The B la z e
Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampshire
Cardigan Mountain School seeks to educate adolescent boys in mind, body, and spirit in a small residential^ community that values eacl«iudent in its care^ The school was founded in the Ju(|eo-Chri^ian ti;adition that welcomes boysrl)f all religious faiths. It emphasizes respect and responsibil ity, values effort, and rewards accom plishment. It helps each boy realize his academic and personal potential.
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Table of Contents Dedication Faculty t. Fall Winter Spring Class o f2005 Graduation
6 7 20 82 122 156
Interim Headmaster Jamie Funnell im m s
FORA GREAT YEAR! Mr. and Mrs. Funnell, Sam and Nicky
The Cardigan Mountain School Class of 2005 proudly dedicates the Blaze to Mike Fitzgerald Mr. Fitzgerald, the class of 2005 enthusiastically thanks you for your years of support and commitment to Cardigan Mountain School. As a teacher, dorm parent, coach, and director of activities, you have helped countless Cardigan boys grow and enjoy their experi足 ences on the point. You have always opened your door to students seeking extra help. You have pro足 vided guidance and structure for students in your dorm. You have reminded us of the importance of acceptance and tolerance during Martin Luther King Day celebrations. You have developed new and creative offerings for students during their free time. You have been a constant source of support for your colleagues as well. Perhaps the school's gratitude is best articulated by the graduating seniors who have chosen to dedicate this yearbook to you: "Mr. Fitz is the definition of working hard." "He's a great guy who makes the weekends fun for us." "As a coach he was fun, and he always pushed us hard." "Mr. Fitz goes beyond the call of duty in the dorm, in his classes, and in preparing activities for our weekends." "Mr. Fitz is a great teacher and coach and he has been a caring and honest friend." On behalf of the Class of 2005, Congratulations Mr. Fitzgerald!
School Leader Ruben Marcos
Faculty Kyle Manny Math. Dorm: Hinman 1. Sports; Reserve Football, Reserve B Hockey, JV Baseball.
Chris Kenny Dorm: South. Alumni Affairs. Academics: English. Sports: Wilderness, Recreational Skiing.
Tom Pastore Director of Studies, Director of Summer Session, Math. Dorm: Hayward. Sports: JV Basketball.
Rich Ryerson Director of Admissions.
Brandon Ferris Director of Communications Dorm: Stowell House Sports: Reserve Tennis
Carl and Cari Lovejoy Mr. Lovejoy: Assistant Headmaster for External Affairs Mrs. Lovejoy: School Store Manager
Alex, Liz, Emery & Seth Gray Assistant Head• master. Director of Seconikry School Place ment. Academics:. . English; Dorm; Banks; Sports: JV Lacrcfsse.
Nick and Jessica Creach Mr. Creach:History, Life Skills, Dorm: CM 2. Sports: Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball Mrs. Creach: ESS, LLL, Communications. Dorm: Clark Morgan 3
WimHart Dean of Rock n Roll Academics: 8th, 9th English Dorm: Greenwood Sports: Rec Skiing, JV Tennis
Steve, Louisa, and Maddie Ledbetter Dr, L«ilSett€r: Music Department Chair, Glee Club Director. Mrs. Ledbetter: LLL Dorm: Hayward Sports: Recreational Tennis
John D'^Entremont Academics: History Dorm: North Sports: Cross Country, JV Hockey, Varsity Temiis. Varsity Bus Driving.
Brad Edwards Academics: Spanish, Dorm: Brewster 2, Sports: Snowboarding, Track.
Rick, Mary, Elizabeth & Joey Exton Foreign Language i Chair, French, ESL. : ' Dorm: StowelL f VSports; JV & ccer. Res. Ljcrosse, 1 ^ . Skiing
Ryan Sinclair Academics; French, 6th grade Dorm:ClarkMorgan 2 Sports: Varsity Soccer, Reserve Hockey.
Nick Lynch History Dept. Chair Academics; 7th, 9th History Sports Varsity Foot足 ball, Varsity Basket足 ball, Varsity Baseball.
Tom, Laura, and Samantha Funkhouser Academics: English. Dorm: Clark-Morgan 3. Sports: Reser\^e B Soccer, Reserve A Hockey, JV Lacrosse.
Allan, Amy, JR and Ethan Kreuzburg - ' Science Department Chair, Assistant Dean of| Students * Dorm: Franklin
Sean Coakley Academics: Science. Dorm: Brewster 1. Sports: JV Football, Varsity Hockey, Recreational Teiinis.
Ted Stewart Admissions, History. Dorm: Hinman 2, Sports: Varsity Football, JV Baseball.
Joel, Lydia, Liam arid Anja Harms Mr. Harms: Math. . Mrs. Harms: LLL. Dorm: French 2. Sports: Rec Skiing, Sailing.
James'Marrion r Director of AthleticS. Math. Sports: Varsity Foot' ball. Reserve Basket ball, Varsity Baseball.
Ritchie Gillespie Academics: Science. Dorm: Brewster 2. Sports: Cross Country, Wrestling, Track.
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Dave, Hannah, and Ben Auerbach Scienceman, Dorm; Franklin, Hinman .1, Sports: Recreational Skiing, Sailing.
Mark Holt ESS Department Chair. ' Dorm; Brewster 1. Spotts; Wilderness, Medical Trips.
Rev. Gameron Coe Chris Jenkins
Academics: Latin. Dorm: French 1, Sports; JV Football, J V Basketball, Reserve Baseball.
Chaplain, Religion. Dorm: Clark Morgan
John, Jessica, Gavin, Morgan, Beckham and Jack Bayreuther Dorm: North History, Life Skills. Sports: Res. A Soccer, Res. A H ^k ey ,
Kate Foster LLL, Curriculum Development Coor足 dinator. .
Cornelia Hasenfuss Academics: French, 6th Grade. Sports: Wilderness, Skiing.
John^Nesbitt Academics: Science j Dorm: French i Sports: Wilderness, Skiing.
Josh LeRoy Ad missi^ons Dept, Math. Dorm: Brewster 1 & 2 Sports: Varsity Football, Varsity Hockey.
Ryan, Christine, Nolan and Cormac Feeley Academics: English, Dorm: South Sports: Reserve B Soccer, Reserve Basketball Blaze Advisor.
Pat Frariz Head of Language Learning Lab.
Miki Fera * Academics: French Dorm: Stowell Sports: Reserve C Soccer, Varsity Skiing, Recreational Tennis.
