The Blaze - 1973

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1973 1973 1973 1973 Staff: Bob Chartener Staff: Bob Eharten Peter Kane Peter Kane^^ l ^ ^ Scott Eliot Advisor:

DEDICATION MR. WARREN A. BIRCH Mr. Warren A. Birch has been with Cardigan since 1965. In his eight years at CMS, he has been more than a dedicated employee. He has worked long hours at the Kenerson Athletic Center, keep­ ing the facility in top condition at all times. He has made himself available to students and coaches whenever they have needed him and has been an active participant and innovator in many athletic events. Most of all, however, Mr. Birch has been a friend. He is kind and sympathetic — a truly good person. And so the Senior Class dedicates the 1973 BLAZE to Warren Birch, a friend with a generous heart.


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Mr. Norman C. Wakely Headm aster B.S., University o f Maine; M .A., Columbia

Mr. Gunner I. Baldwin M athematics; O utward Bound, R ec. Skiing (H ead), W ater足 front; B .A ., Yale; M .A .T ., Brown University

Mr. Donald E. Blunt S c ie n c e ( C h a ir m a n ) ; Rec. S k iin g , Work Detail; Trapshooting Club; B .S. Ed., Bridgewater State College; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University

Mrs. Joyce T. Blunt Language Training; B .S . Ed, Bridgewater State College

Mr. R. Alden Burt Art; Log Cabin Supt., Rec. Skiing; B.E., P lym outh State College; M .A .L.S., D artm outh College

Mr. Samuel H. Coes, Jr. Language Training and Devel足 opm ental Reading (Chairman); Intram urals, Reserve Hockey, Sailing Team; Brown University, Salem State, Framingham University

Mr. Joseph M. Collins Assistant Headm aster, Dean of Students, D irector o f Studies; M athematics; Reserve Football, Varsity Baseball; Model Club; B.S. Ed, Boston University

Mr. James W. Crowell IPS Science, Biology; In tra足 murals, Rec. Skiing; Science Club; B.S., Yale

Dr. I.A. Uinerman, M.D. School Physician; University o f Chicago Medical School

Mr. Robert B. Fahrner English (C hairm an); Director of Clubs, A.V., Publication, Publicity; Blaze Advisor; Roosevelt University: M .A.L.S., D artm outh College

Mr. Harold Finkbeiner, Jr. Music; Choir D irector, Chapel O rganist; B.Mus., M.Mus., Westminister Choir College; M. Div. M c足 Cormick Theological Sem inary

Mr. Lawrence Goldthwait Earth Science; Rec. Skiing; A.B., D artm outh, M.Sc., Brown University

Mrs. Charlotte Goldthwait M a th em a tics, Developmental Reading, Language Training; A.B., Wheaton College;M. Ed., R hode Island College

Mr. Stephen L. Heath E a r t h S c ie n c e ; B io lo g y ; Reserve Soccer, Cross C ountry Ski Team , Varsity Lacrosse; Fly Tying Club; B.S. Ed, P lym outh Sta te C ol足 lege

Mr. Jeffrey D. Hicks World H istory, United States History; Varsity Soccer, Rec. S kiing, Rec. Tennis; Senior Class Advisor B .A ., R ollins College; M.A. Trinity College, (Certificate o f French Studies, University o f Lausanne, Sw iterlandj

Miss Mary E. Howe, R.N. School Nurse; H e n r y H e y w o o d Memorial H o s p ita l, F itc h b u r g State Teachers College

Mrs. Marilyn Johnson L a n g u a g e T ra in in g ; Scribe (Literary Magazine); A .B ., K n o x College; M.Ed, Keene State College

Rev. Harry R. Mahoney School Chaplin; Rehgion; Fire C om m issioner; Chairman of A d v is o r-A d v is e e P ro g ra m ; Magic C l u b ; H a r r y ’s Ambulance Service. R .S .E d , B o s to n University; B.D., A ndover N ew ton Theo­ logical School

/_ / Mr. James N. Marrion Director of A thletics; M athe­ m atics; Varsity F ootball, Rec. Skiing, V arsity Baseball; B.S., M.S., K eene State Col­ leg e; N .S .F ., University o f Maine (Graduate S tu d y )

Mrs. Constance F. Marrion Language Training; B.S., K eene State College

Mr. Bruce Marshard, ’64 S h o p ; In tra m u ra ls , Varsity Hockey, W aterfront; Oswego College


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Mr. J. Duncan McNeish, III World H istory, U nited States H istory; Reserve Soccer, Re­ serve Hockey, Resei-ve Base­ ball; B .A ., N o r w ic h U niversity: M .A., K en t Sta te University

