The Blaze - 1985

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C la rk -M o rg a n w as th e firs t b u ild in g o f the sch o ol and is today on e o f the m ain b u ild in g s o f th e cam p u s. A t b ottom left, th e G reen Sh ed , alth o u g h it has been m oved fro m b eh in d B rew ster to dow n by th e m a in ten a n ce b arn , is still C oach S h e lto n 's h ead q u arters, w h ere he can be fou nd p lo ttin g ou t a ftern o o n a ctiv itie s fo r a gro u p o f "d ad -d u rn p ills ." Several h o u ses have been b u ilt as sm all d o rm ito ries over th e years; Fra n k lin H ou se was the la te st o f th ese, sh ow n under co n stru ctio n above. A t upper rig h t, the g y m n asiu m w as b u ilt to accom od ate sp orts p rog ram s and h as b een expand ed to becom e th e K e n e rso n C en ter w ith lo ck er room , team room s, and social cen ter. T h e o rig in al b u ild in g w h ich housed C ard igan M o u n ta in Sch o o l c o n tin u es to serve an ed u catio n al pu rp ose as the N ew C an aan A cadem y.

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From th e n ew est b u ild in g on cam p u s, th e Stoddard C en ter, w h ich h o u ses th e K irk L ib rary , R ead in g D e p a rtm e n t, Foreign Lan gu age D ep a rtm en t, and th eatre com p lex, to C la rk -M o rg a n H a ll, th e o rig in a l H a ffe n re ffe r h om e, th e b u ild in g s o n c am p u s h a rm o n ize w ith on e a n o th er as w ell as w ith th eir su rro u n d in g s. S h o w n h ere, clock w ise fro m th e le ft, are th e Stod d ard C en ter, th e K e n e rso n C en ter, th e C h ap el, C la rk M o rg a n , H o p k in s H all, and B a n k s H ouse.

ACTIVITIES ARE A SOURCE OF TRADITION T hough we've m anaged to place a roof over our skating facilities since 1961, we still have to put up with the ever-changing New England weather. O ver the years, musical expression - from soloists to an orchestra - have been a part of Cardigan m em ories. As Cardigan has grow n, its athletic program has grow n to appeal to an everw idening interest in both individual and team sports. N ew boys (and old boys) have been clim bing Cardigan M ountain since the founding of the school - this group in 1949.









Some popular clubs this year, shown on page 14, are O utdoor Games, C onditioning, Free Skating, and Ice Fishing.

O thers include Cooking, Silkscreening, and Indoor Games - for those who like to stay warm and dry.


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EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-In-Chief Section Editors Special Color Faculty Seniors Underclassmen Sports Copy Darkroom Photographers Advisors

Rene Keilhauer Stephen Marks Toby Schwindt Franklin Staley Rene Keilhauer John Coleman Keith Skilling Ian Toney Dylan Dimock Chris Small Carter Neild Josh Perelman Paul Trombetta Ian Litmans Rick Massey Rita Carey Terry Decker Steve Heath



TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Birthday Section 20 Administration, Faculty, And Staff 33 Blaze Dedication 34 Senior Section 57 Four-Year Boys 58 School Leaders 60 Graduation 64 Prizes 66 Underclassmen 76 Clubs And Organizations 85 Sports 112 Lampoon 116 Autographs 120 Blaze Staff 122 Blaze Supporters and Advertising 128 Senior Directory




F ro n t: C h a rles, Betsy, M rs. W a k e ly , M ary . S tan d in g ; Jo n a th a n , M r. W ak ely , Mi^^sy, H erm an.



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M r. W illia m X . B a rro n E n g lish ; S o c c e r, W re s tlin g , L acro sse; B ik e T o u rin g & V o lle y b a ll C lu b s; E ig h th G ra d e C la ss A d v iso r; B .A ., C o lo ra d o C o lleg e.

M r. an d M rs. B lu n t and H eath er D o n a ld E. B lu n t: S c ie n ce D e p a rtm en t C h a irm a n ; I.P .S . and P rin c ip le s o f S c ien ce ; A ssista n t W o rk D e ta il C o a ch ; T ra p , Sau n a and X -C S k i C lu b s A d v isor; B .S . Ed., B rid gew ater S tate U n iv e rsity ; M .E d ., P en n sy lv a n ia S ta te U n iv ersity .

M rs . L in d a B o u ch er R e a d in g an d S tu d y S k ills , L an gu age T r a in in g ; B .S.E d ., P ly m o u th S ta te C o lleg e.

M r. B e n ja m in L. B ressler U .S. H isto ry ; S o ccer, R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g ; H a c k y S a c k C lu b A d v isor; B .A ., Sk id m o re C o llege.

Faculty, Staff, And Administration M r. N eil Brier U .S. H isto ry ; S o ccer, S k iin g , Lacrosse; X C o u n try T ra il R e s to ra tio n , M u sic , F id d and G a m es C lu b s; N in th G rad e C la ss A d v iso r; B .A ., U n io n C ollege.

M r. Jo sh u a D . B ressler L P .S . and P rin c ip les o f S c ien ce ; S o ccer, H o ck ey , Lacrosse; F risb ee and B ack g am m o n C lu b s A d v isor; B .S ., H o b art and W illia m S m ith C ollege.

M r. and M rs. C arey and K atie A n th o n y L. C arey: R ea d in g and S tu d y S k ills , Langu age T r a in in g ; In tra m u ra ls, N o rd ic S k iin g , S a ilin g ; D irecto r o f C lu b P ro g ram ; B.A ., H o b a rt C o lleg e; M . Ed., U n iv e rsity o f V e rm o n t. R ita D u n n C arey; U .S. and H isto ry o f W e ste rn C iv iliz a tio n ; P e rfo rm in g A rts; Blaze A d visor, N a tio n a l Ju n io r H o n o r S o c ie ty A d v iso r, S ix th G rad e C la ss A d v iso r; B .A ., T r in it y C olleg e.

M r. J . D u d ley C la rk i4ath; S o ccer, H o ck ey , Lacrosse; R ocketry and G a m es C lu b A d visor; 5.A., T r in ity C ollege; M .E d ., 'Jo rth e a ste rn U n iv ersity .

M r. K ev in C o b u rn E n g lish ; C ro ss C o u n try R u n n in g , H o ck ey , B a seb a ll; F ish in g C lu b A d v iso r; B.A ., U n iv ersity o f V erm o n t.

M r. Jo h n B. C o ffin M a th ; S ch o o l Sto re M an ag er; N in th G rade C la ss A d visor; U n iv ersity of H artford.

M r. and M rs. C o llin s Jo se p h M . C o llin s; A s sista n t H ead m aster; D irecto r o f S tu d ies; D ea n o f S tu d e n ts; M a th ; F o otb all, B a s k e tb a ll, B a seb a ll; B .S., B o sto n U n iv ersity .

M r. an d M rs. C ritten d en , Jo h n , M a ry , Sarah D av id B . C ritte n d e n : D e v e lo p m e n t and A lu m n i A ffa irs; B .A ., S t. Law ren ce U n iv ersity , M .A ., S a n F r a n c is c o S ta te C o lleg e . V irg in ia C . C ritte n d e n : Lan gu age T ra in in g ; B.A ., U n iv e r s ity o f C a lifo rn ia a t D a v is.

M r. R ic k C r u ik sh a n k E a rth S c ie n ce ; J.V . F o o tb a ll, W re stlin g , W ild e rn e ss; R o c k C lim b in g and S k i M o u n ta in e e rin g C lu b s A d v iso r; E ig h th G rade A d v iso r, B .A ., St. Law rence U n iv e rsity .

M r. H a ro ld F in k b e in e r, Jr. F u n d a m en ta ls o f M u s ic , M u s ic A p p recia tio n , M u s ic H isto r y ; K e y b o a rd ; P e rfo rm in g A rts; S e n io r K a ra te C h a m p io n ; G le e C lu b A d v iso r; B .M .M .M . W e s tm in is te r C h o ir C o lleg e ; M . D iv ., M c C o rm ic k T h e o lo g ic a l S e m in a ry . M is s Jo a n H a n n u m S p a n is h ; C h o ir, K a ra te C lu b A d v iso r; B .A ., L a S a lle C o lleg e.


M r. an d M rs. C row ell Ja m e s W . C row ell: Scien ce ; S a ilb o a t M a in ta in a n c e , R ecreatio n al S k iin g , S a ilin g ; C ro s s C o u n try M a in ta in a n c e and S k i T o u rin g C lu b s A d visor; B.S., Y ale U n iv ersity ; M .S ., Y ale U n iv ersity .

M r. T e rr y D e c k e r U .S. and H isto ry o f W e ste rn C iv iliz a tio n ; S o ccer, S k iin g , B aseb all; Blaze C lu b A d v isor, S e v en th G rade C la ss A d v iso r; B .A ., S .U .N .Y . at G en eseo.


M r. and M rs. H art V irg in ia H art: A ssista n t L ib ra ria n ; B .S., U n iv e rsity o f G eo rg ia. M .A ., M id d le b u ry C ollege; W illia m H art: E n g lish ; S o ccer, R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g , B a seb a ll; B o w lin g and G o lf C lu b A d v isor; B .A ., N ew E n g lan d C o lleg e; T ea c h e r C e rtific a te , U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth C a ro lin a C h arlo tte; M .A ., M id d le b u ry C o lleg e; C e rtific a te o f G ra d u a tio n , P in e h u rst G o lf A d vantage S ch o o l.


M r. Edw ard J . H aye E n g lish ; S o ccer, B a sk e tb a ll, B aseb all; C h ess C lu b A d v iso r; A .B ., D a rtm o u th C ollege.

M r. and M rs. H eath , A m a n d a , and A aro n S tep h en L. H eath : B io lo g y , P rin c ip les o f S c ie n ce ; F o o tb a ll, N o rd ic S k iin g , Lacrosse; Blaze P h o to g ra p h y A d v iso r; B .S ., P ly m o u th S ta te C o llege.

â– â– B ru ce K . H e n n essey M a th e m a tic s; B ic y c lin g , A lp in e S k iin g , W ild e rn e ss-R o p e s C o u rse; R o c k C lim b in g , T e le m a rk in g C lu b s A d v iso r; B.A ., P otsd am C ollege. M r. and M rs. H ic k s, Je a n -M i and N atalie Je ffre y D . H ic k s: D ire c to r o f A d m issio n and S e n io r P lacem en t; Fo reig n Langu age D ep a rtm en t C h a irm a n ; S o ccer; Fly T y in g and F ish in g C lu b A d v isor; B .A ., R o llin s C olleg e; M .A ., T r in it y C o lleg e; C e rtific a te o f Fren ch S tu d ie s, U n iv e rsity o f L au san n e. M a ry -P ie rre H ick s: F ren ch ; C e rtific a te de P rep ed eu tiq u e, U n iv ersite d 'A ix -M a rse ille .

R ev eren d H a rry R . M a h o n e y S c h o o l C h a p la in ; R e lig io n D ep a rtm en t C h a irm a n ; C h ristm a s P agean t D irecto r; Fire C o m m is sio n e r; M a g ic C lu b A d v isor; B.S. Ed., B o sto n U n iv ersity ; B .D ., A n d o v er Nevifton T h e o lo g ic a l Sch o o l.

