THE CARDIGAN MISSION Cardigan Mountain School offers a close-knit community that prepares middle school boys - in mind, body, and spirit -- for responsible and meaningful lives in a global society.
CARDIGAN'S CORE VALUES To achieve our mission, we reward effort and accomplishment, helping each boy realize his academic, physical, and personal potential through the integration of the following core values in all aspects of daily life.
COMPASSION We cherish the quality of kindness, asking each member of our community to “love thy neighbor as thyself,” and we embrace the importance of service for the greater good.
HONESTY We expect rigorous honesty in all dealings.
RESPECT We teach respect for all individuals, embracing an appreciation for diverse perspectives.
INTEGRITY We cultivate personal integrity, underscoring our commitment to “doing the right thing,” through community discussion, public example, and role modeling.
SCHOLARSHIP We instill a love of learning and promote intellectual curiosity and growth, recognizing that each person learns differently.
FAIRNESS We believe that all people deserve the opportunity to grow and develop, succeed and fail, in a safe environment that values intent, effort, and accomplishment free from bias and prejudice.
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All new students and faculty begin their Cardigan experience by watching the sun rise over Cardigan Mountain.
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David McCusker Congratulations and thanks to all members of the Cardigan Mountain School community for another outstanding year on The Point. Best of luck to our 9th grade boys, who have completed one chapter in their educational journey and are well prepared to begin the next. We will miss you here and we hope to stay in touch often. Thank you for representing our school so well in your new school communities. Have a great summer, one and all! Mr. McCusker '80 - P'09, '10
Stephanie IVIcCusker "Free Safety"
Ryan Feeley Assistant Headmaster Dean of Faculty ESL
Richard MacDonald Dean of Students Leadership
Lindsay Antolino ESL
David Auerbach Science Dept. Chair
Mark Beckwith Latin
Martin Blaustein Science
Timothy Newbold Dean of Studies Math
Erik Bashaw ESL
Jarrod Caprow PEAKS Dept. Chair
Elizabeth Beckwith Library/Study Hall
Owen Carpino Faculty Intern
Douglas Clark History
Andrew Cook History
Michael Fitzgerald Shannon Gahagan History Dept. Chair World Languages
Sarah Graves Science
Alexander Gray English
Kenneth Cushing World Languages Dept. Chair
Scott Ellis PEAKS
Graham Gauthier Math
Jeffrey Good English
Ann Hamel Technology Intergrator
Alexis Hannis 6th Grade
Austen Hannis History Asst. Athlethic Dir.
Steven Harris Math
William 'Winn' Hart English
Mark Holt 6th Grade Dept. Chair
Patricia lacuzzi Librarian
Andrew Jaspersohn
Christopher Kenny English
Allan Kreuzburg Science Residential Life
Corey Lawson History
Steven Ledbetter Music
Timothy LeRoy Math Dept. Chair
Haver Markham Science ^
Michael Nakade History
Kathleen Naroski World Languages
Daniel Perricone World Languages
Edilberto Ramos Math
Avery Scoville Math
Ryan Sinclair Leadership Dir. of GCI
Heather Oliver Science
Della Parker PEAKS
Pablo RochaE. James Scott Vazquez Woodshop / Drama World Languages
Tad Skelley Math
Martin Wennik English Dept. Chair
Didi Wilson PEAKS
Everett Yelton III Dir. of the Charles Gates Lab
Sarah Young PEAKS
Chip Audett Director of Admissions
Jessica Bayreuther John Bayreuther Karen Colburn Matthew Rinkin Assoc. Director of Assoc. Director of Admissions Admin. Director of Summer Admissions Admissions Assistant Programs
David Perfield Director of Development
Christopher Heaney Director of Annual Giving
Douglas Lovell Director of Parent Relations
Richard Clancy Director of Alumni Programs
Frederick Exton Dir. of International Relations
Barbara Frazier Data Manager
Kathryn Holland Office Manager
Pamela Susi Executive Assistant
Marshall Wallach Development Officer
Joseph McHugh Business Manager
Jodie Camp Student Accounts
Jill Cavalieri Comptroller
Joy Michelson Director of Communications
Erin Drury Communications Associate
Ashley Finethy Communications
Mary Ledoux Development Associate
Robert Grabill Director of Spriritual Life
Lynne Lenihan Assistant to the Headmaster
Michel Gray Director of Technology
Kolby Curren Technology
Kathy McHugh Registrar
Nora Yasumura Director of Global Community Initiative
Ryan Frost Director of Athletics
Leonard Angelli Athletic Trainer
Nancy Moye Athletic Dept. Admin. Assistant
Travis Nevins Head Alpine Ski Coach
Patricia Crowe Dir. of Secondary School Placement
Courtney Boyd Student Travel Coordinator
James Marrion â– Coach' Athletic Dept,
Karen Gray Director of Health Services
J. Dudley Clark Faculty Emeritus
Rosalind 'Roz' Burke Staff RN
Samantha Scott School Store
Lisa Perfield Counselor Health Services
STAFF Dining Services Richard Yebba IVIindy Boisvert Ricl< Kahn Julie Wallace Keith Hanson Allen Zick Wagnor Baker Robert Spano Housekeeping Bill Sweet Debra Kierstead Lisa Collins Rose Gardner Freda Grace Mary (Terry) McCarthy
Buildings & Grounds David Johnson Steve Muszynski Jeff Clifford Nicliolas Capron Linda French Tim Jennings
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STUDENT COMMENTS really liked how all the teachers were in different stations and how jney made you feel happy when you were running by, telling you, ■ Keep up the good work" or "Atta boy" or "Almost there, I know you » n make it." I came in #46 out of 215! - Luis Carcoba
Dne thing that surprised me about the run was how cold it was )utside, and how fast Philip Parry ran it. --'Matteo Mangia’fdi
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Vf/iPPil U/ofikci JUNIOR This scrumdidlyumptious musical is guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth! Be prepared to take a fantasy ride into the land of pure imagination.
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Josh Lee '14 Zach Wennik '15 Moriah Harris Brian Kim '13 Max Gilbert '13 Hannah Harris Blake W ilkey'14 Danny Lee '13 Jack Milton '14 Mattie Harris Brian Hwang '13 Mr. Daniel Perricone Aiden Bourke '15 Shea Feeley Mr. Ryan Feeley Willz Lyon '13 Ms. Haver Markham Buzz Fisher '15 Ms. Shannon Gahagan
Oompa-Loompas Mr. Marty Wennik P'15,'16 Cormac Feeley Jackson MacDonald Molly MacDonald Sarah Harris Zeke Harris Lily Wennik Jake Wennik '16 Gandy Man Kids Mauricio Guzman '14 Myles Shepard '15 Avery Glass '13
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Back row: Coach Lawson, Coach MacDonald, Kimi wiu, Mmg Yu Yuan, George Ouyang, Anay Zhang, Daniel Kitchel, Mohamed Bamba, Young Hoon Lee, Brian Yu, Garrett Plekenpol, Nick Humphrey, Sky Silverstein, Coach Clark, and Coach Perricone. Middle row: Gabe Moldenhauer, Bear Liu, Tommy Mi, Jeff Holt, Avery Glass, Bill Milton, Rene Trevino Garza, Adonis Williams, Antonio Mezher, Jack Wu, Alex Grasso, and Sage Mines. Front row: Colton Bullard, Steve Garron, Leif Fosse-Greiner, Will Martinelli, Sergio Fonesca Gonzalez, Jay Chromheecke, Ted Melto, Matt Wall, Tiger Zhang, Corbin Holland, Noah Feeley, Garrett Lewis. E-
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Thirds Football had a good season. We went from barely able to take snaps and run plays to running the plays perfectly and not being afraid of anything. We got along extremely well and functioned like one unit. We always backed each other up on the field and were willing to make huge changes to make our team better.
Back row: Coach Rocha, Hector Mahbub Del Pozo, Brandon Benson, Agustin Cattoretti, Will Nearis, Carlos Ochoa, Gordon Faust, KJ Matte, Jose Gomez, Sam Koh, Coach Wennlk. Middle row: Coach Good, James Lee, Brian Kim, Paul Capozzi, Billy Boyle, Charlie Han, Danny Philbrick, Jordy Allard, Matteo Mangiardi, Sael Araujo Front row: Tucker Powell, Ward Betts, Luis Carcoba.
Varisify Soccer team photo after team victory at High Mowing School
This year,-jthe Varsity Soccer^ Teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SSison was one of hundreds of memories and great friendships. Our record was 8 wins, 4 losses, and 2 ties. Our most memorable win was a 1-0 victory over Eaglebrook (Cardigan hasn't beaten them in soccer for 13 years.) Throughout the season, we developed as a whole, and we never left anyone behind. When we lost the championship game to Eaglebrook, everyone shed a few tears, but I realized that our team was the most dedicated and hard working soccer team that I have ever been a part of.
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JV players going^ for the ball.
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’ ''f ' i i y '« t>?' ' Back row: Coach Carpino, Yuri Okada, Colin Fabian, Tae Hee Lee, Austin Franklin, Jose Harb Rodriguez, Yuze Zhang, Will Appleton, Jack Bliss, Henry Jung, Coach Nevins. Middle row: Joonhyung Lee, Adam Sherwood, Amos Gilbert, Tanner Boyle, Mauricio Marcos Marcos, Leo Tejavibulya, Gustavo Garcia, Juan Alvaro Gomez. Front row: Matt Harmon, Zach Wennik, Reilly Walsh, Ryan Houx, Beckham Bayreuther.
Efack row: William Song, Matthew Kim, Coach Cook, Chris Jake An, Liam Hassett, Qavin MacNamara, Johnny Trotto, David Min, Diego V e la z q i^ , Will Starkey, Coach LeRoy. Middle row; Philip Huang, Juan Belvis Alvo, Fernando Garcia, Jordan Pepe, Myles Shepard, Thaddeus Stern, Owen Brine, Trey Parker, TJ Beaver, Jonathan Schafer. Front row: Morgan Himmer and Diego Delgado
Gavin McNamara '14
This season for the Thirds Soccer Team was exceptional.The highlight was our first win against Holderness, which we won by one goal in a tough battle with bigger kids. Our coaches helped us improve physically and mentally every day. Individual accomplishments were Chris An and Juan Belvis scoring two goals in our CMS Jamboree and Gonch getting a shutout against Eaglebrook in the Jamboree as well. While we did not complete our goal of winning most of our games, we worked really hard and tried to improve everyday.
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Th Is year the Resepv§^%ccer T a i > season We started off with a most exciting game was against lndi§p j || y ^ . W^ sti^rt^dJ^y scoring two goals, but they soon tied u%. Our pipsijtt^ attitude keypt up until the final 20 seconds scored the go ahead goal giving us the Jamboree we continued to work hard and stayed positive.
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Back row: Coach Antolino, Brian Hwang, Nick Butchma, Rex Chen, Daniel Lee, Phil Parry, Josh Lee, Daniel Dumas, Sergio Lopez, Coach Feeley Front row: Jack Audett, Alex Post, Jordan Abisch, Bill Pieroni, Bryan Chen, Buzz Fisher, Cedric Elkouh, Jinwan Cho. Not pictured: Jacob Slaughter, Santiago Perez.
