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BLA ZE 72 ^
The Senior Class of 1972 Dedicates this BLAZE to Mr. James N. Marrion who joined the Cardigan teaching staff in September of 1967. W e dedicate this to Mr. Marrion because of his devotion to the school and his constant concern for all the students. He is always available to those who need him; always considerate, no matter what the problem may be. Mr. Marrion has served as chairman of the Mathematics Dept., and is now Director of Athletics and a teacher of Mathematics. These words are direct to you, Mr. Marrion: We thank you for your kind and understanding words, even when those words must be harsh. We thank you for your athletic and spiritual guidance, but in particular for your sharing of yourself and your free time. Thus, we give reason for this dedication and thank you for all you’ve done.
Headmaster’s Page
Front—Melissa, Mrs. W akely. Rear—Mary, Mr. W akely, Jonathan. Not pictured—Charles.
MR. DONALD E. BLUNT Science (Chairman), Earth Science, Skiing,'Baseball; B.S. Ed., Bridgewater State College; M.Ed., P ennsylvania State University
MR. ROBERT K. BRAYM A N Social Studies (Dept. Chairman), W ork Detail; B. Ed., Plymouth State College
MR. D A V ID W . BUCK Math, Reserve Soccer, Baseball, Skiing; A.B., Colgate, M.B.A., University of Michigan
MRS. D AVID W. BUCK Language Training; A.B. College
MR. R. ALDEN BURT Art (Chairman), Campcraft, Log Cabin Construction; B.E., P ly m o uth State College
M R SAMUEL H. COES, JR. Language Training and Developmental Reading (Chairman), Eager Beavers, V. Hockey, Sailing; Brown, Salem State, Framingham
N azareth
MR. JO SE P H M. CO LLIN S A ssistant Headm aster, D ean o f S tu 足 dents, Math; Football, V. B aseball; B .S., Boston U niversity
MR. JA M ES W. CRO W ELL Science, Archery, Skiing, C am p craftForestry; B.S., Yale
MR. R O BE R T B. FA H RN ER English (Chairm an); P ublicity, P ublic R elations, D ram a, B la z e (A dvisor); Roosevelt
MR. HAROLD FIN K BEIN ER Music (Chairman); B.M., M.M ., W est足 m in iste r C h o ir C o lle g e ; B .D ., M cCormick Theology Sem inary
MR, R O BE R T A. GAGNE Foreign Language (Chairm an); A .V., Safety Dept., Sailing, Skiing, Cam pcraft; B.A., M aryknoll College; M .S., University of Bridgport; M.A., M iddlebury College
M R LAW REN CE G O L D T H W A IT Science, Skiing; A.B., D artm outh C ol足 lege; Sc.M ., Brown
M IS S M A RY E. H O W E, R.N. School Nurse; Henry H ayw ard m orial H ospital
MR. LO U IS I. LO UV A R Science; B.A., C an aan College
MR, KENNETH J. M cC A F FR E Y M ath (C hairm an); R ec. S k iin g , L a足 crosse, Rec. Tennis, C om puter Club; B.S. H obart College
REV. HARRY R. M A H O N EY Chaplain, Religion (Chairm an); B. Ed., Boston U niversity; B.D., A ndover New 足 ton Theological School
MR. JA M ES N. M ARRION Math, D irector of A thletics, V. B ase足 ball, V. Football, Rec. Skiing; B .S ., M.A., K eene State College
MRS. JA M ES N. M ARRION Language Training; B .S., K eene S tate College
MR. KARL NYHUS Shop; B .S., Norw egian M ilitary Sch o o l
MRS. SC H U Y LER V. PECK Language T rain in g ; B .S ., W h e e lo ck College
M R M ICHAEL D. RENN ER French, Spanish, V. Sailing, Skiing, Sailing; B.A., Dartm outh College
MR. SC H U Y LER V. PECK English, So cial Studies, V. H ockey, V. T enn is, V. F o o tb a ll; B .A ., N ich o ls College
MRS. RICHARD R. REA RICK L an g u ag e T r a in in g ; N ew University
