B L A Z E * 1 9 9 4 The founding of Cardigan Mountain School in 1945 was a day that would change the lives of every boy to set foot on its serene moun足 tain campus. For nearly fifty years, Cardigan has enjoyed the suc足 cess of seeing graduation after graduation of many a boy seeking to contribute not only to his own inner desire to learn, grow, and prosper, but to have the opportunity to meet new friends and estab足 lish relationships that will last a lifetime. This Cardigan Mountain School Yearbook is one of the ways that we can ensure that the Cardigan Mountain School Tradition will live on for years to come.
Written by Joel Lansden - Class of 1994
Canaan, New Hampshire 03741
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE........................................................................................... .................1 TABLE OF C O N TEN TS,.........................................................................2 BLAZE STAFF.............................................................................................3 HEADMASTER'S P A G E *....................................................................4 ADM INISTRATION............................................................................ ... 5 FACULTY AND STA FF.......................................................................... 6-19 BLAZE DEDICATION,........................................................................20 CANDIDS.................................................................................................... 22-32 FALL SPORTS............................................................................................ 33-47 WINTER SPORTS...................................................................................48-55 SPRING SPORTS.................................................................................... ... 56-64 COLOR AND BLACK AND WHITE CANDIDS........................... 65-80 UNDERCLASSMEN................................................................................. 81-89 SENIORS AND GRADUATION,......................................................90-118 ADVERTISEM ENTS,.............................................................................. 119-127 SENIOR DIRECTO RY,........................................................................ ... 128
EDITOR: Trevor Capon ASST. EDITOR: Brad Pitassi SPORTS EDITOR: Jason Calder '*
SPEC. FEATURES: Gino Tonetti COMPUTER: Joel Lansden ASST. COMP.: Adam McBride
ADVISORS: Mrs. Small Mr. Small
STAFF: Peter Heenan Eric Hilberg Philippe Cousteau Scott Gallagher Craig Wilson P.J. Chesson John D'Entremont Henry Tahvanainen Drew Trainor Jon Boucakis
SPEC lAL THANKS TO CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Emory, R. Finlayson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Small, and Yearbook Associates.
H eadm aster Cam eron D ew ar, Lindsay, Jason, Janet D ew ar
Back Row: Ralph LaPointe, Robert Small, Cameron Dewar, Carl Lovejoy, Jamie Funnell Front Row: James Burnett, Faith Degenhart, Karen Colburn, Neil Brier, James Marrion
Front Row: Ruth G reenw ood, Janet D ew ar, Edilberto Ram os. Back Row: Stephen Fenton, Randolph M acdonald, D udley C lark, Pam ela Blanchard.
Roderick Theobald, Raym ond M urphy, Robert Sm all, Thurza Sm all, W illiam H art, C. Kendrick Capon, G. Chase Squier
Facu lty • 1
Back Row: Stephen Fenton, D avies Cabot, Jam es Funnell Front Row: Francis Rives, A nn Cabot, C. Kendrick Capon
Facu lty
H arry M ahoney, Susan B. Rives, H arold Finkbeiner, Chase Rozelle
Facu lty • 13
1 Front Row; Chip H askell, G. Chase Squier, Peter Clark, G lenn Pow ell Back Row: W illiam A dam s, Thornes W ilkes, Stew art M anley
im i
Facu lty • 15
Facu lty
Back Row: Marie Greenwood, Pat Morse, Merrick Rocke Front Row: Dot Kendall, Janet Labrie, Eleanor Weller
Facu lty
THE BLAZE DEDICATION Many of us have had you for a teacher at least one year, and a B lB B liW llJ f c number of us have been fortunate ® to have been the beneficiaries of your teaching talents for two years. Who of us will ever forget the homework assignments that were so long that we couldn't even fit them in the space in our planbooks! Now we realize how much this has helped us to reach toward our po tential in mastering the English lan guage. While you challenged us to do our best, you did it w ith a wonderful sense of hu mor that m ade go ing to your class fun. Y o u opened up the world of lite ra ture and books to many of us for the first time through your enthusiasm and stimulating class discussions. To many of us you have also been counselor and friend and some one to whom we could go with our special prob lems. As advisor to the Blaze you have listened to our ideas and made sure that it is truly our year book. For your kindness and understanding, for your excellence as a teacher and counselor, and for your efforts as yearbook advisor, we dedicate the 1994 Blaze to you,
Mrs. Thurza H. Small
D edication
You have given ninetee: years of dedicated servic to Cardigan. During thi tim e you have bee: teacher, dorm parent, ad visor, and coach. Whatw would like others to rec ognize in you and wha makes you special to us i the fact that you strive t^ have all of your student understand the complexi ties of math. We appreci ate the fact that you do nc move on until you are sat isfied tha those wh( want to lean have done sc You have en couraged us t( do our best no only in th classroom, bu also on the ten nis and basket ball courts. W< respect you be cause you se high standard for us and yoi never let us compromise them. Although many of u have directly benefited from your "down to business style of teaching, your sense of humor and compassioi have also touched many of us. For all of these reasons we, the Class of 1994, dedicate this yearbook to you.
Mr. Edilberto Ramos
Candids â&#x20AC;˘ 21
C andids â&#x20AC;˘ 23
C andids
C andids â&#x20AC;˘ 25
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Candids • 29
Candids â&#x20AC;˘ 31
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The 1993 Junior Prep School Soccer Champions
SO C C ER Jr. Prep School Tournament Champs! agSa g m gj
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FRO N T ROW : T, M eyer, T. Sw eeney, T. M cN aught, B. Pitassi, B. Bevis, S. Steffey, A. Geisel, P. vonH ollander, M. Donoghue, R. A rrieta. BA C K ROW : Mr. Brier (Coach), T. Bailey (Mgr.), C. Singm aster, C. Q uint, P. Zervas, R. M cllvain, E. True, A. M orrison, C. W ilson, T. Capon, T. Ward (M gr.), M r. M anley (Coach).
Fall Sports
Fall Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 35
Fall Sports
FRO N T ROW : Mr. M arrion (Coach), A. Sadana (M gr.), M. Bernard, W. M cDavid, J. Putnam , J. Loum iet, M. Porcelli, J. Boucakis, S. G allagher, P. Santam aria, D. Case, B. Freem an,. BAC K ROW: J. Calder, D. Coletti, R. Batem an, M. H erm an, C. Em m ons, J. Schoeller, J.P. Brow n, N. Robinson, M. M avar, H. Tahvanainen, K. Laraque, P. H eenan, J. Decrow , Mr. Lynch (Coach), Mr. M cCorm ick (Coach).
Fall Sports
JV S o c c e r
FRO N T ROW ; A. Alija, G. Flores-C astro, A. Bouffier, J. Scott, F. Dosal, P. Suzuki, L. Peple, P. Cortina, C. Knapp. M IDDLE ROW : L. A ltschuler, T .K u ro m atsu ,E .H au sm an ,R . W hitney. BACK ROW : Mr. Barron (Coach), J. Burnett, M. P igott,Z . A nton u cci,S.O rd w ay, B.FeiteIberg,G . Tonetti, P. G utierrez, T. Bevis.
Fall Sports
JV Football
■RONT ROW : B. Frazier, D. Bruzza. M IDDLE ROW : N. Tuck, C. H aw kins, P. M clnerney, M. ,ynch, M. Ham m e, J. Brow n, C. Rivera, W. M oeller, J. M cClean, V. Ram os. BACK ROW : L. )elgado, N. Denig, D. Tick, Mr. Fenton (Coach), J. Um ezu, J. Lynch, M, G arrison, R. M allory, M. )odge, J. Berthe, Mr. M urphy (Coach).
Fall Sports • 39
■ ■• •- •
,'■ '
FRO N T ROW : J. M ier, E. V argas, C. O'D onnell, 1. Castillo, M. M iro-Q uesada, E, Uhlig, N. Priess, S. Balin. M IDDLE ROW : L. Perry (M gr.), X. Ruiz del Rio, E. Lannon, R. Einlayson, C. G ould, H. M cCarty, T.J. Sw aner, Mr. Cabot (Coach). BACK ROW : G. Rohm an, Mr. Trau (Coach), D. Trainor, A. Suzuki.
