The Blaze - 2008

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Cardigan Mountain School

The Blaze on the Point 2008 62 Alumni Drive, Canaan, New Hampshire 03741 603-523-4321 Visit us on the web at

Lift While The concept of "lift while you climb" is simple. It is about supporting your peer, your friend, your student, your teacher, your colleague. To think that this concept originated during the American Women's Suffrage movement is not surprising. Then as now, our ideal values are still the same: To honor, support and respect our fellow human being. We as the yearbook staff and the Cardigan community as a whole hope to inspire all of our friends and acquaintances to live to this standard in our everyday lives.

There are m any ways to lift while you climb, w hether helping a friend on his skateboard, carrying in a trunk for an underclassm an on the first day of school, donating canned goods to help needy fam ilies at Thanksgiving, being an all-around helper and good guy like Mr. Clark, encouraging others up the m ountain like Ms, Sumner, or supporting your friends to the top of Cardigan,

You Climb Cardigan students find limitless opportunities to employ "Lift While You Climb" in a wide range of areas here at CMS. Bayard Roberts (upper left) exudes great leadership skills in the Wilderness program. Young Soo Jang and Taylor Jorden work diligently in class. In the bottom right, Cardigan boys are shown having a blast in the dorm and on the cross country field.

Right: M r. David M cCusker, our eighth headm aster, enjoying a day at the Sandw ich F air his wife Steff (that's M rs. M cC usker to you students!) Far right: A M cCusker family portrait. C a m ero n ,' 10, M r. M cC usker, '80, Colin, '09, M rs. M cC usker and Buzz.

Below : A m arvelous sunrise hike on Cardigan M ountain. M r. M cC usker and Rob D eM ars pose for a photo op as the sun rises above the horizon.

Headmaster McCusker Our Eighth Headmaster, CMS class of 1980 Left: Mr. McCusker joins the kite flying club for a little high-flying fun!


Right: Mr. McCusker in an "official" faculty portrait.

Wim Hart Thirty-one years at CMS. English Department Chair. Bus driver, recreational skiing, JV tennis. Dean o f Rock 'n Roll. Greenwood House affiliate. Bass player in ’’Grades and Comments", spelling bee moderator, faculty volleyball.

Dudley Clark Twenty-seven years at Cardigan. Math, math lab. Zamboni driver, medical trip driver. Honorary alum, 2006. Cookie break doughnut man. Semi-retired (but you wouldn't know it!)

Pat Franz Tw enty-four years at Cardigan. Language Learning Lab, L anguage Learning Lab departm ent chair.

A dm inis

Nick Lynch Tw enty-one years at CM S. History Departm ent Chair. Varsity football, varsity basketball, varsity baseball.

Jamie Funnell Eighteen years at Cardigan. Science 8. Assistant Headmaster, Director of Placement, Dean of Faculty. North dorm. Wife Margaret, professor at Dartmouth, son Sam '07 and Nicky '09.

Alex Gray Thineen years at CMS. English. Reserve B soccer, soccer referee, alpine skiing. Ninth grade class advisor. Polar Bear lifeguard. Banks House. Recycling club. W ife Liz, sons Emory and Seth, campus dog Elbie.

Ed Ramos Thirty-four years at Cardigan. Pre-Calc., Alg. I & II, Geometry. Soccer official. Nordic Skiing, Varsity Tennis, Mathcounts Coach. Greenwood. Honorary Alumnus (2006). Ed and Fe are parents of Ray '01 and Vidal '07.

Rick Exton Thirteen years at Cardigan. Chair of Foreign Languages and ESL; teaches Spanish. JV soccer, JV lacrosse, secondary school applications and placement. Director o f International Student Program. Clark-Morgan III affiliate.

Kate Foster Eleven plus years at Cardigan. Language Learning Lab, Kirk Library. Polo club.

Randy McDonald Twenty-one years at Cardigan. M ath Departm ent. Hinm an dorm. M edical driver.

Allan Kreuzburg Twelve years at Cardigan. Science Department chair, Biology. Reserve football, wrestling, reserve lacrosse. Franklin House. Director o f Residential Life.

Pat lacuzzi Ten years at Cardigan. Head librarian in Kirk Library. M ath Lab, LLL. Day student liason.

Susan Rives Eighteen years at Cardigan. Teaches all Fine Arts classes; Art Department Chair. Calligraphy on awards and documents. Choir.

David Auerbach Eleven years at Cardigan. Biology, geometry. Brewster II. Work detail, sports timer. Destination Imagination, Robotics team, rocketry club.

Mike Fitzgerald Nine years at Cardigan. Western Civilization. Chains-crew football, Reserve A hockey, JV baseball. Director of Student Activities. Dewar House.

Chris Kenny Eight years at Cardigan, English 7 & 9, Fall wilderness, R eserve A hockey. Spring wilderness. French II, Dog "Pinch",

Jim Scott Seven years at Cardigan. W oodworking. Theater. Stowell House.

Louisa Ledbetter Seven years at Cardigan. Language Learning Lab. Choir.

Chris Jenliins Seven years at Cardigan. Latin and Spanish. Varsity soccer, JV basketball, baseball. French I.

Chuck McCormick Seven years at Cardigan. Leadership program. Varsity football, varsity lacrosse. Dean of Students. Hayward dorm.

Mark Holt Six years at Cardigan. Sixth grade English, Science, the Gates Program. Gates Program director. Work detail. French II. Wife Kim and son Jeffrey, dog Molly and three cats.

Ryan Feeley Seven years at Cardigan. English. Cross-country running. Director of Summer Session. Dewar House. Lead vocals and guitar in Grades and Comments.

Steve Ledbetter Seven years at Cardigan. Music Department chairman, Music 6, 7, 8 & 9. Glee club, choir, & music ensemble director. Grades and Comments.

John D'Entremont Six years at Cardigan. U.S. History. Bus driver, timing, chains, referee, 2Lamboni driver, hockey, tennis. Director o f Studies. North dorro. Sunday Supervised study hall. CMS class o f '94.

Gus Demaggio Four years at Cardigan. Life Skills. Reserve C Soccer, Alpine Skiing. D irector o f Snow Sports. Hinm an IL

Ian Stevens Third year at Cardigan. French. Reserve football, J.V. hockey, Lacrosse. Franklin House.

Marty Wennik Third year at Cardigan. English 9. Varsity soccer head coach. Director of Financial Aid, Associate Director o f Admissions. CM II and CM III.

Miki Fera Four years at Cardigan. M ath. Ski team. Hinman 0 .

Jarrod Caprow Third year at Cardigan. Spanish, history. Reserve B soccer. Reserve basketball. Varsity Sailing. North Dorm. Salamander Sleuths. Newest bus driver!

Chris Farnsworth Second year at Cardigan. M ath and French. Reserve football, Reserve B hockey, R eserve baseball. Clark M organ III.

John Bayreuther Four years at Cardigan. History. Religion. Reserve A soccer. J.V. hockey, lacrosse. Stowell House. Chapel Director. Father o f Gavin, '09, Morgan . Beckham and Jack.

Mary Noordsy Third year at Cardigan. Language Learning Lab, English as a Second Language. Kirk Library evenings. Center Store trips. Yearbook advisor and photographer. Mother of Jack, '09.

Austen Hannis Second year at Cardigan. History and math. Varsity football, JV basketball, baseball. Athletic department assistant. Clark Morgan II. Sixth grade class head advisor. Puppy named "Ace".

Charlie Hilbert Second year at Cardigan. History. M edical trip driver. CM Hi. Faculty band Grades and Comments.

Chris Granger First year at Cardigan. Science. W ilderness. Reserve B hockey, sailing. Hinm an II.

Eric Lane First year at Cardigan. Science and math. Reserve C soccer, wrestling, baseball. Hayward.

Arnold Kanyang'Onda Second year at Cardigan. Math, history. Varsity soccer, varsity basketball. All-sports. Lego-digital design club, Crickct club. French I. Organized trip to Kenya last spring.

Ken Cushing First year at Cardigan. Spanish I, II. III. Cross足 country running, wrestling. Franklin & North dorms.

Nick Foster First year teaching at Cardigan, spent two years here as a student. Life Skills. Soccer, Alpine ski racing, lacrosse. Brewster 1. CMS '98.

Robbie Barker First yeai- at Cardigan. History. Varsity football, varsity hockey, varsity baseball. Brew ster II. CM S alumnus.

Daniel May First year at Cardigan. Physical science. Life science. Chains and tim ing. Varsity hockey, baseball. Brewster I.

Sayre Sumner First year at Cardigan. ESS chair. Geometry, algebra. Varsity snowboard. French I and II. M om of Doel '09, W ill '11 and David '12.

Kristen Tobin

Ryan Frost First year at Cardigan. D irector o f Athletics. M ath. Hayward dorm.

Marcelle Grondin

Jake Spearman First year at Cardigan. Latin and English. JV football, Rec. skiing. Res. lacrosse. Brew ster I & n . Son Reed in 8th grade, Jas in 7th grade.

First year at Cardigan. Hinman I. Substitute for other teachers as needed.

Joe McHugh

Kathy McHugh Registrar.


First year at Cardigan. Spanish I. Athletic Trainer. Hinman I. Dog "Blue".

Business Office, Business M anager. Tenth year at Cardigan.

Tim LeRoy First year at Cardigan. Essential Study Skills. J.V. soccer, Varsity hockey. French I.

Jim Marrion Forty-first year at Cardigan. Officially retired last spring but still helping out in the Athletic Department.

Brian Beale First year at Cardigan. Lacrosse. Associate Director o f Adm issions. G reenw ood House.

Audie Armstrong Adm inistrative A ssistant to the Atliletic Director. Student Bank, M ailrooin. Twenty-fifth year at Cardigan.

Jodie Burnett Business Office. Student Accounts. First year at Cardigan.

Barb Frazier Developm ent Office, Auction Coordinator and Gift Processor. Sixth yeat at Cardigan.

Jessica Bayreuther Bookstore M anager. Four years at Cardigan.

Jill Cavalieri Business Office, Com ptroller. Ninth year at Cardigan.

Steve Howard Director o f Alum ni Affairs. Stowell House affiliate.

Judi North Developm ent Office. Acting D irector of Development. Two years at Cardigan.

Ginny and Joe Collins Ginny works in Kirk Library. Joe is Assistant Headm aster Emeritus and Special Projects Coordinator. 26 years and 27 years at CMS.

Lynne Lenihan First year at Cardigan. A ssistant to the Headmaster.

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Christine Ferland M ain O ffice Receptionist, Travel Coordinator. T hird year at Cardigan.

Brian Woods D evelopm ent Office, Database M anager. Third year at Cardigan.

Leroy Coutermarsh Housekeeping. Chapel, H ayward classrooms.


Freda Grace Housekeeping, Stowell, Stoddard. Thirteen years at Cardigan.

Sherry Farrell A thletic Departm ent. W akely Center, CSA, Gym. M om o f Adam, '09.

Dave Johnson Buildings and Grounds.

Mary McCarthy Housekeeping, Head of Housekeeping Services. Bronfman, Hopkins, Kenerson, Hayward.

Rose Gardner Housekeeping. Brewster, South.

Âťa| Jim Waters H ousekeeping. Clark-M organ, Dining Hall.

Lisa Collins Housekeeping. French, Franklin, Banks, Greenwood, H am ilton Health Center.

John Trussell

Lisa Trussell

Buildings and Grounds. M aintenance Supervisor.

Housekeeping. Hinman, North.

Nick Capron

Rex Brown

Buildings and Grounds. Electrician. Tenth year at Cardigan.

Buildings and Grounds. M aintenance. i

Jim Adams Buildings and Grounds.

Terry Donnelly Buildings and Grounds. M aintenance, painter.


Faculty Candids

Faculty Candids

Faculty and Staff Candids


Faculty and Staff Candids


Below : Septem ber 8th was Registration Day— parents and students w ore nametags as boys m oved into dorm s and met their new room mates.

Fall at CMS Summer '07 lingered into fall, with warm days in the 80's into late October. Fall is a fresh beginning for everyone, a new start, and we attack our studies with gusto and give our all to our teams. This will be the best year ever!

Right: C ast m em bers o f the fall dram a production are ready to perform .

Below: Danny Belback and Garrett Kogel stroll the Sandwich fairgrounds with their prizes.

Below: Jay Giambarresi, Mike Doyle and Andy Kim on the first day o f school '07.

Right: This crew made it to the summit! Above: A snowy winter wonderland greets Andy Kim, Young Soo Jang, Kevin Cheng and SeHan Cho at the top o f Osceola.


Fall Clubs Thursday afternoon is always the one of the most anticipated times of the week. It is a time when boys can try something new, have fun and learn something different. How about bowling, model car building, riflery. Blaze? Salamander Sleuths, tennyball, bocce, golf? Mountain bike riding, mini hockey, polo? Recycling, Listen Center, band, poker, field and forest? Model building. Gates Program, astronomy? Ultimate frisbee, robotics, weight training, Road Warriors? Kite surfing, BBQ, D.I., SSAT prep, agility, Eco-Bocce? Trash can lacrosse, hockey conditioning, community service soccer? Sauna, theater tech, sci fi movies? These are just a few of the fall clubs offered this year— what was yours? Top: Blaze staff works away! Eddie Kim, Eun Sang Lee and Brian Ryu type and upload. Above: A flying leap during an ultimate frisbee game. Left: Johannes Lee works with some Canaan Elementary School students in comunity service soccer. Below: Mr. Foster's truck was loaded with mountain bikes after the boys went off campus to ride some trails.

Students viewed images drawn on the inside o f caves that existed tens o f thousands o f years ago i southern France. U sing stiplmg

and line technic,ue to simulate the “look,� o f a cave wall, students

created their own present day imagery w .ththetechnic^ueso the J ie s t , prehistoric artists!

FALL ART Students in Ms. Rives' art classes had a busy and productive fall term creating these works of art!

