The Blaze - 1995

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The founding of Cardigan Mountain School in 1945 was a day that would change the lives of every boy to set foot on its serene moun足 tain campus. For nearly fifty years, Cardigan has enjoyed the suc足 cess of seeing graduation after graduation of many a boy seeking to contribute not only to his own inner desire to learn, grow, and prosper, but to have the opportunity to meet new friends and estab足 lish relationships that will last a lifetime. This Cardigan Mountain School Yearbook is one of the ways that we can ensure that the Cardigan Mountain School Tradition will live on for years to come.

Written by Joel Lansden - Class of 1994



____________Canaan, New Hampshire 03741


TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE.................................................................................................... .... TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................... BLAZE STAFF.....................................................................................3 HEADMASTER'S PAGE............................... ......................................... A D M IN ISTRA TIO N .................. ........................................................... FACULTY AND ST A F F................................................................... 6-20 BLAZE DEDICATION....................................................................... ..... CA ND IDS............................................................................................22-32 FALL SPORTS............................... .................................................... 33-47 WINTER SPORTS.............................................................................. 48-56 SPRING SPORTS................................................................................57-64 COLOR AND BLACK AND WHITE CANDIDS ......................... 65-80 UNDERCLASSMEN......................................................................... 81-89 SENIORS AND GRADUATION........................................................ 90-118 ADVERTISEMENTS............................................................................ 119-129 SENIOR DIRECTORY. ....................................................................130-131 SPECIAL PA G E..................................................................................132

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CO-EDITORS: Peter Heenan M atthew Donoghue ASST. EDITOR: Craig Wilson SPORTS EDITOR: Zach Antonucci ASST. SPORTS: Jon Boucakis Chris Quint COMPUTER: Jesse Schwamb Sandy Brash ASST. COMP: Jon Parrella UNDERCLASSMEN: Mike Reilly Zak Sos ADVISORS: Thurza H. Small Robert D. Small


STAFF: Philippe Cousteau Pablo Zervas Ben Thurston Shawn Chippendale Greg Rohman Kip Hale

SPECIAL THANKS TO CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Mrs. Greenwood, K. Foster, Mr. Barron, Mr. Small, and Yearbook Associates.


Jason, Janet D ew ar, L indsay, H e a d m a ste r C am ero n D ew ar


Back Row: Cameron Dewar, Carl Lovejoy, Jamie Funnell, Dave McClintic, Neil Brier Front Row; James Marrion, Karen Colburn, Richard Dionne , James Burnett, Robert Small


READING/STUDY SKILLS Back Row: Kris Burnett, Linda Boucher, Kate Foster, Jamie Ramsdell. Front Row: Ann Chalker, Alex Grey.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE Back Row: John Hogan, Trevor Worcester, Chase Squier, David George, Chip HaskelL Front Row: Peter LaFond, Stewart Manley.

ENGLISH Back Row: Robert Small, Chase Squier, David Donahue, David George, Skip Chalker, Wim Hart. Front Row: Paul Dyer, Thurza Small, Chris Pryor.

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MATH Back Row: Jim Marrion, Ed Ramos, Randy MacDonald, Alex Grey, Steve Fenton. Front Row: Pam Harrington, Janet Dewar, Ruth Greenwood.


Back Row: Neil Brier, Ken Capon, Trevor Worcester, Chris Pryor, Skip Chalker. Front Row: Peter Trau, Nick Lynch, Paul Dyer.


SCIENCE John Shackett, Bo Fuller, Jamie Ram sdell, Jam ie Funnell, John Gartner.

ARTS Back Row: Dennis Robbins, Harold Finkbeiner. Front Row: Liz Pippin, Susan Rives.


Pam Harrington, Kris Burnett, Kate Foster, Stephanie Small.


Back Row: Heather Schwamb, Audie Armstrong. Front Row: Judy Ribiero, Karen Colburn.

ALUMNI/ DEVELOPMENT Tricia Alafat, Sean Cillery, Faith Degenhart, Chip Haskell.



Carl Lovejoy, Shirley Lester, Andy Noel, Pam Harrington, Dave Rogerson.

LIFE SKILLS Bill Barron, Ken Capon.

Support Staff

MAINTENANCE Back Row: Sherwood Griffin, Roger Williams, Ron Doe Front Row: Dave Pratt, Dick Gavalis, Tim Leary.


ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Andy Rogers, Les Rogers.


HOUSEKEEPING Back Row: Janet Labrie, Roxy Lemieux, Pat Morse. Front Row: Dot Kendall, Eleanor Weller.

DAKA Food Service

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Ellen Rocke, Bob Spano.

George Jones.

Rick Kahn, Marion Rogers, A1 Canada. 11









Blaze Dedication

It may seem strange to be thanking someone who has not made things easy for us, either in the classroom or in athletics. However, we recognize you because you have done this by al­ w ays in sistin g th a t we could do better. In class you peaked our interest in history by sharing your ex­ tensive knowledge and love for the subject. As a varsity coach in football, basket­ ball, and baseball, you

worked us hard and never accepted less than our best. Because of this we were fre­ quently on the w inning side, including this year's undefeated football season. One of our favorite things to do has been to have a c o n v ersa tio n w ith you about the government, the world, or last night's Bos­ ton - Orlando game. No matter what the subject, you always took the time to lis­ ten to us.

For all of these things, we, the class of 1995, dedicate this year's Blaze to:

Mr. Nicholas S. Lynch 21



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The Cougar Romps!



Back Row: C. McCormick, N. Nikitakis, C. Moerer, R. Mallory, M. Porcelli, P. Heenan,D, Case, S. Donahue, E. Alford, J. Decrow, J. Lynch, Mr. Donahue, Mr. Robbins (Coaches) Middle Row: Mr. Lynch (Coach), A. Wooldridge, C. Rivera, D. Clark, J. Brown, D. Geraghty, J. Boucakis, W. Moeller, B. Thurston, J. Bae, Mr. Marrion (Coach). Front Row: "Rocky" Sadana (Manager), M. Arrington, J. Berthe, B. Frazier, B. Fender,!. Korbl, S. McAllister, M. Hamme, B. Park, J. Carranza, H. Caicedo (Manager).


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Back Row: Mr. Brier (Coach), P. Devine, R. Mcllvain, T. Runsamo, L. Peppe, P. Zervas, C. Quint, F. Meyer, Z. Antonucci, Mr. Lafond (Coach) Front Row: W. Landers, J. Pyle, K. Hale, C. Wilson, J. Burnett, M. Donoghue, M. Reilly, T. Kuromatsu.


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Back Row: C. Machado, E. Uhlig, R. Welts, P. O'Connell, A. Child, D. Roe, R. Sykes, D. Torreti, Mr. Barron (Coach) Front Row: R. Villalobos, J. Lopez, F. Prados, D. Wallace, M. Fernandez, J. Perez, A. Garcia, N. Priess


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â– Back Row: Mr. Chalker (Coach), S. Chippendale, M. Paquet, F. Ford, A. Scott, S. Vertiz, G. Miller, B. Dohn, B. Moeller, L. Perry, J. Norris, D. Tick, Mr. Fenton (Coach). Front Row: T. Nickerson, K. Burke, L. Anderson, N. Miller, W. Ford, T. Parry, T. Bianco, M. Lynch, V. Ramos, T. Ohta, R. Thompson.


