The Blaze - 1986

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.0 b l a z e ' (hliix), n., V.. blaned, bl«7.>in«. — n. 1. a ItrlKlil

fliinio or fin i: Ihe welcome Mum on the hearlh. 2. ii hot KittHm or kIow ; the Mate of day. 3. a HpurkliiiK l>ri|<litiicss; a blaze of jewels. 4. a midtlo.n, InUuisii outburst, uh of fire, piiHsion, furv, otc.: to unleash a Mate of pent-up emoliimx; a Mate of glory; a Mate of fury. B. bla/.en. SlanK. hull; do to Mates! — it./. « . burn hriKhtly (Nomitl.lmoM fill. I»y away, up, forth): The Imiifhe hliizetl away for hoars. The tiry wmal hlazeil ui> at the tourh of a tii'alrh. 7. to nIiIim! Ilk« riiiiiHi (NoiniaiiiK'N fol. by forth): Their faces Mazed with enthusiasm. The bird's plutnaKe Mazed forth. 8. U> burn with InUmMt fiutlbiK or oiiKNion (Homtttlm<!« f<il. by up ) : He tilazed up at the insult. O. to Nhoot steadily or continuously (UHUully f«)l. by away): The cxintestunts Mated away at the clay pigeons. 10. Poetic. (<> Imi nirrlUirlouNly ronHiilnioiiM. — e.l. I I . I4> <ixhlblt vividly: lie didn't hcxilale to Itlaze his ejiretiic atii^er to everyone pre.wal. [MIC, OH Mase torch, flanm; v. M I K J Mas tori^h] — blaz/ing>ly, adv. Syn. 1. ,Sw) fla m * .










Front: Mr. Wakely and Jonathan. Middle: Charles, Brad, Betsy, Herman, Alison, Mrs. Wakely. Back: Mary and Missy.



Mrs. M ary Amos Language Training; Tai Chi Chaun Club Advisor; A.A., Merritt College.

Mr. and Mrs. Blunt Donald E. Blunt: Science Department Chairman; I.P.S.; Assistant Work Detail Coach; Trapshooting, Ice Fishing Clubs Advisor; B.S. Ed., Bridgewater State University; M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University.

Mr. and Mrs. Carey & Kate A nthony L. Carey: Reading and Study Skills, Language Training; Intramurals, Basketball, Sailing; Director of C lub Program; B.A., Hobart College; M.Ed., University of Vermont. Rita D u n n Carey; U.S. and History of Western Civilization; Performing Arts; Blaze Advisor, National Junior Honor Society Advisor; B.A., Trinity College.

M r. W illiam X, Barron English; Soccer, Wrestling, Track; Skateboarding, Indoor Soccer Clubs Advisor; Eighth Grade Class Advisor; B.A., Colorado College.

Mr. Neil Brier U.S. History; Soccer, Skiing, Lacrosse; Performing Arts; Conditioning; N in th Grade Class Advisor; B.A., Union College.

Mr. J. Dudley Clark Math; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Rocketry C lub Advisor; B.A., Trinity College; M.Ed., Northeastern University.

Mr. John B. Coffin Math; School Store Manager; Sailing; B.S., University of Hartford.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins Joseph M . Collins: Assistant Headmaster; Director of Studies; Dean of Students; Math; Football, Baseball; B.S., Boston University.

Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden, Mary, Sarah, and John David B. Crittenden: Development and A lum n i Affairs; B.A., St. Lawrence University; M .A., San Fransisco State College. Virginia C. Crittenden: Language Training; B.A., University of California at Davis.

fa c - u l* t y (fuk/:>t IS), n.. pi. I . iui ubility. naturul or acuuirod, for u purllculur kiud of aclioa: a fucuUy for making frieruU eatily. 2. uno of tlia iMWon or Iho m liul, UN nuimory, nuuiuii, olc.: Tturugh wtry M , h» is in fu ll iiosstssitni of a ll hi» fufuUUs. 3. :ui fiilu'i'tiiil of Iho iMHty; f/ir fw ullirs of siih l umt lirufiitg. 4. H.S. (ixcoitlloiiul ithiltly iiru|il.Uit<lo: a pntaiUeiU with u fucuUy fur munugvmriU. 6. I'Uluc. a . out) of tliu (iupurUiiuiiU of loimiiiiKi (.ItouluKy, modlcino, or litw, in a unlvoraity. b. Uui tcucliiiiK iKKiy, aomoUnuM w ith thu •ludtiiita, in uiiy of ttiow (loiKwtimuiU. e. i.lH) onkiru UiiM’iiinK utul lulmlniittriix llvu foriM of a uiiivoinily,' coHuko, or M'iiooi. a . (-tiu inoiiilMti'H of » loiU'iHMi i>r«><tii; ihe mrtlicut fucuUy. 7. u powtir or orivlloKo <ujiif(irr<!(l by llu) NlaUt, u HuiNirlor, oU!.: 'i'A<r police had the faculty to suppreat Hut demonitraton. 8 . licclea. a UiBpuiuiution, llceiiae, or uulhorlzution. [M K fucuUt < M V < facuUiU- (a. of fucuUda rouNfl>ilii,y, inuana, oqulv. to faeul ooaiiy (wm vaoiub -I- -tin- -Tif* I — H y n . I . (*u|MMi|ly.

Mr. Terry Decker U.S. and History of Western Civilization; Soccer, Recreational Skiing, Tennis; Blaze Advisor; B.A., S.U.N.Y. at Ceneseo.

kiiiMtk. Himi M b ilily .

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":v • M r.'and M rs.'D ingle and Ryan James H. Dingle: History of Western Civilization, Matherr»atics; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Ropes Course, Broom C lub Advisor; B.A.", H am line University. Karen C. Dingle: Science; B.A., Hamline .University. ..v^ r- . .'v ’s:

Reverend Harold Finkbeiner Fundamentals of Music, Music Apprecia­ tion, Music History; Keyboard; Performing Arts; Retired Senior l^ra te Champion; Glee C lu b : Advisor; B.M., M .M ., Westminster College; M . Div., McCorm ick Theological Seminary.

“• ‘ M r. David E. Gundaker Science; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Street Hockey C lub Advisor; B.S., Keene State College. ; . M r. and Mrs. Hart ■ " W illia m Hart: English; Intramurals, Rec­ reational Skiing, Baseball; Bowling, R /C Glider, G o lf Clubs Advisor; B.S., New England College; M .A ., M iddlebury Col­ lege. Teacher Certification, UNC-Char-~ lotte; Certificate of Graduation,^ Pinehurst G olf Advantage School. Virginia H . Hart: Library Assistant; B.S., Univer- ; s ity o f G e o rg ia , M .A ., M id d le b u r y College.

Mr. and Mrs. Heath, Am anda and Aaron Stephen L. Heath: Science; Football, Nordic Skiing, Lacrosse; Blaze Photography Darkroom Advi­ sor; B.S. Ed., Plym outh State College.

M r. Bruce K. Hennessy f Science; Rocks, Ropes and Rapelling, A l^ pine Skiing, Wilderness; Wilderness Club Advisor; B.A., Postdam College.

Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, M r. and Mrs. Pannier, Jean-Michel, and Natalie Jeffrey D . Hicks: Director of Admissions and Senior Placement; Foreign Language Department Chairman; Soccer; B.A., R ollins College; M .A., Trinity College. Marie-Pierre Hicks; French; Certificat de Propedeutique Universite d'Aix Marsaille, France.

M r. Robert E. Jangro '78 M athem atics;- F o o tb a ll, H ockey , Baseball; Street Hockey and Bowling C lu b s A d viso r: B.A. D a rtm o u th College.

Reverend Harry R. Mahoney School Chaplain; Religion Department Chairman; Christmas Pageant Director; Fire Commissioner; Magic C lub Advi足 sor; B.S. in Ed., Boston University; B.D.^ Andover-Newton Theological School.

Miss Sheila Marks Spanish and Typing; Movie Club; B.A. Eastern Illinois University.

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. M r. & Mrs. Marks Gary P. Marks; W oodworking, Art; Stod dard Gallery Exhibit Organizer, Silk Screen ing. Ceramics, Watercolor Clubs Advisor B.A.^_ Temple University; M .A., M.F.A. Bowling Green Slate University..

M r. and Mrs. Mathews and James G. Xavier Mathews: Spanish; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; B.A., University of New Hampshire, M BA., Babson College. M r. and Mrs. Ramos, Ram on, and Vidal Edilberto C. Ramos: Mathematics Department Chairm an; Intramurals, Basketball, Tennis; Bowling and M ath Clubs Advisor B.A., Feati University, M.T.S., Catholic University, M.A.L.S., D artm outh College.

M r. Marrion, Beth, Mrs. Marrion, Jennifer, Stephanie, and Jim m y Constance F. Marrion: Language Training; B.Ed., Keene State College. James N. Marrion: Director of Athletics; Math; Football, Baseball; Conditioning Club AdvisorB.Ed., M.Ed., Keene State College.

Mrs. Kathleen D. Scanlan Reading and Study Skills, Language Training; B.S., St. Bonaventure University. Ms. Lee W . McLendon French; Rocks, Ropes and Rapelling, Instructional Skiing Director, Wilderness; Horseback Riding C lub Advisor; B.S., St. Lawrence University.

Mr. and Mrs. Schenck rhomas E. Schenck: Assistant Director of admissions; English; Football, Wrestling; iw im m ing and Chess Clubs Advisor B.A., >an Diego State University. >Jancy N otm an Schenck: Reading and itudy Skills, French Tutor; Recreational ikiing; Horseback R iding Club Advisor; 5.A., Rollins College.

Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Carol M . Shelton: Librarian, Audio-Visual Director; B.A., Nasson College. David F. Shelton: History Department Chairman; W ork Detail Coach; Woodcarving C lub Advisor; B.A., Texas A & M ; M .A., Columbia University.

Dana C. Solms English; Soccer, Hockey, Baseball; Street Hockey, Bowling Clubs Advisor; B.A., Bates College.

M r. and Mrs. Small Robert D. Small: English Department Chairman; CrossCountry Running, Recreational Skiing; Cycling and Cooking Clubs Advisor; B.A., M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, C.A.G.S., Fithburg State College, rhurza H. Small: Sixth Grade; Performing Arts; Tennis md Cooking Clubs Advisdr; B.S.Ed., M.Ed., North \dams State College, C.A.G.S., Fitchburg State College.

Beverly Bradford Wakely Reading and Study Skills Department Chairman, Language Training Department Chairman; Host Committee Advisor; B.S.Ed., Bridgewater State College.


Mrs. R uth Talbert Assistant to the Headmaster

Mrs. Starr Roberts A lu m n i and Development Office

Mrs. Lorraine Hennessy - Office Secretary

Mrs. Judy Ribeiro Bookkeeper

Mrs. Audie Armstrong A lum n i and Development O ffi Mailperson

Mrs. Jacqueline Lary Assistant Treasurer


Buildings and Grounds Staff Ralph LaPointe, John Robbins, John Chapman, G rif G riffin, Roland Jenna, Bob Butterfield, M ilner Benham, Janet LaBrie, Theresa Brodeur, Christine Lyons, Eleanor Weller, Dorothy Sweeney.

Mrs. Shirley Lester Admissions and Placement Office

Mrs. Lisa Giles Assistant School Nurse Dr. I. A. Dinerm an School Doctor


Ralph LaPointe Director of Buildings and Grounds

Joseph R. McIntyre School Nurse


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'86 BLAZE DEDICATED TO MR. BRIER The Class of 1986 dedicates this Blaze to a person who has encouraged and supported us during our time at Cardigan. As a coach, he has worked for the strengthening of the programs he is involved in to the benefit of his athletes. As a teacher, he has been an innovator in the classroom and a tireless tutor to many. As a dorm master, he has been open and understanding. As a class advisor, he has recognized our needs and he has demanded that we give our best. It is, therefore, our pleasure to dedicate the 1986 Blaze to M r. N eil F. Brier.

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T im othy Edward Granville Baker T hird Soccer 6, 7, 8, JV Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 7, 8, 9, Third Lacrosse 6, 7, 8, 9; Sledding, Hacky Sack, Ropes Clubs; Honor Roll 6, English Award 6. There are so many different worlds, so m any different suns; we have just one world, but we live in different ones.

John W ellington Barto, Jr. Varsity Football 8, 9 (Most Improved), Varsity Hockey 8, 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9; Street Hockey, Indoor Soccer, Karate Clubs; Tour Guide 9, Floor Leader - Banks House 9. "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your m outh and prove it." -Mark Twain

Richard Francis Bergner, Jr. Varsity Football 8, 9 (Captain), Recreational Skiing 8, Varsity Hockey 9 (Manager), Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Magic, Movie, Conditioning Clubs; Floor Leader - Newton House 9; "Radical social change begins on the street."

Michael Patrick Chudzik Varsity Cross Country R unning 7, 8, 9, Wrestling 7, Performing Arts 8, Nordic Ski Team 9, Reserve Tennis 7, Track 8 (Captain), 9; Wood Carving, Cooking Club, Blaze; Glee Club, Reception Commitee, A /V Crew, Floor Leader French II 9, Clean Room Award 7, Most Valuable Cross Country R unning 9, Most Improved Nordic Skiing 9, D in in g Room M onitor 8, National Junior Honor Society 9, See you K.D., D .W ., D.K., I.T., M.C., Mr. S., M .B."

Cameron Burrage Clark Reserve Football 7, 8, Varsity Football 9, Reserve Hockey 7, A lpine Ski Team 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7, 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Sledding, Tai Chi, Ice Fishing Clubs; D iningroom Superintendant 8, Job Foreman 9, Reception Crew, Admission Tours. To have good you have to have bad, hopefully you have more good than bad.

Robert Logan Clarke, Jr. Varsity Football 8, 9 (Captain), Varsity Basketball 8 (Most Improved) 8, 9 (Captain) (Most Valuable), Varsity Tennis 8, Varsity Baseball 9; Indoor Soccer, Movie, W iffle Ball Clubs; Hayward Floor Leader 9, Senior Class President, National Junior Honor Society 8, 9, English Prize 8. W ow! W hat a year. Thanks for everything, N.E., J.S., J.S., J.H., and you too J.M .

Jeffery Scott Clermont J.V. Soccer 9, Nordic Ski Team 9, Cycling 9; Movie, Cooking Clubs. Pat, don't pull the t r i g ..........

Daniel Robert Cohen Intramurals 7, 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 7, 8, 9, Third Baseball 7, Recreational Sailing 8, Recreational Tennis 9; Woodworking, Movie, Silkscreening Clubs. The Vice tonite . . . Turn it off Jon . . . B M W . . . M ath Carlos . . Go Hawis . . . Terk . . Mario, wanna trade . . . Bye Jon . . . Bye Jimm y.

Robert Andrew Conkling Third Soccer 7, Reserve B Siccer 8, 9, Reserve A Hockey 7, 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Third Lacrosse 7, Reserve A Lacrosse 8, Recreational Tennis 9; Remote Control, Magic, Movie, Cooking Clubs. Never time to do it right. Always time to do it over.

Brandon Ripley Cooper Third Soccer 6, Intramurals 7, Reserve B Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7, 8, 9, Third Baseball 6, 7, JV Baseball 8, 9, Silk Screening, Poem Reading, Shooting Clubs; A-V 8, 9; Hopkins II Supervisor 9, Reception Committee 7. Thanks to all at Cardigan, especially Mr. Collins. Nothing's impossible. Goodbye, Sweater Hill.

Kevin Glen Dickey Reserve Football 7, Third Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 7, Performing Arts 8, 9, Recreational Tennis 7, Reserve Tennis 8, 9; Cooking, Rocketry, Blaze Clubs; Honor Roll 7, Written Expression Award 7, A-V Crew 7, 8, 9, Reception Comittee 8, Hopkins I Supervisor 9. "You only live twice: Once when you are born. Once when you look death in the face." -Ian Fleming ByeM.C., J.N. (If he ever reads this), I.T., R .C , J.I., D.K.

Nathaniel Nelson Evarts Reserve B Soccer 7, Reserve A Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Third Hockey 7 (Captain), Reserve A Hockey 8, J.V. Hockey 9 (Captain), Third Lacrosse 7 (Captain), Reserve A Tennis 8 (Captain), Varsity Tennis 9; Hopkins I Head 8, Floor Leader - Proctor House 9, Golf, Cooking, Skateboarding Clubs. 7th Grade VicePresident, 8th Grade Vice-President, 9th Grade Secretary, "There are so many different worlds, so many different suns. There is one world, but we all live in different ones." — Dire Straits.

Marshall Burns Farrer Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, W restling 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Varsity Tennis 8, 9; Indoor Games, Skateboarding, Movie Clubs; Audio-Visual Crew, Tour Guide, French Award 8, Floor Leader H in m a n I 9,To work is to get by, but to work hard is to succeed. Barto, watch out on Groton Day!!

Julian Hovey Fletcher Reserve Soccer 8, Junior Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 8, Nordic Ski Team 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Cycling 9; Movie, Silk-screening, Cooking Clubs; A /V Crew, "abeeda beeda beeda . . that's all folks." Porky Pig "D o n 't try to live your life in one day, don't go speed your time away." Howard Jones.

Michael Paul Garvin Reserve Soccer (Captain) 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 8, 9 (Most Valuable), Reserve Lacrosse 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Street Hockey, Snowboarding, Movie Clubs; "Hey, I wanna know." Tom Hanks. Later-Josh, Logan (J. CLaude), "M arris", Marsh, Poof, Rick, Barto, GNat, Gadget, Doug and Neil.

\ George Reatchlous Graham III Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Alpine B Ski Team 8, Performing Arts 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Glee Club, Blaze, Broomball, Chess Clubs. "Choid!"; Say, where's m y keg of T.S7; You'd better, you'd better, you bet—The W ho; She's a bom b—The W ho; Guys, it's been real; Dolls better - Ciao-Ne

C linton Craig Hallsted J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Wrestling 8, 9 (Captain), Varsity Baseball 8, 9; Toastmaster (Winter); Street Hockey, Movie, Horsebackriding Clubs. Once more upon the waters. And the waves bound beneath me as a steed who knows its rider. Surf's up . . .

Jason Edward Ham m ond Reserve A Soccer 8 (Most Improved), Varsity Soccer 9 (Captain), Varsity Hockey 8 (Most Improved) 9 (Coaches' Award), Varsity Baseball 8, 9; Honor Roll 8, 9; School Leader 9; Bowling, Conditioning, Street Hockey, Indoor Soccer Clubs. After every ending, there is always a new beginning. Thanks M om and Dad.

