The Blaze - 2006

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Cardigan K4oiintain. School

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Cardigan Mountain School seeks to educate adolescent boys in mind, body and spirit in a small residential community that values each student in its care.

Table o f C o zitG n ts: Pages 3-7: Special Pages Pages 3-31: Senior Portraits Page 32: 4-Year Boys Pages 34-43: Faculty and Staff Pages 4^33: Dorm. Photos Pages 36-39: Candids Pages 60-73: Fall Events Pages 76-89: Fall Sports Pages 90-93: 'Winter Candids Pages 94^103: 'Winter Sports Pages 106-109: 'W^inter Events Pages 110-121: Spring Sports Pages 122-139: Spring Events Pages 140-143: A rts and K4iisic Pages 146-167: <3raduation andJ\wards Pages 168-169: School Photo Pages 170-172: Signature Pages

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Cardigan emphaazes respect and responsibility, values effort, and rewards accomplishment. It helps each boy realize his academic and personal potential

VC/e dedicate this book to you because: You have always been joyful an d willing to help. You have been a great teacher, both in an d o u t o f th e classroom. You have been like a m other, caring w hen you knew som ething was wrong. You have been strict, yet outgoing an d fun. You help us find our ow n confidence in our writing an d on stage. You have taught us how to write, through journaling an d o th er assignments. You have taught us how to work h ard an d have fun a t th e same time. You have taught us how to act. h/lost im portantly, you have been our friend.

T~he 2006 Senior Class

D&dicsLtGS the BlsLze to

h/la^ry M[Gn<dGlsohjrL

\ X / e l c o m e T o m a n d \K/^erL<dy J S J e e d h a n c i!

Our i V e w Headmaster Extraordinaire

\X/e R e m e m b e r

Rev. I-Iarold (H al) Finkbein.&r J r.

K 4s irc H 4 , 1 9 3 2 M ay 3, 2 0 0 6 l~han.k you for your 37 years o f contributiorL to the Cardigan Community. VC^e will miss you dearly.

Andrew Philie

Student Leaders W







Drew Philie, Chris Cyr, Matt Brightman, Danny Scott, Eddie Hwang, Oliver Zambrano, Sumner Ford, Chris Powers, Shane Frankhouse, Casey Brugman, Joel Bergstrom, David Grilk, Robert Bourdon, Joe Lisicky, Chris Hyun, Jun Ho Bae, Andrew Hong, Mark Joyce, Ben W yskiel, Chris Grilk, Jon Castillo, Tyler Swertfager and W illie Rose.

F 2005


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Cardigan ' Seniors 2006 Philip M. Alvarez-Correa Classroom Cleaner / Supervisor, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Skiing, Varsity Lacrosse, Honor Roll^ Art Credit, Christmas Pageant, Sportsmanship Award.

Jun Ho Bae French II Floor Leader, National Junior Honor Society 8,9, Honor Roll 8,9, High Honor Roll 9, Green Key 8,9, Varsity Soccer 9 MVP Res.A 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Coach's Award Reserve Lacrosse 8, Glee Club 7, 8, Winter Play 8


Joel A, Bergstrom 0 *

^ #â– ^


Brewster II Floor Leader 9, Green Key 8„%JV Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity ^^ockey 8, 9, Varsity Baseball 8,9

Jeremey M. Bourden Kitchen Crew Leader 9, JV Soccer 9, Varsity Ski Team 9, JV Lacrosse 9, Honor Role 7,9

Robert F. Bourdon Clark-Morgan III Floor Leader 9, Lake Race Winner 8,9, Mr.Cardigan 9, Varsity Soccer MVP 8, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Vasity Lacrosse 8,9, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Green Key 9, Winter Play 9.

Matthew N. Brightman Green Key Leader % Student Leader 9„;^^ Superv1sbr 8, Student Senate 6,9/ Res A Hockey 6, JV Hockey 7,8,9, Captain 9, Vasity CrosscCountry 6,7,8,9, MVP 9, Coach's AWrfl 6,7, Captain 9,. Sailing 6, JV Baseball 7,8, Coach's Award 7,8, Varsity Baseball 9, High Honor Roll 6,7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 6,7,8,9 French Award 7,8 History Award 6, English Award 6, Math Award 6, Green Key 7,8,9, Drama 8, Photography Club 9, Blaze Editor 9,


Casey W. Brugman Brewster I Floor Leader, Class Secretary 8, Drama Stage Manager 8, Most Valuable Techie 8,9, Varsity Football 7,8,9 MVP 9 Cajptain 9 Varsity Hockey 7,8,9 MVP'9 Captain 9 Varsity Baseball 7,8,9 Captain 9

John D. Callender Kitchen Crew Leader 9, Waiter 8, JV Football 9, Res., A Hockey 9, Captain Res. A Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Honor Roll 6,7,8,9



Santiago Canales Green Key 9, JJpnor ^11 9, Dining Rooraf Steward, Rock ' /^limbing 9, Skiing 9, '. Reserve Tennis 9


Jonathon S. Castillo North Dorm Floor Leader 9, Kitchen Crew 9, Effort ' Honor Roll 8, Green Key 9, Fall Play Techie 9, JV * Football 8, Varsity Football 9, JV Baseball 8,9, Varsity Basketball 8,9 MVP 9 ’

