Chronicle (March 1953)

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CARDIGAN BOYS WELCOME PARENTS ON ANNUAL WEEKEND Tea at four o'clock on Friday, February 6th was the start of Parents Weekend, which lasted until Sunday afternoon . Tea and coffee were served plus plenty of delicious cookies, cakes and sandwiches. Dinner was served at 6:30 in the dining hall buffet style. Richard Clancy, the school's cook, prepared a splendid dinner. After the dinner was over the Cardigan Play- · house put on its 11 Broadway11 performance, 11 The Benchwarmers" and 11 Station B-O-Y-SOJ, under the direction of Mr. Wakely. The boys worked very hard to get the plays ready by parents weekend. The actors in 11 The Benchwarmers" were Larry Moore, Charles Ditto, Tony Russo, Jimmy Turley, Nick Stenzel. Tom Clancy, and Malcolm Lloyd. The actors for the play 11 Station B-O-Y-S11 were Frederick Boissevain, Pat Finney, George Harris, Grant Kingswell, Norman Pierce, Leonard Kaminski, William Sharp, Woody Sulloway, and Bobby Grevior. The boys went to bed that night after a tiring day of preparing for the weekend. Breakfast the next morning was served from 7:30 to 8:30. After breakfast it rained so the 11 Father and Son" Hockey game was postponed. After talking in the lounge and waiting for the rain to stop until 10 : 00, the parents and boys left for Hanover to the Dartmouth Winter Carnival where they went to a hockey game between Dartmouth and Princeton. It was a very good game. Princeton won 4-Z. After the game the rain had cleared up many went to the ski jumping, which was also very good. Others went to the movies in Lebanon. Supper that night was at 6:30 after which came an enjoyable movie here at the school named 11 Francia, The Talking Mule".

MARCH 1953

Next morning after breakfast, which was served at 7:30, church services were held. The school ·. choir sang the anthem. It was called "Blessed Jesus". The boys had practiced it many times before under the patient direction of Mrs. Clark and Mr. Stowe. Because the organ was not working well, Mrs. Clark played the piano for the service. After church the snow sculpture judging was held. The winners were Gle11 Tucker, William Sharp, Richard Sharp, and Herbert Anker with first prize, and Buster Blomerth and Charles Bickford w1th second prize. They all went to see a movie in Canaan, 11 Thunderhead, The .Son ·~£ Flicka". Also after church was the ·cross coqntry ski race. Winners in this are as follows: Class AAA-John McEwan, Class A-David Fox, Class B-Kim Clement, and Ciass C-George Harris. After dinner the slalom races wei:,e held at the school ski slope. Several attempts were made to get the tow running but at the most important time it refused to cooperate so the events went on without it. Fir st in class AAA was Malcolm Lloyd, Class A-Jack Prescott, Class B-Fred Boissevain and Class CRonnie Warden. After the slalom the boys bade good-by to the parents. Throughout the weekend there was a display in the school study hall for the parents to show them what their sons are doing at Cardigan. Along with such things as shop proj ects an(! a camera room display was a book display, made up so that parents could purchase books to enlarge the school library . The school is very grateful for the purchases that were made for the library. It now has around 50 more books than it did before Parents Weekend. Malcolm Lloyd '54


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CARDIGAN TAKES ITS FIRST TRIP TO THE ICE FOLLIES For two or three weeks the boys of the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades had been looking forward to February 23. This was the date when they were gomg to make a trip to the Ice Follies, Washington's Birthday Wh e n the 23rd came Bobby Grevier, David Webster. Philip Sharp, Bruce Murray, Jack Prescott Jimmy Turley, Richard Watson , Johnny Burns and David Fox got into the new beach wagon with Mr. Stowe. They drove all morn ng and reached Mr. Stowe's house, which is in Concord, Massachusetts, about a bout 11 :30 . The boys had lunch there and played t tag on the lawn for awhile. Then they made a tour of the historic sp,;ts of Lexington and Concord, includmg t he famous bridge and the statue of the Mi nute Man. The next stop was the Follies. The group arrived there at just 10 minutes past 2 o•cloc;k. E v eryone enjoyed the show. While at the Follies the group met Charlie Ditto, John White, Norman Pierce, Jerry Furman, Alan Elhs, Malcolm Lloyd. and John McEwan who had been home on weekends. These boys rode back with Mr. Clark in his car. When the group reached Nashua .t hey stopped at a d ,ner to have supper, Each boy was given 35 cents which he could do what he wanted with. Several added to it and bought a sirloin steak which they boasted about and greatly enlarged when they got back to the school The boys arrived back at the school about 10:00 that night and were greeted with cocoa which Mrs. Clark made for them. David Fox MR. NYHUS INTRODUCES THE