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Jonathan M . Harris Reserve Football (Captain) 8, Varsity Football (Coaches' Award) 9, Varsity Basketball 8, (Captain) (Most Valuable) 9, Varsity Baseball 8, 9; Magic Club; Floor Leader - Brewster I 9. You guys, this is water! G ulp! I'm not in the mood Jay . . . Stat . . . A penny! D anny, shut it off, someone is coming . . . O n ly one package? M .B . . . Jay, I'm serious! Call M ary , . . Shut up Jay! See you later Snoop, J.T. J.H., L.C., D.C., J.I. C.S., J.S., C.G., D .M .

Roland Boyden Hoag III Varsity Cross Country R un n ing 9, J.V. Basketball 8, 9, Reserve Baseball 8, J.V. Baseball 9; Movie, Magic Clubs. I may not want to stay, but I sure hate to go. Gadget! . . . . It wasn't me! Honest!

Jaime Holguin Intramurals 7, 9, Football (Manager) 8, Recreational Skiing 7, 8, Wrestling 9, Third Baseball 7, Sailing 8, Recreational Tennis 9; Movie, Golf, Glider Clubs. "Q ue viva Colom bia!" . . . . Aguardiente. Anybody wanna buy a dust buster?

P * i

James Joseph lovino Junior Soccer 7, Reserve B Soccer 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 7, Alpine Ski Team 8, 9, Third Lacrosse 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Sailing 9; Magic, Movie Clubs; "W hat can be conceived can be created!!" Ferrari L.T.D. Thanks, M om and Dad. See you later J.T., M.F., A.W . S.O., J.F., R.C., J.S.

Richard Ira Kane Reserve Football 8, Varsity Cross Country R un n ing 9, Wrestling 8, Varsity Basketball (Most Improved) 9, Reserve Baseball 8 (Most Improved), Cycling 9; Bowling, Movie Clubs; A.V. Crew. "W ell we know where we're goin', but we don't know where we've been. And we know that we're know in' but we can't say what we've seen. - Talking Heads

D w ight John Kee Reserve Soccer 8, (Captain) (Coaches' Award) 9, Recreational Skiing 8, 9, Track 8, J.V. Baseball 9; Blaze, Cooking, Movie Clubs, Public Relations Head 9. It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and prove it. "I'm not quiet."

Oliver Dudley Knill J.V. Soccer 9, Nordic Ski Team 9, Cycling 9; Movie, Cooking Clubs. "W he n hopes and dreams are free in the streets, it's well for the tim id to bolt the doors, shutter windows, and lay low until tlie wrath has past.� -Eric Hoffer

Brett Ladin Guitar 9, Music Appreciation Club.

Eduardo Jose Latham Cross Country R un n ing 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Third Hockey 8, 9, Reserve A Tennis 8, 9; Rocketry, Movie, Tennis, Sw im m ing Clubs.

Ian Gregory Litmans Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Alpine 8 (Most Valuable), 9 (Most Valuable), Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Fishing Club, Blaze; D in in g Superintendant 9. "W in n in g isn't everything, it's the only thing"Lombardi/"Let it be"- Beatles/"Live life one day at a time"- A.A. See yaGundaker

Greg Mayer Long Junior Soccer 6, 8, Intramurals 7, 9, Performing Arts 6, 7, Third Hockey 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Third Lacrosse 6, Sailing 7, 8, 9; Bowling, Board Games Clubs. Captain's Log Stardate 18604.02 Admiral Greg M . Long recording space the final frontier.

M ilton George Long Varsity Football (Captain) (Most Valuable) 9, Wrestling (Captain) 9, Varsity Baseball 9, Bowling, Ice Fishing Clubs. E = M C ' W hat the #*% #& *? Vision Quest again? If you are close enough to read these quotes, back up, you're breathing on my gorgeous picture! Thanks to all my friends and teachers. M.L.

Eric Eugene Massey Reserve B Soccer 7, Cycling 8, J.V. Soccer 9, W restling 7, 8 (Most Improved), Performing Arts 9 (Best Actor), Reserve B Lacrosse 7, Varsity Baseball (Manager) 8, Sailing 9; Rocketry, Street Hockey, Blaze, Magic Clubs, Floor Leader - Franklin House 9. O h Bla dee, oh bla da, life goes on, yeah!"-The Beatles

Gregory W illiam Michas Reserve B Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Reserve Tennis 8, 9; Magic, Snowboarding Clubs. B O N E D 'BO N E, IF Y O U N O T LIKED, Y O U 'R E D O IN G S O M E T H IN G R IG H T . IF Y O U ARE LIKED, Y O U R N O T LEA V IN G E N O U G H R O O M FOR C H A N G E . YET IF O N E O V ERP O W ERS THE O T H E R T O O M U C H , THERE'S G O N N A BE PROBLEMS. -TW

Douglas Everett Miller Reserve Football 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Alpine Ski Team 8, Reserve Hockey 9 (Captain) (Most Valuable), Varsity Baseball 8, 9; D iningroom Superintendent, Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9; Karate, Indoor Sports, Golf, Tennis, Snowboarding Clubs. Hey, Roll get a real bowl. Hey, Logan get up; it's laundry night.

George Elsworth Miller III Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, 9, Cycling 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Model Rocketry, Tennis, Sw im m ing Clubs, Kitchen Shift Head. D on't bite it because it may bite back. This does include extension cords.

Jari Jukka Myllykoski Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Baseball 9; Street Hockey, Conditioning Clubs.

Joel Wyeth Nields Third Soccer 6, 7, 8, JV Soccer 9, Nordic Ski Team 6 (Coache's Award), Third Hockey 7, 8, Alpine Ski Team 9, Third Lacrosse 6, 7, 9, Track 8, Silkscreening, Sledding Clubs; Secretary Treasurer 7. "St. Stephen with a rose in hand out of the garden he goes, country garden in the wind in the rain, where ever he goes the people all complain." Grateful Dead.

Robert Forrest Pearson Cycling 8, Cross Country R un n ing 9, Nordic Ski Team 8, 9, Cycling 8, 9; Movie, Skiing Clubs. Most Valuable Nordic 8, 9. Have no fear, it was a year; someone get me out of here. "Your suit can't hide the truth, you're a fool And I refuse to be like you. You're a fool! I don't want to grow up Descendants

Joshua Golding Perelman Reserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Wrestling (Captain) 8, 9, Wilderness 8, Varsity Tennis 9; Blaze Darkroom; Host Committee. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on m y way . . . Thanks M om , Dad, Claudia, BXB, Mr. S., H.S., M . Mrs C., S, Steve Hope + Debbie. Thanks CM S, it was fun!

John Trask Pfeifle Reserve Football 7, Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 7, 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7, 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9. Golf, Snowboarding, Street Hockey Clubs; Floor Leader - Stowell House 9. "We're all on the edge" - T.P. Thanks Dad, M om , Bret and Jeb., G.W ., P.W., L.S., A.E., K.W ., L.G., J.H., C.S., N.E.

Thomas Pierce Runnells Cross Country R u n n in g 8, 9, Recreational S kiing 8, 9, Reserve Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9; Classroom Superintendant, Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll, Hackey Sack C lub, Blaze Editor, Toastmaster Fall Sports Banquet. I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied w ith the best. Oscar W ilde. BYE, M.F., J.S., I.B., J.S.

Benjamin Woods Saltoun Reserve B. Soccer 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 8, 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Floor Leader - Greenwood House 9, Honor Roll, Movie Club. See ya later. O.K., J.C., JA S O N , IRA , J.F., S.S., D.K., D .W ., CH IP G., D.S., IA N , G .M ., D.C., R.P., M A R IO .

Christopher Jon Santemma Rocks, Ropes, and Rappelling 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Recreational Tennis 9; Music Club. Heavy metal will never rust! Long live Ozzy, Gibson and Marshall Stacks! Yngwie is god. I wanna rock and rock I will. Metal rules.

Alfred John Schiavetti III Junior Soccer 8, Reserve Football (Manager) 9, Nordic Ski Team 8, Performing Arts 9 (Most Improved), Sailing Team 8, (Most Valuable Skipper), 9, M ath Award 8, Rocketry, Skating, Tennis, Sw im m ing Clubs.


Sean Daris Selfe Reserve B Soccer 6, 7, 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 7, Reserve B Hockey 8 (Captain, Most Valuable), J.V. Hockey 9 (Most Improved), Third Lacrosse 6, Reserve Lacrosse 7, 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Sledding, H iking, Hackey Sack, Skateboarding, Ropes Course, Conditioning Clubs. Class Treasurer 7, Honor Roll 8. I've been beat up. I've been thrown out. But I'm not down, -the Clash. Thank you M o m and Dad!

Keith Adam Frank Skilling Reserve Football 8, (Most Valuable), Varsity Football 9, Nordic Skiing 8, Performing Arts 9 (Stage Manager), Reserve Lacrosse 8 (Manager), Cycling 9; Effort Honor Roll, Floor Leader - French I 9. Blaze, Indoor Soccer, Conditioning, Tai Chi, Movie Clubs. "It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very‘often get it." -S, M augham. The coffee man, M r. Hart, the coffee man.

Christopher Geoffery Smith Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 8 (Coaches' Award), 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9; Street Hockey, Snow足 boarding, C onditioning Clubs; Floor Leader - Clark M organ III 9. "Talk minus action equals zero." D .O .A . Thanks M om and Dad! See you later J.S., N.E., J.H., T.P., J.S., L.C., A .M ., C.S., A.W ., J.P.

James Alexander Steele Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Basketball 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Snowboarding Conditioning, Indoor Soccer Clubs; Superintendant of Classroom Cleaners Hopkins I 9. "Help. I need somebody. Help! I get by with a little help from my freinds" Beatles. Thanks M om and Dad.

