The Blaze - 1980

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The Class of 1980 dedicates this Blaze to a man who has devoted ten years of his life to Cardigan M ountain School, its staff, its faculty, and its students — Mr. Joseph M. Collins. As Assistant Headmaster he has guided both faculty and students w ith patience and understanding. As Director of Studies he has m aintained high standards of academic excellence, as Dean of Students he has counsel­ led and disciplined those in need. As a coach he has inculcated in his players not only the fundam entals and techniques of football, hockey, and baseball: but the qualities o f sportsm anship and tenaciousness w hich have characterized his teams. It is w ith gratitude fo r your many years of unselfish work, fo r all the tim es o f helping and sharing, that the Senior Class dedicates the Blaze to you Mr. Collins, a man of many hats.

Cardigan M ountain School Canaan, New Hampshire

Kontu dribbles the ball through E aglebrook’s man w hile Babcock guards.

Cardigan kicks off and heads down the field.

Shafto and Ballard w ait fo r the snap o f the ball.

Kontu, Moody and Echanis w ait fo r the kick-off at the Eaglebrook Tournament.

Dobrowski passes the ball.

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1 Sam Conkling and Rob Lusk w ork in Ski Maintenai Club.

Guy Renkert practices on Dave Sampsonis under Mr. Perrinez’s eyes.

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Niels Stolt-N ielsen readies his plane fo r take-off.

Alan M oir and Pat Spohrer w ork on the com puter w ith advisor Mr. Ramos.

Mr. Mahoney, where did that card go?

Mike Denby looks at the other side of cycling.

Mr. Shelton explains to Kevin Powers more about wood carving.

Old Tim er truck b u ilt in Model Club.

R ichard S in cerb eau x reads a b o u t m ore models fo r sale.

Varsity Hockey ready to score in fro n t of the goal.

W illa u e r s ta n d in g on th e snowstorm on M ount Hopkins.

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Parker Swan perform s magic with assistance o f Riihiluom a and Nikki Peck.

Mr. Newton was ESPecially good.

Tile Back Forty String Band brought the country sound to Cardigan Mountain School.

Dan N eison d e m o n s tra te s how to p a ck a backpack.


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LAYOUT AND COPY STAFF— First Row: Taco van der Valk (Editor), Sam Morgan, Mark M itchell, Thomas Saldarriaga. Second Row: Mr. Likshis, Mike Stevens, Tomas Guterres, Jaap Kerrebijn, Mrs. Carey (Advisor).

PHOTOGRAPHY AND DARKROOM STAFF — First Row: Alan Yacavone, W illy W illauer, John Mahoney. Second Row: Thomas Saldarriaga, Kevin Rlmel, W illy Thom pson, Frank Brants, Mr. Heath (Advisor). 14


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Jonathan, Mrs. Wakely, Mary, Missy, Mr. Wakely, Betsy, and Charles.


Mr. John Oliver Rich D irector of Admissions

Mr. Joseph M. Collins Assistant Headmaster, Director of Studies, Dean of Students

Mr. James N. M arrion Director of Athletics



Mr. and Mrs. Blunt Donald E. Blunt; Science Departm ent Chairman; I.P.S. and Principles of Science; Intramurals, Alpine Ski Team, Baseball; Assistant W ork Detail Coach; Stereo Building Club Advisor, Explorers’ Club Advisor; B.S. in Ed., B ridgew ater State College; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University.

Mr. and Mrs. Carey and Katie Anthony Landon Carey: Developmental Reading, Language Training; Intramurals, Recreational Skiing, Baseball; Model B u ild in g C lub A dvisor, B ackgam m on C lub A dvisor; B.A., H obart C ollege; M.Ed., U niversity o f Verm ont. Rita Dunn Carey: U.S. History, W orld History; S/aze Advisor; National Ju­ n io r Honor Society Advisor; B.A., T rinity College.

Mrs. Linda Boucher Developmental Reading; Riding Club Advisor; B.S, in Ed., Plymouth State College.

Mr. John B. Coffin M athem atics; School Store Manager, Snack Bar Manager; W eightlifting Club Advisor; B.S., University o f Hartford.

Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Jody Joseph M. Collins: Assistant Headmaster; Director o f Studies; Dean of Students; Mathematics; Football, Baseball; B.S., Boston University.

Mr. Edward A. Cooper M athem atics; Science; Football, Hockey, La­ crosse; Craft Club Advisor; B.A., University of Maine.


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Debbie, Mr. & Mrs. Crowell, Tom James W. Crowell: Science; Sailing, Iceboating, Intram urals; Stereo Club Advisor; B.S., Yale University.

Mr. and Mrs. Farrell W illiam Landon Farrell: Mathematics; Cycling, Alpine Skiing; Ski Maintenace Club Advisor; B.A., Johnson State College.

Mr. and Mrs. Dalglish Garven D a lg lish : E nglish D epa rtm e nt C hairm an; C ardigan Commentary Editor, Publicity Director, Evaluation Coordinator; A.B., Dartmouth College; M.A., Xavier University. Jane Parsons Dalglish: Language T raining; A.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.S., University o f Bridgeport; Certificate from University o f Berlin.

Harold Finkbeiner, Jr. Fundamentals o f Music, Music Apprecia足 tion, Music History, Keyboard; Glee Club; B.M., M.M. W estm inster C h o ir C ollege; M.Div. M cCorm ick Theological Seminary; Senior Karate Champion.

Mr. and Mrs. Hart V irginia Hart: Assistant Librarian; B.S., University o f G eorgia. W illiam Hart: E nglish; Intram urals Chairman, Recreational Skiing, Baseball; Model Club Advisor, Scribe Advisor; B.A., New England College.

Mr. Lawrence G oldthw ait Life Science, Earth Science; Alpine Ski Team; A.B., Darthm outh College; Sc. M., Brown University.

Mr. and Mrs. Heath and Amanda Mr. Hicks, Jean-Mi, Natalie, Mrs. Hicks Stephen L, Heath: Earth Science, Biology; Jeffrey D. Hicks: History, French; Soccer, Recreational Skiing; Stereo Building Soccer, N ordic Ski Team, Lacrosse; Blaze Club Advisor; B.A., Rol ins College, M.A., Trinity College, C ertificate of French Photography A dvisor; B.S. Ed., Plymouth Col- Studies, University o f Lausanne, lege.

