CrfrSigan? LEADERSHIP Everyone at Cardigan strives to become leaders. All across campus, there are roving leaders willing to show the Cardigan Way at any given time.
Cardigan is a school full of traditions. We take pride in ourselves and in continuing the traditions that have been established for 64 years. Cardigan Mountain School 62 Alumni Drive, Canaan NH 03741 603-523-4321
New Opportunities...New Life Have Fun... Work hard
Cardigan offers opportunities for boys to grow both physically and mentally. Going to school away from home is not an easy thing to do, but Cardigan is worth it. Leadership opportunities, the Sandwich Fair, Headmaster's Day, sports, classwork and study times are all part of Cardigan life. Cardigan is a special place for boys to learn, play, grow, and create a way for the future.
The nicCuskers The school community is pleased to have the McCuskers as part of our school family for a second year. Mr. McCusker graduated from Cardigan in 1980 (check out the 1980 yearbook in the library!), and both Mr. and Mrs. McCusker were on the faculty in the early '90's before rejoining us again last year. The family is active in all aspects of campus life and they enjoy life in Frieze House with Buzzy, the chocolate lab. We appreciate all of their contributions to CMS!
Mrs. Steff McCusker "Free Safety"
Colin McCusker '09
Cam McCusker '10
Ed Ramos Thirty-five years at CMS. Algebra I and II, Geometry. PreCalculus; Soccer official, Nordic Skiing, Varsity Tennis, coach. Greenwood House, Honorary alum 2006. Father of Ray ’01 and Vidal '97.
Wim Hart Thirty-second year at CMS. English 9. English Department Chair; bus driver, Recreational Skiing, JV Tennis; Dean of Rock 'n Roll; Greenwood House affiliate; bass in Grades Mid Comments; spelling bee moderator; faculty volleyball.
Dudley Clark Tw enty-eighth year at CM S. M ath; Zam boni driver; medical trip driver. H onorary alum 2006. M om ingbreak doughnut provider and sem i-retired.
Faculty & Staff Nick Lynch
Twenty-second year at CMS; History Department Chair; History 8, 9; Varsity Football, Basketball, and Baseball.
Twenty-second year at CMS; Math 6, 7, 8, and 9; Himnan I; medical driver; David's House volunteer.
Jamie Funnell Nineteen years at CMS; Science 8; Assistant Headmaster; Director of Placement: Dean o f Faculty; Reserve Lacrosse; North Dorm; father of Sam '07 and Nicky '09
Susan Rives Nineteenth year at CMS. Fine Arts; Art Department Chair; choir; calligraphy on awards and documents.
Allan Kreuzburg T hirteenth y ear at C M S; S cience chair. Biology and Physical Science; F o o tb a ll W restling, Lacrosse; D irector o f Residential Life; Franklin H ouse.
Mike Fitzgerald Tenth year at CMS. History 8, 9. JV Hockey, JV Baseball, Dewar House. Clubs coordinator.
Alex Gray Fourteenth year at CMS. English; Polar bear club, Soccer, Skiing, recycling. Banks House.
Dave Auerbach Twelfth year at CMS; Biology and Life Science; Gates Program, W ork Detail; Science Department Chair; Brewster II; Lego Robotics Team. Rube Goldberg Competition.
Chris Kenny Ninth year at CMS; English 8,9; Wilderness, Reserve Hockey, Wilderness; CMII and III; dog named Pinch.
Rick Exton Fourteenth year at CMS; English as a Second 1 Secondary School Placement; Director o f Iniemational 5 Prognim; Lacrosse: Clark Morgan II; father of Joe ^
Pat lacuzzi Eleventh year at CM S;Xibrarii Day Student Liaso
Chris Jenkins Eighth year at CMS; Latin; Soccer, B askettJ Baseball; Dewi
Ryan Feeley b years at CM S. English; Cross Country Running, H lo r o f Sum m er Session, guitar and lead vocals in m e s a n d Conunents^ D ew ar House.
Steve Ledbetter B t years at CMS. Music Department Chair; Kic 6, 7, 8 and 9; Glee Club, Music semble and Choir; Grades and Comments.
Gus DeMaggio K years at CMS. Life Skills; Soccer, Alpine [ing. Director of Snow Sports; French Dorm.
Jim Scott Eight years at CMS. Woodworking; Theater; Stowell House.
Mark Holt Seventh year at CMS. Grade Sixth History, English and Science; Gales; Thirds Basketball; Gates Invention and Innovation Competition Director; Hayward Dorm.
Miki Fera Five years at CMS. Math; Alpine Skiing; French Dorm.
Chuck McCormick Eight years at CMS. Leadership program 8, 9; Varsity Football, Varsity Lacrosse. Dean of Students. Hayward Dorm.
John D’Entremont Seven years at Cardigan. History. Director of Studies. North Dorm, CMS class of '94.
John Bayreuther Fifth year at CMS. Ethics and Spirilua! Life; Director of Spiritual Life. JV Soccer. Thirds Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse. Stowell House. Manager of Microburst Ice Arena. Father of Gavin, '09
Mary Noordsy Four years at CM S. 6th G rade English, H istory and S cience; Y earbook A dvisor and photographer; evening hbrary coverage; m om o f Jack '09.
Austen Hannis Third year at CMS. History 7, 8; JV Football Head Coach, Varsity Basketball. Varsity Baseball; Assistant Athletic Director: Student Acliviiies Coordinator, Clark Morgan 11.
Sayre Sumner S econd year at C M S; A lgebra 1, Pre-A lgebra; C om petitive Snow boarding; Tennis; H inm an II. M om o f D avid '12, W ill ‘11 and D oel, '09.
Jarrod Caprow Fourth year at Cardigan; PEAKS; PEAKS department chair; bus driver; North dorm.
Charlie Hilbert Third year at CMS; History, English as a Second Language; medical driver; Clark Morgan III.
Ken Cushing S econd year at C M S; Spanish 1, 2 & 3; C ross Country, W restling and Sailing; W orld L anguages D epartm ent C hair; B rew ster II.
Marten Wennik F ourth year at C M S; English 7; Varsity ! Coach; A ssociate D irector o f A dm issions, DiB Financial Aid; G reenw ood H ouse £
Robbie Barker ’97 Second year at CMS; History; V>| Football, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Bas4 Brewster I; haircut i
Eric Lane Second year at CMS; Science, photography, Gates
Chris Granger ond year at CMS; Biology, Life Science; ek Climbing, Thirds Hockey, Sailing; III.
Tim LeRoy igBlA year at C M S; M ath; V arsity Soccer; Varsity S e> % JV B aseball; D ean o f Students for the â– m e r Session; French I; dog Bruschi.
Scott Haire n t "official" year at CMS (interned here last â– ); PEAKS coach; Brewster I affiliate.
Ryan Frost Second year at CMS; Life Skills; JV Football, Varsity Lacrosse; Hinman I affiliate; Athletic Director.
Jake Spearman S econd year at C M S; Latin, English; JV Football, Recreational Skiing, Lacrosse; French il dorm affiliate. F ather o f Reed '09, Jas ' 10 and C handler ' 12.
Shannon Gahagan First year at CMS; Spanish; Thirds Basketball; Hinman I.
Kristin Tobin Second year at CMS; Spanish I; Athletic Trainer; North Dorm.
Barbara Glover First year at CMS (three summer school sessions); PEAKS coach; grandmother of C aleb'11.
Lewis Matson First year at CMS; Physical Science, Life Science, Gates Invention Program; Soccer. Skiing, Tennis; French I; private pilot; retired U.S. Army sergeant major.
D.D. Otap First year at CMS; PEAKS coach; Hinman II.
Alfred Schultz Sanchez-Mejorada
Karel Pluhar First year at CMS; Geometry, Basketball, Soccer; Franklin and Stowell affiliate; father of Pavel '07, David '09, and Mikael '11.
First year at CMS; Spanish; Reserve SocBI JV Basketball; Hayward; Music EnsemB (violin
f/y A k
Patrick Turcotte First year at Cardigan; French; Soccer, JV Hockey; Brewster dorm parent.
Jodie Burnett Assistant to the Business Manager
Roz Burke
Ryan Sinclair First year back at CMS (fifth year total) French; Football, Hockey; Franklin House.
Director of Health Serviol
Brian Cheek
Jill Cavalieri Comptroller
Director of DevelopM
Karen Colburn
Joe Collins
iissions Office Administrative Assistant
Twenty-seventh year at CMS. Special Projects; Assistant Headmaster Emeritus.
Leroy Coutermarsh lldings and Grounds
Barb Frazier relopment Office Data Manager
Angie Craig Buildings and Grounds
Rose Gardner Buildings and Grounds
Christine Ferland School Receptionist and Student Travel Coordinator
Freda Grace Buildings and Grounds
Kathryn Holland
Michel Gray Director of Technology
Lynne Lenihan
Lisa LaChance Buildings and Grounds
Assitant to the Headmaster
Director of Alumni and Parent Programs. M of Doel '09, W ill' 11, and David
Mary McCarthy Head of H o u s e li^
Josh Routhier
Joe McHugh
Kathy McHugh
Development Office Manager
Ann Jarosiewicz
Business Manager
Technology Specil
Jessica Bayreuther Admissions Coordinator; mother of Gavin '09.
Brian Beale Second year at CMS; Associate Director of Admissions; Lacrosse; Brewster 11 affiliate.
Audie Armstrong Athletic Administrative Assistant
Jim Marrion Fony-second year at CMS. Officially retired but still helping out!
"It was very nice to starl a whole new year with many people I didn't know. I was fired up to go to school! It's amazing how fast you get to know people." - Jason Sohn '09 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
"I enjoy meeting all the new people, faculty and the students. I love how beautiful this place is in the fall and o f all the special events: Sandwhich Fair, Mountain D a y ..." -Mr. Funnell 16
W O O D SH O P WITH M u . S c o t t Till? 10(1(3 tiw ii the hill, the vvhir of the powc?r tools alv^ mxHnery, the htox\cath\j smell of wood shavinoe and varnbh, the textvre atid grain of the woc'd, makiiio eometlinQ with cur own two hande (and Mr. 6cott'e (iuidaiioel.,wa lova wooddiop! doye pictured on this page include: Tyler MoBwain, Andres Sanche, Carlos Ramirez de Afiuilar, Derek Chaney, Vic Alvarez and E’en Cink.
Fall Art Art work from last year and this year was displayed all around the school. Ceramics, printmaking, pastel drawing, and more! The Janus figures, action figures, and ceramics were the colorful and artistic result of art class with Ms. Rives. Top: Pottery figures by the 6th grade. Right: Janus figure o f a cougar by A kash Bharwani. Far right: 8th grade pottery v essels. B elow ; D ou b le-d eer Janus draw ing by B ennett M elv ille. B ottom , left to right: (pastel draw ings by): M att M cC ue, R u ssell M cG illivray, Chris Chapin, and D an iel L ee.
Fall Drama The Flight of the Lawnchair Man Based on a book by Peter Ullian, Music and lyrics by Robert Lindsey-Nassif Nov. 20-21, 2008 Directed by Jim Scott Musical Director: Steven Ledbetter Costume and Makeup: Samantha Scott
Cast: Jas Spearman Mikael Pluhar Josh Dickman Hajoo Lee Mr.Lane Mr. Auerbach Mike Weaver Chad Rogers
Mrs. Rives Wyatt Himmer Spencer Hukill Eric Kwon Josh Lee Ms. Sumner Peter Ferland Nick Funnell
Crew: Youngrok Park Miles Hamilton Chris Choi Alex Kotrady
Jake Gilbert Jason Sohn Max Barab Daniel Kim
Ensemble: Daniel Lee Joey Exton Shawn Kim Spencer Han
Brian Ryu Mr. Schultz Austin Kim Johannes Lee 19
ST i
fall C
C lub day is one of the favor! afternoons of the week a rou here! Boys strategically sign up for clubs th at will e ith e r' a fun way to relax and blow off steam, to learn somethin] new, or to m ake a contribution to the community. The Blaze staff works hard to get the yearbook up and running, there are outdoor clubs involving gardening, wacky Olympic sports, trash-can lacrosse, as well as indoor clubs like a rt, d odgeball, an mini-hockey. The boys in th treasure h unt club always ll forw ard to (say it like a pira T hhhunuurrrsssddaay. Roa W arriors keep the roadsida around C anaan clean. W hal your interest? Bet there is a club for you!