Jam il A ntonio Stefan II Varsity Football 8, 9, Performing Arts 8, 9 (Directors' Award), Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Street Hockey Club, Blaze, Consitioning C lub Mr. Brier Fan Club. B.B., J.J., J.D., J.S., A.W ., D.B., Radd Pack Tunafish! W om an m y wife? You might get hurt. Colleen who's the Dar . . . O h m y God. J.S., J, L.C., T.E., J.S., Yo!

James Bernard Swanski Third Soccer 8, Reserve Soccer 9, Reserve Hockey 8, 9, Third Lacrosse 8, JV Lacrosse 9; Street Hockey, Chess, Conditioning Clubs; National Junior Honor Society, Student Recreational Co- Director 9.

Joshua Lawrence Taufman Cross Country R un n ing 8, JV Soccer 9, Nordic Ski Team 8, Recreational Skiing 9, Sailing 8, Recreational Tennis 9; Sw im m ing, Ice Fishing, Movie Clubs. D on't lead me to temptation, I can find it myself. Hard work hasn't hurt anybody, but why take chances.

James Russell Terkelsen Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Sailing 8, 9; Movie, Bike Touring Indoor Games Clubs; Audio Visual Head 9. Let us die young or let us live forever. Thanks M o m and Dad for everything you have done for me. See ya later J.I., M.F., J.H., D.C., C.S., J.S., Remember Vail J.S.

D aniel Warren Tideman Intram urals 9, J.V. Basketball 9, Reserve Baseball 9; Silkscreening, Chess and Bow Tie Clubs. N o canoes is good G-news.

Ian Michael Toney Junior Soccer 8, Cross Country R un n ing 9 (Most Improved), Nordic Ski Team 8, Performing Arts 9, Track 8 (Most Improved), 9; Essay Contest Prize 8, Edward A. Barney 8, 9, Chaplain's Assistant 9. Tennis, Cooking Clubs, Blaze Editor. Public Relations, Glee Club, Scribe Editor. Be yourself. Hug a musician, they never get to dance. Thanks M om and Dad.

Alexander Wassitsch Intramurals 6, Reserve B Soccer 7, 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 7, Reserve B Hockey 8, J.V. Hockey 9, Sailing Team 6, 7, 8, 9; Art Award 6, Honor Roll 8, 9, A.V. Crew 9. Skateboarding, Sledding, Bowling, Rocketry, Blaze, Conditioning Clubs. Thanks to my entire family for all of their support. N O O A H , S M IT C H IS IT!


Benjamin Douglas Weissman Cross Country R un n ing 8, (Captain) 9, Nordic Ski Team 8, 9, Track 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Cooking, Movie Clubs, Blaze. Public Relations Crew. If you don't succeed at first try, try, and try again! D on't stop until it is done.

John Rypperda Wierdsma, Jr. Reserve Football 7, Junior Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Third Hockey 7, Reserve Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Third Baseball 7, J.V. Baseball 8, 9; Fly Fishing, Snowboarding, Movie Clubs; A.V. Crew.

Lesly Regginauld Zeekster IV Intramurals 6, 7, (Manager) J.V. Snowman M aking 7, 8, 9, . Spring Flowerpicking 7, 8, 9, Birdwatching 7, 8, 9, Nature W alking 6, 8, . Physics, Be K ind to Anim als, and Lunchbox M aking Clubs. Hallway and Sidewalk M onitor 8, 9. Chairm an of the Wilderness Awareness Committee, Crass Watering Manager. e= me* Thank You for lunch boxes. Lawrence W elk #1



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Top Row: Keith Skilling, Jim Patten, Ben Saltoun, Richard Bergner, John Harris, Jim Tcrkelsen, Ian Toney, Nat Evarts. Bottom Row: Trask Pfiefle, John Barto, M ark Dantos, Logan Clarke, Chris Smith, Eric Massey, Michael Chudzik, Marshall Farrer, Doug Weissman.

Logan Clarke (President), D w ight Kee (Treasurer), Nat Evarts (Secretary) Jim Patten (Vice President), M r. Small and Mr, Brier, Advisors: - Class of 1986.

Mr. Shelton - Head of Jobs and Cammy Clark - Job Foreman

Jason Ham m ond - School Leader

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Eighth Grade Officers: Mr. Barron (Advisor), Bohdi Amos, M ark Dantos, David Schmidt, Sean Finnerty.

N usbaum , Huot, McLennan, Littlepage, Walsh, Jones, Golden, Yates, Flanigan. 44

Weinstein, Rome, Albert, Treanor, Kislak, Outlaw, Casas, Hartmann.

Back Row: Spencer, Duda, Barclay, Glossberg, Marthens, Misrahi. Front Row: Peebles, Pereira, Barden. 45

Dantos, Emerson, W right, Calder, Joyal, Butler, Kahn.

Ghckstein, Greenstone, Amos, Gilbert, Ferguson, Stewart, Paine, Russell. 46

Taufman Jon, Marshall, Register, Weld, Smiley, Scully, M urdough, Mclnerney.

Lee, Hogan, Larsen, Finnerty, Buffone, Powers, Daley, Whitehead. 47

Standing: Callahan, Schmidt, H unt. Seated: Needham, Hitzig, Durey, Kuckly.

Malozzi, McCarthy, Thomas, Sevilla, Tebbetts, Ganley, Fanoe. 48


7th Grade Officers: David Franklin, D anny Collins, Jim m y Marrion, Patricio Garcia, Mr. Dingle (Advisor).

Front Row: Berner, Franklin. Middle Row: Wiberg, Chung, Robertson, Diebel, Wingate. Back Row: Frazier, DeLage, Collins, Marrion, Garcia P.


First Row: W endt, Taylor, Edy. Second Row: Lookner, Reese, Daigle, Keough, Fogg. Back Row: lovino C., Husson, Walker, Barnum, Shore.

Front Row: Summers, Alford, Ernstof. M iddle Row: Boegner, Grogean, Ramos, Smith J., Ciampa. Back Row: Morgan, Muckermann, Prescott, Kiley, Rafferty. 50


6th Grade Officers: Chuck Hicks, Jose Barquin, Mr. Hart (Advisor), G il Garcia.

Front Row: Ellis, Montanus, Mainelli, Garcia G. Back Row: Shaff, Hicks, Gordon, Barquin, Thompson. 51


, %





Blaze Staff: Back Row; D w ight Kee, Ian Toney (Editor), Doug Weissman, Pierce Runnells (Editor), Dean Taylor. Front: Scott Olszewski, Kevin Dickey, Michael Chudzik.

Darkroom: Doug Albert, Josh Perleman.

Blaze Advisors: Mrs. Carey, Mr. Heath, Mr. Decker.



Front Row: Sm ith J, Fogg, Rome, Garcia P, Barquin, Wendt, Franklin, Taylor. Middle Row: Schiavetti, Olszewski, Graham, Knill, Kee, Toney, lovino J., Chudzik, Calder, Swanski, Skilling. Back Row: Stewart, Paine, Barto, Casas.


M r. Barron (Advisor), Ian Toney, Kevin Dickey (Editors)



Sitting: Summers, Diebel, Mrs. Wakely (Advisor), Kee (Public Relations Director), Chudzik, Weissman. Standing: Walker Skilling, Clark, Chung, Boegner.


Wierdsma, W endt, Chudzik, Kane, Lookner, Terkelsen (AV Assistant), Farrer, lovino (A-V Assistant), Mrs. Shelton (Advisor).



Mrs. Carey (Advisor to N ational Junior Honor Society), M ark Dantos (Mr. Mathews Advisor), Logan Clarke, H unt Durey (Mr. Brier Advisor), M r. Heath, Sean Finnerty, Mr. Coffin, Jim Terkelsen, Jim Swanski, M ike Chudzik (Mr. Marks Advisor) M r. Collins, Joshua Taufm an, M r. Matthews, Carlos W right, Mr. Shelton, H ui Neng Amos.


First Row: Miller, Marthens, M urdough, Gordon, Garcia G., Barquin, Rome, Pereira, Skilling. Second Row: Clark, H unt, Miller, Franklin, Amos, Prescott, Garcia P., lovino, Runnells. Third Row: Chudzik, Wierdsma, Terkelsen, Finnerty, Smith C, Clarke, Kuckly, Needham, Durey, Marrion. Top: Swanski, Nields, Taufman, Wendt.


First Row: Rome, Cooper, Boegner, Murdough, Garcia G., Barquin, Pfiefle, Walker, Runnells. Second Row: Barclay, Marthens, Miller, Franklin, Amos, Prescott, Garcia P., lovino, Lookner. Third Row: Chudzik, Miller, Terkelsen, Finnerty, Steele, Clarke, Patten, Schmidt, Marrion. Top Row: Swanski, Fletcher, Wendt, Durey.




“Guys and Dolls" is a Broadway musical one should not miss. This musical, along with its costumes and humor, comes to life right here on campus. The play opens with a solo which becomes a trio sung by three gangsters. The play then continues with every character appearing by the end of the first scene. The lead roles seem to be a tie between Nathan Detroit (Jay Stefan) and his doll Miss Adelaide (Coleen Mahon) and the other couple of Sky Masterson (Chip Graham) and Sarah (Elli St. George). Nathan does a good job of trying to keep the crap game under the hood, but meanwhile he is being chased around by his dumb doll who wants to get married. Nathan finds that to keep his doll he will have to give up the crap game. Best supporting roles go to Harry the Horse (Eric Massey) and Big Jule (Neil Brier). Even though they don't have big parts, they are excellent. They are both in town looking for some action. Harry seems to be the quiet gangster. He wants action free of trouble and cops, whereas Big Jule wants to win big and take on the police force. The entire play is a great success. The humor, costumes, sets, and lighting are excellent as a whole. The actors have a great time putting the show on and acting out their roles. This is a must see!