Back Row: H. McCarty, J. Parrella, G. Rohman, D. Miller, S. Shimoda, Y. Kirin, I. Depew, I JaiRw W. Tompkins, Mr. Manley (Coach). [*01,' Front Row; A. Weeks, W. Boyce, L. Peple, E. Hilberg, S. Brash, T. Ragno fBjinRov

Back Row: Mr. Pryor (Coach), B. Figueras, D, Shwartz, M. Conrad, D, Elizondo, E. Larmon, S. MacMillan, L. Shipman, R. Vegas, Mr. Hogan (Coach). Front Row; C. MacMillan, E. Dahlberg, F. Groff, N. Hausman, L. Degwitz.

. ' Back Row: Z. Sos, L. Escamilla, A. Frazier, A. Colina, C, Payne, P. Machado, R. ^ Delgado, B. Loeb, Mr. Rives (Coach). I Front Row: J. Fronton, B. Isler, W. Foster, J. Guichard, I, Williams, J. Luna y Para.

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Back Row: D. Hobson, M. Covey, D. Clark, T. Halbach-Merz, T. Duller, R. Miller, P. Cousteau, R. Thomas. Front Row: Mr. Gartner, A. Garrison, A. Garza. Not Shown: Mr. Squire, N. Tuck, B. Martinez.

Back Row: A. Weyl. Front Row: Mr. Fuller (Coach), D. Lee, L. Bonnecaze, M. Dunn, C. Taliercio, A. Keene, Mr. Rozelle (Coach).



Standing; Mr. M acdonald (Coach), A. Charney, M. Denault, M. Boyce, S. H oward, A. Thompson, M. Zambrano, R. Araujo, B. Roberts, Mr. Hart (Coach), G. Walker. Seated: E. Cohen, J. Liebowitz, A. Taylor, T. Leavitt, J. Priess, M. De Sellem, C. GosseUn.




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Varsity Football

Cross Country

What a season! The Varsity Football team, led by Captains J. Boucakis, P. Heenan, and D. Case finished off with an undefeated season of 9-0, a feat which hasn't been accomplished since 1981. The cougars had great wins over ^aglebrook, Plymouth, and Laconia. iTwo of the team 's best wins were over |a strong Hartford team and a nail-biting win over Newport. With one of the best running attacks ^Cardigan has had in years, CMS struck teams early. Their defense was weak at tthe start, but with excellent coaching Kthey eventually developed a steel cur­ tain. Utilizing punishing tackles and fierce blitzing, the team put fear into the hearts of opposing offenses. It was a season that will be cherished forever at Cardigan.

C ard igan 's C ross C ountry team started out very slowly and short of runners. Through a little recruiting the team consisted of seven solid runners by the end of the season. M. Ballesteros, one of the late joiners, turned out to be the top runner on the team. The Cross Country team found them­ selves running against many older schools who were more experienced, but the team really showed their coaches that they were able to compete at a high level. Through determination and effort, this year's Cross Country team was great!

Varsity Soccer Varsity Soccer knew they would ■ h a v e a tough time living up to last B y e a r 's accomplishments. With no one H in the goal, J. Burnett took the job with ■ i t t l e experience. By the end of the seaH s o n he was a key player. The team's H so lid foundation was built off the strong I d e f e n s e made up of the twin towers I e n d M. Donoghue, who fed the half•acks with crisp passes. They then ;ave the ball up to the forwards led by he explosive C. Quint who had 24 pals. The team coalesced due to great coaching and strong senior leadership. Even though they didn't win the New Englands, they were still an unbeliev­ ably skilled team.

Varsity B Soccer Varsity B had a fun and exciting season. Since soccer was so popular. Varsity B was formed early on in the y^ear. Being an all ninth-grade team, each person knew eachother well. Ev­ eryone worked hard and had a great :ime. The goalie L. Peple was the key­ stone of the team. Eventhough they didn't win a game, the Varsity B team »vas a huge success.

J.V Football The 1994 J.V. team, despite losing all its games, learned many important life­ long lessons, such as winning isn't ev­ erything! They had a lot of fun in a sport that builds discipline and charac­ ter. With many kids new to the sport, it was a unique experience for both the players and the coaches. Each student on the team not only matured as a player, but also as a person.

J.V. Soccer This year's 1994 J.V. Soccer team was a team that had a variety of players from around the world. Although half the team spoke different languages, they still managed to play well together. The team was led by the potent scoring combo of P. Serrano and J. Perez. Coach Barron managed to develop yet another excellent J.V squad.

Reserve A Soccer Reserve A Soccer finished off with a losing season, but in the players' eyes they came out with so much more than just wins and losses. They not only improved physically but even mentally. They started out as individuals and ended as a team striving towards

one goal. It was a learning season, and during it they gained responsibility, confidence, and character. Coach Hogan and Coach Pryor did a great job in making this year's Reserve A Soccer team one to remember. They gave the players unforgetable memories and im­ portant lessons to carry on into the future.

Reserve B Soccer If you were to sum up the Reserve B season with one word, it would have to be improvement! Many students who hadn't played the sport before fit in well at a level where fun was the most important factor. By the end of the season you couldn't even tell if it was the same team that started out together! The improvement made was immeasurable, much of this due to their coaches, Mr. Rives and Mr. George. They had a great time getting to know the sport and playing as a team.

Rock Climbing Wilderness had an excellent season this fall. Most of the time was spent rock climbing, but we also enjoyed canoing and hiking. Instructors in­ cluded Mr. Gartner and Mr. Squier. They are experienced mountainiers, and were invaluable to the group. Fre­ quent rock climbing sights included Rumney, Winslow Ledges, and the Rock Barn. They learned a lot this fall and walked away with a working knowledge of rock climbing.

Intramurals Intramurals had another great sea­ son under the direction of Mr. Hart and Mr. MacDonald. They swam, ca­ noed, learned how to play volleyball, hiked, went to Ruggles mine, shot trap and played football, just to name a few of the many activities we participated in. Every day was a new, fun, and exciting adventure to look forward to.


Varsity Hockey The hockey team was able to have an impressive season this year, and the team 's record showed so at 20-45. The team started with 16 players who had a season of dedication and hard work ahead of them. The three elements to the team 's success were character, chemistry, and work ethic. These three elements were taught from day one. The team started off on the right foor with a blow out and from then on through the grueling schedule they were able to complete a winning season.

J.V. Hockey Many triumphs were brought to this team through the hard work and dedication of the members. In the last 4 games they were able to win 3 of them. One victory came against a strong team from Kearsage that had beaten them earlier in the season. They also had a shutout against Back Bay with a 4 to 0 win.

