stability and service to help keep rates competitive and provide members with savings. Preferred’s Medical Provider Network of credentialed medical professionals helps manage claims costs, while providing quality care and the opportunity to refer injured employees to CMA members for treatment. Call Mercer at (800) 842-3761, email com or visit for more information about this or any of the other insurance programs available to CMA members. *Most practices will qualify for group pricing and receive the 5 percent discount; however, some practices will need to be underwritten separately when they do not qualify for the special program terms and conditions. A minimum premium applies to very small payrolls. (800) 842-3761 777 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90017

NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company – 103 Since 1975, NORCAL Mutual has been a physician-owned and directed medical professional liability carrier dedicated to ensuring the availability of affordable and relevant coverage. NORCAL Mutual is one of the top 10 medical professional liability carriers in the nation, based on direct written premium, and holds an “A” (Excellent) rating by A.M. Best for its financial strength and stability. Amy Hieatt, Regional Sales Manager (844) 466-7225/(844) 4NORCAL 560 Davis Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94111

2016 27






DID YOU KNOW? CMA offers free webinars to its members Through its robust webinar series, CMA gives physicians and their staff the opportunity to watch live presentations on important topics of interest and interact with practice management, legal and financial experts, to name a few, from the comfort of their homes or offices. The webinars are free to CMA members and members’ staff and provide the timely information needed to help run a successful medical practice. What’s more, all webinars are available on-demand immediately following the live airing, providing an ever-growing resource library accessible at any time.

Reimbursement 101: Getting Paid MAY


May 18, 2016 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm Learn how to maximize reimbursement in the face of declining payor and government reimbursement and increased regulatory scrutiny. This webinar will provide managed care and payor contracting tips, as well as what to do when you aren’t getting paid. In addition, it will help you prepare for and defend against government and payor reimbursement audits.

PRESENTERS: Andrew Selesnick is partner at Michelman & Robinson and chair of Michelman & Robinson’s health care department. Damaris Medina is an attorney and member of the Michelman & Robinson health care group.

How to Increase Workers’ Compensation Revenue JUNE




PRESENTER: Sarah Moray’s broad experience in workers’ compensation and medical billing spans over 12 years, ranging from ground level experience in medical practices, to consulting, to co-founding DaisyBill.

June 8, 2016 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm Workers’ compensation payors can substantially reduce your revenue in two ways: by systematically downcoding evaluation and management codes and by paying the wrong reimbursement due per California’s Official Medical Fee Schedule. To combat downcoding and incorrect reimbursements, this webinar explains how to easily appeal these reduced payments. This webinar will also provide the correct reimbursements for popular CPT codes and break down the new mandated appeal process into easy step-by-step instructions.

DMHC IMR and Other Complaint Processes: Tips and Best Practices for Physicians

PRESENTER: Mary Watanabe is the Deputy Director of Health Policy and Stakeholder Relations at the Department of Managed Health Care, where she serves as primary advisor to the Director on critical issues and providing strategic planning and policy direction on emerging issues and industry trends.

June 22, 2016 | 12:15pm - 1:15pm The California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC), the regulatory agency that oversees 122 health plans, will provide an overview of the department, with a focus on the DMHC Help Center. The webinar will also cover the DMHC Independent Medical Review (IMR) and complaint processes, discussing the importance of the IMR and complaint processes in the policy, legislative and regulatory arenas and providing information on how to submit the IMR/ complaint form to the DMHC Help Center. It will also provide tips and best practices for assisting patients with access to care or billing issues, including denials of care, and will include an overview of the provider complaint unit.

REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! WWW.CMANET.ORG/EVENTS *Webinars are free for CMA members and their staff ($99 for non-members).



Exhibitor Information Continued PrivaPlan® Associates, Inc. – 201

V2V Management Solutions – 403

PrivaPlan Associates, Inc., is an authority in HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule compliance, offering a wide array of products and services including guidance on: HIPAA privacy, security, and training; meaningful use consultation; and security risk assessments. In addition, we provide compliance consulting and audit services. PrivaPlan® Associates also provides a variety of convenient, customized education, training and consulting services on numerous aspects of HIPAA compliance.