TUTORIAL PROGRAM HELPS MANY Four years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Small started a peer tutoring program as a project for graduate school. The idea was that the students whose teachers reported an exceptional strength in an area would voluntarily help students who had a weakness in the same area. This year, the program consisted of thirty boys working during confer足 ence periods on Thursdays in the Kirk Library. The pairs were strongly en足 couraged to work on weekends and other free time. For the fourth year in a row, the program was a success, and m any students benefitted from the experience.



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To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the founding of Cardigan Mountain School, Mr. Wakely and the Trustees threw a giant birthday party for all of us faculty, students, alumni, parents, and friends. Although the uninvited visit of Hurricane Gloria made the weekend a little bit wet, we all had a lot of fun and a lot to eat. All of the teams had games, and there were huge circus tents full of Mr. Parker's delicacies. The Glee Club provided musical entertainment, and a juggler taught us normal types how to juggle. All in all, it was quite a party.



A wide range of clubs which meet on Thursday afternoons give Cardigan students an opportunity to pursue a favorite hobby or to find a new one. Among the interests shown here are: magic, cooking, street hockey, silk screening, ice fishing, music, indoor games, and gymnastics.





As is the tradition at Cardigan, on the night of the Christmas Pageant, the younger relatives of Cardigan students and the facuUy children received Christmas presents from Santa in the dining room. Even as Santa was handing out his gifts, the Glee Club and the members of the Pageant cast were in the Chapel preparing for the big show. Again, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Mahoney, the Pageant was a success. The theme this year, as in past years, was the role of the Modern Shepherd. It was a nice way to spend our last night before Christmas vacation.


SCIENCE & HISTORY TRIPS A HIT Field trips enable students to experience learning outside the classroom setting. This year each grade was involved in at least one trip to such varied places as the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the top of M ount Washington (the hard way). Cape Cod National Seashore, the mills in Lowell, and the legislature in Concord.


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At the Winter Parents' Weekend more than 150 parents got a taste of Cardigan. Some saw the beautiful sunrise, others the flag still at halfmast honoring the sacrifice of the seven shuttle astronauts. The sporting events lasted all afternoon and into the evening on Saturday. Events included cross-country skiing, basketball, hockey, and post-game receptions. Younger siblings found Mr. Clark, and helpful students on the reception crew drew coffee for parents.


PROGRAMS & OUTINGS PREVENT BOREDOM Breaks in the routine such as M ountain Day and Ski Holiday, the Sandwich Fair, and a visit from the Montshire Museum travelling show, as well as musical and dramatic performances, are appreciated. Elvis's posthumous concert was great.

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Some of the everyday Cardigan people shown here are climbing Mt. Washington, holding a thousand balloons, blowing bubbles in our science classes, spacing out in class, spacing out on the bench, and keeping score - an activity for those of us on crutches.


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VARSITY SLOGGED TO 6-2 SEASON Back Row: M r. M arrion (Coach), Mr. Collins (Coach), Littlepage, Mclnerney, Hughes, Jones, Clarke, Harris, O 'N eill, M iller G., Durey, Graham, Skilling, Larsen, M r. Schenck (Coach). Sitting: Clark, Hallsted, Barto, Stefan, Long M., Bergner, Steele, Kuckly, Terklesen, Kislak.

RESERVES HAD WILD PLAYBOOK Kneeling: Tri-Captains Alford, Amos, Golden. Sitting: Boegner Wingate, Barnum, Ciampa, Lookner, W right, Glickstein, Callahan, Daigle, Marrion, Ellis. Standing: M r. Jangro (Coach), M arshall, Robertson, Butler, Weinstein, McCarthy, Treanor, Fanoe, Tebbets, Chung, Reese, Register, Keough, Smith J., M r. Heath (Coach).


X-C RUNNERS BURNED UP MILES Front: Kane, Weissman (Captain), Chudzik (Captain), Sevilla, Hoag, Collins, Scully. Rear: Pearson, Toney, Mr. Small (Coach).

INTRAMURALS PILED ON FUN Top: Berner, Mr. Carey (Coach), Rome, Flanigan, Stewart, Mr. Ramos (Coach). Middle: Muckerman, Yates, Summers, Tideman. Bottom: H olguin, Edy, Barden, Russell, Long, Mr. Hart (Coach).


VARSITY BECAME SHUTOUT KINGS Standing: M r. Dingle (Coach), Whitehead, Patten, Pfeifle, Needham, Michas, Smith C., H am m ond, Daly, Finnerty. Kneeling: Litmans, Spencer, Buffone, Farrer, Garvin, M yllykoski, Evarts, Hartmann.

JV SURVIVED A TOUGH SEASON Standing: Mr. Gundaker (Coach), Taufman Josh, Perelman, Wierdsma, Saltoun, Clermont, Kee, Massey, Latham, Mr. Decker (Coach). Kneeling: Selfe, Swanski, M iller G., Fletcher, Olszewski, Nields, Wassitch, C onkling, K nill.


RESERVE A HAD A LOT OF "ALMOSTS" Front: Shore, M organ, H itzig, T aufm an Jon, Franklin. M iddle: Smiley, Pereira, Joyal, Casas, Ram os, N usbaum , M cLennan, W alsh, Fogg, Schm idt. Rear: M r. Brier (Coach), M r. Solm s (Coach).


- .Âť .


RESERVE B'S 4 WINS -A SOLID SEASON Front: Garcia G., Rafferty, lovino C., H usson. M iddle: D antos, Barclay, Calder, Garcia P., M arthens, M r. Barron (Coach). Rear: M r. M athew s (Coach), H unt, W eld, K ahn, Kiley, Em erson, Ferguson, DeLage.


JUNIOR SOCCER PLAYED AWAY - EVEN AT HOME Front: T ho m p so n , H icks, M ontanus, M ainelli, Barquin, Rear: G ilbert, Duda, O utlaw , E rnstof, W endt, M urdough, Mr. C lark (Coach).

r 3 sca led local cra g s Rear: A lbert, G reenstone, G rogean, M israhi, H ogan, M alozzi, G lossberg. Front: C anley, Lee, Frazier.


NORDIC TEAM "MEISTERED" EVENTS M r. H eath (Coach), C hudzik, Fletcher, K nill, C lerinont, Pearson, W eissm an.


Kneeling: W alsh, Scully, N usbaum , F ranklin, R obertson, deLage, Barden. Standing: M r. Schenck (Coach), H olguin, Jones, H allsted, Perelm an, Long M., Mr. Barron (Coach).


WHALEBACK GAVE INSTRUCTIONAL Picture O ne: M r. H art (Instructor), G reenstone, W ingate, D urey, M arshall, Littlepage, M iller G., G anley, Cooper. Picture Two: Prescott, M r. Small (Instructor), W eld, M iss M arks (Instructor), B arnum , Skilling, W einstein, R ussell, Payne, W iberg, D iebel, Ferguson. Picture Three: Edy, W endt, Boegner, G ordon, T au fm an Josh, Garcia P., T au fm an Jon, Garcia G., Kee, O 'N eill, M uckerm an.




Photo One: W alker, Reese, M iss M cLendon (Instructor), Sevilla, Rome, M ichas, Ernstof. Photo Two: M rs. Schenck (Instructor), Casas, B arquin G., Ram os, K islak, Lookner, Fanoe, M cC arthy, W right. Kneeling: Ellis.


VARSITY WORKED TO DOMINATE BOARDE First Row: C larke, H arris, Farrer, Steele, T erkelsen, Kane, M r. Ram os (Coach). Second Row: G olden, Yates, A m os, Kahn.

RESERVES KEPT WINS First Row: M r. C arey (Coach), Taylor, Yates, K ahn, Hoag. Second Row: Golden, Kiley, K eough, T idem an, C hung.




A-TEAM AWESOME Standing: Litnt\ans, C lark, lovino J., D uda, Kuckly, Barclay, M r. H ennessey (Coach). Sitting: A lbert, N ields, Schm idt.

B-TEAM STRONGEST YET Rear: M r. Brier (Coach). Front: Pereira, Peebles, lovino C., T ebbits, M organ, Smiley, M arthens.

A a


VARSITY WINS FINNISH TOURNAMENT Front Row: Buffone, Patten, Sm ith, Barto, H am m ond, Pfeifle, M yllykoski, Back Row: M r. Jangro (Coach), M r. G undaker (Coach) Pow ers, W hitehead, D aly, N eedham , Spencer, M r. D ingle (Coach).

JV: A LEARNING SEASON Front Row: H ogan, H a rtm a n n , H usson, Larsen, M arrion, W assitsch, Back Row: Mr. D ingle (Coach), Evarts, H u n t, Selfe, Sw anski, M cL ennan, W eirdsm a, M r. Solm s (Coach).


RESERVES BETTER THAN EVER First Row: A lford, Rafferty, M ontanus, M iller D., Latham , D antos, T hom pson, Sum m ers, M urdough. Second Row: M r. M athew s (Coach), M r. C lark (Coach), Em erson, Long G., H itzig, T hom as, Baker, G ilbert, Malozzi, Fogg, Daigle.

-â– 'J

SAILORS TEST FRIGID WATERS Front Row: T erkelsen, W assitsch. Second Row: lovino J, Barquin, Garcia G, M israhi, Grogean, Lookner, Berner. T h ird Row: M r. C offin (Coach), M assey, Long, Calder, Schiavetti, M r. Carey (Coach).