Y o rk
M R JOHN O. RICH Special A ssistant to the H eadm aster, Director o f A dm issions; B.A., R ollins College; M.A. M.Ed., Johns H opkins
MR. JA Y K. SADLON English, V. Skiing, V. S o ccer, T enn is; Senior Class A dvisor; B.A., W ash in g 足 ton and Jefferson College
MRS. RALPH B. SC H M A N SK A Typing, A ssistan t L ib ra ria n ; Plymouth State College
MR. DAVID F. SH ELTO N S o cia l Stu d ies, - E ng lish, Language Training; W ork D etail, Head o f Jobs; B.A., T exas A & M U niversity; M.A., Columbia U niversity
M RS. DAVID F. SH EL T O N Librarian; B.A., N asson College
M R GILBERT O. ST A N LE Y Social Studies, Tennis, V. F o o tb all, V. Hockey; B.A., Middlebury College
MRS. G IL BE R T O. ST A N LE Y Language Training; Skid m ore College
B .A .,
MR. NORMAN C. W A K ELY Headm aster; B.S., U niversity o f M aine; M .A , Colum bia U niversity
M RS. NORMAN C. W A K EL Y Language Training; B.S., Bridgew ater State College
MR. JA M ES H. W IL SO N English; V. Skiing, Dram a, Res. S o ccer, G y m n a s tic s ; B .A ., U n iv e r s ity o f Colorado
MR, HENRY S. W O O D S French, Ski Jumping; B.A., D artm ou th College; M.A., M iddlebury College
Mrs. Heather Coes Nursery School
Mrs. Ruth T albert A ssistant to the H eadm aster
Mrs. P atricia Usery A ssistant Bookkeeper
Mr. Ralph B. C outerm arsh Superintendent o f Buildings and G rounds
Mrs. Ruth Johnson Adm issions Office
Mrs. Jack ie Lary Bookkeeper
Mrs. Margo M oran Development Office Mr. Richard Clancy Stew ard Chef 10
Mr. Richard R. Rearick, A .B. (Dartm outh), Assistant Treasurer
JOHN H EA TO N BA RRY Los H erax 2634 M artinex, P.B.A ., A rgentina So ccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8, B aseb all 8
DAVID R. C. B E C K E T T 43 Elson Parkw ay South Burlington, Verm ont A rchery 7,8,9; S k i T eam 7,8,9; T en n is 9; S to w ell Floor Leader 9.
JA M ES EDW ARD B A T T L E S Haverhill Road East Kingston, New H am pshire F o o tb all8,9; Rec. Sk iin g 8,9; G y m n artics 8,9; H ayw ard Floor Leader, Sch o ol C ouncil
BRUCE R U SSE LL BED FO R D 56 Cypress Road W ellesley Hills, M assach u setts Rec. Tennis 7,8; Red. Skiing 7,8,9; T enn is T eam 7,8,9; F o o t足 ball 9; School C ouncil 7,8; F lo o r Leader 8,9.
ERIC RAYMOND B R O X 1361 Broadway, D racut, M ass. So ccer 8,9; Ski Team 8,9; L acrosse 8,9; S ch o o l C ouncil 8,9; School Leader 9; Floor Leader 9; M odel C lub 8,
DOUGLAS G RIFFIN C A R EY Dament Road, W ellfleet, M ass. Football 7,8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; L acrosse 7,8,9; Dining Room Assistant 8; Floor Leader 9; S ch o o l C ouncil 9; V ice P resi足 dent of Senior Class; Hiking 8.
SC O T T PAUL CA M PBELL M adeira School, G reenw ay, Virginia So ccer 8; Rec. Skiing 8,9; T enn is T eam 8,9; F o o tb all 9; P h o足 tography Club 8; B ask etb all Club 8; H ead o f C am pus Cleaners.
R O BERT A LEXAN DER C A S K IE 3272 P. Street, N.W., W ashington, D.C. Rec. Skiing 8,9; L acrosse 8,9; A rch ery 9.
ANTH ONY M ICH A EL D e B O lS E 828 Pleasant Street, W orcester, M ass. V. So ccer 9; Sk i Team 9; V. B aseb all 9; F loor Leader 9.
JON C H R IST IA N C A V E R L Y Box 86, Bennington, N.H. Sailing 8; H ockey 8; B a seb all 8,9; So ccer 9; Rec. Skiing 9.
LA W REN CE T H U R ST O N D IG G S 1400 Buchanan Avenue, O lean, N.Y. Football 7,8,9; S k i T eam 7,8,9; L acro sse 7,8,9; A .V . H ead Head Classroom C leaners 9.