Fall Sports
^ONT ROW : J. M ilanese, R. Delgado, T. DiM are, L. Shipm an, J. Schw am b, C. Em erson, S. Brash, D. 'allace. BACK ROW : D. Collins, D. Lee, T. Buller, T. Ragno, D. Clark, A. G arrison, J. Rosen, S. Dion, ,r. Rives (Coach), E. DeA lba, E. H ilberg, W. Foster.
Fall Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 41
FRONT ROW: Mr. W ilkes (Coach) & Jenny, Patrick Lee, Jeff McAteer, Alexis Riedel, Guillermo Salas, Jon Blanchard, John D'Entremont, Mr. Rozelle (Coach). BACK ROW: Joaquin Vargas, Luis Barroso, Rafael Villalobos.
Fall Sports
INTRAMURALS The Intramurals group was the largest in many years with six teen members. The variety of activities offered such as flying kites to crawling through the Polar Caves, along with spir ited flag football games and hikes and trips, made for a pleas ant season for all.
'RONT ROW: J. Sunday, A. Thompson, S. Howard, Z. Sos, W. Keckley, B. Taylor, >. Loeb, S. Sprung. BACK ROW: Mr. Macdonald (Coach), B. Thurston, J. .ansden, S. Calabrese, N. Denig, P. Fisher,W. W eeks, M. Stirbl, Mr. Hart (Coach).
ROCKS & ROPES rhe Rocks and Ropes group, mder the able direction of Mr. Ihase Squier and Mr. Roderick rheobald, had a successful sea;on, winning all of their events! lo ld w eath er m ade rock :limbilng difficult, but the group enjoyed alternative activities ;uch as exploring Cum m in’s ’ond and Tewksberry Pond and ^siting the local Trout Hatch ery.
FRONT ROW: K. Hale, Mr. Squier (Coach), B. Figueras, R. Thomas, Mr. Theobald (Coach). MIDDLE ROW; P. Petersen, R. Taylor,. BACK ROW: M. Arrington, E. Fox, J. Parrella, G. W alker, P. Cousteau.
Fall Sports • 43
VARSITY SOCCER The win-loss record for this year's Varsity Soccer Team did not represent the strength and skill of the players. The team really didn’t start to put everything together until the second game against Belmont Hill School, when a moral victory was won. Truly, the highlight of the season had to be winning the New England Prep Sch oo l C ham p ion sh ip at E aglebrook School. Led by eight goals from Ramon Arrieta and three from Chris Quint, the Cougars compiled a tournament record of 5-0-1. Captained by Stew Steffey and Brad Bevis and coached by Mr. Brier, Mr. Manley, and Mr. Powell, the trials and tribulations of the early season were for gotten as the team was proclaimed the best Junior School team in New England, a feat that Cardigan hadn't achieved since 1984.
tains Raleigh Finlayson and Aki Suzuki ably a ssisted coaches Mr. Cabot and Mr. Trau in leading the team. Other ninth graders, led by Steve Balin, the year's most prolific scorer, also provided a solid core, and the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders improved their many skills for next year. Inigo Castillo was outstanding in the goal.
RESERVE B SOCCER Reserve B soccer included many players who were having their first experiences playing competitively. Under the direction of Mr. Francis Rives, the team played thirteen games and showed steady improve ment throughout the season. Many of the players will be ready to move up to the Reserve A and Junior Var sity teams next year.
Schoeller and Emmons, and free safe! Coletti.
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL The Junior Varsity Football seasc was a successful learning experien( even though the team registered on one win. The setbacks included closely contested six point loss Eaglebrook. The season ended on high note as the team defeated PI mouth for the first time in several yeai Quarterback Matt Ham me provided great deal of leadership and halfbac Will Moeller was outstanding throug' out the season. The defense was led 1 linebacker Dave Bruz za and free safe Jesse Berthe. Coaches Adams, Fento and Murphy enjoyed working with th group and look forward to seeing mai of them compete for the Varsity squc in 1994.
JUNIOR VARSITY SOCCER After a slow start in which the JV Soccer Team lost several hard fought games, the efforts of the players to work together finally paid off when they won six out of the last seven games leading up to the CM S Junior Varsity Tournament. Under the able leadership of C aptains Gino Tonetti and Joe Burnett and the coaching of Mr. Barron and Mr. Peter Clark, the team entered the Novem ber 6th tourna ment eager and well-prepared to improve their 1992 third pla ce standing. This they did in a field of nine teams, capturing an impressive second place and losing only to an outstanding team from Bow , NH. This certainly bodes well as many of these players advance to the Varsity level next year.
RESERVE A SOCCER Although the win-loss record of the Re serve A Soccer Team would at first glance appear rather dismal, it belies the fact that during the eight weeks of play the team lost several games by only one goal. Cap
Fall Sports
VARSITY FOOTBALL It was a successful season for the Varsity Football team despite the fact that there was only one return ing veteran. Led by Captains Matt B ern a rd , J.P . Brow n , and Joh n Schoeller, as well as four-year stu dent Jason Calder, the team posted big victories against Fall Mountain, Proctor Academy, and arch -rival Eaglebrook. With a hard-nosed run ning attack, John Boucakis and Ja son Calder piled up yardage behind the lead b lo ck in g o f back s K arl Laraque and Mike Herman. The line was anchored by senior tackles H en ry T ah v an ain en and C od y Em m ons, guards Matt Mavar and P eter H een an , and cen ter Paul Santamaria. Ends John Schoeller and J.P. Brown caught several clutch passes from quarterback Bernard. The aggressive, stunting defense b o a sted a stro n g m id d le w ith noseguard Santamaria,linebackers
CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING The Cross Country Running Team m; be the team that has the toughest cor petition, for most of its meets are he against secondary schools. Cons quently, emphasis was placed on pe sonal improvement. Each of the sev( team members succeeded in impro ing his time significantly as the ye progressed, some shaving as much five minutes per mile off their time Highlights of the season were a win a tri-meet over Newfound and Lacon Junior High Schools, participation the New England Junior Invitationa at Northfield-Mount Herman Scho( and hosting a Lakes Region meet which 136 runners participated. Ca tain John D'Entremont capped his su cessful season by winning th e "Aroui the Lake" race, with Joaquin Varg taking fifth place and Pat Lee ten) Coaches Chase Rozelle and Thom Wilkes were very proud of the whc team which consistently gave their be effort.
Fall Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 45
Fall Sports
Fall Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 47
Varsity Hockey
Back Row : J. Blanchard, Z. A ntonucci, C. Quint, M. D onoghue Second Row: J. D 'Entrem ont, C. Singm aster, H. Tahvanainen, P. von H ollander, T. M eyer, B. Bevis, E. True, A. N oel (Coach) Front Row : T. W ard, P. C hesson, S. Steffey, T . M cN aught, T. Bailey, T. Capon
Winter Sports
J.V. Hockey
•ck Row: Mr. Funnell (Coach), A. G eisel, J. Decrow , J. Schoeller, D. Case, M. Porcelli, J. Burnett, Fenton (Coach) ■ont Row: P. Heenan, W. Boyce, D. Bruzza, C. Rivera, J. Lynch, T. Bevis
Winter Sports
Varsity Basketball
Front Row: T. Dixon, C. Em m ons Back Row: Coach Ram os, C. G ould, K. Laraque, J. Boucakis, R. M cllvain, S. O rdw ay, ]. Calder, T. Sw eeney, R. Finlayson, K. Hale, Coach Lynch
Winter Sports
J.V. Basketball
jn t Row: N. Denig m gr., T. Parry, J. Scott, M. Lynch, A Thom pson, M. Ham m e, Coach W ilkes ck Row: Coach A dam s, W Thom pkins, C. W ilkson, W. M oeller, W. M cDavid, B. Freem an, J. um iet, P. Fisher, Coach M anley
Winter Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 51
Reserve Hockey
Back Row , Left to Right: T. DiM are, L. Shipm an, B. Thurston, A. W eeks, S. Gallagher, C. Em erson, N. Tuck, T. N ickerson, N. Priess, K, Burke Front Row , Left to Right: V. Ram os, A. Riedel, L Castillo, A. Alija, L. Altschuler
Winter Sports
cond Row: Mr. Barron (Coach), G. Tonetti, G. Rohm an, R. M allory, L. Delgado, L. Peple, S. rung, Mr. M urphy (Coach) -St Row: M. M iro-Q uesada, B. Figueras, P. Santam aria, B. M artinez, E. Hausm an
Winter Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 53
Mr. Fuller (Coach), B. Isler, H. M cCarty, P. M clnerney, Mr. Powell (Coach), M. Jenny, B. Feitelberg, M. Garrison, W. Foster, J. Berthe
Snow Boarding T. H albach-M erz, B. Pitassi, D. Coletti, F. D osal, M . Dodge, M. Bernard, M H erm an, J. Barroso, A. Vargas, M. Pigott.