VARSITY SHOWS GUTS Front Row: M r. G undaker (Coach), Saltoun, Barto, Steele (Captain), Sm ith (Captain), Pow ers, D aly, Buffone, Pfeifle (Captain), Selfe, C lark, N eedham , M r. H eath (Coach). Back Row: G raham , M iller G., Stefan, F innerty, Patten, Bergner, L itm ans, N u sb au m , W hitehead.

>*• "

JV LAX PDG=^ Front Row: M arrion, A m os, K uckly, Second Row: H usson, D antos, W alsh, M arth en s, D uda, Larsen, D urey, Franklin. T h ird Row: M r. Brier (Coach), M cLennan, S chm idt, Sm iley, Pereira, Sw anski, M clnerney, H uot. D urey. *Junior V arsity Lacrosse P retty D arned G ood


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RESERVES STAY ALIVE Front Row: M urdough, M ainelli, lovino C, Sm ith J, Ellis, W ingate, Em erson. Back Row: C ollins, Scully, M r. M athew s (Coach), N eilds, Baker, G ilbert, Fogg, M cC arthy, Yates, M r. C lark (Coach), G reenstone.

RESERVES TAKE ONE BASE AT A TIME Front: H icks. Second Row: Barnum , Ciam pa, Rafferty, W endt. T hird Row: M r. Schenck (Coach), Sum m ers, Taylor, deLage, T idem an, A lford, M uckerm an, R obertson, W einstein.


VARSITY HAS DEEP PITCHING STAFF First Row: T ebbets, Spencer, Littlepage, Long, M iller, G lossberg (M anager). Second Row: M r. C ollins (Coach), H am m ond, H arris, H allsted, C larke, M yllykoski, M r. M arrio n (Coach).

JV ALWAYS READY TO GO Front Row: Joyal, W aIker,T hom as, M organ, Shore, H oag, W eld. Back Row: H u n t, M arshall, Kiley, G olden, D aigle, O 'N eill, Kee.


CYCLING: HITS THE SHOWERS M r. D ingle (Coach), K nill, Fletcher, Clerm ont.

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WILDERNESS TAMES THE WILDS Boegner, Reese, T hom pson, A lbert, M r. H ennessey Coach), M s. M cLendon (Coach).


TRACK RUNS WILD Lee, T oney, C hudzik, Casas, Stew art, M r. Barron (Coach), C hung.


a ANYONE FOR CROQUET? Left to R ight: T aufm an Josh, D iebel, Taufm an Jon, Barden, T reanor, H olquin, O u t足 law, K islak, Santem m a, C ohen, C onkling, R egister, M alozzi, Fanoe, C allahan, Paine, Ferguson, E rnstof, M r. H art (Coach).


,H s


VARSITY: RAW, UNBRIDLED POWER Farrer, K ahn, H artm an n , Keogh, O ls足 zewski, M r. Ram os (Coach), R unnells, Evarts, W iberg, Garcia P.

J.V. SCARED OFF COMPETITION H ogan, D ickey, M ichas, Perelm an, W eissm an, G arvin, M r. D ecker (Coach),


v ;



AWARDS HONOR MANY At the end of each term, an awards assembly and banquet are held. Each boy is recognized for his partic足 ipation in an activity with a certificate and a letter or a pin. Those who have contributed in special ways re足 ceive trophies for their achievements.

Fall team speakers await their turns. T ravis M cL ennan and C ody M organ receive soccer letters from Coach Solm s.

Carlos W right is giveri his Reserve T ennis certificate by M r. Decker.

Spring team speakers com pare notes.


SCORERS A N D VICTIMS Varsity Football CMS 1 2 - 0 Plymouth CMS 1 6 - 0 Eaglebrook CMS 1 4 - 0 W oodstock CMS 12 - 28 Newport CMS 1 4 - 7 Hanover CMS 4 8 - 8 W indsor CMS 1 4 - 0 Plymouth CMS 6 - 12 St. Pauls M ost Improved Player - John Barto Coaches Award - John Harris M ost Valuable Player - Milton Long J.V. FOOTBALL CMS 12- 8 W oodstock CMS 8-20 Plymouth CMS 26- 0 Eaglebrook CMS 20- 8 Hanover CMS 26- 0 Hartford CMS 12- 6 Newport CMS 6-16 Springfield CMS 0- 6 Plymouth CMS 8-12 Windsor CMS 6-12 Newport M ost Improved Player - Michael Golden M ost Valuable Player - Hui Neng Am os

CROSS-COUNTRY R U N N IN G The Cross Country team under the direction of Mr. Small competed against runners from secondary prep schools for the sake of gaining experience for the com ing years. W hether it be a run around the lake or through the trap range the run足 ners proved to be dedicated to con足 stant improvement. M ost Improved Runner - Dan C ollins M ost Valuable - Michael Chudzik 104

Varsity Soccer Kimball Union CMS 2 - 4 Mascoma CMS 0 - 3 Hanover CMS 0 - 1 Kimball Union CMS 0 - 4 Eaglebrook CMS 2 - 1 Hanover CMS 0 - 2 2 - 5 Holderness CMS Mascoma CMS 4 - 1 CMS 1 - 0 Guilford CMS 3rd place Eaglebrook Tournament Linden Hill CMS 3 -0 1 - 0 Pine Cobble CMS Fessenden CMS 1 - 0 1 - 0 Park CMS CMS 1 - 0 Foote 0 - 3 Eaglebrook CMS Rectory 1 - 0 CMS M ost Improved Player - Trask Pfeifle M ost Valuable Player - Jim Patten

I Reserve A Soccer 2 - 3 CMS Hanover CMS 3 - 2 Mascoma Woodstock 1- 3 CMS 2 - 3 KUA CMS 1 - 4 Eaglebrook CMS 7 - 1 Woodstock CMS 0 - 2 Hanover CMS CMS 2 - 3 Kearsage Mascoma CMS 1- 0 CMS 1- 2 Plainfield CMS 0 - 5 Kearsarge CMS 0 -3 KUA M ost Improved Player - David Smiley M ost Valuable - Sebastian Hitzig

Junior Varsity Soccer CMS 1 - 11 Sunapee 0 - 12 St. Bani CMS 1 - 12 Hanover CMS 1 - 4 Sunapee CMS CMS 1 - 4 Derryfield 0 - 5 Eaglebrook CMS CMS 0 - 4 Bow 4 - 1 Proctor CMS CMS 1 - 14 Hanover CMS 2 - 0 Proctor CMS 0 - 4 St. Bani 2 - 6 KUA CMS M ost Valuable: Ben Saltoun M ost Improved: Rob Conkling Coaches Award: Dwight Kee

Reserve B Soccer CMS 1 - 0 Kearsarge 0 - 3 Plainfield CMS CMS 2 - 3 Thetford 6 - 2 Hanover CMS Eaglebrook CMS 1 - 2 CMS 1 - 2 Sunapee Hanover CMS 2 - 1 CMS 2 - 4 Thetford CMS Kearsarge 1 -2 CMS Sunapee 2 - 3 St. Mary's CMS 1 - 3 CMS 5 - 4 Hartford M ost Improved: Matt Husson Chris lovino M ost Valuable: Tucker Hunt

Hockey Mass West Holderness North Shore Springfield Springfield Rutland Lawrence Academy CMS 11-2 Middlesex Islanders St. Paul's TournamentW on first game 3 - 2 Lost to Manchester 6 - 5 Lost to So. Conn. 3 - 2 M ost Improved Player - George Needham Coaches Award - Jason Hammond M ost Valuable Players - Michael Garvin Chris Smith

VARSITY BASKETBALL CMS W on Oxbow CMS Lost Hartford CMS W on Bow CMS Lost Eaglebrook CMS Won Lebanon CMS W on Mascoma CMS Won Hartford CMS Won Holderness CMS Lost Newport CMS Lost Holderness CMS Won Woodstock CMS Lost Bow CMS Lost Lebanon CMS W on Woodstock Most Improved Player- Richard Kane Most Valuable Player- Jonathan Harris Logan Clarke Reserve Basketball CMS 25 - 35 Windsor CMS 15 - 51 Hartford CMS 34 - 30 Woodstock CMS 24 - 18 Eaglebrook CMS 20 - 38 Newport CMS 24 - 31 Mascoma CMS 28 - 32 Plainfield CMS 38 - 26 Woodstock CMS 8 - 4 6 Hanover CMS 26 - 37 Windsor CMS 22 - 31 Newport CMS 30 - 27 Woodstock CMS 20 - 42 W illiston CMS 40 - 43 Plainfield Most Improved: Dan Tideman M ost Valuable; Jon Yates


Wrestling CMS 74 - 30 St. Paul's CMS 59 - 18 Keene CMS 63 - 28 St. Paul's CMS 30 - 48 Plymouth CMS 15 - 40 White Mountain CMS 58 - 27 Timberlane CMS 21 - 54 Eaglebrook CMS 15 - 54 Plymouth Cardigan Mt. Tournament- One First, One Second, One Third, Three Fourths. Fessenden Tournament- One First, Two Seconds, Two Thirds E agleb rook T o u rn a m en t- O ne First, Two Thirds, Three Fourths M ost Improved Wrestlers- David Franklin, Pat Walsh Most Valuable Wrestler - Josh Perelman

Varsity 12-1 9 -3 7 -3 6 -5 3 -1 9 -1 6 -3

J.V. Hockey 3 -0 Hartford 3 -0 Hartford 1 -0 Lebanon 3 -0 Kearsarge 3 -7 Hanover/ Lebanon CMS 3 -6 Hanover CMS 3 -2 Eaglebrook CMS 3 -5 Lebanon CMS 10-0 Kearsarge CMS 2 -4 Rutland CMS 0 -4 Hanover CMS 2 -1 Hanover Most Improved Player: Sean Selfe Most Valuable Player: Don Larsen CMS CMS CMS CMS CMS

Nordic Ski Team Although they skied in many indi足 vidual events rather than for team points the Nordic skiers, led by Rob Pearson, Most Valuable^ and Michael Chudzik, M ost Improved, had a fine season which included their w inning of the N ew England Junior Prep School Championship.