ROWLAND W H E E LE R D O D SO N 7314 M aryland Avenue, St. Louis, M issouri Sailing T eam 7,8; Rec. Sailing 7,8,9; R ec, Skiing 7; Sk i T eam 8,9; Baseball 9; Choir 7,8,9; H ost C om m ittee 7,8,9; L ib rary Ass't. 8; AV 8,9; Shop Club 8; A V H ead 9. I
\ P ET ER W ILLIA M D O U G L A SS 1645 S E 7th St., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Rec. Tennis 8; Rec. Skiing 8,9; F o o tb all 9; T en n is T eam 9; Magic Club 8; Reading Club 8; F lo o r Leader 9.
FRANK V IC TO R F E R O L E T O , III 126 W hiteoak Road., Fairfield, Conn, Football 7,8,9; Hockey 7,8,9; B a seb a ll 7,8,9; C h ess Club 7,8; Softball Club 7,8; T rap C lub 7,8; E xp lo rer C lub 7; M odel Club 7.
e JA C Q U EST T, D O YEN 29 dreve des Chalets Brussels, Belgium Cam pcraft 9.
BRIAN GERARD GEAN Y 38 Sedgew ick Drive North Scituate, Mass. R. Football 8,9; S k i T eam 8,9; V. B aseb all 8,9.
EDW ARD JER O M E G O LD SC H LA G 166 Bridge St., C atskill, N.Y. Rec. Sailing 8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; C am p craft 7; B icycling 8; Rec. Tennis 9; M odel Club 8.
SEV ER IN FRED ERIC K G U NDLACH 812 Carlyle Road, Belleville, 111. Football 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; B aseb all 8; R ec. T en n is 9; Model Club 8.
SH EPPA RD G RA Y G R ISW O L D M ooreland Rd. G reenw ich, Conn. So ccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; C am p craft 8; Rec. T en n is 9; P h o足 tography Club 8; Outing C lub 8; C h oir 8,9.
RICHARD M A C Y H A R R IS, III 250 Alpine Dr., R ochester, N.Y. Soccer 9; Rec. Skiing 9; T enn is T eam 9; A sst. F lo o r Leader 9; Dining Room A sst. 9.
JRADFORD H A R R ISO N H A Y W O O D .0 Lewin Rd., H anover, N.H. tec. Tennis 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8; S k i T eam 9; L acrosse 9; i4odel Club 8; A viation Club 8; M odel A irp lane Club 8; 4opkins 1 Forem an 9.
FHOM AS JA M ES H O W SE 119 Kleyona, Phoenixville, Pa. Rec. Skiing 7; Rec. Sailing 7,8; F o o tb all 8,9; H ockey 8,9; Duting Club 8.
SC O T T W IN SL O W HILLS 211 Lincoln St., Norwell, M ass. So ccer 8,9; Ski T eam 8,9; B aseball 8; Rec. T en n is 9; Dining Room M onitor 9.
PETER DAVID K LIN EFE LT ER 8109 St. M artins Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Football 8,9; Hockey 8; Rec. Sk iing 9; B a seb a ll 8,9; M odel Club 8; Photography Club 8; B laze P hotographer 9.
AND REW D O IG LARNED, JR. 81 Ham den Dr., H udson, O hio Football 8,9; Sk i T eam 9; L acrosse 9; O uting C lub 8; Chess Club 8; Head o f Set-U p C rew 9.
GENE JO SE P H LEO N E Mineral Springs Road, C ornw all, N.Y. Football 7,8,9; B aseball 7,8,9; R ec. Sk iing 7; H o ck ey 8,9; Choir 7; Sch o ol C ouncil 8,9; M agic C lub 7,8; T rap Sh ootin g 7; Model Club 7; Shop C lub 8; F loorlead er H inm an II 9; Blaze 9.
R O BERT W ILLIA M S LENK Dutton Road, China, Me. Rec. Skiing 8,9; B aseball 8; S o c c e r 9; T enn is 9; C hoir 9; Lav Club 8; Student C ouncil 9: F loorlead er P ro cto r 9; P u b lic Re lations 9.
ST E V EN JO SE PH L E W IS 2112 G reenbriar Drive, Springfield, 111. Varsity So ccer 9; Rec. Skiing 9; T en n is T eam 9; H ead c Kitchen Help 9.
W ILFRED DONALD M acDO N N ELL, JR, 1375 Glengarry Road, Birm ingham , M ich. Skiing 6,7,8,9; A rchery 6,7; S k i Im provem ent 6,7; M odel Club 6,7,8; So ccer 8,9; T enn is 9.
