The Blaze - 2010

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Cardigan Mountain Schooi Cardigan Mountain Sciiool offers a ciose-knit community that prepares middle sciioo boys -in mind. Hody. and spirit- for responsiiiie and meaningful lives in a global society.

Individual help and attention â– om caring (and sometimes goofy) adults

Learning teamwork, through spirited competition.

Cardigan is lucky to liave a headmaster who understands Cardigan from a perspective that is not easily matched by other heads of schools. David McCusker '80 began his stewardship of Cardigan in 2007, after having not only previously taught at Cardigan, but after having also been a student at Cardigan. He considers it a privilege and an honor to serve as the head of a school that has done so much for him, and that he knows will do a great deal for other boys.

David McCusker '80 Headmaster

"The opportunity that I have been give to return to this community, to work with amazing colleagues, to be in the lives of wonderful young men, and to be the proud father of two Cardigan students, has enriched what I would describe as a consistently stimulating professional experience."

Stephanie McCusker "Free-Safety"

James (Jamie) Funnell Assistant Headmaster, Director of Secondary School Placement

Augustus (Gus) DeMaggio Life Skills

David Auerbacn Science Department Chair Science, Gates

Robert (Robbie) Barker III '97 History

J. Dudley Clark III Math

Kenneth (Ken) Cushing World Languages Department Chair, Spanish

John D'Entremont '94 Director of Studies, History

Frederick (Rick) Exton Director of the International Student Program, ESL

Jarrod Caprow PEAKS Department Chair

Ryan Feeley Dean of Faculty English

Ryan Frost Director of Athletics Life Skills

Mihael (Miki) Fera Math

Michael (Mike) Fitzgerald History

Barbara Glover PEAKS

Christopher (Chris) Granger Science

Alexander (Alex) Gray English

Austen Hannis Assistant Athletic Directory, Student Activities Coordinator, History

W illiam (Wim) Hart English

Shannon Gahagan Spanish

Scott Haire PEAKS

Patricia (Pat) lacuzzi Librarian

Eric Lane Science

Charles (Charlie) Hilbert History, BCE

M ark Holt Gates Program Director Sixth Grade

Christopher (Chris) Jenkins Latin

Christopher (Chris) Kenny English

Allan Kreuzburg Residential Life Coordinator Science

Timothy (Tim) LeRoy Math

Nicholas (Nick) Lynch History Department Chair History

Steven Ledbetter Music Department Chair Music


Randolph (Randy) Macdonald Math

James (Jim) Marrion Athletic Department

Karel Pluhar Math

Edilberto (Eddie) Ramos Math Department Chair Math

Pablo Rocha W orld Languages

H. Charles (Chuck) McCormick, Jr. Dean of Students, Leadership

E. James (Jim) Scott Woodworking Drama

Deborah (D.D.) Otap PEAKS

Susan Rives Art Department Chair Art

Avery Scoville Math/6th grade assistant

Ryan Sinclair French

Rosa! Brian Tureck Direc Directory of Summer School

John (Jake) Spearman Enghsh Latin

E. Sayre Sumner Math

Patrick Turcotte French

Martin (Marty) W ennik English Department Chair English

Joy Michelson Director of Communications

Brian Cheek Director of Development

Kristen Tobin Head Athletic Trainer Spanish

Andrew Helming Associate Director of Development 9


Faculty Gandids




Ai work and play 14

Ryan Sinclair French

Brian Tureck Directory of Summer School

John (Jake) Spearman English Latin

E. Sayre Sumner Math

Patrick Turcotte French

M artin (Marty) W ennik English Department Chair English

Joy Michelson Director of Communications

Brian Cheek Director of Development

Kristen Tobin Head Athletic Trainer Spanish

Andrew Helming Associate Director of Development 9

Barbara (Barb) Frazier Development Office Data Manager

Kathryn Holland Development Office M anager

Joseph (Joe) McHugh Business Manager

Jill Cavalieri Comptroller

Jodie Burnett Business Office, Student Accounts

Brian Beale Director of Financial Aid

Chip Audett Director of Admissions

John Bayreuther Associate Director of Admissions Director of Spiritual Life

Jessica Bayreuther Admissions Office Administrative Assistant

Karen Colburn Admissions Office Administrative Assistant


Ann Jarosiewicz Director of Alumni and Parent Programs

Christine Ferland School Receptionist Student Travel Coordinator

Rosalind (Roz) Burke, RN Director of Health Services

Lynne Lenihan Assistant to the Headmaster

Gail Gagnon School Receptionist

Patricia (Pat) W hite Health Services

Kathy McHugh Registrar

Audie Armstrong Athletics Administrative Assistant

Virginia (Ginny) Collins Library Aide

Samantha (Sam) Scott School Store Manager

Missing: Linda Thomason, Health Services Steve Wheeler, Health Services Ellen Williams, Health Services 11

Many people behind the scenes keep our campus clean, safe, and spectacular. They keep us warm and fed. Thank you for all your effort and work M ichel (MikeJ G ray D irector o f Tedhnology

Angie Craig Housekeeping


Joshuij (Josli). Routhier Technology Specialist

Rosalie G ardner H ousekeeping

Fred G race Housekeeping

Lisa Trussell Housekeeping

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The varsity soccer team had a difficult season, beating teams it shouldn't have and losing to teams it should have beaten. The players battled well against secondary schools. Wins came against Holderness, Deerfield and Winchendon. The highlight for the team was the win against Holderness.

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Harrison Krepack looks up field for a pass.

Steven Jo challenges for head ball

Harrison Krepack led the team in goals for the season, while Hayden Jenkins and Ricardo Rovira added several goals and assists of their own. We will miss our 9th graders next year, but look forward to the 2010 squad. 2010 Coaches awards went to Caleb Glover, Hayden Jenkins, and Harrison Krepack.

Cole Franklin decides no to let the opposing playei get in the way.

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ack: Coach RodhafG. Barroso, S.Drummond, J. Caffrey, C. Kissell V; Vent6niemi,,1Vl;.cle Cfrria, Coach Turcotte. Middle: I. Jang, . Brennan-^A. Martinez, T.'Evanggtous. G. Villareal,^S. Barrera, j'lC h o ir Front: D; Rodriguez,, D.; Pena, R; B arbra, T. Shi, C. 'Oh


=^Our Team score is dependent on your feet!

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. 2009 Reserve Soccer ® ... Coaches (Left to Right): Coach McDonald, Coach Pluhar, Coach DeMaggio, Coach Exton Back Row(Left to R ight): Ted Urn, Mario Velazquez, Nathan Raffa, Yjngnriap,Wei,'yarnie lihp,;]fe.uis Gonz^^ . LeonyRoca,,CH'ris Otap', Chase McGough Middle fio w (Left to Right): Jam^sXej^, Mat Poplelarz, Mbrgaii Himmer, Kota Ohashi, Pato Tejedo/ Is^ac L^e, Taichi Okada Front Row (L^ft to Right): Kuhho Park; Nicholas'Sfaugtiter,.'Sam Durst; Noah Drulfnmond, Kevin Choi, Daniel Ray • ^ 'iSBm^SSSiL


Do your best even if the opponent is better tlian us!

2009 Thirds Soccer Back Row (Left to Right): Coach Jenkins, IVIiles Hamilton, Charlie Parry, Jasper Beever, Alex Kotrady, Jake Marvin, Robert Gray, Coach Gray Middle Row (Left to Right): Zach Harmon, Andrew Jeong, Ryan Conery, Henry Kovacs, Cole Brennan, Peter Siegel Front Row (Left to Right): Marcelo Hernandez, Scott Lee, Garrett Phillips Jim Herbert

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Ignore the score board; it's pride that matters. I




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Upper row (left to right): Coach Han'nis, Coach Sinclair, Anton Lohner Piazza, Alex Ferigno, Sam Floyd, Shaymus Colman, Nolan Callahan, Diego Ramonfaur, Cheng Luo, Coach Frost. Middle row (left to right): Chris Fournier, Poncho Trevino, Charlie Day, Martin Worgan, Cam Lee, Aidan Garron Bottom row (left to right): Jacob Kim, Pablo Tirado, Zach Harris, Aaron Enescu, Eddie Kim, Auden Menke, Hayden Holland, Victor Alvarez. r-


Be Better Today than We were Yesterday W ^ ' W '” lg#-i



’%■ Back Row: Coach Scovllle, Myles Beach, Ro Saavedra, Sebastian Agramont-Justinlano, David Kim, Sean Kim, Chandler Spearman, Coach Kreuzburg. Middle Row: Clark Macomber, Charles Stephens, Robb j DeMars, Juri Yun, Conor Diebel, Hyungtae Kim, Alejandro Villareal de la Garza. Front Row: Hayden Berry, Henry Day, Collier Rutledge, Mark Reidmueller, Chapin Leatherwood.

w ij ThTrd^ F^odtball hafd feSm; bot m '^ y o th e r' " : . teams were g re ^ t^ a . OurptayeTS'improverf r'x* t f “ tremendoQSly throtighcJut the seaon. A totigh se&gort ' ,0^01610 a close with a wirrin the last game oGt of fivfe,' 1 ' against the* Uppef Valley Raidersf The coacfies hope / <■ •Vthat their players devetoped a love for the game and -- ; *,wiir seek to pilay a t the Varsity I'evel in the future.