VARSITY TENNIS Won Vermont Academy Lost Brewster Academy Won Woodstock Won Vermont Academy Won Stevens High Lost Deerfield Academy Lost Holderness Won Holderness Won Woodstock Lost Eaglebrook

M ost Improved Player - Chris Hartmann Most Valuable Player - Patricio Garcia

Alpine A Ski Team Lakes Region Races Jan. 8, Home, 1st out of 5 Jan. 15, Proctor, 1st out of 6 Jan. 22, Home, 2nd out of 5 Jan. 29, Deerfield, 3rd out of 6 Feb. 1, Home, Against Eaglebrook loss. Feb. 5th, St. Paul's, 1st out of 6 (Beat Deerfield!) Feb. 8th, Eaglebrook loss. Feb. 12th, KUA, 2nd out of 6 Feb. 19th, Home, 2nd out of 5 Feb. 21st, N ew England Champion足 ships, 2nd place. M ost Valuable: Ian Litmans M ost Improved: George Kuckly

Alpine B Ski Team Varsity B skiing only had four meets, but actually placed in the middle of some Lakes Region Races that the A Team won - overall it was a training team. M ost Improved/Valuable Skier - Andy Pereira VARSITY YACHTING Northfield Mt. Hermon CMS 14.00 - 9.75 Dublin CMS 15.50 - 26 Brewster CMS 67.50 - 26.25 Northfield Mt. Hermon CMS 33.75 - 28.50 Dublin CMS 22.25 - 40 M o st V a lu a b le S k ip p er - Jim Terkelsen Most Valuable Crew - Jay lovino



TRACK 3rd Place Springfield Meet 31-66 Bow 1st Place Springfield Meet

N .H . Jr. High State Meet -1 Fourth, S pringfield Freshm an-Sophm ore M ost Improved Player - Gabriel M ost Valuable Player - Michael

1 Sixth Meet - 1 Fourth, 1 Sixth Lee Chudzik


J.V. TENNIS 3 -2 Woodstock 6 -3 Hartford 2 - 4 KUA 1 -4 Eaglebrook

Most Improved Player - Warren Prescott

VARSITY BASEBALL Holderness 12-5 CMS Mascoma 8-8 CMS Tilton 4-7 CMS Bow 9-2 CMS Claremont CMS 14-2 Deerfield CMS 4-4 Woodstock CMS 15-1 KUA CMS 12-3 Mascoma CMS 11-5 Claremont CMS 16-2 Bow 17-4 CMS N ew Hampton CMS 4-7 KUA CMS 12-5 Eaglebrook CMS 7-8 M ost Im proved P layer - John Harris Coaches Award - M ilton Long M ost V alu able P layer - Jason Hammor\d

VARSITY LACROSSE 6-4 CMS Pinkerton 4-3 CMS Holderness 12-0 CMS Mt. Hermon 5-3 CMS Tilton J.V. 9-1 CMS Vermont Academy 11-1 CMS Tilton III 10-1 CMS Tilton J.V. 7-1 CMS Londonderry 9-2 CMS Pinkerton 11-2 CMS Vermont Academy 3-8CMS St. Pauls 2-6CMS Eaglebrook M ost Improved - Sean Powers Coaches Award - John Barto M ost Valuable - Chris Smith

J.V. LACROSSE Hanover CMS 0 - 6 Holderness CMS 5 - 7 CMS 6 - 5 Derryfield Proctor CMS 2 - 12 CMS Woodstock 9 - 3 Hanover CMS 2 - 4 Woodstock 7 - 1 CMS 2 - 2 Eaglebrook CMS Upper Valley High School Tourna­ ment - 2nd place "A" D ivision M ost Improved - Andy Pereira M ost Valuable - Jesse Huot

J.V. BASEBALL Mascoma CMS 16-14 Plainfield CMS 5- 7 Derryfield CMS 24- 4 Deerfield CMS 9-10 CMS Hartford 12- 7 Hanover CMS 9- 8 Mascoma CMS 9-12 Lebanon 9-17 CMS Plainfield CMS 4- 3 Woodstock CMS 5- 7 Hanover 9-11 CMS Lebanon CMS 3-15 Hartford CMS 7- 6 Derryfield CMS 18- 4 Eaglebrook CMS 7-11 M ost Improved Player - Dwight Kee Most Valuable Player - Michael Golden



GRADUATION WEEK BUSY The final week of school was filled with awards, dinners, and rehearsals. AI Schiavetti received a music award from a very impressed Mr. Finkbeiner who encouraged Al to continue to develop his fine voice. Rehearsals for both Baccalaureate Sunday and graduation went by quicker than in the past thanks to the boys' cooperation. Various dinners for Two, Three, and Four Year Boys were held as well as a Baccalaureate brunch for the Senior L.T. students. Jim Patten displayed his talents at letter opening during the investiture ceremonies for next year's school leaders. Sean Finnerty was honored by the Senior Class as the year's most outstanding underclassman. As the final days arrived the parents were involved in softball, where they scored an upset over the Seniors; sailing, with the lovino fam ily coming in second to the Wassitsch family mariners; and a talent show featuring musical numbers from "Guys and Dolls", Chris Santemma's guitar work, Jim Swanski playing piano, Dwight Kee playing violin and Sean Selfe as a sit-down comic. Perhaps the best part of the final weekend were the reunions of the Seniors with their families.



The Graduating Class of 1986 is highly thought of by the faculty and under足 classmen alike. Headed by Logan Clarke, Class President, the boys honored two underclassmen, Peter Whitehead and Sean Finnerty, by electing them Com足 mencement Marshalls. They are a class which leaves Cardigan much the better for their having been here. Their funloving spirit and good nature will be re足 membered for many years to come. After cars, vans, and even airplanes were packed, the graduation ceremony took place with an uplifting speech by Dr. Massey. An emotional reception line told the story of how endearing the Class of '86 was to Cardigan Mountain and to each other. They left barely a trace be足 hind but took with them countless hopes, dreams, and best wishes.




The Caldwell Prize is given to the boy who has shown outstanding athletic achievement and good sportsman足 ship. This year the Caldwell Prize was awarded to both M ilton Long and Ja足 son Hammond.

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The Senior Prize is awarded to the member of the Senior Class with the highest academic standing. This year it was received by Jim Swanski. The Hinm an Prize was awarded to Michael Chudzik and is given annually in the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member of the school who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, m ost nearly approaches the ideals of manhood as conceived in the minds of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School. The Founders Prize is awarded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the difficulties encountered, without thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman, one of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School. The Founder's Prize was awarded to Cameron Clark. The second Skibiski Award was presented to Trask Pfeifle and will continue to be given annually as a memorial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the Senior Class who has shown the greatest progress during the school year.

Jim Terkelsen was awarded the Pannaci Memorial Award which is given annually by the Class of 1959 as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the Senior Class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained the ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and gen eral so cia l and sp ir itu a l ad­ justment.

TO THE ST U D E N T W H O , IN THE O P IN IO N OF THE FACULTY: . . . through his quiet steady support of a variety of school activities, has shared with us his myriad talents musical, organizational, literary, and athletic. A sensitive, gentle young man, he is dedicated to service to oth­ ers. Ian Michael Toney . . . has demonstrated a determination to excel in academics and athletics, and has made a commitment to his job and to the rules of the school. Al­ ways willing to lend a helping hand, he is an expert on things audio and visual, and his technical assistance to the Performing Arts this winter was invaluable. James Russell Terkelsen. . . . has earned the respect of his class­ mates and deserves recognition for a conscientious approach to his studies, and unfailing dependability in orga­ nizing his m inions at receptions, and a gentle and polite manner. Dwight John Kee. The Addison Memorial Prize for Cre­ ative Writing is given to the student who has demonstrated the most poential in the area of writing poetry. For the second consecutive year the Addi­ son Prize was awarded to Ian Toney. The William Knapp Morrison Award is given to that student who, in the opinion of the students, best exempli­ fies the spirit of Willie Morrison in academics, athletics and as a campus citizen. This year's winner was Logan Clarke.


1. "Sugaaar, Suugaaar, get off the field Suugaaar"." 2. "After this catch the Coach is sure to let me pitch." 3. "We're not as look as we dumb." 4. "Gee! Joshua we've sure come a long way"." "Golly Cameron it must be my apple and your name tag." 5. "Earth to Ben." "Come in, Ben." 6. "I did it in my head. Sir." 114

Trask! Look out for the ba 2. Look what an all boys school can do to ya. 3. “N ow for some ballet skiing just like M iss McLendon taught us." 4. "Whew, that reception crew was tough." 5. "Dah situation be cool mahn." 6. "The foods not that bad, Milt."


1. The I.Q. Kid is at it again. 2. W hich way to McDonald's? 3. "Let me put it this way, you deserve a break today.'



He's too silly. The picture of his nose would not fit on even a fold-out page. His ski group would die laughing. He's a Senior Class Advisor.

