Vol. I, No. 2
March J.5 · l.94?
EDITORIAL f\V Fred Lippert
GET UP THERE., BILLY By Bill Everts -
T fil'"st issue of the Cardigan Qij~;it>n was ·publisbsd and put out 6h March first. EY ~Ty parent and Btadent was deeply interested and all were re!3.dy to contribute iiems here and there, wherEver needed.
"Get up there, Eilly, get upt II is a cry that wi1.l 1.ong· live in the mE:mories of \'/a rren Cox, Lou Tobia, Don \Vhi tney, and Bill :E.verts. .
There has been somE cuestion ·1s to whether or not this "paper should be paid for. If you have 3ny ideas about this, be sure and tell us. The main goal of the staff is to buy a real printing prf:ss with which a new and better paper could be produced.
Since this is our first paper ' would a:ppreciate any help ~ffered. One rof the paper's reBders wrote us a note expressing t er appreciation of the •.i ob th 2t
:3d been done. The paper wishe~ ·~o thank her very much.
THE EIGHTIES ALE HLhl, Honor Ro.J.l Grade Eight- - -Alan Herzig· Grade Seve.n-: - -Hoger Eullard Vialter Gardner Fred Lippert Grade Six- - - -Richard Cass Dodie Lange r
!3illy wa.s the Fiske 1 ·s old white work horse. L-".lst. \, ednes-. day he fE:.Ll through thE: ice when watering at his Eack Bay pas-ture. As V.' E ViErE riding by, Jack. Fiske ' shoutE.d for he .Lp. \. e ti cd our· horses and found pool Billy pt~ifu~~Y mired in the mud and ie~-
~ftEr working for mer£ "than an hour vdth ropes, planks, and shovels, WE: fina1.ly pulled him out. ~.-, e thought the job 'v"8.S over , but Eilly was never to rise again. We bla nke t ed him, pushed and plu,dcd. 'The poor h ·) rse was too tired and cold to fight 3ny more snd diE:d short~y qfter suppe r.
te usE:d to think the v·ate:r buckets wcrE. hc"-.vy, wal.king up to thE: t2rn from our own brook, but they'vE. fE.l.t much .Lighter evtr since. SKIING AT V,OODSTOCK Ey LO\H; .1.l Prince
0n Saturd:::i.y night, M9rch 1, the storm begP-n with just a few snow flurries whieh amounted to only about P-n inch of snow. Then on Sunday morning a strong wind 0.ame up and the snow came down n.gain? but much harder than during
';.he rp.gnt. All Sunday the wind t ow led .. and tbe snQVc csme down in ( cor}ti1.'~ued pg. 4--·coJ.umn ~) :' \· ~
L,.st SundAy W";.S a beautiful day, l3.nd v:ha t a d"ly for skiing~ ' e had no idE.a of E kiing when sudden.Lv Dick '::,awye r announced that the boys v.rho WE. re -s upposed to ~o skiing the Sundqy before cou.J.d go to i::oodstoc~ VE:I mont. stqrted about ninE:-thirty int.the morning and got to Vioodstock ·about ten-thirty. After . ( continuEd pg. 4--cc.tumn 2) 1.,e
CARDIGAN CLARrm:r F 4.CTS ABOUT TT-lf. EAR}! F:v 'W ;=1rren Cox
PA.Gt 'It O
GOING UP FOR KEEPS Part I of .~ continued story Py Rona ld Kap J.an
The members of the barn ~re .: ive horsEs, thrE:€ cows, thr€E. pigs, We left earth on May 20th-, ·md a few J..ocal mice and cAts. The. in forty-sE VEn . Th~t is, rf;'y quipme.nt we: have is two curry comta, coJ.leg8'L'.E , Dr. Fossa mE.nt aud rrry, .. S £1.:f', Our ship W9 S 86 1·eet long ·..,hrE:e good brµshes (two now), onE .;wo-horse harness convs r tc d into a with ~ r ~d ius of 4 feet tha t JnE-horsE ha1 ness, t wo :Jt tch forks, t 8plre ~ 2 t the nose. It was~ :,wo shove.i.s, one broom and onE. hoE.. bc •=uti f u.L E:xa mp le of m8. n 1 s · e also have fivE. bridl.ts nlus ::,. initiqtive. WE. f.ed it Eight tons ·ew odd pie CE s of' othE.:.i s' 's ix sadof a l.coho .L which is burnEd with !les (Epg.Lish), and two t E.stcr-n. pure oxygen to give it its treI
\ .e havE= .two grain bins Bnd usE: on.J.y
nn€, two good c.er ric1 ge. s 3.nd onE:
mendous thrust when it ...E:'3Ves the ground.
