Vol. I, No. l
Price .05 per copy
The Staff We the staff of this pap er are proud to an.:g ounce the beginning of t h e ncardigan c:.._a ri on", whi c h is publi s hed wee k ly , and st a rting next wee k will s ell a t the . price of f iv e cents per copy. The staff, composed o"t-: Fred Lippert, Roger Bullard, and Ronald Kaplan, sincer~ly hope that you will enjoy this paper, and thut it may go down in the history of the school as an important factor. rrhe staff vdshe:s to thank Lee Bailey, Al H0rzig, Don Lawson, and Don 1.:Thi tney for their contributions to this first issue ..
March l, 1947 The Bi rch Si gn Is .Up
Ca rdigan Mountain . Scho ol's first woodworking s hop has acquired a si gn cut from a birch tree. This si gn ~ow h ~nG3 above the shop's f ront 6~~r. It s skilled wor,kmEL'l -< 1ip comes fro1n our shop t en.0 i1er, Mr. Fulle rton, who carved it, shellnc0d it, and hung it up. Its si d0s still show s igns of pE:uling b-lrch, while its beo.utiful c nrvings shm~ signs of what a skilled shop te~cher we have. ·
She's Getting Better All The Time by
Roger Bullo.rd
Tho pa st months bGre at Ca rdigan ho.vc witnessed numerYou Write It - ~ e 'll Print It ous ch~ngo s. . Vfo,:,kc:nds a re now p ~rmi tted . Do you want to tall the With ou,r po.r s nts' permission we school som8thing , but don't ur c a llowed to l eave on Friday quite know how9 Ifov e you s ome- · noo11 for the v1cit1kend. Bc.; si de s thing you'd like to writ e about, our p,.;.r ent s ' pe rmis s ion, it is but can't s eem t o go t i t on n c co s sc.ry tha t our ma rks and paper? If so, l e t our exp ert beh::tvior wo.rro..nt such n 1,·rne ken'.d. staff' write who. t you want, how · Snturd o_y was nlwc,ys u you want it, and when you wo.nt "short d ~y" , with only four • it, or if you can g:1thor . p eriods in tho morning. Now enough t alent to g0 ther, why Wcdn o sd~--:.y i s nnoth0r S3.turda.y. don't you v,rite it your se; lf' The music period on Wedn 0sda.y and drop it in 6ur third floor hcis be en omitt ed ,md wo only offico for printing? Anything's have four pLriods on that dny. welcomG for our lLni tcd [\Illount \Jo now h c.ve; n hockey toan1. of space. So, hurry 2nd get Airpl □ nos a r~ being mode as your article: in the "Cardigan f a. st a.s mD.t c ri c.ls C1.rc produced, Clarion" now. Tomorrow mo.y bo whilu they a re quickly cr~cked too lnt c and we would hat e to up on test flights. We were miss out on your good tulont. oven givon n holiday 2nd Qre Here's th~ chdnce you've been hoping for more bofor c the waiting for. You mj_ ght be s e,1son i fl ovc.: r. We've hnd another Sht.:.kespcnrG. Find out dcskn put in th<;; classrooms and today! Nowt most of us ::r e now uccomplished pilot s in ge tt i ng in ~nd out ef t hem. --·----
to ge t in my bLd t on jght . ev o~ th:)ngh I hc~d a ,':'vis l ~. '; -;r·:::,ni-:1g ~•·: 1S ~ u t\1': .~)~ :. :tJ<: ..: ~ - t :--..,r ~~ 1 c '.;ro 1_ ,re u.p ~:'.J r. n•.::Y.'. .'i' ·'"':··;-i •: ;_:~ ' i t.._ .: ~' c:,1.u1c: u
Orange Bo.sin oy
L 00
Ba iley
ThG s kif.::r s o f Cor-d.igo.n .J.rE; lucky to lKt "l <; n b( .:11i t t fu l
fo o ~- .-.1:f i:>~.-:...,vr ()l~. _,J:. t.~:::'.:,·"1rJ.c~ .. W::tsn t ·c t h a t a. cc L ~,(: l.cl.a::.::, 02 ? 4
1 ·:
variety of hLi_J_s c,nd i--C c,;, cs such as Or8.ngc Bu s 1 .n j n 0:.:- c.n u; o, 1
New Hampshir e I oi'f ,; r s , Ths hi lls v~r y in s t s Gpn oss so that both bc ci nn 0~s o.nd tlrn mor e :..:d v:.:r~ced EJk i er$ c ,1n onj oy th0ms c:i. Yu s, Dick So.wyor hDs t ucn tonching the boys c ff 0ctively, as WQS proven when r:_ f ow took in Suicide Six while skiing c.t Wo odstock, Vcnnont, recBntly. Unny boy s whc ~ r 6 on skiis for tho fir s ·:·, time this year a r ,: ., l c :ff nL1.g, :.·a pidly und ar c enj oyi n g th J ~,o~ t. Trips to t b.0 O:cci.11,_;u Bo.sin occur oJ_mc, 3t G v c --:.:y d ~lY so th ore is pl c ~~y of opportunity to g et in u l ot of skiing nnd the C~rdi gnn Mount Qinoors Qr c gobbling up t his opportunity . A Wond0r:f2:1l Ev oning