Eighth grade art students worked on color theory in geometric prints and landscape imagery. Students were given three primary colors and asked to design a geometric pattern with overlapping shapes, resulting in areas that had secondary colors where the primary colors overlapped.

Seventh grade students worked with negative/positive design using a collage technique. They also created "gray matter" when they were given black and white paint and asked to create a com position in gray with a "creature", either animal or mineral, as the focal point.

G ray frog, D anny Belback, 7


A rtw ork w a s d isp la y ed around the cam p u s on the gallery w a ll ou tsid e o f H um ann T heater in Stoddard and a lso in the n ew ly d ed icated N eed h a m G allery on the se co n d flo o r o f B ronfm an. T here is a lw a y s a colorfu l d isp la y o f artwork up for us to be inspired b y and feast our e y e s on ! C ardigan students h ave a c h o ic e w h eth er to take F in e A rt/S tu d io Art w ith M s. R iv e s or to • take w o o d w o rk in g /w o o d sh o p w ith M r. S cott.

Indubitably! Gavin Bayreuther, Jerry Silvey, Blake Alessandroni, N icky Funnell and D oel Jarosiewicz. G ood Sports Jordan St. Jean, Sean de Herder, G rant M addox and Tim McNair. R ecess M organ Mullen, M ike Lima, Tim Sullivan, Hayden Lynch, M ike Weaver, Jas Spearman, Scott M acLeod, D avid Little, H arry Frost, Kyle M oran, M ike Moran, Tim Acker, George Welles. M usic Ensem ble D aniel Lee, Shawn Kim, Spencer Han, Jinhoon Huh, D erek Moon, Se Han Cho, Brian Ryu, Johannes Lee, Joshua Ryu. Stage Crew G ray Hamilton, Jason Sohn, N ate Gilbert, Eugene Sa, Young R ok Park Technical Crew Kevin Chung, Chris Choi

Fall Drama An Evening o f Three Plays Directed by Mr. Jim Scott Musical Director Dr. Steven Ledbetter

Left: D oel Jarosiewicz as a convincing "Gramps". The costume and make-up people did an outstanding job; thanks Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Lima, Mrs. Alessandroni and Mrs. St. Jean!

Left: Blake Alessandroni was hardly recognizable once the makeup crew was through with him! W oof, woof!

7 T ak in g it from the top: D a v id L ittle b elts ou t a fe w lines; M organ M u llen and M ik e L im a as sch oolteach ers; K y le M oran the cardshark w a its back stage; S ta g e and tech crew p au se for a m o m en t ju st b efo re the sh o w b egin s; m u sic en se m b le in the orchestra pit.

Left: Mrs. Lima gets her son M ike ready for his part as Mrs. Crabapple.





Fall Sports It all begins here! COUGARS! Cardigan enjoys a rich sports tradition. Between the fantastic soccer teams and the ever hard laboring football team s, the cross country runners and the wilderness group, Cardigan values sports as a great way to build character. Test yourself. Get in shape. Contribute to your team. Play hard. Have fun. G ive it all you’ve got. W e are the COUGARS!

As fall sweeps through Cardigan, our sports teams are always hard at work. Fall is m arked by the ever pressing Eaglebrook day, which our athletes are vigorously prepared for. Cardigan athletes practice daily and show true leadership in their pursuits. Cardigan offers a variety o f sports in the fall, from football, to cross country, to wilderness (rock clim bing), Cardigan boys are true athletes!

We selected a few seniors to represent the various fall sports offered at Cardigan.

Clinton W illiam s and M ike M cGuigan played on the gndirion, Tesfa Jacobs and George W elles played soccer, John Foley was a leader on the W ildreness team , brothers Mike '08 and Kyle '09 Moran. Blake Alessandroni and Lex D avis ran for Cross Country,

Cement, grass, obstacles can stop THIS cross country team! Throughout the season, the cross country runners went through pain, joy, and relief, not just Individually, but as a team. They worked hard, making the season an awesome one. Even though they were the youngest team out there competing, they had nothing to stop them, sometimes even knocking out high schools of all kinds.

CROSS COUNTRY SHAKE N BAKE Our sport is your sport's punishment!!

(Left) After running around the lake for the second time this week, the team is dead tired. The last part of practice for the day is to wait and cheer on their teammates. Cross country is a team sport too, you know! (Above) Eric Kwon '11 is running ahead of Lex Davis ’08 during parent's weekend against Eaglebrook. Don't let those sunglasses fall, Lex!

Da TEAM! (Left to right) front row- Jung Hwan Hyun, Charlie Harrison, Dan Armstrong. On the rock- Matt McCue, Lex Davis. Back row- Coach Cushing, Blake Alessandroni, Eric Kwon, Coach Feeley, Shawn Kim, Brian Ryu, Ben King, John Rhyne, Austin Kim, Paul Pettengil.


IN THE CAVE Front row, left to right: Mr. Kenny, Nelson Klein, Peter Byun, Ben Auerbach, Mr. Granger a.k.a "C Dawg" or "DJ Grangeman." Back row, left to right: Jack Noordsy, John Foley, Bardy Roberts, David Pluhar, Reed Spearman. The Cardigan Cave, The Wall in Quechee and the rocks in Rumney are all climbing places for Wilderness.

WILDERNESS On Rock? Rock On! The Competition is Within Us

Above: The W ilderness Team gathers at the base o f the rock in Rum ney, NH on a W ednesday afternoon.


Right: Peter Byun (or Ben?) attem pts a new route in Rumney.

(Left to right) Bottom row; Matt Jarecki, Sun Ho Ma, Nicky Funnell, Diego IVIartinez, Spencer Han, Alex Banfield, Josh Lee, Constantino Diaz, Jay Mobilia, Bennett Melville, John Phanuef, nnanager Daniel Burns. Top row: Coach Foster, Jay Bonti, Diego Rodriguez, Gonzalo Garcia, Mike Weaver, Alex Ortega, Daniel Lee, Rodrigo Petricioli, Hector Ruiz, Ryan George, Chris Chapin, Scott McLeod, Coach Bayreuther.


RESERVE A SOCCER Light the Fire Within and Let Your Talent Shine!

1?, Left: Gonzalo Garcia, H ector Ruez, and Alejandro O rtega position them selves on the field.

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Above: Chris Chapin (foreground) gets possession o f the ball and Mike W eaver waits for a pass.


Top left to right; Mr. Caprow, Chris Choi, Douglas McGillivray, Hunter Holland, Luis Felipe Lopez, Gun Ho (Derek) Moon, Tavis Gibbons, Rodrigo Gomez, John McDonald, Dae Hyun (Daniel) Kim, David LeBreton, Mr. Gray. Bottom left to right: Johannes Lee, Sam Durst, Jimmy Herbert, Neto Zaragoza, Nathaniel Moore, AJ Wypychoski, Preston Kelsey, Youngrok Park, Mao Mao Wei, Speight Drummond.

RESERVE B SOCCER Have Kit #BB Will Travel

Above: M ao M ao and Sam Durst get ready as the ball heads tow ard them.


Right: Hunter Holland '09 runs to warm up during practice.

Practice Like You Play! Play Hard! Have Fun! Team members are: (Top left to right) Oscar Cheng, Jack Kelly, Eddie Kim, Jeff Cote, John Cameron, Ryan Suh, Benson Fu, Akash Bharwani, Hajoo Lee, Shinsuke Mikame. (Bottom left to right) Jusin Choi, Ansel Dickey, Miles Hamilton, Ted Lim, Charlie Kissel, Eugenio Salinas, Roderick Morrison, Henry Kovacs, John Choi.


Left: Benson Fu in the heat of the game.


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Above: Benson Fu and Akash Bharwani passing to each other during a game. Justin Choi is ready to help.


Front row: Hayden Lynch, Cal Haines, Grant Maddox, Dana Hughes, Andy Kim, Kunjoo Park, Will Reid, Angus Murray. Back row: Coach LeRoy, Andrew Hastings, Phil Carr, Andy Kim, Kevin Chung, Santiago Jimenez, KT Kim, Sam Bolen, Coach Exton.

J.V. SOCCER J.V. BABY! Learning as we play

Front row (Left to Right): Nick Potter, Morgan Mullen, Brodie McCusker, Gavin Bayreuther, Andrew Howe, Jose Gardza, Ji Oh Bang, Sam Wyskiel Back row (Left to Right): Coach Jenkins, Shane Boissiere, George Welles, Ian Gagnon, Young Soo Jang, Tesfa Jacobs, Se Han Cho, Chris MacLeod, Jinhoon Huh, Lauri Lehtimaki, Alonso Sada, Nik Nugnes, AJ Bourdon, Coach Wennik


N ick Nugnes and Chris M acleod trying to get the ball! W ho is going to get it first?

Young Soo Jang kicking the free kick!


Back Row: Coach Farnsworth, Eun Sang Lee, Sheng Yang Peng, Harry Frost, Andrew Herron, Steven Page, Santiago Gavito, Taylor Jorden, Nicky Ahn, Coach Kreuzburg. Middle Row: Josh Choe, Eddie Cheng, Juan Valles, Andy Kebalka, Grant Fisher, Garret Kogel, Will Jarosiewicz, Danny Belback. Sitting (front) Row: James Howard, Cam McCusker, Juan Silva, Jared Posternak, Rob DeMars, Eric Chidan.


RESERVE FOOTBALL Our duty? To care. Our job? Play hard. Our choice? Have fun!*'

The Reserve Football team lines up for their first offensive play o f the game.


The offensive crew patiently waits for their defense to com e up with a big play.

Front row: Chad Rogers, Francisco Zertuche, Alex Wolk, Adam Farrell, Chris Tevere, Evan Strick Middle Row: Josh Dickman, John Stephens, Luke Bennett, Zach Williams, Jose Covarrubias, Mike McGuigan, Jackson Mitchell, Cam McCusker Back Row: Mr. Spearman, Daniel Johnson, Jack Wilson, Jas Spearman, Russell McGillivray, Mike Hutchinson, Anthony Chammah, Mr. Stevens.

J.V, FOOTBALL It is "WE" Not "ME"

Left: Russell M cGillivray is a dedicated player on JV. His coaches have greatly appreciated his participation.

Above: Evan Strick, a senior and three year boy, is one o f JV 's m ost outstanding team leaders.


Front Row: Aaron McClain, Alec Meigs-Rives, Ryan Hempsted, Jordan St. Jean, Timothy McNair, Eugene Sa, Jay Giambarresi, David Little, Doel Jarosiewicz, Henry Dodd, Nate Gilbert Back Row: Coach Hannis, Coach McCormick, Timothy Sullivan, Clinton Williams, Kyle Moran, Luke Nitishin, Jason Sohn, Joe Bruno, Timothy Acker, Sean de Herder, Shane Dalton, Stephen Mastalerz, Jerry Silvey, Michael Moran, Ben Langlois, Coach Barker, Coach Lynch.

VARSITY FOOTBALL "Eleven Hats To The Football"

Above: Cougar defensem an stop the play before it even has a chance to get started.


The ia n d w ic h F air October 8, 2007 Slightly overcast and drizzly as we piled on the busses at the circle, but clearing as we arrived at the fairgrounds. IZZA three boys! Ben Auerbach joins brothers Doel and Will Jarosiew icz on the bridge connecting the two different parts of the fair.

Feeling Lucky? G arrett Kogel finds success at one o f the many gam e booths that dot the midway.



Top: Seniors at the sum m it o f Osceola. M iddle: Kun Joo Park, Andy Kim, Se Han Cho, Kevin Chung, and Y oung Soo Jang on the senior hike at Osceola. Bottom: Views o f the 8th grade climb on M oosilauke.

QctqBCS IB , 3D D 7-G et your gear and head to the mountains! Sixth graders and seventh graders— these guys climbed two peaks (WelshD ickey)...just wait till next year till you get a harder mountain! Eighth graders climbed M oosilauke, arguably THE hardest mountain ever. There was snow on the top, and not one o f those "Oh, there's some snow" snow, but a light blizzard! I froze my eyeballs and forgot my lunch in the bus. was painful! The ninth graders climbed Osceola, which, I heard, was long, but not as tough terrain as Moosilauke. They DO need a day o ff from all that biology stuff! Another successful Mountain Day!

And remember, don't forget to lift w hile you clim b...






EEN^ All Hallow's Eve Cardigan is a particularly spooky place on Halloween. BOO! Here we are in our festive, fiendish finery! W hat's that they say about Clark-M organ being haunted? It is haunted (at least on this day o f the year)!

Jose Covarrubias and Juan Pedro Silva get grim y and goopy while carving pum pkins in the W akely center Thanks, Mr. Fitz, for organizing this!


Transition Week November 4-9 Foreign Language Day, The Lake Run, All-School Wrestling, Fitness Day—we pack a lot into a week! Transition week is the week betw een fall sports and w inter sports. There are many special events going on during transition w eeL For exam ple, there is "All School Lake Run" w hen everyone, including some willing faculty m em bers, get to run around the lake. It's very hard, but it's also very fun. On Foreign L anguage Day there are com petitions between the dorms. On W ednesday all classes go on field trips, while Thursday is the last day of fall clubs. Fitness day and the fall dram a production take place on Friday.Transition w eek is a lot o f fun!

M O R E NEW S FRO M TRA NSITIO N W EEK W restling Tournam ent: Students volunteer to wrestle each other! It is very intense to watch! Fitness Day: Students try to set records based on how many push ups, sit ups or long jum ps they can do! Field Trips: Each grade goes to a different place. 6th -M anchester Science M useum, 7thPlim oth Plantation and the Mayflower, 8thBattleship Cove, 9th- Old Fort N um ber Four in Charlestow n, NH and the Precision M useum in W indsor, VT, Student LeadersBoston University. Drama: W e saw three plays by perform ed by students.


Look at the cougar (?)! Isn't that creepy, Mr. Gray?


Sumo wrestling A very intense match betw een Sean de H erder and Andy Kim.

Joe Bruno attem pts to do the limbo. He looks very stiff. Being big and tall is not necessarily an advantage when doing the limbo! .lay Giam barresi was the eventual winnei'!

