The Blaze - 1993

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Cardigan Mountain School

Canaan, New Hampshire

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Editorial Staff Administration, Faculty, and Staff The Final Days Academics and Service Organizations Athletics Fall Winter Spring Activities Senior Group Portrait Dorm Life Underclassm en Seniors Blaze Dedication Blaze Supporters Senior Directory

1 3 4 20 30 36 38 46 54 62 66 68 82 92 24 122 128

EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR Bryan Cockrell SECTION EDITORS Paul DiMartino Matt Dodge Trevor Capon ADVISORS Mary Amos Stephanie McCusker STAFF Kyle Bryan Cam Matheson Griff Mayer Anthony Dorsett Michael McAteer Tim Herrick Cory McCarty Steven Hur Ravi Murugesan Brendan Hynes Alex Offutt Steven Kirk Peter Torita Michael Kramer

PHOTOGRAPHERS William X. Barron Bryan Cockrell Paul DiMartino William Lockwood David McCusker COMPUTER ART Jose Gonzalez






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Headmaster and Mrs. Cameron ‘Chip’ Dewar, Jason, and Lindsay

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Administration and Faculty

Administration and Faculty -f 7

William S. Adams French, ESL; Soccer, Basketball, Baseball; Yamaha Rock Club; B.A.(Bowdoln College). Mary Shelley Amos Science; Day Student Llason; S/aze Advisor; B. A.(Charter Oaks), William X. Barron Life Skills Department Head; Soccer, Wrestling, Track; Mountain Bike, Lifeguarding Clubs; B.A., M.Ed (Colorado College, Plymouth State College).

Linda Boucher LLL, R/SS; B. S. Ed. (Plymouth State College). Neil F. Brier History, Geography; Soccer, Lacrosse; Student Activities Coordinator, Class Advisors Coordinator, 7th Grade Class Advisor, Student Leader Advisor; Recreational Reading and Civil Rights Film Clubs; B.A. (Union College).

James S. Burnett Assistant Headmaster, Director of Summer Session; Math; Varsity Hockey; B. A., M.A.L.S. (Bowdoin, Dartmouth). Kristina L. Burnett Librarian; B.A. (Lyndon State College), M.A.L.S. (Dartmouth College). The Burnett Family: Jotham, Kristina, Hedda, and James

J. Dudley Clark Math; Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse; Nursing Home Club; B.A.,M.Ed. (Trinity College, Northeastern University). Joseph Collins Special Projects; B.S. (Boston University). Virginia Collins Library Assistant Joe and Virginia Collins

8 >• Administration and Faculty

Robert L. Crawford 6th Grade Math/English, Math Lab; Soccer, Rec. Skiing, Baseball; A-Cappella Club; B.A. (Dartmouth College). Faith C. Degenhart Director of Development; B.A., M.R.E. (Wellesley, AndoverNewton Theological School). Janet E. Dewar Math; Reception Committee; B.S. (Bridgewater State College), M.Ed. (Boston University).

Cathy Fenton Bookstore Mgr.; B.S. (University of New Hampshire). Stephen M. Fenton Math, Science; Football, Hockey, Lacrosse; Animal Rescue League Club; B.S. (University of New Hampshire). The Fentons; Cathy, Nora, and Steve

Harold Finkbelner, Jr. Fundamentals of Music, Music Appreciation and History; Keyboarding, Performing Arts; Glee Club Director; B.M., M.M., M.Div. (Westminster Choir College, McCormickTheological Seminary). Kathryn F. Foster R/SS Department Head; Horseback Riding Club; B.S., M.Ed. (Bloomsburg University).

Patricia E. Franz LLL; B.S. (West Chester State University). The Franz Family: Patricia, John, Katrina, and Karl.

Administration and Faculty -f 9

James H. Funnel! Director of Placement; Science; Hockey, Lacrosse; Recycling Club; B.A. (Amherst College). The Funnells: Jamie, Margaret, and Samuel.

Ruth I. Greenwood Typing, Math; 9th Grade Class Advisor; Holiday Crafts, Solitaire Club, and "End of the Line" Clubs; B.S.(Annhurst College). The Greenwoods: Tyson, Ruth, Tara, and Patrick. Robert E. Gregg III Associate Director of Admissions; Science; Football, Skiing; Mountain Biking Club; B.A. (University of New Hampshire).

William Hart English Department Head; B.A. (New England College), M.A. (Middlebury College); Certificate of Graduation (Pinehurst Golf Advantage School), LSF level #1. The Harts: Ginny and Wim Gary S. Keblish ESL Department Head, Spanish; Soccer, Skiing, Cycling; Riflery, Trap Shooting, and Ice Skating Clubs; B.A., M.Ed. (Syracuse University, Temple University).

Carl James Lovejoy Director of Admissions; B.A. (Colby College). The Lovejoy Family: Ben, Cari, Matt, C a rl, and Nick.

Nicholas S. Lynch History; Football, Basketball, Baseball; Video Camera, CrossCountry Skiing, and Golf Clubs; B.A. (St. Johns University).

10 -f Administration and Faculty

Randolph A. Macdonald Math, Computer Science; Soccer, Skiing, Baseball; RPCV, USCG; B.S. (MjrVForest Management, Mnr,/ Wildlife Management), M.Ed.,M.P.A. (University of New Hampsfiire). Harry R. Mahoney Chaplain; Religion; Christmas Pageant Director; Magic and Amateur Radio Clubs; B.S. in Ed., B.D. (Boston University, AndoverNewton Theological School). James N. Marrion Director of Athletics; Math; Football, Hockey, Baseball; B.Ed., M.Ed. (Keene State Col lege).

H. Charles McCormick Life Skills, R/SS, Geography; Football, Basketball, Lacrosse; B.A. (Colby College). David J. McCusker Director of Alumni Affairs; Algebra; Hockey; 9th Grade Advisor; B.A. (Dartmouth). Stephanie G. McCusker R/SS, LLL, ESL; Cardigan Chronicle Editor, 6/aze Club; B.A. (Dartmouth). The McCuskers; Dave and Stephanie.

Dan Murphy English, History, Life Skills; Football, Wrestling, U.S. I. L. A. Lacrosse Official; Golf, Bowling, and Classic Movies Clubs; B.S. (University of Oregon). The Murphys; Dan and Emily

Andy Noel R/SS, LLL, ESL; Hockey, Cycling; B.A. (Bowdoin College).

EdilbertoC. Ramos Math Department Head; Geom­ etry, Algebra I; Basketball, Tennis; Bowling & Math Counts Clubs; B.A.,M .T.S.,M .A.L.S.(Feati University, Catholic University of America, Dartmouth College). The Ramos Family: Ramon (‘91), Fe, Edilberto, and Vidal.

Administration and Faculty -f 11

Stewart R. Richmond History, Geography; 7th Grade Advisor; Soccer, Skiing, Baseball; Strato Baseball Club; B.A. (Colby College), Degree Candidate M.A.L.S, (Dartmouth College). The Richmond Family: Stewart, Colby, and Tanya.

The Committee leaves Cardigan Mountain School with extremely positive feelings for the ‘family’ of which we were privileged to be a part.... The positive tone among faculty and students was evident from the first day. The warm atmosphere and strong sense of community, nurtured by a devoted faculty and administra­ tion, are among the school's greatest strengths. —The Visiting Committee Report for the 1992 NEASC evaluation.

Jean B. Ris Science Department Head; B.S. (Springfield College). Steven A. Ris History Department Head; Rocks & Ropes, Skiing; B.A. (University of Denver), M.A. (State University of New York, Albany). The Ris Family: Jean, Andy, Steve, and Alison

Francis B. Rives Science; Soccer, Skiing, Lacrosse; B.A. (New England College). Susan M. Rives Art Department Head; B.A. in Fine Arts (Hofstra University) The Rives Family: Jenna, Susan, Rip, and Jessica.

F. Chase Rozelle Woodworking; Cross-Country Running; Drama; Science Fiction Movie and Stagecraft Clubs; B.A. in Theater and Economics (Dennison University). The Rozelle Family: Susan, Chase, and Annha.

12 >■ Administration and Faculty

Kathleen D. Scanlan LLL Department Head; B.S. (St. Bonaventure University), M.Ed. in Reading and LD (Notre Dame College). Robert D. Small Director of Studies; English; B.A., M.Ed., C.A.G.S. (University of Massachusetts, Fitchburg State College). Thurza H. Small English, R/SS; Performing Arts; Newspaper Club; B.S. in Education (North Adams State College), M.Ed., C.A.G.S. (Fitchburg State College). Thurza and Bob Small. G. Chase Squier French, Spanish; Director of Wilderness Program, Snowboarding; Clark Pond Restoration Club; B.A. (University of Colorado, Boulder). Roderick M. Theobald English, R/SS; Wilderness, Nordic Skiing, Lacrosse; Fly-fishing and Debating Clubs; B.A. (Hartwick), M.S.T. (University of New Hampshire). Karoline Theobald Library Assistant; A.B. (Mount Holyoke College), M.A. (University of New Hampshire). The Theobald Family: Rod, Karoline, and Margaret. Ronald R. Webster French, ESL; Soccer, Basketball, Tennis; B.A. (Dartmouth College). Mark G. Warden Assistant Director of Admissions; English; Soccer, Lacrosse; Performing Arts; Culture Club; B.A. (Hartwick College). Thomas G. Wilkes Foreign Language Department Head; Latin, History; CrossCountry Running, Basketball, Track; B.A., M.A. (University of the South, Georgia Southern University).

The new faculty and staff in the 1992-93 winter session included Mr. Carl Lovejoy, Mr. Chase Rozelle, Mr. Ron Webster, Mr. Dave McClintic, Mr. Rip Rives, and Mr. Bill Adams, who made the sunrts* climb up Mt. Cardigan with the jie w students and the school leaders.

Administration and Faculty -f 13

David W.McClintic Assistant Treasurer Halloween madness also hit the faculty and staff judges of the costume contest.

Audrey M. Armstrong Secretary Karen R. Colburn Headmaster’s Secretary Sean T. Gillery Capital Campaign Assistant

Jacqueline Lary Office Consultant Shirley M. Lester Admissions Secretary Judith M. Ribeiro Bookkeeper

David Rogerson Admissions Officer Heather Schwamb Front Desk Secretary Barbara J.Tagget Development Assistant

14 > Office Staff

Larry W. Conlon Food Service Manager & Bus Driver Ski Program “Big Al” Canada ReneCanada

Jennifer lacuzzi George Jones Ricl<y Kahn Coach of Reserve Hocl<ey & Reserve Lacrosse; Tennis & Beginning Hockey Clubs

Sarah Kopczynsl<i Ellen Rocke Marion Rogers

Kyle Severson Merrick Sprocket The Dining Hall Staff gathers to celebrate the success of the Mardi Gras banquet for Winter Parents’ Weekend.

Dining Hall Staff 4-15

The maintenance crew, including a very cold Roger Williams, had to dig the school out after the Blizzard of ‘93. Ralph LaPointe Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds

Janet Labrie Head of Housekeeping

Darryl Carvell

Steven Cerce

Richard Gavalis Marie Greenwood Sherwood Griffin

Dorothy Kendall Tim Leary Patricia Morse

16 -f Maintenance Staff

David Pratt

“One of th e m ost tan g ib le ben efits of w orking a t th is board in g school is th e g enerous help of th e m ain te n a n c e staff. My a p a rtm e n t w as spotless w h en I arriv ed . T he few tim es so m ething needed to be rep a ire d , th e y took care of it prom ptly. They did a b e a u tifu l job keep in g m y m essy science room clean. T he cam pus its e lf is a joy to see as it is so well cared for. A nd th e n , in th e blizzard o f ’93, th ey w ere up all n ig h t in su rin g t h a t we h a d h e a t a n d back-up g e n e ra ­ tors. We couldn’t w ork w ith a k in d e r or a m ore h a rd w orking crew .” —M ary Amos Ken Sargeant EleanorWeller Roger Williams

Maintainence S taff > 17

Rosalind Burke School Nurse Ellen Williams Assistant School Nurse

Dr. David J. Cunis School Physician

Leslie Rogers Athletic Coordinator George Burton Assistant Athletic Coordinator


Medical and Athletic Staffs

Administration, Faculty, and S taff Candids -f 19

The Final Days



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The year often seemed to I? pass too slowly for the seniors, and then... the final days were suddenly rushing by, and —almost too quickly— ^ the trumpet began to play the recessional for graduation.

The year seemed to drag by, and then sooner than any senior expected, he started rushing into the final days of the year. The first warnings came when new leaders were chosen and the Installation Ceremony was held in the Chapel. Then the term was closing and review week was keeping most everyone up late at night. There was that final Eaglebrook Day when the Cardigan teams excelled. Baccalaureate Service, where the seniors were recognized by the entire school, was the real signal, and many seniors wished the pace would slow down a bit. The thought of leaving friends came to everyone’s mind. There was the Memorial Day Program, and then the crunch of the finals began. Senior Dinner was held in Kenerson that night with faculty serving as waiters. Tuesday brought the Spring Sports Assembly. Wednesday finals were completed, and it was now time for that final climb up l\/1t. Cardigan. The sunset symbolized the completion of each student’s journey which had begun with his first sunrise climb.

22 4* The Final Days

Thursday was the last day of classes and the time to pack everything up, clean out the lockers, and begin to say good­ bye to the underclassmen. The evening closed with the Recognition Assembly and the departure of most of the underclassmen. Seniors put in the all important practice for graduation. In their spare time, many seniors and their advisors— Mrs. Greenwood, Mr. Funnell, and Mr. McCusker— were scrambling around getting the talent and slide show together. During the day on Friday, there was time to spend with friends, pack the last boxes, and visit with parents. The Senior Banquet was held that night. The advisors were thanked, the Senior Gift and the Senior Parent gift were presented, and Mr. Dewar and the President of the Senior Class gave their closing talks. Everyone hurried over to Humann Theater for the talent show. All the hard work fell together, and the show was a rousing success. Then came the most spectacular slideshow ever presented, thanks to the efforts of the Greenwoods and the gift of new projection equipment by the Senior Class. There was one more night of restless sleep in the gym, and then the final days were over, and graduation was NOW!

