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the blaze Cardigan M ountain School 62 A lum ni Drive Canaan, NH 0 3 7 4 1 2 4 4 Students w w w .cardigan.org
our mission Cardigan Mountain School offers a close-knit com m unity that prepares middle school boys - in mind, body, and spirit - for responsible and meaningful lives in a global society.
Dear Cardigan Family, This year's edition of The Blaze once again captures the full and rich nature of community life together on The Point. My thanks and sincere gratitude to my colleagues, Cardigan's faculty and staff, who have committed fully to ensuring a year of growth and learning for the boys in our care. Congratulations to all of our boys this year, who have demonstrated great courage and enthusiasm as you've enjoyed all of the dimensions of The Cardigan Way. To our ninth-grade boys, who have completed their Cardigan journey, thanks for the memories, best wishes in all of your future endeavors, and please know that we will miss you here. Mrs. McCusker joins me in extending our love and best wishes to all of you. Please stay in touch and visit whenever you can. Cardigan will always be your home. Sincerely,
Mr. McCusker '80 P'09,'10
Len Angelli H ead A thletic T rainer
L indsay A ntolino ESL D epartm ent Cinair
Chip A udett D irector o f A dm issions
David A uerbach Science D epartm ent C hair
Jessica B ayreuther A ssociate D irector o f A dm issions
John Bayreuther A ssociate D irector o f A dm issions
M onte Blaustein A ssociate D irector C harles C. G ates Program
C ourtney Boyd Student Travel C oordinator
Edw ard Burke, R.N, S taff N urse
R osalind Burke, R.N. S taff N urse
Kate Bushm an. R.N. S taff Burse
Jodie Cam p A ssistant Business M anager
Jarrod Caprow PEA K S速 D epartm ent C hair
O w en Carpino W orld L anguages T eacher
Jill Cavalieri C om ptroller
Richard C lancy '67 D irector o f A lum ni Program s
Douglas Clark H istory T eacher
D evin C lifiora D irector o f Sum m er Program s
Karen Colburn A dm issions A dm inistrative A ssistant
A ndrew C ook H istory T eacher
K olby Curran T echnology O ffice
Ken Cushing W orld Languages D epartm ent C hair
Joe Doherty Science T eacher
Erin Drury Com m unications A ssociate
Scott Ellis M ath T eacher
R ick E xton D irector o f International R elations
A shley Finethy C om m unications A ssociate
M ike Fitzgerald H istory D epartm ent C hair
H aver Flaherty PE A K S速 C oach
B arbara Frazier D ata M anager
M eredith Frost Science T eacher
R yan Frost D irector o f A thletics
Shannon G ahagan Spanish T eacher
G raham G authier M ath T eacher
Je ff G ood E nglish T eacher
Sarah G raves D irector o f Secondary School Placem ent Science T eacher
A lex Gray E nglish T eacher
K aren Ew er-G ray, R.N. D irector o f H ealth Services
M ichel Gray D irector o f T echnology
A nn H am el T echnology Integrator
A lexis Hannis G rade Six T eam L eader
A usten H annis D ir.of Student A ctivities Asst. A thletic D irector
Steve H arris M ath T eacher
W im Hart E nglish T eacher
M ark H olt G rade Six Dept. C hair
A ndrew Jaspersohn A rt D epartm ent C hair
Tim Jennings D irector o f Facilities
Chris Kenny E nglish T eacher
K athryn Holland D evelopm ent O ffice _______ M a n a g er_____
A lexandra King L atin T eacher
Allan Kreuzburg Resident Life Coord, Science Teacher
Kris Langetieg ESL Teacher
Corey Lawson H istory Teacher
M ary Ledoux Developm ent Associate
Lynne Lenihan Assistant to the H eadm aster
Douglas Lovell Dir. o f Parent Relations and Planned Giving
Rich M acDonald Dean o f Student Life
Stephanie McCusker Free Safety
Joseph M cHugh Business Manager
K athy M cH ugh Registrar
Ashley M cLaughlin H ealth C enter A ssistant
Joy Michelson D irector o f Advancement C om m unications
Nancy Moye Athletic D epartm ent Adm inistrative Assistant
M alorie Nai Teaching Intern
Michael Nakade H istory Teacher
Kathleen Naroski French Teacher
Travis Nevins Head Alpine Ski Coach
Tim Newbold Director o f Studies
Della Parker PEA K S速 Coach
David Perfield D irector o f Developm ent
Lisa Perfield Counselor
Dr. Elizabeth Perryman, Director o f Spiritual Life
Edilberto Ramos M ath Teacher
Science Teacher, Secondary School Placement Officer
Daniel Perricone W orld Languages Teacher
M atthew R inkin Assistant H ead o f School D ean o f Faculty
Pablo Rocha-Vazquez W orld Languages Teacher
Dave Scheiber D irector o f M usic
Jim Scott W oodw orking and D ram a Teacher
Sam Scott School Store Manager D ram a Program
Avery Scoville M ath Teacher
Jerem iah Shipm an, '00 Assistant D irector o f A lum ni Programs
Ryan Sinclair Dir. o f Global Leadership and Service Learning
Sarah Sinclair A dm issions C oordinator
Pamela Susi Associate D irector o f D evelopm ent
Patrick T urcotte M ath Teacher
Shea VanBoskirk PE A K S® Coach
M arshall W allach D irector o f A nnual Giving
M arty W ennik English D epartm ent C hair
D idi W ilson M ath D epartm ent Chair
L isaW itha m Faculty
N ora Yasumura D irector o f Global C om rnunity In itiative
Rhett Yelton D irector o f Charles C. Gates Program
Sarah Young PE A K S® Coach
Sam antha Freese Assoc. D irector o f Summer Programs and Yearbook Advisor
corhpassion -^lonesty •respect*ntegrity •scholarship^»fafrness
m -
facilities and housekeeping
athletic staff
THE EPIC CENTER// 1. Custom designed table specifically made to house all the lego elements
2. Lego League Competition table 3. Flexible work stations can be used for computers, robotics, or group discussions.
Bottom: Standing work space for students RIGHT: EV3 Robotics, are a Lego based robotic system.
Buildings The EPIC center was designed to be a place for students to explore Engineering Possibilities related to Innovation and Creativity. This custom designed room includes two full wall white boards (one is actually black) where students can be creative and solve problems. A third wall was designed fo r students to hang drawings and design th a t they are w orking on. A variety of work surfaces, from stand-up tables, tables with stools, areas designed to w ork on your com puter, and a round table for discussions are provided. The 3D printer, custom Robotics Table, and cubicles to store projects round o u t the room . This room is used today fo r our Gates program and the Lego Robotics club, while m any students drop in to w ork on projects or ju st draw on the w alls. All in all this new space has been a hit with students and faculty alike.
Flexible Work S p a c e // Every surface of the Epic Center is a work space, even the walls are white boards for collaborative projects.
3D Printer// Our new 3D printer opens up a number of inventive and creative pathways for students to bring their designs to life.
Gates Program // Students work on their Gates projects
1. Interior view of the new weight room
2. interior view of the new weight room 3. Exterior shot of the new addition.Âť
The newly installed lockers provide fantastic ventilation for the stored equipment.
[Top Left: Students train in the new wrestling facilities.
in Septem ber 201 3, the Cardigan Mountain School opened the doors to the Johnson-Wakely Locker Room in the Kenerson Center and the second floor addition to the Wakely Center including the Johnson-Wakely Fitness Center. These tw o spaces are a sym bol o f the relationships forged between the Johnson fam ily, Mr. & Mrs. Norm an and Beverly Wakely, and the Cardigan Mountain School datin g back to the 1 9 7 0 ’s. The new locker room has been a breath of fresh air w ith new lockers for the students and renovated coaches' locker room s for m ale and fem ale faculty. The Fitness Center has reinforced the message o f health and wellness fo r the entire Cardigan C om m unity. The second floor also Includes a new wrestling room, office suite, and conference room . Additional updates were m ade to expand the trainin g room and add m uch needed storage to the athletic facilities. We appreciate the efforts m ade to continue to make everyday "A Beautiful Day in New Ham pshire."
Dinning room, Conference rooms, Klein Theater, School Store, The Haven, IVIail Room.
I I It's nice to be able to hang out with friend and not worry about work; it's a place to just be a kid. //J .P . Ramos Barroso, '15
Right: The Wennik's help with The Haven's snack bar that is open to students.
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Dining Hall//
The new dining hall offers the students and staff a wonderful space for meals. The dining hall has windows on two sides as well as skylight allowing for beautiful natural light
to pour in and provides views of Canaan Street Lake and Cardigan Mountain.
My favorite part of the new dining hall is that it has more space, and 1 love the square tables." -Walker Huff, '14
lift while
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir
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Headmaster, Mr. McCusker, greets every student as they arrive on campus.
Students gather for one of the many ice breaker activities during orientation.
9th grade leaders are on hand to lend a hand. Above right, Assistant School Leader, Jose Harb J-'i,
and below left, School Leader Emery Gray were among the helpful hosts.
