The Blaze - 2007

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The Chaprl, a view of Cardigan MoL.ntain from Stoweil House, sign at the main entrance


Cardigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive Canaan, New Hampshire 03741 603-523-4321

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C o u g a r S p lr r f

Above: Franklin BoswellTaylor with a paw print; team competitions. Rigiit: Brewster Two boys > show dorm spirit.

What is Cougar Spirit? It's the willingness to help the other fella', to step up and see what needs to be done and just do it. It is mentoring a younger student, setting a good example, going the extra mile. It is opening a door for a teacher or volunteering to help out the waiter. It is supporting your teammates on and off the field, and showing off your school colors. It is going out on a limb to help a member o f the conmiunity, knowing that someone will do the same for you. Cougar Spirit is all about being a Cardigan boy.

Cardigan "AUGERE VIRTUTEM, DIRIGERE MENTEM" "Build Character, Mold Minds"

Cardigan was built upon an educational experience that emphasized rigorous academics and study habits, as well as spiritual guidance, physical training and social orientation. In order to accomplish this purpose. Cardigans program was tailored to each boy so that he made the best possible use o f his potential in these areas. Thus, every boy had a balanced and wellrounded life: physically, mentally and spiritually. This philosophy is the same today as it was in 1945.

Our Mission Cardigan educates students in mind, body and spirit in a small residential community that values each student. The School was founded in the Judeo-Christian tradition and welcomes boys of all religious faiths. It emphasizes respect and responsibility, values effort and rewards accomplishment helping every boy realize his full potential.

Cardigan's founding fathers possessed a deep interest in education and foresaw the need for single-sex youth schooling. As set forth in the School Charter, they were bound to provide non-sectarian instruction for boys in literature, arts, sciences and all manner o f learning: to promote the spiritual, mental and physical welfare o f its students. The founders made sure that the educational philosophy would not stop with the three Rs.


Sneaker days, sauna nights, taxidermied sunglass-wearing quadrapeds. Buckeye Decato the talking deer, morning meeting...

Our Headmaster Mr. Needham Right: Mr.Needham shares the love with two of his dear, "deer" office pals.

Below: Mrs. Wendy Needham and Mr. Tom Needham pose for a picture in the new headmaster’s office.

Above: Could it possibly be Mr. Needham? No, that is really Mrs. Needham playing a little trick on Halloween!


Left: A very close shave as a water sodden sponge just grazes M r. Needham's face on Foreign Language Day.

Mr. Needham ushered in the change of Chapel to Thursdays; he is shown here ushering at Chapel on _________ Thursday 11/30/06 .

Left: Some clever soul carved a likeness of Mr. Needham on this Jack O'Lantern. And yes, that was Mr. Needham dressed up like a ghoul (or a Michael Jackson look alike?) on Halloween. He must have been sweltering under that mask!

Top 10 things we like about Mr. Needham

Above: Faculty and parents alike enjoy having Mr. Needham as Headmaster! Miki Ferra and Nancy Thornton (Hunter Holland's mom) enjoy a sunny day at a soccer game with Mr. Needham.

Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my, what a lot of funny things go by...

Thank you, Mr. Needham, for all of the positive changes you have brought to campus and the difference you have made in the lives of so many boys. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

10. what a punster! 9. when he reads the funny emails sent to him by the students 8. quirky, taxidermy decorating style 7. always has M & M's on his desk 6. rainbow Converse's 5. wears funky glasses 4. impeccable wardrobe 3. really bad jokes 2.brought us Buckeye Decato the talking deer 1. is married to Wendy! 5

Mary Mendelsohn Nine years at Cardigan; English. Drama Program; North Dorm; Football chains, basketball book, hockey timer, lacrosse timer, spring talent show, senior stunt show, senior slide show, senior advisor, Christmas Pageant

Dudley Clark Twenty-five years at Cardigan; Math and Life Skills; Zamboni driver, dining room supervisor, medical driver and mail distribution; doughnuts at Cookie Break

Jim Marrion, "Coach" Coach Marrion retires this year after forty years of being a teacher, mentor, coach and colleague. Algebra. Geometry; Football Baseball; Director of Athletics.


Cardigan faculty are among the most dedicated teachers you will find anywhere. They are involved in every aspect of their student's Uves as teachers, mentors, coaches, dorm parents, trip supervisors, club and elective leaders, to name just a few of the hats they wear. It is no wonder that they hear from so many of their former students about what a profound impact they have had in the lives of the young men who pass through the doors of Cardigan.

Rick Exton Eleven years at Cardigan; Foreign Language Department Chairman: Director of International Student Program; ESL Department O ia ir teaches Spanish and M andarin Chinese; J.V. Soccer. Lacrosse

Dave Auerbach Ten years at Cardigan; 7-1 Science. 9-2c/3a Biology, 9 Basic Algebra, Reserve A Soccer, Rec skiing, sailing; French II; Destination Imagination Club and Robotics First Lego League Team Elective

Wim Hart Thirty years at Cardigan; English; Skiing, Tennis, Bus Driver; Greenwood House; bass player in the faculty band "Grades and Comments"

Susan Rives Eighteen years at Cardigan; Art Department Chair; calligraphy; Fimo Club, Leather tooling club

Pat lacuzzi Nine years at Cardigan; Head Librarian; ESS 9, Math Lab, LLL; evening library duty; Cluster 2; Day Student Liason

Jarrod Caprow Two years al Cardigan; Scicncc 6, Math 6, Integrated Studies 6; Spanish 1A-9; Rcsei-ve B Soccer, Rec. Skiing and Snowboiirding, Reserve Baseball; Brew.ster II; lead 6th grade class advisor; Salamander Sleuths

Brad Edwards Eight Years at Cardigan; Spanish; Reserve C Soccer, Snowboarding; Brewster I and II

Chris Jenkins Six years at Cardigan; Spanish 1-C, Latin 2 & 3; Varsity Soccer, J.V. Basketball. Baseball; French I

Mark Holt Five years at Cardigan; Essential Study Skills; Basketball; work detail; Brewster I

Ryan Feeley Six years at Cardigan; English; Dewar House; Director of Summer Session; member of the faculty band "Grades and Conraients"

Sean Coakley Four years at Cardigan; Biology 9; JV Football, Varsity Hockey; Hayward; Golf Club in fall and spring

Chris Kenny Seven years at Cardigan; English 7 & 9; Wilderness Director; Reserve A Hockey; Dewar House; dog named Pinch

Austin Hannis First year al Cardigan: 6 English, Geography. Life Skills; 7 History; Varsity Football, Reserve Basketball. Baseball; Franklin and CM II

Arnold Kanyang'Onda First year at Cardigan; History, ESL; Varsity Soccer, Varsity Basketball; French 1

Reverend Bob Ganung First year at Cardigan; Chair of Religion Department; Religion classes 6-9; JV Football; Reserve B Hockey; baseball; Hinniiin I; Chaplain; Member o f "Grades and Comments", the faculty band

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Ian Stevens Second year at Cardigan; Math and French; Reserve Football, J.V. Hockey; Lacrosse; seventh grade advisor; French I

Gus Demaggio Three years at Cardigan; Assistant Admissions Director: Director of Ski Program; Life Skills; Soccer. Ski Team; Hinman II

Chris Farnsworth First year at Cardigan; Math and French; Reserve Football; Reserve B Hockey; Hinman 1

Miki Fera and Elaina Three years at Cardigan; French. Math; Ski Team; Hinman II

Adam Hogg First year at Cardigan; Essential Study Skills; Reserve A Soccer, Varsity Hockey, Baseball; Franklin

Mary Noordsy Two years at Cardigan; Language Learning Lab, Language Skills; Yearbook advisor; evening library; bookbag tickets; 7th grade class advisor

Jamie Funnell Seventeen years at Cardigan; Earth Science: North dorm; Assistant Head of School; Director of Placement; 9th Grade Advisor

Mike Fitzgerald Eight years at Cardigan; Western Civilization; Reserve A Hockey, JV Baseball; Dewar House; Director of Student Activities

Kyle Manny Three years al Cardigan; Life Skills Department Head; Varsity Football, Reserve B Hockey; Clark Morgan II: Assistant Director of Admissions

Kate Foster Over ten years at Cardigan; Language Learning Lab; Kirk Library; yoga and horseback riding clubs.

Jim and Samantha Scott Jim teaches Woodworking; Performance Arts; Stowell House; six years at Cardigan

Tom Pastore Four years at Cardigan; Director o f Studies; Latin 9. Life Skills 9; JV Basketball ClarkMorgan III

Marty Wennik Tvi'o years at Cardigan; Varsity Soccer; Interim Director o f Admissions

Louisa Ledbetter Six years at Cardigan; Language Learning Lab; member of the choir

Randy Macdonald Twenty years at Cardigan; Tech Coordinator; twenty years on Hinman II

Chuck McCormick Three years at Cardigan; Western Civilization; J.V. Football, Varsity Lacrosse; Hayward; Dean of Students

Alex Gray Thirteen years at Cardigan; English 7,8,9 and Leadership 9; JV Soccer. Varsity Skiing; JV Lacrosse; Lost and Found, battery recycling program, 9th Grade Class Advisor

John D’Entrmont Five years at Cardigan; History; Cross Country, Hockey, Tennis; North Dorm; bus driver

Joel Harms Eight years at Cardigan; Algebra 7-1, Algebra/Geometry 8-lB , Geometry 9-1C; Technical climbingAVildemess, Rec. Snowboarding, Sailing; French II

Lydia Harms Five years at Cardigan; Language Learning Lab; French II


Pat Franz Twenty-two years teaching at Cardigan; Language Learning Lab Department Chair

John Bayreuther Three years at Cardigan; History and Life Science; Reserve A Soccer, J.V, Hockey, Lacrosse; Stowell House

Eddie Ramos Thirty years at Cardigan; Geometry, Algebra and Advanced Algebra; Var.sity Tennis, XC Skiing, soccer official; Greenwood Hou,se; Math Department Chair

Jay Christianson Second year at Cardigan; Science; Reserve B Soccer, Ski Program, Sailing: Hayward Dorm; riflery club

Chris Seldomridge Six years at Cardigan; Assistant Athletic Director; Life Skills 6; Sports Psychology/Nutrition/First Aid Elective

Nick Creach Five years at Cardigan; Western Civilization and U.S. History; Varsity Football. Varsity Basketball. Varsity Baseball; Brewster II; Director of New Faculty Mentorship

Charlie Hilbert First year at Cardigan; English, Latin; Medical Driver: Clark Morgan III; Homeric Greek Elective; Faculty band "Grades and Comments"

Ritchie Gillespie Four years at Cardigan; Algebra I and Physical Science; XC Running. Wrestling, Track; Clark Morgan III; jitsu club

Becky Perkins Years at Cardigan: ’99-'02 and back again this year: Math Tutorial and Gates Invention Program; Reserve C Soccer, XC Skiing; French I and II

Steve Ledbetter Six years at Cardigan; Music Department Chair; Music 6, 7. 8 & 9; Glee Club, Choir; Faculty band "Grades and Comments"

Allan Kreuzburg Eleven years at Cardigan; Biology and Earth Science; Reserve Football, Wrestling, Reserve Lacrosse; Franklin House; Director of Residential Life


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Working quid^tly baliind th ^ th^sd^ the people we ve\y on to accomplish many of the daily tasks t h a t makd^ thd^ school run so smoothly. Tliank you! Right: Development office team (front) Barb Frazier, Judi North, Kristin Calkins (back) Brian Wood, Jean Christensen, and Steve Howard with their "perfect" dog, Elbie II. Below: Bob Spano, Dolores Lizotte, Paul Crislip, Rick Kahn Back: Marion Rogers, Keary Morse, George Jones Missing: A1 Canada Audie Armstrong, Administrativfe Assistant to the Athletic Director, runs the student banl<, the mailroom and assists Coach in his duties.

The Chartwell's staff keeps us well fed morning, noon and night. No easy task with growing boys! Student favorites? Calzones, grilled cheese, Boston Creme Pie, spaghetti and meatballs, and BLT's. along with the fabulous meals on special occasions like Foreign Language Day, the Holiday Dinner, and Thanksgiving.