The Final Days 4* 23


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Mark G. Werden

Mary A. Shelley Amos

Y ou h a v e e n r ic h e d ou r liv e s w ith y o u r g r e a t se n s e o f h u m or, y o u r m a n y ta le n ts, y o u r charm , an d y o u r f r ie n d ly m a n n e r w it h s t u d e n ts . Y ou’v e b e e n a te e n a g e r an d y o u ’v e ta u g h t te e n a g e r s (all in th e sam e yea r). S o m e tim e s y o u ’v e lo o k e d lik e a h a y se e d from D ogp atch , b u t m ost o fte n y o u lo o k lik e y o u ju s t ste p p ed o u t o f a n E d d ie B a u e r c a ta lo g . Y ou’v e m ad e u s la u g h w ith y o u r a n tic s w ith th e “G rad es an d C om ­ m en ts B a n d ”, a n d y o u ’v e m ad e u s cry w h e n y o u sa n g “A ve M aria”. F o r a ll t h e s e th in g s a n d sin c e w e th in k y o u are co o l a n d a g rea t gu y, th e C lass o f 1993 d e d ic a te s th e ir y ea rb o o k to you .

A s J a m es. R. F ish er, Jr., n o te d in h is r u le s for g e ttin g o n w ith life: “To h a v e a frien d , y o u m u st b e a frien d , sta r tin g w ith y o u r se lf.” “T he g r e a te st h u n g e r a p e r so n h a s is to b e n e e d e d . H elp cre a te th a t fe e lin g in o th e r s.” “T h e g r e a t e s t v i r t u e is k i n d ­ n e s s . Y o u c a n ’t lo v e e v e r y o n e , b u t you can be k in d to ev ery o n e.” “B e g e n u in e ly in te r e ste d in o th ­ ers. G et th em to ta lk a b o u t th e m ­ s e lv e s .” “Y o u h a v e a g rea ter im p act on o th e rs b y th e w a y y o u lis te n th a n b y th e w a y y o u ta lk .” You liv e u p to a ll th e se ru les, an d stu d e n ts an d p e e rs a lik e ad m ire y o u for th a t. W ith a fr ie n d ly arm a ro u n d th e sh o u ld er an d th e a lw a y s lis te n in g ear, y o u h a v e h e lp e d m an y o f u s th r o u g h to u g h tim es. F or y o u r h o n e s t lo v e for all th in g s (tw o-footed , fo u r-fo o ted w ith b e a v e r ta ils, or e ig h t-le g g e d c re a tu r e s th a t lo o k scary), a n d for y o u r d e d ic a ­ tio n for fiv e y e a rs as A d visor to th e B laze, w e th e C lass o f 1993 h o n o r you .

Graduation G % d in |p H I G

26 4* The Final Days

Vlr. Savage C. Frieze, Jr. (President, Board of Trustees), Professor Noel Perrin (Commencement Speaker), Dr. Cameron K. Dewar (Headmaster), The Reverend Harry R. Mafioney (Chaplain).

The Final Days 4* 27

THE FACULTY PRIZE In his prominent leadership role on campus as Job Foreman, this student distinguished himself for the altruistic, diligent, and equitable manner in which he performed his myriad responsibilities. Without regard to personal reward, this boy’s considerable contributions to the School’s Jobs Program were greatly appreciated by the faculty. In gratitude of your service to Cardigan this year, I present this Faculty Prize to;

THE NORMAN AND BEVERLY WAKELY PRIZE Given by the Class of 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion of his classmates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and pride of Cardigan Mountain School, thus making every day "a beautiful day in New Hampshire." JASON LUCUS DEWAR

THE FACULTY PRIZE This Faculty Prize is given to the top floor leader, who befriended new boys, peers, and underclassmen alike. Moreover, his leadership has been in evidence in the classroom and in his sports. For his special contributions to the life of Clark-Morgan dormitory this award is presented to; JOHN DAVID CESERE


THE FACULTY PRIZE This prize is given to the student for whom academic achievement has been the natural consequence not onij of hard work, but also of the love and enthusiasm he bring to learning. This year he has studied two foreign languages Latin and Spanish, and raisec the level of discussion in the classroom. He is a young ma of character who has contributed significantly to th quality of life at the school. ZACHARY KRESS TURNER

THE CALDWELL PRIZE To the boy who has shown outstanding athletic achievement and good sportsmanship. THE WILLIAM KNAPP MORRISON AWARD Given to that student who, in the opinion of the students, best exemplifies the spirit of Willie Morrison in academics, athletics, and as a campus citizen. ANTHONY JOHN HUTCHINS

THE SKIBISKI MEMORIAL AWARD This award is to be given as a memorial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest progress during the year. JASON DOUGLAS BOGGIE

THE HINMAN PRIZE A prize given annually in smory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinman to the member of the ;hool who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrius application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his ehavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of manhood as conceived In the minds of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School.

THE ADDISON MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR CREATIVE WRITING Given to the student who has demonstrated the most potential in the area of creative writing. PAUL ARTHUR DiMARTINO

THE FACULTY PRIZE This four year boy has distin­ guished himself in our commu­ nity. He is renowned for his maturity, good judgement, work ethic and loyalty. As a member of the National Junior Honor Society, a dedicated athlete, and a compassionate floor leader he is now recognized by the faculty with this prize. JOSEPH RIVERA

THE PANNACI MEMORIAL AWARD This award is to be given annually by the Class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the senior class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and general social and spiritual adjustment.-


THE FACULTY PRIZE To the student who, in the faculty's opinion, represents the model "international” citizen. For his friendly association with the students and faculty, his good humor, and his sustained efforts in the arts, academics, and athletics this Faculty Prize is awarded to: ARI MIKAEL VAISANEN

THE FOUNDERS PRIZE Awarded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the difficulties encountered, without thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman of Cardigan Mountain School. CAMERON MITCHELL MATHESON

SENIOR PRIZE To the member of the senior class with the highest academic standing. CORMAC DOWNMAN McCARTY


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34 -k Academics/Service Organizations



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Mr. and Mrs. Dewar, Toastmaster, faculty, guests, and fellow students... all the teams had a GREAT year!

VARSITY FOOTBALL: Picture Above - (Front Row) C aptains: B arry Milliken, Tony H utchins, Lee Jenkins, Colin Robinson, (Middle Row) Mr. M arrion (Coach), Joey Rivera, Elliot Rooks, Phil McNeill, Soichi Okuno, M att Dodge, Zach T urner, Roberto Rosano, John Schoeller, M att K raus. (Back Row) Mr. McCormick (Coach), F ra n H a rg a rte n , B ill Lockwood, A rth u r B ernstein, P eter Torita, Jaso n Dewar, Paul D iM artino, Eric True, Alex Offutt, Randolph T urnbull, Mr. Lynch (Coach). Missing: B ryan Cockrell, Mike Tondel. J.V. an d RESERVE FOOTBALL: Picture Right - (Front Row - kneeling) C hris Rivera, Cody Em m ons, C hris Yergens. (Middle Row sitting) P o rter Fisher, Kyle Bryan, Timmy H errick, Jim Decrow, Robert H erm an, Rodrigo B raun, B rendan Frazier, H aley Yergens, An足 drew D orsett. (Back Row) Mr. Gregg (Coach), Gustavo Turull, Billy Freem an, P aul Ham ilton, Mike H erm an, G errit Stryker, M arshall Jen n ey , A ntonio B raun, Jose Gonzalez, Jaso n Calder, M anuel Barclay, Jesse Green. Missing: Coaches F enton an d Murphy.

38 # Fall Athletics

’icture Below) Tony H utchins, P aul DiM artino, Phil McNeill, and the other V arsity Football players do som ething we'll figure out la te r to execute a well-fought game on Fall P aren ts' W eekend to defeat th e ir arch rivals the Birds from Eaglebrook.

VARSITY FOOTBALL V arsity's last stand was the high­ light of the season. The challenge came from an experim ental Proctor team ...C ard ig an scored first on a blocked punt. Not long after, Proctor scored to m ake it six to six. It stayed th a t way u n til m idway through the second q uarter, when Proctor scored to m ake it twelve to six. But, the Cougar was not dead. Late in the fo u rth q u a rte r, C a rd ig a n w as in trouble; it was the fourth down, and they still needed six yards. H utchins threw a nice pass to Jen k in s for a first down on the ten yard line. Everyone watched as H utchins then scored the tying touchdow n. W ith only one m inute left, Tony scored the go-ahead point, and in sheer excitem ent the team sm othered him. This game was a great way to finish a very successful season. The final record of the V ar­ sity was eight wins and th ree losses. -by M att Dodge

V arsity Football had a fun and sxciting season, going six and three, rhey had big wins over Plym outh, ^all M o u n ta in , a n d e sp e c ia lly Eaglebrook. According to M r.Lynch, he team had one of the best seasons or retu rn in g students. The team vas fueled by players like Jason ) e w a r, T ony H u tc h in s , C o lin iobinson, F ra n H a rg a rte n , Lee fenkins, and B arry Milliken. The eam played through m any critical icknesses and injuries. The team ta rte d off slowly b u t evolved into in efficient squad. F ran H argarten cored the only touchdown as Cariigan edged Eaglebrook in a six to Lothing cliff-hanger. The team aught to keep Eaglebrook out of the nd zone. They never knew if they rould win, but, in the end, the Coua r prevailed over the Bird. After he game, the team doused Coach la rrio n w ith the w ater bucket.

JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL The JV team grew in m any ways th is season. As C a p ta in C hris Yergens put it, "I th in k we h ad more fun th a n we did success." JV suf­ fered losses to Plym outh and Fall M ountain, yet they delivered in the big game against Eaglebrook. W ith big runs by Jason C alder and G errit Stryker and a strong defensive ef­ fort by H aley Yergens, the Cougars prevailed in a 20-0 shutout. Despite a disappointing record, the players gained experience, and m any of them are ready to move on to V arsity next year. Strong leader­ ship was provided by captains Chris Yergens, Cody Emmons, and sev­ enth grader Chris Rivera. On the whole, JV enjoyed th eir fall tossing the pigskin around. -by Paul D iM artino

VARSITY SOCCER: P ic tu r e T op (Front Row) S tew art Steffey, Trevor Meyer, Evan deBourguignon, G riff Mayer, Ari V aisanen, C am M atheson, Ted M cN aught, C hris Q uint, Trip Sweeney. (Middle Row) Mr. B rier (Coach), Tai Stokesbary, Greg Spencer, C urtis S ingm aster, Yarrow Thorne, B rad Bevis, M ason Roulston, Jeff Colen, John C esere, Willy Phillips, Mr. Richmond (Coach). J . V. SOCCER: P ic tu r e M id d le R igh t (F ront Row) Joe B urnett, Jon Kauffman. (Middle Row) Gonzalo Sainz, Ryan W hitney, P.J. Chesson, Pablo Zervas, Jose Ocejo, B rad P itassi, Tyson Greenwood, G erardo M ahuad. (Back Row) Mr. B arron (Coach), Gino T onetti, Alex M orrison, Steven H ur, B rendan Hynes, Andrew Geisel, Trevor Capon, Jose H ernandez, M anuel Abella, Robby R uettinger, Mr. Crawford (Coach).

iCXZer RESERVE A SOCCER: P ic tu r e B ottom L eft (Front Row) C aptains: John W hittem ore, B rendan Feitelberg, Michael K ram er. (Middle Row) V asu G adiparthi, Domingo M urzi, Josh Pellegrino, Mike Pigott, E th an H ausm an, Zach Shotland, Dave G uarnaccia, Alexis Reidel, Mr. W erden (coach). (Back Row) Mr. Adams (coach), Julio O rtega, Rodrigo Cueto, Alonso G arcia, Dave Coletti. RESERVE B SOCCER: P ic tu r e B ottom R ig h t (Front Row) B rennan Johnson, Andrew Campos, J u a n A ram buru, Jose G utierrez, E rik Uhlig, (Middle Row) Seth Dion, Miguel M iro-Quesada, C hris Em erson, Robinson A dams, Mr. C lark (coach). (Back Row) Mr. W ebster (coach), Aki Suzuki, Devin G eraghty, D rewTrainor.

VARSITY SOCCER V arsity Soccer had a very successful season, led by M r.B rier and Mr. Richmond as coaches. The captains Ari V aisanen, G riff M ayer, and Cam M atheson led the team by setting exam ples on and off the field. Prior to the beginning of the season, the team was not expected to be a very successful one. This was supposed to be a "rebuilding" year. The season results proved these expectations wrong; the team 's record this year was even better th a n last year's. The final record was 13 and 1, not includingthe gam e against the E nglish team - an exhibition game, tak in g place ju st after they had played th eir h e a rts out in a 2-0 victory over Belmont Hill. Competing against th e English team did have its positive side, however; it was a learning experience because these E uropeans play a different style and do it so skillfully. The V arsity Soccer team learned a g reat deal this year, particularly: how to play as a team! -by Cam M atheson




Ari V iasanen w asn't the only one floating on a ir over C ardigan's soccer team s in 1992.