Mrs. Deborah L. McNeish L a n g u a g e T ra in in g ; Scribe (Literary Magazine); B.A., University o f N ew H am p­ shire

Mr. Schuyler V. Peck, ’63 United States History, English; V a r s ity F o o t b a l l , V arsity Hockey, Tennis Team ; B.A., N ichols College

Mr. Etienne (Steve) Peltier F o re ig n L anguage; Varsity Soccer, Rec. Skiing, Rec. T en­ nis; Chess Club; P.G. fro m Sw itzerland

Mr. George R. Randall E nglish; Intram urals, Nordic Ski Team , Ski Touring, Water­ front; C hief Bus Driver; Auto Mechanics Club; B .A ., N o r w ic h U niversity; M . A . , U n iv e r s ity o f N ew Hampshire

Mr. Richard R. Rearick Business Manager; Drama Club; M onthly N ewsletter; A.B., D artm outh College

Mrs. Eileen S. Rearick Language Training; N ew York University

Mr. John 0 . Rich Director of Admissions, Special Assistant to the Headm aster, G raduate Advisor; B.A., Rollins College; M .A., M.Ed, Johns H opkins Univer足 sity

Mr. Bennett B. Rudd Mathematics (Chairm an): Re足 serve F ootball, Rec. Hockey, Reserve Baseball; A stronom y Club; B.A., Colby College;M .A., Uni足 versity o f H artford

Mrs. Germaine C. Schmanska P e rs o n a l T y p in g ; Assistant Librarian, Secretary to Assis足 tant Headm aster; SchmanskaShelton Decorating Team; B.E., P lym outh Sta te College

Mr. Robert N. Searles English; Rec. Tennis, Alpine Ski Team; A.B., D artm outh College

Mr. David F. Shelton S o c ia l S tu d ie s (Chairm an); Work Detail; Head o f School Jobs; B .A ., T e x a s A & M ; M .A ., Columbia University

Mrs. Carol M. Shelton Librarian; B.A., Nasson College

Mrs. Beverly B. Wakely Language Training; Head of Host Com m ittee; B.S., Bridgewater State College

Mr. Ronald P. Wood, Jr. Spanish, French; Rec. Tennis; Head o f Dining R oom ; B.A., Michigan State Univer足 sity; M .A., M iddlebiiry College

Mr. Henry S. Woods Foreign Languages (Chairm an); SIci Jum ping; A . B . , D a r t m o u t h College; M .A., M iddlebury College


Front — Melissa and Mrs. Wakely. Rear — Jonathan and Mr-. Wakely. N o t pictured: Mary and Charles.





Mrs. Ruth Johnson Assistant to the Director o f Adm issions Mrs. Ruth Talbert A ssistant to the Headmaster

Mr. Herbert Randall, Superintendent o f Property

Mr. Richard Clancy Stew ard-C hef

Louis Louvar, A ssistant Dorm Supervisor and A ssistant Dining R oom Head

Mrs. Susan Laraby A ssistant B ookkeeper

Mrs. Jackie Lary B ookkeeper


Mr. Warren Birch Kenerson A th letic Center Head

Mrs. Virginia Collins School Store Head Mrs. Jeri Wahlstrom A lu m n i Office

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HUGH STIRLING AUCHINCLOSS P.O. B ox 1 Hideaway Park, Colorado Rec. Sailing 8; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 8, 9; Rec. Tennis 8, 9; School Council; Secretary-Treasurer of Senior Class; Floor Leader (Proctor House). Next School: Colorado Rocky M ountain School

BRUCE FAIRCHILD BEATY R ua Barao de Capanema 236 S .P , Sao Paulo, Brazil Rec. Tennis 7,8; R. Soccer 9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; Bicycling 7; Tennis Team 9; Magic Club 7. Next School: Deerfield Academy

C. BARRETT BAKER “ Barry” 328 Blackstrap R oad F alm outh, Maine Res. Soccer 6,7; V. Soccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 6; Res. Hockey 7; V. Hockey 8,9; Res. Lacrosse 6; V. La­ crosse 7,8,9; Model Club 6; Trap Shooting Club 6,7,8,9; School Council 6,7,8,9; Dining Room Assis­ tant 8; Floor Leader (Clark-Morgan II). Next School: Hotchkiss School

MATTHEW THORNTON BELL Watch Hill Drive Fishskill, N ew York V. Football 9; Ski Team 8,9; V. Baseball 8; Rec. Tennis 9. Next School; Kimball Union Academy

HARRIS STEPHENSON BERLACK “Steve” Courthouse R oad A m herst, N ew Hampshire V. F ootball 9; Ski Team 9; V. Baseball 9; Basketball Club 9; S tudent Volleyball Captain 9. Next School: White M ountain School

