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Senior Portraits And Candids 18 44 Graduation 48 Blaze Dedication UNDERCLASSMEN 49 Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade Eighth Grade
51 53
94 95 114 118 122 128
F A C u L T Y Those who can, teach. Those who can’t go into some less signigicant line of work. -Shoebox
When we review the history of Norm and Beverly Wakely’s work at Cardigan, we see two lives given to the service of others. Mr. Wakely first started teaching in 1951 when Cardigan was located on Canaan Street and had only a few students. That summer he was to marry and bring his bride, Beverly, back to Cardigan where he taught for another year. Then both he and Mrs. Wakely left for graduate school at Columbia-never imagining at the time that they would both re turn. In 1956 they received an offer for Mr. Wakely to be come Cardigan’s Assistant Headmaster. Unsure if they wanted to stay in this situation, the Wakely’s decided to try it for one year. They have remained here for thirty-three years, have raised their own children, and helped hundreds of young men in the important middle school years of development. Mr. Wakely was Assistant Headmaster during a time of increased enrollment and extensive building on the present campus. One of his responsibilities was these new buildings. He oversaw the construction of many of them, including French Dorm, most of the houses, the Chapel, and the laying out of many of the playing fields.
When Mr. Wakely became Headmaster in 1963, he helped raise funds for the building of the Kenerson Athletic Center, Stoddard, The Turner Are na, and has started funds for the new Science Center, student scholarships and teacher grants. A strong presence on campus, he brought us clowns and mimes to brighten our days and haircuts when we needed them! Mrs. Wakely was busy with the many duties of a faculty wife and being the mother of four children. She had also done some kitchen table tutoring, but when her youngest daughter. Missy, entered the second grade she began teaching full-time. In April the Reading/Study Skills Chairman had to leave in the middle of the year, and Mrs. Wakely was called in to help out. The next year, 1974, Mrs. Wakely became the Chairman of the combined Reading/Study Skills and the Language Training Programs.
Mr. Wakely, Mrs. Dewar, Mrs. Wakely, and Dr. Dewar
Mrs. Wakely, a person who remembers everyone’s name even after twenty years, is a gracious hostess to all who come on campus and keeps an eye on the growth of each student. As Mr. Finn W. Caspersen said in his commencement speech in 1984, “Beverly, you have been the glue that has held Cardigan together.” When asked what they hoped would never change at Cardigan, Mr. Wakely responded, “The love of children. If you love children, it is possible to do anything.” Mrs. Wakely replied, “Nurturing a family feeling at Cardigan. Not just for the students, but for alumni, trust ees, parents...everyone who becomes a part of Cardigan. Once you are a member of this family , you are always a member.” While Mr. and Mrs. Wakely are retiring from their present posi tions, we know they will remain active members of the Cardigan Family. We will hear again, “It’s a beautiful day in New Hampshire.” We will probably even sing “Jacob’s Ladder”! Some student with a torn sleeve will find Mrs. Wakely there to sew it at the last minute, or another will get through a dreaded exam with her help. For your example of the rewards of a life of dedicated service, Mr. and Mrs. Wakely, we the students of Cardigan thank you.
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ROBERT D. SMALL, Director of Studies English; B.A., M .Ed. (U niversity of M assachusetts), C.A.G.S. (Fitchburg State College).
WILLIAM D. BECHER, Dean of Students Math; Counseling; Board Games; B.S., M.A. (Ohio State University, Central Michigan University).
The quality and caring of the Cardigan Admin istration and Faculty are at the heart of what made these such successful middle school years. From the first day of arrival until graduation, they were the most constant force in a student’s school life. They were not only responsible for teaching courses, they were responsible for dormi tory duty, coaching, advising students, clubs, a table in the dining hall, conferences, supervising bus trips to the airports, weekend duty, and being officer of the day. This isn’t even counting all the extra time and attention they gave to individual Mr. and Mrs. Amos, Bodhi (CMS ’85), Hui Neng (CMS ’87) students. They have been our parents away from Mary Amos: Language Training, Life Skills; Blaze Advisor, Evening Librarian; A.A. (M erritt College) home.
Mr. William X. Barron, Sugar (Right) English, Life Skills; Counseling; Soccer, Wrestling, Track; Bike & Hike, Advanced Lifesaving; 8th Grade Class Advisor; Wres tling Tournam ent Director; B.A. (Colorado College).
Mr. Neil Brier (Bottom Right) U.S. History, Geography; Soccer, Alpine Skiing, Lacrosse; Bike & Hike, Rec Read ing, & Soccer Goal Keeper Clubs Advisor; 9th Grade Class Advisor; Student Leader Advisor; B.A. (Union College).
Mr. J. Dudley Clark Math; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Rocketry Club Advisor; B.A., M.Ed. (Trinity Col lege, Northeastern University).
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JEFFREY D. HICKS, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Windsurfing Club; B.A., M.A. (Rollins, Trinity).
JAMES N. MARRION Director of Athletics Math; Football, Hockey, Baseball; Conditioning Club Advisor; B.Ed., M.Ed. (Keene State Col lege).
RICHARD R. REARICK, Director of Development and Alumni Affairs A.B. (Dartmouth College).
THOMAS E. SCHENCK, Director of Placement English; Football, W restling, Baseball; Sambo & Sumo Clubs Advisor; B.A. (San Diego State U niversity), M .A.L.S. (D art mouth College).
Reverend Harold Finkbeiner, Jr., Andrew, M atthew Fundamentals of Music, Music Appreciation, Music History; Key board; Performing Arts; Glee Club Director; B.M., M.M. (Westmin ster College), M. Div. (McCormick Theological Seminary).
Mr. Terry D. Decker History; Rocks and Ropes, Instructional Skiing, Bicycling; Pinnacle, Blaze Photog raphy; A.A., B.A. (C.C.F.L., S.U.N.Y.).
Mrs. Christine D. Dow Language T raining, B.Ed. (P lym outh State College).
Mr. and Mrs. Franz, Karl, Katrina Patricia Franz: Language Training; B.S. (West Chester State University).
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greenwood, Tyson, Tara (Picture Left) Ruth Greenwood: Typing; B.S. (Annhurst College). Mr. David E. Gundaker, Poco (Picture Above) Science; Outdoor Education Center Dir.; Ice Hockey; B.S. (Keene State College).
Mr. and Mrs. H art William Hart; English; English Dept. Head; Cer tificate of Graduation, Pinehurst Golf Advantage School; B.A., M.A. (New England College, Middlebury College). Virginia Hart: Science; B.S., M.A. (University of Georgia, Middlebury Col lege).
Mr. and Mrs. Heath, Amanda, Aaron Stephen L. Heath: Science; Science Dept. Head; Cross Country Running, Nordic Skiing, Lacrosse; Blaze Dark room Advisor; B.S. Ed. (Plymouth State). Andrea H eath: Store M gr.; Assoc. Deg., D ental Hygiene (U.V.M.).
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, Jean-M ichel, Natalie M arie-Pierre Hicks: French; Certificat de Propedeutique (Universite d’Aix Marseille, France). 8
Mr. A. Alexander (Rusty) Hyde Spanish; Soccer, Skiing, Track; A.B., M.A. (Dartmouth College, John Hopkins).
Mr. E. Marston Jones IV Science; O utdoor E d ucation Center Director; B.S. (HampdenSydney College).
Ms. Kathryn F. Foster (Lerner) Reading; M.Ed. (Bloomsburg University).
Mr. Robert T. Low English; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Indoor Soccer & Ice Lacrosse Clubs Advisor; B.A. (Plymouth St. Col.).
Mr. Randolph Alan Macdonald Algebra, Computer; Soccer, Skiing, Ar chery; Clubs Organizer; B.S. (Mjr/ Forest M gt, Mnr/Wildlife Mgt.), M.Ed., M.P.A. (University of New Hampshire); RPCV; USCG.
Reverend Harry R. Mahoney Chaplain, Religion; Christmas Pageant Director; Fire Commissioner; Magic & Amateur Radio Clubs Advisor; B.S. in Ed., B.D. (Boston Univer The littlest Lynch, Zachary, with brothers Jacob and Michael. sity, Andover-Newton Theological School).
Mr. Nicholas Lynch History; Football, Fasketball, Baseball; Conditioning & Golf Clubs Advisor; B.A. (Saint John’s University).
Mr. and Mrs. M arrion, Stephanie, Jim (CMS 88’) Constance F. Marrion: Language Training; B.Ed. (Keene State College.
Mr. David J. McCusker, Jr. Math; Football, Ice Hockey, Baseball; Squash & Movie Clubs Advisor; B.A. Ed. (Dartmouth College).
Mr. Anthony M. McHale Spanish; Football, Wrestling, Lacrosse; Aerobie Golf, M ilitary History & Westerns Clubs; B.A. (U. of Colorado, Boulder). Mr. and Mrs. Morse (Picture Left) Christopher Hill Morse: Shop;Intramurals, Sailing; Landscape Painting Club, Fly Ty ing & Fly Fishing Club; B.S., M.F.A. (Plymouth State College, North Texas State University). Denise A. Morse: Art; B.F.A., M.F.A. (University of Wisconsin, North Texas State University),
Ms. Lee W. McLendon Life Skills Chair; Rocks & Ropes, Alpine Skiing, Instructional Tennis; Blaze Dark room Advisor; B.S. (St. Lawrence U.).
Mr. William W. Ojala Science; Football, Wrestling, Baseball; Rod & Gun Club, Snowboarding; B.S., M.Ed. (Norwich University). David James M cCusker Melrose, Massachusetts Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, V a rsity H ockey 8, (C aptain) 9 (CoCaptain, Special Award) Varsity Base ball 8,9; W eightlifting, Volleyball, Ten nis Clubs: Class Vice President 8,9
CMS ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Ramos, Ramon (CMS 91’), Vidal Edilberto C. Ramos: M ath; M ath Dept. Head; Intramurals, Basketball, Tennis; Bowling, Math Counts Advisor; B.A., MTS, M.A.L.S. (Feati Uni versity, Catholic University, Dartmouth College).
Mrs. Kathleen D. Scanlan Reading/Study Skills, Language Training; B.S., M. Ed. (St. Bonaventure University, Notre Dame College).
Mr. and Mrs. Schenck Nancy Notman Schenck; Reading/Study Skills, Language Training; B.A. (Rollins College).
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Carol M. Shelton: Librarian, Audio-Visual Director; Humanities Program Coordinator; B.A. (Nasson Col lege). David F. Shelton: History; Chairman, Social Studies Department; Student Jobs Director; Work Detail Coach; B.A., M.A., (Texas A & M, Columbia University).
Mr. and Mrs. Small, Stephanie, Chris (CMS ’85) Thurza H. Small; English, Reading; Performing Arts; Cooking Club Advisor; Tutorial Program Advisor; B.S.Ed., M.Ed., C.A.G.S. (North Adams State College, Fitchburg State College).
t Mr. D. Zachary Smith Science; Rocks & Ropes, Nordic Skiing; Windsurfing & Springboard Diving Clubs; B.A., M.A., (Susquehanna University, Uni versity of Northern Colorado).
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, W yatt F. Hopkinson Smith: 6th Grade; Football, Skiing; Guitar Club; B.S. (Towson State U niversity). M indy Sm ith: Secretary, Placement Office; AA (Villa Julie College).
Mr. Alexander Strain French, Chairman of Foreign Language D epartm ent; Soccer, Hockey, T ennis; Darts & Video Clubs; B.Ed., Graduate Cer tificates in Drama & Art (McGill Universi ty).
Mr. Mark G. Werden English; Soccer, Performing Arts, Tennis; Squash & Movie Clubs; B.A. (Hartwick College).
I V.' Mrs. Barbara Wheeler Front Office Secretary
Mrs. Jacqueline Lary Assistant Treasurer
Mrs. Judy Ribeiro Bookkeeper
The clerical staff keeps everything moving at Cardigan. They are communication experts who answer all the phone calls, get students on buses and planes, keep track of all the mail, arrange appointments, keep the financial records straight, handle the student bank, locate the health care services in emergencies, stay in touch with alumni and supporters, keep the grades coming out regularly to parents, and type reams of material every day. They also find time to answer thousands of student questions.