Above left: Susan Walker, Executive Assistant to the Headmaster, with Oscar Above: Business office team of Judy Ribeiro (Student Accounts), Jill Cavalieri (Comptroller), Joe McHugh (Business Manager) Below: Kathy McHugh, Registrar

Housekeeping staff:(front row) Rose Gardner, Mary Terry McCarthy (Middle) Rick Kahn, Lisa Trussell (back) Eleanor Wellor, Freda Grace, Leroy Coutermarsh, Lisa Collins, James Waters.

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Right: Jessica Bayreuther runs the Bookstore, is "dorm mom" at Stowell House, and mom to Gavin ('09), Morgan. Beckham and Jack. Far right; Joe and Ginny Collins have been friends of Cardigan for many years. Joe is Assistant Headmaster Emeritus and spends one day a week counseling. Ginny works in the library and has a green thumb with all of the plants on campus.

Above: Roz Burke has worked at Cardigan sixteen years and is Director of Health Services. Pat White assists in the Health Center.

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:mber A1 Canada. A1 W i f c j . s ^ g we took the Chartwell's jp'icture. but he was too important n^toii^flfude. So, he gets his own picture!

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Faculty Families and Candids

Gavin Bayreuther, 7th grader, day student, Stowell House resident and faculty kid! You'll usually find him on the rink or helping his mom in the school store at cookie break.

Above: Mary, Joey, Rick and Elizabeth Exton pose for a family portrait in front of their piano.

Left: Jarrod Caprow with the hydrangeas at the height of their fall color.

Top; The shaven and shorn...for a good cause! Chuck McCormick, Jamie Funnell, Gus DeMaggio and Tom Needham take most of it off to raise funds during the Parent's W eekend Live Auction.


Elbie (LB?) Gray, a favorite campus dog.

Facuity Families

Mike, Midori and ^ Nora Fitzgerald ^

Charlie and Chris Hilbert

Facuity Families

Day Students


Zach Williams and Adam Farrell

Chris Galluzo

Jack Noordsy

They travel from Etna, Grafton, Enfield, Hanover, Lyme, New London and Canaan, NH as well as Post Mills, Vermont to get to CMS every day. Once at school, they store their belongings in the day student locker area and sign-in at the library with Mrs. lacuzzi, the day student coordinator. Front row: Adam Farrell, Danny Belback, David Pluhar, Danny Fenton. Middle row: Danny Burns, Damien Affleck, Zach Williams, Nicky Funnell, Clinton Williams, Gavin Bayreuther , Garrett Kogel. Back row: Ian Gagnon, Jack Noordsy, Travis Mulvihill, Pavel Pluhar, Chris Galluzzo, Chris Tevere. Missing: Jake Dunham 20

The Sixth Grade class is pictured sitting on the steps of Kenley T e rra c e Front row: Nelson Klein, Dae Hyun Kim, Danny Belback, Justin Choi, Sang Hyun Kim, Nick Ahn Back row: Jeff Cote, Leo Rahim, Meed Geary, Luke Bennett, Garrett Kogel, Andrew Kebalka, Steven Page. Lead sixth grade teachers this year were Mr. Caprow and Mr. Hannis.


a it h (5 radere Clockwise from top: David Pluliar accepts the fall spelling bee trophy from Mrs. Mendelsohn; Benson Fu; Daniel Lee; Mike W eaver studying; all class picture; David LeBreton and Doel Jarosiewicz; Russell and Douglas McGillivray with Aleks Dierl on the seventh-grade field trip to the Echo Leahy Center in Burlington, VT.

Front row: Kyle Moran, Eun Sang Lee, Doug Cruickshank, Nicky Funnell, Mike Hutchinson, Jay Mobilia, David Pluhar Zach Williams, Daniel Lee, Grant Cho, Josh Lee, Sun Ho Ma, Ryan Suh Back row: David LeBreton, Doel Jarosiewicz, Aleks Dierl, Jack Noordsy, Russell McGillivray, Oscar Cheng, John Cameron Gavin Bayreuther, Patricio Rodriguez, Doug McGillivray, Jason Sohn, Chris Choi, Ha Joo Lee, Brandon Anderson, Nick van Schaijik, Adam Farrell



The Understudies

Hghth Graders Left: D.J. Woodworth dressed up for Halloween窶馬ice pink wig!

Row 1: Angus Murray, Danny Burns, Clinton Williams, Danny Fenton, Liam Eldred, Tim McNair, Mike McGuigan, Pablo Giraud, Eugenio de la Fuente, Sebastian Diez Barroso. Hayden Lynctl, Jay Giambarresi, Kunjoo Parl<, Young Soo Jang, Robert Kim, Ptiilip Carr Row 2:Dana Hughes, Grant Maddox, Aaron McClain, Sam Bolen, Andy Kim, Evan Stricl<, Sam Wyskiel, Tim Sullivan, Grey Hamilton, Lex Davis, Cody Laird, Chris Galluzo. Jorden St. Jean, Dana Hughes, Andrew Hastings, Row 3: Kyle Ames, Ian Gagnon, Damien Affleck, Ben Langlois, Chris Tevere, Andrew Howe, Steve Mastalerz, Jerry Silvey, Tim Acker, Eugene Sa, Brian Ferrell, KT Kim, Blake Alessandroni, Chad Holley Row 4: John Foley, Se Han Cho, Jinhoon Huh, Mike Doyle, Sean deHerder, Juan Morales, Mike Moran, Nate Gilbert. Brendon Moises, Morgan Mullen. Mike Lima. Kevin Chun, Joe Bruno, DJ Woodworth, Tim Buckley, Guy Camparcola (We tried our best with getting the correct names, our apologies if a few are incorrect...)


Club time! Nicky Funnell. Josh Lee and Gray Hamilton. Die/ Barroso. "It's cold, ma'am! It is not like this in Mexico!"

Members of Reserve Football listen to Coach Kreuzburg's recollections of the season at the fall awards ceremony.

Eugene Sa collects his fall sports award.

Left: Studying in the library are Tim Acker and Sean de Herder. Right: Jinhoon Huh brings it on home during the Lake Run.

Above: Mike Lima expresses dorm spirit during Language Day activities (with Cody Laird and Brian Ferrell). Right top: Danny Bums at halftime during a soccer game; enjoying their apples at the Sandwich Fair are Douglas McGillivray, Aleks Dierl, Daniel Johnson, David LeBreton, Akash Bharwani: Steve Mastalerz with a big grin. Right bottom: Benson Fu, smiling as always; Gavin Bayreuther and Mike Weaver "shipwrecked" at the Echo Leahy Center in Burlington, VT.


Cardigan boys have so many opportunities to try new things and go new places, whether on special occasions like the Sandwich Fair, the Canaan Street Lake run, or a field trip out of town, or just hanging around campus doing sports, clubs or academics, we get to broaden our horizons and our minds. These are events and friends that Wf .Âť-in remember for the rest o f our lives!


Left: Kyle Moran (7) receives his team shirt at the fall awards ceremony; Evan Strick (8) on his way back from the rink after tryouts.

Below left: Nelson Klein (6) gets expressive as Dae Hyun (Daniel)Kim (6) flashes a groovy peace sign.

Below: Eugenio de la Fuente (8) and Sebastian Diez Barroso (8) dress up in Mexican garb for Language Day festivities.


Ha Joo Lee (7), Andrew Kebalka (6), Chris MacLeod (8), Se Han Cho (8)

D.J. Woodworth and Andrew Lawless-Howe outside of Stoddard, headed to Chapel.

Douglas Cruickshank going between classes.


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"B©5t friends for- life



e Front: Mike Lima. Middle: Leo Rahim, Cody Laird, Lucas Bennett, Brian Ferrell, Jeff Cote. Back: Nicky Ahn, Sean de Herder, Morgan Mullen, Tim Dibble, Petteri Paakkala, Chris MacLeod, Chi Ho Lee.

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Front: Jihoon Kim, Lex Davis, Oscar Chang, David LeBreton (DLB!). Middle; KT Kim, Blake Alessandroni, Alex Yang, Chris Carpino, Eugenio de la Puente, W alker Todesco. Back; Mr. Arnold Kanyang'Onda, Frazer Milton, Philip Carr, Sam Wyskiel, Mr. Chris Jenkins.


, o -p c o rn i

Front: Gus DeMaggio, Miki Ferra and Elaina; Johnathan Grimmel; Randy Macdonald. Middle: Chris Choi, Steven Page, Graham Claris, Scott Shin, Se Han Cho, Dillon Cori<ran, Steven Hirschmann, Russell McGillivray. Baci<: Meed Geary, Andrew Howe. Missing: Celil Cavusoglu.

Front: Ryan Suh, Aleks D ied. Halim Lee. Middle: Taylor Jorden, Andrew Watrous, Nick Van Schaijik. Patricio Rodriguez, Andrew Kebalka, Grant Cho, Reverend Bob Ganung with dog. Back: Charlie Kissell. Mr. Chris Farnsworth.


CLARK. MCR&AN 1 Left to right: Joe Bruno, Michael Doyle, Elijah Charbel, Paul Clark, Kyle Moran, Dalton French, Burt McGillivray. Missing: Po-Yu Fu, Andrew Hastings, Brian McQuillen, Juan Carlos Morales, Jerry Silvey

CLARK MOR&AN 3 Front row: Kunjoo Park, Brandon Anderson, Doel Jarosiewicz Back row; Mr. Gillespie, Kyle Ames, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Chad Holley Missing: Damien Affleck, Danny Fenton, David Pluhar (day student affiliates)


Front: Jeffrey Holt; Sam Funnell; Dirk VanderPol. Back; George Welles; Rob Lazo; Carlos Garcia; Mr. Mark Holt; Eun Sang Lee; Josh Lee; Steve Mastalerz. Missing: John Foley

bREWSTER 1 Front: Alex Machikas; John Cameron; Dae Hyun Kim; Dana Hughes; Nelson Klein; Mr. Jarrod Caprow. Middle: Jason Sohn; Aaron Winkler; Ben Langlois; Hyun Tae Kim; Tim McNair. Back: Mr. Nick Creach; Sebastian Diez Barrosso; Cullen Boyle: Aaron McClain; Grant Maddox. Missing: Mike McGuigan.



From front to back: Mike Civatella, Niko Langlois, Tony Chung, Jorden St. Jean, Chris Yoon, Daniel Johnson, DJ Woodworth, Matt New, Steven Frankhouse, Xavier Pollard, Missing: A D day students Jack Noordsy and Jake Dunham

bA N K S Jay Mobilia, Will Reich, Jay Giambarresi, Seth Gray. Back: Jinhoon Huh, Daniel Lee, Sam Bolen, Emery Gray, Shane Rogers. Dorm Parents: Alex Gray and Steve Ledbetter 30

The boys of Banks with a pyramid of Ben and Jerry's. They look pretty pleased with themselves!

NORTH Front: Gray Hamilton, Tim Acker, Kenny Craig, Matt Chartrain. Back: Juan Serrate, Young Soo Jang, B.K. Chun, Eddie Dix, Guy Comparcola Missing: Tim Buckley, Robbie MacNeil, Angus Murray and day student affiliate Nicky Funnell Dorm Parents: Mary Mendlesohn, John D'Entremont and J. Funnell

More dorms...



w Front row: Evan Strick, Gavin Bayreuther, IVIike Weaver, Tim Sullivan, Cody Marquis, Sun Ho Ma (day affiliate). Back: Mr. Bayreuther, Mike Seo, Max Wildes, Robert Kim


HAyWARD Very front: Brendan Moises. Front: Ha Joo Lee, Akash Bharwani, John McDonald, Jimmy Fluke, Will Rosen, Matt Starbuck. Back: Mr. Jay Christianson, Sang Yeon Chung, Dr. Chuck McCormick, Eugene Sa, Mike Moran, Oscar Juarez, Connor Roohan, Jon Aron, Jimmi Fordyce, Mr. Sean Coakley. Missing: day student affiliate Pavel Pluhar._________________________


&REENWCCD -iciured: Will Schoder, Liam Eldred, Nate Gilbert, A.J. Welsberger /lissing; Pablo Giraud, Xavier Pollard, Thomas Willett and day student affiliates Chris Galluzzo, Travis

Left: Sun Ho Ma (7th, day student) is just the right size to provide an arm rest for Alex Machikas (9th).