CHUTINANT BHIROM BHAKDI “N icky” 4 7 Ekam ai Road Bangkok, Thailand V. Soccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8; Res. Hockey 9; Rec. Tennis 8; V. Lacrosse 9; Photography Club 9; Fire M arshall9;A . V. H ead9. Next School: Hotchkiss School

LAURENCE ALAN BLOOM “ Larry ” 28 Buckm inster R oad Brookline, Massachusetts V. Football 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; V. Baseball 8,9; Floor Leader (Hinm an 1). Next School: Williston Academy

JAMES HEIDER BRITLAND “Jim” 3156 C ountry Club Drive Medina, Ohio V. Football 8,9; Res. Hockey 8; Rec. Skiing 9; V. Baseball 8; V. Lacrosse 9; Floor Leader (Hayward). Next School: V erm ont Academy

PAUL HILLIARD CHAMBERLAIN Bruey R oad N orfolk, C onnecticut Res. Soccer 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Res. Baseball 8; Water­ front 9. Next School: Williston Academy

WILLIAM STEEL DUMKE “ Bill” 124 Seven Bridges R oad Chappaqua, N ew York Res. Football 9; Rec. Skiing 9; W aterfront 9. Next School: Kimball Union Academy

ROBERT VICTOR CHARTENER “Bob” 7 Fern R oad Braintree, Massachusetts Rec. Sailing 8; Res. Soccer 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Sailing Team 8; Rec. Tennis 9; Photography Club 8,9; THE BLAZE 8,9 (E ditor); Norpines 8; A.V. 8,9; Choir 8; Fire Marshall 8; Safety Commissioner 9; Dining Room Assistant 9. Next School: Hotchkiss School

FREDERICK SCOTT ELIOT ‘ Scott” Tucks Point Road Manchester, Massachusetts Res. Football 7; V. Soccer 8,9; Res. Hockey 7; V. Hockey 8,9; Gymnastics 7; Tennis Team 8; V. La­ crosse 9; Model Club 7; Trap Shooting Club 7; Photography Club 9; Dining Room Assistant 9. Next School: St. George’s School

JAMES EMMONS “Jamie” 30 Elm Street Woodstock, Verm ont O utward Bound 9; Ski Team 9 Next School: W oodstock C ountry Day School

THOMAS GARDNER “Tom ” 22 R iver S treet Woodstock, Verm ont Res. Soccer 9; Ski Team 9; A uditorium Head 9. Next School: W oodstock C ountry Day School

WILLIAM MARK FLANAGAN “ Bill” 395 C hestnut H ill R oad Stam ford, C onnecticut Rec. Skiing 8,9; Res. Baseball 8,9; Magic Club 9. Next School: Aiglon College, Switzerland

SAMUEL BOWEN GARFIELD “Sam” Peaked M ountain R oad Townshead, Verm ont Res. Football 7; Res. Soccer 8, V. Soccer 9; Ski Team 7,9; Rec. Skiing 8; Sailing 7,8;9; Softball Club 7; Chess Club 7; Trap Shooting Club 9 Next School: Public School

PAUL JEFFREY GOLDSCHLAG 166 Bridge Street Catskill, N ew York Rec. Sailing 7; V. Soccer 8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; Res. Baseball 7; Cam pcraft 8; W aterfront 9; Model Club 7; Trap Shooting Club 9. Next School: Williston Academy

STEPHEN JOSEPH HAZELHURST ‘ Steve” 11130 M eadowick R oad H ouston, Texas Res. F ootball 7,8; V. Football 9; Ski Team 7,8,9; Res. Baseball 7,8; Tennis Team 9; School Council 7,8,9. Next School: F o u n tain Valley School

THEODORE ALDEN GORDON, JR. “Teddy’ 240 Clinton Street Concord, N ew Hampshire Rec. Tennis 8,9; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 9. Next School: Bishop Brady

TIMOTHY HUTZEL HOWIE “Tim” 4849 Three Mile R oad Grand Rapids, Michigan V. Football 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; V. Lacrosse 8,9; Photography Club 9; Fly Tying Club 9; Floor Leader (Hinman II). Next School: Pubhc School

PETER GARDINER KANE Val du Prince 2 7 Kraainem, Belgium 1950 Rec. Tennis 8; Res. Soccer 9; V. Hockey 8; Ski Team 9; Sailing Team 8,9; A uto Mechanics Club 9; THE BLAZE 8,9; Dining Room Head 9. Next School: The International School o f Brussels

VANCE BRAND KATKER 269 Tanglewood Drive Urbana, Ohio Res. Football 8; V. F ootball 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; V. Baseball 8,9. Next School: Williston Academy