J. Dudley Clark Life Skills Reserve Hockey Referee for Soccer, Hockey. Zamboni Master.
Josh Bauman Academics: Spanish. Dorm; Hayward. Sports: Varsity Soccer, Rec Skiing, Reserve Baseball. 12
Mary Mendelsohn English Department Chair, Drama Director. Dorm: North.
Chris, Tammy, Erin and Ryan .Seldomridge 5Assistant Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, Life Skills. ' Dorm: G re^w ood.
Chuck McCormick Dean of Students, History Dorm: Brewster 2 JV Football, Varsity Lacrosse. >
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Randy MacDonald Director of Educational T echnology Dorm: Hinman 2
Eddie & Fe Ramos Math Department Chair Dorm: Greenwood. Sports: X-Country Skiing, Varsity Tennis Soccer Referee.
Susan Rives Head of Art Department Academics: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking & Cerarriics
Mike Fitzgerald Director of Student Activities Academics: History. Dorm: South. Sports: JV Hockey, JV Baseball. " %%
Jim Scott Woodworking. Dorm: Hirinan 1. Drairta.
joe McHugh, jill Cavalieri, & ]udy Ribeiro Business Office
Karen Colburn Headmaster's Assistant
Audie Armstrong Administrative Assistant.
Shirley Lester Admissions
â– â– i
Stephanie Ferland School Receptionist & Travel Coordinator
G eoff Hoyt Director of Development
Barb Frazier, Tricia Butterfield Development Office
Roz Burke, Pat White Nursing Staff
Joe & Ginny Collins Friends of Cardigan
Rev. Hal Finkbiner Organist
Kathy McHugh Registrar
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Fall at Cardigan 21
Sandwich Fair
October, 2005
Left: The Two Faced Billy Right: Altitude makes Mr. D hyper
Top Left: Han Woong Lee Top Right: Let me have some food, Brady Middle: Class of 2005
Bottom Left: Mount Oscela Bottome Right: Class of 2005 Again
LEFT: Jon Strong finally adn\its that the Red Sox are better than the Yankees! r'
Fall Play I
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y Top left: The Cool Guys. Top right: Work your lines out Nick. Bottom Right: Ruben knows his lines.. Bottom Left: Nice hair Mike
Top Left: King of the Kings Tesus Florke Top Right: Don't cry PJ
Bottom Left: I wonder what Bello saw. Bottom Right: SuperNudy
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“The Cougars win on an eighty yard touchdown pass P ^“With great passing with no time on the clock!” and tough defense, the Cougars win a tight match!” Cardigan’s cross-country team torches the competition again!”
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Front Row: Shane Frankhouse, Dudley Talbot, Matt Maienshien, Nick Ceccolini, Griffin Drescher, Luke Ross, Casey Brugman, Jamie Nudy, Hugo Martinez, Ruben Marcos, Colin Flynn. Back Row: Coach Marrion, Coach Stewart, Coach Leroy, Matt Gearty, Bubba Sainsbury, Price Seliger, DJ Penick, KiBum Lee, Tyler Swertfager, David Lineham, Mike McCarron, Herbie Kent, Grant Kerwin, An drew Fenstermaker, Anthony Dolphin, Mike Jangro, Jonathan — Strong, Mike Staton, John Bello, Anthony Hewitt, Josh Karger, ■ Coach Creach, Coach Lynch.
Front Row;Grant Bercari, Andrew Philie, Chris Cyr, Ace Bouchard, Philip Amato, Jonathan Castillo, Torin Snyderman, Chris Powers. Back Row: Coach McCormick, Sal Gutierrez, Alvaro Aguirre, Connor McNamara, Andrew Abitbol, Jorge Cervantes, Mac Lane, Robert Stringer, Connor Hartnett, Joel Bergstrom, Jesus Florke, Mo Alireza, Carlos Pena, Coach Coakley.
Reserve Footba Front Row: Ernesto Fernandez, Sam Funnell, Steven Frankhouse, Michael Gray, Sergio Valverde, Jihoon Kim, Dalton French, Jaime del Conde. Back Row: Coach Kreuzburg, Felipe Girault, Santiago Covarrubias, Gabriel Charur, David Fyfe, Ha Lim Lee, Matt Penick, John Harwood, Dillon Corkran, Nic Cote, Jack Callander, Walker Todesco, Coach Manny.
Varsity Soccer ' •. , . ."N«,„
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Front Row:Holly Rodd, Drew Jankowski, Jarret Winget, Mike Gallo, Ben Wyskiel, Courtney Lockwood. Back Row: JP Lopes, John Louria, Kevin Dawson, Chris Grilk, Sung Oh Bang, Robbie Bourdon, Mark Moon, Cody Danforth, Willi Rose.
Front Row; Eduardo Jana, Mike Wolf, Mike Walsh, Josh Karger. Back Row: TK Wong, Ho Chan Lee, Orson Webber-McCollaum, Roberto Soto, Evaristo Garcia, Jack O'Brien, Whit Berry, Coach Jenkins. Absent: Coach Exton.
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Reserve A Soccer Front Row: Coach Auerbach, Alex Zambrano, Eiichiro Takinami, Nick Lovejoy, James Im, Jun Ho Bae, Caoch Bayreuther. Back Row: Justin Mas, Fernando Velasco, Pedro Cardenas, Oliver Zambrano, Jack Camp, Patricio Peralta, Phil Alarez-Correa, Andrew Hong, Rafael Gonzalez, David Grilk, BK Chun.
Reserve B Soccer ■ont Row: Suk Hwan Hong, Chi Ho ;e, Andres Villareal, Austen imanis, Reed Von Gal, Sumner Ford, ndrew Reilly, Fabian Zambrano, lex Yang. jck Row; Diego Zambrano, James je, Joe Licisky, Jae Yeol Choe, :>mmy Suh, Pablo Salinas, Mason 'addox, Chris Hyun, Coach inkhouser.
Reserve C Soccer
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jFront Row: Young Soo Jang, Stephen artin, Celil Cavasoglu, Philip Kahan, ake Chang. Back Row: Coach Fera, Will Schoder, Connor Ryan, Michael Seo, Ryan Donovan, Edward Hwang, Santiago Soto, Eugene Sa, Nick Barruso, Kyung _"^Tak Kim, Jeremy Borden, Luke Gilder, -ji'Coach Demaggio.