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Welcomes, reunions, leaders, new students arriving, parents leaving, and the signing of the register: the school year begins.
LEFT: Jorge Mijares, Jose Villar, Eduardo Gallagastegui.
RIGHT; Mr. Michael Nakade and seventh grade students.
BOTTOM: 6th grade students gather at the summit.
PUSHING OUR LIMITS// "Do hard things." - Coach Steve Harris
1. Eighth grade students at the summit. 2. Jose Bert, Rlcl<y Alvarez, Alejandro Valenzuela, and Jeronimo Fernandez. 3. Raising their hands in triumph! 4. Jason Zheng, Justin Liu, and Henry Hu 5. Seventh grade students hamming it up.
D A Y 018
FAIR Back in the 1 8 0 0 's th is was an agricultural fair. Now part agricultural and part gam es, rides, and fa ir food - atte ndin g the Sandwich Fair on C olum bus Day W eekend is an annual event fo r Cardigan boys.
"Ax throwing and tractor pulls are my favorite events."
OCTOBER 13, 2013 / / GAMES / / Seth Gray and George Mennen check out the different games of chance.
FOOD// Sam Seaver, Aiden Bourke, and Steve Garron enjoy some fairground food of which fried dough is a favorite.
FUN / / (clockwise) Jalen Quiones, Adonis Williams, Lief Fosse, Mo Bamba, Joseph Jordan, Chris Moore, and Will Pember
HALLOWEEN S tudents celebrate w ith costum es on the point
T O P L E F T : S a m W a lz a k TOP RIGHT: Connor Fedorek BOTTOM: Stefan Trifunovic, Kazuma Hirata, George Mennen
Top Left: Students in the nniddle of the lake run Top Right and Bottom: Students line up to begin lake run
RUN Students and staff challenge them selves to run the five m ile loop around Canaan Street Lake
1. Walker Huff receives some
well deserved water
Je Saro, Right: JJ Martinez 3. Left to Right: Justin Liu, Fred Uu and Larry Liang 4.
Left to Right: Jorge M ijares,Antonio Mezher Salome and Aiejandro Del Valle Alvarado
5. John Trotto
1. Will Starkey races to the finish 2. Friends embrace at the end of the run 3. L e t to Right; John Seter, Ben Marciano, Keaton Nichols, Garrett Plekenpol, and Bill Milton
PRE SHOW PREP WORK / / LEFT: A student has their hair done by Mrs. Holt
RIGHT: IVIrs. Wennik helps students with their stage make-up
BOTTOM: (Left to Right) Chris An, John Lee and Joon Hyung Lee prepare for the show.
Above: The entire cast and crew pose for a photograph.
PINOCCHIO Tr The Cardigan Players, performed the classic tale of toymaker Geppetto’s little wooden puppet but with a new twist. This new nnusical, which retells the Disney story but from Geppetto’s perspective. It Tackling timely issues about what it means to be “the perfect child” - and what it means to be “ a real father.”
OUR CREW / / Stage Crew //
Lights //
Director //
Garrett Lewis works tlie spot light.
Joseph Jordan and Bi Xin work the lights and sound booth.
The play was directed by Mr. Scott who is seen here with one of the actresses, Mrs. Flaherty.
FOOTBALL The Varsity Football team's season record did not indicate how they worked as a team. They were a group of individuals that grew to be a team. Their three captains and coaches lead the team to a positive year. The Junior Varsity Football team had a goal of getting just a little better each day, and they achieved this. One of their two wins was against Eaglebrook, which was a huge success. With lots of new players to the game, the team came together to learn new skills and work as a team.
COACHES: Mr. Harris, Mr. Hannis, Mr. Kreuzburg & Mr. MacDonald Mr. Clark, Mr. Frost, Mr. Langetieg, Mr. Lawson & Mr. Perricone
SOCCER The Varsity Soccer team had a strong season ending with a 9-3 record. There were many highlights of this season; includingthe Eaglebrook tournament, their captains fearless leadership and winning the championships! The coaches bestowed not only very valuable soccer knowledge on each of the players, but also knowledge that can be used outside of the field. The JuniorVarsityteam went undefeated this year, with 10 wins and 3 ties. They scored 60 goals with only 11 goals scored against them. During the Eaglebrook tournament they tied our own Varsity Soccer team and placed 5th in the Varsity division atthetournam ent. The team worked hard, played hard and it paid off with a successful season.
COACHES: Mr. Good, Mr. Rocha & Mr. Wennik Mr. Carpino & Mr. Turcotte
SOCCER The Thirds Soccer team had an exciting season including a 7-0 win over Lebanon. While the team came
up short at the soccer jamboree at
Eaglebrook, they never stopped fighting or working hard. That was the mentality of the team; no matter the game or outcome they always left everything they had on the field and picked each other up when they were down. The Reserve Soccer team had a great match at Eaglebrook; and while the other team had much taller and more skillful players, the Cardigan Cougars were able to tie the game. The entire team was able to learn new skills, improve as players and bond as a team.
COACHES: Mr. Cook & Ms. Nai Mr. Ding, Mr. Rinkin, Ms. Yasumura & Mr. Yelton
Back row: Coach Rinkin, JJ Martinez Ruiz, Ding Ma, Victor Liu, Kevin Sun, Jason Zheng, Nate Fuller, Noa Kimura, Ken Chandraprasert, Henry HU Middle row; Connor Caccivio, Jack Axelrod, Noah Dorsey-Sorofman, Blake Wilkey, Edward Quo, Taish Tozawa, Pedro Del Paso, Emrys Elkouh, James Chun, Juan Madero Gutierrez, Coach Yasumura Front row: Ricky Ochoa, Brandt Aker, Sam Geraghty, Joseph Min, Owen Himmer, Stefan Trifunovic, Nick Pieroni, Shinichiro Sato, Ethan Kreuzburg, Coach Yelton
cross COUNTRY The Varsity Cross Country team's season could be deemed "The Year of the Powerful Pack." Ten of the thirteen athletes were returners, of whom 7 were on Varsity last year. Given the strong sense of com munity brought up from last year, the team culture came together quickly, accelerated by the overnighttripto Cheshire academy, were the team won the First Annual O'Connell Invitational. This was a special group of athletes who understood that in Cross Country working hard as an individual is important, but working together is what makes for an impressive season. The Junior Varsity Cross Country team had an incredible season. They completed in several races, a varsity race and a glow run; where they ran during the night with glow sticks. Everyone on the team reached their goal of improving their times from the beginning of the season.
COACHES: Ms. Antolino & Mr. Doherty Mr. Exton, Mrs. Hannis & Ms. Young
mountain BIKING The Varsity Mountain Biking team did very well racing this year. The best race was during Eaglebrook day when the team took all nine podiums. It was a great season where everyone put forth their best effort and improved their skills becoming better riders. The
accomplished a lot and improved tremendously each day at practice. New skills they learned included going down extremely steep hills and going over obstacles on the trails. Despite some team injuries, the team was resilient and worked together.
COACHES: Mr. Fitzgerald & Mr. Gray Mr. Cushing & Mr. Nevins
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junior varsity / / jBack row: Coach Cushing, Nono Qiu, Keetae Byunn, Justin Liu _harlie Mai"SamWalzaR'CMch Nevins, Front row: Gray Madan, Shawn Kim, Oren Buchler, Nicl< Jessop, Alex Richardson ■ ;
rock CLIMBING The Rock Climbing team was made up of 12 students and 3 coaclies. This summer the Climbing Cave was redone and the team was able to climb inside on campus and outside at Rumney. The highlight of their season was an all day climb at the end of the season at Triple Corners. Five White Team climbers completed a very hard 5.10 D route called Waimea. Everyone improved their skills on vertical and overhanging climbing, which allowed them to complete more difficult routes.
COACHES: Mr. Ellis, Mr. Kenny & Mr. Jasper sohn
Back row; Coach Kenny, Augustin Alban, Jay Cromheecke, Peter CallahiiriTAndrew Mah, Herman Lui, Thee Jung, Coach Ellis, Coach Jaspersohn, Front row: Stephen Novello, Leo Jung, Ivan Zakharov, Chris Moore, Brendan Clark, Zane Cowans
Varsity Football
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Cross Country
JV Football
JV Soccer
JV Cross Country
, m Varsity Mountain Biking
Thirds Soccer
Rock Climbing
« » a
JV Mountain Biking
Reserve Soccer
Student Athletes o f the Week
Fall at Cardigan top five / / Students hard at work in the classroom
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing th at ever has.â&#x20AC;?
//M a rg a re t Mead
//Left: 8th grade students work on their rocket project
The Thanksgiving feast gave students a moment to be reflective of the past few months and what they are thanl^ful for. This year, most students were thankful for one another, Cardigan and good food!
My favorite part about the dinner was the food, it was scrum ptious!" I .'
- Ethan Coleman, '16 .
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winter "Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together." Vista M. Kelly
PAGEANT The Cardigan co m m u n ity gathered to celebrate the holiday season w ith a trad ition al holiday feast in the new C om m ons before proceeding to the chapel fo r the annual C hristm as Pageant.