THE COUGARS in the Fall o f2008 X-C Running Thirds Football JV Football Varsity Football The Gates Program
22 23 24 25 26
Rock Climbing 27 Reserve Soccer 28 Thirds Soccer 29 JV Soccer 30 Varsity Soccer 31 Fall Sports Awards 32
Cardigan A thletics are an integral part o f student life. There are things students cannot learn in the classroom ; som e lessons belong un the fields. Victory is important, but sportmanship, honesty, com passion, im provem ent, and attitude are the traits that really count on the field. Cardigan takes great pride in our athletic program and that tradition successfully continued this fall. Every student was able to im prove in their sport whether they were playing for the first tim e or striving to becom e a professional. B oys gained skills that they w ill be able to take to the next level.
W '
: 21
Above: Charlie Harrison runs the trails by Clancy Mountain during the first race of the season.
From top left: C oach F eeley , Ha Joo L ee, B enjam in K ing, Bayard R oberts, John M cD onald Ryan Suh, Shaw n K im , M atthew M cC ue, (M iddle row ) Joseph E xton, D an iel A rm strong, A ustin K im , Jung H w an H yun, M ikael Pluhar, Charlie Harrison, (Front row ) Oscar C heng, Josh (Eun Y oub) L ee, Eric K w on, D an iel K im , N ich o la s Funnell, Brian (Ji H w an) Ryu.
Cross Country - Varsity and JV We Just Run!!!
Above: These are the runners of Cardigan during a practice. The practice shirts on the head of each athlete displays the team spirit of the Cross Country team!
Right: This is the Cougar's first meet of the year. The Cardigan runners take the lead against the Lakes Region high school team!
A bove: H ayden Berry, Shaw n K im and team m ates take the field. B elow : C harlie D ay, A idan G arron, Zach Langois and team m ates ready fo r action.
Front: David Kim, Sean Kim, Sam Durst, Robb Demars, Jaime Martinez, Auden Menke, Chris Fournier, Ryan Connery Middle: David Jarosiewicz, Isaac Lee, Aidan Garron, Charlie Day, Hayden Berry, Hyungtae Kim, Chandler Spearman. Back: Coach Kreuzburg, Spencer Hukill, Vic Alvarez, Alex An, Zach Langlois, Edward Chang, Jacob Kim, Sebastian Agramont, Coach Sinclair.
Thirds Football Eleven As One
Left: Charlie Day, Aidan Garron, Zach Langlois and others setting up the play. Above: The boys are ready to rumble.
Ben Cink and Cam McCusker running for the touchdown.
Luke Bennett and Ben Cink making the tackle.
Front: L uke B ennett, M ax K ing, Jam es H ow ard, A aron Enescu, Jake G ilbert, R obby T uite Second: A ndy K ebalka, John Stephens, Steven Page, Zach WilUams, N athaniel M oore, Josh Choe T hird: E ddy Kim, G rant Fisher, D erek Chaney, D anny B elback, C am M cC usker, M att B orghi, Jarrod P ostem ak Back: C oach H annis, M ax Sulzbacher, Ben C ink, Santiago G avito, Sheng Y ang Peng, John Rhyne, A ndrew H erron, M ax Barab, C oach Spearm an.
JV Football It's Our Time
Down and ready for the snap.
JV Football's goals were to improve each and every game, to beat Eaglebrook, and to have a bunch of the players move up to Varsity Football next year. The coaches describe their team as a great group of fellas who are fun to work with.
Running with the ball.
The Cougar's defense making a tackle.
: C oach M arrion, Dr. M cC orm ick, D avid Stack, Jack W ilson, Jay Bonti, G ordie Borek, Ryan G eorge, C arlos R am irez, Josh cman, R ussel M cG iilivray, A lex W olk, A lec M eigs-R ives, Shane D alton, D onQ uale W illiam s, R yder A rsenault, M ichael :hinson,Jack K elly, Jason Sohn, C oach Barker die: Jas Spearm an, Luke N itishin, D oel Jarosiew icz, T yler W ilm ot, Jackson M itchell, A lan D aw son, K yle M oran, T yler M cElw ain, :h Lynch It: C hris Chapin, Tripp Pace, A aron Rodriguez, Eric W ollrath, A rick Escam illa, M arcelo M anautou
Varsity Football Show Up, Shut Up, and Gut Up
Flowing to the ball.
Looking for the big hit.
B ackpack O rganizer...Plug R em over...H eads-u p T im ing D ev ice...W in d o w O pener A ssistan t... w ouldn't you lo v e to h ave these Cardigan inventions in your dorm room s? T h ese yo u n g scientists, w ith the gu idan ce o f the m ad scientists H olt, L ane, and A uerbach, had the opportunity to create and in vent after an intense w orkout in the gym . A lthough the ecle ctic team had an ex citin g season, they w ent through tim es o f frustration and hardship, fin ally producting viab le products. W ho k n ow s? M aybe one o f these guys m ight turn out to be the next E d ison all inven tions, but b ig dreams!
(L eft to R igh t): M r. H olt, A d a m G oldsm ith , G a rre tt K ogel, N elso n K lein, P e te r F erland, M r. Lane, R o b e rt Scanlan, a n d M r. A u erbach .
The Gates Program "I Wish I Had Invented That!"
Above: Adam is inventing something in the continuation of Mr. Charles C. Gate's mission, "to nurture and encourage creative thinking, risk taking, entrepreneurial spirit and fun."
Above: Peter Ferland is trying his best to be exact in his cutting. Right: Nelson Klein, Garrett Kogel, and Adam Goldsmith are having fun in this new program!
"Live your learning" — Charles C. Gates 26
Top: Gianni Leslie comes down from a climb. Above: Wyatt Himmer, Jack Noordsy, and Coach Kenny belay their climbers.
Rock Climbing 'Its just another hold on the wall"
Left: Reed Spearman climbs a route in Rumney, NH.
Above: Gianni Leslie takes a rest on the way up a climb.
Above: Coach Kenny climbs a route at The Wall in Quechee VT.
Top: C'mon Chris Otap! Let's save another goal! Bottom: Benson prepares to boot the ball, Mr. Ramos reffmg.
Reserve Soccer is feelin' goooood!
-* Above: The defenders make an effort to save the ball.
---- - - :
Above: Alex Arnold sprints after the ball. Right: Sunny Luo jogs up the field as the game progresses.
Top: Paul Pettengil goes after the ball. Above: Preston Kelsey sends a header toward the goal.
Thirds Soccer Work Hard, Play Hard, Have Fun
Left: Francis Paek w ith control o f the ball. A bove: C ole Brennan and D eclyn T hornton in the action. Right: Y oung Rok P ark takes a tum ble w hile Charlie Parry, D LB, and T ony K aralekas keep on running.
Top: AJ making a great save during the CMS Round Robin in the beginning o f the year. Bottom: Jip taking well deserved water break.
J.V. Soccer whooooooaaaaaahhhhhh
T eam captains talking to the referees before the gam e.
G unho (D erek) M oon getting ready to launch the ball up the field.
Above: Colin McCusker guarding the opposing Eaglebrook player.
Varsity Soccer V Squad "It's really cool, man"
Left: Harrison Krepack looking for the ball, but it's nowhere to be found. Above: Chris de la Garza crosses the ball to the middle.
Above: Adam Philie kicking the ball up field to get it out of Cardigan territory.
At the end of a very successful fall sports season, we gather to celebrate both individual and team successes, milestones passed and dreams achieved. Coaches worked hard to meld individuals into teams, and teammates got the chance to know others who might not be in the same dorm or classes. Our teams practiced and played hard. Congratulations to the award winnersm and to all who participated in fall sports.
Fall Sports Awards 2008
11/ 22/08
Mountain Day Let's Climb Cardigan Mountain School is located in the "foothills" o f the White Mountains. We have to take advantage o f the climbing opportunities, right? So, in addition to the traditional Cardigan Mountain chmbs, we take a day off from classes to tackle some really challenging peaks. The three mountains that vv'e climb are W elsh-Dickey for the 6th and 7th grades, Moosilauke for the 8th grade, and Osceola for the 9th grade. Hooray for layered clothing, good hiking boots, box lunches and steep slopes!
V>. ■ T . •‘c)*.kU•-
Columbus Day Weekend! Thai means a trip to the Sandwich Fair! Cotton candy, fried doug! funnel cakes, and bloomin' onions were the "fare" o f the day when we took a break fron academics to play at the fair. How about fried dill pickles? Many boys enjoyed the thrillin rides and challenging games. Jason Sohn w ith Ji O h B ang
T he M exican Q uintet Pow er
John Stephens, L uke Bennett, and Jas Spearman relaxing.
Z a c h L a n g lo is an d T y le r W ilm o t
Chris and Chris!
D an, A le x & B rodie sam pling fair f o o d -------E ating the deep-fried d ill-p ick le ch
Y oungrok, D erek, E ddie, and D aniel w ith their prizes.
Sebastian and C o le sh ow o ff their w innings.
Nicky Funnell, aka "Mr. Hannis", read the announcem ents as Mr. Auerbach, Mr. Lane (Dr. Evil) and Ms. Fera look on. "I’m a good witch!” Mrs. Scott casts a w inning spell over Gianni Leslie and Adam Goldsmith {aka Albert Einstein) before they go on to win the 6th grade costume awards.
Ha LLo It
w a s a f x e a k y f R i S a y ! TTlR. a u e R B a C H S e R C N a S e S u s
w iiiL e w e a t e a g n a s t l . y B u f f e t L u n c h .
kiNbs o f CRazy CReatuReS R oam eb
w itn 3 .L L
Caleb G io v er w o n a p riz e fo r th e 7th grad e.
A n d y K elbalka d o in g h is M ao M ao im p erso n atio n .
The "Spartans' w o n the a w ard for best dorm .
Batm an a n d "Day of th e D ead" guy. (James Lee a n d A ndrew Jeong) H an g in g b y the flagpole before lunch.
■ Arick E scam illaand Diego R am onfaur w on the best costum e a w ard for 8tli grade.
Day 1: Monday The w eek sta rte d w ith fitness day. F ourteen stations w e re set u p a ro u n d a n d inside the athletic b u ild in g a n d a llow ed stu d e n ts to challenge them selves to see h o w fit th ey w ere.
RTHESSDAY (Right) A id an G arron ju m p in g , jum ping, jum ping... (Left) T hrow the ball quicker, h a rd er, faster, Jasper!
DAY 2: TUESDAY C onsidered one of the toughest days of the w eek, T uesday w as lake run. The lake ru n is a five-m ile ru n a ro u n d sta r足 sh a p e d C anaan Street Lake. T he stu d e n ts challenged their abilities in long-distance ru n n in g in this event.
THE LAKE RUN (Right) A d am Philie is chasing Jay Bonti. (Left) M r. G ray rig h t b e h in d Ben King. -M ore on p age 38-
iiÂĽ 3 :W e iiB D A Y m iT R iriM
A fter th e to u g h d a y o n T uesday, the fo u r classes w e n t off to different destin atio n s to h a v e a n in-d ep th look at one of their subjects. This w as an ed ucational d a y ra th e r th an a p hysical day, a n d all s tu d e n ts w ere able to see for them selves som e o f the thin g s they w ere learning in class. (Left: Kyle M ora^ Mike Weaver in Boston)
DAY 4: THURSDAY LAST DAY OF CLUBS A s everybody said farew ell to their fall sports, the stu d e n ts h a d this d a y to finish u p projects a n d conclude th eir fall clubs. M any clubs h a d a celebration to w ra p u p the fall term a n d b oys b eg an to get read y for different clubs in the w inter. (Right: Yearbook staff h a rd at w ork)
1. O n field trip day, the sixth grade class w en t to the See M useum a n d the M all of N ew Flam pshire in M anchester, NH , T hey h a d to stay in M anchester for an extra h o u r w aitin g for som e of the guys to get their custom m ad e hats! 2. The seventh grade w en t to S turbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA.
DAY 5; FRIDAY Hola! Bonjour! O n foreign language day, w orld cu ltu res in sp ired m an y activities for d o rm com petitions. ITiese com petitions inclu d ed a French w aiter contest. S um o w restling, C anadian street hockey, this sled race o u t o n the football field, p lu s m u ch m ore.