M r. and M rs. M a rk s G a ry P. M a rk s: W o o d w o rk in g , M o v ie and W o o d w o rk in g C lu b A d v isor; B .A ., T e m p le U n iv ersity ; M .A ., M .F .A ., B ow lin g G reen S ta te U n iv ersity . N ela M a rk s: A rt; Stoddard G a lle ry E x h ib it O rg a n iz e r, M ov ie C lu b A d visor; B .F.A ., B o w lin g G reen S tate U n iv ersity .

M r. M a rr io n , B eth , M rs . M a rrio n , Je n n ife r , S te p h a n ie , an d Jim m y C o n sta n c e F. M a rrio n : L an gu age

Ja m e s N . M a rrio n : D ire c to r o f A th le tic s; M a th ; F o o tb a ll, H o c k ey , B a se b a ll; R o c k C lim b in g & S k i T o u rin g C lu b s A d v iso r; B.E d ., K e en e S ta te C o lleg e.


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M r. an d M rs . R a m o s, R a m o n , and V id al E d ilb e rto C . R a m o s: M a th D e p a rtm e n t C h a irm a n ; In tra m u ra ls, H o c k e y , T e n n is ; B o w lin g and C o m p u te r C lu b s A d v iso r; B.A ., Feati U n iv e rsity ; M .T .S ., C a th o lic U n iv e rsity ; M .A .L .S ., D a rtm o u th C o lleg e .

S h e ila A. M a rk s S p a n ish and T y p in g ; K arate and M o v ie C lu b s A d visor; B.A ., E astern Illin o is U n iv ersity .

C arol M Q kJ*K a th le en D . S ca n lo n R ead in g and S tu d y S k ills , Language

S h elto n

N a sso n C o lle g e ° " D a v ir F ^Sh e1t^^*°s'^‘ ® T *

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C o lu m b ia U n iv ersity .




lMliiMI__i Bridgewfter^Stat; Confge

^.S. Ed!

â– mm. ~ sm

W ould you buy a used van from this m an?

W e hated to sell, N orm , but we got 10 m illion for the place.

Let's just go along and get those palefaces.

I Definitely a rework.

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t,..â– thSik

If we get these back to the kitchen by 5:00 Leona will never know.

O ur own puppet governm ent right here at CMS.

^ Ju d y R ib e iro B o o k k eep er & Se creta ry

...... ,


R u th T a lb e rt A s sista n t to th e H ead m aster

Sta rr R o b e rts , r- • - . ; D ev e lo p m e n t and A lu m n i O ffice

L o rrain e H en n essy O ff ic e S e c r e ta r y :

D r. 1. D in erm a n : Sch o o l P h y sic ia n

B u ild in g s and G ro u n d s S ta ff R a lp h L aP o in te, Jo h n R o b b in s , Jo h n C h a p m a n , Sh erw oo d G r if fin , R o n a ld Je n n a , R o b ert B u tterfie ld , M iln e r B en h am , Ja n e t L ab rie, T h e re sa B rod eu r, C h ris tin e L y o n s, E lean or W e lle r, D o ro th y Sw een ey :

K itch en S ta ff B ill P a rk er, N a n cy R e m a d e , D avid C u sh m a n , Pat M o rse , Leona Fiske

R o cco V in z i K itch en S ta ff

R alp h L ap oin te D irecto r of B u ild in g s and G rou n d s

B o b B u tterfield . Stev e Bean M a n a g e rs-K e n e rso n A th letic C en ter

B ill Parker C h ef-Slew ard


The Class of 1985 dedicates this Blaze to two educators com m itted to helping all students at Cardigan, both in and out of the classroom - M r. Donald E. Blunt and M rs. Beverly Bradford W akely. M rs. W akely's m any hours arranging dances and receptions, completing certificates, sewing on buttons and hem m ing pants, as well as the hours she devotes - m any of them in the early m orning - to the Language Training and Reading/Study Skills program have made her very special to us. M r. Blunt is a patient, understanding person who not only teaches his students science, but of life itself. His devotion to teaching and his willingness to help students both in class and in supervised study hall are recognized and appreciated. To M r. Blunt and M rs. W akely, you have the sincere thanks and the deepest respect of the Class of 1985.


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C h e y e n n e Bod hi A m o s C a n n a n , N ew H a m p sh ire R e se rv e F o o tb a ll 6 (C ap tain), 7, 8, (C ap tain ), V a rs ity F o o tb a ll 9, R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g 6, R eserv e B a sk e tb a ll 7 (M o st Im p ro ved ), 8 (C ap tain), V a rsity B a sk etb a ll 9, T h ir d B a se b a ll 6, R eserv e L a cro sse 7, 8 (C ap tain ) V a rs ity L acro sse 9; M o d el, In d o o r G a m es, U n icy cle , In d o o r So ccer, Field G a m es, C h e ss, S ilk s c re e n in g C lu b s; S c ie n c e L a b o ra to ry A s s is ta n t 7, H o p k in s 1 C la ssro o m S u p e rin te n d e n t 8, H ead o f D ay B o y s 9; C la ss S e creta ry 8, 9; N a tio n a l Ju n io r H o n o r S o c ie ty 8, 9, A w ards: M a th e m a tic s 6, 7, S c ie n ce 7, E n g lish 7, H is to r y 7, 8, Fo reig n Lan gu age 7, E n g lish C o m p o sitio n Prize 7. If you have n ot lived , do so already!

P aul Forrest B artley , Jr. D arien C o n n e cticu t R eserv e S o ccer 8, J.V . Soccer 9 (M o st Im proved), R eserv e B ask etb all 8, V a rsity B a sk etb a ll 9, S a ilin g 8, R eserve T e n n is 9; M odel C a rs, Ice S k a tin g , M o v ie C lu b s; A u d io -V isu a l 8, 9. "L e t m e rem in d you o f the face b eh in d the m a s k ." T h o m p so n T w in s

Jo h n Lew is Bayne N ew C an aan , C o n n e cticu t R eserve F o o tb all 7, 8, V a rsity F ootb all 9, T h ird H o ck ey 7, R eserv e B a sk etb a ll 8, V a rsity B a sk e tb a ll 9, T h ird L acrosse 7, V a rsity L acrosse 8, 9; Sp eak er B u ild in g , W oo d C arv in g , S ilk S c re en in g , Sk ate B oard in g , T ra p sh o o tin g C lu b s; D in in g ro o m Su p erin te n d a n t 8, Stoddard S u p erv iser 9; D u ll w as th e A rm ou r, Cold w as the day. L on g w as th e jo u rn e y , H ard was the w a y ." Led Z ep p elin ,

D o u g la ss C h a rles Beem an N o rth fie ld , Illin o is V a rsity S o ccer 8 (M o st V alu ab le), 9 (C ap tain), R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g 8, 9, V a rsity T e n n is 8 (M o st V alu ab le), 9; M a g ic, G y m n a stic s, T ra p S h o o tin g , C h ess, Ind oor S o ccer C lu b s; C h o ir, Se n io r C la ss P resid en t, H o n o r R o ll 9. " G n o th i S a u to n " - S o cra tes, K n ow T h y se lf.

Ja m e so n Larned B latch fo rd C h ica g o , Illin o is R eserv e F o o tb all 8, V a rsity F oo tb all 9, R eserv e H o ck ey 8, 9, R eserve T e n n is 8, 9; Ind oor G am es, C o o k in g , B o w lin g , M ovie C lu b s. T h e sch o o l year is over bu t the adventu re is ju s t b eg in n in g .

Jo h n A rth u r B le n n e rh a sse tt C h risto b a l, R ep u b lic o f P an am a R eserv e F ootb all 8, V a rsity F ootb all 9, R ecreatio n al S k iin g 8, 9, W ild e rn e ss 8, V a rsity Lacrosse 9; M ov ie, R o c k C lim b in g C lu b s; Band: T h e V an d als; Floor Leader H ayw ard 9. H ey M o n ! Ja m on th at feed back!

S c o tt A la n Blue L o u isv ille, K e n tu c k y V a rs ity S o ccer 9, T h ird H o ck ey 9, R eserve T e n n is 9; M a g ic C lu b . " R e a s o n fo r liv in g ? "


M a rk G erald Bothw ell D a rien , C o n n e cticu t R eserv e S o ccer 8, V a rsity F oo tb all 9, R eserv e H o ck ey 8 (M o st V alu able), V a rsity H o ck ey 9, V a rsity B aseball 8, 9; W in te r S p o rts, S tree t H ockey , S k iin g , C o n d itio n in g C lu b s; Fren ch I Floor Leader 9.

T h o m a s C h risto p h e r B u rn s M arb leh ead , M assa ch u setts R eserv e A Soccer 8, R eserv e Football 9, V a rsity B A lp in e T eam 8, 9, T h ird L acrosse 8, R eserv e T e n n is 9; S ilk sc re e n in g , S k a teb o a rd in g C lu b s; Head o f S e n io r A rt and A d v ertisem en t C o m m ittee. W e ju s t w anna have som e fu n w h ile w e're you n g en ou g h to get aw ay w ith it: G an g G reen , T im e is m o n ey, m on ey is tim e; we got you r m oney, we got n o tim e: T h e F.U .'s

Jo h n N e lso n C o lem an D a lla s, T exa s C ro ss C o u n try R u n n in g 8, V a rsity F o otb all 9, V a rsity N o rd ic S k iin g 8, 9, R eserv e T e n n is 8, R ecrea tio n a l S a ilin g 9; Stereo Sp eak er C lu b , M o v ie, Blaze, A u dioV isu al 8, 9, P erfo rm in g A rts L ig h tin g 9; Floor Leader, C la rk -M o rg a n II 9. " T h a n k s M o m and D ad fo r h elp in g m e get th ro u g h m y tw o years at C ard igan . It w as a hard d ecisio n to m ake fo r m e to go b u t it turned out fo r th e b e tte r,"

Jo h n C ovucci Lafayette, N ew Je rse y T h ird So ccer 7, 8, J.V . Soccer 9, R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g 7, W re stlin g 8, 9, T h ird B aseb all 7, 8, R eserve T e n n is 9; W o o d C a rv in g , S to n e C arv in g , S treet H o ckey , S k a tin g , R ifle ry C lu b s; H o n o r R o ll 7, Floor Leader N ew ton 9. T h o se C an aan days were aw fu lly bad. D ak a D ata. " O h D e a r." -Ju g .

D y la n A lan D im o c k C h a rlo ttesv ille, V irg in ia V a rsity F oo tb all 8, 9 (C aptain), R eserv e H o ck ey 8 (M o st Im proved), 9 (C aptain), (M o st V alu able), R eserve Lacrosse 8 (M o st V alu ab le), V a rsity L acrosse 9; C o n d itio n in g , C o o k in g , B o w lin g , S treet H ockey , Ind oor Soccer, C h e ss/B a c k g a m m o n C lu b s; H o n o r R o ll 8, Blaze: Stu d e n t R ecrea tio n a l C o -D ire c to r 9. " T h e S o u th w ill R ise a g a in " . . . W o o d b e rry Forest . . . S o u th e rn S ty le . . .