Mrs. Lorraine Hennessy Headmaster’s Secretary
Mrs. Shirley Lester Admissions and Placement Office
Mrs. Audie Armstrong Alumni & Development Office
Mrs. Barbara Hayward Alumni & Development Office
Buildings and Grounds When the Seniors began visiting prep school campuses looking for schools for the tenth grade, they became aware of how well the Cardigan campus was maintained. The impor足 tant needs of our life are often taken for granted because they are always in order. It is the Buildings and Grounds staff who are responsible for much of this work at Cardigan. From the cleanliness and neatness of the dorms and classrooms to the plumbing, painting, and grounds maintainence, they are there every day to see the job is done. M AINTAINENCE (Photo Right); RALPH LAPOINTE, (Front Row), is Superintendant of Building and Grounds. His wife Dorothy and he have two children. Bob and Janice. He has been responsible for organizing the many new projects on campus this year, including the water and sewage systems. Ralph loves golf, fishing, and, hunting. PAUL JALBERT, (Middle Row Left), Maintainence, is married to Virginia, has one son, Stephen, and lives in Enfield. SHERWOOD GRIF足 FIN, (Middle Row Right), Maintainence, has worked for Cardigan ten and a half years, and he gets up early enough to drive all the way from Sanbornton to plow the paths before the rest of us stir from our beds. DARRYL A. CARVELL, (Back Row Left), Maintainence, has just come to Cardigan this year. He is engaged to be married and loves hunting and auto mechanics. ROGER WILLIAMS, (Back Row Right), Maintainence, has been at Cardi足 gan two years, and he loves fishing, hunting, and boating. HOUSEKEEPING (Bottom Right): ELEANOR L. WELLER, (Back Row Left), Housekeeping, has been at Cardigan nine years. She lives in Grafton, likes people and playing softball, and enjoys making silk flower arrangements. MICHELLE ANN LEWIS, (Back Row Middle), Housekeeping, just started to work at Cardigan. She is married to Tim G. and has a son T.J. Michelle loves horseback riding, swimming, and long family walks. VIRGINIA JALBERT, (Back Row Right), Housekeeping, is married to Paul in Maintainence, and they have one son, Stephen. She likes knitting, crocheting, and other handcraft work, as well as, hiking and reading. DOROTHY SWEENEY, (Front Row Left), Housekeeping, has been at Cardigan for 18 years. She loves embroidering (an art few know today), reading, and traveling. She has six grown children and nine grandchildren, and she raised three foster children, too. JANET F. LABRIE, (Front Row Middle), is Head of Housekeeping. She is responsible for maintainence of Stoddard, the Chapel, and the Kenerson Social Center. Married 31 years to Edward, she has five children (Eddie, Larry, David, Jan, and Jane). She likes people who smile, sports, painting, wallpapering, and handcrafts. PATRICIA MORSE , (Front Row Right), Housekeeping, lives in Canaan with her husband. Dale, and their three children (David, Daniel, and Cindy). She loves motorcycles and motorcycle trips with her husband into the country. Photography is a hobby she really enjoys.
Mr. Ralph LaPointe Superintendant of Buildings and Grounds
Mr. Ralph R. Young & Mr. Leslie Rogers Athletic Department Sports Coordinators LESLIE ROGERS and his wife Marion, who is on the Dining Facility Staff, have six children, and he loves farming. RALPH YOUNG is married to Jean M. and they have one son, Ralph, who is in the Marine Corps. Ralph, Sr. loves camping.
Dining Room Staff The banquets were special, but in the daily fare the ining room staff also saw that there was something for veryone. Recent alumni say that while they complained bout dining hall food before, now that they are at prep chools, they wish they had Cardigan fare back!
Mr. Larry Conlon, FSM Chef-Steward
health Services The Health Services cared or needs ranging from colds to iroken bones to rushed trips by /Ir. Mahoney to the hospital or appendectomies. Counselng services were available to tudents, and a consultant proided teachers with informaion to help them work more effectively with students. Outide health groups such as FCD >rovided on campus programs, ind each student took a term :ourse in Life Skills.
D inin g Room S ta ff (P h o to R ig h t): M r. L arry Conlon (Back R ow ), M r. R ich ard Kahn, Mr. A1 Canada, M r. M ark L aC roix (S econd Row From Top), Mr. David Powden, Mrs. Leona Fiske (S econd Row From Bottom), Ms. Michele Armstrong, Ms. Denise Deery, and Ms. Vicki H am m ond (B otto m Row). M issing from the picture, Mrs. M ar足 ion Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McIntyre, Joey, Danny School Nurse
Dr. Alan Wyatt, M.D. Consultant, Powell Associates Mrs. Trudy Clark Assistant School Nurse
Dr. David J. Cunis, M.D. School Physician
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I O I guess we go on from here and don’t look back. -Bob Dylan Submitted by G. Wendt
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Christopher Hugh Agnew High Honor Roll 8, Dining Room Superin tendent 9; Reserve Soccer 8, J.V. Football 9, Instructional Skiing 8, Wrestling Team 9, Sailing 8, 9; Magic Club, Model Rocketry Club, Darkroom Staff, Blaze Staff 9; “To be or not to be, that is the question!” Shakespeare; “To try is to succeed.” -Un known.
Todd M urrell Arrington Honor Roll 8; Football Manager 8, Instruc tional Skiing 8, 9, Intram urals 9, Instruc tional Tennis 8, 9; “Don’t worry, be hap py.” -Bobbie McFerrin; “Thanks to my parents for everything they did for me.”
Ronn M atthew Bronzetti Varsity Football 8, 9, Varsity Cross-Coun try 9, Varsity W restling 8, 9, Varsity Track 9; Auto Mechanics Club 8, Conditioning Club 8, Sambo Club 9; 3rd Place CMS Wrestling Tournament; “How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?” -Bob Dylan (1965); “Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” -J.D. Salinger.
Peter Adrian Canavin Terence Courtney Brooks (Terry) Thomas Neal Burke School Leader 9; National Junior Honor Dance Head 8, Usher ’88 Graduation, Floor Chaplain’s Assistant; French Academic Society 8, 9; Honor Roll 8; J.V. Football Leader Stowell House 9; Reserve A Soccer Prize 8; All School Spelling Bee 8; Reserve (Captain) 8, Varsity Football (Captain) 9, (Captain) 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity B Soccer 8, Reserve A Soccer 9, Rec Skiing J.V. Basketball (Captain & MVP) 8, Varsi Hockey 8, 9, J.V. Lacrosse (Captain) 8, 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Baseball 9; Scuba ty Basketball (Captain) 9, J.V. Baseball Varsity Lacrosse 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Club 8, Auto Mechanics Club 8, Blaze Se (Captain & MVP), Varsity Baseball 9; Conditioning Club, Broomball Club; “To nior Editor 9; “Take these broken wings Math Counts Club, Conditioning Club, gether we stand, divided we fall.” -Pink and learn to fly.” -Beatles; “Christ you Bow Tie & Chess Club, Tennis Club; Out Floyd; “While we stop to think, we often know it ain’t easy. You know how hard it standing Sportmanship Award All-School miss our opportunity.” -Salada Tea Bag. can be. The way things are going, they’re gonna crucify me!” -Lennon Wrestling Tournam ent 8, 9, First Place Wrestling Tournam ent 8, 9; “Mess with the best, lose like the rest.”
M ark Stephen Cedorchuk Athletic Coordinator 9; Varsity Football (Captain) 8, 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Baseball 8, 9; Conditioning Club, Broomball Club, Golf Club; “Slow down or you are going to miss what is around you.”; “I came, I saw, I conquered.” -Caesar.
Daniel Lant Coulter Honor Roll 8; Rock Climbing 8, Wilderness 8, Cross-Country Skiing 8; Rocketry Club; “There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still tim e to change the road you’re on.” -Led Zeppelin; “Jesus was all right, but his disciples were dull and boring.” -John Lennon.
Glenn Alan Cucinell Floor Leader Brewster II; Honor Roll 8, Effort Honor Roll 9; Varsity Soccer Coach es’ Award; M IP Reserve Soccer; Member of 1988 Varsity Hockey Team to Finland; Re serve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, J.V. La crosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Varsity Hock ey 8,9; Ice Fishing Club, Ice Lacrosse Club, Rocketry Club.
Brent Edward Davis Spanish Academic Award 8; Spanish T u tor; Honor Roll 9; J.V. Football 8, Reserve Hockey 8, J.V. Tennis 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Basketball 9; Squash Club; “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” “To play tennis is to have class.”
Brett St. Germain Dennis Sailing (Most Improved), Football, Skiing, Soccer; Magic Club, Scuba , Club, Movie Club, Freestyle Skiing & Snowboarding Club, Chess & Bow Tie Club; “Time runs on like a river that must run, but if you have a scratch itch it.” -Mr. & Mrs. Clark and Honda Scooters; “ We realize the sacri fices, we realize the work.” - Unknown; “I want to be free.” -The Monkeys.
Brendan Cormac Dinan Assistant Floor Leader; Reserve A Soccer 7, J.V. Hockey 7, Reserve A Lacrosse 7, Varsity Soccer (Most Improved) 8, Varsity Hockey (Most Improved) 8, 9, Varsity La crosse 8, 9, Varsity Soccer (Captain) 9; “Live, laugh, and be happy, because tomor row you may die.” -Unk.'icwn.
John Thompson Dorrance IV Varsity Cross Country Team 9, Varsity Wrestling 9, Varsity Track Team 9; Condi tioning Club; “Something is better than nothing.” - Unknown.
Joshua Everett Drees Asst. Floor Leader 8, Dorm Fire Marshall 8; J.V. Football 8, Reserve Soccer 9, J.V. Basketball 7, 8, Reserve Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7, 8, 9; Model Rocketry Club, Movie Club, Golf Club, Bowling Club; “To err is human, to do it again is plain stupid.” -Unknown.
Brett Buffington Ference H ead of A udio-V isual Crew; Coaches Award Varsity Football 9; Varsity Football 8, 9, Reserve Hockey 8, J.V. Hockey 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Scuba Club, Weight Lifting Club; “One of these days, and it won’t be long, you’ll look for me, but, baby, I’ll be gone.” -Led Zeppelin.
Charles Yoe Freeman IV Floor Leader Clark-Morgan 2; Honor Roll 8, 9; Reserve A Soccer 8, J.V. Soccer 9, Varsity Basketball 8, 9; Golf Club, Cooking Club, Indoor Games Club; “My name is not Heenan!!!” -Charlie Freeman.
John Wood Frehse Floor Leader Brewster 1; Effort Honor Roll 9; J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Alpine C Skiing 9, Varsity Tennis 8, 9; Magic Club, Squash Club; “Competent people are sometimes seen as arrogant.” -Vince Breglio; “I ar rived a non-believer and came out a con vert.” -Richard Shaffer.
Ty William Gabriel Varsity Football 9, Alpine Skiing C Team 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Windsurfing Club, Ice Fishing Club; “The higher one goes, the more he can fall, so watch your step.” Unknown; “If you don’t do it well, don’t do it at all.” -Unknown. “The Blood Broth ers.” -Ty and Todd.
Thomas Edward Gordon Honor Roll 6; J.V. Football 6, 7, Varsity Football 8, 9, Reserve Hockey 6, 7, 8, J.V. Hockey 9, J.V. Baseball 6, Varsity Baseball 7, 8, 9; Broomball Club, Movie Club, Con ditioning Club, Bowling Club, Volleyball Club; “It’s better to burn out than fade away.” -Unknown.
William Aubrey Griffin IV Varsity Soccer, Reserve Hockey, Varsity Tennis; Ice Lacrosse Club; “Go back to the mainland, Howley!”
Christopher John Hayden Gym Cleaner Supervisor; Reserve Hockey 8, Varsity Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity Baseball 9, J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9; Sauna Club, Western Movie Club, Model Rocketry Club; “Someday will come and when it does, we will accom plish all the things we were put on earth to do.” -Unknown; “G-N-R’s the best, forget the rest.” -Hayden.
Charles Hamilton Heenan Floor Leader French II; Senior Class Presi dent; Peer Tutor; Clean Room Award 8; High Honor Roll 7, 8, 9; Intram urals 7, Instructional Skiing 7, J.V. Football 8, Var sity Football 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9; Squash Club, Sambo Club, M ilitary Histo ry Club, Volleyball Club, Blaze Staff; “Hold that thought!” -Mr. Hicks; “W ant me to filibuster, Rob?” -Heenan; “W hat is history but a fable agreed upon?” -Napoleon Bonaparte.
Jason Olof Hellberg Audio-Visual Crew; Glee Club; Intram ur als 8, Instructional Skiing 8, Alpine Skiing C Team 9, Varsity Cycling 8, 9, Reserve A Soccer 9; R.C. Car Club, Magic Club, Bowl ing Club; “Cardigan has been a real experi ence, be it good or bad, I will find out at the end of the year.” -Hellberg; I may not be perfect, but I’m good.” -Unknown.