Phillip Carr dressed as that fam ous Cardigan alum and Tacky Tourist W alker Todesco! Oh, yeah, baby! Too cool for school! Students could dress either as a tacky tourist or in the costum e of a country they wanted to represent.


WRESTLING All-School Tournament, November 10, 2007 Below: Rob DeMars and Jared Postemak take it to the mats. Right: Alejandro Ortega and John Stephens get ready to rumble. Far right and below right: Hunter Holland and Jack Noordsy shake before the match, then get right into the wrestling aspect o f things. Also: Ansel Dickey and Juan Pedro Silva make it all look like fun and games.

Grappler's Delight W restling- noun. A sport in whic two com petitors attem pt to throw or im m obilize each other by grappling. There was an am azing turnout of students for the wrestling tournam ent this year, m any o f them giving it a try for the first time! The com petition was fierce all afternoon, with m any different w eight classes com peting. G rim acing, grunting guffawing and good natured fun was the order o f the day. Thanks to M r. K reuzburg and h is dedicated helpers for putting the day together for us!

Above: Chris T evere m anages to take the shirt right o ff o f Eugene Sa's back!


Right: Grey Ham ilton takes up his position as the m atch continues.

N ick Potter, 9th grade, Coach's award, Varsity Soccer,

Cam M cCusker, 7th grade. Best Team m ate award. Reserve Football.

November 17,2007 As the cam pus prepares to leave for Thanksgiving vacation, we take som e tim e to reflect upon the fall sports season and recognize those boys who have m ade significant contributions to their team s. Som e o f those award winners are pictured here; there were m any others, too. Not pictured: V arsity Ffwtball- M ike M o ran {Most V'aluable). Tim Acker (M ost Im proved) JV Football- Jo sh D ickinan a n d Ja s Spearm an (C oach’s) XC- C harlie H arriso n , (Coach's) Varsity Soccer- Clirls M acLeod (C oach’s) Res. B Soccer- Gonzalo BackhofT. Tavis Gibbons and A J W ypychoski (Coach's) Res. C Soccer- J o h n Choi (M ost V aluable), C harlie Kissel (Coach's). A kash B harw ani (M ost Im proved) W ilderness- David F lu h a r (Golden Biner)

Jared Postem ak, 7th grade, Outstanding Team m ate award for Reserve Football. Alex W olk, 8th grade, with his Coach's award for JV Football.

A lejandro Ortega, 8th grade, Coach's Award, Reserve A Soccer

Spencer Han, 7th grade. Coach's award. Reserve A Soccer

Fall Sports Awards Ceremony


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From the top: Damien Affleck, Coach's award for XC Running (9), Young Soo Jang with Varsity Soccer Coach’s award (9), Eugene Sa with Varsity Football Coach's award (9), recipients o f fitness day certificates by grade (Jack Wilson, 7; John Choi, 6; Josh Dickman, 8; Mike Moran, 9), Dana Hughes with JV Soccer MVP award (9), Andrew Hastings with Most Improved Flayer award for JV Soccer (9). KT Kim with the Coach's award for JV Soccer (9). Far right: Alexander Banfield (8) with his Coach’s award from Reserve A Soccer.


Jinhoon Huh

corriQS to CP^^IS from Seoul, South Korea

We come from across the globe... We are fortunate to have so much diversity on our campus. We have boys who come here from all over the world and all over the country. Countries represented this year at Cardigan include: Canada Chile China Finland Japan Kenya M exico South Korea Taiwan

A Global Conmanity rn

Canaaa 40


Alonso Sada is from Mexico City, Mexico

Se Han Cho and Young Soo Jang are from Seoul, South Korea

Al<ash B h ^ a n i'is from Iquique, Chile

Aaron McClain is from'California

Santiago Gavito is from Mexico.

.and around the country States represented this year include: California Connecticut Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey

New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Texas Virginia Vermont 41

The Sixth Grade M em bers of the class o f '11 include Ben A uerbach, Yee Joon Chang, Suyoung Choi, Rob DeM ars, Speight D rum m ond, Jam es Herbert, Jung H wan Hyun, W ill Jarosiewicz, Yong Beom Kim, Sea H oon Lim, Sam D urst and Henry Kovacs.

The sixth grade continues to call Bronfm an 302 "home base". New this year is the chapel classroom which has been converted to the Gates Lab, used prim arily by the sixth grade. Class officers are Eric Kwon, Speight Drum m ond, John Choi and Jam es Herbert.

A few guys m issed their individual pictures, including Henry Kovacs, Jung Hwan Hyun and Yong Beom Kwon.

Ben Auerbach

Yee Joon



Speight Drum m ond




Sam Durst


Rob DeM ars

Jam es Herbert

W ill Jarosiewicz

Class of 2010 The Seventh Grade The seventh grade class trip was to the M ayflower, Plimoth Rock and Plimoth Plantation, all in Massachusetts.

Class officers are Jeff Cote, Johnathan Rhyne, Eddie Kim and Luke Bennett.

M issing their pictures are Peter Byun, A nsel Dickey, Matthew Jarecki and N elson Klein.

Nicholas Ahn

D aniel Belback

Lucas Bennett

John Cameron

Justin Choi

Grant Fisher

Henry "Harry" Frost

Santiago Gavito

Rodrigo Gomez

M iles Hamilton

Jeffrey Cote

Seung Hyun




Charles Harrison

Jung Su "Shawn" Kim

Andrew Herron

Sang Hyun



Jam es Howard

Andrew Kebalka

D ae Hyun

Charles Kissel

Garrett Kogel

Johannes Lee

D iego M artinez



Dong Kyu



Cameron M cCusker

Roderick Morrison

Steven Page

Sheng Yang Peng

Jared Postem ak

Rabeah Leo Rahim

Johnathan Rhyne

Eugenio Salinas

Juan Pedro Silva


John Stephens

Juan Ignacio Valles

Yingm ao' Mao Mao" W ei

John "Jack"Wilson


Class of 2009 The Eighth Grade The eighth grade took a phenomenal overnight class trip to Battleship Cove in Fall River, Ma. The boys got to explore a destroyer, a submarine and a battleship, even spending a night sleeping on the battleship.

President: N icky Funnell V.P.: David Little Secretary: Josh Lee Treasurer: Shinsuke Mikame

Daniel Arm strong

Alexander Arnold

G onzalo Backhoff

A lexander Banfield

Ji Oh Bang

Gavin Bayreuther

Jam eson "jay" Bonti

Anthony "a j ," Bourdon

Anthony Cham m ah

Christopher Chapin

Oscar Cheng

m Akash Bharwani


Erick Chidan



Joshua Choe



Jose Covarrubias

Douglas Cruickshank

Shane Dalton

A dam Farrell

Po-Yu "Benson" Fu

Nicholas Funnell

G onzalo Garcia

Jose Garza

Ryan George

Tavis G ibbons

John H unter Holland

M ichael Hutchinson

M atthew Jarecki

Doel Jarosiewicz

Jack Kelly

Preston Kelsey

Benjam in King

M inwoo Kyung

David LeBreton

Daniel Lee

Eun Sang Lee

Eun-Youb "Josh" Lee

H aJooL ee

D avid Little

Luis Felipe Lopez

Sun Ho M a



Hyun W oo

No Picture Available

M atthew M cCue

Colin Brodie M cCusker

John M cDonald

Douglas McGilUvray

Russell M cGillivray

Scott M cLeod

Bennett M elville

Shinsuke M ikame

Jackson M itchell

John "Jay" M obilia

Gun Ho M oon

Nathaniel M oore

Kyle M oran

Jack "Luke" N itishin

Jack N oordsy

N ikolas Nugnes

Alejandro O rtega

Youngrok Park

Rodrigo Petricioli

Jonathan Phaneuf

D avid Pluhar

Bayard Roberts

H ector Ruiz

Ji Hwan "Brian" Ryu

Alonso "Leno" Sada

Diego Rodriguez


"Aaron� Rodriguez




Chad Rogers


Jung U k "Jason" Sohn

Reed Spearm an

Ryan Suh

Alexander W ypychoski

M ichael W eaver

Ernesto Zaragoza

Hip H ooray! G ive a cheer for the class o f 2009!


Zachary W ilham s

Francisco Zertuche

Alexander W olk

The committed members of Green Key are constantly at work giving our school a great name. Through their tireless worl< as campus tour guides to prospective students, they are a vital part of bringing in great new students. Mr. Brian Beale coordinates the group. Our Green Staff as follows alphabetically; Tim Acker Blake Alessandroni Joe Bruno Se Han Cho Lex Davis Mike Doyle Jay Giambarresi Gray Hamilton Andrew Howe JInhoon Huh Daniel Johnson Robert Kim Ben Langlois Hayden Lynch Steve Mastalerz (Green Key Leader) Mike Moran Morgan Mullen Kunjoo Park Eugene Sa

Jordan St. Jean Evan Strick Tim Sullivan Gavin Bayreuther Nicky Funnell Josh Lee David Little Russell McGillivray Kyle Moran Jack Noordsy Jason Sohn Andrew Kebalka Charlie Kissel


The "Tontine" b u ild in g,; early mill, now the Shorf.

Table by Gonzalo Backhoff.

December 1 Winter doesn't officially begin for another three weeks, but it sure looks and feels like winter around here. Baby it's cold outside! fe i

This is our first real wintry day; we've had som e snow already, but on 12/1 it is cold and blowing. Snow fell during the night and m ore is predicted! Tem ps are in the low teens with a w indchill on top of that.

Not really much different than Mexico!


m m -

Boys are bundled up against the cold, walking head dow n into the blustery wind. Diego Rodriguez walks between 1st and 2nd period classes; a few boys from M exico (and Mr. Exton) huddle up at cookie break to stay warm; Jose Garza braves the cold with no hat; Brian Ryu and Johnathan Rhyne take different approaches to dressing for the weather; is that Diego again? get inside, already!; Grey H am ilton uses good com m on sense (if not good fashion sense) and dons a pair o f ski goggles to preserve his eyes and face from the howling wind.


‘ -J

T '■+* S ' j ; i s i . ''’ s ' ■ s-

‘ V* l i

- t .

Doys in ninman decided to go shopping to buy gifts for families staying at David's House, a homedwoy-from-home for families wFiose cfiildren are a t Dartmouth Hitchcod^ M e dical Center.

Boys are pictured

as they leave for tfie trip, sfvDpping for


gifts, and unloading gifts from tfie van a t David's House.

Also pictured: Pyramid o f canned goods (just a portion o f the food collected): a mound of books, toys and games. These w ere donated by students and their families to be distributed to needy local families atThanksgiving and Christmas.


and make a difter ence

90 V




Tim M c N a ir works on

HEY YOU ! Aaron

Tino Diaz will

Hinman boys at

signs urging the

M cC lain created a

remember to be

David's House with the

campus to go green.

poster urging folks to

conscientious about ,

donations they

turn o ff thier lights and

energy saving after



creating all his poste Top: A nd re w Herron and Bennett AAelvilb. Brewsfer I. collect trash aroufKJ campus d irin g CommLnity service day.

Community service was taken to even greater heights at Cardigan this year, thanks to an initiative from the Life Skills department with the support of the greater school community. Student driven fundraisers provided food for needy local families at Thanksgiving and gifts for needy families at Christmas. Students each brought back a game, toy or book to be donated, as well as raising over $1400 at Christmas through donations and a dress down day. Thursday, November 29th was on all-school community service day, with each dorm coming up with a unique service project. Cardigan is always thinking of ways to reach out and give back.

i |

The long and Some boys opt for longer locks... Longest

Also known as "Curly" around cam pus, this is Zach's signature look. "I'm too lazy to cut it, plus I like the 'rat's nest' effect."

Added plus? Instantly recognizable around cam pus & a cool nickname.

Jack w ears his hair long because he thinks " it looks better that way," though he did have it buzzed short once a long tim e ago.

Added plus? An excuse to take longer showers! M akes his mom crazy!

The only guy with really long hair on campus! "I wear my hair long for religious reasons," says Tesfa, 9. Added plus? We suspect the girls really like it!

Doel says he likes his hair long "because it doesn't feel right when it is short."

A dded bonus? Doel says, "1 can keep things in it, like pens and pencils."

Will says he keeps it long because it has always been the look he prefers, "although I would really like it better if it were to my shoulders."

W ell, the dream about having it to his shoulders will have to be defered at least until M ay 31, 2008. Voted m ost "Kramerish".

Sully usually keeps his hair short for the rest of the year, "but 1 like to grow it long for hockey


A dded plus? Helm et head and that almostm ullet-look that old-tim e hockey players swear by make him a force to be reckoned with on the ice.

short of it while some go for the short look... Grant decided to go short to show support for the JV hockey team.


W hy he likes it? "It is fun to run your hands over it, it feels like velvet."

M ikey W eaver usually keeps his hair on the short side.

"This time it's really short to show team spirit for the JV hockey team. A lm ost our whole team did it!" O ther benefits? It dries quickly!

Jorden has kept his hair short the whole time he's been at Cardigan. W hy? "My hair is curly and 1 hate having curly hair."

Added benefits? Less tim e in front o f a mirror, don't really need to own a comb.

Cam, 7th, has arguably the shortest hair on campus on this particular day. He ostensibly did it for JV hockey, but we suspect the real reason is "because George W elles says I look awesome."

Andy prefers short hair because "it is so much easier to m anage. It doesn't get crazy looking."

The plus side? It's wash and wear!

Chad likes short hair because long hair is to difficult to take care of. "When it's long it gets piece-y, and it hurts to comb."

Added plus? W hen he is on fire on the basketball court, his head rem ains nice and cool.


Cardigan Welcomes Winter...


with a few major snowfalls hitting Cardigan relatively early in the season, the hoys saddle up for what may be a frigid winter in New Hampshire. And what a wonderful time to be in The Granite State! With the primary season gearing up, suspense siirrounds the New Hampshire area. Lets hope th at the best man (or woman) wins! Sports are at their prime, with Varsity Hockey recently beating Saint Louis and Reserve A Hockey beating Eaglebrook as some of the highlights of the early season. There' s a lot of winter left as we go to press with these pages, but we are confident it will be an exciting winter to be at Cardigan.