V2V helps medical practices implement solutions to improve their operational performance. Our services include the assessment, implementation and mentoring of your independent, hospital-owned or affiliated practices. V2V brings together some of the most trusted transformational health care consultants in the industry: Irv Barnett, Debra Wiggs, Michelle Weir and Nancy Babbitt. Together, we help you find value across your organization.

(877) 218-7707 5 Caliente Road, Unit 3 Santa Fe, NM 87508

Robin Walters, Business Development Manager (208) 717-3945 1010 17th Street Lewiston, ID 83501


The Doctors Company – 202 The Doctors Company has been fiercely committed to relentlessly defending, protecting and rewarding physicians for 40 years. As the nation’s largest physician-owned medical malpractice insurer, with a national membership of 78,000 and $4.3 billion in assets, we have the strength and stability to protect physicians now and in the future. Learn more at www. Will Valentine, Account Executive (800) 421-2368, ext. 1784 (707) 226-0784 185 Greenwood Road Napa, CA 94558

UnitedHealthcare – 100 Create, Collaborate, Connect UnitedHealthcare is creating the most effective, enduring connections between care providers and consumers to achieve the best health outcomes, cost of care and experience. Lisa Lewan, Senior Director – CA Network Quality (714) 226-8746 5701 Katella Avenue Cypress, CA 90630

CCR at work for you ................................ Stop by Booth 501!

Ask us about Cancer Patient Notification! It’s the Law and we are here to help! Stop by our booth so we can assit you in this notification process. CCR has developed a new brochure, “California Cancer Reporting System: Patient Information” which contains important information that you can provide to your patients to help inform them their data will be reported to CCR and the benefits of CDPH securely receiving and tracking this data over time. We sincerely appreciate all you do for your cancer patients in our collective fight against cancer in California; you are the vital link for them in our health care system. 1631 Alhambra Blvd, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95816 P: 916.731.2500


CCR, a program of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), is at the forefront of Health Information Exchange Interoperability designed to improve the current state of health care and have an impact on patient outcomes for California cancer patients. The Vision • Health System Interoperability Leveraging Standardized and Structured Data suitable for Automated Decision Support • Quality Assessments and Research with an emphasis towards Patient Outcomes • Source Data Aggregation including Meaningful Use Physician Reporting to Public Health CDPH and CCR Playing an Integral Part in Meeting the Current and Future Health Care Needs of All Californians.

Stop by Booth 501! Pick up your Cancer Patient Notification Brochures & Poster today!

2016 29 CCR_AD_CMA2015.indd 2

4/15/2016 2:23:14 PM

Are You Invisible Online? Get a strong online presence with MAYACO.

Mobile Responsive Websites • Social Media • SEO Optimization Ask CMA about Me Disco mber unt! • (209) 957-8629 •




Join us next year in beautiful San Diego for the 20th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy! (800) 795-2262

2016 31

r e c r e M 101 Booth Visit Mercer in booth 101 to meet representatives from: Preferred Employers Insurance, CMA’s sponsored Workers’ Compensation carrier! And... learn more about the additional sponsored programs, including: Off-Exchange Individual and Small Group Medical, Level Term Life, Long-Term Care, Long-Term Disability, Business Owners Package, Dental, Business Overhead Expense, and more.

Mercer a Preferred nd are pleased to presen the 2016 t WHCLA

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For more information, call a Client Advisor at 800-842-3761, send an email to, or visit

Take advantage of the programs and services enjoyed by many of your colleagues! Workers’ Compensation program underwritten by:



Administered by: Sponsored by: Mercer Health & Benefits Insurance Services LLC 1-609 (5/16) Copyright 2016 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved. • 777 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017 • 800-842-3761


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