The Blaze - 2011

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The Blaze 2010-2011




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Every Year, Cardigan Studerits embark on an annual tradition centered around our new students. Led by current senior leaders, students are roused from their beds well before the sun comes up, so that they can climb to the top of M ount Cardigan to watch the sunrise. It is a poetic and symbolic moment. Boys sit, side by side, w ith others they m ay not even know, at least not yet. The rising sun represents the daw n of a new academic career for some, or a short adventure for others.




rem ember those few m om ents spent at the summit, watching the sun crest over the White M ountains to begin a new day. Over the coming m onths, and sometimes years, new friendships will form that will last a lifetime. There are always struggles to overcome, but there's nothing that beats the feeling of climbing to the top of that next m ountain, not alone, but together, to await w hat the next day will bring us. The Blaze staff hopes you all look back on your memories for this year w ith a light heart, and that you always strive to beat the sun to the top of the m ountain, to await w hat the new day will bring.

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Cardigan Mountain School Canaan, New Hampsliire

Life at Cardigan is different than life at any other school. Just like any other school you’ll have your ups and downs, but at Cardigan you have a whole band of brothers to get you through, no matter what your trouble is.


Cardigan life also teaches you REAL life. You get up and eat your breakfast. then go to “work” at school Afterwards you go to lunch and “work” again, except at sports, and then you have some down time and eat dinner. Living here is living a real life

The McCuskers David McCusker, Jr. '80 has a unique perspective on Cardigan Mountain School. As a 1980 graduate of CMS, and a former faculty memeber in the early 1990's, he has experienced Cardigan from ail sides. He can relate to the students as they navigate the boarding school environment: as well as understand the enthusiasm, frustration, and deep satisfaction the faculty feel as they help their students achieve their academic, athletic, and life goals.

David McCusker Headmaster

"When old Cardigan friends and former colleagues ask me how I enjoy being back at the school and in the role of Headmaster, I often reply that for me this is a 'labor of love.' I love Cardigan Mountain School. I love our mission and core values. I love the students here and my colleagues. That's not to say that there aren't some good healthy challenges each and every day, but when you are fortunate to live and work in a community like this, supporting the lives of terrific young guys, there is a prevailing sense that anything is possible and that all obstacles are truly just opportunities in disguise. I am an unabashed and enthusaistic champion of Cardigan Mountain School."

Stephanie McCusker "Free-Safety" Isteff McCusker plays many roles at Cardigan. As the "Free-Safety" she steps in whereever she is needed, whether it is substituting in the classroom, roaming with a camera documenting many aspects of campus life, or offering birhday wishes and cupcakes for the appropriate celebrations. She is a constant presence with a cheerful smile and a warm hello. She is frequently seen with the McCusker's chocolate lab. Buzz.

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bps* James (Jamie) Funnell Assistant Headmaster for External Affairs Director of Secondary School Placement

Ryan Feeley Assistant Headmaster Dean of Faculty English

cCusker are the two Assistant Headmasters and his Executive Assistant, as well as the faculty, administratton, and staff.

Lynne Lenihan Executive Assistant to the Headmaster

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Lindsay Antolino Building Confidence in English

J. Dudley Clark III Math

David Auerbach Science Department Chair Gates Coach

Robert (Robbie) Barker III History

Jarrod Caprow PEAKS Department Chair

Virginia (Ginny) Collins Library Aide

Andrew Cook History

Kenneth (Ken) Cushing World Languages Department Chair


John D'Entremont Dean of Students History

Augustus (Gus) DeMaggio Life Skills

Frederick (Rick) Exton Director of the International Student Program W oridLanguages^

M ihaela (Miki) Fera M[ath

Michael (Mike) Fitzgerald History

Ryan Frost Director of Athletics Life Skills

Shannon Gahagan World Languages

Barbara Glover PEAKS

Jeffrey Good English

Christopher (Chris) Granger Science

Alexander (Alex) Gray English

Scott Haire PEAKS Director of Spiritual Life

Austen Hannis Assistant Athletic Director Student Activities Coordinator History

Steven Harris Math

William (Wim) Hart English

Patricia (Pat) lacuzzi Librarian Day Student Liaison Yearbook Coordinator

Andrew Jaspersohn Art

Alexis Kendus Sixth Grade

Christopher (Chris) Kenny English

Steven Ledbetter Music

Timothy (Tim) LeRoy Math

Allan Kreuzburg Residential Life Coordinator Science

Eric Lane Science Yearbook Coordinator

Mark Holt Gates Program Director Sixth Grade


Nicholas (Nick) Lynch History Department Chair

Steven McCarthy World Languages

Edilberto (Eddie) Ramos Math Department Chair


Randolph (Randy) Macdonald Study Hall / Library Assistant

H. Charles (Chuck) McCormick Dean of Students Leadership

Pablo Rocha-Vazquez World Languages

Haver Markham Math

Heather Oliver Science

E. James (Jim) Scott Arts Department Chair Woodshop Drama

James (Jim) Marrion Athletic Department

Deborah (D.D.) Otap PEAKS

Avery Scoville Math


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Marten (Marty) Wennik English Department Chair

Sarah Young PEAKS

Ryan Sinclair Director of Off-Campus & International Programs World Languages

Marshall Wallach World Languages

Brian Cheek Director of Development

Gregory Clancy Leadership Gift Officer

Richard Clancy Director of Alumni Programs

Barbara (Barb) Frazier Development Office Data Manager

Robert Grabill Development

Andrew Helming Associate Director of Development

Kathryn Holland Development Office Manager

Mary Ledoux Development Information Speciahst


Chip Audett Director of Admissions

John Bayreuther Associate Director of Admissions

Jessica Bayreuther Admissions Coordinator

Brian Beale Associate Director of Admissions Director of Financial Aid

Karen Colburn Admissions Administrative Assistant

Matt Rinkin Summer Session Programs Coordinator

Joy Michelson Communications

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Gray Communications

Joseph (Joe) McHugh Business Manager

Jodie Camp Student Accounts

Jill Cavaheri Comptroller

Christine Ferland Travel Coordinator Receptionist


Administration / Staff

Leonard Angelli Athletic Trainer

Audie Armstrong Athletics Administrive Assistant

Michel (Mike) Gray Director of Technology

Rosalind (Roz) Burke, RN Director of Health Services

Patricia (Pat) White Health Services

Dorothy Heinrichs Health Services

Joshua (Josh) Routhier Technology Specialist

Samantha (Sam) Scott School Store Manager

Not Pictured Robin Lobb, Health Services Linda Thomason, Health Services Ben Adams, Athletics Jim Adams, Athletics David Adams, Athletics Allan Dunham, Athletics

Gail Gagnon Receptionist


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Buildings & Grounds

Mary (Teny) McCarthy Head of Housekeeping

Lisa Collins Housekeeping

LeRoy Coutemarsh Housekeeping

Freda Grace Housekeeping

Lisa Trussell Housekeeping

Timothy (Tim) Jennings Director of Maintenance

Angie Craig Housekeeping

Jeff Clifford Grounds Worker

Rose Gardner Housekeeping

Dave Johnson Buildings & Grounds


Dick Gevalis Carpenter


John Trussell Maintenance Team Leader

Nicholas Capron Electrician

Rex Brown Maintenance Worker

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TeiTy Donnelly Maintenance Worker


Robert (Bob) Spano Food Services Manager

Mindy Boisvert Food Services

Keith Hannsen Food Services

Marrion Rogers Food Services

Juhe Wallace Food Services

Robert Yebba Food Services

Rick Kahn Food Services

Not Pictured Britini Brayton, Food Services Bailey Kahn, Food Services Devin Sevene, Food Services Jacob Routhier, Food Services Darlene Wyman, Food Services Dan Bums, Mechanic Kyle French, Buildings & Grounds Linda French, Buildings & Grounds Terry Guest, HVAC Russell McKenny, Buildings & Grounds Russell Rosenbeck, Grounds Worker



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Whether they are teaching, coaching, spending time with their families, or participating in other activities like the Lai^e Run or Mountain Day the faculty are always present and completely involved!


MEMEBERS DOING THE T H IN ^ THEY LOV& Ir. Bayreuther, Wr. Beale, WljyClarlc, |t, Mr. DeMaggio, Mr. F e e l^ fl® Frost, _ je r, Mrs. lacuzzi, Mr. Kenny, Mr. Macdonald, Ihelson, Ms. Oliver, Mr. Rocha, Ms. Young 17

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The Fall has a little bit of something for everyone. Cool New England days give plenty of opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, whether you're playing a traditional team sport like football or soccer, or giving it a go on the Mountain Biking trails, or trying to pull yourself up the closest cliff


face. W hatever your sport may be, just make sure you...





Back Row: Coach Lynch (Head Coach), Coach Marion, Cam Patch, Sam Floyd, Charley Borek, Jamal Lucas, Auden Menke, Shaymus Colman, Zack Langlois, Bobby Dray, Armando Gonzalez Garza Charles Moore, Sean McCarthy, Coach McCormick, Coach Barker, Middle Row; Ben Johnston, Chris Jones, Eddy Chang, Jacob Kim, Cam Bando, Front Row: Charlie Day, P.J. Kelleher, Josh Jordan Alex An, Martin Worgan, James Jones Varsity Football had a very successful season, ending with a solid 6-4 record. The team played hard each and every time we stepped on the field. Improvements really showed at the end of the season when we beat a previously undefeated Holderness team 50-12, who had defeated us earlier in the season. The highlight of the season was a 44-6 thrashing of our arch-rival Eaglebrook, followed by Coach Lynch showing off his waterproof blazer (pictured). All in all the team had a great season, and in the end, we left everything we had on the field. -by Shay Colman



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Toi;^ Rovk^ Coiych MoDdi^ 1% ^^ Qiosni^h, Ghii^OlaR, A ng# VaaqMOs, iiliso a ^ikJuiHfe ^m ¥ f Kim, iu £ p :iio f^co% Q iio i; ^ Ntep^t^ liixlm G a i ^ if^ n d o i;! C i^ K a ^r^Q Hsatr^ 4um iQ tto m Rtovi; Hftn^v^ Hoo UttQppi--SJtotltj:£|, 4o ^ H in > y v ^ ^ B ^ H i ^ Qonoip Nathan Raffa: "Our team had a good season this year. Our strength was our defense. Our f weakness was that we couldn't concentrate for the whole game. | Our coaches were strict but they taught us well. The best moment was beating Eaglebrook, and my least favorte moment was our last game when we lost by less than a touch-down."