Winter Sports Top: R eserve B H ockey in the heat o f a play. Second down: JV Basketball discusses a play during a timeout.

M iddle Lower: Varsity Hockey players looking for a pass during a game. Bottom: V arsity Basketball players w ait for David Little to make the foul shot (and he did!). M ain picture: Benson Fu enjoys XC skiing.


We pack a lot into the short days The skiers and snowboarders were happy with the early snow this year, giving them plenty to work with and ski on. The hockey teams shared the rink, playing some incredible games against worthy opponents. Basketball teams were rebuilt, as most of last year's varsity team graduated.

Wrestling had many returning team members but added new talent as well. Everyone likes the winter sports schedule because most of the boys feel they have more free time in the afternoons.

Wrestling Courage and Trust Coach Kreuzburg added two new coaching partners this year, Mr. Cushing and Mr. Lane. With returning teammates David Pluhar, Shane Boissiere, Doug Cruikshank, Angus Murray, Eun Sang Lee, Joe Bruno and Adam Farrell, the wrestling team had a solid

foundation and many experienced leaders to help show the way. The team is looking forward to competing in several big matches in the near future.

Front row: David Pluhar, Eddie Chang, Angus Murray, Adam Farrell, James Howard. Middle: Shane Boissiere, A lex W olk, Shawn Kim,Clint W illiams, Nathaniel Moore, Coach Kreuzburg. Back: Coach Cushing, D ouglas Cruikshank, Joe Bruno, Eun Sang Lee, Jas Spearman, Coach Lane.

Top: Mr. Kreuzburg and Angus M urray p:irticipate in a trust exercise to learn how to fall correctly. Top m iddle:"YEA RBOO K". Jas Spearman looks happy about dow ning this Eaglebrook guy.

Lower Middle: Robert Kim and the team clap behind their backs while doing push-ups. Bottom: Jam es Howard dem onstrates a head-stand, a strengthening exercise.


Alpine Ski Racing Top: Ian Gagnon at the Macomber Cup Qualifier at at Loon Mountain in December. Upper middle: Doel and Mike are excited for a day at Sunapee!

CMS Ski Team... Seeing the World One Mountain at a Time The snow started falling early this year, with small amounts falling through November and then a lot during December. The team started skiing at Sunapee much earlier than in the last few years. New Carhartt jackets gave the team a uniform look and added to team spirit. Coach Demaggio says, "This is the strongest team

Cardigan has had in years. We have several boys who are Junior Olympic hopefuls." The team competes against others from the east coast. Team members compete in slalom, giant slalom and S.G. (super giant slalom). They race Wednesdays and compete in US SA races on Sundays.

Snowiest December on record!

Low er middle; Some of skiing's finest gather in the team room in their sharp new jackets. Bottom: Ian Gagnon at the Pat Harty race at W aterville in December.


Front: Yong Beom Kwon, Speight Drummond, Ansel Dickey, Jay Mobilia, Jay Bonti, Bennett Melville, Garrett Kogel, Jim Herbert, Rod Morrison Back: Coach DeMaggio, Coach Gray, Hunter Holland, Cal Haines, Ian Gagnon, mysterious Russian guy, Sam Bolen, Gray Hamilton, John Cameron, Mike Civitella, Steven Page, Santiago Jimenez, Harry Frost, Mike McGuigan, Coach Foster

Varsity Snowboard On the slopes five days a week! The afternoon goes something hke this, according to Coach Sumner: eat lunch in about twelve seconds, head to the team room, grab your gear, load it on the bus, ride the forty-five minutes to Sunapee, take your equipment off the bus, meet with Coach Ben. Practice work on carving, speed, balance, slalom, freestyle, tricks. Look forward to working on rails and boxes beginning in January. Snowboard for two hours, then reverse the procedure so that you end up back on campus by 5:30 pm. Whew!

On Mon-Tue-Fri the team practices technique, Wednesdays are competition days, and Saturday is a "free" day to snowboard as you wish. In addition to the nine team members, they are joined by Ben Auerbach and Will Jarosiewicz who go through the same daily routine and training but do not compete yet. The team has been reveling in the snowiest conditions in years and hope the snow continues through the season!

Snowboarders hit the slopes at Sunapee.


Front: Alex Banfield, Aaron McClain, Andrew Howe, Juan Pedro Silva, Henry Kovacs. Back: Paul Pettengill, Doel Jarosiewicz, Jay Giambarresi, Youngrok Park, Coach Sumner.

T hanks to Coach Sum ner for taking pictures o f the snow boarding team. Middle: In line for the lift. Bottom: Tim e to get up, one more time!


Varsity Hockey Top: M ike M oran covers the defensive zone. Top middle: An exciting m om ent during an evenly m atched game. T hat’s M organ M ullen in jersey #13.

L ow er M iddle: Varsity team mem bers engage in intense play. Bottom: M ore action as the boys face dow n their rivals in the final m om ents o f the game.


Faster, Stronger, Better! Varsity Hockey has had a great season. From the nervewracking sudden death overtime game against Eaglebrook, to the many exciting games against other schools in the region, it has been a great season. It was a year of great change for the team, with three all-new coaches (Mr. May, Mr. Barker and Mr. LeRoy) and few returning team members from last season. But Varsity Hockey has taken it all in stride, doing fantastically in many of it's games including against St. Louis.

Front: Steve Mastalerz, Blake Alessandroni, Morgan Mullen, Tim Acker, Mike Moran, Mike Doyle, Sean De Herder, Nick Nugnes. Back; Coach LeRoy, Coach Barker, Ben Langlois, Ryan George, Nick Potter, Chris M acLeod, Mike Lima, George Welles, Shane Dalton, Tyler Wilmot, Jordan St. Jean, Josh Dickman, Chris Chapin, team manager Ryan Hempsted, Coach May.

JV Hockey Talent, Courage and Unity Junior Varsity Hockey is enjoying a fun, challenging and educational season. The team benefits greatly from the many talented players it has. With veteran and new players alike, the boys have enjoyed great cameraderie this season. Team spirit has been key in uniting the players in both victory and defeat. J.V. hockey is looking forward to traveling to Canada in February, hoping to win some more games on the road.

Back row: Coach Stevens, Tim McNair, Tim Sullivan, Jack Wilson, Lauri Lehtimaki, A.J. Bourdon, Nate Gilbert, Dana Hughes, Grant Maddox, Alex Arnold, Coach Bayreuther. Middle row: Luke Nitishin, Dan Armstrong, John Phaneuf, Luke Bennett, Brodie McCusker, Gavin Bayreuther, Sun Ho Ma, Cameron McCusker, Mike W eaver Front: Goalies Kyle Moran and Chris Galluzzo.

Top: A team m ate on JV hockey gets ready for a thrilling play. U pper middle: An intense m oment betw een the opposing teams.

M iddle Lower; Defense covers the corner behind the hom e net. Bottom: Face-off— players w ait for the ref to drop the puck.


Reserve A Hockey Top; Brian Ryu in the com er with Jack Kelly #18 at center. M iddle upper: N ick Funnell, Preston K elsey (left) and Eugene Sa (right).

Beats Eaglebrook! Reserve A Hockey team has been doing great this season. Although we have a very small team with just fifteen players, we have been able to utilize our great skills and talents. With our new skilled players and returning players like Hayden Lynch, Young Soo Jang, Nicky Funnell, Eugene Sa, Jack Noordsy, Charlie Kissel, Andy Kebalka, Douglas McGillivray, and Russell M cGillivray, we beat Eaglebrook by a score of 5:1. Every single member of the team is working very hard both in practice and games to become better hockey players, and it looks like the Reserve A Hockey team is going to have a very successful season. Hill ^mil p i i^ p ii lOHp;

â– â–ĄI, I f M iddle lower: Hayden Lynch, Jack Kelly and Eugene Sa control the puck. Bottom : Eugene Sa skates up the ice.


Front row: Evan Strick, Hayden Lynch, Andy Kebalka, Jack Kelly, Nicky Funnell, Charlie Kissell. Back row; Coach Kenny, Brian Ryu, Jack Noordsy, Russell McGillivray, Douglas McGillivray, Eugene Sa, Young Soo Jang, Jackson Mitchell, Preston Kelsey, Coach Fitzgerald.

Reserve B Hockey Pride, Poise, Team! Reserve B Hockey has a great team this year. So far this season the team has done very well, it is the best season Reserve B has had in a very long time. Returning veterans Lex Davis, Daniel Johnson, Andrew Hastings, Chris Tevere, Jason Sohn, Eddie Kim, and Andy Kim contributed some of the talent that led the team to it’s winningest season in school history. Many newcomers are also contributing to the success of the team.

Front Row: Justin Choi, N eto Zaragoza, Rob Demars, Francisco Zertuche, M att Jarecki, A ustin Kim. M iddle Row: A lejandro Ortega, Jeff Cote, Johannes Lee, Eddie Kim, Lex Davis, A nthony Chammah, Chris Choi. Back Row: Coach Farnsworth, Rodrigo Petricioli, Alonso Sada, Spencer Han, Scott McCleod, Jason Sohn, M att M cCue, Leo Rahim , M in W oo Kyung, Andrew Hastings, Tavis Gibbons, Derek M oon, Andy Kim, D aniel Johnson, Chris Tevere, Coach Granger.

Top: Rodrigo Petricioli helps out the team. M iddle upper: R eserve B players pass the puck to make the play.

M iddle lower: The bench reacts after the Cougars score! T hat was Andrew H asting's goal to win the game. Bottom: A ction is intense in front o f the hom e net.


Varsity Basketball Top: Tesfa Jacobs takes and m akes a foul shot. M iddle: H enry Dodd takes it to the hole.

A Rebuilding Year With no returning players from last year's Varsity team, Coach Lynch and Coach Kanyang'Onda have been working hard with their new young players. A first for the team (in Mr. Lynch's memory) is that there are two seventh-grade players this year, ShengYeng Peng and Johnathan Rhyne. Coach Lynch is counting on them to help build the team in the future. The team has faced a tough schedule in the early part of the season, losing some very close games. Coach Lynch is looking forward to having a positive end to the season.

Middle: David Little takes advantage o f a foul shot to score a point. Below: Alec M eigs-Rives dribbles the ball up the court.


Left to Right: Coach Lynch, K.T. Kim, Johnathan Rhyne, Jinhoon Huh, Se Han Cho, Coach Kanyang'Onda, Henry Dodd, David Little, Tesfa Jacobs, Ben King, Alec Meigs-Rives, Shengyang Peng. Missing: Jerry Silvey.

J.V. Basketball An exciting beginning Junior Varsity basketball is beginning the new season with confidence and precision. Inside sources tell us that training is going smoothly, and that Coach Hannis is using many of the techniques that made reserve basketball a success last year when he was the coach. Coach Jenkins is still providing the insight and knowledge of the sport that gives these players an upper hand. Together, this team works to build a stronger foundation, a better work ethic, and a strong team camaraderie.

Back row: Coach Jenkins, Josh Ryu, Kevin Chung, Daniel Lee, Josh Choe, Coach Hannis. Front row; John M cDonald , Chad Rogers, Taylor Jordan, Nick Gutierrez, Aaron Rodriguez

Top: Taylor Jorden is ready for the pass! Upper middle: In the heat of the game, John McDonald keeps his cool.

Lower M iddle: Josh Lee and Kevin Chung are aw aiting a pass from a fellow team mate. Bottom: John M cDonald dem onstrates his skills.


Reserve Basketball Top: John Choi maneuvers the ball away from the opposition. Upper middle: The team runs drills.

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A -. t'

Low er M iddle: The team gathers for a unifying huddle. Bottom, Score or no score. David L eBreton is ready for the rebound!


Simpson Offense, Nixon Defense Mr. Caprow's Reserve Team had a lot of heart and good camaraderie this winter, coming together as a team nicely. Practices went well, especially after Mr. Caprow initiated the Simpson Offense (don't think too hard, just throw the ball!) and the Nixon Defense (re: taking control of the ball, totally paraphrasing here, "I am not a crook, I have worked hard for everything I have.") This strategy seems to be paying off for the team as their skills continue to develop over the course of the season.

Left to Right, standing: Nicky Ahn, Hajoo Lee, Daniel Kim, David LeBreton, John Stephens, Coach Caprow. Seated in front: Ted Lim, Ji Oh Bang, John Choi.

Nordic Skiing Early snow a blessing. The five-man Nordic Ski team had the benefit o f early snow to practice on this year. The early part o f the season was spent getting outfitted and doing dry足 land training on roller blades. The team skis on campus, starting off from Greenwood house each day and practicing hills and jumps by Greenwood before heading over hill and dale to go to Clancy Mountain and the trails leading off from there.

Returning teammates include Danny Belback, Oscar Chang and Benson Fu. New to cross-country skiing are John Foley and Mao Mao Wei. (post script: Sonny Luo joined the team in early January.)

Left to right: John Foley, Mao Mao Wei, Oscar Cheng, Danny Belback, Benson Fu, and Coach Ramos.

Top: John Foley skis on top of the football field hill. M iddle upper: M ao M ao Wei and D anny Belback nrvake their way up the hill past Greenwood house.

M iddle lower: John Foley with Brew ster and Bronfm an in the backroond. Bottom: M ao M ao W ei takes a fall after a courageous downhill turn of events.


Rec Ski and Board Enjoying an afternoon at Clancy Mountain

U pper middle: Mike Hutchinson gets his equipm ent ready for a trip down Clancy. Bottom : Sleds, skis and snow boards were all in use as the team took advantage o f the snow y conditions.


Coach Hart and Coach Spearman had a large number of boys on the Recreational Ski and Snowboard team. The team skis at Ragged Mountain in Danbury, NH on most days, and on days when they don't travel they can be found on Chapel Hill or Clancy Mountain practicing. The team is composed of boys who have some experience along with those who are novices. The team hopes that the snowy conditions which prevailed in December will continue through the rest of the winter!

