The Blaze - 2003

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The Blaze Cardigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive Canaan, NH 03741 To Cardigan our favored school by nature's gifts benign, we raise our song of thankfulness for beauty which is thine: For w inter's snow, for afterglow w hen day fades into dreams of goals toward which we all will strive . ..

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Augere Virtutem—Dirigere Mentem


Cardigan Mountain School

Cardigan Mountain School seeks to educate adolescent boys in mind, body, and spirit in a small residential commu足 nity that values each student in its care. The school was founded in the Judeo-Christian tradition that welcomes boys of all religious faiths. It emphasizes respect and re足 sponsibility, values effort and rewards accomplishment. It helps each boy realize his academic and personal poten足 tial.

Table of Contents Dedication Faculty Dorms Fall Winter Spring Class of 2003 Graduation

6 7 16 34 48 80 122 154

Headmaster Dr. Dewar & Mrs. Dewar

School Leader Mack O'Connell


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Clockwise from top left: At Thursday clubs. Induction to National Junior Honor Society, With the cast of The Odd Couple, With Tom Stein at Lacrosse.

The Class of 2003 dedicates the Blaze to

Allan Kreuzburg Mr. Kreuzburg, the Class of 2003 enthusiastically thanks you for your constant support and selflessness You are known throughout the student body as one of the most demanding, yet most caring adults on campus. Whether helping students prepare for a practical, working and sweating with the wrestling team, running a tight ship in Franklin House, or roaming the campus to ensure that the dorms are running smoothly, you have always given of yourself for the betterment of this community. Students recognize that each time you ask them to give a little more or try a little harder, you are really helping each and everyone of them to become a better person. Seniors overwhelmingly voted to dedicate the 2003 Blaze to you. When asked why, they said: "He is a great dorm parent, teacher and friend." "He lives for Cardigan!" "Even though he is very tough, he is very fair, and this is something to admire." "He dedicates a large amount of his time to Cardigan in the classroom, at sports, with recycling and witl enforcing the rules." "He was the best teacher in my Cardigan career." "Mr. K is my favorite teacher because he lives and breathes Cardigan and he cares about what I do with my life."

Faculty Joel, Lydia, Liam & Anja Harms

Chris Kenny Dorm: French 1. Academics: 9th En­ glish, Writing Lab Coordinator. Sports: Wilderness, Alpine Skiing.

•orm: Brewster 2. Acadmics: 6th, 8th Math. Sports: Cross Country, Snowboarding, Sailing. 4rs. Harms: LLL

Peter Alexander Dorm: Banks House Academics: RSS, LLL Sports: Soccer, Skiing, Track.

Alex, Liz, Emery and Seth Gray Dorm: Banks House Dean of Students, 8th English. Sports: Skiing, Lacrosse.

Susan Funnell Academics: French Medical Trips

Carl, Cari, Ben, Matt, and Nick Lovejoy Mr. Lovejoy: Assistant Headmaster for External Affairs Mrs. Lovejoy: School Store Manager

Jamie, Margaret, Sam and Nicky , Funnell Assistant/Head足 master, if ean of Faculty, Director of Secondary School Place足 ment Academics: 8th Science; Ddrih: North; Extras: * JV Lacrosse

Nick Creach Academics: Life Skills Dorm: Clark Morgan 2 Sports: Varsity Football, Varsity'Basketball, JV Baseball

Wim Hart Dean of Rock n Roll Academics: 8th, 9tb English Dorm: Greenwood Sports: Rec Skiing, JV Tennis

Eddie, Fe, RamtJn, Vidal Ramos Head of M ath Department Academics: 8th, 9th Math, Spanish Dorm: Greenwood Sports: Cross-Country Skiijig,'Varsity TerSiis

Matt and Jess Peer m

Mr Peer: History Dorm: Brewster 1 Sports: JV Football, JV Hockey,Varsity Lacrosse Mrs. Peer: English, RSS, Math. Dorm: Clark Morgan 3 Sports: Soccer, Tennis

Brad Edwards Academics: Spanish Sports: Reserve Football, Snowboarding, Track and Field

Rick, Mary, Elizabeth and Joey Exton Head of Foreign Lan­ guage. Academics: French. Dorm: Stowell. Sports; JV feccer. Res. ‘ ^^crosse,.^c. Skiing

Ryan Siiiclair Academics: French, ■ ■ ■6th Science Dorm :QarkM organ 3Sports: Res. Soccer, Res. Hockey, Wil­ derness

Nick Lynch Head of History Academics: 7th,'9th History Sports Varsity Foot­ ball, Varsity Basket­ ball, Varsity Basebalk

Steve, Meredith, Andrew, ■ Brooks and Tucker Wallace Mrs. Wallace: 8th Science I Mr. Wallace: Director of Studies, 8th Sdence*

Allan, Amy, JR and Ethaii Kreuzbit^ AcadcmiC'S: 8th, 9th, Science' ^ ..' Dorm: Franklin Sports: Reserve Football, Wrestling, Varsity Lacrosse

Steve, Louisa and Maddie Ledbetter Academics: Head of Music Glee-CluB, Chamber Choir >^ Dormj.Hay ward Mrs. Ledbetter: LLL

C%is Jenkins Aca detnics:-Latin Dorm: French 1, Sports: JV Football, JV Basketball, Res Baseball

Brock, Jertna, Gabby, Lissa, Maggie Dunn Acaderhics: Life Skills, Science. Dorin :North. Sports: JV, Football, Varsity Hockey

Jesse^b iim f^ Academics: 8th, 9m ScienceDorm: Hmman 1 Sports: Va|'sity Soccer, JV Hockey, JV Lacrbsse

Jim Trusiow Director of Alumni Affairs Director of Summer Session . Dorm: South

II A Jeff iMscoll

Phil and Cindy Blood

lis is ta n t Director of Admissions, 7th History. Dorm: South. Sports; Varsity Tennis

Mr. Blood: Assistant Director . of Admissions, 7th English, Dorm: Greenwood, Sports: Varsity Hockey, Varsity Baseball. Mrs. Blood: Math, Dorm: French 2, Sports: Res. Baseball.

Rev. Cameron Coe Michael Ahem


Academics: 7th, 8th, 9th History. Dorm: Brewster 1, Sports: Reserve Soccer,JV Bas足 ketball, JV Baseball

Chaplain Dorm: Banks House Sports: Reserve Football, Reserve Basketball

Paul> Maura^ Nathaniel and Charlotte MacKenzie


Dorm: French 2 Mrs. MacKenzie:Math Lab Mr. MacKenzie: 8th His­ tory, 8th English- Sports: R eS;^ 0Ccer, RefJ Hockey, "^Res. Baseball.

ennifer Janeway RSS, LLL, Assistant Director of Admissions, Writing Lab.

Justin Minihane . Spanish, W riting Lab,

Aaron Townshend •AcaHemics: ' 7th Science, RSS Dorm'; Franklin Sports: Wildefrtess, Wrestling

James Marrion Director of Athletics -9 th Math Varsity Football, Reserve ’ . Basketball, Varsity Baseball -

m r


John D'Entremont Academics: 6th, 8th History V 8th RSS. , DormrHinman 1 Sports:Reserve Hockey,Rec. Tennis Alumni Coordinator

Josh LeRoy - Academics: 8th, 9th Math. Dorm: Brewster 2 Sports: Varsity Football, Varsity Hockey, JV Baseball u

Ryan, Christine, Nolan and Cormac Feeley Mrs. Feeley: LLL Mr. Feeley: Academics: 7th, 8th English Dorm; Hinman 2 Sports: JV Football, Reserve Basketball Blaze Ad visor

Kyle Cole Academics: 6th English, RSS, Inte足 grated Studies Dorm: Hayward Sports: Reserve Soccer, Rec Skiing, Rec Tennis

Kathy Scanlan Head of Language Learning Lab Head of Reading and Study Skills

Peter Tufts Academics: 7th, 8th Math Dorm: Stowell Sports: Reserve Soccer, Varsity Hockey, Reserve Lacrosse

J. Dudley Clark 7tlv 9th Ivlath, Math Lab Reserve Hockey Referee for Soccer, Hockey and Lacrosse

Pat lacuzzi Librarian LLL 12

David Auerbach Head of Science, 7th, 9th Science. Dorm: South. Sports: Sailing

Chris, Tammy, Erin and Ryan . Seldomridge Assistant Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, Life Skills. ' Dorm: C la rli^ o rg a n 2

Mary Mendelsohn Academics: Head of Englisb, 8th, 9th English Dorm: North Drama Department tioad

Patricia Franz Language Learning ' Lab

Randy MacDonald Director of Educational Technology Academics: Computer Science Dorm: Hinm aa 2

Susan Rives Head of Art Department Ac'ademics: Dravving, Painting, Printmaking & Cerairfies . ' tt— ^

Mike Fitzgerald Director of Student Activities 8th, 9th History Dorm: Clark-Morgan 3 Sports: Reserve Football, JV Hockey


Jim Scott Wood working Dorm: French 2. Sports: Reserve Football, Rec Skiing, Reserve Tennis ‘ T'3

Rich Ryerson Director of Admissions

Joe McHugh, Jill Cavalieri & Judy Ribeiro Business Office

]oe & Ginny Collins Friends of Cardigan

Karen Colburn Headmaster's Assistant

Dave Hagerman Capital Campaign Director

Rev. Hal Finkbiner Organist

Stephanie Ferland School Receptionist Travel Coordinator

Audie Armstrong Administrative Assistant

Stephanie Pluhar, Rosalind Burke, Pat White Nursing Staff

Mike Eastman Athletic Equipment Manager

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Housekeeping & Maintenance

Hank Evans, Nick Capron, Rex Brown, Lisa Barton, Freda Grace, Dot Kendall, Leroy Coutermarsh, Tim Jennings, Jeff Clifford, Lisa Collins, Pat Morse, Rose Gardner, Elenor Weller, Steve Rose, John Webster, Terry McCarthy, Tim Leary.