:J le:igh.
Tht n~me.s of th€ horses in rank f age are Bush, about 28; A.mos, ~out 20; . Duchess, about 10; Peter . .qn, .~ bout ~: and Grc,,y DB\A'n, ::,, bout / . In order of intelligenct, in rrry ( pinion, the::y are •~mos,. Gr2.y Dawn, : eter P~n, ~uchess, qnd Pus h. In ~rder of speed the.y qre the:: s~me, · lso in mv or inion. We hqve a fE:W troubles, · such '3.S a lqme leg, some cvE:.r-reaching, SJ.nd some m3nge.
~:ie wE:rE: re~dy to go . :PuE. l tAnks wE:rE: full, instruments ~nd controls chEcked. Th1; twin f .1:?.res wa rnc.d us thi=!t therE.: WEre on.Ly sixty secondG to go. \. mushroom of f J."'.ming g q. s sEnt us off. The first hums ns to trv to con~uc.r spqcet M
The jolt w:'3.s terrific. \. E: we.re crRmrnEd into our spE.ci q~~y constructE:d sE:: ~ts which took . · most of' the: impa ct qv,;qv. In .Less ths. t q rninutE.. Vil were. 2J CJ milE;S The cows are so crowdE.d th-=!t i. i-iey cBn't move in th£ir st.q ..LJ., One up. ~'\. utom2 tic-'c. c.c.ntrols v.' E::re c 1: thEom is sick . Sht. vdll e q t hay working furi ous.Ly. 'l'he radio, .1d drink wa tE::r but won I t E: ?,t gr2 in. . w:s. s tried, with no re s pons e . We · :, is ~ h-=ird job to get them· ba ck WE::rE. now goi n.&! f . , stE.r th.sin sound. :.- _tcr letting them out, s.1though EVE. rything w~ tl r·r i b.Ly s i .Lent. I triE..d to t ~J..k--no r e spons~. 1 ::>t too hr>.rd B.l, supper time. Peter EithE:r I W9 S too scqrEd, or our i ittle hes starttd to tra in them terrific speed prEventEd sound c .1d is doing weLl . from trr1 ve1.1.ing-. I tried to write -on p ~per, with no sµccess. The pigs h~ve grown ~ lot lfJ.e w~re now th " US'3.nds of miJ..es f- ince we got the,m--no~r \A'E ighing -:'l )out 250 pounds. Lou Tobi.•:,_ went in snqce. The smq.Ll window on t) feed them the: other d.i:!v !:>nd got my side sho'fl;ed nothing but b~ckness. 7 lookEd qt the instrut 1rown by them running into his ment bo3rd. · Tvrn empty futi tsnks , gs, but he didn't spill the food. " e pigs E.: A. t, so f qst th?. t the school hP.td r.1.i.r-e -::: dy dropped off. · 'Put the two t '-".nks woul.d not hit E. a rth · c n hardly k-Eep them with ~- suppl:( 1 for they'd 2 ct .Like mE. te. or s and c food. i'i e fe.ed thEm two pa ils burn in spo:> ce ·• 'Iht instruments c. ·ery me~.l, thrc e time. s q d -::,y. were st3rting to bJ..ur. I couJ..d SE::e we wErE going thE. 22,000 D~spite our troubJ.~s, we mqnmil€ s ne E. ded to i'e av~ thE:: Earth's ac·:e to · ke ep the anima ls _he 8. lthy a:,d h appy. 3tmosphE:.re. Suddenly therE: w~s ~ terrific jolt. I g::-spE:d in psin. .I cou.i.d feel. rrry muscles· $tret~~, my eyep burp with)fe9r At Cardigan near~y everybody lcontinued pg. ~--co~urnn ! re ads the Chl\RION! .
HON 1'0 STUDY By Bon9...Ld K~p~n
companion, but evErything wBs · I felt ter~thJ.e. Even
The fo.d.owing is a summf:l.ry of the article th~t appe~red in the Navy D::.rtmouth mAg<:1- zine. Th i.s article ~lso served as thA t,r- e is
recent assembly di. 12c,_1f.:_ i(m.
.PJ.e.n the time for vour study-
ing. 2.
Give e::1ch subject ~ f~_:i_r '-".mount of time. T)on't let e!"\ sv subjects t~_ke up more time "md t he hqrd
ones less. 3. In the cL~ssroom you shou~d .J.isten with intent to learn ::; nd underst~nd. Know ~nd unde r stand your 2ssignments before l.e qving the class. , 4. Use time w~iting for Cl.?.ss to begin by studying... Method of \'.or-k l. BE gin e..n -~ ssignmE::nt with rE• c.s.lling what your te"' chEr h-:::s st~ted
of the nature qnd purpo s e of the assignment. 2. Ms.ke a quick survey of the structure of the qssignment. 3. Recite to yourself as you study.