JV Soccer had an excellent season. Led by CoC aptains Jon Kauffm an and Joe B urnett, they won over h a lf of th eir gam es and took th ird place a t the CMS Soccer Tournam ent. On th a t day they were the only team to score on the tou rn am en t w inners, Clarem ont, and the only team other th a n C larem ont not to be sh u t out all day. The season high scorer was M anuel Abella w ith nine goals, followed by Ryan W hitney with seven and Gerardo M ahuad w ith six. O ther players also contributed to the forty-five goals earned during the fifteen season games. Keepers for the squad were Tyson Greenwood, Trevor Capon, and Jose H ernandez. They also h ad an am azing defense m ade up of Stephen H ur, Gino Tonetti, Pablo Zervas, and Robby R uettinger. hy Tyson Greenwood

(C ontinued on page 42)




RESERVE A SOCCER Reserve team s a t C ardigan are sometim es thought of as dum ping grounds or a place to go if you don't m ake a varsity team . This is only a m yth. Reserve team s are the build­ ing blocks for future varsity squads. This is clear from the num ber of varsity players who la st year be­ gan th eir careers on the reserve team s. The Reserve A Soccer Team had an im pressive tra in in g season of 6-6-2. They will be well-seasoned for next year. O utstanding contributions were provided by the following players: forw ards Julio O rtega, Alonzo G a rc ia , R o d rig o C u e to , a n d Domingo M urzi; m id fie ld p la y e r s John W hittem ore, J u s tin E ddy, and E th a n H ausm an; defense players Josh Pellegrino, Zach Shetland, and Mike Kram er; and g o a lie B re n d a n F e ite lb e rg . -by M ike Kram er

RESERVE B SOCCER Reserve B soccer had a fairly good season. Robinson Adam s and M ike Creed, goaltenders of the te a m , b o th show ed le a d e rsh ip qualities. Steve Balin and Ju a n A ram buru led th e team on the offensive attack. "It w as an enjoyable and fun season," said Chris Em erson. One of th e coaches, Mr. Rives, con­ cluded th a t "The season was suc­ cessful w ithin our goals of teach­ ing soccer to inexperienced soccer players. The players developed th e ir skills, lea rn ed som ething about positioning play, and m an ­ aged to win some gam es in addi­ tion. In the long run, the success of Reserve will be to advance play­ ers up the ran k s of our program." -hy B rendan Hynes

42 ♦ Fall Athletics

C R O SS COUNTRY: (In th e very front) C ardigan M ountain Jenny. (F ront Row) Mike McAteer, Je ff McAteer, Tony W ard, Micah G lauberm an, Mike C avanaugh, Anthony Norris. (Back Row) Coaches: Mr. W ilkes, Mr, Rozelle.

CROSS COUNTRY TEAM "Cross country is a sport w here you ru n against yourself," said Coach W ilkes, and th a t was ju s t w hat the team did. Despite th e ir 2-7 season, they profitted from challenging them selves. They also beat every team w ithin th eir own age group. "It was a season of diversity: we had superb runners; we had ru n n ers w ith heart; and we had ru n n ers who m ade g reat progress th is season," said Coach Rozelle. The team was led by three-year letterm an, Micah G lauberm an, who tu rn e d in an excellent first place finish against Eaglebrook, and C aptain Tony W ard '94. Always close behind M icah was M ichael Cavanaugh. Some persisten t ru n n ers were M ichael and Jeffrey McAteer, and A nthony Norris. They were not the fastest runners, but they were the m ost spirited. The train in g proved to be vigorous for some, but paid off. "Our lungs expanded, and our feet muscles grew," said senior M ichael McAteer. "We h ad a good year, and the prospects for next year are looking excellent!" concluded Coach Rozelle. - by R avi M urugesan. WILDERNESS

M embers of the W ilderness group (a.k.a. "Rocks and W restling") had an exciting season. The large group was composed of both new and retu rn in g s tu ­ dents, who took num erous hikes and climbed the "The Wall" on the back o fth e sk iju m p m any tim es. The first tim e they w ent climbing on rocks th is year was a t Winslow Ledges in early October, and m any m em bers were climbing for th eir first tim e ever. The group, guided by Mr. Ris, Mr. Theobald, and Mr. Squier, as well as retu rn in g students Jam es Bowmer and Cory M cCarty, learned such climbing skills as belaying and knot-tying. They also enjoyed a g reat deal of canoeing, which frequently ended up in some exciting in trasq u ad races. All in all, they had a very active season. -by Cory M cCarty

INTRAMURALS Led by Mr. H a rt and Mr. M acdonald, th e fourstu d en t In tra m u rals group took several off-campus trips to Ruggles Mine, Polar Caves, and O range Gorge. W hen on cam pus, they took walks around C anaan and spent tim e canoeing and swimm ing on th e w arm er afternoons. W hen the w eather got colder, or w hen it w as raining, they frequented the w eight room. The group also did some targ e t shooting once a week. "No m isFO U Rtune in the activity," concluded Mr. H art. -by Steve Kirk


44 ♌ Fall Action Shots

Fall Action Shots ♌ 45

VARSITY HOCKEY: Picture Above - (Front Row) Stewart StefFey, Ted McNaught, A ssis足 tant Captains John Cesere and Colin Robinson, Captain Tony Hutchins, Chris Quint, Trevor Meyer. (Back Row) Mr. Burnett (Coach), Cam Matheson, GriffMayer, Brad Bevis, Eric True, Ari Vaisanen, Todd Bailey, Mike Cavanaugh, Brendan Hynes, Mike Tondel. Not picutred: John Whittemore and Coach McCusker.

J.V. HOCKEY: Picture Right - (Front Row) Tony Ward, Mike McAteer, Captains Jason Dewar and Curtis Singmaster, Foster Brown, Ryan Whitney, Trevor Capon. (Back Row) Mr. Funnell (Coach), J. P. Brown, Alex Offutt, Micah Glauberman, Matt Dodge, Andrew Geisel, Pablo Zervas, John Schoeller, Mr. Fenton (Coach).

46 * Winter Athletics

RESERVE HOCKEY: (Front Row) Luke Shipman, Chris Rivera, Tyrell Nickerson, Brennan Johnson, Joe Burnett, Scott Gallagher, Greg Nelson. (Back Row) Mr. Clark (Coach), Raleigh Finlayson, Phil McNeill, Marc Porcelli, Doug Case, Jose Cordova, Nick Robinson, Mr. Noel (Coach), Mr. Kahn (Coach)

VARSITY HOCKEY The final record of the V arsity iockey Team was 15-10. C aptain Pony H u tc h in s w as th e leading icorer and MVP for the team . Assisa n t C aptains John Cesere and Colin lobinson provided leadership on the ce. Seniors Cam M atheson, John Vhittemore, B rendan Hynes, Griff klayer, M ichael Tondel, and Ari Iaisanen all contributed to the sucess of the team ’s season. Highlights include wins over Conord and KUA, after losing to those eam s earlier in the year. The team ilso had big wins over St. P au l’s jchool, Exeter Academy, and the Jpringfield Olympics team . This year a team from Hyvinkaa, ^inland, visited for a week, and, ilthough they beat us in the two ;ames we played, we enjoyed their

visit and look forw ard to traveling to Finland next year. It was also fun seeing our own Jo h n D’E ntrem ont playing for the F innish Team. -by P au l D iM artino

JUNIOR VARSITY HOCKEY The JV Hockey Team h ad a slow sta rt, but, after m any sprints w ith Coaches Fenton and Funnell, they finished strong w ith a well-rounded team . They were led by Jaso n Dew ar and C urtis Singm aster, supported on the offense by strong forw ards such as John Schoeller and Mike McAteer, defended by team m ates like M att Dodge and Pablo Zervas, and in the goal Trevor Capon and Tony W ard. Their best game of th e season was a game against a strong Lebanon

team w here C ardigan won 3 to 1 w ith an em pty n et goal by Jaso n Dew ar to secure the win. -by Trevor Capon

RESERVE HOCKEY As usual, th e Reserve Hockey Team m eant to concentrate on fun, ra th e r th a n scores. W asn’t th a t all th a t m attered? This ritu a l of get­ ting on the ice every day and play­ ing w ith the puck, however, was all changed when Mr. Noel, a sub for a pregnant Mrs. M cCusker, stepped on campus. For the first tim e in history, the team skated sprints. This m ighty coach, as well as the rest of the coaching staff, was the cause for the team ’s victories. (Not to m ention the fact th a t there were only three of them .) -by M ike M cAteer

ALPINE SKIING: P icture Right (Front Row) Mr. Rives (Coach), Craig Wilson, David Coletti, Wick Foster, Dave Guarnaccia, Rob Ruettinger. (Back Row) Andrew Dorsett, Robinson Adams, Yarrow Thorne, Derek Wijsenbeek, Willy Phillips, Brendan Feitelberg, Steve Balin, Mike Garrison, Mr. Gregg (Coach). SNOWBOARDING TEAM: P icture Center Souichi Okuno, Captain Bill Lockwood, Fran Hargarten, Antonio Toledo, Brad Pitassi, Mike Dodge, Ed Funtanellas, John Putnam, Michael Pigott, Mr. Squier (Coach), Peter Torita, Clive Hawkins.

RECREATIONAL SKIING: (Picture Below) Jeronimo Cortina, Gerardo Mahuad, Vasu Gadiparthi, Paul DiMartino, Steve Calebrese, Porter Fisher, Jason Boggie, Mr. Macdonald (Coach), Ed Lannon, Anthony Norris, Cory McCarty. (Picture Below Right) Chris Yergens, Mike Herman, Haley Yergens, Winston McDavid, Devin Geraghty, Alexis Reidel, Domingo Murzi, Manuel Abella, Rodrigo Cueto, Rodrigo Braun, Jose Ocejo, Julio Ortega, Manuel Barclay, Jose Gonzalez, Juan Pablo Arambaru, Randolph Thomas, Ed Lannon, Mr. Macdonald (Coach).

CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING: (Picture Left) Mr. Theobald (Coach), Alex Morrison, Josh Pellegrino, Drew Trainor. Not pictured: James Bowmer, Mr. Keblish (Coach).

ALPINE SKI TEAM Led by Yarrow Thorne, the Alpine Ski Team fin­ ished w ith a surprisingly good season. There were boys who were back for a second and th ird year (Thorne, G uarnaccia, Feitelberg, Phillips and Suzuki) who had already proven th eir ability. There w ere also the surprises of new skiiers who did unexpectedly well such as Balin and Lillie. W ijsenbeek tu rn e d in his cross-country skis for alpines and learned th e th rill of the slope. Some new skiiers who proved th e ir ability to be on th is V arsity team were Andrew D orsett and Rob R uettinger. -by A n drew D orsett

SNOWBOARDING TEAM The Snowboarding Team ’s season was not only fun, b u t functional as well. M any students s ta rte d not knowing how to snowboard, bu t they learned fast from th eir captain, coach, and veteran snowboarders. The team was led by Bill Lockwood for racing, F ra n H arg arten and Mike Dodge for free riding, and Souichi Okuno on the freestyle ride. P eter (Mr. Rapid Recov­ ery) T o rita , A nto n io Toledo, B ra d P ita s s i, Ed Funtanellas, Clive Haw kins, Mike Pigott, and John P u tn am improved trem endously over th e season. The team had six races and won three. “We did a lot be tte r th a n the team did last year,” said F ra n H argarten. W hen the team w asn’t racing, they were tra in in g and having fun. -by P eter Torita

CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING It was a sm all, but devoted team —som etim es- -who w ent out for the Cross-Country Team. They fought the w eather conditions as m uch as they fought th e ir oppo­ nents. Showing considerable im provem ent was Derek W ijsenbeek who moved to the Alpine Team! Newcomer Alex M orrison showed trem endous prom ise. Drew T rainor and Josh Pellegrino worked hard. -by A lex Offutt

WRESTLING TEAM W restling does not always get the atten tio n th a t hockey and bas­ ketball obtain. U nlike those sports, w restling requires a different kind of team w ork. T here is no one to hand the ball to or pass th e puck to. W restling’s team w ork comes from th e sum of individual efforts. In th is respect, w restling has dem ­ on strated th a t its h ard work pays off for both the w restler and the school. The 1993 C ardigan w res­ tling team had another good sea­ son. Though they started out slowly w ith losses to Essex Junction and B rew ster’s JV, they soon got on tra c k and won te n consecutive m atches, including two defeats of Brew ster. The final record stood a t 11 and 3, second best ever. Along w ith hosting th e C ardi­ gan T ournam ent, they w ent on to achieve m any m ore victories a t th e Lakes Region, Eaglebrook, and F essen d en to u rn a m e n ts. T here were five finalists and th ree cham ­ pions to equal a team record a t the C ardigan tournam ent; th en a t the secondary school Lakes Region Tourney, we had one finalist and c h a m p io n , C h e s s o n a t 103; Eaglebrook; finalists and 3 cham ­ pions. Fessendan; a record 5 cham ­ pions out of 7 finalists w ith the team finishing a close th ird out of 15 schools. Individual highlights include P aul S a n tam a ria ’s N. E. record 32 wins and 22 pins as well as the m ost takedow ns (48), team points, and individual m atch points. MVP B ryan Cockrell h ad a school record of 26 reversals; Chesson had a N. E. record—tying 4 tourney c h a m p io n s h ip s ; and E van deBourguignon had a team high 27 nearfalls. T hree w restlers were finalists in every tou rn am en t they attended: B arry M illiken, Mike K ra m e r, a n d B ry a n C ockrell. K ram er finishes his career w ith a New E ngland record 95 m atches w restled. A team highlight not to be forgotten was an enjoyable trip to M ontreal w here we did not lose a m atch. -by M ike K ram er 4 Year W restler

50 * Winter Athletics

WRESTLING TEAM: (Front Row) Miguel Miro-Quesada, Mike Kramer, P. J. Chesson, Paul Santamaria, Karl Laraque. (Back Row) Mr. Murphy (Coach), Tim Herrick (Manager) Barry Milliken, Ravi Murugesan, Bryan Cockrell, Evan deBourguignon, Matt Mavar, Mr. Barron (Coach).

-W 'W '

'ARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM: (Front Row) Greg Spencer, Joey Rivera, Lee Jenkins, Rob ierm an, Mason Roulston. (Back Row) Mr. Ramos (Coach), Cody Emmons, Arthur Bernstein, Jose Hernandez, Ruldolfo Coppel, Elliot Rooks, Mr. Lynch (Coach).

VARSITY BASKETBALL Led by seniors Lee Jen k in s and Joey Rivera, V arsity B asketball had a w inning season ending up w ith a 19-5 record. H ighlights of th e season w ere victories over B rew ster and New H am pton, who were both older and more experi­ enced team s. New com ers Cody E m m o n s a n d R udolfo C oppel proved to be valuable assets, along w ith v e te r a n p la y e r s M aso n Roulston and Greg Spencer. -by B ryan Cockrell

JV BASKETBALL Inspired by Coach W ilkes yell­ ing, “Knock ’em flat!” and “Get black and blue,” and led by senior and captain J u s tin Eddy, the JV B asketball Team had a vigorous se a so n , if m e a s u re d in sk ills gained, not games won. -by Steven H ur

JV BASKETBALL TEAM: Picture Left (Front Row) Matthew Bernard, Steven Apetz, Seth Dion, Trey Ragno. (Back Row) Mr. Wilkes (Coach), Matt Kraus, Steve Hur, Scott Sprung, Paul Hamilton, Justin Eddy, Zachary Shotland, Mr. Adams (Coach).