Just u li t tl c; while ago• on a. S2turd. ~:.y 0vcmin~; to top off' the .mc vi _~s!. it W,'.;l. S o.nnounc oc. tb.ut we - h u.d. bC;:J.utiful ic e a.nd 11 w G should use it ·now for who kn ows ,it might snow cny dc.:r now ." Thon tho ft.1culty announc ed thQt "all boys wishing to skate should gut on their skating clothos and report o.ftcr the movi8S.- Thero will bu c fire Qnd somo food down on tho Point." Most of th8 boys report• ed for skating nfter the movi0s. It wc.s ,:1 wonderful evening. Thure vms c:von a. full moon to add to the splondor. We- ell co.mo bo.ck to tho Lodgo tir od, bu t reQlly huppy. · "Sur u '.\ril l f ool good
CC1.rc1 :l .c-cm- •--Mca.rr·~r.d. ::-:_ T~'. :i .:-.:~c_; v Tc c.m ------~"----' . . . -·•·- ····-· -- -··-- _.,. __ ., _.,. . ~ Dy . .-.,
Dun \·Vh 1 t nl")y
Co.rdigon's first g :u:nc with Kimbo.11 Union .Ac1~~6.omy wo. s ::i. victory for us~ thu s core being 4 ... 2& We h8v u a V8ry strong defense with Morehou se c..nd He rzig: while
tho go ~li e is Ro s o , l oft wing B,;_il cy _,, ri ght wing Whitn oy ~ 0nd c on-t ur Go s s~ Du~i~g t h b fir st period of our g8.l-E: ' 1v-_j_ th Ki mb c.11 Union two g o a l s wcr~ sc or e d f or Cc r digan nn d □ Lu ~ o~ LoD,~ . Two mo re were sc or c~ · f or Cn rdignn in tho second pcr:i. od :, •Nhiic: K,U ., :L s corod one mor ,:i ,, The i:tc.rd us ~ t wo g oa ls scor ed wer e Goss '1 • wi -th on o o. l o n g shot tha t Jus t s lipp ed by tho g o o.li u c- vVhi tn oy s core d the other t wo which wf: r u_ very u nsy. Dnrtme:u~ -- ~ (.; r Cgrni val •, r7~-- -.;:. ct by ,\~· " n .J.t :r, .•. U . . .O,a Fo bru et:ry l~ t h) et grt~m'.@ crf five boys too k ~· tri p to He.never to watch t 110 sk i ju.:..."'lp:ing ove n.ts of the Dnrtmouth Wi n t er C1.1 rnival. FivG tc::uns competed for the jumping titl e . At thB conilusion of tho meet Dc.lrtmouth's Bill -Bull draw first honors with an o.v0rage of 101.5 feet. Th9 longest ' jump of the d ny wc..s 'mo.de by Babe Sawyer who p~rticipo.tcd in the exhibition jumping. This jump wa.s pnrticul-. lrly interesting to us ~s Babe is -Dick SQwyor's brothor. Evury C.J.rdigan boy wa.s compl ct oly s c t i sfied ut the close of the ovcmts. 11
J...:,. _l~ C.l -J.
OARDIG!Jf CLARION HolidaY. """"73y=- Don Lawson On tho mo r:-...j_ n g of Ft:,bruary 19t h, WG v: r: ! J o.11 pee.cefully ea tine C'i '. J b!'eakfast ~ when all 0 -t ,,_ [F1cden Mr. ·Everts sprar_,~ "t-- ') :1.i s feet, a.rid., pounding - n. g ~• n ss almost off the table, an~ounccr:. thn.t that day would bG a hol :i.c~.'.lY. Some - boys Wt;nt ove e to Woodstock, Vl:~:' .. ~ont i s1.-ding; som6 went skQting ; some
shovelled sno w: some wo rked up at the stabies; a few stayed insid e and worked on their mod E.; l 2.i rpl ane sp The boys a ll arri ved back for dinn er a t ni ght, full of stori es to toll but too tired to t ol l t hem. Just to -end ·s h <:: d c.y right, c.ft or dinn or we we re met by assignments nnd study ha ll~-
Want to Ao.vcr~ise? Hnvc you som"",~~h ht-?-; y0~_; wEJn t L'.' SC ! ~-,., -~-- ·.;~ 1-_, nc a_ r f"'.~ sen Cl::..ri. rm 11 h e lp yc.iu.,_ L c ·N _;;i :r ic L r· and g ,,G c. S})ace c:. . r c wha t. W3 o f f er . The p rice i s $001 per wo rd ~ Rc:1r..c.:.n.ber, for efficiency it-, s the "C2,_rdi ,.:;.:::.n Clu:ci on a • - :rr'0 -r furth e r inform=1. t io: t, incu~ .:e in our ·thir-d floor office, -°rcJ;__,m 36.
to sell?