Keary Morse, George Jones, Rick Kahn, Charlene Swainamer, Big A1 Canada, Bob Spano, Marrian Rogers. 15

Hinman 1 Floor Leader: Andrew Peters. Dorm Parents: Mr. Coburn, Mr. D'Entemont. Ki-Bum Lee, Sung-Oh Bang, Andrew Fenn, Diego Benitez, Jorge Gonzalez, Peter O'Connor, Adam Rice, Mauricio Bay, Eduardo Vazquez, Hien Miller.

Hinman 2 Floor Leader: Ian Ryan Dorm Parents: Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Feeley Griffin Drescher, Devin Cowette, Justin FlessaLaRoche, Alex Cook, Rob Chagnon, Ben Meyer, Sak Hong, Ryan Thompson, Will足 iam Voigt, Caleb Gilder, Arturo Ruffin

Hayward Floor Leader: Bobby Jangro. Dorm Parents: Dr. Ledbetter, Mr. Cole. Tom Vail, Simeon Brown, Jake Groen, Peter Russell, Mauricio Farias, Fady Charbel, YoungMin Kim, Aaron Roy, Eubene Sa, Henri Vihavinen, Will Davis, Clemente Reyes-Retana.


French 1 Floor Leader: Ian McAllister. Dorm Parents: Mr. Kenny, Mr. Jenkins. Glenn Ozburn, Adam Boardman, Curtis Lin, Matt Lovejoy, Tom McNamara, Hector Covarubias, Manny Castillo, Andrew Jankowski, Hyun-Suk Lim, Kendrick James, John Bello, Sam Thomason.

French 2 loor Leader: Chris Young. )orm Parents: Mr. MacKenzie, /Irs. Blood, Mr. Scott, ireg Jones, Jimmy Dirkes, Eric )'adarrio, David Lane, MG Ihoi, Andres Castillo, Jesus "orres, Ellis Berner, Jimmy ’unnell, Sam Sultan, Orson Vebber-McCollaum, Billy Shin.

North Floor Leader: Chris Howe. Dorm Parents: Mrs. Mendelsohn, Mr. Funnell, Mr. Dunn. Ian Brennick, Guillermo Menendez, Juan Alamo, Nick John, Nick Ceccolini, Mark Moon, Jesus Florke, Blaine McCaleb, Luis Veluntini.


South Floor Leader: Alexis Zambrano. Dorm Parents: Mr. Auerbach, Mr. Truslow, Mr. Driscoll. Rodrigo Helmeyer, Jon Byington, Joseph Suh, Luke Fairchild, James Park, Courtney Lockwood, Javier Sepulveda, Taiga Koda, Matt Mainshein, Miguel Velasco, Hatcher Perry.

Brewster 1 Floor Leader: Steve Silva. Dorm Parents: Mr. Ahern, Mr. Peer. Sean Coughlin, Crawford Hamilton, Mack O'Connell, Federico Fernandez, Grant Tucker, Andrew Marks, Cyrus Weyant, Chris Brown, Vicente Aspe, DJ Penick, Andrew Hong, Andrew Fenstermaker, Mike Walsh.

Brewster 2 Floor Leader: Richard Ryu. Dorm Parents: Mr. Harms, Mr. LeRoy. Jack Callendar, Daniel Krieger, Jan Meyer, Brian Rhee, Paul Sharma, Billy Bosch, David Williams, Sam Schneidman, Ho Chan Lee, Sebastien PerezVargas, Eiichiro Takinami, Nick Barusso, Ryan Donovan.


Franklin Floor Leader: Mike Bentwood. Dorm Parents: Mr. Kreuzburg, Mr. Townshend. Chuba Perez-Maldonado, Jun Sung Kim, Warren Garceau, John Ackerman, Mark Vincent, Aaron Fetto, David Meyer.

Banks Floor Leader: Andres Marcos. Dorm Parents: Mr. Gray, VIr.Alexander, Rev. Coe. Dexter El-Saieh, James Williamson, Harrison Taylor, famie Nitze, Jared Garceau.

Greenwood Floor Leader: David Grey. Dorm Parents: Mr. Ramos, Mr. Hart, Mr. Blood. Enrique Gonzalez, Kwan-Yi Lee, Colin Mixter, Austin Lee.



Floor Leader: Jorge Garcia. Dorm Parents: Mr. Exton, Mr. Tufts. Julian Baek, Kyle W ebster, John Dehm, Sean M ann, Mike M arsal, Tom Stein.

Clark-Morgan 2 Floor Leader: Maurice Stewart. Dorm Parents; Mr. Creach, Mr. Sinclair. Mike Lee, Marc Peeler, Tyler Creed, Anthony Farrar, Alejo Fortique, Jim Little, Monty Zimmerman.

Clark-Morgan 3 Floor Leader: Malcolm Boyd. Dorm Parents: Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Seldom ridge, Mrs. Peer. Mike Orleans, John LeClerc, Erick Bachoff, Madison Lamar, Casey Barber, Zach Zimmerman.



It was a cold and windy day. The sunshine and french fries helped to keep us warm. A good time was had by all. Fried dough anyone?

H ien M iller laughs in the face of a challenge!

H u ng ry C o lin h an g in g around D evin and R obby in hopes of get足 ting som e fried dough



The ferris wheel

M rs. M ackenzie and Mrs. Feeley riding the kiddie ride




D ay, The 9th grade cUmbed Mt. Osceola. The 8th grade climbed Mt. Tecumseh. The 6th and 7th grade climbed W elch-Dickie trail.


Julian Baek. W e won’t forget you!


Mrs. Blood? Is that you?

w E E N 26

President Fenstermaker?


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The Knights at their rectangular table.

Jorge Garcia as Merlin and Jamie Nitze as Gwen. 29

To Cardigan our favored school

Victory Bell.

One fall day at Cardigan.


Faster, Coughlin! Faster!

Manny can do m ore pull ups than his big brother.

Do your best, Jorge!


R ocket scien tist Taiga!!

C asey in training

Su ng-O h and R yan w ith Tucker and Cody

Is this w hat zero g ravity feels like?


Hey! W hat is that on you r com pu ter screen?

A ckerm an, it's all yours!

Com e on! I'm not ready to have m y picture taken!


Autumn at Cardigan Old friends, new friends. "W hat dorm are you in?" Launching rockets with Mr. Auerbach. Snow in October. "W h at's the C SA ?" W alking dogs around the point. The Knights o f the Rad Table. Field Trip Day. "Is it always this cold?" Tai-Bo with Mr. Gray. H arry Potter Trip. "N o, it gets even colder." Fried dough at Sandwich Fair. "M r. M acDonald, can you fix my com puter?" W restling Tournam ent. International Dinner. "H ow many push-ups did you d o?" M ountain Day. Glee Club. Old Friends .. .



A Day at the Aquarium ''Sometimes I wish, I were a fish. If I could be be足 neath the sea, There'd be no study halls or EMST."


Back Row: Coach Lynch, Coach Leroy, Pat Williams, Zach Lynch, Federico Fernandez, Harrison Taylor, Bobby Jangro, Sean Coughlin, Simeon Brown, Peter Russell, Jeff Gelband, Warren Garceau, Coach Creach. Front Row: Tom Vail (mgr), Tom Stein, Matt Lovejoy, Mack O'Connnell, Jimmy Dirkes, Chris Young, Jim Little, Henri Vinavahien, Steve Silva, Sean Mann.

Above: W arren Garceau. Left: Coach Lynch prowls the sidelines.

Varsity Football his season the Cougars continued the strong Cardigan Tradition by finishing with 7 wins and 3 )sses. After a difficult stretch during the middle of the season, the team finished with impresve victories over Laconia and Avon. Another victory over Eaglebrook added to the season's accesses. Coach Lynch cited Quarterback Chris Young and Running Back Steve Silva as two :andout performers. He also noted the key contributions by Jimmy Dirkes and Harrison Taylor 5 crucial for the offensive and defensive lines. 'Tt's good to see so many kids progress from the tnior varsity to the varsity level/' added Coach Lynch. "Now that's a football program!" 37

(Back left) Jeff Fairbrothers, A n th ony F arrar, H enry Drummond, GrantTucker,Jaeui Shin, Tyler Creed, Devin C ow ette, D exter E l-S aieh (Front Left) Mark Peeler, Luis Velutini, Holton Bell, Andrew P eters, Joh n A ckerm an, Andres Castillo, Greg Jones, Robby Chagnon, Ryan Thomp足 son, Kyle Webster

M.G. breaking through the blaster

Cougars-! Set-! G o-!