Charles Loren Hicks Class Secretary 6, 7, 8; Tournam ent Cham pion Intramural W restling 8, 9; Soccer 6, 7, 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Performing Arts 6, 9, Wrestling 7, Baseball 6, 7, Lacrosse 8, 9, Hockey 8, J.V. Hockey 9; Silk Screening Club, Indoor Soccer Club, Movie Club; “There are many different worlds, there are many different suns. We only have one world, but we live in different ones.” -Dire Straits.
Jesse Johnson Hord Class Treasurer 7, 8, 9; Honor Roll 7; J.V. Football 7, 8, Varsity Football 9, Rec Ski ing 7, Alpine Skiing 8, Alpine Skiing Varsi ty 9, Reserve Lacrosse 7, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Cooking Club, Windsurfing Club, Lifesaving Club, Snowboarding Club, Movie Club, Indoor Soccer Club, Archery Club; “Never let them see you sweat.” -Right Guard. .
Robert Chamberlin H unter (Rob) Floor Leader Greenwood House; Secretary of 9th Grade; Representative to United N ations Sym posium ; M ath A cadem ic Award 8; High Honor Roll 9; J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, J.V W restling 8, Var sity Wrestling 9, J.V. Track & Field 8, Var sity Track & Field 9; Boardgames Club, M ath Club, Sambo Club, Magic Club, M ili tary History Club; “The best work is that which is done at the last minute.” -M att Groening in SCHOOL IS HELL.
Ralph Benson H urlbutt IV Floor Leader Franklin House; Honor Roll 9; Christmas Pageant 9; Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Alpine Skiing 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Squash Club, Blaze Club; “The world is made up of many people; I just show one of the different ones.” -Unknown; “The be ginning of the end!” -Unknown.
Steven Wesley Ingram Varsity Cross-Country, Reserve Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse; Indoor Soccer Club, Rocketry Club, Conditioning Club, Golf Club, Ice Lacrosse Club; “Back off!” -Tom Burke; “If we couldn’t laugh, we’d all go insane.” -Jimmy Buffett.
Olubayo Darryl Johnson Floor Leader Hinman II; Honor Roll 8; J.V. Football 8, J.V. Soccer 9, J.V. Basket ball 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Tennis Team 8, 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Magic Club, Pin nacle Club; Peer Tutor 8; “Smile, it makes people wonder what you have been up to.” - Anonymous; “I had some difficulty in restraining myself from laughing in their faces.” -Joseph Conrad; “Geometry’s easy, it’s just applied common sense.” -Pete Can-
John Howard Kalachnikoff Rock Climbing 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 8, 9, Cycling Team 8,9; Radio Controlled Car Club, Snowboarding Club; “Feels like I’ve been here once before.” -New Order; “I’m not perfect, but I’m good.” -Howie Kalach nikoff; “Frash!” -Slime.
Dexter Sterling Kancer 7th Grade Class President, 8th Grade Din ing Room Monitor, 9th Grade Superinten dent; Honor Roll 7, Effort Honor Roll 9; Reserve B Soccer 7, J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, J.V. Hockey 7 (M.I.P.), 8 (M.V.P.), Reserve A Lacrosse 7, J.V. La crosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Volleyball Club, Conditioning Club, Indoor Soccer Club; “In the space between Heaven and the corner of some foreign fields, I had a dream.” -B.D.; “The times they are a changii
Grant Adam Kimball Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Ice Lacrosse Club; “Be what you can be, not what you can’t be!” - Anon ymous; “Women: Were they a mistake, or did God do it to us on purpose?” -Jack Nicholson in “The Witches of Eastwick”; “Cheat, cheat, never beat!” -Unknown.
Peter Rhodes Quast Knop Honor Roll 8; Wilderness 8, Rock Climbing 8, 9, Rec Skiing 8, Alpine Skiing 9; Snow boarding Club, Snowshoeing Club, Horse back Riding Club, Windsurfing Club; “The rain’s gonna come, but the rain’s gonna go.” -Unknown; “Cause when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door.” Grateful Dead.
Douglas Joseph Kooluris Honor Roll, 9; Head of Kitchen Shift 4; Reserve A Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, J.V. Basketball 7, Varsity Basketball 8, 9, J.V. Baseball 7, Varsity Baseball 8, 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Movie Club, Cabin Restora tion Club, Cycling Club; “The quality of our education is the foundation of our fu ture.” -Unknown; “I’d like to say a few words about clubs, if I may.” -Tony Carey.
George Daufkirch Kops Honor Roll 8; Intram urals 8, 9, Rec Skiing 8, 9, Tennis 8, 9; Magic Club, Movie Club, Board Games Club; “Don’t worry, be hap py.” -McFerrin; “Life is like an ice cube; sometimes it melts, sometimes it freezes.” Kops.
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Michael Patrick Larson C haplain’s A ssistant; A ssistant Floor Leader 9; Shepherd and N arrator Christ mas Pageant 8, 9; Clean Room Award 8; J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Rec Skiing 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Varsity Track (MIP) 8, 9; “Look into any eyes, and you’ll find value you can see into another day.” -Grateful Dead.
Jeffery Alan Mainelli Honor Roll 8; Reserve Soccer 9, Rec Skiing 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, J.V. Lacrosse 9; Bowling Club, Remote Control Car Club, Horseback Riding Club; “I don’t know where I’m going, but I sure know where I’ve been.” -Whitesnake; “Two roads di verged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the dif ference.” -Frost.
Edward Brayton Marvell Joseph Pancoast Manheim Honor Roll 9; Clean Room Award 7; Rocks Glee Club; Soccer 7, 8, 9, Hockey 7, 8, 9, and Ropes 7, 8, 9, Alpine Skiing 8, 9, Re Tennis 7, 8, 9; Volleyball Club, Windsurf serve Lacrosse (MIP) 7, 8; Squash Club ing Club, Magic Club, Snowboarding Club, Movie Club, Snowboarding Club; “Ed, T-Shirt Club, Broomball Club; “There’s shut up!” -Manheim; “It’s alright, Ma, I’m more to a picture than meets the eye.” Neil Young; “Give me five, I’m still alive. only Weedin’.” -Bob Dylan. It ain’t luck; I’ve learned to duck.” -Grateful Dead; “It appears to be a long time gone.” -CSNY.
Christopher Phillip McLaren Reserve A Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Var sity Skiing 8, 9, J.V. Baseball 8; Horseback Riding Club, Cooking Club; “You’ve got so much to say, say what you mean, mean what you’re thinking, and think anything.” -Cat Stevens: “Get out of here. Slime!” McLaren .
Gregory Ridgway Myers Floor Leader Clark-Morgan III; Honor Roll 8, 9, Effort Honor Roll 8; Varsity Soc cer 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Alpine Team C 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8 (Captain); Walking Club, Cooking Club, Rocks and Ropes Club, Magic Club; Audio-Visual Crew; Yearbook Staff; “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” -Charles Dickens: “There’s a pony in here, some where.” -Anonymous.
Mourad Amokrane Noun Assistant Floor Leader Hinman I; J.V. Soc cer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Rec Skiing 7, Alpine Team 8 (Captain), 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsi ty Lacrosse 9; Freestyle Skiing Club, Movie Club, Freestyle Biking Club, Model Rock etry Club, Video Club, Indoor Soccer Club; “No matter how thin you slice it, it’s still baloney!” -Unknown; “Don’t believe the hype!” -Public Enemy.
Herbert H. Peebles III (Hart) J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Alpine Team B 8, Alpine A Team 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9 ; “I hate it when that happens!” -Unknown; “Dude, man, dude!” -Unknown.
Barrett Hinman Pfeifle Floor Leader Hayward Hall; Audio-Visual Head; Honor Roll 8, 9; Reserve B Soccer 7 (Captain), J.V. Hockey 7, 8, J.V. Lacrosse 7, 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Broomball Club, Vol leyball Club, Trap Shooting Club; “Your first impression is the one that counts the most.” -My Dad; “Parents just don’t un derstand.” -D.J. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince.
Adam David Ray Kitchen Head Shift 5; Cleanest Room Award 8; Reserve A Soccer 7, J.V. Soccer (Captain) 8, J.V. Football 8, J.V. Hockey 7, 8, Varsity Hockey 9, J.V Tennis 7, Varsity Tennis 8, 9; Indoor Soccer Club, Snow boarding Club, Street Hockey Club, Goal Keepers Club; “Take your time. Think a lot. Think of everything you’ve got. For you will still be here tomorrow, though your dream may not.” -Cat Stevens
Jerem iah Dynon Reardon Head of Classroom Cleaners Hopkins I; Head of Gym Cleaners; Honor Roll 8; J.V. Lacrosse 7, 8 (Captain), Varsity Lacrosse 9, J.V. Football 7, 8 (MVP), Varsity Football 9, Varsity Wrestling 7, 8, 9, W restling Camp Scholarship; Snowboarding Club, Archery Club, Indoor Soccer Club, Skating Club; “If you obey the little rules, you can break the big ones.” -George Orwell; “The rat always get’s his cheese!” -Anonymous; “How’s the academics, Troops?” -Jeff Hicks.
William Lebby Robertson Floor Leader Banks House; Honor Roll 8; Woodshop Award 8; Reserve A Soccer 8 (Captain, MVP), Varsity Soccer 9, Rec Ski ing 8, Varsity Basketball 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Darts Club, Indoor Soc cer Club, Western Movies Club, Magic Club; “Never let school interfere with your education.” -Mark Twain.
Alexander Daniel Robinson Floor Leader Proctor House; Honor Roll 8, 9; Reception Crew 8; Reserve Football 8 (Captain), J.V. Football 9 (Captain), Hock ey 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity La crosse 9; Magic Club, Horseback Riding Club, Indoor Soccer Club; “On earth one sees all sorts of things.” -Anonymous; “It is only with the heart th at one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint Exupery.
Alexander Horstm ann Seabolt Floor Leader French I; 8th Grade Class President; National Junior Honor Society; M ath & Science Award 7; Science Award 8; Honor Roll 7, 8, 9; Reserve Soccer 7, J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, J.V. Hockey 7 (Captain, M IP), 8 (Captain), J.V. La crosse 7, 8 (Captain), Varsity Lacrosse 9; Movie Club, Broomball Club, Condition ing Club, Golf Club; “Just a song before I go, a message to be learned, traveling twice the speed of sound, it’s easy to get burned.” -CSN.
Basil Brinckerhoff Seggos Assistant Floor Leader 9; Honor Roll 9; Yearbook Staff Editor; Peer Tutor; Host Committee 8; CPR Course 8; J.V. Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Alpine Skiing 8 (MVP), 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Snowboarding Club, Polar Bear Club, Blaze Club; “Life moves fast. If you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller; “Thanks, Mom!”.
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Daniel Akira Seymour . Cross Country 9, Rec Skiing 9, Track and Field 9; Squash Club, Indoor Soccer Club, Bowling Club; “It’s so easy to laugh, it’s so easy to hate, it takes strength to be gentle and kind.” -The Smiths; “I have to stand completely alone if I’m ever going to dis cover myself and the world out there.” Ibsen; “Do unto o thers-then run.” -Benny Hill.
John Edward O’Brien Smith (Ted) Marko T. J. Suomalainen 7th and 9th Grade Vice-President; Effort Honor Roll; Varsity Football 9 (MIP), Var Honor Roll; J.V. Football 7 (MIP), 8, Var sity Hockey 9 (Goalie), Varsity Tennis 9; sity Football 9 (Captain), Reserve Hockey Golf Club, Movie Club, Conditioning Club; 7, J.V. Hockey 8 (MIP), Varsity Hockey 9. “Seuraava tuleva suomalais poika onnea tu Reserve Lacrosse 7, Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9; le valle vuodelle.” Movie Club, Conditioning Club, Broomball Club; “The wise men have all the women.” -Yellowman; “You only use 20% of your brain, so try not to burn up the other 80%.” -Albert Einstein & Cheech and Chong; “I am the captain of my soul.”
Ronald Jude Wagner (Ron) Job Foreman; Dining Room Superintendant 8; Secretary of 8th Grade Class; Grad uation Usher 8; National Junior Honor So ciety; Science Award 8; English Award 7; Honor Roll; Effort Honor Roll; J.V Soccer 7, Varsity Soccer 8, 9 (Captain), J.V. Hock ey 7 (Captain), Varsity Hockey 8, 9, J.V. Lacrosse 7, 8 (Captain & Coaches’ Award), Varsity Lacrosse 9; “Not many kids have a chance like you to go to such a good school, so take advantage of it.” -My Father.