ConcentrRtion 1. ,·when the time for study comes, study. Do not 1.oitE-r or do ~nything th&t will keep you from studying. 2. Wben you study, h"lve an open mind. Give yourse.Lf R che:ince to get interested in your work ; 3. R€ad actively; not pq ssi V€ l.y. 4. Have g_ certa in time :-:>,nd pl?.ce for studying, with no distr.q ctions. 5. Don't L€t . y our mind wander. 6. \,ork at as fqst a ratf ~s the subject m.attEr and wh.q t you h:i.ve to get from it permit. ? •. Decide on 0 time other than study hours · to think out personql oroblems.
GOING UP FOE KEEPS (continued) ~nd pain. Fad I hit some flo~ting
p~rticle of m!'\_ttEr? I didn't The ship was still going str~ but spinning l.ikc A. top. ·
getting dizzy.
I tried tr
Fresh o~ rgen revivEd me. c,.:r: ::c -r.-j (· :r -~ yra.l v:i ;::g :t:-'?.<:hin€
,3.i ,
V•a s
!', .LC, T .!.'.V
sp i nni ng
The M~tter of Time 1.
1 my D~;e c :::.81 p r E- s ,s u:··E _s'..: -i.t SEH(.ed no rEc.Li.E f t o rnE.: . I p :;;ssEsc'1 ·01.,t.
-S .1 .011.-iTJ,.f
t1:i. .:, -sh .-,_ , ;· s
~e were no J orge r
u En -:-1;_: 011.r mo t or s 1 b u t Wf.r G gJ..-idir J u r, t 1 :i. k -= -3:0 ( )",!il g L .G.2 8 °:':lf tErj _i. ;=_:. p ::'f?:I -· - s v.,2._ f t .-'.J- .2r1C.~ :, Li.~ :1tly. I w?: s i:o l 1"'iki n.g 1:i.kt a .Le:lf'. The sh:i.p b 8d s t .oppe d its spinning cu:L9 .lt"C. t r::. .ly. My· fqE, s VlE: re l'Ed· , · : ar:c "bloodshot; my mu .sclE-s , tense(
fu.i1 of m0i_s ·: urt fron, per.s piration. I .~ouJ.d ·:f'isel -~n Enp t y t1.nk of fu r:: J . ..i.P1v2 the shir VvE.: vJf, re glidir.. :r -r., c·'•t':=.. rd che: moon. F:Ln-=t~L.Ly, out of.' t ~tE 1;;q:.rt:i 1 s .atmo:~"?'.1P-re t The t c: -:r r :i.f :L.: jolt I h ~:1 J:E: lt I now k:·i.~ w to "'Je the sb:1.:;::, .1...e 3.Ving the f : :=: rth ; s atmosMv b o(ly w-::>.s
p };_c re ~md
entering dEJ--'. d spacE..
I now knE:w • • • I wis up for k eepst To be continued • . • TBCUGHTS OJ-T C 'iliDIG \.N By ~lV3.n G. Smith
I think thRt Cqrdigqn is a fine school :1.nd every boy shouJ.d h~ve a ch,q nce to come he:re ..
I think we have 9. bunch of fine masttrs. T!1ey -~ re swE ll men, g_nd I think wE shouJ.d do all we- c~n to- heJp them. The students hqve learned a lot from the rri?. sters and hope to J.e .!}rn more. \\· e h8Ve - J.earned to l i VE With othe r pe"opl.€. The main thing we -" ff'€ here for is to learn how to study. CL.lNCY, CiffiDIG.-Ur' S CORKIN' COOK By Le€ BailE:y
One of c~rdig~n' s most v.s lu -· ·, -, possE..ssions is Clancy. RE , t on.1..y c ooks some wonderful ,·_q ls, but is 3. friEnd to all ths. He lives over in the litt i .nued pg. 4--column 2)
YE/ili' S \ ORST S'IOitNi ( continue d )
ADVLhT ISLl\1.LNTS Advc rtise J.n thE CL \ EION .J
Quick, surE.: re spons(;.. Inquire Rm. 36.
': ,., ...... ,
1¢ per word.
Coins and St8mps Se .Lling oJ.d \meric--::an coins ·qt approved pr:i,.ces str 2 ight fr om n. rE• li::tbJ.e comp~.ny. Will send ~.wRy for you. Prompt service. Look ~t my catalogue_ fer .:=t ll inforrnqtion. For further informc'ltion, i nq uire Em. 12, Ro ri::i. ld K=':p .Lan . Do you h ? VE. a s t2mp thn t needs · pricing? If so, 1s t h . Eull3. rd Stamp Investiga ting Co. help y ou. Do :..1 1 t W8 itt l et nmY. \'! iJ...L '°)_.Lso sell 2nd tr3dE st qmp s.