(From back left) Coach Edwards, Ki-bum Lee, Jae-ui Shin, John Byington, M att Maienshin, John Bello, Ryan Thompson, (From front left) Glenn Ozburn, Chris Brown, Manny Castillo, Brady Jennings. N ot p ictu re d -Jesu s F lo rk e,C o a ch Kreuzburg, Coach Scott.

Reserve football squad getting ready for some defense.


Say Cheese!!

20 Go Zimm!!!!!!

Stretching is good for your health.

Pass me the ball!!


The Varsity Soccer Team finished the seasor\ with a 3rd place finish in the New England Junior Prep School Soccer Champion足 ships. The team started slowly, partly due to no returning players from last year's team, but showed growth and improvement right to the tournament. The tournament was special as the team allowed only one goal in 7 games. This team gradu足 ates 8 players from a roster of 17 players, which is promising for next year.

Back Row (Left to Right) Jorge Garcia, Roberto Perez-Moldariado, Rafael H errera, Andres Marcos, Ian M cAllister, Richard Ryu, Jesus Torres, Jorge Gonzalez, Curtis Lin, John LeClerc, Coach Exton, Coach Alexander. Front Row(Left to Right) Hector Covarrubias, Alexis Zam brano, Chris Howe, Fady Charbel, Jun Sung Kim, John Dehm.

he JV Soccer team beat Eaglebrook 5 to 2with a hatrick by Junsung Kim, and strong Defense



Pumped up for a day of soccer!

Caleb Gilder, Andrew Fenn Orson W ebber-M cCoullam , Aaron Roy. Mark Moon in action.


Reserve A Soccer Back Row: Coach Ahearn, David Lane, Andrew Hong, Nick Ceccolini, Sung-Oh Bang, Arturo Ruffin, Courtney Lockwood, Monty Zimmerman, Cyrus Weyant, Coach Tufts. Front Row: Griffin Drescher, Drew Jankowski, Crawford Hamilton, Reinhard Krause, Stephen Schoder, Miguel Velasco, Mauricio Farias, Jake Groen, Mark Vincent.

eserve B Soccer ick Row: ndrew Fenn, Eubene Sa, Mike Lee, atrick Leatherwood, Aaron Roy, Caleb ilder, Mauricio Bay, Diego Garcia, lemente Reyes-Retana, Eric Bachoff, oach MacKenzie. ront Row: illy Bosch, Mark Moon, Orson Webber[cCoullam, Taiga Koda, Javier Sepulveda [adison Lamar, Eduardo Vasquez.

Reserve C Soccer Back Row: Coach Peer, Chris Mullaly, Will Davis, Adam Rice, Jon Meyer, Jeremy Prasch, Billy Shin, Chris Chung, Nick Barusso, Luke Fairchild, Ellis Berner, William Voigt, DJ Penick, Coach Sinclair. Front Row: Enrique Gonzalez, Ben Meyer, Alex Cook, Ryan Donovan, Jimmy Funnell, Suk Hwan Hong, Eichiro Takinami, Jack Callender, Hyun-Suk Lim.


Cross Country/ Wilderness Sharm a, Sharm a, H e's our man!

Coach Jorgenson, Young-M in Kim, Paul Sharma, M att Brightman, Jam ie Nitze, Aaron Fetto, Mike M arsal, Tommy M acNamara, Nick John, Coach Harms.

?â– '

Coach Kenny, Diego Benitez, Ian Ryan, Ian Brennick,Tom Livingston, Coach Townshend, Sam Thomason, Sam Sultan, Blaine M cCaleb, Daniel Krieger. 44

Pump It Up!



s t r a n g e t r ip its b e e i

W H AT A LO N G , S T K A w o

John Bello trying out for Star Search with Officer Poncherello.

Say What?


imnv rnt


Yeah, I did my homework. Really, it's just that my computer froze . ..

I wonder if NASA will ever return my calls. Why don't you explain to your parents what you did.

Maybe I need more caffiene in my life.

Pizza, Pizza, my kingdom for a pizza! 47


^ I K T E R T liv it DECEMBER JfiN U fiRY




4- X-

Mr. Tufts, Master of the luge run!




Scholastic Art Awards Mrs. Rives with her talented students: Alexis Zambrano, Chris Chung, Tommy McNamara, Blaine McCaleb.

Tommy shows his creative side.

Alexis proudly holds his award


Cardigan Artists Honored!



Alexis answers questions for the media.

Chris Chung and his prize winning piece.


H 0 r ti" 4 -

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The shepherds and the angels.

Elizabeth Exton and Santa Claus. 52

The choir looks sharp before the pageant begins.

Mr. Funnell has been a good boy all year long.

Mary and Joseph.


Glee Club 44 4



Behind the Curtain Left: Mrs. Funnell trans足 forms Bobby into Murra\ Left: Grant and Kendrick baci< stage.

Below: Diego has it all under control in the booth.

Above: Mrs. M endelsohn inspires the cast with her pre-show pep talk.

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Left: David Grey gets his make-up.

Left: The Pigeon Sisters (David W illiams & Kendrick James) are ready to take the stage.


h e O d d C o u p le Right: A star-studded cast

M a ck O -C o n . Below: Jimmy Dirkes as Oscar Madison.

s p e e d

D avid Gr^y C h r is Howe


V in n ie O s c o r M o d iS " "

J im m y b irk e *

F E t - I X

David William **





g r a n




T u c *


C e c ily P i g e o n

AAffs. O ir E c T o n

A s s i s r a N t TO

K yt-e C r A n N e v

T h E d ire cT O B

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Above: Hatcher in the booth. Right: Felix has the Pigeon Sisters in tears. 56

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Left: Oscar and Felix have a date! Below:"What should we do about poor old Felix?" I*at'


Above: Felix broods during the poker game.

The world accord­ ing to Murray and Oscar.


W ould you like to have a frozen fish?


Courtney, Andrew, W arren, Mike, Jim.


More Winter Clubs__




Winter Sports



ALPINE SKIING The ski team had a wonderful season even though it was one of the worst winters on record. The team persevered through these hardships to perform admirably against older and more experience competition. The highlight of the season came on Parents Weekend as the Carving Cougars crushed a formidable Eaglebrook team under the lights of Blackwater Mountain.

} Coach Kenny, Chris Hov^^e, Jesus Torres, Daniel Krieger, Ellis Berner, Vicent Aspe, Jam ie Nitze, Juan Alamo, David Grey, M ark Vincent, Coach Alexander, Peter Russell, Monty Zimmerman, Alexis Zambrano, Taiga Kod; Austin Lee, Brian Rhee, Blaine McCaleb.


Snowboarding The boys worked hard to improve their skills this winter. There was a lot of enthusiasm and the boys did a great job of encouragin each other. The team competed quite well in both the Giant Slalom and the Freestyle competitions with the be placement being a 9th place. Several of the boys placed in the top 25 at the league championships


Coach Harms, Luis Veluntini, Sean Mann, Ian Ryan, Brady Jennings, Colin M ixter, Devin Cowette, Grant Tucker. Not pictured: Henry Drummond, Coach Edwards.


Cross Countfy Skiing

N ick's ready to hit the trail.

Diego Benitez, Tom Livingston, Nick John, Coach Ramos. 66

We're ready to hit the slopes . . .

Enrique, Vicente, and the world famous Chuba.



The 2003 Cougars looked strong on the hardwood as they compiled an impressive 21-3 record. Led by the shooting of Henri Vihavinen, the inside play of Simeon Brown and the all-around hustle of Chris Young, the Cardi足 gan hoopsters posted terrific wins against Eaglebrook, Belmont Hill and many others.

Henri swoops in for the score!

Chris Young defends old friend Daniel Holobowicz.


Sim takes it to the hole.

Crash the Boards! 68

' •r r


Back Row: Coach Lynch, Henri Vihavinen, Simeon Brown, Mr.Creach. Middle Row: Jeff Gelband, Marc Peeler, Chris Young, Maurice Stewart. Front Row: James Park, Malcolm Boyd, Andrew Fenstermaker, Patrick Williams.

Julian puts the ball in The JV Basketball Team had a slogan this year. "H ave fun out there!" lead them to ten victories. The boys improved throughout the winter. The season was highlighted by a six game win streak.

Saint-Donat working hard.

Farrar looks to pass.






Coach Ahern, Andres Marcos, Ben W ilson, Paul Sharma, Julian Baek, Curtis Lin, Tyler Creed, Coach Jenkins. Eubene Sa, Anthony Farrar, Mark Moon, Young-Min Kim, Paul Saint-Donat.


Back Row: Coach Feeley, Coach Coe. Middle Row: Rob Chagnon, Billy Shin, Glenn Ozburn, Jake Groen, Luke Fairchild, Sung Oh Bang. Front Row: Hyun-Suk Lim, Patrick Leatherwood, Mike Lee, Chris Chung, Tomm y Vail. Not pictured: Kendrick James.


Wrestling The wrestlers continue to have the hardest training regimen on campus. Coach K leads the boys through tremendously difficult workouts that stress "Character, Conditioning and Courage." These three words are important to the wretling program both inside and outside the wrestling room. Almost every member of the team placed in the Fessenden Tourna­ ment—a testimony to their skills and toughness.