C H RISTO PH ER HENRY N IELSEN 86 Suffolk Road, W ellesley, M ass. Soccer 7,8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; T enn is 7,8; L acro sse 9; Dining Room Inspector 8, (head) 9; A ssistan t F loorlead er (French) 9.
R O BERT A LEXA N D ER M cCLELLA N 72 Jordon Lane, Norw ell, M ass. Rec. Tennis 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; S o c c e r 9; D ram a 8,9; C hoir 8,9; Blaze 9; Banquet T o astm aster.
TIM O TH Y JO SE P H O ’B R IE N 9 Galloupes Point Sw am pscott, M ass. Football 7,8; Rec. Skiing 6,7; L acrosse 6; S k i Im provem ent 6; Tennis 7,9; H ockey 8,9; C anoeing 8,9; M odel Club 6,8; E x plorers Club 7; Bridge Club 6; Dining R oom A ssistan t 9; A s sistant Floorleader 9.
G REG O RY M ARK P E T E R S 749 Hale Street, Beverly Farm s, M ass. So ccer 8,9; Skiing 8,9; Rec. T enn is 8,9; M odel Club 8; Choir 8,9; Norpines 9; Host C om m ittee 9.
PA TRICK O. RYAN 1234 Harris Drive, W atertow n, N.Y. Ski Team 8,9; Sailing T eam 8,9; F o o tb all 9; D ram a 9; B laze 9; Floor leader (Hinm an I) 9.
DAVID LYFO RD R O BIN S 26 Orne Street M arblehead, Mass. Varsity Football 8,9; S k i T eam 8,9; V arsity B a seb a ll 8; S a il足 ing 9; A ssistant Floorleader 9; A uditorium C are (Head) 9.
JOHN EDW ARD R O BIN SO N Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; F oo tb all 8; E ager B eavers 9; Sailin g 7; Baseball 8,9; Model R ailroad C lub 7; O uting C lub 8; D ram a 9; Audio Visual 9; Choir 7,8,9; B laze 8, (Ed itor 9); N orpines 8,9 (Head); S afety C om m issioner 9.
HENRY KING SC H U LTZ R.R. # 3 , Napanee, O ntario, Canada Soccer 7,8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; Rec. T enn is 7,8; B aseb all 9; Audubon Club 7; T ravel Club 7,8; Choir 7,8,9; Fire M arsh al 8,9; Norpines 9; A.V. 9; Job Forem an 9; B laze 9; S e cre ta ry of Senior Class 9.
S C O T T A RTH U R S T E V E N S Running Ridge Row M anchester, M ass. Football 9; Ski Team 9; L acrosse 9.
MANUEL JO S E SO N E ST U R LA , JR. Jose Contrera # 4 6 , San to Dom ingo, D om inica R epublic So ccer 7,8,9; Rec, Skiing 7; B aseball 7,8,9; H ock ey 8,9; Model Club 7,8; Chess Club 8.
W ARREN T U T T ST O N E, JR. College Avenue Haverford, Pa. V. Football 8,9; V. H ockey 8,9; V. L acrosse 8.9; F loorlead er (CM 111) 9.
PAGE W IN SL O W T H IB O D E A U X 43 Ave. de L iberation, 1640 Rhode, St. G enese, Belgium Rec. Skiing 8,9; Rec. T enn is 8,9; Floor Leader 9. KEN TON LYLE T A R B U T T O N 125 Dover Circle, Norfolk, Va. Canoeing 8; Football 9; S k i T eam 8; T en n is 8; Rec. Sk iing 9; Lacrosse 9.
PARKER D A VID SO N T H O M SO N 1207 M ariola Court, M iam i, Fla. V. Football 9; Rec Skiing 9; Rec. T en n is 9; H ead o f snow shovelers 9.
FRANK C. THUM 2264 St. Jam es Parkw ay, C leveland Ohio Soccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9.
FRAZER W ELSH W A T K IN S 924 Rockbridge Ave., N orfolk, Va. Football 8,9: Ski T eam 8,9; L acrosse 8,9; M in ibike C lub 8; Magic Club 8; Choir 8; S ch o o l C oun cil 8,9; F loor lead er 9; President of the Senior C lass,
GREGG FO W LER W ILLIA M S R.R.D. # 1 , G rafton, N.H. Football 7; Rec. Skiing 7,8; B aseb all 7,8,9; S o cce r 8,9; Ski Team 9; Model Club 7; Sh op Club 8.