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Top: Mr. Oliver, Mr. Kreuzburg, Duncan Kleinfeld, Chen Chen, Alex Zuckerman, Aemon Williams, Ming Yu Yuan, Daniel Ray. 3rd Row; Diego De Unanue Aspe, Jacob Mayer, Will Martinelli, Brian Kim, Tiger Thomas, Joey Mayer. Emilio Romo, Sebastian Suben/ille Rodriguez. 2nd Row: Maxwell Gilbert, Timothy Callahan, Elijah Harris, Collier Rutledge, Juri Yun, Mark Kling. 1st Row: Michael Yin, Garrett Plekenpol, Jonathan Tufty, Francisco Aramburu Alvarez, Robert Rymer, Connor Alvear.

"Our team did well this year despite the fact we lost all our games. I feel our team improved a lot over the year. Most of our kids have never played football but as the year progressed, they improved. We did well at all of our games and did better every game. We got better every game. I was glad I could play with a team that tried its best and got better every game." -Elijah Harris22



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Top row: Coach Wennik, Sebastian Sordo, Steven Jo, Johnny MacLeod, Carter Cockrell, Caleb Glover, Andres Manautou, Coach Leroy. Middle row: Andres Errejon, Alvaro Martinez, Alvaro Quintana, Will Shepard, John Choi, Ace Cowans. Bottom row: Alejandro Gonzalez Rodriguez, Spencer Cookson, Francis Paek, Bobby Gray, Sam Koh, Joe Smith. i


to place third in the New England Junior School Tournament at Eaglebrook. The varsity soccer team had a S ocfreirT i With a crushing victory rough start this year, but as loo ks on in ig o ^ i J against Fessenden, who soon as they got their team ~ they lost to earlier in the chemistry rolling, the team 2 season, they were able to started to improve drastically. B work up to the semifinals. By the end, the team was able ■ ■ ■ H H I P l J i l H H I I H H i They had a unlucky break The team is warmed up and ready to go! against Eaglebrook, but Jo e S m ith kicks th e b ^li

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Rumsey Hall for the third " W place title. In the battle against Rumsey, the j j Cougars were down 1 - 0 but - ' I H battled back and finished game 2 -1 and came home victorious.

At first, their teamwork was not so good. There were only 3 returning players such as Nolan and Aaron who were formerly football players. However, the team helped each other out leading to a stellar 2 loss season.

Back Row: Coach Good, Alex Brennan, Dodi Kandeel, Aaron Enescu, Nolan Callahan, Ollie Durllng, Chris Oh, Coach Rocha Middle Row: Zak Harmon, Taichi Okada, Joo Sang Lee, Chad Morse, Hunter Whiting Front Row: Jason Cahoon, Enrique Bert, Won Joon Jang, Soobeom Lee, Charlie Han, Deker Adelman

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Some Awesome TEAMWORK!


The Reserve Soccer team had a wonderful season. The team had Mr. DeMaggio and Mrs. Oliver as coaches and they were awesome! Also, they had some great players in the team who led the team to great success. In most practices, the players gave 110%. These great practices, gave them the skills in games to score a lot of goals. The top scorers on the team included Nick Sutton, Chan Tae Park, and others who put in a great deal of effort every day. Among several great games, their


game against Lebanon was spectacular. When they played them at the beggining of the season, they lost by a score of 7-1. However, at a rematch at the end of the season, The cougars won by a score of 2-1. This shows the team improved a great deal in the last few weeks. All were proud to be on the same # team togther and it will not be easily forgotten in their memories of Cardigan.


First picture: Christopher An Second Picture: Mickey Oh and Morgan Himmer Third Picture: Jake Peters Fourth Picture: Greg Large, Mickey Oh, Steve Noh, and Morgan Himmer

Back Row: Coach DeMaggio, Joshua Lee, WillHam Roth, Yichuan Yan, Greg Large, Nicholas Slaughter, Nick Sutton, Michael Hong, and Coach Oliver. Middle Row: Chan Tae Park, Morgan Himmer, Jake Carter, Herman Lui, Jake Peters, and Blake Wilkey. Front Row: Christopher An, Steven Noh, Mickey Oh. Jonathan Su. and Jerry Wu.


Cross Country had the largest group ever with 27 runners. We had Mr. Feeley, Ms. Antolino for the Varsity coaches, and Mr. Wallach, Mr. Exton for the JV coaches. Some of the runners such as Philip Parry, Daniel Kim, and Aidan Driscoll had a great amount of stamina, and they did not know how to stop!

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One of the best races they had was when the Varsity team went down to Cheshire Academy, facing 10 schools including Eaglebrook, and took 1st place. Although other runners took the first four places, the Cougars successfully ran with their "pack-running" style, and the sum of our places beat other teams.

Top: Philip Parry [\/Iiddle: Alex Hong, Eric Kwon, Robert Patterson Bottom: Aidan Driscoil

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Front: Kevin Choi, Alex Hong, John Rynier, Daniel Lee, Aidan Driscoll, David Kim, Andy Kim, Ben Intarapuvasak, Paul Kim Middle: Coach Antolino, Joey Exton, Mikael Phihar, Jordan Abisch, Aidan Garron, Philip Parry, Michael Chang, Tom Caron, Brian Lee, Brian Hwang Back: Coach Feeley, James Lee, Jamie Kim, JP Yang, Janies Park, Ben Chapin, Eric Kvv on, Daniel Kim, Mark Kim, Robert Patterson, Coach Exton, Coach Wallach

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ROCK CLIM BING TEAM 1 . Benjamin Auerbach, 2 . Ryan M cCabe, 3. Richard Cardillo, 4. Wyatt Himmer, 5. Micheal Nodarse, 6 . Sebastian LaPointe, 7. Charles Ho, 8 . Malik (Gianni) Leslie.

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Speight D rum m ond, Jo rd an Davis, Jasper Beever, Justin Rose, JR K reuzburg, Coach i Gray, H ayden Berry, N oah D rum m ond, Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Robb DeMars, Emery ■ Gray, Coach Fitzgerald, Liam Eadie, Alejandro O rozco !

Mountain Biking rhe Mountain Biking team raced in their inaugural season, rhroughout their first season the Cougars competed against Proctor, Vermont Academy, New Hampton, Tilton, Kennett High School, Hanover High School, Woodsville High School, ind Killington Mt. School. y Coach Gray, N oah D rum m ond, Jordan Davis, ‘ Speight D rum m ond, H ayden Berry, Emery Gray, ■'C o a c h Fitzgerald, Juan Pablo Covarrubias

Liam Eadie


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Front: JR K reuzburg, H ayden Berry, Liam Eadie, N oah D rum m ond, Emery Gray. Back: Coach Fitzgerald, Jasper Beever, Jordan Davis, Speight D rum m ond, A lejandro O rozco, Justin Rose, Coach Gray, Juan Pablo Covarrubias (not pictured: Robb DeJVIars)

Noah Drummond


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On Nov. 8th, the entire student body and many faculty members participate in the traditional 5 mile run around Canaan Street Lake. Even Santa Claus made an appearance!

2010 Lake Run Top 5 1st: Aldan Driscoll 2nd: Daniel Kim 3rd: Chris Alberigi 4th: Philip Parry 5th: Auden Menke Way to go, boys!


Life at Cardigan is all about friends, family, fun, sharing, helping others... oh, and of course.








___LEARNING who you are, where you are going and how you will get Ithere! IH I ■ •a




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Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. DATE: Nov. CAST:

18- 19

Tevye: Nolan Callahan Golde: Ms. Haver Markham Tzeitel: Max Gilbert Model: Ms. Alexis Kendus Ghava: Moriah Harris Shprlntze: Mattie Harris Bielke: Hannah Harris Yente: Hayden Holland Motel: Aldan Driscoll Perchik: Sebastian LaPointe

Lazar Wolf: Samson Durst Mordcha (Innkeeper): Adam Goldsmith Rabbi: Neil McCalmont Mendel (Rabbi's son): Eric Kwon Avram (bookseller): Daniel Lee Constable: Alex Brennan Fyedka: Ryan McCabe Yussel (hatter): Chad Morse Fiddler: Hyungtae Kim 1st Man: Timmy Callahan 2nd Man: Elijah Harris

CREW & DIRECTION Production Design & Director: Mr. Jim Scott Stage Manager: John Hoyle Rymer Choreographer: Sebastian LaPointe Costumes: Mrs. Samantha Scott Props: Tom Caron Make-up: Ms. Sharon Rymer, Mrs. Samantha Scott 1 Kihlinu r.inim l C i' Met luiuili. Z'

Villagers: Cam Lee, Aarmi Enescue, Charles Ho, Jam es Jones IV, Kota Ohashi, Mr. Eric Lane, Mi Ryan Feeley, Mr. Dave McCusker, Ms. Shannon Gahagan, Mrs. Steff McCusker Russians: Robb DeMars Caleb Glover, Ben Auerbach, Mikael Pluhai Myles Beach

Spotlight: Conor Diebel Assistant dresser: Mrs, Barbara Glover Set Dressing: Tom Caron, Mrs. Samantha Scott Backstage Crew: Alejandro Orozco, Jasper Beever, Elijah Harris, Robert Patterson Poster Desifjn & Communications:

The holiday season is celebrated with good food and a stirring. )erformance bv students, faculty and many of the facu ty childreni t u


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Yee Joon "Eddy" Chang '11, Eugenio IVIarcos Bours '12, IVIark Riedmueller '12, James Jones '12 and the faculty children take part in the Navtivity play

6th Grade - .i 1


C onnor Alvear

Young Woo An

Duncan Kleinfeld

Jacob Carter


James Kreuzburg

Emery Gray

Herman Lui

Seung Min Lee


Jonathan Mayer

Sea Hoon Noh

Robert Rymer


Chan Tae Park

Sebastian Suberville Rodriguez


Jacob Peters

Tiger Thomas

Seok Woo Hong

Garrett Piekenpol

Blake Wilkey

class of 2014 The Sixth Grade on the move



working hard

Emery Gray President (middle) Chan Tae Park Vice President (right)