W illia m R u sse ll D o ck G u ad elo u p e, F ren ch A n tille s R eserv e F o o tb a ll 6, 7, R eserv e So ccer 8, JV S o ccer 9 (C ap tain ), R eserv e H o c k e y 6, 7, 8, J V H o c k e y 9 (C ap tain), R eserv e L acrosse 6 , R eserv e T e n n is 7, V a rs ity T e n n is 8, 9; Blaze, S k a te b o a rd in g C lu b s. E v ery o n e 's g o t th eir ups and dow ns, but in th is p lace w h en y o u 're dow n th ey try to keep you th e r e " - Je llo B ia fra , Dead K e n n ed y s "Y e a h y ' k n o w " -R a n k in g R og er


W o o d fo rd H ecto r D u lan ey L o u isv ille, K e n tu ck y V a rsity So ccer 8, 9, R ecreatio n al S k iin g 8, V a rsity B a sk e tb a ll 9, R eserv e T e n n is 8, 9; B o w lin g , H ack y S a c k , S ilk Scre en in g , S k a te b o a rd in g C lu b s. "T h e B la ck T u n a G a n g " - "Y o u 'v e G ot Bad B re a th " - "Y o u H ave A R ig h t T o Be C ra z y " - "E v e ry o n e 's G u ilty " - "B u y W ar B o n d s " " Y e s s s s s s s s s s ir " - " W e A re T h e G u in ea P ig s "

D avid W ista r d u P on t A lp in e, N ew Je rse y R eserv e F ootb all 8, 9, R eserv e H o ck ey 8, JV H o ck ey 9, R eserv e T e n n is 8, 9; M o v ies, C h ess, Sp e ak er B u ild in g C lu b s.

A n th o n y D avid Fam ilian B everly H ills, C a lifo rn ia R eserv e Footb all 8, V a rs ity F o o tb all 9, R eserv e B ask etb a ll 8 (M o st Im proved), V a rsity B ask etb a ll 9, V a rsity T e n n is 8, 9; S k a tin g , M o v ie C lu b s. " T o g et air is rad, T o b ite it is b a d ." "I'v e been b eaten up, I've been th row n out; But I'm n o t douin, n o I'm n o t dow n. I'v e been sh ow n up. But I've g ro w n up; n o I'm n ot dow n, no I'm n ot d o w n ." - T h e C lash

B ria n T ra c y Fellers G ra fto n , N ew H am p sh ire T h ird So ccer 7, R eserv e Soccer 8, R eserve Fo o tb all 9, R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g 7, R eserve B a sk etb a ll 8 (M o st Im proved), R ecrea tio n a l S k iin g 9, T h ird Lacrosse 7, 8 (C aptain), (M o st V a lu ab le), R eserve L acrosse 9; M a g ic, S p rin g G am es, M odel R o ck etry , C h ess, S ilk S c re e n in g C lu b s. T h a n k Y o u , M r. Brier.

R o b e rt Ja m e s F in lay A m h erst, N ew H a m p sh ire R eserve F ootb all 8, V a rsity F o otb all 9 (C aptain), R eserv e H o ck ey 8, V a rsity H o ck ey 9, R eserve L acrosse 8, V a rsity Lacrosse 9, M ov ie, T e n n is , D a rk ro o m .


O r in Ford F lask R y e, N ew H am p sh ire R eserv e S o ccer 8, V a rs ity S o ccer 9, R eserv e B a s k e tb a ll 8, W re s tlin g 9, R eserve L acro sse 8, R eserv e T e n n is 9; C o o k in g , Blaze, M o v ie C lu b s.

S te ffe n H a sb ro u ck Fletcher W e stfo rd , M a ssa c h u setts R eserv e S o ccer 7, R eserv e F ootb all 8, V a rsity F o o tb all 9, V a rsity A lp in e A 7 (M o st Im proved) 8, 9 (C ap tain), R eserve L acro sse 7 (C ap tain) 8, R ecreatio n al T e n n is 9; Stere o sp eak er. S k ateb o ard in g , O u td o o r G a m es, M o v ie, S ilk Scre en in g ; Fo reign L an gu age L a b o rato ry A ssista n t 8. W e ll? ? ? W h o are th e B rain P olice. Is life as b o rin g as you are?

V ern e R o b e rt Fryklu n d W in c h e ste r, M assa ch u setts C y c lin g 8, 9 (M o st Im proved), A lp in e B 8, 9, C y c lin g 8, R ecrea tio n a l T e n n is 9; T ra p S h o o tin g , M o v ie, S k ateb o ard in g ; C lassro om S u p e rin te n d e n t-H o p k in s II. " W e live day by d a y ." -Jo h n n y R o tten

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John Dale Holt, Jr. Bowling Green, O hio Reserve Football 7 (Most Improved), Varsity Football 8, 9 (Most Improved), Recreational Skiing 7, Reserve Basketball 8, Varsity Basketball 9 (Captain), Sailing 7, 8, Track 9; Radio Controlled Models, Magic, Rock C lim bing, W iffle Ball Clubs.


George Joseph H usson, Jr. W estford, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 8, 9 (Captain), Track 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Physical C o n d itio n in g , V olleyball, Street Hockey, Chess Clubs; Floorleader-Hinman II 9. "Y o u can't always get w hat you w ant, but if you try sometimes, you just m ig h t find , you get w hat you need." -Stones.

G ary Paul H yjek H artford, Connecticut Reserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, Reserve Hockey 8, JV H ockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9 (Captain): T ennis, C o oking, W iffle Ball, Silkscreening Clubs; N .J.H .S. 9; Floor Leader Brewster II 9. "I w ish I had a souvenier just to prove the w orld was here" - N ena. "T im e may change me, but I can't change tim e " D avid Bowie. They say hard w ork never hurts anyone; but I'm not tak ing any chances. See yaLater: M .W ., P.K., Chris Sm all, C.S., M , M Sm all, M iss M arks, J.S., M r. Haye.

Henry Michael Jackson New Orleans, Louisiana Reserve Football 7, Varsity Football 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 7, Performing Arts 8, 9, (Award for Technical Excellence), Third Lacrosse 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Neat Room Award 8; Trapshooting, Magic Clubs; Audio-Visual Assistant 7, 8, Head of Audio-Visual 9. "D on't critique what you don't understand." -Bob Dylan "Given the choice between lying around and accomplishing something, I rather lie around." Eric Clapton

Jam es A. James, Jr. Carm el, In dian a V arsity Football 8, Intram urals 9, Varsity Basketball 8 (M ost Improved), Perform ing Arts 9, (M ost Improved), Reserve Lacrosse (Captain) 8, Track 9; H ono r Roll; Remote C ontrol, Hockey, M ovie, Chess, Tennis C lubs; A ssistant Floor Leader- French II. It's a long way to Tiporary. Catcha later Boomer, M .W , P.K. and last and certainly least R .M ., B.M.

T o m m i Paavo Jo k in e n H yvinkaa, Finland V arsity Soccer 9, V arsity H ockey (M ost V aluable) 9, Reserve T ennis 9; Karate, C o n d itio n in g , Street H ockey Clubs.

Rene Francisco Keilhauer H ingham , Massachusetts Third Soccer 6, Reserve Soccer 7, 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7, Third Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Third Baseball 6, 7, 8, Track 9; Woodworking, Indoor Games, Cooking, Tennis, Blaze Editor; Co-Monitor 8, Floor Leader-Banks House 9.


Peter M id d le broo k Kellogg II W aterbury, Connecticut Cross C o u n try R u n n in g 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Reserve Basketball 9, P erform ing Arts 9, T hird Lacrosse 8, Reserve T ennis 9; M ovie, S ilk Screening, Skateboarding C lubs.

Rea N elson Lem m ond, Jr. Charlotte, N o rth C arolina Reserve Football 8, JV Soccer 9, A lp in e B 8, Recreational S k iin g 9, C y c lin g 8, Sailing 9; Bow ling, M ovie, C yclin g, Silk Screening. "D o n 't leave som ething till the last m in u te ." "T rust m e."

David Joseph Lester Canaan, New Hampshire Third Soccer (Manager) 7, Intramurals 8, 9, Performing Arts 7 , Reserve Basketball 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Recreational Tennis 7, 8, 9; Magic, Indoor Games, Remote Control Models, Movie, Rocketry, Chess-Backgammon Clubs. Goodbye, Finally!

Roger Allen Liebrum, Jr. Houston, Texas Third Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Performing Arts 8, Alpine B Skiing 9, Track 8, 9; Movie, Rock Clim bing Clubs. People are People so why should it be. You and I get along so awfully . . . Depeche Mode As long as the music communicates that's all that counts- The Edge You can tell me that I got no class, look around you, see who's laughing last. Rush

John Carl Lindgren North Granby, Connecticut Varsity Soccer 8, Varsity Football 9 (Captain) (Most Valuable), Wrestling 8 (Captain), Varsity Basketball 9 (Captain), (Most Valuable), Reserve Baseball 8 (Captain), Varsity Baseball 9; Floor LeaderH inm an I 9; Magic, Karate, Silk Screening, Movie Clubs. W hat else can I say but M om and Dad . . . Thanks for everything.


Curtis George Linkletter Locust Valley, New York Third Soccer 6, RÂťsi%ve Soccer 7, Varsity Soccer 8, 9, A lpine S>.i Team 6, Reserve Hockey 7, 8, JV Hockey 9, Recreational Tennis 6, Reserve Baseball 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8 (Most Improved), , Varsity Lacrosse 9, Model M aking, Indoor Soccer, Stereo Speaker, Hacky Sack, Outdoor Sports, Skateboarding; Student Recreational Co-Director 9. "If you don't want to be here, there's the door and two windows.-Blunt. "Err"-Toby

Charles Zapata Lyder Scituate, Massachusetts Reserve Soccer 8 (Most Valuable), Varsity Soccer 9, Reserve Basketball 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Track 8 (Most Improved) (Captain), Varsity Lacrosse 9; Frisbee, Volleyball-Indoor Soccer, MTC Video Music, Karate, Freestyle Skiing, Wiffleball Clubs; Honor Roll. Ticking away the moments of a dull day; You fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way; Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown; W aiting for someone or something to show you the way.



Dana Joseph Lynch Singapore, China Reserve Football 7, Reserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Varsity Wrestling 7, 8 (Most Valuable), 9 (Most Valuable), Third Baseball 7, Reserve Tennis 8, Wilderness 9. Thank you Mr. Barron for wrestling; Go Wrestlers; It's been real. Grandma, the things I did were for you. We are out of here forever, and forever is too soon.

W illiam Stephen Marks Houston, Texas Reserve Soccer 8, Cross Country 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Recreational Nordic I Skiing 9, Sailing 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Movie, Skateboard, Blaze Clubs; D ining Room Superintendant 9. 1984- George Orwell, U-2 Art, Music, Research Paper Hotline 1-800-621-5745.