Left: David Pluhar (7th) in his usual smiling state. Just to his left is Adam Farrell (7th) and visible in the background is Mike Hutchinson (8th).

Left: Chris Choi, a first-year boy in seventh grade.

Above: Danny Bums, 8th grader, day student. This is his third year as a Cardigan boy. What's up with that tie, Bumsie? Above: Nelson Klein, 6th grader.


Above: Mr.Scott is teaching Brian McQuillan how to cut a piece o1 wood. Top right: Alex Machikas. Middle: Jihoon Kim using a drill; Bottom: Pavel Pluhar measuring and sanding his project. Williams Wokshop, at the bottom of the hill, is home-base for Mr. Scott anc every boy who wants to work with wood. Clocks, tables, desks— whatever you dream, Mr. Scott will help you turn it into reality; 34

Fall Clubs Thursday afternoon is always a much anticipated part of the week, a time when boys get a break from regular sports and academics and try something new. Offerings were diverse and included riflery, bowling, road warriors, Destination Imagination, mini hockey, tenny ball, Blaze (we rock!) and much more!

Above: Mr. Bayreuther and Mr. Gray's soccer club with Cardigan boys and children from the local area. Above left; John Foley trained dogs with Mr. Farnsworth's club. Left: Gray Hamilton and Johnathan Grimmell ham it up in Mrs. Mendelsohn's Improv Club. Far left: The Robotics elective was led by Mr. Auerbach and Mr. Scott.

Left: Robbie McNeil, Sean de Herder and Eddie Dix play some tunes in the chapel. Far left: Liam Harms and Se Han Cho took part in the soccer club.


A One A« play by Stephen Grsss

1^5 JirGtrtecl by Mc>ry MenJelsohn einJ Jim . ==t£KooKy ■fed'cher w^s p\<?ye<i by Will ScoJer.the evGr-sufTerir»5 stUcierVtby Oe>ITon French. TVie CiSsTw<?s rouricieeJ out by micre«?nTs, che<i»'ters li.i>rsCboys ACTIN& «?sthose thin5 s).

Clockwise from top left: Connor Roohan gets ready to signal a test answer; Dalton French as "Alan” consoled by Eddie Dix; Kenny Craig and Will ScodetJi students and teacher; Dirk VanderPol as "the voice"; tech guys Jihoon Kim and AJ W eisberger; the class (left to right: Dalton French, Jack Noordsy, Nick W Schaijik, Tim McNair); "the chorus" Josh Lee, Nicky Funnell and Lex Davis; curtain call


Students produced outstanding artwork in a variety of media, including black and white value studies, oil painting, acrylic painting, pottery and much more. Many of the student's work is entered annually in the NH Scholastic Art Awards Competion, resulting in Honorable Mentions, Silver and Gold Key awards.

Ben Langlois

Hanging Out Here's what w e do in our spare tim e!

Steven Hirschmann in his dorm room getting some work done; Robbie MacNeil, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Mr. Caprow and D J. Woodworth watch the helicopter land on the football field; Petteri Paakkala does his homeworl? in the library during a study hall. Above; Elaina DeMaggio appears to be amused by the boys "hanging out" on Hinman II.


Cardigan Music Glee Club, Faculty Band, Music Ensemble, all led by our talented Dr. Ledbetter

Left, below; "Proud Mary" gets these guys "rolling on the river." Far left: W aiting for practice to begin. Left: Halim Lee singing a solo at the Holiday Pageant. Below: Jamie Funnel shares the gift of his voice.

Music adds so much to life on the Cardigan Campus, and Dr. Ledbetter is in charge of every aspect o f it. Boys practice for weekly chapel performances as well as special occasion events such as the Holiday Pageant or performances for the Board of Trustees. This year the Glee Club had the opportunity to perform at Governor Lynch's Inauguration in early January. What an honor! The faculty band, "Grades and Comments" has also been busy performing on and off campus. They add a special dimension to Thursday Chapel services and get us all into the spirit.

Left: Practice makes perfect

Above: A Heavenly Choir

The instumentalists of the fall chamber group warm up during a rehearsal in the Hayward practice room.

W e were treated to very beautiful singing at the annual Christmas Pageant.


Caii^rgiill Recycles Mr. Gray heads up both the Recycling Club and the campus wide battery recycling effort. Right: A few of the recyclers on their way to the Canaan Transfer Station: Mr. Gray, K.T. Kim, Alex Yang, Oscar Cheng and Jinhoon Huh.

.....-n M firW iiii

Above; Just some of the materials that the club members collect and recycle.


Right: Matt New led the campus in the Battery Recycling program. He was assisted by Hunter Holland.

Parents support us in all we do at Cardigan! These proud parents were at just about every hockey game all season long. From left to right: Jessica and John Bayreuther (faculty parents of Gavin '09) and Kyoung Mi and Se Won Ma, parents of Sun Ho Ma, '07.


Top: Chris Yoon, ^ Rosen and Ji Oh Bang if Fitness Training; Eugene Sa and Alex Yang afte broomball; Sun Ho iVlair rocketry; Mr. Seldomridi and Carlos Garci hockey for non-hocka players; Blaze Staffed hard at work are Garrrt Kogel, Young Soo Ja^ Robert Kim and Eur Sang Lee; Kyle IVIorar and Joe Bruno g| pugnacious; go iVlf Seldonnricige!

\i)iO tG r A r t X d o rh

The following students are members of the 2007

Destination Imagination team: Danny Belback, Nelson Klein, Doel Jarosiewicz, David Pluhar, Hannah Auerbach Cardigan's Dl team, the

CcÂťnnoSheep Cows were victorious at the Regional Competition in

Nashua, NH. Not only did the four-man, one-girl team take second place and receive a spot at the upcoming state meet, but they were also presented the prestigious D A V kN a A W A ftD for their exceptional elevator design which utilized a hydraulic system to launch paper planes. The coveted DaVinci award is given to those teams who display extreme creativity, take risks and find a unique approach to problem solving. Congratulations to Mr^Auer6ach and Mr^fbffwho coach and mentor the Destination Imagination team. This is Cardigans second year participating in the program and already they are reaping the rewards of their hard work and effort.


Math Rocks Spring Break 3/13/2007 Five Cardigan students delayed tlieir Spring Break to compete at the iVlathCounts State Competition held at Plymouth State University on March 10th. The CM S M A T H C o w h t s team competed against 18 teams and 30 individual competitors (100+students altogether) and brought home Second Place Silver. C t*U K tc and ^^u k /j o o

finished 5th and 6 th

in the Individual Category. Lets congratulate the Cardigan boys for their superb performance. They bring academic honor and achievement to themselves, their families and their alma mater. A round of applause goes out to Eddie Ramos and Joel Harms for their unwavering support and coaching of the MathCounts competitors.

The CM S MathCounts Team: Kunjoo Park Young Soo Jang Dana Hughes Kevin Chung 45 Daniel Lee _____________________________________


Random Question #1 on a random blank page: What two things do these three boys have in common with each other? Please be more specific than "They are all Cardigan Students". "They are all day students and live in Grafton" is also wrong ('cuz Lex lives in Texas). And only 2/3 are eighth graders (Danny is a sixth grader). Left to right: Danny Belback, Clinton Williams, Lex Davis. 46

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Random Question # 2; What are these handsome gents up to? They do look a little unruly...


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Every CMS athlete has the heart of a Cougar...

Foil Sports


climbs high The Cardigan Mountain School Wilderness Program has a long tradition of introducing boys and young men to the wonders of the natural world. The focus for our outdoor endeavors is rock climbing. This is a great way for participants to learn to trust and rely on one another, respect the environment and learn backcountry etiquette. Students participating in the Wilderness Program each fall are able to experience the thrill of scaling sheer cliffs and rock faces in Rumney, NH, which has some of the best sport climbing in the country. This allows boys of all levels to push themselves each W ednesday and have fun. In addition to climbing techniques, some of the hard skills the boys will take home with them are belaying, lead belaying, anchor building, placing natural protection and even lead climbing. Wilderness Directors are Joel Harms and Chris Kenny.

John Foley supports a climbing partner at The Wall in Quech

David Pluhar

Jack Noordsy, going up 50

Coaches Harms and Kenny, John Foley, Andrew Watrous. Back row: David Pluhar, Kyle Ames, Nelson Klein, Jack Noordsy, Johnathan Grimmell, Sam Bolen

Wilderness boys at The Wall in Quechee

Cross Country Here we go, all the way, every day... These guys will never forget Jake's Run, the Half Marathon, the Lake run. HOOORAAAHHHH!

Front row: Lex Davis, Mike Hutchinson, Pavel Pluhar, Danny Fenton Back row: Blake Alessandroni, Coach Gillespie, Oscar Cheng Missing: Luke Bennett, Coach D'Entremont Far left: Lex Davis waves a victory sign. Left: Damien Affleck nearing the finish line. Above: the team does warm-ups to stretch before a practice run. 51


. \ / .

f ^ o o + b a ll

derdogs going into season, attain winning record

Front row: Eugene Sa, Jorden St. Jean, Ben Langlois, Tim McNair, Shane Rogers, Steve Mastalerz, Chris Galluzzo, Jimmy Fluke, Brian Ferrell. Back row; Joe Bruno, Mike Lima, Shangrong Wu, Tim Acker, Jerry Silvey, Brendan Moises, Juan-Carlos Morales, DJ Woodworth, Scott Shin. Coaches: Dr. McCormick and Mr. Coakley

"Eleven as one"

Front row: Steven Page, Mike McGuigan, George, Andrew Kebalka, Doel Jarosiewicz, Clinton Williams, Danny Belback, Nick Ahn, Zach Williams, Adam Farrell. Back row: Kyle Moran, Taylor Jorden, Daniel Johnson, Russell McGillivray, Doug Cruikshank, Guy Comparcola, Garrett Kogel, Brandon Anderson, Jason Sohn, Dana Hughes, Jay Giambarresi, Dan Kim, Chris Tevere, Evan Strick, Coaches Mr. Kreuzburg, Mr. Farnsworth and Mr. Stevens.

Players Danny Belback and Clinton Williams catch their breath while intently watching the game; QB gets ready for the hand-off; Mike McGuigan smiles as his teammates make a great play.


• I Gritty bunch of gridders keep up strong winning tradition (Team picture at bottom of page) Front Row: Ricky Miller, Codi Marquis Middle Row: Max Wildes, Mike Moran, Alex Machikas, Tim Buckley, Xavier Pollard, Tim Sullivan, Cullen Boyle, Mike Doyle, Nathan Gilbert, Dalton French Back Row: Coach Marrion, Coach Hannis, A.J. Weisberger, Tim Dibble, Dirk VanderPol, Jihoon Kim, Aaron Winkler, Christian Carpino, Brian McQuillan, Elijah Charbel, Niko Langlois, Rob Lazo, Halim Lee, Tom Willett, Coach Creach, Coach Lynch Not Shown: Dillon Corkran, Kenny Chaig


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Top: A little levity after the formal picture. That's Niko buried under Dalton; it's hard to say who else is missing in the bottom of the pig pile! Bottom: Cougars make a tackle. 55

Clockwise from left: Liam Eldred looks for a pass; Mike Weaver waiting for the ball; teammates lined up during practice drills,

Reserve A Soccer Great Team Great Attitude Great Improvement

Front row: Kunjoo Park, Gavin Bayreuther, Jay Mobilia, Hayden Lynch, Grant Maddox, Mike Weaver, Dana Hughes, Liam Eldred Back row: Coach Bayruther, Chris MacLeod, Robert Kim, Andy Kim, Se Han Cho, Grant Cho, Ian Gagnon, Chad Holley, Coach Hogg, Grant Cho, Coach Auerbach. Missing: Aleks Dierl, Shane Boissiere



Clockwise from right: Aaron McClain looks contemplative; Men-inBlack, Coach Christianson and Coach Caprow; Sun Ho Ma and Philip Carr keep an eye on the action.