Edward Wang (Eddie) Floor Leader Newton House; Edward A. Barney Award; High Honor Roll; Holder of school record for 3 0 0 0 meter run; Cross Country Running 7, 8, 9 (MIP), Rec Skiing 7, Cross Country Skiing 8,9 (MIP), Cycling 7 (MIP), Track & Field 8,9, Wilderness 8,9 (W ilderness Award); Newspaper Club, Trapshooting Club, Sambo Club, Video Productions Club, Rock Climbing Club; “The end justifies the means.” -Wang; “All is fair in love and war.” -Ed quoting Charles quoting Shakespeare; “Do the best at everything you can, for later on that chance will be gone.” -Anonymous.
Geoffrey Christian Wendt Jon Jason Otto Weber Varsity Football 9, Alpine Skiing 9; Golf Reception Committee; Rock Climbing 7,8, Club; “T reat people how you want to be 9, Cross Country Skiing 7,8,9, Cycling 7,8, treated, and if then you’re not being treat 9; Magic Club, Trapshooting Club, Gar ed the way you want to be, pack your stuff dening Club, Riding Club, Fishing Club, and get the hell out of there.” -Marston Music Appreciation Club; “Less is more.” Jones; “Make the best of what you have Miess Vandero; “I guess we go on from here and take what you get.” -Weber. and don’t look back.” -Bob Dylan; “One man gathers what another man spills.” Grateful Dead.
Christopher Ward Wilson Kitchen Head; Rocks & Ropes 9, J.V. Hockey 9, Tennis 9; “The future is uncer tain and the end is always near.” -The Doors; “Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining.” -The Dead.
William Tyler Wood Floor Leader Hinman I; Honor Roll; Varsi ty Cross Country 8, 9; Alpine Skiing 8 (Captain), 9, J.V. Tennis 8, Varsity Track & Field 9; Rocks and Ropes Club, Freestyle Skiing Club, Sambo Club, Indoor Soccer Club; “Take it easy. Baby.” -Unknown; “Don’t let the *X*X-H get you down.” Unknown.
Gone, but not forgotten
Colin Dougher
Reavis Hunter Eitel
Theodore Bothfeld Merritt
Ken Yamazaki
Terence Courtney Brooks School Leader
Peter Adrian Canavin Chaplain’s Assistant
He profits most who se
FLOOR LEADERS AND ADVISOR: (Front Row) William Lebby Robertson, Alexander Daniel Robinson, Gregory Ridgway Myers. (Back Row) Glenn Alan Cucinell, Charles Yoe Freeman, Mr. Neil Brier, Ralph Benson Hurlbutt, John Wood Frehse.
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS AND ADVISORS^Robert Chamberlin Hunte^tSecretary), Mr. Robert L
Michael P. Larson Chaplain’s Assistant
Ronald Jude Wagner Job Foreman
serves best.” -Sheldon
Charles Heenan (Pres.), Jesse FLOOR LEADERS: (Front Row) Alexander Horstmann Seabolt, Olubayo DarHord (Treas.), John (Ted) ryl Johnson, Edward Wang, William Tyler Wood. (Back Row) Thomas Neal Smith (Vice-Pres.), Mr. Neil Burke, Barrett Hinman Pfeifle, Charles Hamilton Heenan, Robert Chamberlin Hunter. .-
en if we are occupie"w ftninost im portant things, if we attain to fall into great misfortune—still let us remember how good it was when we were altogether, united ^ a good and kind feeling which made us . . . better p e& aJI than —The Brothers K aram ^^h\
From Baccalaureate to Commencement: THE FINAL DAYS Commencement week began with the smell of fine food drifting down from the Headmaster’s House from the brunch Mrs. Wakely and the Language Training teachers give their students every year. It was fol lowed by the Baccalaureate service where the entire student body attended chapel together for the last time this year. The rest of the week was busy with finals, the Spring Sports assembly, and the under classmen beginning to pack. Faculty were placing bets on whether the construction company could really finish the new brick walkway in front of Clark-Morgan before graduation. (They 8 :0 0 p.m. Saturday night.) Recognition assembly acknowledged excellence both in sports and in academics. Erik Oberg, who will return next year as School Leader, received both the William Knapp Morrison Award and the Outstanding Underclassman Award. Soon the campus seemed emp ty with the Underclassmen gone. Seniors spent time together in sports, talks, the Senior Banquet, the Senior talent show, the Senior slide show, movies, and trying out the boats they had made in woodshop.
GRADUATION! The Class of 1989 marched into the chapel to a posthorn fanfare by Dr. W alter Chestnut accompanied by Mr. Finkbeiner on the organ. Commencement Speaker Dr. Sharon H. Hostler, M.D. spoke of the importance of this ceremony in light of the significant transitions each of us m ust make during the journey to manhood. Dr. Hostler is the m other of former Cardigan student Dylan Di足 mock. After the recessional and receiving line, many graduates were surprised by the strength of their own feelings about gradua足 tion.
EDWARD WANG The Senior Prize The Founders Prize The Addison Memorial Prize For Creative Writing The Senior Prize is given to the m em 足 ber of the senior class with the highest academic standing. The Founders Prize is awarded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the difficulties encountered, without thought of personal gain, and whose ob足 jective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman, one of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School. T he Addison Memorial Prize For Cre足 ative Writing is given to the student who has demonstrated the most poten足 tial in the area of creative writing.
MARK STEPH EN CEDORCHUK The Caldwell Prize Given to the boy who has shown outstanding athletic achievement and good sportsmanship.
JOHN EDW ARD O’BRIEN SM ITH The Skibiski Memorial Award This award is to be given as a m e morial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest pro gress during the school year.
ALEXANDER HO RSTM ANN SEABOLT The Faculty Prize To the student who, in the opin ion of the faculty, has dem onstrat ed the discipline to conscientious ly pursue the goals he has set for himself, both in the classroom and on the athletic field, who has qui etly led by example, and who has consistently been a good citizen in the finest tradition of the expecta tio n s o f C a r d ig a n M o u n ta in School.
The Hinman Prize The Pannaci Memorial Award The Norman and Beverly Wakely Prize The Hinman Prize is given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member of the school who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of manhood as conceived in the minds of the founders of Cardigan M ountain School. The Pannaci Memorial Award is to be given annually by the Class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the senior class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, in tegrity, leadership, and general social and spiritual adjustment. The Norman and Beverly Wakely Prize is given by the Class of 1989 for the Senior who, in the opinion of his class mates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and p rid e o f C a rd ig a n M o u n ta in School, thus making every day “a beau tiful day in New Ham pshire.”
The Class of 1989 dedicates this year’s Blaze to a member of the staff who through his dedicated service and friendliness has made a positive mark on our life here at Cardigan—Mr. Sherwood Griffin. Here is surely one of Cardigan’s unsung heroes. He drives sixty miles each way to work, and for much of the year that means leaving and returning in the dark. Once here, he spends much of his working day with more driving-trucks, plows, and mowers. In snowy weather he’s on the job very early to see that roadways and walks are cleared by the time we’re ready to go to breakfast. Spring, summer, and fall he is at work to keep lawns and playing fields looking neat and well-tended and in good condition for athletic events. On major weekends he’s here to assist with traffic control and the many other duties that make these events run smoothly. In short, whenever we need him, we can be sure he’s on the job. It’s his friendliness, however, that really endears him to us. He has a cheerful smile for everyone; he helped bring loads of snow so students could build a jump last winter; and he entertains us with interesting stories of his life. One Senior wrote, “I think he should get credit for the eleven years he has worked here and for how much he does to maintain the beauty and safety of our campus.” To you, Mr. Griffin, this dedication brings the sincere thanks and great respect of the Class of 1989.
Well, the first days are the hardest days; D on’t you worry any more, ’Cause when life looks like Easy Street, There is danger at your door. Think this through with me; Let me know your mind. Wo-oh, what I want to know is, Are you kind? -G rateful Dead
Coasting Into The New System... Smith’s Sixth Grade Class
Class Officers: Mr. Wakely (Advisor), John Suttle (Treasurer), Peter A llatt (Secretary), Karl H utter (President), Phillip Jolles (Vice President). Picture Left: Mr. Hoppy Smith, 6th Grade Teacher; Wyatt Smith; Mrs. Mindy Smith; and Ben H urlbutt, Floor Leader in Sm ith’s Dorm.
Front Row: Karl H utter, Peter Allatt, T. J. Howley. Back Row; John Suttle, Jinya Mizuno, K urt Lussier, Cary Long, Mrs. Thurza Small (6th grade reading teacher), Philip Jolles, Evan Yost, Brian Bogosian.
Rolling Over The Difficulties, The Incoming Seventh Graders
Class Officers: ErikOberg (President), Samuel Shatkin (Treasurer), Ray Ramos (Secretary), Damian Tillm an (Vice-President), Mr. Macdonald (Advisor).
F ront Row: Jesus Arias, Rodrigo Becerra, Jaim e Corredor, Ogden Dowcett. Back Row: Jose Gonzalez, Bo Gercke, Michael Cangemi, Stephen Alexander, M att Daly, Dawson Haffner, Robert Drawbaugh. 51
Front Row; Robert Hartson, Thomas Hulbert, Jamie Karper, William King, Chris Montgomery, Kevin Joy. Back Row: Errol Laumann, Erik Oberg, B rett Kurtz, Andy M artin, Ben Hetzel.
F ront Row: N athaniel Staton, Nick Swogger, David Shore, Juan Carlos Peralta, David Pucci, Ramon Ramos. Back Row: John Oudt, Brad Wilson, Damian Tillman, Diego Sanchez-Navarro, Leigh Otzen, Sam Shatkin.
Making A Move On The Big Guys... The Confident Eighth Graders
Class Officers: (Front Row) Eddie Stanley (Secretary), Chad Johnson (President). (Back Row) Mr. Barron (Ad足 visor), Marc Alexander (Dance Comm.), Mike W hit足 comb (Vice-President), Bryson Bell (Dance Comm.), D anny B eard (T re a su re r), M ike H olden (D ance Comm.).
Front Row: Scott Bernard, Emilio Barroso, Tyssen Butler. Back Row: Greg Alves, Aaron Anderson, Marc Alexander, Bryson Bell, Danny Beard, Greg Brill. 53
F ront Row: Todd Caplan, Ryan Coulter, M att Clark. Middle Row; Darius Cook, Gonzalo Carrancedo. Back Row: M att Calore, Pablo Cuevas, Nate Cake, Owen Cary.
Front Row: Hans Fralick, Kyle Fellers, Greg Dumont. Back Row; John Diemar, Regis de Ramel, Rich Gwinn, Chapman Dundas, James Esdaile. S4
Front Row: Andres Icaza, Chad Johnson, Dan Harrigan. Back Row: Mike Holden, Eric Halbach-Merz, Lucas Hubbard, Eric Hanneman, Jim Hunter, Andrew Hamme.
F ront Row: Burke Johnson, Jason Johnston, Andrew Kelley, John Leadingham. Back Row: Adrian Linton, Nick Loeb, George Lewis, Justin Keyes. 55
(Picture Below) Front Row: Eddie Stanley, Matt Robinson, Mike Smith. Back Row: Sean Ryder, Gor don Reese, Scott Sumption, Lawrence Rowland.
F ront Row: Evan Myers, Pablo Peralta. Middle Row: Malcolm McLeod, George Pirtle, Chas Marsh. Back Row: Chip Matthews, Philip M arkert, John M artinsen.
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(Picture Right) Front Row: Wym Wolf, John Torpy, Jay Tefft, Mike Whitcomb. Back Row: Tom Thomas, Neil Turner, John Torgerson, Jam ie Van Alen.
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(NO) SNOW YEAR, A RICH YEAR. —George H erbert
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FROM DAY ONE AND WAKELY TRIBUTE... Late night buses, overloaded station wagons, and tearful parents signaled the beginning of a new year at Cardi gan. New students looked confused and lost while the ‘old hands’ renewed friendships and bragged about their summer experiences. School leaders and faculty had already gotten ready with early organization meetings, their own orientation program, including the ropes course, and all the preparations it took to handle the arrival of so many students. Soon sleepy-eyed new stu dents and school leaders were hiking up Cardigan Mountain for the traditional wait for sunrise.