Corey Starbuck, PJ King, Mike Massare, Matt Brightman, Clark Wallach, Hatcher Perry, Jeremy Prasch, Jon Byington, Will Davis, Alex Davis, Pavel Pluhar, Taiga Koda.
Country 44
A Good Fall...
... Was Had ByAU. 45
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Top Left: I like your hatâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Bottom Left: Colonel Hewitt Bottom Right: What are you looking at?!
Top Left: What are you talking about?? Bottom Left: Why are you laughing?!?!? Right: General Ruben Marcos
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Front Row:David Lineham, Jonathan Castillo, Mark Moon, Mike Staton, Andrew Fenstermaker, Anthony Dolphin, A nthony Hewitt. Second Row: Carlos Pena, Mike Gallo, Kevin Dawson, Dudley Talbot, Roberto Soto. Back Row: Coach Creach, Coach Lynch in sauna.
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Front row: Josh Karger, Ace Bouchard, Will Bowen, Justin Mas, Javier Sepulveda. Back row: Coach Pastore, Mac Lane, Sung Oh Bang, Jack O'Brien, Billy Shin, H yun Suk Lim, Ho Chan Lee, Coach Jenkins.
Basketba.. ard if iia n V t h l e l i c s
First row: Chi Ho Lee, Will Schoder, Ha Lim Lee, Nick Barusso. Back row: Dong Min Shin, Santiago Soto, James Lee, Eiichiro Takinami
Front Row: Nick Ceccolini, Mike Jangro, John Lineberry, Jamie Nudy, Herbie Kent, Colin Flynn, David Grilk. M iddle Row: Coach Leroy, James Chamness, Bubba Sainsbury, Willi Rose, Mike McCarron, Chris Grilk, Joel Bergstrom, Jarret Winget, Coach Coakley. Back Row: Casey Brugman, Torin Snydeman, Robbie Bourdon, Nick Lovejoy, Drew Philie.
'^arsity Hock速^ 4
JV Hockey
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Front:M att Brightman, Mike M assare, Cody Gut, Cam Fisichelli, A ndrew Reilly, Courtney Lockwood. Back; Coach D'Entremont, M att Gearty, Chris Cyr, M ason M addox, PJ King, Alex Davis, Cody Danforth, Jeremy Prasch, Chris Powers, Joe Licisky, Ben Wyskiel, M ark Joyce, Drew Jankowski, Coach Fitzgerald.
Reserve A Hockey
ront: Connor McNamara, Toby H arrim an, Jack Callander, Reed von Gal, Sam Funnell, BK Chun, Eugene Sa, Burt IcGillivray. Back: Coach Fimkhouser, M att Penick, Whit Berry, John Louria, Grant Kerwin, M att Maienshien, indrew Hong, Jun Ho Bae, Michael Gray,Pablo Salinas, Coach Bayreuther.
Reserve B Hockey
^ront: Fernando Velasco, Danny Fenton, Mike Seo, Chris Brown, Dalton French, Edw ard Hwang, Alex Yang, A^alker Todesco, Ruben Marcos, Jake Dunham. Back: Coach Chitoff, Rafa Gonzalez, Felipe Delgado, Jake Zhang, Sergio Valverde, Hugo M artinez, TK Wong, Tommy Suh, Alvaro Aguirre, Coach Manny. 73
Front row: Sumner Ford, Corey Starbuck, Phil Amato, Jeremy Borden, Fabian Zambrano, Archi Panella, Patrick Mealy. Back Row: Coach Demaggio, Coach Nesbitt, Oliver Zambrano, Garon Jenkins, Sander Caron, Tyler Swertfager, Connor H artnett, Price Seliger, Alain Garner, Will Davis, Young Soo Jang, Carlos Canales, Jaime del Conde, Carlos Vallejo, William Voigt, Spencer Corkran, Coach Hasenfuss, Coach Fera.
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Headmaster's Day
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Front: Phil Amato, Griffin Drescher, Drew Philie. Middle: Willi Rose, PJ King, Jon Strong, Mike Jangro, Cody Danforth, Connor M cNamara, Jamie N udy, Jarrett Winget, Torin Snyderman, Nick Lovejoy, Ruben Marcos, Mark Joyce, Coach Bayreuther. Back: John Bello, Cody Gut, Dudley Talbot, Joe Licisky, Rodrigo Fernandez, Bubba Sainsbury, M att Gearty, John Louria, DJ Penick, John Lineberry, Robbie Bourdon, Nick Ceccolini, Drew Jankowski, Coach McCormick.
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Left to right; Coach Funkhouser, Mike Wolf, Hugo M artinez, BK Churi, Alvaro Aguirre, Phil AlvarezCorrea, M att M aienshien, Beri Wyskiel, HanLee, Clark Wallach, M att Penick, Chris Powers, Chris Grilk, Michael Gray, Evaristo Garcia, Shane Frankhouse, Tyler Swertfager, Jack Callander, Robert Stringer, Conor H artnett, Patrick Mealy, Sumner Ford, Sam Funnel, Grant Kerwin, Mike Massare, Coach Gray.
’ *■* Front row: Sal Gutierrez, Oliver Zambrano, Jorge Cervantes, Pablo Salinas, Fabian Zambrano, Dalton French, Steven Frankhouse, Jeremy Borden, Bruno Urich-Sass, Jihoon Kim, Alex Yang. Back Row Coach Exton, Garon Jenkins, Fernando Velasco, Jun Ho Bae, Diego Zambrano, Carlos Pena, Rodrigo Bours, Reed Von Gal, Jae Yeol Choe, Gabriel Charur, Eugene Sa, Coach Kreuzburg, Burt McGillivray.
larsity Baseba 3
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Front: Coach Lynch, Joel Bergstrom, James Chamness, Chris Cyr, Casey Brugman, Cam Fisichelli, Coach Creach. Back: Whit Berry, Herbie Kent, Dave Grilk, Mike McCarron, A nthon Hewitt, A ndrew Fenstermaker.
TVBaseball 1
Front: Javier Sepulveda, Sander Caron, Chris Ruez, M att Brightman, Brady Jennings, A ndrew Reilly. Back: Coach Fitzgerald, Jonathan Castillo, Mike Staton, David Lineham, Jeremy Prasch, Coach Manny.
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Reserve Baseball
Front: Pato Peralta, Carlos Vallejo, Josh Karger, Jake Dunham , Pavel Pluhar. Back: Coach Jenkins, Pedro Cardenas, Jesus Florke, Roberto Soto, Eduardo Jana, TK Wong, Coach Bauman.