Winter Athletics # 5 1


NEW ENtSLAND JUNIOR wrestlihg championships SMWSWEO sy THE RMO tt MICKLL f -

52 * Winter Action Shots

Winter Action Shots * 53

VARSITY BASEBALL: P ictu re Above (Front Row) David Guamaccia,Trevor Meyer, Cam Matheson, Chris Quint, John Wittemore, Phil McNeill. (Back Row) Mr. Marrion (Coach), Matt Dodge, Tony Hutchins (Captain), Fran Hargarten, Lee Jenkins, Jose Hernandez, Alex Offutt, Todd Bailey, John Schoeller, Mr. Lynch (Coach).

J.V. Baseball: P ictu re R ight (Front Row) Zack Shotland, Marc Porcelli, Josh Pelligrino, Ethan Hausman, Ryan Whitney, Jim Decrow, Brennan Johnson, Brendan Massey. (Back Row) Mr. Crawford (Coach), Eddie Funtanellas, Domingo Murzi, Mike Herman, Peter Torita, Souichi Okuno, Gustavo Turull, Mr. Richmond (Coach).

54 ♌ Spring Athletics

RESERVE BASEBALL: (Front Row) Wick Foster, Enrique DeAlba, Tyrrell Nickerson, Seth Dion, Steve Apetz, Alonzo Garcia, Jeronimo Cortina, Erik Uhlig. (Back Row) Mr. Macdonald (Coach), Mike Creed, Matt Mavar, Steve Balin, Aki Suzuki, Scott Gallagher, Stuart Hutchinson, Craig Wilson, Atsushi Iwamoto.

VARSITY BASEBALL V arsity B aseball had a successful ear. They finished w ith an im presive record of 13 wins and only two jsses. Mr. M arrion and Mr. Lynch rovided excellent coaching for the nusually large roster of fourteen layers. The team was led by retu rn in g layers and seniors Tony Hutchins, lam M atheson, Lee Jenkins, and 'ra n H a rg a rte n . New ad d itio n s rere C hris Q uint, who ra n and itched well, Dave G uarnaccia, who /^as an asset to the outfield, and ’odd Bailey, who was an all around ood player. A nother new asset to tie team was senior Jose H ernandez /^ho was always cracking a joke and fting the team ’s morale. The team b eat strong team s such s the New England M ariners who ?ere the New E ngland cham pions nd Proctor’s ju n io r varsity. The ivorite game of the year, though,

was the defeat of Eaglebrook, 14-3. At th e beginning of th is game, th ere was a presentation of a plaque m arking th e tw enty-fifth year of rivalry be­ tw een Eaglebrook and Cardigan.

win the game by 2 runs. The team ended the season w ith a record of 6 wins, 8 losses, w ith m ost wins com­ ing late in the season. -Bryan Cockrell

-by M a tt Dodge

JUNIOR VARSITY BASEBALL JV B aseball didn’t have a great season, b u t the team picked up to­ w ards the end. Seniors P eter Torita and Gustavo Turull led th e team by example, and they helped keep team m orale up. The big h itters were Mike H erm an, Souichi Okuno, and P eter Torita. The pitching was led by Gustavo T urrel and B rendan Massey. A m ajor highlight of the season was the game against Indian River School. C ardigan was behind 9 runs in the 5th inning. Then they scored 14 ru n s in one inning, and w ent on to

RESERVE BASEBALL They say th a t adversity builds character. If th a t is so, the Reserve Baseball Team has a lot of charac­ ter. They were th e strongest squad fielded in six years, but, as they found out, you need to be a team to win. I am happy to report th a t it all came together a t Eaglebrook. The pitchers threw strikes, the silent b ats sang loud and clear as the team scattered h its all over th e field, and the team hustled for every ball. W hen the du st settled, th e victory was Cardigan’s. For a brief few m oments, they were a team . -hy M ike Creed

VARSITY LACROSSE: P icture Right (Front Row) Evan deBourguignon, John Cesere, Jeff Colen, Ari Vaisanen, Brendan Hynes, Andrew Geisel, Barry Milliken, Brad Bevis, Tim Herrick, Joey Rivera. (Back Row) Mr. Fenton (Coach), Curtis Singmaster, Justin Eddy, Griff Mayer, Colin Robinson, Randolph Turnbull, Jason Dewar, Mike Tondel, Trevor Capon, Greg Spencer,Bryan Cockrell, Mr. McCormick (Coach).

JUNIOR VARSITY LACROSSE: Picture Center (Front Row) Matt Kraus (Captain), Brad Pitassi, Tyson Greenwood, Ravi Murugesan, Pablo Zervas, Ted McNaught, Haley Yergens, Chris Yergens. (Back Row) Andrew Dorsett, Mr. Rives (Coach), Micah Glauberman, Mike Jenney, Zack Turner, Derek Wijsenbeek (Captain), Foster Brown (Captain), Yarrow Thorne, Tai Stokesbury, Erik True, Ted Sweeney, Arthur Bernstein, Mr. Funnell (Coach).

RESERVE LACROSSE: P ictu re Below, R ight (Front Row) Tyler DiMare, Winston McDavid, Chris Emerson, Mike Dodge (Captain), Brendan Frazier, Chris Rivera, Jeff McAteer, John Putnam. (Back Row) Mr. Werden (Coach), David Coletti, Bryce Beerman, Karl Laraque, Mr. Brier (Coach), Doug Case, Mike Cavanaugh, Mr. Murphy (Coach), Bill Freeman, Jose Cordova, Gerrit Stryker, Devin Geraghty, Greg Nelson, Steve Calabrese.

VARSITY LACROSSE This years V arsity Lacrosse team sta rte d out w ith high expectations of being one of the best team s in C ardigan history. It didn’t tu rn out quite like expected; however, it was a good season w ith 9 wins and four losses. The first three gam es were successes. Then the team lost a h a rd fought game to Proctor by one goal. There were other wins, but, perhaps, the h a rd e st loss was to Eaglebrook despite a C ardigan goal in the first 23 seconds of the game. The team w as led by TriC aptains Colin Robinson, Jason Dewar, and G riff M ayer. -by Trevor Capon & A w a rd s Speech

JUNIOR VARSITY LACROSSE J.V Lacrosse has had a g reat season. A disappoint­ ing loss to M iddlebury inspired the team to win m ost of the next gam es played. The team captains: K raus, Brown and W ijsenbeek led the team to an excellent season. Some of the top scorers: Haley Yergens and the excellent outside shot of Chris Yergens; Y arrow Thorne helped the team in key m om ents. Even though one of the team players Andrew D orsett had a season ending injury the team ended up w ith a 9—3 record. -by A ndrew D orsett

RESERVE LACROSSE This year’s Reserve Lacrosse Team had its best season ever, going 9-1 aided by th eir brilliant coaches, Mr. Brier, Mr. M urphy, and Mr. W erden. The only loss w ent to A m herst; however, the team felt th a t this really didn’t count as A m herst had not cut players th a t they had prom ised to cut from th eir team . The w inning season was fueled by C aptain Mike Dodge’s 28 goals and G errit Stryker’s 15 goals. Reserve was also powered by two am azing goaltenders Gregg Nelson and Tyler DiM are who had a combined goals against average of 2.8. -taken from A w a rd s Speech

VARSITY TENNIS TEAM The V arsity Tennis Team had an extrem ely successful season led by C aptains S tew art Steffey and Robero Rosano. They won all of th e ir m atches w ith the exception of a close one to Deerfield for a record of 14-1. The highlight of the season was the victory a t the New E ngland Fay School T ournam ent. Top seeded Roberto Rosano was th e tourney cham pion. All four team m em bers advanced to the q u a rte r or semi finals. The team w as also undefeated in the Lakes Region T ournam ent. They finished off th e season a t Eaglebrook w in­ ning for the first tim e in 24 years. “They were the best team ever! They were a g reat group of h ard w orkers. We had more Mexican stu d en ts th a n ever, and they re ­ ally were great!” said Coach Ramos w ith enthusiasm .

VARSITY TENNIS TEAM: (Front Row) Mr. Ramos (Coach), Jose Ocejo, Gerardo Mahaud, Kyle Bryan, Raleigh Finlayson, Stewart Steffey, Gonzalo Sainz, Mr. Haskell (Coach). (Back Row) Luis Abella, Rodolpho Coppel, Roberto Rosano, Steven Hur.

—P au l D iM artino

JUNIOR VARSITY TENNIS This team contained some in tel­ ligent and athletic boys. They w ent undefeated for the season. M any of th e team m em bers will be re ­ tu rn in g to m ake a solid base for next year. —M ike K ram er

RECREATIONAL TENNIS Rec Tennis had another fun sea­ son. Mr. C lark and Mr. Sm all ran th e organization. M any players new to the game developed a love of the sport, and they will be re ­ tu rn in g to try out for the V arsity Tennis team next year. —M ike K ram er

JUNIOR VARSITY TENNIS TEAM: (Front Row) Gonzalo Sainz, Porter Fisher, Juan Pabl( Arambaru, Jose Gutierrez. (Back Row) Mr. Hart (Coach), Manuel Barclay, Jason Boggie, Joe Burnett, Mike McAteer.


58 ♦ Spring Athletics

(Front Row) Trey Ragno, Andres Campos, Tom Buller. (Back Row) Steven Kirk, Scott Sprung, Mr. Small (Coach), Mike Pigott, Mike Kramer.

tACK AND FIELD TEAM: (Front Row) Mr. Wilkes, Cardigan Mountain Jenny, Miguel Mirolesada, Rodrigo Cueto, Elliott Rooks, Paul Santamaria, Rodrigo Braun, Alexis Riedel, Mr. rron (Coach). (Back Row) Mason Roulston (Captain), Will Phillips (Captain), Paul DiMartino, 1 Kauffman, Antonio Braun, Cody Emmons, Alex Morrison, Julio Ortega, Jason Calder.

TRACK AND FIELD TEAM The Track and Field Team had a great year. It was a special team because th ere was not only a great deal of decent talen t, but, also, depth. It is only the second track team from CMS to go undefeated. The team w ent 20-0, setting a num ­ ber of records. Some of th e records th a t were broken had been around since 1984. Individual records set th is year were: long jum p (18' 1-3/4") and trip le jum p (38' 3") set by Jon Kauffm an; 200 m eter ru n (24 sec­ onds) and high jum p (5' 6") set by M ason Roulston; 1600 m eter run (5 min. 10 secs.) and 800 m eter (2 min. 19 secs.) set by Elliot Rooks; ja v a lin (145' 2") s e t by P a u l S antam aria; pole v au lt (8' 6"), 100 m eter low hurdles (16 secs.), and 3000 m eter ru n (11 min. 25 secs.) set by Will Phillips. The team did well a t the Sate and New E ngland M eets coming in first a t both on the sam e week­ end. The seniors w ent to the State M eet and earned 68 points to runner-up Belmont Hill w ith only 28 p o in ts . D iM a rtin o , R o u ls to n , Rooks, and Phillips all placed in th eir events w ith Antonio B raun providing one of the legs in the w inning 4 X 200. A t the New E ngland M eet the underclassm en earned first place w ith 141 points to Laconia the r u n n e r - u p w ith 98 p o in ts . Em mons, Cueto, and K auffm an place in four events. K auffm an also was runner-up for the indi­ vidual all around ath lete aw ard out of the over one hundred boys competing. — W ill P h illips

Spring Athletics ♦ 59

CYCLING TEAM The Cycling Team was a sm all b u t dedicated group th is year w ith only four m em bers. The team ended in th e top three, though. Everyone on th e team finished the 91 mile ride on Eaglebrook Day. Several races were cancelled. In the th ird race both Gino Tonetti and Tony W ard were involved in a crash th a t ended th a t race for them . In the fifth race, W ard, Tonetti, and Bowmer were pitted against team s comprised of three to five m em bers. D espite th a t, the CMS team took a terrific th ird place out of eight.

CYCLING TEAM: Mr. Keblish (Coach), Robinson Adams, Justin Lillie, Tony Ward, Gino Tonetti, Mr. Noel (Coach).

—J a m es B ow m er



VARSITY SAILING V arsity Sailing had agood sta rt w ith p o w e rfu l b o a ts a n d knowlegeable captains. They had a b e tte r season th a n la st year and snagged a th ird in the New H am p­ shire S tate Finals against nation­ ally ran k e d team s. Once they w ent out on a windy day, and all too quickly a heavy breeze tu rn ed to gale force winds causing three foot swells. Several boats over­ tu rn e d re p e a te d ly an d Coach Roselle, B rendan Feitleburg, Bill Lockwood, and Jam es Bowmer had to bring the boats to shore despite hypotherm ia producing w ater. —B ill Lockwood

60 # Spring Athletics

SAILING TEAM: (Front Row) Ed Lannon, Mike Garrison, Chris O’Donnell, Clive Hawkins Russell Thomas, Josh Sunday, Mr. Rozelle (Coach). (Back Row) Mr. Theobald (Coach), Drew Trainor, Cory McCarty.