Back Row :Coach Kreuzburg, Federico Fernandez,Kwan-Yi Lee, Greg Jones, Tom Stein, Mack O 'Connell, H arrison Taylor, Jun-Sung Kim, M adison Lam ar, Coach Townsend. Front Row: M.G. Choi, Ryan Thompson, Jesus Florke, Mike W alsh, Griffin Drescher, Aaron Fetto, Chris Brown.


Down at the Gym, , ,


Varsity Hockey Steve Silva m aking his m oves...

C ougars getting back on D!


Sean C oughlin reaching for the puck

B reathtaking face off by A ndrew Peters

The Varsity Hockey Team continued the strong hockey tradition and played a difficult schedule against quality opponents. The team jum ped out to an early season record of nine wins in ten games. Highlights of the season included road wins over St. Paul's, Berk足 shire and Tabor plus a big win at Eaglebrook.

Bobby Jangro.

W here should I pass the puck?

Tw o d efensem an w aiting for the puck from the forw ards.

Jim m y Dirkes.



in n v 1




Back Row: Coach LeRoy, Coach Dunn Coach Tufts. Middle Row: Bobby Jangro, Sean Coughlin,lan Brennick, Jim m y Dirkes, Jim Little, Adam Boardman, Eric D'Addario, Andrew Peters. Front Row: Justin FlessaLaRoche, M att Lovejoy, Ian McAllister, Steve Silva, W arren Garceau, Zach Zimmerman.


JV Hockey Right: Richard Ryu anxiously awaits his turn on the ice.

Right: Joseph Suh on the move. Below: John Ackerm an is ready to go-

The JV H ockey team struggled to find wins this season, but made up for that w ith hard w ork and determ ina足 tion. As the coaches noted, "a defeated season tells you what you are made of. For the boys, it often tried their patience, but it never broke their character. For that reason, we are extrem ely proud of them ." The boys played one of their best games of the w inter in their final game on the road at Eaglebrook.


Coach Fitz and Coach Coburn fire up the troops for a scrimmage.

Reserve A Hockey

Back Row: Coach M acKenzie, DJ Penick, Jerem y Prasch, Alejo Fortique, Peter O 'Connor, Sam Thom ason, Hien Miller, Coach D'Entrem ont. Front Row: Jeff Fairbrothers, M att Brightman, Courtney Lockwood, Drew Jankow ski, Justin Lee.

Reserve B Hockey

lack Row: Coach Sinclair, Spencer Allen, Rodrigo Helmeyer, KiBum Lee, Kyle Cranney, Orson W ebber4cCoullam, Coach Clark, Caleb Gilder, Mauricio Bay. Front Row: M aurido Farias, Andrew Hong, Jaeui Shin, mdrew M arks, M att M ainshein, Jack Callander.


Com e sail a w a y w ith me A n yon e? Please?

. A n yon e?

L u dw ig Von Ledbetter.

A n yo n e need to be taped?


A hhh! There's n oth in g better than a s a u n a ................. Except fo r ice fish in g , o f course.

M rs. W allace and Tucker out fo r a w in te r stroll.

Peace and Love Brothers!!!


Snow in April, Shorts in May, Black Flies Buggin', Outdoor Buffets.

Spring At Cardigan





Friendly Faces at CMS


The Great Outdoors Paul on the board.

Ready for Anything.

Spring is Here at last!

Mr. Townsend can survive outdoors.


Biker Boyz.

Left: Check it Out. Below: A Legend in His Own Mind.

Peace and Quiet for Mr. and Mrs. Harms.

Tomray Vail helps Mr. Seldomridge Conquer the Mountain.










Clockwise from top right:: ''Ready for the Talent Show!", Jorge's Song, Pride of the Ninth Graders, The Glory of Minnesota.



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/like Orleans.


hris, Hector and Tommy's ?autiful song.

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Sixth Grade Drum Master, Andrew Marks.


Check Out the Spring Clubs Joseph Suh and H yun-Suk Lim.

Jay Shin.

Paul Saint-D onat is ready to play some baseball.


Community Service helps assemble Easter Baskets

Mr. LeRoy, Badminton King.

Glenn Ozburn enjoy足 ing some fresh air.

Are you a willing participant, Mr. Cole?

Sung-Oh Bang gets ready for Wimbledon.




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Coach Gray.

Varsity Lacrosse '- f i 27iS ? .

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Back Row: Coach Gray, Peti Russell, John Dehm, Jared Garceau, Justin FlessaLaRoche, Matt Lovejoy, Adam Boardman, Henry Drummond, Coach Kreuzburg, Ethan Kreuzbu: Front Row: Federico Fernandez, Richard Ryu, David Grey, Warren Garceau,Andres Castillo, Jamie Nitze, Andrew Peten Jim m y Dirkes, Tom M cNamara, Mike M arsal, I; M cAllister, M ack O'Connel

Left: The Last Line of Defense.

John Dehm.

Face-Off. 94

Team Captains. 95

JV Lacrosse Right: Casey Barber Below: Coach Funnell fires up the troops.


Back Row: Coach Coburn, Holton Bell, KiBum Lee, Ian Brennick, Ian Ryan, Austin Lee, Harrison Taylor, Brian Rhee, Jamie Nitze, Andrew Fenn, Eric D'addario. Front Row: Chuba Perez-Maldonado, Hector Covarrubias, Jeff Fairbrothers, Justin Lee, Casey Barber, John LeClerc, David Lane, Mike Orleans, Madison Lamar. 96

Reserve Lacrosse

lack Row: Coach Tufts, Taiga Koda, Enrique Gonzalez, Eubene Sa, Mauricio Bay, m drew Marks, Ellis Berner, Courtney Lockwood, Robbie Chagnon, Eduardo Vazquez, lyle Cranney, Peter O'Connor, Griffin Drescher, Coach Exton. ront Row: Colin Mixter, Nick Ceccolini, Drew Jankowski, Jauei Shin, Mark Vincent, Lyan Thompson, Billy Bosch. 97

John Ackerman.

Malcolm needs some Gatorade.

Below; Malcolm with the w indup.

Below: D on't Block the plate when Mo's coming through.

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J Zach watches the signs. %M



Back Row: Jun-Sung Kim, Zach Zimmerman, Sean Coughlin, John Ackerman, Maurice Stewart, Cyrus Weyant. Front Row: Coach Lynch, Malcolm Boyd, Chris Young, Steve Silva, Jim Little, Marc Peeler, Coach Blood.


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U pper Deck Baek and Speedy Sam Schneidman.

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Chris Howe flashes the leather.

We strike fear in the hearts of our opponents.

JV Baseball

Back Row: Julian Baek, Coach LeRoy, Zach Lynch, Tyler Creed, Aaron Roy, Coach Ahern, Hien Miller. Front Row: Jeremy Prasch, Monty Zimmerman, MG Choi, Chris Howe, Juan Alamo, Sam Schneidman.

Reserve Baseball If ,>=^*


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Back Row: Coach Jenkins, Coach Blood, Luis Veluntini, Sung-Oh Bang, Clemente Reyes-Retana, Greg Jones, Coach MacKenzie. Front Row: Manny Castillo, Brady Jennings, Mark Moon, Kwan-Yi Lee, Javier Sepulveda, Matt Mainshien, Luke Fairchild.


Right: James Park. Below: Steve Schoder.


Varsity Tennis Miguel Velasco.



Coach Ramos, James Park, Stephen Schoder, Andrew Fenstermaker, Jorge Gonzales, Guillermo M enendez, Miguel Velasco, Joseph Suh, Sebastien Perez-Vargas, Coach Driscoll.


Paul Saint-Donat, Young-Min Kim, Mike Lee, Crawford Hamilton, Jake Groen, Coach Hart, Paul Sharma, Eric Bachoff, Rodrigo Helmeyer, Alejo Fortique.

TVTennis 104

Reserve Tennis

Front Row: Coach Scott, DJ Penick, Daniel Krieger, Jorge Garcia. Back Row: Andrew Hong, Jack Callendar, Hyun-Suk Lim, Eiichiro Takinami, Tommy Vail.

Recreational Tennis

Back Row: Mr. Cole, Mrs. Peer, Mr. D'entermont. Middle Row: Billy Shin, Sak Hong, Ben Meyer, Diego Garcia, Andres Marcos, Jesus Torres, Simeon Brown, Mike Walsh, Anthony Farrar, Vicente Aspe. Front Row: Dexter El-Saieh, David Williams, Orson Webber-McCollaum, Chris Mullaly, Jan Meyer, Henri Vihavinen.



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Back Row: Coach Edwards, Curtis Lin, Alexis Zambrano, Grant Tucker, Coach Alexander. Front Row: Jimmy Funnell, Ben Driggs, Glenn Ozburn.


Back Row :Coach Townshend, Diego Benitez, Will Davis, David Meyer, Mike Bentwood, Fady Charbel, Coach Kenny. Front Row: Sam Sultan, Ryan Donovan, Sam Thomason. 106


Left to Right: Matt Brightman, Nick Barusso, Jesus Florke, William Voigt, Coach Auerbach, A rturo Ruffin, Hatcher Perry, Tom Livingston, Sean Mann, Blaine McCaleb, Coach Harms.


- .