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Sean Kim dashes across the field to stop an Upper Valley Raiders ball carrier.

TO Mark Reidmueller keeps the ball moving through three line backers. ,,,

Hyungtae Kim starts every pi ■« as the center of the team.

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was so scared, so I kept running!


Back Row; Coach Feeley, Spenser Hukiil, Daniel Yang, Shawn Kim, Eric Kwon, James Park, Mark Kim, Jame Lee, Coach Cushing. Middle Row: Austin Kim, Robert Patterson, Mikael Pluhar, Yun Do Hwang, Michael Chang, Joey Exton, Ben Intarapuvasak Aidan Driscoll, Front Row: JH Hyun, Alex Hong, John Rymer, Danny Belbeck, James ^ , ' Howard, Joseph Park

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“ ■; Cross-Country had a great season. Even though they compete with high-school students, The Cougars could hold their own. Even though they didn't pull out ' the win on Eaglebrook day, each runner was happy knowing he put forth his best effort.



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Shawn hard as i

Joey Exton at the head of the pack was a familiar sight this season.

and Daniel Kim ^u^^s^ ' can during Eaglebrook Day!



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/ Austin Kim does not know how to quit. During " Eaglebrook Day this guy just RUNS!!!



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Eric Kwon runs to catch up to an Eaglebrook Ati lasi, last, trie Eric runner. A cooked him at the finish

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If we can imagine it, we can build it!


Back Row; Coach Granger, Coach Kenny, Nelson Klein, Ben Auerbach, Coach Gahagan Middle Row: Jonathan Tuffy, Ryan McCabe, Sebastian LaPointe, Daniel Lee, Wyatt Himmer. Front RowfDavid Jarosiewicz,; Charles Hoi Nico Lykins, Patrick Boland.



On Founder's Day the entire school spent the day at the Sandwich Fair ... the junk food ... the rides ... games of skil

Hanging out with friends ... the best part of the day! _

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Fall Sports Awajrds

Thirds: H yungtae Kim,S eb a stia n Agram ont-Justiniano Miguel Affif C h eb au x

^ Varifty: Jacl< Wilson, Allen D aw son, J a s Sp earm an

The Fall Sports Awards were held 6fi Saturday, November 21. Master of Ceremonies, Adam Philie introduced each speaker who talked about their team's season. He then introduced the coaches who made the awards.


Fdolbal JV : Alfonse "Ponctio" Trevino, Pablo Tirado, Aiden Garron

JV : Matteo Collado de Cim a, Jia c h e n g "Tim" Shi (m issing: Sp eight Drummond)


C r o ss Country: Christian “Jo e y " Exton, Ju n g S u "Sh aw n " Kim'; Spteff'ser Hukill

V a rsiti^ C a le b G lover, H ayden Jen k in s, Harriegn Krepack

Cross Cour\try Thirds: C h arles Parry, A lexan der Kotrady, Ja m e s Herbert



R e s e rv e : S e a Hoon "Ted" Urn, J u W oon “Ja m ie " Kim, Taichi O kada, Yingm ao "M ao Mao" Wei, Christopher Otap, Mario V elo azq u ez P a z o s

Soccer Speakers: Lego League: Mr. Auerbach Gates Competitor): Hyun Joon "Harry Kim Cross-Country: Jung Hwan Hyun Thirds Football: Sebastian Agramont-Justiniano JV Football: Zechariali Harris Varsity Football: Arick Escamilla

Rock Climbing: Wyatt HImmer

Rock Clirtfbifig Speakers: Thirds Soccer: Alexander Kotrady Reserve Soccer: Samson Durst JV Soccer: Tyler Evangelous Varsity Soccer: SuYoung"John'' Choi Rock Climbing: Charles Ho

November 19-20. 2009

The Cardigan Players once again put on a stellar performance under the direction of Mr. Scott. The cast, crew, and audience enjoyed the funfilled musical.

Adam Philie, Max King, Cam McCusker, Andrew Herron, Ryan Coner, Arick Escamil

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Robotics club invited two Dartmouth College students and discussed the Robotics competition.




uring the fai! rm, a variety if clubs are iffered to tudents such s Robotics, iecyciing club, eight training, basketball club, ox larcrosse, nd Ultimate risbee

It was a brisk morning; when John and I dressed up hi coat and tie. We wanted to be remembered for something, and we were, I'm writing* about it in the yearbook. We grabbed our bagged lunches while being pelted with stares and comments from teachers about our dress. We didn't let it bother us, not a single person was going to put us down. We loaded onto the bus, John and I were separated for the bus ride to the mountain. Before I knew it, I was at the base of the mountain in a parking lot. We were given specific instructions for the climb then we were off.

We strolled up the mountain with much confidence in our stride. We passed trickling streams, rustling trees, chattering squirrels and soft, lush pine trees, all the senses of the mountain blended together making an atmosphere, sweet as chocolate. Higher and higher we climbed, we all started to spread out among the mountain. It seemed like hours since we had been at the bottom, we passed other hikers and asked how far, and they kept saying, “You're about halfway there”. We started to lose our glowing pride as we climbed higher and higher and cold began to set in. Soon it almost seemed that you could climb up onto the soft, plush clouds.




John and 1 were eventually separated, and the only other kid around me was Robert Patterson. We went up into the clouds where the frosted trees looked like snowcaps candy. We soon started to think we were lost but we kept going, and eventually came to a rise over the mist and heard the faint sound of voices. I started to jog up the slope and then there was a vast field of short grass, waving in the brisk wind with occasional bushes or trees. Down the middle a path climbed up into the mist. As we continued, we saw a large fortification of rocks and we climbed to it. When we reached the top, we saw others who had reached the summit before us, huddled together behind small wind barriers of rocks piled on top of one another. I stood there for a moment and looked up, into the clouds. I was then asked to take my picture next to the sign that said “ Mt. Moosilauke 4,802 ft.� We had reached the top.

The annual Halloween lunch was attended by a w6ird collection of beings...from a Jessica Simpson looka-likie

to the Star Wars bounty hunter and Princess Leia.. and every creature in between. Even our illustrious chef, Mr. Spano (literally) got into the act


The Annual Lake Run


1. Conor Van Amman and Max King 2. Jim Herbert and Chase McGougii J. Andres Martinez and Jonathan Rhyne 4. Danny Belback, Robert Patterson, Spenser Hukill, and John Rymer Tyler Evangelous, Gordie Borek, Zach Langlois

Our campus is situated on beautiful Canaan Street Lake in the shadow of Mount Cardigan. Cardigan has many traditions that can test the will and spirit o f our students One such tradition is the annual run around Canaan Street Lake.

Noah Drummond


The anticipation of the Lake Run


The run around the lake is approximately 5 miles o f challenging hills. The rewards are the satisfaction of completing the course and a pizza party for the tops 50 finishers


Just hanging out, ready to go!


Chapin Leatherwood Myles Beach, Daniel Ray

6th Grade Field Trip

Brian Hwang, M ichael Chang

Field Trips

M at Popielarz, Daniel Lee

The students went far and wide to get hands-on educational experiences

Jasper Beever Conor Diebel

Aidan Garron, Nico Lykins 38

Auden Menke Hyngtae Kim

7 th Grade Field Trip

Luis Gonzalez de Leon Roca

M ateo Collado de Cima, Charles Ho A lex Brennan, Mr. Spearman

8 th Grade Field Trip

Charles Moore Taichi Okada

Santiago Menendez Barrera, Joseph Park

)estinations included the Thayer School of ingineering at Dartmouth College, The /[ontshire Museum, VINS, the Museum of Icience, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts Cole Franklin, M iles Hamilton, John Stephens

Danny Belbaclk, Charles Parry, Spenser Han

Shawn Kim, Austin Kim, Eddie Kim, M ax King, Charlie Kissel

Eddie Kim, Austin Kim, John Stevens,Danny Belback

9th Grade Field Trip


The Sixth Grade


Caring, laughing, and learning were evident in all that the sixth family did together. It was definitely a year to remember for these boys and thi faculty associated with them.