Reserve Hockey The members of the Reserve Hockey team signed up to learn hockey. However, they were also able to learn discipline, responsibility, self control, attitude, and other important lessons in life. In the beginning they learned a lot about losing, but in the end they experienced the fruits of victory with a 5-2-1 record in the last stretch of games. The team were lead by enthusiastic coaches and were able to gain a positive influence from each other.

Varsity Basketball This year's Varsity Basketball team wasn't held back because they were in the shadow of last year's team. In fact, this was the first time that the basketball team had more that 20 wins with a 21-7 season. The wins were rewarding, but the team learned more from the losses than from all their wins. Lack of height did not get in the way either. The team used its speed to its advantage. The transi


tion and pressing game decided the outcome of many games.

J.V. Basketball Despite a losing record of 5-12-1 the J.V. Basketball team enjoyed success in other areas. The team finished strongly with several impressive feats: second place at the Fay School tournament and a win at the first game of the Lions Club tournament. As each player improved his skills the team was able to cure the huge mistakes that darkened the beginning of their season. In addition to their hard work on the court they were also able to represent Cardigan well due to their excellent behavior. Many times they received compliments on their conduct and dress.

Reserve Basketball With a record of 7-3 the Reserve Basketball team could be considered quite successful. However, the fact of the matter was that most of these players had never played basketball before. The competition was younger, but they matched up perfectly. Hanover beat them earlier in the season, but with a little sweat and work, Cardigan pulled through with a win in their second meeting.

Alpine Skiing The Alpine Ski Team had huge successes this season, sporting an undefeated record. In addition to that, many team members were able to feel personal victory. Four mem足 bers of the team were able to go to BWL State Championships, and one person. Josh Sauders, was able to go to the Jr. Olympics.

Snow Board The snowboarding team consisting of A. Garrison, N. Tuck, D. Clark, T. Halback-Merz, A. Taylor, and M. Reilly was able to start off smoothly as they were all friends. Although half of them were riding freestyle boards, they were able to compete against high schools. The team saw

several highlights during the season including a half pipe competition as Okemo and a weekend at Loon.

Recreational Skiing This program felt the rewards of doing a recreational sport. They were able to enjoy themselves throughly at Ragged Mountain three times a week. They also showed great appreciation to all the faculty members that helped them through足 out the season.

Cross Country Skiing Even though there were only two members to enjoy cross country skiing, they still had a lot of fun. The duo saw some of the best skiing in Northern New England at a meet at Holderness. They even raced against some people from New Zealand who were training for the Jr. Olympics. The two gained experi足 ences that will help them in the years of skiing ahead.

Wrestling This year's wrestling season was a lesson in teamwork. Early on, much of the time was spent learning the basics as the team included 5 new members. The team 's enthusiasm and hard work brought early and continued successes. Seniors Rohman and Parella were the most consistent wrestlers, while Peple was cited for his excellent leadership and contributions for over two years in the New England Prep School League. Team highlights were the scrimmages with secondary schools, the crushing win over Fessenden, and the 7th and 8th grader's win over Keene and Merrimack.

Varsity Hockey

Back Row: Mr. Hogan (Coach), P. O'Connell, F. Meyer, R. Miller, L. Peppe, M. Dunn, A. Childs, D. Toretti, T. Korbl, Mr. Funnell (Coach), S. Howard, Mgr. Front Row; Mr. Noel (Coach), J. Burnett, P. Zervas, M. Donoghue, C. Quint, C. Taliercio, Z. Antonucci, S. Donahue, T. Runsamo.


Back Row: Mr. Fenton (Coach), J. Lynch, P. Devine, D. Case, R. Mcllvain, D. Mallory, M. Porcelli, G. Miller, M. Covey, L. Shipman, C. Emerson, J. Decrow, Mr. Pryor (Coach) Front Row: W. Boyce, W. Holland, N. Priess, C. Rivera, A. Rogers, K. Burke, M .Lynch



Back Row: L. Perry, B. Fender, V. Ramos, E. Alford, D. Miller, D. Clark, M. Paquet, Mr. George (Coach) Front Row: Mr. Dyer (Coach), T. Knowles, A. Colina, A. Rogers, J. Berthe, M. Boyce, J. Park, N. Hausman

Varsity Basketball

Back Row: Mr. Manley (Coach), W. Moeller, J. Pyle, J. Bae, W. Colin, B. Moeller, M. Hamme, C. Wilson, Mr. Lynch (Coach) Front Row: P. White, J. Boucakis, K. Hale, A. Weyl, W. Tompkins


J.V. and Reserve Basketball

Back Row: Mr. Ramsdell (Coach), T. Parry, A. Thompson, F. Ford, B. Moeller, B. Roberts, D. Hobson, Mr. Worcester (Coach). Front Row; B. Martinez, R. Delgado, R. Thompson, M. Singletary, L. Ander足 son.

B. Roberts, M. Singletary, B. Martinez, D. Hobson, L. Anderson, Mr. Ramsdell (Coach). Back Row: B. Moeller, A. Thompson, F. Ford, Mr. Worcester (Coach). Front Row: T. Parry, R. Delgado, R. Thompson.


Snowboarding and Wrestling

Back Row: Mr. Squire (Coach), N. Tuck, T. Halbach-Merz. Middle Row; A. Taylor, M. Reilly. Front Row: A. Garrison, D. Clark.

Back Row: Mr. Shackett (Coach), J. Aghravi, J. Parrella, G. Rohman, W. Landers, L. Peple, Mr. Barron (Coach) Front Row: E. Lannon, N. Miller, C. Machado, M. Miro-Quesada


Alpine A Undefeated,and Alpine B

Back Row: W. Foster, C. Payne, R. Weltz, D. Roe, D. Lee, T. Duller. Middle Row; T. Kuromatsu, J. Saunders, Mr. Rives (Coach), Mr. Gartner (Coach), T. Leavitt, E. Cohen. Front Row: C. MacMillan, S. MacMillan, B. Isler, J. Fronton, F. Groff, L. Bonnecaze, F. Dahlberg.

Winter Sports Award Winners Back Row: E. Alford, L. Peple, E. Cohen, J. Boucakis, C. Rivera, C. Taliercio. Front Row: A. Garrison, N. Hausman, A. Keene, E. Martiniz.


Recreational Skiing

Back Row; C. Hank, P. Serrano, R. Araujo, J. Carranza, F. Prados. Front Row: D. Elizando, A. Garcia, J. Guichard, M. Ballesteros, J. Perez.

Back Row: Mr. Hart (Coach), R. Vegas, L. Delgado, P. Luciano, C. Lee. Front Row: P. Machado, L. Escamilla, J. Norris, S. Chippendale, B. Figueras, A. Charney.



Back Row: M. Arrington, S. Suh, P. Cousteau, P. Heenan, ' B. Park, Mr. MacDonald (Coach). Front Row: M. Conrad, T. Bianco, Z. Sos, D. Wallace.

Back Row: R. Thomas, S. Autrey, J. Brown, S. Vertiz, R. Azcarraga. Front Row: Mr. Gray (Coach), M. Fernandez, A. Loudermilk, D. Schwarz, M. DeSelem, A. Garza.