DAY 6: SATURDAY ALL-SCHOOL WRiSTUMG TOURHAMENT S aturday, the last d a y of tran sitio n w eek, w as the all-school w restling tournam ent. Friends h a d the o p p o rtu n ity to w restle a gainst each other. A fter a w eighing-in of each stu d e n t on fitness day, boys w ho w an ted to p articipate in the to u rn am en t w ere p u t into w eight-classes a n d w restled against o thers in th eir w eig h t class. -M ore on p age 39-
3. The e ig h th g rade w e n t to the M useum of Science in Boston, MA. They w atched the I-MAX m ovie "W ire to W in d �. 4. The Seniors w en t d o w n to Boston a n d visited the M useum of Fine A rts a n d the P rudential Center. Also, they got the chance to go on D uck T ours aro u n d the city. 5. The Lake R un w as w o n by Joey Exton, a seventh grader, w hich has not h a p p en e d for a long time! 6. Doel Jarosiew icz ran a ro u n d the lake barefoot, a d d in g an extra elem ent of challenge for him self. 7. Josh Lee ran w ith his shoes u n tied a n d still finished 3rd! 8. Faculty: Mr. B ayreuther finished first w ith M r. G ray right b eh in d him. 1 9. Mr. Lane a n d Mr. G ranger rocketing d o w n the football field! 110. Mrs. M cCusker, the faculty f "rabbit", finished 26th. 11. A llen D aw son carried another stu d e n t d u rin g the run! 12. Five C ross-C ountry team m em bers m ad e a streak b y not letting anyone else take the first five places. 13. N ik N ugnes w as the first non-
Lake Run! 5 Miles to Glory!
Running the Lake Run has been a Cardigan tradition for many years. This year there were many participants who were eager and enthusiastic about the run. For some, the goal was tc finish in the top 50 and enjoy the reward of a pizza dinner, or to beat Mrs. McCusker, a fantastic runner, to win the grand candy prize. For many, this was a spiritual run; testing themselves to finish within a certain time, to beat their friends, or even to just keep running the whole way. Many ran and accomplished their goals. Congratulations to all who participated! i WHAT A RUN! 38
All School Wrestling T ournament
The Sixth Grade The Class of 2012 T his year's Sixth grade class is the largest in our school's h istory w ith 24 boys. T here are tw o sixth grade classroom s this y ear w ith M r. H olt and M rs. N oordsy being the tw o h om eroom teachers. T his is the first y ear that the G illette R oom has been used as a classroom , and the b oys love the bright, open space. Class officers are as follows; Wyatt Himmer, Pre.sident Peter Ferland, Vice President Cole Brennan, Treasurer Daniel Kim, Secretary The Sixth Grade class trip was to the S.E.E, Museum in Manchester, NH. followed by a trip to the Mall of New Hampshire for lunch and a little provisioning. Custom made hats were a very popular item among the boys. A trip to Cape Cod is planned for the spring.
Sebastian Agraniont-Justiniano
Peter Ferland
JaspCf Beever
Hayden Berry
Cole Brennan
Jae Won (Kevin) Choi
Aidan Garron
Adam Goldsmith
Wyatt Himmer
Ben Intarapuvasak
Charlie Day
David Jarosiewil
Above: Science experiments are always fun! These guys wear safety goggles while carefully measuring chemicals.
Left: Sixth graders traveling home from the field trip to Manchester whoop it up on AV 1.
Jonathan Tuffy joined us after Thanksgiving.
Ho (Andrew) Jeong
Hyungtae Kim
Jae Heon (Daniel) Kim
Jung Woo (Sean) Kim
Jae Heon (James) Lee
Joong Kun (Isaac) Lee
alik (Gianni) Leslie
Chase McGough
Auden Menke
Christopher Otap
Chandler Spearman
Declyn Thornton
Seventh Grade Class of 2011 C lass O fficers for the Seventh Grade are: President Eric K w on V ic e President John C hoi Treasurer Eddie Chang Secretary T ed L im H ere are the b oys o f the class o f 2011 on the C hapel steps in late O ctober. T he class trip w as to Sturbridge V illa g e in Sturbridge, M assachusetts. There w ere thirty-four b oys in the cla ss at the beginning o f the year.
Tae Hyung (Alex) An
m Speight Drummond
Ben Auerbach
Alex Brennan
Yee Joon (Eddy) Chang
Suyoung (John) Choi
Robbinson Demar
Samson Durst
Aaron Enescu
Joey Exton
Chris Fournier
Caleb Glover
Life Skills class in downstairs Hopkins
lin g
Hwan Hyun
Henry Kovacs
Declan O'Brien
Will Jarosiewicz
Yong Beom
Taichi Okada
Diego Hernandez
Spenser Hukill
Jip Kerrebijn
Jae Young (Jacob) Kim
Ju Woon (Jamie) Kim
Young Woo
Zachary Langlois
Sebastian LaPointe
Sea Hoon (Ted) Lim
Neil McCalmont
Francis Paek
Byung Kwon (Joseph) Park
Mikael Pluhar
Daniel Somuano
Eighth Grade
Class of 2010 E ighth G rade cla ss officers are: P resident Jam es H ow ard V ice P resid en t C arlos R am irez S ecretary Jas S pearm an T reasu rer C am M cC usker
T he E ighth G rade class trip w as to the M useum o f S cience in B oston, M assachusetts, w here they also w atched the film "W ire to W ind" at the I-M ax T heater.
T here w ere seventy-four boys in the class at the b eginning o f the year, w ith several m ore jo in in g late r in the year.
Victor Alvarez
Ryder Arsenault
Diego Ayala
Pieter Backhoff
Maxwell Barab
Daniel Belbaek
Lucas Bennett
Gordon Borek
Matthew Borghi
Jacob Caffrey
G erardo B arroso Cai
John Cameron
Derek Chaney
Jun Woo (Justin) Choi
Ben Cink
Ryan Conery
Harold (Allen) Dawson
Rodrigo De La Fuente
Ansel Dickey
Arick Escamilla
Grant Fisher
Cole Franklin
Santiago Gavito
Jacob Gilbert
Miles Hamilton
David Hampton
Seung Hyun (Spencer) Han
Daniel Haro
Charles Harrison
A atiew Herron
James Howard
Hayden Jenkins
Anthony Karalekas
Andrew Kebalka
Dae Hyun (Daniel) Kim
Jung Su (Shawn) Kim
Sang Hyun (Eddie) Kim
Maximilian King
Charles Kissel
Nelson Klein
Ig Kyu (Austin) Kim
Garrett Kogel
Alexander Kotrady
Harrison Krepack
Tyler McElwain
Alfred (Tripp) Pace
Steven Page
Charles Parry
/HJI 46
Sheng Yang Peng
Adam Philie
Jarrod Posternak
Carlos Ramirez De Aguilar
Diego Ramonfaur
Johnathan Rhyne
Marcelo Ruiz Zertuche
Holden Softer
Victor Manuel Sordo
James (Jas) Spearman
David Stack
Winter at ,
V ..
Winter has a tendancy to arrive early and leave late in this part of the country. There are bitter cold mornings as you make your way to class and frigid, starry nights as you make your way back to your room from the library. The scenery around us can be breathtakingly beautiful or just drab and gray, but either way, Cardigan students have learned to make the most of it. We layer our clothes, burrow in to a cozy spot, but most of all, we get outdoors and enjoy winter. We get so used to the cold that we go around in sweatshirts when it is 0 degrees out (see mom, no hats, no gloves!). Hockey is played on the outdoor rink at Microburst Arena, alpine skiers hit the slopes, nordic skiers traverse the trails and we all take a moment to appreciate the sunrise over Cardigan Mountain on our way to first period class (see photo at right!). Winter is what makes us hardy, what makes us appreciate the other seasons of the year, what makes us Cardigan! You have to be tough to survive a winter here!
r / .
Winter Carnival Thank you to Mr. Jenkins and th e School S e n a te fo r planning this w onderful afte rn o o n o f activ ities. Everyone found som ething to do, fro m dodgeball, b ask etb all, hockey, th e Cave, Hannisball on M arrion field, broom ball a t B ayreuther's M icroburst A rena, o r sledding and skiing on Clancy. We had m ad fun.
Working, celebrating, chronicling your life, your year, Ihe history o f C ardigan for '08-'09, recording m em ories; that is the task, the goal, of the yearbook staff. W e hope you enjoy this ed ition o f the B la/e. Staff included AJ W ypychosk i, Jason Sohn, Brian i^yu. Josh, Hajoo Lee, Daniel Lee, Jack N oord sy, Chris C hapin, Shane D alton, C olin M cCusker, Ryan G eorge, Dan A rm strong, Mrs. la c u /z i and yearbook ad visor Mrs. N oordsy.
A bove: # 4 4 C hris de la G arza and #33 D aniel K im g et a little offensive action going. T o p right: C hris O tap in goal w'ith #50 R ob D eM ars and #28 M att Jarecki playing defense. R ight: P laying, from left to right, are Jip K errebijn, A nthony C ham m ah, Isaac L ee, E d d ie C hang, w ith A lex B rennan b ack in the corner.
Front Row; Alex An, Matt Jarecki, Sebastian LaPointe, Chris Otap, Daniel Kim, Carlos Velazquez, Derk Moon, Eddie Chang. Middle Row: Jip Kerrebijn, Robb DeMars, Diego Ayala, Alec Meig-Rives, Spencer Han, Steven Page, Aaron Enescu, Alex Brennan, Isaac Lee. Back Row: Mr. Sinclair, Diego Ramonfaur, Marcelo Manautou, Santiago Gavito, Anthony Chammah, Johannes Lee, John Cameron, Chris de la Garza, Josh Choe, Keno Salinas, Mr. Kenny, Eugenio de la Fuente, Sam Funnel! (assistant).
T op Left: T yler W ilm o t skating w ith the puck. A b ove: C onnor V an A rnam and C o lin M cC usker p layin g strong d efen se. Left: Eric W ollrath and Shane D alton skating d ow n the ice.
Back row: Coach LeRoy, Connor Van Arnam, Juho Laitinen, Nik Nugnes, AJ Bourdon, Stiane Dalton, Tyler Wilmot, Jack Wilson, Coach Barker. Middle row; Josh Choe, Ryan Conery, Colin McCusker, Griff Rogers, Jacob Caffrey, Mitch Rodgers, Cam McCusker. Front row: Eric Wollrath, Ryan George, Chris Chapin, Tripp Pace, Mike Weaver, Gavin Bayreuther, Josh Dickman.
A b o v e, left: T he puck fly in g at the op p osin g goalie. A b o v e, right: G ordie w ith a scoring opportunity. Right: T he pressure is on in the o ffen siv e zone.
JV H ockey
Front Row: Luke Bennett, Hayden Jenkins, Jack Kelly, Ryder Arsenault, Nicky Funnell, Max Kit Second Row; Preston Kelsey, Matt Borghi, Dan Armstrong, Jon Phaneuf, Chris Fournier, Adam Philie, Rob Tu Back Row: Mr. Turcotte, Zach Langlois, Alex Arnold, Kyle Moran, Cole Franklin, Gordy Borek, Jackson Mitchell, Luke Nitishin, Mr. Fitzgeralc
Above left: Jack Noordsy brings the puck up the ice. Above: Declyn Thorton, Charlie Day, Russel McGillivray, with Eddie Kim in net.
Left: Hayden Berry, Eddie Kim (in goal), Brian Ryu, and Matt McCue ready for a breakout.
h iir i
nt Row: Charlie Kissel, Chris Choi, Scott McLeod, Brian Ryu, Matt McCue, Derek Chaney, ond Row: Charlie Day, Jake Gilbert, Jose Garza, Eddie Kim, Hayden Berry, Declyn Thorton. rd Row: Mr. Bayreuther, Jack Noordsy, Doug McGillivray, Russell McGillivray, Tavis Gibbons, Jason Sohn, Arick Escamilla, Tyler McElwain, Mr. nger.
On a sn ow y day at C lancy M ountain, recreational skiers and snow boarders catch a ride up the rope tow ; they g o dow n the h ill on sleds, skis and snow boards.
Front: Gerardo Barroso Canedo, Vic Alvarez, Taichi Okada, Kevin Choi, David Kim, Dan Somuano, Mr. Spearman. Back: Mr. Hart, Jacob Kim, Jaime Martinez, Diego Hernandez, Andres Sanche, Ben Cink, Marcelo Ruiz Zertuche. Not pictured: Adam Goldsmith, Daniel Haro, Hyungtae Kim, Jonathan Tuffy, Pieter Backhoff.
f t
A b o v e left: Charlie "Wall Street" Harrison slicin g and dicing. A bove: Sam D urst, Giant S lalom . fi
Left: Sp eigh t D rum m ond, N o Fear!