M ICHAEL B R IG H T W H IT E 333 W alnut St., New O rleans, La. Football 9; Rec. Skiing 9; T enn is T eam 9\
RICHARD SH ERID A N W IL SO N Cond San G eronim o, A shford A ve., San Juan, Puerto Rico Rec, Tennis 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; G y m n astics 8,9; C h oir 9.
JOHN CH A RLES W O O D S, [R. Round Top Road, Bernardsville, N.J. Rec. Tennis 7,8; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; B aseb all 7; T enn is T eam 8,9; Football 9; Photography C lub 7,8; C hess Club 7; M odel Club 8; G am es Club 8: A sst. Floor Leader 8; F lo o r Leader 9.
Senior Officers
n I /
F ro n t-S ch u ltz (secretary-treasu rer), W atk in s (president), C arey (vice-president). R ear—Mr. Sad lo n (advisor).
Senior Informals
r .
Varsity Football
First row —Feroleto, W . Sto ne, L am ed , R obin s, K lin efelter, Diggs, W atk in s, W oods, P. D ouglass, Bedford, Secon d row —Mr. M arrion (coach), M itchell (manager), T ho m son , W , T h o m as, M ike W h ite, M att W h ite, C am pbell, P erry, G undlach, Steven s, Leone, B attles, Mr. Stanley (coach). Third ro w -R y a n , Bloom , H ow se, Su tcliffe, W . Taylor.
0 20 6 18 52 36 24 32
Bellow s Falls H ano ver E agleb ro ok H artford H ano ver St. Paul Leb anon H old ern ess W on 5
6 0 12 26 21 6 16 12
Lost 3
Team cap tain—Peter K lin efelter
Varsity Soccer
Front—Nielsen—M issing—D eB oise (Team C o -cap tain s). First r o w -L e w is , M acD on nell, Baker, V ogel, H ills, B rox, B arry, E liot, Lagos, W i liams, Klaus. Second row —Mr. T sch a b o ld (coach ), Lenk, M cC arty , P. G old schlag, H arris, Thum , C averly , M cC lellan , S o n e ’, Sch u ltz, M Sadlon (coach).
0 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 W on 2
M ascom a K im ball U nion M ascom a E agleb rook H anover H olderness La Salette H olderness V erm on t A ca d e m y H anover La Salette K im ball U nion Lost 8
Tied 2
3 6 1 7 3 2 0 0 1 4 2 8
Reserve Football
First ro w -W h a tley , K atker, C lark, Sch w artz, L eone, T a liad o ro s, H azelh urst, G eany, O tto, G iffels. Secon d r o w -M r. C ollins (coach ), R ow 足 land, Britland, Thom son, Su tcliffe, C am pbell, Stev en s, T arb u tto n , M att W hite, W a lla ce, Mr. P eck (coach). T hird ro w -A u e r, S ilb erstein Turner, Nagle, H ickox.
12 6 45 12 22
H artford Junior High Plym outh Junior High Eaglebrook Bellow s Falls Junior High H artford Junior High W on 3
Lost 2
6 8 7 28 12
Reserve Soccer
First row —Cutting, Skillas, D. M orse, B urton, G arfield, G. Peters, I. M orse, Lederm an, T rillo , Ingebigtsen, H alsey, Seager, W akely, Collins. Second row —Mr, Buck (coach), B lack (m anager), So ro fm an , K nobel, Poole, Rice, Iverson, G rosz, M etz, G allagher, Mr. W ilson (coach).
0 0 1 1
M eriden Junior High M eriden Junior High Eaglebrook H artland Junior High
4 2 3 0
1 2 0 2 2
H olderness La Salette H olderness H artland Junior High La Salette
0 1 2 1 3
W on 4
Lost 5
That's not a real gun: is it son?
One move and you're all w et!
Greece 72 ,
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SpeJJing Bees
Ski Teams
ALPINE TEA M * First ro w —Mr. S ad lon (coach ), H ills, S tack p o le, Lederm an, H alsey, W hatley, S o ro fm an , Klaus, Mr. W ilson (coach) Secon d ro w —P erry, R obin s, R yan, Bell, Diggs, B rox, D eB oise, B eck ett, Vogel.
JUMPING TEA M * First r o w -M r . W ood s (coach ), W illiam s, J. S to n e, G eany, H azelhurst, H alsey, Sorofm an. Second row—Perry, B eckett, H ayw ood, R yan, R obins, B ell, D eB oise, Klaus.