# # tlf



Spring Action Shots # 61


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There is always som ething happening on campus, from movies in Humann to pick-up games on the Quad.� —Trevor Capon

Bye Bye Birdie

The Modern Shepherd

M arge Ingerson / Yearbook Assoc



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urge Ingerson / Yearbook Associates



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“Living in the dorms gives one the chance to branch out and become friends with people you never would have been in contact with before.” —Paul DiMartino '93

Home is where the If you close your eyes, you could almost believe you were in the Baham as, or California, or Finland, or Mexico. It's the closest thing to home for 180 days of the year. Dorm life is an ongoing experim ent in how to live w ith your fellow m an. It tak es a g reat deal of ad­ ju stin g , a w illingness to compromise, and a deter­ m ination to find a home aw ay from home. The dorm can be a h a ­ ven in the storm . It's w here you can find friends on good days and bad. There are dorm p a re n ts to work w ith and dorm m eetings and dorm dinners to a t­ tend. S tu d e n ts , e s p e c ia lly during the cold of w inter end up hanging out in the dorms talking w ith friends, lis te n in g to m u sic , or w atching movies. It's evening study hall w ith help a t han d from the dorm p a re n t on duty or room m ates. Though th e ru les are p r e tty c o n s is te n t, each dorm or house h as its own flavor as a resu lt of the different approaches of the dorm p a r e n ts a n d th e chem istry of th e different m em bers of th e dorm. H ere's w hat some s tu ­ d en ts h ad to say about dorm life: "Dorm life a t C ardigan has m ade us more th a n ju s t friends; it's like h av ­ in g b r o th e r s ." — G riff M ayer. "In our dorm we have Saturday night movies. We also did a C lark Pond trip w hich w as a sleepover. N ear C hristm as tim e the whole dorm had a party." — Steven H ur.


Dorm Life

"One great thing about dorm life is being with friends." Andrew Dorsett

■ ■'

"" f ':-;--t;“:';'‘’ .

Villiam Lockwood ‘93, P hotograher

Senior Candids ^ 75

"Learning how to speak English by talking w ith the people in the dorm."

"Playing video games."

"I like living in a dorm because it's fun. Sometimes you get into problems with friends, but then other friends get you out. Also your dorm parent always helps you o u t." — Mike McAteer

"This year in Brewster II we had a dorm Christmas party where we woke up at 1 a.m. and drank hot chocolate, ate cookies, and watched 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas.' I also watch movies on Saturday nights. It's a time for us to lighten up and have fun." — Alex Offutt "Hinman II is a very active and energetic floor. It is frantic and really schitzo." — Steve Balin

76 ^ Dorm Life

"Banks is a very calm and peaceful house to live in." —Zack Shetland

W illiam X. B arron, P hotograher

Senior Candids ^ 7 9 W illiam Lockwood ‘93, Photograher

"Dorm life is the experience of my life." -- Ryan W hitney

"Dorm life takes awhile to get used to. It's not home, but it's not that bad either."

"I think one positive aspect of dorm life is the soft beds. W hen I go to bed I think about all the strange things that happen during the day. During the day there are usually seven or eight people in my room, so at night all I w ant to do is go to sleep." -- Matt Dodge

80 ^ Dorm Life

"It's an adventure being in a dorm, because it's a new way of living." Josh Pellegrino






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“Each class has something special to look forward to during the year. The sixth grade has the trip to the Cape, for example.” -Devin Geraght

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— The Class of 1996

(Front Row) Tyler DiMare, Rodrigo Braun, Andrew Campos, Wick Foster, Miguel Miro-Quesada, Brennan Johnson, Jose Gutierrez, Chris O'Donnell, Jeff McAteer, Seth Dion, Juan Pablo Aramburu. (Back Row) Luke Shipman, Eric Uhlig, Ed Lannon, Chris Emerson, Alexis Riedel, Robinson Adams.

84 ^ Underclassmen

6th Grade Class Officers and Advisors: (Front Row) Mr. Squier, Mrs. Rives, Mr. Crawford. (Back Row) Luke Shipman (President), Rodrigo Braun (Vice-President), Jeff McAteer (Secretary), Alexis Riedel (Treasurer).

7 t h g r a d e — The Class of 1995 Somehow in the rush to close out the year, it was completely overlooked by the yearbook advisor that the 7th grade class picture and the picture of the seventh grade class officers and advisors had not been taken. Since the class is small, we have decided to include individual pictures w ith our apologies for the oversight. We regret that no photo was available for Russell Thomas or Craig Wilson. Seventh grade class officers were: Karl Laraque, President; Joe Burnett, Vice-President; Marc Porcelli, Secretary; Mike Dodge, Treasurer. The Class Advisors were Mr. Brier, Mr. Richmond, and Mr. Rozelle.

T om B uller

Joe Burnett

Jose Cordova

Jeronim o Cortina

VII (Pictures to right, left to right) Mike Dodge, Brendan Frazier, and Scott Gallagher.

84 ^ Underclassmen

D oug Case

Enrique DeAlba

Jim Decrow

Alonso Garcia

D evin G eraghty

Karl Laraque

Gregg Nelson



— The Class of 1994

(Front Row) Rob Herman, Clive Hawkins, Gerardo M ahuad, Jose Ojeco, Domingo Murzi, Haley Yergens, Chris Yergens, Steve Balin. (Back Row) Mr. M urphy (Advisor), Michael Pigott John Schoeller, Manuel Abella, Anthony Norris, Mike Cavanaugh, Cody Emmons, Trevor Capon, Erik True, Mike Herman, Andrew Geisel, Marshall Jenney, Todd Bailey.

(Front Row) Raleigh Finlayson, Stewart Steffey, Atsushi Iwamoto, Ted McNaught, Brad Bevis Ethan Hausm an, Mike Garrison, Porter Fisher. (Back Row) Jason Calder, David Coletti, Cody Emmons, Aki Suzuki, Billy Freeman, Drew Trainor, Winston McDavid. M embers of the 8th grade class m issing from any of the group photos; Bryce Beerman, Kyle Bryan, Brendan Feitelberg, Vasu G adiparthi, Dave Guarnaccia, G errit Stryker, Trip Sweeney, Ryan Whitne;

88 ^ Underclassmen


’ront Row) Scott Sprung, P. J. Chesson, Rodrigo Cueto, Steve Apetz, Tony Ward, Billy Freeman. (Back Row) Nick Robinson, Jason Calder, Eddie Funtanellas, Alex Morrison, Jon Kauffman, Brad Pitassi, Trevor Meyer, Gino Tonetti.

8th Grade Class Officers and Advisors: Mr. Ramos,

Mr. Fenton, Jason Calder, Brad Bevis, Mr. M urphy, and Stewart Steffey (President).

90 짜 Underclassmen

Underclassmen ^ 91

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''We can hardly wait for graduation, but I bet we’ll all shed a few tears then.� -Mike Kramei

S tu d en ts alw ays lik e to come into th e Blaze office and look through old yearbooks. H ere are som e p ictures of now grad u atin g seniors tak en during th eir six th and seventh, grade years. It is a lw ays a surprise to see how m uch everyone has grown in th a t short tim e.


1993 — G rade i

Pictures a b o v e a n d a b o v e right: Tl~ie seventli g ra d e class in th e 1990-1991 school year. Picture right: Jose Gonzalez ta ke n during his sixth gra d e year.

55 ^ Seniors

he sixth g ra d e class from th e 1989-1990 w inter session: Tyson G reen w o od, Joey Rivera, Jason Dewar, a n d iVlichoei Kramer are now )ur year boys. Jose Gonzalez has returned for his senior year. John D'Entremont is currently takin g a year o ff in Finland a tte n d in g the school from w h ich our Finnish students co m e , a n d he will g ra d u a te w ith th e 1994 class. Picture far left: The sixth g ra d e class in April o f 1990 d e p a rtin g for their w e ek a t C a p e C od. PIcuture left: Jason D ew ar in a pictu re take n during his sixth g ra d e year.

M a n u el B a r c la y C on treras

A rth u r L a u re n c e B e r n ste in

J. V. Football, 9, R ecreational Skiing, 9, V arsity T ennis, 9; Hockey, IceFishing, & W eight Lifting Clubs; “The one who doesn’t live to serve, doesn’t deserve to live.” —M.B.; “Don't leave for tomorrow, th e things you can do today.” —^Anon.

Classroom C leaner H ead, 9, Kitchen C rew S upervisor, 9; H igh Honor, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls; V ar­ sity Football, 9, V arsity B asketball, 9, JV B asketball, 8, JV Lacrosse, 9, JV T rack & Field, 8; Bowling, Movie, and W estern Clubs; “Why?! W hen th e going gets tough, the tough get rough. N ever quit. I’ll be back.” — A.B.; “My nam e is B o n d ...Jam es Bond.” —From L ive a n d L et Die.

96 ^ Barclay, Bernstein, Boggie

J a s o n D o u g la s B o g g ie In tra m u rals, 7, 8, 9, W restling, Recreational Skiing, 8,9, Recreation Tennis, 7, JV Tennis, 8, JV Tennis, W eight Lifting Club;“W here the **# did th e other h a lf of the ram p go?” J.B . to M ike Garrison.

J a m e s A le x a n d e r B o w m er ocks & Ropes, 7, 8, 9, Recreational kiing, 7, Alpine Ski Team, 8, Cross ountry Skiing, 9, Track & Field, 7, eserve Lacrosse, 8, Sailing, 9; Magic, hotography, and Fly-Tying Clubs; ^orgive your enem ies, b u t don’t for3t th e ir nam es.” —JF K

A n to n io B ra u n

C h arles F o s te r B row n , IV

N ational Ju n io r Honor Society, Honor Roll; JV Football, 7, 9, R ecreational Skiing, 7,9, V arsity Track & Field, 7, 9; Magic, W eight Lifting, and S k at­ ing Clubs; “Common sense is not so common.” —^A.B.

A ssista n t Floor L eader, F ra n k lin House, Salad B ar Job Supervisor, 9; Rocks & Ropes, 8, 9, JV Hockey, 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse, 8, JV Lacrosse, 9; N ursing Home Visits, Reading, and T rapshooting Clubs.

Bowmer, Braun, Brown ^ 97

J o h n D a v id C esere

B ry a n K uo C ock rell

C lark-M organ II Floor Leader, 9; N ationalJunior Honor Society, Honor and Effort Honor Rolls, 8, 9, Knowl­ edge M aster Team , 8, 9; V arsity Soc­ cer, 8, 9, V arsity Hockey, 8, 9 (Cap­ tain , Coaches Award), V arsity L a­ crosse, 8, 9; M ountain Biking, Ice Fishing, and Classics Clubs; “W in­ ning isn ’t everything, it’s th e only th in g .” —Vince Lombardy; “T hank you, Mom and Dad. I couldn’t have done it w ithout your support.”—J. C.

Greenwood House Floor Leader, 9, B laze Staff, 8 (U nderclassm en Edi­ tor), 9 (Editor); N ationalJunior Honor Society, H igh Honor, Honor, and Ef­ fort Honor Rolls, Knowledge M aster Team , 8, 9, M ath C ounts Team , 8, Shop Award, 8; Soccer, 8, V arsity Football, 9 (MIP), V arsity W restling, 8, 9 (C aptain), Reserve Lacrosse, 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; B laze, Chess, and W eight Lifting Clubs.

98 ^ Cesere, Cockrell, Colen

J e ffr e y A d am s C olen

Dining Room Supervisor, 9, Kitch' H ead, 9, W aiter, 8; C lean Roc Award, 8; V arsity Soccer, 9, Alpi: Ski Team , 8, 9, JV Lacrosse, 8, V e sity Lacrosse, 9; Lifeguarding, Yo| and H istory Clubs; “No, really, I d my hom ew ork.” —J.C.

R od olfo C op pel lonor Roll; Rocks and Ropes, 9, Varity Basketball, 9, V arsity Tennis, 9; (owling and Hockey Clubs; “People .'ho risk nothing, get nothing.” — inonymous; “I think, therefore I am .” -D escartes.

M ich a el E v a n s C reed

S e r g e E van d eB o u rg tiig n o n

JV Football, 8, Reserve B Soccer, 9 (C aptain), R ecreational Skiing, 8, Reserve Hockey, 9 (M anager), Re­ serve B aseball, 8, Reserve Baseball, 9; Big B ro th e rs, A n im al R escue L eague, a n d L ifeguarding Clubs; “Once is not enough w hen you only live one day.” —M.C.; “Don’t feed the Creed.” — Mr. M urphy.

D ining Room Supervisor, H ead of V an C leaners, 9, Class T reasurer, 8; Honor and Effort Honor Rolls; JV Soccer, 7, 8, V arsity Soccer, 9, V ar­ sity W restling, 7, JV B asketball, 8, V arsity W restling, 9, Reserve L a­ crosse, 7 (Captain), JV Lacrosse, 8 (C aptain), V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Art, Magic, and Lifeguarding Clubs; “The best and m ost beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They m u st be felt w ith th e h e a rt.” — H elen Keller.

Coppel, Creed, deBourguignon ¥ 99

J a s o n L u cas D ew a r

P a u l A rth u r D iM artin o

M a tth ew M urphy D od ge

H inm an I Floorleader, D ining Hall S upervisor, S tu d e n t G overnm ent, K itchen H ead, Class T reasu rer, 9, 8 th grade Class Vice P resident, 7th grade C lass Vice President; G reen Key Club, 6, 7, 8, 9; N ational Ju n io r H onor Society, H onor a n d Effort H o n o r R olls, 6 th g ra d e Science A w ard, Knowledge M aster Team , 8; Glee Club, 6, 7, 8,9; Jobs Honor Roll; F itness Award, 8, 9, JV Football, 6, 7 (C aptain), V arsity Football, 8, 9 (CoC aptain, Coaches Award), JV B as­ ketball, 6, JV Hockey, 7, 8 (MIP, C aptain), 9 (MVP, C aptain), Reserve Lacrosse, 6, JV Lacrosse, 7 (Captain), V arsity Lacrosse, 8, 9 (Captain); Art, A n im a l R e sc u e L e a g u e , a n d L ifeguarding Clubs; “The m an who follows a crowd will never be followed by a crowd.” —Anon; “A friend is someone who w alks in w hen th e oth­ ers w alk out.” —Anon.

B laze Section Editor, Knowledge M as­

D ining Room Supervisor, B laze Se tion Editor; Knowledge M aster Teai 8, 9; JV Football, 8, V arsity Footba 9, JV Hockey, 9, JV B aseball, 8 (Ca tain ), V a rsity B aseball, 9; B laz W indsurfing, and Golf Clubs; “Y( never dwell on deficiencies. You a centuate your positive abilities ai go out and m ake th e best of them .” ■ Don Sweeney, Boston Bruins.