Class Officers Herman Lui Secretary (left) Jonathan Mayer Treasurer (not pictured)

7th Grade Jordan Abisch

Christopher Alberigi

Guan Lin Chen

Henry Day

Jhang Hyun Han

Elijah Harris

/llliam Kauffman

Byungmoo Kim

-ranciso Aramburu Alvarez

Juan Pablo Delgado Ulibarri

Myles Beach

Timothy Callahan

Seung Chang

a Noah Drummond

7th Grade Continental Congress Project

Andres Errejon Escobar


Maxwell Gilbert

organ Himmer

Yun do Hwang

Chi Kyu Lee

Joo Sang Lee


Seung Hwan 42 Lee

William Martinelli

Alvaro Martinez

Jacob Mayer

Yuri Okada

^ Philip Parry

^ # Daniel Ray

Nicholas Slaughter

Ming Yu Yuan

Emilio Romo Benavente


ongting Zhang

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William Roth

Co Her Rutledge

Adam Sherwood

ajanont Tanakalthon

vemon Williams

Zicheng Yin

Class Ofticers

Jur1 Yun, President 'v Elijah Harris, Treasure! Daniel Lee^ Secretary James Leev^Ct-President

Deker Adelman


Hayden Berry

Joaquin Alvarez Regules

Enrique Bert Cueva

Nazri Andonie Dacca rett

Charley Borek

ife Cameron Bando

Abbasali Bashey


Cole Brennan

Jasper Beever


Jason Cahoon

Richard Cardilio



^ o f 2012


Benjamin Chapin

a li

Charles Day

Chen Chen

Diego De Unanue Aspe

Jae Won Choi

Pablo Diaz T rapote

Spencer Cookson

Conor Diebel

Ace Cowans

Robert Dray

Jordan Davis

Liam Eadie

Charlie Day and Cam Lee work on a project

Noah FosseGreiner

Aidan Garron

Adam Goldsmith

Alejandro Gonzalez Rodriguez

Jong Woo Ha

George Hewitt

Adrian Garza Gabriel Garza Martinez Perez Maldonado

Armando Gonzalez Garza

M Wyatt Himmer

Hayden Holland

Seong Kweon Hong

Jose Armando Guzman Flores

Benjamin Intarapuvasak 45

8th Grade

James Jones

Theodore Jones

Joshua Jordan

Hyoung Goo Kang

Hyungtae Kim

Jae Heon Kim

Jung Woo Kim

Paul Kim

Cameron Lee

Jae Heon Lee

Peter Kelleher

Hyun Joon Kim

i i i i Mark Kling

Gregory Large


Malik (Gianni) Leslie

Eduardo Lobeira Escamilla

Angel Vazquez enjoying New Hampshire's great outdoors!

Jamal Lucas

Sean McCarthy

Johnathan MacLeod

Chase McGough

Hayden Holland and Martin Worgan studying in the library

Andres Manautou Mi ret

Eugenio Marcos Bours

Auden Menke

Marcus Mitchell

Class of 2012

Charles Morse

IVIicheal Nodarse

Young Hoon Oh

Young Jun Oh

Moo Sung Park

Alvaro Quintana Ruiz

Mark Kling just hanging out

Kota Ohashi

Nathan Raffa


Christopher Otap

Mark Riedmueller

James Jones checks out the spring trips

^ Joseph Smith

Sebastian Sordo Amaya

Nicholas Sutton

Hunter Whiting

Martin Worgan

Tian Xie Wu


Justin Rose


William Shepard


li l i l i Angel Vazquez Vera

Yichuan Yan

August von UngernSternberg

Benjamin Walker

Ellison Young

Alexander Zuckerman


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Winter at Cardigan is unlike any other season. You’ll wake up and see the campus engulfed in snow, and the walk to breakfast always wakes you up with a cold slap in the face. Winter also blesses you with more free time, and also brings

in fun activities like winter carnival. Winter also houses the most important athletic season of all: Clancy Hill season, of course!



Skiing, snowboarding, and sledding are the best ways to spend a wintery afternoon on Clancy Hill! The Microburst Ice Rink is also available for a "cool" activity during free time. 49

Dodi Kandeel Tenacious



Jamal Lucas Goinq for the shot

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This season the varsity Hockey team had a good year. They ended up with a record of 15 wins and 12 losses. Though as the year progressed the team came together and started to win games more often. The Cougars were playing against all older boys and they were finding it hard to compete against in some teams who were strong. The cougars had to find a way as a team to out work their opponents every game. The cougars went on two road trips to Connecticut to play three games a weekend. In their first game, the cougars faced their rivals Eaglebrook, in a tournament at Belmont Hill. The Cougars crushed eaglebrook in this game, 7-1. The team then played Eaglebrook two other times during the remainder of the season winning both a game at home and a game away by a score of 3-0. The cougars had a fun and exciting season and they hope to only progress in the future.

Back Row: Coach Granger, Aidan Driscoll, Aaron Enescu, Eddy Chang, Shaymus Colman, Alex An, Liam Eadie, Bobby Gray, Coach Sinclair, Coach Fitzgerald. Middle Row: Henry Day, Juri Yun, Hayden Berry, Jake Peters. Front Row: Timothy Callahan, Micheal Nodarse, Charles Ho, Will Shepard, Marcus Mitchell. (Not pictured: Adam Sherwood)



1 - Bobby Gray 2 - Adam Sherwood 3 - Marcus Mitchell


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JV Hockey had a great season with lots of improvements as a team. We started off pretty rough, not being part of the team and not thinking as the team. We worked on how to be better as a team rather than individuals, and learned how to support other teammates. We also worked hard to be a better player everyday both physically and mentally. By the end of the season, we could really play well as a team, and became more skilled players. And of course, we fried the Eagles in our second game against them for a nice big revenge. - Alex An-


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Back Row: Coach Funnell, Coach Wallach, Andres Manautou, Caleb Glover, Jae Heon "Daniel" Kim, Eugenio Marcos, Jong Woo Ha, Chris Oh, Alex Brennan, Coach Wennik, Coach D'Entremont; Middle Row: Nazri Andonie, Blake Wilky, Morgan Himmer, Max Gilbert, Jacob Mayer, Herman Lui, Joey Mayer,: Kota Ohashi; Front Row: Hang "Jonathan" Su, Sueng Ick "Michael" Chang, Wyatt Himmer, Collier Rutledge, Will Roth, Mark Riedmueller, Sebastian Suberville.

"This season has been a great time with all the games we had ar I skills we have learned. Even though most kids were challenged b\ skating at the beginning of the season, people quickly caught up I and began to get the idea of hockey. The most memorable event I was the first game we won. I would love to play hockey next year| -Jong Woo Hf


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Although this year's team was mixed in experience and skill level, the team was very successful as a whole. Jacob was the biggest wrestler, and he had a great season with many more wins than losses. Although Tom Caron was the lightest in the group, he pulled off great victories with opponents much heavier than himself. All the other wrestlers on the team also had victorious moments and the season made us all better wrestlers.

Top Row: Coach Cushing, Ben Auerbach, Yongbeom Enc Kwon, Jae Young Jacob" Kim, Auden Menke, JongPil "JP" Yang, Ju Woon "Jamie" Kim, Coach Harris; Middle Row: Aidan Garron, Sea Hoon "Steve" Noh, James Jones, Tom Caron, Coach Kreuzburg; Bottom Row: Hyungtae Kim, Conor Diebel, Elijah Harris, Will Kauffman, Yuri Okada, Dodi Kandeel.

The SuccessFul Se^soh


Back row: Carter Cockrell, Jasper Beever, Jamal Lucas, CJ Moore, Yeong II "Steven" Jo; Middle row: Chris Alberigi, Philip Perry, Suyoung "John" Choi; Front row; Noah Fosse-Greiner, Ben Johnston, Francis Paek, Soobeom "Scott" Lee, Martin Worgan.

"Varsity Basketball had an extremely successful season, and most importantly a season full of excitement. Our team ended with a winning record of 18 wins and 8 losses....While every game seemed like a 'David and Goliath' matchup due to our lack of size, we managed to overcome physical adversity by mental toughness and hard work....Whether in the gym or on the court against our opponents, we worked to get every loose ball and played with a high intensity throughout the season." Francis Paek

Jamal Lucas goes up for a easy shot under the hoop against Eagiebrook. Noah Fosse looks For a pass.

Ben Ji.- -istnn drives , ^holยง,

It takes no talent to hustle, guys


Altough the JV Basketball team had some tough time winning games with 2 wins and 17 loses, everyone worked really hard in practices and games. No matter how far they were back in the game, they never gave up and sought to score. The team had numerous injuries from practicing and competing hard. One thing that kept them from winning was that they just weren't experienced. Most of the teams they faced had at least a year of team experiences.


rl i


Back Row; Coach Hannis, Ted Lim, Spencer Hukill, George Hewitt, Gianni Leslie, Nathan Raffa, Janies Park, Mark Kim; Front Row: Eric Kang, Kunho Park, Alex Hong, Chen Chen, Sean Kim, Ian Jang. (Not pictured Coach Oliver)

, '' 1. A lex Hong 2: Sean Kim ™ 3. Chen Chen




h Lee, Mlickey Oh, Al Hwang, Nick Sutton, ^bert RyrTier, Micheal ch Hann is, Coach G

NEWENcajumtnncon' ,^速 akpiohships ,

in Kim, Chantae Par an, James Lee, Dav uan, Coach Holt, Cc


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"We had an immensely successful season. With the biggest team seen in years, the Ragged bus took mearly 40 boys to the mountain 'every day. In the beginning, there jwas a group of 10 to 15 who had inever skied or snowboarded before. 'By the end of the season, though, Inot a single person had trouble flying down the slopes....From the [gnar on the slopes to the gnar gnar fin the park, there was an overly intense amount of shredding being ldone...We skied and snowboarded every day, developed a love for Ragged Mountain, and of course took on the gnar gnar full speed." John Rymer

.This one will be tough to list in any kind of t order, but in a sort of winding fashion from the [top left, here it goes... |John Skelton, Alejandro Orozco, Francisco (Aramburu, Mr. Hart, Michael Hong, Joaquin (Alvarez, Duncan Kleinfeld, Tiger Thomas, lAdrian Garza, Alejandro Rodriguez, Ivan IZambrano, Mark Kling, Aemon Williams, Emilio [[ Romo, Pablo Diaz, Alvaro Quintana, Angel Vazquez, Harry Kim, Kevin Choi, Paul Kim, ^Jordan Abisch, Gabriel Garza, Chi Kyu Lee, rJordan Davis, John Rymer, Taichi Okada, jJuan Pablo Delgado, Juan Pablo Covarubias, iGarrett Plekenpol, Diego de Unanue Aspe, IBrandon Clarke, JR Kreuzburg, William Martinelli, Andres Errejon


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Emery Gray made an impressive showing this season, skiing Varsity #4 as a 6 th grader.