Reserve B Soccer A great time was had by all!

Bottom row: KT Kim, Pablo Giraud, Nicky Funnell, Sun-Ho Ma, Andrew Hastings, Gray Hamilton, Aaron McClain Back row: Coach Caprow, Daniel Lee, Akash Bharwani, Philip Carr, Hunter Holland, Josh Lee, Cody Laird, M eed Geary, Kevin Chung

C S occer Rich h H/ssrt, Pride, and petei^ial

Below: Douglas McGillivray watches with interest as his teammates outmaneuver their opponents. Bottom: Teammates high-five as they score yet another goal.

Front Row: Ryan Suh, Justin Choi, John Cameron, Ha Joo Lee, Benson Fu, Danny Burns, Back Row: Coach Demaggio, Coach Perkins, Chris Choi, Eddie Kim, Eun Sang Lee, Jeff Cote, Angus Murray, David LeBreton, Douglas IVIcGillivray, Nick van Schaijik, Coach Edwards

Above: Chris Choi and Ha Joo Lee jog back to center field following a goal.


Left: Justin Choi streaks up the field on his way to score a goal.

Above: David LeBreton and Justin Choi make a play for Cardigan.

Below; Connor Roohan sprints after the ball, ready to make a play.

Front Row: Alex Baldwin, Paul Clark, ChrisYoon, Will Schoder, Tae Won Chung, Will Rosen, Chi Ho Lee, Back Row: Coach Gray, Steve Hirschman, Sam Funnel!, Frazer Milton, Will Reich, Connor Roohan, Matt Starbuck, Coach Exton

JV soccer saved it's best soccer for the last game! Left; Will Reich hustles down the field.


V arsity

First they are serious. Front row: Mike Seo, Burt McGillivray, Celil Cavusogiu, Andrew Howe, Eugenio de la Fuente, Sebastian Diez-Barroso Back row: Travis Mulvihill, Coacii Jenkins, Sam Wyskiel, Ben Harmon, Rob MacNeil, Jinlioon Hull, Oscar Juarez, Morgan Mullen, B.K. Chun, Peter Paakkala, Graham Clark, Alex Yang, Young Soo Jang, Juan Serrato Elizondo, Carlos Garcia. Missing: Coach Kanyang'Onda.

Pictures left, top to bottom: 1,2,3: Oelil Cavusogiu struts his stuff as goalie; team huddles to plan their next move.



Soccer i ' p r ; i 'm


ii then they get a little wacky... II

(but really, they play seriously!) K

j "Varsity Soccer thrives despite growing pains" — Coach Kanyang'Onda


Our Families Visit...





D6 wi


We support each other through thick and thin at Cardigan! Members of Reserve A and Reserve B Hockey teams put on their Cardigan gear and turn up the volume as they wait to cheer on the Varsity Team during Eaglebrook weekend. Team spirit, school spirit—Go Cardigan! Go Cougars!



Couqor Spirit h


in 't a r

On the slopes, trail, mats, rink or court, Cougar Spirit dominates! nian Amieucsi



Evan Strick



Race Sibling & Race Sno¥l)oar(Iiiig Right: Jimi Fordyce speeds through the gates in the Giant Slalom.

Above; Hunter Holland makes some quick turns in a slalom event.

Above: Hunter Holland doing his thing....wheee!!!



Very- l f ^ row: Nick Van Schaijik, Jon Grimmel, Mike McGuigan. Row 2: S ^ v e n Page, l^atricio Rodrigue2f:Aaron Wysklel, Grant Cho, Eugenio de la Fuente. Row 3: Carlos Ggi'cia, A . i Vl/aisbferg^ Cody Lait^Jan -Gagnon, John Cameron, Doel Jarosiewicz, l^ le Ames, mystery h d ^ i s George HammDnpl, Jirri1 Fordyce, ^ le x Baldwin. Back row: AnJrew Howe, JayM oblilia, Meed Geary> Paul-eiark.. ‘ ~; Above: Early in the season there was a lack of snow, so the team did a lot of dry land training. This was the "Indian Run" from campus down to Canaan Street and then to the top of the Pinnacle. Nice view of Cardigan Mountain in the background!

m T I'

Above: Jay Mobilia showing great racing form.

Right: Snowboard TeamCoach Edwards, Matt New, Grant Cho, Alex Baldwin, Celil Cavusoglu, Andrew Howe, Doel Jarosiewicz, Aaron McClain, Connor Roohan.

Kordic SMIng Far left: Aleks Dierl and Danny Belback lead the way.

Above: Shinsuke Mikame joined us from Japan at mid-

Coach Becky Perkins, Nicky Ahn, Oscar Cheng, Benson Fu, Danny Belback, Aleks Dierl, Shinsuke Mikame, & Coach Eddie Ramos on 1/29/07



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Right: Mr. W im Hart demonstrates his enthusiasm for sledding/training practice (or possibly the fact that practice is ahnost over?) by raising his arms.

Above: First everyone lines up their sleds and ets ready to push off....

Above: Then when you are ready, like Oscar and Juan are here, you race everyone to the bottom of the hill.... Above: Pablo Giraud, Cody Laird (sitting). Coach Harms, Clint Williams, Akash Bharwani, Jay GiambaiTesi, Sam Bolen, Juan Serrato, Shangrong Wu, Graham Clark, Andrew Watrous, Coach Hart. Missing are Zach Williams and Coaches Auerbach and Caprow. Above: Then everyone grabs ahold of the rope tow and rides to the top of Clancy Hill and the cycle starts all over

Right: One of very few pictures you will see of Clinton Williams in this book, since he doesn't like getting his picture taken. Here he's set to race Pablo Giraud.

ft y



Above; The Cardigan Wrestling Tournament provided hours of good wrestling. The whole school pitches in to make it happen!

Right: Robert Kim practices his shot. Left; KT Kim, a natural with a basketball in his hands.

Above: Kunjoo Park taking practice

id in itij


Back row: Coach Pastore, Kevin Chung, Daniel Lee, Jinhoon Huh, Se Han Cho, Coach Jenkins. Front row: K.T. Kim, Josh Lee, Robert Kim and Kunjoo Park.

Right: Jinhoon Huh with a steady hand on the basketball.

Left: This group of boys takes practice seriously.


Front row: David LeBreton, Alex Wolk Ryan Suh, Ji Oh Ban§ John Mcdonald Back row: Taylor Jorden, John Foley, Zach Saba, Dae Hyun Kim, Ha Joo Lee, Coach Hannis.

Left: Practice takes all members o f the team working together. Here, John Foley gets a basket.

Above: Ryan Suh sets a screen.

rhe team does warm up drills

The ref blows his whistle and the game continues with Cardigan in control o f the ball

Front row: Brendan Moises, Steven Frankhouse, Will Schoder, Tim Buckley, Xavier Pollard, Guy Comporcola, ScotL Sli Back row: Coach Lynch, Will Rosen, Chris Carpino, Shane Rogers, Chad Holley, Will Reich, Coach Kanyans'Onda

Above: Will Rosen and teammates listen to Coach Lynch explain the game plan

Right: The scoreboard savs it all and that's the wav ••••

Riaht: Will Schodei prepares for the rebound

Lynch and his bovs






Above: Cardigan player waiting for the pass


Above: The new Cardigan bannei hangs proudly in Turner Arena.

rick, Juan Carlos Front row: Frazer Milton, Young Soo Jang, Jerry Silvey, Eddie Kim, Andrew Hastings,1 Morales, David Bours. Bacl< row: Coach Ganung, Coach Manny, Halim Lee, Jeff Cote, Chris Choi, Jon Aron, Tony Chung, Chi Ho Lee, Daniel Johnson, Gray Hamilton, Jason Sohn, Lex Davis, Philip Carr, Jihoon Kim. Missing: Chris Tevere, Travis Mulvihill.

P.S.: Oh, the way. Reserve B won the game against the Hockey for Non-Hockey Players Club, 4-3. f


Above; Lots o f fans watch along the glass during the February Parent's Weekend to cheer on the Reserve B

^ â–


Right; Reserve B teammates work together to haul the puck up the


Reserve A Hoaey Left: Sun Ho Ma in tiie center o f the action.


it Front row: Luke Bennett, Hayden Lynch, Charlie Kissel, Nicky Funnel!, Andrew Kebalka, Sun Ho Ma, Liam Eldred, Jack Noordsy, Tim McNair. Back row: Coach Kenny, Nate Gilbert, Matt Starbuck, Danny Fenton, Mike Seo, Alex Yang, Walker Todesco, Eugene Sa, B.K. Chun, Douglas McGillivray, Russell McGillivray, Coach Fitzgerald.

Left: Nicky Funnell scores on the other team. Love seeing that puck in the net!

Above: Tim McNair keeps an eye on the game.

f ^

Right: Mike Moran skates up the ice.


HIMlijMlp ■SIWill's

^iRliir.i. .

Above: The sign that welcomes us home and makes the heart of every Cougar hockey player beat a little faster.

1 S i

Above: Mike Doyle sweeps in front of the home net; Steve Mastalerz in goal.








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Front Row: Steve Mastalerz, Brian Ferrell, Max Wildes, Alex Machlkas, Matt Chartrain, Kenny Craig, Cody Marquis, Morgan Mullen, Blake Alessandroni, Niko Langlois Back Row:Coach Coakley, George Welles, Mike Doyle, Thomas Willett, Eddie Dix, Sean de Herder, Brian McQuillan, Tim Acker, Petteri Paakkala, Tim Dibble, Burt McGillivray, Mike Moran, Coach Hogg

Right: Kenny Craig in control of the puck.

Left: Niko Langlois warms up before tryouts in November.

Above: Cody Marquis

i Left: Tim Acker, Steve Mastalerz and Morgan Mullen warm up before

h jk i:

Left: Morgan Mullen and Tim Dibble on a power


Above: Blake Alessandroni and Peter Paakkala on the ice against the Frederickton Caps out of New Brunswick.

Right; #6 Chris MacLeod, #4 Tim Sullivan and Sam Funnell in the middle of the action.

Above: Gavin Bayreuther takes to the ice in a bia wav

â– -.v f .


Th famous Cougai Zamboni makes its Front: Chris Galluzo, Kyle Moran Middle: Ben Langlois, Gavin Bayreuther, Tim Sullivan, Robbie MacNell, Grant Maddox, Damien Affleck Back: Coach Bayreuther, Jimmy Fluke, Jorden St. Jean, Mike Lima, Chris MacLeod, DJ Woodworth, Ricky Miller, Sam Funnell, Dalton French, Coach Stevens


Above: A nice hard slapshot wends its way to the net from the point

Winier Sports Awar These photos represent just a small fraction o f the awards handed out to the student athletes who participated in all winter sports plus drama and Math Counts.

Left: Boys wait for the presentations to begin.

Left; Franklin BoswellTaylor with a trophy for wrestling.


Above: Halim Lee brought down the house and received a standing ovation for his hockey version of "Everytime We Touch" by Cascada.

Above: Chad Holley shakes hands with Mr. Kanyang'Onda while accepting a Varsity basketball award.

Above, left: Tim McNair with a trophy for Reserve A Hockey. Above, right: Danny Belback with the Wax Award for XC Skiing.

Above: Frazer Milton with a Reserve B Hockey trophy. Left: Doel Jarosiewicz with a Team Snowboarding trophy.

February 14, 2007 was the first big snowstorm, a nor'easter, and we got a...

snow day !!! and two feet of snow!

Jo h n M c D o n ald ch o se to go to the g y m an d sh o o t h o o p s...

P av el an d D av id P lu h a r d o n 't g e t en o u g h o f th is at h o m e, so th e y w e n t to w re stle fo r th e a fterno on ...

These are the "king of the mountain" guys; they spent part of the afternoon tunneling and cavebuilding in big snow piles. Looks like Hirschmann, Watrous, McGuigan, Hutchinson, others???

About to get some air! Mr. Christianson rates it a "6"...

