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The Senior Class dedicates the 1979 Blaze to a kind and sympathetic friend and a truly good person — Mr. David F. Shelton. For sixteen years you have been a respected member of the Cardigan faculty. Not only have you served as chairman of the history department and head of jobs, but you have con stantly been a defender of the underdog. Your unselfish devotion to your profession and to the students of Cardigan Mountain School has influenced the entire Cardigan fam ily fo r the better. Therefore, it is with great respect and affection that the Class of 1979 dedicates this Blaze to you, David Shel ton, a genuine friend with a generous heart.
Mr. Wakely, Mary, Missy, Jonathan, Mrs. Wakely, Charles.
Mr. Joseph M. Collins, Assistant Headmaster, D irector of Studies, Dean of Students.
Mr. John O. Rich, D irector of Admissions.
F /^ O yL T Y
Mr. Donald E. Blunt Science Departm ent Chairm an; Assistant W ork Detail Coach; Riflery and Explorers’ C lub A dvisor; B.S. in Ed., B rid g e w a te r State College; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University
Mr. and Mrs. Campana and Matthew Michael E. Campana: Typing, English; Intramurals, Hockey, Tennis; Drama Club, Game Club, and Chess Club Advisor; B.A., University o f Toronto, McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Carey and Katie Anthony Landon Carey: Developmental, Reading, Language Train ing; D irector of T.E.F.L. Program — Summ er Session; Intramurals, Skiing, Baseball; Backgammon Club Advisor; B.A., Hobart College; M.Ed., University of Vermont. Rita Dunn Carey: History; Drama Club Advisor, Blaze Advisor; B.A., T rinity College
Mr. John Benjamin Coffin Mathematics; Alpine Ski Team; Sailing Team; Senior Class Advisor; Head of Snack Bar; W eightlifting Club Advisor B.S., University of Hartford
Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Jody Joseph M. Collins: Assistant Headmaster; D irector of Studies; Dean of Students; Mathem atics; Football, Hockey, Baseball; B.S., Boston Universi ty. V irginia Collins: Book Store Manager
Mr. Edward A. Cooper English; Football, Hockey, Lacrosse; Arts and Crafts Club Advisor; B.A., University of Maine
Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Crowell, Tom James W. Crowell: Science; Skiing, Sailing; Navigation Club Advisor; B.S., Yale University
Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Shelly S. Farrell: School Store Manager; E d ito r o f New sletter; B.S., U niversity of M isso uri. W illiam F arrell: M athem atics; Soccer, Alpine Skiing, Cycling; Photogra足 phy Club Advisor; B.A., Johnson State Col足 lege
Mr. Lawrence G oldthw ait L ife S cie n c e , E arth S c ie n c e ; H o cke y; Dartm outh; Sc.M., Brown University
Mr. Harold Finkbeiner, Jr. Department of Arts Chairman, Music; Glee Club; B.M., M.M. West足 m inster C hoir College; M.Div. M cC orm ick Theological Seminary
8 .A.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart V irginia Manner Hart: Assistant Librarian; B.S., University o f Georgia. W illiam Hart: English; Intram urals, Skiing, Baseball; Scribe Advisor; Model C lub Advisor; C.M.S. Teamsters Local 1; B.A., New England College
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, Natalie, Jean-Michel Jeffrey D. Hicks: Language Department Chairman, French, His tory; D irector — Sum m er Session; Soccer, Skiing; Fishing and Fly-tying Club Advisor; B.A., Rollins College; Certificate of French Studies, University of Lausanne; M.A., Trinity College
Mr. Stephen L. Heath Earth Science, Biology; A thletic Director — S u m m e r S e ssio n ; S o cce r, N o rd ic Ski Team, Lacrosse; Riflery, E xplorers’ Club Advisor; B.S., Ed., Plymouth College
Mrs. Marilyn O. Johnson Language Training; A.B. Knox College; M.Ed., Keene State College
Mr. John Kevin Likshis English; Basketball, Baseball; Movie-making and Photography Club Advisor; B.A., As sum ption College
Reverend Harry R. Mahoney School Chaplain; Religion Department Chairman; Fire Com missioner; Harry’s Ambulance Service; Magic Club Advisor; B.S. in Ed , Boston University; B.D., Andover Newton Theological School
Mr. and Mrs. Madar Michael Edward Madar: Sixth Grade; Football, Basket ball, Lacrosse; C ooking and M odeling Club Advisor; C .M .S. T e a m ste rs L o ca l 1; B.A., C a n is iu s ; B.Ed. W indsor
Mr. M arrion, Beth, Stephanie, Jimmy, Jennifer, Mrs. M arrion Constance F. M arrion: Language Training; B.Ed., Keene State Col lege. James N. M arrion: Director of Athletics; Mathematics; Football, Basketball, Baseball; W eightlifting Club Advisor; B.Ed., M.S., Keene State College
Mr. Schuyler V. Peck ’63 U.S. History; Football, Hockey, Tennis; Tennis Club Ad visor; B.A., Nichols College; M.A.L.S., Dartm outh Col lege
Mr. and Mrs. Perrinez and Peter Ruth M. Perrinez: Assistant School Nurse; R.N., B.S., University of New Hampshire. Peter Alexander Perrinez: W oodw orking; Soccer, Skiing, Tennis; Gymnastics and Volleyball Club Advisor; B.S., Brook lyn College of CUNY 9
Mr. and Mrs. Pregent and Friend Sandra J. Pregent: Language Training; B.S., University of New Ham psliire
Mr. and Mrs. Ramos and Ramon Edilberto C. Ramos: Algebra I, II; Spanish; Soccer, Hockey, Tennis; C om puter and V olleyball Club Advisor; B.A., Feati University, M.T.S., C atholic University
Mr. and Mrs. Richards Laurel A.W. Richards: Developmental Reading; Language T raining; B.A., University of Maine
Mr. and Mrs. Rives Francis B. Rives, II: H istory; Soccer, S kiing, Lap o England College. Susan M. Rives. Art; Art Club Advisor; B.A., Hofstra University
I 10
Mr. and Mrs. Sachs Charles H. Sachs: English Department Chairman; O utdoor Environment, Alpine Ski Team, La crosse; Summer Project Director; Volleyball Club Advisor; B.A., Colgate; M.A., M iddlebury
Mr, Howard J. Scherry French, Spanish; Intramurals, Skiing, Tennis; Card and C ooking Club Advisor; B.A., University of Vir ginia; M.A., Stanford University