C R O SS CO U N TRY * First r o w -M r . W ilson (coach), M acD on nell, B rox, W atk in s, Diggs. Secon d ro w -S ilb e r s te in (manager), Vogel, W illiam s, Larned, H ills, W ak ely , Stack p o le , H ayw ood, W hatley , Lagos.
The R ecord
t. W on 6
Lost 0
Varsity Hockey
First ro w -F e ro leto , K. Peters, W allace, T aliad o ro s, B aker, W . Sto n e, E liot, Steven s, G allagher. Secon d ro w -B ritla n d , O ’Brien, Sk illas (manager), W ahlstrom , S o n e ’, Mr. Coes (coach), Leone, Seager, Mr. P eck (coach), M etz, Mr. S ta n le y (coach). Brew er, Rice, H ow se.
2 3 6 5 7 2 0 6 1 4 4
K im ball U nion H olderness V erm on t A ca d e m y St. Paul P ro cto r H olderness St. Paul P ro cto r Kim ball U nion La Salette H anover W on 5
Lost 6
7 4 3 10 0 6 4 2 8 1 0
'- '
Christmas at Cardigan
Ski Holiday
I didn't hide her in there sir; she's holding the skis.
Varsity Baseball
First ro w -F e ro le to , T aliad oros, B loom , Bell, D eB oise, K lin efelter, C averly, K atker, G iffels, So ro fm an , Secon d r o w -M r. M arrion (coach), D. M orse, H azelhurst, G eany, B ritland , Leone, W illiam s, M r. C ollins (coach).
5 10 17 5 7 7 4 15 5 13 W on 7
La Salette H artford La Salette M ascom a T h etford H artford M ascom a H an o ver E agleb rook H anover Lost 2
T ied 1
4 4 16 4 8 7 11 12 3 0
Varsity Lacrosse
First row —Lenk, K. Peters, Lund, W . T h o m as, L ederm an, C ollins, 1, M orse, H. Sto ne, M iller. Secon d row —H ayw ood, W atkin s, Iver son, Baker, Brox, Carey, T arb u tto n , Lagos. T hird ro w -N ie lse n , Sch w artz, Lam ed , W . Sto n e, S k illas, R ice, Su tcliffe, Mr. M cC affrey (coach). Not pictured—Mr. S a u ce (Head coach).
5 4 5 3 3 3
Mt. H erm an H olderness H olderness St. Paul Mt. H erm an Eaglebrook W on 1
Lost 5
6 6 6 2 8 16
Varsity Tennis
First row—Eliot, E. Douglas, Lewis, Bedford. Second ro w —Mr. Peck (coach), H arris, W oods, Cam pbell, P. Douglass, Mike W hite,
Bruce B ed fo rd -T eam captain
P roctor La Salette V erm ont A c a d e m y Holderness P roctor Tilton H olderness V erm ont A c a d e m y
WAR on Students
Reserve Baseball
First ro w -R ow lan d , Metz, Schultz, Stackpole, Knobel, Corbett, Seager, W allace, J. W akely. Second ro w -G ro sz , Clark, R. Dodson, Obenschain, Flanagan, Sone'. Third ro w â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mr. Buck (coach). Cutting (manager), Robinson, Gallagher, O tto, Mr. Blunt (coach).
3 4 1 7 9 13 1
Meriden H artland Meriden Thetford Lebanon Hartland Eaglebrook
11 13 18 8 10 9 11
Spring Thingg . . .
They say it's tougher than A lcatraz.
Flattery will get you nowhere Miss. Howe!
Rec. Sailing—Fall
W >
First row —Chartener, A uchincloss, A ckerm an, Bondurant, E. Goldshlag, Nash, Caskie, M cBain. Second ro w —Mr. Ren ner, Welch.
Campcraft and Canoeing
Front—Kelly, Sprogis, H ow se, W elch, A. Thom as, P. Goldschlag. Middle—Mr. Gagne, Kane, Ackerm an, M. W akely, D. Taylor, Smith. Back—Mr. Crow ell, Poole, H ow ie, Guarino, W ynne, W ebb, Silberstein, Burton.
Rec. Tennis—Fall
Front-G oode, Kane, Mr. Blunt, Smith, E. Douglas, G ordon, J. Douglass. R e a r-H a y w o o d , W ilson, Beaty, M. W akely, Carey, O’Brien, Thibodeaux, A. Thom as.