Richard Cunliffe McBee IV New Orleans, Louisiana Reserve Football 6, 7, 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 7, Reserve Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 6, Third Baseball 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Sportsman, Outdoor, Movie Clubs; Floor LeaderFrench II 9. Tomorrow to tomorrow not Today hear the Lazy People Say.

Ward Kimbrough McBee New Orleans, Louisiana Reserve Football 7, Reserve Soccer 8 (Most Improved), JV Soccer 9, Reserve Hockey 7 (Manager), Third Hockey 8 (Captain), JV Hockey 9, Third Baseball 7, 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Ultimate Frisbee, Backgammon, Golf, Magic, Street Hockey, Movie Clubs; Reception Crew, Floor Leader-Proctor House 9. "The south will rise again." See ya later J.J., Zap, Chris, Mike, Kellog, Bill, and everybody else.


W illia m Nicholas McKenna IV Norwell, Massachusetts JV Soccer (Captain) 9, Alpine B Team 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Track 8, 9. W hy must I be perpetually tormented? W hy? Good Time Guadala Harris and Chris "N oggen Cranium — " Good Times Math, Pete, Jam Master Jay, J.J., Later Days.

Andrew Savage M cM illan St. Louis, Missouri Reserve Soccer 7, 8, (Most Valuable), Varsity Soccer 9, Reserve Hockey 7, 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Cycling 7, Reserve Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9; Outdoor Games, Movie, Silk Screening, Conditioning, Bowling, Hackey Sack, Indoor Soccer Clubs. N othing changes on New Years Day- U2 We won't get fooled again- The W ho It's only teenage wasteland- The W ho

W illia m Carter N eild Chicago, Illino is C ycling 8, JV Soccer 9, Perform ing Arts 8, 9, (M ost Valuable), Reserve T ennis 8, 9; Indoor Gam es, M o d e lin g , C o o king , Chess, Blaze, C o n d itio n in g C lubs; Glee C lu b 8, 9; N ationa l Ju n io r H o no r Society 9. M r. Sm all, about that spelling t e s t ...........

W ILL IA M T H O M A S PALYA II Bonita Springs, Florida Intramurals 7, Cross Country R unning 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 7, 8, 9, Third Lacrosse 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, JV Lacrosse 9; Model Rocketry, Magic Clubs. Just when I found out the meaning of life, they changed it. P.R. A dead rooster doesn't crow.

G E R A L D S C O T T PA Q U E T T E M anchester, N ew H am p sh ire V arsity Football 8, Cross C o u n try 9 (Captain), V arsity H ockey 8, 9, V arsity Baseball 8, 9; B ow ling, C o n d itio n in g , Tennis; H igh-H onor R o ll 8, 9, FloorLeader Greenw ood 9. T im e can change me b u t I can't change time. Bowie. T hanks M r. Brier. I love you M o m and Dad.


FREDERICK W A R R E N REIM ERS Jackson, Mississippi Third Soccer 6, 7, Reserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7, Wrestling 8, (Most Improved) 9, Third Baseball 6, 7, Sailing 8, Wilderness 9; Third Baseball 6, 7, Sailing 8, Wilderness 9; Written Expression Prize 6, Glee Club 6, 7; N.J.H.S. 9; Chaplain's Assistant 9. There is a Theory which states that if anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for it will immediately disappear and be replaced by something even more inexplicable.

Christopher Ben Rice Exeter, New Hampshire Cycling 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 8, A lpine A Team Manager 9, Tennis 9; Remote Control Car, Movie, Instructional Tennis, Cross Country Ski Trail Restoration, Chess Clubs.


W illia m W ile y Russell H ousto n, Texas Reserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, Recreational S k iin g 8, 9, C yclin g 8, T ennis 9; M ovie, S ilk Screening, Skateboarding Clubs. "T o m o rro w can never be like today." T hrasher m agazine "T alk m in u s action equals zero." -D .O.A .

Jo h n G ary Savage, Jr. W est Deerfield, Massachusetts V arsity Soccer 8, V arsity Football 9, A lp in e A Team 8, 9 (Coaches Award), V arsity Lacrosse 8, 9 (Captain); Bowling, V olleyball, R iflery and Trap, Indoor Soccer, C o n d itio n in g . "W e busted out of class, had to get away from those fools. W e learned more from a three m in u te record than we ever learned in school." Bruce Springsteen N o Surrender. T in a lly "D IL L IG A F " T hanks Bro, Pete, A n d C h ris bye!

Alfred Neal Scheufler Altoona, Kansas Soccer 8 (Manager), 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Wrestling 9, Track 8, 9; Trap/Skeet, Hunter Safety; Photo Lab. Thank God for Arron, The light of my life, Bonnie I'm coming home.

Christian Schilling Francestown, New Hampshire Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Basketball 8, Performing Arts 9, Reserve Baseball 8 (Most Improved), Track 9; Floor Leader-Brewster I 9. "M an, I ain't getting no where just living in a dum p like this, there's something happening somewhere baby I just know that there is"- Bruce Springsteen. See ya Later P.K., M .W ., Triple ]., J.C., B.M., Z.L., C.& W .M ., Coby, Bennie, Miss Marks, oh yea G.H. MISS Y O U ALL!! C.S. �

J. Nando Schmitt Milford, New Hampshire Varsity Soccer 8 (Most Improved), 9 (Most Valuable), Varsity Hockey 8, 9 (Captain), Track 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; H iking, Movie, Bowling, Chess, Wiffleball; Floor Leader-Stowell 9. "N o comment, but for those who know the deal; Friends, Music, Traveling, and Bob Marley. Most importantly my love and thanks to my family."

Tobias Benjamin Schwindt South Londonderry, Vermont Reserve Soccer 8, 9 Alpine B Team 8, Reserve Hockey 9 (Most Improved), Reserve Lacrosse 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Skateboarding, Snowboarding, CTV, Blaze Clubs. "Sometimes the lights are shining on me. Other times I can barely see." Grateful Dead. "This summer 1 hear them calling. We're finally on our own." Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Christopher Palmer Shipp Canaan, New Hampshire Reserve Football 6, 9, Third Soccer 7, Reserve Soccer 8, Reserve Basketball 6, 7, 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Reserve Tennis 6, Third Lacrosse 7, 8, JV Lacrosse 9; Magic, Sportsman, Riflery, Hacky Sack, Indoor Soccer, Trapshooting Clubs. "Let it be w ritten that those w h o have the youth have the future." -Farmers A lm anac

Christopher Robert Small Canaan, New Hampshire Intramurals 6, Football (Manager) 7, 8 (Most Improved), Varsity Football 9, Alpine B Team 6, Alpine A Team 7, Varsity Nordic 8 (Most Valuable Combined), 9 (Most Valuable) Reserve Tennis 6, Reserve Cycling 7, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9; Science Award 6; Games, Speaker Building, Blaze Clubs; National Junior Honor Society 8, 9; D in ing Room Superintendent 8, School Leader 9. H o w am I supposed to kn ow ? I can't wait to go H om e! W e are the Children- U.S. for Africa.

Franklin Edward W alton Staley Mexico, Missouri Reserve Football 6, Third Soccer 7, Reserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9 (Captain), Reserve Hockey 6, 7, 8, JV Hockey 9, Third Tennis 6, Third Baseball 7, Reserve Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9; Chaplain's Assistant 8, Job Foreman 9; Essay Award 8; Wilderness, Indoor Soccer, Blaze, Scribe Clubs; Christmas Pageant 9. " It is a rare m an w ho can be taken for what he really is inside. For behold they th in k me the joker, b u t I am the m agician. -Schmendrick

John-G ordon H o u g h to n Swogger H anover, N ew H am p sh ire In tram urals 7, 8, 9, P erform ing Arts 7, 8, 9, T hird Baseball 7, S ailing 8, 9; M o d e lin g , Stone C arving, M ovie, Indoor Gam es C lubs; Glee C lu b 7, 8, 9; N ationa l Ju n io r H o n o r Society 9; Laboratory A ssistant 8, C h ap lain's A ssistant 9.

Paul A ndre Trom betta Guatem ala, Central Am erica Reserve Soccer 8, V arsity Football 9, Recreational S k iin g 8, 9, T hird Team Lacrosse 8, Reserve T ennis 9; U ltim ate Frisbee, B ow ling, D arkroo m , S ilk Screening C lubs; Blaze Photographer 9. V o u lo ir c'est pouvoir - u n o rig in a l by R ick Stevens

Peter Errett Van Nice, Jr. Chicago, Illinois Reserve Football 8, 9, Reserve Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Reserve Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9; Blaze, Skateboarding Clubs. "It would be o.k. on any other day." Sting " If I should stumble catch m y fall" -Billy Idol Thanks Mr. BXB. "This is not Swiss" -Billy D.- P.E.V.N. & C .C JUG


N is ak o rn W anglee B angkok, T hailand V arsity Soccer 8, 9 (M ost Valuable), V arsity Basketball 8, Recreational S k iin g 9, Recreational T ennis 8, Reserve Lacrosse 9; A rt A w ard 8, Ro o m Inspection A w ard 8; C o n d itio n in g , V olleyball, Indo o r Soccer, Street Hockey, W h iffle b a ll Clubs; D in in g R o o m Superintendant 9. "W e are the W o rld " -U.S. for A frica

Curtis Gardner W a tk in s A cton, Massachsetts V arsity Soccer 7, 8, 9, Varsity H ockey 7,

8, 9, Reserve Baseball 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Field Sports, Winter Sports, Bowling, Hacky Sack, Indoor Soccer, Skateboarding Clubs. "W e ll I'm just back and I w ish I never left there." -The Clash It's ju st great! Just great!! - N C W

Sidney Abrams Weiss III Houston, Texas Intramurals 6, 7, Cycling 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7, 8, 9, Sailing 6, 9, Cycling 7, 8; Movie, Silk Screening Clubs; Public Relations Director 8, Franklin House Floor Leader 9; Effort Honor Roll 8, 9. After four long years o f solitary confinem ent to all GBPF I am free!!!

Charles W illia m W h itlo c k Copenhagen, D en m ark Cross C o un try 8, 9, Recreational S k iin g 8, 9, C yclin g 8, S a iling 9; H o n o r R o ll 8, 9; B ow ling, C om puter, Tennis, W oodcarving, Tai C h i, D a rkroo m C lubs; Glee C lu b 9; P ublic Relations Director 9. D o n 't mess w ith me; I kn o w Tai C h i. -Le T una

B enjam in W ils o n Paris, France JV Soccer 9, Recreational S k iin g 9, Reserve T ennis 9; T rapshooting, C o o k in g Clubs; Feet T uto ring Program.


Michael Richard Woodhouse Manchester, Conriecticut Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Performing Arts 9, Reserve Baseball 8, Track 9; Movie, Ice Skating, Magic Clubs; Peer Tutoring Program; Hayward Classroom Supervisor 9. Hey, Alex, what's the deal with the short haired . . . ? D .C . 85'

Senior Class O fficers and Advisors M r. C o ffin , B odhi A m os, D o u g Beeman, C h ris S chillin g , A ndrew M a c M illa n , M r. Brier.