Country Cross Country is a very simple sport-the idea is to learn the course and just run it, give'it your all and do not ^ e in t#tfte pain and stop. Thยง JV Cross Cdiintry Jeafri had a good seasdil. Overall we had our fun and we learTOd how to lurn our pain into gain to made us stronger every step of the way. As a tearn we made huge improvements from our first practice to our last race:
Back row: Coach Exton, Neil Chen, Mauricio Guzman, Ray Xiao, Jack Gong, Raymond Bai, Michael Hong, Victor Liu, Jeff Shi, Paul Kim. Front row: Peter Martin, Santiago Perez, Alex Frenchman, Mono Qiu, Daniel Gutierrez, Dragon Ding, Bobby Tanakulthon, Coach Hannis. 29 Not pictured: Nicholas Slaughter, Michael Chang.
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This fall's Mountain Bike Team was the best and most successful one this school has ever seen. Everyone competed well, and more importantly we made significant improvements. We competed in 8 Lakes Region races against 15 high schools and placed 2nd in the overall standings. We did very well on Eaglebrook day, where we took all 9 podiums.
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Justin Biela '14
We added an extra mile and a half to our technical single-track trail, and our trail was arguably the best one in the league. Cardigan also hosted its first league race in the history of the school.
Back row: Nick Parker, Coach Gray, Henry Cormier, Patrick Roth, Kastan Day, Noah Drummond, Jackson Freidberg, Luke Cutlcelli, and Coach Fitzgerald. Front row: JR Kreuzburg, Justin Biela, Ro Ro Rymer, Emery Gray, and Seth Gray.
This year's JV Mountain Biking team was very successful with an undefeated season with one win and zero losses. The most memorable moment of the season was when we had a ^ timed trail in the upper woods loop. At first we all were slower than we wanted to be, but on the second time through we had shaved at least 4 - 5 minutes off our time. Its great to see improvement.
Back row: Coach Cushing, Jack Milton, Jack McKeen, Ray Li, Jonathan Costan, Xin Bi. Front row: Nick Jessop, Jake Peters, Keetae Byunn, Sam Walzak.
Rock climbing is a fun, tiring and (kind-of) risky sport that the whole team enjoyed. Monday's we would boulder in the Cave working on technique, power and endurance; Tuesday's we would have a hard work out in the weight room; Wednesday's we would go off campus, most of the time to Quechee Gym, an indoor climbing gym. But when we got to go outside, we climbed hard. On the last day of Fall sports we went to Jimmy Cliff Iat Rumney. We climbed for hours on end and everyone did many fun pitches. Everyone Idid a particularly fun and challenging 5.10 route named Lonesome Dove, It is challenging because it consists of very small holds and takes alot of determination to complete.
Left to right: Coach Kenny, Chris Moore, Above: Agustin Alban, Herman Lui, Willz Lyon, Javier Salomon Tamer, Walker Huff, Tim Callahan, Jacob Mayer, and Coach Jaspersohn
\Arsity: W a a i- ^ ts , Sam Koh, : :' Matteo Wangiarrt
J¥: Will T^ippleton, Adarn Sherwood; Beckham Bayreuther
Varsity; Colin Munm, Nathaniel Nugnes, Henry Day
JV: Brian Yu, Kimi Mu, William Martineili
Varsity: Philip Parry, Niklas Butchma, Daniel Lee
JV: Nicholas Slaugliter, Daniel G u tie rr^ ^ y m o n d ;B a i ■?
Thirds; Christopher An, William Starkey, Gawn McNamara
Thirds; Steven Garron, Sergio ' Fonesca, George O uyang; ■
Varsity: Kastan Day, Henry Cormier, Noah Drummond
Reserve: J<®y Mayer, Jerry Wang, A r^ e w Mah Ttniothy C a l® a n JV;fCeetae By«na^ Ray Le ; ■
FALL STUDENT ATHLETES OF THE M EEK Front & middle: Jake Peters '14 (JV Mountain Bil<ing), Ted Mello '13 {JV Football), Matteo M angiardi '14 (V. Soccer), JR Kreuzburg '14 (V. Mountain Biking), Bear Liu '14 (Thirds Football), Agustin Alban '14 (Rock Climbing). Back row: Jack Goodwin '13 (V. Football), Philip Parry "13 (V. Cross Country), Paul Kim '13 (JV Cross Country), Gavin M cNamara '14 (Thirds Soccer), Will Appleton' 13 (JV Soccer), Will Nearis '13 (V. Soccer), Jack Jiang '13 (V. Football), Brian Yu '13 (JV Football).
Che iJ th r is tm a e P a g c m t
The festive music by our young men was inspiring. They sang and played their instruments, providing the Sounds of the Season!
The pageant was brought to life by our angelic faculty children, students, and our very own blessed child Gabriel Newbold, carried into Chapel by his parents, Tim and Amy Newbold.
Varsity Hockey Varsity Hockey had a good season with wins against such schools as Belmont Hill, Brewster Academy, Exeter and two wins against our rivals Eaglebrook. After the Northwood game Ben Finkelstein was heard to say, "A win is a win. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got a lot of work to do next week before our Belmont Hill tournament." The following weekend at the Belmont Invitational, the Cougars had an overtime win against St. Sebastianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s putting them into the championship game against Belmont Hill. Although it was a great game in both ends of the ice with plenty of scoring chances, the cougars lost 2-1 in overtime.
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Back row: Colin Fabian, Henry Cormier, Matt Banks, Nathaniel Nugnes, Peter Cleveland, Jack Bliss. Middle row: Coach LeRoy, Matteo Mangiardi, Sky Silverstein, Reilly Walsh, Justin Biela, Ward Betts, Paul Capozzi, Daniel Philbrick, Brandon Benson, Coach Carpino. Front row: Niklas Butchma, Jack Goodwin, Ben Finkelstein, Timothy Callahan. 38
The JV Hockey team's season can be viewed e of the hiahliaht headlines Belmont Hill Blitzes Cougars Cougars Claw to Victory Against Rumsey Hall Cougars Avenge Early Season Loss Against Holderness Cougars Skate Past Eagles Cougars Roll Past Rectory Cougars Cage Wildcats
^ h e coaches were very pleased with the way the boys played. The red |line (Max Gilbert, Austen Franklin, and Will Appleton) and the blue line (Herman Lui, John Kelleher, and Thaddeus Stern) really improved from the start of the year. With the Cougars flying on their home ice, playing tight defense, following their systems religiously, and continuing to out work their opponents, they never gave up.
Back row; Coach Sinclair, John Seter, Young Hoon Lee, Austen Franklin, Amos Gilbert, Maxwell Gilbert, John Kelleher, Patrick Roth, Benjamin Antonucci, Coach Fitzgerald. Middle row; Herman Lui, Thaddeus Stern, Chris Moore, Jordan Pepe, TJ Beaver, Jacob Peters, Beckham Bayreuther, Jordan Allard. Front row; John Trotto, Adam Sherwood, Will Appleton, Henry Day, Jared Mines.
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The Thirds Hockey team had a good year, where many of the players had a lot of great moments on the ice. Morgan Himmer, as their netminder had several outstanding games, while their captain, Cedric Elkouh worked hard and scored goals when they were needed.
Jerry Wang put together three solid games in a row, ending with a win against Eaglebrook.
All the team members worked hard and showed improvement throughout their season.
R e s e rv e H o c & y Although the Reserve Hockey team started their season off with a loss, they made improvements throughout their games. Showing nervousness during several games by chasing the puck instead of holding their positions, the players always showed enthusiasm and spirit. Team captains Kastan Day and Billy Boyle led by example with energetic performances; and JR Kreuzburg and Tucker Powell always played with great enthusiasm. Goalie Joey Mayer was strong in goal regardless of the final scores. As their season moved on, the boys became more confident, established some good offensive pressure on their opponents, played good, sound hockey, and improved as a team.
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Chris Alberigi r i3
The Varsity Basketball team had a great year. The Cougars played fantastic team basketball and utilized every person on the team. Defensive intensity, with talk and hustle, set the Cougars apart from many of their opponents; and this defense led to a great offense that seemingly could not ^ ^ miss shots. Dan Kitchei scored routinely^ ^ while Mohamed Bamba, Keaton Nichols and KJ Matte always had strong performances. Adonis Williams frequently showed off his remarkable passing skill, facilitating the offence by throwing those perfect M i passes. Adonis was . ... awarded the All-Tournament Team Prize for his outstanding performance during all the games of the NYC Boys Club Stars Tournament.
Adonis Williams '14
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JV Basketball had a good year. The boys played tough defensive at times, forcing turnovers, and allowing the offense to take advantage to make the necessary shots. The inside trio of Jack Jiang, Sam Koh and Paul Kim were Leif Fosse '14 huge, scoring in the post and boxing out on the defense. Over their season, they played with intensity and heart; moved the ball quickly and effectively; and worked together to have a successful season.
Back row: Coach Lawson, Jack McKeen, Paul Kim, Kimi Mu, Jack Jiang, Henry Jung, Josh Lee. Front row: Tommy Mi, Sael Araujo, Jack Wu, Sam Koh, Leo Tejavibulya, Leif Fosse, Trey Parker.
‘ T h ire ls b ^ s K e t b ^ ll The Thirds Basketball season was a mix of success and disappointment. In many of their games they played strong defense and showed a lot of hustle. Tony Mezher, Andy Zhang and Tanner Boyle were always forces inside, pulling in rebounds, blocking shots, and controlling the lane. Bryan Chen as a stellar point guard, was a force in many games with key points, drivin| ttie lane to create scoring opportunities, and setting the tone for the Cougars’ h defense, so proud oH^fe way our gtiys rallied today,” said Coac|i Feeley after a tough defeat by Eaglebrook in overtime^ “The intensity they shc^Afed \ms impressive and b9|3^sfweil for the future.” ^
Back row: Coach Feeley, Bobby Tanakulthon, Tony Mezher, Tanner Boyle, Ray Li, Andy Zhang, Victor Liu, Coach Holt, Coach Nakade. Front row: Philip Huang, Garrett Lewis, Colton Bullard, Bryan Chen, Chris An, Zach Wennik, Joseph Jordan.
With a mixed season, the Reserve Basketball team worked hard throughout to improve.Their first game of the season was a great learning experience for all. The boys continued to learn to control the ball on the offensive end and follow their man on the defensive end. They began to work together better as a team and the team's progress from the beginning of the season to the end was demonstrated in their ability to move the ball and find open space. Throughout, they always played with class and kept their heads high. The loss to Lebanon in January was a tough loss, but hands down this was the best game the Reserve squad ^played. It was a fun game to watch and the boys had a great time. The highlight of the game was the great team play; they supported each other on the defensive end and moved the bail around well on the offensive end.
Back row: Coach Newbold and Coach Perricone. Middle row: David Min, Nate Fuller, Michael Hong, Tae Hee Lee, Nicholas Slaughter, Jeff Shi. Front row: Jack Audett, Nick Pieroni, Gabe Moldenhauer, James Chun, Jeff Koo.