100 ^ Dewar, DiMartino, Dodge

te r Team, 9; V arsity Football, 9, Rec­ reational Skiing, 9, V arsity Track an d F ield, 9; B la ze Club; “M any th an k s to Mrs. Amos, Mr. B urnett, my family, and, of course, M organ.” —P.D.; “I was headed for a fall, th en I saw th e w riting on th e wall. I was lif te d u p by th e L o r d .” —V an M orrison.



A n d rew D o r se tt reen Key C lub, 9; B la ze Staff, aowledge M aster Team , 8, Effort onor Roll, C lean Room Award, 7; JV jotball, 7, 8, 9 (MVP), Recreational ding, 7, 8, Alpine Ski Team , 9, Reirve Lacrosse, 7, JV Lacrosse, 8, JV icrosse, 9; Anim al Rescue League, u rsin g Hom e V isits, a n d B la ze lubs; “If you are not willing to die for imething, you die for nothing.” — ebster.

J u s tin D a v id E d d y

M icah D a v id G lau b erm an

Reserve B Soccer, 8, Reserve A Soc­ cer, 9, JV B asketball, 8, 9 (Captain, MVP), Reserve Lacrosse, 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; M ountain Bike, W all Climbing, and W eight T raining Clubs; “Som etim es you end up a t th e point of no re tu rn .” —^Anonymous.

Effort Honor and H onor Rolls; Cross C ountry Running, 7 (MIP), 8 (Cap­ tain , MVP), 9 (MVP), Snowboarding, 7, Reserve Hockey, 8, JV Hockey, 9, V arsity Track and Field, 7, 8, JV Lacrosse, 9; Recycling, W eight Lift­ ing, and T rapshooting Clubs; “Before I came here, I didn’t know if I could do it. Now, I see I can.” —M.G.; “N atu re alw ays sides w ith th e hidden flaw.” —M urphy’s Law.

Dorsett, Eddy, Glauberman * 101

J o s e A n to n io G on zalez

J e s s e V icto r G reen

T y so n E v e r e tt G reen w o o d

E ffort Honor and Honor Rolls; W in­ te r C arnival T -Shirt Design W inner; In tra m u rals, 6, JV Football, 9, Rec­ reatio n al Skiing, 6, 9, Sailing 6, 9; Bowling, W indsurfing, an d Ice F ish ­ ing Clubs; “Quack, quack, quack!”; “Life is a gam e we play to win, and th e biggest risk th a t we can have is not tak in g any risk s a t all.” —U n­ known; “Mexico, E splandor de siglos.”

K itchen Crew H ead, 9, Spelling Bee W inner, 9; JV Football, 9, V arsity W restling, 9 (Sportsm anship Award), R ecreational Tennis, 9; H ospital Vis­ its, Lifeguarding, and H am Radio Clubs; “Life is a corn kernel, plain and sim ple.” —^Anon; “W hat is th e sound of one h a n d clapping?” —T ra ­ ditional Zen koan used in lyrics by Bob M arley.

Athletic Coordinator, 9, Science La A ssistant, 8; Effort Honor, Hone and High Honor Rolls, History Aware 6, M ath Counts, 8, Knowledge Mai te r Team , 8; Reserve B Soccer, ( Reserve A Soccer, 7, JV Soccer, 8, (A ll-T ournam ent Team ), R e s e « Hockey, 6, 7 (MVP), JV Hockey, 8,! R eserve B aseball, 6, R eserve L< crosse, 7, 8, JV Lacrosse, 9; Nursin Home Visits, F innish Baseball, an Stratom atic Baseball Clubs; “J e pens danc je suis.” (I th in k , therefore am.) —Rene D escartes; “Veni, vid vici.” —C aesar.

102 ^ Gonzalez, Green, Greenwood

Francis C h arles H argarten , III

J o s e L u is H ern a n d ez

T im oth y B r e tt H errick

rew ster II Floor Leader, School Sen­ te A lternate, D isciplinary Commitje, 9, Com m encem ent M arshall, 8; ational Ju n io r Honor Society, Ef>rt Honor, Honor, and H igh Honor oils, Knowlege M aster Team , 8, lean Room Award, 8; JV Football, 8 I^aptain), V a r s ity F o o tb a ll, 9 D oaches A w a rd ), V a r s ity nowboarding, 8, 9 (MVP), V arsity aseball, 8, 9; Recycling, F innish aseball, and C ulture Clubs; “Don’t ray for an easy life...pray to be a :rong person.” —Anon; “Be tru e to ourself, and you will never fall.” — eastie Boys.

JV Soccer, 9, V arsity B asketball, 9 (MVP), V arsity Baseball, 9; N ursing Home Visits, Speech, and Indepen­ dent Reading Clubs; “Be helpful to all people, b u t if anybody lays a han d on you, send them to th e cem etery.” — Malcolm X; “Rem em ber th a t h a rd work pays off.” —J.H .

Dining Room M onitor, K itchen Crew Head, F ranklin House A ssistant Floor Leader, 9\B laze Staff, 9; Effort Honor Roll; T oastm aster W inter A w ards Ceremony, 9, JV Football, 8,9, Recre­ ational Skiing, 8, W restling, 9 (M an­ ager), JV Lacrosse, 8 (C aptain), V ar­ sity Lacrosse, 9; N ursing Home Vis­ its, Photography, and Glee Clubs; “I’m not a fighter; I’m a lover.” — Anon; “N ever give up. N ever slow down. N ever grow old. N ever ever die young.” —Jam es Taylor; “One who knows he can boast, doesn’t have to.” —Colin Robinson.

i t

Hargarten, Hernandez, Herrick ^ 1 0 3

D o n g -J o o (S tev en ) H ur

A n th o n y J o h n H u tc h in s

S tu a r t S e tz e r H u tc h in so n

9 th G rade C lass P resident; B laze Staff; N ational Ju n io r Honor Soci­ ety, High Honor and Effort Honor Rolls, Knowledge M aster Team , 9; Job Honor Roll; JV Soccer, 9, JV B asketball, 9, Tennis, 9;B laze, Board G am es, a n d T ra p sh o o tin g Clubs; “E ducation is a social process... E du­ cation is growth... E ducation is n ot a p rep aratio n for life; education is life itself.” —Jo h n Dewey; “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” — Victor Hugo.

H ayw ard Floor Leader, G reen Key Club, S ecretary of School Senate, 9; 9th grade class secretary; Commence­ m en t U sher, 8; Honor, H igh Honor an d Effort Honor Rolls; V arsity Foot­ ball, 8 (Coaches Award), 9 (Captain, MVP), V arsity Hockey, 8 ,9 (Captain, MVP), V arsity B aseball, 8 (Coaches Award), 9 (Captain); Big B rothers, C ulture, and (iolf Clubs; “One who knows he can b rag doesn’t have to.” —Unknow n.

K itchen Crew Head, 9, Spelling Be C ontestant; In tra m u rals, 7, Reserv Soccer, 8,9, Recreational Skiing, 7,! Alpine Ski Team , 9, Reserve Bas< ball, 7, 8, 9; H ospital Visits, Boxin| and Magic Clubs; “Don’t ever try I be somebody your’re not. The rei you is th e one people will like.” A ndy V an Slyke (P irates); “S ta F.I.T.—faith, in tegrity and tru s t ai th e ingredients of a w inner.” —Glen Davis (Orioles).

104 ^ H ur, Hutchins, Hutchinson

B r e n d a n E w in g H yn es [ead o f C la s sro o m C le a n e r s , tcMldard; Honor Roll; Reserve B Socir, 8, JV Soccer, 9 (Coaches Award), V Hockey, 8, V arsity Hockey, 9, JV acrosse, 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Ora)ry, Magic, and Ice F ishing Clubs; !^othing is as good as it used to be, ad it never was. The ‘Golden age of [lorts,’ th e golden age of anything, is le age of everyone’s childhood.” — fen Dryden; “Luck is the residue of esign.” —B ranch Rickey.

L ee V in c e n t J e n k in s

S te p h e n R y a n K irk

Associate Job Forem an, 9, Commence­ m ent M arshall, 8; Honor Roll; V ar­ sity Football, 8, 9 (Captain), V arsity B ask etb all, 8 (MVP), 9 (C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity B aseball, 8 (Coaches Award), 9; C ulture, F in n ­ ish B aseball, and W eight L ifting Clubs; “T here is no cure for death, except to enjoy the in terv al.” —F ran H argarten; “I hope you all m ake it to the top, because th a t’s w here I’ll be.” —L.J.

Dining Room Door Checker, 9; Rocks and Ropes, 9, JV Hockey, 9, Recre­ ational Tennis, 9; T rapshooting and B laze Clubs; “I’m worse a t w hat I do best and for this gift, I feel blessed.” —N irvana; “I try and feel th e su n ­ shine. You bring th e rain. You try and hold me down w ith your com­ plain t.” —G uns and Roses.

Hynes, Jenkins, Kirk ^ 1 0 5

M ic h a e l W oodliffe K ram er

M a tth ew A. K raus

J u s tin D a v id L illie

B laze Staff; Reserve B Soccer Team,

D ining Room M onitor, 9; JV Football, 8, V arsity Football, 9, JV B asketball, 8, 9, Reserve Lacrosse, 8, JV L a­ crosse, 9 (Captain); N ursing Home V isits, Ice Fishing, and C lark Pond R estoration Clubs; “This is w h at I gotta say to y’all: Be tru e to yourself and you will never fall.” —Beastie Boys.

G reen Key Club, 9; Rocks and Rope: 8, 9, Recreational Skiing, 8, Alpin Ski Team , 9 (Coaches Award), R( serve Baseball, 8, Cycling, 9; Mour ta in Bike, Magic, and C lark Pon R estoration Clubs; “As soon as yo feel settled, you know it’s tim e t move on.” —Fredrick Tucker.

6, 7, 8 (C aptain, Coaches Award), Reserve A Soccer Team , 9 (Captain), V a r s ity W re s tlin g , 6 (C o a c h es Award), JV W resthng, 7 (C aptain), V arsity W restling, 8, 9 (C aptain, Coaches Award), Rocks and Ropes, 6, R ecreational Tennis, 7, 8, 9; B laze and Magic Clubs; “W inners never quit, a n d q u itte rs never w in.” — Anonymous.

106 ^ Kramer, Kraus, Lillie

W illiam M urray L ock w ood ead of A-V Crew, 9, Science Lab ssista n t, 8, B la ze Photographer; onor and Effort Honor Rolls, Enish. Science, and H istory Awards, , E nglish Award, 8, M ath Counts earn, 8, Knowledge M aster Team, 8, , Perform ing A rts, 8,9 ; JV Football, , 8 (C aptain Reserve), V arsity Footill, V arsity Snowboarding, 7, 8, 9 Captain), T rack and Field, 7 (M an­ ner), V arsity Sailing, 8, 9; Classics nd B laze Clubs; “The fault, dear ru tu s, is not in our sta rs, b u t in irselves, th a t we are underlings.” -Shakespeare, J u liu s Caesar-, “Bet;r to be a jack of all tra d e s th a n a taster of none.”—^Anon.; “One should now a little bit about everything!”— non.

C am eron M itc h e ll M a th eso n

G riffin W illiam M ayer

School Leader, H ead of School Sen­ ate, 9, C haplain’s A ssistant, 8; High, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls; Knowl­ edge M aster Team, 8; JV Soccer, 7 ,8 (C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity Soccer, 9 (C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity Hockey, 7,8 (Coaches A w ard), 9, V arsity Baseball, 7, 8 (Coaches Award), 9; B laze, F innish Baseball, Trap Shooting Clubs; “On winning: We cannot direct th e wind, b u t we can ad ju st the sails.” —U nknown; “In the m iddle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” —Unknown.

F ran k lin House Floor Leader, S tu ­ dent Senate M ember, D ining Room Supervisor, H ead of K itchen Crew, 9; Honor and Effort Honor Rolls; JV Soccer, 8 (C aptain), V arsity Soccer, 9 (Captain), V arsity Hockey, 8, 9, V ar­ sity Lacrosse, 8, 9 (C aptain); Big B ro th e rs, F in n is h B a se b a ll, and W eight Lifting Clubs; “A real m an does not have to jum p on sh a rk s or dodge poisonous d a rts to prove him ­ self to be a m an. A real m an ju s t has to score big w ith th e babes.” —Sam Malone; “N ever stole a horse from a m an I didn’t like.” —Billy the Kid; “I am the greatest!” — M uham m ad Ali.


Lockwood, Matheson, Mayer -^107

M ich a el B e ld e n M cA teer

C orm ac D o w n m a n M cC arty

P h ilip C h arles M cN eill

C haplain’s A ssistant, 9; N ational J u n ­ ior Honor Society, H onor Roll, A rt A w ard, 8; V arsity C ross C ountry R unning, 7, 8, 9, JV Hockey, 7, 8, 9, JV Tennis, 7, 8, 9; O ratory, B laze, and W orld W ar II Clubs; “Life goes on; even if you die, o ther people live. So life does go on.” —Zack T urner.

B anks H ouse Floor Leader, 9; N a­ tional Ju n io r Honor Society, High a n d E ffo rt H onor R olls, Science A w ard, 8; Perform ing A rts, 9 (Light­ ing); W ilderness, 8, 9, Recreational Skiing, 8, 9, V arsity Sailing, 8, 9; W indsurfing, C lassics, an d B la ze Clubs; “C arpe deum ” (Sieze th e day.); “We would ra th e r die on our feet th a n live on our knees.” —F ranklin Delano Roosevelt; “Give me liberty or give me death!” —P atrick Henry.