M a n u e l M eixueiro Yglesias Mexico, D.F.

Third Soccer 6, Reserve Football 8, Track 9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Varsity Baseball Manager 6, Third Baseball 8, Reserve Baseball 9; Stereo and Electronics, Golf, Bowling, Silkscreening Clubs. G ive me a break m o n, oh I mean N o rm .


Bottom to Top: McBee C., Dock, Linkletter, Small, Staley, Weiss, Amos C , Shipp, Keilhauer, Reimers.


Standing: Husson G „ McBee W „ Taufman Jon, McBee C. Sitting: Fletcher J„ Amos C., Fletcher S., Amos H „ Husson M „ Taufman Josh. 57


B ottom to Top: S chm itt, McBee W ,, Blennerhassett, McBee C., H usson, C olem an, Covucci, Lindgren, Keilhauer, Savage, Schillin g, Bothwell, H yje k, W eiss, Paquette.

. .

-.V ,

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Bottom to Top; Reim ers, Pfeifle, W anglee, D antos, Linkletter, Bayne, Jackson, Schw indt, C lark, Fryklund, N o rto n, M arks, Evarts, A m os C., D im o c k , W o odho use, C h u d z ik , Swogger.


Hi 3

School Leaders: Jason Ham m ond '85-'86, Chris Small '84-'85, Mr. Wakely.

Jo b Foremen '85-'B6 Cam eron C lark, '84-'85 F ran klin Staley.




O n Baccalaureate Sunday, the Senior Class enters the Chapel for the last time as a group, before graduation. O n the following Friday, parents arrive for an afternoon of sports activities, a reception, the Senior Banquet, and evening entertainment, before Saturday morning's Commencement Exercises, which begin promptly at 11:00 a.m.


■^.ri. ■ '






To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has devoted countless hours to the organization of receptions, both for students after athletic events and for family members on special weekends. Charles W illiam W hitlock To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, through his commitment to his job and his willingness to help others has demonstrated a quiet dependability and hum ility of spirit. John-Gordon Houghton Swogger To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has given unselfish, knowledgeable assistance as student athletic trainer, earning the respect and admiration of both coaches and athletes for his patient, willing hand. Alfred Neal Scheufler To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has given unselfishly of his time and energy to ensure that this year's yearbook is a publication the entire school can be proud of. Rene Francisco Keilhauer To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has demonstrated a determination not only to excel in academics, but also to enrich our lives through his dedication to musical and dramatic endeavors, through participation in the Performing Arts, and through his loyalty and leadership in the Choir. W illiam Carter Neild


M r. and M rs. Deneal A m o s and M r. and M rs. Robert Snnall congratulate their sons Bodhi and C h ris after the ceremony. Bodhi w on the Faculty Prize w hich was presented to h im as the student w ho, in the o p in io n of the faculty, has excelled in academics under d ifficu lt circumstances for the past four years. As a day student he made the extra effort to be fu lly involved in all aspects of the school program and to im prove school life for all day students. B odhi was also presented w ith the Senior Prize w hich is awarded to the mem ber of the Senior Class w ith the highest academic standing. Chris Sm all received the H in m a n Prize w hich is given a n n u a lly in m em ory of M r. and M rs. H arold P. H in m a n to the m em ber of the school who, in the o p in io n of the faculty, by industrious ap p lication to his studies, through his attitude on the p lay ing field, and by his behavior and integrity, m ost nearly approaches the ideals of m an ho o d as conceived in the m in d s of the Founders of Cardigan M o u n ta in School.

Chris was also awarded the Pannaci Memorial Award which is given annually by the Class of 1959 as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the Senior Class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and general social and spiritual adjustment. The first S k ib isk i A w ard was presented to Jo h n Lyons G olden, Jr. and is to be given an n u a lly as a m em orial to M ichael R. S k ib isk i to that m em ber of the Senior Class w ho has show n the greatest progress du rin g the school year. The C aldw ell Prize is given to the boy w ho has show n o utstanding athletic achievement and good sportsm anship. T his year the Caldw ell Prize was awarded to Jo h n Carl Lindgren. The Founders Prize is awarded to the boy in the student body w ho has the w ill to complete any project, regardless o f the difficulties encountered, w ith o u t th o u g h t of personal gain, and whose objective is a jo b well done in the same approach that characterized the life of H arold P. H in m a n , one of the founders of Cardigan M o u n ta in School. The Founders Prize was presented to Jo h n G ary Savage, Jr. (Photo unavailable)



Eben Ernstof-Secretary Treasurer, M rs. Carey-Advisor, Jim Marrion-President, M rs. Sm all, D a v id Franklin-Vice President.

Front Row: D a v id Rafferty, D a v id F ranklin, Jim M a rrio n , M a tt H usson, D o u g W endt. Back Row: Eben Ernstof, O liv e r Summers, R o b D aigle, N e il A lfo rd , G ra h a m M u ck e rm an, M rs. Sm all.





W hitehead, Finnerty, Powers, Joyal, Treanor, Ram os, Pereira, O u tlaw , Schneithorst, Pflager, T hom as, Scully, Emerson, A m os, A m p u d ia , M arsh all, H u n t, M israh i, T aufm an, G ilbert.

Class O fficers and Advisors: M r. Decker, M a rk DantosSecretary Treasurer, Stanley Fitzroy-Mendis-President, George Kuckly-Vice-President, M r. Hart.

S itting Left: H itzig , Fanoe, D urey, C allahan, H uo t, Anderson, N eedham , W a ll Top to Bottom: Schm idt, Buffone, Meyer, M cLennan, Barclay, Steward, Albert, Jones, M u rd o ug h .



O fficers an d A dvisors M r. C ru ic k s h a n k , N at Evarts-Vice-President, M r. Barron. Eric Massey-Secretary, Jo n N orton-President, and Trask PfeifleTreasurer.

Brandy Cooper, Josh T aufm an, T om Coyne, and Geof Ballard.

G regg Long, Alex W assitsch, T om Byrne, O w sley Brow n, Greg M ichas, Ju lia n Fletcher, Ted Latham.


Richard Bergner, Chris S m ith , Kyle Beebe, J im m y H o lg u in , Pierce R unne ls, Josh Perleman, Ian Toney.

Keith S k illin g , S im o n W ithers, M ik e G arvin, Ben Saltoun, D w ig h t Kee, Jo h n W ierdsm a.


C lin t Halsted, Rob Conkling, John Harris, C hip Graham, Jim Terkelson, Doug Miller.

Jay lovino, M ike Chudzik, Kevin Dickey, A1 Schiavetti, Dan Cohen, Jon Foote. 70

Back: Logan Clarke, Trask Pfeifle, Jam ie Steele, Jim m y Sw anski, Ian Litm ans. Front: M arsh all Farrer, Jim Patten.

Richard Kane, C h ip Hoag, Sean Selfe, D avid Friedman, Jay Stefan, C hris Potvin, D o ug W eissm an.


R o b Pearson, Peter Lax, George M ille r, T im Baker, K evin O 'N e ill, Jody N ields, Lance Dercum .

Top: Scott O lszew ski, R ic k M assey, Jon N o rto n. Bottom: C a m m y C lark, N at Evarts, Jason H am m o n d , Jo h n Barto.



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"JOSEPH� SMASH HIT FOR PERFORMING ARTS Performing Arts is offered as a winter activity and has become more popular with each year's production. This year's show was "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Singing and dancing in a stage production was a new challenge for many of those involved. M any hours of hard work made for a splendid performance and is clearly the reason for the success’that the Performing Arts enjoys. Performances are open to all of Cardigan's friends but get your reservations early. Cardigan students in this year's production were Carter Neild, John Gordon Swogger, Chris Schilling, J.J. James, Mike Woodhouse, Pete Kellogg, and M ike Jackson (Class of '84); Jay Stefan, Scott Olszewski, Kevin Dickey, and M ike Chudzik (Class of '85); Chase Scully (Class of '86); Oliver Summers (Class of '87). Carter Neild was the Most Valuable Actor as Joseph. J.J. James was the Most Improved Actor in his role as Pharaoh; and M ike Jackson was awarded a special prize for Excellence and Technical Merit for his outstanding job as Lighting Director.







Front Row ; Long, S c hm id t, W e n d t, D antos, M u rd o u g h , lo v in o , Barclay, C h u d zik . Second Row: Steward, F ran klin , G ilbert, M israh i, S w an ski, H u n t. T hird Row: G raham , Barto, Schiavetti, Toney, W h itlo c k , Brown, M s. H a n n u m . Last Row: M r. Hennessey, N eild, Byrne, Savage, Finlay, Patten. A bsent for photo - M r. Sm all.


Left to R ig h t: F ran k lin Staley, M r. Barron (Advisor), Fred Reimers.



Bottom to Top: C olem an, Swogger, lo vin o , Keilhauer, Jackson, M rs. Shelton (Advisor), Dickey, Fletcher Terkelsen.


Schiavetti, O 'N e ill,


Front Row: Sum m ers, A m p u d ia , C h u d z ik , W e nd t, W h itlo c k , Kee, S h ip p , Dickey. Back Row: S k illin g , Fitzroy-Mendis, C lark, Jones, Swogger, Toney, M rs. W ak e ly (Advisor). ’


N e w ly adm itted m em bers of the N atio n a l Ju n io r H o no r Society Reim ers, Paquette, Clarke, H yjek, Swogger, and N e ild were tapped by present m em bers Sm all and A m os. Staff m em bers recognized as members of the N atio n a l H o no r Society included A udrey A rm stro ng , Bruce H ennessey, A ndrea Heath, Robert an d T hurza Sm all, W illia m Barron, and Rita Carey, A dvisor to the Cardigan C hapter.

This year's members, Chris Small ar\d Bodhi Amos were involved in two service projects. They helped greet and host visitors on busy weekends and they were eager participants in the Student Tutorial Program. Here Bodhi and Chris greet Mr. R. Alden Burt, former art teacher at Cardigan, exhibiting artist in the Stoddard Gallery, and visiting Grandfather at the spring Grandparents' Weekend.




T he Sixth Grade raised m oney for the Statue o f Liberty w ith a school-wide Heritage W eek sponsored trips as well as sleep in. visits by craftspeople such as this wall builder . . .

an d a panel of a lu m n i to tell us w hat thing s were like w hen they were here - and it turned out to be no t so very different from now.


The N in th Grade co m b ine d their a n n u a l history field trip to the Boston M u s e u m o f Fine Arts w ith a Senior O u t in g - at Q u in c y M arket.


The Eight Grade visited two m ansions in N ew port, R hode Island, and toured an arm ory, as well as w a lk in g along cliff path, for their history field trip, set up by M r. Brier, the ever-patient M r. Brier.


W ith the Second Term H o no r R o ll

LT Gam es N ig h t

A n d the excitement of Parents' W eekend, w ith Long W eekend to follow .

Ski H o lid ay and Senior Ski H o lid a y

Santa sto p ping o ff at C ardigan



This spring there was a Blaze autograph party, the Seventh Grade trip to Boston and the Freedom Trail, Grandparents' Weekend, the Assembly for the induction of new Student Leaders, and a wonderful concert by the Mascoma Valley Regional High School Band to keep us occupied.