James M. Celata Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Baseball 9


Je Ik Chang Class Vice-President 8,9^ Varsri^X^ross Country Skiing 9, Varsity Ctbss Country 9, Glee Club 7,8,9, Green Key 8,9, Leader Award 9


Christopher J. Chartrain Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Student Leader Recognition Award 9

Jae Yeol Choe Dining Room Stewardv 9, JV Lacrosse 9, Honor Roll 7.8.9, Latin 8, Nation Junior Honor Society 9, Glee Club 8.9, Drama 8,9, Art Credit 9, JV Soccer 9, Wrestling 9, Res. B Hockey 7,8

1 14




spencer W. Corkran Varsity Sailing 9, fcb Foreman 9, Wilderness 8, Honor Roll 9, National Latin E)fem Recognition 9, SAT Recognition 9, Glee Club 8,9

Nicholas A. Cote Kitchen Crew Leader 9, Honor Roll 7,8, JV Football 9, JV Wrestling 7,8 Resery.e Baseball 9, Varsity Wrestling 9

Jose M. Covarrubias JV Football 9, Snowboarding 9, JV Lacrosse 9


Christopher M. Cyr Assistaijt Schoc^ Leader 9, Varsity'Baseball 8,9, Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Football 9, High and Effort Honor Roll 8,9, National Junior Honor Society 8,9^ Silver Key for art and painting 8, Green Key 8,9

Mark W. Deering Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Skiing 9,-Reserve Baseball 9

Jose C. Diaz Varsity Football 9, Varsity Basketball 9, JV Baseball 9


Sumner J. Ford


Associate Job F o rem ^ 9 Varsity S o ^ r /9 , Most Improved, Varsity Skiing 8,9i,' Ilc^ches Award, J.V. Lacrosse Coaches Award, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Green Key 8,9, Road Warriors 9

Shane A. Frankhouse Banks House Floor Leader 9, Varsity Football 8,9, Varsity Wrestling 8,9, Varisty Lacrosse 8,9, Honor Roll 9

David J. Fyfe Dinning Room Steward 9, JV Soccer 9, JV Basketball 9, Reserve Baseball 9, Cleft for Me 9, Mousetrap 9


Alain M. Garner Dining Room Clicker 9, JV Sailings,,JV Skiing 8,9, Rock Climbing 9^ Upper Valley Childrens Center Club 9, Honor Roll 9


Luke J. Gilder

Dining Room Crew, 9. JV Football 9, JV Soccer 9, Community Service 8


Michael B. Gray Kitchen Crew Leader 9, JV hockey 9, Reserve Hockey Most Improved 8, JV Lacrosse 8, Varsity Football 9




Christopher F. Grilk Hinman II Floor Le^^er 9, Varsity Football 9, Varsity .Hockey 8,9, Most Improved flayer Award 9, Varsity Soccer 8, .TV lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrose 9, Honor Roll 9, Winter Play 9, Green Key 8,9

David F. Grilk Clark-Morgan 2 Floor Leader 9, -Varsity Football 8,9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Varsity Baseball 8,9, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9, Green Key 8,9, Kitchen Crew 8,9, Cleft for Me 9, Blaze 9, Christmas Pageant 9, Wood Shop 8,9

Derek Guerra Kitchen Crew 9, J.V. Football 9, Reserve B Hockey 9, Survey Of Music Cd's and DVD's 9, Spring Sleuths 9, Community Service 9

Toby A. Harriman Classroom Supe速isor 9, JV Tennis Hockey 9, JV Soccer 9, Wood Sho|) 8, Green Key 8,9

Andrew Hong Greenwood House Floor Leader 9, Kitchen Crew Leader 9, Class Secretary 6,7, Honor JRoll 8,9, Varsity Soccer 9,Res A Most Improved Award 8, JV Hockey 9, Res: B Most Improved Award 6, Res. A Most Iitiproved Award 7, Res. A Coach's Award 8, Varsity Tennis 8,9, Captain 9 Coach's Award 9, Glee Club 7,8,9, Glee Club Manager 9, Glee Club Award 9, Christmas Pageant 7,8,9, Green Key 8,9, Blaze 8,9 Road Warriors 7 '

Suk Hwan Hong Varsity Tennis 9, JV Soccer 9, Res C Soccer 6,7, MVP 7, JV Wrestling 9, Blaze 8,9, Honor Roll 7, Ceramics 8, Christmas Pageant 8

__ i 20

Sae Jun Hwang Chaplains Assistant, Viq^ President 7, J.y ^o cceA , J.V. Basketball 9, ReslBaseball % G % Club 7,8, Green Key 8,9V' Art Credit 9, High Honor Roll 7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 7,8, Math Counts 8.

Dong Woo Hyun French I Floor Leader 9, JV Soccer 9, MVP 9, Res B Coach's Award 8, Varsity Wresding 8,9, Captain 9, High Honor Roll 8; Effort Honor Roll 8, Glee Club 8,9, Drama 8, Listen Center 9, Green Key 9, JV Lacrosse 9,

Garon M. Jenkins J.V. Football 9, Coach's Award 9, J.V. Alpine Skiing 8, Varsity Skiing 9, Reserve Lax 8, Captain 8, J.V. Lax 9, Glee Club 9.


Mark C. Joyce Haywar^Floor4.eader 9, Varsity F0otball 8,9, JV Hockey 8, Varsity Hoiikey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roll 8,9.