Proctor House Floor L eader, 9; Hig Honor, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolli Perform ing A rts, 8 (Lighting), 9; J" Football, 7, 8 (Coaches Award), Vai sity Football, 9, V arsity W restlin g ,' Alpine Ski Team , 8, Reserve Hocke^ 9 (MIP), JV Baseball, 7, 8, V arsit B aseball, 9; A m ateur Radio, Roc Climbing, and World W ar II Film Clubs; “N ot in vain m ay be th e prid of those who survived and th e ep tap h of those who fell.” —W insto C hurchill; “I move w ith relief froi th e tossing sea of cause and theory t th e firm ground of resu lt and fact.” W inston Churchill; “Pa, th is require action!” —FDR

108 ^ McAteer, McCarty, McNeil

W illiam B arry M illik en [itchen Crew H ead, 9; Honor Roll, pelling Bee W inner, Knowlege Mas3r Team , 8,9; JV Football, 7, V arsity 'ootball, 8, 9 (C aptain), JV Wresiing, 7 (Captain), V arsity W restling, , 9 (Captain), JV Lacrosse, 7, 8, a rs ity Lacrosse, 9; S cu lp tu rin g , lagic, and Lifeguarding Clubs; “No lan h as ever achieved w orthw hile access w ithout a t one tim e hanging is foot well over the brin k of failure.” -Unknow n.

R. R a v ic h a n d e r M u ru g esa n

P ie rr e A le x a n d e r O ffutt

Honor Roll; JV Football, 8, 9, JV W restling, 7, V arsity W restling, 8,9, Baseball, 7, JV Lacrosse, 8, 9; Blaze, N u r s in g H om e V is its , and W indsurfing Clubs; “The tragedy of life is not death, b u t w h at we let die inside us while we live.” —N orm an Cousins; “Success lies w ithin the qual­ ity of life, your own and those you have reached.” —W illiam X. Barron.

L anguage Lab A ssistan t, 9; High Honor, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls, A rt Award, 7; JV Football, 7, V arsity Football, 8, 9, Reserve Hockey, 7, JV Hockey, 8, 9, JV Baseball, 7, V arsity Baseball, 8, 9; S tratom atic Baseball, Lifeguarding, and B laze Clubs; “You only live twice. Once w hen you’re born and once when you face d eath .” —Ian Fleming.

Milliken, M urugesan, Offutt


S o u ic h i O kuno

J o s h u a D a v id P e lle g r in o

W illiam W itter P h illip s

H ead of BufTet Set-up Crew, H ayw ard A s s is ta n t F loor L e a d er, 9; H igh Honor, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls; JV Soccer, 8 (MIP), V arsity Football, 9, V a r s ity S n o w b o a rd in g , 8, 9 (Coaches Award), JV Tennis, 8, JV B aseball, 9; W all Chm bing, Magic, and Bowling Clubs; “G anbare C ardi­ gan J a p tachi!” —S.O.

K itchen Crew H ead, 9; Room C lean­ ing A w ard, 8; V arsity Football, 7 (M anager), In tra m u rals, 8, Reserve Soccer, 9, Recreational Skiing, 7, JV B asketball, 8, Cross C ountry Skiing, 9, Reserve Baseball, 7 (MIP), 8, JV B aseb all, 9; H o spital V isits, Big B rother, and Chess Clubs; “It a in ’t over, till it’s over.” —^Yogi B erra; “If you spit in th e air, it will come rig h t back in your face.” —M rs. M ary Pellegrino.

D ining Room Door Checker, Fi M arshall, 9; Honor Roll; C lean Roo A w ard, 8; P erform ing A rts Stai M anager, 8, 9; JV Soccer, 8, V arsi Soccer, 9, JV Alpine Team , 8, V arsi Alpine Team , 9; JV Tennis, 8, Trai and Field, 9 (Captain); W orld W a r : Cooking, an d W indsurfing Clul: “T h at which does not kill you, on m ak es you s tro n g e r.” —Fredrii Nietzche; “Luck is w hen preparati( m e e ts o p p o r tu n ity .” —V in Lom bardi; “God gave you two ea and one m outh to listen to twice m u c h a s you s a y .” —T heodo Roosevelt; “Chance is th e intelligen to recognize it.” —H arry Trum an.



110 ^ Okuno, Pellegrino, Phillips

J o s e p h R ivera 'rench I Floor Leader, S tu d en t Govrnm ent, 9, G reen Key Club, 7, 8, 9, th grade class President, 7th grade iass T reasu rer, 8 th grade class SecBtary, Glee Club, 6, 7, 8, 9; N ational unior Honor Society, High, Honor, nd Effort Honor Rolls, W illiam A. larney W ritten Expression Award, knowledge M aster Team , 7, 8, 9, Inglish Award, 6, Spanish Award, 7; ob Honor Roll; JV Football, 6, 7, 8 Daptain), V arsity F ootball, 9, JV Basetball, 6, 7, V arsity B asketball, 8,9, Reserve B aseball, 6 (C aptain), Reerve Lacrosse, 7 (C aptain, MIP), JV ,acrosse, 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Big trother, C ulture, and Lifeguarding Hubs; “We did not land on Plym outh bOck, Plym outh Rock landed on us.” -M alcolm X; “The thing m en and /omen need to do is stick together; irogressions can’t be m ade if we are e p arate forever.” —^A Tribe Called Juest; “You are not responsible for he outcome, only th e effort.” —My )ad.

C olin P a rk R o b in so n

E llio t R ook s

A ssistant School Leader, School Sen­ ate, G reen Key Club, 9, D ining Room M onitor, Com m encem ent U sher, 8; N ational Ju n io r Honor Society, Honor and Effort Honor Rolls; V arsity Foot­ ball, 8, 9 (C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity Hockey, 8, V arsity Hockey (A ssistant C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity Lacrosse, 8 (MIP), 9; C ulture, Big B rother, and F innish B aseball Clubs; “Som etim es it’s b e tte r to be lucky th a n good.” —G ra n t F u h r; “T here is no prize for second best.” — Top Gun.

Stowell House Floor Leader, 9, H ead of Buffet Crew, 8; Knowledge M aster Team, 8; Clean Room Award, 7; JV Football, 7, 8, V arsity Football, 9, JV B asketball, 7 (Coaches Award), 8 (C aptain, Coaches Award), V arsity B asketball, 9 (MIP), JV T rack and Field, 7,8, V arsity Track and Field, 9; Recycling, Magic, and W eight Lifting Clubs; “It’s b e tte r to stan d up and die for som ething th a n to die for no th­ ing.” —^Anon; “The su n will come out tomorrow.”—“Annie”; “Mess w ith the best; die like the re st.” —Every ado­ lescent since th e beginning of tim e.

Rivera, Robinson, Rooks #11 1

R o b erto R o sa n o R iv era

M ason A llen R o u lsto n

K itchen Crew, 9; V arsity Football, 9, R ecreational Skiing, 9, V arsity Ten­ nis, 9; Hockey and Bowling Clubs; “N unca hogas alga a alguien lo queno quiener que te hag an a ti.” —R.R.

C la rk M organ III F loor L e a d er, Kitchen Crew Head, 9; High, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls; Perform ing A rts (.Bye, Bye, B irdie-ConradB irdie), 9; Reserve A Soccer, 8 (MVP), V arsity Soccer, 9 (MIP), JV B asketball, 8, V arsity B asketball, 9, JV B aseball, 8 (C aptain), T rack and Field, 9 (Cap­ tain); N ursing Home V isits, Diver­ sity, and Rythym and Blues Clubs; “T hank you. Lord, for w hat you’ve done for me... T hank you. Lord, for you m ake me sing.” —Bob M arley; “Someone is tak in g more th a n th eir sh are of th e bounties of th is land, and th a t’s not fair. So, little people got m ore th a n they need, while th e re ’s so m any hungry m ouths in the world to feed.”— Jim m y C liff

112 ^ Rosano, Roulston, Ruettinger

R ob ert H. R u e ttin g e r H ead of Public R elations, 9 Fall; E fort Honor Roll; Clean Room Awar 7, 8; Reserve A Soccer, 8 (Coach A w a rd ), J V Soccer, 9 (Coachi Award), R ecreational Skiing, 8, P. pine Ski Team , 9, JV Tennis, 7, V arsity Tennis, 9; H ospital Visil B laze, and F innish Baseball Clubs; will always have fond m em ories C a rd ig a n e good a n d th e bf tim es.” —R.R.; “If you p u t your mii to it, you can do anything.” —Ano:

Z achary H arris S h e tla n d [onor Roll; R eserve A Soccer, 9 MVP), JV B asketball, 9 (Coaches Lward), JV Baseball, 9; Board Games, [ebrew, and Bowling Clubs; “Don’t )ok back, som ething m ight be gainig on you.” —Satchel Paige.

G regory J e a n B. S p e n c e r

T ai S to k e sb a r y

H inm an II Floor Leader; Honor and Effort Honor Rolls; JV Soccer, 8, V ar­ sity Soccer, 9, JV B asketball, 7, 8 (MVP), V arsity B asketball, 9, JV Tennis, 7 (MIP), 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Animal Rescue League, Lifeguarding, and Yoga Clubs; “No bird soars too high if he soars w ith his own w ings.” —Anon; “A m an will rise, a m an will fall from the sheer force of love, like a fly from a wall, it’s no secret a t all.” — From The Fly by U2.

Dining Room M onitor, 9; H onor Roll; V a r s ity S o ccer, 9 (M a n a g e r), Snow boarding, 9, JV Lacrosse, 9; Stagecraft and D riving R ange Clubs; “The deepest ocean, th e ta lle st rain forest...the key to life lies w ithin.” — T.S.; “These things w ere given to you: th e land, the ocean, and th e sun. Respect th a t.” —T. S.

Shotland, Spencer, Stokesbary ^ 113

Y arrow L iv in g sto n T h orn e

A n to n io T o led o C ev a llo s

M ich a el L. T on d el

E nvironm ental Coordinator, H inm an II A ssistan t Floor Leader, 9; Honor and Effort H onor Rolls; Reserve Soc­ cer, 7, JV Soccer, 8, V arsity Soccer, 9, V arsity A lpine Ski Team , 7, 8, 9 (MVP), V arsity Sailing, 7 (C aptain, Coaches Award), Reserve Lacrosse, 8 (MIP), JV Lacrosse, 9; A Cappella, Fly fishing, and L ifeguarding Clubs.

H onor Roll; Rocks a n d Ropes, 9, Snowboarding, 9, V arsity Tennis, 9; Bowling and S kating Clubs; “It takes th e whole of life to lea rn how to live, and—w hat will perhaps m ake you w onder m ore—it takes the whole of life to learn how to die.” —Cicero; “E verything u n d er the sun is in tune, b u t th e sun is eclipsed by th e moon.” —P ink Floyd.

F re n ch II Floor L eader, H ead c K itchen Crew, 9; Honor Roll; Varsit Football, 8, 9, JV Hockey, 8 (MVP V arsity Hockey, 9, V arsity Lacross< 8, 9; B e g in n in g T e n n is a n Trapshooting Clubs; “Pain is only ten porary; fam e is forever.” —Unknowi “I know som eday you’ll have a beai tiful life, I know you’ll be a s ta r.” P earl Jam .

114 ¥ Thorne, Toledo, Tondel

T a k esh i P e te r T orita

E d w ard R a n d o lp h T u rn b u ll

Z ach ary K ress T u rn er

le a d of K itchen Crew, 9; Poetry Lward, SS; V arsity Football, 9, Varity Snowboarding, 9 (MIP), JV Baselall, 9; Bowling, Skating, and D iver­ ity Clubs.

B rew ster I Floor Leader, H ead of K itchen Crew, 9; Honor Roll, V arsity Football, 9, R ecreational Skiing, 8, Reserve Hockey, 9, Reserve Lacrosse, 8 (C aptain), V a rsity Lacrosse, 9; Lifeguarding, N ursing Home Visits, and Ice F ishing Clubs; “I h a te h is­ tory, I h a te history. H istory I h a te .” — E.R. Turnbull.

C haplain’s A ssistant, Vice P resident of Class, 9, D ining Room Supervisor, 8; N ational Ju n io r Honor Society, High, Honor, and Effort Honor Rolls, Geography Bee W inner; V arsity Foot­ ball, 8, 9, JV W restling, 7, V arsity W restling, 8, R ecreational Skiing, 9, JV Lacrosse, 8, JV Lacrosse, 9; O ra­ tory and Classics Clubs; “I slept and dream ed th a t life was beauty; I woke and found th a t life w as duty.” — Anon.; “T h at which h a th m ade them drunk, h a th m ade me bold. W hat h a th quench’d them , h a th given me fire.” —Shakespeare.

Torita, Turnbull, Turner ^ 1 1 5

G u stavo E. T u ru ll

A ri M ik ael V a isa n en

H ead of Kitchen Crew, 9; Room C lean­ ing Award; JV Football, 8, 9, JV Bas­ ketball, 8, V arsity B asketball, 9, JV Baseball, 8, V arsity Baseball, 9; Big B rother, Ice Fishing, a n d Skating Clubs; “Any job is easy w hen you have th e rig h t tools.” —W illiam H art; “Rem em ber, w hen you point a finger a t somebody, you are pointing three a t yourself.” —Salada Tea Bag.

H ead of K itchen Crew, 9; Honor and Effort Honor Rolls; V arsity Soccer, 9 (Captain, MVP), V arsity Hockey, 9, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Tennis, Board Gam es, and W eight Lifting Clubs; “T hunder is good, th u n d er is im pres­ sive; b u t it is lightning th a t does the work.” —M ark Twain.

J o h n D ix o n W hittem ore

' V

116 ^ Turull, Vaisanen, W hittemore


A thletic Coordinator, 9; JV Footbal 7 .8 , Reserve A Soccer, 9, JV Hocke, 7.8, V arsity Hockey, 9, Reserve Basi ball, 7, JV Baseball, 8, V arsity B as ball, 9; Magic, Solitaire, and Ice Fisl ing Clubs; “W ith losers, you also fin w inners.” —Anon.; “W inning isn everything, b ut losing is really tough —J.W.

D erek W illem W ijsenbeek ehicle C leaner Head, Stowell House s sista n t Floor Leader, Kitchen Crew [ead, 9; Effort Honor Roll; Clean oom Award; Rocks and Ropes, 7, 8, , Nordic Skiing, 7, 8 (MIPX Alpine ki Team, 9, Reserve Lacrosse, 7, JV acrosse, 8, V arsity Lacrosse, 9; Nursig Home Visits, Blaze, and D ebating lubs; “The fu tu re’s here; we are it; 'e’re on our own.” —G rateful Dead; Peelin’ good is good enough.” — iTillem DeFoe.