VARSITY FOOTBALL: GO GET 'EM TIGERS! Standing: Mr. Collins (Coach), Jones, Bayne, Savage, Trombetta, Blatchford, Jackson, Schilling, Holt, Dim ock, Barto, Brown, Fam ilian, Mr. M arrion (Coach). Kneeling: G o ld e n , H e rrin g , C o le m a n , McBee, C. Amos, Fletcher, Finlay (Captain), Lindgren (Captain), Small, Bothwell, Bergner, Russell, Stefan.

RESERVE FOOTBALL NEARLY UNDEFEATED Kneeling: Terkelson, H. Amos, Anderson, Powers, Shipp, Fellers, Beebe (Captain), G oldm an, Alford, M iller D. Second Row: M r. Heath (Coach), Huot, Kuckly, Steele, Marshall, (Captain), Friedman, Hallsted, Clarke, Treanor, Foote, Ballard, Mr. Cruikshank (Coach). Third Row: Mr. McIntyre (Coach), Burns, duPont, Skilling, Thomas, Harris (Captain), Kane, O 'N eill, M iller G., Graham, H olguin (Manager).


VARSITY SOCCER NEW ENGLAND CHAMPS Kneeling: Blue, Blennerhassett, Wanglee (Capt.), Dulaney, Beeman (Capt.), Keilhauer, Finnerty. Standing: Mr. Hicks, (Coach), Lyder, Jokinen, Husson, Linkletter, Flask, W a tk in s , M c M illa n , S c h m itt, M r. B. Bressler (Coach).

J.V. SOCCER: GRASS THRASHERS Kneeling: Covucci, McBee W ., W ilson, L y nch, D o c k , K e llo g g , S taley (C apt.), Reimers. Standing: Mr. Barron (Coach), Bartley, Neild, Schwindt, McKenna (Capt.), Lemmond, Liebrum, Scheufler, Mr. Hart (Coach).


RESERVE A SOCCER MAKES TOURNEY FINALS Front: Farrer, Barclay, Callahan, Garvin, (Captain), Joyal, Ramos, Patten. Back: Mr. Stevens (Coach) Hitzig, Pfeifle, Perelman, Lineberger (C aptain), W hitehead, H a m 足 mond, N orton, Evarts (Captain), Needham, Mr. Brier (Coach).

RESERVE B-SOCCER SCOUTS WERE IMPRESSED Kneeling: Conkling, Am pudia, Fletcher, Pflager, lovino, Franklin, Husson M., Marrion. Standing: Haye (Coach), Litmans, Per足 eira, Saltoun, Selfe, Fanoe, Withers, Smith, Michas, Buffone, Wassitch, Long (Manager), Mr. J. Bressler (Coach).

JUNIOR SOCCER-^'ONE TO GO, HERE WE GO" First Row: P e rk in s , D a ig le , D e rc u m , Schneithorst, Fitzroy-Mendis, Dantos, Murdough. 2nd Row: Wierdsma, Emerson, Bak足 er, Swanski, H unt (Captain), Schmidt (Cap足 tain). 3rd Row: Mr. Clark (Coach) Steward, Ernstof, Outlaw, Meyer, Gilbert, Schiavetti, Bard, Toney, Dickey, Mr, Decker (Coach).

CROSS COUNTRY-IMPROVED THROUGHOUT THE SEASON L to R: Chudzik, Cohen, Palya, John Taufman, Scully, Yglesias, Jon Taufman, Weissman, Marks, W hitlock, Mr. Small (Coach) Paquette, Runnells, Mr. Coburn (Coach).


INTRAMURALS: TOUCH FOOTBALL CHAMPS First Row: Swogger, Lax, Lester, Cohen, Hoag. Mr. Crowell (Coach).

CYCLING: GONE WITH THE SCHWINN Olszewski, Huot, Albert, Weiss, Glasscock, Byrne, Rice, Fryklund, Massey, Pearson, M r. Hennessey (Coach).



KEEPIN' THE FAITH Clockwise: Mr, Barron (Coach), Halsted, Perelman, Kane, Jones, Flask, Farrer, Lynch (Captain), Reimers, Covucci, Massey, Anderson, Scheufler, Mr. Cruikshank (Coach).

ALPINE AT FULL FORCE Standing: Mr. Hennessey (Coach), Rice Fletcher S., Schmidt, Litmans, Savage, Fletcher J., Ampudia, M iller D., Mr. Brier (Coach). Kneeling: Albert, lovino, Pereira, Graham, Ballard, Michas, Burns, Clark, Fryklund.


VARSITY - A BUILDING YEAR M r. Stevens (Coach), Bartley, Harris, Amos H., Holt, Steele, Lindgren, Amos C., Bayne, Clarke.

JUNIOR VARSITY - AN ADVENTURE M r. Haye (Coach), Harris, Brown, Clarke. Front Row: Amos H., Joyal, Steele, Hoag, Franklin.


NORDIC - ANOTHER MEET? Mr. Carey (Coach), Pearsor\, Saltoun, Dercum, Weissman, Toney, Coleman, Small, Mr. Heath (Coach).

X-COUNTRY-OUT OF BREATH AGAIN Mr. Heath (Coach), Joshua Taufman, Skilling, Marks, Liebrum, Jon Taufman, Mr. Carey (Coach),


VARSITY - EVERYONE SCORED, ALMOST Wanglee (Manager), Husson G. (Captain), Whitehead, Jokinen (Captain), W atkins, Smith, Paquette, Ham m ond, Schmitt (Captain), M cM illan, M r. J. Bressler (Coach), Finnerty, Powers, Garvin, Finlay, Barto, Pfeifle, Norton, Bothwell.

J.V. - A FIGHTING SPIRIT Staley, Mr. McIntyre (Coach), Blatchford, D im ock (Captain), Keilhauer, Hyjek, McBee C., Golden, Schwindt, Linkletter, McBee W ., Yglesias, Herring, Mr. Ramos (Coach).


I ’r-

RESERVE A - LET'S GO TIGER Mr. Marrion (Coach), Foote (Manager), Lineberger, Pflager, Weirdsma, Needham, Goldman, McKenna, Withers, Swanski, Marrion, Patten, Barclay, Meyer, Evarts, Mr. Coburn (Coach), Conkling, Husson.

RESERVE B - ONE GOAL SEASON Mr. Clark (Coach), Emerson, Perkins, Wassitsch, Latham, Gilbert, Thomas, Selfe, Hitzig. Daigle, Nields, Rafferty, Dantos, Schneithorst, Blue, Long.


RECREATIONAL SKIERS Group One: Durey, ?, Fellers, Palya, Weiss, Cooper, Runnells, Terkelsen, Cohen, Byrne, M iller G,, Ernstof, Shipp. Group Two: First Row: O 'N eill, Kee, Muckerman, W endt, Alford, FitzroyMendis. Row Two: Lax, Herring, Ramos, Misrahi.

HIT THE SLOPES. Instructors: Mr. Crowell, Mr. Hicks, Mr. B. Bressler, Miss H annum , Miss Marks, M r. Hart, Mr. Decker. Group Three; Patten, Steward, Blennerhassett, Wilson, Treanor, M urdough, Lemmond, Trombetta, McKenna, Lyder, Callahan, Fanoe, Durey, Beebe.


SAILING PLACED WELL AT REGATTA Potvin, Taufman Jon, Terkelsen, Lemmond, Holguin, O 'N eill, Coleman, Outlaw, Swogger, Ampudia, W hitlock, Schiavetti, Cohen, Weiss, Misrahi, Golden, Mr. Crowell (Coach), Mr. Carey (Coach).

CYCLING ENJOYED SPRING RIDES H unt, M iller C., Miss H annum (Coach).


TRACK TEAM UNDEFEATED First Row: Holt, Weissman, Keilhauer, Chudzik, Toney, Ballard, Second Row: Woodhouse, Scheufler, Nields, Anderson, Kee. Third Row: Mr. Barron (Coach), Liebrum, Schilling, Jan\es, McKenna.

WILDERNESS KNOWS THE ROPES M r. Cruickshank, M r. Hennessey. Top Row: M urdough, Lynch, Perelman. Bottom Row: Albert, Reimers.


VARSITY LACROSSE GOES 11 AND 1 First Row: Mr. Ritch (Coach), McBee C., Barto, Lyder, Arr\os C., Small, Linkletter, Whitehead, Mr. Heath (Coach). Second Row: Herring, Smith, Hyjek, Schmitt, Dimock, Savage, Finlay. Third Row: Husson G., W atkins, Bayne, Jackson, Blennerhassett, Wanglee, Patten.


RESERVES UPPER VALLEY CHAMPS AGAIN First Row: Co-Captains Norton, Pfeifle, and Steele. Second Row: M urdough, Amos H., Buffone, Selfe, Kuckly, Marrion. Third Row: Mr. Brier (Coach), Skilling (Manager), Pearson, Finnerty, Saltoun, Jones, Bergner, Stefan, Graham, Litmans, Mr. Bressler (Coach).


THIRD LACROSSE A SCRAPPY TEAM Kneeling: Franklin, Husson M., lovino, Fitzroy-Mendis, Pflager. Standing: Schmidt, Clark, Emerson, Baker, Palya, Swanski, Durey, M r. Clark (Coach), McLennan.

THIRD TEAM BEAT THE BIRD Standing: Ernstof, Daigle, Treanor, Foote, M r. Coburn (Coach). Sitting: Huot, Ramos, Pereira, Rafferty, Summers.


STRONG PITCHING AIDED VARSITY BASEBALL M r. Marrion (Coach), Beebe, Staley, Powers, Bothwell, Miller D., Harris, Massey (Manager), Lindgren, Hallsted, Paquette, Hammond, Mr. Collins (Coach).

OUR RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF* Front Row: Joyal, Callahan, Cooper. Middle Row: Thomas, Marshall, Yglesias, Fanoe, Wierdsma, Hoag, Kane, Back Row: Friedman, Mr. Hart (Coach). * See team record on page 110.


VARSITY RUSHES THE NET Mr. Stevens (Coach), Barclay, Farrer, Hitzig, Dock, Needham, VanNice, Clarke, Schwindt, Beeman, M acM illan, Neilds,

DEEP RESERVES END UP 5-1-1 From Bottom: Huot, Byrne, Blue, Brown, Trombetta, Dulaney, Meyer, Dickey, Mr. Ramos (Coach), Marks, Blatchford, Kellogg, Evarts, Michas, Runnells, Lester, W ilson, Latham, McBee W ., duPont, Jokinen, Lax, Bartley.



Schneithorst, Dercum, Gilbert, Wendt, Rice, Glasscock, Fletcher, Fryklur\d, Russell, Burns, Muckerman, Coaches; Miss H annum , Mr. Decker.