Thought up by Mr. Nyhus, this new kind of hike was very successful. So many boys signed up for it that Mr . Nyhus had to change his plans as to where the hike was going because he could not fit the boys into the beach wagon. The group started down the road in the direction of the ski -slope. When they reached the Tenney Service they veered off to the right and followed the power lines for a while. Then they cut again t o the right into the woods and shortly came out at the sand pits. Mr. Nyhus had led them in a half circle so that the y would lose their direction , Many of the boys slid down the sides of the sand pit when they reached it. Then Mr. Nyhus told them that if they followed the sun it would take them back to the school if they turned right on it. He then left the boys t o get back to the school the best way they could. Most of the boys got back .to the s chool but four got lost. They were found that night.

Howard Deringer


West Park Street Lebanon, New Hampshire

MARCH 1953



On the 17th of February the boys went to a magician show in Canaan. It was held in the Village Theater where the boys usually see their Saturday night movies. The magician was Ace Gorham from Derry, New Hampshire. Most of the boys said that they could see through his tr eke but when directly confronted with a specific trick said nothing. So all agreed that he was pretty good, and that they got their moneys worth. Tom Clancy




On the 30th of January Bob Apolant came to Cardigan. He is from Port Washington, New York and is ,in the fifth grade. Befo re he came to Cardigan he attended the Ninth Street School in his home town. He likes almost all the sports and activities that the school has. On February 28 Robert Gillingham came to the school. He is 10 years old and is in the fifth grade, too. Befo re coming to Cardigan he went to the Concord Grade School. Like Bob Apolant he likes almost all of the school's activities. Jerry Furman 1 55 HUT FIRE CAUSES WATERFRONT ALARM After coming up from the waterfront on Thursday, March 5th, when most of the boys should be taking their showers, David Helmstadter looked out his window and saw smoke rising from the direction of the huts. He gave an alarm and the boys crowded to the window to see. Several of the hut owne rs , who had just come up ÂŁ:ran the waterfront, put their coats on again and started back down again . Jack Prescott took the lead and when he reached the brim of the hill the sight of yellow flames curling through the rJof of his hut met his eyes. As soon as the group reached the hut they started to thr ow snow on the fire and beat the flames . Mr. Heagy, returning from a hike in the beach wagon a short time later, took the whole group down to the waterfront. But by that time the fire was pretty well under hand. The flames had burned a hole through the roof and had charred the walls a little. That was the damage the fire did. The boys in putting out the fire knocked in the remaining part of the r oof a nd pushed out the walls, But they must have ha d f un at it and there were no hard feelings. The result was that-there was a ban put on having fires in the huts until further notice. George Harris 1 53 THE COBB HOUSE Dan and Betty Fleetham Canaan Street. Canaan, New Hampshire Telephone Canaan 135


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On Wednesday morning, February 11. Mrs. Wakely arranged for Lamar Fort to go to Hanover to give a talk on Liberia, West Africa. This took place at the Hanover Grade School where Mrs. Wakely teaches. He talked to the fourth and fifth grades. The reas on for the talk was because the fourth and fifth grades were studying about Africa at the time. Lamar told them many interesting things about the jungle and about the wild animals he had come in contact with in the jungles of Liberia. He also spoke about Monrovia, the capitol city of Liberia, about the iron ore which is being sent from Liberia to the United States, about the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, which he has visited many times, and abo.u t his experiences in the Belgian Congo and Dakar., a city in French West Africa. After he had finished his talk Lamar t old them a few of the Liberian words he knows. Ronnie War den

MARC.H 1953



Miss Emerson with the help of some of the students, has done a gr!!at amount of work in classifying and picking out books for the library. More books were needed so Miss Emerson and Mr. Wakely borrowed books from several book stores to be put on display on Parents Weekend. Five boys wer e chosen to help Miss Emerson with the selling of the books. They were John White, who acted as treasurer, Philip Sharp, Alan Ellie, Jack Prescott, and David Fox.