E. Uligh, Mr. Ramos (Coach), A. Keene




Varsity, JV, Reserve


Back Row: J. Marrion (Coach), L. Peppe, R. Miller, J. Lynch, F. Meyer, T. Korbl, Mr. Lynch (Coach) Front Row: W. Tompkins, J. Pyle, J. Boucakis, M. Donoghue, W. Landers, E. Alford

Back Row: Mr. Worcester (Coach), B. Dohn, D. Clark, L. Shipmen, D. Schwarz, E. Lannon, Mr. Chalker (Coach) Front Row: J. Fronton, T. Parry, M. Lynch, A. Garcia

Back Row: Mr. LaFond (Coach), S. Autrey, M. Arrington, M. Paquet, Mr. Manley (Coach) Front Row: A. Geddie, M. Fernandez, B. Martinez, D. Hobson, S. Suh

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Varsity, JV, Reserve

Back Row; Mr. Trau (Coach), Mr. Fenton (Coach), P. O'Connell, K. Hale, M. Porcelli, S. Donahue, D. Case, A. Child, C. Taliercio, C. Emerson, H. McCarty, M. Dunn, Mr. Pryor (Coach) Front Row: D. Miller, W. Holland, I. Depew, P. Heenan, R. M cllvain, C. Quint, J. Berthe, C. Riviera

Back Row; Mr. Funnell (Coach), E. Uhlig, L. Perry, M. Hamme, R. Mallory, A. Rogers, G. Rohn^an, P. Devine, W. Boyce, K. Burke, Mr. Rives (Coach) Front Row; S. McAllister, A. Wooldridge, W. Ford, C. Wilson, L. Peple, B. Frazier, M. Covey


Back Row: Mr. Brier (Coach), M. Singletary, J. Saunders, R. Welts, A. Frazier, F. Ford, M. MiroQuesada, T. Bianco, Mr. Shackett (Coach) Front Row; C. MacMillan, A. Toth, J. Guichard, T. Knowles, D. Heard, N. Miller, S. MacMillan.


Varsity, JV, Rec.

Back Row: Mr. Ramos(Coach), R. Sykes, S. Brash, J. Burnett, J. Carranza, D. Roe, B. Fender, Mr. Haskell (Coach) Front Row: V. Ramos, N. Hausman, J. Perez, M. Reilly, A. Keene, A. Charney


Back Row; Mr. Rozelle (Coach), A. Thompson, J. Lopez, W. Foster, D. Lee, B. Moeller, Z. Sos, Mr. Hart (Coach) Front Row: P. Machado, L. Degwitz, M. Ballesteros, I, R. Azcarraga, J. Luna y Para


Back Row: Mr. Dyer (Coach), B. Thurston, Z. Antonucci, W. Keckley, T. Runsamo, E. Dahlberg, R. Araujo, F. Prados, C. Hank, T. Buller, Mr. McDonald (Coach). Front Row: A. Scott, A. Weeks, N. Priess, J. Priess, H. Caicedo, S. Howard


Track & Rock Climbing

Back Row: Mr. Gray (Coach), W. Collin, C. Payne, W. Moeller, P. Zervas, D. Torretti, S. Vertiz, T. Ohta, J. Aghravi, Mr. Barron (Coach) Front Row: B. Figueras, R. Thompson, P. White,C. Machado, R. Vegas, I. Williams, L. Anderson, R. Delgado


I N. Tuck, M. Covey, Mr. Gartner (Coach), A. Loudermilk, T. Leavitt


Cycling & Sailing

Back Row: Mr. Ramsdell (Coach), C. Moerer, A. Weyl, T. Nickerson, J. Brown, E. Cohen, T. Halbach-Merz, Mr. Hogan (Coach) Front Row: G. Walker, B. Roberts, A. Garrison, M. Boyce, C. Gosselin




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Varsity Baseball W ith a brand new back stop and a red clay pitcher's mound and bases, the red field of dreams was ready for the Varsity baseball team. They went on to have a great season, earning a 14-2 record, defeating such teams as St. Pauls, Holderness, and, most importantly, Eaglebrook. Mr. Lynch, Mr. Marion, and Mr. George were the coaches who gave good pointers and helped to improve each m em ber's game. Winning awards at the end of the season were Evan Alford for Most Improved, Jon Boucakis for Most Valuable, and Matt Donoghue for holding the team together as the catcher.

J.V. Baseball This year's J.V. team was made of determined young men who all loved baseball. Most of their days were filled with enjoyment despite the 1-9 record. Many games were close and different people were able to pitch and try new postions. Winning awards were Steve Suh, Most Im足 proved; Tom Parry, Most Valuable; and Mario Zambrano, Coach's Award. Coaches for this year's J.V. baseball team were Mr. Chalker, Mr. W orcester, and Mr. Robbins.

Reserve Baseball This year's Reserve Baseball had an excellent season! They accomplished their two main goals: to have fun and learn the basic skills of baseball. They had a winning 4-3 record because they stayed together as a team. Mr. LaFond and Mr. Manley had nothing but praise for this young team. Awards witnessed were Brian Martinez, Most Valuable and Sergio Autrey, Coach's Award.

Varsity Lacrosse The perenennially strong lacrosse team had an impressive 10-4 season. They defeated many strong teams, the highlight of the season being the 16-8 victory over Eaglebrook. The coaches found this to be a team of great depth and talent and they presented many awards. Recipients of these awards were Most Improved, new goalie Will Holland; Most Valuable, Chris


Taliercio; and Coach's Award, Peter Heenan. Special recognition was given by trophies to Kip Hale and Chris Quint as offense men, and Russ M cllvain as leading defender.

J.V. Lacrosse J.V. Lacrosse, despite its record of 411, had a good season. Coached by Mr. Funnell and Mr. Rives, the boys improved their skills greatly and were lead on the field by many strong seniors, most noteably Craig Wilson, Lowndes Peple, Richard Mallory, and Greg Rohman. The actions of Lewis Perry in goal helped save many a game and the coaches are looking foward to his progress. Awards given were Most Improved, Will Ford; Most Valuable, Craig Wilson; and Coach's Award, Lewis Perry.

Reserve Lacrosse With the help of Mr. Brier and Mr. Shackett, the Reserve team improved their game and had a great time doing so. Their record of 5-7-1 does not truly represent how hard they worked on the field. Their major triumph was beating teams later in the season who had beaten them earlier. Awards presented were Most Improved, Josh Saunders; Most Valuable, Frank Ford; and Coach's Award, Juan Guichard.

Varsity Tennis The Varsity team had an impressive record of 9-1. Not only was their playing commendable, but their sportsmanship was exemplary. This team was not lead by one big star, but rather by many talented players. Leading the team in experience was Joe Burnett. Also playing well were Juan Perez and Jose Carranza. Mr. Haskell and Mr. Ramos, the coaches, presented awards to Most Improved, Joe Burnett; Coach's Awards, Jose Carranza and Juan Perez.