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Clockwise from top left: Andrew Fenstermaker and Chris Brown, Griffin Drescher anoints himself in the holy waters of Canaan Street Lake, Nick John gets his feet wet. Ben Meyer is rearin' to go.



Investiture Ceremony

N inth grade leaders await the announcem nt of the boys who will follow in their footsteps.

A good leader knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way no

Madison Lamar is appointed assistant school leader.

Jared Garceau receives con足 gratulations from Dr. Dewar and older brother Warren as he is named Chaplain's Assistant.

New leaders are congratu足 lated in the receiving line.


Cape Cod Trip

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Concentrate Andrew.

Anybody w ant to buy a donut????

Eiichiro, Sak, and a clown.

W a it. . . we had to do that for homework?


Ben Meyer and Ryan Donovan

State Capitals, Fractions and Decimals, lulie of the W olves. Integrated Studies, Chemical and Physical Changes, Conces足 sion Stands, Handbells at Chapel, The Trip to Cape Cod. That's w hat's up.

Suk-Hwan Hong and Jack Callander. 117

At the New England Aquarium.


Fetto's Dinner. ns

Pride of '05????

Shake your body!

Catching Up with the Seventh Grade! Slope Intercepts, Banner in the Sky. The Battle at Yorktown, Agricola/ Agricolum, Towers of Power, SQ3R, "ParlezVous Francais?" Prepo足 sitional Phrases, A Trip to the Aquarium , SSAT's, Patriot's Day on the Freedom T ra il. . . that's w hat's happening in the seventh grade.

Wacky Jon Byington.

Jesus Florke and Chris Brown.


Hangin' with the 8th Grade W orld W ar I; The Cryosphere; Atticus, Jem and Scout; G raph the Solution; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus; Trip to the Boston M useum of Science; RSS Research Paper; Thesis Statement; Bibliography; N ature Observations; Notebook Checks; It's all about the eighth grade.

Right: The Artisit formerly known as Sam. Below: M anny Castillo, H ard at Work.

i The Imfamous Jared Garceau.



Dr. Ellis Berner and Professor David Lane.

Grant Tucker as himself for Halloween.

Mike Orleans, A ndrew Fenn and a Squashed James Williamson.


Right; Blaine McCaleb and Tommy McNamara.

Juanito!!!!! 122

Seniors! Seniors! Seniors !

, '



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John Ackerman, Marc Peeler, Jeff Vogel, Andres Castillo



Andrew Peters

Casey Barber


Above: Marc Peeler, Air Hockey Gold Medalist at the Salt Lake City Olympics.

Right: Gregory Jones Alexis Zambrano




We are the seniors, the mighty, mighty seniors Clockwise from top left: In the hot tub at Loon Mt., W arren Garceau says "Safety First!", Steve Silva, Malcolm Boyd, and Andres Castillo working way too hard to impress each other, GQ cover boy Peter Russell, Ian Ryan is all smiles.

Paul Sharma

All-School W restling Tournament 125

'W '

ÂŁ^lass of 2003 John Ackerman Kitchen Crew Leader 9; JV Football 8,9; JV Hockey 8,9; JV Baseball 8,9; Honor Roll 8; Drama 9; Ceramics 8.

Juan Alamo JV Baseball, 8,9; Skiing, 8,9; JV Soccer, 8; Honor Roll, 8.

Class of2003 In-Sung Baek Chaplain's Assistant 9; Var足 sity Soccer 9; M ost Im 足 proved, Res. A Soccer 8; JV B asketball 9; C o a ch 's Award, Res. Basketball 8; Reserve Baseball 8; Honor Roll 8,9; Glee C lub 8,9; Chamber Choir 8,9; Christ足 mas Pageant 8,9; Blaze 9; Reading to Faculty Children 8.

Casey Barber


Dining Hall A ssistant Job Foreman 9; Green Key 8,9; Class Vice President 8; JV Football 9; MVP Res. Foot足 b all 8; JV S kiing 7,8,9; Coaches Award, JV Skiing 7; Res. Lax 7,8; Coach's Award Res. Lax 8; Honor Roll 9; Christmas Pageant 7.

-------- r .

Holton Bell Kitchen Crew Leader 9; JV Football 9; Res. B Hockey 9; Lacrosse 9; Wood Shop 8,9; Christmas Pageant 9.

C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Diego Benitez Receptions Coordinator 9; Var­ sity Cross Country 7; Res. La­ crosse 7,8; Cross Country Ski­ ing 9; M ost O u tsta n d in g C lim ber-R ock C lim bing 9; Honor Roll 8,9; Theater Booth Technician 7,8,9; Art Credit 9; Scholastic Art Awards 8.

Mike Bentwood Franklin House Floor Leader 9; Green Key 7,8,9; Varsity Soc­ cer 9; MVP Res. A Soccer 8; Snowboarding 7,8,9; T-shirt Drawing for Auction 8,9; Art Aw ard 7,8; Honor Roll 7; Dog Walking 7,8,9.

Adam Boardman Student Liason 9; Varsity Soc­ cer 9; Varsity Hockey 9; High Honor Roll 9; Christmas Pag­ eant 9.



Class of2003 Malcolm Boyd C lark -M o rg an 3 Floor Leader 9; Class President 8; Head of Young Cougar Soci足 ety 9; Green Key 9; Varsity Football 9; Varsity Basket足 ball 8,9; Varsity Baseball 8,9; English W riting Award 7; Glee Club 8; Drama 8,9; Big Brother Club 7.

Andres Castillo JV Football 9; Reserve Foot足 ball, 8; Varsity Skiing 9; Re足 serve Lacrosse, 8; Honor Roll 9; Young Cougar Society 9.

Robert Chagnon


Dining Room Attendant, 9; Honor Roll, 8, 9; Reserve Lacrosse, 9; Reserve Basketball, 9; JV Football, 9 Reserve Football, 8; Snowboarding, 8. Reading to Faculty Children, 8.


—? \ I

C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Fady Charbel JV Soccer 9; Recreational ski­ ing 9; Honor Roll 9; Spelling Bee Competetor 9; Rocketry Club 9.

Mun-Gyu Choi Academic Job Foreman 9; JV Football 9; Varsity Wrestling 9; Varsity Track and Field 8; Fligh Honor Roll 8,9; Effort Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 9; Chamber Choir 9; Listen Cen­ ter 9.


Hector Covarrubias JV Lacrosse, 9; Skiing, 9; JV Soccer, 9. Kitchen Crew, 9;

Jimmy Dirkes Assistant School Leader 9; Var­ sity Football 7,8,9; V arsity Hockey 9; JV Hockey 7,8; Var­ sity Lacrosse 9; JV Lacrosse 7,8; Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 9; Drama 9;

Fedrico Fernandez Gym and Van Cleaner Su­ pervisor 9; Varisty Football 9; JV Football 8; Varsity La­ crosse 9; JV Lacrosse 8.

Warren Garceau Chaplain's Assistant 9; Var­ sity Football 9; JV Football 8, Captain 8; Varsity Hockey 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Glee Club 9; Head of Back­ stage 9

C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Jorge Garcia Stowell House Floor Leader 9; Green Key 8,9; JV Soccer 9; Rec­ reational Snow boarding 8,9; Reserve Tennis 8,9; Honor Roll 8; Golden Hammer Award 8; Talent Show 8,9; Drama 9.

David Grey G re en w o o d H o u se Floor Leader 9; Cross Country Run­ ning 9; Reserve A Soccer 8; Varsity Skiing 7,8,9, MVP 8; JV Lacrosse 8; Reserve La­ crosse 7; High Honor Roll 7; Honor Roll 8; French Award 7,8; Glee Club 9; Drama 9; Golden Hammer Award 7.

Chris Howe North Dorm Floor Leader 9; Vice President 6; Green Key 7,8,9; JV Soccer 9; Varsity Ski­ ing 7,8,9; JV Baseball 9; Honor Roll 6,7,8,9; Year Academic Awards in Math, Foreign Lan­ guage 6; Christmas Pageant 9.

Class of2003 Robert Jangro Hayward Hall Floor Leader 9; Green Key 8,9; G raduation Marshal 8; Member of Young Cougar Society 8; Varsity Foot­ ball 9; Varsity Hockey 9; JV Hockey 8, Coach's Award 8; V arsity Lacrosse 8,9; H igh Honor Roll 8,9; Effort Honor Roll 8,9; N ational Junior Honor Society 8,9; Math Counts 8; English Award 8; Glee Club 9; Chamber Choir 9; Drama 8,9.

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Nicholas John Green Key 9; Varsity Cross Country Running 9; Varsity C ross C o u n try Skiing 9; Honor Roll 9; Art Ceramics 7.


Gregory Jones Glee Club and Chamber Choir Mamager 9; Young Cougars 9; JV Football 9; Wrestling 9; Drama 9.