The Wrestling Team had very good season this year. Participating in more than a dozen competitions the older boys did very well over all. Elijah Harris, Federic Serrano, Brian Kim, and Will w5n their m atch^. The younger wrestlers had the goal of gojbd perforipance on the mat. At their firjst compelftion, 5 of the 6\boys won t^ieir matches.
Back row: Nick Humphrey, Federico Serrano, Will Humphrey, Elijah Harris, Charlie Baker, Veo Chae, Steven Garron, RoRo Rymer. Front row: Coach Kreuzburg, Owen Brine,iMatt Kim, Brian Kim, Yuri Okada, Avery Glass, Will Martinelli, Coach Harris. Not pictured: Garrett Plekenpoi.
Skiiftq Cardigan Mountain School's Mordic Ski team competed in the first race of their season 3t Hoiderness. All eight of the ^oys reached their goals: [completing the entire 5-kilometeF race against high school athletes. For seven of the boys, this wast|ji rsf time they raced in a high scJtKJtSfmeet, an( for five of those boys jtwds their first Mordic Ski race eyer. Despite steep and several^falls at the race, aU,,^i€r6oys^ are ready to try a skate rayprff^t. As th( season continuec^yiirlfoys participatec n a Sprint Rape^^l^re they thorougl enjoyed Jthe*experience and the freestyj iprintface format. Later in the season they competed in classic style relay races where Jacob Slaughter had great showings. Overall, the boys is il I. skied hard and cheered each other on. They were enthusiastic and enjoyed the competitions greatly. Ij p
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Back row: Coach Markham, Peter Martin, Mauricio Guzman, Liam Hassett, Bill Pieroni, Coach Ramos. Front row: Jacob Slaughter, Tiger Zhang, Sam Walzak.
Alpine Skiing
Cougars Open Season with Solid Run at Sunapee it was a glorious day at IVIt. Sunapee for the first race of the Lalces Region season. The Cardigan ski team had been training since November so it was nice to finally show how hard the team worked to that point. CardigaQ put forth a great effort and finished second among five schools. Noah Drummond won the race, Walker Huff was third, and Emery Gray was seventh. The Cardigan Mountain School Junior Varsity Alpine Ski continued its unrivaled three-year undefeated streak- Nolan Feeley, who won the race, anchored the team. The rest of the JV team did exceedingly well as Alex Frenchman and Rex Krieg scored second and third place, respectively. It was a snowy rac^at Biackwater, as the Cardigan Mountain Cougars raced against two other schools. The Cougars took four of the top five spots. Noah Drummond was first, Walker Huff was second, Matt Harmon was fourth and Emery Gray was fifth. It was also an excellent day for the Junior Varsity program as Michael Chang ,\|yas the top finisher in first with Myles Beach right behind him in second. Seth Gray, a sixth grader, rounded out the podium in third. Rex Krieg was fourth, and sixth grader Juan Belvls wa%fifth.
Back row: Coach Gray, Coach Scoville, Jackson Freidberg, Buzz Fisher, James Lee, Ryan Houx, Corbin Holland, Taishu Tozawa, Emery Gray, Luke Cuticelli, Noah Drummond, Coach Nevins Middle row: Juan Belvis Alvo, Rex Krieg, Michael Chang, Jinwan Cho, Seth Gray, Agustin Alban, Alexander Frenchman, Walker Huff, Jose Harb, Nolan Feeley Front row: Matt Harmon, Coach Clark. 48
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This year the Cardigan Snowboarding team had both a fun am challenging season. Our coaches taught us different and new techniques that we could use to improve our performance while both competing and having fun. Diego and Jose earned some relatively high placings in GS races, and others members' persistence helped them to improve their skills. Although we went through some rough times and injuries, this past season was still incredibly fun, yet educational; and after ail, snowboarding is snowboarding, and we do it for fun!
Isr Left to right; Coach Jaspersohn, Aiex Grasso, Yuze Zhang, Mauricio Marcos, Ryan Grady, Oren Buchler, Diego Velazques, Luis Carcoba, Jose Gomez, and Coach Naroski. pictured: Willz Lyon.
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4th row: Coach Young, Coach Oliver, Sergio Lopez, Hector Mahbab, Rene Trevino, George Ouyang, Carlos Ochoa, Bobbie Li, Jack Gong, Coach Hart, Coach Bashaw. 3rd row: Matt Wall, Jay Cromheecke, Santiago Perez, Daniel Dumas, Sergio Carrasco, John Lee, Jordan Abisch, Andrew Mah. 2nd row: Dragon Ding, Gonch Delgado, Jake Wennik, Brandt Aker, Per Garcia, Ricky Ochoa. 1st row: Joon Lee, Bear Liu, Javier Salomon, Santiago Garcia, Sergio Ponseca, Keetae Byunn, Alex Post.
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Varsity Hockey
JV Hockey
Ward Betts, Ben Finkelstein, Will Nearis
Adam Sherwood, Beckham Bayreuther, Ben Antonucci
Varsity Basketbal
JV Basketball
n Thirds Hockey
Reserve Hockey
Neil Chen, Kastan Day, Tucker Powell
eserve Basketball
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r it Adonis Williams, Mohamed Bamba, KJ Matte (not pictured)
Jack Wu, Henry Jung, Leo Tejavibulya
Tanner Boyle, Tony Mezher, Garrett Lewis
Nate Fuller, Tae Hee Lee
Alpine Skiing
Nordic Skiing
James Lee, Juan Bellvis (not pictured), Noah Drummond (not pictured)
Mauricio Marcos, Jose Gomez, Yuze Zhang
Mauricio Guzman, Jacob Slaughter
Matt Kim, Federico Serrano, Elijah Harris
On February 31st the entire school left for Loon â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mountain and a day of skiing/tubing, and_ other activities on our annual ALL SCHOOL SKI HOLIDAY.
Whether they were on the slopes or in the lodge everyone enjoyed a-day away from classes.
Jan. 29th saw the senor c/asshead outfora day offun at Watervilte Valley.
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F m m r r ws. Who won? Who really cares? We all had fun!
Annual ^um ni Hockey Came Each year, alums return to the Point to visit and participate in the Annual Alumni Hockey Game. The competition is fierce, but friendly!
Non Hockey Players vs. Reserve Hockey The Reserve Hockey team plays a final game against the club team Hockey for Non-Hockey Players. Both sides play with determination and show off the skills they have learned over the winter season. A fun time is had by all!
Mmute To win it Mr. Hannis’s efforts to fill the boys’ afternoons with fun and different activities in these “transition weeks” between winter and spring sports continued, when dorm vs. dorm action ensued in a “Minute-to-Wln-lt” battle of unusual talents. 15 dorm groups traveled to 15 stations, each of which was manned by a faculty member (who represented the dorm “sponsoring” that station’s idea) and each of which presented a challenge that one or two—or sometimes a few—students needed to achieve within a minute’s time (or in the best possible time in less than a minute) in order to earn their dormitory or floor some points. Traveling dorm parents ensured that every boy had a chance to try at least one or two of the challenges. Terrific dorm spirit was in evidence, for certain, as those not participating cheered on the others quite audibly!
Names of the stations included the following (for conversation purposes, we’ll let you ask your boys for clarification—or perhaps you will be able to deduce from the photos—what each challenge entailed!): “Lacrosse Pancake,” “On the Rebound,” “Sharp Shooter,” “Beach Pong,” “Flip Your Lid,” “Tilt-a-Cup,” “Shoe Fly Shoe,” “Pizza Box Ping Pong,” “Ping Pong Ball Relay,” “Baby Blockin’,” “Card House Structures,” “Tangrams,” “A Bit Dicey,” “Cup Stacking,” and, of course, “Hart’s Swing Ring Game.”
World Language Day
On a glorious February afternoon, devoid of wind yet full of wintry outdoor fun (and competitive indoor games), dorm was pitted against dorm in a number of “international games.” There were 12 total teams (as a few of the smaller dorms paired up to form teams comparable in size to the larger dorm floors), and there were six stations. One competition (i.e., one station) would last for about 15 minutes or so—with 5 additional minutes provided for travel time between stations.
The Scandinavian Snow Sculpture Contest provides the framework for snowy creativity.
If you haven’t seen Cardigan’s version of Sumo Wrestling, you don’t know what you’re missing!
The Roman Chariot Race has each dorm pulling its smallest, lightest member around a snowy oval track as quickly as possible.
The French Waiter Race is essentially a relay race, with a dining hall tray serving as the baton this year.
Canadian Broomball is played in the hockey rink, and even the most coordinated of ice hockey players find it difficult to control a fairly bouncy ball with their pretty thin, plastic “broomsticks.” And finally, there is the Spanish Green Tomato Tomatina Ball competition. Ok—essentially dodge ball played with...well... green and red dodge balls!.
Mm. There are no grades awarded - simply measurements. Measurements of various physical capabilities or aptitudes; that is: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility, and so on.
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fâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Be positive, /positive, positive!â&#x20AC;?
1. Basketball Toss - How many (accurate chest-wali passes) in a minute? 2. Dot Drill - How fast (while being accurate)? 3. Jump Overs - How many (knee-level rope-clearing jumps) in a minute? 4. Seated Basketball - How far (throwing) from a sitting position? 5.Locker Cross - How fast (running, backpedaling and shuffling between locker rows)? 6. Shuttle Run - How fast (running, stopping short, carrying, and setting something down)? 7. Pull-ups - How many consecutively? 8. Sit-ups - How many in a minute? 9.Long Jump - How far (from a standstill)? 10. Verticle Jump - How high (from a standstill)? 11. Push-ups - How many consecutively? 12. Sit & Reach - How far (can one stretch)? 13. Jump Rope - How many in a minute?
' f-
A r m e d w ith b ro o m s, v a c u u m s, cle a n e rs, d u st r a g s , tr a s h b a g s o r B in g o c a rd s the b o js a tta c k e d th e ir co m m u n ity service p ro je cts w ith g u sto . T h e y cle a n e d out a ttics, sw ep t th e w o o d sh o p , ch o p p ed w o o d , d u sted lib r a r y b o o k s, a n d yes, th ey even p la y e d B in g o at s e v e ra l lo c a l ยงienior C e n te rs.
Cardigan Mountain Scliooi "Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" Cast: Mark Twain Jim Smiley Farmer Horse (Thunderbolt) Dog (Andrew Jackson) School Teacher Gold Miner Frog (Daniel Webster)
Brian Yu Kastan Day Charlie Ma Sage Mines Tucker Powell Aiden Bourke Morgan Himmer Giorgo Caripidis Soto
Stage Manager Max Gilbert Crew: Jose Harb Yuri Okada Joey Mayer
Three Skits by the Not Yet Ready for Prime Time Players, Gangnam Style Daniel Lee Brian Kim Brian Hwang Josh Lee
"Stage Fright" 1 1 1 Don, the Student Director Terry, the Stage Manager Clyde, plays Victor, the Hero Bonnie, plays Starr, the Heroine Claude Dert, plays the Voice Gene, the Understudy Sandy Dert, Claude's sister Bart, plays Mel Evolent, the Villain Chris, plays the Monster Pat, plays the Townspeople
I Myles Beach Will Martinelli Michael Hong Niklas Butchma Max Gilbert Avery Glass Herman Lui Willz Lyon Austin Franklin Bill Pieroni
The Sixth Grade enjoying Clancy Bill Perioni A Dartmouth College student talking on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - :^ \ ; Mr. McCusker and the boys making Chinese dumplings on ^ Parents' Weekend
9 â&#x2013; â&#x2013;
Residential U fe
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$ Back Row: Daniel Dumas, Jeffery Holt, Bill Milton, Sam Koh, Adam Sherwood, Mr. Nakade, Philip Parry, Carlos Ochoa. Second Row: Blake Wilkey, JR Kreuzburg. First Row: Chris An, Jakob Wennik.