Winter Sports
The W inter Sports season had to be )ne of the most memorable, due mainly o the contributions of M other Nature, rhe outstanding amounts of snow creited ideal conditions for the skiers and ;nowboarders. In addition the comjetitive contests and matches of our )asketball, hockey, and wrestling teams cept the indoor fans happy. The Varsity Hockey team had a very uccessful season, finishing w ith a ecord of 15-9-3. Especially satisfying vere the two wins over arch hockey ival Belmont Hill School. The red line o n sistin g of T rev o r M ey er, Joh n )'Entrem ont, and Phil von Hollander vorked well together in the offensive ;one. The blue line members Stew Iteffey, Ted M cN aught, and Todd iailey gave us an edge in the neutral :one. Henri Tahvanainen, Erik True, nd Jon Blanchard gave the gold line o n tro l and stro n g fo re ch eck in g . )e fe n se m e n B rad B e v is , M att )on ogh u e, Z ach A n ton u cci, C hris ^u in t, P .J. C h e sso n , and C u rtis lingmaster all worked well together nd kept the puck away from our goal, joalies Tony Ward and Trevor Capon ^ere sharp in the net and kept us comletitive in most games. Captains Bevis nd D'Entremont and Coaches Noel nd Burnett provided the leadership nd direction that led to a rewarding eason. The March trip to Finland was :ing on the cake and a memorable xperience. The J.V. Hockey team showed true h aracter throu g h o u t a som ew hat oller-coaster ride of a season. After iositions w ere finally defined, the Jams became a cohesive group and omplete the season with an impresive 11-3 reco rd . C a p ta in s Jo h n choeller, Joe Burnett, and Peter Heenan ept the com petitive spirit alive and aaches Jamie Funnell and Steve Fenton elped the team sharpen their skills nd tactics. Many of these players will e ready to step in to V a rsity roles ex t year. Even though the Reserve Hockey earn lost more games than they won, VO of them being shut-outs, the memers learned a lot about the game and \ey had fun doing it. Although in the ist game of the season a powerful Back ay team
pounded the Cougars 13-0, the op ponents were gracious enough to only put six goals on the scoreboard. Mr. W in te rs te e n , M r. C la rk , M r. M cCormick, Mr. Kahn, Mr. Funnell, and John D'Entremont all worked with the team at one time or another to teach them the basic skills. The Varsity Basketball team had a season that will go down as one of Cardigan's most successful. The 19-2 record tied the school's best record. Coaches Mr. Lynch and Mr. Ramos and Captains Terrance Dixon and Cody Em m ons were the chief m otivators throughout the season. Post players T. D ix o n , C od y E m m on s and Stev e Ordway supplied tough defense, re bounding, and double-digit points in every game, and perimeter players Ja son Calder, Trip Sw eeney, and Jon Boucakis pushed the ball up the court effectively, stole the ball for easy bas kets, and supplied many assists to the post players. Bench players added quality depth to the team and were vital to the team's success. A fter the first game victory, the J.V. Basketball team went into a mini-slump. Suddenly, the winning combination of W inston McDavid, with his backwards slams. W ill Moeller's powerful layups, and Juan Loum iet's dom inating re bounds got the team back on track and allowed them to finish the season with a 9-5 record. The team also placed third in the Fay Tournament, bringing the season to a somewhat successful conclusion. Bill Freeman and Porter Fisher captained the team under the able coach in g of Mr. A dam s, Mr. Manley, and Mr. Wilkes. This year's W restling team, led by Captains Paul Santamaria '94, and Luis Delgado '94, had a successful season, compiling a 9-6-1 record in dual meets and earning 5th place as a team, in the New England Junior Championships. Luis Delgado and Ethan Hausman joined an elite group of wrestlers with 20-win seasons. Santamaria set several Cardigan and New England records. Paul owned consecutive marks of 32-5 as an eighth grader, and 30 wins this season against a single loss as the year's M ost Outstanding Wrestler. Other sta tistical leaders were Lowndes Peple and M iguel Miro-Quesada with 3 ma
jor decisions, Delgado and Hausman with 15 reversals, Delgado's 14 escapes, H a u sm a n 's 30 n e a r -fa lls , and Santamarias 22 pins, and 196 individual match points. Returning wrestlers to look forward to for next year are Greg R o h m a n , M ig u e l M iro -Q u e sa d a , Lowndes Peple, and Byron Figueras. The Nordic Ski Team regaled them selves in the abundant snow and had an enjoyable season. The team was small, but the successes were many. Under the coaching of Mr. Theobald and Mr. P. Clark, all members of the team improved their technique and times. The highlight of the season was hosting a major Lakes Region Race over Parents' weekend which was well at tended and enjoyed by all. The Alpine Ski Team began training early in the fall, and had already put in some solid training by the time the great snowfall provided optimum con ditions at Ragged Mountain. As a rela tively young team, significant progress was seen both in individual and team successes. The Varsity team repre sented the school at numerous moun tains and the whole team competed at many home races at Ragged. Solid effort was witnessed from the J.V. ski ers and even those who had never raced before improved tremendously. The enthusiasm and expertise of Coaches Rives, Powell, and Fuller, did much to help all the skiers succeed and enjoy the season. The snowboarding team is perhaps best represented by this poem written by M ike H erm an and dedicated to Coach Squier: The Snowboarding team had another great season. We were on the slopes for only one reason. And this main goal was to have some fun. Although we also dreamed of being #1. But these dreams have come and gone... You see what happened was we had some hope. For this year's snowboard team was no joke. We had the skills that a good team needed. And due to this we have succeeded. We placed high against the toughest teams And this was enough to fulfill our dreams. We drove through snowbanks and ran into cars, We even ate PBJ and snitched chewey bars. We told great stories and heard some tunes. All wished it didn't have to end so soon.
Winter Sports • 55
Varsity Baseball
___ !
Back Row: J. Boucakis, T, Dixon, Z. A ntonucci, J. Schoeller, B. Bevis, P. von H ollander Front Row: Mr. Lynch (Coach), J. Bouffier, T. Bailey, T. M eyer, M. D onoghue, Referee: T. Levitt Mr. M arrion (Coach)
Reserve Baseball
Spring Sports
Back Row: Mr. Macdonald (Coach), B. Taylor, E. Lannon, C. Hawkins, J. Brown, D, Collins, T. Nickerson, P. Cortina, Mr. M anley (Coach) Front Row: G. W alker, S. Dion, K. Sternberg, E. Hilberg, B. Figueras, R. Delgado, J. M ilanese, I. Castillo
Varsity Lacrosse
^ *'**
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ick Row: M r Trau, Mr. Fenton (Coaches), M. Dodge, P. Heenan, S. O rdw ay, R. M acllvain, C. jin t, J. Berthe, D. Case, Mr. M cCorm ick (Coach) and L. Perry, Mgr. ont Row: K. Hale, A. G eisel, B. Pitassi, T. Capon, C. Singm aster, E. True, T. Sw eeney, P.J. Chesson
J.V. Lacrosse
Back Row: Mr. Funnell, Coach; N. Robinson, M. Porcelli, J. Decrow, H. M cCarty, I. Depew, L. Peple, B. Freeman, A. W eeks, M gr.,Mr. Rives, Coach. Front Row: J. Berthe, J. McAteer, T. Kuromatsu, T. Bevis, W. M cDavid, B. Frazier, E. Uhlig, C. Rivera.w
Soring Sports • 57
Varsity Tennis
Back Row: Mr. Ram os (Coach), R. A rrieta, F. Dosal, J. Burnett, P. G utierrez, M. Stirbl, G. FloresCastro, Mr. H askell (Coach) Front Row: J. D 'Entrem ont, S. Steffey, R. Batem an, R, Finlayson, P. Fisher, M. Pigott
J,V- Tennis
Back Row: S. Brash, D. Henry, C. W ilson, Mr. Hart (Coach), A. Reidel, T. Halbach-Merz, W. Foster Front Row: A. Ahja, E. Vargas, L. Altschuler, X. Luis Del-Rio
Spring Sports
J. V. Baseball
Back Row: Mr. A dam s (Coach), B. M artinez, T. Parry, L. Shipm an, W. Tom pkins, J. Scott, Mr. Pow ell (Coach) Front Row: J. M cLean, H. Tahvanainen, M. M avar, J. Loum iet
Reserve Lacrosse
Back Row: Mr. Cabot, Coach; J. Lansden, R. M allory, J. Rosen, C. Em erson, G. Rohm an, M. M iroquesada, Mr. Brier, Coach. Front Row: B. Loeb, N. Tuck, R. Policastro, C. Knapp, W. M oeller, K. Burke, W. Boyce, D. W allace.