J.V. Tennis The international tennis team from Mexico, Korea, Venezuela, and the United States made this year's team noteable. Mr. Hart and Mr. Rozelle worked hard to organize the skills of this group and some actually ended

up playing some m atches on the Varsity level. The C oach's Award was presented to Justo Lopez.

Instructional Tennis Thirty-eight students participated in the instructional tennis program, That looks well for the future of tennis at Cardigan. With the early start (no snow upon the return from Spring Vacation) all the tennis teaiu took full advantage of the newly done courts. There were times, however, when the black flies won the matches.

Cycling Team Despite the smaU size of this year's team they were very competitive. They were out on their bikes in all sorts of horrible rainy weather. In meets with other high school teams they placed well, mostly in the "C' division. A final ride of 60 miles through the White Mountains capped off a good season. Coaches' this year were Mr. Noel, Mr. Donahue, and head coach Mr. Fulleij' Coach's Award went to She Shimoda.

Sailing Many students participated in the sailing program and were extrememly competitive. Even though they lost to Brewster ,thera( was exciting up to the last minute. Mr. Ramsdell and Mr. Hogan were this year's coaches. The Most Improved Award went to John Brown and the Coach's Award wen to Tristan Halbach-Merz.

Track This year's track team was unique in many ways. Usually track is a sport of individuals; somehow earl) in the season they became a team. Many underclassmen found success in their events. They had many good runners and jumpers. With such a large underclassmen group, things look good for next year. The final meet at Eaglebrook was a success. Mr. Barron and Mr. Gray gave out the awards: Wilky Colins, Most Improved and Rafael Vegas, Coach's Award.

Emmanuel 1994 Christmas Pageant




T~ 70








C L A S S O F 1995













Sixth and SeventhGrade

Back Row: Mrs. Chalker, Mrs. Rives, C. Gosselin, L. Bonnecaze, S. MacMillian, D. Hobson, M. Fernandez, C. MacMillan, Mr. Pryor, J. Fronton, Mr. Rives. Front Row: J. Guichard, J. Priess, M. DeSellem, J. Perez, E. Dahlberg, A. Garcia.

Back Row: Mr. MacDonald, D. Elizondo, B. Dohn, L. Anderson, A. Geddie Front Row: T. Bianco, M. Boyce, K. Burke, H. Caicedo, R. Azcarraga.


Back Row: Mr. Rozelle, F. Meyer, S. Howard, M. Paquet, T. Knowles Front Row: W. Keckley, M. Lynch, J. Luna y Para, C. Lee, N. Miller

Back Row: Mr. Donahue, V. Ramos, J. Park, D. Schwarz, R. Sykes, B. Roberts Front Row: L Williams, F. Prados, D. Heard, R. Thompson, A. Sadana


Eighth Grade

Back Row: F. Ford, A. Frazier, M. Hamme, W. Foster, C. Hank, P. Luciano, Mr. Trau Middle Row: A. Garrison, E. Lannon, J. Lynch, W. Holland, T. Leavitt, B. Loeb Front Row: B. Figueras, T. Korbl, W. Ford, N. Hausman, A. Keene, J. Lopez, A. Laudermilk, B. Isler

Back Row: J. Bae, W. Colin, F. Cohen, D. Clark, M. Covey, A. Child, C. Emerson, M. Dunn Middle Row: M. Arrington, J. Aghravi, R. Araujo, J. Carranza, S. Autrey, D. Clark, Mr. Ramos Front Row: A. Charney, B. Fender, M. Ballesteros, M. Conrad, L. Degwitz, R. Delgado


Back Row; D. Torretti, P. Serrano, S. Vertiz, A. Wooldridge, Mr. Chalker Middle Row: L. Shipman, A. Thompson, A. Weyl, E. Uhlig, S. Suh, N. Tuck, D. Tick Front Row: J. Saunders, M. Singletary, Z. Sos, R. Vegas, A. Toth, P. White

Back Row: G. Miller, A. Rogers, R. Miller, B. Moeller, L. Perry, L. Peppe, D. Roe Middle Row: Mr. Fenton, P. Machado, P. O'Connell, M. Miro-Quesada, J. Norris, B. Park, T. Nickerson, C. Payne Front Row: C. Machado, N. Priess, B. Martinez, T. Parry, M. Reilly, T. Ohta





Four Year Boys

Chris Rivera, Jim Decrow, Brendon Frazier, Marc Porcelli, Joe Burnett



Evan Steele Alford

W. Zachary Antonucci

Jesse Michael Berthe

Kitchen Head 9; Varsity Football 9; Coach's Award 9; Reserve Hockey 9; Honor Roll 9; N ursing Hom e Club 9.

Varsity A Soccer 9; J.V. Soccer 8; V arsity H ock ey 8,9; V arsity Baseball 8; Floor Leader Banks 9; Greenkey 9; Sports Editor B laze 9; C lass P resid en t 9; School Senate 9; N ational Jun足 ior Honor Society 8,9; K now l足 edge Master 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9,

Varsity Football 9; Varsity Skiing 8; Reserve Hockey 9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9.




Jonathan Elias Boucakis \i School Senate 9; D ay Student odii Leader 9; Varsity Football 8; Captain, M. V.P. 9; Varsity Base足 ball 8,9; Coach's Award 8; Var足 sity B asketball 8,9; Coach's Award 8; National Junior Honor Society 8,9; K now ledge Master 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; Blaze Sports Editor 9.

William John Boyce

Colin C. Brash

Varsity B Soccer 9; J.V. H ockey 8,9; Reserve Lacrosse 8, J.V. Lacrosse 9.

J.V. Tennis 8; Varsity Tennis 9; Skiing 8,9; Reserve Soccer 8, M.V.P.; Varsity B Soccer 9; High Honor Roll 8,9; School Play 9; N ational Junior Honor Society 9; K now ledge Master 8,9; Blaze 9.




Jonathan Brown

Thomas Makato Buller

Jotham Williams Burnett

D inin g Room M onitor 9; Var­ sity Football 9; J.V. Football 8; Rec Skiing 8,9; B aseball 8,9; Honor Roll 9.

D inin g Room M onitor 9; Soccer 7,8; Rocks and Ropes 9; Skiing 7,8,9; Tennis 7,8,9; Honor Roll 7,8; Christmas Pagent 7.

F loor L eader French II; Chaplain's Assistant 8; Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 7; Varsity Soccer 9; Varsity Hockey 9; J.V. H ockey 8; Varsity Tennis 9; H igh Honor Roll 6,7,8,9; History Award 8.


. i,. „ ,



Douglas Campbell Case

™ Floor Leader Franklin H ouse 9; Student G o v ern m en t V ic e ™' President 9; Varsity Football 9; Captain, Coach's Award 9; J.V. tI* Hockey Captain 9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; J.V. Football 8; Res. Hockey 7; Res. Lacrosse 7; Honor Roll 9; School Play 9; Blaze 9.

Shawn Chippendale Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9; Yearbook 9; J.V. Football 9; Honor Roll 9; Shop Credit 9; Law Club 9; Stock Market Club 8; Rec Skiing 8,9; Rec Tennis 8,9.