Class Officers

Juri Yun President


Seung Hwan (Daniel) Lee Vice President

Edgar (Chapin) Leatherw ood Secretary

Joo Sang (Jam es) Lee Treasurer

Class of 2013 [he sixth grade class had a stellar year of learning, traveling, Bxperimenting, and solving problems. We Degan the year with 14 boys rom all corners of the world. After Thanksgiving Ireak, two more students were added to the amily, bringing the botal to 16 imazing young men

[Sjristopher Alberigi

lin Do (Brian) Hwang

Myles Beach

Seung-Ick (M ichael) Chang

Henry Day

Noah Drum m ond

M organ Him m er

W illiam Kauffman

M ateusz Popielarz

Daniel Ray

W illiam (Collier) Rutledge

Nicholas Slaughter


The Seventh Grade Class Officers

Hyungtae Kim President

A uden M enke Vice Presigent

m ik Jae Heon (Daniel) Kim Secretary

Cole Brennan T reasurer

Charles Day


Sebastian A gram ont Justiniano

Jasper B eever

Hayden Berry

Patrick Boland

Jae W on (Kevin) Cho

Conor Diebel

Peter Ferland

Aidan Garron

Adam Goldsm ith

W yatt Him m er

Class of 2012 0^ H ayden Holland

Seung Kweon (Alex) Hong

ÂŤ un Joon (Harry) Kim

N icholas Lykins

oung Jun (M ickey) Oh

Rodrigo Saavedra

Jung W oo (Sean) Kim

Benjam in Intarapuvasak

David Jarosiew icz

Jin Ho (Andrew ) Jeong

Kevin Johnson

Jae Heon (Jam es) Lee

Joong Kun (Isaac) Lee

M alik (Gianni) Leslie

Chase M cGough

Young Hoon (Chris) Oh

9 Cameron Lee

Clark M acom ber

K ota Ohashi

Christopher Otap

M oo Sung (Jam es) Park

Nathan Raffa

M ark Riedm ueller

C haandler Spearm an

Charles Stephens

Jonathan Tuffy

Alejandro V illarreal de la G arza

M artin W organ


Class Officers C arter Cockrell President


Jose Manuel Soto Vice President

Y oung Beom (Eric) Kwon Secretary

Sebastian LaPointe Treasurer

The Eighth Grade

lanuel A fif Chebaux

Aaron Enescu

Tae Hyung (Alex) An

Benjamin Auerbach

Christopher Binkley

Christian (Joey) Exton

Alex Brennan

Nolan Callahan

Alejandro Ferrigno

Solom on (Sam) Floyd

ik iristopher Fournier

Caleb Glover

Luis G onzales de Leon Roca

Rodrigo G onzalez Barbara

Robert Gray


The Eighth Grade

Z achary H annon

Z echariah Harris

Jam es Herbert

M iguel HernandezM ichel Rizo

M arcelo H ernandez

Charles Ho

Gabriel Loyola Villarreal

Andres M artinez

i i i i Yeong II (Steven) Jo

Jae Y oung (Jacob) Kim

Henry Kovacs

Ju W oon (Jam ie) Kim

Tae Hyun (M ark) Kim

Y oung W oo (David) Kim

Zachary Langlois

Hyun (Brian) Lee

Soobeom (Scott) Lee


Sea Hoon (Ted) Lim

The Eighth Grade


rK I Ryan McCabe

N eil M cCalm ont

Santiago M enendez Barrera

Charles M oore

Taiehi Okada

Francis Paek

w Byung Kwon (Joseph) Park

K unho Park

Robert Patterson

David Pena

JongPii Yang

Juan Pablo Zam brano Trevino



^ David Rodriguez

tricio (Pato) Tejedo

^ Ricardo Rovira

John Hoyle Rym er

Daniel Somuano

Pablo Tirado

Alfonso Am aro (Poncho) Trevino

Mario V elazquez Pazos


Tub of War Won M the White Team


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Winters in New Hampshire seem to last forever! The days are short, cold, and gray. But that doesn't stop us from trying to have fun whenever we can. Whether it is hockey at the Bayreuther's house, sledding down Clancy, winter doesn't have to be cold and dreary. Sometimes it can be a Blast!

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Hockey Practices on the lake, ice fishing tournaments, Snow sculpture competitions, and even "chariot races" can all get the blood, and the fun, pumping!

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Jim Herbert helped lead the Alpine ski team to a record season.

From left to right: Jas Spearman ('10) wins the Cardigan Wrestling Tournament for his weight class, Andres Martinez ('11) pulls a sick grab at Loon Mtn., Robbie Tuite ('10) sprints for the puck, Charles Moore ('11) goes up for two

"I love the joy of riding. The feel of it when you go off a jump and in the air, is just peaceful, I guess.." -Caleb Glover '11 "Playing hockey at Cardigan is amazing. The coaches, the rink, your teammates, and friends cheering you on." -Ro Saavedra '12 "I've learned alot by beiing on varsity basketball for three years here at Cardigan. I've learned a lot of new skills that will help me at my next schools." John Rhyne '10

Back Row: Coach Barker, Zach Langlois, Hayden Jenkins, Jack Wilson, Gordon Borek, Connor Van Arnam, Tripp Pace, Max King, Coach Leroy. Middle Row: Ryan Conery, Cam Lee, Jared Thompson, Matt Borghi, Adam Philie. Front Row: Jacob Caffrey, Luke Bennett, Cam McCusker, Tyler Evangelous, Cole Franklin.

Varsity Hockey this year was all about hard work, on and off of the ice. Long sessions of getting insane payed off late in games. The team played smart, tough, hard-nosed hockey, defeating opponents who in many cases were older and bigger. The players had a great experience this season. JlifSE

Jack Row: Coach Fitzgerald, Bobby Gray, Aidan Driscoll, Aaron Enescu, Robbie Tuite, Ville /entoniemi, Shaymus Colman, Charlie Kissel, Arick Escamilla, Spencer Han, Coach Turcotte. i/liddle Row: Charlie Day, Clark Macomber, Hyungtae Kim(Manager). Front Row: Eddie Kim, :^harles Ho, Chris Fournier, Derek Chaney, Nolan Callahan.

WE PLAY TO WIN This year’s JV Hockey team has done a great job holding their own against tougher high school teams. Captained by Robbie Tuite, this year’s team is a scrappy group who pride themselves on never giving up. Some highlights of the year were the big win in the first game of the season against St. Louis, and a large defeat over Holderness, a high school JV team. This season was an overall successful one for the team. Many kids, some of whom just started playing hockey, learned many things, and gained a lot from their coaches as well as teammates.

Back Row: Coach Granger, Eddy Chang, Diego Ramonfaur, Sebastian LaPointe, Anton Lohner-Piazza, Coach Wennik Middle Row; Patrick Boland, Daniel Ray, Alex Brennan, Juri Yun, Nicholas Lykins, Henry Day Front Row: Chris Otap Steven Page, Jae Heon Kim, Alex An, Jake Gilbert

Henry 6 a y brir^s the pucl< up the ice against Eaglebrook

Sebastian LaPointe, above, was a leading scorer for the Thirds team this winter.

"Our season was a challenging one, with a difficult schedule," says Jake Gilbert, above, who spent many minutes this season in the net for the Cougars, doing his best to stop shots from the other team . "It went well, despite the challenges. W e had some help from Mr. LeRoy, pulling out a win against Rectory."

From top left: Coadh Ken^iy-r David CafWenasi-Luis Roca^DaTfrtel Somaano, Ricardo Rovira,^';||5^' M ax Rodriguez, Rodrigo G o n za le zM le x Ferrigno, David Pena, Coach Sinclair Second'row: Cliapin Leathenwood, Poncho Trevino, Collier Rutiidge, Manuel Afif, f i ^ c Kota Ohashi Bottom row: Mark Reidmueller, Gabriel Loyola, Gerardo Barroso, Morgan Himmer, Pablo Tirado, Ro Saavedra, Ryan M cCabe IP I

Reserve Hockey; Winners in euribeoli!

Daniel Somuafio celebrates . Cardigan's score on Eaglebrook

Morgan Himmer guards the Cougars Net

After only 2 wins, 1 tie, and 5 losses, the Reserve Hockey team played well and learned a great deal about the skills needed to play the game. They tried their best and are winners in our book!

Poncho carries the puck to go for a goal

Gabriel pokes the puck away on D.

Overall Record; 1 3 - 1 3 Captains; DQ Williams

and John Rhyne

Coach Hannis, Andrew Herron, Tony Karalekas, Holden Softer, Alex Kotrady, John^R hyne,^eng Yang Peng, Coach Lynch, Jake Marvin, Charles Moore, DonQuale Williams, Cheng Luo, Kevin Johnson, Koji Gormezano (Not pictured: Allen Dawson)

A I A winning percentage of 50% is nothing to be disappointed in when I Vour’re playing teams of mostly older students from prep schools. It coull S-even make a .500 season seem like quite an accomplishment, which many I on Varsity feel it was. ;i Development is the key. "I have improved a lot now, and can use my left i|hand freely," says Holden Softer '10, "and I have better shots now." Tony f1 Karalekas felt that he "...improved greatly from the beginning of the f;: season." "The whole team improved from the beginning of season," said § CJ Moore '11, "we're a whole lot better than when we started." Tough games this season included losses to Brewster, Belmont Hill, and a very competitive Hillside team. Most of the team agrees, however, that the besi games of the season were the wins against Eaglebrook. Andrew Herron plays hard on t h i ,

lae Hyun said he helped the team with good passes. He thought the Sughest game was against Indian River during parent's weekend and the ast game was against Newport. Even though they lost twice, the first ame they lost by 20 points and the second time they lost by 10 points, hus, they improved a lot. Carter Cockrell said that he scored multitudes f time and he had great rebounds. He thought the toughest game was gainst Brewster and the best game was against Indian River. They lost, ut, they ended the game with double overtime. ven though the record did not show much in the win column, the team ton the Hanover tournament to end the year on a high note.