Above; Ms. Scott prepares students for the pageant.
Celebrate// A group of boys taking a picture before tine Christmas dinner.
Left to Right; Will Sergenian, Matteo Mangiardi, John Seter, (Santa), Nick Humphrey and Blake Bartell
Ben Marciano and Anthony Scaramucci pose with Santa.
Top: Left to Right: Mr. Shipman, Mr. Goode, Mr. Rocha, Mrs. Hannis and Mrs. Flaherty smile for the camera.
Bottom: Mr. McCusker reads a prayer during the ski holiday chapel service.
Senior Ski H oliday// 1. Alejandro Del Valle Alvarado and Antonio
Mezher Salome prepare for a day of skiing. 2. Garret Lewis and Victor Liu are all smiles
before they depart. 3. Left to Right; Matt Wall, Nick Spaulding,
Jose Villar Otegul, and Ro-Ro Rymer
all school
SKI DAY The school was surprised w ith an all school ski holiday to Loon M ountain Resort in Lincoln, NH. Ski holiday is a long standing trad ition at Cardigan M ountain School where class is canceled and students can enjoy a day of skiing, snow boarding, tu b in g or taking advantage of the spa.
L \ \
Left: Sage Mines, Matty Butchma, Keetae Byunn
Above: Bryson Bartel! and Ro Bryan
and Mr, McCusker RIGHT: Mr. Clifford, Dr. Perryman, Mrs. Hamel, Ms. Freese, Mrs. Hannis and Mrs. Flaherty
Ski Holiday / / Left to Right:
Left to Right:
Eric Li, Fred Liu, Henry Hu and Justin Liu
Jack McKeen, Bill Milton, Mr. McCusker and Gavin McNamara
Students smile for the camera at the base of Loon Mountain.
WEEK T hroug hout the w inter to spring tran sition s week, students and faculty participate in an array of com petitio ns and activities.
ABOVE: Hockey for Non-Hockey Players Club vs. the Reserve Hockey Team game.
Bottom: Faculty vs. Student hockey game. ABOVE: Faculty vs. Student basketball game. RIGHT: Mr. Kenny takes a shot during the Faculty vs. Student hockey game.
Auer-Tower Challenge LEFT: Joseph Jordan Tests how much his tower can hold
RIGHT: JJ Quinones starts out slow with his tower challenge
BOTTOM: Students, parents, and faculty watch as students compete to see who's handmade tower can hold the most weight.
2. Alex Kowal takes his turn in the bee. 3. Colton Bullard competes in the school wide spelling bee.
Left: Faculty judge the
spelling bee Right: Brandt Aker
1. Left to Right: Ruiwen Bai, Young Hoon Lee, Jeff Shi and Bear Liu 2. Left to Right: Stephen Novello, Stefan Trifunovic and Xilun Jiang 3. Left to Right: Cedric Elkouh, Jack Kavanaugh, Charlie Ma and James Chen
Break a L e g // LEFT: Interpretive dance audition RIGHT: Bryson Bartel! loses liis clown costume to perform in Bad Auditions by Bad Actors
BOTTOM: Bill Pieroni plays the director in Bad Auditions by Bad Actors
1. Ethan Coleman plays a student in Homeschooled.
2. A method actor auditions for Romeo and Juliet in Bad Auditions by Bad
Actors. 3. A local plumber gives a lesson on the digestive system. 4. Antonio Fernandez Flores plays a mother in Homeschooled;^
Above Left: Jp Ramos plays the mayor of Smorgasbord. Above Right: A student sits in class. Bottom: Andrey Emme plays a math teacher in Homeschooled
The Green R oom // 1. stage make up is applied. 2. Mrs. Scott helps Ethan Coleman with his stage make up. 3. Mrs. Wennik helps Bryson with his stage make up.
PLAY Left: Philosophy class accidentally turns into dance class. Below: A Clown turns teacher in Homeschooled.
Plays In Homeschooled, by Jason Pizzarello, the mayor of Smorgasbord explains to his residents; Yes, the annual cheese festival was a great success, but because it was so costly, nothing remains in the budget for the public schools, so all parents will now be tasked with homeschooling their children. The repercussions of this mandate, of course, mean the parents receive an education (and gain an appreciation) of their own. The premise provides the setup for scenes that Highlight some rather humorous teaching methods— and some rather comical “teachers” (or parents). In Bad Auditions Bad Actors, by Ian McWethy, senior Bill Pieroni’s lead character is charged with the responsibility of casting for the title-role parts of “Romeo” and ‘Uulief for a local community theater’s production. He and his sidekick endure bad (and humorous) audition after bad (and humorous) audition.
LEFT: Zach Wennik and Garrett Lewis RIGHT: A father struggles to figure out how he
can help with the local kids being homeschooled. Here he tries making lunch for the students.
^ On with the Show// Purr-fect Audition //
Bad A udition //
U.S. H isto ry //
A manager gives the
Students fall asleep in a
Even a cat gets in on the
director a hard time.
speedy version of U.S.
fun, during the Romeo
and Juliet auditions.
HOCKE As the dust settles on another competitive hockey season, the Cardigan Cougars emerged with one of the best seasons the hockey program has had in the last few years. Behind a strong home record of 16-1, Cardigan earned 27 wins and the Belmont Hill Freshmen tournament. The highlights of the season were certainly the two road trips to Connecticut and Western Massachusetts going 6-0 against New England prepâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top hockey schools.
COACHES: Mr. Turcotte & Mr. Carpino The JV Hockey team had a fantastic season. A core of experienced veterans was joined by new, young talent, notching a number of thrilling victories and hard fought games. Overtime wins against the Vermont Glades and Rumsey Hall were highlights, as were solid wins over Eaglebrook, Hanover High, and Holderness. Cardigan also notched another JBSA League championship with wins over Rectory and Rumsey Hall. Our athletes worked hard both on and off the ice, learned to think and execute the game, and had lots of fun together.
COACHES: Mr. Sinclair & Mr. Fitzgerald
HOCKEY The Thirds Hockey Team had a good season and finished with a record of six wins, eight losses and one tie. The boys improved in their sl<ating, puck handling, passing and overall understanding of positioning on the ice. The coaches worked diligently to instill a desire to win and a willingness to compete each time they are on the ice, A few of the boys earned the opportunity to practice with the JV team and even play in a game or two.
COACHES: Mr. Kenny & Mr. Gauthier The reserve hockey team experienced a great season of growth, development, and fun. With a 28-man roster, the boys were consistently able to find a teammate to help push and challenge their skills. The team has exemplified their growth with excellent play throughout each of our games. It has been clear that the work the boys put in this season prepared them for their challenges and made for some very exciting games. We hope this season has helped instill a love for the game of hockey in each one of our players and wish each of them the best of luck whether they play in the future or not.
COACHES: Mr. Wennik, Mr. Doherty & Mr. Clifford
Back row: Coaeh Doherty, Gonzalo Montiel De la Vega,, Giorgo Caripidis, Walker Huff, Nick Spaulding, Tucker Powell, Kibum Lee, Josh Lee, Wes King, Anthony. Scaramucci, Andrew Daly, Corbin Holland, Blake Wilkey, David Min, Garrett Lewis, Edward Guo, Gabriel Moldenhauer, Diego Sanchez Ongay, Justin Liu, Coach Wennik Front row: Michael Hong, Brian Wang, Nick Parker, Antonio Fernandez, Ned Kelley, Bill Milton, Steven Garron-, Jay Cromheecke, Jack Milton, Shawn Kim, Coach Clifford â&#x2013;
BASKETBALL The varsity basketball team had a great season finishing with an overall record of 20 wins and 4 losses. The four returning ninth graders of Mohamed Bamba, Dan Kitchel, Keaton Nichols and Adonis Williams depart the basketball program having lost only 1 home game in two years. The highlight of the year came with a defeat of Fessenden by three points and was closely followed by a narrow defeat of Belmont Hill. Thanks to all the boys for another excellent year.
COACHES: Mr. Cook, Mr. Good & Mr. Adams
The JV Basketball team had an excellent season. A combination of Senior leadership, returning experience and athletic newcomers led to an explosive team, it took a while for the team to really gel and play together, but once the players started trusting each other, the team really began to grow. Some of the highlights of the season were beating Eaglebrook twice, the four games where every member of the team scored, and our comeback win against Hartland on Parents Weekend.
COACHES: Mr. Lawson & Mr. Ellis
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Back row; Coach Adams, Kimi Mu, Tucker Williams. Mohamed Bamba, Daniel Kitchel, Jack McKeen, Coach Cook Front row; Coach Good, Jack Wu, Leif Fosse, Keaton Nichols, Adonis Williams, Tony Wiezher Salome, Jalen Nougues
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juniog varsity //IBack row: Coach Ellis, Henry Jung, Charlie Baker, Chris An,-Tae Hee Lee, Gavin McNannara, Bryan Chen, Alex Grasso, Coach Lawson Front row; Justin Quinones, Trey Parker, Victor Liu, Tommy Mi, Henry Sergenian, Joseph Jordan, Zach Wennik
BASKETBALL The Thirds Basketball team grew a lot over the course of the season, improving on skills and coming together as a team. We wanted to emphasize fun, skill development, and team as our goals for the season and we were able to meet those goals. If you look back at the first couple of practices and the early games, then look at what the boys developed into, the improvement is significant. A few young men really started to understand the team concept, that playing the game wash not about themselves, but about all the players on and off the court. Ending the season with a win was also a great close to the season, nice job gentlemen!