Mr. Spearman, Santiago Gavito, Erick Chidan, Nelson Klein, Shinsuke Mikame, Akashi Bharwani, Jose Garza,

December 13th After weeks of practice, the glee club, music ensemble and pageant participants perform the Christmas Pageant. Above: Student readers during rehearsal; Lauri Lehtim aki as a wise man; angels take flight.

V.-. ;v .i

Above: Dr. Ledbetter leads the ensem ble and glee club. Below: Mr. Scott confers with Chaplain's A ssistants Jordan St. Jean and John Foley.


From the top: Santa m akes a guest appearance in me aining hall; faculty children as angels; wise men and shepherds during rehearsal; Tim Sullivan as Joseph and M organ B ayreuther as Mary; M r. D 'Entremont. Dr. M cCorm ick and Mr. Funnell belt out "W e Three Kings"; Mr. Funnell practices his solo; Joseph and Mary; Beckham Bayreuther and M addie Ledbetter practice walking like angels; Joe Bruno with his mother; Nativity rehearsal. Right: W ise M an Tesfa Jacobs brings the frankincense.



Spotlight on the N ativity scene; M organ B ayreuther and T im Sullivan proceed up the aisle as M ary and Joseph; M r. and M rs. W yskiel sing; glee club and ensem ble perform .

Left:"W e Three Kings": Lauri Lehtim aki from Finland,Tesfa Jacobs from V erm ont and Eugene Sa o f South Korea.

Below: The Christm as choir practices during dress rhearsal.

Above: There was a lot of snow falling and the organist was running late, so Shinsuke M ikame, Erick Chidan and Francisco Z ertuche waited patiently for the pageant to begin. Left: Eugene Sa as a W ise Man.


K u s:^ ^

S K S se tA A W e


Clockwise from top left: Derek Moon plays the trumpet; Dr. Ledbetter directs both the Glee Club and the ensemble during the pageant; the Glee Club sings clad in red bow ties during the Pageant with the ensemble in the foreground; Jinhoon Huh plays the clarinet.


Clockwise: G lee Club includes Chad Rogers, Nicky Funnell and Steven Page, Taylor Jordan, Justin Choi, and many others. Another view o f the glee club with Ryan Suh, Daniel Kim, Jason Sohn and Robert Kim pictured. Dr. Ledbetter and Mr. Scott discuss an adjustm ent to the program. The glee club practices at the dress rehearsal for the pageant.


Favortte Artist:

Favorite Artist:

JdkW Favortte song;


S u tH i+l

FawmiMM: Q a £ & ^ (Icc-W,

Favortte song:

- te A C /T iC



W a iiu \< |

Favortte song:

n i r ( A C / 'i C i'

Bayard Roberts, 8

Clint Williams, 9

Favortte Arast:



Favorite Artist:


ftsA H e i C U ii- 8eppQnE>


vortte song: H o u / k> £ ^ v e

S=.c A


Ta reoW

::a . U f e

( T te Frag)

■ '1

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Cardigan soundtrack

Favortte Artist:

Favortu Intel:

ftsl Hd CUii Peppers.

H e o W ' '%esWs<g

Favorite song:

Favorite song:

OlW a- S O ie (UHCPI

SciK tj


Tim McNair, 9

Dr. Ledhetter

Te d U m ,6

Pat Franz

FgYOrtlB Artist:

Favorite Artists:

LuKe NiUsliin. 8 nWHlaAlHStS:

TV e

i.< iv e r E ie a \, O A e a i a i\Jl

Favorite song:

T ra i\s> 5 > t i e r a i \

Le>ve, lA v e, Le>ve

Orc,l!e£.W a, v!,<^vU

( £ p l o P<«)


C a iM k isL Favorite song:

J u ie (■ys^aiteE.)

(G ^^kaoi aivA C aJM kioO

by Christopher Paolini is one of Johannes Lee's favorite books. An adventure story about a boy and a dragon, Eragon has been made into a movie. Johannes also highly recom m ends The Five Ancestors series.

Infinite Jest by D avid Foster W allace is one o f M r. Farnsw orth's favorite books, but he couldn't stop at ju st one favorite! M arley and M e by John Grogan, Catch 22 by Joseph H eller and the Lord o f the Rings Trilogy were also at the top o f his recom m ended reading list.

Voices by Damien Graves. This is a thriller recom m ended by Rob DeM ars. Damien Graves has a lot of other scary books published if you w ant to read m ore and get really scared!

Harry Potter Jason Sohn suggests reading the whole series from start to finish. A nother J.K. Row ling fan is on the next page!

Stellaluna by Janell Cannon and The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess are Lex D avis's favorite books from childhood. Lex happened across this copy o f Stellaluna in the library.

Your favorite book? A Cardigan 78

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Leo Rahim is reading here, but he sure looks com fortable doing it! Dressed casually in a T-shirt and a favorite pair of drawstring pants, Leo relaxes and reads in the halls o f Stoddard during a study hall one night.

Chris Tevere ju st happened to be reading his copy when the surveyor popped the question! He is a fan o f J.K. Rowhng's series about the boy w izard who goes to a private school. Find any sim ilarities to life at Cardigan, Chris?

The Proving Ground Just get cozy

Hoot by Carl Hiaason is at the top of Justin Choi's reading list. This story is about a newcom er to a school in Florida who embarks on a m ission to save miniature owls from ecological disaster.

T hat is not the title o f the book, but if you follow Rodrigo Petricioli's lead and curl up with a good book, it m ight ju st open your eyes and possibly change the way you think about the world. Oh, yeah, readers tend to have the best vocabularies and score better on tests like the S S A T an d S A T 's!

by G. Bruce Knecht is Mr. Granger's top pick. H e had trouble narrow ing it down to ju st one; his other favorites? A W alk in the W oods by Bill Bryson, Into Thin Air by John Krakauer, and To Kill a M ockingbird by H arper Lee.

survey on what you re reading. 79

student Last Breath There was once a mighty Pirate Who sailed the seven seas He stole everjrthing he wanted Mostly, hearts of ladies He was a terrible person Certainly not the best But he did not care, 'cause his crew Was better'n all the rest He was wanted in each country They all wanted his head To roll off of the guillotine To see him lay there, dead He seemed as though h e 'd never die Got out of every jail It didn't matter what happened His ship would always sail He sailed through all types of weather Tsunamis and monsoons Huge whirlpools and thundersorms Kings thought he would die soon His ships' evil but faithful crew Obeyed his e v 'ry word His crew worshipped him ajid always Did whatever they heard They thought he was invincible Never would he meet death But he got shot in the foot, and Then he drew his last breath Nick Gutierrez


Imagery Image of freedom Image of feelings Imagine... what you want Image of sky Image of Space Imagine.... where you want to be. Image of love Image of heart Imagine.... why you are living.... Imagine The World.... Imagine For Yourself ~ SeHaji Cho

Poetry Unopened Melody The old dusty case Sits in its little corner Unopened Waiting for someone to come Then the time comes To open the case The two orange figures Open the lid Then the shiny trumpet Finally reveals itself And the shining body Pompously bragging about its body

Feeding Frenzy All the students run For the Wednesday buffet WiU it be chicken Beef or even stew I cannot really say The line is out to the waiting room Many kids have been Pushed

Out of the way Finally I see the checker He's ready for my point To my name My finger rides He checks me off In the building But now I need to On the streets Get Across the city OUT!!!! Each note soaks everything it reaches ~ Evan Strick ~ Joshua Ryu

As air passes the valves It is converted into A beautiful harmony Floating gently in the air


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Chartwell's Staff Rick Kahn, Paul Crislip, Dolores Lizotte, Marion Rogers, Keary Morse, Bob Spano and Chelsey Lizotte. Near right: Ms. Lizotte making PB & J's for travel teams. Far right: The group before Mr. Kahn arrived.

Cardigan sent four teams to the Can/Am Hockey Tournament in Pointe Claire, Quebec on the weel<end of February 15-16-17. This team, coached by Mr. Bayreuther and iVlr. May, won their division championship.

Pictures that missed the earlier deadline: Scott's picture was inadvertantly left out of the 8th grade section; our apologies! Scott McLeod, 8; Nelson Klein, 7; Ansel Dickey, 7; Henry Kovacs, 6. Jung Hwan Hyun, 6; Sea Hoon "Ted" Lim, 6; Yong Beom "Eric" Kwon, 6,

If it weren't for these guys, you wouldn't be reading this!

BLAZE YEARBOOK STAFF The yearbook was w ritten and created by several different groups over the course o f the year, m ost notably by the yearbook staffers w ho w ere chosen in the spring o f '07. T he yearbook editor is John Foley and the yearbook advisor is M s. N oordsy. John Foley was instum ental in planning and executing the yearbook that is now in your hands. S taff m em bers include lead photographer Jinhoon H uh w ith his staff Kevin C hung and Robert Kim. O ther full-tim e staffers include Y oung-Soo Jang, Ben Langlois, K unjoo Park and Eugene Sa. M em bers o f the fall clubs included G rant M addox Phil Carr, Jarrod Postem ak, Jason Sohn, Eddie K im , S pencer Han, SeH an Cho, Eun Sang Lee, H ajoo Lee and B rian Ryu. A nother person w ho was pressed into service from tim e-to-tim e w as Jack N oordsy; he did a great deal o f the identification o f people in the large group pictures as w ell as a lot o f caption w riting. Brian Ryu, though not

Right: C rashing the p a rty at the Ice R ink M aintenence C lub a re Y earbook staffers Ben Langlois, K unjoo P ark , R obert Kim , Jinhoon H uh, Eugene Sa, Young-Soo J a n g and Jo h n Foley.

Below: The sam e group on the ChapeJ steps.

an "official" staff m em ber, was a de facto m em ber through the year and m ade great contributions to our w ork, especially in w riting and editing. The yearbook staff met during club tim e and also on occasional Sunday m ornings during the "crunch time" before big deadlines. W e began the year by identifying w hat w e w anted to place on each page o f the "page ladder" and then setting o ut to take the photographs and collect the inform ation that w ould be needed fo r each page. This is a huge undertaking and could n ot be accom plished w ithout the cooperation o f every single person on the cam pus. W e hope you are pleased w ith o u r w ork— if you like it, please find one o f the boys listed in the preceding paragraph and let them know!

Stalag ^

Winter Drama

By Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski Direction and Production Design by Jim Scott Cast included: Mr. Farnsworth, Alec Meig-Rive.s, Phil Carr, Evan Strick, David Little, Brian Ryu. Lex Davis, Jordan St. Jean, Harry Frof;t, Kyle Moran, Jerry Silvey, Aaron McClain, Mr. Stevens, Tim Sullivan, Gavin Bayreuther, Josh Lee, Mr. Wennik, Mr. Cushing, Jas Spearman. Crew and Tech: Gray Hamilton, Jason Sohn, Young Rok Park. Josh Lee, Oscar Chang. Chris Choi, Daniel Kim, Jinhoon Huh.

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Set Construction and Props: Nicky Funnell, Daniel Kim, Gray Hamilton, Oscar Chang, Josh Lee Costumes, set dressing and make-up: Mrs. Scott Make-up: Mrs. St. Jean

A skillfully created set was the backdrop for all of the action. The faculty actors portrayed the Germ ans and "the G eneva man", while CM S students played the roles o f the Am erican POW 's. It was a riveting two-hour perform ance.

February 25 & 26, 2008 Stalag 17 portrays a group of Am erican POW 's incarcerated in a German PO W cam p during W W Il. One of the "Americans" is really a German spy who is giving away all o f their escape plans to the Germ an guards. Do the men suspect the right person or do they have it all wrong?


Winter Clubs Right: Mr. B ayreuther and the Bay rink m aintenance crew spend an afternoon preparing the new outdoor rink (located near Stowell) for skating. Below: Mr. M ay's "Dream H ockey T eam � at work drafting their teams. Far right: Blake Alessandroni in Art Credit class.

Choices abound for Winter Clubs— something for everyone's interests! Do you want to be indoors or outdoors? Active or lazy? Learning something new or just watching funny movies? Many clubs included an eating/food component. Are you an evil genius or a recycling sleuth? Whatever your choice, everyone seemed happy with the possibilities and their own club choices. Now, what will spring brmg?

Above: Mr. Scott's set building boys haul wood and other materials into Stoddard. Right: Some of the yearbook boys hold up our new mascot, the slow yellow boy. M iddle of page: Hockey-for-non-hockeyplayers in the season finale against the Reserve B team. Final score? 5-3 in favor of Reserve B. Far right: The results of the set-building club's work, the set of Stalag 17.

Winter Art

Senior Ski Holiday

January 29, 2008


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n ” Just a few of the many irairs who received awards at the Winter Sports Awards Ceremony on March 1,2008. Gongiatnlations to all!

A Yearbook "Riddle" (and that's a hint...) stretching credulity and your imagination a lot, what ties these people together? (Hint; two of them are perfect matches, one is a bit of a stretch, one just kind of looks the part. The book, if you could see it, might be a clue also...)

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Mr. Caprow is now bus

in the'driver's seat! Talk about taking on a challenge! Mr. Caprow decided to help out the school by getting a bus driver's license, a CDL-B with passenger endorsement. After months of studying, written tests, road tests and numerous failed attempts...success! CMS veteran bus drivers Mr. D'Entremont and Mr. Hart swear-in Mr. Caprow at an inpromtu ceremony during the fall sports awards.

Even though Mrs. Rives chose to drive her own car that day ( and we're not implying that it was because otherwise she would have to ride the bus or anything), she was still very happy that Mr. Caprow got his hcense and was not afraid to share the road with him. They are pictured here at Old Fort Number Four, facing the cold weather.

Dan Burns rests nonchalantly while staring placidly ahead. Is that an expression of joy or alarm on Lex's face? Soon the bus begins rolling, new driver at the helm, toward Windsor, Vermont.