Right; Mike McGuigan the eskimo spelunker tries desperately to stay warm in his snow cave in the freezing temperatures of Antcardigan. It was about 20 below with the wind chill! Mike scoffs at the idea of cold! He's from Maine so this is nothing to him!


w a n t y o u r fac e w ash e d in sn o w ? a g ia n t sn o w b a ll d ro p p e d o n y o u r h e a d ? It w as all in g o o d sp irit...

lots o f g u y s w e n t to Chapel H ill to ski o r snow board off th e jum ps...



• •-p- ■


Sledding, skiing, snowboarding, friends and teachers cheering you on, building snow jumps and all bundled up against the COLD. We love SNOW DAYS! The campus was a beehive of activity as everyone found something to do to celebrate the snow!



Center: Mike Weaver, Max Wildes, Gavin Bayreuther, Morgan Bayreuther and Evan Strick had a chance to meet some of the Dartmouth College Women's Hockey Team members in Thompson Arena. The Dartmouth players graciously allowed the boys to try on some of their medals. Top to bottom: Zach Saba and Mr. Hannis converse about 6th grade matters; Oscar Walker hangs out near Ms. Walker's office; Mr.Kanyang'Onda keeps the beat.


Top to bottom: Sixth graders releasing some excess energy on the slope near the football field. Luke Bennett and Meed Geary pose by Cushing Rock. Matt Starbuck and an unidentified Cougar wrestle in the gym. Thanks to Jessica Bayreuther and Meed Geary for sharing their photographs! 87

The bulletin boards in every dorm ai'e always packed with schedules and information.

Left; W e will always leave a light burning for you!

TRIP TO March Break

M r. Exton led a group of C ard ig an boys, along w ith fam ily m em bers an d friends, on an exciting trip to C hina an d Hong Kong. T he g ro up visited m any fam ous landm arks an d p artook of som e typically Chinese activities and foods. The boys who had been studying M an d arin w ith M r. Exton alt year had a chance to practice speaking the language w ith kids th e ir own age when they visited a school in Beijing.

Above: Will Reich taking in the sights. Right: Aaron Winkler spends a day in class in #2 Middle School, Beijing. Below right: The Forbidden City Below far right: Mr. Cavusoglu and Mr.Exton enjoy the Shanghai cruise. Left: Life size clay soldiers at the tomb of Emperor Qin in Xi'an. Over 7000 life size soldiers, chariots and horses were made before 200 BC and re-discovered in 1974.

Above: The architecture everywhere was beautiful and inspiring. Here the group visits the Forbidden City.


Right: Cardigan boys with friends and family members who traveled to China included Cehl Cavusoglu, Aaron Winkler, Will Reich, Will Schoder, Lex Davis, here in the Hong Kong Airport.

cHie March 10-22, 2007

F a r left: CelU C avusoglu, Lex Davis and Will Reich m ake some new friends while >isiting #2 M iddle School in Beijing. Left: A aron W in k ler a t the Sum m er Palace. Below: The G reat Wall. Below, left to right: A ltar at Tem ple o f Heaven; T ang Dynast}’ Show in X i'A n; trying T ai Qi Q u an a t the Tem ple o f Heaven.


Left: The majestic beauty of The Great Wall.

Above: Elijah Charbel, Will Schoder and Celil Cavusoglu standing in front of The Temple of Heaven. (See picture above for a close-up o f the temple.)

Juan has been member of he Hockey for on-Hockey layers club this winter. He has learned to skate and play hockey, and^he even suited up

sporting event •* of the winter season, Juan scored and - nearly added a second goal later in the game. Despite losing 4-3, Juan's goal capped a memorable season and experience h will not likely repeat nor forget." • Mj, Fitzgerald

"Juan is one of my best jelly bean customers. He and Sebastian frequently come by and try to make disgusting jelly bean recipes for me - liquoricepopcorn-mango, etc! He is an avid member of the North dorm knee hockey league. 'Mexican Thunder' is a feared opponent in the Monday night games in our basement." Mr. Funnell 92

At the occasion of graduation 2007 Thomas and Silvia Hirschmann express their profound appreciation and sincere gratitude to faculty members, administrators and staff

for directing our sons Tom '00 Marc '01 Steven '07

onto the right path.




E t e

V e n


CMS we will miss you all!

Congratulations to Will Rosen and the Class of 03



Congratulations!!! W e are very proud of you, Love Mom, Dad, J fc k rM a tt

Below; A quick stop at Dunkin' D on the way home from an evening of music and dance at KUA. David Bours, Cullen Boyle, Xavier Pollard, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Will Reich and Jihoon Kim ham it up for Mrs. Noordsy

Above: Eddie Kim on a Sunday trip to stock up. Right: Young Soo Jang looks startled as he stands by the Pringle's selection.


C ardigan M ountain School

Traditions Far Left: Student leaders rally the school at the traditional bonfire before Fall Eaglebrook day. Left: And they're off! Boys take off running at the beginning of the Lake Race around Canaan Street Lake. This year's winner was Blake Alessandroni.

Left: The fire tower stands sentry atop Cardigan Mountain on a clear fall day. Boys climb our namesake mountain when they arrive as new students and again at graduation.

Above:: Max W ildes races the obstacle course on Foreign Language Day during Transition Week. Tim Sullivan waits for his turn.

Sandwich Fair Above: What would fall be without the annual trip to the Sandwich Fair? Some daring boys take to the sky.

October 9, 2006 A gorgeous autumn day,


Ah, the smell o f fried dough and bloomin' onions, sheep and hogs, the sound of the merry-go-round and the barkers— it's the Sandwich Fair! Big picture: Tim Acker and Max Wildes share a ride. Top left: Matt New, Graham Clark and Shangrong Wu wander the fairground.. Middle: Jack Noordsy and Gray Hamilton with Gray's big prize. Bottom: Mike McGuigan, John Cameron and Russell McGillivray prepare for takeoff! But listen to Mr. Gray's warning...ride first, eat later... 98

Mountain Day After much speculation and anticipation about when. Coach announces, "Boys, today is mountain day. Carry a water bottle and don't eat all of your lunch at once. Stay in a group and look out for Buckeye Decato on the trails. Have a heck of a nice day." And we're off...

Top: Robert Kim with a beautiful vista behind him while climbing Mt. Moosilauke with the eighth grade. Bottom: Se Han Cho, Eugene Sa and Robert BCim ham it up for photographer Young Soo Jang on the eighth grade trip. Come on, smile Robert! 6th and 7th grades climbed Welsh & Dickey 8th grade climbed Moosilauke 9th grade climbed Osceola It was a heckuva nice day and no sightings of Buckeye Decato were reported.




Above: AJ Weisberger as a proud redneck. Left: Danny Belback as the tinnnan. Bottom left: Mr. Fitzgerald organized pumpkin carving; the stone walls were decorated with Jack o'lanterns all along the road. Below: no idea who that was!

Top: Chris Galluzo as an Edward Scissorhands type-creature cutting the long locks of "hippie" Danny Fenton Bottom; Arrgghh, me matey, could them there pirates be Doel Jarosiewicz and Jack Noordsy? Parle, parle!!


Foreign Language Day Languages taught at Cardigan include Latin, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and even a Httle bit of Swahili and Old English. The community comes together once a year to celebrate the world's languages and cultures with games, food, music and entertainment. The boys of French II watch the trajectory of a sponge as it arcs toward Mr. the expressions on those faces! Below; Mr. Edwars helps out with the drumming.

Above: Mr. Kangyang'Onda in his native Kenyan dress getting ready to play the drums.

[Above: Her Grace, Gl( XII of the Duchy of Fenwick as portrayed Conor Roohan. ‘

Above: Tom Willett as Count Mountjoy, Conor Roohan as Her Grace, Gloriana XII and Michael Doyle as David Benter.

Left; Jack Noordsy as Military Driver, Celil Cavusogiu as Norman, Robbie MacNeil as Ann the Grape Stomper and Cody Marquis as Hank. 102

I Above: Eddie Dix as Mrs. Bascom, Tom Willett, Conor Roohan, Mike Doyle, and Christian Carpino as iTully Bascom.


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Based on the book by Leonard Webberly/adapted by C. Sergei Director/Producer Mary Mendelsohn Technical Director Jim Scott March 1 and 2, 2007

u i II!


poyle, Chris i>^osen as Koklntz, Halim Lee Four and Matt ierThree.

;l l I

I Above: The soldiers of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick storm NYC! From left: Halim Lee, Celil Cavusogiu, Matt Starbuck, Cody Marquis, Sean de Herder and Paul Clark.


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Above, the Crew: Niko Langlois, Sam Funnell, Josh Lee, Gray Hamilton, Eugene Sa, Pablo Giraud, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Mike McGuigan, Weisberge _____________

Right: John Grimmeli as Wilkins, Brian McQuillan as President.

—“n il iii 111 lU ul iil


Holiday Dinner with Santa andhisHves

with Mr. Manny, M'. Hogg and Mr. Stevens

HolidayPageant with the QeeQub and Tableau By Dr. Ledbetter and Mrs. Mendelsohn

Clockwise from top left: Shepherds keep watch; the glee club and choir under the direction of Dr. Ledbetter with Mr. Funnell soloing; the tableau of the Nativity; boys in the choir. Below: the Three Kings, Frazer Milton, Sam Funnell, Eddie Dix; angels we have heard on high (faculty children)

Jusl when the winter seems the coldest and dreariest, just when you can't wait another second for Spring Break, Mr. Needham announces Ski Holiday to the delight of all! The last day of February, 2007, CMS packed up and headed to Loon Mountain. Far right: Ms. Perkins and Mr. Caprow mug for the camera; Lex Davis and Phil Carr enjoy the sunshine on the slopes at Loon; David Pluhar and Clint Williams in the lodge; Mr. Funnell and Mr. Marrion hang by the fireplace; Elena DeMaggio all bundled up and ready to ski; Mike Lima doesn't seem to mind kicking back and relaxing in the snow.

Above: Rev. Ganung hands out lunches in the lodge; a group of 6th and 7th graders pose on the slopes (Paul Rating,?, Doug Cruikshank and Josh Lee); Kyle Ames warms up in the cafeteria.


Many, many thanks to Becky Perkins for taking all o f these great pictures of Ski Holiday!

Sam Funnell and Aiex Machikas do a little studying at the library; Evan Strick, Timmy Sullivan, Max Wildes and Cody M arquis in Humann Theater during a meeting; Danny Belback and Steven Page in a 6th grade class; lunch menu; backpacks piled up outside Humann; after chapel on die way to lunch; hanging out in the dorm (Stowell House).

Four Year Boys Fall 2003 to Spring 2007

Taken in the library one November Thursday after morning meeting, the速 four-year boys pose in their chapel dress, "grays and greens". From sixth速 grade to ninth grade, they have experienced two headmasters, the ^'l' construction of the Wakely Center and all of the Cardigan traditions manyi^f times over. Congratulations, boys!


From left to right (above) and top to bottom: Scott Shin, CeHl Cavusoglu, B.K. Chun, and Sam Funnel!.



JJ ^



student Leaders

Student leaders at Cardigan are elected in a vote by both the students and faculty. They are chosen at the end o f their eighth grade year based on their potential for leadership roles. They return to campus early in the fall for leadership workshops and continue with leadership electives and field trips throughout the year. They help so much with the smooth running o f the school in positions from floor leader to chaplain's assistant to dining hall supervisor. Congratulations to the '06-'07 Leaders!

Row 1: Dalton French, Eddie Dix, Ricky Miller, Elijah Charbel Row 2: W ill Schoder, Cody Marquis, Shane Rogers, Rob Lazo, Niko Langlois, A.J. Weisberger Row 3: W ill Reich, Burt McGiUivray, Pavel Pluhar, Dillon Corkran, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Halim Lee, Matt Starbuck, Frazer Milton, Ben Harmon, Cullen Boyle Row 4: A lex Yang, Jihoon Kim, Chi Ho Lee, Sam Funnell


Will Schoder School Leader Class of 2007

When he's not at Cardigan, our intrepid leader calls Stamford, CT home. He is a fan o f Tom Petty ("Free Failin'"), The Who and other classic rock. Reports from a dorm informant indicate that he doesn't like to clean his room and drinks way, way too many Cokes. All those pins you see on his lapel attest to the fact that he is involved in many campus activities and sports (see his senior picture page for details). His classmates describe W ill as committed, respectful and a scholar athlete. He is apparently a fan o f "Seinfeld" and "The King o f Queens" and has been known to spend many hours talking on the telephone. He is an excellent tennis player, but, as he says, he always turns lobster red when he plays sports. We appreciate all o f the talent that Will has brought to the top student leadership position. Thanks Will!