COACHES: Mr. Newbold, Mr. Nakade & Ms. King T he Reserve Basketball Team had an am azing season filled with growth and fun. In Novem ber, at the start of the season w e w ere 12 boys and tw o coaches on a court, but by the end of the season we w ere a skilled basketball fam ily. O ur te am â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m otto is, "W e're a fam ily and fam ilies take care of each other." W e lived by this m otto on and off the court. The players took care of each other, encouraged one another to becom e stronger players, and w orked as a unit on the court. W hile w e lost m any of our gam es, we im proved a lot as a team . W e can now m ake sm art passes, box out for rebounds, and take shots that go in the hoop. After several m onths of bonding as a team , it is clear to the coaches that we really becam e a basketball team .
COACHES: Mr. Holt & Mr. Perricone
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Back row: Coach Nakade, Martin Ma, Jeff Shi, Jason Zheng, Kevin Sun, Juan Pablo Ramos, Ray Xiao , Coach Newboid Front row: William Park, Alex Post, Jeff Koo, Bear Liu, Philip Huang
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B S l ^ B a c k row; Coach Perricone, Gray iVladan, Ken Chandraprasert, Nate Fuller, Noa Kimura, Luke Corrigan, Brendan Clark, Coach Holt Front row: Larry Liang, Jack Audett, Calvin Yoon, Owen Himmer, Masamune Yamano, James Chun
SKIING The Alpine ski team had another great season. Capturing back to back Lakes Region GS tittles and putting Taishu Tozawa on the top step of the U14 State Finals. The teann competed exceptionally well racing against schools that were all older then them but with good solid team racing they were able to be one of the top teams yet again.
COACHES: Mr. Nevins, Mr. Scoville, Mr. Gray & Mr. Clark The Nordic skiing team had a challenging and enjoyable season. Racing against older and more experienced skiers in the Lakes Region League, the team;s goal was to finish the grueling races. Their individual goal was to improve their finishing time from previous races. The highlight of the team was a seventh place finish in a field of 14 teams at the state Middle School Nordic Skiing Championship.
COACHES: Mr. Ramos & Ms. Wilson
n o rd ic// eft to right: Coach Ramos, Sam Waizak; Andrey Emme,' :' Jacob Slaughter, Peter Martin, Eric Li, Coach Wilson^:. : :
BOARDING This winter we had a great time snowboarding at the mountain. The highlight of the season was the last slope style competition at Ragged Mountain, where the team took 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 31st and 35th place. We had a fantastic mixture of coaching and boys, which led to a great season.
COACHES: Mr. Jaspersohn, Ms.Naroski & Mr. Rinkin The recreational skiers and snowboarders had a terrific season. Part one (before the snow came) was our annual Olympics. We split into four countries and did a myriad of events. When the snow came, it was off to Ragged Mountain where skiers skied and snowboarders shredded. Boys who had never done either quickly learned how under the direction of the fabulous teachers: Hart, Young. Rocha and Nai. Toward the end of the season Clancy Mountain became our home with more sliding and jumps and delicious marshmallows cooked over a camp fire.
COACHES: Mr. Hart, Ms. Young, Mr. Rocha and Ms. Nai
Back row: Coach Young, Coach Rocha, Eduardo ,. Gallastegui,1ose Cuis Bert, Keetae Byunn, Jose Viilar, Jorge Mijares, Juan Wlartiniez, Fred Liu, Collin Huang, Jaines Chen, Jacl< Gong, Alejandro Valenzuela, Alejandro Del Valle, â&#x2013; / Coach Hart Front row; lhaki Perdomo, Daniel Jiang, Ivan Zakharov, Leo Jung, Daniel Martin Aiba, Stefan Trifunovic, Brandt Aker, Jakob Wennik, Kazuma Hirata, Shinichiro Sato, Diego Garza, Nick Juvonen, Ricky Ochoa, Matt V\/all, Coach Nai
WRESTLING This year's wrestling team had a great season. With a large group of boys representing all of the grades, the boys enjoyed being the first team to use the new wrestling space. They worked hard every day lead by team captains, Nick Humphry, RoRo Rymer, and John (Woo Shik) Lee. The boys earned many victories and represented themselves with class at every competition. They capped the season with a third place finish at the Fessenden Tournament, one of Cardigan's best finishes in recent history.
COACHES: Mr.. Kreuzburg Mr. Harris Mr. Yelton
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Varsity Hockey
JV Hockey
Thirds Hockey
Reserves Hockey
Varsity Basketball
JV Basketball
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Thirds Basketball
Reserves Basketball
Alpine Skiing
Nordic Skiing
Wrestling 061
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residental Life at Cardigan is so much more than just what happens in the classroom or on the athletic fields. For a Cardigan boy, his dorm is his home away from home, and his roommate, dorm mates, and dorm parents are the closest members of his Cardigan family. But life in the dorm in just the beginning of residential life. Boys have friends who live in other dorms and lots of places on campus to spend their free time. Weekend trips, trips over school breaks, and homestays afford additional opportunities to make connections and friendships.
dorm life
Brewster 1// Ms. Naroski, Coilin Fabian, Peter Callahan, Alex Gutierrez Elizondo, Jeronimo
Fernandez Cueto Hernandez, Shinichiro Sat, Alejandro Valenzuela Gomez, Gavin McNamara, ' Matteo Mangiardi, Gray Madan, Noah DorseySorofman, Tucker Powell, Andrew Daly, Alex Kowal, JJ Quinones, Emrys Elkouh, Brendan Clark, Kazuma Hirata Not Pictured: Dragon Ding
French l// T h e o Jung, Andrew Noel, Ben Marciano, Ken Chandraprasert, Gustavo Garcia Orellana, Gabriel Moldenhauer, Tommy Mi, Ms. Graves, Ricky Ochoa, Nicholas Jessop, Taishu Tozawa, Luis Pietrini, William Song, James Chen, Jerry Wang, Raymond Bai, Mr. Scheiber
Brewster 2 // Mr. Gauthier, Connor Fedorek, Chris An, Adonis Williams, Jack Wu, Jay Cromheecke, Mr. Doherty, Garrett Lewis, Giorgo Soto, James Chun, Bill Pieroni, Sage Mines, Edward Guo, Keetae Byunn, Nick Parker, Sam Geraghty, Jose Valenzuela, Luke Lee, Justin Liu, Ms. Young Not Pictured: Garrett Plekenpol
French 2 // Diego Sanchez Ongay, Jake An, Richard Lyons, Jose Nasop Harb Rodriquez, Addison Walker, Ro Bryan, Jason Zheng, Martel Gonzalez Rodriquez, Inaki Perdoma Suarez, Danny Philbrick, Walker Huff, Brian Wang, Brian Shin, Jacob Peters, Jon Schafer, Colton Bullard Not Pictured: TJ Beaver, Thaddeus Stern, Jack Milton
dorm life f _r'-
B anks// Bennett Freidberg, Nick Spaulding, Mohamed Bamba, Patrick Roth, Jorge Mijares, Mr. Gray, Mr. Jaspersohn, Beckham Bayreuther, Alex Frenchman, Anthony Scaramucci, Jose Villar Otegul
F u n n e ll// Jack Mckeen, Steven Garron, Mexwell Rand, Myles Shepard, Joon Hyung Lee, Mr. Perricone, Aiden Bourke, Graydon Elkouh, Jacob Slaughter, Diego Zesati Icaza, Owen Brine, Charles Baker, Hyun Seung Kim, Oren Buchler, Justine Biela Ricardo Alvarez regules, Siqing Hu.