C o m p e t i t i v e S kbiwg
nt: Michael Hall, Jim Herbert, Ansel Dickey, Charlie Harrison, Bennett Melville, idle: Mr. Matson, Garrett Kogel, Wyatt Himmer, Chandler Spearman, Andrew Jeong, Ben Intarapuvasak, Sam Durst, Ms. Fera, Mr. DeMaggio. :k: Miles Hamilton, Mr. Gray, Reed Spearman, Vic Sordo, Carlos Ramirez de Aguilar, Rodrigo de la Fuente, Charlie Parry, Speight Drummond.
Above, left: The XC ski team prepares to set o ff on a training run from Greenwood House to Clancy Mountain. Above, right: Mao Mao making tracks. Right: Danny Belback, Benson Fu and Oscar Cheng enjoy the six inches o f new powder.
Pre-snow training: Oscar Cheng, Joey Exton, Benson Fu, Danny Belback, Bayard Roberts, Chase McGough, Mao Mao Wei, Coach Ran
1 I Above, left: James Howard j i f dominating at the wrestling � tournament.
Above, right: Nathaniel Moore in the starting position. Left: Carlos Gonzalez de Leon Roca declared the winner.
k e s t il iiw g
nt Row: Matt Sulzbacher, Austin Kim, Ha Joo Lee, AJ Wypychoski, Ben Auerbacli, Harrison Krepack, Youngrok Park, John Stephens ond Row: Coach Cushing, David Jarosiewicz, Justin Choi, James Howard, Alex Wolk, David Pluhar, Aidan Garron, John Choi, Coach Kreuzburg k Row: David Stack, Shawn Kim, Eric Kwon, David LeBreton, Carlos Gonzalez de Leon Roca, Nelson Klein, Jas Spearman, Nathaniel Moore, Adam -ell.
Above: Paul Pettengill com ing off the box. Above, right: Zach W illiam s takes advantage o f som e free time at Ragged Mountain over the February Parents' W eekend break.
R ig h t: Henry Kovacs carving around the gate.
Front Row: Zach W illiam s, Declan O'Brien, W ill Jarosiewicz, Caleb Glover, Ms. Sumner. Back Row: Paul Pettengil, D oel Jarosiewicz, A lex Banfield, Mike Hutchinson. N ot pictured, Henry Kovacs.
Above: Jay Bonti runs to save the ball. Middle; Akash Bharwani shoots the basketball high.
Front row: Francis Pack, Freddie W ynne, Jay Bonti, Andy Kebalka, Daniel Kim. Middle row: Jioh Bang, Grant Fisher, Jared Postemak, Koji Gormezano. Back row: Mr. Schultz, Akash Bharwani, Holden Soffer, A lex Kotrady, Andrew Herron, Mr. Jenkins.
A bove, right: David Hampton taking a foul shot, and it is good! Right: DonQuale leads the charge up the court.
Front Row: Aaron Rodriguez, Tony Karalekas, DonQuale W illiam s, Allan Daws Second Row: Coach Hannis, Chad Rogers, David Hampton, Josh Lee, Coach Lyr Back Row: John M cDonald, Johnathan Rhyne, Daniel Lee, Sheng Yeng Pe
Top left: C ole Brennan just passed the ball to a teammate. Top right; Jasper Beever and Auden Menke creating some Cougar offense. Left: James Lee puts one up for two points w hile teammates Jasper Beever, Peter Ferland and Cole Brennan help make the play.
Front row: Gianni Leslie, James Lee, Spenser Hukill, Jamie Kim, Joseph Park. Middle row: Cole Brennan, Auden Menke, JH Hyun, Peter Ferland, Sean Kim, Ted Lim. Back row: Mr. Pluhar, Cheng Luo, Max Barab, Ryan Suh, Jasper Beever, Sebastian Agramont, Sunny Luo, Mr. Flolt, Ms. Gahagan.
The Green Key Society is Cardigan's student tour guide group. Green Key members give tours o f our campus to prospective students and their families. Each prospective student has the opportunity to hear about Cardigan from a student's perspective. W e thank our Green Key Tour Guides for their service to our community.
Front: Josh Choc, Danny Belback, Jack Kelly, Dan Armstrong, John Choi, James Howard, Jon Phaneuf.' Middle: D oel Jarosiewicz,Brian Ryu, David LeBreton, N icky Funnell, Josh Dickman, John Stevens, Cam McCusker, Jas Spearman, Chad Rogers, A lex Wolk. Third row: Mr. Brian Beale, Jose Garza, Andy Kelbalka, Douglas M cGillivray, Charlie K issell, Derek Moon, Anthony Chammah, Josh Lee, Daniel Kim. Back row: Jason Sohn, John M cDonald, Ryan George, Shane Dalton, AJ Bourdon, N ik Nugnes, Daniel Lee. M issing are Chris Chapin and Jack Noordsy.
Varsity Snowboard: Mike Hutchinson, Doel Jarosiewicz, Zach Williams
Thirds Hockey: Brian Ryu, Charlie Kissell, Jack Noordsy
Wrestling: Alex Wolk and David Pluhar
JV Hockey: Kyle Moran and Matt Borghi
Alpine Racing: Ansel Dickey, Chandler Spearman, Vic Sordo
^ 3 ^ -
JV Basketball: Frances Paek, Jay Bonn, Akash Bharwani
Varsity Basketball: John McDonald, Chad Rogers, Ben King
Awards' s/7/0^
Thirds Basketball: Sean Kim and Sunny Luo
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Varsity Hockey: Nik Nugnes, Josh Dickman, Juho Laitinen
Reserve Hockey: Jip Kerrebijn and Santiago Gavito
'f4 P »
The Wrestling Team almost had to do some push-ups and sit-ups when Mr. Kreuzburg and Mr. Cushing pulled out a deck of cards...
Waiting for the Awards Ceremony to begin...
Cross-Country Skiing: Bayard Roberts and Mao Mao Wei
Gavin Bayreuther This is Gavin's scar wliich was caused by falling on the edge of a piano bench; the result was 6 stiches.
Jason Sohn This is Jason's scar on right foot after he had surgery to attach two bones. Do NOT run on the ice in flipflops.
Colin McCusker
Mr. Haire
This is Colin's scar after he had surgery to remove his appendix.
This is Mr. Haireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bullet wound, he is not at liberty t say anything further.
Alex BanKeld This is Alex Banfield's scar which he got from falling in a shower.
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I *
Chris Fournier This is Chris oumier's scar. He got this â&#x2013; om falling on a bike as he 5roke his jaw.
This is another scar of Mr. Haire's many scar collections. He got this when a bamboo tree was stuck on his knee.
Eric Kwon This is Eric Kwon's scar. He got this when he hit himself on a door.
Ryan George
John Rhyne This is John Rhyne's scar. He got this from a surgery to get four moles removed.
This is Ryan George's scar. He got this when he burned his arm.
Win ter
Ms. Rives inspired ail of her classes to be creative, these are some of the fabulous
Parents' Weekend was also the Scholastic Art Show, where Cardigan was well represented, seenextpage!
Cardigan excels at the
Scholastic Art Awards M s. R ives' art stud en ts brought h o m e m any aw ards! C on gratu lation s to all w h o participated.
by John Cameron Silver Key Award
1. Jason Sohn w as aw arded a Silver K< for his em bossed prir The P ow er D ow n Under- Janus Het 2. A D iego H ernandez paintin 3. D oel Jarosiew icz w as aw arded a Silv K ey fo r his stained glass w indow hangii titled Spring Blooi 4. D iego H ernandez w on a G old Key in tl C eram ics and G lass category fo Spiraling Spring Blossorr, 5. G ood an d Evil- Janus Hei by A lex Banfiel 6. Jas S pearm an's em bossed prin A utum n's L ast Breati
Cardigan & Campus
Thank you to Mr. Matson who provided the aerial photographs of the campus shown on this page (taken on the first day of Spring '09, believe it or not!), as well as so many others who generously shared their photographs for use throughout this book!
A few photographic memories...
Sandwich Fair, 9th grade class trip, a winter sunrise on the way to ist period class, seniors in Boston on their field trip, 8th graders in class, Doel posing with his stained glass art, Nicky, Wypy in costume.
Ryder and Hayden with Reverend Gene Robinson after a Chapel service, boys leaving Chapel service. Mountain Day, skiing at Ragged, Sunny counts $ in the penny wars, dorm competition (big crash), Jioh backstage, Charlie with two arms in casts, snowy day, class.
Stock Market Made Easy Winners On Friday, January 16, 2009, the winners o f the Stock Market Made Easy competition traveled to Fidelity Headquarters in Merrimack, NH to receive a tour and attend a lunch reception. Sponsored by Fidelity and The Manchester Union Leader, the Stock Market Made Easy competition involved 185 teams from the state o f New Hampshire. Each team was given an imaginary $100,000 to invest. Stocks were purchased on October 21, 2008 and sold on December 12, 2008. Out o f the 185 teams, only ten made modest gains; most teams posted losses. There was a team in Southern N ew Hampshire which lost $95,000! Three o f N ew Hampshire's ten winning teams were from Cardigan Mountain School. Seventh graders Declan O'Brien, Jacob Kim, Aaron Enescu, Jamie Kim, and Spenser Hukill were part o f the team known as The Billion Aires', they competed in the middle school category. Team 99% Korean came in second place in the middle school competition; team members included Joseph Park, Eddy Chang, Michael Hall, Ted Lim, J.H. Hyun, and David Kim. In the high school category, SID-$$$, comprised o f teammates Sunny Luo, Derek Moon, Bayard Roberts and Brian Ryu, comprised a winning team. Congratulations to all!
Above, Above, Below, Below,
left: The Billionaires with Ms. Sumner and event sponsors. right: Team SID-$$$ with Mr. Ramos and event sponsors. left: Team 99% Korean accepts their award. right: All the Cardigan winners gather with their awards..
Cardigan Mountain School Players present
"An Evening of Plays" March 5 and 6, 2009 Directed by Mr. Scott
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from Italy Mr. Spearman and Mr. Jenkins, our two Latin teachers, took this group o f Cardigan boys to Italy over March Break. From top to bottom: * Leaving Pompeii * at Hadrian's Villa * under a copy o f a statue o f Marcus Aurelius outside the Capitoline Museum (the original o f the statue is inside the museum) * a "mutiny" outside the Colosseum , Rome * standing with the dome o f St. Peter's Basilica the background
Over March Break, VIr. Sinclair and VIr. Cushing traveled with a »roup of boys to France. Sites they visited include: ■Arch de Triumphe • chillin' in the French Alps Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris ■a French cooking :lass Casino in Monte ::a rlo
the last supper in Paris
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The Varsity Hockey team had the opportunity to travel to Finland this year during March break, where they played a lot of hockey against various Finnish teams, including "The Old Boys," as well as attending classes at Vehkoja School (and other nearby schools), going to a disco night (and meeting many new adoring fans), and learning about the host city of Hyvinkaa and the nearby city of Helsinki. Saunas, "Iron Man" contests, Ahmat hockey club opponents, Hannu Lignell, a Finnish National League play-off game and many more people and events will be fondly remembered.
w H I S
Mr. DeMaggio and Ms. Fera took a group of boys and some fannily members skiing at Wliistler over March break. Mr. DeMaggio's account of the trip: "Three days of beautiful sun and skiing. One day of snowmobiling in the backcountry. The next four days, fresh powder every night. We skiied untracked powder for the next three days straight. The time of our lives! Thanks to all who joined us and helped out!"
yearbook I
\X7hat coin yju remember m ost about me f \X7hat luiU ^wu m iss m ost about Cardigan?^ Do ^ u haue a faoorite memory to share?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; And cohat about next yearf
Our School Leader Christopher Chapin "Way to be a leader Chaps" -anonymous
Hardest Part- Constantly being a role model for others Easiest Part- Public speaking Best Part- Sitting with Mr. and Mrs. McCusker during meal times Most Embarraslng Moment- Not knowing the music for morning meeting Fun Fact- Favorite hobby is fishing for Striped Bass Chris is not only our school leader, he is also the student head of the Green Key Society, a member of the Blaze staff, and is involved in a myriad of ways on campus.
Banks House
Mr. Gray, Tripp Pace, Brian Ryu, Paul Pettengil, Russell McGillivray, Eric Kwon, Ben Auerbach, Grant Fisher, Speight Drummond, Bennett Melville, Carlos Ramirez, Dr. Ledbetter, Mr. Jenkins.