B a g s b a r e ly u n p a ck ed and rooms still to be arranged, the stu dents hit the fields to participate in the orientation program ar ranged by the Outdoor Education Center. The program was designed to make new friends and practice games of trust and communica tion. Soon classes were underway and most students managed to find their way around. Planbooks became a habit and the schedule more bearable. September 18th marked the celebration for the be ginning of the year of the Wakely Tribute.
TO CLIMBING, CLOWNS....AND NO SNOW! Then came Mountain Day and Fall Parents’ Weekend. It w ouldn’t have been a Wakely Year without mimes, clowns and fairs. The program in the Fall Term included Sandwich Fair, the Foolsproof Follies in the chapel, and Halloween. December brought the ded ication of the Turner Arena, the antics of the Ski Carpet Show, and the Christ mas Pageant. It didn’t really bring much snow, and the ski program strug gled on with the adverse conditions of bare ground and artificial snow at Whaleback. Everyone hoped the snow would improve as they headed home for Christmas Break.
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NEW $300,000 ICE CUBE HOCKEY JOCKS CHEER TURNER ARENA DEDICATION On December 14th perm anent ice became a fea ture of the Cardigan athletic program. B & G crews and coaches raced to have the facility ready for use. N o longer would hockey players be bused hours away for rink time. The event included ded ication speeches, speed and figure skating, and demonstrations by the hockey teams. The Turner Family, including sons Geoffrey (’69) and Lincoln (’76), were presented with hockey jerseys. A recep tion followed in the Kenerson Social Center.
Mrs. Beverly Wakely, Mr. Robert Turner, Mr. Norman Wakely, and Mrs. Rosemary Turner at the Kenerson reception.
All Photos by Margo Taussig Pinkerton
To Cardigan our favored school By natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gifts benign-We raise our song of thankfulness For beauty which is thine: For winterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s snow, For after glow
When day fades into dreams Of goals toward which we all will strive I To keep Thy faiths in us alive; To keep Thy faiths in us alive, Together We will strive. Photos by Rob Muir
FROM MIRINDA, MIRTUNDA AND MOMS.. Arriving back to still no snow, the school celebrated none the less with a rousing welcome for Mirinda and her band. Despite the warning frowns from administra足 tors, the crowd put aside their best manners and openly cheered her presence on the campus. This was followed shortly by the many lo足 cal talents of faculty and students in the Annual T alent Show, in足 cluding our own much appreciated Mirtunda, Spiderman and his girl, the whistling bellybutton, and much more.
TO FLYING FINNS AND BIG TIME B. C.! Then Parents’ Weekend brought families on cam pus for conferences, sport events, and a slide show by Ned Gillette. Mr. G il lette, son of trustee Robert Gillette, is an author and adventurer. He shared his photos of his most recent journey, rowing to Antarc tica. The season also in cluded the Alumni Hock ey Weekend, the Cardigan W restling T ou rn am en t, and the arrival of the F in n ish H o ck ey T eam with their coach and fam ilie s. T h e F in n ish s tu dents joined a tournament here and then played Car digan at Boston College. This last game was held on a rink like few will ever play on again. Despite a 6 to 1 loss. Varsity Hockey was impressed seeing it self on the giant instant replay screens. Four Finn ish players were alumni from Cardigan, and Mikko Satama, the Finnish stu dent who will join us next year, got his first taste of life in the U.S. The friend ly exchange possible with this visit was an impor tant part of the year’s ex perience.
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Mark Werden
Thurza Small
Musical Director
ACDLA ABY The Blaze Advisor wishes to ex tend her apologies for the loss of the play photos to all those whose h a r d w ork m a de D R A C U L A BABY such a succe ssful production.
Everyone on campus was sorry to see the Finnish Team with their bright winter gear depart and gathered to say good-byes at the flag pole. There pictures were taken of our four former Cardigan students from Fin land and Mikko who will be returning in the fall. As we moved closer to Spring, the Humann Theatre saw frequent use with the production by Performing Arts of the lively “Dracula, Baby”, the ballet perfor mance by the North Atlantic Ballet, and the vocal group, The Amalgamates. Spring Break was welcomed, but the weather turned miserable the day everyone got back, and it didn’t improve until the beginning of May. It was still blustery on Grandparent’s Weekend, but families braved the cold on the playing fields and came out in force for the Honor Society Tapping Ceremony in the Chapel. This season also brought the dance at the Carter Community Complex, the 6th grade trip to Cape Cod, the 7th grade trip to Boston, and the first signs that the end of the year was approaching when the Seniors lined up to fit their white jackets. The addition of Rugby Club to Thursday afternoons was also a big feature. On May 13th the Wakely Tribute brought over five hundred people on campus to acknowledge the Wakelys and their many successful years at Cardigan. The day started with the run around the lake. It seemed fitting that it was won by Eddie Wang, both a scholar and an athlete, who represents the ideal of the well-rounded s t u d e n t w h ic h th e W a k e ly s h a v e so s tr o n g ly encouraged. 82
Costumes Makeup Peter St. George as Evan Yost as Heather Clark as Phil Jolles as Nick Loeb as Jamie Van Alen as Andrew Kelly as Mark Werden as Jay Tefft as Shannon Kilton as
Hal Finkbeiner Joanm arie Ellis Harry Mahoney' Count Dracula Dr. Seward The Nurse Renfield Arthur ■ Van Helsing The Bartender Frank the Monster Harry the Werewolf Silvia the Witch
Also appearing; Jodi Schwarz, Denise Morse, Carol Shelton, Phil M arkert, Chuck Hicks, Ben Geoghegan, Jason Johnston, Adam Ray, Nancy Schenck, and Wes Ingram.
The Finnish families say farewells at the flagpole. Members of the visiting Finnish Hockey Team who have attended or will be attending Cardigan: (Left to right) Jari Myllykoski ’86, Janne Lehtosalo ’88, Mikko Satama ’90, Jukka Yrjanen ’82, Jukka Penttinen ’87.
The day included a parade, the Super Star Magic Circus, a carnival (Yes, they are still called the S & M Entertainments) with endless supplies of cotton candy and coke, helicopter and elephant rides, a band, and a concert by the Shaw Brothers. The day ended with perhaps the most spectacular fireworks displa;, ever at Cardigan.
•UP TO THE END OF THE SPRING TERM The term began to wind to a close with the last spelling bee, won for the second tim e in a row by Stephen Alexander. Charlie Heenan, who has certainly made a record for the number of times he has made it to the finals, came in third. Senior pranks began far too early for the everyone’s sanity and safety, and included hauling the science tables and faculty dining hall tables onto the football field, bolting all the doors in Hopkins, the Wakelys having breakfast on their front lawn because that was where they found their table, painting the green shed, and a raucus night of firecrackers and air horns. Games, organized by Mr. Low, between the faculty and Seniors, kept up a positive spirit as impatience to be ‘indepen dent’ stirred up the Senior Class. Cardigan’s success at the Eaglebrook Day added to the ninth graders ‘team ’ spirit, especially for the Varsity Baseball Team. The Senior Valet Day added over $1500 to the Senior Gift Fund and was a time of recompensation for many underclassmen. Now it was down to the final weeks with term papers hurriedly finished with much prompting from faculty and the dreaded final exams. Photos and informa tion on the last week appear in the Senior Section of the Blaze.
While there were many special events during the year, it is the everyday life here th a t will mean the most to us when we look back. Those ongoing activities, where we spent so many hours of our tim e at Cardigan, are shown on the following pages.
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P 88
CLUBS Learning With An Accent On Active
HONOR ROLLS High Honors: E. G. G. B. E. C. T.
Barroso Carrencedo Dumont Geoghegan Halbach Merz Heenan Howley
For the mid-terms and terms noted these students earned grades of “B ” or better in all courses with a grade of “A ” in at least three full courses and no less than a “2” in effort.
2T 3 M-T 1 M.T., 2 T 2 T, 3 M-T IT 1 M-T, 1 T 1 M-T, 1 T, 3 M-T
Honor Roll:» C. Agnew G. Alves A. Anderson E. Barroso B. Bell G. Brill T. Burke N. Cake G. Carrancedo M. Cedorchuk D. Cook J. Corredor G. Cucinell P. Cuevas M. Daly B. Davis J. Diemar G. Dumont S. Fath J. Frehse
- 3 M-T - 1T -2T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 3 M-T - 1 M-T - 3 M-T - 1T - 3 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 T - 1T - 1 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 M-T, 2 T, 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 2 T, 3 M-T - 2 T, 3 M-T - 1T -2T - 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 3 M-T
P. Jolles G. Kops P. M arkert M. McLeod
-1T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 M-T, 2 T, 3 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 T -2T - 1 T, 3 M-T - 3 M-T
E. Oberg R. Ramos Sanchez-Navarro E. Wang B. Wilson
- 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 T, 2 MT, 3 M-T - 1 M-T, 2 T, 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 1 T, 2 T, 3 M-T -2T
For the mid-terms and terms noted the following students earned grades of “ B ” or better in all courses and no less than a “ 2 ” in effort: C. A. D. T. R. B.
Freeman Hamme Harrigan Howley Hunter H urlbutt
O. Johnson P. Jolles K. Joy D, Kancer S. Karper A. Kelley J. Keyes G. Kops B. Kurtz E. Laumann A. Linton N. Loeb J. Manheim P. M arkert
- 1 T, 2 T - 1 M-T, 2 T - 1 M-T, 1 T -2T - 1 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 M T, 2 T, 3 M-T - 1T - 3 M-T - 1 M-T -2T -2T - 1T - 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 T - 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 1 M-T - 1T - 1 M-T
J. Martinsen M. McLeod C. Montgomery G. Myers M. Nouri L. Otzen P. Peralta D. Pucci A. Robinson M. Robinson S. Ryder Sanchez-Navarro A. Seabolt B. Seggos D. Seymour T. Smith M. Suomalainen R. Wagner B. Wilson E. Yost
-2T -IT - 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 3 M-T - 2 T, 3 M-T - 1 M-T - 3 M-T - 1 T, 2 T, 3'M-T - 1 M-T - 1 T, 2 T - 1T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 T - 1T - 1T - 3 M-T - 1T - 1T - 1 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 3 M-T
For the mid-terms and terms noted the following students received an Effort Grade of “1” in all courses:
Effort Honor Roll: C. Agnew G. Alves E. Barroso G. Brill G. Carrencedo G. Cucinell M. Daly G. Dumont
R. H unter K. H utter
2T 1 M-T 1 M-T, 1 T 3 M-T 3 M-T 1T 2T 1T
B. E. D. T. K. D. B. P.
Geoghegan Halbach-Merz Harrigan Howley H utter Kancer Kurtz M arkert
2 T, 3 M-T 1T 1T 1 T, 2 T, 3 M-T 1T 1T 1 M-T 1 T, 3 M-T
M. McLeod E. Oberg A. Robinson R. Wagner E. Wang
- 3 M-T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 M-T, 2 T, 3 M-T -2T - 1 M-T, 1 T, 2 M-T, 2 T, 3 M-T - 1 T, 2 M-T, 2 T, 3 MT
i !
I 1
The Cardigan Mountain Chapter of the National Junior Honor Soci ety which is sponsored by the N a tional Association of Independent Schools was proud to induct five new members into its ranks during the chapel ceremony on Grandpar ents’ Weekend. Members are cho sen for their qualities of scholar s h ip , le a d e r s h ip , c h a r a c te r , citizenship, and service.
New Members
Emilio Barroso Ben Geoghegan Philip Markert Malcolm McLeod Edward Wang Returning Members
Alexander Seabolt Ronald Wagner
Front Row: Grant Kimball, Mrs. Wakely, Ogden Dowcett. Middle Row: Tom Hulbert, Leigh Otzen, Eddie Stanley, Pete Canavin, Der足 rick Oudt, Jamie Esdaile. Back Row: Bryson Bell, Darius Cook, Todd Arrington, Eli Guiterman.
Front: Ben Geoghegan. Middle Row: Chris Agnew, Mrs. Shelton, Chapman Dundas, Jason Hellberg, Dawson Haffner. Back Row: Bret Pfeifle, Brett Ference.
Front Row: Brad Wilson, Jason Johnston, Lawrence Rowland, Hart Peebles. Back Row: Mrs. Small (Advisor), Phil M arkert, Rob Hunter, Woody Frehse, Jack Diemar, Erik Oberg, Scott Sumption, M att Daly.