G reenw ood// Jeffrey Holt, Mr. Hart, Michael Hong, Zach Wennik, Bryson Bertell, JJ Layton, Ms. Antolino, Alex Mertinez, Sol, Ms. Gahagon, Jake Wennik, Matt Wall, Buzz Fisher, Bennett Psyhogeos, and Mr. Wennik
H ayw ard// Mr. Rocha, Blake Bartell, Jeff Koo, Joshua Lee, Jose Bert Cueva, JR Kreuzburg, Bear Liu, Ray Xiao, Daniel Jiang, Corbin Holland, Noa Kimura, Jacob Leone, Rodrigo Ramos Hopkins, Calvin Yoon, Joseph Jordan, Jalen Nougues, Owen Himmer, Gage Perry, Peter Michelson
dorm life
Stow ell// Nick Humphrey, Mr. Ramos, Mr. Turcotte, Young Hoon Lee, Jack Gong, Ms. Yasumura, Sam Walzak, Jared Mines, Nono Qiu, James Choi, Collin Hwang, Hugo Turcotte, Niklas Butchma, Chris Moore, Alex Post
H inm an 1// Kevin Sun, Ben Antonucci, Tae Hee Lee, Henry Jung, John Lee, Ms. Nai, Mrs. Flarety, Juan Madero Gutierrez, Conor Caccivio, Henry Sergenian, Shawn Kim, Fred Liu, Stefan Trifunovic, Masamune Yamano, Leo Jung, Nate Fuller, Brandt Aker, Jack Beyreuther, George Mennen, Tristan Lin
TytyiAx// John
Kelleher, William Crowley, Owen
Borek, Tucker Williams, Daniel Martin Alba Fernandez, Willis Pember, Eric Li, David Min, Jordan Pepe, Antonio Fernandez Flores, Not Pictured: Alex Grasso, Seth Gray, Dan Kitchel, Rex Krieg, Trey Parker
H inm an I I // Gonzalo Montiel de la jVega, Mr. Frost, Tianjun "Jeff" Shi, |william Starkey, Jack Bliss, Xin Bi, Peter Martin, Wei "Victor" Liu David "Alex" Richardson Stephen Novello, Philip Tzu-Ruei Huang, Shijie "Charlie" Ma, Hyeongkyo "Joseph" Min, Juan Pablo Ramos Barraso, Nicolas Pieroni, Shihao "Larry" Liang, Alvaro Soto de Saro, Diego Garza Villasenor, Ethan Coleman, Nickalas Juvonen, Ms. King
dorm life
C lark M organ I I // Mr. Scoville, Will Sergenian, Gallo Gallastegul Salazar, Ned Kelley,Herman Lui, Hayden Kim,, Ivan Zakharov, Mr, Clark, Leif Fosse, Ryan Houx, Matt Harmon, Agustin Alban Madero, Diego Andonie Daccarett, Kibum Lee Not Pictured: Emery Gray
F ran k lin // Mr. Nevins, John Seter, Jack Kavanaugh, Pedro Del Paso, Andrey Emme, Martin Ma, Andrew Mah, Ethan Kreuzburg, Mathieu Butchma, Wesley King, Jack Audett, Will Park, John Trotto
''if -err
C lark Morgan III// Mr, Nakade, Bryan Chen, Bill Milton, Alejandro Del Valle Alvarado, Kimi Mu, Antonio Mezher Salome, Black Wilkey, Ro-Ro Rymer, Mr. Lawson Not Pictured: Keaton Nichols
CHAPEL THE PA RA BLE O F THE BLIND M EN AND THE ELEPH AN T // tells the story of six blind men who
each try to describe accurately an elephant based on their limited experiences of touching only one part of the animal. Only by sharing and comparing their individual experiences are the men able to arrive at a "big picture" of the whole elephant. Likewise in Chapel each week, our community gathers to tap into the ancient wisdom and spiritual practices of a variety of faith traditions and to share with one another our individual experiences, stories, and beliefs. By sharing, listening, and learning from one another, our community is enriched and blessed.
GRADES AND COMMENTS // the popular faculty band (right) rocks the chapel!
THE GIFT OF MUSIC // is an integral part of every
like these students from Kimball Union Academy enhance our Chapel services.
form the core of our Chapel program s. (Left) Jack G ong plays the violin.
Chapel sen/ice. (Left) James Chen shares his exceptional talent as a pianist.
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS // For All Saints Day, our com m unity created an offrenda (below) to rem em ber and honor friends and realtives w ho have died.
TEAM CHAPEL // W eekly chapel services are planned and executed by a dedicated leadership team . C haplain's Assistants (above) Chris An and
Tony Mezher.
Mrs. Perricone (above) O rganist and harpist
Mr. Scheiber D irector of M usic (left)
Dr. Perryman, HANUKKAH // Ethan Colem an, Sage M ines, Sam Seaver, Jared M ines, and Mr. Scheiber light the m enorah and share the story of the Festival of Lights with the com m unity.
D irector of Spiritual Life (below)
Around The Point// 1. Mr. Turcotte speaks with Coach Marfion at a home game. Students are greeted at registration 3. Brewster II hangs out with Mr, Doherty's dog.
LEFT: George IVIennen and Alex Kowal during Morning Break.
RIGHT: Students start off strong at the Lake Run.
Snow D ay// Winter snow covers Brewster
Orientation// Students prepare to participate in tine "siioe game", a Cardigan favorite.
Seniors with Seniors// IViatt Wall brings his new friend to art class, they were paired together for the Seniors with Seniors club.
Daily Life// 1. Students make the most of the cold weather with some sledding behind the Chapel. 2. Charlie Baker shaves Mr. Lawsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair as part of a fundraiser. 3. Leif and Gallo during morning break.
With 22 new family members, the sixth grade class started the year off with a vision of excellence. From building pinewood derby cars in science to learning about the brain in PEAKS, the sixth graders engaged in a variety of unique learning experiences. The boys were busy throughout the year writing and reading, experimenting with various genres, focusing on the things they were most interested in. The Sargent Center trip before Thanksgiving break was a crowd-pleaser. We spent our time there learning how to work effectively with each other while exploring the wilderness. In February our family adopted brook trout babies from the hatchery and anxiously awaited for them to grow. As always, the Cape Cod trip in April brought our family closer together. We learned a lot about each other and the awesome history and environment of the Cape, making a lot of memories we will cherish forever. These explorers cannot wait to take on the seventh grade next year.
Jonathan 'Jack' Axelrod Jackman 'Jack' Bayreuther Brendan Clark Noah Dorsey-Sorofman
Emrys Elkouh Owen Himmer Kazuma Hirata Xilun 'Daniel' Jiang
Seung Hyun 'Shawn' Kim Alexander Kowal Ethan Kreuzburg Shihao 'Larry' Liang
Tristan Lin Grayson Madan George Mennen Peter Michelson
Hyeongkyu 'Joseph' Min Stephen 'Sven' Novello Gage Perry David 'Alex' Richardson
This year of seventh grade was great. In PEAKS students learned about writing and academic honesty. In science, students explored life science from the DNA in cells to the ecosystems around the world. Seventh grade students had the opportunity to care for animals in the Living Laboratory, which was a real wild time. Seventh grade English students focused on social commentary and writing for the 21st century, emphasizing precision and accuracy. History students learned about early American history through debates, iMovies and reading primary sources from these times. In World Languages students explored new cultures, expanding vocabulary and learning the habits of a strong student. ESL students had the opportunity to spend more time working on grammar skills. In all math classes time was spent strengthening skills, expanding understanding of how math impacts every day life, and of course getting in the habit of showing all work!
Brandt Aker Jack Audett Blake Bartell Timothy Beaver
Owen Brine Mathieu 'Matty' Butchma Keetae Byunn Conor Caccivio
Giorgio Caripidis Soto Kasin 'Ken' Chandraprasert Jiwoo 'James' Choi Jae Young 'James' Chun
Ethan Coleman Nathaniel Fuller Diego Garza Villasenor Samuel Geraghty
Seth Gray Edward Guo Jeffrey Holt Dong Gyu 'Collin' Hwang
Nicholas Jessop Yoonjae 'Leo' Jung Nickalas Juvonen Wesley King
Yunkyu 'Luke' Lee Yun 'Fred' Liu Ding 'Martin' Ma Juan Madero Gutierrez
Sage Mines Andrew Noel Jin Woong 'William' Park Trey Parker
Luis Pietriini Tian 'Nono' Qui Henry Sergenian Jacob Slaughter
Alvaro Soto De Saro Kevin Sun Taishu Tozawa Samuel Walzak
Yihan 'Jerry' Wang Jakob Wennik Masamune 'Masa' Yamano Eun Chong 'Calvin' Yoon
In English, the boys read Of Mice and Men. Deep Survival, A Midsummer Night's Dream and To Kill a Mockingbird. In US History, students studied from Reconstruction through the end of World War I, and ended with present day-America. Some of the highlights have been the Election of 1912 project, Socratic Seminars and their trench warfare reenactment. In PEAKS, students learned about MLA citation and proper format, healthy environments, infectious diseases, tobacco, research skills and human reproduction and sexuality. In physical science, students spent the first half of the year learning introductory physics and the second half exploring chemistry. The eighth grade team has had a stellar year. They have been hard at work enjoying Cardigan life to it's fullest. Actively pursuing science with experiments that dazzle the brain, english brought classics to life, and they became explorers of history. The areas of growth seem countless! But, what has made they ear great, are the boys themselves. Who can deny their sense of curiosity and drive to grow into the young men that they are!