' Mr. John K. Likshis English; Soccer, Basketball, Baseball; Film-m aking Club Advisor; B.A., Assumption College


Mr. and Mrs. Madar and Lauren Michael Edward Madar: Sixth Grade; Foot足 ball, Basketball, Lacrosse; Model B uilding Club Advisor; B.A., Canlsius College; B.Ed., W indsor University.

Reverend Harry R, Mahoney School Chaplain; R eligion Departm ent Chairm an; School Safety C om m issioner, H arry’s A m bulance Service; Christm as Pageant Director; Magic Club Advisor; B.S. in Ed., Boston University; B.D., Andover Newton Theological School.

Mrs. M arrion, Beth, Jennifer, Mr. M arrion, Stephanie, Jim my Constance F. Marrion: Language Training; B.Ed., Keene State College. James N. M arrion: M athematics; D irector of Athletics, Football, Basket­ ball, Baseball, Health and Exercise Club Advisor; B.Ed., M.S., Keene State College.

Mrs. Peck, Nikki, Jason, Mr. Peck Penelope Banks Peck: Language Training; A.A., Colby Savi^yer College; B.S. in Ed., W heelock College. Schuyler V. Peck; U.S. History; Football, Hockey, Tennis; Senior Class Advisor, Vol­ leyball Club Advisor, Dance Club Advisor; B.S., Nichols Col­ lege; M.A.L.S., Dartm outh College.

Mr. and Mrs. Ramos and Ramon Edilberto C. Ramos: Mathematics; Spanish; iritram urals. Hockey, Tennis; Volleyball Club Advi­ sor; C om puter Club Advisor; B.A., Feati Univer­ sity; M.T.S., C atholic University.

Mr. and Mrs. Perrinez and Peter Peter Alexander Perrinez: W oodw orking; Soccer, Recreational Skiing Director; Survival Club Advisor; B.S., Brooklyn College o f C.U.N.Y. Ruth Perrinez: School Nurse; B.S., R.N., University o f New Hampshire.

Mr. and Mrs. Rives F rancis B. Rives: U.S. H istory; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Model B u ild in g Club Advisor; B.A., New England College. Susan March Rives: Art; Dance Committee; B.A., Hofstra University.


Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer D om inique P. Sawyer: Typing; American Language Program, C olum bia University. Jeffrey M. Sawyer: French; Soccer, Recreational Skiing, Tennis; B.A., C olum bia College; M.A., Colum bia University.

Cathy and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Carol M. Shelton: Librarian; B.A., Nasson College. David F. Shelton: Social Studies Department Chairman; Head of W ork Detail; D irector of Student Jobs; W oodcarving Club Advisor; B.A., Texas A&M; M.A., Col足 um bia University.

Mrs. Beverly Bradford Wakely Reading Departm ent Chairm an, Developm ental Reading, Language Training; Advisor to Host Committee; B.S., B ridgew ater State College.

Mr. Jeffrey Slaby English; Intram urals, Recreational S kiing; Rock & Roll Club Advisor; B.A., Dartm outh College.


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Ruth M. Talbert Assistant to the Headmaster

Shirley Lester Adm issions O ffice Secretary

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Judith Ribeiro Alum ni Office

Susan Larabee Bool^keeper Marcia Rocke Alum ni Secretary


Jacqueline Lary Assistant Treasurer

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Chef-Steward and School Nurse

Dr. I.A. Dinerman, M.D. University of Chicago, School Physician.

Mrs. Cynthia Putnam, Mrs. Leona Fiske, Mrs. Kathy Perrin Kitchen Staff

Mr. Marshall Dim ick and Mr. David Cushman Kitchen Staff

Mrs. Fiske and Mr. Stevens in the Dining Room during Parents’ Weekend.


G rif G riffin, M arianne Mullen, John Chapman, Jean Ellms, John Robbins, Eleanor W eller, Carl Strom, Dot Sweeney, Jon Strom, and Mr. Howard Ross, Superintendent o f B uildings and Grounds.

Charles Dearborn, John Robbins m


Mr. Warren Birch, Kennerson A thletic Center Man足 ager.

Stephen Bean

Daniel A lbert Babcock West Hartford, C onnecticut Reserve Soccer 7,8, Varsity Soccer 9, R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 7,8,9, R e cre ­ ational Tennis 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8 (Captain), Varsity Lacrosse 9; Model, T e n n is, S p o rtsm a n C lu b s; D in in g ­ room S uperintendent 9


S cott Palmer Ballard S pringfield, Verm ont Varsity Football 8,9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9 (Most Improved), Reserve Baseball 8, V arsity Baseball 9; W e ig h tliftin g , V o lle y b a ll C lu b s ; F lo o r L e a d e r — Hayw/ard Hall 9.

Robert Joseph Bassett, Jr. W altham, Massachusetts Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 9, Lacrosse 9; Model, Horseback Rid­ ing Clubs.

W illiam James Graham Boyle Hamilton, Bermuda Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Reserve Basketball 8, Varsity Basket­ ball 9, Varsity Tennis 8,9; Backgam­ mon, Sportsman Clubs; Floor Leader — Nevi^ton House 9

V ictor Manuel Calderon Guatemala City, Guatemala Intram urals 9; W oodcarvlng Club.

Tim othy Warren Bright Topsfield, Massachusetts Intram urals 7, Third Team Soccer 8, In­ tram urals 9, Recreational Skiing 7,8, Varsity Basketball 9 (Most Improved), Sailing Team 7,8,9; Blaze, Magic Club; Public Relations D irector 8, Head of A uditorium Care 9.






S cott James C onniff Boxford, Massachusetts Third Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Alpine Ski Team 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, V a rsity La足 crosse 9; Model, Music, Leather Clubs.


Blake Straatsma Delany Greenwich, C onnecticut Reserve S occer 8, Varsity S occer 9. Alpine Ski Team 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, V a rsity La足 crosse 9; Model Club; Head o f Hop足 kins 9.

Stewart Strawn Dixon, Jr. Lake Forest, Illinois Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Alpine Ski Team 9, T h ird Team Baseball 8, Reserve B ase ba ll 9; Film M a kin g , S u rviva l Clubs; Audio-Visual Assistant 9.