Front Row: Mr. Finkbeiner (Director), Nick Swogger, Sean Greer, Nate Staton, Peter Allatt, Kevin Joy, Cary Long. Middle Row: Da足 mian Tillman, Rob Hunter, Andrew Hamme, Dan Beard, Rich Gwinn, Jason Hellberg, Todd Arrington. Back Row: Erik Oberg, T er足 ry Brooks, Grant Kimball, Brett Dennis, Chas Marsh, Olu Johnson.
Mr. Barron (Advisor), Alex Robinson, Woody Frehse, Eddie Wang.
Leigh Otzen, Phil Markert, Mr. Decker (Advisor), Bryson Bell.
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Ramos (Advisor), Dan Beard, Sean Ryder, Phil Markert, Ramon
--Rousseau 93
BLAZE STAFF Editor-In-Chief Section Editors: Seniors Underclassmen Year-At-A-Glance Athletics Darkroom Staff Photographers Advisors
Basil Seggos Peter Canavin Brett Ference Greg Myers & Charlie Heenan Ted Marvell & Mike Larson Alex Robinson Brett Ference, Greg Myers, Charlie Heenan Jay Tefft, Scott Bernard, & Terry Decker Mary Amos, Steve Heath & Lee McLendon
k A sound mind in a sound body; A short but full description of a happy state in this world. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;John Locke
MEANS TO A WIN: DEFENSE AND GO ^lE Wagner and Dinan led the team to a strong finish. Wins were marked by fine defensive efforts in front of Goalie Cucinell, and a 4th place at the AllNew England Tournament. F ro n t Row: R on W agner (C a p ta in ), B r e n d a n D in a n (Captain). M iddle Row: Greg Brill (Manager), Greg Myers, Evan Myers, Greg Dumont, George Lewis, Mike Whitcomb, Bill Griffin, Mr. Low (Coach). Back Row: Mr. Brier (Coach), C r ic k e t M c L a r e n , M ou rad Nouri, Lebby Robertson, Tom Burke, Glen Gucinell, Grant Kimball, Chuck Hicks, Doug Kooluris, Ben Hurlbutt.
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Mr. Mark Werden and Mr. Bill Barron coached a strong J.V. Soccer Team to this fall’s best soccer record. The highpoint of this season was the Cornish Tournament cham pi onship. Andres Icaza scored the winning goal in overtime off of a pass from B. Johnson. Lead ing scorers were M. Alexander and Ray. Front Row: Lawrence Row land, Andres Icaza, Sean R y der, Burke Johnson, Adam Ray (C ap tain ), M att D a ly , W im Wolf. Back Row: Mr. Werden (Coach), Eric Hanneman, Rich Gwinn, Olu Johnson, Marc A l exander (Captain), Dan Harrigan, Mr. Barron (Coach).
RESERVE “A” LEARNS AGGRESSIVENESS Reserve A Soccer had a fairly good year. As the season went on, we started to work together as a team and became more ag gressive. Our record was two wins, four losses, and two ties. Pete Canavin was our goalie. Front Row: N eil Turner, Rob Hartson, John Oudt, Regis de Ramel, Nick Loeb, Ben Geoghegan , Jaim e C orredor, Dan Beard. Back Row: Mr. Ojala (Coach), Andrew Hamme, Ja mie Van Alen, Adrian Linton, G on za lo C arran ced o, B r e tt Dennis, Jason Hellberg, Josh Drees, Nate Cake, Mr. Hyde (Coach).
“B” SQUAD PLAYED HARD, NEVER QUIT Depite our losing record of two wins, two ties, and five losses, we played hard and nev er quit. We had a lot of fun in both practice and games. Near the end of the season, we saw good sportmanship on the field and im p roved soccer sk ills. Many of us got extra practice for next year playing on both A and B Teams. Front Row: Rob Hartson Nate Cake, Regis de Ramel E van Y ost B en G eoghegan Kurt Lussier. Back Row: An drew Hamme, Jaime Corredor Dawson Haffner, Mr. Macdon aid (Coach), Jesus Arias, Will King.
Y FOOTBALL DRIVES AS A UNIT . his year's Varsity Football Team had a very young and inexperienced squad, but through long, grueling practices, we learned to work together as a unit. We ended on a record of four wins, three losses, and two ties. We Seniors on the team would like to wish next year’s team the best of luck. Front Row: Colin Dougher, B rett F e re n c e , T e rry B ro o k s (C a p ta in ), Mark Cedorchuk (Captain), Ted Smith (C aptain ), Ryan C oulter, Jerem iah Reardon. Second Row: Jesse Hord, Brent Davis, Marco Suomalainen, Mike Holden, Mike Larson, Basil Seggos, Ty Gabriel, Jon Weber, Bret Pfeifle, Ted M erritt. Back Row: Mr. Lynch (Coach), Mr. McCusker (Coach), Scott Bernard, Chapman Dundas, Phil M arkert, C har lie Heenan, Rob Hunter, Alex Seabolt, Greg Alves, Eric Oberg, Dexter Kancer, Woody Frehse, Kyle Fellers, Mr. Marrion (Coach).
The 1989 J. V. Football Team en joyed a successful season with a young, yet highly motivated squad. Coaches Schenck and McHale relied on the ex cellent running skills of Caplan, Hay den, and Gonzalez to lead the offense. The hard hitting of Kurtz, Hubbard and Becerra bolstered a tough defensive effort. The season was highlighted by a hard-won victory over Eaglebrook. First Row: Chad Johnson (Captain), Dam ian T illm an (C aptain). Second Row: M att Clark, Chris Agnew, Chris Hayden, Brett Kurtz, Gordon Reese, Darius Cook, Chas Marsh, John Torgerson, Alex Robinson. Back Row: Mr. Schenck (Coach), John M artinsen, Lu cas Hubbard, Pablo Cuevas, Joey Gon zalez, Diego Sanchez-N avarro, Ben Hetzel, Todd Caplan, Aaron Anderson, Pablo Peralta, Bryson Bell, Rodrigo Becerra, Mr. McHale (Coach), Tom Hulbert.
OMEGA TEAM STOMPS ON THE BIRD 18-0! We, of the Reserve Football Team, better known as Omega, are here to re port a successful season. It was a real education for us. Our boys learned first hand the true meaning of such a great sport quote as, “It ain’t over til it’s over at the end of the first quarter.” Least anyone think, however, th at we played only the pupil, remember the most sat isfying, the most glorious moment of the season when we shot down, kicked, and stomped all over the BIRD 18 to 0! First Row: Brian Bogosian, T.J. Howley, Cary Long, Evan Yost, Jim Hunter, Pablo Cuevas, Mike Cangemi, David Pucci, Jason Johnston. Second Row: Ray Ramos, Mr. Strain (Coach), Leigh Otzen, Justin Keyes, Chip Matthews, Tom Hulbert, Peter Allatt, Andy M ar tin, Brad Wilson, Emilio Barroso, Ste phen Alexander, Mr. Smith (Coach).
JOINING IN IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT When coaches award their most valu able player, they point out how much th at player is an active participant. In Intram ural Sports participation is what we are all about. We joined in a wide range of activities, including soccer, flag football, basketball, capture the flag, dodgeball, field trips, racing in canoes, hiking, and bowling. Each day was an a d v e n tu re u n d e r th e g u id a n c e of Coaches Ramos, Hart, and Morse. On different days each person had a chance to shine in their own way. Finally, when we thought the spirit of competetion had caught up with us, we went to Friendly’s. Pictured: George Pirtle, Jinya Mizuno, Eric Merz (hidden), Malcolm McLeod, Mr. Morse (Coach), Todd Ar rington, Hans Fralick, George Kops, Tom Thomas, Chris Montgomery, Mr. H art (Coach), Kevin Joy, Sam Shatkin. 99
CROSS-COUNTRY BREAKS LAKE’S RECORD Never before has a Cardigan Cross-Country Team placed as well in the Lake’s Regional Championship, despite the fact that we compete against high schools. Ed Wang finished 39th out of 130 competitors; John Dorrance 60th; Ronn Bronzetti 81st; Dan Seymour 85th; Char lie Heenan 95th; M att Calore 103rd, and David Shore 112th. Cardigan even beat out two of the eight prep school teams. Our coach was Mr. Heath. Pictured: Ronn B ron zetti, John D o r r a n c e , C h a r lie Heenan, Eddie, Wang, M att Calore, Dan Seymour, David Shore.
It takes conquering the three R’s (rocks, ropes, and rapelling) to be successful on this team. Starting with the ropes course, the team learned safety rules, mountaineering skills, and to trust the other guy on the end of the belay line. They then moved on to take on the rock faces. Front Row: M att Robinson, Reavis Eitel, Joe Manheim, Jay Tefft, Errol Laumann, Ogden D o w cett. Back Row: Jam ie K a r p e r, M s. M cL endon (Coach), Dan Coulter, Jack Diemar, H ow ard K a la ch n ik o ff, Tyssen Butler, Andrew Kelley, Mr. Z. Smith (Coach).
OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTER EXPANDS This year the Outdoor Education Center expanded its Wilderness Pro gram. We utilized a cabin donated to the school at Clark Pond about five miles from campus. The program is of fered for one week at a time to small groups of students as an alternative to the regular athletic schedule. The goals of the program stressed cooperation, re sponsibility, organization, leadership, and self-improvement. Fall Participants, Front Row: John Torpy, Joe Manheim, Mr. Jones (Direc tor), Mr. Gundaker (Director). Middle Row; Cricket McLaren, Gordon Reese, Tom Thomas, Mr. McHale (Instructor), M att Calore, Scott Sumption, Dexter Kancer, Alex Seabolt, Mike Smith, E r rol Laumann, Hans Fralick. Back Row: Peter Knop, Mr. Brier (Instructor), Jack Diemar, Ben H urlbutt, Bret Pfeifle, Chris Montgomery, Kevin Joy, Ray Ramos.
BACK TO BASICS AT CLARK POND TRIPS During our stay at Clark Pond, we learned the skills nec essary to live together as a selfsufficient group. Each person had a daily job, and everyone depended on that job being done, especially if that meant keeping the wood stove going or washing the dishes. Throughout the week, we learned the outdoor skills that we would need for our weekend backpacking trip. Each trip ac complished an ascent of at least two 4,000 foot peaks, som etim es in the snow. We had to rely on ourselves, each other, and our instructors to get us back home safely.
VARSITY B-BALL STRETCHES FOR GOALS This year’s Varsity Basketball had a better season than our record indicates. We had a young team with first year players. We had a trying season when midway through, Terry Brooks frac tured his wrist. He was out until the last game of the season. In this game we lost a rough, but exciting game to Dublin. Despite our trying record, many of us developed our basic skills for the B-Ball game; better dribbling, good defense, better foul shooting, and better ball handling skills. “Perhaps more im por tantly, we developed team spirit, coop eration, and sportsm anship,” said For ward Mike Larson. Front Row: Andrew Kelley, Mike Larson, Charlie Freeman, Doug Kooluris, Chas Marsh. Second Row: Mr. Ramos (Coach), Terry Brooks, Olu Johnson, Tyler Wood, Lebby Robert son.
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J. V. B-BALL TAKES IT ALL THE WAY J. V. Basketball managed to get to the Mascoma Tournam ent by unex pectedly defeating Hartford at their last game. While the tournam ent cham pionship was not to be ours, we had fun participating. It was an interesting year. There was the wild play of dribbling the wrong way down the court which dazzled our opponents in one crucial game. It was a year of many missed passes, double dribbles, fouls, traveling, and bricks, but we did learn, and we did improve. Many J.V. players will return with ex perience and a vengeance. F r o n t Row: N a te S ta to n , T ed Sweeney, Jason Johnston, Lawrence Rowland, Kyle Fellers, Mr. Lynch (Coach). Back Row: Stephen Alexan der, George Pirtle, Chas Marsh, An drew Kelley, Scott Fath. 102
Despite the lack of snow, the Alpine A and B Ski Team got some practice in this year, and we all saw our skills develop under the adverse conditions. To be able to ski well under good conditions is easy! We skied well anyway. The Seniors wish next year’s team snow! Front Row: Adam Ray, Da vid Shore. Second Row; Jesse Hord, Basil Seggos, John Oudt, Hart Peebles. Third Row: Ms. McLendon (Coach), Dan Harrigan, Erin Blair, Regis de Ramel, Mike Holden. Back Row: Cricket McLaren, Joe Manh e im , M ou rad N o u r i, B en Hurlbutt, Mr. Brier (Coach).