C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Jun-Sung Kim G reen k ey 8,9; JV Soccer Coaches A w ard 9; Varsity W restling 8,9; JV Baseball 9; Honor Roll 9; Glee Club 8,9; C h am b er C hoir 8,9; Dog Walking 8

Austin Lee Dining Hall Steward 9; JV Soccer 9; Varsity Skiing 8,9; JV Lacrosse 8; High Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 7,8,9; C ham ber Choir 9; Young Cougar Society 9

Curtis Lin Buffet Set Up Supervisor 9; JV Soccer 9; JV Basketball 8,9; Res. Tennis 8; Wood Shop 9


Class of2003 James Little Associate Job Foreman (Ath­ letic Facilities) 9; Green Key 8; Varsity Football 8,9; Var­ sity Hockey 9; Varsity Base­ ball 8,9; Wood Shop 8,9

Sean Mann Green Key 9; Kitchen Crew Leader 9; Varsity Football 9; Snowboarding Team Most Im proved Player A w ard, Coaches Award 8,9; Sailing 7,8,9; Honor Roll 7,9; Effort Honor Roll 9; Glee Club 9; Dog Walking 6,7,8.

Andres Marcos Floor Leader, Banks House; Ninth Grade Class Presi­ dent; Spelling Bee Cham­ pion, 8; Rock Band, 8, 9; Skiing, 8, 9; Soccer, 8, 9.


C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Michael Marsal Kitchen Crew Leader 9; Var­ sity Cross C ountry 9; JV Hockey 9; JV Lacrosse 9; Drama 9; Wood Shop 8,9

Ian McAllister French I Floor Leader 9; Green Key 8,9; JV Soccer Captain 9; Varsity Hockey 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; H o n o r Roll 8,9; E ffort Honor Roll 8; Dorm Citi­ zenship Award 8; Drama 9. -:Ji‘

s. Blaine McCaleb IV Job Supervisor 9; JV Skiing 9; Varsity Sailing 8,9; Honor Roll 8; Glee Club 9; Chamber Choir 9.



Class of2003 ; , r

Thomas McNamara 9th Grade Secretary 9; Young C ougar Society 9; V arsity C ross C o untry 9; V arsity Hockey 9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Drama 9; Reading to Fac足 ulty Children 7.

David Meyer Varsity Cross Country 9; Snow Boarding Team 9; Ceramics 9; Yearbook Ed足 iting 9.

Thomas O'Connell School Leader 9; Green Key 7,8,9; Varsity Football 8,9; Var足 sity Lacrosse 8,9; V arsity W restling 8,9; High Honor Roll 7,8; Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9; National Junior Honor Society 8,9; Most O utstand足 ing Underclassman Award 8; Drama 9; Big Brother Club 8.


C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Jung Hwan Park Director of Admissions Assis­ tant; Green Key 7,8,9; Varsity Soccer, C ap tain 9; V arsity Basketball9;Varsity Tennis 8,9: High Honor Roll 7,8,9; Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9; National Jun­ ior H onor Society 8; M ath C o u n ts 8; Year A cadem ic Awards in Math,English, His­ tory 7; English,History, Math, Spanish 8; Chamber Choir 9; ChristmasPageant9;Art Credit 9; Essay W riting Aw ard 8.

Marc Peeler Green Key 9; Kitchen Crew Leader 9; JV Football 8,9; Var­ sity Basketball 9; Varsity Base­ ball 9; Wood Shop 7,8,9; Read­ ing to Faculty Children 7,8; Honor Roll 8,9.

Andrew Peters Green Key 9; JV Football, Most Im proved 9; Cross Country 8; Varsity Hockey 9; JV Hockey 8; JV Lacrosse 9; Reserve Lacrosse 8; Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 9; Drama 9.


Class of2003 Joo Won Rhee V arsity Soccer, C oach's Award 9; Res A Soccer 8; Varsity Skiing 9; JV Skiing 8; Varsity Track 7,8; Spell足 ing Bee participant 8; Glee Club 7,8,9; Chamber Choir 7,8,9; Reading to faculty children 8; Dog walking 7; Blaze 9.

Peter Russell Classroom Cleaner Supervi足 sor; Class Secratary 8; Varsity Football 9; Varsity Skiing 9; Varsity Lacrosse 8,9; Honor Roll 7; Latin Prize 8; Glee Club 7,9; Chamber Choir 7,9; Drama 7,8,9; Dog W alking 9.

Ian Ryan Hinm an II Floor Leader; J V L a c r o s s e , 9 ; Snowboarding, 9; W ilder足 ness, 9; Wrestling, 8; Art Credit, 8, 9; "Knights of the Rad Table" 9; Honor Roll, 9.

C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Richard Ryu B rew ster II Floor L eader; Green Key 8,9; Blaze Head Editor; JV Soccer, MVP 9; JV Hockey 9; Varsity Lacrosse 9; High Honor Roll 7,8; Honor Roll 9; Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9; Math Counts 8; Spelling bee participant 7; Glee Club 9; Chamber Choir 9; Christmas Pageant 9;

Samuel Schneidman Classroom Cleaner Supervi­ sor; JV Football 9; Cross Coun­ try , C a p ta in , MVP 8; JV Hockey 9; Res A Hockey 8; JV Baseball 9; Reserve Baseball 8; Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 9; Christmas Pageant 9.

Paul Sharma Classroom Cleaner Supervi­ sor; Cross Country 9; JV Bas­ ketball 8,9; Reserve Tennis 8; Glee Club 9; Christmas Pag­ eant 9; Listen Center 8,9.


Class of2003 Steven Silva Brewster I Floor Leader; Varsity Football 9; JV Foot足 ball, MVP 8; Varsity Hockey 8,9; Varsity Baseball 8,9; Honor Roll 8,9; Glee Club 9; Drama 9; Rock Band Club 9; Ceramics 8.

Thomas Stein Head of Kitchen Crew; Var足 sity Football 9; Varsity Wres足 tling 8,9; Ceramics 8,9.

Maurice Stewart Clark Morgan II Floor Leader; Class President 7; Green Key 7,8,9; Graduation 2002 usher 8; Varsity Soccer 9; Reserve B Soccer, captain, MVP 8; Var足 sity Basketball 9; JV Basketball 8; JV Baseball, captain 8; High Honor Roll 7,8,9; Fffot Honor Roll 7,8,9; N ational Junior Honor Society 8; Latin, Science Award 7; Drama 8,9; Glee Club 9; Christmas Pageant 9.


C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Harrison Taylor Varsity Football, 9; JV Football, 8; Wrestling, 8,9; Varsity Lacrosse, 9.

Ryan Thompson JV Football 9; Wrestling 9; Track and Field 8; Honor Roll 9; Christmas Pageant 9; Cermaics 9.

Jesus Torres Dining Room Steward 9; JV Soccer 9; Varsity Football 8; JV Alpine Skiing 9; Honor Roll 9; Glee Club 9; Art Credit


Class of2003 Luis Velutini JV Football 9; Snowboarding 9; Reserve Baseball, 9.

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Henri Vihavainen Varsity Football 9; Varsity Bas­ ketball 9; High Honor Roll 9.

Kyle Webster Dean of Students Assistant; JV Football 8,9; JV Hockey 9; Res A Hockey 8; JV Lacrosse 9; Honor Roll 8; Ceramics 8.

C a r d ig a n M o un tain S ch o o l Chris Young Floor Leader, French 2; Class Treasurer, 9; Green Key, 8,9; Varsity Football, 8,9 MVP, 9 ; Varsity Basketball, 8,9; Var足 sity Baseball, 8,9; High Honor Roll, 9; Effort Honor Roll, 9; Honor Roll, 8,9; Backstage Crew, "Knights of the Rad Table"; Bass in Rock Band Club.

Alexis Zambrano Floor Leader, South House; Green Key, 8,9; Varsity Track, 8,9; JV Soccer, 9; JV Skiing, 9; Art Credit, 8,9; Glee Club, 8,9; Chamber Choir, 8,9; Art Prize, 8, 9; Scholastic Art Award Win足 ner, Gold and Silver Key, 8,9; Honor Roll, 9; Effort Honor Roll, 9.

Zachary Zimmerman Kitchen Crew, 9; Varsity Soccer, 9; Varsity Hockey, 9; Varisty Baseball, 9; JV Foot足 ball, 8; Honor Roll, 8.


Congratulations to the Class of 2003! Be sure to come back and visit


Chris Howe Sean Mann Ryan Thomspon

You've Conie A Long Way, Baby 147



B a c c a 1 a u r e a t e 150



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'Twas The Night Before Commencement



And All the Creatures Were Stirring... 153

The Class of 2003

School Leader


The Tie Ceremony Far Left: Luis Veluntini, Juan Alamo, Andres Marcos, Federico Fernandez. Left: The Ties. Below: Maurice Stewart, skilled at tie tying.

Above: Fady Charbel awaits his tie. Left: Henri Vihavinen works the W indsor Knot.


Commencement May 31,2003

Judge Judy shares her life lessons.


W arren Garceau repeats Judge Judy's words of wisdom.

Dr. Dewar congratulates Chris Howe and Ihris Young on their awards.

Alexis Zambrano, Andres Castillo, MG Choi, Chris Howe, and Jun Sung Kim await the start of the ceremony.


Chris Howe, Maurice Stewart and Mike Marsal jum p for joy as they become Cardigan gradu­ ates.



Dr. and Mrs. Dewar and Judge Judy depart the chapel.

The Class of 2003 leaves its m ark on the Cardigan Campus.

Mike, David and Warren are stylin'


AWARDS T. Nicolas Asher John Sean Lockard Mann THF SKIBISKI MEMORIAL AWARD This aw ard is to be given as a memorial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest progress during the year.