Back Row: Augusitn Cattoreti, Byung Hoon Song, Nick Parker, Pat Roth, Garret Plekenpol, Ryan Grady, Jose Gomez, Charlie Han, Keetae Byunn. Second Row: James Chun, Luke Laurence, Brandt Aker First Row: Jake Peters, Will Appleton, Nick Jessop.
Back Row: Will Starkey, Daniel Kitchel, Herman Lui, Matteo Mangiardi, Hector Mahbub, Justin Biela, John Trotto, Sergio Fonseco, Michael Hong, Sang Mo Koo, Ward Betts. Front row: Bryan Chen, Joseph Jordan, Tucker Powell, Willz Lyon, Dieqo Delqado.
Left to right: Paul Capozzi, Will Humphrey, Jordan Abisch, Ben Antonucci, John Shik, Federico Serrano, Andy Zhang, Tanner Boyle, Luis Carcoba, Jake An. Kneeling: Niklas Butchma.
M Iff
George Ouyang, Sun Hong Kim, Yun Do Hwang, Jackson Freidberg, Raphael Tejavibulya, Gordon Faust, Jacob Mayer.
Back: Rui Li, Mingyu Yuan, Myles Shepard, Myles Beach, Josh Lee, Amos Gilbert, Joonhyung Lee, Mr. LeRoy. Front: Ben Finkelstein. 68
m L
Jack Audett, Mauricio Marcos, Santiago Perez Sanchez,William Nearis, Peter Martin, Tae Hee Lee, Sergio Carrasco, Colin Fabian, Robert Rymer, Mr. Nakade.
Back Row: Jack Goodwin, Neil Chen, Xin Bi, Jack Milton, Mohamed Bamba, Jack Bliss, Woohyun Jung, Mauricio Guzman, Daniel Lee. From Row: Anthony Scaramucci, Mauricio Guzman Cedillo, Colin Munro, Christopher Alberigi.
Back Standing: John Kelleher, Henry Day, Elijah Harris, Charles Baker. Middle Row: TJ Beaver, Jordan Pepe, Danny Philbrick, Antonio Mezher, Sael Araujo, Brandon Benson, Adonis Williams, Nicholas Keaton, Kimi Mu, Oren Buchler. Front Row: Tiger Zhang, Bobby Li, Zach Wennik, Christopher Moore.
W m m I 4
Back row: Bill Pieroni, Max Gilbert, Kastan Day, Brian Yu, Griffin Harris, Jeff Shi, Diego Velazquez. Front row: Aiden Bourke, Joey Mayer, Jordan Allard, Thaddeus Stern, Sergio Fonesca. 70
m I I
m w m m
From Left: Mr. Wennik, Jared Mins, Tommy Mi, Ciii Kyu Lee, Jay Cromheecke, Will Martnelli, Morgan Himmer, Mr. Hart, Jack Wu
r Back Standing: Nick Humphrey, Alex Grasso, Santiago Garcia, Jack Gong, Ms. Young. Middle Row: Mr. Skelly, Rex Chen, Jack Jiang, Andrew Mah, Avery Glass, David Gutierrez. Front Row: Gustavo Garcia, Nick Pieroni, Dragon Ding, Veo Chae, Charlie Ma, Cedric Elkouh
w m m m 71
m m m m
I Back row: Mr. Carpino, Yihan Wang, Austin Franklin, Ted IVlello, Rex Krieg, Yuri Okada, Brian Kim, Henry Cormier, Jack Kavanaugh, Jack McKeen. Front row: Nono Qiu, Bear Liu, Victor Liu, Garrett Lewis, Sam Walzak, Sage iVlines.
^ 2
Back row: Steve Garron, Alex Post, Young Hoon Lee. Middle row: Hyun Seung Kim, Tommy Wickham, Sihyun Min, Zhenghao Xiao, Rene Trevino, Garrett Huff. Front row: Peter Cleveland, Billy Boyle, Gavin McNamara, Ricky Ochoa, Philip Huang, Fernando Garcia.
$ f
m w I 4
IL Back row: Nate Nugnes, Sky Silverstein, Bobby Tanakulthon, Sergio Lopez. Middle row: Reilly Walsh, Beckham Bayreuther, Colton Bullard. Front Row: Pablo DeSaro.
Thursday afternoon I brings time for reflection. The Chapel program begins with the closing of the curtains by the Chaplain's assistants, Chi Kyu Lee and Peter Cleveland, who also are tasked with the readings for the week.
Mr. Grabil usually gives the Chapel talk. Sometimes a guest speaker, student or faculty member will give a talk on something that is important to them they wish to share with the school.
Music plays a large ' ||T T part of the Chapel *^ program. Grades and Comments, a faculty band frequently performs, while music classes led by Dr. Ledbetter also sing or play the chimes.
Nate Fuller
James Chun
TJ Beaver
Wax Museum
Mono QuI
Brandt Aker
Perhaps the most amusing facet of a visit to this “museum” was the manner in which each figure finished imparting his story: With stilted motions, each would haltingly maneuver himself back into his original pose, stare blankly into space, and await the next push of a “button.”
Keetae Byunn
Jeffrey Holt Yihan Wang Pablo De Saro Jacob Slaughter
Seth Gray Jack Audett Owen Brine Sam Walzak
“MATHCOUNTS” is a nationwide competition for middle school students. It begins at the school level, and then it progresses to the chapter, state, and national levels. The following students are members of Cardigan’s 2013 MATHCOUNTS Team: Chris An ’14, Xin Bi ’14, Michael Hong ’14, Henry Jung ’14, Josh Lee ’14, John Lee ’14, Bobbie Li ’14, Matteo Mangiardi ’14, John Trotto ’14, and Ray Xiao ’14.
Math Team
Smart Market Top “Student Investors” Take a Relevant Journe\ On Tuesday, Jan. 15, several Cardigan students reaped the benefits of their stock-market analysis success. As members of the two CMS teams that were declared winners at the statewide $mart Market contest, Middle School Division victors Jeff Shi and Raymond Bai, as well as three seniors (Will Humphrey, Veo Chae, and Chris Alberigi) representing their larger High School Division team of five, received their prize in the form of a fieldtrip. Accompanied by their math teachers, Mr. Ramos and Mr. Harris, these “student investors” attended a reception at the Fidelity Investment Campus in Merrimack, N.H., which included a tour of the facility and an award ceremony/luncheon with the CEO and other executives. 76
Math Team Coach Harris reports that one of our intermediate teams finished in second place and our two junior teams placed first and second at the Twin State Math League competition in December, in addition, the following boys had perfect scores on the day: Henry Jung ’14, Jinwan Cho ’13, John Lee ’14, Josh Lee ’14 Xin Bi ’14, Andrew Mah ’15 Congratulations to the entire team, which included seniors Danny Lee, Chi Kyu Lee, Charlie Han, Jinwan Cho, James (Joo Sang) Lee, Brian Hwang, Brian Kim, Elijah Harris, Philip Parry, Matt Banks, Brandon Benson, Kastan Day, and Ted Mello; eighth graders Michael Hong, Josh Lee, John Lee, Chris An, Xin Bi, Raymond Bai, Henry Jung, and Tommy Mi; seventh graders Andrew Mah, Jeff Koo, and David Min; and sixth grader James Chun.
THEUUINC UiBORfn'ORy A group of preschool students gathered excitedly around the terrariums in the Bronfman hallway one day, as Mrs. Oliver’s seventh-grade science students explained the “Living Laboratory” to the young group and allowed them to experience firsthand the joy derived from caring for the many creatures therein.
Tkcaob Fitness Each Thursday afternoon the boys participate in the Club Program. They choose from a variety of offerings from the faculty, which can range from an educational offering such as SAT Prep to games to artistic pursuits such as photography and the yearbook.
P hotogra^y 78
program is divided into two 45 minute sessions. The boys ire required to choose two single periods or one double club. Each term the offerings change to accommodate the seasonal changes at Cardigan.
^ iX C IT E
Two very fine spellers— at opposite ends of the grade-level spectrum— are responsible for putting this bee in the Cardigan record books; both are to be congratulated, not only for their spelling acumen, but also for their endurance! But before we spoil the ending, here’s how it ail began...
Jordan Abisch '13
Eighteen qualifying spellers (winners from English classes representing all four grades) squared off for the first of two annual schoolwide ^ spelling bees (the second occurring in spring each year), a ^ longstanding tradition at the School that is eagerly anticipated ^ by participants and audience members alike. Mr. Wennik, the English Department chair, set the tone for the evening, coaching the boys on the stage prior to the bee, and then . Mr. Hart presided, while Miss Young, Mr. Gray, and Mrs. Mr. Hart
McCusker served as officials. After what Mr. Hart termed a “freebie” round without elimination, the bee officially began, and quite quickly twelve boys were knocked out in the first three rounds, including one of our defending champs, leaving just six spellers in the fourth go-round: Matteo Mangiardi ’14, Kimi Mu ’14, Brian Yu ’13, the Slaughter brothers (Nicholas ’13 and Jacob ’16), and experienced statewide bee contender Jack Audett ’16.
Mrs. McCusker, Ms. Young, Mr. Gray
Joey Mayer '13
Propaganda, resistance, synonymous, and defensible hung up four of those six gamers at various points during the next three rounds, and soon we were down to just two. Brian Yu and Jack Audett made us forget time altogether, as they went back and forth on 44 more words. On several occasions, in fact, one would hiccup on a spelling, giving the other an opportunity to clinch but then he, too, would falter, and the alternating of correct spellings would resume, nailing words like unprincipled, incoherently, Jacob Slaughter '16 and impalpable. In the end, it came (perhaps ironically) down to the word precipice, which Jack conquered as his “winning word,” following Brian’s slight stumble on antiquarian. The crowd was on its fe e t-fo r both contestants, reallyafter this dramatic ending to a two-man battle that lasted an unthinkable 42 minutes (not including the first six rounds that had multiple contestants!); the community's appreciation was immense, and the finalists were gracious in their congratulating one another.
B 1 1I
Brian Yu '13 80
THE WINNER - Jack Audett '16
â&#x2013; N
* T h e ,^ t U a lie r r t ^ ^
i Cardigan Mountain School is a iunior hoardina junior boarding and and dav day schnni school for boys in grades six through nine. We emphasize solid academic preparation, respect and responsibility, healthy activity, and an excellent work ethic.