Rec. Tennis—Spring
First ro w -B eck ett, Gundlach, Crowell, Hills, Senese, W eiser, Mullin. Second ro w -V o g el, Thibodeaux, MacDonnell, G. Peters, Auchincloss, Beaty, E. Goldschlag, Bhakdi. Third ro w —Griswold, Stevens, Diggs, Mr. Stanley.
First row —Senese, W ebb, Corbett, K, Peters, G uarino, W ynne. Second ro w —Miller, Mr. Crow ell, Beckett, Crowell, Brewer.
Rec. Sailing—Spring
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Sitting—Brewer, Garfield, Nash, Kapp, Ingebrigtsen, S. Dodson, Mitchell, W hatley, H ickox. Standing—Mr. Renner, Mr. Coes, Perry, Nagle, Chartener, Ma. W hite, Robins, Ryan, Klaus, W . Taylor. 64
f l i t H m ' .' HY # 5 »» I P | | « » i r ' j r | f V
Introductory Physical Science r* p n ■f
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S ee um er S pot ah ru n â&#x20AC;&#x201D;W ell, see Spot er ah er ru n -a h er um
I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe 1 ate the who o o o le thing.
Lois Lane is in troubleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;this is a job for Supergagg.
I think: therefore, I am.
That one was over my head.
Green and White Day
Headmaster’s Day
School Life
School Council
First ro w -L eo n e, Perry, Schultz, B rox, T aliadoros. Second ro w -W a tk in s, Mr. Coes, Crowell, Baker, Lenk, Collins, Mr. Sadlon, Mr. Wilson.
Host Committee
C. White, Lenk, G. Peters, R. Dodson. Second ro w -M cC le lla n , D. M orse, Robins, W ilson, Smith, E. Douglas, Crowell.
Four Year Boys
Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, MacDonnell, Diggs.
Fist ro w -M r, Finkbeiner (director), J. W akely, Zuill, Lenk, Burton, D. M orse, I. M orse, Schultz, C. W hite, M cBain. S ec ond ro w -P o o le , S. Dodson, Auer, E. Douglas, Turner, Clark, A ckerm an, Corbett, Crowell, Rowland. Third ro w -B r itland, R, Dodson, Robinson, Silberstein, Smith, Ma. W hite, Griswold, W ilson, M. W akely
Fire Marshals 1
m n
First row â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Perry, Robinson, Second ro w â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Lenk, Skillas, C hartener, W ynne, Guarino, Schultz.
First ro w -W y n n e, Ryan, Robinson. Second ro w -B a ttle s , W atkins, M cClellan, Mr. Fahrner (Director).
Eager Beavers ^ —
First row —Brewer, Corbett, Robinson, Row land, R. Dodson, Guarino. Second ro w —Mr. Coes, Kelly, S. Dodson, C, White, Crowell, Sprogis, Zuill, W ynne,
First row -C uttin g, Robinson, Burton. Second ro w -M r. Crow ell, C hartener, C. W hite, Schultz, G. Peters.
AV. Boys
Schultz, R. Dodson (Head), Robinson.
Blaze Staff
First row —M cClellan, Robinson(Editor), Chartener. Schultz. Second ro w —Ryan, Battles, Leone, Mr. Fahrner (Advisor). Not p ictu red -T aliad oros, M. W akely.
Meanwhile Back at the Art Room . . .
Seniol Best A c to r—Sandy M cC lellan Most S arcastic—Sandy Stone Done Most for C ard igan —F r a z e r W atkin s
Best Story Teller—Don M acD onnell Best F a k e r -K e n t Tarbu tton
Most Popular—Eric B ro x
Best Guy—Rob Lenk
Loud Mouth—Frank Feroleto Best Dressed—Bru ce Bedford Best A t h le t e - T o n y DeBoise
Most Likely to S u c c e e d —Rob Lenk Class B rain —Gene Leone
Most Respected—Peter Douglass Saintliest—M a cy Harris
Underclassmen Sixth Grade
First ro w -H alsey , W allace, I. M orse, Mullin. Second ro w -A c k e rm a n , D. T a y lor, McBain, Hickox. Third ro w —J. W akely, Iverson, Miller.