Soring Sports â&#x20AC;˘ 59
Cycling Team
L to R: J. Blanchard, Mr. Fuller (Coach), P. Lee, J. Parrella, T. W ard, G. Tonetti, P. M aclnerney
Sailing Team
Back Row; Mr. W intersteen (Coach), A. Suzuki, M. Garrison, A. Garrison, R. Thomas, C. O'Donnell Front Row: C. Moerer, G. Salas, J. Vargas, J. Barroso, R. Villalobos, J. Sunday, C. Payne, B. Isler, D. Trainor, Mr. Theobald, Mr. Rozelle (Coaches)
Spring Sports
Track Team
ack Row: Mr. Barron (Coach), K. Laraque, S. BaUn, A. M orrison, B. Feitelberg, P. Zervas, L. >elgado, Mr. W ilkes (Coach) ront Row: M. Bernard, J. Calder, P. Santam aria, C. Em m ons, Y. Kirin
Soring Sports
Spring Sports
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-■• ■
Soring Sports • 63
V arsity B a seb all Varsity Baseball got off to a relatively slow start due in part to the lack of a dry field. But once the first gam e rolled around, the team show ed itself ready for the season. Several veterans, along w ith som e new reinforcem ents, provided a bal anced offense and defense and led the team to a 14-2 season. John Schoeller, Trevor M eyer, and Todd Bailey w ere pow erful hitters, w hile Jon Boucakis, Zach A ntonucci, Brad Bevis, and Matt D onoghue joined them w ith excellent infielding sk ills to stop th e o p p o sitio n from sco rin g . Terrance Dixon, Brad Bevis, Phil VonH ollander, A ntonio Bouffier, and J.P. Brow n had good gloves in the outfield. Boucakis, M eyer, Bailey, and Schoeller provided increased strength and depth from the m ound as the season progressed. Keep ing up the Cardigan tradition, the team had an ou tstan d in g season u n d er the leadership of coaches Jam es M arrion and N icholas Lynch. Ju n io r V arsity B aseb all JV Baseball spent their season honing their skills under the able coaching of Mr. W illiam Adam s and M r. G len P ow ell. M att M av ar, H enry Tahvanainen, Juan Loum iet, and Josh M cClean w ere seniors w ho contributed strength, size, and m aturity to the team. H enry's hitting and pitch ing w ere im pressive considering the fact that he had never played baseball before. Luke Shipman, a seventh grader, w as also im portant in his dual role of pitcher and catcher, show ing great prom ise for future varsity action. D uring the G rand parents' W eekend the team put it all together to beat a strong H anover squad. It w as a season of real grow th for all. R eserve B a seb all "Lots of fun and a great group of kids..." In the w ords of coaches M acdonald and M anley, this sum s up the season for the R eserve Baseball Team . M any o f the players w ill hopefully m ove up to the JV ranks next year, thanks to the m any skills learned this year.
The Varsity Lacrosse Team cam e together very well. It w as led by captain Trevor Capon, w ho anchored the attack supported by P.J. Chesson and Kip Hale. A t m idfield T rip Sw eeney and Erik True proved to be tw o of the team 's stron gest assets along w ith help from A ndy G eisel, a three year varsity player. The defense w as made up of Steve O rdw ay, Russ M cllvain, and Brad Pitassi. Russ and Brad w orked especially well together to shut dow n all opposing offensem en. Coaches Fenton, M cCorm ick, and Trau did much to increase the players' know ledge and skills of the game. The highlight of the season w ould, of course, have to be the soUd victory over arch rival Eaglebrook in the final gam e of the season. Ju n io r V arsity Lacrosse T his year's JV Lacrosse Team w as com prised of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade players. H aving several of the best players sw itched to varsity at m id-season m ade it all the m ore challenging for the rest. How ever, under the able leadership of coaches Funnell and Rives and captains Tate Bevis and W inston M cD avid, the team played its hardest in each gam e and show ed a lot of heart and solid
Spring Sports
im provem ent. Tate Bevis achieved a season's goal by attaining tw enty-five points, w hile W in ston M cDavid held the high scoring and assist record for the m iddies w ith five goals and nine assists. The cooperation and w illingness of the players to sw itch positions and help each other m ade for a cohesive group and w as probably the outstanding feature of this gutsy team. R eserve Lacrosse The Reserve Lacrosse Team surprised everyone, including coaches Cabot and Brier, by w inning a num ber of gam es. The team included a num ber of novice players w ho quickly learned the funda m entals of the gam e and had a great deal of fun doing it. The progress m ade by all players was rem arkable and bodes w ell for the future of C ardigan lacrosse. V arsity T en n is So as to eUminate any m isconceptions about the V arsity Tennis Team , it should be noted that they did a little m ore than just run around the lake! Playing against the likes of Exeter, Deerfield, Eaglebrook, and St. Paul's, the team held its ow n, finishing the season w ith a 13-3 record. The team w as anchored by returning varsity players Stew Steffey and Raleigh Finlayson. Joe Burnett and Rick Batem an played strong doubles, w hile Marc Stirbl, Porter Fisher, John D 'Entrem ont, and M ike Pigott im proved trem endously as the season pro g ressed . T h e M ex ican co n n ectio n o f P ablo G u tierrez, Fern and o D osal, G erard o FloresCastro, and Ram on Arrieta brought diversity, sp o rtsm an sh ip , and stren g th to the courts. Coaches Ram os and H askell show ed the im por tance of conditioning and establishing m ental toughness in order to succeed in this challenging sport. Tunior V arsity T en n is U nder the w atchful eye of Coach H art, the JV Tennis Team only lost one m atch, at tim es bat tling eleventh graders and players of varsity caliber. Xavier del Rio's strong backhand, A lexis Riedel's sUce and spin attack, Ernesto Vargas' lightening speed, and Craig W ilson's pow erful serve added the depth and com binations to m ake this a w inning team. Ted M cN aught at times seem ed to be a hum an backboard, returning everything sent his way! O ther team m em bers also contributed a great deal, m aking the season not only a highly successful one, but also a m ost enjoyable one. R ecreatio n al T en n is Recreational Tennis w as a group w here you could learn the fundam entals of good tennis and have a good time w hile doing it. W ithout the pres sures of com peting against another team , the players still had m any spirited and challenging m atches am ong them selves. Coaches Dudley Clark and Rick Kahn helped m ake this a m ost enjoyable experience. C ycling If there w as one thing that could be said about the cycling team , it is that it certainly logged m any miles. In addition to the m any m iles of practice, the team also participated in one time trial, two criterions, and two road races. One m em ber of
the team placed in the top five in every race. Tc W ard, Pat Lee, and G ino Tonetti com prised varsity riders, com peting in the B D ivision of Lakes Region, w hile Jon Parella, Pat M clnern and Jon Blanchard rode at the C level. C ap t Tony W ard w ill long be rem em bered for know ledge as a m echanic and repair special Coaches Fuller and N oel provided excellent spiration, support, and good fellowship. W ild ern ess W ilderness is not a sport w here you comp against other team s, but it is one w here y com pete against yourself, pushing your abilil to the lim it and beyond. Mr. Squire gave group the know ledge and techniques of din ing and M r. Peter Clark constantly encoura^ all to go for it. W onderful m em ories of the I tim es at the Rock Barn, W inslow Ledges, hik; the Pinnacle, trips to C lark Pond, jum ping gravel pit, and the exciting H anover Challei C ourse w ill stay w ith the group for m any ye< Sa ilin g A lthough it seem ed that the ice w ould ne leave the lake, once it did the Sailing Team got to a fast start. M uch of the success of this tear) m easured by how well the boats are prepared good deal of tim e w as spent throughout season keeping everything in tip-top shape. 1 group of fourteen sailors got along w ell urn the guidance of coaches Theobald, Rozelle, a W intersteen. Returning sailors D rew Train M ike G arrison, Russell Thom as, A ki Suzuki, a Chris O 'D onnell provided the expertise and le ership. The team faired quite w ell against s ondary sailing team s such as Brew ster Acader D ublin School, and N orthfie!d-M t. Herm on. 1 m ost m em orable m om ents w ere sim ply th great afternoons catching the good wind Canaan Street Lake and the third place trof received in the Lakes Region Conference raci T rack Track had a very successful season, compet m ostly in secondary school m eets. In spite of t the team truly held its ow n against the h school juniors and seniors. Led by Capta Jason C alder and Paul Santam aria, the Coug dom inated the junior high ranks. Tow ard end of the season four school records had bi broken by Jason Calder in the triple jum p, Cc Em m ons in the high jum p, Steve Balin in discus, and A lex M orrison in the hurdles. T w ay through the season Curt Singm aster a M ike H erm an joined the team , adding gr strength to the 4 x 100 relay team and the 8 Three underclassm en added strength to the te and prom ise for the future. The team plai second in the N ew England Junior Track Cha pionships, its only loss of the season. Fig' graders Kirin and Zervas dem onstrated a lo im provem ent, w hile Balin w as m ost impress in the hurdles, triple jum p, and discus. M Calder earned m ultiple honors in the 100,7 trip le ju m p , an d as sp r in t re la y a n ch Santam aria graduates still possessing the sch record for his javelin throw of 144'3", set in 19 Coaches Barron and W ilkes have m uch of wh to be proud.