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton and Cathy Carol M. Shelton: Librarian — Head of Resource Center; Advisor of Audio-Visual Assistants, Special Media Project Advisor; B.A., Nasson College David F. Shelton: Social Studies Department Chairman; Direc to r o f Student Jobs; Head of W ork Detail; Model Club Advisor; B.A., Texas A&M; M.A., Colum bia University
Mrs. Beverly Bradford Wakely R e ad ing D e p a rtm e n t C h a irm a n , De velopm ental Reading, Language Training; Advisor to Host Committee; B.S., Bridge water State College
Mrs, Susan Larabee Bookkeeper • •
* •
Mrs. Jackie Lary Head Bookkeeper
Mrs. Ruth Talbert Assistant to the Headmaster
Mrs. Shirley Lester Adm issions O ffice
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Mrs. Judy Ribeiro Alumni Office 12
Mrs. Marcia Rocke Alum ni Office
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Dr. I.A. Dinerman, M.D. University of Chicago Medical School School Physician
Mr. Howard Ross Superintendent o f Buildings and Grounds
Kathy Motta, John Chapman, Alta Sanville, Mr. Ross, Dot Sweeney, G riff G riffin, Jean Elms, Bill Mock
David Cushman Kitchen Staff
Mr. Robert Stevens Steward-Chef 13
^ m m 'm- ^
* -9 m *
Robert W allace Allen Amherst, New Hampshire Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Reserve B asketball 8, R e crea tiona l Skiing 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Riflery Club 8,9, Volleyball Club 9. LAWRENCE ACADEMY
Michael Jeffrey Aqullla W ashington, D.C. Third Team Soccer 6, Intram urals 8,9, Reserve Football 9, Recreational Ski ing 6,7, Third Team Hockey 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Third Team Baseball 6, Re serve Baseball 7,8,9, C hoir 6,7,8,9, Fire Marshal 9. ST. JAMES SCHOOL
Juan Rene Beauchamps Santo Dom ingo, D om inican Republic Third Team S occer 8 (Captain), Re serve Soccer 9 (Captain), Varsity Bas ketball 8,9, Varsity Tennis 8, Reserve Baseball 9. Floor Leader — Newton House. THE LEAR SCHOOL
Rodd David Brickell New York City, New York R eserve F o o tb a ll 9, T h ird Team Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 9, RIflery Club, Hunter Safety Club, Model Club 9, Fire Marshal 9. TABOR ACADEMY
Paul Rene Brierre Tamworth, New Hampshire Third Team Soccer 7, Reserve Soccer 8.9, Alpine Ski Team 7,8,9 (Most Valu足 able), Varsity S ailing 7,8,9, Drama Club 8.9, Tennis Club, C-notes. HOLDERNESS SCHOOL
Beau Collins Britt Beverly Hills, C alifornia Intram urals 8, Reserve Soccer 9, Re足 serve Basketball 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Varsity Tennis 8, Varsity Baseball 9, Model Club 8, Band 9. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON SCHOOL
Federico Lutcher Brown Houston, Texas Reserve Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Electronics 8, Hunter Safety 9. TRINITY-PAWLING SCHOOL
Timothy Horan-Hall Byk Los Angeles, California Reserve Football 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Nordic Ski Team 7, Reserve Basket ball 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Reserve Baseball 7, Varsity Tennis 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, W eig htliftin g Club 9. Floor L e a d e r— French I. THE ATHENIAN SCHOOL
John Casper Conkling New Hampton, New Hampshire Third Team Soccer 7, Reserve Soccer 8,9, Third Team Hockey 7,8, Reserve Hockey 9 (Captain), Third Team Base ball 7, Reserve B aseball 8, V arsity Baseball 9, T enn is C lub 8, Tennis, W eightlifting, Volleyball Clubs 9. THE NEW HAMPTON SCHOOL
David Stanley Cornblatt Rockville, Maryland In tra m u ra ls 7,8, V arsity F ootb all 9, Recreational Skiing 7, Varsity Wres足 tlin g 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7,8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Fire Marshal 9. WEST NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY
Jeremy Trusten Crigler Rwanda, Africa Varsity Soccer 7,8,9; Recreational Ski足 ing 7,8; N ordic Ski Team 9; Recre足 ational Tennis 7,; Varsity Sailing 8,9; C h oir 7,8,9; Drama C lub 8,9; Magic Club 9; Co-M onitor 8, Dining room S uperintendent 9. MILTON ACADEMY
John Addington Cutherell Houston, Texas Intram urals 8, Third Team Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Recreational T enn is 8,9, M agic C lub 9, Head o f Hayward 9. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
4^ Wayne Peter Daley Andover, M assachusetts Reserve Soccer 9, Third Team Hockey 9 Cycling Team 9, C om puter Club 9. KIMBALL UNION ACADEMY
Edmund Machold Davis, Jr. Syracuse, New York Reserve Football 9, Recreational Ski ing 9, Recreational Tennis 9. CUSHING ACADEMY
Lawrence Anderson Davis S terling Junction, Massachusetts Intram urals 7, Third Team Soccer 8, Reserve Soccer 9, Recreational Bas ketball 7, Reserve Basketball 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Reserve Baseball 7,8, Varsity Baseball 9, English C om posi tion Award 7, Clean Room Award 7, Secretary of Senior Class, Glee Club 8,9, Magic Club 8,9, Head of Hayward Classroom Cleaners 8, Floor Leader — Stowell House. HOLDERNESS SCHOOL
Wade Alexander Denby Springfield, lilin o is Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 9, C yclin g Team 9, C ycling , M ovie Making, Drawing. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
William Frederick Oohrmann South Ham ilton, Massachusetts Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Reserve Basketball 8,9, Reserve Base ball 8, Varsity Baseball 9, Fishing Club 8, C o o kin g , M agic, T enn is C lub 9, Floor Leader — Brewster I. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
Brian Sean Flanagan Melrose, Massachusetts Third Team Soccer 7,8, Reserve Foot ball 9, Reserve Hockey 7,8, V arsity Hockey 9, Recreational Tennis 7, Re serve Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9, Tennis Club 8, W eightlifting, Volleyball Club 9. ST. SEBASTIAN SCHOOL
Edward Ernest Garcia Randolph, New Hampshire Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Reserve Basketball 8,9, Varsity Sailing 8, Recreational Tennis 9, Blaze Staff 9, Head of A uditorium Care. NORTHWOOD SCHOOL