LEFT: Hayden Holland skied as varsity #2 this season as an 8 th grader. Hayden won many different events this season in both Slalom and GS categories.

Speight Drummond had an i j h i incredibly successful season, qualifying for the Junior Olympics. Speight joines an W elite group of Cardigan Varsity ^ Skiiers who have competed at such a level in the past.

# i Back row: Mr. Scoville, Mr. Gray, Greg Large, Sebastian LaPointe, Justin Rose, Speight Drummond, Myles Beach, Ollie Durling, Ryan McCabe. Middle row: Jake Carter, Hunter Whiting, Ben Intarapuvasak, Noah Drummond, James Joo Sang Lee, Emery Gray, Mrs. Fera, Mr. Demaggio. Front row: Armando Guzman, Deker Adelman, Sam Durst, Hayden Holland, Sebastian Sordo, Enrique Bert

The Cardigan Mountain Scinool Varsity Snowboard Team had a long and memorable season. Eight riders came together to break Cardigan history. The team placed second overall at a GS competition. Then, they continued their success when two riders, Zak Harmon '11 and Ben Chapin ’12, both placed first overall at the Lakes Region Championships. Success like this did not come with ease. The whole team worked extremely hard, day in and day out, to reach their goals. They all pushed themselves beyond what was ever asked of them.


Chapin '12 lets his tounge fly while he pulls sick grab.

The fearless motivation to land new tricks and such progress led to the team's succcess this season. And that, along with having two of the best coaches around, is what led to the team’s success, This season is going to be a tough one to outdo.


Back Row: Coach Jaspersohn, Armando Gonzalez, Solomon "Sam" Floyd, Ben Chapin, Chris Jones, Chad Morse, Harry Walker, Coach Hail. Front Row: Alvaro IVIartinez, Zak Harmon (upside-down), and Eduardo Lobiera.

' ^




The team relaxes in a snowbank after a race.

"Overall, Cross-Country Skiing had a pretty good year. Even though the snow came in a little late, after Christmas break, we got right down to work. The start to the racing season was slow due to races being cancelled by weather conditions. Later in the season we did a few races. Our team finished about the middle of the pack, which is not bad. The highlight of the racing season was probably the home race at Cardigan. Not only was it the first race that we hosted in years, but it is the best race we skied in." -- Joey Exton


r Robb DeMars (left) and Joey Exton (above) prepare for a race.

Athletic Commitment Exemption For one season out of three, a student-athiete can elect to focus on another activity.

Neil McCalmont and Dr. Ledbetter compose and conducte music during winter sports in the music room. Neil practices and practices to play Chopin, write chamber music a72dpiano music, conduct Beethoven's 8th and 9th symphonies, and leam complex music theory. Figure Skating is a sport that I have always loved. The sport requires so many different types of strengths that need to be used at the same time. To skate well you need to be able to skate reallyfast, be able to start skating reallyfast with only a few pushes, do Mzarrefoot movements while skating really fast, stretch, be graceful, balance, remember exactly what you're 'supposed to do, and smile. During the season, I skated almost every day and worked out any day that I couldn’t. The skills mentioned above are things that were worked on constantly through out the season (maybe not so ^u ch the smile part). My mom and I could often be seen ^ leaving the rink at eight at night (love you mom) and in the ^w eight room doing exercises you’ve never heard of Though B for me the skating season is never really over, this winter I definitely improved in my skating as well as having lots of fun, all while skating reallyfast — M ikael Pluhar

Robbinson DeMars not only is on the Cardigan Nordic Ski Team, but spends many hours practicing and competing in ski jumping. Working throughout the year, he takes a giant leap off the jump and flies as yar as he can to a solid landing.


Thirds Hockey Nazri Andonie Daccarett Mark Riedmueller Young Hoon "Chris" Oh


Alumni Hockey Game Dedicated to J. Dudley Clark

L _

Longtime Cardigan faculty member J. Dudley Clark III was honored by the Cardigan Mountain School Alumni Association at the postgame ceremony after the 24th Annual Alumni Hockey Game. There Mr. Clark was presented with a framed certificate of dedication and a game stick signed by all of the players in attendance.

The certificate reads as follow s: "The Cardigan Mountain School Alumni Association hereby dedicates the 24th Annual Alumni Hockey Game to J. Dudley Clark ll--Teacher, Mentor, Role Model, Friend. For thirty years of service to the community of Cardigan Mountain School, we, the Alumni Association of Cardigan Mountain School, wish to acknowledge your extraordinary effort and unselfish dedication by honoring you here, today, February 27, 2011. From this day forward may all those whose lives you have touched at our beloved school forever remember your genuine kindness and giving spirit, and may your character be appreciated as a true embodiment of the Cardigan core values." 65

The Greenline

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Cardigan vs. Eaglebrook Eaglebrook came to town again this winter, and the Cardigan boys showed them exactly what they were made of. Both Varsity Basketball and Varsity Hockey continued the domination that started with Varsity football in the fall. Both teams won their home games to keep the rivlary alive and well.

Tuesday, Feb. 1, began as usual with the boys checking Headmaster McCusker's tie ...

can mean a special holiday. It was GREEN ...-

Later the boys hopes sparked again when Mr. McCusker changed to a yellow panda tie. He explained during announcements that he was celebrating the panda by wearing the tie.

After all the daily announcements, Mr. McCusker announced that he had forgotten :^ach Langlois' birthday. Asking Zach to join him at the microphone, he inquired as to what ^ach wanted for his birthday....

immediate response "SEIVUOR SKI HOLIDAY!!"



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W illiam M artinelli, M oriah Harrisi


i Cole B rennan, C onor Diebel

Carter Cockrell, Sarah Harris

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Once,again the Cardigan Players entertained and V^ deliighted the community with not only one peiformance, - but three: "The E d u ca tio n o f J a n e t O "Maltey" "Proving J'm N ot a L o s e r a n d O ther D ifficu lty Challenges" \


_..Wnd intermingled , throughout -

/ N /

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Cole Brennan, C onor Diebel, Eugenio Marcos


"A T rib u te to Monty Phthon"

Ian Jan g

Moriah Harris, Mattie Harris

Aidan Driscoll, Eugenio Marcos

wnii'if’i i


The gym was transformed into a winter wonderland

he lyrics of the Sammy ahn and Jule Styne * ^ s o n g says it all at the Hannual Parents' ^ eekend Auction: fe "Oh the weather outside iis frightful, but the fire is [so delightful..." While the fire' burned on stage Iparents, students, amilies, faculty and staff jhad a great time bidding Master of Ceremonies jon the many silent and IVIr. Robbie 'Sven' Barker '97 ive auction items loffered.

Headmaster David McCusker '80 ■ warmly welcomes everyone to the festivities ' rl A • Si ;



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■" Auction chair, Maureen Gilbert sits with her family Max '13, Maureen, Andy, Jacob '10 T


BELOW; A group o f boys watch their classmates compete in the standing vertical leap competition.

F ith e s s Who will be, Mr. Cardigan?

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Every year, Mr. Kreuzburg organizes a school wide competition to who will be known as "Mr. Cardigan" for each grade level. Students perfornn various tests of physical strength, agility, flexibility, and quickness, to see who will be crowned "Mr. Cardigan!"

2011 Mr. Cardigan winners CJ Moore Richie Cardillo Chris Alberigi Josh Lee

Pushup Masters! 9th: 8th: 7th: 6th:

CJ Moore (52) Auden Menke (65) Will Kauffman & Juri Yun (35) Steven Noh (25)

A B O V E: E lijah H arris d oes as m any pushups as he can in one m inute. L ook at th at intensity!


A ugust V on U n g em -S tem b u rg gives som e doubledutch a try d uring a break in the action

Max Gilbert has trouble keeping his shoes on in the knee deep snow!

Winter sports are finally over, so NOW what do we do? You mean, we can't just sit in our rooms and play on our computers? What else IS there to do? Well, you could play outside in the snow like boys have done for thousands of years! And that is exactly what we did on World Language day. From the sounds of it, you'd think it was a conjugating verb contest. Really though, it was a combination of exciting athletic events to see which dorm would be crowned "Language Day Champions!" The afternoon's competition ended in a tie for first place between French 1 and French 2. Dr. McCormick tried to settle the tie with a "Who's in chapel dress" showdown, but both dorms were equally disqualified. The final decision came down to a coin toss, with French 1 winning the most exciting flip of the year!

w n n fm s Woohoo! No Practices! And there's never a shortage of choices, whether you like sledding on clancy hill, getting ripped with Mr. Barker, or just staying warm and watching a movie, there's a club for you! Tom Caron does his best impression of the abominable snowman, or as some may call him, "The Yetti."

RIGHT: Mr. Rocha and Mr. Barker run their ever so popular "Wear your shorts hke its 1954" club, BELOW: Bill Martinelli races up Clancy Hill.

RIGHT: Steven Jo gets ready.

RIGHT: Alvaro Quintana does his best to stay wann. "I want to go back to M exico! It's mucho frio aqui!"