m tdi
mm National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony Back Row: Mr. Small, Advisor, T. McNaught, T. Meyer, E. Ramos, J. Marrion, J. Burnett. Front Row: P. Heenan, R Batmei Z. Antonucci, J. Boucakis, J. Burnett.
Back Row: T. Small, R. Theobald, W. Barron, D. Cabot. Front Row: T. Sweeney, J. D'Entremont, D. Trainor, P. Gutierre; E. DeAlba.
C LA SS OF 1994
j . M urphy, M. Porcelli, M. Dodge, J. Burnett, P. Zervas, S. Fenton, E. Ram os
r. Rozelle, I. Castillo, X. Ruiz delRio, J. M cAteer, E. Vargas, Mr. Adam s
Ir. Capon, K. Burke, A. Sadana, N. Denig, J. M ier, Mr. Squier
Back Row: Mr. Capon, J. Milanese, N. Denig, B. Taylor, V. Ramos, D. Wallace, S. Howard, W. Keckley, Mr. Squier Front Row: J. Barroso, K. Burke, M. Lynch, A. Sadana, J. Mier, H. Caicedo, J. Vargas
Back Row: A. Thompson, J. Sunday, A. Riedel, D. Tick, L, Shipman. Middle Row: J. Rigall, D. Roe, R. Villalobos, P. Vasquez, E. Uhlig, N. Tuck. Front Row: M. Reilly, A. Rae, J. DelRio, B. Vargas, G. Salas, Z. Sos.
S ..? ' ■'C
/ - - 'r i f Z
t**' ' J
Classes • 83
Back Row: M. Arrington, A. Garrison, D. Clark, T. Bevis, Mr. Adams. Middle Row: W. Foster, C. Emerson, B. Figueras, M. Hamme. Front Row: G. Flores-Castro, A. Alija, I. Castillo, B. Isler, R. Delgado, S. Dion.
Back Row: R. Policastro, L. Perry, J. Lynch, P. Mclnerny, J. McAteer, Mr. Rozelle. Middle Row: B. Park, E. Lannon, C. O'Donnell, T. Nickerson, C. Payne. Front Row: B. Loeb, N. Priess, B. Martinez, M. Miro-Quesada, T. Parry.
ick Row: K. Laraque, M. Porcelli, R. Mcllvain, J. Parrella, R. Mallory, H. McCarty, iddle Row: D. Lee, W. Moeller, D. Henry, C. Moerer, P. Peterson, Mr. Ramos, ont Row: E. Hilberg, T. Kuromatsu, C. Quint, T. Ragno, L. Peple.
Row: I. Depew, T. Dixon, M. Dodge, J. Decrow, P. Cousteau, Mr. Murphy, iddle Row: T. Halbach-Merz, S. Gallagher, P. Heenan, P. Cortina, P. Gutierrez, ont Row: F. Dosal, M. Donoghue, K. Hale, B. Frazier, E. DeAlba.
Classes â&#x20AC;˘ 85
Back Row: J. Brown, J. Burnett, D. Case, Z. Antonucci, S. Calabrese, D. Collins. Middle Row: Mr. Fenton, L. Altschuler, J. Blanchard, J. Boucakis, S. Brash, S. Chippendale. Front Row: J. Berthe, R. Arrieta, A. Bouffier, T. Buller, W. Boyce.
Back Row: Y. Kirin, G. Rohman, B. Thurston, R. Thomas, M. Stirbl. Middle Row: J. Rosen, C. Rivera, C. Wilson, P. Zervas, G. Walker, R. Taylor. Front Row: W. Weeks, K. Sternberg, W. Tompkins, J. Scott, J. Schwamb.
DM««« A Time, A Place
FOUR YEAR BOYS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Todd Garnet Bailey
Steven Steiman Balin
Richard Holt Bateman
Athletic Coordinator 9; Varsity Hockey 8,9; Varsity Baseball 8,9; Rocks & Ropes 8; Ice Fishing, Weight Lifting, Driving Range, Trapshooting, and Finnish Lan足 guage Clubs; Christmas Pageant 9.
Kitchen Crew Head 9; Honor Roll 8; Art Award 7; Reserve Soccer, J.V. Hockey,TrackandField9;Soccer,Varsity Ski Team, Baseball 8; J.V.Football, Rec. Skiing, Tennis 7; Roller Blading Club.
Diningroom Monitor 9; Honor Rol Knowledge Master 9; Football, Skiing Tennis 9; Bridges, Life Guarding, an Waterskiing Clubs.
Matthew Morgan Bernard irsity Football C aptain, Varsity owboarding 9; J.V. Basketball, Vary Track 8; Golf and Elvis Movies ubs.
Bradford Reynolds Bevis
John Peter Brown
School Leader 9; Varsity Soccer Captain. Varsity Hockey Captain, Varsity Lacrosse9;Class Vice President 8; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse 8; Class President 7; J.V. Soccer Captain; Varsity Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse 7; Glee Club 7,8,9; Green Key 8,9; Acappella Choir 8; Outstanding Underclassman 8.
Assistant Floor Leader, Hinman I, 9; Honor Roll 9; Varsity Football Captain, Varsity Basketball, Baseball 9; J.V. Football 8; Ice Fishing, Golf and Weight Lifting Clubs,
Jason Ahmad Calder
Trevor Berijamin Capon
Senior Sports Editor, Blaze 9; Class Sec足 retary and Class Treasurer 7,8; Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track and Field 9; Varsity Basketball MIP award 8; J.V. Football, J.V. Track 6,7,8; Knowledge Master 8; Glee Club, Trapshooting and Blaze Clubs; Christ足 mas Pageant 9.
Floor Leader, French 11 9; Science Lab Assistant 8; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Hockey, and Varsity Lacrosse 9; J.V. Soccer, J.V. Hockey and Varsity La足 crosse 8; J.V. Football, Res. Hockey, J.V. Lacrosse, Captain, 7, MIP Award, J.V. Soccer 8; Big Brother, 7; School Senate Member 9; Honor Roll 8,9; Knowledge Master 8,9; Green Key 7,8,9; Editor of Yearbook; Science Fiction Movie Club.
Peter Lawrence Chesson Floor Leader Proctor House 9; Head Classroom Cleaners 8; Varsity Socc Varsity Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse Varsity Wrestling Coach's Award Knowledge Master 8; Honor Roll 8 Fly Fishing and Blaze Clubs; Christrr Pageant 7,8,9.