Brett Carrillo Duffy Los Angeles, California Reserve Football 8,9, Recreational Ski­ ing 8,9, Third Team Baseball 8, Re­ serve B a se b a ll 9; B a ckg a m m o n , Horseback Riding, Tennis Clubs; Pub­ lic Relations Director, Editor Scribe 9.

Theodore Storer Duncan Marion, Massachusetts Cycling (Captain) 9, Nordic Ski Team 9; Stereo Building Club.

W illiam Joseph Earthman Houston, Texas Reserve Football 6,7,8, Varsity Foot­ ball 9, Third Team Hockey 6,7, Reserve Hockey (Captain) 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Third Team Baseball 6, Reserve Base­ ball 7,8, Varsity Baseball 9; W eig htlift­ ing, Volleyball Clubs; D iningroom Su­ perintendent 9.


B radford Hill Forcier Norwich, Verm ont Varsity Football 8,9 (M ost Improved), Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; S tu d y H a ll, M u sic, V o lle y b a ll Clubs; Floor Leader — French II 9.


Tim othy Charles Reynolds Frost M ontpelier, Verm ont Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Football 9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8,9, Sportsm an Club; Floor Leader — Hinman II 9.

Brian Harold Gardner Norwich, Verm ont Cycling Team 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9; W e ig h tliftin g , M o d e l, Film M aking Clubs; Floor Leader — Clark Morgan III 9.

Patrick John G illigan Marblehead, Massachusetts Reserve Football 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Alpine Ski Team 7,8,9, Third Team Baseball 7,8, Cycling Team 9; Model, Film Making, Blaze Clubs; Diningroom S u p e rin te n d e n t 8, A s s is ta n t F lo o r Leader 8, Job Foreman 9, Senior Class President 9.

Tomas Antonio Guterres Managua, Nicaragua Intram urals 8, Varsity Football 9, Rec­ reational Skiing 8,9, Third Team Base­ ball 8, Reserve Baseball 9; Photogra­ phy, W oo d ca rvin g , C o okin g, Blaze Clubs; Floor Leader — Clark Morgan II 9, Senior Class Treasurer 9.

Francis Joseph Humann New York, New York Reserve Football 8, Nordic Ski Team 8,9 (Most Valuable), Reserve Lacrosse 8, S a ilin g Team 9, N a v ig a tio n , S po rtsm a n C lubs; F lo o r Leader — Banks House 9.

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Andrew Perrin Iverson Chevy Chase, Maryland Reserve Football 6,7,8,9, Recreational Skiing 6,7,8,9, Reserve Lacrosse 6,7,8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Chess, Survival, M odel B u ild in g , M agic C lubs, Fire Marshal 9.


Mohsen Fallahi Javadabadi Tehran, Iran Third Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse (Captain) 8, Var­ sity Lacrosse 9; Train, Stereo Building, E le c tro n ic C lu b s; F lo o r L e ad er — Brev\/ster II 9.

Christopher Robin Jude Miami, Florida V arsity F ootball 8, C ycling Team 9, R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 8, N o rd ic Ski Team 9, C o o k in g , W e ig h t L iftin g , Exploring Clubs; Head of Hayward 9.

Karel Jaap Alexander Kerrebijn Rotterdam, Netherlands Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 9, V a rs ity T e n n is 9; B la z e ; F lo o r Leader — Stowell House 9.

Joshua Warren Knauer Hillside, New Jersey Third Team Soccer 8, Intram urals 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Sailing Team 8,9; Model Club.

Nicholas Cabell Kobusch St. Louis, Missouri Reserve Football 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Reserve Hockey 7,8, Varsity Hockey 9, Reserve Baseball 7, Varsity Tennis 8,9; Model, Music Clubs; Snack Bar Staff, Dance Committee, Head of Hop­ kins 8, School Leader 9.


/ Kari Olavi Kontu Hyvinkaa, Finland Varsity Soccer (Co-Captain) 9, Varsity Hocl<ey 9, V a rs ity B a se b a ll 9; Sportsman, Dance Clubs.


John Marc Lance Rocky River, Ohio

Scott Stephen McClaughry New Orleans, Louisiana Varsity Football 8,9, Recreational Ski足 ing 8,9, Third Team Baseball 8, Varsity L a cro sse 9; W e ig h tliftin g , M odel Building Clubs; Fire Marshal 9.

J David James McCusker Melrose, Massachusetts Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, V a rsity H ockey 8, (C aptain) 9 (CoCaptain, Special Award) Varsity Base足 ball 8,9; W eightlifting, Volleyball, Ten足 nis Clubs; Class Vice President 8,9.

John Hill McGrath, Jr. Dorset, Verm ont Third Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9; Model Building, H orseback R idin g, A rts and C rafts Clubs.

Duncan Craig McLane Manchester, New Hampshire Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, T hird Team Baseball 8, Sailing M anager 9; Model Building, Movie Making Clubs


‘ S lU Dan M cM illan Moody III Houston, Texas Varsity Soccer 8,9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8, Cycling Team 9; Crafts, Film M aking, W eightlifting C lu b s ; A s s is ta n t F lo o r L e a d e r — French I 8, Floor Leader — P roctor House 9.

David W illiam Moore-Jones Houston, Texas Intram urals 6, Varsity Soccer 7, Re­ serve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, R e cre a tio n a l S kiin g 6,7,8,9, Recre­ atio na l Tennis 6,7,8,9; Chess, C a lli­ graphy, Navigation Clubs; Recreational C o-D irector 9, Fire Marshal Brewster I 9.



Robert Eugene Morkunas Phoenix, Arizona Reserve Football 9, Alpine Ski Team 9, Reserve Baseball 9; Magic Club.

Shawn Lee Orr Avon, C onnecticut Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Arts and Crafts, Music Clubs.

Richard Vernon Palmer, Jr. Longview, W ashington Varsity Football 8,9, Alpine Ski Team 8,9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity La­ crosse 9; iVlodeis, Ski Maintainance, W eightlifting Clubs; Fire Marshal 8,9, Recreational Co-Director 9, Assistant Floor Leader 9.

Robert Holekamp Perkins St. Louis, Missouri Third Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9 R e c re a tio n a l S k iin g 7,8,9, R e cre ­ a tio n a l T enn is 7,8,9; Blaze, M ag ic Clubs; Chaplain’s Assistant 9.


James Michael Purcell Danvers, Massachusetts Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9 (Most Valuable), Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; W eight liftin g. Volleyball Clubs.