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SPORTSMEN AWARDED PRIZES Seen on this page, John Coleman received the Nordic Most Valuable Runner Award and Chris Small was awarded the Most Valuable Com bined trophy for the Nordic Ski Team; George Needham was judged Most Valuable to Reserve (A) Hockey; J. J. James was Most Improved Actor in the Performing Arts winter production; Nisakorn Wangleee was Most Valuable Varsity Soccer player; and John Lindgren received the first of his three Most Valuable Awards for Varsity Football, Basketball, and Baseball. O n the opposite page, group speakers wait their turns; Toastmaster D ylan Dim ock confers with Mr. Collins; Mr. Clark awards the Most Improved Lacrosse trophy to Third Team's David Franklin; Mr. Barron presents Ian Toney with one of his many track prizes, including State Cham pionship in the low hurdles; and Alex Wassitsch presents highlights of his team's soccer season to the school.




^ m


Varsity Football CM S CM S CM S CMS CMS CMS CM S CM S


12-12 6- 0

22-12 12-32 44- 0 22-12 6- 8

Plymouth Eaglebrook Woodstock Newport Windsor Hanover Monadnock Plymouth


Most Improved-John Holt Most Valuable-John Lindgren Coaches Award-Ted Herring

fe M o

4- 2 3- 1 6- 2 8- 0 7- 3 2- 1 7- 0 3- 1 7- 0 2- 0 13- 1 3- 1

Mascoma Hanover K.U.A. Derryfield K.U.A. Eaglebrook Bow Hanover Mascoma Hanover Holderness Holderness

New England Junior Prep School Tournament- First Place Most Improved-Nando Schmitt Most Valuable-Nisakorn Wanglee S 'S


J.V. Soccer


20 - 0 8 -0 8 - 24 46 - 0 22 - 6 14 - 0 14 - 0 0 -6 0 - 16 8 -6

Woodstock Hanover Plymouth Eaglebrook Windsor Hanover Springfield Kingswood Woodstock Plymouth

Most Improved - Keith Skilling Most Valuable - Josh Goldman



6-0 5-0 0-7 0-6 0-3 2-1 4-1 1-5 0-5 1-5

Sunapee K.U.A. Hanover Sant Bani Eaglebrook Sunapee K.U.A. Bow Derryfield Hanover

Most Improved-Forrest Bartley Most Valuable-Toby Schwindt Reserve (A) Soccer CMS Hanover 1-3 CMS Plainfield 2-0 CMS 7-0 Woodstock CMS 4-1 Thetford CMS 4-1 Hartford CMS 3-5 Hanover CMS 2-7 Eaglebrook CMS 7-0 Woodstock CMS 5-1 Hartford CMS 10-1 Mascoma CMS 2-6 Lebanon CMS 2-0 Plainfield CMS 3-2 Lebanon Upper Valley Tournament-2nd Place CMS 4-1 Plainfield CMS 1-0 Lebanon CMS 0-3 New London Most Improved- Jason Hammond Most Valuable- George Needham

Reserve (B) Soccer 1- 1 Hanover CMS CMS 5- 1 Lebanon 1- 3 Eaglebrook CMS 5- 4 St. Mary's CMS CMS 1- 3 Thetford 1- 2 Kearsarge CMS 3- 3 Hanover CMS 6- 1 Lebanon CMS CMS 7- 1 Hartford 2- 1 Kearsarge CMS 5- 4 Mascoma CMS Most Improved - Ben Saltoun Most Valuable - David Franklin Junior Soccer CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS

0- 8 3- 6 1- 3 2- 4 4- 2 2- 7 2- 4 3- 2

New London Eaglebrook Hanover Woodstock New London Lebanon Hartford Woodstock

Most Improved - Lance Dercum


Varsity Hockey

Alpine Ski Team

11-1 7-0 9-2 8-0 8-1 4-1 8-1 7-3 12-1 6-1 10-0 14-2 1-9 9-2 14-2 10-4 10-4 6-4 5-4

In Lakes Region Action the team scored 4 seconds, 3 thirds, 1 fourth, and 2 fifths against high school J.V. teams. The team lost two close matches against Eaglebrook 10 to 26 in the Giant Slalom and 17 to 19 in the Slalom. The team placed third overall in the New England Jr. Prep School Championships with a second place in the Slalom and a third place in the Giant Slalom.

Laconia Hanover New Hampton Holderness St. Maritz St. Maritz Pioneers Assabet (AA) Holderness Assabet (A) Proctor Chesapeake Bay Pioneers Eaglebrook New Hampton North Shore North Shore St. Paul's Keene

Most Improved- Jason Hammond Most Valuable- Tommi Jokinen


1-2 8-1 6-2 2-5 4-0 3-1 3-1 2-5 3-3 12-3 3-0 3-5 4-2 3-1

Kearsarge Woodstock Hanover Lebanon Hanover Eaglebrook Hartford Lowell Chiefs Kearsarge Laconia Hartford Lebanon Lebanon Rutland

Alpine A Most Improved- Eduardo Ampudia Most Valuable- Ian Litmans Coaches Award (Most Dedicated)Jay Savage Alpine B Most Improved- Chip Graham

- John Pflager Most Improved â– Most Valuable - George Needh<


5-1 2-1 4-3 3-4 3-4 2-8 0-4 1-0 1-0

Vermont Hartford Bantam (B) Hartford Laconia Bantum (A) Claremont Virginia All-Stars Hartford Hartford Bantam (A) Hartford Bantam (A)

Most Improved - Toby Schwint Most Valuable - Dylan Dimock

Reserve B Hockey M y membory serves me well. I have little recollection. We were outscored about 70 to 1 and the season ended with the parents of the Lebanon players urging our players to shoot and score and the Lebanon coach exhorting the dumbfounded referee not to penalize me for having too many men (boys, bodies) on the ice. J.D. Clark Most Improved-Sebo Hitzig Most Valuable- Sean Selfe


36-34 36-42 42-21 36-39 36-55 33-52 42-30 44-32 31-29 51-44 51-54 26-28 47-42 33-37 56-22

K.U.A. Lebanon Hartford Bow Hanover Eaglebrook Hartford Holderness Woodstock Woodstock Hanover Holderness Lebanon Bow Tilton

Most Improved- Logan Clarke Most Valuable- John Lindgren 109


24-23 41-33 42-39 23-13 17-10 21-23 25-23 22-20 27-33 38-52 25-36 67-23 48-28 36-46 28-38

Woodstock W indsor Lebanon (OT) Plainfield Hanover Hartford W indsor Woodstock Hanover Lebanon Hanover (Hanover Tournament) Plainfield Lebanon (Mascoma Tournament) Derryfield (Mascoma Tournament) Henniker (Mascoma Tournament)

Most Improved - David Franklin M ost Valuable- Logan Clarke


7 -4 17 - 4 11 - 9 9 -2 4 - 14 9 -8 21 - 14 11 - 6 11 - 4 6 -7 13 - 3 8 - 14 3 -6 5 -4 6 -4 5 -6

Holderness Tilton Vermont Academy K.U.A. Deerfield Woodstock K.U.A. Vermont Academy Lebanon Bow Claremont Newf Hampton Mascoma Woodstock Bow Eaglebrook

Most Improved - Franklin Staley Most Valuable • John Lindgren Coaches Award - Scott Paquette

Varsity Sailing C M S place 8 of 11

Associate Members' Regatta


3- 1 103-66.5 25-20

Brewster Indian Mt. Regatta Northfield Mt. Hermon

Reserve Baseball


20-43 32-16 28- 6 31-42 44-36 14-49 34-30 21-12

Keene T im berlane Exeter P ly m o u th Eaglebrook P ly m o u th H arw ood Essex Jet.


4-24 4-22 10-19 1-16 4- 8 6-14 1-16 4-11 1-23 5-19 3-11

Most Valuable Skipper- A1 Shiavetti Most Valuable Crew- Ben Misrahi M ascoma Deerfield S p ringfield H artford Lebanon W oodstock M ascom a Plainfield M ascom a Lebanon Eaglebrook

Most Improved - Richard Kane Most Valuable - Geoff Joyal

Cardigan M tn. Tourmament - 1 First, 2 Thirds, 2 Fourths Eaglebrook Tournament - 2 Seconds, 1 Fourth Fessenden Tournament - 2 Firsts, 2 Seconds Most Improved - Eric Massey Most Valuable- Dual Meets- Dana Lynch Most Valuable - Tournaments- Hank Jones Third Team Baseball CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS

4-14 1-19 7- 6 15-13 5-23 5-21 13-10

H anover H anover H artland H artland M ascoma M ascoma Eaglebrook

Most Imprved- Rob Daigle Most Valuable- Andy Periera



85-37 Memorial 1st Place Kingswood Meet 1st Place Bow Meet 66-12 Eaglebrook

N .H . First, Most Most Most

Jr. High State Championships- 1 1 Fifth Improved- Rene Keilhauer Improved- Ian Toney Valuable- John Holt


9-0 KUA J.V. 9-0 Vermont Academy J.V. 2-7 Brewster Academy Varsity 9-0 Vermont Academy J.V. 4-5 Holderness J.V. 7-2 Holderness J.V. 6-3 Woodstock Varsity 4-5 Deerfield (4th) 5-4 Woodstock Varsity 0-9 Eaglebrook

Most Improved - George Needham Most Valuable - Doug Beeman


W in W in W in W in Loss W in Tie

Hanover Hartford Woodstock Hanover Hartford Woodstock Woodstock

Tournament Champion - Tommi Jokinen Most Improved Reserve A - Tom Byrne Most Improved Reserve B - John Covucci VARSITY LACROSSE CMS 9- 3 Pinkerton CMS 3- 2 Holderness CMS 11- 0 Hanover CMS 14- 2 Londonderry CMS 9- 0 Vermont Academy CMS 4- 3 Holderness (OT) CMS 21- 0 Wayneflete CMS 5- 3 Londonderry CMS 3- 9 Eaglebrook Most Improved - Pete Whitehead Most Valuable - Chris Smith


Hanover Holderness Proctor Woodstock Hanover Northfield-Mt. Hermon Hartford Woodstock Derryfield Hanover -Upper Valley Tournament 1- 5 Eaglebrook

9- 4 1- 6 4- 6 4- 2 6- 3 9- 3 11- 0 10- 2 5- 1 5- 4

Most Improved - Jim Marrion Most Valuable - Jon Norton



Match the best caption with the photos on the following pages. (Or make up your own.) A. Now, the next time I'll get the serum in the syringe. B. The Blues Brothers Revisited C. I was O K u n til M r. Barron turned m y head around.

D. We're looking for Canaan. Do you know the way? E. W e ll, well, well! F. Som e people w ill do an y th in g to get out o f W D . G . Look, Lady, I d o n 't check your socks.

H. Here comes Trouble! There goes Trouble! I. Look, George, a fu rry little rabbit.

J. It was a hard year on teachers. K. I can give you a great deal on this clock, Mister. L. Ayah, when I was young, we walked 10 miles to school, Son. M . O O O O H H H , my guts! N . Next, m y im pression o f M r. B lunt.


us DO



O ur Answers 1„ 2., 3. - E 4., 5. -H 6. -B 7. -M 8. -G 9. -K 10. -J 11. -C 12. -I 13. -A 14. -N 15., 17. - F 16. -L 18. -D




1. Whenever you think you have him figured out, he starts talking to you in another language. 2. He can't keep his shirt buttoned. 3. He comes from Rhode Island, but he won't go back. 4. He's too quiet.