The Class of 2007


as they really are...


/ y

Jonathan Aron JV Football, Reserve B Hockey, Captain, 8,9 Book Back Ticket Supervisor, 9 Green Key, 8,9 Art Award, 8 Sang at NH Governor John Lynch's Inauguration, 9 Music Ensemble, Vocals, Guitar, 8,9 Glee Club, soloist, 9

Alex Baldwin JV Soccer, right halfback, right wing, forward, 9 Snowboarding, 9 Lacrosse, 9 Heart of the Cougar Award, 9 Kitchen Crew, 9

r"A t

Franklin Boswell-Taylor CM3 Floor Leader, 9 Class President, 9 Varsity Football, 8,9 Varsity Basketball, 8 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 Wrestling, 9 Effort Honor Roll, 8,9 Honor roll 8,9 2006 Cardigan Summer Session as volunteer camp counselor, 2006 Stage Crew, 9




Cullen Boyle Floor Leader Brewster II, 9 JV Football, Coaches Award, 8 Varsity Wrestling, 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 Varsity Football, 9 Christmas Pageant, 9

Christian Carpino President of Glee Club, 9 Basketball/FowardA^arsity, 9 Football/Left Guard Off.A^arsity, 9 Effort & Honor Roll, 9 "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse That Roared", (Tully Bascom), 9 Green Key, 9

Celil Cavusoglo Dining Room Setup, 7 Waiter, 8 Dining Room Attendant, 9 Soccer/GoaheA^arsity, Reserve, 6,7,8,9 Snowboarding/JV, 7-9 Tennis/Reserve 8,9 Wilderness, 7 Honor Roll, 6,7,8,9 Art, Religion Awards, 7 Glee Club, 6,8,9, "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Green Key, David's House


Elijah Charbel Class President, 8 Varsity football, lineman, 9 Varsity cross-country, 8 Varsity wrestling, 8,9 (Most Improved Award 8) JV Lacrosse (goalie), 8 High Honor, Honor, Effort Honor Roll, 8,9 French Prize, 8 Glee Club, 8,9 Listen Center, 8,9

Matt Chartrain Varsity Football, 9 Varsity Hockey, (1st line and 1st power play), 9 Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, 9 Student Leader Recognition Award, 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9


b .k .


Four Year Boy Varsity Soccer, 9 Lacrosse Reserve A Hockey, 8,9


Tae Won "Tony"Chung Math Counts Trainer, 9 JV Soccer (center forward), 9 Reserve B hockey (defense), 9 Reserve Tennis, 8 High Honor Roll, 9 Math & Science Award, 9 Glee Club, 9 Art Prize, 8 Listen Center, 9 Math Counts, 8




Kitchen Crew, 9 Snowboarding, 9 Lacrosse, 9 Honor Roll, 9

Paul Clark Assistant to Dean of Students, 9 Waiter and Classroom Cleaner, 8 JV Soccer, midfield, 9 JV Skiing, 8,9 Reserve Tennis, 8 Honor Roll, 8,9 Outstanding Citizenship Award, Banks, Glee Club, alto Road Warriors "The Mouse That Roared," 9


Dillon Corkran Floor leader Hinman 1, 9 Class secretary, 9 Kitchen crew, 8, 9 Varsity football, 8, Captain & Coaches Award, 9 JV skiing, 8 Honor Roll, 7,9 Glee Club, 9 "The Mouse Trap", 8 "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Green Key, 8, 9 Road Warriors, 9

Kenneth Craig Varsity Football, running back, 8,9 Varsity Hockey, center 1 line, captain, 9 Power Play and Penalty Kill teams Varsity Baseball, centerfield, 8 Honor Roll, 9 "Monty Python", 8 "This is a Test", 9 Green Key, 9

Timothy Dibble Varsity Football, 9 Varsity Hockey, 9


Edward Dix Floor Leader North Dorm, 9 Captain Varsity Hockey and Baseball Teams, 8,9 Honor Roll â– 'Mousetrap" (Mr. Porawani), 8 "This is a Test" (Louis, the mentor), 9 "The Mouse That Roared" (Mrs. Bascom), 9 Jazz Club, lead guitarist, 9

James Fluke Football, running back, JV & Varsity, Coaches Award & Captain on JV, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Trash Can Lacrosse and Strength & Conditioning Clubs, 9

tm M i


James Fordyce JV Soccer, 9 Varsity 1 Skiing & USSA, 9 Honor roll, 9 Lacrosse, 9 Chinese, 9


Steven Frankhouse VP of Student Senate, 7,8 Classroom Cleaner Job Supervisor, 9 Varsity Football, 9 JV Football, 8 Varsity Basketball, 9 Varsity Wrestling, 8 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 MVP Football, 7 Honor roll, 7,8,9 Road Warriors, Sports Psychology, Hockey for Non-Hockey Players

Dalton French School Senate, 9 CM2 Floor Leader, 9 Varsity Football, 8,9 JV Hockey, 8,9 JV Lacrosse, 8 Honor Roll, 9 "This is a Test", lead role, 9 MVP Award for "This is a Test", 9 Christmas Pageant, 9 Road Warriors, 9 Green Key, 8,9 Leader of the Week, 9

Samuel Funnell Class President, 7 Floor Leader, Brewster I, 9 JV Lacrosse, attack and goalie, 7,8 JV Hockey, wing, center, defense 8,9 JV Soccer, goahe, 9 High Honor Roll, 6,7,8 Honor Roll, 9 Stage Manager, "This is a Test" & "The Mouse that Roared", 9 Green Key, 6,7,8,9





Carlos Garcia Varsity Soccer, 9 Varsity Nordic Skiing, 8 Most Improved Award, skiing, 8 Dining Hall Steward, 9 Community Service: Soccer, Technology, 8,9 Green Key Member, 8,9

Johnathan Grimmel Rock ClimbingAVilderness, 8,9 Ski Team, 8,9 Lead Climber of 2006 Head Climber "Mouse Trap", understudy, 8 "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Blaze Photography, 8

Benjamin Harmon Floor Leader, Franklin, 9 Varsity Soccer, 9 Varsity Wrestling, 9 Lacrosse


Steven Hirschmann Classroom Cleaner Supervisor, 9 Waiter, 8 JV Soccer, 9 Varsity Sailing, 8 Honor Roll, 9 Religion Award with 109% average, 8 Tech Club, 8 G olf Club

Oscar Juarez Varsity Soccer, 9 Recreational Snowboarding, 9

Jihoon Kim Floor Leader, French 1 Skiing, 9 Blaze Elective, Fall 9 Drama, Tech Crew, Lighting "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9


Nikolas Langois Floor Leader Dewer, 9 Varsity Football, defensive nose and offensive tackle, 9 Varsity Hockey Goaltender, 9 Lacrosse, 9 Honor and Effort Honor Roll, 9 Kitchen Crew, 9 Green Key, 9

Robert Lazo


Dining Hall Leader, 9 Varsity Football, 9 Varsity Wrestling, 9 Honor Roll, 9 "This is a Test", 9 Green Key, 9 Blaze, Fall term, 9

Chi Ho Lee French II Floor Leader, 9 Varsity Tennis, 8 JV Soccer, Coaches Award, 9 JV Basketball, Most Improved, 8 Reserve B Hockey, Most Improved, 9 National Spanish Exam Certificate, 8 Honor Roll, 7,8,9 Glee Club, tenor, 7,8,9 Destination Imagination 2nd Place, 8


Halim Lee Hinman I Floor Leader, 9 Varsity Football, 9 JV Basketball, 8 JV Tennis, Sportsmanship Award, 8 Reserve Basketball, Coaches Award, 7 Junior Honor Society, 8 Algebra Prize, 8 Honor Roll and High Honor Roll, 7,8,9 Glee Club, tenor, 7,8,9 "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Road Warriors, Listen Center, David's House, 8

Robert MacNeil Reserve A Hockey, Assistant Captain, Coaches Award, 8 JV Hockey, 9 Varsity Soccer, 8,9 Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll, 9 Music Esemble, bass guitar, 9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Glee Club Salamander Sleuths

Alexander Machikas Job Supervisor, Admissions Cleaning, 9 Varsity Football, QB, 9 Varsity Hockey, forward, 8,9 Reserve Lacrosse, attack, 8 High Honor Roll, 8 Autism Walk, 9 Recycling Club, 9


Cody Marquis Stowell House Floor Leader, 9 Varsity Hockey, captain, 9 Varsity Football, captain, MVP 9 Varsity Lacrosse, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Drama, tech crew, spotlight, 9 Green Key, 8,9 Most Outstanding Underclassman, 8



Burton McGillivray Green Key Coordinator, 9 Varsity Soccer, goalie, Captain, 9 JV Soccer, 7,8 Captain, 8 Varsity Hockey, 9 JV hockey, 8 Reserve A hockey, 7 Lacrosse, middie, 7,8,9 High Honor Roll, 8 Honor roll, 7,8,9 Green Key, 7,8,9 Autism Walk, 9 Soccer and Lacrosse Clubs,7,8,9

Brian McQuillan Student Leader Award, 9 Varsity Football, OG, DT, LB, 9 Varsity Hockey, defense, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Glee Club, bass, 9 "The Mouse That Roared", role of the President, 9

i 127

Eric Miller Athletic Director's Assistant, 9 Waiter, 8 Varsity Football: 0-lin e, Center, Defensive Tackle, Captain, 8,9 JV Hockey, Defense, 8,9 Varsity Baseball: First Base, Catcher, Outfield, 8,9 Road Warriors, 9

Thomas "Frazer� Milton Associate Job Foreman, 9 Reserve B Soccer, captain, 8 Varsity Lacrosse, 8 JV Soccer, Mr. JV Soccer, 9 Reserve B Hockey, captain, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Glee Club, 8,9 Christmas Pageant, 9 Community Service Haunted House Salamander Sleuths

Travis Mulvihill Reserve B Hockey, 9 Varsity Soccer, 9 Lacrosse, 9 Classroom Cleaner Supervisor, 9


Matthew New Recycling/Battery Collection Leader, 9 JV Football, 8,9 JV Snowboarding, 8 Honor roll, 8,9 Outstanding Dorm Citizen Award, Dewar, 9 Glee Club, bass, 8,9 Rock Band, Blues Band, 8,9

Petteri Paakkala Exchange student from Finland, 9 Varsity soccer, 9 Varsity hockey, 9

Pavel Pluhar Day Student Leader, 9 Varsity Cross Country, 7,8,9 XC MVP, 9 JV Wrestling, 7 Reserve Baseball, 7 Varsity Wrestling, 8,9 JV Baseball, 8 Honor roll, 7,9 Woodworking Golden Hammer Award, 7& 8

Xavier Pollard Dining Hall Steward, 9 Waiter, 8 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Basketball, 8,9 JV Lacrosse, 8

William Reich Floor Leader Banks House, 9 Varsity Basketball, 8,9 JV Baseball, 8 JV Soccer, 9 Varsity Cross Country,8 Glee Club, 9, Kitchen, 9

Shane Rogers Chaplain's Assistant Leader, 9 Varsity Basketball, 8,9 Reserve Football, 8 JV football, 9 Reserve Lacrosse, 8 Baseball, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Glee Club, 9 Green Key, 8,9


Michael ’’Connor" Roohan JV Soccer, 8,9 Snowboarding, 8,9 "This is a Test", 9 "The Mouse that Roared", 9