Left to right: Coach D'Entermont, Will Schoder, Courtney Lockwood, Chris Brown, Jack O'Brien, Hyun-Suk Lim, Mark Moon, Mac Lane, Mike Gallo, Andrew Hong, Eiichiro Takinami, Coach Ramos.
JV Tennis
Front: Jaime del Conde, Toby H arrim an, Chi Ho Lee, Ernesto Fernandez. Back; Coach Demaggio, Ho Chan Lee, Dillon Corkran, Anthony Dolphin, Felipe Girault, Sergio Valverde, Coach Hart.
Reserve Tennis/ Rec Tennis
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Front Row: Edward Hwang, Jake Chang, Chris Hyun, Ace Bouchard, Scott Shin. Back Row: Coach Edwards, James Lee, Tommy Suh, Sung Oh Bang, Corey Starbuck, Orson WebberMcCollaum, Sam Payson, Colin Flynn, Coach Gillespie.
T A T T T T~^ T~' 7 3 TV TT^ y y _/ I J l i l \ l \ r~j ^ 106
Coach Nesbitt, Celil Cavasoglu, Danny Scott, Coach Hasenfuss, Coach Kenny, William Voigt.
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Hatcher Perry, Jon Byington, Alain Garner, Coach Auerbach, Phil Kahan, Will Davis, AJ Weisberger, Spencer Corkran, Connor Ryan, Andrew Abitbol, Carlos Canales, Coach Harms. 107
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Faculty Kids 114
Faculty Kids
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Life in tine 8th Grade
Left: Tough man, Ruben! Right: Take a shower shine your shoes
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Top Left: Scary eyers, the pizza ment Top Right: Wow, Did you lose weight? Hatcher Bottom Left: What are you so shy about Bello?
Andrew Abitbo J.V. Football 9, Varsity Sn6wboarding 9, Varsity Sailing 9,^itchen Crew 9, High Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9.
Sung Oh Bang Chaplain's Assistant 9, Green Key 8,9, Varsity Soccer 8,9, Varsity Track 8,9, JV Basketball 8,9,Reserve Basketball, MIP 7, High Honor Roll 7,8, National Junior Honor Society 8, Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9, Honor Roll 7,8,9, Glee Club 7,8,9, Christmas Peagent 7,8,9, Art Credit 9.
John Bello Stowell Floor Leader 9, Green Key 8,9, Varsity Football 8/9, Varsity â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Snowboarding 8,9, JV Larcrosse 8, High Honor Roll 8,9, Honor Roll 7, Effort Honor Roll 8,9 Drama 8,9, Glee ^ u b 8,9, Christmas Peagent 8,9.
Grant Bercari Job Supervisor 9, JV Football 9, Varsity Wrestling 9, Honor Roll 9.
Whit Berry Kitchen Crew Leader 9, JV Football 8, Reserve Basketball MVP 8, Varsity Baseball 8,9, JV Soccer 9, Honor Roll 9 .
Abraham Bouchard ^' â&#x2013; Job Supervisor 9, JV Football 9, JV Basketball 9, Track, 9.
Rodrigo Bours JV Football, 8, JV Socccr, 9, Snowboardiiigi, '8,9,Track, 8, ^ jVfTacrosse, 9, The^ Prince and the Pauper,8, Tea'House of the August Moon, 9. '■
Will Bowen Classroom Supervisior 9, JV Basketball 9, Reserve Basketball 8, JV Soccer 9, Honor Roll 8,9.
Christopher Brown JV Football, 8,9> Wrestling, 7, 8, Reserve B Hockey, 9, JV Tennis, 7, 8, Varsity Tennis, 9 Honor Roll, 9.
- ;■
Jon Byington Classroom Supervisor 9, Cross Coun足 try 9, Wrestling 9, Sjack 9, Honor Roll 7,8,9, Latin II prize 8, Math Ctfents 8, ,StageCrew9. ' .
Carlos Canales Kitchen Crew 9, Wilderness 9, Alpine Skiing 9, Honor Roll 9.
Alexander Caron . Kitchen Crew 9, Wilderness 9, Skiing 9, High Honor Roll 9.
Nikolas Ceccolini Hinman I Floor Leader 9, Green Key 8 , 9, Varsity F(^tbaii 9, JV Hockey Varsity Hockey 8,9, JV La crosse MIP 8, Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Glee CMb 8, Drama
ÂŁ V.-
Jorge Cervantes JV Football 9, JV Baseball 9, High Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9.
James Charriness Zlass Secretary 9, Green Key 9, Varsity Football 9, Varsity HocJ<:ey 9, Varsity Baseball 9, Honor Roll 9.
Cody Danforth Hayward'Floor Leader 9, Varsity Soccer Coaches'Jeivard 9, Varsity, Lacrosse 9, JV Hockey 9, E f f o l^ fn o r Rolls, V.
J^lex Dayis ^ ... ^ I JV Football 8, JV Soccer 9, JV Hockey 8,9, JV Lacrosse 8, Honor Roll 8. ■
Will Davis Cross Country 8,9, JV Skiing 9, Sailing 8,9, MIP 8, High Honor Roll 6,7,8,9, Ef|ort Honor Roll 6,7,8,9, Religion ok Prize 8, Drama Tecfi 9, .
Anthony Dolphin Kitchen Crew, 9, Varsity Football, 9, Varsity Basketfell, 9, Varsity Baseball,
Griffin Drescher Brewster II Floor Leader 9, GreenKey 9, Varsity Football 9, Wrestling 8,9, Coaches' Award 8, Captain 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, High Honor Roll 6,7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 6,7,8,9, National Junior Honor Society,8, Mr. Roberts
Andrew Festermaker Associate Job Foreman 9, Green Key 7,8,9, Varsity Soccer 7,8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Basketball 6,7,8,9, Varsity Tennis 6,7,8, MVP 8, Vai'sity Baseball 9, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Mr. Roberts 8.
Rodrigo Fernandez Kitchen Grew Leader, 9, Varsity Football3, |V Football, 8, Wres足 tling 8,9, Varsity Lacrag^gf: 9.
Jesus Florke Wrestling 8,9, JV Football, 8,9, Sailing, 8 MIF, Knights of the Rad Table, 8, The Prince and the Pauper, 8, The Emperor's New Clothes, 9, Tea House of the August Moon, 9, Honor Roll, 7.