The I 6th Grade
With 22 new family members, the sixth grade class started the year off with a vision of excellence. From building pinewood derby cars in the fall in science to learning about the brain in PEAKS throughout the winter term, the sixth graders were busy. Experimentin_g with a new way of teaching and learning, the boys @ B 9 ^ S iy i^ e iil6 r 's and Writer's Workshops this year where they were able to they were most interested trio before was a c r o w d - p l e a s e ^ ^ g ^ * H | ^ g | | ^ ^ | p a m s i g how 'ip a k e
elter and r i the iern ess ite ^o working improve ur trust in one nother on he high [ropes course. February our family adopted |)|D ok trout ies from hatchery nd anxiously awaited for them to grow.
s always, the Cape Cod trip in April brought our family closer together. W e learned a lot about each other and the aw esom e history and environment of the Cape, making a lot of memories we will cherish forever. These explorers cannot wait to take on the seventh grade next year!
Brandt Aker
Jack Audett
Timothy 'TJ' Beaver
Juan Bellvis Alvo
Owen Brine
Keetae Byunn
Giorgo Caripidis Soto
Jae Young 'James' Chun
Pablo De Saro
Nathaniel Fuller
6th Grade Class Senators Jacob Slaughter TJ Beaver
Seth Gray
Jeffrey Holt
Nicholas Jessop
Luke Laurence
Sage Mines
Taishu Tozawa
Samuel Walzak
o Trey Parker
Yihan 'Jerry' Wang
l i
Tian 'Nono' Qiu
Jacob Slaughter
Jakob Wennik
Riis year of seventh grade was great. In PEAKS, students learned about writing and academic honesty. In science, students explored life science from the DNA n cells to the ecosystems around the world. Seventh grade students had the pportunity to care for animals in the Living Laboratory, which was a real wild ime. Seventh grade English students focused on social commentary and writing or the 21st century, emphasizing precision and accuracy. History students earned about early American history through debates, imovies, and readin_g Drimary sources from these times. In world language students explored new cultures, expanding vocabulary and learning the habits of a strong language student. ESL students had the opportunity to spend more time working on grammar skills. In all math classes time was spent strengthening skills, expanding
understanding of how ]math impacts every "day life, and of course getting in the habit of showing all work. 87
H il
Beckham Bayreuther
Aiden Bourke
Colton Bullard
Zhuyuan 'James' Chen
Nolan Feeley
Oliver 'Buzz' Fisher
Diego 'Gonch' Delgado Ulibarri
a i
l i
Longxuan 'Dragon' Ding
Graydon 'Cedric' Elkouh
Santiago Garcia Medrano
Steven Garron
Juan Alvaro Gomez Arregui
i k
Jose Gomez
Sergio Fonseca Gonzalez
Yuan 'Jack' Gong
Class of 2015 7th Grade Class Senators Colton Bullard
Cedric Elkouh
Alexander Grasso
Daniel Gutierrez Hernandez
Corbin Holland
Philip Tzu-Ruei Huang
Jack Kavanaugh
Hyun Seung 'Matthew' Kim
Sang Mo 'Jeff Koo
Sergio Lopez Ramirez
Andrew Mah
Sihyun 'David' Min
Gabriel Moldenhauer
Ricardo Ochoa
JIM Jonathan Schafer
Myles Shepard
Joseph Jordan
Nicolas Pieroni
m Byung Hoon 'William' Song
Zachary 'Thaddeus' Stern
Zachary Wennik
Active and Involved
b White Team (Ocho Blanco) n English, the boys read Of Mice And Men, Deep Survival, A Midsummer Night’s Dream nd To Kill A Mockingbird. In US history, students have studied from Reconstruction through he end of World War One, and will continue through present-day America. Some of the ighlights have been the Election of 1912 project, Socratic Seminars and our recent trench arfare reenactment. In PEAKS®, students learned about MLA citation and proper format, healthy environments, infectious diseases, tobacco, research skills and human reproduction ^ sexuality.In physical science, students spent the first half of the year learning introductory ^hy^s[cs and the second half exploring chemistry.______ ______________ 8 GR team has had a stellar year. They have been hard at work enjoying Cardigan life to its fullest. Actively pursuing Science with experiments that dazzle the brain, English brought classics to life, and they became explorers of History. The areas of growth seem countless! But, what has made the year great, are the boys themselves. Who can deny their sense of curiosity, and drive to grow into the young men they are!
Griffin Harris’s short story, “Skiers Single Dreann” was published In The Valley News. Joshua Lee was Willy Wonka in the Fall play.
8th Grade Senators Leif Fosse-Greiner, Emery Gray
Raymond Bai, Nicholas Humphrey
Agustin Alban Madero
Jordan Allard
Young Jun 'Jake' An
Young Woo 'Christopher' An
Benjamin Antonucci
Ruiwen 'Raymond' Bai
Charles Baker
Mohamad Bamba
X inB i
Justin Biela
Niklas Butchma
Luis Carcoba
Yi-Hao 'Bryan' Chen
Jay Cromheecke
Sergio Carrasco Ubiema
Luke Cuticelli
Daniel Dumas de Teresa
Collin Fabian
Leif Fosse-Greiner
Alexander Frenchman
Gustavo Gracia Orellana
Fernando Garcia Vazquez
Amos Gilbert
Emery Gray
Mauricio Guzman Cedillo
Jose Nasip Harb Rodriguez
Matthew Harmon
Griffin Harris
Seok Woo 'Michael' Hong
Ryan Houx
Garrett Huff
Nicholas Humphrey
Woohyun 'Henry' Jung
John Kelleher
Daniel Kitchel
Janies 'JR' Kreuzburg
Rex Krieg
Joonhyung 'Joon' Lee
Tae Hee Lee
Woo Shik'John'Lee
Young Hoon Lee
Garrett Lewis
Tianyi 'Bear' Liu
Wei 'Victor' Liu
Herman Lui
Hector Mahbub del Pozo
Matteo Mangiardi
Mauricio Marcos Marcos
Peter Martin
Kieth 'KJ' Matte
Seung Min 'Joshua' Lee
Yongbo 'Bobbie' Li
H i
Class of 2014
Jonathan Mayer
Jack McKeen
m im Antonio Mezher Salome
Zhuocheng 'Tommy' Mi
Christopher Moore
Jordan Pepe
Gavin McNamara
i i
John Mihon
William Milton
Jared Mines
Yifu 'Kimi' Mu
Colin Munro
Keaton Nichols
Jacob Peters
Daniel Philbrick
William Pieroni
Garrett Plekenpol
Nicholas Parker
Alexander Post
Tucker Powell
Patrick Roth
Robert 'Ro-Ro' Rymer
Javier Salomon Tamer
Anthony Scaramucci
John Seter
Tianjun 'Jeff Shi
William Starkey
Rene Trevino Garza
a John Trotto
Diego Velazquez Pazos
Matthew Wall
Michael â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reilly" Walsh
Adonis Williams
Zuoquan 'Jack' Wu
Zhenghao 'Ray' Xiao
Weizhen 'Tiger' Zhang
Blake Wilkey
r\ A \ /
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9 th G ra d e
It's all about the
challenge! 100
eadership and citizenship. The teachers worked collaboratively to assignments across disciplines. Global Leadership encouraged ng to respect different perspectives, life experiences, and social iluated themselves as learners and leaders within their community, it the cellular and organismal levels, while mastering techniques four interrelated competencies of communication: speaking, jrrors are how we learn, and that context and culture influence ed a variety of texts from several genres to both analyze and
W u u tm The day I was elected to be my class' School Leader is still fresh in my mind. It was quite a rush and definitely an honor; but the position was much more then a status symbol. As School Leader, I have been adopted into a small, exclusive club of those who have been trusted by their fellow Cardiganians to act as a frontrunner, a role model, and most importantly, to be a friend. It is my responsibility to make sure that each and every student is able to reach his maximum potential and succeed socially, academically, and athletically. I love being able to connect so strongly with both the faculty and the students, and acting as a liaison between the two. But more then anything else, I act as a friend. I’m not “School leader” to my friends. I’m just Will, and that is what I strive to be. I was elected to this position because of who I was, and that is who I will continue to be. Last year’s School Leader, Hyungtae Kim, told me as soon as I was elected that by no means do I need to change to succeed at this position, as that is what I was elected for. And if I were to offer one piece of advice to next year’s School Leader, that would be It. Remember who you really are, and don’t change. That is what people like most about you. M M j™
Spring on the Point brings the annual election of the leaders for the following year. Rising 8th graders are chosen by the students and faculty for these positions. The spring of 2012 saw the following boys elected for the academic year 2012-2013
Assistant School Leader Chaplin's Assistants Dining Hall Head Steward Green Key Coordinator International Student Coordinator Jobs Foreman - Athletics Jobs Program Director Kitchen Head
Brandon Benson Peter Cleveland Chi Kyu Lee Henry Cormier Gordan Faust Yuri Okada Timothy Callahan Elijah Harris Jae Eun Yu Kastan Day
Christopher Alberigi
Seung Ick 'Michael' Chang
Yun Do 'Brian' Hwang
Arriving in September 2009 these young boys have become young Cardigan men ready to take on the new worlds they will encounter.
Joo Sang ' James' Lee
Myles Beach
Henry Day
Nicholas Slaughter
Class of 2013
Senior Class Senate Members
Brandon Benson (Assistant School Leader), Jordan Abisch (Senator), Matthew Banks (Senator), William Humphrey (School Leader)
Class of 2013 Jordan Abisch Nickname: Little-Romney Likes: Politics, History, Debate, Economics, Ice Cream Goals after Cardigan: Enjoy life, attend a respectable college, have a Republican dominated Congress by 2032. Quote: "A bar of iron costs $5, made into horseshoes it is worth $12, made into needles it is worth $3500, made into balance springs for watches, it's worth $300,000. Your own value is also determined by what you are able to make of yourself."
Christopher Alberigi
Nickname: Rigi, Alberigi, Reggie, Alburquerque, Riger Likes: Baseball, basketball, football, fishing, pizza Goals after Cardigan: Have my own pizza restaurant named "Rigi's Pizza," play baseball Quote: "Life's a game, play it."
Will Appleton Nickname: Killer, Sauce, Thrill, Wall Likes: Brew Crew, golf, lacrosse, Bilo, Sky Go, Chubbies, 603 Swag, 3 Willys Goals after Cardigan: Three Willys Quote: "We're the cat's meow."
Class of 2013 Sael Araujo Nickname: Junior Likes: Football, girls, sleeping, M. . i Goals after Cardigan: Go far in life. Quote: "I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward." - Tupac Shakur
Matthew Banks
Nickname: Banco, Banksy Likes: Hockey, Nuge, Brew Crew, Steeze, Spongebob, Hamptons, Rigi's Pizza, the beach, Romney Goals after Cardigan: Not to occupy Wall Street. Keep a good relationship with the boys and make a billion. Quote: "Legs feed the wolf." "Burn the boats." "We don't remember the days, we remember moments."