Richard Kevin Rimel Orange, C alifornia Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Varsity Sailing 8,9; Models, Pho­ tography (Blaze), Camera Club; Fioor Leader — Hinman I 9.



Tomas Jose Rodrigues Guatemala City, Guatemala Intramurals 9; W eight liftin g Club.

John Leo Russell, Jr. Houston, Texas Third Team Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Varsity Bas­ ketball Staff 9, Recreational Tennis 8, V a rs ity T e n n is 9; H u n te r S afe ty Course, Magic Club; Chaplain’s Assis­ tant 9.

Paul Nicholas Sasso W ilm ington, Delaware Intram urals 8, Reserve Football 9, Rec­ reational Skiing 8,9, Reserve Baseball 8,9; Models, Film Making Clubs.

James Michael Shafto Knowlton, Quebec Varsity Football 9, Alpine Ski Team 9, Reserve Lacrosse 9; Model Club.


David Bradshaw Snyder Contoocook, New Hampshire Varsity Football 8, (Captain) 9, Third Team Hockey 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Model, Music, Explorers Clubs; Diningroom Superin足 tendent 9.


Tim othy D. Stephenson Franconia, New Hampshire Intram urals 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recre足 ational Skiing 8,9, Sailing Team 8,9; Model Club; Fire Marshal 8,9.

Michael Earl Stevens Canaan, New Hampshire Reserve Football 7, (Captain) 8, Varsity F o o tb a ll 9 (M ost V alua ble Player), Third Team Hockey 7, Reserve Hockey 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7 (M ost Improved), Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Blaze, Models; Laboratory Assis足 tant 9.

W illiam Byrd Thom pson Paoli, Pennsylvania Outward Bound 8, Reserve Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8,9, Reserve La足 crosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Fishing, S p o rts m a n , P h o to g ra p h y (B la ze) Clubs.

Ernest Anthony Traad, Miami, Florida

Taco van der Valk Rotterdam, Netherlands Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 9, Varsity Tennis 9; Blaze (Editor), Fire Marshal.


Gregory J. W argin W alpole, New Hampshire Reserve Football 7,8,9 (Captain), Rec­ reational Skiing 7,8, Reserve Hockey 9 (M ost Im proved), Reserve Lacrosse 7,8, (Captain) 9; Models, Sportsman Clubs.


Michael Emerson Wargin W alpole, New Hampshire Reserve Football 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 7, Nordic Ski Team 8,9, (Most Valuable), Third Team Baseball 7,8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Mod­ els, O u td o o rs m a n C lu b s ; K itch e n Head 8, Fire Marshal, (Assistant) Floor Leader 9.

W illiam Arnold W illauer Lincoln, V irginia Third Team Soccer 7,8, Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 7,8,9, Recreational Ten­ nis 7,8,9; Arts, Magic Clubs; Diningroom Co-M onitor 8, Floor L e ad er— Brewster I 9.

Kent Fowler W illiam s Grafton, New Hampshire Reserve Soccer 7,8, Varsity Soccer 9, Reserve Basketball 7, Varsity Basket­ b a ll 8,9 (M o st V a lu a b le ), R eserve B ase ba ll 7,8; V a rs ity B ase ba ll 9; B a ckg a m m o n , S p o rts m a n C lu b s; Head of Hopkins 9.

Nick Kobusch — School Leader.

Senior class officers — Tomas Guterres — Treasurer, Pat G illigan — President, Mr. Peck — Senior Class Advisor, David McCusker — Vice President.

Four Year Boys — Bill Earthman, David Moore-Jones, Andy Iverson. 47

From Bottom : Taylor Sands, Andy Kulson, Alex Samos, Mr. Madar, Todd Fradkin, Dave Leffman, Paul Riihiluoma, Louis Padilla.



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First Row: Bruce Schmidt, Amir Bagherzadeh. Bill Rice, Max Astor, Sam Miller, Eddie Collins. Second Row: Greg W hitcom b, Alex Mendoza, Erik Price, Pong Lamsam, Nick Green, W illy Morrison.


irst Row: Frankie Mayfield, Peter Hadlock, Shannon Thom pson, Felipe Castaneda, Andy Glazier. Second Row: ed Drummond, Dave Wargin, Tom Taliadoros, Jon Mayer, Kevin Powers, J.T. W hiting.


-irst Row: John Fura, John Haynes, Mike Denby, John Verheul. Second Row: Rob Lusk, Dran Eager, Sam Conkling, George Perdomo, Tamarat Wanglee.

Nrst Row: S cott Swaebe, Reza Bagherzadeh, J.J. Ortiz, John M ortim er, Sam Toland. Second Row: Jeff Noyes, lo bb y Ball, W illie Smith, Danny Stewart, Richard Maloney, Colin Foster. 49

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First Row: Chad Tatham, Frank M orelli, Kirby Goode. Second Row: David Roth, Richard Sincerbeaux, H.M. LIghthall, Joe Dodi.

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Harrison Ruffin, Ben Shuckburgh, Joe Boyle, Eiki Mera, Vern Alper.

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First Row: Tomas Saldarriaga, Peter Jacob, Mike Seatter, Mark M itchell, Tom Dust. Second Row: Jim Forsyth, Dave Sampsonis, Eric Lake, J.B. Ritter, Doug Kirk. 50

First Row: Frank Brants, David Alexander, Niels Stolt-Nielsen, Richie Stevens. Second Rov\/: John Putz, Andy Burden, Jon Roth, Chris Hancock, Sam Morgan.

Hans Stevens, Dave Dobrowski, Bobby Bruni, Lee Kemper, Doug Bowers, John Fanning.

First Row: Jimmy Cobb, Pierre de Amezola, Bruce G riffiths. Second Row: Clark Daniels, Mike Kinnaly, Alan Yacavone, Pasi Koskinen.


First Row: Claude Trom betta, Brad W ilson, Hugh Temple, Paul Kelly. Second Row: John Mahoney, Pat Spohrer, Benjy Malcom, Alan Moir.


Pablo Molina, Chesley Smith.


George Hale, Casey Murphy, Jeff Cohen, Todd Hartnett, Doug Burke.

First Row: Tom Echanis, Ron Hill, Dann Swallow, Kevin M cAuliff. Second Row: Mark Banjak, Mike Brang, Kevin Monahan, Pres McKee, Randy Shaw.