Ricardo Alvarez Regules Diego Andonie Daccarett Bryson Bartell Beckham Bayreuther
Jose Bert Cueva Owen Borek Aiden Bourke Roland Bryan
Colton Bullard Peter Callahan Zhuyuan 'James' Chen Zane Cowans
Andrew Daly Pedro Del Paso Longxuan 'Dragon' Ding Graydon 'Cedric' Elkouh
Andry Emme Jeronimo Fernandez Cueto Hernandez
Antonio Fernandez Flores Oliver 'Buzz' Fisher
Bennett Freidberg Steven Garron Yuan 'Jack' Gong Martel Gonzalez Rodriguez
Alexander Grasso Alejandro Gutierrez Elizondo Corbin Holland Siqing 'Henry' Hu
Phillip Tzu-Ruei Huang Joseph Jordan Hojae 'Theo' Jung Jack Kavanaugh
William 'Ned' Kelley Hyeongseok 'Hayden' Kim Hyun Seung 'Matthew' Kim Noa Kimura
Sang Mo 'Jeff' Koo Kibum Lee Jacob Leone Siyan 'Eric' Li
Jiaxi 'Justin' Liu Richard Lyons Shijie 'Cliarles' Ma Andrew IVIah
Daniel IVIartin Alba Fernandez Juan Martinez Ruiz Alejandro Martinez Torres Sihyun 'David' Min
Gabriel Moldenhauer Gonzalo Montiel Da La Vega Jalen Nougues Ricardo Ochoa
Inaki Perdomo Suarez Nicolas Pieroni Bennett Psyhogeos Justin 'Jay' Quinones
Juan Pablo Ramos Barroso Rodrigo Ramos Hopkins Diego Sanchez Ongay Jonathan Schafer
Samuel Seaver William Sergenian Myles Shepard Dong Hyuk 'Brian' Shin
Byung Hoon 'William' Song Zachary 'Thaddeus' Stern Hugo Turcotte Alejandro Valenzuela Gomez
Jose 'Pete' Valenzuela Addison Walker Cho Ming 'Brian' Wang Zachary Wennick
Tucker Williams Diego Zesati Icaza Jiaxin 'Jason' Zheng
TOP: Members of the National Junior Honor Society present on Martin Luther King Day
MIDDLE; Bear and Ray smile for the camera at the holiday banquet
BOTTOM : The Four Year Boys
The 9th grade class has had an exciting year with m any highlights, and all the boys should be congratulated on their hard w ork and effort. This year the boys have grown as a group as they perform ed the annual C ardigan dawn clim b to start the year and sang the C ardigan hymn as they w atched the sunrise. The senior class has also acted well within our local com m unity, as all the boys perform ed com m unity service at a local elderly hom e under the supervision of Mr. Sinclair. In the month of January, the ninth grade class achieved tw o m ajor m ilestones. First, they com pleted all of their secondary school applications, w here this year's class applied to 74 different schools and filled out a total of 578 applications. The second m ilestone w as to congratulate them on this feat, they all enjoyed a day of skiing at W aterville Valley as they celebrated their Senior Ski Holiday! The boys have learned a lot about them selves and each other this ye ar and will enjoy successful futures at their next schools.
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Dear Brothers, I believe that I can speak for all the senior leaders when I say that we are unbelievably thankful for the opportunity that Cardigan has provided. The Cardigan family has provided us with excellent guidance and helped us through any bumps in the road that we have had. They were always there to support us, in turn wherever we end up next year we will be able to do the same for others. Through being a senior leader I can vouch that every single person on campus is here to help you out. Whether it is in your academic or athletic life, Cardigan has taught us to be true leaders and sincerely "Help the other fella'". All in all it has been a great year with all the members of my Cardigan family, and I wish everybody luck in the upcoming years. Sincerely, Emery Gray
Emery Gray School Leader Dear Cardigan Brothers, I only have one thing to say, thank you all for the past three years. It has been a magnificent experience in which I learned five things. One, always be yourself. Never try to imitate someone because they are "cool". Two, time management, this is by far the most important tool in life. Three, never stop trying, let no one or nothing stop you from achieving your goals. Four, always stand up for what you believe in. As a leader, you must balance between what is easy and what is right. Everyone has this ability, but some don't know it. And finally, even in harsh times when tears are coming out of your eyes, a smile, even if it's a little one, is always the strongest weapon. This may not be the best advice, but with it I believe that we can achieve what we want in life. Good luck in the following years. Sincerely, Jose Harb Rodriguez
Jose Nasip Harb Rodriguez Assistant School Leader
P.S. See you later!
student Leaders
Emery Gray, Jose Harb Rodriguez, Jack Wu, Ben Antonucci, Jack Bliss, Danny Philbrick, Joshua Lee, Gavin iVlcNamara, Raymond Bai, Ryan Houx, John Kelleher, Justin Biela, Johnny Trotto, Anthony Scaramucci, Nick Butchma, Keaton Nichols, Matt Wall, JR Kreuzburg, Gustavo Garcia, Walker Huff, Kimi Mu, Nick Parker, Tae Hee Lee, Chris An, Tony Mezher, Mohamed Bamba, Leif Fosse-Geine
2011 • 2012 • 2013
Blake Wilkey
Agustin Alban Madero High and Effort Honor Roll 9th Grade Rock Clim bing Team, Captain 8th Grade JV Alpine Skiing Team 9th Grade Varsity Alpine Skiing Team Varsity Athlete of the Week 2 012 Edward A. Barney Written Expression Prize French Academic Award
Young Jun (Jake) An 7th and 8th Grade ClVlil Dorm Olympics Champions 7th and 8th Grade Yearbool< Editor 20 1 3 Christmas Pageant 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Green Key Society Chess Club Road Warriors Club Polar Bear Listen Center Club Ensemble Honor Roll and Effort Honor Rolls Heart Of Cougar Award
Young Woo (Christopher) An 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade JV Tennis Team 9th Grade Vocal Lessions 8th and 9th Grade Glee Club 8th and 9th Grade A Cappella 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio 7th and 8th Grade Road Warriors Seniors with Seniors Chaplain's Assistant 7th and 8th grade Yearbook Staff Green Key Society
Benjamin Antonucci 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Football Team, Captain 8th Grade JV Hockey Team 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Baseball Team Hinman 1 Floor Leader 8th and 9th Grade Pond Hockey Club 8th Grade Clark Morgan II Dorm Citizen Award
Ruiwen (Raymond) Bai 7th, 8th and 9th Grade JV Cross Country Team 7th Grade JV Cross Country Team Coaches' Award 9th Grade JV Cross Country Team, Captain 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Rec Tennis Team 7th and 8th Grade Rec Skiing 9th Grade Wrestling Team Honor Roll or Higher in 14 consecutive term s Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence 7th and 8th Grade Student Senate French 1 Dorm Leader
Charlie Baker 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 8th Grade Wrestling Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 8th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team
Mohamed Bamba 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team, 9th Grade Captain
Bi Xin 8th Grade JV iVlountain Biking Team 8th Grade Varsity Nordic Skiing Team 8th Grade Reserve Baseball Team 9th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Wrestling Team Guitar 2 years and Piano 5 years Head Tech for 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio Flead of Big Brother Program Head of Peer Tutoring Program Math team 6th place individual for both Regional and States Mathcounts 1st place team regional Mathcounts 3rd place team regional Mathcounts High and Effort Honor Roll for 8th grade year
Justin Biela 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 8th Grade Varsity Baseball Team 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team Green Key Society Funnell Floor Leader
Jack Bliss 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team, 9th Grade Captain 8th Grade Varsity Baseball Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team, 9th Grade MVP Heart of the Cougar Award 8th grade Effort Honor Roll 9th grade High Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll Hinman 2 Floor Leader
Oren Buchler 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Snowboarding Team Honor Roll
Niklas Butchma 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team, Captain 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team Effort and Honor Role Stowell House Floor Leader Heart of the Cougar Award
Yi-Hao (Bryan) Chen 8th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 9th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Team Effort and Honor Roll 8th Grade Art Award
Jay Cromheecke 8th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Rock Clim bing Team 8th Recreational Skiing 9th Reserve Hockey Team 8th JV Lacrosse Team 8th Grade Art Award Honor Roll Seniors with Seniors
William Crowley 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team, Goalie 9th Grade JV Hockey Team, Captain Seniors with Seniors Soccer Club Table Leader
Alejandro Del Valle Alvarado 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Rec Skiing Seniors with Seniors Hockey for Non-hockey Players Club Effort and Achievement Honor Roll
Collin Fabian 8th Grade JV Soccer Team 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team National Junior Honor Society Dodgeball Club
Connor Fedorek 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team Cheshire Academy Cham pion-2013 Coaches Award-2013 8th Grade Varsity Hockey Team Belmont Hill Invitational Cham pion-2013 Heart of the Cougar Award 2013 Fall play, My Son Pinocchio
Leif Fosse-Greiner 7th Grade 3rds Soccer Team, MVP Award, Captain 7th and 8th Grade JV Basketball Team 7th and 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team, 8th Grade Captain 8th Grade JV Football Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team, MVP award 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team 2012 Fall Play 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio 2012 Christmas Pageant 2012 and 2013 Glee Club Member Green Key Leader 7th Grade Class President 8th and 9th grade Student Senate High Honor Roll all terms 7th Grade Leadership Award
Alexander Frenchman . -
9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 9th Grade Varsity Ski Team
Eduardo (Gallo) Gallastegui Salazar 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team New England Junior Private School Soccer Tournament Champion 9th Grade Recreational Skiing Indoor Soccer Club