He can pull strings for you.

He'll make you laugh.

He coaches many sports well.

O j» ^



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M r. Decker (Advisor), Rene Keilhauer (Editor), C h ris Sm all (Sports Editor), Jo h n C o lem an (Senior Section Editor) M rs. Carey (Advisor). D y la n D im o c k , Ian Toney, Stephen M a rks (Color Editor).


^ '

Photography and D arkroo m Staff: R ic k Massey, Ian Litm ans, Josh Perelman, M r. H eath (Advisor).


SPONSORS Philip D. M clnnis W illiam S. Lea Dr. & Mrs. Roland B. Hoag, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Lester Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chase Betty A nn Potvin Mrs. Sonia Eskie Mr. & Mrs. Merton Young Mr. & Mrs. David J. Swanski Dr. & Mrs. Joseph lovino Thelma E. Small Thomas Rice A nn W. McCoy Clarence G. Grindall Mr. & Mrs. Wellington F. Barto Keep the Faith Mr. & Mrs. Rene L. LaBarge James & Beatrice Callahan Mr. & Mrs. George J. Husson Joan M. Cook Ruth B. Meyers Virginia & David Crittenden Bently B. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Reimers John-Gorgon Swogger John L. Russell, Jr. '80 Barbara Casey Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fellers Margaret Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Poggie Catherine C. Holmes Matilda & Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rue Coleman Mr. & Mrs. E. Morse Blue Claude & Leona Foote Twin State Typewriter, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Garvin Canaan Hardware Peter Lax Jeff & Marie Hicks Art Bennett's Sport Shop

SUBSCRIBERS Robert S. Gillette Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Steward Sue Rae & Jim Ballard Mrs. Lowell Mead Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Geroge P. Graham, Jr. Eulalie & John Wierdsma Mr. & Mrs. Phidias Dantos James C. Whitlock, Jr. Richard H. Hinm an Mr. & Mrs. Johathan T. Patten Elsa & Jim Callahan Jasper & Wendy Evarts Richard & Estella Farrer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Franklin Margaret & Jake Alford George & Else Abbott Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Beeman Polly Zimmer Cochran John & Kathy Covucci Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Creighton Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Kee J. Michael McGean Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Schwindt Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Scribner, Jr. Stuart & Suzanne Steele Angela & Gerald Bothwell Kennard & Bruni Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Joe Collins

Walter & Shirley Massey Donald & Jane Weidman Alex Wassitsch Philip & Rose Freed Sherrie & Albert Mitchell Eduardo Ampudia, Jr. A Friend Mr. & Mrs. Bertram H. Dube Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rapp, Jr. Russell W. Terkelsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Garvin Dr. Bob Kenerson J. D. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James Crowell Dr. & Mrs. Henevela Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Staley, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Nasry Stefan Mr. Terry D. Decker Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kuckly Tony & Rita Carey Reginald E. Barney Insurance Professional Camera LTD John B. Coffin Webster Motors, INC. Mascoma Savings Bank Trumbull Nelson Construction Richard A. Harriman Norman & Beverly Wakely Mrs. Jonathan T. Patten

BOOSTERS Lewis H. Orr, Jr. Rupert & Karon Hitzig Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Selfe Gerald & Tuula Toney Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Neild III Mr. & Mrs. Minor R. Keilhauer Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Keilhauer Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Salamone The Fryklund Family The Country Printing Shop Best Wishes - Soverign Hotels Lakeside Oil R. H. Bayne Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Clive Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Forrester A. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Staley, Jr. Lee Cochran Smith Dr. Sharori Hostler Dimock & Kathleen A nn Dimock Faith B. Golding Mr. & Mrs. J. Ira Harris Dr. & Mrs. E. F. Pearson Johanna K. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Alford Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Talbert Grace & George Slight

Mr. & Mrs. B. M cM illan, Jr.

The Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc.

285 Main Street Claremont, New Hampshire 03743 Telephone 603-542-5171

PATRONS A Friend JAL Enterprise Elizaberh Graham Charles E. Cotting Bill & Tjelda Michas Mr. & Mrs. James P. Herring Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Farrer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Glasscock Dartmouth National Bank Lemmond & Associates, Inc. John & Mary Treanor Roger & Martha Liebrum Floyd & Barbara Luckey

S. W. Investments

4265 San Felipe, Suite 1400 Houston, Texas

Com plim ents of

Simplex Simplex Time Recorder Co. Simplex Plaza, Gardner, Massachusetts 01441

Fire, Security, Energy and Building Control Systems Time and Attendance Recorders

2120 Multiplex Building Management System New TM T7100 Time Recorder





TOOLS •FIXTURES •GAGES •PRECISION PARTS (802) 295-3196 Complements of

Depot St. Box 38 North Hartland, Vt. 05052

Rodney and Donna Beebe

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Cheyenne Am os R.F.D. #1, Box 77 N ew Canaan Academy C anaan, N H 03741 G roton Paul Bartley 535 H oyt Street Darien, CT 06820 Darien H ig h School Jo h n Bayne 461 West Road N ew Canaan, CT 06840 T rinity Paw ling Douglass Beeman 148 Eddy Lane N orthfield, IL 60093 Brooks Jam eson Blatchford 1817 N orth Orleans Chicago, IL 60614 Deerfield Jo h n Blennerhassett Post Office Box 5027 Cristobal, REP. O F P A N A M A G ould Scott Blue 4303 Talahi W ay Louisville, K.Y 40207 K entucky C ountry Day M ark Bothwell 38 Barringer Road Darien, CT 06820 A von

SENIOR DIRECTORY O r in Flask 74 Harborview Drive Rye, N H 03870 Steffen Fletcher Post Office Box 154 Westford, M A 01886 Brooks Verne Fryklund 12 M ason Street Winchester, M A 01890 Salisbury Robert Glasscock 3211 Chris Houston, TX 77063 St. Stephen's John Golden 15 Sailer's W ay Rum son, NJ 07760 C ushing Theodore Herring 140 Anchor Drive Vero Beach, FL 32960 Tilton John Holt 604 Pasteur Avenue Bowling Green, O H 43402 Avon

Thomas Burns C lark Lane Marblehead, M A 01945

George Husson 49 Flagg Road Post Office Box 351 Westford, M a 01886 Lawrence

Jo h n Colem an 4336 Fairfax Dallas, TX 75205 Baylor

Gary Hyjek 22 Charter O ak Place Hartford, CT 06106 St. Marks

Jo h n Covucci R .D . #1, Box 68-A Lafayette, N J 07848 Blair Academy

Henry Jackson 2021 General Pershing New Orleans, LA 70115 Metairie Park Country Day

D y lan D im ock 2501 Sm ithfield Road Charlottesville, V A 22901-2221 W oodberry Forrest

James James 1647 Prestwick Lane Carmel, IN 46032 Pedie

W illia m Dock St. Felix LeGosier 97190 Guadeloupe, FR E N C H ANTILLES Peddie

Tom m i Jokinen Peltosaarentie 1 i 51 Hyvinkaa, F IN L A N D 05840

W oodford Dulaney 513 C ountry Lane Louisville, K Y 40207 St. Francis H igh School David duPont Closter D ock Road A lpine, N J 07620 Taft A n th o n y Fam ilian 601 N orth Rodeo Dr. Beverly H ills, C A 90210 Brian Fellers Razor H ill Road G rafton, N H 03240 D u b lin Robert Finlay 8 Greenbriar Lane Am herst, N H 03031

John Lindgren 24 M ountain Road North Granby, CT 06060 Berkshire Curtis Linkletter Post Office Box 31 Locust Valley, N Y 11560 Gunnery Charles Lyder Seven Allen Street Scituate, M A 02066 W illiston N ortham pton School Dana Lynch M obil, Hangar 505 W . Cam p Seletar Airport S IN G A P O R E 2879 Florida Air Academy W illiam Marks 10901 Kemwood Drive Houston, TX 77024 Suffield C unliffe McBee 4624 Prytania Street New Orleans, LA 70115 DeLa Salle W ard McBee 4624 Prytania Street New Orleans, LA 70115 St. James W illiam McKenna Three W ildcat Lane Norwell, M A 02061 Tilton Andrew M cM illa n 12 Upper Ladue Road St. Louis, M O 63124 Gunnery W illia m Neild 1500 Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60610 Hotchkiss W illiam Palya 5164 Bonita Beach Road Bonita Springs, FL 33923 Holderness Gerald Paquette 22 Donahue Drive Manchester, N H 03103

Christian Schilling Francestown, N H 03043 Proctor J. N ando Schmitt 53 Powers St., Longely M ilford, N H 03055 Tobias Schwindt Middletow n Road South Londonderry, VT 05155 Kent Christopher Shipp R.F.D. #1, Box 213 G ristm ill H ill Road Canaan, N H 03741 Christopher Small Cardigan M ountain School Canaan, N H 03741 St. Paul's Franklin Staley 214 W . Teal Lake Road Mexico, M O 65265 Brooks John-Gordon Swogger Burnside Reservoir Road Hanover, N H 03755 Choate Paul Trombetta Zona 9 6-A Avenida 7-32 Guatemala, C EN T RA L A M E R IC A Vermont Academy Peter Van Nice 1209 Astor Street Chicago, IL 60610 Choate Nisakorn Wanglee Yannawa 26/1 New C han Road Bangkok 12, T H A IL A N D Cushing Curtis W atkins Simplex Plaza Simplex Time Recorder Co. Gardner, M A 01441 Cushing Sidney Weiss 2121 Kirby #81 Houston, TX 77019 C ushing

Frederick Reimers 4242 Brookdale Street Jackson, M S 39206 St. Andrews Episcopal

Charles W hitlock American Embassy APO New York, N Y 09170 Westtown

Christopher Rice Drinkwater Road Post Office Box 407 Exeter, N H 03833 Northfield M o u n t Herman

Benjamin W ilson 62 Boulevard de Courcelles Paris, FRAN CE 75017 K im ball U nion Academy

W illia m Russell 3214 H untingdon Houston, TX 77019 Episcopal H igh School

Michael Woodhouse 135 Timrod Road Manchester, CT 06040 St. Mark's

David Lester R .R . 1, Box 145-B John Roberts Road Canaan, N H 03741

John Savage Lower Road R.F.D., Box 78 West Deerfield, M A 01342 Proctor

M anuel Yglesias Felix Parra 161-601 Colonia San Jose Insurgentes Mexico, 19, D.F., M E X IC O Los Cedros

Roger Liebrum 2351 Underwood Houston, TX 77030 Episcopal H igh School

Alfred Scheufler Post Office Box 215 Altoona, KS 66710 O rm e

Rene Keilhauer 525 M ain Street H ingham , M A 02043 Avon Peter Kellogg 170 Hillside Avenue Waterbury, CT 06710-2137 Avon Nelson Lemmond 3854 Sedgewood Circle Charlotte, N C 28211 Kents H ill

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