Sungmin Kim JV Soccer 9, Wrestling 9, Reserve Tennis 9

Jaemin Lee Class Secretary 8, JV Soccer 9 Coach's Award, Reserve Tennis 9, JV Wrestling, High Honor Roll 8,9, Effort Honor Roil 8,9, Geometry Prize 8, Math Counts 8, Nationals 8, Drama 8,9, Glee Club 8,9, Listen Center 9, Green Key 8,9, Road Warriors 8

Joseph D. Lisicky


Franklin House Floor Leader 9, Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Soccer 9, JV Hbckey 8, . V^sity Hockey 9, Varsity ' Lacrosse 8,9, Christmas Pageant 9, Drama 9

Armando Lozano Kitchen Crew 9, Varsity Soccer 9, JV Basketball 9, Varsity Tennis 9

Mason K. Maddox JV Soccer 9, JV Hockey 8, Rec. Tennis 8, Wood Shop 8, Community Service club 9, Honor Roll 8


Robert H. McDevitt Kitchen Crew 9,,JV Football 9, Varsit^^nowboarding 9, JV Baseball 9, Comraiinity Service 9, Honor Roll 9

Connor G. McNamara Dean of Students Assistant, JV Lax 7, Varsity Football 9, JV Hockey 9, Varsity Lax 8,9, Honor .Roll 9„Dog Walkings

Julio J. Meyer Varsity Football 9, Res B Hockey 9, MVP 9, JV Tennis 9, Honor Roll 9


James P. O'Reilly Varsity Football 9, Varsity Hockey 9, V ^ ^ty Baseball 9 •' ,

Matthew Penick Varsity Football 9, Reserve . - A Hockey 9, Varsity ^Lacrosse 9, Kitchen Crew 9


■ ■ ■

Andrew G. Philie Schodr Leader 9, Varsity Football 9, Most Improved 9, Varsity Hockey 8,9, Most Improved 9, : Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, Nationa;! Junior Honor Society 8,9, High Honor Roll 8,9, Green Key 8,9.



Christopher K. Powers Athletic Job Fpreman 9, Varsit^J^ootball 9, JV Hockey 8, Varsity Hockey 9, All'Sports Program 9, honor Roll 8, Set Construction 9


= 'I ■■■;

# Alexander C. Rassias ■ '


JV Cross Country 8,9, JV Wrestling 8


Alden B. Reed Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Varsity Track 9, Honor Roll 9, Drama 9, Kitchen Crew



Alonso J. Rodriguez JV Football ^ J V Skiing 9 JV Tennis 9, Waiter 9

William T. Rose Class President 7,8,9, Stowell Floor Leader Varsity Soccer 7,8,9, Captain 9, Varsity Hockey 7,8,9, Captain 9,' Varsity Lacrosse 8,9, High Honor Roll 7,9, Honor Roll 7,8,9, Latin Award 7, Golf Club 9, Green Key 8,9

Christopher H. Ruez Job Superviser 9, Varsity Football 9, Varsity Snow Boarding 9, Varsity Baseball 9, Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9, Glee Club 9


Keith N. Russell JV Crosscountry Varsity Hockey 9, Varsity Lacrosse % Leadership Award 9

Connor P. Ryan Waiter 8,9, Varsity Football Manager 9, Cross Country Skiing 8, Honor Roll 9

Daniel C. Scott Dining Hall Head 9, Class Secretary 9, JV and Reserve Football Manager 9, Wilderness 8, High Honor Roll 9, Effort Honor Roll 9, Glee Club 9, Leadership Award 9


Jang Won Suh Kitchen Crew Leader 9 |JV Soccer 9, Res.CTMQSt Improved .Player Award 7, Res B Hockey,' S'i, JV tra c k 8, High Honor Roll 7,8,9, Effort Honor Roll 7.8.9, Math Award 7, Glee Club 7.8.9, Christmas Pageant 7,8,9, Listen Center 7,8

Austen Sumanis JV Soccer 9, Kitchen Crew 9, Ski Team 9, Honor Roll "9, JV Lacrosse 9, Rec Tennis 9

Tyler W. Swertfager Dewar House Floor Leader 9, Varsity Football 8,9, Varsity Lacrosse 9, Varsity Skiing 9, Honor Roll 9, Glee Club 9


Reed N. von Gal Assistant Dinkig Hall Supervisor ^., Res A Hockey 8, MVP 8, Res A/B Hotkey 9,, JV Soccer 9, Res B Soccer 8, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Honor Roll 8,9, Drama 8

John C. Wallach MBffrrTr'' •



Varsity Cross Country 9, JV Hockey 9, JV Lacrosse 8, High Honor Roll 9, Road Warriors 9 "

Benjamin C. WyskieF Hinman 1 Floor Leader 9, Varsity Soccer 8,9 JV Hockey 8,9, Captain 9, JV Lacrosse 8, Captain 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9


Diego I. Zambrano Kitchen Cretv LBader 9, JV football 9, JV Wrestling 9^ W Lacrosse 7,8,9, Honor Roll 7, Leadership Award 9, Drama 9, Christmas Pageant 9, Green Key 9

Oliver C. Zombrano Chaplains Assistant 9, JV Sccer 9, Captain 9, Coach's Award 9, JV Skiing, Varsity Tennis, Green Key 8,9, Shop. Credit 9


31 '

FOUR YEAR BOYS 2002-2006 M att Brightman Andrew Hong Jack Callender Suk Hwang Hong


last shots

it k


Cardigan Faculty Candids.