Gustavo Garcia Orellana 7th Grade Reserve Soccer Team 7th and 8th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 9th Grade Thirds Hockey Team 7th Grade JV Tennis Team 8th Varsity Tennis Team 8th and 9th JV Soccer Team, MVP Award Skateboard Club Heart of the Cougar Award Guitar and Drum Lessons Effort and Honor Roll Polar Bear Club International Leader
All School Leader 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Student Senate 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Varsity Ski Team 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade JV Lacrosse Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade National Junior Honor Society Student Jobs Foreman High and Effort Honor roll
Jose Nasip Harb Rodriguez Assistant School Leader National Junior Honor Society, 2013 9th grade JV Soccer Team, Captain 8th and 9th Grade Alpine Ski Team, Captain 2012 Most Improved Award 8th grade Reserve Baseball Team, Captain 2012 Dorm Citizen French 2
Matthew Harmon 8th and 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Alpine Ski Team 8th Grade Reserve Lacrosse, Coaches' Award
Seok Woo (Michael) Hong Mathcounts 2013 National Participant and 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 academic year, Student Coach 201 3 CMS Mathcounts team leader 9th Grade Senator 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country, 1st place team at Chesire Invitational 2013 Fall play. My Son Pinocchio 2013 W inter play. Stage Fright Music Ensemble (Silver on Great Eastern Festival) 2010-2011 academic year Math Peer Tutor Green Key Member Yearbook Editor of 2012-2013 and 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 academic year
Ryan Houx 8th and 9th Grade Ski Racing Team 8th and 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Pond Hockey Club Heart of the Cougar Award Clark Morgan 2 Floor Leader
Garrett (Walker) Huff 8th Grade Varsity Ski Team 8th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 9th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team Student Athletic Director
Nicholas Humphrey 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade Varisty Wrestling Team, Captain 2 0 1 4 Fall play, Son of Pinocchio 2 0 1 4 A C a p p e lla Club 2 0 1 4 Glee Club 2 0 1 4 Theater M anager/Assistant Director 8th Grade Student Senate 20 1 4 9th Grade High Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll
Woohyun (Henry) Jung 8th and 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Captain 8th and 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 2013 French 1 Dorm Citizen Award 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio South Africa Trip 2013 Effort and Honor Roll
John Kelleher 8th and 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade JV Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team Heart of the Cougar Award Effort and Honor Roll Dewar Floor Leader Latin Scholar of 8th Grade National Junior Honor Society Math Team Glee Club
Daniel Kitchel 8th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Varsity Basketball Team 8th and 9th Varsity Lacrosse Team
James (JR) Kreuzburg 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 4th best for age in New England Mountain Biking League Kitchen Head Winner of the Gates Competition in 6th Grade Honor roll Presidential Award for Academic Achievement
Rex Krieg 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Ski Team 8th JV Tennis Team
Joonhyung Lee 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 9th Grade Varsity Snowboarding Team, Captain 8th Grade JV Soccer Team 2013 Fall Play My Son Pinocchio O'Connell Invitational Champion, 2013 Fall 8th and 9th Grade Christmas Pageant 201 3 Glee club Ivy Leader Trip High Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll all term s
Seung Min (Joshua) Lee 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team, Captain 8th Grade JV Basketball Team 8th JV Lacrosse Team 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio, Geppetto
Tae Hee Lee 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 8th Grade Coaches' Award for Basketball 8th Grade Thirds Baseball Team, Coaches' Award Glee Club Dining Hall Stewart Yearbook Club
Woo Shik (John) Lee 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 7th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Wrestling Team 7th and 8th Grade Tennis Team 7th and 8th Grade Ski Team 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Math Team Math Count Team Member Music Ensemble 2012 Spring Play, To Kill A Mockingbird 2 013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade High Honor 7th grade Outstanding Geometry Award 7th grade Outstanding Science Award Road Warriors Club South Africa Trip
Young Hoon Lee 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade JV Hockey Team 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 7th and 8th Grade JV Football Team 7th and 8th Grade 3rds Baseball Team Listen Center Road warriors Double Bass and Violin
Garrett Lewis
8th Grade 3rds Football Team 9th Grade JV Football Team 8th Grade 3rds Basketball Team 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 8th Grade 3rds Lacrosse Team Heart of the Cougar Award Effort and Honor Roll Seniors with Seniors Spot Light for the 2013 Fall Play, My Son Pinocchio
Tianyi (Bear) Liu 7th Grade Reserve Soccer Team 8th Grade 3rds Football Team 9th Grade JV Football Team 7th and 8th Grade Reserve Baseball Team 9th Grade 3rds Basketball Team 7th and 8th Grade Recreational Skiing Effort and Honor Award Roll Heart of the Cougar Award Student Athlete of the Week for 3rds Football Ultimate Frisbee Club The Turtle Study
Wei (Victor) Liu 8th and 9th Grade 3rds Tennis Team 7th Grade Reserve Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Cross Country Team 7th Grade Reserve Basketball Team 8th Grade 3rds Basketball Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Team Polar Bear Club Glee Club Academic Honor Roll Effort Honor Roll six tim es
Herman Lui Rock Climbing Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team 8 tli and 9th Grade JV Hockey Team Heart of the Cougar Award Effort Honor Roll
Matteo Mangiardi 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team, Captain 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team, Captain 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team 8th and 9th Grade Coaches' Award for V. Soccer 9th Grade Class President High Honor and Effort 8th Grade English Award 8th Grade Art Award
Benjamin Marciano 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking, Coaches' Award Nominated for Athlete of the Week for Mountain Biking 9th Grade JV Alpine Ski Team Skateboard Club Clancy Hill Club
Peter Martin 9th Grade Nordic Ski Team, Captain 9 tli Grade JV Cross Country Team 8th Grade Reserve Lacrosse Team
Jack McKeen 8th Grade JV Basketball Team 8th Grade JV Mountain Biking Team 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Tennis Team Effort Honor Roll Seniors with Seniors Club
Gavin (Gav) McNamara 8th Grade 3rds Soccer Team 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 8th Grade 3rds Hockey Team 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team Manager of Belmont Hill Hockey Tournam ent Honor Roll
Antonio Mezher Salome 8th Grade 3rds Basketball Team, Captain, MVP Award 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team 8th Grade PEAKS Award Chapel Assistant
Zhuocheng (Tommy) Mi 7th Grade Reserve Basketball Team 8th and 9th Grade JV Basketball Team 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade JV Football Team 8th Grade 3rds Tennis Team 7th Grade Reserve Baseball Team Com m unity Service Trip to South Africa Honor Roll, Effort Honor Roll and High Honor Roll Peer Tutor Glee Club Piano and Clarinet Seniors with Seniors Club Road Warriors Heart of the Cougar Award Basketball Club
Jorge Mij ares 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 9th Grade Recreational Skiing Hockey for Non-hockey Players
John (Jack) Milton 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 8th and 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 8th Grade 3rds Lacrosse Team Effort and Honor Roll
William (Bill) Milton 8th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 8th and 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team Heart of the Cougar Award Effort and Honor Roll Seniors with Seniors
Jared Mines 8th and 9th Grade JV Hockey Team 9th Grade 3rds Soccer Team
9th Grade 3rds Soccer Team, Received the Sports Award 4th place in the Gates Competition
Christopher (Chris) Moore 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team Rock C lim bing Team Table Leader 8th Grade Science Award 8th Grade Spanish Award Athlete of the Week Chess Club Dodgeball Club Polar Bear 8th and 9th Grade Honor Roll
Yifu (Kimi) Mu 7th Grade Thirds Football Team 7th Grade Thirds Basketball Team, Coaches' Award 7th Grade Thirds Tennis Team 8th Grade JV Football Team, Recieved the Coaches' Award 8th Grade JV Basketball Team, Athlete of the Week Award 8th Grade Captain of the Reserve Baseball Team, Coaches' Award 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team Honor Roll High Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll Heart of the Cougar Award for service trips to Cambodia
Keaton Nichols
8th and 9th Grade Varsity Football Team, Captain 9th Grade V. Football Coaches' Award 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team 8th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team
Nicholas (Nick) Parker 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team 8th and 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 8th Grade 3rds Lacrosse, Received the Coaches' Award Jobs Program Foreman
Willis (Will) Pember 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 9th Grade JV Hockey Team Soccer Club
Jordan Pepe 9th Grade JV Soccer Team 9th Grade JV Hockey Team 9th Grade JV Lacrosse Team
Heart of the Cougar Award
Jacob (Jake) Peters
8th Grade JV Mountain Biking Team, Captain 9 tli Grade Varsity IVIountain Biking Team 7th Grade JV Cross Country Team 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade JV Hockey Team, Coaches' Award 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade 3rds Lacrosse Team, 8th Grade Captain, Coaches' Award Glee Club Honor Roll