Colin Flynn North Floor Leader 9, Green Key 8,9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Football 8,9, Varsity Track 8,9, School Record 8O0M, School Record 4X100 Relay, Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Most Outstanding Underclassman 8, The Prince and the Pauper 8, Mr.Roberts 8, Emperor's New Glothes
Mike Gallo Chaplain's Assistant 9, Varsity Soccer 8,9, Y ^sity Basketball 8,9,
Evaristo Garcia Class President 9, Dearfs Assistant 9, Green Key 9, JV Lacrosse 9, JV Soccer 9, Honor Roll 9.
MattGearty Green Key 9, JV Football 8, Varsity Football 9, JV Hockey 8,9, Varsity
Salvador Gutierrez Kitchen Crew 9, JV Football 9, High H d n o ^ o ll, 9.
Conor Hartnett JV Football 8,9, Varsity Skiing 8,9, High Honor Roll 8.
Anthony Hewitt Assistant School Leader 9, Varsity Baseball 8,9, Varsity Fqotball 8,9, Varsity Basketball 9.
Eduardo Jana Kitchen Crew, 9, JV Soccer, 9, Rec Snc^bearding, 9, Reserve Baseball, 9
Mikejangro French II Floor Leader Green Key 8,9, Young Cougar Society >8, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Football 8,9, Var足 sity Lacrosse 8,9, Honor Roll 8,9,
Andrew Jankowski Day Student Leader 9, Green Key. ^ 7.8.9, Varsity Soccer 8,9, JV Hockey 8.9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, High Honor Roll 7y8,9, Effort Honor Roll Z,-8,9, National Junior Honor Society 8, History Award 7, English Award 7,8, French Award 7,8, Science Award 8,
Brady Jennings Job Supervisor'8^9, Reserve Baseball MVP 7, JV Footbill 8, Varsity ' Snowboarding 8,9, Hono:^ RoIl7,
Joshua Karger JV Soccer MIP 9, Reserve Baseball Coaches' Award 8.
Herbert Kent Brewster I Flooir Leader % (^reen Key 8,9, Varsitiy Football 8,9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Baseball 8,9,
Pierce King South Dorm Floor Leader 9, Class Secretary 8, Gi"^en Key 8,9, Varsity Cross Cquntry Coach's Award 9. JV Hockey 8,9, JV Lacross &9, Coaches' Award 8, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, National Junior
Mac Lane Dining Hall Assistant, 9, JV Football, 8,9, JV Basketball 8, Coaches Award, 9 Varsity Tennis, 9, Honor Roll 8,9.
Han-Woong Lee Greenwood Floor Leader 9, Green Key 9, Young Cougar Society 9, Var足 sity Football 9, Varsity Wrestling 8,9, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort HeSnor Roll 8,9, Math Counts 8,
Ho Chan Lee Hinrrfeft ttPlo^r Leader 9, Green Key 9, R esiK sketbaU ^P 8; JV Soccer 9, JV Basketball 9, JV Tenrtis 9, ' • High’Honor Roll 7,8,9,Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9, Math Award 7,8, (31ee ClulJ 7,8,9, Glee Club Manager 9> Math Counts '7,8, Art Credit 9,
Hyun-Suk Lim Dining Hall Supervisor 9, JV Soccer 9, JV Basketball MIP 9, Varsity Tennis.9, High Honor Roll 7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9, Glee Club 7,8,9, Art Credit 9, Math Counts 8, Chirstmas Paegent
John Lineberry Clark-Morgan II Floor Leader 9, Green Key 9, Studerit Senate 9, Var sity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9,_ ^ Varsity ' • *
► ■ s ,.
David Lineham Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity FQOtball,9, Varsitf^"Basketball, 9, jV" Baseball, 9, Honor Roll 9.
Courtney Lockwood Green Key Coordinator 9, Res. Hockey MVP 7, JV Hockey 8,9, JV Lacrosse 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Tennis, 9, High Honor Roll 7,8, Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9, Honor Roll 9, Na足 tional Junior
Matt Maienshein Varsity Football 9,JY Football, 8, -JV Lacrosse 8, 9, Tea House of August Moon 9.
Ruben Marcos School Leader 9, Student Senate 9, Varsity Football'8,^JV Basketball 8, High Honor Roll 8, Effort Hdffdr goll 8,9, Nation£|l Junior Honor Society 8, The PrinQe«>and the Pauper 8, Mr. Roberts 8, Tea House of Augtist Moon
Mike Massare Banks Floor Leader 9, JV Hockey 8,9, Varsity Cross-Coi.mtry 9, JV Baseball 8, History Award 8, Honor Roll 8,9, High Honor Roll 8, Effort Honor Roll
Mike McCarron Kitchen Crew % Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Baseball 9. V.
Norman McGowin JV Soccer 9, Reserve Tennis 8,9, Hon#r Roll 8,9.
Patrick Mealy Green Key 8,9,JV Lacrosse 8,9, Varsity Skiing 8,9, JV Soccer 9, Honor Roll 8, Tea House of August Moon 9.
Mark Moon French I Floor leader 9, Green Key 7.8.9, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Bas足 ketball 8,9, Varsity Track*8, Varsity Tennis 9, High Honor Rdll 7^,9, Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9, Glee Club 7.8.9, Tea House of August Moon 9, National Junior Honor Society 9.
Jamie Nudy Franklin House Floor leader 9, Green Key 8,9, Varsity Fo&tball 8,9^ Varsity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Lacrosse'8,9, Emperor's New Clothes 9,
Jack O'Brien Young Cougar 9, }V Soccer 9, JV Basketball 8, 9, Varsity Tennis 8,9,
Samuel Payson Kitchen Crew, 9, Wilderness, 9, Wrestling, 9, Track, 9, Talent Show, P.
Daniel Penick JV Lacrosse 8, Varsity Foot]ball 9, Varsity Wrestlikg 9' Varsity Lacrosse, 9, Orifstanding Art Prize 6, Scholastic Art Award 9,
Hatcher Perry Assistant Job Foreman 9, Head Tech For Theatre 8,9, GreenKey 7,8,9, Varsity Sailing MVP 8 Captain 9, Varsity Cross-Country 9, Honor Roll 7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 9, Wood Shop
Charles Reid Kitchen, Crew 9, JV Soccer Coaches' Award 9, Reserve Teniiis 9, Honor Roll 9, High Honor Roll ^
Holly Rodd Clark-Morgan III Floor Leader 9, Varsity Soccer Skiing, 9^ Re serve Tennis 8,9, Honor R o l ^ ^ ' '.-i fi
William Sainsbury .P " -
GreenKey 9|^Varsit5.'^ Hockey 9, Var sity Footbatll 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Effort tionor Roll 9, Christmas Peagent 9,
Price Seliger Kitchen Crew Leader 9, Varsity Foot ball 9, JV Football 8,' Reserve Tennis MVP 8, Varsity Skiing 9, Princ« And ' The Pauper 8.