John Choi tries to thread the defense. -

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^ w * 1 # W ls iP l^ C V i Back Row: Coach Tureck,Woung Woo Kim, Josepti Park, T ot LimfMarlcKlm, Jamie Kim, Alex Hong, Mr. Holt. MiddfeTlowt-Gianni Leslie, Dahny LeefPeter Ferland,Brian Lee, Ian Jafig, Kunho Park, {lames L^e. Front Row: Ms. GahagSrt,'1v1iekey Oh, Ahdrew Jeong, Austin Kim, Brian Hwang, Jonathan Tuffey, Cole Brennan.

fk Thirds basketball had a great season with a lot of talented players, who all progressed tremendously throughout the year. l^jWhile there were a few losses at the beginning of the season, the I team picked up confidence with some big wins towards the end, ncluding a big win against Eaglebrook. Several players stepped up after the team's main ball handler, Ian Jang, went down with an njury to his hand early in the season. Alex Hong, Danny Lee, and James Park all stepped up to play big roles. "We grew a lot as a team," said Coach Holt, "and with 20 players, we had some good scrimmages at practice all year." James Park inbounds the ball.

Cole Brennan goes for the layup.

Back: Coach Cushing, Jacob Kim, Shawn Kim, Jas Spearm an, Eric Kwon, JP Yang, James Howard, Coach Kreuzburg. Middle: Aidan Garron, Harrison Krepack, Nick Slaughter, Justin Choi, David Jarosiewicz. Front: Zach Harris, John Stephens, Auden Menke, Ben Auerbach, Martin Worgan, Charles Stephens.

New England Junior Prep School Wrestling Championships Just an example of how well our wrestlers did throughout their season

Zach Harris ’11,119 lb. Division, was nominated for and voted the Outstanding Wrestler of the Tournament.

Jas Spearman ’10, 166 lb Division, stuck his opponent to the mat in the Championship Round to bring home another first-place medal!

John Stephens ’10, 144 lb. Division, pinned his way through the tournament and brought home a first-place “Championship” medal for Cardigan.

Eric Kwon ’11, 149.8 lb. Division, brought home a fourth-place medal. Shawn Kim ’10, 149.8 Division, ended up taking home a third-place medal. Harrison Krepacit ’10, 153.6 lb Division, brought home a second-place medal for Cardigan.

Jacob Kim ’11, 166 lb Division, after a tough, double-overtime bout, ended up bringing home a fourth-place medal.




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T o p row: C o a c h S coville, S p e ig h t D ru m m o n d , D a n n y B elback, M iles H am ilto n , C h a rlie P arry, C o ac h G ra y . S e c o n d row: N o ah D ru m m o n d , C h a n d le r S p e a rm a n , Jim H erb e rt, G a rre t Philips, H a y d e n H o lla n d , M ario V e la s q u e s . Front row: C o a c h F e ra , C o n n e r D ie b e l, B en In ta ra p u v a s a k , J a m e s L ee, W y a tt H im m e r, M ic h a e l C h a n g , S a m Durst

Left to Right; C o ac h S u m n e r, Ju an P ab lo Z a m b ra n o , M ig u el H e rn a n d e z , C a le b G lo ver, A lex V illa rea l, P ato T e je d o , Z a k H arm o n , V icto r A lv e ra z, J o s e M a n u e l Soto, S p e n s e r Hukill, A n d res M a rtin e z, W ill J aro s iew icz

"We had alot of exoeriences that will be remembered as a huge step of Improvement," s a i ^ ^ H a r m o n . Led by Caleb Glover anji Z ak Harmon, The team experienced alot of growth with a lot of bgginners. "We usually got 5th or 6th places in races and meets agairjยงt High Schools." Not bad for a group of mostly beginners!

V ic s r d t c - S>U ltA \<

Robi? D ^ a r s , Chai^ McGough, Miles Beach, Mr,.Ramos, Mao Mao Wei, Joey Exton


Four of the six team members were new to the sport. This year’s Nordic Ski team was a very young but promising team, representing each grade.

We raced in the Lakes Region League against older, stronger, and more experienced high school students. Our goal for all those races was to finish th 5 kilometer course, and when we finished ahead of other racers, it was icing on our cake! We also raced in the New Hampshire Middle School Division Races. Thi highlight of the season was our 7th place finish in a fieic of sixteen teams in the Middle School State Championships. Not bad fo a group of novices!




MA< iSurcltA \^ 5

Coach Rocha, John Hoyle Rymer, Sam Floyd, Nelson Klein, Robert Patterson, Coach Hart, Talchi Okada, Adam Goldsmith, Mateusz Poplelarz, David Pena, Chris Binkley, David Pena



Glory, Passion, Sweat, Blood. The sounds of drums and possessed players. Everyone in the moment. Everyone wanting to cook the bird. The rivalry brings out the best in players. The fierce competition just makes it more enjoyable. During the game, players want to destroy Eaglebrook. But in the end everyone shakes hands And leaves everythii

Dti^viRralekas and Holden Softer were Tiong the cheering fans. “Bump! Bamp! ump! We saturated them!” said Tony. Perfection beyond domination!” said olden. “Guys! Don’t get scared of losing lis battle! That guy with a tattoo on his arm just a joke!” Ms. Scout cheered with ardigan Students. Eaglebrook Day was not ily an intense day of competition, but it was so a day for all Cardigan students to gather ►gether, and cheer each other.____________

Winter Sports Awards

Varsity Basketball: John Rhyne, Alexander Kotrady, KojI Gormezano

JV Basketball; Francis Paek, Tim Shi, Carter Cockrell

Thirds Basketball: Daniel Lee, Alex Hong, Ian Jang, Mark Kim (not pictured)

Wrestling: Zechariah Harris, James Spearman, Auden Menke (not pictured)

Varsity Hockey: Jacob Caffrey, Jack Wilson, Cameron IVIcCusker

Alpine Skiing: Noah Drummond, Chandler Spearman, James Herbert (not pictured)

JV Hockey: Christophej Fournier, Nolan Callaha Charles Ho, Charles Da

Snowboarding: Caleb Glover, Zachary Harmon

Reserve Hockey: Morg^ Himmer, David Rodriguez, Kota OhasI

Nordic: Joey Exton, Henry Kovacs (not pictured)

Thirds Hockey: Jacob Gilbert, Christopher Otai

On Saturday, March 6th the winter sport teams were honored and the awards for best, most improved and outstandig athletes for each team were awarded. 70

Alumni Hockey Game



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S k i H o h u w

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A day off from classes and sports practices !! Loon Mountain is perfect for our annual SKI HOLIDAY!!!

Skiing, tubing, snowboarding or just riding the lift for anotlier run -- a great day for students, facutiy I and family members -- add all the pizza you can eat -- a great day!!!

th e


The Winners Are ... James Howard - Silver Key - Sculpture Jas Spearman - Silver Key - Ceramics Mario Velasques - Silver Key - Sculpture Adam Goodsmith - Silver Key - Sculpture Eric Kwon - Honorable Mention - Painting

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Mario Velasquez '12 The Scholastic Art Awards of New Hamoshire fa

Sculpture by Adam Goldsmith '13

Administrated by !tie New Hampshire Art Educators' Association A Regional Affiliate of the Alliance for Voung Artists & Writers, Inc

James Howard, Adam Goldsmith, Mrs. Susan Rives, Mario Velasquez




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Mr. Auerbach peers through the “Window Tank." "Now there's always fish flakes all over my desk.” says Mr. Lane.

BHEralBBn ordered tank with much thicker glass than they

jCT^iilsMtWJMWn iilfllB liB (About 65 gallons Whats Next in store for Cardigan? "A coral reef

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next projct. Then, I'd like to make the Greenhouse room actually green, with lots and lots of plants, and birds! Fish watching has become a favorite passtime of Zach Harris, Peter Ferland, David Jarosiewicz, and Henry Kovacs.



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Rainbow Cichlids, a species of fish from Central America, inhabit Mr. Granger's classroom. The fish regularly lay eggs and guard them visciously, protecteding the young from other tank inhabitants.

rg R raa Anoles occupy the lush I tBsartum built by Mr. Lane and Mr. Auerbach in the spring of 2009.