John Morgan Garwood Houston, Texas T^iird Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Model Club 8, Band 9. ST. THOMAS SCHOOL
Enrique Godoy Guatemala City, Guatemala Varsity Soccer 9, Third Team Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Backgam m on and Tennis Club 9. THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF GUATEMALA
Christian Barter) Gramm Winnetka, Illinois Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 9, V arsity Lacrosse 9, W e ig h tliftin g and Blaze 9. LAKE FOREST ACADEMY
Thomas Copp Graves Chevy Chase, Maryland Varsity Footbaii 9, Varsity Basketbaii 9, Varsity Tennis 9, W eightiifting Club 9, Fioor Leader — Clark M organ ill. SAINT ANDREW'S SCHOOL
Gregg James Heidenreich Manchester, New l-lampshire Varsity Soccer 8,9 (Captain), Varsity Hockey 8,9 (Captain), Varsity Baseball 8,9, W eig htliftin g 8,9, Floorieader — Clark Morgan II. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
Frederick Alexander Hovey M ontreal, Canada Reserve S o c c e r 7 (C a p ta in ) (M o st Valuable), V arsity S o cce r 8,9 (Cap ta in ), Reserve H o ckey 7,8, V a rsity Hocl<ey 9, Reserve Baseball 7, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 (Captain), Blaze Staff As sistant Editor 9, Floor Leader — Hinman I 8, Head of Jobs 9. KIMBALL UNION ACADEMY
George William i-lugget M ontreal, Canada In tra m u ra ls 7,8, V arsity F ootb all 9, R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 7,8,9, V a rs ity Baseball 9, Fire Marshal 7, Backgam mon 8, Riflery, W eightlifting, Tennis 9, Floor Leader — Brewster I 8. NORTHWOOD SCHOOL
Ciayton Daniel Johnson Houston, Texas Varsity Football 8,9 (Captain), Recre ational Hockey 7, Reserve Hockey 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Reserve Baseball 7,8, Varsity Baseball 9, Blaze Staff, Vol leyball 9. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
James Andrew Kaufman Swam pscott, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Sl<iing 7, Reserve Hockey 8,9, Recreational Tennis 7,8, Varsity B a se b a ll 9, S k a te b o a rd in g C lub, C -N otes a. M odels, H u nter Safety, Drawing, C hoir 9, Head of Hopkins I, Assistant Floor Leader — Brew/ster II 9. HEBRON ACADEMY
Christopher Edward Kennedy Wellesley, Massachusetts Reserve Football 7, Varsity Football 8,9, V a rsity H ockey 7,8,9, Reserve Baseball 7, Varsity Baseball 8,9, Ten nis Club 7,8,9, Floor Leader— Newton House 8. ST. SEBASTIAN SCHOOL
Robert Emmet Kenney Wollaston, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Nordic Skiing 8 (Most Improved), Nor dic Skiing 9 (Most Improved), Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, Blaze E d ito r 9, F loor Leader — Hinman I 9. HOLDERNESS SCHOOL
Donald Seuk Kim Hughesville, Pennsylvania Third Soccer 7, Intrannurals 8, Third Team S o c c e r 9 (C a p ta in ), S a ilin g Team 7,8,9, Recreational Skiing 7,8,9, Blaze Staff 8, Models, Navigation, Pho tography 9. MERCERSBURG ACADEMY
Christopher Joseph King Reading, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer (Captain), Most Valu able Player) 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9 (Captain), (Most Valuable Player), Varsity Tennis 8,9, Snack Bar Staff, Glee Club 9, School Leader, Se nio r Class President 9, SAINT PAUL’S SCHOOL
John Marshall Kirk III Steamboat Village, Colorado Reserve Football 8,9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Varsity Sailing 8, Reserve Baseball 9, Glee Club 8,9, Audio Visual 8, Cook ing 8, Laboratory Assistant 9. PHILLIPS ACADEMY
Charles Curtis Kise Philadelphia, Pennsylvania R eserve S o c c e r 7,8,9, T h ird Team Hockey 7, Recreational Hockey 8, Re serve Basketball 9, Third Team Base ba ll 7, Reserve B aseball 8, R ecre ational Tennis 9, Skateboarding Club 8, Cooking and Art Club 9. CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY
Alec James Koromilas Dover, A/eu' Hampshire Third Team Soccer 8, Reserve Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Third Team Baseball 8, C ycling Team 9, Blaze, Magic, New Hampshire Youth Orches tra 8,9, Chaplain’s Assistant 9. HOLDERNESS SCHOOL
Charles Ayr Lawrence Newfields, New Ham pshire Reserve Soccer 7,8, Varsity Soccer 9, Third Team Hockey 7, Reserve Hockey 8,9, Reserve Lacrosse 7,8, C ycling Team 9, Com puter Club 8, Blaze Staff and Volleyball Club 9, Public Relations D irector 8, Floor Leader — Fran(<lin House 9. TILTON ACADEMY
Jon James Leonard Bedford, New Hampshire Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hocl<ey 8,9 (Co-Captain), Re serve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, M o d e l C lu b 8,9, F lo o r L e a d e r — Brewster II 9. TRINITY-PAWLING SCHOOL
John Lewis New York City, New Yorl< Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 7,8,9, R e cre ational Tennis 7,8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Backgam m on Club 8, Hunter Safety and W eightlifting 9, Fire Marshal 9. THE HILL SCHOOL
Henry Christopher Lufkin Nashville, Tennessee Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Photography and Volleyball Club 9, Asst. Floor Leader — Hinman I 9. POMFRET SCHOOL
Roberto Mathies San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A. Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Reserve Basl<etball 9, Varsity Baseball (M gr.) 8, Recreational Tennis 9, Blaze Staff 8,9, Snack Bar Staff 9, Riflery Club 9. TABOR ACADEMY
Philip Scott McGrath, Jr. Cumberland, Rhode Island Intram urals 7, Reserve Football 8,9, Third Team Hockey 7,8, Recreational Skiing 9, Intram urals 7, Recreational Tennis 8,9, Navigation Club 8, Hunter Safety and Models 9. WILBRHAM & MONSON ACADEMY
Josiah Eliot Miles Arlington, Vermont Varsity Soccer 8,9, Nordic Ski Team 8,9 (Captain) & {Most Valuable Player), Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, Tennis and Vol leyball 9, Floor Leader — French II 9. HOLDERNESS SCHOOL