This is the first run with a bus full of boys and even other faculty members (they made a lot of bad jokes and did a lot of backseat driving). Mr. Caprow took it all in stride and drove confidently on.

Students mingle and confer about the ride, whispering in small groups. "He seemed to know what he was doing," "It was not too bumpy," "We didn't get lost," and other similar sentiments were expressed. All students wiilingly climbed back on board when it was time to leave.


Day Students, Take One

Front row: Sun Ho Ma. Lebanon; Clint Williams, Grafton; Garrett Kogel, Post Mills; Jas Spearman, Canaan; Danny Belback. Grafton. "Middle" row: Dan Burns, Canaan; Adam Farrell, Canaan; Reed Spearman, Canaan; David Pluhar. Grafton; Cam McCusker. Canaan; Chris Galluzzo, New London; Chris Tevere, Enfield. Back row: Reed Spearman, Canaan; Jack Noordsy, Canaan; Damien Affleck. Enfield; Ian Gagnon, Enfield; Mrs. lacuzzi. Day Student Coordinator. Missing the picture are Nicky Funnell. Gavin Bayreuther. Colin McCusker. Zach Williams, Rob Demars, Henry Kovacs, James Herbert. Ben Auerbach, Doel Jarosiewicz, Will Jarosiewicz, Speight Drummond, and Sam Durst.

Day Students, Take Two

Given a second chance, a few more day students show ed up for this "take tw o�picture on the steps of the hbrary.



Banks House

Back row, left to right: Hunter Holland, Douglas Cruikshank, Dr. Ledbetter, Rodrigo Petricioli, Kunjoo Park. Front row, left to right; Mr. Gray, Luke Bennett, Grant Maddox, Hayden Lynch, William Reid.

Brewster I

Front Row: Juan Ignacio Valles, Oscar Cheng, Andy Kim, Mr. M ay, Mr. Spearman. Second Row: Andrew Herron, Brian Ryu, Steven M astalerz, Evan Strick, Zach W illiams, Angus M urray, Clinton W illiam s, Chris Chapin. Back Row: Jam es Howard, Josh Dickman, Bennett M elville, Nate Gilbert, Mike Doyle.


Brewster II

Front Row: Charlie Kissel, Eddie Chang, Jared Posternak, Dan Armstrong. Second Row: Spencer Han, Tavis Gibbons, Benson Fu, Colin "Brodie" M cCusker, Luke Nitishin, Roderick Morrison, Ted Lim. Third Row: Eric Kwon, Ben Auerbach, Gonzalo Backhoff, Jinhoon Huh, Shengyang Peng, Alex Arnold.

Clark Morgan II

Front Row: Mr. Hannis, Nicky Funnell, Josh Choe, Ryan George, Ryan Hempsted, Akash Bharwani, Mr. Exton. Second Row: Alex Banfield, Joe Bruno, Ryan Suh, Taylor Jorden, Henry Dodd.


Clark Morgan III

Front row; Lex Davis, Colin M cCusker, Johannes Lee. Second Row: Adam Farrell, Tim M cNair, Aaron M cClain, Back Row: Doel Jarosiewicz, Mr. Hilbert, Tim Sullivan, Mr. Farnsworth.


Left to Right: Jose Covarrubias, N ick Gutierrez, Tyler W ilm ot, Nick Potter, Eugene Sa, Jack Noordsy, Chris Tevere, Cameron M cCusker.



Back left to right; Mr. Kreuzburg, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Cushing, Sam Bolen, Preston Kelsey. Front left to right: Nathaniel Moore, Shane Boissiere, Jerry Silvey, Eun Sang Lee, Aaron Rodriguez, Leo Rahim.

French I

Back row: Mr. Kanyang'Onda, Mr. LeRoy, Jackson M itchell, Jay Bond, G arrett Kogel, Phillip Carr, Andy Kebalka. M iddle row: Hajoo Lee, Nicholas Ahn, Luis Felipe Lopez, Justin Choi, Andrew Hastings, Daniel Johnson. Front row: Ansel Dickey, M ichael M cGuigan, Cal Haines, Ms. Sumner.


French II

Front: Erick Chidan, Ji Oh Bang, Nelson Klein. Middle Row: Douglas M cGillivray, Sonny Luo, Robert Kim, Tesfa Jacobs. Back Row: Shawn Kim, Nick Nugnes, Jason Sohn, Tim Acker, A.J Bourdon.


Back row, left to right: Young Soo Jang, Mr. Hart, Mr. Ramos, Mr. Beale. Front row, left to right: Sean de Herder, Scott McLeod, Mike Weaver, Diego Rodriguez, Chris Choi.



Back, left to right: Mr. Frost, Daniel Lee, Alex Wolk, Mr. Lane, John McDonald, George Welles, Matt McCue, Ben King, David LeBreton, Dr. McCormick. Front, left to right: Alex Ortega, John Foley, Josh Lee, Shane Dalton.

Hinman I

Back, left to right: Robb De Mars, John Choi, David Stack, Diego Martinez, Jonathan Rhyne, Miss Grondin, Miss Tobin. Front, left to right: Austin Kim, Mr. MacDonald, Edward Kim, Jack W ilson, Jung Hwan Hyun, Kyung Tak Kim, John Stevens.


Hinman II

Back row: Jeff Cote, Jas Spearm an, Bayard Roberts, Cody Laird, Santiago Gavito, M ike Hutchinson, Rodrigo Gomez, Eugenio Salinas. Front row: Se Han Cho, Peter Byun, D aniel Kim, Danny Belback, M iles Hamilton, Ms. Fera, Steven Page, Kevin Chung.


L eft to right: Reed Spearm an, D aniel Burns, Alec M eigs-Rives, Lauri Lehtim aki, Chad Rogers, A lex W ypychoski, Chris Galluzzo, D erek Moon, Dana Hughes, Russell M cGillivray, M inwoo Kyung.



Front: Mr. Bayreuther. Seated on couch: Jose Garza, M ao M ao W ei, David Little, Gavin Bayreuther. Standing or on back of couch: Jordan St. Jean, a "fly" Mike Lim a, Kyle M oran and Chris M acCleod.


'08 Candids

’08 Candids



A passing car gets the attention of some of tiie leaders during tlie ir photo shoot with Mr. Banks.

▼ Joe Bruno waits for the Opening of School ceremony.

Dana Hughes washing dishes on Kitchen Crew.


A Sean deHerder and John Foley wait in the Chapel vestibule.

A Steve, Jerry and Tim on the leader trip to Boston University.

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Kne^i®;M ik'e-;M oran,.Tim McNair, Jerry Silvey, Jo e Bruno, Ian Gagnon. M M flS ite'Tim gullivart, John FoJey, Sam-Wyskiel, Dana Hughes, Jay Giambarresi, Hayden Lynch, GeorgeS/Velles, S e H a rrf^ o , Phlf Carr; Jordan St. J e a n ^ Sactc^Mike Doyle; 3m K b a ti}H u h ,,^ a n deHerder, Chris MacLeod, Ben Langlois, Morgan Mullesbi^Tim Acker, B la k g 'A le s ^ h d ro n t Oamleh A ffte c l/"


Four Year Boys KT, Young Soo, and Eugene c/) > O m DC < LU



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K T K im

Young Soo Jang

Eugene Sa

These three boys have seen more o f this school than som e o f the faculty! They have witnessed a lot o f changes and progress over the years. T hey were here before the W akely Center was built, when hockey players had to change in the gym locker room and walk over to the rink. Eugene has set the record o f seeing four headmasters! (Mr. Dewar, Mr. Funnell, Mr. N eedham and Mr. M cCusker). They have grown from small sixth graders into strapping ninth graders. W hat a journey to experience. Congratulations Eugene, KT and Young Soo! All the best to you in your future!

Blake waits for the crowd to settle down at a morning meeting in Humann Theater. Who is that masked man? Blake hams it up in the Art Room.

Blake with Cardigan Mountain in the background.

On the student leader trip to Boston University, Blake looks a little surprised by the camera.

Blake at the Fall Sports Award Ceremony and after the Lake Run.

Whether running Cross-country, on the hockey rink, on the lacrosse field or on the stage, Blake is involved in Cardigan life.

Our School Leader, Blake Alessandroni B lake has enjoyed his two years at Cardigan, and he feels he has gained a lot from the opportunity to im prove and advance athletically and academ ically. He thinks that helping other students with their problem s and issues has been the m ost challenging part o f being a student leader, but that it has been rewarding. "Kids com e to me and ask for help with a room mate or for help with academ ics, and I have been glad to do what I can to assist them." He credits his role as student leader for im proving his public speaking abilities and confidence.


His classm ates praise Blake's attitude toward his role as Student Leader. "Blake has been a positive role model for other students and has handled the responsibility well," says Ben Langlois. Dana Hughes, a friend for m any years, marvels at how Blake does it all. "He spends m ost of his sum m er on the lake waterskiing. He has a postive energy here on cam pus and an even temperm ent, making him ideal for the role o f Student Leader. Kids feel com fortable about going to him with their problems," says Dana. Blake, thank you for your positive contribution to our school com m unity.

Timothy Acker French II Floor leader Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor, high honor and effort honor roll 8,9 Math prize 8 All-school wrestling tournament winner 8 Green Key 9 R ecess 9 Apex, North Carolina

Damien Affleck Job Supervisor o f academic buildings 9 Hockey 7,8,9 Lacrosse 7,8,9 Varisty cross country (captain) 8,9 Honor roll 7,8,9 Math award 8 Math and Science award 7 Art award 7 Enfield, New Hampshire

Blake Alessandroni School Leader, 9 Student Senate, 9 Varsity Hockey, 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 Varsity Cross Country MVP (best time for 5km: 19:30), 8,9 Honor Roll, 8,9 Junior Honor Society, 8,9 English Award, 8 Fall Play {Indubitably) Addie, 9 Road Warriors, 9 Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire

To Cardigan,


Shane Boissiere Dining Hall Steward 9 Varsity Soccer Manager 9 Reserve A Soccer Manager ! JV Wrestling 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Recycling Club 9 Glee Club 9 Bronx, New York

Sam Bolen Skiing 8,9 JV Soccer 9 Reserve B Baseball 8 Honor Roll 8 Glee Club 8,9 Recycling 8,9 Chappaqua, New York

Joseph Bruno Clark-Morgan II Floor Leader 9 Class Vice President 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Green Key 9 JV Football 8 Varsity Wrestling 8,9 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 Varsity Football 9 Honor Roll 8,9 Glee Club 9 Listening Center 9 Recycling 9 Springfield, Massachusetts


our favored school,

Daniel Burns Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9 Classroom Cleaner 7,8 Wrestling 8,9 Soccer manager 9 Reserve C Soccer 7, 8 Reserve B Hockey 7 Ceramics, clay 7,8,9 Atheltic-loop distributing 8,9 Bowling 7,8,9 Driving Range 7,8 Canaan, New Hampshire

Philip Carr Floor Leader French I, 9 Captain of JV Soccer 9 JV Lacrosse 8 Reserve A Hockey 9 Honor roll 8,9 Latin II prize 8 Glee Club 9 The Mouse That Roared, WAC, Road Warriors 9 Winter/ Spring Sleuths 8 Music Ensemble 8 Yearbook 9 Virginia Beach, Virginia

Se Han Cho Hinman II Floor Leader, 9 Music Ensemble Leader, 9 Varsity Basketball, 9 Varsity Soccer, 9 Varsity Tennis, 8,9 JV Basketball Coaches Award, 8 Honor Roll, 7,8,9 Glee Club, 7,8,9 Glee Club Prize, 7 Music Ensemble, 7,8,9 B la z e,9 Seoul, South Korea

by nature's gifts benign, 113

Sang Yeon Chung "Kevin" Mathcounts Coach 9 JV Soccer 9 JV Basketball 8,9 JV Tennis 8,9 High Honor Roll 7 Honor Roll 8,9 History Prize 7 Glee Club 7,8,9 Music Ensemble 8,9 Drama 8 Play Assistant Tech Booth Manager 9 Mathcounts 5th in NH 8 Mathcounts Regional 7 Listen Center 8 Yearbook Photographer 9 Seoul, South Korea

Michael Civitella Waiter 8 Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Football 9 JV Lacrosse MVP 8 Varsity Skiing 8,9 Honor Roll 9 Kite Club 9 Hockey for non-hockey players 8 Gardening Club 8 Two Silver Keys in the NH Arts Competition 9 Palm Beach, Florida

Lex Davis Assistant Director in Stalag 1 7 , 9 Dining Hall Steward 9 Cross Country 7,8,9 Reserve B Hockey 7,8,9 Lacrosse 7,8 Honor Roll 7 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 Outstanding Dorm Citizen 7 Glee Club Green Key 8,9 This is a Test S Bellaire, Texas


we raise our song of thankfulness

Sean de Herder Greenwood Floor Leader 9 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 High Honor Roll 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 8 Drama 8,9 Guitar, bass, drum 8,9 Listen Center Club 8 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Henry Dodd Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Football 9 Varsity Basketball 9 Recycling 9 Houston, Texas

Michael Doyle Floor Leader Brewster I Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Honor roll 9, Effort Honor roll 9 French Prize 8 The M ouse that R oared 8 Green Key 8,9 Community Service Lacrosse 8 Acting Award 8 Hockey trip to Finland 8 Merrimac, Massachusetts

for beauty which is tliine


John Foley Chaplain's Assistant 9 Yearbook Editor 9 Wilderness 7,8,9 Wilderness Award Cross Country Skiing 9 Reserve Basketball 8 Coach's award Honor Roll 8,9 Religion Prize 8 Glee Club awards Road W arriors 7 Glee Club 7,8,9 Art Gold Key & Silver Key 7,8,9 Cleft f o r M e 1

Belmont, Massachusetts

Ian Gagnon Day Student Leader 9 Reserve A Soccer 8 Most Improved Defender Award Varsity Skiing 8,9 Skiing MVP, 9th place in State Championship in Slalom Varsity Soccer 9 Honor roll all terms National Junior Honor Society History Award 8 Enfield, N ew Hampshire