The New Faculty 2005-2006


Cardigan C_l7 Facuity 2005-2006


â– ^

Dave and Suzanne Auerbach with Hannah and Ben

John and Jessica Bayreuther

Scott Allenby and Lindsey Benson

Jarrod Caprow

Dudley Clark

Sean Coakley Jay Christianson 36

Cameron Coe Nick and Jessica Creach

John D'Entremont

Gus DeMaggio and Miki Fera-DeMaggio with Elaina

Brad Edwards

Rick Exton

Mike, Nora and Midori Fitzgerald Ryan, Christine, Nolan, Cormac and Shae Feeley 37

Kate Foster

Pat Franz Tom, Laura and Samantha Funkhauser

Jaime, Margaret, Sam and Nicky Funnell

Ritchie Gillespie Wim Hart

Joel, Lydia, Liam, Anja and Erick Harms 38

Alex, Liz, Emery anc Seth Gray

Chris Kenny

Chris Jenkins

Allen Kreuzburg

Nick Lynch

Steve, Louisa and Maddie Ledbetter 39

Randy Macdonald

Chuck and Anne McCormick

"Coach” Jim and Connie Marrion

Mary Mendelsohn Mary Noordsy ,r ■■ 11

Tom Pastore


Ed, Fe, Ramon and Vidal Ramos


Susan Rives

Rich Ryerson

Jim and Samantha Scott

Chris Seldomridge Ryan Sinclair Ian Stevens

Marty, Kimmy, Zach, Jake and Lily Wennik

Sarah Watson 41

The Staff at Cardigan...without whom NOTHING would get done!

Kathy McHugh Jean Christensen

Ros Burke

Chris Ferland Karen Colburn

Jill Cavalieri Joe McHugh 42

Judy Ribeiro

Children*..The Future of

Those that keep our campus clean and groomed..

House足 keeping

Building and Grounds


... and well-fed

The Chartwells Staff


Before they came....and with some personal touches.


studying hard???

or hardly studying??? 47


Brewster II



French. II


dark'Morgan II

dark-Ntorgan. Ill MSSSt


Hirttnan I

Hinman II


Franklin House

. . .,•.. I. ,'





Banks House

Greenwocxi House


Stowell House

Just mGssiing




Academics at Cardigan The courses at Cardigan are rigorous yet cater to the needs of each student. Students are encouraged to take advantage of individual time with teachers, advisors and tutors, and are provided with time to study on their own and during organized study halls.

Above left: Spencer in the computer lab. Above Right: Studying in the dorm. Lower Left Mr. Gray providing some extra help. Lower right: Mark getting excited for his finished paper! 56

Every spring students are inducted into the Junior National Honor Society. Here are the 2006 inductees with their sponsors Below are Spencer and Jae Min as the Spelling bee winners.


Top: Working on class projects. Middle: Students at the NH Math Counts Competition. Lower left: Oliver studying in bed. Lower right: Mr. Exton working with Erick.


Left: Passing out of the honor roll certificates. Below: Drawing an historical mural. Below middle: Using the library's most comfortable nook!

Above images: Two example of the many science experiments and projects students make throughout the year. Above: An empty classroom waiting for the students. Right: Students awarded with the winter term Student Leadership awards.



A.utumrL was busy witK the beginning of classes, sports and clubs. In addition. Students participated in many extra activities and outings such as acting in the school play, hiking on Mountain IDay, going to the Sandwich Fair, and having a ball in the final spirit week competitions-




Fall Clubs On thursday afternoons, students participate in the Club Program. Clubs are an opportunity for students to explore som ething different in the Cardigan Community. Options include com m unity service club, art clubs, bingo, board gam es, fitness options, sports, m ovies, cooking and martial arts, just to name a few.

â– m

Salamander Sleuths. W ith M r.Caprow

R ecy clin g and com m unity service below : the fall

I f : - -If^ ' â–

D ow n tim e Foosball



Cleft for Me Fall Play



For most of the play cast, they had never participated or performed in a theatre production. One o f the new things that the boys went through was wearing make-up.

The fall play, Cleft for Me, was one of the shortest performances Cardigan has put on. It consisted of only one act, and one man who remained on stage for the entire performance. Throughout the performance "the man" was running into some pretty odd people and found one guy under a rock.

A bove: Chris Cyr, Johnathon C astillo, C asey Brugman, and D rew Philie m ade up the crew. Left: Mark Joyce, Jae M in Lee, and W illi R ose in the reporter scene.


thespians in the making

low: Chris Hyun getting make-up le by Mrs. Pastore.

October 29- October 30, 2006.

yHanging Out : Josh Lee, Mike Seo, Willi Rose, and Jae Min Lee hanging out back stage >re a rehersal.

Frank the Doughnut Man Cote playing the crazy refreshm ent guy.

The Irish Cop Dave Grilk playing an Irish cop, talking to W illi Rose in an Irish brogue.

Getting Ready W illi Rose getting his make-up done and preparing for the show.


Mountain Day Each c la ss went to a d iffe ren t area, hiked, ate and bonded around the achievement o f reaching their goals! This is a highlight o f the sixth and seventh grade up Mount Cardigan.