David E. Coletti itchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Footill. Snowboarding and Varsity LaDsse 9; J.V. Football MIP Award 8; onor Roll; Fly Fishing and Weight fting Clubs.
John Paul D'Entremont
Luis Alejandro Delgado
Floor Leader Clark Morgan I I 9; Class room Cleaner Supervisor 8; Dining Room Monitor 8; Class Secretary 6,7; First Place Run Around the Lake 9; Varsity Cross Country Running Cap tain, Varsity Hockey Captain; Base ball 9; M IP Award Cross Country Running 9; MVP Award Soccer 7,8; MVP Res. Baseball 7; Coach's Award Res. Soccer 6; MVP J.V. Hockey 7; Coach's Award J.V. Hockey 6; Green Key Society 9; Finnish Exchange Stu dent 8; Christmas Pageant 6,9; First Ever 5-year Cardigan Student
Kitchen Crew 9; J.V. Football MIP Award 9; Wrestling 9; Weight Train ing, Magic and Board Games Clubs.
Cleve Cody Emmons
Brendan Daniel Feitelberg
Dining Room Supervisor 9; Varsity Football 9; Coaches Award 9; Varsity Basketball 8,9; J.V. Football 8; Golfing, Mountain Biking and Swimming Clubs.
Floor Leader Greenwood House 9; Din足 ing Room Monitor 8; J.V. Soccer, Var足 sity Alpine Skiing, Varsity Sailing 9; MIP Award Varsity Skiing 8; Res. A Soccer MVP 8; Res. B Soccer 7; Varsity Sailing 7,8; Glee Club 7,8,9; Acappella Club 8; Christmas Pageant Solo 7,8; N ursing Home and Lifeguarding Clubs.
Raleigh Cubbison Finlayson Floor Leader Brewster 19; J.V. Soccer V arsity Basketball 9; Varsity T ennis 8, J.V. Hockey 8; Honor Roll 9; Know edge Master 8,9; Hospital Voluntee Paddle Tennis and Weight Trainir Clubs.
Porter Wells Fisher
William Alvis Freeman
Michael Greenleaf Garrison
Diningroom Monitor 8; J.V. Basketball Captain, Reserve Lacrosse; Intramurals 9; J.V. Football, Rec. Skiing; J.V. Tennis S; Honor Roll 8,9; Golf, Bowling, Envi ronmental Awareness Clubs.
Stoddard Supervisor 9; Varsity Foot ball, J.V. Basketball Captain, Res. La crosse 9; J.V. Football, J.V. Basketball, Lacrosse 8; Trap Shooting and Music Clubs.
Head of Lost and Found 9; Soccer 7,8,9; MIP Award Soccer 6; Varsity Skiing 9; J.V. Skiing 7,8; Varsity Sailing 9; MVP Sailing 7; Clean Room Award 8; Christ mas Pageant Lighting Crew 9; Skate boarding Clubs 6,7,8 and 9.
Andrew Frohring Geisel
Ethan Karl Hausman
Clive James W. Hawkins
Floor Leader Clark Morgar\ III 9; Head of Classroom Cleaners 8; Class Trea surer 6; Vice President 7; Varsity Soccer 9; J.V. Hockey 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse 7,8,9; J.V. Soccer 8; Res A. Soccer 6,7; Reserve Hockey 6,7; J.V. Lacrosse 6; Green Key 8; Knowledge Master 8; Written Expression Award 6; Clean Room Award 8; Christmas Pageant, Shepherd 6, Lighting Crew 7,8 and King 9; Fly fishing. Ice Fishing, Trapshooting Clubs.
Floor Leader Brewster II 9; J.V. Soccer MIP Award; Wrestling, Tennis 9; Res. A Soccer Coach's Award, Recreational Skiing, J.V. Basketball 8; National Jun ior Honor Society 8; Knowledge Mas ter 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; Magic, Recre ational Reading, Hockey, Lakeology, and Oratory Clubs.
J.V. Football, Snowboarding, and Sail ing 9; School Play 9.
Michael Gage Herman UoorLeaderHinmanI9;VarsityFoot)all; Snowboarding, Baseball 9; J.V. 'ootball, J.V. Baseball, Coach's Award l; Honor R oll 8,9; Glee Club 8,9; (Veight Training, and Lifeguarding Hubs.
Marshall Townsend Jenney Floor Leader Stowell House 9; J.V. Football, Skiing, J.V. Lacrosse 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; Fly Tying and Ice fishing Clubs.
Patrick Klien Reserve A Soccer, Snowboarding, Sailing 9; Honor Roll 9; Bowling Club,
Christopher Brayton Knapp
Joel Lamar Lansden
Patrick Elliot Lee
Kitchen Crew Head 9; J.V. Soccer, Skiing, Lacrosse 9; Magic and Drafting Clubs.
Computer Editor, Blaze 9; Riflery and Trapshooting Clubs; Intramurals, Skiing. Sailing 9.
Varsity Cross-Country Running, Alpine Ski Team, Cycling 9; WeighI Training 9.
Juan Fernando Loumiet itchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Footill, J.V. Basketball, Track 9; Glee lub 9; Strato Baseball and Piano lubs.
Matthew Carroll Mavar
Adam Nevel McBride
Kitchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Football. Wrestling, Baseball 9; Varsity Football, Rec Skiing, Res Baseball 8; Acappella Choir 8; Weight Training Club.
Kitchen Crew Head 9; Intramurals, Rec. Skiing, Lacrosse 9.
Winston Thomas McDavid Kitchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Foot足 ball, J.V. Basketball, J.V. Lacrosse 9; Football, J.V. Basketball, Res. Lacrosse 8; Ice Fishing, Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, and W eightlifting Clubs.
Joshua Ryan McLean Football, Skiing 9.
Edward Arthur McNaught
Chaplin's Assistant 9; Varsity Socct 8,9; Varsity Hockey 8,9; Tennis 9; J.^ Lacrosse 8; Green Key 9; Student Ser ate 9; Class Secretary 9; National J Honor Society 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; Lea R o le in B y e-B y e B ird ie (A lbe: Peterson); Acappella Choir 8; Know edge M aster 8,9; French Award 1 Lifeguarding, Political Oratory, Ca digan Aires Clubs.
Trevor E. Meyer
Alexander Rowe Morrison
Floor Leader Hayward Hall 9; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Baseball 8,9; National Junior Honor Soci2ty 8,9; Knowledge Master 8,9; Life Guarding and F in n ish Language Clubs.
Vehicle Cleaner Supervisor 9; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Cross Country Skiing Captain, Track and Field 9; MVP Award and MIP in Track and Field; Cast Member of 'Bye Bye Birdie' 8.
Stephen Eric Ordway Kitchen Crew Head 9; Soccer, Basketball, 9; Honor Roll; Fall Sports Assembly Toast Master 9; Fly Fishing and Fishing Clubs.
Michael Pigott
Brad Robert Pitassi
Nicholas Alexander Robinson
Floor Leader Franklin House 9; Presi足 dent of the Student Government 9; J.V. Soccer, Varsity Snowboarding, T e n n is 9; R es. S o ccer; V arsity Snowboard, Rec Tennis 8; Glee Clubs 9; Clean Room Award 8; Fly Fishing and Elvis Movies Clubs.
Floor Leader Hinman II 9; Student Government Vice President 9; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Snowboarding, Var足 sity Lacrosse 9; J.V. Soccer, Varsity Snowboarding; J.V. Lacrosse 8; Green Key Society, School Senate 9; Glee Club 8; Boston Globe Art Award 9; Assistant Editor, Blaze 9.
Varsity Football, J.V. Hockey, Base足 ball 9; J.V. Football, Res Hockey, Res Lacrosse 8; Honor Roll 9; Magic, Technical Trouble Shooting, Architectural Drafting and Learn to Speak Finnish Clubs.
Paul Richard Santamaria tinouncement Courier 9; Varsity resiling 8,9 (Captain); Varsity Footill (MIP), Varsity track 8,9; Rocks id Ropes 8; Geography Bee 8; Weight aining. Chocolate M aking, and )oking Clubs.
John James Schoeller
Curtis Gibbs Singmaster
Recycling Head 9; Classroom Cleaner Head 8; Varsity Football Captain, Coach's Award, J.V. Hockey, Varsity Baseball 9; J.V. Football, J.V. Hockey; J.V. Baseball Coach's Award 7; Honor Roll 8; Knowledge Master 8; Strato Baseball Club.