Philippe Cousteau Floor Leader French I, Wilderness 8,9; Rec Skiing 8,9; Tennis 8,9; Honor Roll 8; H igh Honor R oll 9; K now ledge Master 9; School Play 8,9; Blaze 8,9.



James Eris Decrow Floor Leader Proctor H ouse 9; Varsity Football 8,9; J.V. Hockey 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9; Nursing Hom e Club.


Ian Scott Depew Varsity B Soccer 9; J.V Lacrosse 8; D in in g R oom M onitor 9; School Play 8,9; Narrator Christmas Pageant 9.

Patrick Devine

Varsity Soccer Manager 9; J.V. >>*! H ockey 9; School Play 9; Honor ÂŤi> R oll 9; J.V. Lacrosse 9. ÂŽ



Sean Patrick Donahue

naÂťfl'Varsity F o o tb a ll, C a p ta in , 'lavHi! Coach's A w ard 9; V a r sity lefl Hockey 9; Honor R oll 9; StudentTutor9.

Matthew J. Donoghue Floor Leader Clark Morgan II; V a rsity Soccer 8,9; V a rsity H ockey 8,9; Varsity Baseball 8,9; Green Key Society 9; School Senate 9; Co-editor of Blaze 9; G lee Club 8,9; Honor R oll 8,9; Graduation Usher 8.

Brendan Joseph Frazier Varsity Football 9; J.V. Football 6,7,8; J.V. Ski Team 6,7,8,9; Reserve Lacrosse 6,7,8; J.V. Lacrosse 9; Honor Roll 9; Junior Scholastic Art Award 9; School Play 8; G lee Club 6.



Alfonso Garza

Devin Geraghty

Kitchen Crew Head 9; Honor R oll 9; Rocks and Ropes 9; J.V. Soccer 9; Tennis 9; Art Club.

Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 7; Kitchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Football 9; Reserve B, Soccer 6,7; Reserve Lacrosse 7; Rec Ski足 ing 6,7,9; Honor Roll 6,9; Glee Club 6.


Tristan Halbach-Merz Rock C lim bing 9; Snowboarding 8,9.


Christopher Hale

Peter Heenan

David J. Henry

Floor L eader G r e e n w o o d House; Honor Roll 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse8,9; Varsity Basketball 8,9; Varsity A Soccer 9; Peer Tutor 9; Blaze 9.

School Leader 9; Blaze Co-Editor 9; Green Key 9; N ational Jr. Honor Society 8,9; Varsity Footb a ll 8,9; C a p ta in , C oach 's Award; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Christmas Pageant 9; Latin Prize 8; N ational Latin Exam Summa Cum Laude; H igh Honor Roll 8,9; O utstanding U nderclass足 man 8; Chairman of the Senate 9.

A nnouncem ent Courrier 9; J.V. Basketball 9; J.V. Football 9; J.V. Tennis 9; Honor Roll 8; W eight Lifting Club.



Eric Hilberg

Yegor Kirin

Tomonari Kuromatsu

Reserve Soccer 8; Varsity B.Soccer 9; Rec Skiing 8,9; Reserve Baseball 8,9; Honor R oll 8,9; K now ledge M aster 8,9; G lee Club 9.

Honor Roll 9; Varsity B. Soccer 9; Sw im m ing and Horseback R iding Clubs.

D inin g Room M onitor 9; Class足 room Supervisor 8; Varsity Soc足 cer 9; J.V. Soccer 8; J.V. Alpine Ski Team 8; J.V. Lacrosse 8; K now ledge Master 8.



Wrenn Landers ltd Varsity A Soccer 9; V arsity Wrestling 9; Brewster II Floor Leader 9; Green Key 9. Id s

Dong-Yeun Lee

Richard Mallory

Floor Leader Hinm an II; Rec Skiin g 8,9; T ennis 8,9; H igh Honor Roll 8,9; G lee Club 8,9; K now ledge Master 8.

Stoddard Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9; Res Lacrosse 8; J.V. Football 8; J.V. W restling 8; Varsity Football 9; J.V. H ockey 9; Honor Roll 9.



Scott McAllister

Henning McCarty

Varsity Football 9; Rec Skiing 9; Baseball 9; G lee Club 9; School

Chaplain's A ssistant 9; J.V. Lacrosse; Captain 8; Ski Team 8,9; Soccer 8,9; H onor R oll 8,9; K now ledge Master 8.

^ 9


Russell Mcllvain

Floor Leader Brewster I; School 速 Senate 9; Green Key 9; Varsity * Soccer 8,9; J.V. Hockey 9; Var- ^ sity Lacrosse 8,9.


Duncan Miller

William Moeller

Varsity B Soccer 9; C oach's Honor Roll 8,9; MVP J.V. BasAward; Reserve H ockey 9; Peer ketball 8; MVP J.V. Football 8; Tutor 9; Trap Shooting Club 9; MVP Reserve Lacrosse 8; VarGreen Key 9. sity Football 9; Varsity Basketball 9; N ursing Hom e Club 8.

Cody Moerer Stoddard C lassroom Cleaner Supervisor 9; Varsity Football 9; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Sailing Team 8,9; Honor Roll 9.


'\ Yi A/'i

P 103


Nicholas Nikitakis

Jonathan Parrella

Peer Tutor 9; Varsity Football 9; Rec Skiing 9; Christmas Pageant 9.

C om p u ter E d itor B la ze 9; H opkins II Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9; Varsity B Soccer 9; Cycling 8,9; W restling 9; Nordie Skiing 8; Rocks and Ropes 8; Honor Roll 8.

W. Lowndes Peple Floor Leader Hinman I; Varsity W restling 8,9, Captain 9; Soccer 8,9; Lacrosse 8,9; Trapshooting 8,9.


i ife â– t #




Marc Porcelli

Jay Pyle

Christian Quint

Floor Leader Clark Morgan III; Class Vice President 6,7; Class President 8; Class Treasurer 9; Written Expression Award 6,7; Environmental Supervisor 8; Varsity Football 8,9; J.V. Hockey (Captain) 8,9; J.V. Lacrosse 8; Lacrosse 9; Honor Roll 7,9; Nurs足 ing Home and Blaze Clubs 9; Scholastic Art Award Honor足 able M ention 9; School Senate 8

Kitchen Crew Head 9; Green K ey9; Varsity Soccer 9; Varsity Basketball 9.

Job Foreman 9; School Senate 9; Green Key 9; Varsity Soccer 7,8,9, MVP 9; Varsity Hockey 7,8,9, Captain 9; Varsity Base足 b all 7; V arsity Lacrosse 8,9; Honor Roll 9; Blaze 9; K now l足 edge Master 8.



Anthony Ragno

Christopher Rivera

Chaplain's A ssistant 9; Varsity B Soccer 9; J.V. Basketball 7; Rec. Skiing 8,9; Rec Tennis 7,8,9; Honor R oll 7,8,9; G lee Club 7.

Floor Leader Stow ell H ouse 9; Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 6,8; Lost and Found Crew Head 7; J.V. Football 6,7,8, Captain 7; Varsity Football 9; J.V. H ockey 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, MIP 8; Honor R oll 6,7,9; K now ledge Master 8; School Play 6,9; Nurs足 ing Hom e Club 9.