NOW SOME GOOD THINGS ABOUT HIM: He's survived three years of summer school - not as a student. Without him the cooking club would be half baked. He keeps reviving Cross Country Running. He's patient and good natured. He's a Senior Class Advisor.








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SPONSORS Mr. & Mrs. W ellington F. Barto BXB A Cardigan Mt. School Friend Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Chudzik Daniel Cohen Joan M. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Victor C. Cooper Virginia & David Crittenden Defiance Electric, Inc. Dr. Donald & Dr. Anne Diebel Mr. Carlton S. Fegreus

Mr. & Mrs. Lothrop M. Forbush Don & Robina Garvin Mr. & Mrs. John L. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gordon Mrs. William S. Lea Peppercelli & Matilda Hart Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Hirsch's Clothing, Lebanon Kitty Hochman Dr. & Mrs. Roland B. Hoag, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Keough

SUBSCRIBERS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carey Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Creighton Central Paper Products Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gillette Mrs. Robert H. Charles The Hallsted Family Dudley Clark Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clarke Carlotta & Rolf Hartmann John & Nancy Conkling Richard & Barbara Hinman Anne H. Diebel Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. lovino Mr. & Mrs. Phidias Dantos Geoffrey J. Joyal Terry D. Decker Mr. & Mrs. Giichi Kawada Mr. & Mrs. Jasper M. Evarts Dr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Kee Grammy & Gramps Farrer John B. Kenerson Fleck & Lewis, Architects Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kuckly E. Kennard Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Littlepage Mr. & Mrs. William Frazier Gus Lookner A Friend W illiam R. Marthens II Mr. & Mrs. Sanford L. Fogg, Sr. Mascoma Savings Bank Donald & Janice Garvin Joseph & Victoria Mele Grandparents of Naric Rome Frederick W. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Stewart Guy & Sally Morgan Jacalyn Diesenhouse and John A. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Patten Dr. & Mrs. Oscar Sevilla General & Mrs. George K. Patterson Eugene Talbert Pro Cam George & Sandra Tebbetts Rodrigo Ramos Trum bull-Nelson Constuction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Alford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Walker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Barden Webster Motors, Inc. Reginald E. Barney Insurance Agency Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Weld, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Calder III Canaan Hardware

BOOSTERS Stuart, Beth & John Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alford Mr. & Mrs. George R. Graham, Jr. Mary Berner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Greenstone Mrs. Lowell M. Chapin C.F. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Forrester Clark, Jr. Walter & Shirley Massey The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Frank F. Salamone Mr. & Mrs. John B. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. George Slight The Country Printing Shop Sovereign Hotels The Dartmouth Bookstore Dr. & Mrs. Nasry J. Stefan The Dartmouth National Bank The Weld Family The Fun Finn Joseph B. Glossberg for "Dave the Rave"

PATRONS Manuel J. Casas Mr. & Mrs. Edward Clermont Mr. & Mrs. John F. Daly, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Farrer John & Nancy Flanigan A Friend Rupert & Karen Hitzig Mr. & Mrs. G. William Michas George & Judi Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O 'Neill

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Perelman, Grandparents of Joshua Perelman Mr. & Mrs. John DeSilva Pereira Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Selfe Mr. & Mrs. C. Philip Smiley Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Steele John C. Sterquell Daniel W. Tideman Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Wingate, Jr. Juan T. Wright

DIRECTORY-CLASS OF 1986 T im o th y B aker R.F.D. # 2 , Box 65 C anaan , N H 03741 M ascom a V alley R egional H igh School

G eorge G raham 1204 S hadyside Road D ow n in g to w n , PA 19335 A von O ld Farm s

Eric M assey 4950 C hicago Beach D rive C hicago, IL 60615 A iglon

J o h n B arto D o w b o ro R oad S outh P ittsfield , N H 03263 G ro to n

C lin to n H allsted 808 C olum bia D rive San M ateo, CA 94402 Sierra H ig h School

G regory M ichas P. O . Box 420 182 M endham Road M endham , NJ 07945 A von O ld Farms

R ichard B ergner 2317 D rexel D rive H o u sto n , TX 77027 A von O ld Farm s

Jason H am m o n d 30 R ay Street M anchester, N H 03104 Lawrence

M ichael C h u d zik Box 30, F.P.O. A m erican C o n su la te G eneral San Francisco, CA 96659 Brooks

Jo n ath a n H arris 1320 N o rth State Parkw ay C hicago, IL 60610 Taft

C am eron C lark 308 Sagam ore Street S o u th H a m ilto n , M A 01982 Proctor

R oland H oag C leveland H ill Road T am w o rth , N H 03886 H olderness

Jeffrey C le rm o n t S h aro n H ill N o rth W o o d sto ck , N H 03262 W h ite M o u n ta in School

Jam es lovino Eight Berkley C ircle H in g h am , M A 02043 K ents H ill

R. Scott O lszew ski 13 G eorgetow n D rive A m herst, N H 03031 Form an

D an iel C ohen A p a rtm e n t C -P H l 1915 B rickell A venue M iam i, FL 33129 Loom is C haffee

R ichard Kane 151 S oundview D rive Po rt W ash in g to n , N Y 11050 T ilto n

K evin O 'N e ill 2430 N o rth Lakeview A venue C hicago, IL 60614 C u sh in g

D w ig h t Kee 25 T erra M ar D rive H u n tin g to n Bay, N Y 11743 A von O ld Farm s

Jam es Patten Fountain V alley School C olorado Springs, C O 80911 Fountain V alley School

O liver K nill 280 Leveroni Road Sonom a, CA 95476 B erkshire

R obert Pearson 25 W ash in g to n Drive A cton, M A 01720 Lawrence

Brett Ladin 30 B eekm an Place N ew York, N Y 10022 L andm ark

Joshua Perelm an 740 P ark A venue N ew Y ork, N Y 10021 T aft

Eduardo Latham A partado 10-711 M exico, D.F., M EX ICO 11000 Brew ster

J. T rask Pfeifle P leasant V alley Road Bradford, N H 03221 Proctor

N a th an iel Evarts R. F. D. Box 238 Landgrove, V T 05148 K im ball U n io n A cadem y M arsh a ll Farrer H illcrest Farm 12611 W est H ig h w a y 42 Prospect, KY 40059 St. M ark 's J u lia n Fletcher P. O . Box 154 W estford , M A 01886 Law rence M ichael G arv in R.F.D . # 1 0 55 Bernice A venue M an c h e ste r, N H 03103 Law rence

Ia n Litm ans 5512 D u n m o y le Street P ittsb u rg h , PA 15217 B erkshire G reg Long 4280 Stoneham Terrace, N.E. M arietta, GA 30067 T ab o r M ilto n Long P ost O ffice Box 627 A ndover, N J 07821 Peddie

C h risto p h e r Sm ith 325 W illiam s Street Longm eadow , M A 01106 A von O ld Farms

Jari M y llykoski N o rp a n k a tu 10 H yvinkaa, FIN L A N D 05830 V ehkoja School Joel N ields R.F.D. #2 , Box 929C C anaan, N H 03741 H olderness

K evin D ickey 110 B rierw ood D rive Sanford, FL 32771 T abor

K eith S killing 1242 N o rth Lake Shore D rive C hicago, IL 60610 Brooks

G eorge M iller Post O ffice Box 16 C hester, N H 03036 G ould

Jam ie H olg u in 600 G rapetree D rive A p artm en t 11-D N Key Biscayne, FL 33149 A von O ld Farm s

B randen C ooper M ain Street S ugar H ill, N H 03585 Profile H ig h School

Sean Selfe c /o N ew York H osp. 525 E. 68th Street H-8 N ew York, N Y 10021 S outh K ent

D ouglas M iller A ppleton M anor N ew Ipsw ich, N H 03071 A von O ld Farms

R. Logan C larke 2475 K aloram a Rd. N .W . W a sh in g to n , D C 20008 W o o d b erry Forest

R obert C o n k lin g Blake H ill Road N ew H a m p to n , N H 03256 N ew H a m p to n

A lfred Schiavetti N in e Brookside A venue Fair H aven, NJ 07701 G eorge School

T. Pierce R unnells 3649 C hevy C hase H ouston, TX 77019 St. Paul's B enjam in S altoun R.F.D. # 1 O ld R oute 103 W arner, N H 03278 B erkshire

C h risto p h er Santem m a 47 Stillw ell Lane W oodbury, N Y 11797 Cold S pring H arb o r H igh School

Jam es Steele 12 S torybrook Lane A m herst, N H 03031 A von O ld Farms Jam il Stefan Calle C # 3 Las Palm as de A rroyo H ondo Santo D om ingo, D O M IN IC A N REP. Lawrence Jam es Sw anski 38 D ixfield Road W orcester, M A 01606 H otchkiss Joshua T aufm an 31 K enney Street N eedham , M A 02192 Berkshire Jam es T erkelsen 115 W hite O ak Trail C enterville, M A 02632 V erm ont Academ y D an T idem an 4607 C hippendale D rive N aples, FL 33962 Blue R idge Ian T oney Belize D ept, of State W ashington, D C 20520 C hoate R osem ary Hall A lexander W assitsch Post O ffice Box N4893 N assau, BAHAM AS V irginia Episcopal D ouglas W eissm an Post O ffice Box 315 H olderness, N H 03245 H olderness Jo h n W ierdsm a 755 N o rth Street G reenw ich, C T 06830 T he G u n n ery L. R egginauld Zeekster IV P.O. Box X G ran d C entra! Station N ew York, N Y 00000 T oocute A cadem y



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