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First Row: W illiam s, Sanchez, Shuckburgh, Moody (Captain), Kontu (Captain), Dobrowski, McGrath, Echanis. Second Row: Mr. Hicks (Coach), Ruffin, Matsushita, Delany, Babcock, Lawrence, Javadabadi, Conniff, Kinnaly, Kerrebijn, van der Valk, W illauer, Mr. Perrinez (Coach).


John Russell and the rest of the bench watch the Eaglebrook game.

Mascoma JV 12 2 5 0 Hanover Freshman 2 1 Holderness 2 Eaglebrook 5 New Hampton 5 3 2 1 Holderness 2 Hanover 3 7 1 Verm ont Academy 4 3 K.U.A. New Hampton 8 3 7 1 Verm ont Academy K.U.A. 7 3 Eaglebrook Tournam ent 3 1 2

Tom Echanis on his way to the K.U.A. goal fo r one o f seven points.

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C oaches Mr. Heath and Mr. Likshis discuss second half strategy.


Hanover 0 6 Clarem ont 1 3 Hartford 18 1 Mascoma 1 3 Lebanon 2 0 4 Eaglebrook 0 Hanover 8 0 1 Clarem ont 0 Lebanon 2 5 2 Mascoma 6 Proctor 0 3 KUA 2 0 Hartford 4 1 Hanover 1 2 Eaglebrook Tournam ent first in group 4

Reserve Soccer’s W ill Smith tries to dribble by a KUA player.

First Row: Grymes, Perdomo, Alexander, W ilson, Green, Renkert. Second Row: Jacob, Ortiz, Wanglee, Mera, Noyes, Cobb, Smith, Hill, Ward. Third Row; McKee, Mayfield, Bagherzadeh R., M iller, Riihiluom a, Malcom, Bagherzadeh A., Mr. Likshis (Coach).


First Row: Lamsam, Roth J., Monahan, Kirk, Lighthall, Schm idt, Kulson. Second Row: Mayer. Eager, Conkling, Thom pson S., Murphy, Price, Hartnett, Lusk, Collins, Toland, VerheuI, Burden, Hancock. Third Row: Mr. Rives (Coach), Dust, Mr. Sawyer (Coach).


In the green grass: Mr. B lunt (Coach). First Row: Calise, Fradkin T., Mendoza, Knauer, Foster, G riffiths, Mahoney, Mr. Hart (Coach). Second Row: Trombetta, Smith, Calderon, Rodriguez, B right, Tatham, Mr. Howland (Coach). Third Row: Mr. Ramos (Coach), Daniels, Molina, Castaneda, Moir. Fourth Row: Mr. Carey (Coach), M cAuliffe, M itchell, Goode, S ha w,,'Yacavone. ' Fifth Row: Cohen, Swaebe, Forsyth, M ortim er, Banjak.

10. . . 9 . takes off.

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Russell Calise

Easy g o in ’ Mr. Blunt & enjoy the w atertight after bringing docks over to the Faculty Beach.



First Row: M orelli, W argin M., McCusker, Traad (Captain), Snyder (Captain), Ballard, Kobusch, DeAmezoia. Second Row: Hadlock (Manager), Purcell, Palmer, Guterres, Stevens M „ McLane, Forcier, McClaughry. Third Row: Mr. M arrion (Coach), G illigan, Shafto, Rimel, Orr, Lake, Bassett, Stolt-Nieisen, Sampsonis, Mr. C ollins (Coach). Fourth Row: Frost, Fanning, Moore-Jones, Earthman, Stevens H.


Mike Stevens shows the passing game aginst Proctor.

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Newport W oodstock Eaglebrook Newport W indsor Proctor St. Paul's Plymouth Holderness

Cardigan's line blocks against a strong Proctor team.

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Boyle kicks a fine punt against Piymouth.

Maloney makes a run against W oodstock.

First Row: W argin G., Bruni (Co-Captains). Second Row: Koskinen, Astor, Sasso, Swallow, Seatter, Iverson, Thompson W. Third Row: Mr. Peck (Coach), Ritter, Putz, W hiting, Duffy, Alper, Stewart, Maloney, W argin D., Mr. Cooper (Coach), Mr. Madar (Coach). Top Row: M orrison, W hitcomb, Brang, Boyle J., Powers, Taiiadoros, Drummond.



M n

First Row: Jude, Morgan, Roth D., Hale, Spohrer, Sincerbeaux, Haynes. Second Row: Brants, Denby (Captain), Duncan (Captain), Burke, Fradkin G „ W hitman, (not pictured) Mr. and Mrs. Farrell (Coaches).

Chris Jude breaking the wind fo r the rest of the team.

Mike Denby and Sam Morgan — a rest never hurts.



M n


First Row: Mera, Boyle J., Green, Lighthall, Roth D., Mr. Howland, Burden. Second Row: Mr. Perrinez, Eager, Dust, Iverson, Sasso Roth J., Lance, DeAmezola, Duffy, Russell. Third Row: G riffiths, Kerrebijn, van der Valk, Tatham, Mr, Carey, Kemper, Perl<ins.

First Row: Ritter, Miller, Samos, Price, Castaneda, Lamsam. Second Row: Mr. Slaby, Lusk, Jacob, Ball, Bagherzadeh R., Wanglee, Glazier, Mr. Hart. Third Row: Swaebe, Banjak, Trombetta.



Kneeling; Sincerbeaux, Ruffin, W argin D.. W argin M., Bruni. Standing: Mr. Cantlin (Coach), Alexander, Jude, Humann, Stephen­ son, Duncan, Denby, Mr. Heath (Coach).

CMS Verm ont Academy W CMS Kimball Union L CMS Kimball Union W CMS Lebanon W Cardigan Nordic Series Jum ping — 1. M. W argin 2. Ruffin 3. Stephenson. Cross C ountry — 1, Humann 2. Ruffin 3. M. W argin. Nordic Com bined — 1. M. Wargin 2. Ruffin 3. Bruni

Mr. Heath urges Rich to better his time.

. . . and Francis Humann finishes the 5k. lake loop with Chris Jude no far behind. 62

Mike Denby starts his jum p . . .


M n

Hale, Monahan. Collins, VerheuI, Conkling, Hancock, Kirk, Burke, McKee, Mr. Blunt (Coach), Kelly.

Brants, Mr. G oldthwait (Coach), Fos足 te r, B o w e rs, W h itin g , K u lso n , Thompson, Malcolm.