Sloek Mwkit Competition D iM ls lu i

First place: "Taco Dudes": Gabriel Loyola,Ricardo Rovira (not pictured: John Rymer, Joey Exton)

Second place: "Sarah's Pals": J.H. Hyun, John Choi,yZach Harris, Joseph Park Francis P^ek, Ted Lim

Mrst place: "Sticky$$$": Spencer Ian, Shawn Kim, Justin Choi, )anny Belback

Second place: "SNILEFTCHED": Cheng Luo, Cam McCusker, Luke Bennett, Adam Philie


"We have WORLD LANGUAGE DAY??? Oh great, what's THAT gonna be?" Most boys grumbled when they heard the announcement, but only because they didn't konw what Mr. Cushing REALLY had in store for them. Two and a half hours of simply FUN in the snow!


above, left: John Stephens goes for a pass in a gam e of frozen handball. above: Jose Manuel Soto and Cam Lee work on their living room ice sculpture. Right: Arick Escamilla throws a nasty hip-check during a handball game. Opposite Page, top left: Ryan Connery was chosen as the chariot "driver" for the roman chariot races.

Activities ranged from Chariot Races, (pictured above), frozen hand ball, to ice sculpting. There were even some indoor activities like Sumo Wrestling to give everyone a chance to warm up! Sometimes, its good to break the routine. 83


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inter Memories 'rfiwsc*



Forget snowmobiling. You want real speed? Try this sport out!

Left: Mr. Granger and Mr. Auerbach look on as Mr. Hart gives a quick lesson on how to drive the Ice Boat. Below: Mr. G ranger pilots the ice boat around Canaan Street Lake.

The ice is 18 inches thick. AH the snow has blown away. You don't play hoclcey. What else is one to do on a cold winter's day? Stay inside and get warm? HFXK Nf)! Not if you're name is Mr. Hart! Mr. Hart has owned this little jewell for quite a number of years. Three blades connected to a tube frame, with a sail on top. Little pedals to to steer with, and only the wind to carry you forward. Oh yeah, and there's no brakes. Good luck trying to stop!

Above: Mr. Lane tries to regain feeling in his fingers. 10 degrees with a windchill of....wait..,|^w ' fast was he going? Left; Sam Floyd takes a spin aroutl the lake as he steers with the foot pedals and tries not to get hism etl killed!

On March 4 & 5, 2010, the Gardigan'Mountain School Players presented two plays for the comniunity's enjoyment. A fun ^, ^ I time was had by all as students ^ ^and faculty}' gave us a humorous

Bobby pray

and 'a cbhdensed version of tine epic English poem Beowulf ^ . ; 'r


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Jake Spearman, Eric Lane ^ Mrs. Stephanie McCusker

, Carter Cockrell



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Every journey has a beginning, and an end. At Cardigan, new boys and faculty each year synnbolize this start of their journey with the dawn climb to the top of Mt. Cardigan. The early wake up is brutal. Buses have to be loaded before 4 a.m. in order to be at the summit in time to see the sun crest the horizon. But, those who make the trek are rewarded with incredible views and a sight that some may never see in their lifetime: The sun rising over the beautiful and peaceful forests of New Hampshire from the top of a mountain with unbroken views in all directions.

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An incredibly cold summit awaited the boys this year, as the wind and temperature kept most boys huddled together at the top. Overcast conditions meant that the sunrise was only visible for a few moments, but they were an incredible few moments. The rising sun of the new day symbolizes the fresh start that awaits every boy I at Cardigan. It is also a I reminder that time is short. ^ I and its up to each boy to ^ | make the most of their time ^ at Cardigan, before the sun sets at the end of their career.


"Kitchen saved my life" -Harrison Krepacl<

onrm oBS E v e ^ ry M e ^ L .

"Racks Please" - Spencer Han

"Kitchen crew completes me" -John Rhyne

by Eddie Mm Everyone in the dining hall was enjoying their beef taco, with the exception of kitchen crew number four. W e finshed our meal and took a heavy step into the kitchen. I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry. I grabbed my elastic gloves and slipped them on. I went to the window where all the plates get sent through and I waited for the inevitable pile of plates to come.

"Life is like a dishwaher; you never know what you're going to get out of it." -Jack Wilson

John Stephens and Jake Marvin work to keep I ’ washer lo

Hut we'll do I

"Can we get a soda?" -Eddie Kim My favorite part of kitchen is having dirty, hot water spashed all over me. I can take a shower afterwards." -Austin Kim


It was twenty minutes into the meal and plates started to pile up. I was busy handing plates to people working in the pit and they were busy sending things through. The unloaders were sweating from the hot water used to wash the plates. It seemed like the meal was never going to be over but we worked hard until the job was done. Surely kitchen crew is hard work but after we are done, there is always a great feeling inside us. Plus, we always get a can of soda after it.



Back: Nolan Callahan, Coach Frost, Mr. Gray, Dr. Ledbetter, Arick Escamilla, Ville VentoniemI, Front: Brian Lee, Jim Herbert, Henry Kovacs, Andres Martinez, Derek Chaney, Robert Patterson.

â– .f n

Back: Mr. Barker, Mr. Fitzgerald, Peter Siegel, Tony Karalekas, Jacob Caffrey, Tyler Evangelous, Mr. Feeley. Front: Gordie Borek, Charles Stephens, Sean Kim, Alex Hong, Cole Brennan, Chandler Spearman, Chase McGough, Jared Thompson.



Back: Shawn Kim, Miles Hamilton, Enc Kwon, Daniel Kim, Danny Belback, Jake Marvin. Front: Jake Gilbert, Hyungtae Kim, Alex Brennan, Connor Diebel, Patrick Boland, David Jarosiewicz, Diego Ramonfaur.

i •'

French 1 Mr. Scoville and Mr. LeRoy (not pictured)


Cheng Luo, Ryan Conei Charlie Parry, Kunho Park, Ian Jang, Rodrigo Gonzalez-Barbara, Migi Hernandez-Michel Rizo, Ricardo Rovira,, Luke Bennett, Edward Kim, Allan Dawson, Sam Flo


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French 2 Mr. and Mrs. DeMaggio


Jamie Lee, Gabriel Loyola Villarreal, Aidan Garron, Joseph Park, Andrew Jeong, John Rymer, Luis de la Roca, DonQuale Williams, Mario Velazquez, Robbie Tuite, James Park, John Rhyne 100


A ‘wim sun;





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\ / i Hinman 2 Mr. Rocha, Mr. Granger, Mrs. \ Otap



Charlie Kissell, Alex Kotrady, Shaymus Colman, Nathan Raffa, Myles Beach, Daniel Lee, Brian Hwang, Chris Otap, Manuel Afif Chebaux, Collier Rutledge, James Lee, Robert Gray, Morgan Himmer,,Taichi Okada, Jasper Beever


Clark Morgan III Back Row: Mr. Jenkins, Koji Gormezano, Ro Saavedra, Chris Oh. Front row: Martin Worgan, Mark Reidmueller, Isaac Lee, Sam Durst, Ms. Sumner.


Brewster II Back Row: David Pena, Max Rodriguez, Matt Borghi, Kota Ohashi, Kevin Choi, Sheng Yang Peng, Kevin Johnson, Ben Auerbach, Mr. Auerbach. Front Row: Chase McGough, JH Hyun, Mr. Cushing, Paul Kim, Peter Ferland, Steven Jo, Mark Kim, Adam Goldsmith.

r:v # Mr. Lane, Mr. Holt. **> *)



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Christopher Binkley, V Daniel Somuano, Juan â– / Pablo Zambrano Trevino, Sebastian LaPointe, Eddy Chang, Max King, Cam * McCusker, Jack Wilson, i David Cardenas, Nelsor Klein, Aidan Driscoll, Gabriel Villarreal de la [ | Garza, Francis Paek, John Choi, Jacob Kim

iMr. Bayreuther iNico Lykins, Spenser iHukill, Scott Lee, i Santiago Menendez (Barrera, Mateo Collado de Cima, Patricio Teiedo, Connor Van Arnam, Steven Page

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Danny Belback, Mikael Pluhar, Neil McCalmont Zechariah Harris, Nicholas Slaughter, Benjamin Auerbach, Patrick Boland, Jim â– Herbert, Chandler Spearman, Chase "^W McGough, Chris Otap, ^ Caleb Glover, Auden Menke, Robb DeMars, .% Joey Exton, Henry Kovacs, Noah Drummond, Henry Day, Adam Goldsmith, Peter Ferland, Mateusz Popielarz

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4 YnrBoys 1


Each year, a special gropu o f boys emerge from Cardigan. They know Cardigan inside and out like nobody else; they are 4 year boys.

Daniel Kim Charles Kissell Eddie Kim Justin Choi Danny Belback Andy Kebalka Luke Bennett

Congratulations to this year's special group. You will know doubt be remembered for many years to come by the faculty and staff that have gotten to know you so well over the past 4 years. While you will be missed, now its time to move on!