Javier Sepulveda Kitchen Crew 9, Resetve Basketball 8, TV Baseball Basketball 9.
Dong-Hoon Shin JV Basketball 9, JV Soccer 9, Honor Roll 7,8,9, High Honor Roll 8, Glee Club 7,8,9, Christmas Peagent 7,8,9, Junior Scholastic Art Golden Key
Roberto Soto Kitchen Crew 9â&#x20AC;&#x17E;JV Soccer 9, Varsity Basketball, 9 JV Baseball 9. â&#x20AC;˘
Corey Starbuck Varsity Grci^%Coiintry MVP 9, Skiing, *9, ^ c k , 9, Honor Roll 9, ^ Talent Show, 9.
Michael Staton Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Basketball 9, JV Basketball 8, Varsity Football 9, JV Baseball 8,9, Latin Award 8, Citizenship Award 8.
Jonathan Strong y Athletic Director's Assistant 9, Var足 sity Football 8,9, Varsity Basketball 8, Varsity Wrestling 9, Varsity Track 8, vWsity Lacrosse 9, Honor Roll 9 , Backstage Manager 9. ,ir
Dudley Talbot Dining Room Assistant, 9, Varsity 'feotball MIP 9, J짜 FcJotball, 8, Varsity Basketball 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9.
Bruno Urich-Sass Kitchen Crew 9, Yarsi ty Soccer 9, JV Baseball 9, High Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9.
Carlos Vallejo Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Skiing 9, Wilderness 9, ReserC^e Baseball 9.
William Voigt Science Assista]|t 9, H igh Honor Roll 8, Honor Roll 6,7;^;‘9, EffortjyDnor Roll 7,8, Wood Shop Credi| '97WMderness 6,8,9,-6ailing 6,7, JV Skiing 8,9.
‘Michael Walsh JV Soccer I, Wrestling 7,8,9, Rec. Tennis.7,8,9, Cardigan Herald 9.
Orson Webber-McCollaum Hopkins Classroom Supervisor 9, Cross Country 9, Wrestling 9, Reserve Basket ball 8, Track 9, High Honor Roll 7,8,9.
Jarret Winget Green Key 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, V a r^ y Soccer 9, Kitchen ^ ^ ^ ^ r e w 9, Honor Roil 9
Michael Wolf JV Soccer % Cross G o u n ^ Skiing 8,9, Honor Roll 9
Tin Kin Wong Dining Hall Steward, 9, Cardigan Herald; 9, JV Soccej;,^, 9, Reserve Basketball; 8, Reserve B Hockey, 9, Reserve Baseball, 8,9, Honor Roll, 9.
Johnathan Louria Varsity Soccer, 9^ Reserve A Hockey, 9, Varsity Lacrosse;*^^^ Stage Crgw, 9, Talent Show, 9. / Âť
Grant Kerwin Varsity Football, 9, JV Football, 8, Reserve A Hockey, 9, JV Lacrosse, 9, Talent Show, 9, Stage Crew, 9, Kitchen Crew 9, Honor Roll 9
Congratulations to the Class of 2005! Come Back and Visit Soon! 151
Four Year Boys William Voigt Hatcher Perry Griffin Drescher Will Davis DJ Penick Andrew Fenstermaker 152
! ’
.f -
AW AR DS Lane Price Seliger THE SKIBISKI MEMORIAL AWARD This award is to be given as a memorial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest progress during the year.
Andrew Abitbol THE WILLIAM KNAPP MORRISON AWARD Given to that student who, in the opinion of the other students, best exemplifies the spirit of Willie Morrison in academics, athletics, and as a campus citizen.
Paul Hatcher Perry FACULTY PRIZE This faculty prize goes to a four-year student who has demon strated outstanding character and has distinguished himself as the "go to" guy in the many facets of campus life. Whether it be on a team, in the tech booth, or in the dining room he has shown that no task is too difficult or too unglamorous for him. In the dining room he has shown a willingness to help out in any way he is asked, and above all, has shown extreme tact while doling out consequences for transgressions earned by his fellow classmatesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a job which is very difficult. 160
2 0 0 4
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Griffin Michael Drescher THE FOUNDERS PRTZF Awarded to the boy in the student body who has the will to complete any project, regardless of the difficulties encountered, without thought of personal gain, and whose objective is a job well done in the same approach that characterized the life of Harold P. Hinman, one of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School.
Ruben Antonio Marcos THE PANNACI MEMORIAL AWARD This award is to be given annually by the class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member of the senior class who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has achieved and best attained the ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership and general social and spiritual adjustment.
THE NORMAN AND BEVERLY WAKELY AWARD Given by the Class of 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion of his classmates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and pride of Cardi足 gan Mountain School, thus making everyday a "beautiful day in New Hampshire."
Han-Woong Lee DEWAR PRIZE To the member of the senior class with the highest academic standing.
L .\ -
Andrew Kyle Jankowski THF HTNMAN PRIZE A Prize given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member of the school, who, in the opinion of the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals of manhood as conceived in the minds of the founders of Cardigan Mountain School.
Herbert A. Kent IV THE CALDWELL PRIZE. To the boy who has shown outstanding athletic acheivement and good sportsmanship.
Ho Chan Lee FACULTY PRIZE This Faculty Prize recognizes a student who has shown steady improvement in all facets of school life since com足 ing to Cardigan. Quietly and with maturity he handles a physical problem with his hip through most of his eighth grade year, and, of late, has now shown tremendous im足 provement of his skills on the tennis court. As a leader, he must be praised for doing the unglamorous jobs many other leaders shy away from. He has distinguished him足 self in the classroom, making his way into the competitive 9-1 section as a ninth grader. This year he has been the editor of our yearbook and made many contributions to the Cardigan Herald. His wonderful subtle sense of hu足 mor and the hint of a smile has been much appreciated by all on campus. 162
2 0 0 4
2 0 0 5
William Trescott Davis THE ADDISON MEMORIAL PRTZF FOR CREATTVF. WRITING Given to the student who has demonstrated the most potential in the area of creative writing.