Stores Bulla rd se 1.ls airplqne p.qrts at a.Lm_o st f'ree prices ~ l\Jiuch sto ck arrivi ng after L "' StE:o r. \"1hy buy ?.. t inf.Lationa ry .q nd intoler9bJ.t pricts? .'. ct now~ \', e I re gl-'.':ld to s a y l ftE.r this c oming v2c::i. Thqt v.,re' 11 SE.· .Ll some goods C'f pure find woods. Vie' 11 sell s omE: p.L-<?.nes Of pure finE gr? ins, We' 11 se 11 e l qstics, "! nd doz e ns of p.Lie rs, We'll sEll good X-tctos, qnd fine s trong wires. So you can see, v, ith this fj_n t qw=•lity, Th3t y ou \/':ill c ome whe re 1'hert 1 S the b es t Rnd more. ~nd Bu.Llqrd' s star t ; Vou'..Ll ql.L ignore. By EP.iley, K-':lp.Lsrn, 'i obi;:i , I nc., sellers of a irp~Rne ~cce ssorie s . Buy a t Be 2.rsE::' s B-·?-.r It tops them c=i. .Ll by f -:.r. Rm. 11
GenEr:;i. l Store.--Smi th -?.nd Morehouse, Rm. 8
SKin.rG_ J.T 'VvOODS'l OCK ( continued) we :T ri v ed , we bought ou r ticke ts .:::nd s t .1. r 'Ud u p a nd c":own.- the h i J. l.S . Lunch tiIT!E: c :-~::r1f': ,;u:Lck.Ly We c=i. t.E. JJ.1nch hurri E.d -LY '-'.nd th.tr. we nt b~ c k t o skiing . · S0rne of t beys v,:e nt on t h£ .Lo r;gcst :end. s t E. e s t hi l.L wh i ch is r.1h ont ·; h ::: .U' mi-j_E l ong. Th e ~ft E::.~no::m we nt . sviift. lv ,. F i na l.Ly after -~ .Lorn:r d -: >.y of' s kiing we ' tru,JgE. d WE. a ri.1 to the C::?, r a nd c .3.me ba ck to school. CL:Ul CY Is SIDE KICKS Fy ·. Don1. .1d L2.ws o n
Cl2.nc:v h a s a very good kit · chen crev.: for E. mE..rgE.n ciE. s . 111lE.:r he v.·-=:s s ick, NE J.ly Eutn qm, Don \':hitnE. v, '.'-md Lee P? ilE:V t o ok OV( -:l.nd me.d e t wo ve ry- good mE: 8 ls. One mc :: l ·wa s m1d s UD from thc.ir own ide q s, -=;_ nd the othe r from the me nu~ 'i h (.v h8. nd .Led the situ1.ti on "! S if Cla ncy wE::rE. right ther e . J\TE. L1,y °h'1d ch3rge ~nd Do n ~nd Lee did the c oo king 1 tsE. lf. On e of the me a ls w2s ~ tun3 ricE. di sh, 3nd thE. otht hham. C.Lq ncv doE. sn' t ha ve to worry when hE:: h s s those helpers .
Selling J..etter opEnErs. One quarter. Inquire Fm. J.8, fq rrett.
she e ts. Sunday night tht wind reqched its pE::. -~ k, -'3nd a J_though when WE. '1/1.'o ke up MondRy morning it was not snowing, the wind h e. • blown si x f oot drifts in m::m v p.L-,:i_ c es <?. long t he r o:::,,d . The - wine. q lso blew s-r:.orm windows, shutte : a nd eve n s1;:L:ng.LE::s off thE bui.J.d, ing 2nd c 2usE d ma n:v .Li mbs to co off. the t:i:'e-=-s . C.Ldt i m0. rs 3roun C3!1 '·,.:=:t n , whe n qs ke d t o c omp':l rE: t hJ,s ycCJ. r's stor m wi t h storms of th1:: pa st , S"' id that it w-=i s t ~t_ey·w011tt in s e ve·r g_l y 2 3. rs.
Miscellaneous Fa ncy flies tied by MorEhouse, Rm. 8.
CL.-~:KCY GOF,KIN' COOK ( c ontinued) ~ed h ·:us e n E:: ar J "' ck Fiske's. H~ 1~ ~0pa b.l..e of m~.ny things beside .'. cooking, such a s Uttin. He ha s r:, nice wife a nd ~i ttle d1ughter. v,, re gla d to have him!