After Parents Weekend there were still many books that had not been sold. An old fund was used to buy these. This fund had originally been given to the school to be used to buy linoleUin for the second floor corridor. But since the school is going to be transferred t o the point shortly, the money would have been wasted. Most of the books purchased were for the younger grades. It is hoped that with all the new additions to the library more reading will be done of the preferred books rather than comics. David Fox



THE 19 53 SUMMER SCHOOL Cardigan is going to have a summer school again this year, The two subjects that will be taught in the SUinmer School are Remedial Reading and Mathematics. The teachers will be Mr. Heagy, Mr Nyhus, and Miss Emerson. The act vities will be hikes, games and swimming. The summer School starts on June 25th and ends on August 19th. Bobby Grevior 1 55

MR. STOWE ACQUIRES nJALOPYn After Mr. Stowe bought the old jalopy and towed it into the back yard it eat around for some time before anyone did any wo,:k on it. Then Richard Hayes and John White secured pernns-sion. The car is a 1931 Model A Ford and was pretty close to the junk yard when th boys e~rted wo-rking on it. After stripping down the motor and installing new parts that were 1leeded the boys got it started one afternoon. A short time later Mr. Stowe and Clancy took a ride in it in the road, much to the surprise of the boys.


An epidemic of flu struck Cardigan in the last week of February. As many as ten boys were sick at one time. There were two nurses and Mrs. Clark to take care of them. Many of the sick boys missed the trip to the Ice Follies in Boston. The sickness ranged from two to four days. Some, h owever, were sicker than others and had to stay in the infirmary for a longer period of time. David Helmstadter 1 54


Mr. Clark hopes to get two more jalopies in the near future for the boys to work on Richard Hayes

Exclusive Agent for Carter's Clothing and Ball Band Footwear Men•s,women•s and Children's Clothing Sell-Service Grocery Candy Ice Cream Tome EDDIE•S GENERAL STORE Canaan, New Hampshire



I \MARCH 1953


~ OLUMElli ,N UMBERlli

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JOHN BYRNES PA YS CARDIGAN A VISIT John Byrnes, who was graduated from Cardi~a n in 1952 , ca me back and visited the school during his week vacation from Milford High School n Connecticut. While at school Johnny went to the iffe rent acti vitie s with the boys . One of his ,iavo rit e sports is hockey, though he takes part in nost e,·ery sport. While he was here he went on 11 he tri p to the lee Follies with the 7th, 8th, and Ith grades. He seemed to have a good time while >ack at his old school . Philip Sharp ,55 BOYS SEE EXTRA MOVIE Parents Weekend was originally dated for February 13, 14, and 15 and Mr. Clark had ordered a movie for that time but, although the weekend was changed, the movie still came. So the boys saw the picture Sunday night and the study hall that is usually during that time was made up in the afternoon. The mane of the picture was "Killer Dill" and Stuart Erwin took the leading role.

Compliments of WHITE RIVER PAPER CO. Wholesale Paper Dealers White River Junction, \Vermont

Compliments of ENRICHE D TIP TOP and WARD 'S FINE CAKES Ward Baking Company White Riv er Jct., Vt.

Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Engraving - Trophies J. S . Wolfe, Jeweler Lebanon ,

New Hampshire


FIRST SKI TRIP GOES TO NEW LONDON Starting off the ski trips t his year Mr. Stowe took four boys , John White, Malcolm Lloyd, John McEwan and Frederick Boissevaim, skiing to the New London Ski Area, which is not far fr om the school. The group left shortly after the cookout on the afternoon of Saturday, February 14th. All reported that they had a good time and hope to go again soon. TRIP TO DARTMOUTH SWIM MEET On Saturday, the 28th of February, Mr. Clark and Mr. Nyhus took a group of boys to i,ee the Dartmouth-Pennsylvania swim meet. On the way over t he old school beach wagon had to stop because the muffler was not working right and epiauet fumes were leaking into the car. When the group got to Hanover they took the beach wagon to Roger 's garage and got a new muffler put in . While the y were -there the boys looked over the 1953 Chevrolet . After this they attended the swim meet, w hich Dartmouth won. Charles Ditto 1 55

GO WITH GULF Barrow's Service Station Canaan, New Hampshire

CURRIER & CO. The North Country• s Finest Department Store Lebanon, New Hampshire

Moore and Dickerson Bottled Gas Co . Pyrofax Gas Distributors Domestic and Commercial Appliances 27 Oak Street Newport, New Hampshire

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