CHARLES BRIAN KENNING “Brian” 23 Old Farm Circle P ittsford, N ew York Rec. Tennis 8; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Gym nastics 8; Res. Baseball 9. Next School: Public School

KENNETH SPRINGFIELD KLAUS “Ken” 138 Devon A venue Devon, Pennsylvania Res. Soccer 7; V. Soccer 8,9; Ski Team 7,8,9; Sailing Team 7,8; V. Lacrosse 9; Dining Room M onitor 8; Classroom Supt. 9; Floor Leader (Brewster II). Next School: Deerfield Academy

JOHN ROBERT LUND 225 R ues Lane East Brunswick, N ew Jersey Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 8; Ski Team 9; V. Lacrosse 8,9; Science Club 9. N ext SchooL Public School

JAMES LAWRANCE NAGLE “ Jim ” 160 Brite A venue Scarsdale, N ew York Res. F ootball 7,8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; V. Baseball 7; Sailing Team 8,9; Magic Club 7,9; Chess Club 7, THE BLAZE 9; A.V. 8,9; j^uditorium Care Head 9. N ext School: WiUiston Academy

ALBERT JULIAN MITCHELL “ S cooter” Albert, N ew M exico V. Football 8; O utw ard Bound 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Sailing Team 8,9; Chess Club 9; Photography Club 9; Student Council 9; Floor Leader (French II). N ext School: Deerfield Academy

SETH ADLEY NASH 713 West Street Pittsfield, Massachusetts Res. Soccer 7; Rec. Sailing 8; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; Sailing Team 7,8,9; Model Club 7,9; Floor Leader (Stowell House). Next SchooL' Salisbury School

DANIEL REED NOLAN “Danny” 34 Pine Street Exeter, N ew Hampshire Intram urals 9; Res. Hockey 9; Sailing Team 9; Drama Club 9. Next School: New H am pton School

ROBERT TODD OBENSCHAIN “Todd” 45 Orchard R oad Staunton, Virginia Rec. Tennis 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Res. Baseball 8; Drama Club 9; A stronom y Club 9; R ocket Club 9; Nurse’s Assistant 9. Next School: W oodberry Forest School

PETER LOWELL PERRY ‘^Pete” Seven Taylor Lane Dover, Massachusetts Res. Soccer 7; V. Football 8,9; Ski Team 7,8,9; Sailing Team 7,8; V. Lacrosse 9; Model Club 7; Magic Club 7; Fire Marshall 8; C om puter Club 7; Fly Tying Club 9; S tudent Council 8; Senior Class President; Chaplain’s Assistant 8; Job Forem an 9; Assistant School Leader.

GREGORY IRVING SCHWARTZ “Greg ’ 61 McCosh R oad Upper Montclair, N ew Jersey R. Football 8; V. Football 9; Rec. Skiing 7,8; R. Hockey 9; V. Lacrosse 7,8,9. Next School: D elbarton Academy

CHARLES STEWART SMITH, III “Chad” D anby M ountain R oad Dorset, Verm ont Rec. Tennis 7,8; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 7,8,9; Cam pcraft 8; W aterfront 9; Model Club 7; Host Com m ittee Chairman 9; Floor Leader (Brewster I). Next School: Salisbury School

JONATHAN RUSSELL SPROGIS “Jon” 6 R idgefield R oad Winchester, Massachusetts Eager Beavers 8; Intram urals 9; Rec. Skiing 8; Rec. Cross C ountry 9; C am pcraft 8; W aterfront 9; Magic Club 8,9; Chess Club 9. Next School: Public School

HENRY JOSEPH STONE “Jody” M o tt Hill R oad East H am pton, C onnecticut Res. Football 6; Archery 7; V. Football 9; Ski Team 6,7,8,9; Bicychng 7; V. Lacrosse 8, 9; Model Club 6,7,9; Magic Club 9. Next School: Williston Academy

JAMES WILLIAM TALIADOROS “Jim” 70 Wheeler Street Gloucester, Massachusetts Res. Football 7,8; V. Football 9; V. Hockey 7,8,9; V. Baseball 7,8,9; Magic Club 8,9; School Council 8,9; Hopkins II Head 8; Senior Class Vice-President; Floor Leader (French I). Next School: Avon Old Farms,

WILLIAM SPENCER TAYLOR “Bill” 15 Partridge R oad L exington, Massachusetts Res. Football 7; V. F ootball 8,9; Res. Hockey 7,9; Rec. Skiing 8; Res. Baseball 7,9; Sailing Team 8. Next School: The Choate School

ANTHONY J. THOMAS “T ony” Sullivan Street Canton, Massachusetts Res. Soccer 7,9; Rec. Tennis 8; Rec. Skiing 6,7,9; Res. Hockey 9; W aterfront 6,7,8; V. Lacrosse 9; Trap Shooting Club 6,7,9. Next School: Avon Old Farms