Brewster I
Roughly left to right, back to front: Mr. Turcotte, Josh Choe, Josh Dickman, Eric Wollrath, Jaime Martinez, Victor Sordo, Mq King, D iego Ramonfaur, Sean Kim, A lex An, C ole Franklin, Chandler Spearman, Joseph Park, Zach Langlois, Auden Menke Ryder Arsenault, Mr. Haire, Spenser Hukill, Cheng Luo.
Brewster II
ter Ferland, James Lee (in red) Declyn Thornton, Andrew Jeong, DonQuale W illiams, Gerardo Barroso Canedo, Jasper ;ever, Adam Philie, Andrew Herron, Eugenio de la Fuente, Gianni Leslie, Mr. Auerbach, Mr. Cushing, Adam Goldsmith (in int o f Mr. Cushing), Hayden Berry, Scott McLeod, Tavis Gibbons, Sebastian Agramont-Justiniano.
Clark Morgan II
iristopher de la Garza, Andy Kebalka, Douglas McGillivray, Mr. Hannis, John Phaneuf, Kyle Moran, lilio Rosas, Jacob Caffrey, Chris Chapin, Ryan Conery, Mr. Exton, Mao Mao Wei. 99
Clark Morgan III
Left to right, back to front: Mr. Hilbert, Rodrigo D e La Fuente, Mike Hutchinson, Anthony Chammah, Freddy Wynne, Johnathan Rhyne, D oel Jarosiewicz, Connor Van Arnam, Jay Bonti, Danny Belback, Marcelo Ruiz.
Back: Max Barab, Tony Karalekas, Charlie Harrison, AJ Bourdon, Jack Noordsy, Jack W ilson. Front: Chris Choi, Griff Rogers, Derek M oon, Mike Weaver, Shane Dalton.
ack to front, left to right: Allen Dawson, Gordon Borek, Nathaniel Moore, Eddie Chang, Aaron Enescu, A lex W olk, Josh Lee, Jamie Kim, David Jarosiewicz, Sam Durst, Mr. Kreuzburg.
French I
ioughly left to right, back to front: Daniel Lee, Dan Somuano, Mr. Matson, Mr. LeRoy, Jackson Mitchell, Sebastian Lapointe, Michael Hall, Preston Kelsey, Gavin Bayreuther, Carlos Gonzalez D e Leon Roca, AJ W ypychoski, Mitch Rodgers, N eil McCalmont, Jim Herbert, Taichi Okada, Jonathan Tuffy, Isaac Lee, John Choi, Henry Kovacs, Joey Exton, Mikael Pluhar.
French II
Youngrok Park, Ted Lim, M iles Hamilton, D iego Ayala, Jacob Kim, A lex Kotrady, Declyn O'Brien, Jas Spearman, John Cameron, Carlos Velazquez, Jason Sohn, Hayden Jenkins, Holden Soffer, Cameron McCusker, Harrison Krepack, Bayard Roberts, David Kim, David Hampton, Mr. Dem aggio. (Miki Fera, Jake Spearman- dorm parents, not pictured)
Charles Parry, Mr. Hart, John Stephens, Benjamin King, Brodie McCusker, Ryan George, Francis Paek, Justin Choi, Mr. Ramos.
ront to back, left to right: Caleb Glover, Koji Gormezano, Robb DeMars, V ic Alvarez, Daniel Kim, Dr. McCormick, David .eBreton, Robbie Tuite, Nicky Funnell, Jake Gilbert, David Pluhar,Will Jarosiewicz, Mr. Holt, Santiago Gavito, Akash lharwani, Tyler M cElwain, Huaskar Rodriguez, Jack Kelly, Nik Nugnes, Jung Hwan Hyun, Mr. Schultz, N elson Klein.
Hinman 1
ront: Jared Posternak, Ben Intarapuvasak, Wyatt Himmer, Charlie Day, Aidan Garron, Chase McGough. Middle: Hajoo Lee, ddie Kim, Derek Chaney, Daniel Kim, Daniel Haro. Back: Johannes Lee, Mr. Macdonald, David Stack, Tyler W ilmot, Luke ennett, Ryan Suh, Pieter Backhoff, Garrett Kogel.
Hinman II
Ms. Sumner, Chris Fournier, Mrs. Otap, Sunny Luo, Sheng Yang Peng, Matt Borghi, Andres Sanche, Kevin Choi, Christopher Otap, Mr. Granger, Austin Kim, Cole Brennan, Dan Armstrong, Max Sulzbacher, Alex Arnold, Keno Sahnas, Diego Hernandez.
Adam Farrell, Shawn Kim, Matt Jarecki, Juho Laitinen, Alec M eigs-Rives, Chad Rogers, Zach Williams Steven Page, Ansel Dickey, Charlie Kissel, Marcelo Manautou. 104
Stowell House
Mr. Bayreuther, Spencer Han, Matt M cCue, Jip Kerrebijn, A lex Banfield, Arick Escamilla, Jose Garza, Mr. Pluhar, John M cDonald, Ben Cink, Mr. Scott.
Day Students
ont Row: Charlie Day, Auden Menke, Chris Otap, Peter Ferland, James Herbert, Chandler Spearman, :ond Row; Danny Belback, Ryder Arsenault, David Hampton, Hayden Berry, Garret Kogel, Adam Goldsmith, Zach Williams, Robb DeMars, David Pluhar, Spearman, Chase McGough, Jack Noordsy, Henry Kovacs.
Senior Class
^ J l i
^ a J- Mac attack
Dan Armstrong Dining Hall Steward 9 Varsity Cross Country 8,9 JV Hockey 8,9 Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 8 Robotics Team 8 Yearbook 8,9 Oak Ridge, North Carolina
Alex Arnold Hinman II Floor Leader JV Hockey 8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Reserve Soccer 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 Glee Club 8,9 Ceramics 9 Green Key 9 Trash Can Lax Champ 8 Cranston, Rhode Island
Alex BanHeld Snowboard Racing 8,9 Varsity Soccer 9 Goalkeeper JV Lacrosse 8 Coach's Award Honor Roll Ceramics 8,9 Recycling 9 Hockey for Non-Hockey Players 8 Bolton, Conneticut
Jioh Bang Nurse's Assistant, 9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 JV Tennis 7,8,9 JV Basketball 9 Reserve Basketball 7,8 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Listen Center 7,9 Glee Club 7,8,9 Listen Center 7,8,9 Seoul, South Korea
Gavin Bayreuther French I Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Lacrosse 7,8,9 Honor Roll 6,7,8,9 Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9 Drawing, Ceramics 6,9 W oodworking 7,8 Stalag 17 8 Community Service Hockey, Lacrosse, & Soccer 7,8 Green Key Society 6,7,8,9 Canaan, N ew Hampshire
Akash Bharwani Class Treasurer 9 Kitchen Crew 9 JV Soccer 9 JV Basketball 9 High Honor Roll, Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9 Drawing, Ceramics 9 Woodworking 7,8 Soccer Award 8 Zofri-Iquique, Chile
r# 108
Jameson Bonti "Jay" CM III Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Reserve Soccer 8 Sportsmanship Award Varsity Skiing 8 JV Baseball 8 Varsity Football 9 Guitar 8,9 Drama 9 Woodworking 8 Avon, Conneticut
Anthony Bourdon "AJ" Bronfman Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9 Waiter 8 JV Hockey Captain 8 Varisty Soccer 8,9 Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 8,9 Winter Play 9 Green Key 8,9 Community Service Lacrosse 8 He Bizard, PQ Canada
Anthony Chammah Job Supervisor 9 Waiter 8 JV Football, QB 8 Thirds Baseball 8 Coach's Award 8 Reserve Soccer 9 Glee Club 8,9 Greenkey Society8,9 Greenwich, Connecticut
Chris Chapin S chool L eader 9 G reen Key C oordinator 9 G lee C lub M anager V arsity Football 9 V arsity H ockey 8,9 V arsity Lacrosse 8,9 R eserve A Soccer 8 H onor Roll 8,9 E ffo rt H onor Roll 8,9 Student L eader R ecognition A w ard 9 O utstanding U nderclassm an A w ard 8 H eart o f the C ougar A w ards 8,9 C om m unity Service A w ard 8 G iee Club 8,9 G reen K ey 8,9 Y earbook S taff 8,9 Brother's K eeper 8 Y oga C lub 8 C erm acis 8,9 Trap Shooting C lub 8 E ast Falm outh, M assachusetts
Joshua Choe "Josh" International Student Liason 9 JV Football 8,9 JV Basketball 8 Varsity Hockey Manager 9 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 High Honor Roll 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 8 Community Service Award 8 Glee Club 9 Green Key Society 9 R ecycling 8 Manhasset, N ew York
Hyun Woo Choi "Chris" Dining Hall Steward 9 Waiter 7,8 JV Soccer 9 JV Tennis 8 Thirds Hockey 9 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 7,8,9 Christmas Pageant 7,8 Play, Tech and Stage Crew 8,9 Road Warriors 7 Recycling 8 Seoul, South Korea
Shane Dalton Dewar House Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Waiter 8 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 Student Leader Recognition Award 8 Dorm Citizenship Award 8 Community Service Award 8 Community Service Lacrosse Club 8 Glee Club 9 Mini Hockey Club 9 Green Key 8,9 Newbury, Massachusetts
Eugenio de la Fuente Kitchen Crew Varsity Soccer 8 Varsity Skiing 8 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 Reserve Hockey 9 Bowling Club 9 Celaya, GTO Mexico
Christopher de la Garza Dining Hall Steward 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Soccer Coaches Award 9 Reserve Hockey 9 Trash Can Lacrosse Club 9 San Pedro Garza Garcia, NL Mexico
Josh Dickman Brewster I Floor Leader JV Football - Co Cap. Coaches Award 8 Varsity Football, Coaches Award, Co-Cap 9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 High and Effort Honor Roll 8 Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement i Honor and Effort Honor Roll 9 Mr. Cardigan 8 Glee Club 9 Flight o f the Lawnchair Man 9 Green Key Society 8,9 Community Service Lacrosse 8,9 Wayne, New Jersey
Oscar Cheng Dining Hall Steward 9 Waiter 8 Salad Bar 7 Thirds Tennis 7,8 Tennis 9 Thirds Soccer 8 Varsity Cross-Country Running 7,9 Varsity Cross-Country Skiing 7,8,9 M ost Improved and Coach's Award Stage Crew and Set Construction 8,9 Recycling Club 7 Community Service Award 7 Taipei, Taiwan ROC
Benson Fu Job Supervisor 9 Soccer 7,8,9 Cross-Country Skiing 7,8,9 Baseball 7,8,9 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Big Brother Program 9 Road Warriors 9 Outstanding Citizenship 9 Hsinchu, Taiwan
Nick Funnell Assistant School Leader 9 Class President 8 Vice President 6,7 Reserve A Hockey 6,7,8 Co-captain 7,8 Reserve B Soccer, Captain, Coach's Award 6,7 Reserve A Soccer 8 Reserve Tennis, Coach's Award 7,8 High Honor and Effort Honor Roll 6,7,8,9 National Junior Honor Society 8,9 Math and Spanish Prizes 8 English and Science Prizes 7 Foreign Language and Science Prizes 6 Essay Contest Winner 6,8 Glee Club 7,8,9 Drama 6,7,8,9 This Is A Test, Mouse That Roared, Indubitably, Flight o f the Lawnchair Man Green Key 6,7,8,9
Jose Garza Brewster II Floor Leader 9 Class President 9 Student Center Leader Supervisor 9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 Recreational Snowboarding 8 Thirds Hockey 9 Reserve A Tennis 8 Glee Club 8,9 Drama, Flight o f the Lawnchair Man 9 Green Key 8,9 Garza Garcia, NL, M exico
Ryan George Dean's Assistant 9 Student Center Proctor 9 Waiter 8 Varsity Football 9 Reserve A Soccer 8 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 8 Community Service Award 8 Community Service Lacrosse Club ! Glee Club 9 Mini Hockey Club 8,9 Green Key 8 Yearbook Staff 8,9 East Sandwich, Massachusetts
Carlos Gonzalez De Leon Roca Kitchen Crew 9 Wrestling 9 Thirds Soccer 9 Ceramics 9 SSAT Club 9 Cd Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Michael Hutchinson "Hutch" W oodshop Supervisor 9 Waiter 8 Classroom Cleaner 6,7 Reserve Football 6 JV Football 8 Varsity Football 9 JV Cross Country 7 Varsity Snowboarding 6,7,8,9 Reserve Lacrosse 8,9 Golden Hammer Woodworking Award 7 R ecycling 8,9 Bridge and Trail Building 9 Canaan, NH
Matthew Jarecki "Beef" Student Center Proctor 9 Kitchen Crew 9 JV Soccer 9 JV Baseball 8 Honor Roll 8 English Essay Contest 8 Coaches Award JV Soccer 9 Paget, Bermuda
Doel Jarosiewicz Classroom Cleaner Supervisor 9 Bookbag Ticketer 8 Waiter 7 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Varsity Snowboarding 8,9 Thirds Football 7 Thirds Lacrosse 7 Student Leader Award 6 Heart o f the Cougar Award 8,9 Stained Glass Making 9 W oodworking 8 Winter Play 8 Painting, Drawing, Sculpting 7 Canaan, NH
John Kelly "Jack" Kitchen Crew 9 Waiter 8 White Team Captain 9 Varsity Football 9 JV Hockey 9 JV Lacrosse 8 Glee Club 9 Woodshop 9 Winnetka, Illinois