Myles Beach Nickname: Protein, Beach Likes: Protein, lacrosse, surfing, Hawaii Goals after Cardigan: Go big in football and lacrosse, become a marine biologist. Quote: "Goalie: born in the crease, die in the crease."
Class of 2013 Brandon Benson Nickname: Benson Likes: Hockey, baseball, representing the Big "ID", memories with the boys Goals after Cardigan: Go to a D1 college playing college hockey and baseball Quote: "Cheeks?" £ i
HoWoy_ •
’\ ] t
/ / ?Fi■
James Betts
Ward Soccer, hockey, basketball, Jake Peters Be successful at my next school, play Division 1 hockey or basketba Quote: "Why would I want four or five more inches? I use my speed." Martin St. Louis. "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision." Muhammed Ali Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
William Boyle Bilo Tennis, soccer, Skyoo, 3 Willys Play D1 Tennis, three willys "If you're going to do something that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late." Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Class of 2013 Timothy Callahan
Callahan comma space capital T. i. m. Likes: Puck, lacrosse, woman, Florida, America, Amsterdam Goals after Cardigan: Go to a show, none in particular Quote: "It doesn't matter how big your chicken is, it matters how hard it fights." Nickname:
Michael Capozzi Paul, Capozz Hockey, baseball, soccer, and girls Play college hockey "I always tell kids, you have two eyes and one mouth. Keep two open and one closed. You never learn anything if you're the one talking." - Gordie Howe â&#x2013; t
Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Agustin Cattoretti Lopez Agus, Catto Tennis, soccer, motorcross, downhill biking, golf, skiing, hockey Goals after Cardigan: Go back home and come back to the US for college with a tennis scholarship at a D1 Ivy League school Quote: "X-treme - life is too short not to be." Nickname: Likes:
Class of 2013 Dong Hyun Chae
Nickname: Veo Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Squash, apple pie Travel around the
world Quote: The Asian lineman with Jack Jiang
Seung Ick Chang Michael, Changer Dance, music, parties Go to a good school, be the #1 party planner Quote: "You only live once!" Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Guan Lin Chen
Neil Tennis, drums, drawing Sleep, sleep, sleep "Is life always so hard like this, or is it just when you're a kid?" Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Class of 2013 Haorong Chen Rex Chess, ping-pong, tennis Go to a good University "Life is about filling yourself."
Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Jinwan Cho Korea, swimming, sleep, dogs Go to college "I looked up my family tree and found three dogs using it." - Rodney Dangerfield Likes: . S f l H I Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Peter Cleveland Cleveland Football, basketball, baseball, girls Go to college "If you ain't first, you're last."
Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
Class of 2013 Henry Cormier Cormier Pulu, lax, Nuge, girls, celly's Make bank, get a house, start a family Quote: "Sweat plus sacrifice equals success." -- Charley Finley Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Jonathan Costan Formula 1, ice hockey Graduate high
Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
"Total bumbus."
Henry Day Hank Hockey, baseball, football, girls Go to college, do
Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
well in sports Quote: "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." -- Jim Carrey
Class of 2013 Kastan Day Kitchen, Mr. Harris' Pre-Calc class. Biology Goals after Cardigan: To become a biotechnological engineer Quote: "Wisdom is knowing what to do next, virtue is doing it." Likes:
Noah Drummond a sports Quote:
Noaaaaah Skiing, biking, lax, girls Play some college
Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
"If you ain't first, you're last." —Ricky Bobby
Gordon Faust Gordie, Cheetah Baseball, golf, Erin Andrews, Biology, the night sky Goals after Cardigan: Get some steez Quote: "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night!" —Steve Martin Nickname: Likes:
Class of 2013 Ben Finkelstein Carpino
Fink Vermont, Tim LeRoy and Owen
Nickname: Likes:
Win a D1 College Hockey National Championship Quote: "I'm Ralph Cox. I'm from where ever's not gonna get hit." Goals after Cardigan:
Austin Franklin Lacrosse
Likes: Goals after Cardigan: Quote:
To be the best person I can be. "Gotta risk it to get the biscuit." -- Fired Up
Jackson Freidberg Da' Hoodwich
Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
To get more steeze! Quote: "Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburgers." Abbie Hoffman LV
Class of 2013 Maxwell Gilbert Weasel Football, hockey, theater To succeed at my next school Quote: "Play practice tonight will be 5:30 early dinner, 5:50 on stage." Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Avery Glass Ave Lax, girls, long walks on the beach Go to a good secondary school and then a good college. Quote: "Go Big or Go Home." -- Scooter Glass Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
James Goodwin Wood The boys, Cahoon, Janet, Tim LeRoy, Robbie Barker, Appleton, Fink, girls Goals after Cardigan: Play Beer League Hockey Quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die today." -- James Dean Nickname: Likes:
Class of 2013 Ryan Grady
Football, lacrosse, snowboarding Play football at the highest level possible Quote: "It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get back up." -- Vince Lombardi f
Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Chang Hyun Han Charlie, Rango Soccer, hockey. Air Force d M Enroll and go to high school and university, be a good student, do filial piety to parents Quote: "Seriously?" Nickname: Likes: Goals after Cardigan:
Elijah Harris
Wrestling, football, Altanta Falcons Goals after Cardigan: Become a park ranger Quote: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glouious triumphs, even though checked by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Theodore Roosevelt Likes:
Class of 2013 Liam Hassett Likes: Fly-fishing, skiing Goals after Cardigan: Become a biological engineer Quote: "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
Morgan Himmer Nickname: Morgue Likes: PSY, Hyuna, tennis, KD (kitchen dinner), Snipin with KD Goals after Cardigan: Go to Cambridge and become a CEO Quote: "I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out."
William Humphrey Nickname: Humps Likes: The big bad wolf, the mighty VO 3, Road Trippin', Chi-Town, Cheeks, Jamal B., The Van Goals after Cardigan: Keep it real, minimize the whack, get it done. Quote: "Live every week like it's shark week."
Class of 2013 Yun Do Hwang Nickname: Brian, Hwanger Likes: Basketball, music, eating, Korea, sleeping, boxing Goals after Cardigan: Do what I enjoy Quote: "Don't waste time, or time will waste you."
Charles Ikeda Nickname: Z Likes: Outdoors, music, sports, reading, food Goals after Cardigan: Play college sports Quote: "Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Eddie Cantor
Hanlin Jiang Nickname: Jack Likes: Basketball, football, novels Goals after Cardigan: Be happy Quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate the mind on the present moment."
Class of 2013 Byungmoo Kim Nickname: Brian Likes: Meat, wrestling, stress Goals after Cardigan: Get recruited to college for wrestling Quote: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." -- Oscar Wilde
Sun Hong Kim Nickname: Paul, PK Likes: Life, Psy, dried mangoes Goals after Cardigan: Succeed in life, have a good life, live forever Quote: "Language is very important."
Heon Koh Nickname: Sam, CoCo Likes: Soccer, basketball. Bill Milton Goals after Cardigan: Become a man! Quote: "You will regret."
Class of 2013 Chi Kyu Lee Nickname: "Kyu" pronounced as "Q" Likes: Movies, bowling, etc. Goals after Cardigan: Be successful Quote: "Possumus superare si bene de nobis existimanus."
Joo Sang Lee Nickname: James, "Big Jim" Likes: Soccer, Apline skiing, tennis, swimming, math Goals after Cardigan: Have a good future, major in architecture, go out in the 2018 Olympics, go home. Quote: "Rip it."
Seung Hwan Lee Nickname: Daniel, Danny Lee Likes: Hip Hop, acting Goals after Cardigan: Where ever life takes me, but in the range of doing something I want to do. Quote: "Just watch me."
Class of 2013 Rui Li Nickname: Ray Likes: Mountain biking, music, badminton. Ping Pong, drawing Goals after Cardigan: Win good placings in mountain biking races, apply for a great university. Quote: "I always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."
William Lyon Nickname: Wilz, Burglar Likes: The South! Sky Goals after Cardigan: Enjoy life Quote: "Life is for the living."
William Martinelli Nickname: Sleeve monster Likes: The Law, wrestling Goals after Cardigan: Be a lawyer Quote: "I am the 0.0000001 percent."
Class of 2013 Jacob Mayer Likes: League of Legends, TSM, coke, rock scaling Goals after Cardigan: Become a League of Legends pro Quote: "If light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja?"
Theodore Mello Nickname: Ted Likes: Nuge, Brew Crew, SpongeBob, the Beckwiths Goals after Cardigan: Get a good job Quote: "Everybody! Puuuuuuush!"
William Nearis Nickname: Nearis Likes: Soccer, hockey, and lacrosse Goals after Cardigan: Go to college Quote: "Cleveland is the reason"
Class of 2013 Nathaniel Nugnes Nickname: Nuge Likes: Hockey, lacrosse, Theodore Mello, the Cape, fishing Goals after Cardigan: Keep it up and get a good job Quote: "Let there be cowgirls." -- Chris Gagle
Carlos Ochoa Nickname: Carlos Likes: Soccer, chicks Goals after Cardigan: Go to high school in Mexico Quote: "Live after death"
Yuri Okada Likes: Sleep, wrestling, reading Goals after Cardigan: Go back to Japan Quote: "Ching, cheng, chong!"
Class of 2013 Tianshuo Ouyang Nickname: George Likes: Guitar, cartoons, baseball, snowboarding Goals after Cardigan: Go to a good college and have a good job. Quote: "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." -- Elbert Hubbard.
Philip Parry Likes: Basketball, cross country, baseball, Theodore Mello Goals after Cardigan: Go to a good high school and get a job Quote: "Red Mello"
Santiago Perez Sanchez Likes: Racing Goals after Cardigan: Be a successful m person Quote: "Speed is everything."
Class of 2013 Federico Serrano Castro de la Torres Nickname: Fed Likes: Wrestling, football, games Goals after Cardigan: Attend college in the US. Quote: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead where there is no path and leave a trail." â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adam Sherwood Nickname: Sherwood Likes: Hockey, soccer, lacrosse, and drawing Goals after Cardigan: Grow up and become a successful person Quote: "Until next time, SEE YAH!" â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mr. Harris
Sky Silverstein Nickname: Skyoo Likes: Hockey, girls Goals after Cardigan: Be a professional hockey player or successful business man. Quote: "Every man dies, but not every man really lives."
Class of 2013 Nicholas Slaughter Likes: Math, doing well in school, hanging out Goals after Cardigan: Do well in high school and college and beyond. Quote: "Thank you Cardigan for all you have done for me!"
Napat Tanakulthon Nickname: Bobby, Tanker Likes: Swimming, MMA, girls, Anime, Awesomeness, money, acting, things Goals after Cardigan: Become a famous and professional MMA Fighter, swimmer and actor. Quote: "Holy Cow" - me "I am AWESOME" - me "We are open to the greatest of changes when we hit our lowest point in life." â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Aang the Avaton
Raphael Tejavibulya Nickname: Leo Likes: Tennis, soccer Goals after Cardigan: Being successful in life Quote: "Never ever, ever give up." -- Winston Churchill
Class of 2013 Thomas Wickham Nickname: Tommy Likes: Basketball, football Goals after Cardigan: Be an architect Quote: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
Jae Eun Yu .M
Nickname: Brian, Bri ^ W Likes: Football, soccer, NHL Playoffs only, Twix, 3 Musketeers, ESPN Goals after Cardigan: Be an architect Quote: "Aggravated = violent mode"
Ming Yu Yuan Nickname: Ming Likes: Football, League of Legends Goals after Cardigan: Be a boss. Quote: "I am the best."