WALTER DANIEL THOMAS, III “Walt” 800 Southern Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. Res. F ootball 7; V. Football 8,9; Rec. Skiing 7,8; V. Hockey 9; Res. Baseball 7; V. Lacrosse 8,9; Trap Shooting 7; Floor Leader (Clark Morgan III). Next School: Williston Academy

CHARLES BRISTER TURNER “Charlie” 12803 Speedw ay O verlook R oad East Cleveland, Ohio Res. Football 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Rec. Sailing 8; Res. Baseball 9. Next School: Public School

MATTHEW KILIAN WHITE “ M att” B ox Hill Moriches Road St. James, L. I., N ew York Football 8,9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Rec. Sailing 8; V. La­ crosse 9; Drama Club 9. Next School: Hebron Academy


Vice President — Jim Taliadoros, President Secretary-Treasurer — Hugh Auchincloss.

Peter Perry,


THE SENIOR POLL Pete Perry and Jim Taliadoros —M ost Popular Bob C hartener — Class Brain

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Scott Eliot - B est Person

Pete Perry - M ost R espected

Pete Perry —D one M ost For CMS

Peter Kane —M ost L ikely to Succeed

Pete Perry — Best A th lete Danny Nolan —Best A cto r Ted G ordon —B est Dressed BUI Flanagan —Saintliest

Jim Britland - M ost Muscular

Steve Hazelhurst — L adies’ Man

Steve Hazeliiurst —First to Marry

Greg Schwartz —M ost Sarcastic Bill Taylor - Best Story Teller

Greg Schwartz — Class L oudm outh Ken Klaus - B est Faker

Barry Baker - Biggest Eater M att White — Class Dingbat


L e ft to R ight — Preletz, Morrison, Garwood, Hippie, Covert.


First row — Mullin, Hickox, D. Taylor, Mark Ross, Ackerm an, Wakely, Wallace, Casperson, Campbell. S econd row - W. Morse, Katz, Powers, Coffin, Hardy, Munro, Cooper, Gastonguay. Third row - S. Gallagher, Hollingsworth, Toms, Nieves, Trayner, ScoiX. F ourth row - Killary, C. Miller, MacLeod, Iverson, McBain, Duffy.


First row — Seager, Crowell, Dom an, Metz, CuUison, Senese, Church. Second row — Poole. Rowland, Petragha, Collins, D. Morse, B ondurant, F. White. Third row - Hedges, P otter, Sorofm an, Bronfm an, Weiser, C orbett. Fourth row - Knobel, Fletcher, O tto, Dudd, Vogel, K luttz, Grace. F ifth row - Skillas, Santilli, Banks, Mike Ross, Reid.

First row - Buss, Ryan, Welch, Bixby, Chandler, Firestone, Peters, Dodson. Second row - Jacob, Owen, Melvin, Wynne, Fletcher, Grosz, Auer. Third row — Barry, Gould, Kendall, Lederm an, Stackpole, Brewer, Kelly. Fourth row - B. Miller, Baxter, Marks, Douglass, Harvey, D. Gardner. F ifth row - D unfey, Giffels, Bartlett, Rice, H erndon, Goodw in, Gouchoe.





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First row - Bloom, Banks, W. Taylor, Bixby, Perry, W. Thom as, Taliadoros, O tto, K atker, Newberry. Second row - Mr. Marrion (coachX F. White (manager), Herndon, Berlack, Howie, Santilli, Bell, Britland, B artlett, Mr. Peck (coach).


6 6 13 0 0 13 12

Plym outh 6 Hanover 6 Eaglebrook 0 H artford 14 H artford 12 Hanover 19 Lebanon 0

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Won 2, L ost 3, Tied 2

Co-Captains — Walter Thomas and Peter Perry


First row - W. Morse, Eliot, Baker, Halsey. Second row — Bhakdi, Kaiser, Vogel, Wakely, Goldschlag, Coffin. Third row - Mr. Hicks (coach). C hurch, Klaus, Rice, Barry, Melvin (m anager), Mr. Poltier (coach).


1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 1

KUA 0 Hanover 2 Procter 1 Eaglebrook 3 Hanover 5 Holderness 2 LaSalette 1 Holderness 0 V erm ont Academy 1 LaSalette 1 KUA 2

Won 2, L ost 8, Tied 1

Co-Captains — Barry Baker and Scott Eliot


First row — Goodw in, Hickox, Fletcher, Wallace, Knobel, Dom an, B arnett. Second row — Nieves (manager), G ould, G ouchoe, Plaisted, M unro, Cooper, P otter, Scott, Katz. Third row -M r. Rudd (coach), Nagle, Owen, Marks, Turner, Dum ke, Reid, S. Gallagher, Chandler, Mr. Collins (coach).