John Patrick Murphy Melrose, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9, Band, Art Club, Snack Bar S taff 9, F loor Leader — Greenvi^ood House. BELMONT HILL SCHOOL
William Ridler Page Hanover, New Hampshire Varsity Football 8,9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, V arsity Baseball 8,9, C om puter C lub 8, Fishing and R iflery C lub 9, Floor Leader — Banks House 9. HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL
Thomas Willing Patterson Greenwich, C onnecticut Reserve Soccer 8,9, Recreational Ski ing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9, Magic Club 8,9, Scribe Editor 9, Floor Leader — Proctor House. DEERFIELD ACADEMY
Ernesto Denis Regalado San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A. R e crea tiona l S k iin g 8, T liird Team Hockey 9, Reserve Soccer 9, Recre ational Tennis 9, W eigintlifting Club 8,9. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
Dennis DeJuan Revere Beverly Hills, California Reserve Football 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Third Team Hockey 7,8,9 (Captain), Third Team Baseball 7, Reserve La cro sse 8, V a rs ity L a cro sse 9, Backgam m on Club 8,9, Drama Club 8,9, Floor Leader — Hayward. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON SCHOOL
Charles Bradford Rockwood Needham, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Riflery and Model Club 9. CUSHING ACADEMY
Joshua F. Schwartz Manchester, New Hampshire Third Team Soccer 8, Reserve Soccer 9, Reserve Hockey 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Reserve Baseball 8 (M ost Valuable), Varsity Baseball 9, Chess 8, Tennis 9. TILTON ACADEMY
Todd Herman Tenzler Gig Harbor, Washington Reserve Football 7, Varsity Football 8,9, R e cre a tio n a l S k iin g 7, V arsity B asketball 8,9, R ecreational Tennis 7,8, Varsity Baseball 9, Volleyball Club 9. CUSHING ACADEMY
Paisit Tuchinda Bangkok, Thailand Varsity Soccer 8,9, Recreational Ski足 ing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9, Volleyball 8,9, Blaze Staff 9. LAWRENCEVILLE SCHOOL
to p h
Ham ilton, New York Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Trap-Shooting Club 8,9, W eightlifting 9. NORTHWOOD SCHOOL
Petch Wanglee Bangkok, Thailand Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity S occer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9, C om puter Club 8, Tennis and Volleyball Club 9. Dining room C o-m onitor 9. THE LOOMIS CHAFFEE SCHOOL
William Artliur Weber United Arab Emirates Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Varsity Sailing 8, V arsity Lacrosse 9, W e ig h tliftin g Club 8, Band 9. AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL
John Adams Whitaker Andover, Massachusetts Third Team Soccer 6, Intram urals 7, Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 6,7,8, Third Team Hockey 9, Intram urals 6, Recreational T e n n is 7,8, V a rs ity L a cro sse 9, W eig htliftin g 8,9, Model Club, Hunter Safety 9, Recreation D irector and Fire Marshal 9. THE FLORIDA AIR ACADEMY
Thomas Larkin Wilson Wiilis Northridge, California Intram urals 8, Reserve Soccer (Most Improved) 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Recreational Tennis 8,9, Magic Club and Backgamm on Club 9. LOYOLA HIGH SCHOOL
Senior Class O fficers: Sandy Hovey, Vice President; Larry Davis, Secretary-Treasurer; Mr. Coffin, Advisor; Chris King, President.
r ■
./A '
First Row: Cran Eager, Jorge Perdomo, Russell Callse, Ian George, J.T. W hiting, Mr. Madar, Peter Hadlock, Tom Talladoros. Second Row: W illy M orrison, Greg W hitcom b, David Wargin, Jon Mayer, Shannon Thompson.
First Row; Abbas Raissipour, Brett Giguere, Rick Stevens. Second Row: Mark Sanchez, Kevin Breitbart, Joe Boyle, Dennis Torii.
M l n
First Row: Blake Delany, Richard Lesser, Joshua Knauer. Second Row: S cott Conniff, Scott Ballard, Russell Byers, Brett Duffy, Nick Kobusch.
First Row: Mohsen Javadabadi, Bill Earthman, Brad Forcier. Second Row: David Moore-Jones, Scott M cClaughry, Rick Palmer, Chip Haskell, David Jacobs.
First Row: Pat G illigan, Bob Perkins, Michael W argin. Second Row: John Russell, Kent W illiams, John Kohn, Dan Babcock, Tim Bright.
First Row: Mike Stevens, Tomas Guterres, Jim Forsyth. Second Row: Graham Boyle, Richard M orelli, Wade Westover, Ben Shuckburgh, W ill W illauer.
Seated: Sam M organ (a refugee from the Seventh Grade disguised as Fred Brown, a refugee from the Ninth Grade). Standing: Brian Gardner, Andy Iverson, Andy Day, Tim Frost.
. r-
: .
First Row: Whitaker, Traad, Vantine, Allen, Johnson, Stine, McCarthy, Kennedy, Page, Morellir, Taliadoros (Mgr). Second Row: Stevens R. (Mgr.) Palmer, McClaughry, Byk T., Revere, Tenzler, Ballard, Langdon, Dohrmann, Collins. Third Row: Mr. Marrion (coach), Jimmy, Forcier, Garcia, Graves, Lewis, Cornblatt, Reicle, Huggett, Mr. C ollins (coach).
: i - r -
0 0 0 8 0 8 . : o: : 6 0
W oodstock F. Hanover F. Eaglebrook W indsor F. Hartford F. Lebanon F. K.U.A. Plymouth F. Lebanon F.
■ *
21 34 8 15 33 24 14 6 16
Bill Page sets up a block.
'■.V The Tri-Captains: Johnson, Stine, McCarthy.
1 B rickell runs against W oodstock.
Co-Captains McNabb and Stevens.
First Row: Wargin D. (mgr.), Mr. Peck (coach), Kirk, Humann, Earthman, McNabb (capt.), Stevens (capt.), Neutze, Walsh, McGrath P M r Cooper (coach). Second Row: Davis T., Jacobs, Flanagan, Dixon, McLane, M orelli, F., G illigan, Moore-Jones, Orr, Mr. Madar (coach). Third Row: Haskell, W argin G., Leahy, Kobush, Duffy, Kohn, Iverson, Byers. Fourth Row: McCusker, Brum, Horan, W argin M., M orrison, Boyle J., Byk J., Aquiila. 43
¥ a [ r ® o S ^ S @ © © © ir D i a
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First Row: Miles, Kenney, Moody, Heidenreich, Hovey, Lufl<in, Godoy, Rockwood. Second Row: Mr. Hicl<s (coach), Lawrence C., Leonard, Trow bridge, Crigler, King, Wanglee, Mr. Ramos (coach). Third Row: Weber, Tuchlnda, Gramm, Garwood, Mathles, Denby, Murphy, Kaufman.