Cardigan M ountain Sch ool w as founded in th e Ju d eo-C h ristian tradtion. To en su re tto t aU students grow in s p ir itu a m e , Chapel is held each T hiu^day t afternoon. Led b y Mr. Scott Haire, Director of Spiritual Life, an d D r. Steven Ledbetter, Music D irector, th e b o y s participate in th e serv ice w ito readings fro m scrip tu re, an other sp iritu al trad itio n s. They sing w ith th e Glee Club, p lay with the M usic E n sem ble. Individual stu d en ts, facu lty o r guest sp e ak e rs give th e serm on, o r sim p ly talk about som ething im p o rtan t to them .

I For Spring

Break 2 0 1 1 , 18 students and 4 : teachers took a week long trip to Costa : Rica! ' ■: i '' Students had an amazing time tasting the I freshest fruit they've ever eaten, riding a zipline through the canopy of a rainforest, : whitewater rafting, enjoying tropical ■beaches, and seeing an incredible variety of wildlife. They have a saying in Costa Rica which is pretty simple: "Pura Vida!" If you translate it it literally, it simply means "Pure Life!" For 1 week, these boys got a taste of what Pure Life is really like! (Not to mention leaving all that snow behind in New Hampshire!)

TOP LEFT: Armando and Tom wait for the check in line to open at Logan A irpo|f after leaving school at 2:30 am to m ak^it^to boston on time ‘ ' LEFT, ABOVE: The boys p re p ^ e for a whitewater rafting adventure!


Tom Caron got a little too cozy for Phillip Parry's liking. Come on Philip, its a long drive, okay?

MAIN PHOTO: Phjilip Parry and Chris Alberigi plunge into the pool created by a waterfall below the Arenal volcano, while Aidan Garron looks or

t^'TOP, LEFT: A favorite day on the trip, spending the entire morning at the beach, swimming in the Pacdific Ocean!


p /.ABOVE: Gianni Leslie, Mark Reidmueller, and Chris Alberigi pose with some students from escuela de Abangaritos. TOP, RIGHT: Mark Reidmueller attempts to apply what he learned in 8th grade science, and uses the time of his spit falling to see how far down the Jungle Floor is. "Hey Mr. Lane, whats the terminal velocity of a lugi? RIGHT, BOTTOM: Abangaritos.



Kauffman makes a new friend in

' .- LEFT, BOTTOM : Gianni Leslie, Will Kauffman, and ■ James Jones get to know a milk cow. .


^ LEFT, MIDDLE: Scott Lee and Gianni Leslie have a go ^ at making pure sugar from sugar cane grown on an ■ .o rg a n ic farm.

Mr. Cushing, Ben Auerbacli, IVIrs. Gahagan, IVlr. Rocha, Chris Alberigi, Will Kauffman, James Jones, “ Armando Guzman, Scott Lee, Tom Caron, Mr. Lane, Aidan Garron, Mark Reidmueller, Aemon Williams, 1 Duncan Kleinfeld, Francisco Aramburu, Phillip Parry, .Sebastian Suberville, Gianni Leslie, and Jake Carter.


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Cardigan's curriculum is designed both to su p p o rt and to stretch each student as the School prepares him for the dem anding academ ic program s characteristic of the in d ep en d en t schools m ost graduates a tte n c . In all disciplines, special em phasis is place u p o n m astery o fundam ental skills, content and the essential study skills n ee d ed to becom e academ ically self-sufficient.

John Rymer

Jason Gaboon

Michael Chang

The academic program requires each student to take the six major courses including English, history, math, science, world language (French, Spanish, Latin), and Personalized Education for the Aquistion of Knowledge and Skills (PEAKS). A student may petition to take English as a Second Language in place of world language. All students are also required to broaden their horizons and strenghts through additional course work in Life Skills, Leadership, Music, and Art/Woodworking. Ii A %

Max Gilbert

Eddy Chang

Jacob Mayer

Juan Vidal de la Pena Noriega


Ms. Alexis Kendus, Jacob Carter at the fish hatchery L it

On Monday, February 14 the sixth grade class went to the New Hampton Fish Hatchery to retrieve their Brook Trout 'fry" babies


Mr. Mark Holt and his class

Sea Hoon (Steve) Noh, Joey Mayer, Garrett Plekenpol listen and take notes in class with Ms. Kendus

J'iger Thomas, Jacob Carter, Garrett Plekenpol


m M Brook Trout "fry" babies' new home

Joshua Lee



They were given about 275 tiny trout to raise and release into the Mascoma River sometime in April.

Emery Gray, Blake Wilkey and Chan Tae Park work in the library Presentation by Jacob Peters and Sueng Min (Joshua) Lee


V i

7TH GRADE The students participate in the Continental C

For 2 days the 7th grade students called a Continental Congress. Portraying the various groups that existed at the time, they debate, vote, and live the way their counterparts did .at the time of J;he original ^Congress. The experience allowed them to feel ^ h a t it was like to live at time.

Andres Errejon Jacob Mayer

There is a lot of talking, listening, and debating the issues at hand.

Morgan Himmer Chris Alberigi John Skelton

Max Gilbert, Myles Beach I


8th grade history students got a taste of reality when they set out to engage in I jeenactment of trench warfare. They dug \tre n ch e s, readied the ammunition, Then the wai began! While snowballs are not bullets,.

James Jones, Chase McGough, Jasper Beever, Micheal Nodarse

% i Richard Cardillo, Chase McGough with Ms. Young

Benjamin Chapin

Wyatt Himmer, Adam Goldsmith work with Mr. Auerbach Will Martinelli

t a sense of what World War I warfare might have been like. Charlie Day and Cam Lee work together in the library Jasper Beever, Conor Diebel in PEAKS



While our seniors study the core classes that are required of all students, a great amount of time is also .devoted to their growth as leaders, followers and collaborators. They are ^encouraged to understand their potential and then challenge themselves to uo beirond.

s Mikael Pluhar Mr. Cushing

Alex Brennan, Zac Harmon, Scott Lee, Cam Patch, Charles Ho, Mr. Granger

& (y




whether it is in the classroom, in Chapel, on the playing fields, or on their own time, seniors are there to be positive role models for the rest of the students.

Tom Caron, Aidan Driscoll, Eddy Chang

Alex Brennan, Shay Colman, Cam Patch



PEAKS Personalize Education for the Acquistion o f Knowledge and Skills

'^..determ ine how they can succeed best academ ically, through exploration o f differing techniques.


The Kirk Library truly is the campus media center. In addition to over 11,000 books, magazines, recorded book and videos, there is access to electronic resources. The library has access to over 400 electronic books, an online history database, as well as m agazine/journal/ news databases.

The computer lab (form erly in Bronfman) is now incorporated into the library. Since all daytime study halls are also held in the library, there is access to the computers, the Internet, and the online resources o f the library.

Noan um m m ona, Henry Day, Alex Brennan

Marcus Mitchell, Chris Oh, Micheal Nordarse

Aaron Enescu, Bobby Gray

The Classroom...

Sebastian Suberville, Christopher An, Steve Noh

"$mart Market" game sponsered by Fidelity Investments and the Union Leader.

The classroom is the core of Caridigan's academics. Discussion, lectures, hands-on applications, and collaborative projects are just a few of the strategies students use to learn. Mr. Sco\’ill, Kian Vidal de la Pena Noriega, Tai Chi Okada, Dodi Kandeel

and beyond MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide contest for middle school students. Teams advance through regional, state, and national levels.

Philip Parry, William Martinelli, Alvaro Maitinez,Mr. LeRoy

Once again, Cardigan's student investors dominated the "Smart Market" game sponsered by Fidelity Investments and the Union Leader. "Buying" stocks thoughout the fall, team Slush" took the Middle School Division, gaining $15,259.04. Team "Quick $" won the High School Division with a gain of 11,952.45.

Mr. Ramos, Chad Morse, Richie Cardillo, Sean Kim


The CMS MATHCOUNTS students were successful at the regional competition held on Feb. 10th at the Thayer School of Engineering at Darmouth College. The team of Jong Woo Ha '12, Kevin Choi '12, James (Jae Heon) Lee '12, and Alex Hong '12 won the first-place trophy. Alex Hong also finished 2nd in the individual category. Michael Hong, a sixth grader, was the winner of the Countdown Round, where contestants are pitted against each other in a single-eliminiation competiton. At the State Competiton on Mar. 12th, Jon Woo Ha was the top finisher earning the distinction to represent our state at the national competition. In the Countdown Round, Micheal Hong placed second overall.








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15 Dorms, 200 plus students 96

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welcome TO


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速 Back: Jacob Mayer, Duncan Kleinfeld, Adam Goldsmith, Steve Noh, Jordan Davis, IVIr. Auerbach, Kunho Park, Tom Caron, Armando Guzman. Front; IVIIchael Yin, Sebastian Suberviiie, Chi Kyu Brian Lee, Jake Carter, Brian Kim, Chris An. Not pictured: Steven Jo, Nicholas Slaughter

Back: Charles Ho, Yuri Okada, Noah Fosse, Jonathan Su, Andres Errejon Front/Middle: Mr. Hannis, Hyungtae Kim, Gianni Leslie, Will Kauffman Sebastian LaPointe Jasper Beever, Mr. Goode

OsurW M<5>r33ti\ ■i


Back; Liam Eadie, Mr. Exton, James Lee, Diego de Unanue Aspe, IVIr. iVlcCarthy, PJ Kelleher.



Front Row: Aaron Enescu, Joe Smith, Ben Johnston, Juan Pablo Covarrubias del Cueto.

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Back Row: Henry Day, Charles Day, Jung Woo "Sean" Kim, Adel "Dodi" Kandeel, Hayden Holland, Tae Hyung "Alex" An; Middle row: Spencer Cookson, Alejandro Gonzalez Rodriquez, Enrique Bert Cueva; Front Row: Auden Menke, Bobby Gray, Hayden Berry, Cameron Bando (Not pictured: Zak Harmon) 100

Back row: Mark Riedmueller, Jae Young "Jacob" Kim, Ace Cowans, Gregory Large, Mr. Kreuzburg; Middle row: Hyoung Goo "Eric" Kang, Gabriel Garza, Jordan Abisch; Front: Aidan Garron (Not pictured: Armando Gonzalez Garza)

LeRoy, gan, Sear James Pa g, Nathan ( Langlois, . CJ Moon



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Mrs. Fera, Ben Chapin, Angel Vazquez, Richie Cardillo, Deker Adelman, William Martinelli, Noah "^'9 速'' Thomas, Charlie Han, Alvaro Quintana, Dr. McCormick.