36 6 6 0 14 8 0

Plym outh 52 Bellows Falls 21 Bellows Falls 28 Plym outh 21 H artford 28 H artford 28 Lebanon 21


First row — Kane, Killary, Sorofm an, Collins, Stackpole, Seager, Hardy. Second row — Duffy (m anager), Lederm an, Peters, Metz, Auer, Gastonguay, Preletz, Jacob, Bronfm an. Third row — Mr. McNeish (coach), T. Gardner, C. Gallagher, Firestone, Douglass, C utting, Skillas, A. Thom as, B. Miller, Harvey, Cham berlain, Chartener, Iverson, MacLeod, Mr. H eath (coach). THE RECORD


1 0 0 1 0 1 0 9 1 5 4

LaSalette 2 Meriden 4 Eaglebrook 7 T hetford 0 Holderness 1 T hetford 0 Holderness 0 H artland (B) 0 H artland (A) 1 Hartland (B) 0 H artland (A) 1

Won 5, L o st 4, Tied 2


First row — Rowland, Ackerm an, Ryan, Casperson, Dodson, C orbett, W ynne, Lund, Poole, Mi. Ross, Anderson, D. Taylor. Second row - Mr. Randall, Crowell, Campbell, Mullin, Nolan, B ondurant, Auchincloss, Brewer, Sprogis, G ordon, Kenning, Sm ith, Trayner, Nash, Mr. Coes, — Mr. Crowell, Mr. Marshard.


Morrison, McBain, Escheverria, Mrs. Coes, D. Morse, Flanagan, Welch, Obenschain, Senese, C. Miller, Weiser, Mr. Searles.




F ront - G ouchoe, Halsey, Hazelhurst, Lederm an, Stackpole, Dom an, Sorofm an, Gould. Rear — Bixby, Banks, Berlack, Bell, Vogel, Klaus, Mr. Searles (coach).


Mr. Randall (coach), Iverson, M orrison, Lund, MacLeod, Buss, Wakely, Munro, Kane, Perry, Stone, Fletcher, Mr. Heath (coach).


MacLeod, Klaus, Stone, Perry, Wakely, Fletcher, Iverson, Buss, Mr. Woods (coach).

THE RECORD WON 5, L o st 4


First row -

S antilli, W allace, C hurch, M etz, C. G allagher. Second row Mr. M arshard (co ach ), Pow ers, H ern d o n , B aker, P etraglia, E lio t, T aliadoros, W. T hom as, R ice, Seager, Mr. Peck (coach).



H olderness 0 7 V e rm o n t A cadem y 1 11 St. P au l’s 2 2 B erw ick A cadem y 0 15 L aS alette 0 4 C o n co rd B antam s 2 6 H olderness 2 5 K eene B antam s 0 13 St. P au l’s 2 4 In v itatio n T o u rn a m e n t a t St. ]

Won 1, L ost 2 CMS CMS CMS

8 3 3

L aS alette 1 KUA5 E aglebrook 4

Won 10, L ost 4, Tied 1 Co-Captains — Jo h n Petraglia and T o n y Santilli


First row — B rew er, H ardy, C am pbell, D u ffy , W. T ay lo r, D. G ard n er, K nobel, W. M orse, P eters, B artle tt. Second row — Mr. M cN eish (co ach ). Mi. Ross, P oole, Schw artz, N ew berry, H arvey, K aiser, A. T hom as, B hakdi, Ja c o b , G rosz, P o tte r, N olan, Mr. Coes (coach).



kce, B o n d u ra n t, Senese, C handler, S. G allagher, C. Miller, ilison, Mr. R u d d .

Won 5, Lost 3


Sprogis, T ray n er, Mr. R andall.


First row — S o ro fm an , B a rtle tt, N ew b erry , K a tk er, T aliadoros, S tackpole, M acL eod, Petraglia, H e rn d o n , G iffels. Second row - Mr. M arrion (co ach ), Senese (m anager), M etz, B ixby, B loom , B erlack, B anks, T om s (m anager), Mr. Collins (co ach ).


5 11 8 0 5 2 6 10 3 5 2

H olderness 1 1 H anover 7 L aS alette 7 L eb an o n 8 L aS alette 10 M ascom a 7 H artfo rd 1 H artfo rd 9 H anover 5 E aglebrook 8 L eb an o n 4

Won 4, L ost 7

Jim Taliadoros - Captain


First row — W. M orse, H ardy, C hurch, L ederm an, Buss, G oodw in, C offin. Second row — Skillas (m anager), S ch w artz, S to n e , P ow ers, W. T h o m as, B aker, E lio t, S antilli, B ritland, P eters, M r. H eath (co ach ). Third row L u n d , M. W hite, A. T h o m as, K laus, P erry , R ice, B hakdi, K aiser, M unro.