IT WAS ALL DOWNHILL FROM UP THERE T he Alpine C Team had a learning season, too. Most of us were first year racers learning th e basics, in clu d in g racing techniques and improved form. The highlights of the season were...come to think of it, there were no highlights. We had a lot of fun and learned a great deal, even though it was a hack. F ro n t Row: Mr. T a u tk u s (Coach), Dawson Haffner, Matt R o b in so n , S c o tt S u m p tio n , Tyssen Butler, Jon Weber, Rob Hartson. Second Row: Peter Knop, Woody Frehse, Ty Ga briel, Jason Hellberg. 103
WHALEBACKERS With this year’s wacky w in ter, instructional skiing might have had better luck with our A pril sn ow storm s. J u st th e sa m e, th is gorup o f m ixed experience levels and grades managed another enjoyable ski season at Whaleback. A little snow arrived, enough to get on the slopes, and the program was underway. Front Row: Errol Laumann, Kevin Joy, Jamie Karper, Sam Shatkin, Leigh Otzen. Back Row: Mr. Hyde (Coach), Lucas Hubbard, Gonzalo Carrancedo, Malcolm McLeod, Bryson Bell, George Kops, Chapman Dundas, Tom Hulbert.
The icy inches we skied on most of the winter were incen tive to learn to stay upright. This program emphasized fun and skill acquisition. We quick ly advanced from basic tech niques like snow-plowing to more advanced forms. A little snow would come, and then it would ice over again. We were tenacious in our practice, but even a snow dance by local N a tive Americans didn’t change the slopes. Front Row: Mike Cangemi, Tom Wittig, John Suttle, Nick Sw ogger. Back Row: D arius Cook, J. D. Tillm an, Mr. H. Smith (Coach), Bo Gercke, Dan Coulter.
SEASONED, SKILLED SKIERS SURMOUNT There were beautiful days on the slopes, though, and every one came to appreciate skiing more. Given the emphasis on instruction this season and the conditions we mastered, m em bers of this year’s instructional groups can be expected to con tend for spots on next year’s ski teams. Front Row: Todd Arrington, Chip Matthews, Dan Seymour, Eric M erz, Jaim e Corredor, Pete Canavin, Rodrigo Becerra, Diego Sanchez-N avarro, A n drew Hamme. Back Row; Andy Martin, Mr. Morse (Coach), Burke Johnson, Greg Brill.
NORDIC TRIES CLASSICAL TECHNIQUES Due to lack of snow this w in ter, the Cardigan Nordic Team had a less com petitive season than in other years. We had only one home race overall against Eaglebrook in which our team had an easy win. We learned the classical tech nique for the first time, as well as improving our skating tech nique. T h ese im p ro v em en ts were extremely helpful in the high school races. The members of the team were few; Eddie Wang (Far L eft), H an s F ralick (L e ft), Geoff W endt (Above Far Left and Right), Dan Beard (Above Middle).
INCREDIBLE YEAR FOR VARSITY HOCKEY Varsity Hockey had an in c r e d ib ly g o o d y e a r . W h a t helped the team on the ice was our relationship off the ice. The season highlight was having the Finns come over to play us at Cardigan and Boston College. F ron t Row: Jack D iem ar, M att Daly, Greg Alves, Sean R yder, Greg D u m o n t, Tom Burke, Alex Seabolt, Ron Wag ner (Captain). Back Row: Mr. Gundaker (Coach), Eric Oberg, Glen Cucinell, Brendan Dinan, M ark C edorchuk (C ap tain ), Dexter Kancer, Grant Kimball, Bret Pfeifle, Marko Suomalainen, Mr. McCusker (Coach).
This year’s J.V. Hockey had a rough season ending with a four to nine record, but thanks to the coaching of Mr. Ryerson and Mr. Strain, we did increase our skills. Hockey has always been a big sport at Cardigan, but this year was inspiring. We’ll be ready for Varsity next season! F ron t Row: T ed M arvell, Scott Bernard, Chris Wilson, Eric Hanneman, Peter Allatt, John Torpy, T. J. Howley. Back Row; Mr. R yerson (C oach), C hris H a y d en , J o h n L eadingham, Mr. Strain (Coach), John Torgerson, Mike Whitcomb.
SENIOR LEADERS SOLIDIFY RESERVES Reserve Hockey enjoyed an eventful season. Several S e niors provided solid leadership for those younger, less experi enced players, and we were b lessed w ith e x c e lle n t goal tending, as well. The artificial ice meant more practice time and more wins. F ro n t Row: N e il T u rn er, Marc Alexander, Cary Long, Jim Hunter, Eddie Stanley, Alex Robinson, John Torpy, O gd en D o w c e t t , M r. Low (Coach). Back Row: Mr. Clark (Coach), Chad Johnson, Jere miah Reardon, Brett Kurtz, Gordon Reese, Brett Ference, Ryan Coulter, Bill Griffin.
WRESTLERS PIN DOWN BEST SEASON: 9-3 This year’s Cardigan Wres tling Team finished our dual meet season 9-3. Lewis won 3 tournaments and a New Eng land-record 31 victories. Dorrance won 20 matches in a row and 2 tournaments. We spoiled Eaglebrook’s undefeated season 24-22. With a combined 70 wins, Gonzalez, Lewis, and E. Myers will return to lead next year’s grapplers. Front Row: George Lewis, Evan Myers, Joey Gonzalez, Brian Bogosian, Mr. Barron (Coach). Back Row: Chris Agnew, Rob Hunter, John Dorrance, Mr. Schenck (Coach), Ronn Bronzetti, Mr. McHale (Coach), M att Clark.
VARSITY BASEBALL: OVERPOWERING T his year’s Varsity Baseball Team was unique, as well as tough. We had an overpowering line-up which combined for eleven homeruns. Also in this year, unlike the past, we had four strong pitchers. Despite the lousy weather, we were still able to get off to a 11-0 start. Our final record was 14-2 and a win over Eaglebrook. Front Row: Chris Hayden, Erik Oberg, Ryan Coulter. Back Row; Mr. M arrion (C oach), Doug Kooluris, Chas Marsh, Charlie Freeman, Wim Wolf, L a w r e n c e R o w la n d , M ik e Whitcomb, Tom Gordon, Mr. Lynch (Coach).
The J. V. Baseball was not the greatest team. Our record was two wins and nine losses. Even though we lost to Eagle brook, it was probably our best played game of the year. We did have one highlight in the sea son when Scott Fath hit a game winning homerun in the last in ning. One humorous incident w as w h e n a p it c h e d b a ll skimmed Mike Smith, he pre tended to be hit, and the um pire awarded him first base. Front: David Shore. Front Row; Mr. McCusker (Coach), Joey Gonzalez , N eil Turner, Mike Smith. Back Row: Nick Loeb, Jim Hunter, Mr. Ojala (Coach).
RESERVE BASEBALL LEARNS BASICS Reserve Baseball had a fun season, and we all improved our fielding and hitting skills. We started off with a sorry loss to Hartland. We then went on to win against Cornish, lose again to Hartland, and to our surprise loss against Cornish. We made a strong comeback, though, and beat Cornish in our fifth game. Front Row: Brian Bogosian, Carlos Peralta, Rodrigo Beccera, Diego Sanchez-Navarro. Back Row: Nate Staton, Mr. M a cd o n a ld (C o a ch ), E m ilo Barroso, Kurt Lussier, George Pirtle, Eddie Stanley, Mr. H. Smith (Coach), Evan Yost.
WINNING A BREEZE FOR SAILORS The Sailing Team had its most successful year that it has had in seven years. We won one race, lost one by 1/4 of a point, and were tied against Dublin up until the last race. The skippers on the team were Regis de Ramel, Brett Dennis, and Chris Agnew. Front Row: Chris Agnew, Brett Dennis, Andrew Hamme. Second Row: Ogden Dowcett, Karl Hutter, Dan Beard, Regis de Ramel. Third Row: Mr. Morse (Coach), Ben Geoghegan, Dan Coulter. Back Row: Errol Laumann, Rob Hartson, Mr. R. Hyde (Coach). 109
VARSITY LAX SINGS A SAD BIRD SONG Varsity Lax compiled a 7-4 record, but ended the season with a tragic loss at Eaglebrook. Front Row: John Torgerson, Ty Gabriel, George Lewis, Ted Sm ith, Brendan Dinan, Alex Seabolt, Hart Peebles, Mourad Nouri. M iddle Row: Chapman Dundas, Wes Ingram, Lebby R obertson, C harlie H eenan, Basil Seggos, Glen Cucinell, Greg Alves, M att Daly, Miah R eard on , R on W agner, Mr. Heath (Coach). Back Row: Mr. M c H a le (C o a c h ), C r ic k e t McLaren, Bret Pfeifle, Jesse H o rd , B r e tt F e r e n c e , T om Burke, Ben Hurlbutt, Grant Kimball, John Dorrance, D ex ter Kancer.
T h e J.V . L a cro sse T eam posted a solid 8-2 record. The team ’s depth was evident in the scoring totals, with eight play ers tallying nine or more points and fourteen players involved in overall scoring. Varsity for us next year! F ro n t Row: E van M yers, Rich Gwinn, Dan Harrigan. M iddle Row: Mr. Low (Coach), Todd Caplan, Greg Dumont, Alex Robinson, John Torpy, Olu J o h n so n , K y le F eller s, Marc Alexander, Mike Cangemi. M att Calore. Back Row: Chuck Hicks, Mike Holden, Sean Ryder, Jack Diemar, Lu cas Hubbard, Erin Blair, John Dorrance, Mr. Brier (Coach).
CLARK IN SEARCH OF LOST SQUAD We had 24 members on this squad, but it was a rare day when they all got together for a game. We did improve and look ahead to next year, though we never won a game. Front Row: Sam Shatkin Matt Robinson, Scott Sump tion, Justin Keyes, Jason John ston, Sean Greer, Peter Allatt T. J. Howley, Nick Swogger M idd le Row; T ed S w een ey Tyssen Butler, Derrick Oudt Bo Gercke, Tom Thomas, Owen Cary, Leigh Otzen, Mr. Werden (Coach). Back Row: Mr. Clark (Coach), John Martinsen, Gor don Reese, Geoff Wendt, Andy Martin, Greg Brill, Josh Drees.
NEVER GO FOR LESS THAN BEST The Cycling Team discov ered potential and endurance we didn’t even know we had. Our high point came at our sec ond track race when five riders completed the 25 laps after having only two riders finish the first race. On Eaglebrook Saturday six riders, including Mr. Decker, attem pted a 100 mile ride. Three finished: D eck er, Van Alen, and McLeod. F r o n t R ow : M r. D e c k e r (Coach), Joe M anheim. Back Row: M alcolm McLeod, Hans Fralick, Howie Kalachnikoff, Mr. Schenck (Coach), Jamie Van Alen, Andrew Kelley, Pete Canavin, Jason Hellberg.
LOVE MEANS NOTHING TO TENNIS With only two returning lettermen, this year’s Varsity T en nis was inexperienced. The ad dition of Jon Weber and Bill Griffin solidified the top four spots. The daily drills helped improve our skills and the fre quent challenge matches shar pened our com petitive edge. Thanks to Mr. Ramos for re minding us that LOVE means NOTHING to a tennis player. Front Row: Pablo Cuevas, M arco S u o m a la in e n , P a b lo P e r a lta , A dam R a y , T erry Brooks, Bill Griffin, Jon W e ber. Back Row: Brent Davis, Gonzalo Carrancedo, Ted Mar vell, Mr. Ramos (Coach).
Our young J.V. Tennis Team consisted of 11 players with varied levels of ability. We did well competing against other teams. At the end of the year ladder, our top four players were Icaza, Wilson, SanchezNavarro, and Merz. Our top three doubles teams were Sanchez-Navarro with Icaza, W il son with Hanneman, and Merz with Bernard. Front Row; Ramon Ramos, Brad Wilson, Diego SanchezN a v a r r o , J a im e C o rred o r, Andres Icaza. . Back Row: Ja mie Esdaile, Chris Wilson, Eric Hanneman, Scott Bernard, Mr. Hart (Coach).
The 1989 Track and Field Team set 7 individual and 5 re lay school records, as well as winning the N.H. Junior High Championship Meet. We fin ished 6-3 in duals, splitting with Eaglebrook and losing 2 to Bow in the final event. Wang in the 800 meters and Mathews in th e 200 m e te r s w ere s ta te champions. Front Row: Brett Kurtz, Dan Seymour, Eddie Stanley, Greg Myers, Eddie Wang, Darius Cook. Back Row: Mr. Barron (C o a ch ), T y le r W ood, R ob Hunter, Woody Frehse, Mike Larson, Ronn Bronzetti, Chip Mathews, Mr. Lorden (Coach).