Mascoma JV New Hampton Hanover F. Holderness Eaglebrook New Hampton Holderness Hanover F. Vt. Academy K.U.A. JV Vermont K.U.A. JV
Co-Captalns Heidenreich and Hovey 44
Heidenreich w ith another classy kick.
Tri-Captains Beauchamps Ju., Kise, Dalton.
Curtis with another one of his stylish saves.
Top Row: Mr. Farrell (coach), W illis, Dalton, Kise, Beauchamps Ju., Davis L., Patterson, Mr. Heath (coach). Second Row: Boyle G., Rascovich, Regalado, Koromilas, Conkling, Beauchamps Je., Brown, Britt, Schwartz. Bottom Row: George, Babcock, Dodi, Lawrence F., W illiams, Ruffin, Bierre, Sanchez.
Diroriiiiiriig] Dson’t
John M cG rath steals th e ba ll away from Eaglebrook player, Pop Chatlklvanitch.
Team Captains: Don Kim, David Alexander.
• « V )_ i
Darn, wrong foo t ag ain!” ‘
First Row: Mayer, Roth, Torii, McGrath J., Lesser, Thompson S., Perdomo, Whiting. Second Row: Mr. Perrinez (coach), Burke, Delany, Sincerbeaux. Eager, Russell. Daley, Hartnett, Javadabadi. Third Row: Frost, Conniff, Willauer, Kim, Alexander, Bright, Perkins, Cutherell, Mr. Rives (coach). 46
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Lying: Jansen, Hale, Morgan, Day. S itting: Mr. Sachs, Barrett, Thom pson W., Alper.
FiotMir© yi®d] Cm
First Row: Knauer, G ordon, Mr. Fedor, Ralssipour A., G oldfarb. Second Row: W hitman, M itchell, Stephenson, Mr. Carey, Raissip ou r M., Mr. Hart, M. Scherry, Breitbart. Third Row: Fradkin, Matsushita, Guterres, Mera, Sasso, Mr. Crowell, Mr. Campana, Tatham.
FaDD Fr®
Say ‘ ‘H e llo ” George.
t h e ' p e o p le ,
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First Row: Gardner, McCusker, Purcell, Leahy, Flanagan, Vantine. Second Row: Hovey, Kennedy, M o re llfR ., Heidenreich,-King, Leonard, Johnson, Murphy, Page, Schwartz.
Heidenreich on the face-off.
It's all rig ht Kingy, d o n ’t cry! 52
4 3 4 9 7 3 9 10 10 9 11 9 7 13 0 7 10
2 1 3 1 4 2 0 3 2 3 2 1 3 2 20 3 2
New Hampton Hanover Jr. K.U.A. Eaglebrook New Hampton St. Pauls Tournam ent Verm ont Manchester Upland Hanover Assabett North Shore M.S. Island K.U.A. M.S. Island Manchester Assabett
After a big win over Manchester!
Frank M orelli prepares him self fo r another tough game in the net.
First Row: M orelli F., Aqullla, Kaufman, Conkling, Earthman, Lawrence C., Stevens M., Hadiock. Second Row: Mr. Cooper (coach), George, W hitcom b, Rockwood, Kobusch, Horan, Tailadoros, Mr. Collins (coach). 53
lhiS[rd] TdaDTQ Inloefe©^ S t e t e i ©dh TlhDin]
First Row: Regalado, Sanchez, W hitaker, Brickell, Daley. Second Row: Mr. G oldthw alt (coach), Godoy, Mayer, Snyder, Revere, Mr. Campana (coach), Stevens R.
W oodstock steals the puck from Cardigan.
Cardigan taking a face-off.
[R(iŠ= SkDDDiigjs SDnip SISdlDiriig Msmf
Top Row: Denby, Wanglee, Weber, Garwood, Forsyth, Rimel, McLane, Rascovich, Mr. Perrinez. Second Row: Mr. Fedor, Jude, Knauer, Byk J., Torii, Boyle J., Mr. Scherry, W illis. Third Row: Patterson, Huggett, Allen, C utherell, Bright. Moore-Jones, Thom pson W., Matsushita, Guterres. Bottom Row: Koromilas, Giguere, Babcock, W hitman, Hartnett, Iverson, Kim, Calise.
Top Row: Coniff, Sincerbeaux, Shuckburgh, Sasso, Day, Raissipour M., Stevenson McClaughry, M r^Carey Second R ow ^M r. Perrinez, G ornblatt, Roth, Perkins, Russell, Alper, Javadabadi, Morgan, Breitbart, W argin G. Third Row: Mr. R'^es, M r JHart, Raissipour A., Mr. Crowell, McGrath P., Haskell, Duffy, Mr. bcnerry. Bottom Row: Brown, Mera, Thom pson S., Eager, Fradkin, Tatham, M itchell, Goldfarb.
IN]@[rdl(gSteDDDTig P速 5
Barrett, Crigler, Hale, Alexander, Humann, W argin M., Kenney, Fisher, Mr. Cantlin (coach), Underwood, Mr. Heath (coach), Miles, Sincerbeaux (manager).
Nacho Crigler lines up fo r a jum p w hile Josiah Miles gets ready.
Bob Kenney thinking about his previous jum p as he gets ready fo r his second.
Hold^rness , . ' EagleBrSok ! j K.U.A. -' * Proctor Verm ont Academy Eaglebrook Concord Verm ont Academy Concord K.U.A.
Josiah Miles in a tuck as he leads C.M.S. Nordic Team to another victory.
Front Row: Dixon, Forcier, Frost, Moody, Brierre, Lawrence F., W illauer, Delany. Second Row: Burke, Palmer, Ballard, Lufkin, Kirk. Third Row: Mr. Sachs (coach), Gordon, McGrath J., Lesser, Traad, Mr. Coffin (coach).
K.U.A. Holderness Eaglebrook Proctor Verm ont Tilton Verm ont Eaglebrook Lakes Region Verm ont Academy Brewster
4th of 9 2nd of 9 Lost 3rd o f 9 Lost 1st of 9 Lost Lost 1St of 9 2nd o f 9 2nd of 9
W illauer flys the slope.
Mr. Farrell scolds a team member.
Kirk leans into the gate. 57
Juan Beauchamps, voted most valu足 able, sets up a play.