1 7 0 0 2 5 2

P in k e rto n 7 M t. H erm o n 2 H olderness 7 P in k e rto n 8 H olderness 7 M t. H erm on 4 E aglebrook 2

Won 2, L ost 4, Tied 1

Co-Captains: Barry Baker, P eter P erry , and Jody S tone


m •



First row — C am pbell (m an ag er), H ick o x , G o u ch o e, F le tc h e r, C asperson, R o w lan d , D u ffy , W akely (ca p tain ), P o tte r, B a rn e tt, R y a n , K n o b el, S c o tt, C ooper. Second row - Mr. M cNeish (coach o f A T eam ) S. G allagher, B. Miller, K ane, C. G allagher, K enning, W. T ay lo r, F lanagan, C u ttin g , Nieves, T u rn e r, Fledges, C. M iller, Iverson, Mr. R u d d (c o a c h o f B T eam ).


6 4 5 10 4 0 4

M eriden 42 H artlan d 4 P ly m o u th 14 H artlan d 10 M eriden 5 E aglebrook 2 P ly m o u th 14

Lost 5, Tied 2


First row - A uer, B ro n fm an , H azelhurst (cap ta in ), F iresto n e, Jaco b . Second row - M r. P eck (co a ch ), W allace, M arks, B axter, B eaty.



L aS alette L W Verm .ont A cadem y W H olderness W L T ilto n L W T ilto n L W In v itatio n al T o u rn am e n t

Won 4th place CMS CMS CMS


H olderness W V e rm o n t A cadem y E aglebrook W

Won 5, L ost 4


First row - M itchell, M elvin, G ard n er, C o rb e tt, C overt, B arry, D odson. Second row - Mr. B aldw in (co ach ), Nagle, N ash (c a p ta in ), G oldschlag, H ow ie, D um ke, N olan, Mr. Coes (coach).




M t. H erm on W E x eter W H olderness W WiUiston W Brew ster L

Won 1, Lost 4


First row - W elch, Ma. Ross, D. M orse, P reletz, A ckerm an, H ippie, M ullin, C. W hite. Second row — C ham berlain, Kelly, K illary, G asto n g u ay , H ollin g sw o rth , S m ith , Sprogis, D. T aylor. Third row — Mr. M arshard, H arvey, C handler, B ondurant, R eid, G arfield, K atz. N O T PICTURED: Mr. R andall.


First row - O w en, Collins, Seager, C row ell, D om an, W eiser, W ynn, M orrison, O b en sch ain , T ray n er. Second row Mr. P o ltier, Douglas, B rew er, A uchincloss, Bell, V ogel, G o rd o n , C h a rte n er, G race, Mr. H icks.


Front - G rosz, C ullison. Rear — Mi. Ross, P oole, G arw o o d , Mr. B urt.


Mr. B aldw in, M itchell, Hedges, D. G ardner, K elly, E m m ons.

Y ou s h o u ld have w orried a b o u t th a t b efore we left, M itchell.







FALL First Place Paul C ham berlain Second Place Bob C harten er Third Place David K illary

SPRING First Place Paul C ham berlain Second Place Bob C hartener Third Place S co tt Weiser



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A. T hom as, S to n e , B aker


First row — M orrison, G arw o o d , C row ell D u f f y , B r o n f m a n , D. M orse, Wallace W akely, G ard n er, Brosz, Ja c o b , Mr. F ink beiner (C hoir D irecto r). Second row — C W hite, M cBain, K atz, Nieves, P oole, Fire sto n e, A ck erm an , B a rn e tt, D o d so n , A uer C o rb e tt. Third row — O w en, B. Miller T ray n er, Iverson, B ixby, M. W hite, New b e rry , S m ith , N o lan , K laus.


First row - SkOlas, G iffels, W allace, W akely, Collins. Second row — G arw ood, M itchell, T aliadoros, B aker, K ane, A uchincloss.


Sitting - Nagle, B arry, C h arten er (E d ito r) Taliadoros. Standing Mr. F a h rn e r (A dvisor) K a n e , E lio t. N O T PICTURED: Weiser Obenschain.


First row - D o dson, H ickox. Second row M r. F ah rn er, Nagle.

FIRE MARSHALLS First row — R ow land, H ick o x , O benschain, C hartener (H ead), SantiUi. Second row — Mr. M ahoney (A dvisor), B ro n fm an , Skillas, Church, K ane, B hakdi, V ogel, C. W hite.