T lie

F a ir


S a n d w ic ti


Concentrate.—Concentrate... Left: Brendan Kuntz, obviously concentrating hard, trying to get that Pokem on doll! Below: The Sandwich Fair is for faculty kids too, as Seth Gray breaks the speed limit.

Left: W hat is Mr. Holt eating, and more im ponantly why is Mr. Coe looking at it like that?

H ow's the fried dough? Mr. N eedham 's first ever Sandwich Fair day. He seems to be enjoying himself!

mmm in...good Above: Spencer, Cecil, and Turner all enjoy the fried dough.


HALLOWEEN Fun was had by all as we dressed up, carved pumkins and paraded around at lunch!


Spirit Week Dorm Gompetitions



â– :


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Left: Jack Callander and Xavier going crazy Top: Shane Rogers running the obsticle course Middle: Jon Castillo doing the dizzy race Bottom: D iego Zombrano and Sam Funnel holding up their dorm flag


Reaching and Pull-ups During Spirit Week

Jumping Rope During fitness day, students participated in tons of different events, like a shuttle run with hockey pucks, most pushups, most situps, most pullups, longest reach beyond your legs, jumping rope and a lot more!

Go Jimmy Go! Right: Jimmy Celata Below Right: Gavin Bayreuther tries to reach Mr. Creach Below Left: Students see how many times they can bounce basketballs off the wall.


Above: Students do the leg reach and pullups as Mr. Kenny offers his help.

Spirit week!!!

The Lake Run

Directly Above: Matt Brightman, finishing in second place. Further Above: The sheer chaos o f the start. Left: The winner, Robbie Bourdon

Robbie Bourdon, The Winner! 73

Class Trips! Each Fall grades take trips to various places. Here are a few highlights of the sixth grade trip to a ropes course and teh montshire museum.


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Bottom Row, Left To Right: Alejandro Arguelles, Ben Wyskiel, Willi Rose, David Perez-Muldanado, B.K Chun, Sumner Ford, Phil Alverez- Correa Top Row, Left To Right: Nick Lovejoy, Andrew Hong, Joseph Licisky, Armando Lozano, Mark Deering, C.J Chartrain, Jun Ho Bae Coaches: Mr.Gray and Ms.Benson



J.V. Soccer

On the team: Jeremey Borden, Jack Camp, Jae Y eol Choe, David Fyfe, Luke Gilder, Toby Harriman, Suk, Hong, Sae Jun Hwang, Dong W oo Hyun, Sunmin Kim, James Lee, Jose Quintana, Tommy Suh, Austin sumanis, Reed Von Gal and Oliver Zambrano. Coaches: Rick Exton, Scott Allenby and Chris Jenkins


Reserve A Soccer

On the team: Gavin Bayreuther, Alejandro B iehl, Carolos Garcia, Ben Harmon, Young Soo Jang, Chi Ho Lee, D iego Loyola, Ricky Martinez, Burt M cGillivray, Juan Carlos M orales, Filipe Rubio, W ill Schoder, M ike Seo and H oyoung Yang. Coaches: John Bayreuther, Jarrod Caprow and D ave Auerbach

Reserve B Soccer ■ r ■-

)n the team: Daniel Bay, Celil Cavusoglu, Se Han Cho, Sang Yeon Chung, Tae Won Chung, i^leks Died, Nicky Funnell, Jeronimo Garcia, Phil Kahan, KT Kim, Stephen Martin, Ernest losen, Dong Min Shin. Coaches: Jay Christianson and Tom Funkhouser 81

Soccer Tournament!

The sixth grade ran the concession and the students played hard all afternoon!


Coaches w e re hard a t w ork as well!

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Varsity Footba Top from left: Chris Ruez, Mike Gray, Dax Draper, Dillon Corkran, Mark Joyce, David Grilk, Jon Castillo, Jose Diaz. Julio Meyer, Chris Grilk, Kenny Craig, Mr. Creech. Middle: Mr. Lynch, Ricky Miller, Matt Penick, Robert Bourdon, James Celata, Joel Bergstrom, Shane Frankhouse, James O'Reilly, Chri.s Powers, Connor McNamara, Dalton French. Bottom: Conor Ryan, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Chris Cyr, Tyler Swertfager, Casey Brugman, Andrew Philie, X avier Pollard, Pat Johnston, A.J. W eisberger




â– .




J.V Football

Bottom Row, Left To Right: Cullen Boyle, Walker Todesco, Danny Scott Mgr, Cody Marquis, Tommy Thompson, Tim Sullivan, Sam Funnell, Alonso Rodriguez, Rob Lazo, Jihoon Kim, Robert McDevitt, Dawson Matter, Jose Covarrubias Top Row, Left To Right; Aaron Winkler, Eugene Sa, A lex Grigoriev, Eddie Dix, Nic Cote, David Cueva, Garon Jenkins, Steven Frankhouse, Jorge Fonseca, Matt New, Jack Callander, Ha Lim Lee Coaches: Mr.Stevins and Mr.Coakley


Reserve Football

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i-v<^ . =F< '• ■--'

'■■'iii. ■■

Bottom Row, Left To Right: Cody Marquis, Mike Hutchinson, Jake Dunham, Tim McNair, David Bours, Eduardo Bours, Tim Sullivan, Sam Funnell, Chris Tevere, Javier Gutierrez, Chad Holley Top Row, Left To Right: Danny Scott (Mgr), Andrew Watrous, Walker Todesco, Jihoon Kim, Alex Grigoriev, Aaron Winkler, Dirk VanderPol, Rob Lazo, Matt New, Miguel Silva-Bours, Shane Rogers Coaches: Mr.Stevens


Cross-Coiaitry Running "Pain is weakness, leaving your body!" -Coach Gillespie


I ’ I#

Ms. Hasenfuss, Mr. Harms, Mr. Kenny, John Grimmel, Alain Garner, Javier Estevez, Santiago Canales, John Foley, Turner Babb, Jack Noordsy, Thomas Moon, Spencer Corkran, Antonio Barroso, Raul Marcos.