First Row: Swallow, Spohrer, Hale, McKee, McGrath, Murphy. Second Row; Mr. Farrell (Coach), G illigan, W illauer, Ballard, Moody, Palmer, Frost, Traad.

Lakes Region Tilton Eaglebrook Eaglebrook Holderness

W 2nd W W W

M n

S itting: Lake, W illiam s, Brang, Mr. Madar (Coach), W ilson, Seatter, Guterres (Manager). Standing: Temple, Bright, Stolt-Nielson, Boyl G.


36 43 40 36 48 34 38 43 41 50 31 63 22

49 35 39 51 50 37 54 32 34 35 38 43 41

Hanover Fr. Mascoma Christian Fellows Hanover Fr. H artford Fr. W oodstock Fr. Hanover Fr. Mascoma W oodstock Fr. Hartford Fr. Proctor Lebanon Tilton

John Fanning in action trying to prevent the other team from scoring. 64

M n

Frankie Mayfield on his way to score.

M n

Eat a little more “ W heaties” and yo u ’ll get it, Joe.

First Row: Brang, M orrison, Toland, Riihiluom a, Mayfield. Second Row: Ortiz, Dodi, Saldarriaga, Forsyth, Perdomo, Smith, Mr. Likshis (Coach).

S itting: Maloney, Purcell, M orelli, Kontu, McCusker, Powers. Standing: Mr. Ramos (Coach), Gardner, Stevens M., Kobusch, Koskinen, Kinnaly, Earthman, Hill, Dobrowski, Cobb, Mr. Peck (Coach).


7 14 7 2 7 4 4 5 11 6 1 6 10 4 2

1 2 1 5 1 0 1 3 6 2 5 2 2 8 6

Verm ont Academy New Hampton Kim ball Union St. Paul's Hanover Verm ont Academy Manchester Hanover Proctor Tilton North Shore Kim ball Union Tilton Malden Catholic M iddlesex Islanders

Ron Hill gathers the puck from in fro n t of goalie Kari Kontu.


Kari Kontu waits in total concentration fo r the next shot on goal.

i]p)F5© ¥il

M n

FSi F©1R 1^

Dave Snyder drops back to help Guy Renkert protect the goal.

Greg W argin bedevils a larger, stronger opponent.

Kneeling: Renkert, Astor, Taliadoros, Hadlock, Rice, Kelly, Sanchez, Drum m ond (Manager). Standing: Mr. Cooper (Coach), Ste­ vens R., Echanis, Stewart, Mayer, JavadabadI, W argin G., Shaw, Snyder, Mr. Rives (Coach).

iŠ /^T FiOF'

M n



' -w

Mr. Crowell (Coach), Rimel, Knauer, Conniff, Humann, Stephenson, McLane, Bright.

First Row: VerheuI, M ortimer, Morgan, Hancock, G riffiths, Price. Second Row: Daniels, Mr. Carey (Coach), Dust, M itchell, Forsyth, Kemper, Thom pson S., Noyes, Burden.


M n

M n

S itting: Purcell, Dobrowski, Powers, Delany, Sanchez, Renkert, Thom pson W., Stevens, Forcier, W argin G., Maloney. Standing: Mr. Cooper (Coach), Jude, Seatter, Echanis, Babcock, Snyder, Goode, Iverson, McClaughry, Kinnaly, Hill, Mr. Heath (Coach).


D obrow ski’s speed leaves opponents standing

The bench cheers the team on.

5 11 2 10 7 6 13 4 11 12 5 16 6

9 6 5 0 1 4 0 9 1 4 8 2 12

Proctor K.U.A. Holderness Pinkerton K.U.A, Hanover Tilton Verm ont Hanover New Hampton Proctor Pinkerton Eaglebrook

Ron Hill gets ready to make another gn save against Tilton.


Stewart and D obrow ski fig h t fo r the ball against Proctor.

Bruni shows his skills.

J 1____ First Row: W argin D., Murphy, Ritter, Roth J.. Schm idt, McKee, Collins, Kulson, Hale, Shaw. Second Row: Mr. Rives, (Coach) Talladoros, Stewart, Bruni, Fura, Alper, Astor, Leffman, Glazier, Mr. Howland (Coach).

M n

M n

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I J " : - ' f '■%■- :,„


Mr. M arrion (Coach), Cobb, McCusker, M oody, Ballard, Traad, Gardner, W illiam s, Kontu, Earthman, M orelll, Fanning Saldarrlaaa (Manager), Mr. C ollins (Coach).


19 1 12 6 7 12 12 10 11 15 9 14 19 4

9 1 5 5 9 4 5 5 3 3 10 2 1 5

Holderness Franklin Tilton W indsor Clarem ont KUA Franklin Mascoma KUA Verm ont Clarem ont W oodstock W oodstock Eaglebrook

Frank M orelll awaits throw from p itch er on a pick-off play at first bas

Jim Cobb delivers as Dan M oody prepares to catch another fastball.



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Coaches Hart and Likshis review strategy with Manager, Mark Banjak

Tim Frost helped the team out with some strong pitching.

First Row: Conkling, Boyle J., W hitcom b, Mera, Duffy, McGrath, Ortiz, Toland. Second Row: Mr. Hart (Coach), Temple, Guterres Koskmen, Frost, Banjak (Manager), Mr. Likshis (Coach).



Kneeling: M iller, Mayfield. S itting: M orrison, Hadlock, Monahan, Bagherzadeh R., Lighthall. Standing: Mr. Madar (Coach), Swal足 low, Stevens R., Stolt-Nielsen, Palmer, Drum m ond, Mr. Slaby (Coach).

Rick Palmer came from the outfield to be valuable on first base,

Stolt-Nielsen strengthened his pitching arm all season.

Richard Stevens played both first and right field.

F@ y^™

Hans Stevens watches the pitching for his team.

i ^

Kevin M cAuliffe protects first base.


Pong Lamsam fields fo r Fourth Team Baseball.


First Row; Samos, Lamsam, Lusk, Kirk, Padilla, Rice. Second Row: Perdomo, McAuliffe, Whiting, Putz, Castaneda. Last Row: Jacob, Stevens H. 75


Kneeling: Malcom , Riihlluom a, Sm ith, Alexander, Sampsonis, W ilson, Brang, Shaw. Standing: Mr. Sawyer (Coach), Russell, van der Valk, Kobusch, Kerrebijn, Shuckburgh, W illauer, Dodi, Haynes.