Front: Ted Lim, Chris Oh, Danny Lee, Carter Cockrell,

Back row: Mr. Wennik, Juan Vidal de la Pena Noriega, Eugenio Marcous Bours; Front row: Jong Woo Ha, Francis Paek, Hunter Whiting; (Not pictured: Sam Durst)

Back: Marcus Mitchell, Andres Manautou, Mr. Harris, Aldan Driscoll, Mr. Rocha, Conor Diebel, Ben Intarapuvasak, Michael Nodarse, Ben Auerbach, Mr. Lane.

W w W

Timmy Callahan, Ryan McCabe, Mr. Wallach, Jamal Lucas, Brandon Clarke, Alex Hong, Mr. McDonald. Middle Row: Michael Chang, Jerry Wu, Morgan Himmer, Blake Wilkey, Juan Pablo Delgado, Aennon Williams. Front: Chan Tae Park, Jake Peters, Scott Lee. Not pictured: Nick Sutton, Michael Hong, Neil Chen


- i

Front: Yichuan Yan, Cole Brennan, Will Roth, Kota Ohashi, Francisco Aramburu, Pablo Diaz. (Not pictured: JP Yang, Myles Beach, Shay Colman)

I Back row; Won Joon "Ian" Jang, Ms. Antolino, Adam ShenA/ood, John Skelton, Hongtir "Andy" Zhang, Mark Kling, Philip Parry, Mr. Granger; Middle row; Ming Yu Yuan, Garret Plekenpol, Caleb Glover, Juri Yun, Seung Min "Joshua" Lee; Front row: Jonathan "J( Mayer, James "JR" Kreuzburg, Herman Lui, Sajanont "Bobby" Tanakulthon, Emery Gray, Robert "Ro-Ro" Rymer; (Not pictured; Paul Kim)

Back row: Oliver Durling, Robert Dray, Mr. Holt, Ivan Zambrano CediHos, Robbinson DeMars^ Front row: Taichi Okada, James Jones, Jae Heon "Daniel" Kim, Alex Brennan, Willia^h Shepard, Tae Hyun "Mark Kim; (Not pictured: Theodore "Chris" Jones, Eduardo Lobeira Escanii Christopher Otap, John Hoyle Rymer)

ui;&W“: .^ k !-.i™

Nolan Callahan

Chen Chen, IT\ ^ r z a Martinez in Sordo Amaya, Cameron Lee ^ ^ J a s o n Cahoon, Spense^ Mv.

Cardigan Mountain School Main Campus i



Four Year Boys


Suyoung "John" Choi Yee Joon "Eddy" Chang In September 2007 these eight boys arrived on campus as 6th graders. Over the next four years they studied and worked to become the young men they are today.

Samson Durst



Robbinson DeMars

Yongbeom "Eric" Kwon Sea Hoon "Ted" Lim


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While studying leadership over the ^yfnro^pP fTTbled o n l | | j t o 6 >Kmlled Fish by St^’f ^ e n C. l^undin, Ph.D., Harry Paul, ^got f o u ^ l g k o n r ^ ^ that I’m gdirwJq fehoose to live by this yeafc-^fl(fii4 ^ ^ j p l ^ B ( 2bmmend you do ^ attitude we brings ’m g o t f ig i^ ^ P n is to choose your ATTITUDE, We carT . ^ r classes; p . ^ W ^ ^ lu b s , dorms, etc. i ^G o n d t ii^ ^ K g iv e you is PLAY. Have fun while you play your sports a n d '^ ^ lAKE THEIR DAY. You would be surprised how powerful a complir is! If you o. !^ e ^ # ie o n e else feel good about themselves then you will feel better about yo il^ ;an give you is to BE PRESENT. Live for the day. I r out on a good note, it will go by much more smoothly. So 1urge pWiNpake their day, and be present. \ \ % Sebastian LaPoints, Opening Ceremony,

, choose a [5 Sf)t. I111,2010

I 31


Senior Leaders rM

N ew student leaders try to work cooperatively Taichi Okada & A lex Brennan work with Mr. Holt & Mr. Fimnell before the j e a r begins.

Hopes for the com ing year.


pVOMt *

Zachary Langlois works on his hop

T ae H yung (A lex) An Seoul, South Korea Likes: Hockey Football Sleep Goals after Cardigan: Get into Lawrenceville and go to the University of Pennsylvania "Let's kick some gas."

Benjam ih (B en) A uerbach Canaan, New Hampshire Likes: The imagination Goaiis aft^ )ard iq an : ^ ^ ^ ffi) n o m y

"Silence in aBbarrler only until it's breached and you become part of the world around you."


A lex Brennan Moorestown, New Jersey Likes: I like soccer and I love St. Barths Goals after Cardigan: Travel the world and be 1-^ President of the United States of America

"Alex Brennan for President!"

Nolan Callahan 'DJ Krumptastic' Lighthouse Point, Florida Likes: Hockey Lacrosse Goals after Cardigan: Division 1 Lacrosse Law Doctorate 'I have one of the best offenses in Madden history."

Thomas (Tom) Caron 'Hombre Tortuga' Andover, Massachusetts Likes: Pancakes Grape juice Harrison's Roast Beef Goals after Cardigan: Go to college "So much ice on the watch you would have thought time froze."

Yee Joon (Eddy) Chang


Seoul, South Korea Likes: Lim Sae Reung Benjamin Franklins Cracking thumbs Goals after Cardigan: Open my own high quality chocolate factory in Belgium "I love you Mom!


Su Young (John) Choi Seoul, South Korea Likes: Soccer Music Basl^etball Goals after Cardigan: Go to a good high school, and then go to a good college I

"Never give up!"

Brandon Clarke New Rochelle, New York Likes: Girls ( f r o ^ ^ g i l , Italy, Mexico, California, Miami) Goals after Cardigan: Play varsity football "I am a beast."

Carter Cockrell Manila, Philippines Likes: The Food Drive Ted Rim Goals after Cardigan: I have so many goals they don't fit on this page "FOOD DRIVE!'

Shaymus (Shay) Colman 'Jolly Green Giant' Needham, Massachusetts Likes: Play hard, party hard, celebrate hard Goals after Cardigan: Get a strong education, then serve in the Army "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Juan Pablo Covarrubias Guadalajaro, Jalisco Mexico Likes: Wind sports Goals after Cardigan: Grow maturely and go to college

Robbinson (Robb) DeMars Norwich, Vermont Likes: NOT homework Spring Hockey Goals after Cardigan: Get rich, live life, love life "Four years, now what? I know what. I don't know how...yes I do."

Aidan Driscoll Needham, Massachusetts Likes: Cars Money Women Goals after Cardigan: Become a ninja "Work it, get money, and bring it back to the hive."

Speight (Sp8) Drummond Enfield, New Hampshire Sports Girls als after Cardigan: arty Gkson Hole "Live every day like its your last."

Oliver (Ollle) Durling Whitehouse Station, New Jersey Likes: Seeing the Eagles lose Goals after Cardigan: Get into my top choice school and go to a good college


Samson (Sam) Durst Cornish, New Hampshire Likes: Skiing Robert Patterson Going for it! Goals after Cardigan: Live a crazy life "Life is tough, get a helmet."

i Aaron Enescu Rye, New Hampshire Likes: Chillin' with my Turbo's Goals after Cardigan: form an fntourage "Always r just

r you re unique, e^ryohe else."


Christian (Joey) Exton Canaan, New Hampshire Likes: Cross-country running Cross-country skiing Reptiles Goals after Cardigan: Honor Roll Running "I love PIZZA!"


Solomon (Sam) Floyd Lompoc, California / Dallas, Texas Likes: Being a boss Goals after Cardigan: Be the first black headmaster at Cardigan "Live well and be happy no matter whats got you down. Just stand up and rise to great k heights." ^

Caleb Glover Indialantic, Florida Likes: Sports /

^ G ir ls ^

* The Beach itis at the beach Goals after Cardigan: Travel the world "Turbo 10-11"

Robert (Bobby) Gray Hampton, New Hampshire Likes: Chillin' with my Turbo's Goals after Cardigan: Form an entourage "Last night I lay in my bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is my ceiling."

Zachary (Zak) Harmon Waitsfield, Vermont Likes: Snowboarding Cliillin' Life after Cardigan: To become a lawyer, and never have kids

" B I G things come in small packages."

Charles Ho 'Chuckles Ho' Beijing, China Likes: I like ctlte bowties Goals after Cardigan: To pursue my dreams and Nbecome a siirno nil

I'm ^uper cool and good sports."

Spenser Hukill Bedford, New Hampshire Likes: Snowboarding Photography Goals after Cardigan: Go to my top choice school, get into a good college, be successful, and LIVE LIFE "No one can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start now and make a new ending."

Won Joon (Ian) Jang Seoul, South Korea Likes: Ji Eun Lee Goals after Cardigan: Go to Mercersburg / Peddle "Impossible is nothing."

Yeong II (Steven) Jo Seoul, South Korea DoBonq-Ku. Banq-hak Dong, f q ^ ^ S i a m 0 6 -8 0 2

khom e

"Here Iw m e !"

I Adel (DodI) Kandeel Cairo, Egypt Likes: Chelsea Economics Lacrosse Goals after Cardigan: To make it into a good soccer club "Chelsea"

Jae Young (Jacob) Kim Vancouver, Cananda Likes: Going home Goals after Cardigan: Go home and chill â– III

I'm the water buffalo."

Ju Woon (Jamie) Kim Yong-in, South Korea Likes: Cars Goals after Cardigan: Graduate from a good high school and college, then become a famous oar designer "Thb World of One-77!"

Tae Hyun (l\/lark) Kim Seoul, South Korea Likes: Falling asleep with music Goals after Cardigan: Go to a good high school and a good college, and become an architect "Gettin' unreleased Jordans straight from Tokyo."