Good luck, boys, wherev the future may take yoi We hope you will alwa> look back with fon memories of the school the called you Cougar:

V r rt: r;

CAIRDIGAN If you ask Adam Philie what its like being Cardigan's school leader, he'd probably say something about the amount of responsibility involved. But its not neccessarily the work he's referring to. "[It's been mostly] the example I have to set. It has always been hard to be on top of my game, attitude-wise, all the time." There are plenty of times when any boy here at Cardigan can get frustrated. Its not that anyone purposely tries to not live up to the core values, J but it takes effort to keep at it. "At Cardigan," says ^ Adam, "there is pressure coming from all over; ] parents, peers, teachers, coaches, yourself, and \ at many times, it can be overwhelming. It makes it easy to slide.” Despite the pressure, Adam does \ , his best to live up to the core values and what the s j community expects from him. “A leader n ee d st

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"A leader needs to be

confident and unafraid of failure. A leader has be passionate and compassionate towards his peers. A leader has to be focused, and most of all has to realize that when it comes down to it, he is the same as everyone else around him, and no better.” Adam doesn't think there are very many people alive who can always live up to these qualities, “but they are in my mind constantly, and ] I try to stick to them as best I can.” > One could say that Adam has had leadership run in his family. Adam's older brother Drew was Cardigan's school leader in 2005-06, before going off to Deerfield. “I didn't really think about being school leader in 8th grade. W hen people asked me about following my brother's footsteps, I would usually just say that I was planning on taking my own path. When I talked to my brother about Cardigan, it was always about sports, and things like school leader never really came up. The times when I thought about leadership positions in general were in leadership class. Other than that. It was never really something I thought about a lot.” What advice can this year's school leader give to future students? “Submerge yourself in all of the things that Cardigan has to offer. Also, don't take

and unafraid of

2009-2010 School Leader Adana Philie

what Cardigan gives you for granted. After talking to kids that have graduated, I have been told that there are many aspects of daily life where Cardigan is far superior.” “If you want to be a leader at Cardigan, don't let it run the way you act in the community. Keep it on your mind, but be true to who you are. Be genuine and kind to others, and most of all, don't fake it. Be true to yourself and your peers.

^ iP re s id e n ili > QQQuale Willia

^ 9 4 3

Secretary Max King

Tresurer Jake Caffrey

Vice President Mao Mao Wei

Victor Alvarez Home Town: Queretaro, Mexico "I like long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners, and romantic memories." Goal: Keep moving forward

Gerardo Barroso Canedo Nickname: Barroso Home Town: Mexico City, Mexico "I never give up." Goal: Live by the core values

Daniel Belback Nickname: Danny Home Town: Grafton, NH "I am happy where I am doing what I am doing." Goal: Be successful in life

lass of 201

lass of 2010 icas Bennett Nickna)i^:|Lukeski McConcussions ttom^ jq ^ n : Rochester, NH, U SA snileftched-bar south into a legit cele." Goals: don't get too many concussions

Gordon Borek Nickname: Polar Bear Home Town: Durham, NH, U SA "I like to work hard." Goals: To make an impression on my next school

Matthew Borghi Nickname: Buddha Hometown: Wolfeboro, NH, U SA "I live in Brewster 2" Goals: Go to College

Jacob Caffrey Home town: Bethesda, M D, U SA "I run show." Goals after Cardigan: Make it to the show.

David Cardenas Nickname: Cardenas Home town: Monterrey, Mexico "Too many memories to refresh one...too many good times. V iva Mexico!" Goals after Cardigan: To finish college, have a good time, and marry a beautiful girl.

Derek Chaney Home town: Boca Raton, "I am a hard worker and Fam ily is important to mi Goals after Cardigan: Varsity Baseball, Colle,

Class of 201

ass of 2010 I n Woo Choi Nickname: Little Woo wn: Seoul, Sotuh Korea D in size ^ t ^ a t does not mean I can be j ' / i^sily knocked off by others. G oail ^ d ig a n : Be a renowned movie producer b y^ ^ ^ a in in g money through business.

Ryan Conery Hometown: Acton, M A , U SA "I enjoy playing hockey and lacrosse." Goals for after Cardigan: Do well at my next school.

Harold Allan Dawson Nickname: AD Home town: Atlanta, G A, U SA "I work my hardest to be the best." Goals after Cardigan: I want to continue my hard work at my next school and be at the top in sports and academics.

Cole Franklin Home town: Dartmouth, M A , U SA "M y favorite sports are hockey and lax." Goals after Cardigan: To have a long hockey career.

Arick Escamilla Nickname: Escamilla Home town: Monterrey, N .L., Mexico "I play the drums and I am a hockey player." Goals after Cardigan: Do well in my life

Tyler Evangelou Nickname: Ty Dog Home town: Wilmington, "I play hockey."

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Goals after Cardigan: D ^ \ ^ l in life.

Class of 201

</><i!dass of 2010 o acob Gilbert Nickname: Jake wbury Port, M A , U SA id hockey and have fun." ; Succeed at high school.

Koji Gormezano Nickname: Riceball Hometown: M ill Valley, California "I love Cardigan Mountain School."

Miles Hamilton Nickname: Miles Home town: Philladelphia, PA , U SA "Youngest of 5 mad Philly sports fans." Goals after Cardigan: Get into St. George's and finish school.

Seung Hyun Han Nickname: Hanshi Home town: Daejeon, South Korea "I am Spencer Han and I really enjoy playing soccer and hockey." Goals after Cardigan: After Cardigan, I would like to continue my studies through graduate school and become a business man.

Andrew Herron Nickname: Belt Home town: Houston, T X , U SA "Hove baseball, pizza, and vitamin water." Goals after Cardigan: Play pro baseball

James Howard Nickname: F.C. Hometown: Marblehead,^ "I try to figure things out,^ Goals after Cardigan: Fu asperation and discover/

Class of 20!

V i.

ass of 2010 en Jenkins ^ Nickname: H J. or Jenks ome town; West Barnstable, M A , U SA t ^ favorite things are golf and a great meal." after Cardigan: Go to my choice of secondary school and c<dl^ge, and after go into the FBIand retire on an island on a golf course.

Anthony Karalekas Nickname: Naples Hometown: Naples, FL, U SA "Does that come with a free bowl of soup?" Goals for after Cardigan: Play Division 1 college basketball

Andrew Kebalka Nickname: Andy Home town: Lebanon, NH, U SA "I am a motivated student who enjoys life experiences." Goals after Cardigan: Persue a career in economics.

Dae Hyun Kim Nickname: Daniel Home town; Seoul, South Korea "I love to play tennis, eat good food, and party with Jake Gilbert." Goals after Cardigan: Hopefully Iw ill go to Choate, then off to Brown, to become a doctor just like my dad.

Dong Kyu Kim Nickname: Austin Home town: Seoul, Korea "3-year Hinman boy!" Goals after Cardigan: Enjoy my life, and enjoy what I do in the future.

Jung Su Kim Nickname: Shawn Home town: Seoul, Korea "I am joyful every day." Goals after Cardigan: a successful biotechnici

Class of 201

ass of 2010 Hyun Kim Nickname: Carlos iwn; Seoul, South Korea etic and sociable person." : Go to college and learn to least 5 different languages.

Maximillian King Nickname: Max Hometown: Georgetown, M A , U SA "I am very interesting when it comes to Math. (Alg. 2) Goals for after Cardigan: Go to a great high school and a great college

Charlie Kissel Nickname: Chuck. Hometown: Bay Head, N J, U SA "I like to work hard." Goals after Cardigan: To marry Charlie Hesse.

Nelson Klein Nickname: Woody toaster ham guy Home town: Raleigh, NC, U SA "M y nickname makes no sense." Goals after Cardigan: Donate to my favorite school.

Alexander Kotrady Nickname: Vladim ir Home town: Durham, CT, U SA "I believe in socialism and the secret police." Goals after Cardigan: Restore Mother Russia

Harrison Krepaq Nickname: Harry Home town: M ill Valley, "Every day is a gift, that's present." Goals after Cardigan: Ti

Class of 201

lass of 201C lAntofl Lohner Piazza â–

Nickname: Anton ;y, Nuevo Leon, Mexico endly, quiet, and loyal." 'gan: Get into one of my high ils, enjoy the warm weather."

Cheng Luo Nickname: Super Cheng Hometown: ShenZhen, Guang Dong, China "I love play basketball and study english." Goals for after Cardigan: Improve english and basketball skills.

Jacob Marvin Nickname: Jake Home town: Seattle, W A , U SA

f "I'm not supposed to be within 200 ft of a Chuck E. Cheese." Goals after Cardigan: To be successful throughout high school.

Cameron McCusker Nickname: Camsky Home town; Canaan, NH, U SA "I am a Canaanite who goes to boarding school." Goals after Cardigan: Have a good life, have fun, and be a good friend.