Ernest "Will” Rosen Reserve B soccer, striker, 8 JV Basketball, PG, Captain, 8 Reserve Lax, middle, 8 JV Soccer, striker, 9 Varsity Basketball, Point Guard, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Christmas Pageant, 9 "The M ouse That Roared", Professor Kokintz, 9

William Schoder School Leader, 9 Varsity Tennis, singles #1,2,3,4; Co-captain 8 Coaches Award, 8 Reserve Basketball, 7 Varsity Basketball. 8.9 JV Soccer, M VP.Captain, 9 National Junior Honor Society, 8,9 Science Prize,?; Spanish Prize, 8; History Prize, 8 National Spanish Exam Recognition, 8 Outstanding Citizenship Award, 7 Effort, Honor and High Honor Roll. 7,8,9 "Cleft for Me". 8 "Mousetrap", lead role. 8 "This is a Test", lead role, 9 Actor of the Y ear Award, 8 Glee Club, 7,8 Manager, 9 Christmas Pageant. Reader, 9 Guitar, 8,9 Green Key, 7,8,9 Road Warriors. 8.9 Bookworms. 7


Hyung Jun "Mike� Seo Dining Hall Steward, 9 Waiter, 8 Varsity Soccer, center, mid, 9 Varsity Tennis, 8, 9 Most Improved Award, 8 Reserve A Hockey, 8,9 Honor and High Honor Roll, 7,8,9 Glee Club, alto and soprano, 7,8,9 "Cleft for Me", mother, 8 Jazz Band, Music Ensemble, sax, 8,9 UV Children's Center, Soccer Club

Juan Serrato Varsity Soccer, 9 Recreational Snowboarding, 9

Dong-Min ’^Scott** Shin Treasurer, 9 Dining Hall Steward, 9 Varsity Basketball 6,7,8,9 Coach's Award, 6 JV Football,lineback, lineman, special team, 9 Varsity Track, 7, Soccer Reserve B, 6,7,8 Honor and High Honor Roll, 6,7,8,9 Road Warriors, 9 Blaze, 7 Art Award, 6 Art Credit, Auction Book Cover, Sculpture Award Christmas Pageant, 7,9 Glee Club, 9 Road Warriors, 9


Matthew Starbuck Hayward Floor Leader, 9 JV Soccer, 9 Reserve A Hockey, 8,9 JV Baseball, 8 r Honor Roll, 9 Green Key Tour Guide, 8,9 Road Warriors, 8 Ultimate Frisbee, 8 Drums, 8,9 "The Mouse That Roared", 9 Director's Assistant, "This is a Test", 9





Kitchen, 9 Waiter, 7,8,9 Classroom Cleaner, 7 Reserve A Hockey, 8,9 Glee Club, 7 JV Soccer, 9 JV Football, 8 Honor Roll, 9 Participated in the Autism Walk, 9

Dirk VanderPol Waiter, 8 Kitchen Crew, 9 Varsity Football, Most Improved, 9 Varsity Wrestling, Won 1st Place at Rundlet Tournament, 3rd at Cardigan Tournament, 8,9 Reserve Lacrosse, 8 "This is a Test", 9



" A j. ' Weisberger

Floor Leader Greenwood, 9 Head Tech for Drama, 8,9 Varsity Football Manager, 7,8,9 JV Ski Team, Coaches Award, 8 Coaches Award, Skiing, 9 Varsity Saihng, 7,8 Honor Roll, 7,9 Glee Club, 9 All Drama Plays, 7,8,9 Kitchen Crew, 9 Waiter, 8

Maxwell Wildes Kitchen Crew, 9 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 Varsity Football, HB and CB, 9 JV Hockey, 8 Varsity Hockey, 9

Thomas Willett Varsity Football, noseguard, 9 Varsity Hockey, defense, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Kitchen Crew, 9 Green Key, 9 "The Mouse That Roared", Count Mountjoy, 9


Aaron Winkler Classroon Cleaner Supervisor, 9 JV Football, taclde, 8 Reserve Lacrosse, defense, Coach's Award, 8 Varsity Football, defensive end, 9 Wrestling, 9 Honor Roll, 8 Guitar, 9 Autism Walk, 9

Shangrong Wu Kitchen Crew, 9 JV Football, hneback and running back, 9 Masher Wrestling, 9 Cross Country, 9 Honor Roll, 9 Autism Walk, 9

Alex Yang Chaplain's Assistant, 9 Varsity Soccer, "Coaches Award", 9 JV Lacrosse, defense, 8 Res. A Hockey, foward, 8,9 "Most Improved"Award, 8 Green Key, 8,9 Listen Center, 8,9 Junior Honor Society, 8 High Honor Roll, 7,8 Math Prize, 8 Math Counts, Captain 8, Coach 9 Glee Club, 7,8,9 Drama, 8


Andrew Watrous Waiter, 8 Dining Hall Steward, 9 Assistant Floor Leader, Hinman I, 9 Rec. Skiing/Snowboarding, 8,9 Res. Football, defense, 8 Wilderness, 9 All SportsAVeights, 8 Honor Roll, 9 Outstanding Dorm Citizen Award, 9 Road Warriors, 8,9

Changhyuk ’Chris� Yoon JV Soccer, 9 Wrestling, 9 High Honor and Effort Honor, 9 Glee Club, 9 Music Ensemble, violin, 9 Listen Center, 9


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Congratulations, Jonathan, on your Cardigan Graduation!


Congratulations to | Chi"ho Lee

^ 째 v e , mom a n d


ATTHEW ALAN NE' A.K.A. MATT NEW Thank you to all my teachers and friends. Good luck!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" --IViahatma Gliandi

■Alexander, wPongratulations! You made it! We could not be more proud of ^^o u r accomplishments. You have grown into a very special young man. We are all looking forward to next year, as you enter the next phase of prep school. It will be a wonderful time for you. Stay strong and study hard. We love you very much, Dad, Mom, Taylor, Harison, C o o f la ^ iie lin e and Chandler


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"Thanks Cardigan teachers, coaches, admissions officers, faculty spouses and friends....for the memories". Eddie Dix

Brian, vK Congratulations and Best of Luck at Westminister!' We love you^ Mom, Dad and Eric.

Carlos, How time flies! We are so proud of the hard work, growth and dedication you've shown throughout your time at Cardigan. We know the sky is the limit for you, and we're extremely happy and feel fortunate to be able to share in your experiences and be by your side. Love, Your Family.

Congratulations to

Jihoon! With Love, Mom, Dad and Ji


Dear Tae Won, Congratulations to you and the Cardigan class of 2007! You are a true scholar-athlete-artist and you will continue to excel wherever you go! We are so proud of you and wish you the best! Love, Your Family


Blaze met both as a club and as an elective in the Fall, as a club in the Winter and as an elective in the Spring. That means w e had four different groups o f students contributing to the Blaze, plus a few "freelancers". Thank you to eveyone who took part! These boys include Robert Kim, Jinhoon Huh, Niko Langlois, Young Soo Jang, Robert Lazo, Dillon Corkran, Guy Comparcola, Jihoon Kim, Shane Rogers, Matt New, Rodderick Morrison, Nick Van Schaijik, Garrett Kogel, Will Schoder, Tim Acker, Sean de Herder, Ben Langlois, Eun Sang Lee and the boy who never signed up for the yearbook but who probably put in more hours than anyone helping me. Jack Noordsy. I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you also to Ms. Becky Perkins who helped get the ball rolling in the Fall!

Left: (front) Garrett Kogel, Young Soo Jang, Will Schoder, Jack Noordsy, Jihoon Kim. Back row: Franklin "I shouldn't be in this picture" Boswell-Taylor, Dillon Corkran, Rodderick Morrison, Benson "I don't belong here either" Fu, Robert Kim, Jinhoon Huh, KT Kim.


Above: On the dock are Tom Willett, Coach Caprow, Chris Tevere, Jon Aron, AJ Weisberger, Chris Carpino, Harry Frost, Nicky Ahn, Jon Grimmel; in back. Coach Christianson. Above right; The same group of sailors posing at the boathouse. Right: Senior Jon Grimmel and eighth grader Chris Tevere. Far Right: Chris Carpino, Jon Aron, AJ Weisberger and Tom Willett, all '07's.

All Sports

Coach Kanyang'Onda, Shane Boissiere, Mike Hutchinson, George Hammond, Dan 8 Burns, Nick van Schaijik, Coach Gillespie.

Back Row L-R: Mr. Ramos, Will Schoder, Mike Seo, Halim Lee, James Cho, Mr. D'Entremont. Front Row L-R: Robert Kim, Grant Cho, Chi Ho Lee, Sebastian DiezBarroso.

Varsity Tennis Left: James goes for the serve, will it be in or out?

Below: The team cheers from the sidelines.

Above: Robert Kim strikes a pose.

Above: Chi Ho Lee, '07, practices his

Above: Games in progress against KUA in the CSA.

ready to return the volley

Front: Oscar Chang, Ha Joo Lee, Paul Clark, Jeff Cote, Nicky Funnell, Roderick Morrisson, Justin Choi. Back: Dr. Ledbetter, Akash Bharwani, Gray Hamilton, Jason Sohn, Andy Kim, Oscar Juarez, Danny Fenton, Mr. Edwards.

Reserve Tennis Below: Justin Choi, '10

Right: Paul Clark, '07

Above: Akash Bharwani, '09

Above: Nicky Funnell, '09

Above: Gray Hamilton, '08


Front: David LeBreton, Ji Oh Bang, Daniel Kim, Celil Cavusoglu, Josh Lee. Back; Coach Hart, Dana Hughes, Kevin Chung, Scott Shin, K.T. Kim, Coach Fera.

J. V. Tennis Left: David LeBreton, '09

Below: Daniel Kim, '10

Above: Ji Oh Bang

Above: Dana Hughes

Above: Scott Shin, '07


Front: Andy Howe.Travis Mulvihill, Phillip Carr, Evan Strick, Niko Langlois, Sam Wyskiel, Damien Affleck, David Little, Ben Harmon, Dirk van der Pol Back: Jihoon Kim, Will Rosen, Alex Yang, Petteri Paakkala, Aaron Winkler, Elijah Charbel, Frazer Milton, Juan Carlos Morales, Walker Todesco, Nate Gilbert, Jimi Fordyce, Connor Roohan, Carlos Garcia, Eugene Sa

J.V. Lacrosse Below: David Little and Niko Langlois run up the field.

Cardigan player Frazer Milton and a teammate look for the ball.

David Little with his JV Lacrosse award.

Above: David Little about to score. 12

Front row: Kyle Moran, Lex Davis, Luke Bennett, Doel Jarosiewicz, Doug McGillivray, Mike McGuigan, Steven Hirschmatm. Liam Eldred. Eugenio de la Fuente. Sun Ho Ma, Alec Meigs-Rives, Aleks Dierl, Kunjoo Park. Back Row: Coach Kreuzburg, Mike Civitella, Alex Baldwin, Angus Murray, Grant Maddox, Patricio Rodriguez, Jack Noordsy, Russell McGillivray, Jinhoon Huh. Tony Chung, Bun Sang Lee, Daniel Lee, John McDonald, Kyle Ames, Leo Rahim, Graham Clark, Joe Bruno, Douglas Cruikshank, Hunter Holland. Jay Mobilia, Aaron McClain. Behind: Coach Stevens and Coach Coakley

Reserve Lacrosse Left: Is that Doug Cruikshank?

Below: Jinhoon Huh watches for the ball from the faceoff.

Above: #59 Liam Eldred and teammates.

Above: Pregame huddle.

Above: #86 John McDonald and #72 make a play for the Cougars.

Right: Jack Noordsy trots up the field. 13

Front: Tim Buckley, BK Chun, Matty Chartrain, Chris Galluzzo, Morgan Mullen, Steven Frankhouse, Franklin Boswell-Taylor, Robert MacNeil, Cody Marquis, Ben Langlois, Gavin Bayreuther, Coach Bayreuther. Back: Coach McCormick, Brian McQuillan, Sean de Herder, Burt McGiliivray, Xavier Pollard, Tim Acker, Tim Dibble, Sam Funnell, Dalton French, Max Wildes, Kenny Craig, Morgan Mullen, Cullen Boyle, Jimmy Fluke

Varsity Lacrosse Below: The team celebrates an exciting overtime victory against rival Eaglebrook.