C h arten er,

B hakdi

(H ead),


i,;| I

First row - Skillas, E lio t, C h arten e r, Sm ith. Second row - C row ell, B aker, Collins, M itchell, C. W hite.


First row

- K illary, K atz, Mr. R earick (co ach ), M. W hite, Weiser, C o rb e tt, Skillas, Mi. Ross. Second row - T ray n er, B arn ett, Nieves, B arry, C asperson, O benschain, Poole, M ullin, N olan.


First row - C asperson, Senese, Mr. F ah rn er (in h a t), C. M iller. Second row — D um ke, K illary, Flanagan, G arw ood, S. G allagher, G rosz, T aliadoros. Third row — N agle, F ire ­ sto n e, Sprogis, H arvey, G ardner, S to n e, Mr. M ahoney (C hief M agician).

MODEL CLUB Sitting -

C asperson, W elch, S to n e , H ard y , W. M orse, Senese. Standing - H ickox, B o n d u r a n t , S c o t t , C h u rch , C. M iller, C utting, C overt.

CHESS CLUB Sitting — C overt, Iverson, G race, M itchell. Standing — F letch er, M acL eod, H ickox, Mr. P o ltier, Ow^en, W akely.


Front — C u ttin g, B o n d u ran t. Rear — A uer, Peters, L und, Mr. C row ell, W elch, Iverson.


First row

-M itc h e ll, O b enschain, K ane, C ullison, C. W hite, K atz. Second row Iverson, F lanagan, W. T hom as, D u ffy , S. G allagher, H ickox, H ollingsw orth.

AUTO MECHANICS CLUB First row — G ard n er, C h u rch , S c o tt, K ane. Second row - Mr. R andall, K enning, Kaiser, N ew b erry , W. T hom as.


W. M orse, C. G allagher, S antilli, S. G allagher.



Late to bed, Early to rise, Puts big red circles ’round you r eyes

Mark MuHin




’iH !



N 1. 2. 3. 4.

T he Seniors d id n ’t vote for iiiin (n o t even one v ote). He tells stu p id jo k es. C harlie H ickox likes his jokes. A fter co nsiderable q u estio n in g , Mr. Collins a d m itte d th a t R .B .F. is an exchange teach er fro m H unger. 5. Mrs. S h elto n claim s th a t he c an ’t read.

Now some good things about R. B. Fahrner

He explains things in an easily u n d e rsto o d m anner.

He is d evoted to his wife and fam ily. He is popular in local poHtics.

He never finds fault and is kind and u n d erstan d in g .


Mr. R.B. F a h rn e r, Faculty A dvisor A Bom Leader Easy To Understand

Bob C h arten er, E ditor A Bom Understander Easy To Lead

P eter K ane, Associate E ditor A Born Idiot Easy to Confuse

S co tt E\\ot, Photographer One Who Never Forgot Whatever He Didn’t Even When He Did . . . .


S cott W eiser, A rt Editor

“I Can Draw Flies, Sir.”

Jim T aliad o ro s, S ta ff

‘What, No Centerfold?’

Greg S chw artz, S taff

‘I Thought This Was A Piano.’



Mr. and Mrs. H.A. B artlett Mr. and Mrs. G eorge II. Bixby, III E lizabeth II. B ritland C liffords G arage, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge W. C u ttin g , Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William P. D um ke Early A m erican House Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n B. Eliot Mr. and Mrs. W ayne F letcher Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Gallagher G ranite S tate E lectric Co. G reydon Freem an Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n C. H arvey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F ran k B. Hedges Mr. and Mrs. N oah T. H erndon H irsch’s H oney G ardens D airy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. D onald C. Kane Dr. and Mrs. C harles E. K endall Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Klaus Kleen L aundry Mr. A nd Mrs. A lasdair T. Munro Mr. and Mrs. D olores Nieves Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel L. O benschain Mr. and Mrs. David A. Perry, Jr. Benjam in Plaisted Senese Mfg. Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. S m ith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S orofm an Sim on M. Stackpole Toni Fay and T hom as T aliadoros Mr. and Mrs. David P. T h u rb er V erham News Corp. Village Store o f H anover Ward Baking Co. A n nette an d Hal Weiser Mrs. Virginia S. W hite

SUBSCRIBERS Louis Auer Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Baker, Jr. Mrs. Leighton Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buss Compliments o f a Friend Dartmouth National Bank o f Hanover Herbert E. Brown Agency, Reginald Barney Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Howie James Campion, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Killary Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. William G. Nagle John F. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Pace Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Taylor Tom’s Toggery Mrs. Jaan W. Whitehead


Emmett J. Bondurant Smart Shop Valley Casuals, Inc. William W. Banks for Kendal K. Banks


Finn M.W. Caspersen


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