Class of 2013 Hongting Zhang Nickname: Andy Likes: Guitar, Japanese Anime Goals after Cardigan: Go to high school Quote: "I think, therfore I am."
Yuze Zhang Likes: Lacrosse, snowboarding, reading Goals after Cardigan: Astronaut, scientist, billionaire, etc. Quote: "Noooo!"
The Cardigan Way We instill a love of learning and promote intellectual curiosity and growth, recognizing that each person learns differently.
♦ «A±A»*•
Matthew Banks Congratulations! May you always have the courage to think for yourself... Believe in the impossible... And live life with NO REGRETS! Love, Mom, Dad, Brooke & Lexie
AUSTIN FRANKLIN Congratulations CMS CLASS OF 2013!
Hard work beats talent When talent doesn't work hard.
We are so proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom, Cole, Hanna & Paige
Jordan Robert Abisch
Paulie, We are so very proud of you. You've been blessed with many special talents. Develop them fully and use them wisely. Dream big, work hard, stay kind. We Love You. Mom, Dad, Michael and Ashley
^ i^ elhananl .^^ap^haet
^^=Seo, '^0(1 rn m ^ f n iÂŁ M iei> e ... (h a ^
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tjoM paieriL-),
////arn rn ee
^D cla - ^T^ef^m^if^ul^a
Sael Araujo
Happy for you, Proud of you, Thrilled to be your grandfather!
Congratulations Sael!!
I couldn't be more proud of you and your success at Cardigan.
I love you, Pappy
You're future is bright.
Jin Wan Cho Right from when you were a little kid and till today, you have only given us reasons to hold out heads up in pride. We are so lucky to have you in our life We love you so much !! Mom & Dad
Willz Lyon
Dream big, believe in yourself and help others along the way. Coach Hank
Kimi Mu Kimi, Love is giving. Striving makes a champion. Hope you become a well- rounded boy. Love, Dad, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa
Congratulations! We are so proud of you.
Love Mom, Dad & Ross
Timothy Callahan
Timothy, You can't imagine how proud we are of your accomplishments. Your hard work and perseverance will guide you down the road which unfolds before you. Your future is incredibly bright! We love you tons... Mom and Dad
Kastan Day If you teach yo u r children nothing else, teach them the Colden Rule and "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey." ~Robert Brault Love, Dad "Logic will get you from A to Z, imagination will get you everywhere." ~ Albert Einstein Love, M om
Will Appleton Congratulations Wi We are proud o f you! Love, Dad, Mom, and Tom
Menry Cormier CONGRATULATIONS WEMRY!!! Ae you ekate. ride or m otor on to your next journey, we know you will continue to make ue proud. Love. Mom. Dad and Elise
Christopher "Chris" Alberigi
Will Martinelli Congratulations Will! We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished at CMS. Hard to believe three years have gone by since your arrived on "The Point"! We know that you will continue to soar in 10th grade and beyond! We love you, Mom & Dad Liz and Davis
MAX GILBERT G reat job Max!!
Peter L. Cleveland Congratulations on a job well done. Dad, Mom, Charlotte and George
Nicholas Slaughter
Ryan Armistead Grady III "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
Congratulations, Nicholas! We are so proud of how far you have climbed. "Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing." - Barry Finlay, author of "Kilimanjaro and Beyond" We love you so much! Mom, Dad, Jacob, and Teddy 140
matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Charlie! We are proud of you and always love you .
Dad, Mom and Spencer
Dear Z, We have watched you grow while at Cardigan What wonderful friends you have made and so many mountains you have climbed. Your future experiences await! Love, Mom and Dad
Aider) Bourke
Ah, a good day at the beach! There is nothing like sun on your face, sand, and hanging out near the beach grass ... and a photographer who happens to be walking by I This says it a ll:) Our wish for all is to continue to have memories of a lifetime I! (and you're well on your way by being a part of Cardigan !)
Love Mom & Dad
Righ!: Charlie-Han,/Andy Zhang and Jinwan pho Below: Josh Lee, Michael Hong Chris-An, Ray bi, and T^e.Hee Lee (N6t Piptured: Jake An and MichaeJ Chang)
Thanks to a great yearbook staff for creating a wonderful memory of the 2012-2013 ^■■1^ school year.
Jinwan Cho presents the 2013 yearbook dedication certificates to Mr. Timothy LeRoy (above) and Mr Ryan Feeley (left)
The Class of 2013 dedicates this year's BLAZE to Mr. Timothy LeRoy, "awesome" teacher and coach," and Mr. Ryan Feeley, who has "served the community in a positive way."
ERRATA: p. 5: Martin Blaustein is M o n te Blaustein p. 28: Daniel Lee ‘13 is J o sh u a Lee '14 p. 38: Back row: Peter Cleveland is W illiam N earls p. 69: Front row: Mauricio G uzm an Cedillo is G io rg o C aripidis
^ This year's Sailing season was a great success. W ith the younger members o f the team always providing enthusiasm, the fun on the boats never stopped. Constantly singing songs and debating about lightning and thunderstorms, our team was exceptional overall. Sailing isn't easy, and you need to be very smart to sail. By the end o f the season we all learned how to sail, nobody got hurt, we found an alligator in the lake, and . . . we BEAT UNH! - Brian Yu
Back row: Coach Cushing, Coach Markham, Michagl Hong, Ro-Ro Rymer, Liam Hassett, Mauricio Guzman Cedillo, Brian Yu, Diego Velazquez, Sergio Lopez Ramirez, Santiago Perez Sanchez, and Coach Langetieg. Front row: Nathaniel Fuller, Giorgo Caripidis Soto, Alexander Frenchman, Blake Wilkey, Fernando Garcia Vazquez, Brandt Aker, Tiger Zhang, Sam Walzak, and Keetae Byunn.
U M m s n w m s ta m u Varsity Baseball had a fantastic season, with a record of 14-3-1. We emphasized our main goals of playing CHICKEN, executing our small ball style, and being "at our best" when we "played the best." Every player on the team contributed to our success, whether it was a big hit, a timeiy defensive play, a well-placed bunt, or a pitch to shut down the other team. Our biggest wins included avenging the only loss from last year (by beating Belmont Hill), beating the Vermont Academy varsity team, and coming back in the seventh to beat Phillips Exeter.
Back row: Coach Lawson, Philip Perry, Jack Bliss, Peter Cleveland, Brandon Benson, Paul CapozzI, Coach Scoville, Henry Day, and Coach Haonis. Front cow: Justin BidijS^ Christopher Alberigi, Sam Koh, Daniel Philbrick, Ward Betts, and Jordan Allard.
â&#x2013; Ill Baseball ^
The JV Baseball team had a great season, ending with a record of 7-3. Our season started off stro nf even though we lost our first game to Vermont Academy. After that game we went on a six-game winning streak! Our team worked on getting better every day, with the perfect example being our two games against Vermont Adiftdemy. While we were unprepared and out-worked in the first game, by^^^second cine, the games was actually called off halfway through BecausQ^we 8-5! I could see the tremendous progress we had made thj^ughout f were . Our coaches taught us everything they could and alway; the se nstructive feedback, making this one great season. - Max Gilbert
Back row: Coach Clark, Sael Araujo, Alex Grasso, IVlaxwell Gilbert, Carlos Ochoa, Benjamin Antonucci, Tommy Wickham, and Coach Good. Front row: Trey Parker, Cedric Elkouh, Colton Bullard, Theodore Mello, Zachary Wennik, and Charlie Han. ^
ihirds Baseball
Back row: Coach Skelley, Joey Mayer, Nolan Feeley, Corbin Holland, Steven Garron, Matt Wall, and Coach Nakade. Front row: Tae Hee Lee,Young Jun (Jake) An, Jose Harb Rodriguez, Young Hoon Lee, Woohyun (Henry) Jung, and Chris Moore.
Thirds baseball had a successful season. They were always positive and cheered for their team. They started the season with a win against Claremont Middle school with a score of 11 to 4. Our team improved every day with Coach Nakade's amazing pitching lessons and Coach Skelly's exceptional knowledge of the game. Our mantra, "Bounce Back," helped us with our 6-2-2 season. - Matt Wall
Reserve b^seb^ll The Reserve Baseball team had a successful season this spring, ending the year with a 2-2 record. The boys improved throughout the season. Some of the players on the team could barely catch the ball in the beginning, but eventually everyone gained the fundamental skills of the game, and we were able to get two victories. Our team goal was "everyone gets at least one hit," and we accomplished this. Our first hit of the season came from Luke Laurence, who successfully hit against a fast pitcher and got on first safely. Highlights include Bryan Chen's three-run home run, lefty-killer Gabe Moldenhauer pitching two games, and Mo Bamba setting his individual goal to get a home run every day. Although a number of our games were canceled, we still had a really fun season. - Kimi Mu
Back row: Coach Beckwith, Antonio Mezher, Zhenghao Xiao, Mohamed Bamba, Kimi Mu, Bryan Chen, and Coach Sinclair. Front row: Coach Holt, Taishu Tozawa, Gabriel Moldenhauer, Jack Gong, Bear Liu, Xin Bi, and Luke Laurence (Not pictured: Ricky Ochoa).
llarsity Lacrosse Varsity Lacrosse had a great season, as we were able to develop as players and as a team. Our goal of beating Eaglebrook was accomplished in each of our meetings with them. Our first encounter was a thriller. Down by three, we were able to come back with 30 seconds left when Gavin found the back of the net. Our second meeting was just as spectacular^nd we were able to pull off an amazing win. Our final meeting was at Cardigan, and once again we were victorious. It was the greatest feeling when everyone stormed the field! There is no better way for our seniors to end their Cardigan career than with a win over Eaglebrook. -- Avery Glass
Back Row: Coach Carpino, Noah Drummond, Nathaniel Nugnes, William Appleton, Yuze Zhang, Daniel Kitchel, Myles Beach, and Coach Bayreuther. Third Row: Ryan Grady, John Seter, Will Nearis, Austin Franklin, Keaton Nichols, Matt Banks, Gordon Faust, and Timothy Callahan. Second Row: Colin Munro, Henry Cormier, Charlie Baker, Jack Goodwin, Griffin Harris, Gavin McNamara, and Benjamin Finkelstein. Front Row: Amos Gilbert, Avery Glass, â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Matteo Mangiardi, and Walker Huff.. V- rffer
Back row: Federico Serrano, Daniel Lee, Kastan Day, William Humphrey, Jackson Freidberg, Sky \ ^Silverstein, and Coach Newbold. Third row: Joshua Lee, Z Ikeda, Adam Sherwood, Bill Milton, || ^Colin Fabian, Niklas Butchma, John Trotto, and John Kelleher. Second row: Ryan Houx, Reilly Walsh, Jay Cromheecke, Leif Fosse, Anthony Scaramucci, and Herman Lui. Front row: Jared â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;^ Mines, Jordan Pepe, Beckham Bayreuther, and Emery Gray (Not pictured: Will Starkey).