Pierce Joseph King FACULTY PRIZE This Faculty Prize recognizes a boy who always brings a cheerful attitude to his activities at Cardigan. He has worked hard acadmically in our challenging upper sections both years he has been here, growing intellectually in re足 sponse to this challenge. He is always willing to jump in and help the other fella in whatever activity he is engaged, whether it is sports, theater or the dorm.
Andrew Gerard Philie THE OUTSTANDING UNDERCLASSMAN AWARD This award, given by the class of 1977, is to be presented each year to the most outstanding underclassman who, in the eyes of the current senior class, best exemplifies the qualities of honesty, sportsmanship, and friendship
Mark M oon Congratulations, Mark Moon! You are a very special young m an and you have been our pleasure. We believe that God gives gifts to you w ith hopes and dreams.
Nick, We are so proud of youâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; the courage you show, the hard work you endure, the success you achieve, the young man you have become. Congratulations! Lots o f love. Mom, Dad, Jessica, Tony, Grandma, and Pa
Well Done, Holly! Fly High, Shoot Straight, and Follow your Dreams. Congratulations and Love, Mom, Dad, Papa and Will ..
If a man for whatever reason has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself Jacques- Yves Cousteau
Grant Bercari, '05 Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, and Brooke
Ty & Debbie Gagne
Jarret O. Winget Michael Jangro Charles McCarron Thomas L. Talbot III
The Lineberry Family David & Debbie Danforth The Berry Family The Family of Brady Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bouchard Mrs. J. Dabney Penick Carlos Vallejo Mark & Lisa Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Mark W . Mealy Roberto Soto Santiago Soto Mark Moon The KingsPaul, Janice, Taryn, Brittany, Olivia, Pierce, and Maximilian
Carroll County Gastroenterology and Carroll County Endoscopy Center Michael R. Bowen, M.D. 29 Union Street P.O. Box 878 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896 (603) 569-9681
Office hours by appointment
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319 South Main Street Andovet.MA 01810 T (978) 430-8250
fax: (603) 569-9384
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V■ , '_ '.:
front page headlines ihaun Heasley/ReuJers/Corbis
o Lifestyle guru
Martha Stewart begins serving a five-month jail sentence in West Virginia, after being found guilty of lying about a suspicious stock sale.
Ronald Wilson Reagan] 40th president of the United States, dies in June at the age of 93.
Republican incumbent George W. Bush narrowly defeats Democratic challenger John Kerry in the hotly contested 2004 nresidential election.
Despite assurances that Its nuclear program intentions are peaceful, Iran voluntarily suspends its uranium enrichment activities in the face of protests from NATO and the U.S.
Five hurricanes hit the Caribbean Sea, Florida and the southeastern U.S. coast in the fall of 2004, causing $25 billion in damages.
O In the trial of the
year, California jurors find Scott Peterson guilty of the first-degree murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and second-degree murder of their unborn son.
In response to the investigation by the Bipartisan 9/11 Commission, the U.S. Senate passes the National Intelligence Reform Act.
r I:
o The United Nations
iOnome Oghene/EPA/Landov
O The Ukrainian Supreme Court invalidates that countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disputed presidential election because of vote tampering. In the revote, pro-West opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko claims victory.
reports the AIDS epidemic is growing in Africa and worsening dramatically across eastern Europe and Asia.
> After more than a year of ceasefire, civil war re-ignites in the Ivory Coast as a result of President Gbagboâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ordering air strikes on rebel positions.
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O In September, Chechen rebels kill more than 430 people in a series of terrorist attacks in Russia, including the bloody attack on an elementary schoolhouse. O After 22 months, the conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan continues to grow, leaving more than 2.3 million Africans in need of humanitarian aid.
Karel P r in s lo o / A ^ id e World Photos
O Christopher Reeve dies at age 52. Reeve is remembered for his movie role as Superman and as an advocate for spinal cord research after being paralyzed in an accident in 1995.
According to the Lance Armstrong Foundation, over 20 million people are wearing the yellovK “Livestrong” wristbands that help fund and promote the organization’s cancer research. In September, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announces a $168 million donation to fund malaria research.
O The National World War I Memorial is unveiled in Washington, D.C., in honor of the millions of Americans who served during World War II in the military and on the home front. C
A prolonged deployment of over 200,000 U.S. troops to Iraq leaves many families struggling at home.
techno Portable photo printers that do not require a computer are a hot itenn for digital camera owners.
Hong Kong-based toymaker Wow Wee Ltd. sells 1.5 million Robosapiens since the toy’s introduction in April. Among other “talents,” the $100 robot can belch and pass gas on command.
The Food and Drug Administration llnl<s the use of antidepressants such as Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac to suicidal behavior in teens.
EPA/Joe Polimeni/AP/Wlde WofW Photos
SpaceShipOne, the world’s first privately developed spacecraft, is named “2004 Invention of the Year” by Time magazine. Apple’s IPod is the year’s hottest tech gadget, fashion accessory and advertising personality, all in one creditcard-size paclage.
O After four years on the marl<et and billions of dollars in revenue, pharmaceutical company Merck recalls the arthritis drug Vioxx due to increased risk for cardiovascular disease. O General Motors releases the industry’s first full-size gas-electric hybrid pickup truck, the Chevrolet Silverado. O Toshiba’s HD DVD and Sony’s Blu-ray battle for supremacy over the next generation of DVD technology Major movie studios are evenly divided in their backing of the two technologies.
Pierre-HW ^Reuters/Corbis
o Swarms of locusts destroy millions of acres of crops in West Africa.
In September, astronomers announce the discovery in the Milky Way galaxy of a new and possibly abundant class of planets.
On a remote island in Indonesia, scientists find 18,000-year-old sl(eletons of a hobblt-llke human species that grew no larger than todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s average three-year-old child.
Tfoy Wayrynen/AP/Wide Worid P
Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters/Landov
in October, IVIount St. Helens vents ash and steam for the first time since Its major eruption In 1980.
Threatened by the spread of hormone-disrupting chemicals and global warming, polar bears are added to the endangered species list.
£ i» e re « C o lte 6 o n
e 'Jii'a e 'l
Courtesy; Everett Collection
AFP/Qjjtt^im ages.
Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet garner Golden Globe nominations for ffema/ Sunstiine of the Spotless Mind, which also earns a nod for Best Picture, Musical or Comedy.
Nufinnal Treasurn Johnny Depp scores his second straight Oscar nomination for Best Actor with his performance in Finding Neveriand.