58 68 54 58 51 32 53 54 50 49 42 38
38 38 60 60 54 73 47 46 42 45 61 52
Hanover W oodstock Mascoma Hartford K.U.A. New Hampton Hanover Hartford Mascoma W oodstock New Hampton K.U.A.
Fr. Fr. JV Fr. JV JV Fr. Fr. JV Fr. JV JV Todd Tenzler makes a successful fake on an opponent.
Mr. Madar (coach), McNabb, Jacobs, Beauchamps Ju., Graves, Davis L., Britt, W illiams. Mr. M arrion (coach). Kneeling: Tenzler and Byk, Co-Captains.
iO iS /MMM
Morrison, Perdomo, Beauchamps Je., Lake, Dohrmann, Kise, Garcia, Boyle G., Kohn, Dodi, Mr. Liltshis (coach).
John Kohnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outside shot is nearly blocked.
Jean Beauchaimps inbounds the ball. 59
Our ski team ready fo r first race.
Humann goes down the ramp.
Tim Byk takes a jum p against Hartford.
Don't go too fast Kirk,
Josiah Miles gets a flying start. 60
Clay Johnson chases the puck early in the game.
M .
Beauchamps (10) shoots and Mathies (32) and M orrison (3) w ait fo r the rebound.
Giguere rushes down the hill.
% JI-* Billy Walsh figh ts fo r the puck.
Mr. Peck watches a dangerous play . . .
. . . and sees the results. 61
Mrs. Pregent speaking w ith some o f the parents
m m
Nacho Crigler and Dennis Revere in the R e co n stru c;^^|g p e n e from â&#x20AC;&#x153; Contact;â&#x20AC;?
written by John Likshjs.
aoTid Spouts F(r@wd]®@'Elhi®
Derek Underw ood gives streng th to the CMS Nordic Team in a w in iiv e r Vermont.
Gregg Heidenreich takes a shot against Manchester in an overwhelm ing 10-3 victory fo r the Cougars.
initdrSm® ¥m
Cardigan swim s at the Dartm outh pool.
Who, me Coach? I'm practicing fo r the dance.
Cass Conkling loves “ w o rkin g ” in the snack bar.
fii Franklin House — under construction.
Students and facu lty were ready fo r Ski Holidav.
Curtis — The King.
Ice — OUT — April 18, and Tom Patterson was the big w inner — on his birthday.
Mr. Mahoney and the Norpines — we cou ld n’t have ski meets w ith ou t them.
A lum nus Bob Tonneson 7 8 returned to race against us fo r Holderness.
Peter H adlock was just one of many who prepared to watch the total eclipse of the sun on February 26.
Our Finnish friends went to play several other teams during their stay.
w e finally got our chance, though, and this was the opening face-off
Riita Harkoma-Laine, organizer o f the Finnish expedition won the hearts of us all.
The Finnish coaches are w orried; it â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the second period and Cardigan is ahead.
r 3 I 'M
V h ,.. I ^ r e g g Heidenreich shoots on tha,Finnish goalie in the f a n ta * c 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 7 tie game. 68
First Row: Mr. M arrion (coach), McCusker, Conkling, Kennedy, Flanagan, Davis, Britt, Schwartz, Murphy, Dohrmann, Page, Heidenreich, Tenzler, Johnson, Kaufman, Huggett, Mr. Collins (coach).
5 8 9 6 5 7 9 8 11 12 5 15 10 1
2 7 8 2 4 15 4 15 5 2 1 4 9 7
Holderness W oodstock JV Verm ont Academy Tilton Clarem ont K.U.A. Brewster K.U.A. Mascoma Mascoma New Hampton Clarem ont W oodstock Eaglebrook
John M urphy at the plate.
Tri-Captains Gregg Heidenreich, Chris Kennedy, and Bill Page.
omi ate Foini(glhi
Ian George sends a sharply hit ball back at the pitcher.
10 0 6 4 6 8 15 7 6 9 11 9 .... 5 12 7
8 17 1 5 5 6 8 4 5 10 6 8 8 4
K.U.A. Franklin Hanover Plainfield K.U.A. Clarem ont Hanover B Plymouth Plainfield Lebanon Franklin Plymouth Lebanon Claremont Eaglebrook
Juan Beauchamps proved to be a strong pitcher and a power hitter.
First Row: Beauchamps Ju., Gardner, M orelli F., M orelli R., Moody, Kirk, Jacobs, Ballard. Second Row: Mr. Hart (coach), Hadlock, McGrath J., Aquilla, W illiams, George, Giguere (player-manager), Mr. Likshis (coach). 71
IhiDrdl Tdam IMoillhiDDug
h Wlh®!© L@6 T®
First Row: Dixon, Sasso, G illigan, McLane, Duffy, MoClaughry, W argin D. Second Row: Mr. Carey (coach), Boyle J., Breitbart, l\/1orrison, Sincerbeaux, Talladoros, W argin M., Mera, Gordon, Mr. Fedor (coach).
Peter Hadlock takes a lead off second against Plainfield.
David W argin lays down a bunt with bat and tongue.
Pat G illigan takes batting practice. 72
M n
■n j i
First Row: Cornblatt, Snyder, Lewis, Byk, Weber, Jude, Leonard, Brown, Garwood, Vantine. Second Row: M r Cooper (coach) Miles, Kenney, Forcier, Allen, W hitaker, Purcell, Trow bridge, Stevens M., Rockwood, Revere, Godoy Hovey Gramm Mr Heath (coach). ’ ■
CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS Tri-Captains Revere, Vantine, Hovey.
3 4 3 5 4 5 3 3 6 7 5
7 H o ld e rn e ^ 2 ; Pinkerton 6 k .u .a . 2 Dublin 6 , K.U.A. fr 5 "■ 'fi-- ' Verm orlt Acad, (O.T.) 4 ■ ' Tilton (O.T.) 0 ■ New Hampton 9 I Proctor 1 Pinkerton 4^. 8*1 5 Proctor 8 ’ 9 ^ Eaglebrook
S .
Ridgdirwd La©[T®ig© [M®Ss ¥®w
First Row: Byk J. Javadabadi, Babcock, Beauchamps Je., Humann, Garcia, Conniff, Palmer, Shuckburgh, Burke, Delaney. Second Row: Mr. Madar (coach), Underwood, Horan, Iverson, Leahy, Brickell, W argin G., Alper, Fisher, Torii, Lesser, Hale, Mr. Rives (coach).