M n

Dixon, Shafto, Hartnett, Mr. Ramos (Coach).



Perkins, Ball, Lake, Yacavone, Fradkin, Dixon, Mr. Perrinez, Swaebe. 77


W angles, M oir, Spohrer, Kelly, Trom betta, Bowers, Denby, G illigan, SIncerbeaux, Roth D., Burke, Brants, and Tatham.

0 Frank Brants on the move.

S ho p-talk and a little relaxa tion after a race against Tilton.


a ..




Picnic lunch at Shelburne Museum fo r 6th and 8th grades.

Glasses on — 3-D movie!


Mr. VerheuI and John during Parents’ Weekend.


M n

Hard clim b on M ountain Day in driving snow.

Mr. Cotting during fall meeting o f Trustees and their wives.


rui n

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M n


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Glee Club perform ance Parents’ Weekend.

Snow and fog on Mountain Day.

A* Amanda Heath — Cardigan Bunny of the Month — October.

Rudolph — Kari Kontu — Valentino.

Patriot Andy Johnson — Fall Sports Banquet speaker.

Tipi b u ilt by Survival Club under direc­ tion of Mr. Howland.

Mrs. Stevens and Josh Knauer — A joke and a smile w ill make you feel good.


John M o rtim e r— M ost Improved Iceboater.

Doc M itchell speaker fo r Recreational B ow lers, S ledders, Skaters, Hikers, and — oh yes — Skiers.

Harrison Ruffin — trip le Silver Medalist CMS Nordic Series,


The Stewarts, Mrs. Pow/ers, and oth er 7th grade parents at Banks.


Eighth grade parents and teachers at Greenwood.

Circus by art students ar

91% participation in Cardigan prim ary organized by Mrs. Carey’s 7th grade history class — the winners: Bush & Kennedy

entertainm ent by Mr. Fura.

Peter Hadlock — Supervisor of the Ballot Box.

Rob Lusk ready to launch his entry in the First Annual Paper Airplane Contest.

Mr. W hitney, fo u r days w ith the 9th grade class is enough to drive anyone to drink.


> ;; r '■



Mr. C ollins fungoed his way in to spring.

Jim S h a fto sh a rp e n e d his tennis skills on warm after­ noons.

Greg W hitcom b enjoyed Games Night.

Faculty, students, and Trustees congratulated the Charter Members o f the Cardi­ gan M ountain Chapter o f the National Jun io r Honor Society.

Checkers was popular at Games Night.



The w aterfront was a beehive o f activity.

Parents, fa cu lty, grandparents, and stud ents cheered the teams Grandparents' Weekend.

f- “* ■.x

*1>' i

A guide explains the history o f Paul Revere House to the Seventh Grade.

A visit to the Constitution was a big hit, and everyone enjoyed Mr. Mahoney's guided to u r of Boston.

The school store had its own “ Watch Cat” this year.

G randparents gather at the Headmaster's fo r a reception.


Mrs. Rives's art students were definitely FOR the birds this spring.

Band members Dave Snyder, Nick Kobusch, Shawn Orr, Benjy Malcom , and on piano, John Fura, warm up before the fund raiser sponsored by the Senior Class.

W ill W illa u e r and Tim B rig h t served dessert.

Faculty and students had the ir choice of steak or lobster at the grand affair.

This dance w ith Stew only cost Mrs. Carey 5 points.

The kitchen crew did a fantastic job.

W e’re lo o k in ’ good! ^

The Class of 1980 com ing and going.



/ /

School Leader Doug Burke 80-81, Nick Kobusch 79-80

#1 U

Job Foreman Pat G illigan 79-80, Dave Dobrowski 80-81

/ C haplain’s Assistant John Russell 79-80, Frank Brants 80-81

Floor Leader Hinman II Tim Frost 79-80, Joe DodI 80-81 Floor Leader French II Brad Forcier 79-80, Mike Kinnaly 80-81 88


1 i


aze Editor Taco van der Valk dedicates 1979Blaze to Mr. Collins,

ivin Rimel receives Glee Club Award from r. Finkbelner.

IVlr. Collins receives truck he always wanted, and a g ift certificate fo r fishing equipm ent in appreciation fo r all that he does.

Karl Kontu receives an art prize from Mrs. Rives.

W ill Smith receives MVP fo r Varsity Tennis from Mr. Sawyer.

lim Purcell, co-w inner MVP on Varsity Lacrosse. 89

M n

Hinman Prize and Pannaci M emorial Award — Tomas Guterres

Senior Prize — Jaap Kerrebijn

Addison M em orial Prize fo r Creative W riting — Brad Forcier

Caldwell Prize — Jim Purcell

Founders Prize — Stewart Dixon

This Faculty Prize is aw arded to the student w ho, in the opinion of the faculty, deserves special recognition fo r his outstanding a c h ie v e m e n t in s p o rt, in a c a ­ dem ics, in the arts; for his insati­ able intellectual curiosity; for his q u ie t le a d e rs h ip ; a n d fo r his g entlem anly dem eanor. — Karl Olavi Kontu

This Faculty Prize is aw arded to the student w ho, in the opinion of the faculty, has dem onstrated an extraordinary devotion to his jo b , to his studies, and to his school; w ho takes satisfaction in helping behind the scenes and quiet pride in a job well done. — David W illiam M oore-Jones

This Faculty Prize is aw arded to the student w ho, in the opinion of the fa c u lty , has p ro vid ed a fine exam ple of leadership both to his classm ates and to the un­ derclassm en of C ardigan M oun­ tain School and w ho has consis­ tently given his best to com plete any task given him. — Patrick John G illigan -91

Guest speaker, Mr. W hitey Burnham, spoke about the real meaning o f sport.

Class Treasurer, David McCusker, announces class gift.

Class President, Pat G ilijgan, ' ‘Mr. Wakely, THIS IS YOUR LIFE”


“ I did not hit that horse! He ran Into my car.”

M n


Mr. Lawrence G oldthw ait delivered the Com m encem ent Address, urging the graduates to thin k o f Virhat they were taking from Cardigan and what they were leaving behind.

L /^iS ©F

Mr. Savage Frieze w/elcomed parents and friends to his first com m encem ent as Chairman of the Board of Trustees . ..