SEASON ENDS WITH THANKS TO ALL! The Sports Awards Assem blies remind us of the countless hours put in by coaches, teams, bus drivers, the host com m it tee, bus and van cleaners and maintainence people, and espe cially Mr. Marrion, who make all three sport seasons work. The Blaze Staff would like to thank Mr. Barron for all the proofreading help and all the coaches who came to those pho to sessions. We regret the om is sion of the Recreational Tennis Team, but we promise to get you in next year! The Cardigan Spirit: Good sportmanship and striving for excellence!
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“I PROMISE I’ll never cut chapel again!”
Darn! I thought I’d get that one!”
‘Put a little lift in your life, Cougar!”
“The faculty, after careful consideration, would like to revise the dress code, students.” ______ V
Pardon me, a call to Canaan costs HOW much?!”
SPONSORS BXB Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cake Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins Donna and Jack Daly Mrs. Chris D. Dow Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dumont Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. William D. Harrigan Jr. Jeff and Marie Hicks Dr. and Mrs. Crawford H. Hinman K itty Hochman M artha H unter A. A. Hyde Brady and Reid Kimball Oliver Burton Langworthy
Mrs. Evelyn Lewis Bill and Nancy M artin Eliza Paige Scott McLaren Mr. and Mrs. William C. G. Ortel Helen M. Pooler Priscilla and Ginger Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pucci Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Scribner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Seifert Jr. Jean E. Tillman Edward and Miriam Ward Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker Wiggin Mrs. Anna Wilson Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wood
SUBSCRIBERS Betsy M. Alamo Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Galore Central Paper Products Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chamberlin Dudley Clark Compass Travel Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Dinan Emerson Gardens Evans Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Farr Jo Foster and Joe Keefe Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fralick Sandy and Charlie Freeman Bob and Dale Frehse Mr. and Mrs. William H. B. Geoghegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Greer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hartson Kjell, Cheryl and Jason Hellberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinman Mrs. Gordon A. Holden, Sr. Mrs. W. Prescott Hubbard
Wayne Hunter Karalyn and Iqbal Kana Kathy and Steve Kimball Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kops Brett, Shawn and Rick Kurtz Gordon and Mardee Laumann Dr. and Mrs. Bill Leadingham Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lee Maria W. Leyds John L. Loeb, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McLaren No Name, Please. Northeast Food Service Equipment Co. Mrs. J. P. Reath Lawrence S. Rowlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sisters Lili M. S. Seggos Thurza Small Mr. and Mrs. R. Haywood Thomas, Jr. Trum bull-Nelson Construction Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Wakely Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Wilson Bill and Karen Wolf R. Evan Yost
BOOSTERS Peter and Peggy Alexander Reginald E. Barney Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buffington Canaan Hardware Tony, Rita, and Kate Carey Mrs. Robert H. Charles Clark Hill Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Coffin Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northern New England Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coulter
The Dartmouth Bookstore The Country Printing Shop Dartmouth Travel Harry and Linda Fath Dian and Bill Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. T. Kenneth Joy Mrs. Ruth Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Linton Alberta R. Manheim Mr. and Mrs. Philip Markert Charlie, Fluff and Chas Marsh Mascoma Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Mele Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oudt Hartwell Peebles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Petrarvice Suanne and Michael Ray Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reese Mr. and Mrs Jayes D. Sumption Ron Wagner’s FamilyBest Wishes to Class of ’89
PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Bell Compliments of a friend of the Class of 1989 Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cucinell Nesbit and Ann Dasher Elizabeth Prince de Ramel Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Diemar, Jr. Gunda S. Dorrance Mr. and Mrs. James N. Esdaile, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Savage Frieze, Jr. Mr. Stuart M. Gordon Mr. Howard Hom
Dr. and Mrs. Jimpsey Burke Johnson, Jr. Omotunda and Octavia Johnson Frances and Leigh Joy John B. Kenerson Mr. and Mrs. Keniston P. Merrill Alexander Milne Company, Inc. Karl G. and Lucy T. Otzen Mr. and Mrs. William T. Torgerson Vermont Transit Lines Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Whitcomb
Mr. and Mrs Norman Wakely....
THE BEST IS YET TO COME Michael, Ellen, Joy and Todd Caplan
Best wishes to the Class of 1989 always! Mrs. Jacqueline Lary and the Summer Session students who are Coca Cola customers.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been 23 wonderful years working with both of you, Norm and Bev!
Hs?e a Coke and a smik.
rthopedics ountain 15 y
e a rs of
PROSTHETIC & ORTHOTIC SERVICES # Latest T echno logy # A dvanced M aterials <1 U nco m pro m ising quality ROUTE 104, MEREDITH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03253
(603) 279-8989
"r//rr r///r/-Orr'/yr
Photo-M argo Taussig Pinkerton
Left to Right: Melissa, Jonathan, Tim m y, Betsy, Brad, Charles, Mrs. Wakely, Mr. Wakely, Kahlua, Mary, Herman, Lindsey, Alison.
Congratulations! Our Very Best Wishes! The Wakelys in August 1955
The Blaze Staff
Congratulations, Tom, on your graduation from Cardigan. I am proud of you! You have done a great job. Love and Kisses Mom 125
I t was the best p f times,
’0 M
‘Alas!” --Bruce L.
“It’s all over. It’s all over!” -Johnny Most
“And your name will be Icarus, to be taken as a warning, a fervent prayer that you will not, like so many of your predecessors have done, try to fly too close to the sun and crash into the sea.” —R. Ludlum 26
M ary A nn restivo
SENIOR DIRECTORY Mr. C hristopher H. Agnew P.O. Box 1191 Plym o u th , M assachusetts 02360 Gould Academy
Mr. C harles Y. Freem an, IV 5 Steeplechase Lane N orthfield, Illinois 60093 St. M ark’s School
M r. T odd M. A rrington 5905 Mosswood Lane M cLean. Virginia 22101 M ercersburg
M r. Jo h n W. Frehse 48 Valley Road Bronxville, New York 10708 M iddlesex School
Mr. R onn M. B ronzetti 31 M ain S treet Exeter, New H am pshire 03833 B rew ster Academy
Mr. T y W illiam Gabriel 707 Arcady Road S an ta B arbara. C alifornia 93108 T h e T h ach er School
Mr. Terence C. Brooks 420 E ast 111th S treet New York, New York 10029 Baylor School
Mr. Thom as E. Gordon 2524 F ilbert St. San Francisco, California 94123-3318 R obert Louis Stevenson School
Mr. T hom as N. Burke 29 R ichm ond Road Newton, M assachusetts 02158 Cushing Academy
Mr. W illiam A. Griffin, IV 5659 Del M onte Houston, Texas 77056 T he K inkaid School
Mr. Pet«r A. C anavin 14 H askell Road Andover, M assachusetts 01810 Phillips A cademy-Andover
Mr. C hristopher Jo h n H ayden 18 Cass Street Exeter, New H am pshire 03833 New H am pton School
Mr. M ark S. Cedorchuk 6 C harm e Road Tew ksbury, M assachusetts 01876 Cushing Academy
Mr. C harles H am ilton Heenan 1530 N orth State Parkway Chicago, Illinois 60610 Phillips Academy-Andover
Mr. D aniel L. C oulter R iverdale Road P ierm ont, New H am pshire 03779 K im ball Union Academy
Mr. Jason O. H ellberg 1813 Via Estudillo Palos Verdes Estates, California 90274 T he T ilton School
Mr. G lenn A. Cucinell P.O. Box 145 Waccabuc, New York 10597 K en t School
Mr. Chuck L. Hicks 3 Parrish C ourt Greenville, South Carolina 29607 Cushing Academy
Mr. B ren t E. Davis 7 Atkinson Road Salem, New H am pshire 03079 C entral C atholic
Mr. Jesse J. Hord 640 W est Gatehouse Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118 T he Berkshire School
Mr. C hristopher P. M cLaren 176 Sullivan Street New York, New York 10012 M illbrook
M r. B rett S. Dennis 19 H ighland Drive A m herst, New H am pshire 03031-1742 T abor Academy
Mr. R obert Cham berlin H unter 5517 Grove Street Chevy Chase, M aryland 20815 Phillips Academy-Andover
Mr. Gregory Ridgway Myers P. O. Box 805 M iddleburg, Virginia 22117 Wood berry
Mr. B rendan Dinan T he Stage Road Plainfield, New H am pshire 03781-7703 Avon Old Farm s
Mr. R alph Benson H u rlbutt, IV 425 C hurch Road Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 Episcopal Day School
Mr. M ourad A. Nouri 836 M errill Road Ambler, Pennsylvania 19002 Proctor Academy
Mr. Steven W. Ingram 1465 Teeway Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 U pper A rlington High
Mr. H erbert H. Peebles, III 111255 B einhorn Houston, Texas 77024 M emorial High School
Mr. Joshua Drees 30832 H u n t Club Drive San Ju an Capistrano, C alifornia 92675 Brewst«r Academy
Mr. Olubayo D. Johnson 700 I9 th S treet N orthw est W ashington, D istrict of Columbia 20431 Sidwell Friends School
M r. B arrett H. Pfeifle P leasant Valley Road Bradford, New H am pshire 03221-9151 H olderness School
Mr. B rett B. Ference 2745 B urr Street Fairfield, Connecticut 06430 Avon Old Farm s
Mr. Jo h n H. K alachnikoff 27 E ast 22nd Street New York, New York 10010 T h e Berkshire School
M r. Adam D. Ray 426 M etcalfe Avenue W estm ount, Quebec C anada H3Y 2-Z7 Cushing Academy
Mr. Jo h n Thom pson Dorrance, IV IPY Ranch Devil’s Tower, W yoming 82714 Cate School
Mr. D exter S. K ancer Old New London Road W est Springfield, New H am pshire 03284 W illiston-N orthham pton School Mr. G rant Adam Kimball P.O. Box 411 H arvard, M assachusetts 01451 Avon Old Farm s Mr. P eter R. K nop 3331 O Street, N orthw est W ashington, D istrict of Columbia 20007 T h e B erkshire School Mr. Douglas J. Kooluris 106 Tanglew ylde Avenue Bronxville, New York 10708 Avon Old Farm s Mr. George D. Kops 135 Mill Road New C anaan, C onnecticut 06840 H olderness School Mr. M ichael P. Larson 3615 R andall Mill Road A tlanta, Georgia 30327 Baylor Mr. Jeffrey M ainelli Box 777 Shelburne, V erm ont 05482 Cascade Mr. Joseph P. M anheim 413 Scotch Road Pennington, New Jersey 08534 T he Berkshire School Mr. Edw ard B. M arvell 522 W est M ain Road L ittle Compton, Rhode Island 02837 Kimball Union Academy
Mr. Jerem iah D. R eardon P. 0 . Box 726 E ast Orleans, M assachusetts 02643 Avon Old Farm s Mr. W illiam L. R obertson 15 W ater S treet C harleston, South C arolina 29401 T abor Academy Mr. Alexander D. Robinson 9510 S. W. 54th C ourt M iami, Florida 33156 Choate Rosemary Hall Mr. A lexander H. Seabolt RD 1, Box 175 Bradford, New H am pshire 03221 H olderness School Mr. Basil B. Seggos 16 Porchuck Road Greenwich, C onnecticut 06831 W estm inster School Mr. Daniel Akira Seym our 2-23-11 Komozawa Setakayaku Tokyo 154, Japan A merican School in Japan Mr. Jo h n E. 0 . Sm ith Prospect Ridge Condominium P. O. Box N-10828 N assau, Baham as Avon Old Farm s Mr. M arko T. J. Suom alainen Jussilank 13 C 9 Hyvinkaa 8, Finland 78550 Sveitsin R inteen Ylaoste Mr. Ronald J. Wagner 18 Magna Vista Circle N. Tew ksbury, M assachusetts 01876 Phillips Exeter Academy Mr. Edw ard Wang 3838 M ainsail Circle W estlake Village, California 91361 Phillips Exeter Academy Mr. Jon Jason W eber 1205 N ottingham Lane Beaum ont. Texas 77706 W est Brook High School Mr. Geoffrey C. W endt 1922 Lake Shore Drive Long Beach, Indiana 46360 T h e B erkshire School Mr. C hristopher W. Wilson P. O. Box 6705 Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648 T rinity-P aw ling School Mr. W illiam T. Wood 40 M arlboro Street Newburyport, M assachusetts 01950 H olderness School
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