Front Row; Bright. Morgan, M itchell, Raissipour A., Thom pson S.. Tatham. Back Row: Knauer. Brierre, Rimel, C rigler Forsyth Mr C rowell (coach), Stephenson. ^ / » •
©aird]DgirQ'’s Fnirili ©yelSinii Tsmrtn]
Mr. Farrell (coach), Daley, Lawrence (Captain), Denby, Koromilas, Westover, Roth.
H -n
Graves, Lufkin, King, Boyle G., Tuchinda, Wanglee, Kohn, Kobusch, Mr. Pecl< (coach).
:C J Captain; Chris King
M n
First Row: Dodi, Goldfarb, Eager, Hartnett, W illauer, Haskell, Russell, Perdomo. Second Row: Mr. Scherry (coach), Mr. Ramos (coach), Rascovich, W hitman, Walsh, W illis, Perkins, Moore-Jones, Cutherell, Mr. Campana (coach), Mr. Perrinez (coach).
M n
r ,
- .
-W- ■ ^ «
M n
Kenji M atsushita helps Mrs. Rives decorate the Library bulletin board w ith examples of art w ork done by the art classes.
Both Seventh and Ninth Grade Classes travelled to Boston on field trips this spring.
Bob Allen pays a farew ell visit to the barber.
One of the most popular Humanities program s o f the year was that presented by i Charles Berger, naturalist and veterinarian, and his w olf. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;S 84
'M l
The Senior Class presented th e ir advisor, Mr. Coffin, w ith a lovely table in appreciation of all his help and support.
/hBEU /S iiS illiL Y ri_n
N ich o la s K obusch 1979-1980 S ch o o l Leader
Douglas Burke — Greenwood House Floor Leader, 1979-1980.
Bradford F o rc le r— French II Floor Leader, 1979-1980.
W illia m Page — B an ks H ouse F lo o r Leader, 1978-1979.
Tinnothy B right — Head of Auditorium Care, 1979-1980. 86
Kenji Matsushita — P roctor House Floor Leader, 1979-1980.
Alec Koromllas — Chaplain's Assistant and Christopher King School Leader, 1978-1979.
Mr. M arrion presents Bill Page w ith a Varsity Baseball letter.
Chris King receives the Most Valuable Varsity Tennis award from Mr. Peck. - m
Mr. Heath presents Dennis Revere w ith a letter fo r his fine perform ance on the Varsity Lacrosse team this year.
Paul Brierre receives a Yachting Trophy fo r his captaincy on the Varsity Sailing Team.
Bob Kenney dedicates the 1979 Blaze to David Shelton and Sandy Hovey presents him w ith a special school g ift fo r his many years of service to the Cardigan community.
M n
Led by M a rsh a ls David M cC u ske r and D o u g la s B urke , th e S e n io rs ta ke th e ir places at the fro n t o f the chapel.
Mr. John Tower, Chairm an o f the Board o f Trustees and Mr. Frank Ashburn congratulate the graduates.
&T]® © y M a D id m g MsDTrDfegrs ©f SCu®
T h e P a n n a c i M e m o ria l
H in m a n
P riz e
given annually in m em
Award is to be given an
o ry
n u a lly by th e C la ss of
M r.
M rs.
Harold P. Hinm an to the
1 95 9 as a m e m o ria l to
m e m b e r of th e s c h o o l
Karl J. Pannaci, to that
w h o , in th e o p in io n of the faculty, by in d u stri
m e m b e r o f th e S e n io r
ous a p p lic a tio n to his
Class w ho in the eyes of
studies, throu g h his at titu d e
his fello w students has a c h ie v e d a n d b e s t a t
general social and spiri tual adjustm ent.
th e
p la y in g
in te g r ity ,
m o st
n e a rly a p p ro a c h e s th e
tained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and
field, and by his behavior
C hristopher Joseph King was awarded the Pan naci M em orial Award by his classm ates, the Hinman Prize by the faculty, and earned the Se n io r Prize, awarded to the member of the Senior Class w ith the highest academic standing. Con gratulations, Chris, on many jobs well done.
This Faculty Prize is aw arded to the stu dent w ho, in the opinion of the faculty, has dem on strated outstand in g school spirit, g eneral positive thinking, and for generosity of spirit and kindness with his fello w man — Laurence Anderson Davis.
id e a ls o f m a n h o o d as conceived in the minds of the Founders of C ar digan M ountain School.
The Founders Prize is awarded to the boy in the student body who has the w ill to com plete any project, regardless of the d ifficu ltie s encountered, w ith o u t tho u g h t o f personal gain, and whose ob jective is a jo b well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman, one of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School — Jon James Leonard.
T h is The
F o u n d e rs
P riz e
F a c u lty
P riz e
a w ard ed to the s tu d en t
aw a rd e d to th e boy in the
w h o , in th e o p in io n of
s tu d e n t body w h o has the
the faculty, has made the
will to c o m plete any project,
m ost o f w h a t C ard ig a n
regardless of the difficulties
h as to o ffe r by b e in g
e n c o u n te r e d ,
th o u g h t o f p e rs o n a l g a in ,
o u ts ta n d in g in le a d ership, in integrity, in ac
and w hose objective is a job
adem ics, in creative and
w ell d o n e in th e sam e a p p ro a c h th a t c h a ra c te riz e d
s p o rts m a n s h ip , in a th
w ith o u t
p e r fo r m in g
a rts ,
the life of H arold P. H inm an,
le tic s , a n d in his c o n
one of the fou n d ers of C ar
tagious positive attitude
d ig a n M o u n ta in S c h o o l —
— D e n n is D e J u a n R e vere.
Dennis DeJuan Revere.
The Addison M emorial Prize fo r Creative W riting is given to the student who has dem onstrated the most potential in the area of w riting poetry — John Patricl< Murphy.
The Caldwell Prize is awarded annually to the boy who has shown outstanding athletic achievement and good sportsm anship — Josiah Eliot Miles.
k ^|k€ '# N
First Row: Russell Calise, Richard Lesser, Richard Sincerbeaux, Chris G oldfarb, Todd Hartnett, W illiam M orrison, Jon Mayer, David Wargin, Sam Morgan, Ian George. Second Row: Dennis Toril, Cran Eager, Bob Bruni, W ill W illauer, Larry Davis, Josh Knauer, Tim Bright, Joe Dodi, Vernon Alper. Third Row: Lars Rascovich, Kenji Matsushita, Kent W illiams, Bob Kenney, Josiah Miles, Paul Brierre. Fourth Row: John Kirk, Jim Kaufman, Harald Reiohle, Bill Dohrmann, Mark M itchell, Shawn Orr, Jeremy Crigier.