Right: Cullen Boyle and Brian McQuillan.

Above: Xavier Pollard at the ready.

Above; Gavin Bayreuther, bom with a Lacrosse stick in his hands!


Above: Tim Dibble takes the face-off. Hey, that’s Mr. McCusker in the background!

Front: Brian Ferrell, Jorden St. Jean, Timmy Sullivan, Pavel Pluhar, Brendan M oises, Mike Lima. Back: Coach Creach, Chris MacLeod, Eddie Dix, Mike Moran, Jerry Silvey, Will Reich, Ricky Miller, Coach Lynch, Coach Marrion

Varsity Baseball Left: Eddie Dix on the mound, winding up.

Below: Pavel Pluhar receives congratulations after bringing in a few runs.

Above: Ricky Miller ready for action.

Record 11-3 Only team to beat Eaglebrook!



Above: Jerry Silvey and Mike Lima

Above: Ricky Miller checks out the action as Pavel Pluhar makes it home.

Right: Chris MacLeod takes a turn at bat. 15

Front: Chris Yoon, Clinton Williams, Zach Williams, Alex Wolk, Taylor Jorden. Back: Coach Hannis, Andy Kebalka, Chad Holley, Juan Serrato, Shane Rogers, Cody Laird, Mike Weaver, Coach Holt.

Reserve A Baseball Below: Heavy hitter Juan Serrato in the bullpen, just before he hit his grand slam

Right: Chris Yoon takes a swing.

Above: Alex Wolk takes a turn at bat.

Above: Clint Williams getting a good lead off o f second base. Left: Zach W illiams up at bat against Indian River School. Final score: 17-3 16

Above; Cardigan takes the outfield.

Front row; Andrew Hastings, Charlie Kissel, Tim McNair, Hayden Lynch, Daniel Johnson. Back row: Coach Hogg, Shinsuke Mikame, Matt Starbuck, Ian Gagnon, Jay Giambarresi, Coach Fitzgerald. Missing: Steve Mastalerz and Rob Lazo.

J.V. Baseball Below: Ian Gagnon up at bat.

Above; Tim McNair com es in from the outfield.

Above: Andrew Hastings winds up and... Left: Shinsuke Mikame pitciies. Far left: Players wait on the bench for their turn at bat.


Front: Eddie Kim, Henry Kovacs, Sam Bolen, Benson Fu. Back: Coach Hannis, Steven Page, Pablo Giraud, Danny Belback, Sam Durst, Coach Farnsworth.

Reserve B Baseball Below; Danny Belback '10 tried out the role o f pitcher with great success.

Above; Henry Kovacs ready to swing.


Above; Benson Fu and Henry Kovacs waiting to catch a i^y ball. Right; Eddie Kim shows his batting form.


Right; Eddie Kim heads in from the outfield.

Front: Coach Kenny, John Foley, Garrett Kogel, Coach Harms. Back: David Pluhar, Adam Farrell, Paul Gating, Andrew Watrous, John Cameron, Nelson Klein.


Wilderness John Foley '08 participated in Wilderness both fall and

Below: Garrett Kogel '10 was a first time participant in Wilderness.

Above: John Cameron '10 was new to the sport this spring.

Above: Keeping the roof from collapsing is Nelson Klein, '10. Left: Paul Gating, '10 and David Pluhar, '09.


All School


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Taken on May 10, 2007 by Pan-Foto. This photograph includes almost all


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faculty members, students, employees and faculty family members.


Senior Superlatives The Best of the Best and the Cream of the Crop

Mr. Cardigan and Most fechool S p iip i* /j Franklin Boswell-Taylonl ,J

Most Likely to HelD^ke Other Fellow; and Niko Langlois Not pictured: Most Cheerful, Jimi Fordyce and Niko Langlois. Left: Will Schoder was voted Hardest Working and also Most Likely to Succeed; Most Athletic was Cody Marquis.

\\ I M ost Ukely to r s t a y Up Past Lights O u t Dllk jv ^ d e r P o l J


Left: Headmaster for a Day George Welles (standing) with Matt Chartrain in the Headmaster's office. Polar Bear! Brrr! Tim McNair flips for Polar Bear; boys line up on the dock prior to the plunge; leaping leprechauns, is that Mr. Manny?

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Left: Boys who were mid-year admits include Henry Kovacs and Sam Durst, Alex Wolk, Alec Meig -Rives, John McDonald, David Little, Roderick Morrison, Raymond Na, Harry Frost, Ji Oh Bang. Missing the picture was Mike Civitella and ????



Headmaster's Day A different day altogether than Headmaster for a Day day. Headmaster's Day includes all the carnival-type food you can eat, inflatable fun, a slip-n-slide (go Dalton!) and waterfront activities. Left: Dalton French looks like he's waterskiing. Above: Ian Gagnon and Phil Carr load up on fried dough. Right: Inflatable soccer.


The 2006-2007 Blaze is Proudly Dedicated to Coach Jim Marrion Mr. Marrion, your long service to Cardigan has spanned an amazing forty years. You have been a teacher, coach, colleague, mentor, friend, advisor and athletic director among many other important roles. You have inspired and instructed, coached and cajoled, and supported students in academics and athletics. You are a role model for us all. Here are a few quotes written by the Senior Class as they were voting for you for this award; "He always cheers people up. He is a great coach." "Coach has his own special name for me, 'Tiger'. Coach always has a smile on his face and when I see him, 1 smile as well!" "Coach is THE MAN!" "Cause I'm his Tiger." "Coach Marrion is a man who shows true dedication in everything he does and is the foundation of Cardigan." "Coach always has a smile on his face and a day without math is a day without sunshine." "Coach is the only person I am willing to do things for just because it's him. I have changed just for him." "Coach is the face many of us think of when we think o f Cardigan and all that it means."

Coach Marrion, it is with great pride and pleasure that the class of 2007 dedicates this Blaze to you!

Top Right: Coach swings a racquet at the Senior Cookout. Middle: In his office in the gym. Coach takes a moment to smile for the camera. Bottom Right: You will seldom see Coach sitting and relaxing, he is always on the go! Becky Perkins capmred this fleeting image of Coach relaxing on Ski Holiday. Far Right: Coach accepts his bouquet alongwith a standing ovation at the Yearbook Dedication Ceremony.



Baccalaureate The last Chapel service of the Winter term, celebrating the Class of 2007. Seniors line up outside the Chapel.

« S en io rs enter two-by-two Ben Harmon and Paul Clark lead the way.

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Waiting patiently » A not-so-straight line as seniors visit with each other before entering the chapel.

Nick Lynch Over twenty years at Cardigan, Head of History Dept., Head Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball and Varsity Baseball. He just coached the first undefeated team in Cardigan history with the Varsity Baseball

Department of Corrections pg. 8 Mr. Hannis's first name should be spelled "Austen". pg. 10 Mr. D'Entremont's name should be spelled as it is here! pg. 22 David and Doel aren't pictured— sorry! pg. 33 Mike Hutchinson is a 7th grader. pg. 41 Sun Ho Ma is class of '09. not '07. pg. 50 Possibly Jack Noordsy is pictured rather than Sam Bolen. pg. 99 Photography credit should be given to Jinhoon Huh. pg. 102-103 Connor Roohan's first name should have two "n’"s. pg. 117 Celil's last name has a final "u", not o. CAVUSOGLU. pg. 136 Mr. Yoon's first name should be CHANHYUK. Others yet to be found! Soiry! and our apologies!

I 26

Just in case you questioned whether the '07's had talent...

Senior Talent Show

Twirling, swirling, dipping, diving, a bevy of beautious ballerinas made moves that astounded all!

Left: AJ W eisberger as the pregnant patient, Jimi Fordyce as the receptionist. Top: Belly dancers extraordinaire. Bottom: AJ Weisberger and fellow Texan Jon Aron as patients waiting their turn.


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very few were counting sheep, even fewer got much sleep The whole idea was to try to stay up all night. Some strategies: Right: Skins vs. skins basketball. Far Right: Chris Carpino tried to stay caffeinated all night. Below: Chi Ho Lee and Dillon Corkran watched movies.

Bittersweet... Graduation is in the morning, what everyone has been working toward and looking forward to for so long! But that means saying "goodbye" to student days at Cardigan. What better way to squeeze in the final last moments than to stay up all night with your friends? Right: Andrew Watrous and Sam Funnell try to get some rest in the lobby of the Wakely Center.

Above: Basketball kept some bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 'til the wee hours.


Right: The moon rises over the Wakely Center as (very tired) faculty grill burgers and hot dogs for the soon-to-be graduates.


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Alumni Ties prove that these guys are now Cardigan Alums!

Nice weather allowed the Tie Ceremony to take place on the steps of ClarkMorgan. First to receive a tie was Will Schoder; he faces forward while everyone else faces backward, then they all do an about face.

Above left:

Above right:

Top: Burt McGillivray and Jon Aron sport their new Alumni ties: Mr. funnell helps Dirk with his tie. Bottom: Friends Burt McGillivray, Dillon Corkran and Celil Cavusoglu just after receiving their ties.

Top: Will Rosen works on getting the tie just right. Bottom: Sam Funnell makes expert adjustments to his Alumni Tie.



Eighth grade marshals Mike Moran and Blake Alessandroni lead the seniors toward the chapel; the graduates seated for the graduation ceremony; Mr. Needham shakes Dillon Corkran's hand as Steven Frankhouse, Rob Lazo and others look on; Commencement Speaker Lt. Jake Rugge-Price, '97; graduates take the traditional leap off the Chapel steps.

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2, 2007

Wakely Prize- Dillon Corkran Faculty Prizes- Niko Langlois, Matt Chartrain, Matt Starbuck and AJ Weisberger Hinman Prize- Will Schoder Founder's Prize- Niko Langlois and Pavel Pluhar Skibiski Memorial Prize- Will Rosen Addison Creative Writing Prize- Alex Machikas Dewar Prize-Tae Won Chung Pannaci IVIemorial Prize- Will Schoder William Knapp Morrison Prize- Aaron Winkler Outstanding Underclassman- Blake AlessandronI

Thoughtful faces while listening to the Lt. Rugge-Price; Silver Winners Matt Chartrain, Matt Starbuck, Tae Won Chung, Will Schoder, Dillon Corkran. Back Row: Pavel Pluhar. AJ Weisberger, Cody Marquis, Niko Langlois, Brian McQuillan, Alex Machikas, Aaron Winkler.

^ Memories Cardigan Mountain School Hymn Lyrics by Robert C. Hopkins Music by Rev. Harold Finkbeiner, Jr. To Cardigan, our favored school, by nature's gifts benign. We raise our song o f thankfulness for beauty which is thine: For winter's snow, for afterglow, when day fades in to dreams, Of goals toward which we all will strive to keep Thy faith alive; To keep Thy faith in us alive; together we will strive. As Cardigan is mirrored in our crystal lake so clear, May we through life reflect Thy truths and memories so dear; Of summer's green, fall's colors bright, of glimmering stars at night. God give us strength to carry on through storm or weather fair. The peace, vouchsafed by living here, for all the world to share.

Top: Max Wildes after winning the Varsity Lax game vs. Eaglebrook in overtime. Middle: Frazer Milton, N ike Langlois, Dillon Corkran and Jon Aron just before the tie ceremony; Petteri Paakkala and Frazer Milton. Bottom: Chris Carpino and Steven Frankhouse at the Last Night party; Juan Serrato and Matty Chartrain at graduation; BK Chun ready to play lax; Carlos Garcia running the Lake Race around Canaan Street Lake. Goodbye, Carlos. Goodbye, Class o f 2007!

Eighi shakf tradii

The Seniors of the class of 2007 will be remembered fondly at Cardigan as being remarkable young men long after they have graduated boys or here for just one year, each one has found a way into our hearts and memories. Oh, the stories we will tell... and the stories they tak in touch with one another. Come back and visit often, write, email, let us know how your life's journev is nrnnr„. • > progressing

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