Christopher Townsend Howe THF. WTT J JAM KNAPP MORRISON AWARD Given to that student who, in the opinion of the other students, best exemplifies the spirit of Willie M orrison in academics, athletics, and as a campus citizen.

Alexis Marcel Zambrano THE NORMAN AND BF.VERLY WAKELY AWARD Given by the Class of 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion of his classmates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and pride of Cardi足 gan M ountain School, thus making everyday a "beautiful day in New Hampshire".

FACULTY PRIZE This young m an established himself as an outstanding artist, competent student, fine athlete, and an excellent member of the "Green Key." Even more im portant for his dorm and for the school is his leadership ability. As a floor leader, he displayed patience, perseverance and a devotion to duty. He was a m ar足 velous role model for all. 160

2 0 0 2

2 0 0 3

Arthur Maurice Stewart THE FOUNDERS PRIZE Aw arded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the difficulties encountered, w ithout thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman, one of the founders of Cardigan M ountain School.

Thomas MacKenzie O'Connell THE PANNACI MEMORIAL AWARD This aw ard is to be given annually by the class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that m ember of the senior class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained the ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership and general social and spiritual adjustment.

THE CALDWELL PRIZE To the boy who has shown outstanding athletic acheivement and good sportsmanship.

James Park SENIOR PRIZE To the member of the senior class with the highest academic standing.

FACULTY PRIZE This student has lived by the creed set forth at Cardigan: pride in yourself, pride in your family, and pride in your school. His three years here are epitomized by his selfless devotion to scholastic achievement and quiet dedication to his teams. A reverence for both his family at home and his adopted family here at Cardigan coupled with an insatiable desire to excel has placed him on a promising path. 161

AWARDS James Arthur Dirkes THE HINMAN PRIZE A Prize given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinm an to the member of the school, who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of m anhood as conceived in the m inds of the founders of Cardigan M ountain School.

THE NORMAN AND BEVERLY WAKELY PRIZE Given by the Class of 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion of his classmates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and pride of Cardi足 gan M ountain School, thus making everyday a "beautiful day in New Hampshire".

Christopher William Young THE WILLIAM KNAPP MORRISON AWARD Given to that student who, in the opinion of the other students, best exemplifies the spirit of Willie M orrison in academics, athletics, and as a campus citizen.

THE CALDWELL PRIZE. To the boy w ho has shown outstanding athletic acheivement and good sportsmanship.

Michael Alexander Bentwood FACULTY PRIZE Always eager to please, achieve, and "give more" this m ulti-talented young m an has become a strong student and a talented athlete. He is compassionate, positive, and respectful. He embodies so m any of the values Cardigan holds dear.


2 0 0 2


2 0 0 3

Robert Janies Jangro THE ADDISON MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR CREATIVE WRITING Given to the student who has dem onstrated the most potential in the area of creative writing.

John Edward Dehm THE OUTSTANDING UNDERCLASSMAN AWARD This award, given by the class of 1977, is to be presented each year to the most outstanding underclassm an who, in the eyes of the current senior class, best exemplifies the qualities of honesty, sportsm anship, and friendship


Dear Mikey Marsal, You’re in the driver’s seat!!! Go for the Flags!!! Congratulations!!!! With love from your pit crew, Mom, Dad, and Megs


















Ian Ryan Your challenge is the future. If you can dream it, you can do it. Congratulations, Ian and the Class of 2003! Love Mom and Dad

Congratulations In Sung! You have always made us proud. All our love. Dad and Mom

















To all the Cardigan 9th Graders, but especially to Tom Stein, our hero. Love, Mommy and Daddy

Jung Hwan James Congratulations, Jung Hwan James! We are proud of you. We would pray the grace of God for you. Love from both Grandparents and Parents.


Maurice Stewart Canaan Hardware

All Your Hardware Needs.

As we look back over your 3 years at Cardigan Mountain School, we see how much you've matured. You have embraced the opportunities and have grown into a fine young man. Your determination, sense of pride, and committment are assets that have helped you to succeed and are evident to those who cross your path. Follow your dreams, they will lead you on the road to happiness. We are very proud of your accomplishments. We love you very much and will be there for you always. Keep God first in everything you do! Remember Phil. 1:6. Love and God bless you always. Mom, Grandma and Granddaddy

ohn M. Dow Owner Depot Street Canaan, NH 03741

Route 4 P.O. Box 419 Canaan, NH 03741 ..............................................

Dean Arhos


Bus. 603-523-4314 Home 603-523-4315 167

Dear Casey, G raduation Day! C ongratulations Big Guy! The day you were born I knew that I was kissed by the stars above. I was there w hen you took your first steps and it feels like you h it the ground and haven't stopped. You have a good soul and heart, Casey. Never forget the im portance of a great sense of self and hum or. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of you. You m ean the w orld to your dad, brother, sister and me. I know that w e have given you the support and the w ings to fly, use them well. Life isn 't always easy b u t if you ever need help navigating the w a­ ters I (we) w ill always be here for you. Re­ m em ber big guy, aim high so that you don't shoot yourself in the foot. All our love. M om, Dad, Taylor and Jenna P.S. You can always count on a hom e cooked meal!!!

“What a day for a daydream, What a day for a daydreamin’ boy.” -Jo h n Sebastian Thank You Cardigan forthree fabulous years, and congratulations Jimmy, we are so proud of you . .. Love, Mom and Dad, Christopher, Hilary, Fred, Maggie and Rose! 168

Go for it, Jimmy! Love, Reese, Ramsey and Randi

















Marc Peeler

Marc the Shark:. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Andy and Christie Lucy, Millie and Barkley "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know w hat you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go!" -Dr. Suess 169

Harrison Taylor Class of 2003! Well on his way to the NFL. Best of Luck! Love, Mom and Mary Katherine

Thanks for your Support! Sponsor Virgie, Deana, Greg Jr. Jones and Family

Patron Frank and Barbara O'Connell

Austin Lee Subscriber The Jangro Family

Federico Fernandez Sada Family Carol and Andy Vickery

Booster Maria Austin Ruben Marcos B. Alexandra Charbel

Canaan Village Pizza James and Robin Little

Ramunto's Sicilian Pizza of West Lebanon, NH


Greeting The Zambrano Family

Brian Joo-Won Rhee

Go Cougars!

















Zach We're proud of you. We love you. You're a real winner! Love Mom, Dad and Lil Zim

Well Done Big Zim! Your Turn Little Zim! Love, Oldest Zim ^ &G.M.


To a Very Special Grandson Zachary Zimmerman With Much Love, Papou & Corinna 172



I U2’s humanitarian lead singer Bono visits Africa and tours Midwestern America to raise awareness and support fo r African AIDS epidemic relief.

I Nuclear crisis arises when North Korean leader Kim Jong II breaks a 1994 pledge with the United States not to build nuclear weapons.

UJORLD Ahmad W-Rubayhi/Getty Images


U.N. inspectors return to Iraq to investigate Saddam Hussein’s alleged production of weapons o f mass destruction.


Halloween earthquake in San Giuiliano di Puglia, Italy, topples an elementary school, killing dozens of children.

toP J C h in a ’s one-child-per-fam ily policy creates '

an imbalanced boy-to-girl ratio that will result in tens of m illions of men finding themselves single in the year 2020.

In October, a Moscow

Ryan Remiorz/AP/W ide World Photos

Reuters New Media lnc./Corbis

R e iiie rs la n d o v



Thousands die as storm s


Pope John Paul II travels to Toronto’s

theater siege by

and floods cause billions

Chechen rebels ends

of dollars in damage in

Downsview Park in

in a Russian special

China and many countries

July to lead the World

forces raid that kills

across Europe.

Youth Day vigil.

the captors and at least 129 hostages.

The Miss World beauty

In Venezuela, an o p p o s l t i o t ^ ^ P n The oil tanker Prestige

pageant leaves Nigeria

strike demanding President

spills more than 5 m illion

receives the Nobel Peace Prize fo r his

after Islamic fundamentalist

Hugo Chavez's resignation

gallons of oil off the

decades of w/ork fo r peace, democracy

protest groups kill more

paralyzes the country's oil

northv/estern coast of

and human rights worldwide.

than 100 people.

exports and turns to bloodshed

Spain before splitting in

as Chavez supporters retaliate.

tw o and sinking.

Former U.S. President Jim m y Carter

Over 100 people, m ostly foreign tourists, ^

Once presum ed dead, A l-Q a e d a leader O sa m a

are killed in an October te rro rist bombing

bin Laden returns to M iddle Eastern air waves

of tw o nightclubs in Bali. Indonesia.

with recorded anti-Am erican threats.

Vasily Fedosenko/Reuters/Landov


[Em ergency workers in the United States and overseas receive sm allpox vaccinations as a preventative measure against bioterrorism .


After being subpoenaed to testify before a IVIassachusetts grand ju ry about sex abuse among Catholic priests, embattled Boston Cardinal Bernard Law resigns.


More than 25 states implement the Amber Alert System, which posts inform ation v about abducted children on TV and


interstate signs, leading to the recovery of dozens of children nationwide.



For weeks in October, alleged snipers John Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo terrorize Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia, randomly killing 10 people and injuring three others.