Gregory Rohman H inm an A uditorium Cleaner lei Supervisor 9; Varsity B Soccer 9; Varsity W restling 8,9, Inner il C ircle 9, V arsity Captain 9; W restling Coach's Award 8; Lacrosse 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; K now ledge Master 8,9; Math A w ard 8; G le e C lub 8,9; Acappella Club 9; Blaze 9.


Tommi Runsamo

Qst Kitchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Soccer 9; V arsity H ock ey 9; Honor Roll 9. Jt™ inis

Jesse Schwamb

Andrew Scott

Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9; Reserve Soccer Captain 8, Coach's Award; Varsity B Soccer 9; Skiing 9; K now ledge Master 8,9; H igh Honor Roll 8,9; Blaze 9; N ational Junior Honor Society.

J.V. Football 9; Rec Skiing 9; Honor Roll 9.

llM; :el



Joshua Scott

Shohei Shimoda

Christopher Taliercio

J.V. Basketball 8,9; Varsity B Soccer 9; J.V. B a seb a ll 8,9; K now ledge Master 8.

Kitchen Crew Head 9; Varsity Soccer 9; Varsity Ski Team 9; Honor Roll 9.

G reen K ey Society 9; Cross Country 9; Varsity Hockey Captain 9; Honor Roll 9.






C. Russell Thomas Cl Rocks and Ropes7,8,9; Rec Ski.jC jj, ing 7,8,9; A udio V isual A ssistant 8,9; K now ledge Master 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9.

Benjamin Ihurston

William Tompkins

V arsity F ootb all 9; R eserve H ockey 8; Reserve T ennis 8; Blaze Computer Staff 9; D inin g Room M onitor 9; K now ledge Master 8,9; M athcounts 8; Span足 ish Award 8; H igh Honor Roll 8,9.

D inin g Hall Supervisor 9; Vargity B Soccer M.V.P. 9;Varsity Basketball 9; J.V. Basketball 8; Glee Club 9.



George Walker

W. Andrews Weeks

Craig Wilson

Rec Skiing 8,9; Reserve Base足 ball 8,9; Honor Roll 9.

Salad Bar Supervisor 9; Class Secretary 9; Reserve Hockey 8,9; Varsity B Soccer 9; Honor Roll 9.

D inin g Room Monitor 9; Var足 sity Soccer 8,9; Varsity Basket足 ball 9; J.V. Lacrosse, Captain 9; J.V. Basketball 8; J.V. Skiing 7; Reserve Baseball 7; J.V. Tennis 8; K now ledge Master 8,9.



Mario Zambrano i\' Kitchen Head 9; Intramurals 9;

ffe Horseback and Sailing Club 9.

Pablo Zervas Varsity Soccer 8,9; J.V. Soccer 7; J.V. H ockey 8; Varsity Hockey 9; J.V. Lacrosse 7; Varsity Track 8,9; Floor Leader Hayward 9; Green Key 8,9; Class Secretary 8.






■ 4'


1■1li' »V *■





THE SKIBISKI MEMORIAL AWARD This aw ard is to be given as a me­ morial of Michael R. Skibiski to that m ember of the senior class who has shown the greatest progress d u r­ ing the year.

Pablo Abram Zervas

THE FACULTY PRIZE Everyone who has worked with this student recognizes that his pres­ ence lends levity to even the most m undane tasks. Regardless of what he tackles, his enthusiasm and m ar­ velous sense of hum or are omni­ present. His helpfulness as a class officer, his genuine concern for oth­ ers, and his ever-present smile are unique and merit special recogni­ tion through his Faculty Prize.

William Andrew Weeks 116

Aw a r d s

THE NORMAN AND BEVERLY WAKELY PRIZE Given by the class of 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion of his classmates, best upholds the tradi­ tion, spirit and pride of Cardigan Mountain School, thus making ev­ ery day "a beautiful day in New Hampshire." THE FOUNDERS' PRIZE A w arded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the diffi­ c u ltie s e n c o u n te re d , w ith o u t thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinm an of Car­ digan M ountain School.

William Zachary Antonucci

THE HINM AN PRIZE A prize given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member of the school who, in the opinion of the faculty, by indus­ trious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and in­ tegrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of m anhood as conceived in the m inds of the founders of Cardi­ gan M ountain School. SENIOR PRIZE To the member of the senior class w ith the highest academic stand­ ing.

Christopher Michael Taliercio


THE FACULTY PRIZE For his unique contribution in help­ ing other students from his native country im prove their language skills and to make the desired ad­ justment to life at Cardigan and to life in American culture in general. For his unselfish and caring atti­ tude - m any times putting aside personal interests to help others as in terp reter, p eer, m en to r, an d friend. T his F a cu lty P rize is awarded to a true am bassador for his native Korea and his school.

Dong Yeun Lee


THE PANNACI AWARD This aw ard is to be given annually by the Class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the senior class, who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership, and general social and spiritual adjustment.

THE WILLIAM KNAPP MORRISON AWARD Given to the student who, in the opinion of the students, best exem­ plifies the spirit of Willie Morrison in academics, athletics, and as a cam­ pus citizen. THE CALDWELL PRIZE To the boy who has shown out­ standing athletic achievement and good sportsmanship.

Jonathan Elias Boucakis

THE FACULTY PRIZE For his unselfish attitude and sin­ cere demeanor, for serving as an exemplary m odel for others to fol­ low, for his personal quest for excel­ lence at Cardigan, and for his gift of friendship to all, this faculty prize is aw arded to school leader,

Peter Williams Heenan THE ADDISON MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR CREATIVE WRITING Given to the student who has dem ­ onstrated the most potential in the area of creative writing.

Jesse David Schwamb 117








Many thanks to the Seniors o n S p the Blaze staff, ^ Advisors - Mr. and Mrs. Small 118


Dr, le



SPONSORS Ms. Juana G. Anderson (Lionel) Bob and Elise Berthe Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett Tina Chiang Carmen Cintron Betty J. Dahlberg Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Facarile Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffith Pam Harrington Crawford H. Hinman

Loren McGean Mrs. Eldon Mueller Andrew B. Noel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paquet Mrs. W. Lowndes Peple, Jr. Winthrop Walker Piper Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Rand Judy Ribeiro Mr. and Mrs. A. David Schwarz III Will Tompkin's Grandmother Woody thanks his walkers! (Neil Brier)

SUBSCRIBERS Mary H. Antonucci Philip and Barbara Miller (Robert '96) Kumiko Duller Northeast Food Service Equipment Robert Chartener '73 Mr. and Mrs. Y. Ohta Elizabeth and Anthony Child Mr. and Mrs. Parrella Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins B. Peter and Beverly Rohman and Mrs. R. G. Depew Robert D. and Thurza H. Small Juan M. Steta E)r. and Mrs. Cameron K. Dewar Susan and Otey Walker The Frazier Family (N.J.) Walter and Renee Wilson Emmy and Rick Hausman Kathy and Dean Yack (Russell F. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. G. E. & M. M. Williams Ralph and Corita McAllister


BOOSTERS Robert and Cathy Alford Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brown Charles and Catriona Case Ellen Charney Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Dohn, Jr. Roger and Patti Emerson Eric and the Hilberg Family Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Landers Sean Ku Lee (Don Lee) Jose Luna y Para Carlos Machado Michael McGean Paul H. Park Jay Pyle Georgeanne Thomas Helen M. Vaurick David G. Zambrano V.



PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Autrey The Bae Family Manuel F. Ballesteros Mr. and Mrs. Hernando Caicedo Henry B. duPont IV Mr. and Mrs. Savage Frieze, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gillette Neal Groff Family Nancy, Tom, and Mark Hale Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Heenan Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Knowles The Loudermilk Family Pablo Machado Thurman and Iris McGaugh Howard M. Miller Poohdie and Lewis Miller Yong Woo Park Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Williams, Jr. 121


Congratulations The Squad and Class, 1995

The Porcelli Family J

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Congratulations Gregory! We Love You! Best Wishes to the Class of 1995! "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" The Rohmans Peter, Beverly, Abigail, and Andrew

Best Wishes to the Class of 1995 The Hobson Family 123

Tom Gleason

Holly Walker

Congratulations Craig We’re really proud of you!

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Shohei, Congratulations I> *

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Congratulations Class of 1995 We wish you all a future filled with happiness & Success


Kikuo Shimoda Michiko MoMoko Mariko



The Case Family /n

44 111111?^

Congratulations Toma

ji;-[ f;:il i

and to the Class of 1995 From the Kuromatsu Family

Congratulations to the Class of 1995 J /


N ot!!! Best wishes to the class of ‘95.


Senior Directory Evan Alford 1320 Octavia Street N ew Orleans, LA 70115 St. Martin's Episcopal School

Ian Dpew 662 Santa Maria Lane Davidsonville, MD 21035 Virginia Episcopal School

Yegor Kirin Orbita 3 ,3 Apt. 20 480123 Kazakhstan Lawrence Academy

Zachary Antonucci P.O. B o x ll2 , Rt. 109 Melvin Village, NH 03850 Holderness School

Patrick Devine RRl, Box 199 Littleton, N H 03561 Littleton High School

Tomonari Kuromatsu 53 Camp Avenue Darien, CT 06820 Berkshire School

Jesse Berthe 163 Cottage Street Monroe, CT 06468 Pomfret School

Sean Donahue 12 Plains Road Ipswich, MA 01938 Tabor Academy

Wrenn Landers 4973 Wesleyan W oods Drive Macon, GA 31210 Woodberry Forest School

Jonathan Boucakis RR 2, Box 83B Canaan, N H 03741 Loomis Chaffee

Matthew Donoghue lOVillage Circile Mendham, NJ 07954 South Kent School

Dong Yeun Lee C Apt. 1-1307, Daichi 1-dong, Kangnam-ku, iSeoul 135-281, S. Korea 0 G Brooks School

Wilham Boyce 107 Crafts Road Chestnut Hill, MA 02059 Tabor Academy

Brendan Frazier RRl, Rox 50D Canaan, N H 03741 Undecided

Richard Mallory 17 Magnolia Parkway Chevy Chase, MD 21161 St. Mark's School

(Sandy )Colin Brash c /o James Crowell, RRl, Box 8 Canaan St, Canaan, N H 03741 Middlesex School

Alfonso Garza 1226, Lomas de Valle Garza Garcia, NL 66256, Mexico Irish Institute

Scott McAllister 355 Main Street Gorham, N H 03581 Brewster Academy

Jonathan Brown P.O. Box N.431 Nassau, Bahamas Avon Old Farms School

Tristan Halbach-Merz 268 Connecticut Avenue Spartanburg, SC 29302 Spartanburg High School

Henning McCarty 2717 McComas Road White Hall, MD 21161 Salisbury School

Thomas Buller 107 Harriman Road Irvington, NY 10533 Brooks School

Christopher Hale 930 Humboldt Street Denver, Co 80218 Pomfret School

Russell Mcllvain 820 Merion Square Road Gladwyne, PA 19035 Holderness School

Jotham Burnett Cardigan Mountain School RR2, Box 58, Canaan, NH 03741 Groton School

Peter Heenan 1530 N. State Parkway Chicago, II 60610 Deerfield Academy

Duncan Miller Appleton Manor N ew Ipswich, N H 03071 D eerfield A ca d e m y

Douglas Case P.O. Box 1083 N. Marshfield, MA 02059 Tabor Academy

David Henry 8 College Hill Hanover, N H 03755 Darlington School

William Moeller P.O. Box 6 Plainfield, N H 03781 South Kent School

Shawn Chippendale P.O. Box 11116 Telluride, CO 81455 Undecided

Eric Hilberg 58 Shore Drive Laconia, NH 03246 Deerfield Academy

Carl Moerer 12022 W inwood Houston, TX 77024 Undecided



( E


&e jii




Jonathan Parrella 40 Kellogg Hill Road Weston, CT 06883 Blair Acaden:\y

Chistopher Taliercio 5 Perdue Road Edison, NJ 08820 St. Paul's School

W. Lowndes Peple 5910 York Road Richmond, VA 23226 Christ School

C. Russell Thomas 74333 Birch Bend Covinton, LA 70433 St. Paul's School, LA

Marc Porcelli RRl, Box 67 Canaan, NH 03741 Tabor Academy

Benjamin Thurston P.O. Box 786 Auburndale, FL 33823 Taft School

Jay Pyle 1125 Andora Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33146 Episcopal High School

William Tompkins 387 Kinckerbocker Road Irvington, NY 10533 Blair Academy

Christian Quint 13 Littlehale Road Durham, N H 03824 Governor Dummer

George Walker 316 Watercress Drive Franklin, TN 37064 Undecided

A. Trey Ragno 75 Starview Drive Malakoff,TX 75148 Pomfret School

William Weeks 25 Gregory Street Marblehead, MA 01945 Lawrence Academy

Christopher Rivera 23 E. 109 th Street, #1 N ew York, NY 10029 Northfield Mount Hermon School

Craig Wilson 9723 Beman Woods Way Potomac, MD 20854 Kent School

Gregory Rohman 536 E. Front Street Perrysburg, OH 43551 Western Reserve Academy

Mario Zambrano Hidalgo #1539 PTE. Monterrey, NL Mexico, CP 64010, Mexico Technoligica de Monterrey

Tommi Runsamo Olkkolantie #3 Hyvinkaa 05830, Finland Vehkojan Lukio

Pablo Zervas HRl Box 61, W oods Road Greenwood Lake, NY 10925 Brooks School

Jesse Schwamb RRl, Box 76A Canaan, N H 03741 Mascoma High School Andrew Scott 1111 Herman Drive, # 7B Houston, TX 77004 Fountain Valley School Shohei Shimoda 1255 Takada, Nagano-shi Nagano 381, Japan Gould Academy



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