Daniel (Danny) Philbrick
8th and 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team, Captain, Coaches' Award 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team, Captain 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Baseball Team 8th grade Most Outstanding Underclassman Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll French 2 Floor Leader Green Key Society
William (Bill) Pieroni
8th and 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 9th Grade Varsity Wrestling Team 8th Grade JV Tennis Team Honor Roll 9th Grade Student Senator 2013 Fall Play, My Son PInocchio 2 0 1 4 Winter Play, Bad Additions by Bad Actors 201 3 W inter Play, Stage Fright
Garrett Plekenpol
9th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade Varsity W restling Team 1st Place in NMH Wrestling Meet 1st place in CMS W restling Tournam ent High Honor Role and Effort Honor Role Edward Barney Creative W riting Competition Award Four-Year Boy
Alexander (Alex) Post 9th Grade Thirds Basketball Team, Captain 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 8th Grade 3rds Tennis Team Guitar
Tucker Powell 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 8th and 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team, Coaches' Award 8th and 9th Grade Varsity Tennis Team 2013 Spring Night of Plays Glee Club Big Brother Leader Green Key Society
Maxwell (Max) Rand 9th Grade JV Soccer Team, Undefeated 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team Pond Hockey Club
Patrick (Pat) Roth 9th Grade Varsity Mountain Biking Team, Captain, Coaches' Award 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Tennis Team, Coaches' Award
Robert (Ro-Ro) Rymer 8th and 9th Grade Varsity IVIountain Biking Team 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Wrestling Team, 9th Grade Team Captain 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Sailing Team, 8th Grade Team Captain 8th Grade Fall Play Tech
Anthony Scaramucci 9th Grade Varsity Soccer Team 8th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Team 8th and 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team Honor Roll Banks Dorm Leader Table Leader
John Seter 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team 8th Grade Varsity Lacrosse Green Key Society Honor Roll
Tianjun (Jeff) Shi 8th Grade Reserve Basketball Team 9th Grade 3rds Basketball Team 8th and 9th Grade 3rds Tennis Team 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade Cross Country Team Guitar Winning Team of the CMS Stock Market Competition
Nicholas (Nick) Spaulding 9th Grade Varsity Football Team, Captain, Coaches' Award 9th Grade Reserve Hockey Team Senior for Seniors Athlete of the Week
William (Will) Starkey 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team 9th Grade 3rds Hockey Team Honor Roll
John (Johnny) Trotto 8th Grade 3rds Soccer Team 8th Grade JV Hockey Team 8th Grade JV Lacrosse Team 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team 9th Grade Varsity Hockey Team Franklin Floor Leader National Junior Honor Society
Jose Villar Otegui 9th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Rec Skiing Heart of the Cougar Award
Matthew Wall Greenwood House Floor Leader High and Effort Honor Roll Heart of the Cougar Award 9th Grade JV Football Team, Captain 8th Grade Thirds Baseball Team, Captain Recreational Skiing and Snowboarding Captain 2012 National Junior Young Leaders Conference Attendee; Washington D.C. Presidential Inaugural Conference Attendee, D.C. McCallie CLC Leadership Conference Attendee; Chattanooga, TN
Blake Wilkey 7th Grade Leadership Award Honor Roll 7th Grade Latin Award Table Leader
Adonis Williams 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team Weight Room Club Effort and Honor Roll Heart of the Cougar Award
Zuoquan (Jack) Wu 7th and 8th Grade JV Basketball Team, 8th Grade Captain, Coaches' Award 9th Grade Varsity Basketball Team 8th Grade JV Football Team 9th Grade Varsity Football Team 8th Grade JV Tennis Team, Captain Brewster 2 Floor Leader High Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll Achievem ent Honor Roll and Effort Honor Roll 8th Grade Student of Excellence 8th Grade Science Book Award 7th Grade History Book Award National Junior Honor Society South Africa Com m unity Service Trip
Zhenghao (Ray) Xizo 8th Grade JV Cross Country Team, Student Athlete of the Week Nomination 9th Grade Varsity Cross Country Team, Student Athlete of the Week Nomination Coaches' Award 8th Grade Reserve Hockey Team 9th Grade 3ds Basketball Team, Captain 8th Grade Reserve Baseball Team, Coaches' Award 2nd Place in the Lake Run Hinman 2 Dorm Citizen of the Year Heart of the Cougar Award Effort and Honor Roll
Ivan Zakharo 9th Grade Rock C lim bing Team 9th Grade Recreational Skiing 2013 Christmas Pageant
participate in Seniors with Seniors Club
Crowley and Alejandro Del Valle Alvarado look sharp a t the Senior Holiday Reception at the Frieze House.
BOTTOM : Chris Moore, Will Starkey, and Justin Biela prepare for Senior Ski Holiday.
Jared Mines Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart. Ancient Indian Proverb
John Trotto Johnny, We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. You have great potential in whatever you do, so dream big! Good luck on your next journey. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad and Alex
Matt Harmon Congratulations Matt! From Mom, Dad, Ben and Zak!
"Hildas Butchma Congratulations Nik, and to the Class of 2014. We are very proud of you!! Go Cougars!!! Love, Mom, Dad, and Matt
OREN BUCHLER We are so very proud of how hard you've worked and how much you've achieved at CMS. Never stop being YOU! LoveIViom, Dad and Jourdan
Will Starkey Never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill Congratulations, Will! We are really proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Ian and Tess
Kazuma Hi rata Kazuma, You have worked so hard and have made us proud this year. We love your smile.
Love, Mom, Dad and Minagi
Nicholas Arun Smeeton Parker Nick, We are so proud of you and how much you have matured in the last two years. We have talked a lot about attitude and developing your own code by which to live your life. When you read this in the future think of the code you have developed at Cardigan and how that will shape the man you want to become. Be thankful for the opportunities you have and ones you will make for yourself in the future. Abide by your code and live the life you want. Remember home is always there for you. Congratulations!!! Love Mom, Mary, Christopher and Dad.
Patrick Roth We are very proud of you. We love you! Dad, Mom, Morgan, Kevin and William
JR Kreuzburg Congratulations JR! You've always been a Cardigan boy. Love, Mom, Dad and Ethan
Danny Philbrick Danny You exemplify Compassion, Honesty, Responsibility, Integrity, Scholarship and Fairness. Congratulations! We are proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Ricky, Ray, Delaney and Josh
Jake Peters "Be not afraid of growing slowly: be afraid only of standing still." - Chinese Proverb
Qiarlle ^alcer Con^a'tulattong Qiarliel proud of where you have been,
be mhiiJfuI where you are going, be your be0t - peretetent, reepedJful, humorous, an^i \i3nd - and you will go far. Pe aware tSiat; we will always love an^l support you. Love, Mom, Pad & Ian
Collin Fabian Collin, We are so proud of everything you have accomplished and can't wait to see what the future holds for you! All Our Love, Dad, Mom and Ethan
M a tt Wa Matt, We are extremely proud of your hard work and of the fine young man you have become. Love, Mom and Dad
Conor J. Caccivio "The secret of getting ahead is getting started" Mark Twain Congratulations, On a great start at Cardigan. Love, Mom, Dad & Ava
Garrett, We could not be more proud of you! You have perservered for four years! You have faced challenges and success with such a steadfast and humble attitude! You have grown and matured into such a wonderful young man. We are honored to call you our son and so very proud of the brother you are! We sit in anticipation of where the future will take you with your humor and compassion - you could go in many different directions. What we do know is that wherever you may land, it will be a better place because you are there! With much love. Mom, Dad, Regan & Kailin
Keaton Nichols We are so proud of you! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Bryan, Lindsay, Taylor, Graham, Rachel, Kai & Kade
: . ..
Christopher IVIoore
Congratulations to the Cardigan Mountain Class of 2014! XARDIGAfy MOUNTAIN
Faculty and
Blake Wilkey "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm." Publilius Syrus
lu r t i Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Helen, Grace, Granny, Grandad, Mamma and Pappa
Rex Emerson Krieg Rex, You have made us so proud with your courage to try new things, give your best effort, and work so hard. You have L the power to choose your own attitude each day - stay strong in your path to success! All Our Love, Mommie and Poppi
Anthony Michael Scaramucci Dear Anthony, We can’t believe how far you’ve come! We are so proud of you, now & always. We love you very much, Mom, Dad, AJ & Amelia 140
Jeff Shi Congratulations Jeff, we are so proud of you.
Ruiwen (Raymond) Bai Dear Kang Kang, We are so proud of you for all you have done at Cardigan. Your smile warms everyone. Keep smiling. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. Remember, we love you and will always be there for you!
Herman Lui
Congratulations Nik and to the Class of 2014. We are very proud of you! Go Cougars! Love, Mom, Dad and Matt 143
James N. "Coach" Marrion
This year The Blaze is dedicated to Coach IVIarrion (January 3, 1935- February 2, 2014). Coach spent 40 years at Cardigan Mountain School, from 1967 to 2007, where he taught math and coached football, basketball, baseball, soccer, skiing, and snowboarding. He served as athletic director from 1969 until his retirement. He was an honorary alumnus, a Cardigan parent and grandparent, and friend to all. 144
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Make each child feel special and he will be all that he can be!â&#x20AC;? - James N. "Coach" Marrion
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