Christopher Galluzzo Job Supervisor, Hopkins Hall 9 Varsity Football 9 JV Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Two-year day student New London, New Hampshire

For winter's snow, for afterglow, 116

Joseph Giambarresi "Jay" Dining Hall Leader 9 Varsity Football 9 JV Baseball co-captain/MVP 8 Art credit 9 Green Key Outstanding Citizenship Award 8 Honor roll 8, 9 Amesbury, Massachusetts

Nathan Gilbert Varsity Football 8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 8 Fall play crew 9 Theater tech 9 Newburyport, Massachusetts

Nickolas Gutierrez Kitchen Crew 9 JV Basketball 9 Food Drive 9 Brooklyn, New York

when day fades in to dreams, 117

Christopher Haines "Cal" JV Soccer, 9 Alpine Skiing, 9 Model Building, 9 Sugarland, Texas

Gray Hamilton Humann Theatre Supervisor 9 Dining Hall Steward 9 Stage Manager 9 Reserve B Hockey 8 Reserve Tennis 8,9 Reserve B Soccer 8 JV Soccer 9 JV Skiing 9 Honor Roll 8 Glee Club 9 Green Key 9 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Andrew Hastings Classroom Supervisor 9 JV Baseball 8 JV Soccer 9 Reserve B Hockey 9 Honor Roll 8 Road Warriors 9 Houston, Texas

Of goals toward which we all will strive 118

Ryan Hempsted Varsity Football 9 Varsity Hockey Manager 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Trap Shooting Club 9 Winter Park, Florida

Andrew Howe Kitchen Crew 9 Waiter 8 Varsity Soccer 8,9 Varsity Snowboarding, Captain and MVP 8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Green Key 8,9 North Sutton, New Hampshire

Dana Hughes North Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Class Treasurer 9 Student Government 9 JV Soccer Captain and MVP 9 JV Hockey 8,9 JV Tennis 8 Reserve Football 8 National Junior Honor Society 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Spring Spelling Bee 8 Math Counts Team Captain 8 Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

to keep Thy faith alive; 119

Jinhoon Huh Brewster II Floor Leader 9 Vice President 8 Varsity Soccer 8.9 JV Basketball (captain), Coach's award 8 Varsity Basketball 9 Reserve Lacrosse 8 N ational Junior Honor Society 8 High Honor, Honor and Effort H onor Roll 8, 9 Algebra II prize, Art Prize 8 G lee Club 8 G lee Club M anager 9 A capella 9 M usic Ensem ble (clarinet) 8,9 G reen Key 9 Com m unity Service Soccer 8,9; Road W arriors 8 Cardigan A m bassadors 8; Recycling Club 8 Yearbook 8, Yearbook S taff (Head o f Photography) 9 Seoul, South Korea

Tesfa Jacobs Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Basketball 9 Honor Roll 9 Kitchen Crew 9 W ise Man in Christmas Pageant 9 Bellows Falls, Vermont

Young Soo Jang AM C/M athcounts T rainer 9 Class President 6 Varsity Soccer 8.9 Varsity Tennis 8 JV Skiing 6 Reserve A Hockey 9 V arsity Soccer Coaches Award 9 High Honor Roll 6,7,8,9 M ath Prize 6,7 Science Prize 6,8 Spanish Prize 7 Glee Club 7,8 M usic Ensem ble 8 Yearbook 8,9 Listen Center 8 Road W arrior 8 M athcounts 7,8 F our Y ear Boy Seoul. South Korea

To keep Thy faith in us alive; 120

Santiago Jimenez Recreational Skiing 9 JV Soccer 9 Tennis 9 M exico, DF, Mexico

Daniel Johnson JV and Varsity Football 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Baseball 8,9 Reserve Hockey 8,9 Green Key 9 Victoria, Texas

Taylor Jorden Classroom Supervisor 9 Reserve Football 8,9 JV Basketball 9 Reserve A Baseball 9 High Honor Roll 8 Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 9 Houston, Texas

together we will strive. 121

Dong Yeon Kim "Robert" Recreational Ski Team 7 JV Basketball 8 Varsity Tennis 8,9 JV soccer 9 W restling 9 English Prize 7 Honor roll 9 Effort honor roll 7,8,9 High honor roll 7,8 G lee Club 7,8,9 Acapella 9 Green Key 7,8,9 Listen Center 8 Yearbook 7,8,9 Three-year boy Seoul, South Korea

Hyun-Tae Kim "Andy" JV Soccer 9 Reserve A Soccer 8 Reserve B Hockey 8,9 Glee Club 8,9 Clarinet 7,8,9 Listen Center 7,8,9 Road Warriors 8 Seoul, South Korea

Kyung Tali Kim "K.T." JV Soccer 9 Coach's award 9 Reserve B Soccer 7,8 Reserve C Soccer 6 JV Tennis 8 Reserve Tennis 7 Coach's award 7 Varsity Basketball 9 JV Basketball 8 Honor roll 6,7,8,9 Listen Center 7,8,9 Yearbook 8,9 Four-year boy Daegu City, South Korea


As Cardigan is mirrored in

Cody Laird Kitchen Crew 9 JV Soccer 9 Reserve Soccer 8 Skiing 8 Recreational Skiing 9 Tennis 9 Baseball 8 David's House Community Service Atlanta, Georgia

Benjamin Langlois Hayward Floor leader 9 Yearbook Staff 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Varsity Football 9 Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll 8,9 Green Key 9 Community Service 8,9 Hatfield, Massachusetts

Lauri Lehtimaki Exchange student from Finland 9 Varsity Soccer 9 JV Hockey 9 Honor Roll 9 Wise Man in Christmas Pageant 9 Hyvinkaa, Finland

our crystal lake so clear, 123

Michael Lima Assistant to the Dean o f Students 9 JV Football 8 JV Hockey 8 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Football 9 Recess 9 Methuen, Massachusetts

Hayden Lynch Banks House Floor Leader 9 JV Baseball 8 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 8,9 Green Key 8,9 Hopkinton, New Hampshire

Christopher MacLeod Floor Leader Stowell 9 Reserve Soccer 8 JV Hockey 8 Varsity Hockey 9 Effort Honor Roll 8 Dracut, Massachusetts

May we through life reflect Thy truths 124

Grant Maddox Dining Hall checker 9 Waiter 8 Yearbook, Fall 9 JV Soccer 9 Reserve Soccer 8 JV Hockey 8,9 Reserve Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll all 8th G ood Sports 9 David's House Community Service 8 Walk for Autism 8 Wilmette, Illinois

Stephen Mastalerz Green Key Leader Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Football 9 JV Baseball 8 High Honor Roll 7,8 North Andover, Massachusetts

Aaron McClain Reserve B Soccer 8 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 Varsity Snowboarding 8, 9 Varsity Football Manager 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 9 Los Angeles, California

and memories so dear; 125

Michael McGuigan Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Skiing 8,9 JV Football 9 High Honor Roll 7,9 Effort Honor Roll 7,9 Glee Club 7,8,9 Cape Neddick, Maine

Timothy McNair Kitchen Crew Leader Reserve Football 7 JV Football 8 Varsity Football 9 JV Hockey 7,9 Reserve A Hockey 8 Honor Roll 8 Wilmette, Illinois

Michael Moran Assistant School Leader Kitchen Crew Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 8,9 G ood Sports 9 Marshfield, Massachusetts

Of summer's green, fall's colors bright, 126

Morgan Mullen Floor Leader Dewar 9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Green Key 9 Recess 9 Weymouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Angus Murray Dining Hall Steward JV Soccer 9 JV Wrestling 8,9 Reserve Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 8 High Honor Roll 9 Bradford, Vermont

Kunjoo Park Class Secretary 9 Class Treasurer 8 JV Basketball 8 Wrestling 9 Yearbook Staff 9 Green Key 9 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 High Honor Roll 8 Glee Club 8,9 Mathcounts, 6th Place in N ew Hampshire Seoul, South Korea

of glimmering stars at night. 127

Nicholas Potter Kitchen Crew Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Stoneham, Massachusetts

William Reid Waiter 9 JV Soccer 9 Recreational Skiing 9 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Jun Hwan Ryu "Joshua" Cross Country 9 JV Basketball 9 Honor Roll 9 Music Ensemble- Cellist 9 Astronomy Club 9 Tennis 9 Seoul, South Korea

God give us strength to carry on 128

Eugene Sa K itchen Crew 9 C lass S ecretary 8 V arsity Football 9 V arsity Football C aptain 9 V arsity Football C oach's A w ard 9 Varsity Lacrosse 9 JV L acrosse 8 JV Lacrosse M V P A w ard 8 JV Football 8 JV Football C oach's A w ard 8 H onor Roll 7.8,9 H igh H onor Roll 7,8 B ackstage C rew 8,9 C hristm as Pageant 9 G reen Key Society 7,8,9 Listen C enter C lub 7,8 Recycling C lub 8 G lee C lub 6,7,8 Y earbook H ead P roofreader 9 F our Y ear Boy Seoul, South Korea

Jerome Silvey Franklin House Floorleader 9 Class President 9 Varsity Football 9 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Varsity Baseketball 9 High Honor Roll 7 Effort Honor Roll 7,9 Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 8,9 Indubitably 9 Christmas Pageant 9 Greenwich, Connecticut

Jordan St. Jean Chaplain's Assistant 9 JV Football 8 JV Hockey 8 JV Hockey Coach's Award 8 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Varsity Football 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Fall and Winter Plays 8,9 Green Key Society 8,9 Bedford, New Hampshire

through storm or weather fair. 129

Evan Strick Kitchen crew 9 JV Football (Captain) 9 JV Basketball 7 Reserve A Hockey 9 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Effort Honor Roll 9 Spelling Bee 8 Green Key Society 8,9 NAAR Walk for Autism 8 This is a Test 8 Art Credit 9 Parkland, Florida

Timothy Sullivan Floor L eader CM III 9 Class President 7,8 Varsity Baseball 8.9 Varsity Football 8,9 JV Hockey 7.8,9 JV Hockey Captain 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Dram a 9 Broom ball 8,9 Nacho Ordinary W ing Club 7 Green Key Society 7,8,9 W aiter 8 Heart o f the Cougar 8 Student L eader Recognition Award 7 W oodshop 7,8,9 North Andover, Massachusetts

Christopher Tevere Job Supervisor 9 JV Football 9 Varsity Sailing 7,8 Sailing MVP Award 8 Reserve B Hockey 7,8,9 Reserve Football 7,8 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9 Enfield, New Hampshire


The peace, vouchsafed by living here,

George Welles Athletic Job Foreman Leader 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse, 8,9 Honor Roll 8,9 Drama 8 Community Service Soccer Club 8 Dorm Citizen Award 8 Beverly Farms, Massachusetts

Clinton Williams Job Supervisor 9 Varsity Football 9 Reserve A Baseball 8 Wrestling 9 Rocketry 8 Grafton, New Hampshire

Tyler Wilmot Kichen Crew 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Glee Club 9 Acapella 9 Bridgewater, Connecticut

for all the world to share.


Samuel Wyskiel Floor Leader Hinman I 9 Varsity Soccer 8, 9 Varsity Skiing 8, 9 JV Lacrosse 8 Lacrosse 9 Honor roll 8 Polar Bear Club 8 Dover, NH

The Cardigan Hymn Lyrics by Robert C. Hopkins, Music by Rev. Harold Finl<beiner, Jr. 132

Tim Acker

Jordan St. Jean

Congratulations Tim! We are very proud of you, and tine many accomplishments that you have achieved. We love you with all of our hearts. Love, Mom and Dad

Andrew Hastings Andrew, We are so proud of your accomplishments at Cardigan. You are ready to think big, act on your ideas, and create your life's path. We are here to support you every step of the way. Love, Mom and Dad

W hat lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. When we bring what is within us into the world, miracles happen. -H enry David Thoreau Bring it, Jordan! Love, Dad, Mom, Grandpa and Grandma

Sam Bolen


Things go better with Sam! Congratulations on your graduation from Cardigan and all our best wishes for your future! Love, Mom, Cade, Tom & Dad

Michael Doyle Mike, You've come a long way since that first pair of skates. We are very proud of you. Congratulations to the class of 2008! Love, Mom and Dad

Dear Young Soo, Congratulations on graduating from Cardigan Mountain School. We are so proud of you and very much appreciate that you have grown up as a reliable and thoughtful boy. We hope to see you keep enthusiasm and eternal efforts to explore new grounds, to evolve creative thought, and to become a compassionate grown-up in the future. Best wishes for the future! Love, Mom, Dad, and In Soo



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Blake Alessandroni & Dana Hughes It seems like just yesterday you were both little boys. Looi< how far you've come. We are so proud of what you both have achieved. Remember to always follow your dreams. We love you both, The Alessandroni & Hughes Families

G RAN T MADDOX CONGRATULATIONS GRANT !!! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Brock and Mason

Cal Haines Beneath that well-mannered, bright and engaging personality lies a sense of humor that makes the most solemn face crack a smile. That's what we're doing. We're smiling. We're proud of all you've accomplished this year. We love you, Mom and Dad

Jinhoon Huh Congratulations!!! We are very proud of you what you have achieved at Cardigan. You showed a strong and positive leadership so that other students relied on you. Moreover, your teachers told us you were one of the most wonderful students at school. Therefore, we want you to keep up what you are doing right now to be a good man. And do not forget that we are always here right beside you. With love always, Mom and Dad & your bro and sis.


Michael Berryman McGuigan Congratulations Michael!!!!! We are so proud of you and can't wait for you to be home. It has been a long journey but you came through with colors flying. Love, Dad, Mom, Katie, Annie and Ryan

Daniel C. Johnson

Clayton D. Johnson

[Class of 2008]

[Class of 1979]

Daniel, We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished these last two years at CMS. Congratulations!