( J Shrek 2 ranks third on the list of the 100 top-grossing movies.
with a total haul of just over $436 million.
w V'tM
The Incredibles, Pixar and Disney's movie about a superliero family trying to live a normal life in the suburbs, is a box-office smash. Clint Eastwood directs another hit with Million Dollar Baby, starring Hilary Swank as a 31-year-old boxer.
o Jamie Foxx delivers an eerily
convincing and Oscar-nominated performance as the late Ray Charles in Ray.
O Already named best picture by film critics from New York to Los Angeles, independent film S/o'evtays finds even more celebrity with a leading seven Golden Globe nominations.
5 Tite Aviator, starring Leonardo DiCaprio in the role of eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes, earns eleven Oscar nominations.
5 Miramax/Courtesy: Everett Coltection j
Kevin F o le y /J^ ^ C /C o u fle s y : Everett Collectioi
N BC ’s “Jo ey” I
“Sein fe ld ” is released on DVD
The W B ’s “One Tree Hill
© A 8 C / C o u iie ^ ^ e t t C o lt e c t io a
Q Ty Pennington and company improve lives while mal<ing homes better on the successful ABC home improvement show “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”
O Fox’s “Arrested Development” wins the Emmy for Best Comedy Series after an inaugural year that is critically acclaimed but poorly rated.
O Stephen, “Lo,” Kristen and friends bring their real Orange County adventures to MTV in the hit reality show “Laguna Beach.” Rodrigo
irtesy; Ive re tt Collectio i I S
TIVO/AP/Wide World Photos
“You’re fired!” becomes a household phrase as Donald Trump plows through executive wannabes on his hit IMBC show, “The Apprentice.” ABC gets big ratings from its new hit drama “Lost,” the intriguing story of 48 plane crash survivors stranded on an island.
To kick off her 19th season of CBS’s “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Oprah and Pontiac join forces to give each of the 276 audience members a brand new Pontiac G6.
O Pausing and recording live television with DVR is rapidly replacing VCRs in households across America.
Before his unbelievable 74-game winning streak comes to an end, NBC’s “Jeopardy” contestant Ken Jennings wins $2,520,700 — a TV game show record. He delivers over 2,700 correct responses.
Ethan Miller/Reutere
Gina Gayle/AP/Wrde World Phot
ler Ro'land/AP/Wide v
I '
Green Day
Julie Roberts
J o ss Stone
Destiny s Cnild reunites
With bands like Interpol. The Killers and Snow Patrol, alternative rock returns to the mainstream music scene in a big way.
R ay C harles dies at age 73
U2’s new album How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb hits fJo.1 in Billboard magazim, and the band is inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March 2005,
Rapper Kanye West collects a whopping 10 Grammy nominations, including Album of the Year, for his debut The College Dropout.
f .r -
O Melly continues to wrap up big sales and hit songs with the simultaneous release of his two albums. Sweat and Suit ) Ashiee Simpson, Jessica's younger sister, makes headlines with her triple-platinum debut album Autobiography and a lip-synching gaffe on NBC’s ‘‘Saturday Night Live.”
'i'i »'s® n ' -'
Pop superstar Prince gives his concert ticket-holders something to cheer about before the concerts start... a free copy of his Musicology CD.
O Legendary ’80s alternative rock band The Pixies, known for inspiring “grunge” music, reunites after 13yearsforasold-outU.S, and European tour.
5 In December, Usher dominates the Billboard Music Awards, taking home 11 awards, including Album of the Year for Confessions.
Video game giant Electronic Arts buys exclusive rights to the teams, players and stadiums of the NFL for its popular Madden video game franchise.
After three years, Microsoft and Bungie Studios release the most eagerly anticipated video game sequel, Halo 2. Over 5 million copies of the game sell In the first month.
O The newest trend in video games is to go “old school," with plug-and-play systems featuring ’80s games from the likes of Atari and Namco.
2004 is the year of celebrities having babies, as Courtney Cox-Arquette, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts, Liv Tyler and others all become first-time mothers. Thousands of young people become avid poker players, a trend sparked by TV shows featuring tournaments for celebrities and professional poker players. The challenging “Metroid Prime 2: Echoes" takes home the prize as's Gamecube Game of the Year.
O The hottest “hard-to-get” toy for the holidays Is the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system. C
Even though it won't reach bookstores untilJuly 16, 2005, preorders in December help J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince top several best-seller lists.
sports ( J With a series sweep of ttie St. Louis Cardinals, the Boston Red Sox lift the “Curse of the Bambino” to win their first World Series title since 1918.
O The New England Patriots defeat the Philadelphia Eagles, 24-21, to repeat as Super Bowl Champions. They have won three of the last four Super Bowls. > Following his win in September at the Deutsche Bank Championship, Vijay Singh unseats Tiger Woods as the world’s No.1 golfer
o In December, Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning throws his record-setting 49th touchdown pass of the season._____________ ^ O
In one of the worst brawls in U.S. sports history, five Indiana Pacers players clash with Detroit Pistons fans on court and in the stands. The Pacers’ Ron Artest is suspended for the year for his involvement.
O Russian teenage tennis star Maria Sharapova defeats Serena Williams to claim the Wimbledon title. Thanks to lucrative sponsorship deals, Sharapova ends the year as the world's richest sportswoman.
David Gray/Reuters/Laniiov
Carly Patterson joins Mary Lou Retton as the only Annerican gymnasts to win the women’s all-around Olympic gold m ed %
Michael Phelps swims his way to eight individual Olympic medals, six gold and two bronze.
ATHENS 2004 O Together for the last time, the “Fab Five” of U.S. women’s soccer — Julie Foudy, Joy Fawcett, Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly and Brandi Chastain — bring home an Olympic gold medal.
O Kurt Busch wins the NASCAR Nextel Cup. It is his first career title and the closest battle in cup history.
The Detroit Pistons, led by Ben Wallace and finals MVP Chauncey Billups, win the 2004 NBA title.
Barry Bonds joins Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron as baseball’s only 700+ home run hitters. However, his performance falls under scrutiny after it is revealed that Bonds and other major leaguers have been using illegal steroids.
O The NHL takes the 2004-2005 season off as players and team owners fail to come to an agreement on players’ salary limitations. The Tampa Bay Lightning claim the 2004 NHL Stanley Cup by winning the seventh game of the Stanley Cup Finals. 2-1, over the Calgary Flames.
Reutefs/C orbisl