Assistant Job Foreman 9; Class Trea足 su rer 8; V arsity S occer, V arsity Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Varsity Soccer, J.V. Hockey Captain, Varsity Lacrosse 8; Honor Roll 8; Mountain Bike Club.
Scott Andrew Sprung
Stewart Horner Steffey
Assistant Fire Marshall 9; Gym and Van Cleaner 7; Intramurals, Wrestling 9; Football, Basketball, Rec Tennis 8; Cross Country Running, Basketball, Cycling 7; Hospital Club, Cast Mem足 ber 'Bye Bye Birdie' 8.
Floor Leader French 19; School Senate 8,9; Class President 8,9, Treasurer 7; Green Key Society 8,9; Varsity Soccer Captain and MVP Award, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Tennis 9; Varsity Soc足 cer, Hockey, Varsity Tennis Captain and Coach's Award 8; J.V. Soccer, Hockey, Tennis 7; Glee Club 7,8; Na足 tional Jr. Honor Society 8,9; Knowl足 edge Master 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9.
Akihide Suzuki Kitchen Crew Head 9; Res. A Socc Captain and MVP, Snowboarding Res B Soccer 7,8; A Ski Team 7,8; B S Team 6; Knowledge Master 8; Gre( Key 8,9.
Paul Musashi Suzuki /. Soccer, Varsity Tennis 9.
Leland Scowcroft Swaner
Robert Todd Sweeney
Reserve A Soccer, J.V. Basketball, Reserve Baseball 9.
Computer Room Monitor 9; Waiter 8; Kitchen 9; Varsity Soccer 8,9 (MIP); Varsity Basketball 8,9; Varsity La足 crosse 9, J.V. Lacrosse 8; High Honor Roll 8,9; Knowledge Master 8,9; Math Counts 8; Spanish and English Awards 8; Glee Club 9; Cooking, Lif eguarding. Weight Training, WCMS Video, Rec足 reational Reading, and Chocolate M aking Clubs 8,9.
Henri Tapani Tahvanainen
Gino Gabriel Tonetti
Assistant Floor Leader Clark Morgan II, Finnish Club Instructor 9; Varsity Football, Hockey , Baseball 9; Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll 9; Bowl足 ing, Blaze, and Finnish Clubs.
Special Effects Editor for the Blaze 9; Public Relations Director 9; Varsity Cycling 8,9; J. V. Soccer 8,9 (MVP, Cap足 tain); Wrestling 9; Honor Roll 8, Sci足 ence Award 8; Green Key 9; Nursing Home, Tennis, and Play Clubs.
Drew Robert Trainor Blaze Editor 9; Lab Assistant 8,9, Mo day Letter Coordinator 9; Soccer ; (Coach's Award), 9; Varsity Crc Country Skiing 7,8,9, Varsity 9; Sa ing 7,8,9; Honor Roll 7,8,9; Geograp Bee 7; Know ledge M aster, Ma Counts 8; History and Science Awar 7; Geography Award 8; Shop Aware
Erik Braden True jb Foreman, School Senate 9; Comlencement Usher 8; Varsity Football : Varsity Hockey 8,9; J.V. Lacrosse 8; arsity Soccer, Varsity Lacrosse 9; [igh Honor Roll 8,9; National Junior [onor Society 8,9; Knowledge Master 9; Latin I Award 8; Lifeguarding, /eight Training; 'Bye Bye Birdie' 8.
Philip Martin von Hollander
James Anthony Ward
Varsity Soccer, Hockey, Baseball 9; Art Award 9; Fly Fishing Club 9.
Floor Leader Banks 9; A-V Head 6,7,8,9; Light D irector Christm as Pageant 6,7,8,9; Varsity Hockey 9; J.V. Hockey 7,8, Coach's Award; Reserve Hockey 6; Varsity Cross Country (Captain)9; Rocks and Ropes 6,7; Reserve Lacrosse 6; Varsity Cycling 7,8,9; Effort Honor Roll 6,7,8; Recycling, Blaze, and Ap足 plications Clubs.
Thanks Senior Yearbook Staff Mrs. Small 112
THF, PA N N A C I A W A RD This aw ard is to be given annually by the C lass of 1959, as a m em orial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that m em ber of the senior class, w ho, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and general social and spiritual adjustm ent.
Stewart H om er Steffey
TH E H IN M A N PRIZE A prize given annually in m em ory of M r. and M rs. H arold P. H inm an to the m em ber of the school w ho, in the opinion of the faculty, by indus trious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and in tegrity, m ost nearly approaches the ideals o f m anhood as conceived in the m inds of the founders of C ard i gan M ountain School.
TH E FO U N D ERS' PRIZE A w arded to the boy in the student body w ho has the w ill to com plete any project, regardless of the diffi c u ltie s e n c o u n te r e d , w ith o u t thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job w ell done in the sam e approach that characterized the life o f H arold P. H inm an of C ar digan M ountain School.
Janies Anthony Ward
TH E N O R M A N AND BEVERLY W A K ELY PRIZE G iven by the class of 1989 for the senior w ho, in the opinion of his classm ates, best upholds the tradi tion, spirit and pride o f C ardigan M ountain School, thus m aking ev ery day "a beautiful day in N ew H am pshire."
]ohn Paul D ’Entremont TH E C A LD W ELL PRIZE To the boy w ho has show n out
standing athletic achievem ent and
To the m em ber of the senior clase-
good sportsm anship.
with the highest academ ic stand
Richard Paul Santamaria
Drew Robert Trainor 116
TH E FA C U LTY PRIZE 'ou r w arm personality and infinite harm are truly exceptional. You pitom ize the definition of a true ;entlem an. Y ou are respectful, ourteous and caring. Y o u rb eh av Dr and directness of purpose have nade you a favorite w ith the facilty, w hile your relaxed m anner nd sense of hum or have m ade you )opular w ith your peers. Y o u p o sess strength of character and have leen a great asset to our school. It is pleasure to present this Faculty 'rize to you.
Michael Patrick Pigott
TH E FA C U LTY PRIZE You are another G oodw ill A m bas sador fron Finland. Y our cheerful sm ile, your friendly hello, and your enthusiasm for getting the m ost out of your year's experience in the U nited States have been a joy to observe. Your happiness is infec tious. You helped teach students and faculty som e Finnish, you con tributed to the yearbook, and you have converted som e students to Finnish baseball. For all of this and your gentlem anly dem eanor we are happy to give you this Faculty Prize.
TH E W ILLIA M K N A PP M O RR ISO N A W A RD G iven to the student w ho, in the opinion of the student best exem plifies the spirit of W illie M orrison in academ ics, athletics, and as a cam pus citizen.
Edward Arthur McNaught, III
Henri Tapani Tahvanainen
TH E A D D ISO N M EM O RIA L PRIZE FO R C R EA TIV E W RITIN G Given to the student w ho has dem onstrated the m ost potential in the area of creative writing.
Ethan Paul Hausman
SEN IO R PRIZE This aw ard is to be given as a m e m orial of M ichael R. Skibiski to that m em ber of the senior class w ho has show n the greatest progress dur ing the year.
Akihide Suzuki
Graduation •117
Congratulations Trevor and to the class of 1994 from the Capon and Emory families
CANAAN HARDWARE AND SUPPLY Depot Street Canaan, NH (603) 523-4352
Tr'M 11\
i \iilVI I I ai
r f
i ,v - ;
Congratulations to the Class of 1994
Akihide Congratulations May all your dreams and goals be fulfilled Be happy!! We love you... Mom Minako Suzuki Grandmother Mieto Ancle Terumichi and Guku
A ds
The Country Printing Shop Canaan, NH 03741
Eleanor and Bob Diemar Jack 1990
Way to go, Cardigan Way to go, Mike Best Wishes, Bill, Colleen, Kate, and Bill Reilly
Hanover Taxi & Limousine Service Call 24 Hours P.O. Box 571 Hanover, NH 03755
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P r e s id e n t
J) 120
A ds
d l ^ The Dartmouth Bookstore
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
5 SUMMCRSr. •«AMOV«..NH 03755
Best Wishes to the class of 1994 and Congratulations Ricky for a Great Summer and Year at Cardigan. We are very proud of you. Mom, Dad, Kyra and Robby. > ----------- —
------Announcing th e Jo h n son & Dix Propane D ivsion .