Alfred Pace Nickname: Tripp Home town: Needham, M A , U SA "I snipe Ginos." Goals after Cardigan: W ork hard, party hard. Be successful.

Steven Page Nickname: Steven Page Home town: Dover, M A , U S "I like spending time with fi Goals after Cardigan: Go t

lass of 201


lass of 201C xharles Parry

Nickname: Charlie town: Merrimac, M A , U SA I am a h a r d a t school and fun on vacation" Goals aftet^GwdCan: Be successful at my next school

Sheng Yang Peng Nickname: Penger Home town: Harbin, China "I can go to the N B A !" Goals for after Cardigan: To be a good basketball player

Adam Philie Nickname: Philie Home town: E. Sandwich, M A , U SA "I am a hard worker and like playing sports and spending time with my friends and fam ily." Goals after Cardigan: Acheive at high levels

Diego Ramonfaur Nickname: Ramon Home town: Monterrey, N .L., Mexico "I play a lot of different sports and I make friends in no time." Goals after Cardigan: Graduate college and have a healthy life.

Johnathan Rhyne Nickname: Brother Home town: Linconton, NC, U S "I Lived in Ireland for a year." Goals after Cardigan: Become a basketball coach. Get into a good college.

Jiacheng Shi Nickname: Tim Home town: Beijing, China "I love to play soccer and b; friends." Goals after Cardigan: Go successful student.

lass of 201

ass of 2010 Peter Siegel Nickname: Pete Washington, N Y , U SA g -

flo ^ e

halidworker ai^,^;^trive to be the best. Fam ily ^ // ' is important to me" eals; Gon^peiy or Salisbury, Varsity Baseball College and my dream is to play M L B ////' and beyond.

Holden Soffer Nickname: Loops Home Town: Pittsburgh, PA, U SA "I love life!" Goals: Excell at whatever school I go to.

James Allan Spearman Nickname: Jas Hometown: Canaan, NH, U SA "Do I get chicks? Yes. Do I play lax? Yes. Do I get chicks becuase I play lax? No. I'm very affluent." Goals: To become a professional musical theater actor






John Stephens Home Town: Woodstock, VT, U SA "I am the Hinman 1 floor leader" Goals: Go to college.

Jared Thompson r

Nickname: J-Bone Home Town: Whitefish, M T, U SA "I am hardworking and enjoy all sports" Goals: Attend St. Paul's

Nickname: Robby Home Town: Auburn, NH

Goals: Be successful in »a »e ve r shoo^

Class of 20

^Mass of 2010 o Van Arnam n: Northfield, VT, U SA ath class in the school." ;r Cardigan I want to go to college.

Ville Ventoniemi Hometown: Hyvinkaa, Finland

Goals for after Cardigan; Some school.

Yingmao Wei Nickname: Mao Mao Home town: Beijing, China "I like to be happy and make friends." Goals after Cardigan: Improve my english skills.

DonQuale Williams Nickname: D.Q. Home town: Brooklyn, N Y , U SA "I am confident in myself and I am hard working." Goals after Cardigan: Go to a Division 1 college.

John Wilson Nickname: Man-child Home town: Wrentham, M A , U SA "I tried to be reasonable, I don't like it." -Clint Eastwood "W e boil at different degrees." -Clint Eastwood

Congratulations, Class of 2010!


C l

Involved in every aspect of campus life Connor Van Arnam Sunrise Climb

CARDIGAN m o u n t a in

SCHOOL a d m is s io n s

Matthew Borghi in the "Music Man"

Each spring, school elections are held for the following year's senior leaders. Based on student and faculty votes, boys who receive the highest leadership ranking have the opportunity to run for school leader. After naming the school leader, the faculty meets to select the remaining leadership positions from the highest vote getters. These positions are announced in May of each year. Student leaders work after school has concluded to clean the dorms, and then arrive early to prepare for the new school year. It isn't easy work, but the challenges faced by student leaders help them to grow in their final year at Cardigan before secondary school.

Derek Chaney sharing a birthday party


i iiii- % *


Cameron McCusker paying attention in class

Front: Koji Gormezano, Dong Kyu (Austin) Lee, Charles Parry, Hayden Jenkins, Maximilian King, Matthew Borghi, Jun Woo (Justin) Choi, Sang Hyun (Edward) Kim , Daniel Belback, James Spearman Back: Andrew Kebalka, Holden Soffer, Anthony Karalekas, Robert Tuite, Adam Philie, Jonathan Rhyne, Cameron McCusker, Connor Van Amam, Gordon Borek, John Stephens, Arick Escamilla, Dae Hyun ^ ■(Daniel) Kim , Sueng Hyun (Spencer) Han, Derek Chaney.


House;,fecaiijj)la % %ew^tgr I: Seufjg Hyu}j,(Speiiger) Han. ■ew^ti^r l i MatJhewt Borghi

Clai£-M(?rg^,]i Anglisw. ^b^lka ClaA-M prgan.Ili: I^oji Gormezai)p

De Dejv^a^Hou^e; GQrdQI},Bpr5k Fk Fraijklin Hpuse; Japigs Speaijn^. Frenph,!: AlI^n.DawjsQn.

FrenghU Johf)fit}j^.R^iyng Greenyyppd Hpuse; Jun Won.(Justiij) Chpi,

Hayw,atQ: Nfexii^liaoJf^ng, Hifinj^flJ; Jpho, Stephen,

Flinroe.Il# Chirl^s Kjiss^l 128

North; Dae HyunXDaniel) Stow,ell House: Coiyjpr Van,Ani^.

ipol,Leader; Adanj,Philie isistanf, Schpp}, Leader: Camerpn.McCu^ker Chs-pl^'s Assisti^t^: Ant}^pi}y I^^ek^if., Dgng I^u,(Austin) K^inj, Day Stwd^ntLea^gr: Daniel Bglback Dining Hall;Head Stewtar.d; Chiles Pairy Grjeen I^y Coprdiufttpr; Hayden, Jenlgn? Iqfemat|pijal, Student Coprdinatpr; Sang Hyui), (Edward) i&i Jph|Fors?n}^,/ Athjetifis: Hpljlen,Soffer Job Forenwn,/ Classrppn^ Derek Changy


Luke Bennett Gagne your whole family is very proud of you, we know you will continue to make us proud Love from


Dongkyu Kim

ly treasure, Dongkyu I t are proud of your graduation from ardigan Mountain School after 3 years, lom and dad are proud of what you have 3ne and accomplished, growing up as a Dung adult. I t want to tell you at this moment; Be Tibitious! our world is bigger and wider than ours. ove always, [om & Dad

Miles Hamilton

M iles.. . .Sm iles....M ookers....the last o f 5 . ...last but not the least....Browns vs. Blondes...Com fort Silkies...W est H ill.. .Haverford.. .Benchmark and the b u s.. .Cardigan... can you pick up your messages yet?...Bryn M awr.. .driving the golf cart.. .living on the third floor ...N ew port...B ailey’s Beach...Just Add W ater...hey boat boy!...Steamboat.. .first tracks with Bill Stuart... Robin H ood .. .Sail Caribbean.. .Ireland with Grannie and the cousins.. .London and Paris with the fam ily.. .Sea Dream for the 80th Birthday cruise...Ocean R eef...g o lf cart licen se.. .Antigua.. .Jake and tennis with the g u ys... Pasta wheels and bow tie s.. .goldfish.. .the bigger the box the better... Applesauce and ju ice... Ginger A le... Coca Cola no ice p lease.. .i-tunes .. .PSP to X B O X .. .Dave M atthews.. .BlackBerry in your future.. .is your cell phone charged?...i-chat.. .S8 in three years.. .Eagles Gam es...Flyers Games to Video Games... Congratulations M iles.. ..we all love y o u .. .x x o o .. .Mom, Dad, Dory, Sam, Crawford and Gray.


'I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles.�

Jacob Caffrey JacobYour solid work ethic and resilient sense of humor will take you far. Congratulations !


Tony Karalekas Tony. Congratulations on your many accomplishments a t Cardigan. You continue to strive for excellence in all that you do and it shows. Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to our family. W e love very much! Mom. Dad. Peter Grams Aunties Remi & Rocky









Derek Chaney

Congratulations! You've worked hard and we're so proud of you. We love you very much, xo Dad, Mom & Aaron

Congratulations Bear! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Jessica

Spencer Han Congratulations New Start! Spencer, Our lovely son and My big brother(Charlie says), You are really great boy. We are always proud of all of yours and always love you. Love Daddy, Mom and Charlie

Cameron Charles McCusker

We love you, Cam! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Colin (Brodie), and Buzz



Stan 2009-2010

Thanks to the Blaze members for all their hard work!