LEADERSHIP... was a common sight when the class of ...were in the dorms, the chapel, the student governm ent, the classroom, the Jobs Program, and on the playing field.

118 * Senior Section

(Above, Left to Right) THE FLOOR LEADERS: F ran H argarten, Jason Dewai G riff M ayer, Bryan Cockrell, Mike Tondel, Phil McNeil, Tony Hutching

pm : a s iil ’

Cam eron M atheson School Leader

•- ■

Colin Robinson Job Forem an

IVbove, Left to Right) THE FLOOR LEADERS: M ason Roulston, Elliot Rooks, oey Rivera, Cory M cCarty, John Cesere, Randolph Turnbull.

M ichael M cAteer Zachary T u rn er C haplain’s A ssistants

Senior Section * 119

SPONSORS An Artist in Praise and Encouragement to be Creative! Betsy and Ken Balin Kumiko Buller The Burnett Family Camera Shop of Hanover, Inc. Robert Chartener ‘73 BXB, Casey, and Spice Mr. C. Kendrick Capon and Ms. Susan M. Emery Mrs. Carl E. Carlson Andrew Dorsett Mrs. Henry J. Feitelberg Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Greenwood

Amy, Ginger, and Winnie Hart Mr. and Mrs. Crawford H. Hinman Reverend Harry Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Mayer Madge Nickerson Andrew B. Noel III Mary Pellegrino Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Scribner, Jr. Karen C. Ragno Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Rand Mr. and Mrs. Rivera Cintron Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santamaria Sherwin Dodge Printers Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. I. Wilson Charlotte Yehle

SUBSCRIBERS Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Bevis Mr. and Mrs. John V. Bowmer Charles and Catriona Case Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins Felix Cueto H eadm aster and Mrs. Dewar Roger and P atti Emerson Fam ily Pharmacy J. Michael McGean Charles H. H eenan William and Evelyn M illiken


N ortheast Food Service Equipment & Supply Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. P itassi Robert and Thurza Small Trumbull-N elson Construction Co., Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Turnbull Ward Amidon Jew elers John D. Whittemore Chris and Haley Yergens

BOOSTERS M anuel Barclay Katryna B. Carothers Dudley Clark Mr. and Mrs. John B. Coffin Don and Carolyn Creed Tony H utchins’ Grandmother Andrew Frohring Geisel

Henen Olson Hull June L, Hutchins Ann Hynes Dr. and Mrs. Herman H. Jenkins Mr. Fred A. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Porcelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ruettinge

PATRONS Kyle Bryan and Family Dr. and Mrs. Joshua B. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chesson Antonio Cortina Mr. and Mrs. Enrique De Alba Henry B. duPont, IV Carrie and John Finlayson David and Kathleen Foster Mr. and Mrs. Savage Frieze, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Frohring Michael J. Gallagher, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gillette Stuart and Cinders Hutchinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. Keniston P. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Williams Jr.

BARNEY IN SU R A N C E A G EN C Y Main Street — Box 95 Canaan, N. H. 03741 Telephone: (603) 523-4407

Hom e, A uto, Business, Life, Health

Congratutations to the CCass o f '93 The Tondel Family


Congratulations to the Class of 1993 P E A R S O N 8c P E A R S O N A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW 12 H U R D S T R E E T L O W E L L . M A S S A C H U S E T T S 01 8 5 2 G A R D N E R W. P E A R S O N 18 6 9 - 19 5 3 JOHN HOWARD PEARSON 1910 - 1985



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Congratulations to the Class of 1993

CongratuCation and ^est Wishes to tfie CCass o f 1993 from The DiMartino Family— Arthur, Susan, Paul, Julie and Laurie

CONGRATULATIONS! From the folks who helped keep you warm during those long, cold New Hampshire winter nights.







Congratulations A* Bflfredunfflrt to ttie Class of 1993! From all of us who fill the machine, count and record the money, and recycle the cans, and the summer schoo students who are Coca-Cola customers.

Have a Odkeand a smito.

Congratulations to the Class of 1993! Matthew Bronfman

COLOPHON The C ardigan M ountain School yearbook, B laze, is pubHshed by Jostens P rin tin g & Pubhshing, Inc. in S tate College, PA. The press ru n was 280 copies a t a trim size of 7 3/4" X 10 1/2” on 80# glossy paper. The hardcover is a Styleline Design #572 which has a com bination of Tempo 329 Silver silkscreening on Tempo 766 G reen background. Senior books were nam e stam ped in silver. The base ink color was black and th e type styles prim arily used were New C entury Schoolbook and Palatino. Zaph Chancery and Zaph D ingbats were used as accents. Tempo 877 Silver was used on the spot color pages. The book was designed on a PC, using Aldus PageM aker 4.0, Jostens’ clip a rt and tem plates on disk, and Aldus FreeH and. T h is b o o k w o u ld h a v e n e v e r g o n e to p ress th is year, or in th e la st fiv e years, w ith o u t th e d e d ic a te d h e lp o f J im O’K eefe, ou r J o s te n s ’ r e p r e se n ta tiv e . A lw ays th e re to h elp , h e w a s a b le ss in g for h is e x p e r tise, frie n d lin ess, an d o p tim istic ap p roach . M any th a n k s to Jim . The senior portraits and m ost of the color

photos, team photos, and athletic action shots were tak e n by Yearbook Associates of M illers Fall, MA. Bill Lockwood, Paul DiM artino, Sean Gillery, Bill B arron, and m any other parents, coaches, and students also contributed photos. S p e c ia l th a n k s to S te v e W illiam s o f Y earbook A sso c ia te s for h is care w ith th e p h o to s a n d th e p r o m p tn ess o f a ll d e liv e r ie s. H e w a s a n o th e r p e r so n w h o se p o sitiv e a ttitu d e an d w illin g h e lp k e p t up ou r sp ir its. A y ea rb o o k is n e v e r co m p le ted w ith o u t th e c o n trib u tio n s o f e v e ry o n e on cam p us. T he s ta ff w is h e s to th a n k a ll o f yo u for y o u r h elp . S p e c ia l th a n k s to S te p h a n ie a n d D a v e M cC usker, S ea n G illery, T h urza Sm all, K aren C olburn, A u d ie A rm strong, an d J a c k ie L ary for th e ir h e lp in p roofread in g, m ak in g a d d r e ss la b els, g e ttin g d e a d lin es out, p r o v id in g in form ation , a n d all o th e r favors w e a sk e d o f them . T h is h a s n o t b e e n an e a sy y ea r for th e s ta ff a d ju stin g to a n e w IBM sy stem . Our a p o lo g ie s for an y errors d u e to ou r in e x p e ­ r ie n c e . N ex t year, it’s b ack to frie n d ly Mac!


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Derek, we're proud of you!

The Wijsenbeek Family

Mr. Manuel Barclay Hacienda de la ponta 159 Echegaray Mexico, D.F. 53310 MEXICO Colegio La Salle Mr. Arthur L. Bernstein 1090 N orth Lake Way Palm Beach, EL 33480 Brewster Academy

Mr. Bryan K. Cockrell C /O Jacqueline Manansang 201 N ew bury Street Boston, MA 02116 Phillips Academy

Mr. Matthew M. Dodge P. O. Box 302, Valley Road Dublin, NH 03444 Tabor Academy Mr. Andrew Dorsett

Mr. Jeffrey Colen 4532 Piney Neck Road

80 Haven Avenue, #2-D New York, NY 10032

Rock Hall, MD 21661 Undecided

St. M ark's School Mr. Justin D. Eddy

Mr. Jason D. Boggie 717 Bennington Drive

Mr. Rodolfo Coppel Albatros #508 Eracc. Gaviotas Mazatlan, Sinaloa 82110

148 Spruce Street Rutland, VT 05701 M ount Saint Joseph

Raleigh, NC 27615 Undecided

MEXICO Technologico de Monterrey

Mr. Micah D. Glauberman

Mr. James A. Bowmer 837 Boston Post Road, Apt 52 Madison, CT 06443 Cheshire Academy Mr. Antonio D. Braun Ave. Palmira Priv. Del Rio 50 Cuernavaca, Morelos 62490 MEXICO Technologico de Monterrey Mr. Charles Foster Brown, IV 2310 Burr Oak Road Northfield, IL 62704 Avon Old Earms School Mr. John D. Cesere P. O. Box 697 York Beach, ME 03910 Phillips Exeter Academy

Mr. Michael E. Creed 655 Highland Street Wethersfield, CT 06109 W inchendon School Mr. S. Evan deBourguignon RR #1, Box 296 Woodstock, VT 05091 Tabor Academy Mr. Jason L. Dewar Cardigan M ountain School RR #2, Box 58 Canaan, NH 03741 St. George's School Mr. Paul A. DiMartino 95 Walker Street Weston, MA 02193 Brooks School

106 Lost Tree Springfield, IL 62704 Tabor Academy Mr. Jose A. Gonzalez Av. del Parque #48 San Angel, Mexico 20, D.E. 01000 MEXICO Centro de Educacion Y Cultur Mr. Jesse V. Green 4-15-10 Takanawa Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108 JAPAN W estown School Mr. Tyson E. Greenwood RR #1, Box4 Canaan, NH 03741 Portsm outh Abbey School


Francis C. Hargarten, III

205 Pacific Avenue an Francisco, CA 94115 Jndecided At.

Jose L. Hernandez

'airway Forest Ridge Road iuilding 31, #1531 )erry, NH 03894 â– Jew H am pton School Timothy B. Herrick 318 28th Street N.W. Vashington, DC 20007 %ginia Episcopal School At .

^r. Steven (Dong-Joo) Hur O. Box 51409 )ubai Jnited Arab Emirates Voodbury Forest School

Mr. Lee V. Jenkins 1930 South Boulevard Houston, TX 77098 Episcopal High School

Mr. Griffin W. Mayer P. O. Box 145

Mr. Stephen R. Kirk

Mr. Michae McAteer 3-20 Kaguraoka-cho Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606 JAPAN

3300 Plantation Road Charlotte, NC 28270 Providence High School

Mendham, NJ 07945 Lawrence Academy

Osaka International School Mr. Michael W. Kramer P. O. Box 70 Canaan, NH 03741 Undecided Mr. Matthew A. Kraus 26 Harding Street East N orthport, NY 11731 Trinity-Pawling School

^r. Anthony J. Hutchins IR#2, Box 172

Mr. Justin D. Lillie P. O. Box 5404 West Lebanon, NH 03784 Kimball Union Academy

Volfeboro, NH 03894 .awrence Academy

Mr. William M. Lockwood,III

Mr. Cormac D. McCarty 2717 McComas Road White Hall, MD 21161 St. A ndrew 's School Mr. Philip C. M cNeill 16 Newell Road Brookline, MA 02146 Brook School Mr. W. Barry M illiken, Jr. 4221 Palm Lane, Bay Point Miami, FL 33137 Blair Academy

Ledgemere Farm P. O. Box 121 Shelburne, VT 05482 Northfield M ount Herman

Mr. Ravi Murugesan 48 Cedar Drive Coltsneck, NJ 07722 The H un School of Princeton

Mr. Cameron M. Matheson

Mr. Pierre Alexander Offutt

vlr. Brendan E. Hynes

10 Merriam Brook Road

11388 Senaca Knoll Drive

8 Idlewild Park Drive lornwall-on-Hudson, NY

Surry, NH 03431 W estminster School

Great Falls, VA 22066 Episcopal High School

^r. Stuart S. Hutchinson )47 Sea Ranch Drive >anta Barbara, CA 93109 Vasatch Academy

,2520 .awrence Academy

Mr. Souichi Okuno 3-37-8 Narita Higashi Suginamiku, Tokyo 166 JAPAN The G unnery School Mr. Joshua D. Pellegrino P. O. Box 716 Walpole, N H 03608 Dublin School Mr. William W. Phillips 156 Dracena Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Undecided Mr. Joseph Rivera 20-26 M enahan Street Ridgewood, NY 11385 Hotchkiss School Mr. Colin P. Robinson 92 Townsend Road Shirley, MA 01464 Hotchkiss School Mr. Elliot Rooks 2065 First Avenue, #10B N ew York, NY 10029 W ilbraham & Monson Academy Mr. Roberto Rosano Rio Sabinas 204, Sierra Morena Tampico, Tamaulipas 89210 MEXICO Technologico de Monterey Mr. Mason A. Roulston 2289 N orth Park Boulevard Cleveland Heights, OH 44106 Choate Rosemary Hall

Mr. Robert H. Ruettinger 17755 Drum m er Lane Chesterfield, MO 63005 Crossroads School

Mr. E. Randolph Turnbull 9 Stonesthrow Laurel, MS 39440 Espiscopal School

Mr. Zachary H. Shetland 900 Outer Drive State College, PA 16801 State College Area High School

Mr. Zachary Kress Turner 20 West 88 th Street New York, NY 10024 Middlesex School

Mr. Gregory J. Spencer 23 Tartan Ridge Road Burr Ridge, IL 60521 Pomfret School

Mr. Gustavo E. Turull P. O. Box 652 Santa Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Undecided

Mr. Tai Stokesbary P. O. Box 9167 South Laguna, CA 92677 Undecided Mr. Yarrow L. Thorne 48 W ard Avenue Northam pton, MA 01060 Milton Academy Mr. Antonio Toledo Alcantar #1, Col. Loma Linda Mazatlan, Sinaloa 82000 MEXICO Technologico de Monterrey Mr. Michael L. Tondel 14 Gilmore Avenue Cresskill, NJ 07626 Canterbury School Mr. Takeshi Peter Torita R.S.V. J-302 Tombu IchongDong, Yong Sang-ku Seoul KOREA Undecided

Mr. Ari M. Vaisanen Joukahaisentie #3 Hyvinkaa 05830 FINLAND Tabor Academy Mr. John D. Whittemore 5 Hedgeway Ayer, MA 01432 Kimball Union Academy Mr. Derek W. Wijsenbeek 45 Old Hill Road W estport, CT 06880 Gould Academy


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