Young Woo (David) Kim Seoul, South Korea Likes: Animation games Drawing Goals after Cardigan: Computer game design "I like life at Cardigan and friends."

Yongbeom (Eric) Kwon 'Kwony' Seoul, South Korea Likes:

Grow 5 inches more "I lost the game."

Zachary (Zack) Langlois Hatfield, l\/lassachusetts Likes: Food Girls Lacrosse Goals after Cardigan: To work on Wall Street "Money never sleeps."

Sebastian LaPointe 'Dabu' Vero Beach, Florida Likes: Pancakes Steak & Cheese w/mayo Sprite Goals after Cardigan: Play varsity football at Winchendon Got more rhymes than Carl Sagan's got turtlenecks."

Soobeom (Scott) L^e 'Boomer' S0oul^ Sdutfi Florea ..Likes:


Sea Hoon (Ted) LIm Seoul, South Korea Likes: Basketball Goals after Cardigan: Become a scientist "I love b-ball."


Ryan McCabe Vero Beach, Florida Likes: Pancakes Goals after Cardigan: Make it to Colorado and be a ski bum "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

Nell McCalmont 'Grandpa' Sunapee, New Hampshire Likes: Hfiusic Do

life l F y M 4 a n t,

just don't bother me"

Charles (CJ) Moore Brooklyn, New York Likes: I love to play basketball Goals after Cardigan: Go to Salisbury or Suffield and be successful "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard."

Taichi Okada Tokyo, Japan Likes: Sushi! Barcelona Goals after Cardigan: Become a sports writer "I don't know.... "

Alejandro Vicente Orozco Erosa /-’V

M ^ ic o City, Mexico Likes: Classic rock music Goals after Cardigan: Go to a good high school "Thanl&^S^ry^e who has supported me through my life.

Francis Chung Paek Seoul, South Korea Likes: Going home Goals after Cardigan: Going home "Going home."

Kunho Park Seoul, South Korea Likes: Business magazines Goals after Cardigan: Get into one of my top choice schools, be a successful businessman "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it" - Warren Buffett

Timothy (Cam) Patch Raymond, Maine Likes: Hockey Hangin' with my friends Goals after Cardigan: play D1 Hockey the ice."

Robert Patterson Austin, Texas Likes: Pancakes John Rymer Goals after Cardigan: Be like Will P. "MMM....Bert"

Mikael Pluhar Grafton, New Hampshire Likes: Food Sleep Goals after Cardigan: Get rich and buy food "MOO!"

John Hoyle Rymer DeLand, Florida Likes: Pancakes & Sprite Marvelwood School 36 inch spokes Goals after Cardigan: Drop a hiphop mixtape and go gold "They made me show I.D. just to get inside of Sam's Club."

Juan Vidal de la Pena Noriega Madrid, Spain Likes: Football, Soccer, Rugby, Tennis, Skiing, hanging out with my friends Goals after Cardigan: Return to Spain or Switzerland Study bilingual business management, law, industrial engineering "Time for everythng: 55% sleep, 15% homework, 30% fiesta or friends

JongPil (JP) Yang Bundanggu, South Korea Likes: Anything related to technology Goals after Cardigan: Major in computer science "Do what you want."

Ivan Zannbrano Cedillos Monterrey, Mexico Likes: Hike to chill Goals after Cardigan: G radi^^U ^m a ^ e ^ t^ & c p lle g e

"Unwant^tl fRWS^s-Tiiappen in life. The only way to go on is to make some good out of it."

Congratulations Class of 2011

Robbinson Dow DeMars

C o n g m tu la tio n e

Coiitjrat-ulations (?n your (jraiuation from CaniiQaii Wc! are proud of you and lovd you v fry tnucli, YouVe; wonderful r)uy with a bright future. Carpa did^in!!!

S a n io r e !

Wa leva you 6h^y! Vlom, Pad, Carly and

Morn, Pad & Ellie

Neil McCalmont iW \m # P

Sapientia et Doctrina Sit vis vobiscum Love, Mom, Dad Tiffany and Mikal




SPENSER HUKILL Spenser, Look how much you've grown in three short years! You have accomplished so much at Cardigan, and you have so much more ahead of you. Keep working hard and one day your dreams will be within your reach! Love, Mom & Dad 0


Sebastian LaPointe

We love you and are proud of you. You have come a long way! Love, Mom, Dad, and Erin


aB^ir i











2011 Blaze Dedication August "Gus" Del\/laggio Yongbeom "Eric" Kwon and Young Jun "Mickey" Oh announced the selection of Mr. DeMaggio with the terms "radiated with positiivity" and "great leadership".

Miki FeraDeMaggio, Caiyu, Elaina, Gus DeMaggio

Mr. DeMaggio taught Life Skills. He always stressed community, as he supported the boys' efforts with cancer awareness and food drives. He led the Reserve Soccer team during fall sports and headed the Alpine Sports Program throughout the winter. He and his family will be missed.


Seated: Ivan Zambrano Cedillos, Seong Kweon "Alex: Hong, Jong Woo Ha, Hyungtae Kim, Yongbeom "Eric" Kwon, Joo Sang "James" Lee, Jae Won "Kevin" Choi, JongPil "JP" Yang. Standing: Moo Sang "James" Park, Yun Do "Brian" Hwang. Not Pictured: Ju Woon "Jamie Kim", Jae Heon "James" Lee, Kunho Park, Neil McCalmont, Young Jun "Mickey" Oh.

Cardigan Mountain

School 2010 -2011

Back Row: Coach Frost, Charlie Borek, Speight Drummond, Bobby Dray, Nolan Callahan, Zack Langlois, Eddy Chang, Auden Menke, Coach McCormick. Middle Row; Coach Bayreuther, Hayden Holland, Caleb Glover, Jasper Beever, Cam Patch, Martin Worgan, Sean McCarthy, Ace Cowans. Front Row: Chad Morse, Noah Fosse, Marcus Mitchell, Josh Jordan, PJ Kelleher, Bobby Gray, August Von Ungern-Sternberg “No Sweat laxer attitude,” as Head Coach, Mr. Bay, puts it. This is the team’s norm and the basis on how the players are coached. The team this year has an incredible amount of skill and potential, but lacks experience according to Coach Bay. This hotbed of talent is led by players like Auden Menke ’12,

Nolan Callahan ’11, Cam Patch ’11, and Zack Langlois ’11, as they demonstrate their understanding and love for the game. Coach Bay says that the season starts for him when he goes to Florida--the fun times and the ton of training. As the rest of the season progresses Coach Bay is very satisfied with the level of success achieved. Everything from Zack’s battering checks and Nolan’s theatrical saves remain vividly in our memories. We hope that the seniors and anyone else who leaves next year will pursue their lacrosse careers and the returners lead the team to success.

Back Row: Coach Gray, Liam Eadie, Ben Chapin, Sebastian LaPointe, Sam Floyd, Nathan Raffa, Daniel Kim, Coach Beale. Second Row: Aidan Driscoll, Will Kauffman, Alex Brennan, Chris Jones, Danny Lee, Deker Adelman, Juan Pablo Covarrubias Del Cueto, Eric Kwon. Front Row: Zac Harmon, Will Shepard, Nick Sutton, James Lee, Noah Drummond, Hyungtae Kim "We always fought regardless of the circumstances....

....a testament to the team's heart and desire!"


r .

This season JV Lacrosse has had a season like a roller coaster. There w ere a lot o f highs, such as w in n in g all three gam es o f the season op en ing jamboree; and low s such as our tough loss to Pinkerton. This can be attributed to the fact that m any o f our players had either never played before or had not played prior to Cardigan. Despite that, w e w orked hard in practice every day to | im prove. - Alex Brennan '11 ^

Thirds Lacrosse Coaches: Allen Kreuzburg, Marshall Wallach, Rick Exton, Jamie Funnell Team: J. Alvares, N. Andonie, F. Aramburu, B. Clarke, D. De Unanue, J. Delgado, A. Garza, G. Garza, A. Gonzales, E. Gray, B. Intarapuvasak, D. Kleinfeld, S. Lee, E. Lobeira, H. Lui, A. Manautou, E. Marcos, J. Peters, W. Roth, A. Sherwood, J. Skelton, A. Vazquez, H. Whiting, A. Williams, I. Zambrano Special thanks to Chris Jones *12 and Decker Adelman '12

Juntos Lucharemos! Strive! Before every game, we'd round up everyone and chant "Juntos Lucharemos!", and together we strived the rest of the season!

Every day, you will get better!

Rock Climbing had a great season. W e had five rookies and three veterans. Our two coaches, Mr. Kenny and Mrs. Antolino, were great leaders. They set up and cleaned our routes efficiently and taught us the ways of the climber. We achieved many of our goals for this season and worked hard to do so. - Gianni Leslie

Front row: Coach Kenny, Benjamin Auerbach, Gianni Leslie, Myles Beach, Elijah Harris, Coach Antolino On the Wall: JR Kreuzburg, William Martinelli, Joey Exton -w

Varsity baseball had a fantastic undefeated season. It was the first undefeated season in the last 5 years. We had some games that were very tough, but we fought against it very well, hustled, and achieved the victory. Overall the team's hard work and dedication led to the undefeated season.

Varsity Baseball





Back Row: Coach Lynch, Carter Cockrell, George Hewitt, Charles Moore, Shaymus Colman, Johnny MacLeod, Jamal Lucas, Richie Cardillo, Coach Hannis. Front Row: Chris Alberigi, Joe Smith, Cam Bando, Ben Johnston, Aaron Enescu, Hayden Berry, Charlie Day.


" May I have five burgers please?" Alexandro Orozco

This year's JV Baseball team had a very successful season. We had a rough start because we lost our first three games. But we quickly bounced back from our losing streak and won four games in a row. Highlights of the year include Sean Kim stealing second, third and home twice in one game; two three run home runs against Indian River; and finally, the Eaglebrook game that was a closely fought battle forced into extra innings with our team scoring six runs leaving Eaglebrook no way to catch up.