''Winter at







TTne Team: Franklin Boswell Taylor, Jack Camp, Jon Castillo, Jose Diaz, Luke Gilder, CHad Holley, Xavier Pollard, Will ReicH, Scotty SHin, Migeul Silva-Bours. CoacHes NIick CreacH and Scott Allenby


JV and Reserve Basketball O n the team: Sae Hwang, Brendan Kuntz, Ohi Ho Lee, Halim Lee, Armando Lozano, Juan Carlos Jvlorales, Will Rosen, Scotty Shin, Miguel Silva Bours, Turner Babb, David LeBreton, Josh Lee, Evan Strick.


GDaches Toixi Pastore and Lindsay Benson.

The Fins are liere!!!


Alpine Ski Team

Back T w o Rows: Coach W atson, Coach Christiansen, Spencer Corkran, AJ W eisberger, Ricky Martinez, Mark Deering, Garon Jenkins, Declan Reed, Tyler Swertfager, Paul Clark, Sumner Ford, Alain Gamer, Jihoon Kim, Carlos Garcia, Hunter Holland, Jeremey Borden, Coach Hasenfuss, Coach D iM aggio. Front Row: Coach Gray, O liver Zambrano, Phil Alvarez-Correa, Coach Fera, Elaina, Hayes Lowth, M ike M cGuigan, John Cameron, Alejandro Biehi.




Varsity Snowboard Team

(Left to Right) Chris V iceconte, Eddie Bours, Jose Covarrubias, Chris Ruez, D avid Cueva, Javier Gutierrez, M ickey M cDevitt, C elil C avusoglu, Mr. Edwards.


Instructional and Nordic Skiing Nordic Team: Coach Ramos, Connor Ryan and Jake Chang


WRESTLING "Pain is weakness leaving your body!� -Coach Gillespie The Team; Cullen B oyle, Elijah C harbeljae Y eol Choe, N ick C ole, Shane Frankhouse, Steven Frankhouse, Ben Harmon, Sak Hwan Hong, D ong W oo Hyun, Sungm in Kim, Jaemin Lee, Steven Martin, Pavel Pluhar, Alex Rassias, Dirk VanderPol, D iego Zambrano. Coaches: Ritch G illespie and Allan Kreuzburg



Varsity Hockey Back Row (L-R): Chris Grilk, Joe Lisicky, Mark Joyce, Nick Lovejoy, Chris Cyr. M iddle Row: Coach Coakley, A lex Machikas, Chris Powers, Tommy Thompson, CJ Chartrain, Pat Johnston, Jimmy Celata, Kenny Craig, Drew Philie, James O'Reily, Cody Marquis, Coach Sinclair. Front Row: Alden Reed, W illi Rose, Casey Brugman, Robbie Bourdon, D ave Grilk.

i m


Junior Varsity Hockey Top Row: (Left to Right) Coach John D'entremont, Matt Brightman (C), Andrew Hong, Dalton French, Eddie Dix (A), Ben Wyskiel (C), Max Wildes, Ricky Miller, Burt McGillavray, Toby Harriman, Connor McNamara, Coach Ian Stevens. Bottom Row: (Left to Right) Steve Mastalerz, Clark Wallach, Tim Sullivan, Sam Funnell, Gavin Bayreuther, Tim McNair, Sun Ho Ma.


Res. A Hockey & Res. B Hockey

Reserve A hockey Team: (Not as shown) Damian Affleck, Jun Ho Bae, Jack Callender, BK Chun, Danny Fenton, Nicky Funnell, Thomas Moon, Jack Noordsy, Matt Penick, Mike Seo, Matt Starbuck, William Todesco, Hoyoung Yang. Coaches: Mike Fitzgerald, John Bayreuther and Tom Funkhouser.

Res. B Hockey. From top left: Daniel Burns, Young Soo Jang, Frazier Milton, Gary Silvey, Jonathan Aaron, Tae Won Chung, Steven Hirschmann, Chris Tevere, Lex Davis. From Bottom Left: Derek Guerra, Julio Meyer, Doel Jarosiewicz, Jake Dunham, Tommy Suh





winter Pan T(ne Moi/ise Trap Top Right: Nick Cote dolling up Robbie Bourdon before the play. Left: Will Schoder, Chris Grilk and Alden Reed as the three ladies of the play with David Fyfe as the flamboyent and childest character. Right: Keith Russell, Casey Brugman, Joel Bergstrom, Chris Cyr and Pablo Giraud as the set crew. Bottom: The whole play cast and crew


Top Left: Robbie Bourdon and Alden Reed during the performance. Left: Chris Grilk and Alden Reed during practice. Right: D illon Corkran and W ill Schoder during the performance. Bottom: Robbie Bourdon, Eddie D ix, D illon Crokran and D avid Fyfe during the performance.