Seventh Grade
First ro w —Knobel, Metz, Senese, Lederm an, Trillo, D. Morse, Seager, Collins, K. Peters. Second row —Rowland, Grosz, Sorofm an, Zuill, C orbett, Crow ell, C. W hite. Third ro w —Stackpole, Kelly, J. Douglass, Brewer, Bondurant, W elch, S. Dodson. Fourth ro w —Goode, Gallagher, Clark, Poole, Wynne, Weiser. Fifth ro w —Auer, O tto, Ingebrigtsen, Rice, Vogel, Giffels, Skillas, Cutting, Lagos. p.85
Eighth Grade
First row —Burton, W hatley, Turner, Britland, Smith, J. Stone, Cham berlain, Lund, O benschain. Second row—Hazelhurst, Baker, Taliadoros, Bell, Katker, Schw artz, W . Thom as, Beaty, M. W akely. Third ro w — Nagle, Nash, Sprogis, P. Goldschlag, Sutcliffe, Eliot, Bloom, Bhakdi. Fourth ro w —Kenning, Ma. W hite, Perry, A, Thomas, Garfield, Kane.
First ro w -E . Douglas, Klaus, Kapp, Mitchell. Second ro w -F la n a g a n , C hartener, Howie, A uchincloss.
Not Dedicated To
F or the following reasons this edition of the B L A Z E is not dedicated to Mr. David F. Shelton: 1. The Seniors d id n ’t vote to d ed icate it to him. 2. Th e B L A Z E Staff w o u ld n ’t let the Seniors dedicate the book to him. 3. The Editor and A d v isor w ouldn't let the staff dedicate it to him. 4. AN D M r. W a k e l y just w o u l d n ’t s ta n d fo r s u c h nonsense. 5. Mr. Collins had no co m m e n t to make at publication date. 6. Mrs. Shelton said, “N O !”
And Now Some Nice Things About Him
He allows people to borrow his car.
He likes to see people w ork hard.
He lives on campus and is available all students at all times.
He offers Enrichment lessons to all his classes w hether they w ant them or not.
Parting Shots cv
Graduation â&#x20AC;&#x2122;72
Best Wishes Them
Blaze Page, Sr.
Mr. Robert Fahrner, Faculty Advisor WHAT, ME W ORRY?
John Robinson, Editor-In-Chief NOW, IF I AIM RIGHT, I SHOULD HIT HIM RIGHT IN TH E . . . .
Sandy McClellan, Layout Editor JUST ACTING NORMAL, SIR.
Jim Battles, Roaming Editor SO, T H IS IS A COLLAGE!
Blaze Page, Jr.
Peter Kane, Assistant Editor STAFF CENSOR. Gene Leone, Etc. Editor GENE! W A K E UP!
Bob Chartener, Photo Editor IT MIGHT HELP IF I HAD A CAM ERA .
Henry Schultz, Research Editor LITTLE BIG MAN. 93
O m e r ’s & B o b ’s Mrs. and Mr. N orton Bloom B ro w ns Bike Shop Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Carey Mrs. Virginia S. Caverly Mrs. Joan C hartner Mrs. Gladys L. Clayton Mrs. L u cy P. Cutting D artm o u th Book Store D artm o u th T ra vel Bureau E a rly A m e r ic a n House Mr. and Mrs. F re d e rick Ebinger Mr. and M rs Ralph A. F letch er Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gallagher H an o v er H ard w are H on ey G ardens A llen Kelly Kleen L au n d ry Service Mr. and Mrs. A n d re w D. Larned Dr. and Mrs. B. Lewis Mrs. Virginia M cB ain Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r Mullin Mr. and Mrs. M ason P. Pearsall P u tn a m ’s Drug Store Mr. & Mrs. George S. Robinson Charles S. Smith, Jr. Stanley S orofm an Sim one M. Stackpole Mrs. M argaret Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michel Ter-Pogossian Mrs. Irene M. T h om as V e rh am News W a r d Baking C om p an y Mr. and Mrs. John C. W o o d s
A-Leo Nash Steel Corp. B.C. Auchincloss Louis Auer Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman C. Bedford Mrs. Helen H. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brox Dartmouth National Bank Evans Printing Mr. and Mrs. John J. Geany Mr. and Mrs. Martin O. Grosz Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hazelhurst, Jr. Mr. W.D. MacDonnell Albert J. Mitchell Mrs. Patricia J. Nielson Mrs. and Mr. John F. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Sprogis Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Stevens, Jr.
James Campion, Inc. Mrs. Vaneita A. O â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien Smart Shop (Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goldshlag) Dr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor Vale-Ackerman Properties, Inc.
P rin ted By
C o lle g e a n d In d e p e n d e n t School A ffilia te o f P a ra g o n Press, Inc.