Dong Kyu Austin Kim

Shawn Kim

Eric Kwon

Adam Philie

John Stephens

Spencer Han

Eddie Kim

We'll shoot you next year!! Contributing Photograplners: Eric Kwon, Spenser Hukill, Caleb Glover, and Sam Floyd.

t . . ' 144



> ■■/



■ ■ '* * ■ ' iU.

Happy Graduation

Nelson Hoffman Klein Cardigan Mountain School

We love you Mom, Dad, Tia, Dave, Taryn, Nancy, Tio, & Gail

Cardigan Mountain

Jlijuwr MM

The Varsity Team has been having a great season", says head coach John Bayreuther. Although every team has their problems, which showed in the game against Deerfield. It was a close game, and also one we should have won, but what we want doesn't always happen. Throughout this game the coaches saw things that the team had to work on. The most evident issues are emotional control and focus. Since that day the team has been improving greatly. The leaders o f the team are Max King, Jack Wilson, Adam Philie, Cam McCusker, Nolan Callahan and Conor Van Arnam. Each brings an important aspect to the team, but what makes them so important are not only their performances, but also their leadership. The team is also represented by four 7th graders—Auden Menke, Hayden Holland, Martin Worgan, and Cam Lee. These players are "young" says Coach Bayreuther and are still developing. They also will carry the burden o f leading the team next year when the seniors leave. One thing that Mr. Bayreuther is very proud o f is that the team is good at getting beat up without giving up. They are a very physical team and that is one thing that make them dominant. This is the Varsity Team for the year o f 2010.

I Back R o ^ C o a c h Hannis, Luke Bennett, Charles Moore, Andrew ?H e r r o n , A lex Kotrady, Anthony Karalekas, Carter Cockrell, Charlie: Kissel, Coach Lynch. Front row: Peter Siegel, Andrew Kebalka, Chris s?-- Si; V - â– Fournier, Daniel Belback, Charlie Day. T..




liE R ia p iiiiia T iiM C B ii n r a m y /tii

K liil«l*siiw aB1fia[iI<[il



earn. According to n the sailing team ) many regattas as


Back Row: Coach Hart, Francis Paek, Miles Hamilton, Anton Lohner Piazza, Shawn Kim, Gerado Barroso, Coach Rocha. Front Row: Manuel Afif, Alex Ferrigno, Alex Hong, John Rymer, Kota Ohashi

Top: Coach Beale, Coach Tureck, Eric Kwon, Jake Gilbert, Sebastian LaPointe, Dan Somuano, Diego Ramonfaur, Sam Floyd, Ville Ventoniemi, Coach Gray; Middle; Charles Ho, John Choi, Ryan Conery, Derek Chaney, Spencer Han, Bobby Gray, Juri Yun; Bottom; Alex

’> '*S

* '

fop; Coach Fitzgerald, Jacob Caffery, Gordie Borek, Shaymus Colman, Jake Marvin, Aaron Enescu, Coach Barker; Bottom; Chris Alberigi, Hayden Berry, Collier Rutledge, Clark Macomber, Aidan Garron, Henry Day



1st Row: Robert Patterson, Jiacheng (Tim) Shi, Chandler Spearman, David Pena, Rodrigo Saavedra, —, Alex Brennan. Second Row: Mr. Turcotte, Aidan Driscoll, Hyungtae Kim, Alex Villarreal de la Garza, Henry Kovacs, Conor Diebel, Ben Intarapuvasak, Joey Exton, Chapin Leatherwood, Yun Do Hwang, Noah Drummond, Mr. Kreuzbert. Third Row: Nathan Raffa, Chris Otap, —, Jasper Beever, Yeong II (Steven) Jo, —, Victor Alvarez, —, Will KaufTman, Mr. Exton.

ir .i


W':.- ■

Front row: Cole Brennan, Taichi Okada, Young Hoon (Chris) Oh, Nico Lykins, Sam Durst. Back row: Coach Jenkins, Spencer Hukill, Kevin Johnson, Charlie Parry, Cheng Luo, Garrett Phillips, Jung Woo


B a c k R o w ^ t o k K m /H a it y ^ m ,N e a l M t t ^ C d la d o d ^ i m a J a m e P a ^ ^ Barbara 2nd row: Jamie Kim, Max Rodri|ue|;, Y injm ao WeT,*J.P. Yang, Ted Lim, Cqach Wennik. 3rd row: Joo Sang Lee, Mikael Pluhar, Young W oo Kim, Koji G6rmezano, Ian Jang, Kevin Choi, Josei Manuel Soto, Michael Chang. FfontRow: Andrew Paul Kim, Alfonso Trevino, Isaac L ee,* Wyatt Himmer, Pitrjek^ land





Back Row: Coach Sinclair, Gianni Leslie, Sheng Yeng Peng, Kunho Park, Peter Ferland, Coach Holt Front Row: Ms. Gahagan, Robb Demars, Mickey Oh, Danniel Ray, Scott Lee, Johnathan Tuffy, Morgan Himmer


We're p re tty svre v/e g o f 'them a tlifiis'fitn e !

Nelson Klein, Daniel Kim, Danny Belback, Charlie Kissell, Luke Bennett Eddie Kim, Justin Choi, Andy Kebalka, Steven Page

liatlpnal ^uritQr HonorSociety .ISetTolarshIp - Leadership - Service - Citizenship - Character

New Members: Jared Thompson, Neil McCalmont, Sebastian LaPointe, Seung Hyun (Spencer) Han, David Cardenas, Sang Hyun (Eddie) Kim, Nolan Callahan , Tae Hyung (Alex) An, Connor Van Arnam, Dae Hyun (Daniel) Kim, Zechariah Harris Sponsors (back row) Mr. Feeley, Mrs. lacuzzi, Jam es Spearman, Jun Woo (Justin) Choi, Daniel Belback, Dong Kyu (Austin) Kim, Adam Philie, Jung Su (Shawn) Kim, Matthew Borghi, Mr. Caprow, Dr. McCormick

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Mr. AiUusfe!|nuuar

., by Hyungtae Kim


B E E P B E E P ” goes my alarm at 5:35 am. I reluctantly get up to turn it off and I sit in my bed thinking, “another day of polar bear”. I get out of bed, put on my blue bathing suit and walk across the hall to wake up the other slumbering beast. There, Eric would lay deep in his sleep. I would whisper, “Eric... Eric”, but he never wakes up. So, I have to start hitting him on the leg to wake him up. He sits in bed whining and finally gets out and puts on his bathing suit. We take the long, cold and sometimes dangerous walk over to the waterfront. On the way over we would complain that our toes are cold and we may need to get them amputated. We would finally reach the waterfront bridge and wait for Mr. Gray’s arrival, and then sprint into the water and feel the sensation of cold water hit us like a punch in the face. We would run out of the water shivering but awake. Then we run to our dorm and enjoy a long hot shower.

1 h Adam Philie receives the first alumni tie.

Jake Gilbert gets a little help from his brother Nate Gilbert '08.


Dong Kyu has some collar issues to work out before the ceremonies, as he poses with Mr. Ramos and Charlie Parry.




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(Abc>ve)'ftTle W i n n e r f ^ ' Andy Kebaika, Adam ^ ' Phifie, Spencer Han. Connor Van Arnam, Jake Gilbert^ Harlod Allen Dawson, M att Borghi, Dong Kyu Kim. {Not Pictured: John ■, [R hyn


r So Foiig, class ; o f 2010! You*'^ will be missed, ■ and best o f luck j; to you and your f futures! .


/lit ' .ic



1 vvas born in^hfe path of the w fn t^ wind, •I was raised ^ h e re the [noumaiii^s §it^'old. Then- spffih^flhl^e W ateri canre ^artfcfrig down, And >4em®mbfer the t^ e s tRe^ t(Jfd. Ther vtfhfsfling ways 6fTViy yoOngSr days fd o quickly ^ W '|u ff!^ liT tjy r:

^ t all ofJti^PlfifeffiOfies linger bn pke th#^ht1n a fading sky.





River, take me along

i In your sunshine, sing me a

e been to t h e f d ^ ^ d back a g a ira e been moved b y ^ m e tHmgs that I've le a r n e d ^ a lot of good people ^ind I'lJW^fldud H iu m -trie r^ Felt the change when the seasons turned. I I've heard all the songs that the children sing, And listened to love's melodies; i've feit my own music within m e rise Like the wind in the autumn trees: oFheday when the flowers are blooming still nteday w hen the grass is still green My rolling waters will round the bend And flow into the open sea. 0 here's to theYainbow that's followed me here, nd here's to the friends that I know; d here's to t h r o n g that's within me now ill sing it wherS^er I go.

David Edwardo Jarosiewicz 1996-2010 With a precocious smile, and^. cherished by all, David was guided by a steady moral compass and was a champion for truth and justice. He had a passion for the outdoors, animals and was an avid, courageous, and talented climber. He also had great hair!

Ever moving, and winding and free;


I '

Ty: ^rTFfr^


You rolling old river, you changing old river,

Let's you and me, river, run down to the sea


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