Spring Sports! Varsity Lacrosse Top Row; (Left to Right) Coach Bayreuther, Cody Marquis, Sumner Ford, Phil A lvarez-C orrea, Nick Lovejoy, Chris Grilk, Matt Penick, Tyler Sw ertfager, Connor M cNam ara, Ben W yskicl, Coach M cCormick. Middle Row: (Left to Right) M ax W ildes, Shane Frankhouse, CJ Chartrain, Tommy Thompson, Alden Reed, Joe Lisicky, Steve Frankhouse, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, BK Chun, Jun Ho Bae. Bottom Row: (Left to Right) Mark Joyce, Robbie Bourdon, Jack Callander, W illi Rose, Drew Philie.


Varsity Lacrosse Contd.


Junior Varsity Lacrosse Back Row: (Left to Right) Coach Exton, A lex Yang,David Perez-Maldonado, Dalton French, Burt M cGillivray, D iego Zombrano, Reed Von Gal, Jae Y eol Choe, Elijah Charbel, David Cueva, Carlos Garcia, Coach Funkhouser. Front Row: (Left to Right) Jihoon Kim, Jose Covarrabias, Ben Harmon, Garon Jenkins, Clark Wallach, Austen Sumanis, Chris Hyun, Steve Mastalerz, Sam Funnell, Xavier Pollar, Coach Gray



Reserve Lacrosse Back Row: (Left to Right) Coach Stevens, Jack Noordsy, Declan Reed, Dirk VanderPol, W ill Rosen, Walker Todesco, Javier Gutierrez, Juan Carlos Morales, Brendan Kuntz, David Bours, Luke Gilder, Danny Bay, Connor Roohan, Antonio Barroso, A lex Machikas, Coach Kreuzberg. Kneeling: (Left to Right) Nick Funnell, Evan Strick, Dam ien A ffleck, A lex Dierl, Lex Davis. Not Shown: Aaron Winkler, Chris Viccecante, Liam Eldred, Shane Rogers, D oel Jarosiewicz, Derek Guerra.


Varsity Baseball

Top Row: (left to right) Coach Creach, James O'Reilly, Eddie Dix, Dave Grilk, Joel Bergstrom, Ricky Miller, Coach Lynch Bottom Row: (left to right) Chris Cyr, Casey Brugman, Jimmy Celata, Chris Ruez, Matt Brightman 114

Varsity Baseball Contd.

J.V Baseball

Back Row: (Left to Right) Coach Fitzgerald, Will Reich, John Castillo, Kenny Craig, Mickey McDevitt, Coach Holt. Sitting: (Left to Right) Matt Starbuck, Tim Sullivan, Jerry Silvey, Tim McNair, Pavel Pluhar.

Reserve Baseball

Back Row: (Left to Right) Coach Jenkins, Robert Lazo, ()()(, Eddie Hwang, Alejandro Arguelles, ()()(), Coach Caprow. Sitting: (Left to Right) Miguel Silva Bours, ()()(, Nick Cote, Hayes Lowth, Mark Deering, Je ik Chang, Eddie Bours, ()()()(



Top:(left to right)- Coach Ramos, Armando Lozano, Dillon Corkran, Mike Seo, Tommy Suh, Andrew Hong (captain), Coach D'entrenmont Bottom;(left to right)- Will Schoder, Chi Ho Lee, Felipe Rubio, Oliver Zambrano, Sak Hong


JV and Reserve Tennis

t$ f

Back Row: (Left to Right) Ha Lim Lee, Younh Soo Jang, Toby Harriman, Alonso Rodriguez, Julio Meyer, Coach Hart. Kneeling: (Left to Right) Robert Kim. Se Han Cho, Tommy Moon, David LeBreton, Eric Gutierrez.

On the team: (not as shown) Turner Babb, Doo Hyun Baek, Alejandro Biehl, Jeremy Borden, Carlos Canales, Celil Cavusogiu, Sang Yeon Chung, Tae W on Chung, Paul Clark, Michael Gray, Phil Kahan, Hyun-Tae Kim, KT Kim. Sungmin Kim, Josh Lee, Jaemin Lee, Diego Loyola, Fancisco Quijano. Jose Quintana. Coaches: Scott Allenby and Lindsey Benson 119


Back Row: (Front to Back) AJ Weisberger, Danny Fenton, Chris Tevere, Pablo Giraud, Allain Garner, Mike Hutchinson, Spencer Corkran, John Cameron, Connor Ryan, Raul Marcos, Steven Hirshmann, Coach Christianson, Coach Harms


AH Sports

In group: (not as show n) Alejandro A rguelles, Jonathan Aaron, D anny Burns, Jake Dunham , John F oley, Jeronimo Garcia, Chad H olley, M ike M cG uigan, Matt N ew , Chris Pow ers, A lex R assias, A ndrew W atrous. Coaches: Chris K enney, Ryan Sinclair and R ich G illespie.


More spring sports.....







Head­ m aster's Day!

The Events

With a day off fror classes, student enjoyed a day c sport, food am relaxation. Man participated in th variety of games ii the arena, frori jousting to sum wrestling and fac painting. Fun wa had by all


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Above: Headmaster Needham in the sumo suit! Ryan Sinclair and Sarah Watson racing head to head!