Preston Kelsey Student Leader Job Foreman 9 JV Hockey 9 Reserve A Soccer 9 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 8,9 National Junior Honor Society 8,9 Ceramics, Drawing 8 Woodworking 9 Winter Play 9 Community Service Soccer Club 8 Ultimate Frisbee 8,9 Lyme, New Hampshire
Benjamin King Current Events Proctor 9 Varsity Cross Country 8,9 Varsity Basketball 8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 8 Heart o f the Cougar 8,9 Green Key Society 9 Woodworking 8 Williston, Vermont
Juho Laitinen Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Lacrosse 9 Hyvinkaa, Finland
David LeBreton Chaplain's Assistant 9 Soccer 6,7,8,9 Basketball 6,7,8 Varsity Tennis 8,9 Wrestling 9 Honor Roll 7,8 Coach's Award (soccer, tennis)7 Glee Club 9 Dedham, Massachusetts
Daniel Lee Chaplain's Assistant 9 Math Counts Coach 9 V arsity Soccer 9 Reserve A Soccer 8 Reserve B Soccer 7 JV Lacrosse 8 Reserve Lacrosse 7 Honor and Effort Honor Roll 7,8 History Prize 7 Math Counts 7,8 Music Ensemble 7,8,9 First Clarinet Glee Club 7 Green Key Society 9 Recycling 7,8 Yearbook 9 Hockey for Non-Hockey Players 8 Tennis for Non-Tennis Players 7,8 Seoul, South Korea
Eun Youb Lee "Josh" Kitchen Foreman Class Treasurer 8 Varsity Tennis 8,9, JV Lakes Region # 2 singles runner up Varsity Cross Country Coach's Award 9 Varsity Basketball 9 High Honor Roll 6,8 Coach's Award 9 Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award for Educational Achievement 8 Language Award 6 Flight o f the Lawnchair Man 9 Stalag 17 8 This is a Test 1 Glee Club 6,7,8,9 Green Key Society 7,8,9 Stage Crew 7,8,9 Set Construction 7,8,9 Yearbook 9 Seoul, South Korea
Hajoo Lee Dining Hall Head Steward 9 Varsity Cross Country 9 Reserve Soccer 8 Reserve Basketball 8 Reserve Tennis 8 Wrestling 9 High Honor Roll 7,8,9 Effort Honor Roll 7 Latin Award 7 G lee Club 7,8,9 Flight o f the Lawnchair M an 9 R ecycling 8 Yearbook 8,9 Road Warriors 8,9 Seoul, South Korea
Dongyang Luo "Sunny" Assistant to Activities Director 9 Waiter 8 Reserve B Baseball, Coach's Award 8 Cross-Country Skiing 8 Thirds Basketball 9 Q
High Honor Roll 8,9 Honor Roll 9 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 President's Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence 8 Piano, Music Ensemble 8,9 Listen Center 8 Driving Range Club Team 1st Place Finish In Fidelity Smart Stock Competition 9 Park View, Hong Kong
Marcelo Manautou Varsity Football 9 Reserve Hockey 9 Monterrey, Mexico
Matthew McCue Student Center Proctor 9 Varsity Cross Country 8,9 1st Runner, Captain, Coach's Award, 9 Reserve B Hockey 8 Alternate Captain, Coach's Award 8 Thirds Hockey, 9 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 Lacrosse 9 Glee Club 9 Green Key 9 Manchester, New Hampshire
Colin McCusker "Brodie" Floor Leader Greenwood 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 JV Hockey 8 Varsity Hockey 9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 High Honor, Honor and Effort Roll 8,9 Yearbook 8,9 G lee Club 8,9 Drama 9 Green Key 8,9 Concord, N ew Hampshire
John McDonald Stowell House Floor Leader 9 JV Lacrosse 8 JV Basketball, Coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award 8 Varsity Basketball 9 Varsity Cross Country 9 Honor, Effort Honor Roll 9 Glee Club 7,9 Green Key 9 Recycling Club 8 Atlanta, Georgia
Douglas McGillivray Student Center Proctor 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Buffet Crew 8 Thirds Soccer 9 Reserve A Lacrosse 7,8 Reserve A Hockey 7,8 Thirds Hockey 9 Glee Club 9 Road Warriors 9 Helping Hands 9 Green Key 8,9 Winnetka, Illinois
Russell McGillivray Kitchen Crew 9 Current Event Supervisor 9 Varsity Football 9 Thirds Hockey 7,8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor and Effort Roll 7,8,9 Ceramics 7,8,9 Glee Club 7,8,9 Green Key Society 7,8,9 Recycling Club 8,9 Listen Center 8 Winnetka, Illinois
Scott McLeod Dining Hall Steward 9 Waiter 8 JV Soccer 9 Varsity Tennis 8,9 Thirds Hockey 9 Honor Roll 8 Drama Recess, and Shirley 8 Woodworking 9 Jupiter, Florida
Bennett Melville Kitchen Crew 9 Classroom Cleaner 8 Waiter 8 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Ski Racing/USSA 8,9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll all terms 8 Honor Roll 9 NH Scholastic Art Award Entry 9 Ceramics and Printmaking 9 Redding, Connecticut
Jackson Mitchell Dining Hall Steward 9 Kitchen Pit Crew 9 Waiter 8 JV Football 8 Varsity Football 9 Reserve A Hockey 8 JV Hockey 9 Reserve A Baseball 8 Honor Roll 9 W oodworking 8,9 Trail Building 9 Green Key 9 York, Maine
Gun Ho Moon "Derek" Proctor for Student Center 9 JV Soccer 9 Reserve Hockey 9 Reserve Tennis 8 Effort Honor Roll 8 Music Ensemble 8,9 G lee Club 8,9 Recycling Club 8 Trumpet 8,9 Green Key 9 Team 1st Place Finish Fidelity Smart Stock Competition 9 Seoul, South Korea
Nathaniel Moore "Nat" Kitchen Crew 9 JV Football 9 Wrestling 9 Reserve B Lacrosse 8 Woodworking 9 Boca Raton, FL
Kyle Moran Athletic Foreman 9 Varsity Football 8,9 J.V. Hockey 7,8,9 Baseball 7,8,9 Honor Roll 7 Recess 8 S ta la g l? 9 Glee Club 7,9 Christmas Pageant 8 Green Key 8,9 Marshfield, Massachusetts
Jack Noordsy Day Student Leader 9 Classroom Supervisor 8 Bookbag Ticketer 7 Thirds Hockey 6,7,8,9 Lacrosse 6,7,8,9 Rock Climbing 6,7,8,9 High Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll 6,7 Honor Roll 8 , i History Prize 6 French Prize 7 Heart o f the Cougar 8 This is a Test, The M ouse That R oared 7 Green Key 8,9 Yearbook Staff 7,8,9 Canaan, N ew Hampshire
Nik Nugnes Hayward Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 8,9 Class Treasurer 9 Varsity Soccer 8,9 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll 8,9 National Junior Honor Society 8,9 Drama 9 Green Key 8,9 Road Warriors 9 West Barnstable, Massachusetts
Youngrok Park
Theater Manager 9 Salad Bar 8 Thirds Soccer 9 Reserve Soccer 8 Varsity Snowboarding 8 W restling 9 Tennis 8 Honor and Effort Roll 8 High Honor Roll 9 Stage Crew 8 Theater Manager 9 Set Construction 8,9 Glee Club 8 Road Warrior 9 Indianapolis, Indiana
Paul Pettengill Kitchen Crew 8 Dining Hall Steward 9 JV Cross Country 8 Varsity Snowboarding 8,9 Reserve A Lacrosse 8 High Honor Roll 8 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 8 Glee Club 9 Topsfield, Massachusetts
John Phaneuf CMII Floor Leader 9 Kitchen Crew 9 Waiter 8 Reserve A Soccer 8 JV Football 9 JV Hockey 8,9 Reserve B Lacrosse, Captain, Coach's Award 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Effort Honor Roll 8,9 G lee Club 9 Green Key 9 Manchester, N ew Hampshire
David Pluhar Classroom Cleaner 7 Job Supervisor 8,9 Varsity Wrestling 7,8,9 Rock Climbing 7,8,9 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Ceramics 8 Trapshooting 8 Spelling Bee Champion 7 Destination Imagination 7 Grafton, New Hampshire
Bayard Roberts Cross Country Running 9 Cross Country Skiing 9 Recreational Skiing 8 Recreational Tennis 8 Rock Climbing 8 Honor Roll 8,9 Latin Prize 8 Recycling 8 Team 1st Place Finish In Fidelity's Smart Stock Competition 9 Arlington, Virginia
Mitch Rogers Kitchen Crew 9 JV Soccer 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Lacrosse 9 Stratham New Hampshire
Huaskar Rodriguez "Aaron" Kitchen Crew Manager 9 Green Team Captain 9 Waiter 8 Varsity Baseball 8,9 Varsity Football 8,9 Varsity Basketball 9 Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll 9 Leadership Recognition 9 Drama 9 Woodworking 9 Bronx, New York
Chad Rodgers North Dorm Leader 9 JV Basketball 8 Varsity Basketball 9 JV Football 8 Reserve Baseball 8 Reserve Soccer 9 Coach's Award 8,9 Honor Roll and Effort 8,9 Spanish Award 8 Glee Club, soloist 8,9 Drama Flight o f the Lawnchair M an 9 Green Key 9 D ining Hall Steward 9 Newburgh, N ew York
Griffin Rogers Kitchen Crew 9 Third Soccer 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Baseball 9 Woodshop 9 Bow, New Hampshire
Luis Rosas "Emilio" Kitclien Crew 9 Current Events Checker 9 JV Soccer, Co-Captain 9 Wrestling 9 Tennis 9 Honor Roll 9 Drama 9 Victoria, Mexico
Ji Hwan Ryu "Brian" Banks House Floor Leader Varsity Cross Country 9 Thirds Hockey 9 Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll 9 National Junior Honor Society Music Ensemble 8,9 R ecess (Ensemble) 8 Flight o f the L aw nchair M an (Ensemble) 9 Stalag 17 9
Backstage Crew 8 B igger Than Life 9 Yearbook 8,9 Green Key Society 8,9 Team 1st Place Finish in Fidelity's Smart Stock 9 Seoul, South Korea
Jung Uk Sohn "Jason" French II Floor Leader 9 Varsity Football 8.9 Reserve Tennis 7 Coach's Award 7 Thirds Hockey 9 Reserve B Hockey (Captain) 8 N.H. Scholastic Arts Recognition Award 9 M ath Prize 7 High Honor Roll 7 Honor Roll 8 Effort Honor Roll 7,8 M ath Counts 8 Prop Master 9 Indubitably 8 Recess 8 Stalag 17 8 Flight o f the Lawnchair Man 9 Glee Club 7,8,9 Music Ensemble 7,8.9 Green Key Society 7,8,9 The Cougar Callers 9 Yearbook 8,9 Seoul. South Korea
Reed Spearman Student Green Team Coordinator Rock Climbing 8,9 Coach's Award 9 Alpine Skiing 8,9 Lacrosse 8,9 Honor Roll Woodworking Recycling 8,9 Canaan, New Hampshire
Ryan Suh Math Counts Advisor JV Tennis 7,8 Tennis 9 Cross Country 9 Honor Roll 7,8,9 Glee Club 8,9 Woodworking 7,8,9 Road Warriors 7,8 Cougar Callers 9 Seoul, South Korea
Mike Weaver Kitchen Crew 8,9 Classroom Cleaner 7 Varsity Hockey 8,9 Varsity Soccer 9 JV Lacrosse 8 Honor Roll 7 Effort Honor Roll 7 Drama 7,8,9 Glee Club 9 Wakefield, Massachusetts
Zachary Williams "Zach" Classroom Cleaner 7 Classroom Supervisor 8,9 JV Football 8,9 Reserve A Baseball, Most Improved 7 Honor Roll 7,8 Effort Honor Roll 7,8 Woodworking 9 Yearbook 8 Trail Building 9 Mountain Biking Club 8 Grafton, New Hampshire
Tyler Wilmot Hinman 1 Floor Leader 9 Class Vice President 9 Kitchen Crew Pit Boss 9 Varsity Hockey 9,9 Varsity Baseball 9,9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Football 9 Heart o f the Cougar 9 Glee Club 9,9 Bridgewater, Connecticut
Alexander Wolk "Alex" Franklin House Floor Leader 9 Waiter 8 Varsity Football 9 JV Football 8 Varsity W restling 9 JV W restling 8 JV Baseball 8 Reserve A Baseball 7 Drawing and Ceramics 7,8,9 Honor Roll 7,8 Effort Honor Roll 7,8,9 R ecycling Club 8,9 Green Key 9 Bedford, N ew Hampshire
Eric Woolrath Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Football 9 Varsity Hockey 9 Glee Club 9 Wood Working 9 Groton, Massachusetts
Frederick Wynne "Freddie" Kitchen Crew 9 Varsity Soccer 9 Varsity Basketball 9 Honor Roll 9 Drawing 9 Road Warriors 9 Madison, New Jersey
Alexander J. Wypychoski "AJ" Kitchen Crew 9 Reserve B Soccer, Coach's Award 8 JV Soccer 9 Varsity Tennis 8,9 Honor Roll 8 Glee Club 9 Woodshop 8,9 Recycling 8 Yearbook 8,9 Beverly Farms, MA
Awards So, what do your classmates really M nk of you? Are you famous or infamous? Will you be awarded honor or ignominy? Check out the superlatives of the class of 2009. Bythe way, you are a// very special! ;D
{Best} Paul Pettengill is most likely to help the other fellow (In this case. Hayden Berry. 6th grade; "lift while you climb") Benson Fu is always the first with a smile.