Stewart Dixon, Mr. Likshis, Andy Day, Mrs. Carey, Dennis Revere, Paul Brierre.
Tom Patterson (editor), Mr. Hart (advisor), Tom W illis (editor).
Seated: John Lewis. Standing: Tim Bright, Paul Brierre, Roberto Mathies, Tom Patterson, Stew Dixon, Mr. Mahoney.
Tim B right. Andy Day, John Lewis, Stew Dixon, Paul Brierre, Andy Iverson.
n ©ST
Seated: Tim B rig ht (Chief Host), Mehdi Raissipour, Abbas Ralssipour, Bob Perkins, Andy Day, Andy Iverson, John Russell.
'H -H
Jeremy Crigler, Larry Davis, Bob Perkins, John Cutherell, Tim Bright, W ill W illauer, Mr. Mahoney.
MM n
Roddy Brickell,
Chris King.
Jorge Perdomo â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the rocket serve.
Mr. Wakely and Mr. Peck worked on basics.
Graham Boyle and Dennis Revere battle it o u t to the finish.
Rick Lesser, Kevin Breitbart, Doug Burke, David Roth, Mr. Farrell, and Duncan McLane mug fo r someone elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s camera.
Mr, Cooper developing a leatherw orking project.
John M urphy works w ith wood carving too ls as Mike W arain looks on. â&#x20AC;&#x153; 98
Todd Hartnett finishes up a drawing.
M n
.ifr -
K it*
£ % fc
John Lewis, John Russell, Jay W hitaker, Mr. Cantlin (advisor), David Alexander, Fred Brovi/n, Phil McGrath.
Andy Iverson puts the finishing touches on his Stuka.
Paul Brierre and David Moore-Jones plot a course.
f^Jis^an^tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;^Edito^O*^ Kenney, Chuck Lawrence, Andy Iverson, Roberlo Mathies, Alec Koromilas, Mrs. Carey (advisor), Sandy Hovey
wearing a hat makes it in finite ly easier, howevei
Proofreading copy is one of the most trying of jobs
Chuck had m agic fingers when it came to typing; at least, he d id n 't swear as much as Sandy did.
Roberto stayed out o f the snack bar and at the typew riter this year.
One of the few pictures Alec is in, because he too k so many o f the others.
Paisit did everything that needed doing.
An e d ito r always dresses fo r d inn er â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even his hat dressed. 101
M n □
I ju st dared Mr. Shelton to lock him up.
sn©yLO ©©
Isn't this the way I came In?
Have a glass of milk, David.
The Green Bomb!
We said put you r name in the book, but th a tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ridiculous, Dennis.
Why there, Sam?
Come on, boys, I can make you stars overnight.
Oh, this? This is the Gossimer Pteradactyl
■: ^
I d id n ’t l<now the ball was loaded.
Oh, yes, there’s the price rig ht there.
Reserve Football; Excedrin Headache #641.
No, sir, Mr. Mahoney; I was w aiting for Mr. Carey.
W hat girl sir? 105
Of course I'll be the band advisor!
She d id n ’t really mean “ Break a leg!’
r ‘^
I read to my daughter every night.
Man, am I psyched!
Very funny, Henry.
H Then I ate the cake that was on the table . . .
Oh, my God, he really can fly!
Psst, Dune, did you see the Red Sox scout in the stands?
Just practicing to get into study hall when Mrs. Carey forgets the key.
If I get one m ore in. I'll win the jacket.
O iO
He is a w alkin' L.L. Bean catalogue. He talks w ith the “ G reen-w itch” lisp. He can’t decide whether he wants a beard o r not.
M n
Anyone w ith his superb taste in women can’t be all bad. Everyone is always overjoyed to see him.
He stands out in a crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Alper R eginald E. Barney — G eneral Insurance Jam es C am pion, Inc. — Hanover, N.H. Kwaku Dodi Sally Ann G reer Mr. and Mrs. John H artnett H irsch’s — M e n ’s and Boys’ Footw ear and C lo th ing , Lebanon, N.H. Nancy Hovey Mr. and Mrs. R ichard C. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. T h eo d o r Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Thom as L. King John M. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam A.G. Boyle John and Nancy C onkling Mr. and Mrs. Jam es D. C onniff Arnold C ornblatt A m bassador and Mrs. T. Frank C rigler D artm outh Travel Bureau — Hanover, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Edm und M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John M. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Forbes Delany W ade Denby Mr. and Mrs. Stew art S. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Savage C. Frieze Mrs. Olive M cC o llu m Goldm an Eagle Ranch, C olorado Mr. and Mrs. Alan Heidenreich Donald R. H uggett Dr. and Mrs. Jam es R. Jude Mr. and Mrs. A. W illiam Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. R obert T. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Nelson Kise
Mr. and Mrs. M ichael Law rence O. Kent Law rence, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. M cLane, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Koichi M era Mr. and Mrs. G. Thom as Perkins B arbara Reichle Ann S. R ockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Roth Harrison Ruffin Ann Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Tony Taliadoros W illiam C. Walsh Nancy A. W h itaker T. W hiting
Kleen Laundry & Drycleaning Lebanon, N.H. Dr. and Mrs. W arren Knauer Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Korom ilas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonard The Lesser Family M ascom a Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Miles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C harles L. Orr Dr. and Mrs. R ichard V. Palm er G eorge I. R ockw ood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Sasso Mr. Richard M. S incerb eaux and Mrs. Sally M cLeod R obert and R osem ary Stevens Mrs. Jam es Storrow Dr. and Mrs. James Thom pson W hite River Paper Fox Hill Clydes Dales Julie and Pete W hitm an
Mr. and Mrs. Moss Alexander, Jr. Jon Byk Mr. and Mrs. Russell Calise Congratulations to the Class of 1979 — The Cutherell Family A Friend — Best Wishes Dr. and Mrs. Garcia Mel and Sally Garretson Gilberto M.A. Guterres — Managua, Nicaragua Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kobusch Constance Mellon Mr. Dan M. Moody, Jr. Charles F. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Rigg Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Traad Carla and Michael Van Uithoven Sukit Wanglee Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter Whalen
ESQ and Dr. Brietbart Mrs. Dorothy Earthman Dr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Graves, Jr. Congratulations on an Excellent Year David M. Johnson Ernesto Regalado Mr. and Mrs. Clive Runnells Rachel Seymour