,^1. The JV Lacrosse team had an excellent season with a record of 10-5. Our coaches helped us each day to work our hardest and improve as players and as a team. Our captains-Will Humphrey, Danny Lee, and Leif Fosse--had a tough job leading our team, but made us work hard in practice and got us pumped for our games. We had great goal-tending and goal support throughout our game, as well as great physical play from our ninth-grade mid-field line and defense from our long poles. During practices we worked on clearing drills, fast and slow breaks, and really developed as a team with our intramural games with the varsity team. - John Trotto
1F 1 â&#x2013; l1 H iP M W iK n w iRvilyelinMill*
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Thirds Lacrosse had a very good season this s|3rina.j^ |!^ Throughout the season we worked very hard as a team. Although we did not always win our games, we always tried our best to give our opponents a good match. We worked ^ together to accomplish our team goals, and we also had some great individual effort. For example, Joseph and Jake's great skills on attack, Veo's great leadership on the defensive end of the field, and our exceptional coaching from Coach Graves ' and Coach Kreuzburg. They taught us "to improve," the concept of "we," and to "honor the game." We had a great time on and off the field. We always helped and encouraged each other to try harder and to become better players every day. -- Javier Salomon
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j M Reserve Lacrosse had a good season. All the members put in their best efforts. They always participated and listened to the coaches. They changed a lot from the beginning of the season. Their skill improved daily so that they usually won their games. Coach Nevins and Coach Gauthier also taught the players well. The Reserve season was a season to remember. -- Jake Wennik
■I ■1
US Back row: Coach Gauthier, Joon Lee, Juan Alvaro Gomez, Santiago Garcia, Peter Martin, Sergio Fonseca, William Song, Matthew Kim, and Coach Nevins. Middle row: Agustin Alban, James Chun, Owen Brine, David Min, Dragon Ding, Nono Qui, Sage Mine, and Luis Carcoba. Front row: Seth Gray, Jake Wennick, Pablo De Saro, Matt Harmon, Nick Jessop, Jack Audett, and Nick Pieroni.
r f -
llarsitg lennis Varsity Tennis had a hunger and desire to win this year, and to make a comeback from our disappointing defeat by Eaglebrook last year. We wanted to dominate on the courts, and that is what we did. We won the league, we grabbed all four spots in the tournament, and most of all we went undefeated! Coach Rocha's competitiveness. Coach Ramos' reality checks, and former Coach D'Entremont's example of how to win, showed us the way to victory! -- Lpo Tejavibulya
Back row: Tanner Boyle, Jose Gomez, Agustin Cattoretti, Billy Boyle^ and^Jack McKeen. ' Front rbw: Jordan Abisch, Leo Tejavibulya, Gustavo Garcia, Morgan Himmer, and Tucker Powell (Not pictured: Coaches Rocha and Ramos).
JV Tennis had an extremely successful
season. Our team had a record of 7 wins and 2 losses. Our highlight as a team was beating Brewster Academy 6-3 after losing to them earlier in the season. We as a team were working well with each other by the end of the season. Individual successes included Bill Pieroni winning the number 2 singles in the Lakes Regions, Chris An's consistent wins, and Luke Cuticelli's improvement - winning almost all his matches. -- James Lee
Left to Right: Coach Hart, Nicholas S la u g h te r,'^^'S a n g (James) Lee, Rex Krieg, Luke Cuticelli, Bill Pieroni, Christopher An, Jon Schafer, Jack Wu, Gonch Delgado, Juan Bellvis, Pat Roth, and Coach Exton.
Iliirds len n is Thirds Tennis liad a dazzling spring with a record of 7-1-1. Every member of the team got to play against a variety of schools, in both singles and doubles matches. We played teams with different skill levels, both experienced and inexperienced. We had three goals: listening to instructions, improving core strength, and just getting the ball in. It was challeng足 ing to keep up with the goals as we strived to achieve them. On the last day of practice, we realized how much we improved from the beginning of the season. - John Lee
Back row: Coach Harris, Rene Trevino Garza, Mingyu Yuan, Bobbie Lee, Ray Li, Raymond Bai, Andy Zhang, George Ouyang, Jack Jiang, Rex Chen, and Mauricio Marcos l\Aarcos. Middle row: Sergio Carrasco, Tommy Mi, Chi Kyu Lee, Paul Kim, Brian Hwang, Michael Chang, Daniel Dumas, Victor Liu, James Chen, Jeff Shi, Neil Chen, Coach Gahagan, and Coach Naroski. Front row: Philip Huang, Jacob Slaughter, Daniel Gutierrez, John Lee, Jinwan Cho, Brian Kim, Jeff Koo, Alex Post, and Jerry Wang (Not pictured: Coach Yelton and Coach Blaustein). 14
R ^ k
C fim b iv iq
We had an awesome season. From the Cougar Cave to the weight room to the rocl<s, we all really enjoyed our time. Many of us were returners to the sport and were pretty good, but some had never climbed before. Over the season the beginners became good and the returners got better. The whole season was nothing but success and improvement. Jacob completed one of the hardest problems on the wall, and all of us completed at least two new and difficult problems. We were able to go to an awesome new climbing gym and climbed some really cool mountains. We improved many of our sl<ills like balance, strength and confidence. -- Myles Shepard
r i\ â&#x2013;
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^Back row: Buzz Fisher, Myles Shepard, Andrew Mah. Front row: Coach Kenny, Mijah Harris, William Martinelli, KJ Matte, Garrett Plekenpol, Jacob Mayer, and Coach Antolino.
Spring Sporfs niwards Varsity Baseball
JV Baseball
Thirds Baseball
Reserve Baseball
Henry Day, Ward Betts, Paul Capozzi
Cedric Elkouh, Max Gilbert, Carlos Ochoa
Steven Garron, Tae Hee Lee, Matt Wall
Bear Liu, Ray Xiao, Kimi Mu
Varsity Lacrosse
JV Lacrosse
Thirds Lacrosse
Reserve Lacrosse
Griffin Harris, Henry Cormier, Colin Munro
Reilly Walsh, Anthony Scaramucci, John Trotto
Garrett Lewis, Nick Parker, Hector Mahbub
David Min, Jack Audett, Matt Harmon
Varsity Tennis
V. Tennis All Stars
JV Tennis
Thirds Tennis
Jose Gomez
Billy Boyle, Leo Tejavibulya, Tanner Boyle, Agustin Cattoretti
Bill Peroni Patrick Roth (not pictured)
Daniel Dumas, Jacob Slaughter, Chi Kyu Lee
Rock Climbing
Spring Athletes of the Week
Myles Shepard
Diego Velazquez, Brian Yu, Sam Walzak
Spring Captains' Council
National Junior IHonor Society
Scholarship - Character - Service - Citizenship - Leadership
Christopher Alberigi '13, Brandon Benson '13, Kastan Day '13, Colin Fabian '14, Emery Gray '14, Jose Nasip Harb Rodriguez '14, Hanlin 'Jack' Jiang ' 13, John Kelleher '14, Chi Kyu Lee '13, Raphael 'Leo' Tejavibulya '13, John Trotto ' 14, Zuoquan "Jack' Wu '14.
Charles C. Gates Invention & Innovation Competition The competition was fierce as 6th, 7th and some 8th grade students demonstrated their inventions on Friday. Saturday, the finalists again showed off their work to the three judges: Mr. John Pfeifle P'86, P'89, Mr. Matthew Brightman '06, and Karl Hutter '92. The “immediate hit” acknowledgement went to Daniel Gutierrez ’15 & Juan Alvaro Gomez ’15 for their “Sponge for Back"; and Cedric Elkouh '15 for his “Hockey Tape Cutter.” Joseph Jordan '15 & Pablo De Saro '16 exhibited salesmanship that was so remarkable, the judges felt special acknowledgment was warranted.
The overall winners were:
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Daniel Dumas De Teresa "Triple Trash Sorter"
Phillip Huang & Zach Wennik "Easy Clip-on Lacrosse Heads and Shafts"
Sam Walzak "The Amazing Backpack Charger"
Mrs. Maureen Gilbert, Auction Chair, with Headmaster David McCusl<er, Jr
Head of Schcx>l McCusker addresses the assembled crowd at the official opening of the Cardigan Commons,
^ ^
Cutting the ribbon are: Alex Grasso '15, Bi XIn '14, Jeffrey Holt '16, Nicholas Slaughter â&#x20AC;&#x2122;13*
s tM e d J o
rise, groLH^s of students grabbed their towels and shuffled their way/^ down to the lake/ There was a / strong showing of 118 students, along with 14 faculty members and one dog. The water temperature was a "bear-able" 4 i xlegrees^ ^ (Pahrenh^t), and the air was just slightly colder at 37.
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Headmaster’s Day (temporarily renamed “Sav Frieze Day” this year, to honor the memory of a beloved friend to Cardigan—a long-serving trustee and past parent) was, in short, a blast. The boys had an opportunity in the morning to play in the Third Annual J. Dudley Clark Doubles Tournament (p.s. this year’s winners were seniors Agustin Cattoretti and Will Appleton) or use any of the open facilities (the student center, gym, weight room, etc.). The afternoon meant a “carnival lunch” (served on the Rymer Patio outside the Commons!), a 3-vs-3 soccer tournament on the upper tennis courts (which later also became a street hockey venue), waterfront play, (homemade) “slip’n’slide” action on the Back 40 hill, and all kinds of fun on numerous inflatable games/structures.
Blake Wilkey '14 & Jake An '16 in class
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March Break baseball in Florida
Cardigan Cookie tasting contest
Cardigan Mountain Senior Class Sunset Climb
Peter Cleveland speaking to his classmates.
L. Tejavibulya, J. Lee, P. Kim, D. Lee, M. Chang, C. Han, J. Cho
At the end of their Cardigan years, the senior class climbs Cardigan Mountain at sunset. It is an emotional & spiritual farewell to the friends they have made.
p. Cleveland, A. Franklin, N. Nugnes, W. Nearis, J. Goodwin (behind Nearis), B. Finkelstein (standing), T. Callahan, C. Alberigi, S. Silverstein, W. Lyon.
â&#x2013; 'Mss-
Will Martinelli speaking to his classmates.
Celebration & Preparation
B yungm oo 'Brian' Kim and T e d IVIello with tlieir families.
N apat 'Bobby' Tanai<ultlion & family witli Mr. Kenny & Mr. Skelley.
W illiam H um phrey, School Leader, receives the first Alumni T ie from Steve August '69.
A very Glass gets his boutonniere from Mrs. McCusker.
Billy Boyle is all smiles after his boutonniere is pinned on by Mrs. lacuzzi.
N icliolas S lau ghter w atches as M s. Lenihan pins a boutonniere on Augustin Cattoretti Lopez.
receive tlieir Alumni Ties
[\/lembers of the Class of 2013
Gordon Faust waits to get his Alumni Tie.
The Class of 2013
Capt. MacVittie '99
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