Aaron Rodriguez clutches his award while signing autographs, he is "most likely to be a celebrity." Class Brain is David Pluhar. Nik Nugnes is "Mr. Cardigan". Alex Banfield has the messiest room, David LeBreton is going to be the most loyal alum (with Ms, Jarosiewicz. Director of Alumni Events).
A aron R odriguez has the besi sense ol'humor; here he is cracking up6lh graders Charlie Day. Declyn Thornton and Jonalhsm Tufty. C h a d Rogers is most musical. Colin M cC usker won the award for the cleanest room. J o n P h a n e u f is the most cheerful. Nick Funnel! is most likely lo succeed. Nik NugneÂŤ5 is most heroic (thanks, Dickraan!) Kric W ollrath is most gullible (Nugnes says.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Tdric, your award is on the ceiling!")
Doel Jarosiewicz is most artistic. Nicky Funnell is most likely to return to Cardigan as a teacher. Akash Bharwani is most quiet (or at least he used to be!). Josh Dickman is most athletic and quite possibly the anti-hero. Russell McGillivray (not pictured) was named most likely to stay up past lights out.
Our Elected
Studen't \-ea(^e^'e
Student leaders of 2008 ~ 2009 David LeBreton (Chaplain's Assistant), A lex W olk (Franklin), Gavin Bayreuther (French I), Hajoo Lee (Head Dining Hall Steward), Josh Dickman (Brewster 1), Brian Ryu (Banks), Tyler W ilm ot (Hinman I), N ick Funnell (Assistant School Leader), Josh Lee (Kitchen Foreman), Daniel Lee (Chaplain's Assistant), John Phaneuf (Clark-Morgan II), John McDonald (Stowell), Chad Rogers (North), C olin McCusker (Greenwood), Shane Dalton (Dewar), N ik Nugnes (Hayward), Jay Bonti (Clark'Morgan III), Jack Noordsy (Day Students), Tavis Gibbons (Brewster II), Chris Chapin (School Leader), A lex Arnold (Hinman II), Preston Kelsey (Jobs Foreman), Kyle Moran (A thletic Jobs Foreman), Jaso: Sohn (French II). N ot pictured: Jose Garza (Brewster II).
Class o f 2009 132
David LeBreton, Nicky Funnell, D oel Jarosiewicz, Mike Hutchinson, Josh Lee, Jack Noordsy, and Gavin Bayreuther have all been here since the sixth grade when they had Mr. Sinclair and Ms. Hasenfuss as their lead teachers. This is the largest group o f graduating four-year boys in recent memory, possibly ever! W e are s^o proud o f each and every one o f them. Congratulations^! 'T '^ 133
We love you, Colin Brodie! Congratulations! Love, Monn, Dad, Cam, and Buzz
Cape Cod Boys!!!
D ear C lassm ates, W e finally accom plished g ra d u a tin g from m id d le school! W e w e n t th ro u g h to u g h tim es together b u t finally w e p u lle d it off! W e hope th at y o u do very w ell in h ig h school; keep in touch! C ongratulations, Class of 2009! Best W ishes, Brian a n d Josh
Jack, Jake, Gavin and Nicky at Jack's 11th birthday party in 5th grade.
Dear Jack, W h o knew, w hen we pushed you in your stroller up the sidewalk to watch Cardigan boys play lacrosse in the field behind the North Church, that you, too, would someday be a Cardigan boy? Do you remember your birthday party in 5th grade w hen G avin and N icky (they were Green Key material even then!) convinced you to go to Cardigan? Four year boy. Day Student leader, honor roll student. Green Key member, you have made us very proud. Thanks for making the com m ute with me every day! Congratulations to you and the class of 2009! Love, Mom, Dad, Charlotte, Bridey, Liberty and Zinnia
Jack Noordsy
Chris Choi
We are so proud of you.
Love, Mom and Dad
Mike Hutchinson
Eric Wollrath
Congratulations Eric, w e are so proud o f you. A lw ays reach for your dreams. Love from all o f usâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Mom, Dad, Matt and Nick
Ha-Joo Lee
Jung Uk Sohn (Jason) Jason, Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you. You've always given us joy. Continue challenging yourself as you leap to the bigger world. We will always be with you. Son, we love you so much. Monn, Dad, and Jung Jae
Anthony Chammah A Job Well Done. We Are So Proud of You!!! We Love You Tons!!! Love, Mom and Russ, Alex and Issy
mnder^tiimemdrle^ilneep u mre hrn. li^eare pr&ud whafpu, fuure accdmpMiedaPCardiยงan MmnMn Sc/m i Vmr mm andI mu^ld &^keW ieep u r dreamt ce^mefrue Ln the^iMre. We tkink Gc^d p r he h a i ' t & mr and m m nPpti W-pra^ aiimp. Bemdeif, (>eearned, andptc ยงeP pu> mnP.
AJ Wypychoski
Congratulations AJ! We love you! Mommy, Daddy & Amanda
Benjamin W. King Dear Bee: CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON YOUR GRADUATION FROM CARDIGAN MOUNTAIN SCHOOL! As these pictures represent, you have accomplished a lot and have grown into an outstanding young man of whom we are extremely proud! Continue to grow, walk humbly and always remember to give back.
We LOVE YOU!! Mom. Dad. Rachel. Hannah, and
Mmm I ' i
'i:3 A
B elieve it!
Mr. Gray lost a bet to this group of 9th grade boys, who collected on their wager by making Mr. Gary go shirtless for the class. David LeBreton, Luis Emilio Rosas, Juho Laitinen, Benson Fu, and Mike W eaver surround Mr. Gray.
Cardigan Mountain School Class of
2009 A special thanks to Mrs. lacuzzi for helping with the yearbook club this year, and a huge thank you to Mr. Brian Cheek and the Development staff for securing the funding for our first ever all-color yearbook! cardigan n. 1868, named after Brudenell, Earl o f Cardigan, (1797-1868), who wore such a jacket during the charge o f the Light Brigade.
mountain n. Probably before 1200 montaine, mountayne, in Layamon's Chronicle o f Britain', also mounteyne (about 1384); borrowed from Old French m ontaige mountain, from Vulgar Latin montanea, mountain or mountain region, from fem inine o f montaneus o f a mountain, from Latin montanus mountainus, from mons (genitive montis) mountain, mount. school n. place o f instuction. Probably before 1200 scole, in A ncrene R iwle and Layamon's Chronicle o f B ritainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, developed from Old English scole (before 899 in Alfred's translation o f Bede's E cclesiastical History)-, borrowed from Latin schola, from Greek schole school. Source: Chambers Dictionary o f Etym ology, 2005 W herever life takes you, remember the good times and good friends you had at Cardigan! Remember to stay in touch with each other and with the school, w e love to hear from our alums! ***Watch f o r the Spring Yearbook Supplement, which will be m ailed to your home this sum m er.***
May the road rise to meet you, | May the wind be always at your back, i May the sun shine warm upon your face, i May the rains fall soft upon your fields, i And, until we meet again. May God hold you in the palm o f His hand. -attributed to Saint Patrick
Yearbook Dedication Dr. Steven Ledbetter
\ Dr. Ledetter has taught at CMS for eight years. He was a dorm parent in Hayward for five years and is now a dorm parent in Banks House. Cardigan's ow fPM r. Holland". Dr. Ledbetter provides the^)pportunity for aH Cardigan boys to experience playing in an ensemble or singing, while he writes and arranges pieces for the ensembles to perform under his direction. Dr. Ledbetter teaches every student in .. the school at one time or other during the school year (that is a lot of comments to write!). The students him best for his wacky sense of humoG kindness, patience, the 'T eam 1-Team 2" game in music class, and fanatical foljiawing of the Penguins and Steelers.
Dr. Ledbetter is truly a composer in residence; he has had pieces performed by orchestras and chamber groups in the United States, Japan, Turkey, and Hungary. He has recently finished writing a concerto for orchestra and violin which will hopefully be published and performed in the near future. "Dr, Ledbetter is an outstanding dorm parent, showing compassion for all of his students." "He always makes a strong committment to helping and to improving things for others.
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Reserve Lacrosse I
Front: Daniel Kmi, Declan O Bnen. James Lee, Chris Otap, Auden Menke, Eugenio Salinas. Middle: Joey Exton, Chandler Spearman, Jaime Martinez, Daniel Haro, Austin Kim, Hyungtae Kim, Ben Intarapuvasak, John Choi. Back: Mr. Exton, Victor Alvarez, Nelson Klein, Victor Sordo, D iego Ramonfaur, Michael Hall, Sebastian Aiiramont-Justiniano, Rodrigo De la Fuente, Mr. Gray.
i ,
Reserve lacrosse was comprised o f som e seasoned players and som e who were new to the sport. The team experienced a lot o f growth and learning during the season, and cam e together well as a team. Most o f all, they played hard and practiced to get better, and the coaches saw a lot o f improvement from all the boys.
Thirds Lacrosse
Front: Sebastian LaPointe, Jacob Kim. Eric Kwon, Marcelo Manatou. Ben Cink. Arick Escamilla, Eddy Chang. .Take Gilbert. Back: Coach Kreuzberg, Chris De La Garza. Marcelo Ruiz, Nathaniel Moore. Spencer Han, Santiago Gavito, Alex An. Johnathan Rhyne, Preston Kelsey, Carlos Ramirez, Eddie Kim, Jason Sohn, Andres Sanche, Daniel Somuano. Derek Chaney. Akash Bharwani. Charles Ho. Speight Drummond. Coach Turcotte.
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Coach Kreuzburg was joined by firstyear lacrosse coach Turcotte, and together they helped the Thirds Lacrosse team on to many victories, ending with a win/loss of 6/2. The team had several returning players who brought great experience anil leadership to the team, and it was rounded out by new players. Coach K could be heard saying "Two we poke!" which sounds a bit like "tooeypoke" to the fans!