Those Seniors — Now you see them, now you d o n ’t.

. . . and obviously enjoyed handing out diplom as as much as the Seniors enjoyed getting them.

Âťâ– r & . Mr. Wakely directed tra ffic . . .


everyone too k fam ily photograplis , . .

. and, finally, it was over.

M n

Swaebe, Forsyth, Mrs. Wakely, Duffy, M ortim er.

First Row: Samos, Leffman, M orrison, M iller, Larrrsam, Collins, Mendoza. Second Row: VerheuI, Tharp, Eager, Castaneda, McKee, Sanchez, Swaebe, Burden, M cAuliffe, Yacavone, Calise, Kelly, Fradkin. Third Row: Fura, Knauer, Forsyth, Dixon, B right, Saldarriaga, Dust, Dodi, Kontu, Alper, M itchell, Rimel.



First Row: Stephenson, Moore-Jones, Stolt-Nielsen, Mera, Knauer, M cClaughry. Second Row: Mr. Mahoney (Advisor), van der Valk, Astor, W ilson, W argin M., Hale, Iverson,

First Row: Dust, Knauer, Goode, Lighthall, Stephenson, Humann. Second Row: Rimel, Forsyth, Hancock, Hale, M itchell, Morgan, Dixon. 97

M n

Brett Duffy, Francis Humann, Mr. Hart (Advisor).

Kirby Goode helped out in the spring drama workshop.

First Row; Fradkin, Lamsam, Mendoza, Morgan. Second Row: Hancock, Swaebe, Mcl_ane, Knauer, M itchell.

Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Dalglish wrote, produced and directed “ W oodland Creatures,” an adapta­ tion of The Purple Pegassus.

Kneeling; Roth J „ Kontu, Leffman. Standing: Babcock, Thom pson W., Wargin G., Maloney, Humann, Mr, Cantlln, W illiams, Frost, Dobrowski.

mmmm mmmmmwrm

First Row IMrs. Carey (Advisor), M orelli, Kerrebijn, Humann. Second Row: Mr. Crowell, van der Valk, Guterres, Renkert, Jacob, Mr. Hicks.

^Katiunal ,^luniiir ^umur §'iiridw. L if


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ia ijioftt aiii grmitrft lljiB by tljr Jfaliunal Snuitril.

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A form er student of Cardigan, Alan Fahrner, was one o f the members who came from Mascoma to conduct the ceremony.

Members o f the Mascoma Chapter of the National Honor Society conducted the candlelight ceremony. New members were tapped by the ir academic advi­ sors when possible.


Mr. M arrion (Advisor), Casey Murphy, Frank M orrelli, Kevin Powers.

fU l


Kneeling: Leffman, Kulson, Padilla. S itting: Sands, Mr. Madar, Riihiluom a, Samos. Fradkin was out to lunch.

M n


As the CRO flies, it ’s three miles.

Go down the street and take a left, kid.

Would you buy a used car from this man?

% Have a banana?


‘ I'm a sole survivor!”

"C om e on you guys, the fun is over!” 105

F aster th a n a s p e e d in g bullet . . .

I too k my lessons from Nureyev. 106


Heyf Mr. Cool.

Use your glove, Rick, use your glove.

' r^ ' ■s->'sb ^ *-.


34, 35, 36 — Hey guys, I thin k w e’ve got too many.


I swear Mr. Madar, th a t’s all I took.

Mr. Universe




Did you ever consider buying a new raquet, Jim ?


W hat’s that again, Harry? Don’t you wish you were as cute as I am?



M n




BECAUSE . . . — — — —



B @


He As He He

thinks he’s Mr. M usic. he walks he clicks his heels. likes giving "easy” quizzes. c an ’t navigate.




He doesn’t like to but­ ton his collar, either.

H e’s sooo cool.

Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Ballard Mrs. John Bright Sally Burden Fenton J. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Collins Dr. and Mrs. John Denby Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dobrow ski Mr. and Mrs. R obert D uncan, Jr. John A. Fanning Dr. and Mrs. Kendall Frost Mr. and Mrs. M ichael J. Fura Mr. and Mrs. G ordon Gibbs Ruth R. M cG rath Sue H adlock John and B ernice H artnett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koeck Dr. and Mrs. Peter L. Leffm an John E. M ahoney, Jr. M r. and Mrs. Frank H. M ayfield, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Koichi M era Pat M itchell A ndrew and Jack M urphy M r. and Mrs. C harles Orr M r. and Mrs. G. Thom as Perkins, Jr. Erik Price Mr. and Mrs. Jon Purcell Mrs. R obert Reeves Mr. and Mrs. John L. Russell Thom as Saldarriaga Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Seatter R ichard M. S incerbeaux M r. and Mrs. Edwin C. Stephenson M r. and Mrs. Tony Taliadoros and Fayzee M r. and Mrs. C linton T. W hiting John and Nancy Yacavone

Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Alper Reginald E. Barney Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. W illiam A.G. Boyle Joy M c.Intosh Buckner James W. Cam pion, Inc. Hanover, N.H. John and Nancy Conkling Mr. and Mrs. James D. Conniff Dr. and Mrs. Forbes Delany Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Glazier J. Ronald Goode Charles and Helen Hill Hirsch’s, Lebanon, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jacob, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Jude Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kelly

Dr. and Mrs. W arren Knauer Robert M. Lusk Mr. and Mrs. John R. M e.Lane Jr. A Friend Of The Class Of ’81 Dr. and Mrs. Richard V. Palm er Mr. and Mrs. F. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sincerbeaux Chesley Juan Smith Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Sporher Robert B. Stevens Edythe M. Storrow Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Tem ple Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Toland Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. W hitcom b W hite River Paper Co.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Moss Alexander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Luis H. Ball M. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brang M errick Coates Brants Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. G.M.A. Guterres Dr. and Dr. Kerrebijn-Barto Mascom a Savings Bank, M em ber FDIC

Adolfo G. M endoza Dan M. Moody, Jr. Charles F. Morgan Robert and Elizabeth Porter Samos Family Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stolt-Nielsen Dr. James Thom pson Carla and Michael van Uithoven

Best wishes — Class of 1980 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kobusch Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sampsonis


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It is w ith deepest sorrow that we include this page. O ur student, classm ate, and friend W illy died in B urlington, V erm on t, on June 7 a fter a brief illness.


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