The spring club offerings were diverse and enriching! From gardening to fitness training, and calligraphy to fly fishing-the students learned new skills!


Spring Clubs

A bove and right: Giant kites set students sailing this spring! W hooooeeeee!



; 129



ibove: Crocodile Hunter,

iight: An example of the niisical talent at Cardigan! 5elow: More talent from the acuity and some humor from he students.


Polar Bear Club

Every spring a few brave souls swim every morning in the cold fresh waters of Canaan lake. These are some of the bravest...



In April, the sixth grade went on the annual trip to the NEED collaborative in Truro MA. There they learned about coastal ecology and participated in many activities.

^ikth Cfirade Trip to Cape

We spent many afternoons hiking and learning about Cape Cod and its history and environment. Here the group is hiking to the dunes. 134

Each meal was wonderful and full o f good fooc ^ere the students are lining up for thirds???

Left: Doel hitting a home run! Below: Hunter sorting through the mud

Right: David and Aleks making pizza. Each group had a hand in making this particular meal. And boy, was it DELICIOUS!!!!

Above: Group on the bearberry trail. Left: Hayes and Mike on the Whale Watch...! see one!!! 135

Above: Hayes with a baleen. Above Right: Making Pizza Right: Pancho leading the blind. Left: Atop the Pilgrim monument. 136

London 2006! In April Mr. Funnell and Mrs. Mendelsohn brought the theater program to London to experience Mousetrap and other events!



C A R D IG A N M U SIC The music program grew to new levels this year with the addition of a music ensemble and the continuation of the glee club.





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Above: Mr. Scott working with Tim on his chair.


Sculpture and woodworking!


Below: The shop and a few award winners with their art



Left: a few examples of the woodworking program....below: Jeremey with his large painting.

Please n>o Not T'ouc-


Senior Events Beginning with the baccalaureate service, the senior weekend included the banquet honoring the seniors and their families, followed by the talent show and senior sleepover in teh new arena. Graduation day was filled with emotion and fine ceremonies and traditions.




Senior Dinner


Senior Talent Show

Willi Rose The Climber

Chris Ruez The Tummy

The Ballerinas 149




The Tie

ght: Andrew ing with his tie. low: Mrs. M Ips with the roses.

Phil Alvarez gets help with his rose from Mrs. Mendelsohn.

Ceremony Right: Students receive their alumni ties.






Left: Luke Gilder receives help with his tie from brother Caleb, who recently graduated himself.






The Jump!



Receiving Line Hugs were given, tears were shed, and goodbyes were said




This year's awards winners: top left to right: Mark Joyce, Matt Brightman, Jaemin Lee, Robert Bourdon, Joel Bergstrom, Bottom Left to right: Jon Castillo, Danny Scott, Chris Ruez, Nick Cote, Drew PhiHe (not shown. Mason Maddox)


2005-2006 Jaemin Lee Dewar Prize and Faculty Prize

Dewar Prize: Given in honor of Cameron and Janet Dewar to that member of the senior class who has maintained the highest academic average in his ninth grade year. Faculty Prize: Nominated and voted on by the faculty for special recognition in their positive contribution to the Cardigan community.

Robert Bourdon The Caldwell Prize

To the boy who has shown outstanding athletic achievement and good sportsmanship.

Andrew Philie The Hinman Prize and The Wakely Prize

Hinman Prize: A prize given annually in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Hinman to the member o f the school, who, in the opinion o f the faculty, by industrious application to his studies, through his attitude on the playing field, and by his behavior and integrity, most nearly approaches the ideals o f manhood as conceived in the minds o f the founders of Cardigan Mountain School. The Wakely Prize; Given by the Class o f 1989 for the senior who, in the opinion o f his classmates, best upholds the tradition, spirit and pride o f Cardigan Mountain School, thus making every day "a beautiful day in New Hampshire".


AWARDS Joel Bergstrom Faculty Prize

Nom inated and voted on by the faculty for special recognition in their positive contribution to the Cardigan community.

Nick Cote The William Knapp Morrison Prize

Given to that student who, in the opinion of the other students, best exempUfies the spirit of W illie M orrison in academics, athletics, and as a campus citizen.

Mark Joyce The Pannaci Memorial Prize and The Faculty Prize

The Pannaci Award: This award is to be given annually by the Class of 1959, as a memorial to Karl J. Pannaci, to that member o f the senior class who, in the eyes o f his fellow students, has achieved and best attained ideals of honesty, integrity, leadership and general social and spiritual adjustment. The Faculty Prize: Nominated and voted on by the faculty for special recognition in their positive contribution to the Cardigan community.


2005-2006 Jonathan Castillo and Christopher Ruez The Skibiski Memorial Prize

This award is to be given as a memorial to Michael R. Skibiski to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest progress during the year.

Danny Scott and Matt Brightman The Founders Prize

Awarded to the b oy in the student body w ho has the w ill to com plete any project, regardless o f the difficulties encountered, w ithout thought o f personal gain, and w h ose objective is a job w ell done in the sam e approach that characterized the life o f Harold P. Hinm an, one o f the founders o f Cardigan M ountain School.


N o r e s t f o r tK e w e a ry

Looking OREAT!!! 166








A. very special tHank you to all of you wKo contributed to tHis book, witH pictures pages and time. A. special thanks to M att BrigKtman, tHe Yearbook Editor. Ms. Hasenfuss (Yearbook Advisor)


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