We love you. Mom, Dad and Erin


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Eugene Sa Congratuations, Eugene! You made i t !! Mom and Dad are very proud of you and your brother, Eubene. We iove you very much. Very happy to see your happy endings. Hope to have bright new beginnings !

H f lf

MICHAEL CIVITELLA Michael, you are spectacular! It has been such an incredible journey watching you grow into a fine young man. You are awesome!!! Love, Mom Michael, you are my someone I look up to. You always stand up for me. And you definitely give me the best advice in the world! I love you forever and always! Love, Sally Through your hard work, you have given yourself the opportunity to write your own lyrics!!! I am so proud o f you. Love, Dad


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take". -Wayne Gretzky... Gray..Graymonster..Grayman.. Favorite child..wake up..Wake up..Wake Up..WAKE UP..bagels & Philadelphia cream cheese., gingeraie..cinnamon toast crunch..Herr's BBQ chips.. Cool Ranch Doritos..soft pretzels., bubble tape..Arizona Iced Tea.. WIP sports radio..ESPN1 ..ESPN 2.. The Flyers..E A G L E S, Eagles..Robin Hood..Sail Caribbean..Bailey's Beach Sports Group..Ryan's..Ocean Reef.. On The Edge..first tracks.. "follow me Dad"..Led Zeppelin.. Grateful kid.. "turn off that video game".. "Miles did it".. "Ask Crawford".."Gray can you help your mother with her computer?".."no game machine until 6pm".. 360..PSP..surfing.."The best thing you can do is, get good at being you". Dennis the Menace

Angus Murray 1 Congratulations

Christopher MacLeod We hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places in your heart.


1 I

Love, Mom & Dad


With Love from Mom, Dad and Madeleine


Nick Potter Congratulations Nick!

3 Class of 2008! To my senior advisees— Le>c^ i-"th a n k s for making my job as an advisor so easy and so rnu? I fun! To my senior LLL boys—Mike, Daniel, Andrew/— it has been Iwonderful working with you, you have been fantastic! Blaze boys, thanks! 1 to all of you, I wish you much success in the future!

We are very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Billy

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Joseph,Congratulations! You bring so much joy and pride to our family. May the years ahead be filled with health, happiness, and success as you pursue your goals and dreams.Your father would be so proud. Continue to work hard and keep that energy and sense of humor. 1am always there for you. Love, MOM

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I dreamt a limitless book, A book unbound, Its leaves scattered in fantastic abundance On every line there was a new horizon drawn. New heavens supposed: New states, new souls. -Clive Barker






% 144

A Spring supplement will be mailed to your home this summer—please keep an eye out for it and immediately insert it into the back of your book! It will be mailed with labels provided by CMS directly from Jostens Yearbook Co. Don't lose it, as there won't be extras! The supplement will include all spring sports, spring activities and graduation coverage. We hope you enjoy it.


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Two Winners in '08! The senior class voted in early May on the faculty and staff they felt to be most deserving o f the Blaze Yearbook Dedication. This year, the award was presented to two very deserving faculty members, Mr. Randy Macdonald and Mrs. Patricia Franz.

How to describe M r. M acdonald? A lifetim e o f service, a dorm parent in H inm an fo r all o f his tw enty-one CM S yeais, hum ble and patient, nurturing and k i n i a teacher o f m ath and ESS, skilled in technology. H e is w illing to take on many "behind-the-scenes" tasks that m ake the school run sm oothly. T hank you for your lifetim e o f dedication to the school and the boys.

Mr. Hart congratulates Mrs. Franz on her award.


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All School Photo by Pan Foto

May 8, 2008

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At cookie break, the sky was partly sunny, partly cloudy with fast moving clouds. We waited for I one of those clouds to obscure the sun a bit in oder to take this photograph. The sixth and I seventh graders are mostly in the front row, with older students, faculty, and staff in the back rows. I . ;

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Front: Jared Posternak, John Choi, Dan Armstrong, Rob Demars. Middle: Austin Kim, John Phaneuf, Eddy Chang, Keno Salinas, Derek Chaney, Grant Fisher. Back: Coach Exton, Nathaniel Moore, Hector Ruiz, Diego Rodriguez, Eric Kwon, Akash Bhanwani, Santiago Gavito, Harry Frost, Coach Spearman. Missing: James Howard.

Front: Preston Kelsey, John Stephens, Francisco Zertuche, Josh Choe. Middle: Matt McCue, Angus Murray, Gonzalo Garcia, Speight Drummond,Rodrigo Petricioli, Brian Ryu. Back: Coach Kreuzburg, Douglas McGillivray, Jack Noordsy, Paul Pettengill, John Rhyne, Michael Hutchinson, Reed Spearman, Alejandro Ortega, Douglas Cruickshank, Coach Foster. Missing: Hunter Holland, Eddie Kim and Sun Ho Ma.

inlop Yapgitf Lacpo

Front: Mike Weaver, Jay Mobilia, Bennet Melville, Alex Banfield, Jack Kelly Middle: Luke Nitishin, Grant Maddox, Damien Affleck, Alex Arnold, Andrew Howe, Aaron McClain, Jas Spearman, David Stack. Back: Coach Stevens, Alonso Sada, Tesfa Jacobs, Lauri Lehtimaki, Henry Dodd, John McDonald, Ben King, Daniel Lee, Russell McGillvray, Coach Beale. Missing: Michael Civitella.

rsit짜 Lacrosse

Front: Colin McCusker, Cam McCusker, Gavin Bayreuther, Josh Dickman, David Little, Ryan George, Chris Chapin, Benjamin Langlois. Middle: Evan Strick, Sam Wyskiel, Alec Meigs-Rives, Doel Jarosiewicz, Jack Wilson, Chris Galluzzo, Eugene Sa. Back: Mike McGuigan, Coach McCormick, Morgan Mullen, George Welles, Blake Alessandroni, Philip Carr, Nikolas Nugnes, Sean de Herder, Shane Dalton, Anthony Bourdon, Coach Frost, Coach Bayreuther. Missing: Nate Gilbert.

Front: James Herbert, Charlie Harrison, Tavis Gibbons, Chris Tevere, Ben Auerbach, Gonzalo Backhoff. Back: Coach Caprow, Coach Granger, Coach Haire.

The Cougar Cave, The Wall in Quechee, the rocks in Rumney...there are many climbing opportunities for the Wilderness Team.

Front Row; Coach Kenny, Nelson Klein, Coach Gray. Middle: Adam Farrell, David Pluhar, John Foley, Lex Davis. Top: Will Jarosiewicz, Garrett Kogel.

A ccording to Mr. Lane, the Reserve B Baseball team has a few goals for the year including getting better, learning the basics, and hopefully the players w ill want to play

players including Danny Belback and D iego Martinez." The Reserve B team has had an

Front; Danny Belback, Henry Kovacs, Juan Valles, Eric Chidan, Sam Durst Back; Coach Lane, Sunny Luo, Sheng Yang Peng, Diego Martinez, Stephen Page and Coach May


Front: Benson Fu, Zachary Williams, Taylor Jorden. Back: Coach Jenkins, Chad Rogers, Andrew Herron, Joe Bruno, Jackson Mitchell, Anthony Chammah and Coach Farnsworth. Missing: Clinton Williams.


Front: Charlie Kissel, Alex Wolk, Andy Kebalka. Middle: Jay Bonti, Matt Jarecki, Hayden Lynch, Shinsuke Mikame. Back: Coach LeRoy, Daniel Johnson, Kyle Moran, Andrew Hastings, Ian Gagnon, Coach Fitzgerald. Missing from picture: Luke Bennett, Nick Gutierrez.


Front: Manager Shane Boissiere, Tim Sullivan, Jordan St. Jean, Mike Lima, Tyler Wilmot, Jerry Silvey, Jay Giambarresi and Tim McNair. Back: Coach Barker, Nick Potter, Aaron Rodriguez, Chris MacLeod, Tim Acker, Mike Moran, Steve Mastalerz, Mike Doyle, Coach Lynch and Coach Hannis.




Front: Daniel Burns, Ansel Dickey, Roderick Morrison, Ted Urn, Derek Moon. Middle: Nicky Ahn, Jeff Cote, Spencer Han, John Cameron, William Reid, Youngrok Park. Back: Coach Kanyang'Onda, Min Woo Kyung, Mao Mao Wei, Cody Laird, Bayard Roberts, Santiago Jimenez, Shawn Kim, Tino Diaz, Coach Cushing. Missing : Jason Sohn, Oscar Cheng, Johannes Lee.


Front: Johannes Lee, Nick Funnell, IVIiles Hamilton Middle: Jose Garza, Peter Byun, Justin Choi, Jung Hwan Hyun, Hajoo Lee Top: Coach Clark, Oscar Cheng, Cal Haines, Kevin Chung, Josh Ryu, Gray Hamilton, Kunjoo Park, Coach Sumner Missing: Constantino Diaz and Gun Ho Moon (Garza, Choi, Funnell, G. Hamilton, Diaz and Park played In the Lakes Region Tournament. Garza played with the JV team against Eaglebrook.)





"Get to Net!" Though the team started out slowly and with many players during try-outs, the JV tennis team went on to their first five games, winning four of them. All the players were experienced and worked well together; they were very positive and willing to win. Their goal is to go to Eaglebrook in good spirit and health.

Front: Chris Choi, Jioh Bang, Juan Pe Silva, Neto Zaragoza, Daniel Kim. Back: Coach Fera, Andy Kim, Kyung Tak Kim, Rodrigo Gomez, Ryan Suh, Jinhoon Huh, Coach Hart.


rslty Tenni

Front: Jose Covarrubias, Louis Philippe Lopez, Robert Kim, AJ Wypychoski, David LeBreton. Back: Coach Ramos, Josh Lee, Scott McCleod, Dana Hughes, Se Han Cho, Young Soo Jang.


The ice is barely out of the water before all the brave boys take the plunge!

Drying off, warm ing up.

Getting up the nerve.


Mr. Gray gives som e pointers.

Waterfront activities included sw im m ing, sailing, kayaking, canoeing and just hanging out.

W HO? All faculty, staff, and . students o f CM S. � . W H A T? A day o ff for fun, relaxation, food and cam araderie.

Headmaster's Day

W H E R E ?. O utside the g y m .: , at the w aterfront, inside ; W akely and the CSA. W H E N ? A w ell-guarded secret am ong the adm inistration, usually in som etim e in M ay.

W H Y ? W ell, why not. really? It's a tradition! Blow o ff som e steam before finals! W e look forward to it all .

Above: Jay com ing down the inflatable slide; Sheng tries to keep his shorts on in a race against Ansel. Below: Jack Noordsy surfs ail the way on the slip-n-slide.

Joe Bruno and the senior class officers worked hard to plan the trip and take the entire senior class to New York City! Highlight included MOMA, the custom hat ahnp a Httle Upscale shopping and seeing the sghts in the Big Apple.


Top Howj Aaron McClain, Most Cheeihil lohn Foley, Most Likely to Become a Politician Ian Gagnon, Class Brain (tie) Young Soo lang. Class Brain (tie) Second Bow: Mike Doyle, Most Likely to Come Back to CMS a s a T eacherr Tim McNair, Most Gullible Eugene S a, Most Likely to Fall Asleep in Chapel Eugene S a, Most Likely to Stay Up P ast Lights Gut Third Bow: Jordan St. lean . Most Likely to loin the Military Joe Bruno, Cleanest Boom Grey Bamilton and Sam Wyskiel, M essiest Boom (tie) Eugene Sa and Mike Lima, M essiest Boom (tie) L ^ Blake Alessandroni, Most Likely to Succeed


Top Bow: Mike Moian, Most Athletic Shane Boissieie, Most Artistic letry Silvey, Best S ense of flumor T esla Jacobs, First to Get Married Second Bow: Mike Doyle, Most Likely to Cry a t Graduation Joe Bruno, Most Likely to Become a Historian lohn Foley, Most Likely to Write a Book Mike Civitella, Most Likely to Get His Computer Taken Away Third Bow: losh Byu, Most Quiet (tie) Angus Murray, Most Quiet (lie) Mike Civitella, Most Likely to Burn Textbooks Alter Graduation Andrew Howe, Most Likely to Help the Other Fellow Bight: Shane Boissiere, First With a Smile Far Biuht: Blake Alessandroni, Mr. Cardigan, Most School Spirit



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Friday P.M .— Back in September, the end seemed sO far away. But then suddenly, it is here, the very last night. Boys played foozball; selected mattresses | . to sleep on; (Mike snuggled with his graduation t present,jr"Bella"kgot food off the grill; relaxed; ^ played tennis and baseball; watched movies and had fun. Most of them even got some sleep!

Saturday A.M .— Every year, there are a few who need to be woken up to make it to the Tie Ceremony, and this year it was (well, we won't name names!). A rainy start to the day moved the beginning o f the event inside to Hinnann Theatre. Ties were given first to legacies and younger brothers, then all the seniors received their green-and-white alumni ties from the alums who were in attendance. We m oved outdoors for the traditional pictures on the steps of Clark- Morgan once the rain stopped.


C a m d ig a n


m m e n c e m e n t


m a y 31 2008

The H onorable John Lynch. G overnor o f the State o f New Hampshire, was the com m encem ent speaker. Top, boys line up for the processional and receive their diplom as from G overnor Lynch and Headm aster M cCusker. Mrs. Franz with the Ham ilton boys. B elow , the leap from the chapel steps.

Day students ju st before com m encem ent exercises begin. Mr. Kreuzburg congratulates Tim Aclcer on his graduation.

Commencement Award and Prize Winners were: John Foley (Skibiski Memorial Award), Young Soo Jang (Dewar Prize), Dana Hughes (Faculty Prize), Joe Bruno (Pannaci Memorial Award), Tesfa Jacobs (Faculty Prize), Shane Boissiere (William Knapp Morrison Award), Mike Moran (Norman and Beverly Wakely Prize and Caldwell Prize), Ben Langlois (Founder's Prize), Mike Doyle (Faculty Prize), and Blake Alessandroni (Hinman Prize). Congratulations to all of you!

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