The space shuttle Columbia breaks apart on reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard. Peter Cosgrove/AP/W ide World Photos

not return safely to Earth, but we can pray they are safely home.” - President George \N. Bush

Getty Images/Artville

Gene J Puskar/Getty Images

i o n July 28, nine


Midterm elections make

John Partipiio/AP/Wide World Photos

jS S e v e ra l large corporations ■ inflate profits while top

Pennsylvania coal miners

history as Republicans, the '

are rescued after being

party controlling the White

executives make off with

trapped fo r three days in

House, gain congressional

m illions in accounting

a mineshaft flooded with

seats rather than losing them.

scandals that send shock waves through global markets.

over 70 m illion gallons of water.


President Bush signs the Homeland Security Act, officially creating a Department of Homeland Security dedicated to preventing terrorist attacks, Kevin Lamarque/Reuters/Landov/AFP Photo/Juan Barreto/Corbis


Throughout 2002, Americans search for ways to recover and rebuild from September 11. On the one-year anniversary, survivors, families and friends gather at all three sites to commemorate the lives lost. Reed Saxon/AP/W ide World Photos


Federal employees from the Transportation Security Adm inistration begin screening all checl<ed baggage and random passengers at airports.


The possibility of the United States waging war against Iraq meets disapproval both at home and abroad.

' y The U.S. Senate passes a resolution condemning a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools is unconstitutional.

f’ at i ent s in Florida are the firs t to receive the VeriChip, a com puter chip bearing personal medical data that is injected into the forearm.

I M icroso ft’s Tablet PC enables users to w rite


directly on the screen rather than typing on


a keyboard.

S C I-T E C H The Journal o f the American Medical Association reports that children who grow up with pets have a reduced risk of developing comm on allergies.


/ r-

Maria de Jesus and Maria Teresa QuiejAlvarez, 1-year-old Guatemalan twins born joined at the head, are successfully separated after over 22 hours of surgery.

Uust before burning up in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the Galileo spacecraft captures the closest shots ever taken of Jupiter's moon lo. NASA/APAVide World Photos


Atman/AP/W)de World PholoE

0 Vukicevic/AP/Wide World Photos


Both Italian doctor Severino


El Nino causes snow


A blanket of pollution over

Antinori and Raelian scientists

and ice storm s up and

at Clonaid, who believe aliens

down the East Coast,

“ Asian Brown Cloud,”

created humans, claim to

rainstorm s in California

threatens the lives of

and a devastating

m illions worldwide with

cloned human. i\leither claim

December tornado

respiratory disease.

is proven genetically.

in Mississippi.

have produced the first


South Asia, dubbed the

f T h e nation’s largest outbreak o f the *W e s t Nile V iru s hits in su m m e r 2 0 0 2. T h e disease is spread b y m igrating birds and transm itted by m osquitoes. jfrh e gun turret of the historic Civil W a r M ronclad U S S

Monitor\s raised fro m the

floor o f the Atlantic O cean.


President Bush orders construction of a system that would defend the United States from ballistic missile attacks by 2004.


The newly discovered hunger hormone ghrelin is found to play a role in obesity by regulating what you eat and how much weight you gain.


The U.S. Education Department reports that average geography scores of the nation’s fourth and eighth graders, vi/hile low, have improved from 1994.


Elluia introduces HotAir Speai(ers, a set of battery-powered, inflatable speakers that are small enough to fit in your pocket when deflated.


McDonald’s unveils new lower-fat french fries due to the new Healthy Eating Pyramid and in response to many form er patrons suing fo r making them overweight.


1970s peasant shirts are alive and well on runways and in school halls. David Oyson/Camera Press/Retna i

Neal Graham/Omni-Photo Communications


The Institute of Medicine announces that maintaining


Jewelry designers Le Ann


Kmart rejuvenates the

Carlson and Denise Gaskill

Joe Boxer brand w ith ads

- health now requires one hour

add style to safety with

featuring the dancing Joe

. of exercise daily, doubling the

Lauren’s Hope fo r a Cure

Boxer guy, Vaughn Low ery

previous recommendation.

medical ID bracelets.


Everyone from hot


The cola war puts new

young movie stars to

flavors to the test,


Krispy Kreme lovers

aging rocl< stars sports

including Dr. Pepper

by celebrating their

the newest fashion

Red Fusion, Pepsi Blue

vows with doughnut

trend, turquoise jewelry.

and Vanilla Coke.

wedding cakes.

Theodore Wood/Camera Press/Retna


start a new tradition

Several companies introduce flavored water enhanced with vitamins and other nutrients.

Courtesy Krispy Kreme


European fashion hits the sidewalks and clubs of the United States with retro-style bowling shoes.


Busy singles try out speed dating, which gives couples several minutes to talk one-on-one before moving to a new partner at the next table.

Mark Gormus/Richm ond Times-Dispatch/AP/W ide World Photos


The Mohawk makes a hair-raising comeback after being donned by everyone from U.S. World Cup star Clint Mathis to actor Ryan Phillippe,


Digital innovations include camera phones — cell phones that can transm it still and video images through mobile phone lines.

Cynical Simon Cowell and company stir up big ratings fo r Fox’s "American Idol" and big record sales fo r w inner Kelly Clarkson, a waitress from Texas,

After a two-year hiatus, Leonardo DICaprio returns to the big screen with tw o holiday blockbusters, Gangs o f New York and Catch Me I f You Can.

Chicago, a film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical, wins three Golden Globes, including Best Picture: Musical or Comedy, and receives 13 Oscar nominations.

HBO Films' comedy Real Women Have Curves promotes positive self-image with the dazzling debut of Latin-American actress America Ferrera.

CBS scores a ratings doubleheader with a pair of forensic investigation dramas, “ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” and “ CSI M iam i.”

IFormer Beatles rock legend Paul McCartney brings in $2 m illion a night, fo r a total of $103 m illion, on the year's top-grossing tour. Issei Kato/Reulefs/Landov




The Strokes, Spin magazine’s 2002 Band of the Year, lead a resurgence of rock ’n' rollers, including The Hives and The Vines. f Armed w ith a steady beat and punk-rock-blues riffs. The W hite Stripes’ stripped-down rock shines on the highly acclaimed White Blood Cells.

Alpha-Marli Allan/Glote Pholos

Alan Jackson’s triple-platinum album Drive wins five Country M usic Association Awards and is named the USA Today No. 1 country album of 2002. Nirvana, the famed grunge band’s long-awaited greatest hits album, features “ You Know You’re Right,” the last recording Kurt Cobain made before his 1994 suicide.


Dallas Cowboy running back Emmitt Smith breaks Walter Payton’s 16,727-yard mark to become the NFL’s all-tim e leading rusher.

The Detroit Red W ings capture the 2002 NHL Stanley Cup over the Cinderella Carolina Hurricanes. It’s a record ninth cup fo r retiring coach Scotty Bowman.

Paul Wamer/AP/Wide World Photos

Richard Carson/Reuter& landov

SPORTS Serena and Venus W illiam s continue to dominate wom en’s tennis, becoming the firs t sisters to be ranked No. 1 and No. 2 in the w orld.

Martha Burk of the National

Chris FaytoloThe Star Ledger/Corljis-Sygma

Terry Renna/AP/Wide World Photos

Mannie Garcia'Getly Images



An 18th place finish in the


Despite an injured toe,

Council of Women’s

NASCAR season finale at

Shaquille O'Neal powers the

Organizations battles with

Homestead-Miami Speedway

unstoppable Los Angeles

Augusta National chairman

is enough to earn Tony

Lakers to a third straight

William Johnson over the

Stewart his firs t Winston

NBA championship title in

issue of female membership at

Cup Series championship.

May 2002.

the famous Georgia golf club.

..... ... ,1,1

r. i :

ta r

The U.S. men s soccer team advances to the


The U.S. Postal Service team


The top-rated defense of


LPGA pro Annika Sorenstam, after a

propels Sports Illustrated

the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

record-setting 13-win 2002 season

magazine’s Sportsman of the

shuts down the No. 1

worldwide, accepts an invitation to play

for the firs t tim e, by

Year Lance Arm strong to his

offense of the Oakland

the Colonial tournam ent on the men’s

defeating Mexico 2-0.

fourth consecutive Tour de

Raiders to win Super Bowl

2003 PGA Tour.

France victory.

XXXVII 48-21.

World Cup quarterfinals

Mike Powell/Getty Images

Matt A, BrowrVNewspoft/Corbis

he Ohio State Buckeyes beat the heavily favored Miami Hurricanes in double overtime to win the BCS National Championship. The 31-24 victory is the school's first national football title since 1968. The new sport of SlamBall takes basketball to the extreme on a specially designed court with fo u r tram polines in fro n t of each hoop.


Skateboarding reaches new popularity heights thanks to the high visibility of the X Games and the “ Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater” video game series.


Surfing welcomes a tidal wave of women to the sport after receiving a Hollywood endorsement in the popular sum m er flick Blue Crush.

2 > The sports w orld loses two legends— baseball’s “ Splendid Splinter” Ted W illiam s and Johnny Unitas, one of football’s greatest quarterbacks.

Zacarais Moussaoui, widely believed to be the 20th hijacker, goes on trial for his involvement in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

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