J V Lacrosse
Front: Jac o b C arrre y , Z a c h L an g lo is, Jac k so n M itc h ell. A lex B an tield . Jac k N oordsy, Josh C h o e, C ole F ran k lin . B rian Ryu. M iddle: John P h an eu f. D an A rm stro n g , Jo h n S tep h en s. H ay d en Jen k in s, M att M cC ue. H arrison K repack. M alt B orghi. R yan C onery. B ack: C o ac h S p e a rm a n . M ik e H u tch in so n . D o n Q u ale W illiam s. D aniel L ee, Paul P etten g ill. R ussell M cG illivray, D o u g la s M cG illiv ray . Jas S pearm an. C oach B eale.
JV L a c ro sse e n d e d Iheir seaso n on a w in n in g n o te by b e atin g K aglebrook at E a g le b ro o k in a very tig h t g a m e . 6.â&#x20AC;&#x153;i. T h e team alsi) w on an e x citin g g a m e a g ain st P in k erto n A cad em y in an o v e rtim e g a in e e a rlie r in the seaso n . ."?-2. w ith th e g am e ty in g goal by Jac k N o o rd sy an d the g am e w in n in g goal by Jo sh C h o c. T h e team had a g re a t e x p erie n ce o v erall th is spring, d e v elo p in g sk ills an d c o m in g to g e th e r as a g ro u p .
Varsity Lacrosse
Front Row: T. Pace, D. Jarosiewicz. R, Spearman, A. Dawson. J. Wilson, J. Laitincn, C. Chapin. Middle Row: B. McCiisker. C. .McCusker. B. Melville. M. Rodgers. E. Wollrath. G. Bayreuther. M. King. A. Pliilie. J. Dickinan, Back Row: Coach Frost. Coach McCormick, J. Kelly. M. Weaver. H. Softer. B, King. N, Niignes. A. Bourdon. S. Dalton, A. Arnold, R. George, J. McDonald, Coach Bavreuther.
Above: Del'enseman .liiho Laitinen slides to meet an attackmen.
Above Left: Jack Wilson passes the ball off.
Left: Attackman Eric Wollrath puts a shot on net.
Far Left: Jack Wilson picks up a loosi ball. Varsity Season 17 wins 3 losses
Rock Climbing
Front: Coach Kenny, Bayard Roberts, Coach Pluhar. Back: David Pluhar, Ansel Dickey, Charlie Harrison, Gianni Leslie, Garrett Kogel.
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A bove: B ay a iu R o b erts sealin g a rock
A b o v e, right: D avid P liiliar clim b in g up a c re v asse. R ight: G ian n i I.eslie fin d in g a fo o t hold. I-'ar right: C h arlie H arriso n reach in g fo r a carabiEier .
Front; Coach Cushing, Ben Auerbach. Cierardo Barroso, Jose Garza, Coach Grangei Back: Jim Herbert, Mikael Pluhar, Adam Goldsmith, Chase McGough.
(â&#x20AC;˘iir lel'l: G erardci B arro so hik in g out on the w in d w a rd side. A bove left; A dam G o ld sm ith p ulling in the jib sheet. L eft: M ikael P lu h a r fighting the jih sheet. A bove: B en A uerbach hik in g out so as not to tip (again). hi s a ih n g this sp rin g w e had a lot o f new people sailin g and had a g reat
W e Breath W ind
Reserve Baseball
FronI Row: Jonathan TulTy, Peter Ferland, Spencer Hukill, Ji Oh Bang, Robb Demars. Back Row: Coach Schiilt/., Sunny Luo, Mao Mao W ei, Max Siil/bachcr, Sheng Yang Peng, Jasper Beever, Cheng Luo, Coach Sinclair.
Reserve Baseball won som e exciting games this year, with a 13 to 6 win over Mascoma and a 21 to 6 win over Greenwood School. Their overall record was 4 wins, 6 losses. Great camaraderie and a w illingness to learn were som e o f the hallmarks o f this
Thirds Baseball
Front: Henry Kovacs, Koji Gorniezano, Sean Kim. C ole Brennan, Taichi Okada. Back: Coach LeRoy, Aaron Enescu. Benson Fu. Alex Kotrady, Steven Page. Oscar Cheng, Coach Jenkins.
Above: Team Award Winners Aaron Enescu, Benson Fu and Koji Gorme/.ano. Thirds Baseball had some really big wins this year, with an exciting 18 to 4 victory over Claremont Middle School, and a blowout o f 25 to 4 over Mascoma. Their overall w in/loss record was 3 and 8.
JV Baseball
Fionl: Aldan uaiTon. Hayden Berry, Peter Siegel, Caleb Glover, Chris Fournier, Charlie Day. Back: Coach Fitzgerald, Chad Rogers, Anliiony Chaniinah, Zach W illiams, Gordie Borek, Connor Van Arnam laike Bennett, Dannv Belback, Coach Barker.
Above: Zach W illiam s up to bat. A bove right: Danny Belback pitching. Right: Zach W illiam s, Peter Siegel and Danny Belback enjoying sunflower seeds. Record for the season: 8 wins, 4 losses and I tie.
Varsity Baseball
Front: Griff Rogers, Matt Jarecki, Andy Kebalka. Charlie Kissel, Jay Bonti. Robbie Tuite, A lex Wolk. Back: Coach Hannis, Charlie Parry, Ryder Arsenault, Kyle Moran, Tyler Wilniot. Tony Karalekas, Andrew Herron, Aaron Rodriguez, Coach Lynch.
Varsity Baseball had a great season, with 13 wins posted and only 5 losses. Som e o f the big games were a 14 to 2 win over the Boys Club o f New York, follow ed by an 1 1 to 8 win over the same team. Varsity also beat St. Paul's School with a decisive 13 to fi victory.
Front: Jip Kerrebijn, Justin Choi. Middle; JH Hyun, Francis Pack, Nicky Funnel!, Joseph Park, Ha Joo Lee. Back: Coach Hart, M iles Hamilton, Rafael Casas, David Stack, Coach Rocha.
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JV Tennis had a successful season, winning against other schools such as Holderness, Brewster, N ew Hampton, Proctor, Tilton and Dublin— much older teams. The overall win -loss record this year was 8 wins and 4 losses.
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Varsity Tennis
Front: Josh Lee. Carlos Velazquez, Daniel Kim, Freddie Wynne. Back: AJ Wypychoski. Chris Choi, Ryan Suh, David LeBreton, Emilio Rosas, Scott McLeod.
t l Varsity Tennis struggled this season with 0 wins and 10 losses, but they did not let that dampen their spirits. They [ racticed hard and saw improvement every day. DLB. Emilio Rosas and Josh Lee diirinsr a match.
Thirds Tennis
I'l'onl: Diego Ayala. Jamie Kim. Derek Moon. Neil McCaluuint. Young Woo Kim. JH Hyun. Middle: Andrew Jeong, Alex Brennan. Sam Durst. Will Jarosiewicz. Ted Lim. Ke\ in Choi. Wyall Himmer. Isaac Lee, Ms. Gahagan. Back: Ms. Fera. Young Rok Pai'k. Johannes Lee. Pieter BaekholT, John Cameron. Diego Hernandez. Shawn Kim. James Howard. Mr. .Matsoi Not pictured: Ms. Sumner.
Despite the lake court.s being pretty buggy this spring, the Thirds Tennis team played a lot o f tennis and learned new skills and techniques. With only foiH' matches against other schools, most o f the time on the courts was spent in practice. The team had several close matches and one big win against Vermont Academy.
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Spring Sports Awards Ceremony
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Lots of guys took turns trying to knock each other off—it was hard to stay balanced!
deck, watching and observing the crowd, thinking about what event to try next.
Jonathan Tuffy and Nelson Klein practice their balancing skills on rolling "logs".
Jas Spearman and Alan Dawson play a little one-on-one basketball.
6th grader Daniel Kim catches some air off the slide while competing against a friend in the obstacle course.
A jump had just been added when Mike Weaver took on the challenge—airbom!
Jacob Kim and Michael Hall await their turn in the dodgeball ring.
It was one of the few nice days in May to be outside, so this large group of friends is enjoying the sunshine.
for life vests and paddles and instructions, everyone is eager to take out the boats.
Akash stands in line at one of the inflatable games.
Max King looks suprised to be caught on camera as he emerges from the obstacle
Waiting for faculty to arrive, boys have to stay behind the bridge until given the go-ahead.
Polar Bear "I made it through!" Tie Recipients This group of men, boys, and one young lady, made it through consecutive cold, frosty mornings of swimming in Canaan Street Lake during the last month of school. They received a Polar Bear tie (or hair scrunchie) as a reward for their perseverance. Congrats, cougars!
Department of Corrections ________________ Kristen Tobin It should be -en, not -in, "Kristen". Sorry for the typo in the earlier faculty section!
Mitchell Rodgers W e got the last names o f Mitch and Chad mixed up in the senior section o f the yearbook and wanted to make this correction.
Senior Superlative addendumâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Russell McGillivray was elected most likely to fall asleep in chapel, most likely to burn his textbooks after graduation, and most likely to stay up past lights out... all meant vi'ith good humor and Vi'ith affection from his
Chad Rogers W e spelled Chad's last name wrong in the senior section, here is the correct spelling! A pologies to Chad and Mitch!
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% Last Night on Campus
Tie Ceremony
Paul Edward Krayer, '82, Commencement speaker
Handing out diplomas were Headmaster David McCusker '80. and Mr. F. Com ing Kenly III, President o f the Board o f Trustees. Here Alex Banfield receives his diploma.
Faculty traditionally go through the receiving line first. Mrs. Scott gets a teary goodbye from Jay Bonti.
"Work Hard, Have Fun, Remain Humble."
The rain held o ff as graduates, family and friends gathered for com m encement 2009. The ceremony was held this year under a big white tent on the quad on Saturday, May 30th.
Paul Edward Krayer '82 Award and Prize Recipients Front: Josh Choe, Faculty Prize; Ji Hwan Brian Ryu, Faculty Prize; Ryan George, Faculty Prize; Chris Chapin, Hinman Prize; Colin McCusker, Pannaci Memorial Award. Back: Frederick Wynne, William Knapp Morrison Award; Nicholas Funnell, Founder's Prize; Chad Rogers, Faculty Prize; Shane Dalton, William Knapp Morrison Award; David Pluhar. Caldwell Prize; Sunny Luo, Dewar Prize; Nicholas Nugnes, The Norman and Beverly Wakely Prize; David LeBreton, The Skibiski Memorial Award. Awarded at the Recognition Assembly (not pictured): Hajoo Lee, The Addison Memorial Prize for Creative Writing; Alex Wolk, James N. Marrion Sportmanship Award
Derek, Ji Oh, Chris, Daniel, Young Rok, and Josh wait for the Commencement ceremony to begin.
Faculty boys Jack, Nicky, Gavin, Colin, Reed and Doelâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we couldn't find David in the crowd!
Faculty members Alex Gray, Pat lacuzzi, Randy Macdonald and Lou Matson go through the receiving line. 29
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In Loving Mennory o f
Joe Collins Joseph M. Collins (1926-2009), Assistant Headmaster Emeritus Joseph "Joe" Collins, beloved member of the Cardigan community, will always be remembered as a wise, caring, patient man. He filled many roles here before "retiring" in 1988, including assistant headmaster, director of studies, and dean of students. In the twenty years following his retirement, Joe and his wife Ginny continued to drive from their home in Lyman, NH to campus twice a week. Joe loved to listen, counsel, and advise boys in all aspects of their lives. He was a second father or grandfather to many boys and faculty members who appreciated his approachability, calm . demeanor and sage advice. He will be greatly missed. Mrs. Collins shared these letters she received from students (quoted in part): "Mr. Collins had a great and profound impact on my life at Cardigan Mountain School. Connecting with Mr. Collins was special to me because I lost all of my grandparents when I was young. I never fully grasped the relationship that most people share with their grandparents. However, talking and sharing feelings with Mr. Collins may be as close as I ever get. W henever I wanted to speak with someone about how I was feeling, Mr. Collins was there, sitting on the Bronfman bench, just waiting to advise and share his Insight with me. I consider myself extremely lucky to have known Mr. Collins and shared a close relationship with him." "Mr. Collins was truly loved here at Cardigan and sen/ed many of us students as an outstanding mentor. It will take some getting used to to not see his friendly face while walking from class to class. We all miss him." "Mr. Collins has been like a grandfather to alt of us. He was always there when people needed help. He was willing to listen to what you had to say and he had good suggestions for what you should do next time. He is a person I want to be like.
Above: Joe enjoying an afternoon in the new Adirondack chairs with alumni. Right: Joe surrounded by students on the Bronfman bench. Below: Joe, Coach Marrion and former Headmaster Norman Wakely.