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Congratulations and Best Wishes to the class 1994 Matthew Bronfman 122
Congratulations, Dave We are proud of you! Our best wishes to all the gradu ates The Colettis Mom, Dad, Mark, Christine, Sabatino, + Grandma
Congratulations to the class of 1994 Dimartino Family Buzz, Susan, Paul '93, Julie, Laurie HAJ
Congratulations to the Class of 1994
Heritage Tack
From the CMS Summer School Coke Drinkers
Heritage Assoc/a tes Incorporated
Apple Blossom Lane, Canaan, N.H. 03741 603-523-7550
Ads • 123
TV/iere tht fMapk Syrup is tapped pure, boiUd pun, jugged pure.
P. O. Box 20 Clark Hill Road Canaan, NH 03741-0020 (603) 523-4838 124
SPONSORS Sergio Altschuler BXB, Casey, and Spice Mr. and Mrs. Elias G. Boucakis Nereida Cancel Tina Chiang J. Dudley Clark Peter B. Clark and Ruth L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins Porter Fisher
Ruth and Pat Greenwood Crawford Hinman, M.D. Rev. Harry Mahoney Loren McGean Mrs. W. Lowndes Peple, Jr. Mrs. Karen C. Ragno Judy Ribeiro Chase and Susan Rozelle Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryan Trainor
SUBSCRIBERS Thomas B. and Claudia Mcllvain Reginald E. Barney Ted McNaught, Jr. Insurance Agency Kumiko Duller Northeast Food Service Equipment Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett W. Frederick Tompson Davies and Ann Cabot Robert and Thurza Small Robert Chartner 73 David and Alice Thomas Henry and Ellen Coletti Susan and Otey Walker Janice Cousteau Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson Cameron and Janet Dewar Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gould Jim and Ann Howard Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mavar, Jr.
A ds â&#x20AC;˘ 125
BOOSTERS Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heenan Mr. and Mrs. John B. Coffin Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Knapp Dr. and Mrs. Roger H. Emerson, Jr. J. Michael McGean Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Juan Loumiet
PATRONS Peter and Sharon Chesson Mr. and Mrs. Enrique DeAlba David and Kathleen Foster Mr. and Mrs. Savage Frieze, Jr. Dr. Michael and Rosemary Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. C. Meade Geisel, Jr. Paula and Jim Henry Tom Herman Mr. and Mrs. Keniston P. Merrill John and Sue Rea Mr. and Mrs. B. Peter Rohman and family Mr. and Mrs. Junzo Suzuki Mr. and Mrs. Leland Scocroft Swaner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Williams, Jr. Mrs. Louise C. Yeiser Dr. and Mrs. Hernando Carcedo 126
A ds
Congratulations Raleigh
Mom, Dad, Stuart, Doug, Grant, and Aunt Dee % //
C o ca -C o la B o ttlin g C o m p a n y O f Northern New England, Inc.
^ d ic t G )K 6 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;
C la re m o n t D ivision P.O . B o i 828 - 285 M ain St - Clarcoiont* NH 03743 (603) 542-5171
Congratulations to 1994 Graduate John Paul D 'E ntrem ont
Many thanks to the faculty and staff of CMS. Our affiliation has been a great experience.
From the D'Entren^ont Family and D S ARCCO, Inc. (Shell)
Todd Bailey 7 Ivanhoe Drive Lynnfield, MA 01940 Salisbury School
Brendan Feitelberg 127 Lake Street Kingston, MA 02364 Gould Academy
Patrick Lee 3 Catherine Street Corning, NY 14830 Holderness School
Steven Balin 2015 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Blair Academy
Matt Bernard 200 W. 79th Street Ny, NY 10024 The Gunnery
Juan Loumiet 1033 Anastasia Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Hotchkiss School
Rick Bateman 33 Bullard Road Weston, MA 02193 Hotchkiss School
Raleigh Finlayson 255 Round Hill Road Greenwich, CT 06831 Westminster School
Matt Mavar 1364 Beach Blvd. Bioloxi, MS 39530 Undecided
Matt Bernard 200 W. 79th Street NY, NY 10024 The Gunnery
Porter Fisher 655 Curtiswood Dr. Key Biscayne, FL 33149 The Gunnery
Adam McBride 475 Lakewood Dr. Winter Park, FL 32798 Trinity-Pawling School
Brad Bevis 41 Simon Atherton Row Harvard, MA 01451 Loomis-Chaffee School
Billy Freeman 11322 Surrey Oaks Houston, TX 77024 Memorial High School
Winston McDavid 244 Rosehill Drive Tallahassee, FL 32312 Trinity-Pawling School
J.P. Brown 30 Wilket Road MZL iN8 Toronto Ontario CANADA Baylor School
Mike Garrison 33 Skinequit Road, Box 182 S. Harwich, MA 02661 Brewster Academy
Josh McLean P.O. Box 1719 Eastern Avenue George Town Grand Cayman WEST INDIES Undecided
Jason Calder 169 Sequoia Road Bridgeport, CT 06606 Williston-Northampton Trevor Capon P.O. Box 274 Kittery Pt., ME 03905 St. George's School P.J. Chesson P.O. Box 665 Far Hills, NJ 07931 Avon Old Farms School David Coletti 5003 Dunvegan Road Louisville, KY 40222 McCallie School John D'Entremont 59 Pinewood Avenue Billerica, MA 01821 Avon Old Farms School Luis Delgado Ave. Jose Angel Lamas Resd. 10-11 Piso 5 Apto. 53 La Castellana Caracas, Maranda VENEZUELA Portsmouth Abbey Cody Emmons 144 South Ridge Ave. Troy, OH 45373 Undecided
Andy Geisel 1814 Old Gulph Road Villanova, PA 19085 Pomfret School Ethan Hausman RFD #1, Box 67 South Ryegate, VT 05069 Choat Rosemary School Clive Hawkins 5-25-12 Shimo Meguro Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153 JAPAN Winchendon School Mike Herman 15 Dormidera Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Piedmont High School Marshall Jenney 3217 Swarthmore Rd. Wilmington, DE 19807 Pomfret School Pat Klien R. Elvira Niemeyer 249 22610-370 Rio de Janeiro RJ BRAZIL Chris Knapp 513 W. Cornwall Court Carmel, IN 46032 Holderness School Joel Lansden 7473 Lazy Acres Pass Christian, MS 39571 St. Stanislaus School
Ted McNaught 4 Quail Run Sanford, ME 04073 St. Paul's School Trevor Meyer P.O. Box 298 32 Four Rod Road Rochester, NH 03301 Governor Dummer Academy Alex Morrison 3 Kent St. Concord, NH 03301 Cushing Academy Steve Ordway 11319 Greenbay Drive Houston, TX 77024 St. George's School Brad Pitassi 240 Blackstone Blvd. Providence, RI 02906 Salisbury School Nick Robinson 4 Bunker Hill Drive Londonderry, NH 02906 Brewster Academy Paul Santamaria RFD #1, Box 770 Foster Pond Road Bristol, NH 03222 Undecided
John Schoeller Box 109 New Canada Road Danbury, NH 03230 Proctor Academy Curtis Singmaster 1182 Monument St. Concord, MA 01742 Salisbury School Scott Sprung 12006 Cobblestone Houston, TX 77024 Tilton School Stew Steffey 120 Sargent Rd. Brookline, MA 02146 St. George's School Aki Suzuki 1675 York Ave., #20B New York, NY 10128 Kent School Paul Suzuki 1550 Hoaaina Street Honolulu, HI 96821 Kimball Union Academy T.J. Swaner P.O. Box 1415 Park City, UT 84060 Brewster Academy Trip Sweeney 225 Barrow Road Lexington, KY 40502 Lawrenceville School Henri Tahvanainen Koivulankatu 6 As.6 Hyvinkaa 05830 FINLAND Vehkojan Lukio Gino Tonetti 238 S. Washington St. N. Atdeboro MA 02760 Portsmouth Abbey Drew Trainor 4 Hanover St. White River Jet, VT 05001 Northfield Mt. Hermon Erik True PO Box 848 Alton, NH 03809 Hotchkiss Phil vonHollander 13 Charles St. Agawam, MA 01001 Canterbury School Tony Ward 1448 N. Lakeshore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 The Gunnery