Back Row: Coach Good, Spencer Cookson, Alejandro Orozco, Collier Rutledge, Coach Fitzgerald. Middle Row: Taichi Okada, Philip Parry, Aidan Garron, Henry Day. Front Row: Jason Cahoon, Sean Kim, Mark Kling, Cam Lee 9


Back Row: Mr. Scoville, Alex An, Chris Otap, Robb DeMars, Mr. Holt. Middle Row: Brian Kim. Cole Brennan, Mickey Oh, Max Gilbert. Front Row: James Jones, Chris Oh, Sam Koh.


Thirds Baseball had a successful season this year. Our team members became very cooperative throughout the course of the season with many other improvements. However, the beginning of our season was a challenge to us. We had to go over our basics along with setting goals for the future. After the basic training, we were able to test ourselves. Throughout our games, we gained confidence and trust towards each other, which led to our winning season of 5 wins and 3 losses. Our game against Eaglebrook was one of our best games winning 17 to 8. In this game there were amazing plays by some of our players such as Alex An with his great pitches, Chris Otap with his excellent batting, Chris Oh with his amazing catches, and our bail vacuum Sam Koh. Overall, our season has been a memorable time at Cardigan that we will never forget. -- Mickev Oh_______________


Back row: Coach Sinclair, Micheal Nodarse, Kunho Park, Andy Kim, Coach Gahagan. Middle row: Joey Mayer, Bobby Tanakulthon, Jake Carter, Tiger Thomas. Front row: Garret Plekenpol, Michael Hong, Yuri Okada, Sebastian Suberville Rodriguez. As part of the Reserve Baseball team, I am proud to say that the team had a very successful season. When the season started most of our players did not know much about the game. Many had a hard time communicating with each other, but as the season went on, I think we can all say that we all engaged in playing the game. By the end of the season we could all get along and had built each player to play his best, like Micheal Nodarse always hustling to get the ball and Michael Hong improving his throws, passes and catches. -- Sebastian Suberville.

Coach Granger, Chase McGough, Gregory Large, Adam Goldsmith, Coach Cushing

Cougars Sail to Victory On May 28, 2011, the sailing team competed against liigh school teams at University of New Hampshire. Adam Goldsmith won 5 of his 7 races to take the title of N.H. State Champion. Chase McGough and Greg Large were so successful in ^2 their races that the team won the N.H. State Championship top honors!

Varsity Tennis W^s the Season SuccessFul?

Despite of all the secondary work on strategies and supporting each other, the greatest challenge we had to deal with was fighting against ourselves: building mental toughness, controlling feelings and reaching personal goals.




The Varsity Tennis Team had a successful but also challenging season this year. They won numerous games but at the same time they lost many. In fact many of the games were canceled due to poor weather conditions. One of their greatest challenges was against Holderness. In pay back for a total lost by 0 to 8 at Holderness, Enrique Bert won a home singles match two days later.


Head Coach D'Entremont

Assistant Coach Wennik Standing (left to right): Kota Ohashi, Alvaro Martinez, John Rymer, Enrique Bert Cueva, Francis Paek, Alex Hong, Wyatt Himmer, Andres Errejon Escobar. Kneeling: Alvaro Quintana Ruiz, Mark Riedmueller.


JV Tennis

Jordan Abisch

: . ^ 2r i r

Morgan Himmer

Juan Vidal de la Pena


The season started off with our first " W against New Hampton School with the score of 9 to 0. Our first loss against KUA, by the score of 7 to 2 , was depressing, but I won so I still liked the game. Overall our season was AWESOME! Kevin Choi This was my first time playing on the JV team. The improvements that I accomplished over the course of the Spring season was enormous. I think as an individual and also as a team member, we were successful. I look forward to playing on the Varsity team next year! James Park

Back Row: Coach Ramos, Armando Gonzalez, James Park, JP Yang, Ted Lim, Coach Hart. Middle Row: John Choi, Jordan Abisch, Pablo Diaz, Morgan Himmer. Front Row: Jamie Kim, Juri Yun, Kevin Choi, Juan Vidal de la Pena.

Thirds Tehir>is

4th Row: Jacob Kim, Andy Zhang, Harry Kim, Steven Jo, Jordan Davis, Neil McCalmont, Jong Woo Ha, Mark Kim, Mikael Pluhar. 3rd Row: Yichuan Yan, Chen Chen, Eric Kang, Nicholas Slaughter, Ming Yu Yuan, Armando Guzman, Ian Jang, Sebastian Sordo. 2nd Row: Mr. Rocha, Jonathan Su, Charlie Han, Michael Chang, Brian Hwang, David Kim, Conor Diebel, Charles Ho, James Lee. 1st Row: Mrs. Fera-DeMaggio, Neil Chen, Michael Yin, Jerry Wu, Emilio Romo, Paul Kim, Tom Caron, Mr. Feeley. This year we had an incredibly big team of 41, including three coaches who really helped us during the progression of the season. Our four main goals for the season were to work hard, respect each other, have fun and most of all, beat Eaglebrook. The season was good, we played hard, and occasionally had the time to laugh along the way. Whether is was Emilio Romo cunningly smashing the ball over the net, or Jerry Wu making the ball go and have a conversation with the astronauts, it was an incredibly fun and productive season. -- Conor Diebel

Emilio Romo

Steven Jo

Varsity Baseball Carter Cockrell, Shaymus Colman, C.J. Moore

JV Baseball Spencer Cookson, Philip Parry, Sean Kim

Thirds Baseball Alex An, Chris Otap

Reserve Baseball Sebastian Suberyille, Joey Mayer, Micheal Nodarse


Varsity Lacrosse Speight Drummond, Nolan Callahan, Zach Langlois

JV Lacrosse Thirds/Reserve Lacrosse Juan Pablo Covarrubias, John Skelton, Chris Jones Diego de Unanue Aspe, Ivan Zambrano, Alex Gonza

Varsity Tennis JH Rymer, Alyaro Quintana, Alvaro Martinez

Spring Athletes of the Week 16

JV Tennis Jordan Abisch, Kevin Choi

Thirds Tennis Nicholas Slaughter, Ian Jang, Tom Caron

Rock Climbing Joey Exton

Sailing NH State Champions Adam Goldsmith, Gregory Large, Chase McGough

Pole»r he^rf/fff/ffff

Do you KnoW wh^ it Feels liKe to h^ve cold wet h^ir Freeze you sprirVtb^cKto you dorrv^? Do you Km>w whcd* it Feels liKe to jump it fb e e ^ ii

me^n. both Faculty


coW ^ n J "the ^rerrtc w ^ e r s orcwwwn s n ^ E i« * i» » iw p you ^r^der, sev^ior. Fe»culty or even ^ dog you go dowr\ to the docK ^nd be completely submerged in bor\G chilliv^^ W ^ c r. IF you were not ^ble to join us this ye«?r, we highly recommend doing it next ye^r.

See y o u rwsxt ye^r.

National Junior Honor Society Scholarship


Character Service Citizenship - Leadership -


'K I I


NJHS Members: Hyungtae Kim '12, Carter Cockrell 11, Wyatt Himmer '12, Malik 'Gianni" Leslie '12, Yongbeom 'Eric' Kwon '11, Alejandro Gonzalez Rodriguez '12, Young Jun 'Mickey' Oh '12, Jung Woo 'Sean' Kim '12, Auden Menke '12, Ace Cowans '12. Sponsors: Ms. Haver Markham, Mr. Austen Hannis, Mr. Jarrod Caprow, Mr. Mark Holt, Mr. Ryan Feeley, Neil McCalmont '12, Mr. Eric Lane, Tae Hyung 'Alex' An '12, Mrs. Pat lacuzzi, Nolan Callahan *12.


O n May, 6, 2011, ten outstanding young m en w ere inducted into the National Junior H onor Society. 8th & 9th graders with a cumulative Scholastic average of 85% or better are evaluated on four other criteria: Character, Service, Citizenship, and Leadership. Only those students w ho m eet these rigorous standards are aw arded this high honor.

Students in the Charles C. Gates Invention & Innovation Competition are charged with identifying a specific problem in the real world and coming up with a "functioning innovation or invention to solve that problem." Whether individually or as small teams, students design and build their invention or innovation with the guidance of a Gates Invention Competition coach. Creating a presentation that includes can a demonstration, video, a sales pitch, the boys are encouraged to be creative. Whether they won or lost, the boys did a great job! Judges; Mr. Karl Hutter '92, Dr. Ron von Jako '81, & Mr. Dan DeMars (father of Robb '11;

1St Place Josh Lee '14, Emery Gray '14, JR Kreuzburg '14

3rd Place - Tie 2nd Place Myles Beach '13


Juri Yun '13, Chris Alberigi '13

Francisco Aramburu '13, Alvaro Martinez '13, Andres Errejon '13

Jack Pack

Multi-Use Trash Can

Big Wheeled Backpack Easy Take-Off Grip Tape


im ’

®ooo®ooo®oo mm

O K «

't ^

The weather cooperated! It was a "Beautiful Day in New Hampshire" especially for boating and swimming, and water slides!!



m i l FOOD!!!!!

1st Annual Dudley Clark Tennis Tournament Mr. Clark and Mr. McCusker made it to the semi-finals, but were defeated by Andres Errejon and Caleb Glover who were defeated in the finals by Alvaro Martinez and Danny Lee.

Donuts, hot dogs, hamburgers, fried dough, chili, Italian ice -THAT SAYS IT ALL!!!


INDOOR GAMKS The Turner Arena was turned into a fun spot for competitions

SENIOR Cl a m Tom m M

a v

I '


Two days in New York City! Food, fun, sightseeing, and souvenirs! -AWESOME!!


xt^ cLj' ^^




The Banquet: Graduates and their families

It was “A Beautiful Day in New Hampshire" as forty-seven young men celebrated the 65th Commencement Exercises. Following the senior banquet Friday evening, the .seniors put on a great variety show forjheir families and friends, then spent the rest of the night at a party In the VVakely Center. Bright and early Saturday morning, they changed into their white jackets and received their green and silver 'Alumni Ties' from the many Cardigan alumni who traveled to campus to help with the ceremony. Following the pictures on the Clark Morgan steps, the graduates lined up, followed the faculty into the tent and received graduation prizes and their diplomas.


COMMENCEMEIVT After the "Tie Ceremony", the new 2011 Cardigan Alumni

The 2011 Graduates


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